
The Community Foundation of Greater Kingston
From Good Food Box to ballet…
Agnes + Museums =
$100,000 granted
in the year 2000
by Jan Allen
by David Pulver
USEOPATHY is an ambi-
tious exhibition venture
that will involve museums and heritage sites
throughout Kingston. This is a city with
an unusually rich mixture of specialist
museums reflecting its military, political,
marine and corrections histories, and fascinating, less well-known venues dedicated to geology, health care and ice
The Agnes Etherington Art Centre is
spearheading a project that will involve
many of these museums and heritage
sites in the summer of 2001. Artists will
be invited to create site-specific works of
art in museums, and, during the same
period, objects from the collections of
Kingston museums will be featured in a
show at the Agnes Etherington. To date,
some venues – including Murney Tower, Museopathy builds on the vitality of Kingston’s museums
Bellevue House and the Correctional Services of ing profile of how we reflect on and come to
Canada Museum – have expressed interest in host- understand our past.
The potential to raise public awareness of
ing the show. Eight will be chosen for participation.
A mix of local, national and international artists are Kingston’s heritage, and to stimulate the cultural
under consideration by curators Jennifer Fisher and scene for tourists and local residents alike, will be
enhanced by the support of the CFGK. Funds will be
Jim Drobnick.
Museopathy builds on the vitality of Kingston’s used to train exhibition guides and for special events
museums and allows artists to respond to histori- such as talks by artists and performances. This
cally rich collections and settings. The Art Centre undertaking is a unique example of a communitysection of the show will offer a portrait of the city wide collaborative effort – an adventure in the best
through its collections; it promises to be a fascinat- interest of all involved.
Issue Number 7, Winter 2000/Spring 2001
Your golden opportunity Tax breaks: a new
to invest in kids’ health low in the net
cost of giving
and recreation
by Andy Mills
By Ian Fraser
Greater Kingston’s
caring community:
a complete list of
our donors
Look who’s
getting a grant:
20 recipients
share $33,000
Grants and consequences:
restoration and music
by Eveline Flint
FGK IS DEDICATED to improving the quality of life of all residents of the region. Our
grants go to a wide spectrum of organizations and programs – community development, health and nutrition, social services,
education, heritage preservation, arts and culture,
youth and life skills. We are proud to help make
possible interesting and worthwhile activities in
every sector.
A sampling from this session’s grants: a seminar
on domestic violence sponsored by the Kingston
Humane Society, associating animal cruelty with
violence to humans; purchase of books for children
of prison inmates; purchase of a piano for ballet
lessons; family literacy; the North Kingston Good
Food Box program; and a musical performance by
special-needs youth.
If you are unsure whether your organization
qualifies for a grant, please contact CFGK’s Executive
Director at 546-9696. We have compiled a complete
list of all grants made since our inception. If you
would like a copy please call us; we would be happy
to send it to you – or discuss our record over a cup
of coffee.
Digging up our history –
by David Baird
HE KINGSTON AREA has a rich archeo-
logical heritage from its prehistoric roots
of Amerindian occupation and various
European settlements. A grant from CFGK
will assist in the Cataraqui Archeological Research
Foundation’s millennium project – the construction
of an educational CD-ROM describing the history
and archeology of Kingston. (continued on back page)
by Regina Rosen,
President CFGK
T T H E B E G I N N I N G O F A U T U M N , members of CFGK
Board of Directors gathered for a daylong retreat at a cottage
beside the beautiful St. Lawrence River. By creating a unique
opportunity to review our past, present and future together,
the retreat offered a way to identify our progress and to
address ways to advance our cause.
One of CFGK’s great strengths is that we have always had a hands-on, hard
working Board, one that established the public trust from the beginning. Once
Our vision, philosophy and focus were explored at a recent retreat.
again, they did not disappoint – each volunteer dedicating an entire day to this
additional process.
Clearly we have entered a new stage in our development: Michael Davies
has finished his term as our first president; our second executive director has
already been with us for almost one year; we have passed the $3m mark in
assets and granted over $300,000 since our
inception, over $100,000 in the year 2000
alone. It was time to explore quantitative
“We are nearing the
issues, i.e., money matters and qualitative
i.e., our vision, philosophy and focus.
$3m mark in assets; issues,
Everyone had an opportunity to participate in
the process, and the groundwork was set for
and CFGK has
formalizing our Strategic Plan.
Although no longer in a start-up phase, we
granted over
face the same challenges that we have had
from inception. The first is to address two
$300,000 since our
needs simultaneously: we must encourage
inception, over
the flow of money to the various funds so
that we can continuously increase our grant$100,000 in the year making (we have set our goal at $1m per year
– a figure that keeps me up at night!) – and we
2000 alone.”
must raise separate funds for our operations.
It is self-evident: without endowment money we
die, and without funds for operations we cannot
live. The second challenge is to demonstrate community leadership – not only
by being responsive to requests but also by understanding and addressing the
various needs of this community.
With the generous support of our donors, the
appreciation of our grant recipients, and the
dedication of our board and committee members, underscored by the essential rightness of
the endowment concept, we plan to move
from strength to strength.
For Kids ...Forever
by Andy Mills,
CFGK Program Assistant
HEY SAY THE FOCUS is on gold medals…The focus should
always be on the kids and how do we make the best situation, the best environment, for the kids” (The Kingston WhigStandard, Oct, 12, 2000), These words from Kingston’s
newest celebrity, Olympian Simon Whitfield, reflect what
motivates donors to an exciting new fund being managed
by The Community Foundation of Greater Kingston.
The For Kids … Forever campaign is our user-friendly name for the Ontario
Endowment for Children and Youth in Recreation. Its goal is to encourage more broadly
based participation in healthy, safe and qual- “Your donation will
ity community recreation for children and
be matched dollaryouth.
An exciting component of this fund is that
until March 31, 2002, your donation will be for-dollar by the
matched dollar-for-dollar by the Government
of Ontario, in effect doubling each contribu- Government of
tion. The province will match donations up to
Ontario, in effect
a total of $250,000, thus creating a permanently endowed fund of $500,000. Work on
doubling each
this fund is already underway, and CFGK is
pleased to report that over $74,000 has contribution.”
already been raised. Our contributors to date
• Alcan, which got things started with a kick-off donation of $25,000.
• Barbara Pullman, who donated $5,000 in memory of her late husband Norm.
• The City of Kingston which has partnered by donating $25,000 both this
and next year.
• Gini Rosen’s grandchildren, who gathered $30 to honour her birthday (no
gift is too small!)
• A strong supporter, Eleanor Ratcliffe of Arriscraft International, who donated
Honorary campaign patron, hockey player
Jayna Hefford, lends her support to this idea:
“I feel fortunate to have grown up in a supportive community like Kingston. CFGK is
helping to develop our young leaders of the
future into well-rounded, energetic and
healthy individuals. I encourage everyone
to support the For Kids … Forever campaign.”
Income from this fund, professionally managed by CFGK, will be strategically distributed
to qualified recipients. In turn, this investment in our community will reduce some of
the existing barriers to participation. Some
examples of the kinds of programs that will be
considered for support are after-school cultural and recreational programs, community
sports initiatives and neighbourhood playJayna Hefford
There are several compelling reasons to give to this fund: your charitable
impact is doubled, the fund will exist in perpetuity, your tax savings are maximized, you receive recognition, and the fund is professionally managed by
CFGK for maximum impact. Why not donate an equivalent amount of your
Ontario tax rebate?
Please consider investing in our community and our children. For
Ian McAlpine, The Kingston Whig-Standard
A Retreat in
Order to Advance
Giving Appreciated Securities
is Now More Attractive
by Ian Fraser
by Virginia Gordon,
CFGK co-chair Fund Development
H E N J A M E S B U L L O C H of
Royal Lepage sold two pieces of
property for a client this spring,
instead of the usual thank you gift,
the idea of contributing to the For Kids…Forever
campaign was agreed upon. James’s donation of
$500 (which is matched by the provincial government) put us $1,000 closer to our goal. Furthermore,
the client receives a tax receipt for the donation.
James has built a solid business reputation since
coming to Kingston 10 years ago, and he believes in
giving back to his new city. Perhaps other real estate
agents will follow his lead.
Financially speaking…
The Community Foundation of Greater Kingston is
a registered Canadian charity. Its financial records
are open to the public. If you would like a copy of
our audited financial statements, please contact
the Executive Director at the CFGK office.
H A N G E S T O T H E R U L E S around the
taxation of capital gains in the year 2000
federal budgets spell good news for
investors. Now, when appreciated property is sold, only 50 per cent of the gain
will be taxed rather than 75 per cent as before. The
changes also make gifts of listed securities to charity
even more attractive as the amount taxable in the
case of a gift has been reduced to 25 per cent.
Because of the favorable treatment of capital
gains, the net cost of giving securities is often surprisingly low. Here is a comparison of a sale and gift
of securities with a fair market value of $10,000 and
a cost base of $2,000, assuming a combined federal
and provincial tax rate and tax credit of 50 per cent:
Sales proceeds
Total gain
Taxable gain
Tax on gain
After-tax proceeds
Donation receipt
Tax credit
Taxable gain
Tax on gain
Net tax savings
The net cost of a $10,000 gift is now only $4,000!
A Love of Life and Learning
by Jason R. Wagar, Chair, Youth Advisory Committee
Among her volunteer work, Bianca was an active
Fund was established two years ago member of the Community Foundation’s Youth
by his parents, Martin and Diana, at Advisory Committee (YAC). YAC is a committee
the time of his untimely death. It within the Foundation that is comprised entirely of
youth aged 14 to 22 in
was a way to “celebrate
the Greater Kingston
Matt’s love of life and learning and to help
area. Thanks to a generother students.” This fall, the first recipient,
ous annual donation
a student at Bayridge High School where
from radio stations GTO
Matt attended school, was awarded the
960 / Country 96, each
March the group grants
Bianca Tong shares the same compassion
$6,000 in support of
for fellow students and youth in the commuyouth involvement in
nity, and it was for these reasons that she
the arts. The next big
received the $500 Matthew Cahill Scholarproject is the establishship. When asked about the prize, Bianca
ment of a Youth Endowsaid she felt “very honoured to receive [the
ment Fund, which will
scholarship]” because she knew that Matt
enable us to increase the
was a “caring and giving contributor to the
Bianca Tong
number of recipients.
The maximum amount of charitable gifts creditable
in any one year is 75 per cent of net income. Excess
contributions can be carried forward and used over
the next five years. When you make gifts of appreciated property, your contribution limit is 75 per cent
of income from other sources plus 100 per cent of
the taxable gain in your gift.
BOTTOM LINE: Your credit will always exceed tax on
the gain, and you will always realize a net tax savings. The capital gain tax relief extends to bequests
as well as to lifetime gifts. If you designate listed
securities for your charitable bequests and give cash
and other assets to heirs, only half as much gain in
those securities will be subject to tax.
NOTE: The capital gain benefit applies only to gifts
of listed securities to public
charities and community
foundations. When gifts of The net cost
listed securities are made to
of a $10,000
private foundations, or gifts
of other types of property gift is now
are made to any charity, 50
per cent of the capital gain only $4,000!
will still be subject to tax.
The Community Foundation of Greater Kingston
(CFGK) appreciates gifts of every sort, but gifts of
appreciated securities now may be more advantageous to you. We would be pleased to answer your
questions and provide additional information.
This article appears courtesy of:
PlanGiv Consulting Services, Ltd.
Philanthropy made easy
e now accept VISA for
all donations. You can
make a pledge or commitment
over the telephone, by mail, email, fax, or in person. Just
think of it – the larger your contribution, the more
air miles you get! While we’re hard at work doing
good things for our community with your money,
you can enjoy that warm and fuzzy feeling lying on
the beach or flying down the ski hills.
The Community Foundation of Greater Kingston
259 King Street East, Suite 501
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3A8
Phone: (613) 546-9696
Fax: (613) 531-9238
Web Site:
The Community Foundation appreciates the contributions and commitment of the following:
(OVER $100,000)
($15,000 – $24,999)
Alcan Endowment Fund
George & Leah Binnington
Bombardier Transportation ▲
Community Foundation of Canada
Legasys Corp. ▲
The Classic Fund
The Kingston Whig-Standard ▲
Royal Bank Financial Group ▲
Walter Fenlon &
Linda Ann Daly Fund
Dan & Donna Aykroyd Fund
The Davies Charitable Foundation
Margaret & George W. Bracken
Community Fund
($10,000 – $14,999)
Virginia & John Gordon Fund
Henry & Marion Meyer
Richard Moorehouse ■
Peter & Frances Splinter Fund
Cameron & Laurie Thompson Fund
Cyril E. & Evelyn D. Wharrie ■
Shirley & Mort Abramsky Fund
Brown’s Fine Food Services ▲
($50,000 – $99,999)
Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce ▲
Coutts (Bermuda) Limited ▲
Downtown Kingston! B.I.A. ▲
Albert P. & Christa Fell
Arriscraft International Inc. ▲
William Cherry
Bob & Laura-Lynn Crichton
The Margaret Davies
Memorial Fund ■
Empire Financial Group ▲
Bill & Nancy Gray
Alexander G. Sellers
Anonymous (4)
($25,000 – $49,999)
Alcan International Limited
Vincent & Rose Amodeo
Memorial Fund
Emma Blanchard Clench ■
Chander & Anju Datta Family Fund
Arthur Davies ■
Regina & Irving Rosen
Eveline & Ted Flint
GTO 960/Country 96/
Corus Entertainment Inc. ▲
Gordon Barr Limited ▲
Katherine & Paul Manley
McNevin Family Fund
Ronald & Mildred Grant
Family Fund
Sylvia Rosen
Scotiabank ▲
Union Gas ▲
Anonymous (1)
Neil Currie Davis Memorial Fund
Gregory & Caroline Davies
Miranda Davies
Mary-Jean Wightman
Thomas H Wightman
Woman’s Health Forum
($1,000 – $2,499)
808117 Alberta Ltd. ▲
883498 Ontario Incorporated ▲
William & Alice Ainslie
M. Teresa Amodeo
Anchor Concrete Products Ltd. ▲
Peter & Charlotte Dorn
Peter & Lorraine Aykroyd
Ian M. Fraser & Janine M. Schweitzer Jeanne Bak
R. James Barber
Best Western Fireside Inn ▲
Bosal Canada Inc. ▲
Peter & Ann Burbidge
Bernard Burkom
Robert A. & Doris E. Burnside
Camera Kingston ▲
Canada Life Assurance Company ▲
Donald & Lin Good
Frank & Sarah Good Memorial Fund Cancoil Thermal Corporation ▲
Moira Cartwright
Chez Piggy / Pan Chancho ▲
June & Eleanor Chithalen
Edmund John Chithalen
The Anna and
Edward C. Churchill Foundation
Gerry & Trish Coady
Compucentre, Cataraqui
Town Centre
Elisabeth & John Heney
Depot Technologies
Patricia Keane
Cooke’s Old World Shop Limited ▲
Marc F. Raymond Opticians Ltd. ▲
Cruickshank Construction
Tim McElvaine
Kingston ▲
Winston Meyer &
Marjorie Cushing
Maire-Claude Larose
Jane Davies
Ernest Ng
Daltco Electric & Supply (1979) Ltd. ▲
Ontario Marina Operators Assoc.
The Doornekamp Family, Odessa
Helene Pratt & Andrew Koval
Fidelity Investments Canada Ltd. ▲
Barbara Pullman
John & Hazel Fotheringham
Dr. Janet Sorbie
Good & Elliott, Barristers &
Toronto Dominion Bank/
Solicitors ▲
Canada Trust ▲
Janice & Alan Grant
Wood Gundy Private
Hadassah Auxiliary Bazaar ▲
Investments ▲
Wilfred H. Higgins
Anonymous (1)
Home Cardiographics Inc. ▲
Bruce Hopkins
($2,500 – $4,999)
The Hub ▲
Mildred Jean Black
James Reid Limited ▲
B’nai Brith Lodge 1191 Kingston ▲
Maurice A. & Janice Johnson
Braebury Homes Corporation ▲
Lyndon & Dolly Jones
Indigo Books & Music Inc. ▲
June’s Classic &
J. E. Agnew Food Services ▲
Casual Couture Ltd. ▲
Kincore Holdings Limited ▲
Diane Grace Kelly
Timothy Kingston &
KIMCO Steel Sales Ltd. ▲
Tamara Kayfetz
Peter & Sheila Kingston
Kingston Brewing Company ▲
Kingston Lift Truck Service ▲
Christopher Macrae
Phil & Merle Koven
($5,000 – $9,999)
John & Portia Angus
The Eddie Bak Memorial Fund
Bank of Montreal ▲
Joyce A. Barwick
Wilma Bernabei
CIBC Charitable Foundation
CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc. ▲
The Dacon Corporation Group of
Companies ▲
Marie & Chris McElvaine
Joan & Donald Miller
Mutual Life of Canada ▲
Nancy Nash Foster
Robert J. Reid & Sons
Funeral Home ▲
Rosalie & Stephen Roughton
Edmon A. & Isabel Ryerse
Templeton Management Limited ▲
Mary & Fred Laflamme
Valery & Donald Lloyd-Watts
Thomas & Ann Lodge
Mill & Ross Architects Inc. ▲
Moist Enterprises Inc. ▲
Mort Enterprises ▲
Ross & MaryLynn Maclean
Surendra Mankodi &
Ms. Marjorie G. Tracy
Patricia Marshall
Joan D. Marshall
Matthews Machine Products
Ontario Ltd. ▲
Kenneth McKibbin
Pathways to Independence ▲
Edward Purdy
Phil Quattrocchi Memorial Fund
Queen’s Alma Mater Society ▲
Doug & Pam Ritchie
Gregg & Marla-Beth Rosen
Scotia McLeod Inc. ▲
Hugh & Donna Segal
Shoppers Drug Mart ▲
Robert J. & Marjorie Simpson
Sisters of Providence of
St. Vincent de Paul ▲
Frances Kathleen Smith
Norman C. & Janet Springer
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Sutcliffe
Jack & Diana Thomson
Peter & Heather Tobias
Bernard & Jean Trotter
Sandy & Les Weatherby
Thomas J. Zakos
Anonymous (5)
($500 – $999)
Istvan & Beate Anhalt
David & Margaret Baird
Bruce & Elaine Berman
James Bulloch
CKWS Television ▲
Martin & Diana Cahill
Florence Campbell
Garry & Mindy Campeau
The Canadian Bridge Federation ▲
Christine Cannon
Classic Video ▲
Rob Drysdale
Robin Field
Nora C. Forman
Andy & Peggy Geracimo
Gordon F. Tompkins Funeral
Homes ▲
Mary M. Higginson
Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. ▲
Keeler Sales & Service (Kingston)
Limited ▲
Kingston Publications ▲
Laurel C. Kropp
Leon’s Furniture Ltd.
(McKercher Bros. Ltd.) ▲
Jade Macdonald
Nittaya & Paul Mackenzie
Mackenzie Financial
Corporation ▲
Goldie Murphy
Ontario Mapping Company ▲
Raven Realty Ltd. ▲
RCHA Brigade Association ▲
Winifred M. Ross
Royal Bank of Canada ▲
Karen Rudie
S&R Department Store ▲
Diane Schoemperlen
Kim & Bill Steacy
Trousdale & Trousdale,
Barristers & Solicitors ▲
Helen & George Wattsford
Weed Man ▲
Anonymous (3)
($100 – $499)
101 Things to Do with Kids ▲
A-1 Clothing Store ▲
Ace Auto Leasing Ltd. ▲
All-Care Health Services Limited ▲
Douglas R. & K. Ellen Allen
Alliance Atlantis Productions Ltd. ▲
Alliance Wireless Communications ▲
Amey’s Greenwood Taxi Limited ▲
Anchorage Farms ▲
Bagot Leather Goods ▲
Bank of Montreal, Financial Centre ▲
John N. Barber
Edna & Bruce Barrett
Ruth Barton
Bayridge Secondary School
Council ▲
Emebet Belete
Gary & Cheryl-Anne Bennett
Heather E. Binkle
Jay Black
Robert Blenderman &
Linda Robb-Blenderman
The Bridge Centre at
Frontenac Mall ▲
Donald F. W. Bruce
Barbara & David Bunker
Tom Burns
C.U.P.E. Local 109, Canadian Union
of Public Empl. ▲
Margaret & Robert Smeall Cahill
Martin & Joyce Cahill
Capital Movers & Storage ▲
Marie Carney
Cataraqui Town Centre ▲
Lorna Childs
Ching Music Inc. ▲
Clarks on King ▲
Cocomo & Brandees ▲
Helen & Jack Cooper
Country Wide Kitchens ▲
Peter Cundill & Associates Ltd. ▲
D.V.L. Freight Systems Inc. ▲
Dan Mulrooney Disposal Ltd. ▲
David Powell’s Auto Service ▲
David Dawes
Susan Dickinson
Douglas Snyder Property Mgmt ▲
Kimberly Dow
Rick Downes
Dr. D. J. Tomlak ▲
Dupont Canada Inc. ▲
Richard Dupuis
East Asia Co. ▲
ECHO Extremely Conscientious
Hair Organization ▲
Robert Edmonds
Clay & Dorothy Elston
Enterprise Canada Research Inc. ▲
Hugh Evens
Excel E. Canada ▲
Gail Fabris
Federal Employees (Kingston)
Credit Union Ltd. ▲
Fenlon Financial Inc. ▲
Gerald & Helen Finley
Valerie & Alfred Fisher
John D. Flintoft
Friends of Lechee Gardens ▲
James & Elizabeth Frid
G.T. Air Systems Inc. ▲
Leslie J. Galbraith & Robert E. Baker
Rick Galway
GeoCor Engineering Inc. ▲
Gervan and Associates ▲
Goepel Mcdermid ▲
Robert D. Gordon
Gordon Auctioneers & Realty Inc. ▲
David & Jacqueline Grier
Grizzly Grill ▲
Guardsman Insurance Services Inc. ▲
Andrew Guilfoyle
HMV Canada ▲
Larry Harris
R. Donald & Grace M. Heyding
Dorry Lynne Hineman
Hirst Office Products ▲
Peter Hodson
Anne & Greg Hogarth
Grace Holden
Jeanette Holden
Robert H. & Marilyn Horwood
Ginger B. Howell
Bruce & Linda Hutchinson
International Assoc. of Machinists &
Aerospace Workers ▲
Interprovincial Insulation Inc. ▲
Lynne Jordon
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kaplan
Nathan & Rita Kaufman
Donald Keenleyside
H. Garfield Kelly ■
Jim Kelly
Ian Kerford
Kingston Community Credit Union ▲
Kingston Community Volunteer Ctr ▲
Kingston Financial Centre ▲
Kingston Hyundai ▲
Kingston Thunder Baseball Assn. ▲
Joan & Ray Kizell
Richard & Cheryl Kizell
LCM Fireplace Warehouse ▲
Julia K. Laidlaw
Later Life Learning ▲
Lechee Garden Restaurant &
Tavern ▲
Cherry Lee
Doug Leinweber
Levac Supply ▲
Frank & Kathryn Lockington
Lone Star Café ▲
Donald Long
James A. Low
Flora MacDonald
Janet & Lorne MacLachlan
Blair F. MacLean
Paul Malo
Margann Fitzpatrick Interiors Ltd ▲
Ken & Carol Martin
Bruce Matthews
Judith McCulloch
Margaret E. McDougall
James D. McKeen & Shelley Pilon
William McLean
Merrill Lynch ▲
Keith & Jean Merritt
Sarita Miara
William & Susan Miklas
Ella Miles
Millenium Biologix Inc. ▲
Edythe Millman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Mitchell
Money Concepts ▲
Money Matters ▲
Alison & I. G. Morgan
Muis Electronics ▲
Murphy Bros. Plumbing & Heating ▲
Network Security Systems ▲
Janet & George H. Newsome
Tom & Isabel Newton
Stephen & Joanne Page
Margaret Pappa
Lionel & Sybil Peckover
J.S.A. Pengelly, Barrister & Solicitor ▲
Ivy Phillips
Darcey A.S. & Lindsay Picrering
Plumbers & Steamfitters Union ▲
Quarry Press Inc. ▲
Queen’s Arts & Science Formal 1997
Queen’s University ▲
Jean-Pierre Quintal
R. Stover Landscape
Maintenance Inc. ▲
Renewable Energy of
Plum Hollow Inc. ▲
Phil Rini
Andrew M. W. & Barbara L. Roberts
Ron Ruiters
St. Lawrence Cruiselines ▲
Stanley & Gillian Sadinsky
Grace Schwarten
Christa Seul
Elroy Shaule
Marco L. Sivilotti
Barry Smith
Spikes Corners Antiques &
Collectibles ▲
Stantive Solutions ▲
Margaret & Frederick Stephens
Harold A. & Clare Still
Shawn J. Suenaga
Marsha & Norman Sugarman
James S. & Doris M. Sutherland
Terry Swaine
David C. Symington
Madeliene Tarasick
TD Bank & Trust ▲
Michael & Hilary Tenenhouse
The Dickenson Group ▲
Third World Bazaar
Thomas & Co. Renovation
Contractors ▲
David G. Thomson
Thomson, Jemmett, Vogelzang
Insurance Centre ▲
Gary & Joanne Titus
Gordon Tompkins
Town & Country Video ▲
Marian & Peter VanBruinessen
Vessels & Barrels ▲
Victoria Hedlin Bookkeeping ▲
Viner, Kennedy, Frederick,
Allan & Tobias ▲
John Vogelzang
Elizabeth Walker
Walker’s Capital Group of Moving ▲
Patience & David Wanklyn
Annabel Wenzel
Hans & Marion Westenberg
Henk Wevers
Ruth Wilson & Ian Casson
Vilborg Wilson
Alexander & Elisabeth Wilson
Womanomics ▲
Edward & Mary Wood
W. Donald & Constance A. Wood
Anonymous (9)
Mortimer Abramsky
Marion Atack
Dan Atack
John N. Barber
Ruth Barton
John Bates
Judith Berman
M. Jean Black
Emma Blanchard Clench
Wally Breck
Bernard Burkom
C. Stanley Burton
Dianne Cook
George Cristoveanu
John d’Esterre
Kathryn Davis
Susan Elliott
Helen Finley
Gerald Finley
Andy Geracimo
John Gerretsen
Frank Girard
Lin Good
Donald Good
Alan Grant
Lucille Groll
Harry Jemmett
William Kelly
Diane Grace Kelly
Arnold Maizen
Katherine Manley
Thomas Noerenberg
Ruth Noerenberg
Helene Pratt
Marc Raymond
Grace Schwarten
Reg Shadbolt
Nancy Smith
Hugh Smith
Ruth Stark
Peter Swan
Marianne Thompson
Isabel Turner
Elaine Viner
Wally Viner
Hans Westenberg
Dan Aykroyd
Peter & Lorraine Aykroyd
BDO Dunwoody,
Chartered Accts.
Bermingham Marketing Limited
Capital Movers & Storage
St. Lawrence Broadcasting
CKWS Television
Compucentre, Cataraqui
Town Centre
Computer Depot Technologies
Cunningham, Swan, Carty,
Little & Bonham
DAS Software
Peter Dorn
Oliver Doyle
Empire Financial Group
GTO 960/Country 96
Internet Kingston
Timothy Kingston of CIBC
Kincore Holdings Limited
Kingston Frameworks
Kingston Online Services
The Kingston Whig-Standard
Katherine Manley
Queen’s University
Doug & Pam Ritchie
Michelle Roos, CA
Royal Bank Financial Group
Charles Sorbie
Southeastern Telecommunication
Staples – Business Depot
Peter Tobias of Viner, Kennedy,
Frederick, Allan & Tobias
Law Firm
Thomas Wightman of KPMG
Wood Gundy Private Investments
Xerox of Canada
▲ Corporate
■ Deceased
Every effort has been made to
ensure that this is an accurate list
of all our donors. However, if
your name has been omitted,
misspelled or incorrectly listed,
please accept our apologies and
let us know so that we can
correct our records. Please call
Donor Relations, CFGK office.
Alcan International Limited
Altair Electronics Ltd.
… and the hundreds who have generously supported CFGK in so many ways
Grant Recipients Fall 2000
For the Fall 2000 granting period, the following organizations or projects have been selected for grants totalling
Community Fund
The Grants Committee and
Board of Directors of the
Community Foundation have
selected the following recipients
for funding, totalling
Parkinson Foundation of Canada,
Kingston Chapter, Parkinson Support
Group: To assist in bringing
professional facilitators to work
with Parkinsonians, their families,
caregivers and friends.
Elizabeth Cottage: Towards the
restoration of grounds and
wrought iron fencing.
First Night Kingston: To enhance
the programming and appearance
of the children’s Imagination
Station venue.
Greater Kingston Chamber of
Commerce: Towards provision of
identifying clothing for Festival
of Lights volunteers.
Canadian Red Cross – Kingston &
District Branch: Towards building of
a rose garden next to the Red
Cross site, showcasing the Hope
for Humanity Rose.
Alternatives Counselling Service:
Towards one-day discussion of
issue of domestic violence,
including professional speakers
and panels.
Kingston Humane Society: To
develop a network of community
associations concerned with
animal cruelty and violence to
First Baptist Church – Project Art Lab
(PAL): Towards an art “camp” for
children of prisoners and exprisoners.
Nutrition Working Group: Towards
printing and distribution of a
vegetarian resource book for
Central Frontenac Community
Services: Towards one-day
education session for rural
residents on information about
maintaining health.
Children Visiting Prisons: To
purchase books for children of
prisoners, to be donated to
relevant agencies.
Schizophrenia Society of Ontario,
Kingston: Towards web-site and
resource library development to
assist families dealing with
Museum of Health Care for Eastern
Ontario: Towards developing
Outreach Education Programs
in collaboration with other
Junior Achievement of Kingston &
District Inc.: Towards one-day
program for grade 8 students,
emphasizing the importance of
education and the consequences
of dropping out of school.
(This grant is partially funded by the
Community Fund and partially by the
Marion Meyer O.F.)
Allen-Detweiler Nursery School:
To purchase required gym mats
for nursery school.
professional playback equipment
for the rehearsal hall.
Kingston Community Ballet
Association Inc.: Towards the
purchase of a piano to
accompany ballet classes.
Community Arts Ontario Conference
2001: Towards local art installation
and musical production for the
May 2001 Community Arts
Conference in Kingston.
Boys and Girls Club of Greater
Kingston: Towards volunteer-led
guitar instruction to children in
an area of high need, enhancing
both music and life skills.
Gnu Ground Theatre Company:
Towards production of short plays.
Kingston Cultural Initiative: Towards
the development an on-line Events
Calendar of cultural events and
Domino Theatre Inc.: Towards
the publication of book on the
50-year history of Domino Theatre.
Cataraqui Archaeological Research
Foundation: Digital camera to assist
with the production of an
interactive, multimedia CD-ROM
of local archeological heritage.
H’art-school of smiles Inc. See Our
Voices: Towards a musical
performance featuring the
performances of special needs
Cantabile Choirs of Kingston:
Towards the installation of
Agnes Etherington Art Centre –
Museopathy: To support interpretive
components of community
projects, such as trained guides.
Girl Guides of Canada –
Meadowbrook District: Towards
purchase of camping equipment
to allow members to fully
Gabriel Home: Towards updating
teaching resources for life skills
Industry Education Council –
Algonquin & Limestone: Towards
running self-awareness and selfpotential workshops to grade 7
and 8 students.
Junior Achievement of Kingston &
District Inc.: Towards one-day
program for grade 8 students,
emphasizing the importance of
education and the consequences
of dropping out of school.
Industry Education Council –
Algonquin & Limestone: Towards
running self-awareness and selfpotential workshops to grade 7
and 8 students.
(This grant is partially funded by the
Community Fund and partially by the
Marion Meyer O.F.)
Kingston Community Counselling
Centre: Towards establishing
a community partnership with the
schools in order to provide
problem-solving skills to youth.
Canada-Wide Science Fair 2001:
Towards an annual national
exhibition of science and
technology projects by youth,
hosted in Kingston.
Kingston Kiwanis Music Festival:
Towards a community music
festival and choir workshop in
early 2001.
Kingston Literacy: Towards the
development of family literacy
resources and programs.
Grants and Consequences – Goes a Little Bit ‘Country’
by Eveline Flint
but in this space we discuss “value
added” features. Because we can only
speculate about long-term impact, the
multifaceted consequence of two
Spring/Summer grants must be left to your imagination. For now we are pleased to provide thumbnail
sketches of our rural friends.
work on the Elizabeth Cottage in Kingston and the
Old Stone Mill in Delta.
On receiving the grant, the Institute’s Nina Reece
said, “Not only is the grant itself important but it
brings us the endorsement of a prestigious Foundation in our area and invaluable legitimacy in the
next stage of fundraising.” – the “ripple” effect with
which we at CFGK are familiar!
Wilton Women’s Institute
Blue Skies Fiddle Orchestra
The CFGK grant has helped the Wilton Women’s
Institute to complete Phase II of the restoration of
the Women’s Institute hall, a multi-purpose village
facility and historic landmark. Built as a Methodist
church in 1873, and purchased by the Institute in
1968, it serves as a gathering place for concerts, weddings, seminars, family reunions and civic events.
Heritage preservation
consultant for the
project is André
Scheinman, highly
regarded for his
Applying (successfully) to CFGK for a grant on
behalf of Blue Skies in the Community, Inez Platenius
advised, “Your money will allow us to pay the
startup costs of the orchestra without jeopardizing
the funding of our other community projects.”
On a beautiful June evening, Gini Rosen and I
drove to Sharbot Lake to attend the first concert of
the Fiddle Orchestra. Composed mainly of young
people and a few of their parents, the orchestra was
started in January. Present at the concert was Oscar
Graf, the genial musician and guitar maker who
started Blue Skies 27 years ago. Hats off to Oscar – a
V E RY G R A N T is reported in Ripples –
consequence of his vision is that for 15 years the
Blue Skies Music Festival has sold out well in
advance. Demand for approximately 1,000 camping
tickets is so great that they are selected by lottery!
On a personal note, my paternal ancestors
arrived in Kingston from Ireland in 1793 and made
their way to Lanark
county. My grandfather won competitions playing his
fiddle, which my family still possesses. So I
had a special interest
young musicians from
the northern part of
Frontenac County.
May there be endless beneficial consequences as a result of
these two rural grants.
Three Fiddlers from Sharbot Lake
Year –
a Special
by Peter &
Charlotte Dorn
HE IDEA of local
registries that would
compile a permanent
record of all projects
undertaken across the nation in
the millennium year originated
with Kingston’s Peter Aykroyd.
Community Foundations of
Canada sponsored the project,
calling it Our Millennium. CFGK
formed a local committee (please
see names on page 8), who
approached schools, groups and
individuals, inviting them to
participate. Additional members
joined the group to form the
Kingston Millennium Registry
Committee. Everyone involved
has put in long, dedicated hours
of work.
A message from the
Executive Director
by Monica Stewart,
Executive Director
see examples of Kingston’s tremendous
community spirit every day. It manifests
itself in the countless hours spent by volunteers on committees, boards and community projects, and in the generous donations made to many
worthwhile causes received at our office.
CFGK harnesses this spirit in a very special way. We pool and
invest money that donors have contributed as a lasting legacy
for our community. From the resulting interest income, the
Foundation makes grants to a broad range of community projects that promise to improve life for all citizens.
This is a powerful concept! It sets the Community Foundation apart as an organization where people from all walks of
life and with many different interests can work together toward
long-term community betterment.
Recently, we were pleased to welcome Camp Outlook, the
Kingston Frontenac Public Library and the Marine Museum of
the Great Lakes at Kingston, to our “family” of agency endowment funds. By joining CFGK and placing funds that have been
accumulated for the use of their agencies under CFGK’s financial
umbrella, they will now benefit from the special investment
expertise that is available through the volunteers of the Foundation. The Foundation can receive donations of cash, securities, insurance or bequests from donors who would like see to
the good work of these organizations supported far into the
The City of Kingston coat of arms
The completion of Kingston’s
Millennium Registry has been a
monumental task. A group of
volunteer editors/writers edited
the final text to create unity of
style. Almost 300 local projects
have been listed: some of them
are finished, others are still in
progress. (N.B.: Almost 5,000 Our
Millennium projects are happening in Canadian communities
from coast to coast.)
A leather bound book listing
all the millennium projects will
be on public display in a cabinet
designed especially for this purpose. It will have its permanent
home in Memorial Hall, Kingston
City Hall.
CFGK has sponsored this
project with support from the
City of Kingston and with generous donations by Community
Foundations of Canada and the
Davies Charitable Foundation.
We look forward to the great
unveiling on January 11, 2001.
ORKING FOR THE CFGK, I am privileged to
ecent changes to Ontario’s Trustee Act governing charities have tightened the requirements surrounding the
governance and administration of not-for-profit funds. If carried out properly, these new responsibilities can drain scarce
volunteer and staff resources away from program planning
and development.
CFGK and its capacity for endowment building can be a powerful partner for community agencies which maintain or are
considering an endowment fund as part of their funding strategy. Our expert volunteer advisors invest
capital with care, and
“CFGK and its capacity
we provide a full range
of services for individfor endowment building
ual funds under our
can be a powerful partner umbrella, including
accurate record keeping,
for community agencies.” fund auditing, tax
returns, and annual
income statements.
The pooling of funds makes the Foundation’s fund larger
than most individual agency funds, allowing for a diversified
portfolio which offers better returns overall, and keeps administrative costs down.
Whether we build the Foundation’s own Community Fund
or use the Foundation’s expertise to hold funds for other charities, the result is a stronger, more vibrant and caring community. If a charitable organization you are involved in is
interested in developing an endowment fund, or your organization is currently managing its own endowment, and you
would like more information about your responsibilities as a
board member, please feel free to contact me.
by Fred Laflamme
f you were a participant in
the 3rd Annual Tower of
Hope Golf Classic on
August 14, there was much
to cheer about on that warm
Monday at the beautiful Loyalist Golf and Country Club
in historic Bath. Consider
Chander Datta who won a
brand new Harley Davidson
Chander Datta with son Vivek and golf pro.
motorcycle from Motosport
Special thanks to Charlie Higfor his memorable hole-in-one
gins and his organizing commiteffort on the second hole. Chantee and to presenting sponsors,
der also won a trip by Taylor
Union Gas, The Royal Bank
Auto Mall for “closest to the
Financial Group, The Best Westhole” and a Wilson golf bag for
ern Fireside Inn, and The Kingston
the straightest drive.
Whig-Standard. Other key sponsors, without whom The Tower of
Hope would not be the premiere
tournament of the season, are:
Air Canada, Air Ontario, Braebury
Homes, Via Rail, The Message
Network, The Grizzly Grill, Stantive Solutions, Trenchless Utility
Equipment and Nokia.
Plans are already under way for
next year (Monday, August 13),
and the organizing committee,
based on this year’s phenomenal
success, is in the process of confirming Loyalist Golf and Country Club as the permanent home
of The Tower of Hope Classic.
High Priced Caddies
You’d be forgiven if you
thought the biggest cheer of the
day went to Chander. Actually,
the big winner once again was,
of course, CFGK which received
$28,000 from the day’s effort, an
increase of $2,000 over last year.
Playing under mostly sunny
skies, 96 golfers and 30 professionals started their day at Loyalist with complimentary bag drop
and pick-up and a top-of-the-line
Stormtech garment travel bag.
After a warm-up on the range
and a buffet lunch, 63 carts
headed out on what is arguably
one of the finest layouts in the
region, for the shotgun start at
12:30 p.m. Following cocktails
and a fine prime rib dinner, over
$12,000 in prizes were distributed to professionals and amateurs alike, followed by the
inimitable Irving Rosen, who as
our ad hoc auctioneer, managed
to boost the day’s revenues with
a lively live auction featuring
leather motorcycle saddle bags
from Dan Aykroyd’s personal
Board Changes
arewell and a heartfelt thank
you to Tom Lodge who has
completed his term of office, but
continues to sit on the Investment Committee. We warmly
welcome a new board member,
Jack Gilfillan, who will be the
new chair of the Investment
Art Auction – New Date
his unique fundraiser will
take place at the magnificent
Collins Bay home of Ross and
Donna Grieve, on Sunday afternoon, April 22, 2001, 2:00 –
5:00 p.m. Only 100 tickets,
at $75 each, will be available for
this event, where guests will be
bidding on paintings by wellknown Canadian artists. For
information, please contact the
CFGK office.
TO CONTACT US: Phone: (613) 546-9696
Fax: (613) 531-9238
E-mail:foundation@cfgk.org Web Site: www.cfgk.org
The Community Foundation
• Entrusted Funds Held in Perpetuity • Visionary Grantmaking • Community Leadership
Board of Directors 2000-2001
Regina Rosen
Past President
Michael Davies
Digging up our history (continued from front page)
Currently, there is a serious shortage of resource material to
support programs in Canadian history and archaeology in
schools, including the new provincial program in Canadian
history. To help fill this gap, the Archaeology Foundation’s
Executive Director, Sue Bazely, has undertaken the construction of a CD-ROM with the help of various professionals. It is
anticipated that it will be completed in May 2001, and will be
suitable and available for both schools and the general public.
The CD will enable the viewer, using a computer, to have
access to a wide range of information in the form of text, photographs and maps, and also sound and
video clips. It will constitute a computerbased encyclopedia of Kingston’s archeology
and history.
The CD will rely heavily on attractive illustrative material, including photographs of
artifacts found in local digs. For this purpose
a digital camera was needed, one that could
take such photographs in a form suitable for Amy Harrison
immediate computer processing. A generous holds the kind of
grant from CFGK will make possible the pur- artifact that will
be photographed
chase of such a camera.
Tom Wightman
For your holiday –
or anytime –
giving we suggest
our attractive
Doors of Kingston
poster, modestly
priced at $20,
and designed and
produced here in
Kingston for
Call the office
(546-9696) for a
list of places
where you can
buy one. Your
friends or relatives
will be delighted
with their gift and
you will know
your money went
to a good cause.
Sue Waywell
Lin Good
Peter Aykroyd
David Cox
Walter Fenlon
Eveline Flint
Ian Fraser
Jack Gilfillan
Virginia Gordon
Fred Laflamme
Chris McElvaine
Judith Mackenzie
Henry Meyer
Doug Ritchie
Bert Walsh
Legal Counsel
Peter Tobias
Barry Kaplan
Fred Laflamme
Douglas Stewart
Marian VanBruinessen
Tower of Hope Classic
John Burton, Co-Chair
Charlie Higgins, Co-Chair
Fred Laflamme, Co-Chair
Shawn Bauder
Donna Grieve
Brenda Higgins
Maureen Keeler
Ken Koven
Jeff Lundy
Kim Mundell
Joan Willison
Youth Advisory Committee
Jason Wagar, Chair
Mat Abramsky
Elizabeth Greenidge
Julia Macleod
Ashley Mercer
Laura McCloy
Beth Nuyens
Beth Palmer
Judith Mackenzie, Grants Advisor
Lorne Matthews, Resource
Andrew Mills, Liaison
Ripples Editorial Board
Regina Rosen
Associate Editors
Eveline Flint, David Pulver
Graphic Design
Peter Dorn, Larry Harris
Contributors to this Issue
Jan Allen
David Baird
Charlotte & Peter Dorn
Eveline Flint
Ian Fraser
Virginia Gordon
Fred Laflamme
Andy Mills
David Pulver
Regina Rosen
Monica Stewart
Jason R. Wagar
Masthead Painting
Bob Blenderman
Printing & Distribution
The Kingston Whig-Standard
Investment Manager
Timothy W. Kingston
Executive Director
Monica Stewart
Pauline Dale, Donor Relations
Andree Kuhne, Bookkeeper
Andrew Mills, Program Assistant
Michelle Roos, Accountant
Sue Waywell, Chair
John Burton
Tim Kingston
Henry Meyer
Tom Wightman
Fund Development
Michael Davies, Co-Chair
Virginia Gordon, Co-Chair
Michael Campbell
Jacquie Costron
Eveline Flint
Nancy Foster
Gloria Grant FitzPatrick
Bill Gray
Nancy Nash Foster
Grace Schwarten
Fund Development – Operations
Chris McElvaine, Chair
Chander Datta
Cathy Foy
Robert Reid
Harry Sullivan
Judith Mackenzie, Chair
Marilyn Banting
Sandra Lee Deseron
Vincent Fabiilli
John Fotheringham
Judi Harvie
Rommel Masse
Alan Morantz
Marc Raymond
Ian Watson
Jack Gilfillan, Chair
Bill Cannon
Elaine Forshaw
Tom Lodge
Henry Trier
Sue Waywell
Marketing & Communications
David Cox, Chair
Tom Brennan
Mike Deschesne
June Dinsdale
Peter Dorn
David Baird, Chair
Peter Aykroyd
Margaret Baird
Anne Beaulieu
Ian M. Fraser
Lin Good
Leslie Kimble
John McDougall
Don Neil McWilliam
Marion Meyer
Doug Ritchie
Brian Stratton
Mayor Gary Bennett, Chair
Christine Andrew
Deborah Defoe
Reeve Paul Gilmore
Brig. Gen. K. Hague
Fred Laflamme
William Leggett
Voiker Thomsen
Professional Advisors Steering
Walter Fenlon, Co-Chair
Ian Fraser, Co-Chair
David Bonham
Jan Oullahan
Ralph Smith
Mary-Alice Thompson
Thomas Wightman
Strategic Planning
Henry Meyer, Chair
Wilma Bernabei
Erik Lockhart
Doug Ritchie
Bert Walsh
Tom Wightman
Cathy Wills
Special Celebrations
June Dinsdale, Chair
Lin Good
Jane Lafarga
Jan MacDonald
The Community Foundation
of Greater Kingston
259 King Street East, Suite 501
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3A8
Enclosed is a donation in the amount
of $ _____________________________ to be held as
permanent capital. Please direct
my donation to:
For Kids ... Forever
Community Fund
Operating Endowment
Postal Code
b Cheque enclosed b
Name (for public acknowledgement)
VISA Number
or I request anonymity