Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Electricity Transmission and Distribution JUAN GALINDO T&D I Electricity Transmission and Distribution Live working using isolated baskets on M.V. and H.V. lines H.V. lines for wind farms The company Juan Galindo T&D was created in 1978 and is engaged mainly in carrying out Low, Medium and High Voltage electrical installations Photovoltaic plant at the Engineering Faculty in Malaga 2 GRUPO ORTIZ Responsible growth Electrical installation in shopping centres and supermarkets Installation of electrical transmission lines At present, in Spain, we have delegations in the key strategic points of eastern Andalusia: Almeria, Granada, Malaga, Jaen and the Central Zone: Madrid, Toledo and Guadalajara Quality With over 30 years experience, we have succeeded in providing safety and quality in all our services. More and more companies trust in our work and hence our constant expansion along the Spanish Levante. We are ISO 9001:2000 and 14001 certified, and hold the IQNET and OHSAS AENOR certificates for Occupational Health and Safety. History The company JUAN GALINDO T&D, was created in 1978 and is mainly engaged in carrying out Low, Medium and High Voltage electrical installations. Throughout its 30 years of experience, it has gradually and constantly consolidated the strategic vision that motivated its creation: Safety, Quality, Service and Production, and a proven vocation for innovation and entering new areas of activity in the energy sector. Today it has become the leader in the electricity sector within its broad sphere of influence. From its origin, JUAN GALINDO T&D has experienced a growth in consolidated sales, as well as a planned geographic expansion. Currently it has offices in key strategic locations in eastern Andalusia: Almeria, Granada and Málaga and Jaén as well as the Central Zone: Madrid, Toledo and Guadalajara, with important distribution companies such as Endesa, Iberdrola and Gas Natural Fenosa among its main customers, it has recently taken a quantum leap by opening an office in Peru, with a contract for the Peruvian company EDELNOR a subsidiary of ENDESA. 3 JUAN GALINDO T&D I Electricity Transmission and Distribution Work on High Voltage lines Medium Voltage electrical cable reels Activity For years, we have been consistent with the idea of adding strategic value to the service we provide, coverting us in one of the approved companies in the sector nationwide, equipped with technical, human and material resources to carry out High Voltage work. Juan Galindo T&D began its work in Almeria, with Endesa, the company from Seville, as its baseline customer. Over the years, it has become specialized in Electrical Maintenance and Installations, Energy Efficiency, Lighting systems, High Voltage, Medium Voltage (substations and lines) and Renewable Energies. Aware of the difficulties of the market, over the years, we have been consistent with the strategic idea of adding value to the service we provide, coverting us in one of the approved companies nationwide, with technical, human and material resources to carry out High Voltage, Transmission Lines up to 220 KW and Electrical Substations work up to 220 KW; activities which together with the comprehensive installation and power evacuation of large renewable energy projects, position the company in a privileged place to meet new challenges. In short, the strong commitment of Juan Galindo T&D to investing in technological development, based on its experience and knowledge of the market, mark out its strategic position, providing the company with a clear competitive advantage over other options. 4 Grupo Ortiz Group companies such as Juan Galindo T&D provide services to the Electrical Utilities companies in the areas of Generation, Distribution and Transmission, performing preventive maintenance, repairs, live line-work and line modifcations. Within this field noteworthy is the recent tender awarded for this type of contract in the geographical areas of Castilla La Mancha, Guadalajara and Toledo for Iberdrola Distribución, Gas Natural and for Endesa Generación in the International Area. In addition, we continue to move forward with the new challenges that the market presents us such as the Renewable Energy or Home Automation where we already have reputable suppliers to continue offering the same quality as with the rest of our projects. GRUPO ORTIZ Responsible growth Services Low and Medium Voltage Special electrical installations. Services. Integral electrical maintenance. Home Automation. Control, energy conservation and efficiency. Public lighting High Voltage Distribution and Transmission Lines, Distribution and Transmission Substations. Production Plants. Voltage Work. Transformer and Measurement Centres. Maintenance and operations in distribution networks. Renovables Our Customers Ministry of Defence ENDESA HOLCIM ACCIONA TELEFÓNICA ACS Granada City Council Almeria City Council Consum Cooperativa FCC (Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A.) Grupo Banco Popular. JARQUIL OHL ONDUSPAN REYAL URBIS GRUPO TEJERA GAS NATURAL FENOSA IBERDROLA Red Eléctrica Española (REE) EDELNOR (PERU) LUZ DEL SUR Power Generation systems. Photovoltaic, Solar and Thermal Energy. Interconnection Systems with the Grid. . Electrical installations for the Hotel Puerto Rey, Almeria Electrical Installations in Buildings in the Ciudad de la Justicia in Almeria 5 JUAN GALINDO T&D I Electricity Transmission and Distribution Juan Galindo T&D maintains multiannual contracts with major electricity distribution companies Auditorium Theatre “El Ejido”, Almeria Featured Projects Customer Work Conducted FCC Sorbas TBM Substation 220/20 kv, 25 M.V.A, Almeria ASSET ELECTRICA 132 kv Line from Lucainena to Carboneras, Almeria ACS Diversion from Negratín to Almanzora, Almeria FCC Diversion from Negratín to Almanzora, Almeria ACS Construction of the A-92 Dual Carriageway Section Huéneja - Las Juntas, Almeria Contratas y Obras Treasury Building of the Social Security, Almeria ENDESA 66 kv ring between Aguadulce - Cosario - Cumbres - El Ejido, Almeria ENDESA H.V. line of 66 kv between Cosario - Roquetas, Almeria OHL 600 VV electrical infrastructure in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria OHL - Intermodal Station of Almeria - Ciudad de la Justicia de Almeria SERV. MILITAR DE CONSTRUCCIONES M.V. double circuit line and Transformer, Almeria TELEFÓNICA DE ESPAÑA Infrastructure Execution Contract in South Zone (2002-2012) TELEFÓNICA DE ESPAÑA Infrastructure Execution Contract in Centre Zone (2012) NECSO ENTRECANALES - CUBIERTAS CUALIN QUALITY Electrical infrastructure in “La Rambla” Almeria Underground laying of 66 kv H.V line in Sector 8 of the Naranjos Substation- Desalination plant, Almeria H.V. and L.V. Line installation in the high-tech greenhouse, in the 132 Kv diversion line, Almeria ENDESA 132 Kv H.V. Line between Vera - Lorca, entry and exit of the Pulpí substation, Almeria ENDESA 132 Kv H.V. Line between Los Vélez - Tíjola, Almeria EMASA M.V. line installation for the Mediterranean and Gran Plaza Shopping Centres in Roquetas de Mar, Almeria HOSPITAL DEL PONIENTE DE ALMERIA M.V. installation for the “Hospital de Poniente” in Almeria UTE NACIMIENTO Diversion of the Medium Voltage line MT in the A-92 dual carriageway, Almeria GARASA Electrical Installations in “Torrelaguna” Building, Almeria FCC Lighting, M.V. Line, T.C. and L.V. Network in the Science Building at the University of Almeria, Almeria ENTRECANALES Y TABORA M.V., T.C. and L.V. Network in the Library of the University of Jaén OHL Electrical installations in the Auditorium of Almeria PLASTIFELSA M.V. Line, T.C. and L.V. Network Installation of an industrial warehouse, Almeria ENDESA H.V. underground line 66 kv in the Torrecárdenas Substation, Almeria JARQUIL ANDALUCÍA Electrical installations at ***** Hotel “La Envía”, Almeria EPSA 6 DRAGADOS Electrical installations at the Auditorium Theatre “El Ejido”, Almeria REE-TESUR 220 Kv line (200 Km). Socabaya-Nueva Tintaya- Peru REE-TESUR Substation of 220/138 Kv 125 MVA. Nueva Tintaya- Peru REE-TESUR 2 position 220 Kv substation Socabaya- Peru EXPLOTACIONES EÓLICAS VÉLEZ RUBIO S.L 132 Kv. Line (38Km).Wind farms “Santa María de Nieva”, Almeria AFRICANA ENERGÍA S.L. 132 Kv Line (8Km). 49.9 MW Solar thermal power plant “La Africana”, Cordoba EDELNOR-Peru 60 Kv double-circuit line Gambeta-Peru GRUPO ORTIZ Responsible growth Key Contracts In addition to these works, Juan Galindo T&D maintains multiannual contracts with major electricity distribution companies, the most important include: ALMERIA La Cañada Autovía de Almeria-Aeropuerto, km 5 700 04120 Almeria Tel.: 95 062 60 48 Fax: 95 029 20 24 Almeria ENDESA Service Point Carretera de Ronda, 155. 04009 Almeria Tel.: 95 022 31 51 Fax: 95 017 00 96 Adra ENDESA Service Point Carril Cuenca, 11 04770 Adra, Almeria Tel.: 95 060 41 77 Fax: 95 004 19 03 GRANADA Pol. Industrial La Mancoba C/ Alamedilla, Nave 22 18500 Guadix Tel.: 67 599 05 59 Callejón del Ángel, nº 3 18006 Granada Tel.: 95 818 40 78 GUADALAJARA C/ Pintor Castro Plasencia, 4 19004 Guadalajara Tel.: 949 212 605 Fax: 949 231 913 Installation of electricity line from Huercal Overa to Vélez Rubio, in Almeria Work on electricity substation in Sorbas, Almeria TOLEDO C/Carlos I, 1 Polígono Industrial Villa de Yuncos 45210 Yuncos, Toledo Peru Avenida Comandante Espinar 560 5ª planta Miraflores, Lima 18 (Peru) Tel.: +511 660 21 27 +511 660 21 42 +511 660 21 45 Directory Works Contract for Development and Maintenance in M.V. / L.V. network with ENDESA Distribution in Almeria. Live Voltage Works Contract with ENDESA Distribution in Eastern Andalusia. Contract for installation of remote management system and work with ENDESA Distribution in Almeria and Granada. Hub and remote controls Contracts with ENDESA in Almeria and Granada, Union FENOSA- Gas Natural in Toledo and IBERDROLA in Guadalajara. Works Contract Development and Maintenance in M.V. / L.V. network, with Union Fenosa Gas Natural in Toledo and Guadalajara. Works Contract for Development and Maintenance in M.V. / L.V. network with Iberdrola in Guadalajara. Works Contract Development and Maintenance in M.V. / L.V. network with Edelnor (ENDESA subsidiary), in Lima, Peru 7 Autovía Almeria-Aeropuerto, km 5.700 04120 Almeria Tel.95 062 60 48 Fax95 017 00 96 galindo@juangalindo.net The information about Juan Galindo is update and added to regularly in www.juangalindo.es A company of: responsible growth www.grupoortiz.com
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