Document 6440613


Document 6440613
President’s Message
‘10 Portraits
of Jews of the
Twentieth Century’
by Andy Warhol
By Penny Deshur, President
have a passion for genealogy and have been searching for my family
roots for the past thirty years, beginning with 50 known family members
and expanding to thousands. When my grandparents were alive I never
asked about their lives, and by the time I was interested in the subject, they
were gone. Now I am compelled to pass my family’s history to my children
and grandchildren so they know where they came from.
JMM offers many opportunities for YOU to become involved in this
important endeavor…
By Molly Dubin, Curator
ore than thirty years after the suite was first
created, this grouping of ‘Jewish Geniuses,’
as Warhol fittingly referred to them, is still
sparking debate among art critics, historians and
connoisseurs. Warhol, one of the most important
artists in the Pop Art movement in America,
became as famous as many of the celebrities he
portrayed in his popular silkscreen prints. Depicting
noted individuals from various disciplines, these
brightly-colored creations feature historical figures
and renowned luminaries of Jewish culture. Large
scale portraits of Sarah Bernhardt, Louis Brandeis,
Martin Buber, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud,
George Gershwin, Franz Kafka, the Marx Brothers,
Golda Meir, and Gertrude Stein, allude to the
grandiosity associated with fame while establishing
an intimacy between subject and viewer. In the
second millennium, Warhol’s iconic images of great
Jewish thinkers, politicians, performers, and writers
attest to the lasting achievements and prominence of
these singular figures. But issues at the foundation of
the controversy surrounding the pieces, such as
whether Warhol genuinely recognized the
importance of his subjects’ diverse accomplishments
and legacies, or if he was engaging in
‘Jewploitation’, remain firmly rooted. While the
initial reception of the series was certainly affected
by the context and time in which they were created,
the longevity and continued relevance of the images
also call into question their place and perception
amid contemporary generations and standards.
This exhibit is on loan from the collection of the Spertus
Institute and is sponsored by Suzy B. Ettinger.
• On the Museum website I maintain the burial database covering nearly
30,000 Jewish burials throughout Wisconsin. You may find names of your
family members, dates, places of birth and death, the cemetery where they are
buried, photos of tombstones and perhaps even a reference to a death notice in the Wisconsin
Jewish Chronicle. Are we missing your relatives? Is there a correction to be made? Would you be
willing to join me for a trip to a cemetery so we can photograph tombstones? I would love your help.
• Our Archives contain many family histories and family artifacts. Do we have your family history?
Have you participated in an oral history? Can you help us add to our collection?
• This past summer Marilyn Lane and I taught a four-week Genealogy 101 class to 18 adult students.
Some of them were able to find naturalization
papers and birth and death certificates for
grandparents. Everyone came away with new
knowledge about their families and enthusiasm
for continuing their work. Did you miss this
class, but would like to take one when it is
• Sign up for one of our Oral History days next offered? Would you like a one-on-one
session with an expert?
• Participate in Genealogy 101 scheduled for
Summer 2014
• I recently completed a family tree showing
• Arrange for one-on-one instruction with
the 121 direct descendants of my maternal
an expert
grandparents. It is not a traditional family
• Receive help creating your family tree
tree, but a work of art that I will frame and
• Receive research help
put up on the wall. Would you like me to
• Join JMM President Penny Deshur to
help you create a family tree?
photograph tombstones for the Archives
• And last, but not least, we offer research
and website - it is a good time!
through the Archives. Is there something Jay
• Contact Jay Hyland,
Hyland or one of our experts can do for you? or call him at
414-390-5759 to take advantage of any of
The Jewish Museum Milwaukee has so much to
these opportunities
offer. All you need to do is take advantage of it!
Penny Deshur
Genealogy Opportunities
Warhol Exhibit Related Programs
Public opening: Sunday, December 15
Noon – 4:00 pm
Bring family and friends to experience the
color and ‘pop’ of this unique suite of works;
guided tours available throughout the
afternoon along with coloring and scavenger
activities for families.
Cost: Free for members; $5 for non-members
Pop Art & Popcorn: Wednesday, December 25,
Noon – 4:00 pm
Spend the holiday afternoon with family and
friends enjoying freshly popped popcorn and
viewing the films, A Night at the Opera with the
Marx Brothers (the Marx Brothers are among
Warhol’s 10 Jewish portraits) and Superstar: The
Life and Times of Andy Warhol.
Cost: Free for members; $5 for non-members
Screen Printing Workshops at RedLine Milwaukee,
1422 N 4th St, Milwaukee. Two Available Sessions:
1. Thursday, January 23 or
2. Thursday, February 27, 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Beginner and novice-level screen printers are
welcome to this introductory session to basic
screen-printing where you’ll learn to make art like
Warhol. This session will include an introduction
to basic screen-printing, including the photo
emulsion process. Ink, screens, photo emulsion
and side-by-side instruction are provided for you
to complete your screen printing projects or to
learn this exciting printmaking medium that can
be applied to many surfaces including t-shirts,
fabric, glass windows, paper and more!
Cost: $45 per person per session
RSVP required - limit 8 people per session;
registrations taken until sessions are filled
Jewish Museum Milwaukee
1360 North Prospect Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-3094
Director’s Report
Exhibit Related Programs
‘Andy Warhol’s Minyan: Reconsidering his ‘Ten
Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century’
Thursday, February 6 at 11:00 am
With James Yood, Professor of Contemporary
Art History and Criticism at the School of the
Art Institute of Chicago.
Warhol’s portrait suite was received with both
critical acclaim and some decidedly negative
responses on its debut in 1980. This illustrated
lecture will revisit that debut and examine the
series itself, its place in Warhol’s art, and analyze
why it provoked such a wide response. Yood,
who was educated at the University of Wisconsin
– Madison and the University of Chicago, sees
the series as indicative of much of Warhol’s art—
seemingly simple and straightforward, but
surprisingly pertinent and provocative.
Cost: Free for members; $5 for non-members
Of the People, for the People, the Legacy of Supreme
Court Justice Louis Brandeis: Friday, February 21,
11:30 am
With J. Gordon Hylton, J.D., Ph.D., Professor at
Marquette University Law School and Virginia
University. Lecture and luncheon co-sponsored
by the Cardozo Society. *Cost and additional
information TBD
Day Trip to Chicago Spertus Institute and Museum
of Contemporary Art Chicago: Thursday, March
6th, 9 am – 5 pm
Ride in comfort on a coach bus to Chicago for
this exciting cultural excursion. Start out at the
Spertus Institute where Director of Marketing
& Communications Betsy Gomberg will
provide an architectural tour of the
organization’s unique sustainable venue. Then
join Curator, Ilana Segal in viewing highlights
of the permanent collection. Following lunch
at the Spertus, spend the afternoon at the
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
viewing the special exhibit, MCA/DNA: Warhol
and Marisol, as well as permanent exhibit
highlights. Dietary Laws observed.
Cost: $60 for members; $68 for non-members,
RSVP Required by February 14
Museum After Dark for Young Jewish Professionals:
Thursday, March 13, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Meet, schmooze, network and just have a
good time with other young Jewish
professionals from throughout the Milwaukee
area. Enjoy drinks and snacks while engaging
in fun, cultural activities – including screen
printing so you can create art like Andy
Warhol - and view the exhibit, ‘10 Portraits of
Jews of the Twentieth Century’. Following this
inaugural event, YJAM, YLD, JNFuture, MJF
and the JMM will continue to team up
quarterly for this exciting ‘Night at the
Museum’ series! Cost: $8 per person
Thank You!
Jewish Museum Milwaukee exhibits, programs
and operations this past year were made
possible in part with major donations from the
following individuals and foundations:
• Anonymous Foundation - Exhibits
and Programs
• Jacob Bernheim Memorial Endowment
Fund - Operations
• Amy and Fred Croen - Pushcarts Exhibit
• Albert and Ann Deshur Memorial
Endowment Fund - Operations
• Ettinger Family Foundation - Capital
improvements and exhibits
• Suzy B. Ettinger - Pushcarts Exhibit
• Friends of Anne Friedman, Fran Meyers
and Patti Weigler
• Gene & Ruth Posner Foundation - Felix
Lembersky Exhibit
• Sattell, Johnson & Appel - Pushcarts Exhibit
• Annalee and Abe Sosman Family - Felix
Lembersky Exhibit
• Helen and Bernard Soref Memorial
Fund - Operations
• Beverly Solochek & Sylvia Solochek Walters
• Wisconsin Humanities Council - Hedvika
Strnad Exhibit
• Woman’s Club of Wisconsin - Felix
Lembersky Exhibit
By Kathie Bernstein
major responsibility as Executive Director is to make sure there are adequate operating funds to
pay staff, occupancy costs, heat, lights, phones, office supplies, computers, special exhibit
cleaning, and a guard on Sundays. We provide educational programs, lectures, conduct oral
histories, and create print Newsletters and e-newsletters to keep our members up-to-date. We
accomplish all of this with an allocation from the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, grant writing, and the
generosity of our members and donors. We have grown as an institution over the past 5 years, and so
have the expenses associated with our expanded exhibits schedule. Each new exhibit requires display
panels, signage, installation fees, rental fees, insurance fees, lighting, and marketing -- separate funding
that is not part of our operating budget.
The staff and Board of Trustees sincerely thank you for your support this past year and ask you to
consider a contribution to the Museum over and above your membership to ensure our ability to
provide the highest level of exhibits and programs possible in the year ahead. Thank you for your
consideration. And visit your Museum soon!
Educator’s Report
By Ellie Gettinger
elow is a list of some of the groups that have benefited from a visit to our Museum during the
first part of this fiscal year. Group tours have come from throughout the city, the state, Illinois
and Germany. We develop a unique program for each group that dovetails with their needs.
School group funding continues to be a huge priority. So far this year, our anonymous donor has
enabled hundreds of students to visit the Museum. YOU can help by making a gift to the new Beverly
Greenberg Education Fund.
Adult Day Care: Russian Language
Lembersky Tour
Arrowhead High School
BBYO: Impact Milwaukee
Camp Ramah Wisconsin: Machon
Cardinal Stritch: Making Milwaukee Class
Cardinal Stritch: Social Studies Methods
Chai Point: Pushcart Tour
Chicago Jewish Historical Society
Concordia University Nursing:
Cultural Diversity
Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun Brotherhood
Divine Saviors Holy Angels Theology Class
Escuela Verde
Greendale Gifted and Talented Program
Israeli Teen Mifgash
Learning In Retirement
MacPherson College: Multiculturalism
in Education
Marquette University Museums and
Ethnic Representations
Milwaukee Public Library Docents
Moses Montefiore Synagogue (Appleton)
MSOE Transcultural Nursing
Red Belles of Mequon
Riverside University High School
Rogers Street Academy
Rufus King Exchange with
Harnack Shule (Berlin)
Sarah Chudnow Lembersky Tour
Teplinsky Family Reunion
University School 4th Grade
UWM Historical Methods
UWM The Milwaukee Community
UW-Madison Zionism Class
Wauwatosa Avenue United
Methodist Church
Weinstein Fellowship
New Funds Created
We Appreciate Your
We are pleased to announce creation of the
following important new funds within the
Jewish Community Foundation on behalf of
Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Thank you to the following
for donations of materials to the
Archives of the Jewish Museum Milwaukee
from April 25-December 2, 2013.
• Eliot Bernstein Professional Education Fund
• Beverly Greenberg Education Fund
• Herbert L. Gronik Oral History
Endowment Fund
• Marianne Lubar Archives Fund
• Steve Solochek Memorial Lecture Fund
For information about creating a fund please
call Kathie Bernstein at the Museum,
414-390-5731, or Caren Goldberg at the
Jewish Community Foundation, 414-390-5737.
Oral History Participants 2013
David Arnstein
Felix and Feiga Bandos
Marge Becker
Steve Becker
Tauba Biterman
Mark Brickman
Joan Champion
Joe Dailey
Raye David
Judy Garber
Julius Garber
Danni Gendelman
Shel Gendelman
Sam Gingold
Victor Greene
Lorraine Hoffmann
Alvin Holzman
Doris Karp
Pat Kerns
Renice Konik
Kay Kurz
Karen Loeb
Sandy Mallin
Joe Margolies
Margie Margolies
Lee Marnett
Janet Meister
Joan Miller
Jeffrey Nocton
Pamela Nonken
Karl Perl
Edith Pump
Pat Rieselbach
Edie Shafer
Peter Shelley
Joan Urdan
Nate Zelazo
Sherman and Marianne
Ellis and Jane Avner
Jack Beck
Sharie Berliant
Della Borenstein
Marlynn Brick
Sheldon Burchman
Chudnow Museum
of Yesteryear
Flora Cohen
Rose Daitsman
Penny Deshur
Harriet Dizack
Ken Eichenbaum
Gitel Forman
Harley and Carol Frank
Jane Gellman
Shel and Danni
Dave Glenn
Robert Goldberger
Victor Greene
Frank and Barbara
Doris Hoffman
Jack and Audrey Keyes
Maureen Komisar
Harold Krom
Lynne Lewin
Sheldon and
Marianne Lubar
Joan Luck
Arlene Mann
Harriet McKinney
Paul Melrood
Barbara Meyers
Claire Michelstetter
Neil Moss
Harold and Pamela
Jack Porter
Byrda Raffe
Lillian Rakita
Ann Raskin
Edward Reichman
Howard Reichman
David Safer
Jean Saltzman
Ted and Dorothy
Cathy Segall
Michael Segall
Beverly Solochek
Bernice Spivek
Jeff and Jody Steren
Sam and Ellen Stern
Mort and Estelle
Max and Tybie Taglin
Robert and
Marilyn Teper
Stan Teplin
Sylvia Solocheck Walters
Merle Wasserman
Sonia Willenson
Wisconsin Marine
Historical Society
Jim and Nan
From Pushcarts to Professionals Exhibit
Acquisitions & Collections Committee
Marjorie Margolies, Chair
Esther Ancel
Alan Borsuk
Penny Deshur
Marianne Lubar
Pat Rieselbach
Mike Spector
5th Anniversary Committee
Elaine Appel, Chair
Joy Appel
Muriel Becker
Nathan Bernstein
Barbie Blutstein
Suzy Ettinger
Ellen Friebert Schupper
Betsy Green
Bev Greenberg
Judy Kristal
Nancy Miller
Amy Newman
Ken Stein
Pushcarts exhibit opening
Education Committee
Preparing the Ettinger Gallery for From Pushcarts to
Professionals exhibit
Members Preview Event for Pushcarts exhibit
Renice Konik, Chair
Jane Avner
Steve Baruch
Paula Boyd
Robin Cohen
Kelly DiGiacinto
Trudy Farber
Joan Friedman
Don Leibold
Lloyd Levin
Kelly O’Keefe-Boettcher
Maria Peeples
Bonnie Shafrin
Samara Sofian
Exhibits Committee
Prof. Jonathan Pollack presents “Built on Scrap” as part
of the Pushcarts exhibit programming
Men in the scrap metal and recycling business — Back Row (left to
right): Larry Katz, Bruce Katz, Larry Erlich, Art Arnstein, Jeff Schuster.
Front Row (left to right): Dick Kimmel, Jack Beck, Joe Erlich, Tony
Teech, Phil Paley, Harold Paley
Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Board of Trustees 2013-2014
Penny Deshur, President*
Neena B. Florsheim, Vice President*
Pat Rieselbach, Secretary*
Esther Ancel, Treasurer*
Elaine Appel
Elizabeth Behrendt
Barbara Blutstein
Alan Borsuk
Sharon Canter
Jane Chernof
Amy Croen
Anneliese Dickman
Daniel Einhorn
Suzy B. Ettinger
Ali Florsheim
Joan Becker Friedman
Mark B. Garber
Beverly Greenberg
Renice Konik
Marvin Lauwasser
Lloyd Levin*
Marjorie M. Margolies
Amy Newman
Rebecca Peltz
Ellen Friebert Schupper
Michael J. Spector*
Ken Stein
Jody Sussman Steren
Deborah Wilk
Marianne Lubar, Founding President*
New Membership Level
For You
We are pleased to introduce the Traveler
Membership level with a special benefit.
• Renew or increase your membership to
$150.00 or above to be eligible for our new
Traveler Membership and receive FREE
admission to twelve participating Jewish
museums nationwide, in locations like
Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco,
and Miami.
• This is an amazing opportunity to gain free
admission to twelve museums for the price
of one!
• Call the Museum at 414-390-5730 to purchase
this new membership or go to our website,, click on
Contribute, then Become a Member and
select Traveler Membership. It is so easy
to do!
Marlene Lauwasser
Ex-Officio/Board Chair, Milwaukee Jewish Federation
*Executive Committee
In Their Own Words
Why You Should Join
Our E-mail List
“I wish to thank you for a marvelous tour of the
Museum. It is an impressive place and I will
definitely visit it again to further absorb the
many wonderful exhibits.”
— a happy visitor
We normally send print newsletters like this
twice a year. But we send out e-newsletters
around the first of each month as well as
ongoing e-mails to alert our members to
upcoming programs and events. If you have an
e-mail address that we do not have, please let us
know so we can add you to our e-mail list.
Contact Kelsey at 414-390-5757, or by e-mail, and begin
receiving the latest news.
Mission Statement
The Jewish Museum Milwaukee preserves and presents the
Jewish experience through the lens of Greater Milwaukee
and celebrates the continuum of Jewish heritage and culture.
The archives, exhibitions, programs and publications inspire
public appreciation for the diversity of Jewish life in a local
and global historic context.
Deborah Wilk, Chair
Elaine Appel
Shirah Appel
Barbie Blutstein
Anneliese Dickman
Suzy Ettinger
Ellen Flesch
Neena Florsheim
Joan Becker Friedman
Sheri Levin
Marianne Lubar
Amy Moller
Toby Recht
Sue Selig
Ken Stein
Genealogy Committee
Penny Deshur, Chair
Bruce Fetter
Roberta Forman
Herb Giller
Ed Goldman
Sandy Greenberg
Marilyn Lane
Marvin Lauwasser
Fran Luebke
Margie Margolies
Susan Lubar Solvang
Arlene Zimmerman
Program Committee
This committee is on hiatus
Bill Appel
Jane Avner
Edward Blumberg
Jane Chernof
Robin Cohen
Jim Deshur
Penny Deshur
Sue Effron
Claire Fabric
Estelle Felber
Carol Fishman
Neena Florsheim
Gene Gilbert
Bertie Levkowitz Herz
Dorry Karp
Renice Konik
Sheri Levin
Lloyd Levin
Karen Loeb
Doreen Marcus
Judy Naimon
Donna Neubauer
Dianne Spector
Beverly Ugent
Andrea Waxman
Archives Volunteers
Romaine Backer
Joan Barnett
Sharie Berliant
Fay Colberg
Harriet Dizack
Ruth Farber
Susan Garrison
Debbie Gartenberg
Bunny Goldstein
Marvin Lauwasser
Phyllis Lensky
Helga Levings
Arlene Mann
Barbara Perchonok
Byrda Raffe
Lil Rakita
Amy Schwartz
Annalee Sosman
Bernice Spivek
Jody Steren
Norby Sweet
Arlene Zimmerman
Lecture and Discussion
with Kennan Ferguson
Material World:
Contemporary Ceramic Exhibit
March 2-30, 2014
Organized as part of the
Annual Conference of the
National Council on Education for
the Ceramic Arts (NCECA)
The Jewish Museum Milwaukee is a program
of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation.
Please address all correspondence
and suggestions to:
Kathie Bernstein, Executive Director,
Jewish Museum Milwaukee
1360 North Prospect Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3094
Kennan Ferguson discusses The Settlement Cookbook at the
Milwaukee County Historical Society
From The Archives
By Jay Hyland
e are very pleased to announce that the
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle has been
digitized by! Researchers
can access the digitized newspapers for free by
visiting the Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Archives, or by having a paid subscription to This new service further
enhances our research holdings, is very easy to
use, and enables users to access all back issues
of the Chronicle from 1921-1995. The database is
also fully searchable, meaning one can look for
a birth, bar/bat mitzvah, or wedding
announcement without having to know the
exact year in advance. Once an article is
located, it can be shared with family and friends
via email, Facebook or Twitter.
Contact Jay Hyland at 414-390-5759 or email for further
information about this exciting new service.
he 48th
conference is
taking place in
Milwaukee this
spring from
March 19–22.
Select venues
around the city
will be displaying
clay works in
Mine Shaft #1 by Dane Youngren.
celebration of
ceramic arts and the convergence of thousands
of ceramic artists from around the word on our
Midwest metropolis. The JMM will host a
special limited engagement exhibit featuring a
grouping of work titled, Boomtown, by Stanwood,
Washington based artist, Dane Youngren and a
selection of works collectively titled, A
Sustainable Table, by a Minneapolis, Minnesota
based group organized by artist, Anna Metcalfe.
Special Artist and NCECA Conference Reception:
Thursday, March 20, 7 – 9 pm
Penny Deshur, President
Jody Sussman Steren, Editor
Museum Hours
Monday through Thursday: 10 am – 4 pm
Friday: 10 am – 2 pm
Sunday: Noon – 4 pm
Closed Saturdays
Closed for Jewish holidays: call 414-390-5730
to be sure the Museum is open.
Docent tours are available.
To learn more, please call 414-390-5730.
The Jewish Museum Milwaukee may be
reserved and rented for special events:
please call 414-390-5730 for more information.
1360 North Prospect Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3094
Milwaukee, WI
Permit No. 5632
First-Class Mail
U.S. Postage
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Current Member List*
*As of December 6, 2013. We sincerely regret any omissions.
Barbara & Donald Abrams
Gail & Rabbi Steven Adams
Freda Adashek
Betty & Judge Lynn Adelman
Sandra Adland
Sandra & Henry Albert
Joyce & Alfred Altman
Barbara & Melvin Altman
Kari & Michael Altman
Esther & Dr. Fredric Ancel
Linda Anderson
Denni Ann Gershaw-Smith & William Smith Jr.
Elaine & William Appel
Shirah Rachel Apple
Tanya & Bruce Arbit
Naomi Arbit
William & Cynthia Arbiture
Donald Arenson
Janet & Randal Arnold
Arthur Arnstein
Veronica Artus
Tracy & Michael Askotzky
Mark & Debbie Attanasio
Rachel Forman Avitall & Dr. Boaz Avitall
Drs. Jane & Ellis Avner
Leah Axelrod
Romaine & Melvin Backer
Isabel & Dr. Alfred Bader
Elizabeth Anne Bairami
Herman Balaban
Laura & Mark Barnard
David & Missie Barnett
Joan Barnett
Nancy & Dr. James Barnett
Saundra Baron
Judy & Dr. Steven Baruch
Caren & Donald Bass
Eugene & Marilee Bass
Jill & David Baum
Dr. Rachel Baum & Orrick Nahmmacher
Donna & Donald Baumgartner
Amy & Adam Bazelon
Ruth & Jack Beck
Muriel & Dr. Irving Becker
Margery Becker
Mickey Becker
Barbara & Stephen Becker
Natalie Beckwith
Elizabeth Behrendt
Patti Behrens
Dorothy Bein-Arenzon
Manya Belferman & Gregory Spektor
Donna & Robert Berg
Sharon Berger
Elaine & Kenneth Berke
Joel & Esther Berkowitz
Suzanne & William Berland
Anne Wright & Howard Berliant
Sharie Berliant
Marilyn & Gene Berman
Joseph Berman
Barbara & Alan Bern
Dr. Deborah & Aaron Bernstein
Audrey & Joseph Bernstein
Aleyna & Joshua Bernstein
Kathie Bernstein
Shannon & Nathan Bernstein
Beverly & Bernard Berson
Ghita Bessman
Dr. Warren Biel
Geraldine & Joel Biller
Marlene & Bert Bilsky
Bedane & Dr. Marvin Bines
Christine Bittner
Brynn & Gerald Bloch
Roberta & Robert Bloch
Edward Blumberg
Dr. Sherry & David Blumberg
Barbara & Morton Blutstein
Dr. Harvey & Maris Bock
Catherine Bock-Weiss & Raymond Weiss
Lynne & Dr. Charles Bomzer
Carol Dubin & Edward Bookstaff
Susan & Arthur Borkin
Della Bornstein
Roberta & Alan Borsuk
Geraldine Boym
Arlene & Robert Brachman
Lotta & Stuart Brafman
Rosalee & Herbert Bratt
Ruth Mallin Braun
Phyllis & Dr. Jerold Brenowitz
Robert Breslauer
Marlynn Brick
Cheryl & Mark Brickman
Marian Brill
Jeannee Sacken & Michael Briselli
Mel & Ellis Bromberg
Jean & James Bromley
Linda G. Buchsbaum
Dr. Sheldon Burchman
Barbara & Dr. Henry Burko
Jayne & Eric Butlein
Patty Cadorin
Cherie & Dr. Marc Caine
Sharon & Richard Canter
Bobbi & Jim Caraway
Deborah Carneol
Roger Carp
Jane & Stephen Chernof
Frances & Ben Chernov
Doris Chortek
Betty Chrustowski
Brigitte & Dan Chudnow
Mimi & Donald Chudnow
Dr. Donald Cohen
Flora Cohen
Mildred Cohen
Reha Cohen
Robin & Dr. Bernard Cohen
Deborah Mendeloff & Dr. Steven Cohen
Fay Colberg
Beverly & Dr. Ervin Colton
Cynthia Cooper
Sally & Jeffrey Cooper
Rachel & Dr. Jerome Cornfield
Sally Crescenzo
Amy & Frederick Croen
Betty Croen
Mary & Eugene Crossot
Joseph Dailey
Hedy & Dr. Alan Daniel
Miriam Davis
Robert Davis
Hugh & Mary Denison
Dalyn & Alan Derzon
Penny & Jim Deshur
Peggy & Samuel Dickman
Anneliese Dickman
Hasia Diner
Bobbi Dinkin
Harriet Dizack
Anita & Merrick Domnitz
Harriet & Jerome Dorf
Phyllis & Dr. Sheldon Dorf
Suzanne & Stan Dorf
Gary Dubester
Janice Dubin & Jack Padek
Molly Dubin
Harriet Dubman
Eileen & Dr. Howard Dubner
Jerry Duckler
Yvonne & J. Marshall Dunkleman
Stephanie & Mike Dykeman
Tom Ebert
Nina & Richard Edelman
Judith & Marvin Edelstein
Jill Eder & Michael Mazur
Susan Effron
Sheila & Hyam Eglash
Judy & Norbert Eglash
Helen & Rodney Eglash
Kenneth Eichenbaum
Maureen Eichenbaum
Terese & Daniel Einhorn
Nancy & Stephen Einhorn
Eve Dicker Eiseman
Janice Eisen
Merzy & The Honorable Russell Eisenberg
Edward B. Eisendrath
Janet Eisendrath
Eugene Eisman
Jennie Elias
Miriam & Tobias Enright
Jenny Ettenheim
Nancy Ettenheim & Bruce Harvey
Suzy Ettinger
Annette & Ralph Evans
Christine Evans
Claire & Dr. Kenneth Fabric
Ruth Farber
Roberta & Sanford Fedderly
Mike & Bobbie Fefferman
Beverly & Dr. Lewis Feiges
Rose Ann Wasserman & Daniel Feinstein
Estelle Felber
Agnes & Otto Feller
Dr. Bruce Fetter
Irma & Howard Fiedler
Roberta & Dr. Stuart Fine
Phyllis & Dr. Jordan Fink
Bobbie & Sheldon Fishman
Carol Kirsch Fishman
Florence & Harrison Fishman
Sylvia & Joel Fishman
Julia Fiul
Gayle Fixler
Ellen & Dr. James Flesch
Beverly & Ronald Flintrop
Ali Florsheim
Neena & Richard Florsheim
Susan & Robert Fono
Diane & Bill Forman
Roberta Forman
Rachel Forman Avitall & Dr. Boaz Avitall
Linda & Eli Frank
Carol & Harley Frank
Amy Moller & Jeffrey Frank
Natalie Frankel
Frances Franklin
Susan Freeman
Belle Anne & Philip Freund
Anne & Dr. Burton Friedman
Elaine B. Friedman
Bonnie Denmark Friedman & Gary Friedman
Joan & Michael Friedman
Thelma Friedman
Ruth & James Fromstein
Irving Gaines
Phyllis Galst
Mark & Judy Garber
Evelyn Garfinkel
Susan Garrison
Hilda Geller
Rosalie Schlitz Gellman
Doris Gendelman
Doran & Sheldon Gendelman
Denni Ann Gershaw-Smith
Barbara Levin & Josh Gettinger
Sunny Gettinger
Inez & Eugene Gilbert
Ruth & Dr. Herbert Giller
Edith Gilman
Julia & Joshua Gimbel
Sara Gimbel
Sam Gingold
Peggi & Bruce Glaser
Nancy & Dr. David Glassner
Barbara & Dr. Mark Glazer
Anne & Mark Gleischman
Jack & Elaine Goldberg
Jeffrey M. Goldberg
Peter Goldberg
Lois & Richard Goldberg
Michael and Jill Goldberg
Sally & Edwin Goldman
Elaine & Sheldon Goldman
Ruth Goldmann
Frances & Mark Goldner
Elayne Goldstein
Marilyn & Paul Goldstein
Suzanne Goldstein
Harriet & Dr. Robert Gordon
Cecelia Gore
Claudine Gorlick
Reesa & Irving Gottschalk
Bonnie Gould
Rene & Marshall Gratz
Eileen & Dr. Glenn Graves
Betsy & Michael Green
Muriel Green Lappin
Beverly & Martin Greenberg
Sandra M. Greenberg
Rabbi Hannah Greenstein
Dr. Laurie Kabins & Dr. Steven Grindel
Loyal Grinker
John M. Grochowski
Josette & Sidney Grossberg
Anne Grunau
Dr. Sharon Guten
Mimi & Robert Habush
Richard Hack
Rachel & Dennis Hafemann
Mary & Thomas Hansen
Rosalie & Dr. Raymond Harkavy
Toby Harris
Jill Hartmann
Frederick Hegeman & Nora Kelley
Katie Heil
Barbara & Frank Heilbronner
Marcia & John Heilbronner
Rachel Heimovics Braun
Eileen & Marc Heisler
Art Heitzer & Sandra Edhlund
Jean Henderson
Janet & Brian Henning
Nancy & Dr. Lyle Henry
David Herszenson
Suzanne & Dr. Sidney Herszenson
Bertie Levkowitz Herz & Thomas Herz
Barbara & Dr. Joseph Himes
Carol Hirsch
Shirley Hirschbein
Harriet & Joseph Hirschberg
Annette Hirsh
J. David & Diane Hoeveler
Burt Hoffman
Doris Jean Hoffman
Sandra & Dr. Stuart Hoffman
Carolyn & Burt Hoffman
Lorraine Hoffmann
Celia & Stanley Holland
Dolores & Nathan Holman
Jane Honikman
Myles Hopper
Ann & Dr. S. Fredric Horwitz
Dr. Lawrence & Joyzele Howards
Hsin-Lin Chiao
Marsha Hurwitz
Francine & Dr. Eliot Huxley
Jay & Amanda Hyland
Lindsay & Terry Hyland
Ann Jacobs & Bradly Brunson
Jeanne Jacobs
Betty & Dr. Paul Jacobs
Helen & Ronald Jacobs
Linda & Dr. Mitchell Jacobson
Damien Jaques
Marlene Kagen
Barbara & Irving Kahn
Minnie Kahn
Julie & Reuben Kahn
Rosalie Kahn
Elana Kahn-Oren & Ronen Oren
Sherri & Keith Kaiman
Rebecca Kaiser
Diane & Dr. Richard Kane
Elsie & Dr. Harry Kanin
Judith & Alvin Kaplan
Carmel Karas
Doris Karp
Scot Karp
Judith & Howard Karsh
Cynthia & Marc Kartman
Jean Katz
Karen Peck Katz & Alan Katz
Lisa & Lawrence Katz
Jackie & Lee Katz
Debra & Moshe Katz
P. Rea Katz & Richard B. Bartlein
Lisa & Lawrence Katz
Frieda & Joseph Kaufman
Dan & Janne Keegan
Andrew Keene
Veronika & Daniel Keller
Elaine Keller
Joan & Clifford Keller
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Keller
Frederick Hegeman & Nora Kelley
Mary Kelly
Joan & Henry Kerns
Audrey & Jack Keyes
Rubin Kinkulkin
Anne & Randy Klein
Rosalind Klein
Leah & Dr. Yale Knight
Jay Kodner
Senator Herbert Kohl
Martin Kohler
Barbara Kohl-Spiro & Dr. Herzl Spiro
Gail & Martin Komisar
Maureen Komisar
Claire & Morton Komisar
Rebecca & William Komisar
Renice Konik
Wendy & Steven Koppel
Ilane & Joel Kosberg
Sally & Carroll Kraus
Judith & Bernard Kristal
Stanley & Shirley Kritzik
Harold Krom
Barry Krumstok
Barbara Kuhn
Evelyn & Robert Kuhn
Linda Laev
Alice & Marshall Lambie
Marilyn Lane
Amy & Dr. Ivan Lang
Shirley Langer
Nancy & Arthur Laskin
Mariana Laufer
Audrey Laufman
Marlene & Dr. Marvin Lauwasser
Kippy & Sylvan Leabman
Lee Temkin
Ann Lederman
Barbara Ann Lee
Dr. Felissa Lee
Lenore Lee
Barbara Lee
Phyllis Lensky
Gloria & Arthur Leon
Bess Lerner
Judy & Charles Lerner
Marvin Levey
Judy Levin
Sheri & Lloyd Levin
Helga Levings
Patricia & Douglas Levy
Cynthia & Mark Levy
Rita Lewenauer
Lynne Lewin
Cheryl Stein Libber & Tobias Libber
Kathleen Lidwin
James Lieberman
Joan Lieberman
Betty & Sidney Lieberman
Kam & Thomas Lindow
Susan & Dr. Scott Linton
Eve & Dr. Elliot Lipchik
Arlene & Mark Litow
Judy & Dr. Bert Litwin
Karen Loeb
Jody Kaufman Loewenstein &
Dr. Paul Loewenstein
Chia & Gordon Lookatch
Barbara Lorman
Joan & Shelby Lozoff
Alfred Lubar
Ms. Joan Lubar & Dr. John Crouch
Madeleine & David Lubar
Jan & Bob Lubar
Marianne & Sheldon Lubar
Donna & Charles Luber
Sari Luber
Shari & Dr. Allan Luck
Francine & David Luck
Deborah Wolf Lurie & Alan Lurie
Jodi & James Lurie
Sally & Bill Lyne
Karen Maahs
Ida Maiman
Lois Malawsky & Dr. Jay Larkey
Elaine Malek
Katharine & Dr. Sanford Mallin
Joan Mandel
Nancy & Robert Mandel
Arlene Mann
Audrey Mann
Janice & Steve Marcus
Susan Marcus
Rita & Alan Marcuvitz
Marjorie & Jonathan Margolies
Judy & Dr. Irwin Margolis
Ann & Marvin Margolis
Leatrice & Lewis Marshak
Patricia Martin
Grace M. Masson
Paul Mathews
Julie Armour & Paul Matzner
Mary Meehan
Janet Meister
Sandra & Robert Meldman
Bettie & David Meltzer
Sunny Mendeloff
Bailee & Kenneth Mendelson
Emma Merar
Riva & Dr. William Merkow
Sallie & George Meyer
Dorothy & Dr. Alfred Meyers
Fran & Dr. Ronald Meyers
Claire Michelstetter
Stephanie & Brian Miller
Barbara Aron & Dr. Jay Miller
Marillyn Miller
Nancy & Robert Miller
Susan & Ronald Miller
Lorraine Mitz
Susan Modder
Deanna & Arthur Moglowsky
Cheryl & Mitchell Moser
Natalie & Daniel Muchin
Dana Mueller
Elaine & Howard Myers
Judith & Burton Naimon
Hollie & Armin Nankin
Elaine Nelles
Ellie Gettinger & Mitchell Nelles
Tatyana & Yefim Nemirovsky
Donna & Robert Neubauer
Elizabeth & James Neubauer
Amy & Dan Newman
Barbara & Larry Newman
Pamela & Harold Nonken
Carol O‘Neil
Paula Orth
Michele Oxman
Dr. Sharon Pace
Ronna & Larry Pachefsky
J. Dorothy & Gilbert Palay
Debbie & Andrew Palec
Daryle & Gary Paler
Miriam & Harold Paley
Gloria & Dr. Leonard Parker
Lynne & Richard Pearson
Miriam & Bernard Peck
Jodi Peck & Les Weil
Jeanette & Bruce Peckerman
Richelle Peddie
Joan Peifer
Barbara Peltin
Julie & Sherwin Peltin
Arleen Peltz
Rebecca Peltz
Marilyn & Harry Pelz
Barbara & Fred Perchonok
Candy & Bruce Pindyck
Susan & Joel Pittelman
Lorraine Plotkin
Drs. Carol & Alan Pohl
Jill & Jerry Polacheck
Barbara & Mark Pollack
Adrienne Pollack-Sender & Dr. Neville Sender
Karen & Michael Polsky
Bonnie Pomerantz
Sheryl & Michael Primakow
Ida Pumpian
Alla Rabinovich
Byrda & Irving Raffe
Shirley Raffe
Lillian Rakita
Amos Rapoport
Cindy & Max Rasansky
Ann Raskin
Barbara Recht
Toby Recht
Betsy & William Reilly
Rosalie Rellin
Ruth & Sheldon Resnick
Carol & Dr. Werner Richheimer
Frances & Stephen Richman
Ron Rickun
Ruby Riemer
Pat & Allen Rieselbach
Josh & Moly Rittberg
Pennylee Rose-Lesser
Debra Bradley & James Rosenbaum
Jen & Jason Rosenberg
Dr. Lucille Rosenberg
Barbara Ellison Rosenblit & Isaiah Rosenblit
Hannah Rosenthal
Lauren & Dr. Robert Roth
Dorothy & Merton Rotter
Dr. Linda Zetley & Dr. Randall Rowlett
Jane & Herbert Rozoff
Sheila & Morris Rudberg
Barbara & Dr. Morris Sable
Micky & Ron Sadoff
Judy Saichek
Dr. Robert Saichek
Judith & Dr. Gerald Salinsky
Jean & Allen Saltzman
Esther & Robert Sametz
Shelly M. Sampon
Linda Gale Sampson
Peggy & Scott Sampson
Barbara & Gary Sapiro
Lisa & Michael Sattell
Dorothy & Theodore Sattler
Randi & Eric Schachter
Dr. Eric & Virginia Schenker
Andrea & Jim Schloemer
Holly & Bradley Schlossmann
Jayne & Mark Schmerling
Barbara & Howard Schnoll
Susan & Steven Schnoll
Nia Schudson & Jeff Alper
Caroline & William Schulhof
Ellen & Brian Schupper
Jordan Schuster
Lynne & Jeffrey Schuster
Helen & Joseph Sectzer
Carole A. Seidelman
Micki & Bob Seinfeld
Bud & Sue Selig
Helaine Shackman
Bonnie & Dr. Fred Shafrin
Barbara Shafton
Amy Shapiro
Judy & Rabbi Ronald Shapiro
Doris Sherman
Barbara Shikora
H. Jerome Shlensky
Doris & Daniel Shneidman
Reva & Dr. Philip Shovers
Gladys Shukur
Esther & Louis Siegel
Polly Siegel
Dr. Muriel Silbar
Maida Silverman
Edie Silverstein
Barbara & Albert Simon
Marcia & Leslie Singer
Susan & Mel Sinykin
Niki & Gary Skinner
Charlotte & Martin Slater
Shirley & Dr. Jonathan Slomowitz
Louise K. Smith
Dr. Lowell & Judith Smotkin
Diane & Gary Sobel
Naomi & Dr. Morton Soifer
Susan Lubar Solvang & Oyvind Solvang
Nita Soref
Sandra Soref
Annalee Sosman
Jacque & Howard Sosoff
Dianne & Jerome Spector
Marcia Spector
Joan & Michael Spector
Bernice Spivek
Paul Stanosz
Dori & Jason Steigman
Barbara Stein
Marley & Gary Stein
Louise & Gerald Stein
Harold B. Stein
Diana & Kenneth Stein
Margie & Marty Stein
Samuel Stein
Elaine & Claude Steinberger
Jody & Jeffrey Steren
Drs. Ellen & Samuel Stern
Veronica & Howard Stern
Fred Stier
Marilyn & Michael Stillman
Sue & Richard Strait
Beatrice & George Strick
Audrey Strnad
Sharon Styler
Elaine & James Sweet
Norbert Sweet
Shirley Sweet
Rae & Stephen Sweet
Estelle & Mort Swerdlow
Deborah Switchkow & Raymond Ellis
Tybie & Max Taglin
Sheila & Donald Taitelman
Doris & Marvin Tarachow
Carol & Michael Tarnoff
Joyce & Frederick Tavill
Myra & Royal Taxman
Libby Temkin
Ramona Tenorio
Marilyn & Robert Teper
Judith & Stanley Teplin
Mina & Jerome Tepper
Nicole & L. William Teweles
Mary & Gordon Thomas
Teresa Thornton
Phyllis Bankier & Theodore Tousman
Nancy & Stephen True
Dr. Diney Tuchman
Rise & Laurence Tucker
Pamela Tuffley
Harris Turer
Barbara & Jack Turner
Beverly Ugent
Joan Urdan
Patricia Van Alyea
Laura & Charles Waisbren
Janice & Dennis Waisman
Beth & Anthony Waite
June Wallace
Neil Wallace
Merle Wasserman
Marlene & Robert Watchmaker
Debra & Michael Watton
Martha Watts
Andrea & Michael Waxman
Patti Weigler
Helaine & Thomas Weil
Marian Weinberg
Shirley Weiner
Dorothy Weingrod
Shari & Steven Weingrod
Belle & Sol Weinstein
Sandra Weinstein
Suki & Dr. Charles Weisenthal
Barbara & Stanley Weiss
Harriet & Howard Weiss
Scott Weiss
Nancy Weiss-McQuide & Mark McQuide
Betty Weitzen
Kalman Wenig
Cindy & David Werner
Donna White
Rochelle & Paul Whiteman
Donna & Harvey Wichman
Phyllis Marie Wiggins
Steve Burnham & Deborah Wilk
Joan Wilk
Esther & Fred Wiviott
Rona & Gary Wolfe
Penny & Stanford Wynn
Susan & Russell Yale
Max Yela
Nancy & James Youngerman
Kay & Richard Yuspeh
Diane & Eric Zall
Barbara & Gerald Zall
Marshall Zarem
Lilyan & Dr. Norton Zarem
Eva Zaret
Debra Zarne
Jeane & Robert Zarne
Jane & Howard Zeft
Norma Zehner
Joan Zeiger
Selma Zeiger
Nate Zelazo
Deborah & Dean Zemel
Lisa & Craig Zetley
Arlene Zimmerman
Ruthe Zubatsky
Clarice Zucker
Eve Joan & James Zucker
Barry Zuckerman
Nadine Zuckerman
Alan Zukrow
his exciting exhibit examines the Jewish influences in rock and
roll and popular music through representational sampling of
the countless singers, songwriters, musicians, concert
promoters and record company executives who worked on stage
and behind the scenes to build a musical foundation and rich legacy
which continues to thrive today.
Well before the birth of rock and roll more than 60 years ago,
music inspired and was inspired by historical, cultural and social
events. Arrangements and beats originating in Eastern Europe and
Russia crossed the Atlantic to America where they found footing at
Tin Pan Alley and fused with diverse sounds to create scores to
delight theater and movie going audiences on both coasts before
permeating the nation and nearly every melodic category to
become part of the world’s collective musical consciousness where
it continues to influence the industries cutting edge. Through
biographies and stories exploring the breadth and diversity of rock,
and artifacts, including concert posters, records, books and
photographs, this exhibit illustrates the importance of Jews in the
evolution and popularity of this genre of contemporary music.
Organized by National Exhibitions & Archives LLC
April 20 – July 27, 2014
Bob Dylan, Beastie Boys, Paula Abdul,
Neil Diamond, The Ramones
Join Jewish Museum Milwaukee as we explore the 60 year history of Jews in
Rock and Roll. From Tin Pan Alley to CBGB, Jews impacted the evolution of this
diverse genre. This exhibit will answer the eternal question: