4/9/2014 Is this CE for me? -Update on Recertification for Pharmacy Technicians
4/9/2014 Is this CE for me? -Update on Recertification for Pharmacy Technicians
4/9/2014 Is this CE for me? -Update on Recertification for Pharmacy Technicians South Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists 2014 Annual Meeting April 11-12, 2014 Disclosure The author of this presentation has nothing to disclose concerning possible financial or personal relationships with commercial entities that may have a direct or indirect interest in the subject matter of this presentation. Presented by: Ann Oberg, BS, CPhT Department Chair- Pharmacy Technician Program Arapahoe Community College ~ Littleton, Colorado Pharmacy Technician Learning Objectives • Identify recent changes in the recertification program for pharmacy technicians • Summarize the implementation schedule for the recertification program changes • Explain technician-specific CE and CE requirements for technicians • Explain the classification of CE sessions according to ACPE guidelines • List sources for technician-specific CE Origins of Pharmacy Tech Certification • History • Governing Structure – Five state and national organizations APhA, ASHP, NABP, ICHP, and MPA – Certification Council • PTCB Professional Impact – 525,365 certifications granted since 1995 – 280,619 actively certified pharmacy technicians • Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT) formed in 2005 State Regulations Vary Widely 45 states regulate pharmacy technicians 18 states require national certification 5 states require and accept only the PTCE 17 states require a background check 18 states require CE 5 states have a pharmacy technician serving on the state Board of Pharmacy • 6 states do not regulate pharmacy technicians (CO, WI, MI, NY, PA, HI) • Several states have pending legislation or regulations • • • • • • Initial Certification 1 4/9/2014 Certification: Background checks Background checks will be required for initial certification in, or around, 2014. Implementation process Synchronization with existing systems Individualized reviews www.ptcb.org Certification: Accredited Education By 2020, successful completion of an ASHP-accredited education program will become a requirement for initial PTCB certification. ▫Profession directed ▫Program supply ▫Quality and necessity of education www.ptcb.org Recertification: Tech-specific CE By 2015, only pharmacy technician-specific CE will be allowed for recertification. Requirements Availability of CE Programs that qualify www.ptcb.org Recertification: Additional CE changes • In 2014, one hour of patient safety will be required. (To be implemented in July 2014 renewal cycle) One hour of pharmacy law will continue to be a requirement. • Allowable CE hours through college/university coursework will be decreased from 15 to 10 hours in 2016. • Allowable CE hours to be earned through in-services will be decreased from 10 to 5 in 2015, and from 5 to 0 in 2018. Implementation schedule: Recertification program changes 2 4/9/2014 Implementation Schedule • 2014-July renewal cycle -ONE hour of patient safety CE will be required. (per conversation with PTCB CEO, 29March-2014, updated 08-April-2014) • 2015 - Only pharmacy technician-specific CE will be allowed for recertification. ▫ If the CE is ACPE accredited for pharmacy technicians, it will have a (T) designation at the end of the number. Implementation Schedule • 2015 - Allowable CE hours to be earned through inservices will be decreased from 10 to 5 hours • 2016- Allowable CE hours through college/university coursework will be decreased from 15 to 10 hours • 2018 - Allowable CE hours to be earned through inservices will be decreased from 5 to 0, thus eliminating in-services as a source of CE. Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) • Modified the Definition of Continuing Education for the Profession of Pharmacy (referred to as Definition) to be inclusive of pharmacy technicians Definitions/ Guidelines ▫ “A structured educational activity designed or intended to support the continuing development of pharmacists and/or pharmacy technicians to maintain and enhance their competence. Continuing education promotes problem-solving and critical thinking and is applicable to the practice of pharmacy” (ACPE Definition of Continuing Education for the Profession of Pharmacy, Approved October 2006, released January 2007) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (www.acpe-accredit.org) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) • Purpose of the definition: ▫ Differentiate amongst CE activities for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians ▫ Separate learning objectives for pharmacists and/or pharmacy technicians • How is the guideline constructed? ▫ Pharmacy Technician Competencies: Based on specific competency statements developed by the PTCB ▫ Exam Blueprint: Three Domains/competency areas Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (www.acpe-accredit.org) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) • Definition of Technician CE was based on original blueprint for PTCB exam ▫ Three (3) Domains Assisting the pharmacist in serving patients Maintaining medication and inventory control systems Participating in the administration and management of pharmacy practice ▫ Updated PTCB exam is now broken down into nine competency areas Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (www.ptcb.org) 3 4/9/2014 Updated PTCE Blueprint Updated Blueprint for the PTCE • Nine (9) Domains ▫ Pharmacology for technicians ▫ Pharmacy Law and regulations ▫ Sterile and Non-sterile Compounding ▫ Medication Safety ▫ Pharmacy quality assurance ▫ Medication order entry and fill process ▫ Pharmacy inventory management ▫ Pharmacy billing and reimbursement ▫ Pharmacy information systems usage and application Pharmacy Information Systems Usage and Application, 10% Pharmacy Billing and Reimbursement, 8.75% Pharmacy Inventory Management, 8.75% Medication Order Entry and Fill Process, 17.5% Pharmacy Quality Assurance, 7.5% Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (www.ptcb.org) Differentiating CE for Pharmacists vs. Pharmacy Technicians • Different objectives: ACPE accredited providers are required to have separate learning objectives for each audience (P/T) specific to what the participant should ‘take away’ from the activity and apply in his/her practice. • Universal Activity Number: Intended audience – suffix is a ‘P’ for Pharmacists, and ‘T’ for Technicians 197-000-09-078-L01-P vs. 197-000-09-078-L01-T Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (www.acpe-accredit.org) Pharmacology for Technicians, 13.75% Pharmacy Law and Regulations, 12.5% Sterile and Non-sterile Compounding, 8.75% Medication Safety, 12.5% Universal Activity Number for CE Universal Activity Number: an identification number that is assigned to each CPE activity developed and sponsored, or cosponsored, by an ACPE accredited provider. This number is developed by appending to the ACPE provider identification number (e.g. 197), the cosponsor designation number (000 for no cosponsor, 999 for all cosponsors), the year of the CPE activity development (e.g., 08), the sequential number of the CPE activity from among the new CPE activities developed during that year (e.g., 001), and the topic and format designators (see next slide). Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (www.acpe-accredit.org) Universal Activity Number Cosponsor Designator (000-999) Sequential number 0197 – 0000 – 10 – 001 – L 05-T Provider ID (0001-0998) Topic Designator 01: Disease State/Drug therapy 02: AIDS therapy 03: Law (related to pharmacy practice) 04: General Pharmacy 05: Patient Safety (as defined by NPSF) Requirements Development release year Format Designator L: Live offering H: Home study C: Combined Intended Audience P: Pharmacist T: Pharmacy technician Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (www.acpe-accredit.org) 4 4/9/2014 CE for Pharmacy Technicians Recertification requirements for CE’s 20 hours of CE, including one hour in Pharmacy Law and one hour in Medication safety (2014-July) Technician specific CE should have: …information that the participant should ‘take away’ from the activity and apply in his/her practice. based on the domains of the national pharmacy technician certification exam (PTCB, ExCPT) Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (www.ptcb.org) CE Completion Time Period • Certificants must complete all continuing education hours within the two (2) year recertification cycle (on or before the expiration date). • No CE hours completed before certification is granted may be used to satisfy recertification requirements. • CE hours can only be applied to the recertification cycle in which they are completed, and cannot be carried over and applied to future cycles Pharmacy-related Subject Matter Certificants must satisfy continuing education requirements in pharmacy-related subject matter. Programs must pertain to the following topics: • Medication distribution • Inventory control systems • Mathematics • Biology • Pharmaceutical sciences • Pharmacy law • Pharmacology/drug therapy • Roles and duties of pharmacy technicians Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (www.ptcb.org) Is this an appropriate CE for Pharmacy Technicians? Learning Objectives: 1. Review the most common pain assessment tools 2. Describe pharmacologic treatments for pain (nonopiate and opiate medications) 3. Discuss therapy options in post-surgical pain 4. Describe special considerations in treating breakthrough pain. Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (www.ptcb.org) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (www.acpe-accredit.org) Sources for Technician-specific CE Sources for Technician-specific CE • LIVE CE ▫ Pharmacy association meetings State meetings: SDAPT, SDSHP, SDPhA National: AAPT, ASHP, APhA ▫ Webinars – (Often restricted to members only) ▫ Recorded seminars/podcasts from live meetings • Print media - Journals /Newsletters/ biz magazines AJHP, JAPhA, SD Pharmacists Journal AAPT, NPTA Newsletters (free CE for members) Pharmacy Technicians Letter (by subscription only) Drug Store News • Internet ▫ Pharmacy association websites ASHP: www.pharmacytechce.org (by subscription only) Drugtopics.com PharmacyTimes.com (http://www.pharmacytimes.com/continuing-education) FreeCE.com (http://www.freece.com/FreeCE/Calendar.aspx) Pharmqd.com (Example: http://www.pharmqd.com/continuingeducation/minimizeprescription-errors-and-maximize-patient-safety www.powerpak.com 5 4/9/2014 Learning Assessment questions 1. When will PTCB certified pharmacy technicians be required to include one hour of CE in Medication Safety when recertifying? a. January 2014 b.July 2014 c. January 2015 d.July 2015 2. By 2015, only pharmacy technician-specific CE will be allowed by PTCB for recertification. a. True b.False Learning Assessment questions 5. Which of the following are sources of CE for pharmacy technicians that are available by subscription only? a. Pharmacy Technician’s Letter b. PharmacyTechCE.org c. FreeCE.com d. both A and B Learning Assessment questions 3. Which of the following topic designators, used in the ACPE universal activity number, indicates that the CE presentation is designated as a Law topic? a. 01 b. 02 c. 05 d. 03 4. By the year 2018, PTCB will no longer allow this type of learning to be submitted as continuing education when recertifying: a. Live CE sessions b. In-Services c. College courses d. Online webinars References • Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (http://www.ptcb.org) • Definition of Continuing Education for the Profession of Pharmacy. Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. retrieved 31-03-2014) http://www.acpe-accredit.org • Opportunities and challenges related to pharmacy technicians in supporting optimal pharmacy practice models in health systems http://www.ajhp.org/content/68/12/1128 • http://www.nhanow.com/pharmacy-technician.aspx Questions? Thank you! • Contact information: Ann Oberg, BS, CPhT Ann.Oberg@Arapahoe.edu Or obergptconsulting@gmail.com 6