March 2013 504 Clubhouse Way W. Mattawa, WA 99349


March 2013 504 Clubhouse Way W. Mattawa, WA 99349
504 Clubhouse Way W.
Mattawa, WA 99349
Phone (509) 932-4839
Fax (509) 932-5844
We are starting work on the 2013/2014 Desert Aire
Owner’s Association budget and annual ballot. The
annual meeting packet will be mailed to members in
late May. For the past three years we have held a
question and answer session several weeks before
the annual meeting to discuss the ballot. We think
this informal discussion helps clarify many of the
issues included on the ballot. This year, we plan on
having a similar meeting on Saturday June 1, 2013
at 4:00PM downstairs in the Multi-Purpose Building.
Bring any questions or comments you may have, and
we hope to see you there.
One of the things we try to address at the meeting
concerns the Board’s position on the various ballot
Please remember that just because
something is included on the ballot does not
necessarily mean that the Board is in favor of it.
Some items are placed on the ballot by the Board.
Other items, which the Board may disagree with, are
placed on the ballot through motions made by
members at last year’s annual meeting. Please
consider each item on its own merit.
Some issues that are still in discussion and may be
placed on this year’s ballot are:
Resolution of the Marina Fund
Additional Security
Swimming Pool Replacement
Various Revisions to DAOA By-Laws,
CC&R’s and Architectural Regulations
There will be three openings on the DAOA Board of
Directors again this year. A term on the Board lasts
three years. We are in need of members who will be
willing to help their community and take an active
role on our various committees. If you are interested
in joining us please submit a resume of not more
than 150 words to the office by the end of business
on May 1, 2013, and your name will be placed on
this year’s ballot.
March 2013
Some upcoming events include:
DAOA Board of Directors Meeting on April
12, 2013 at 4:00PM downstairs in the MultiPurpose Building
DAOA Town Hall Meeting on April 27, 2013
at 4:00PM downstairs in the Multi-Purpose
DAOA Annual Meeting on June 22, 2013 at
9:00AM at the Sagebrush Senior Center
From the Superintendent - James R. Curdy
It’s good to see our snowbirds coming back and
enjoying the beautiful weather lately.
The Annual Spring Cleanup will be 2-DAYS this year!
Both Friday & Saturday April 26 & 27 from 9am12pm. Free gloves will be provided for the first 50
participants each day!
The free dump weekend in 2013 will be April 26 th
April 29 from 8-4pm or until the dumpsters are full.
*Be sure to have both your MEMBERSHIP CARD
AND PHOTO ID to use the site.
Garbage Service is available through
Wastemanagement of Wenatchee at (800) 5724559. For non full time residents they even offer
a roll out service for a nominal fee. With this you
don’t even have to roll it out to the curb.
Fiscal year 2012-2013 is financially on track at this
point. Delinquent accounts for annual dues are just
over $16,000 (less than 4%). We only have 4
properties in foreclosure and 15 liens outstanding
which is very good.
Reminder; Filing for the 3 upcoming open board
positions is February 15 -May 1 to be on the Ballot
with a 150 word or less personal resume.
We aren’t doing boat launch stickers anymore
because the facility is now free for everyone and
managed by the PUD. Desert Aire is no longer
involved with the river facility operation at all.
The new facility is coming along great and will be a
wonderful addition to the area. Currently the
contractor is ahead of schedule so it may be open in
early May. Use the link below to watch.
We have been working in some of our worst
greenbelts to clean them up with the hope that
adjacent owners will take more pride in their
neighborhoods. I think we are making progress but
there is much left to do.
For our Mariners fans: be sure to listen for our
Radio Ads running during these events! Let us know
if you hear one.
I Hope everyone is ready for a great summer and
best wishes for the year ahead.
If you have any questions, thoughts, ideas or just
want to talk, stop by or as always feel free to contact
me at: 504 Clubhouse Way W or
509-932-4839 or
I hope we are able to garner an active group of
participants to create a vision and plan for our
recreation facility. This is the last major renovation
that I am aware of for our community so it is my hope
that we work diligently to do this once and do right.
With Spring right around the corner we should have
another meeting later this month.
Interested parties should contact the business office
to become involved. We are particularly looking for
current users.
The new F9 restrooms are almost complete and
looking great. Thanks to staff and some plumbing
consultation with Richard Rowe they are a great
addition….in fact someone already asked when we
were doing the B9 restrooms.
Spring greens aerifying will be much later than in
years past, tentatively scheduled for May 6th-8 .
This is to accommodate the busy spring tournament
schedule, reducing downtime by healing faster.
Since the last newsletter, the Committee has
approved 2 stick-built homes, 1 garage, and 3
miscellaneous structures including fences, sheds and
decks/patios. Please submit your plans to the
Committee before undertaking a project on your
property. You are also welcome to attend the
meetings with your questions. We meet on the 2nd
and 4th Thursdays at 3:00 PM in the Business Office
Conference Room. To get on the agenda, please
phone the D.A. Office, 509-932-4839 or Cheryl at
Quick Fact
Golf courses delay play on frost-covered turf
(especially greens) because stepping on frostcovered grass causes the frozen leaf cells to rupture.
The turf will turn brown and eventually die.
If you are undertaking construction on your lot,
please remember that it states in our governing
documents, that you must maintain dust control by
watering exposed dirt.
Spring is almost here and many homeowners have
been busy sprucing up their yards. You are allowed
to burn brush and other landscape debris on your
property but not in greenbelts. Grant County has
some strict rules about burning, which all of us must
follow. You will find those rules elsewhere in this
newsletter. Another way to get rid of vegetation and
litter is to take them to the Maintenance Yard during
Spring Cleanup and Free Dump Days. See that
article in this newsletter.
Your Architecture Committee has been hard at work
since last fall re-writing the Desert Aire Architecture
Regulations. Much of the re-writing has been for the
sake of clarification; some has been for consistency
and some for up-dating the standards. The Board of
Directors is reviewing the re-write, and the changes
will be available for discussion at the June 1st Town
Hall Meeting. There may also be changes to the By
Laws and the CC&Rs to bring them up to date. The
changes will be up for vote by the membership at the
June 22 Annual Meeting.
To Burn or Not to Burn, That is the Question
Dave Hargroves, Fire Chief
As nicer weather greets us each day, we look around
Our homes and see that pile of brush and leaves we
just didn’t get to burn last fall. Should we burn it?
How do we know if it is ok?
The Department of Ecology releases a daily burn decision for Ecology regulated Eastern Washington
counties each morning. Grant County Fire District 8
(GCFD8) posts a “Burn OK” or “No Burn” notice in
the front window of the Mattawa Station during the
week. If you have a question about the daily burn
decision, you may call the DOE at 800-406-5322
(option 2, then option 5) for their decision or you may
call GCFD8 at 509-932-4777 to get the latest
information, which is usually available by 9AM. On
weekends, please call Ecology.
Outdoor burning is banned in all urban growth areas
in Washington. If you live outside the boundaries of
an urban growth area, it is legal to burn natural
vegetation, but Ecology encourages us to consider
alternatives to burning.
Garbage burning and burn barrels are illegal
everywhere in Washington, and have been for many
years. Consider exchanging your burn barrel for a
compost bin.
Things to know before you burn:
1. Burn barrels are illegal
2. Burning is not the only way to dispose of
natural vegetation. Consider composting
and chipping
3. Where residential burning is allowed, the
burn pile must be smaller than 4’x4’x3’
4. You may burn only one pile at a time
5. When and where burning is allowed, you
may only burn unprocessed natural
6. Your smoke must not impact your neighbors,
and you must put out your fire if it does
7. Do not leave your fire unattended
8. The fire should not include materials hauled
from another property
9. It is illegal to burn construction or demolition
10. Check with the Fire District for permit and
safety requirements before you light any
outdoor fire
If it is a burn day, you must notify GCFD8 when,
where and what you plan to burn. On weekends,
please leave a message with your name, address,
phone number, and material being burned. If an
Ecology recording is listed as “CALL IN”, growers
need to contact Ecology in Spokane at 509-329-3400
Mon-Fri 8-5 to schedule for a burn decision. Calling
in the afternoon is preferred. Please note that it is
very unlikely a grower will get permission the same
day they first call Ecology.
Call the GCFD8 Administrative Office (509) 9324777, each day you plan to burn to check if it is a
burn day and to report where
and what you are burning.
Many more residents have been expressing their
interest in Dark Skies Compliant Exterior Lighting.
Some of the folks have found that their outdoor
fixtures don’t need to be replaced to be compliant
and have only needed to change their bulbs. Others
have changed out their fixtures for motion detection
fixtures. Without streetlights everywhere so many of
us have begun to once again appreciate seeing
stars, planets and even the Milky Way. Let’s
continue the conversation.
The date for our community’s Annual Spring
Cleanup is Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April
27, from 9 AM – 12 PM. You may join other
volunteers in a concentrated effort to pick up litter
and other debris from the Common Areas, Green
Belts and the Free Board. The first 50 people that
arrive will receive a free pair of work gloves with the
Desert Aire logo. We will meet at the D.A. Office at
9:00 A.M. on both Friday and Saturday to get maps,
garbage bags and a list of areas that need cleanup.
Coffee & donuts will be served and bottled water will
be available for you to take with you on your rounds
on Friday. On Saturday, hamburgers and pop will be
served to the volunteers beginning at 11:00 AM. If
you know of an area in your neighborhood that
needs attention, please inform the office staff so we
can get it on our list. Likewise, if you aren’t available
on the 26 & 27 to join the group effort, you may
want to clean up in your neighborhood and take the
bags to the dumpsters by the 28 . Dumpsters will be
located in the maintenance yard, across from the
Office Complex, for use by D.A. residents for those
three days. Sometimes folks have items that they no
longer use but are too good to throw out. You may
inspect those items at the dumpsters. Those of us
who have joined the group in the last few years have
enjoyed ourselves, met new neighbors and felt good
about improving our community. Hope to see you
Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Fees: ½ cubic yard is
$6.00; 1 cubic yard is $18.00. The Mattawa Refuse
Site accepts some recyclables such as newspaper,
glass, aluminum cans, auto batteries and latex paint.
You may take your used motor oil to the
Maintenance Building across from the D.A. Office. It
will be used to heat the maintenance building during
the winter months.
Dear Desert Aire Homeowners
Dick and I want to thank you and all the
residents of Desert Aire who supported us and
helped us succeed in Desert Aire during a long
and painful year. Dick, as you know, had five
life threatening major by-pass operations.
Through it all he came to the office or worked
from our home to facilitate our business.
During that time we closed 10 sales in Desert
Aire. Most of those were never listed and we
negotiated and closed 4 more sales in Seattle.
So, real estate as we know it, even though it
was below our average, continued,
uninterrupted for that whole year.
Dick has fully recovered and is at the top of his
game again and happy to report that the market,
in our area is moving again! Although our
prices have hit an all-time low and we still have
some “under water” properties to assist, things
are looking better. West of the mountains sales
are up by 14%, inventory is at a record low and
25% of all that inventory is distressed. Most
important is that things are starting to move
again and being flexible and creative is key.
Financing is a challenge for second home and
investment buyers so being open to options is
important. The sales we had here were
primarily owner financing giving the sellers
added benefit to the sales price.
Understanding, short sales, foreclosures and
REO’s is key. Melinda,is a speaker for the
Master Builder Association and teaches classes
for anyone wanting to know more about these
critical elements.
Here’s the big surprise! I heard from a resident
in Desert Aire, a rumor is circulating that Dick
and Melinda are no longer doing business in
Desert Aire! Wow, that would be a surprise to
all our clients so thought it important to clear
that one up. Pacific Real Estate Network, our
rental management company, is, as always,
going strong and our residential sales and listing
company; Adamas Realty, LLC is also working
great for everyone.
Again, thank you for your support and your
confidence in our ability to perform at the
highest level for all of you.
Sincerely, Dick and Melinda Skogerson;
Adamas Realty, LLC
425-444-4141 or 425-822-9600
Parks, Marina and Greenbelt CommitteeGary Varney, Chairman
Marina and Shoreline Trail: {Priest Rapids
Recreational Area}
The marina and shoreline trail projects are
proceeding as planned and on time to be completed
by Memorial Day. The boat basin is completed and
the new jetty that will protect the boat basin from the
river’s current and from the prevailing winds is almost
complete, with landscaping on the jetty currently in
progress. Final grading of the trails in preparation for
the asphalting on the north end and the compacted
gravel on the south end are underway. In addition,
the boat basin parking lot is being prepared for
paving and construction will be starting soon on the
As noted in the last newsletter, the PUD has decided
to take on management and security for the shoreline
park and Boat Launch areas. The PUD has
determined there will be no fees charged for the
launching of boats or use of the picnic area. There
will be fees charged for the campground use. Those
fees have not been determined as yet. Reservations
for the campground will need to be made through the
PUD website. We also will have a link to their
website on the Desert Aire website as well. The PUD
also has plans to upgrade the campground to a “full
hook-up” campground in 2015.
The PUD will be manning the park and campground
with a “campground host” seven days a week
through the summer and fall. In addition they will be
providing security through Phoenix Security, the
same contractor used by PUD for the Wanapum and
Priest Rapids dams. PUD maintenance personnel
will also be deployed on a regular basis to clean
restrooms, collect trash, etc.
The shoreline trails will include several rest stops
outfitted with picnic tables and garbage receptacles.
There will also be dog waste stations along the trails
to assist dog owners in picking up after their dogs.
The PUD is finalizing their final plans on the “social
trails” connecting the main upper trail to the lower
shoreline trail. Once this plan is determined, it will be
communicated out and the main trail will be signed to
mark the approved trails.
When the project is complete, these improvements
and upgrades will be a great benefit to the Desert
Aire community as well as the surrounding areas.
The PUD, in coordination with Desert Aire Owners
Association, is planning a Grand Opening event of
the new Priest Rapids Recreational Area. The
proposed date is Saturday, June 15 at one o’clock
PM. This event would also tie in with the Desert Aire
Airport sponsored “Fly-In Breakfast” as well as the
first golf cart inspection date to get permits for 2013..
This date was selected in the hope of having as
many residents in attendance as possible. There will
also be other planned events that day as well.
Details are still in the early stages but stay tuned for
Desert Aire Annual Spring Cleanup Dates:
This year we are asking for volunteers to join us for
Desert Aire Annual Spring Cleanup days on Friday
and Saturday, April 25 - 26 from 9am to 12pm.
Your participation in one or both will be greatly
appreciated. On these two days, the community gets
together to cleanup many of our Greenbelt areas and
any other part of the community that may need
special attention. Not only does this improve the way
things look but it also helps remove tumbleweeds
and other debris that can potentially be an extreme
fire hazard for all of us.
Refreshments, donuts and garbage collection bags
will be provided. Plan on meeting at the Multi
Purpose Building at 9 am. We appreciate all who
volunteer. It is also a great opportunity to meet
people in the community.
Shoreline – No Hunting Zone:
The shoreline area between Desert Aire and the river
will be posted as a “No Hunting” zone upon
completion and opening of the shoreline project.
Golf Cart Inspections: Sagebrush Senior Center
The 2012 Grant County golf cart permits expire June
30, 2013. Grant County Sheriff Department has
determined two dates for Desert Aire residents to
have carts inspected and obtain permits for 2013.
Dates and times are as follows:
Saturday June 15 from 8 am to 12 pm
Friday June 28 from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
The same requirements are in place and the
inspection fee and permit cost is $50. Exact cash or
check payable to Grant County are the only methods
of payment.
-Seat Belts- anchored to the frame for driver and
-Two rear view mirrors- one on the left hand side of
the cart and one on either the right hand side or in
the middle
-Reflectors- right and left side, front and rear of the
cart, eight 3” reflectors, four amber and four red.
-Two amber facing forward on the front left and
right sides
-Two amber on the front sides facing right and
-Two red facing to the rear on the rear right and
-Two red on the rear sides facing right and left.
-Carts must be inspected for the above and
registered prior to driving on the road
-Owner must be present for inspection and
-Owner must have cart ID number or VIN number
-Owner must provide proof of ownership if
available or Driver License
-Owner must present driver license as ID
A copy of the inspection form will be available in the
pro shop and Desert Aire office. Having these
completed prior to the inspection will expedite the
Koala bears (they aren’t actually bears) are
excellent swimmers.
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
More than 2,500 left-handed people a year are
killed from using products made for right-handed
Your body is creating and killing 15 million red
blood cells per second.
Organized crime is estimated to account for 10% of
the United States' national income.
The word 'set' has more definitions than any other
word in the English language.
More than 400,000 U.S. houses still lack indoor
Desert Aire Airport News – David Strand
The 12 annual Desert Aire fly-in is scheduled for
Father’s Day weekend, June 15 , and everyone is
invited. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 til 11:00
AM, so bring the family and enjoy a hearty meal of
pancakes, sausage and eggs.
Gordie and Eileen Harang have graciously agreed to
again host this year’s fly-in breakfast at their hangar,
just 2 hangars west of the senior center. We
appreciate your donations and support. Each year
your airport team tries to surprise you with new
airplanes and activities and this year should be the
best yet. See you there.
It’s that time of year we ask the airport residents to
voluntary meet their assessment obligation. The
funds are used to leverage Washington State
Transportation Airport Aid funds through the Airport
Aid Grant program. Last year we were awarded a
grant to repair the parking apron on the west end of
the airport, and the voluntary assessment funds were
used to meet the matching 5% requirement. This
year we start to tackle the reconstruction of our
failing runway, so if you have not responded to your
assessment obligation, please contact Cliff Naser
The Washington State Aviation division has
experienced many changes over the last year and a
half, including a new Director and staff. New ideas
and procedure are being developed to hopefully
provide better support to local airports in our state.
There are many opportunities and challenges in our
future, and it is vitally important for our community
airport to adopt the standards set forth by the Federal
Aviation Agency (FAA). Even though our airport
does not qualify for federal funds, our state aviation
policies are migrating more and more to the federal
It is becoming clear that to qualify for any future
airport improvement funds we will have to meet the
federal standard. This is a major challenge for any
small (non-obligated) airport and many airports may
not be able to meet this challenge. We are ready
and able, so bring it on.
The new runway reconstruction engineering and
design is complete, on time and on budget. Our
partners have committed their support, and we are
pursuing other funding opportunities. If the health of
our economy and general aviation continues to
improve, we are ready to accept the challenge.
Thank you all for your support, and to all the
volunteers and friends of the airport. May you always
enjoy tailwinds.
Attention Desert Aire Residents
Aircraft Owners & Pilots Admin (AOPA) in conjunction with the
Transportation Security Admin. (TSA) wish to remind residents
that unauthorized personnel are not allowed on Runways,
Taxiways, or Aircraft Movement areas. If you as a resident
observe any unauthorized or suspicious activities please notify
airport management, @ 509-932-5642 or call 866/GA-SECURE.
Top five tips for using a fire extinguisher
1. Plan ahead when purchasing and placing
extinguishers. You should buy an extinguisher rated
for the type and size of fire most likely to occur in
the area where it is located
2. If a fire breaks out, your first step is to get
everyone out of the house and then call 911. If the
fire is not spreading and is contained to a small
area, use the appropriate type of extinguisher for
the fire.
3. Periodically inspect your extinguisher to
determine if they need to be recharged or replaced.
Extinguishers need to be recharged or replaced
after each use- even if you haven't used the entire
extinguishing agent. Check the gauge on the fire
extinguisher for this information
4. When using a portable extinguisher, keep your
back to an obstructed exit that is free from fire.
5. Check the manufacturer's instructions for
operating guidelines, including proper distance
between the extinguisher and the fire . Always aim
at the base of the fire
Remember the word PASS:
PRO SHOP NEWS – Don Tracy, PGA Professional
Spring is here and soon the mountain passes will be
getting better which means more of our members
with summer homes will be coming back to Desert
Aire. Also, our snow birds will be heading back soon.
February Green Fees were down from last year.
Ironically the weather was too good which allowed
the Ellensburg, Wenatchee and Moses Lake courses
to open. Our Green Fees for February were
$5,505.00 compared to $11,199.00 for February of
2012. Year to date our Green Fees are $8,765.00
compared to $14,142.00 in 2012. The course came
through the winter in great shape and the water will
be on this week. It seems everyone who visits our
course is amassed by its condition and the
improvements that have been made over the years.
GHIN posting started on March 1 and we are back
to one cup and regular tees. Remember golf dues,
cart permits, cart storage, Men’s and Ladies Club
dues along with handicap fees are now due. If you
are only here on weekends you can take care of
these dues and fees in the pro shop.
Our winter Best Ball is this Saturday and Sunday
March 9 & 10 . This event is full with 66 teams and
132 players. It should be a great way to start our
tournament season. Other upcoming events include
the Fireman’s Scramble Saturday April 20 and the
Jack Rabbit Couples tournament Saturday and
Sunday May 4 & 5 .
The Pro Shop is fully stocked for your golfing needs.
We will be having sales throughout the Spring and
new merchandise will be arriving weekly so be sure
and stop by and check on the new items. Spring is a
great time to take lessons and brush up on your
fundamentals. My lessons are $40.00 per lesson or
$140.00 for a series of four. Also, remember we
match prices of Pro Golf Discount, Puetz Golf and
Golf Smith on their non close out equipment.
Golf Fact!
The chances of making two holes-inone in a round of golf are one in 67
Watermaster Report – Chris Guillen
The new water main on Lake Place has completed
all the testing and now all the residences have been
tied to the new main line. The major problem
happened when we were trying to find the services,
on the south end of Lake Place we could not find
where the line hooked to the old main line. We had
to dig and install a new 1” line to that meter service. I
still have some cleanup to do and then asphalt next
month when the weather warms up a little.
I have installed new batteries at the water tower to
run all the equipment. The water tower has no
power; it is run off solar cell and batteries. These
batteries are for operating the sensors on the tower
to tell us the amount of water we have and radio that
information back to the shop. The old batteries were
the original equipment installed in 1996.
Water bills must be paid on or before their due dates.
A water bill is considered late after 30 days. After 45
days the meter will be shut off for Non-Payment
Just as a reminder the water policy, effective August
1 2009 states members are not to access the meter
boxes in any way or they will be subject to the
enforcement mechanisms of the policy.
All samples taken have been good. We are currently
at 1115 connections to the water system. The total
year to date gallons produced for the overall
domestic water system is 1,479,387.
Conservation Tip
To reduce evaporation, water the lawn in the early
morning or evening. Avoid watering during the heat
of the day or when it is windy.
Fun Facts About Water
The first municipal water filtration works
opened in Paisley, Scotland in 1832.
There are more than 56,000 community
water systems providing water to the
public in the United States.
The Spring Spaghetti Feed is the fund-raiser for the
Volunteer Citizens Patrol. It will be held at the
Sagebrush Senior Center on Friday, May 3rd from
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Donations are used for patrol
expenses including gasoline. Please come for a
good meal, good company, help support our Citizens
Patrol and to thank them for their efforts. Patrol
member’s will be cooking and serving spaghetti,
garlic bread and a green salad. B.Y.O.B. SEE YOU
To an emergency responder (Law enforcement,
EMS, Fire, Citizens Patrol) they can and are real time
savers, especially at night. The DA Office has the
order forms and the signs cost only $10.00, a
reasonable price in an emergency. Our Fire Chief
and his team even install the signs.
This is a small price to pay for the secure feeling that
emergency personnel will be able to find your home
When walking at dusk, be aware that drivers may
have trouble seeing you if you are wearing dark
colored clothing. Please wear light colored clothing,
Walk on the left side of the road facing the oncoming
traffic and take a flashlight with you.
Do you know that it is against the law for anyone to
ride on a towed vehicle? Boats, ski-doos etc. The
Grant county Sheriff’s deputies will ticket the driver
for EVERY person in said towed trailer.
We need help and we need it now. Drivers receive 3
gallons of fuel per shift. Call Mike Wolff at 932-0822,
Walt Hawkins at 932-2463 or Larry Bonander at 9325183. We meet on the last Thursday of the month at
the Senior Center at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome to
attend our meeting.
Thank you, and be safe!
IMPORTANT DATES: Board Meeting Schedule:
Effective August 2012 through June 2013 will be held
the 2nd Friday of each month at 4:00 P.M., with no
meeting scheduled in January. Meetings are held in
the lower level of the Multi-Purpose building.
Sue Anderson
Judy Fogerson
James Curdy, Jr.
Summer*: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
*Summer Hours are March thru October
James Curdy – Superintendent
Chris Guillen, Watermaster
Water Emergency (After hours)
Swimming Pool
Don Tracy – PGA Professional
Tom Johnson, Tom Truax,
Carolyn Holmes, Brian Mullen,
Linda Vincent, Krissy Ross