
Issue 142
Together Then ..... Together Now
July 2014
Up-Coming Meetings
BOD Meeting
2nd Wed of the Month
7:00 PM
3rd Wed of the month
AVVA - Meets 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting
7:00 PM
at the
Be Sure To See
Important Dates to Remember
Upcoming Events— Page 17
The Vietnam Veterans of American, Beaver County Chapter 862 will be bringing in The “Wall that Heals”, a half
scale replica of the Vietnam Wall in Washington, DC. It will be arriving in Beaver County the evening of September
23rd, 2014. The exhibit will be on display in the park behind our Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Beaver.
There is No Charge for admission. Viewing is permitted 24 / 7 from September 24th through September 28th.
September 24 - Welcoming & Opening Ceremony 7:00 PM
September 24 - Reading of 97 MIA’s from Pennsylvania names on the wall at 7:00 PM.
September 25 - Gold Star Mothers Luncheon - 1:00 PM at Wooden Angel
September 28 - Closing Ceremony 5:00 PM
2 2
Chapter 862
Officers & Committees
(All 724 Board
Area Codes
All 724
L. Skip Haswell - -President -843-6930
Executive Board
Mike Mikulich - - 1st V.P.—266-6663
L. Skip Haswell ..President.. ... 495-9612
Jon Neely - - - - -2nd V.P.—891-2089
Bill Laughner... Exec VP….. . .601-3597
Lee Corfield - - Secretary —775-3027
Rich Kamzelski …1st VP……494-5752
Bill Muns - - - - Treasurer-—643-9169
Cliff Hawes .........2nd VP ...... 728-5065
Board of Directors
Lee Corfield ........Secretary .... 775-3027
Blaine Allinder——————375-4168
Larry Googins .....Treasurer .... 869-7090
Bob Eiler———————— 457-8234
Bill Harlow——————-—378-0984
Board of Directors
Bill Laughner———-———-843-6828
Gary Shaffer …...…1..............643-8941
James Montgomery———-—827-2782
Rich Tindell ………1......... .... 622-0724
John Namath———————847-9296
Pete Herman………1….…….712-4324
Nick Pavkovich——————847-0592
Jake Barsottini…….2……......601-7293
Don Villella———————-843-7401
Chuck Inman……...2…... ....... 709-7747
Bill Weiss————————827-2460
Rich Raich………...2…...412-974-6282
Michelle Wilcox ….3……….847-3463
JoAnna Williamson 1st —— 847-9389
Don Villella ………3….. ....... 843-7401
Tracey King ———————513-0389
Philip Morris………3………..643-5725
Reuben Fuller ——————-378-4990
Skip Haswell
* - - Denotes
- - ..........................
*- - - - - - - - - 774-4198
Lee Corfield
- - - - - 847-9389
Googins -.........................
- - - - - - - - - 643-1714
Rich Kamzelski
Orange 494-5752
Neely- *-...........................
- - - - - - - - - --891-2089
John Helbing - - - - - - - - - - - 843-0706
Tony Yannachione - - - - - - - -770-2267
Terri Carr Associate
Pete Pickering
- - * - - - - - 643-4397
- - - - - - - - - - - 774-4074
- - - - - - - - - - -378-6938
Wilcox ………..……847-3463
Nick Montgomery
- - *Alt…....847-0592
- - - 827-2782
Don Pickering - - - - - - - - - - -643-5267
John Namath - -**Chairman
- - - - - - - --847-9296
Don Villella - -Agent
- - - -Orange
- - - - - - 843-7401
Mike Coligure *………………412-613-1810
JoAnna Williamson - - - - - - - 847-9389
& By-Laws
Fuller -...............................
- * - - - - - - - 378-4990
Ray Litzinger*
Bill Muns - -Community
- - - - - - - - Affairs
- - - -643-9169
Dan Sinclair*
- - - - - - - - - - 643-1714
JoAnna Williamson - - - - - - - 847-9389
William Weiss* .............................
Bill Muns - - * - - Finance
- - - - - - - - 643-9169
- - -.............................
- - - - - - - - - 774-4198
Lon Hogue - - - - - - - - - - - - - 846-8857
Bill Porupsky* ............................... 495-7051
Bill Laughner - - - - - - - - - - - 843-6828
Bart Farzati* .................................. 777-2193
Pete Petroskey - - * - - - - - - - 643-8999
- - - - - - - - - - 266-6663
Shaffer* ................................
- -..............................
* - - - - - - - - - 775-3027
Bill Harlow - -Minority
- - - - - -Affairs
- - - - -378-0984
- -..............................
- - - - - - - - - 774-4198
Tracy King - - - - - - - - - - - - - 375-4046
Vietnam Vet
POW / MIA - Information taken from the
National League of POW/MIA Families
AMERICANS ACCOUNTED FOR: There are still 1,642 personnel
listed by the Department of Defense (DoD) as missing and unaccountedfor from the Vietnam War, a number that had not changed since October
of last year until early March, and it has since remained the same. Most
recently, the name of Captain Douglas Ferguson, USAF, listed as MIA in
Laos on December 30, 1969, was released. Captain Ferguson’s remains
were recovered April 13, 2013, and identified February 14, 2014. The
number of Americans announced by DoD as returned and identified
since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 is now 941. Another 63 US
personnel, recovered by the US and ID’d before the end of the war, bring
the official total of US personnel accounted for from the Vietnam War to
1,004. Of the 1,642 unaccounted-for personnel, 90% were lost in Vietnam or in areas of Cambodia and Laos under Vietnam’s wartime control: Vietnam-1,275 (VN-469, VS-806); Laos-307; Cambodia-53; PRC
territorial waters-7. Over-water losses on DoD’s list of No Further Pursuit cases number well over 600.
League Chairman’s Comment: Secretary Hagel’s welcome action
gave a short-term deadline to the senior official he selected to lead the
POW/MIA accounting community reorganization effort – recently confirmed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low
Intensity Conflict (ASD/SOLIC) Michael Lumpkin, retired Navy officer
and former SEAL Team Commander. Assistant Secretary Lumpkin, also
serving as Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD-P) conducted an in-process review of where things stand with major national
veteran organizations and the League on April 3rd, as follow-up to the
teleconference briefing he provided prior to Secretary Hagel’s announced
directive. Since that time, Secretary Lumpkin appointed a senior DoD
civilian, Alisa Stack, to head a transition team that, reportedly, will include government specialists in each area to be addressed, from structure
of the new agency to the number of personnel, budget requirements, interface with other departments and agencies, and communication with
the families. Both Secretary Hagel and Secretary Lumpkin have stated
that communication with the families must be a very high priority consideration in how the new agency performs.
FIELD OPERATIONS: JPAC had planned to conduct a Joint Field
Activity (JFA) in Laos January 14th to February 17th. Three Recovery
Teams (RTs) were scheduled, along with one Investigation Team (IT),
augmented by the DIA Stony Beach specialist, but the JFA was cancelled
due to complications in timely funding. A longer JFA in Laos began
March 4th and concluded April 14th, though only one RT and one IT
were deployed. The next JFA in Laos, now ongoing, started May 9th
and is to conclude June 22nd, with only two RTs, again far below the
Lao Government’s long ago approved cap of 53 US personnel operating
simultaneously in Laos.
(cont on Page 3)
Page 3
VVA 862
Vets 4 Vets
Tom Robes ........................ 728-4334
Lon Hogue* ....................... 846-8857
Sgt of Arms
Roy Barlett* ....................... 378-0272
Veterans Affairs - Advisor
Kathy Nairn........................ 770-4450
Veterans Assistance Committee
Bill Laughner* ................... 601-3597
Hospital Committee
Lon Hogue* ....................... 846-8857
Woman Veterans
Michelle Wilcox…*………847-3463
Auditing Committee
Bill Winkle*....................... 774-2626
Wayne Cumer .................... 947-3859
Joe Mavero......................... 494-1505
Lee Corfield* ..................... 775-3027
Nominating Committee
Lon Hogue* ....................... 846-8857
Bart Farzati ........................ 777-2193
Ken Pingatore .................... 876-0335
Rich McCracken * ............. 266-4914
Phil Morris ……*……….. 643-5725
AVVA 862 - Officers
President . Bobbie Morris ... 643-5725
V.P. Marji Slawianowski ... 378-7315
Secretary . Veronica Grant...462-3717
Treasurer . Sue Bridgewater 643-0731
Keith Black………………..513-3177
Carl Curtis………………...869-0294
Sandy Giordano…………...203-4569
AVVA Membership Chair
Veronica Grant ............. …..462-3717
Barb Googins ..................... 869-7090
July 2014
POW Update (cont from Page 2).
(Taken from the POW MIA League of Families)
Cambodia: Operations in Cambodia by one RT and one Underwater
Recovery Team (URT), postponed twice in 2013, again due to funding
limitations, finally took place January 28th – April 2nd, 2014. Since the
Stony Beach specialist is permanently in-country and conducts investigations whenever needed, there were no ITs scheduled in conjunction with
JFAs in Cambodia. There are no identified excavation/recovery sites
identified; therefore, no further JFAs are scheduled in Cambodia until
early in 2015.
Vietnam: Four RTs conducted operations in Vietnam February 28th –
March 27th. Two ITs also deployed on that JFA, plus the RIT (Research
Investigation Team) and a Field Forensic Review (FFR) at the end of the
JFA. Only three RTs were deployed to Vietnam for the May 20th – June
22nd JFA, plus two ITs. An underwater operation previously scheduled
along the coast of northern Vietnam was cancelled, again reportedly due
to lack of available funding. There will be another JFA in Vietnam before the end of FY2014, August 5th to September 7th, involving four
RTs, one Vietnamese Recovery Team (VRT) and one IT. The RIT will
again conduct interviews and investigations on LKA cases.
Worldwide: While Vietnam War-related accounting missions slowed, six
RT’s worked in Germany from April 1st to May 18th on WWII recoveries. In addition to returning to Germany May 10th – June 21st, and an
overlapping team June 15th to July 23rd working on the same two large
WWII bomber sites, there was one IT in Burma from April 28th to May
29th. A special RT, June 22nd – July 19th, is scheduled to recover remains from a 1952 US loss being exposed by a melting glacier in Alaska. On this unusual site, there have already been 17 remains recovered
and identified, and prospects are good for additional recoveries and identifications. There will also be an underwater recovery in Botwood Bay, a
harbor in Canada, of a WWII “flying boat” that crashed on take-off, and
one RT in the Solomon Islands to recover WWII remains July 8th to August 6th.
Since 1973, the remains of more than 900 Americans killed in the Vietnam War have been identified and returned to their families for burial
with full military honors.
For more than a decade the United States has conducted joint field activities with the governments of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to recover
the remains of missing Americans. Throughout those countries, teams
continue to investigate crash and burial sites, as well as interview locals
to gain additional knowledge. The United States also continues to obtain
access to historical wartime records and archives that provide information relevant to the fates of missing Americans.
Today, more than 1,600 Americans remain unaccounted for from the
Philip Morris - VVA 862 - POW Committee
Page 4
Minutes from June 18, 2014 meeting
Meeting called to order by Pres Skip Haswell @ 7:00 PM with Pledge of Allegiance and an Opening Prayer
by Chaplain Don Villella. Attendance was 99.
Veterans “Sick or In Distress” – Lee Corfield, Hank Labic, Tom Robes, Al Whitehill. Deceased – Bill Clear.
Guests and/or Prospective Members – Fred Herzog, Marlan Mohler, Dan McNary, Chuck Slaney and Jim
Roll Call of Officers – Present – 12, Absent – 0, Excused – 3.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes: were accepted as printed in the recent Newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: was read by Treasurer Larry Googins to be accepted as read, pending audit.
New BOD-elect members Jake Barsottini, Philip Morris, Don Villella and Michelle Wilcox were sworn in by
Pres. Skip Haswell.
Committee Reports:
Honor Guard - Rich Raich – Spoke about Memorial Day parade & Bridge dedication. June 6 – new Walmart
dedication, June 15 - Postmaster retirement ceremony, June 16 – Relay for Life and Rochester “Remember the
Fallen” ceremony and June 17 – William Clear (VVA member) funeral. Bill Laughner presented a $500 check
to the honor guard from Walmart.
Legislative - Bart Farzati spoke about several issues with the VA.
POW/MIA – Phil Morris stated that Work with JPAC is currently stalled. Still 1642 missing. Cards have been
printed for distribution regarding the “Ride to the Wall POW/MIA Run” on September 27. Armbands are
being made with the name of each missing man. We are shooting for 2000 riders.
Membership - Gary Shaffer - VVA 675 * LIFE 458. We are now are tied at #2.
AVVA - Bobbie Morris gave a report on what they are doing. They now have 140 members w/ 50 Life Members.
Communications - Read by Larry Googins from the family of Bill Clear and the Chippewa United Methodist
Motions that need approved by the body:
Motion was made by John Szatkewicz and 2nd by Dave Walker to accept Jake Barsottini to fill the two (2)
year term vacated by Cliff Hawes. Motion Carried
Motion was made Wally Cheuvront, 2nd by Dave Kane to donate $500.00 to “Project New Hope”, a
program of the PA Lions for disabled Vets and their families. Motion Carried.
Motion was made by John Barnes and 2nd by Dennis Thompson to donate $250.00 ($125 collected from
recycled cell phones with $125 matching funds) for the Cell Phone for Soldiers Program. Motion Carried.
Motion was made by Jake Barsottini and 2nd by Wally Cheuvront to send six (6) members to the VVA
Leadership Conference. Motion Carried.
Motion was made by Chuck Szabo and 2nd by Wally Cheuvront to change the date of the regular September
meeting to the 10th (the same night as the BOD Meeting). BOD Meeting will be held downstairs at 5:00
PM. Regular meeting will be at 7:00 PM. Motion Carried.
Minutes (cont on Page 5)
Page 5
July 2014
Minutes (cont from Page 4)
Motion was made by Lon Hogue and 2nd by Jim Juillerat that “All Speakers” have 10 minutes with a 5
minute Q & A period, which will be done under the “Good of the Order” Any other questions may be
asked after the meeting is adjourned. Motion Carried.
Old Business – Dave Kane thanked all who helped with the Support the Troops Rally. $908 was collected in
donations and will be given to the Yellow Ribbon Girls. First Energy donated $1000 for food. He also
reminded the chapter of the upcoming Highway Clean-up on June 21st.
 Jake Barsottini spoke of the “Return to the Bush” event and announced that the cost for members was
being reduced to $10; still $20 for non-members. If there are not enough reservations by the 30th, the event will
be cancelled.
 We still need drivers for the DAV.
 There are eleven (11) rooms left for Kokomo.
New Business – 4th of July Parade is in Midland. Line-up is at 9 AM. We are leading the parade. (Skip said
breakfast is at the Rooster @ 8 AM)
 Strong Vincent Day in honor of the 1-112th Infantry is being held at the Butler Readiness Center on 250
Kriess Road, Butler on July 3rd from 12-5 PM. The VVA will have a PX table.
 Two new patches are available in the PX. Special at-meeting price is $2.
 Bob Gwin talked about the “Remember 9-11” rally on September 11 at the gazebo in Beaver. All
proceeds will go to the Beaver County Emergency Fund. 
 Jerry Fisher talked about “Donut time with Veterans” at Friendship Ridge on July 3rd at 10 AM in the
 A sign-up sheet is available for Security at the “Wall” September 25-29. Times will be scheduled later.
Good of the Order - John Szatkiewicz & 6 others attended the Wellsville, OH Route 45 road dedication for
Corporal Ernest G. Madden.
 Ron Grimes reminded the chapter of the Marine currently being detained in Mexico since March 21.
 Al Whitehall is scheduled for surgery for a brain tumor on June 25 at Allegheny General Hospital.
 Tom McCormick Panama Fund – thanks to Bill Laughner & the Lions Club for the pallet of eyeglasses.
 The Rochester VFW will be holding a Purple Heart ceremony on June 26th. Among the recipients will
be Harry Hage.
It’s All About the Warrior – Steve Monteleone, founder spoke of the mission and goals of this
organization. All proceeds from their events go to aid post 9-11 wounded veterans from the Western PA and
Tri-state area. They have a PTSD Family Seminar scheduled on July 19th at Latitude 40 in Robinson Twp.
Information can be found at
Closing Prayer by Chaplain Don Villella
Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Wilcox
VVA 862 Acting secretary
Page 6
July 2014
KOKOMO - These are the members I have listed for reservations for Kokomo.
Rooms reserved under first name/RAW=Roll Away/DD=Two Beds
CHECK IN WED. Sept. 17 - CHECK OUT SUN. Sept. 21
(3) John McPherson D/D plus RAW
(2) Don Villella D/D
(2) Kathy Keister D/D Balcony
(2) Charlie Hobbs D/D Balcony
(2) Roy Barlett D/D
(2) Ron Gardner D/D
(1) Mike Butera - King
(2) Clem Blazewick - D/D
(2) Pete -D/D Balcony
(2) Pete - D/D Balcony
(2) Scott Little - King - Top Floor - Balcony
(2) Rich Gillin - D/D
(2) Tom Bowman - D/D - Room beside Gillin
(4) Lee Corfield - Suite - 3rd Floor
(2) Jake Barsottini - D/D
(2) Rick Raich - D/D - Balcony
(2) Larry Googins - King - Balcony
(3) Frank Petz - D/D plus RAW
(1) Charles Smith - King - Balcony
(1) Larry Tanner - King - Balcony
CHECK IN Thursday Sept. 18 / OUT
Sunday Sept. 21
(1) Tony Pallatto - King (ground floor)
(1) Bob Uzmack - King (ground floor)
(2) Tom Cekovich - D/D
(2) John Szatkiewicz - King - HC Ground Floor
CHECK IN Thursday Sept. 18 - OUT
Saturday Sept. 20
(2) Bill Stokes - D/D - Room 1 of 2
(2) Bill Stokes - D/D - Room 2 of 2
(2) Chuck Inman - D/D - Balcony
(1) Paul Cupp - King
CHECK IN Friday Sept. 19 - OUT
Sunday Sept. 21
(2) Tom McCormack - King
(3) Mike Bano - Suite - First Floor
(2) Mike Bano - D/D
IF anything is not correct, contact me ASAP. We have about 70 people going so far and
only a few rooms left. Contact Skip at 724-495-9612
or via email at
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!!
VVA 862
Air Force
Museum Trip
June 2014
Page 7
July 2014
Our congrats go out to VVA member Harry Hage. His award of the Purple Heart caught up to him after all
these years. U.S. Army Nam Vet spent 10 days in the hospital and returned to his unit to complete his tour.
Our Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Highway is now clean thanks to 16 volunteers who collected
40 large bags of trash. Snakedog Smith did a great job as a "flagger" we didn't have one member hit by a car.
HIGHWAY CLEANUP - Thanks to AVVA member Susan Fudurich, VVA members Dave Kane, Rick Raich,
Phil Morris, Charles Ray, Tom Decker, Snakedog Smith, Chuck Jenkins, Gene Rees, Frank Petz, Bruce Maratta, Ed Grisnik, Skip Haskell and myself. We will pick up again on Oct. 18, We had 16 "pickers".....20 would
be great to divide in 4 groups and each group take one of the 4 sections of the highway. Again
THANKS !!!!!!! From the President of Beaver County Gold Star Mothers - Martha Davies "Great job Vietnam
Veterans of 862 for the awesome cleanup along the highway. Thank you for your service which are many."
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS RALLY- To Bob Gwin and Dave Kane and gang who did an outstanding job
with a real nice program. We had a nice turn out by the public and a beautiful day. I really wish more chapter
members would attend with family. This was our 12th year and we are very proud of our support to our warriors.
VIETNAM VETERANS - Many returned home a totally different person to a totally different nation.
Penna, State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America - Recently our chapter delegates attended the State
Board meeting in State College, Pa. Elected as Executive Officers unopposed were Larry Googins, 2nd. Vice
President; Lee Corfield, Secretary; Jake Barsottini Treasurer and myself who ran against a brother from the
Harrisburg Chapter and proud to say I was elected for another term as Executive Vice President. Also elected
to the nominating committee were Phil Morris, Rich Tindell of VVA 862 and Dave Laneski of Erie, Pa. Congrats to all.
KOKOMO - I have 8 rooms left, Don't be left out where you might have to sleep in the parking lot.... as of
July 3 I have 6 rooms left. Please email me now at
RUDY Zetz and Sgt. Donnie Miller are having a "cold one" and the Sgt. notices that Rudy is wearing an earring. Sgt. Miller knowing that Rudy is normally conservative & is curious about his sudden change in fashion
says to him....."Rudy, I didn't know you were into earrings but I understand as you were Navy. How long have
you been wearing one?" Rudy said " Ever since my wife found this in my truck!!!"
LANCE Armstrong once said "Breast Cancer & All Cancers, When you think about it. What other choice is
there but to hope? We have two options, medically & emotionally..... give up or fight like hell!!!" Our prayers
our with Tom Robes who has been fighting like hell for years !!!!
THE VA - Of the 300,000 employees only 29 % are veterans. We need to do better,,,,who knows better on
what a vet needs then a Veteran?? The VA is again taking some "hard hits" and it’s about time those who can
make the change.....DO IT !!!!!!!!! I don't believe the Director should have stepped down.....but I do believe
many other heads should have "rolled" I go to Butler VA and believe me when I say this.....I am VERY happy
with Butler VA and its staff. I have said many times the VA has many great employees but others need to be
weeded out and if you read this and you are a VA employee, you decide what group you fall in.
YOU have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet,,,,2 of which you will never wear. We have some clothes that are
our favorite.....and you never wear.. what are you saving them for,,,,wear them, enjoy wearing them, because
when you die they are going to goodwill !!!!!!!!
SHORTROUNDS (cont on Page 8)
Page 8
July 2014
SHORTROUNDS (cont from Page 7)
PASTOR Lon Hogue - Our VVA Life Member has been ordained as a member in the Churches of God. Lon
is a recent graduate of Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, Ohio and has been appointed as the senior pastor of the New Brighton First Church of God. Our very best to Pastor Lon !!!!!!!!!
VETERANS Memorial Bridge - So much work was done to make this happen by Jerry Fisher & Larry
Googins. The bridge and memorial are beautiful.....Thanks to all that were involved ! At the dedication I was
honored to give remarks.
The Top Ten Corporations who hire Veterans, Pepsi, General Electric, Valero Energy, AmerisourceBergen,
Caterpillar, Boeing, Amazon.Com, Walgreens, State Farm Ins., General Motors (VFW Feb. 2014)
THE WALL THAT HEALS - Will be here in Beaver, Pa. Opening Service Wed, Sept. 24, 7:00 PM - Closing Service, Sunday, Sept. 28 @ 5:00 PM.....The POW/MIA Ride To The Wall will be Saturday, Sept. 27.
We need 1,642 motorcycle riders, one for each man still missing. Riders will receive an arm band with the
MIA's name on it. The last POW/MIA ride we had almost 2,000 riders so if you ride or know someone that
rides....Staging at Rochester VFW at noon, run leaves at 3:00 PM sharp. Service at the Wall between 6 and
7:00 pm. The Wall takes much work from many of our members. Come to the meeting Wed. July 16 @ 7:00
pm to sign up to help on one of the committees. Duckman is chair & Lee Corfield/ Co-Chair. If you know
someone who has military equipment please have them contact me as the other park will have military equipment on display.
WE have over 21 million veterans nationwide but only 14 million voted in the 2012 presidential election.
Brothers & Sisters, I hope to see you at our next meeting, Wed. July 16, Rochester VFW @ 7:00 PM.
Upcoming “Wall That Heals” Committees
Security Guards:
At the upcoming meeting, we will be looking for Security
Guards for the WALL. They can Sign Up at July Meeting,
Tent of Information Guides:
Lee will pass around the sheets for you to sign up to help
with the Computers. 4 people per 4 hour shifts.
We may not need as many thru the middle of the night but we
will need at least 4 per shift during the day.
Think about it now and you can also Sign Up at the July
Death Notices
Julia Petrosky - 97 on Midland,
Pa. Julia died on June 2nd 2014.
Julia was the mother of Past VVA
862 Vice President Pete Petrosky.
Harry F “Bud” Bolster - 88 of
Groveton, Pa. Harry died on June
8th 2014. Harry was the father-inlaw of VVA 862 member Dave
William R. Bill Clear - 65 of
Rochester, Pa Bill died June 15th
2014 and was a LIFE member of
VVA 862.
May They Rest In Peace!
Page 9
July 2014
Lee’s Tid Bits
Albert Walters......................July 1
John Elliott ...........................July 2
Charles Inman ......................July 2
Dan Householder .................July 2
Ray Nixon ............................July 2
Gary Wink ...........................July 2
Ron Grimes ..........................July 3
Luke Patrino ........................July 3
Bill Bert ...............................July 4
Rich Raich ...........................July 4
Bob Weidman ......................July 4
Bonnie Reilly .......................July 5
Bill Boucek II ......................July 6
Ronald Dominici..................July 7
Scott Jacobs .........................July 8
William Reed .......................July 9
Elder Vogel ..........................July 9
Rich Baker .........................July 10
Louis George III ................July 10
Joe Nakoa ..........................July 10
Nick Vietz ..........................July 10
Chuck Forster ....................July 11
Jim McTaggart ...................July 12
John Wakeley ....................July 12
Roy Barlett .........................July 13
Stephenie Bollard...............July 13
Art Ford .............................July 13
Donald Schweitzer .............July 13
Dennis L Smith.................. July 13
Dennis J Smith .................. July 14
Randy Tallon ..................... July 14
Jim Boots ........................... July 17
Wm Frye ............................ July 17
Huxley Lipscomb .............. July 17
Bernie Strauss .................... July 17
John Malack ...................... July 19
Barry Beitsinger ................ July 20
Tom Devin......................... July 20
John Vongray .................... July 20
George Haskell .................. July 21
Dennis McFee.................... July 21
Ken Phillips ....................... July 21
Joe Prodonovich ................ July 21
Ron Justi ............................ July 22
Albert Goldfinch................ July 23
Gale Mussey ...................... July 23
Dave Ondrusek .................. July 24
Cliff Pflugh ........................ July 24
Gary Shaffer ...................... July 25
Ben Wright ........................ July 25
John Kramer ...................... July 26
Larry McGowan ................ July 26
Rodger Mineard ................. July 26
John Ferguson ................... July 29
Charles R. Smith................ July 29
Jim Eakles ......................... July 30
Attention: New Members At Large
You may not see your birthday
listed as I do not have a copy of your DD
214. I am actually supposed to have one
on file. If you’d like to send me a copy of
your DD 214 I will be glad to add your
birth date next time around .
Air Force Museum Trip
Fairborn, Ohio
Wow! What can I say. A great time was
had by all. My Grandson AVVA 862
member Jordan Escamilla had a blast.
We had a nice group of members who
took their time and learned a lot about
Air Force history. We took the Presidential Hanger tour. A Special plane we got
to walk thru was the Air Force One that
escorted John F Kennedy’s body back to
DC. Jordan and I decided to take a ride
on the F-16 exhibit. I was laughing so
hard and spent most of the time upside
down. When I was pilot, he got 3 kills.
Then we decided to do it again and he
was pilot which I as able to get 8 kills.
(Hey, He’s the one that is used to these
new video games, Not me) Our Hospitality Room was nice the first night but the
2nd night was similar to Kokomo. We
spent it out by the pool which was nicer
than being indoors. Larry Googins gave
The views and opinions are solely that of the writer and do not necessarily a special tour of the F-4 cockpit that we
reflect the views and opinions or policies of the Vietnam Veterans of Ameri- could get into. He said, Here get in here.
ca, (National, State or Local).
This is where I spent most of my time.
Bart Farzati gave out info on some of the
All articles written by the editor unless otherwise stated.
panes he was connected with. Ron HeitSubmissions will be gladly accepted by the editor.
Lee Corfield - Editor VVA 862 Beaver County, Pa
zenrater did the same. All I can say is it
140 Knob Vue Drive
was a great time. Seemed like everyone
Freedom, Pa. 15042
truly enjoyed themselves. I’ve already
been asked about next year’s trip. We
We reserve the right to edit submissions as space allows.
will see.
Page 10
Page 11
July 2014
Veterans Health Identification Card
The new Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC) provides:
* Increased security for your personal information - no personally identifiable information is contained on the magnetic stripe or
* A salute to your military service – The emblem of your latest branch of service is displayed on your card. Several special awards
will also be listed.
The VHIC replaces the Veteran Identification Card (VIC) and will be issued only to Veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care
Purpose of the VHIC
The VHIC is for identification and check-in at VA appointments. It cannot be used as a credit card or an insurance card, and it does
not authorize or pay for care at non-VA facilities.
Getting the New Card is Easy!
In February 2014, VA began issuing the VHIC to newly enrolled Veterans and enrolled Veterans who were not previously issued the
old VIC but requested an identification card.
Beginning in May 2014, VA will automatically mail a VHIC to enrolled Veterans who were issued the VIC. Because we will be reissuing more than 6 million cards, we ask for your patience during this time. Veterans who were issued a VIC do not need to return to
their VA medical center to have a photo taken for the VHIC.
Enrolled Veterans who do not have the VIC can contact their local VA medical center Enrollment Coordinator to arrange to have
their picture taken for the new VHIC, or they may request a new VHIC at their next VA health care appointment. To ensure their
identity, Veterans must provide either one form of primary identification or two forms of secondary identification. Please see the
Acceptable Documents for Identity Proofing table below.
The VHIC will be mailed to all valid mailing addresses, including P.O. boxes.
Important!! Veterans who are already enrolled should ensure the address we have on file is correct so you can receive your VHIC in
a timely manner. To update or to confirm your address with us, please call 1-877-222-VETS (8387). If the post office cannot deliver
your VHIC, the card will be returned to the VA.
Check out their Website
Page 12
July 2014
A unique story from VVA 862 member Jim "TROZ" Trozzo
In May of 1968, after Basic Training, I was assigned to Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, Texas. With only one
mere stripe and not so much hair, I started my training as an intelligence analyst.
There were two classes each day. One from 0600 to 1200 called “A” Flight and another from 1200 to 1800
hours called “B” Flight. One of the guys who ended up in my flight or class was William S. Nibblet.
As was so common in the service, we all had nicknames. He was Nibbles and I was Troz. For many months
we were in the same rooms, slept in the same barracks, ate in the chow hall at the same time, and drank beer at
the same places.
At the end of our training, our class was split up and sent to 8 different bases throughout the world. But Nibbles and Troz were sent to Darmstadt, Germany. Nibbs (Nibbles) managed to get on Charlie Flight while I
was assigned to Dog. That meant that we didn’t work together but I was always relieving him after his shift,
and of course there was always beer to be consumed at some odd time of the day or night.
In September of 1970, I received my orders for Vietnam. It would be a four month training period for flight
duty encompassing several Air Force survival schools, and an Army target orientation school. December the
6th of that year I arrived at TanSanNhut TSN air base and began flying combat missions in the old C-47 WW II
aircraft. We had them designated EC-47 because of the intelligence gathering platform and their electronic
Well, about 10 days after I arrived there, Nibbs showed up smiling like the cat that just ate the canary. I just
couldn’t shake this guy. I had transferred half-way around the world, and he shows up in my squadron again.
Lamson 719 kicked in just about the first of March 1971. My boss, (SSGT Denny Taylor) came to three of us
and said I need two volunteers. Nibbs said, “I will.” You would have thought with his dad being a career military man that he would have learned not to volunteer for anything. But there he was waving his hand like a
school girl needing to go to the rest room. I, on the other hand ,pretended not to hear him. So he said, how are
we going to do this Troz? “Flip a (expletive) coin,” I said, “and let me call it.”
He did. I went back and packed my bags for DaNang DNG. Here we were going to another assignment together. At least I wouldn’t have to fly with him since they only needed one analyst per mission. Wrong, I became a training and standardization analyst so I had to fly and evaluate other analysts including Nibbs.
Well, I left DaNang while Nibbs married a Vietnamese woman, lost his clearance, got held over for 9 months
in Vietnam and went on to finish his 20 year career in the Air Force.
This February, I was invited along with about 100 others who had flown these missions under the guidance of
the National Security Agency (NSA), to a special briefing and tour of the facility in Maryland. After arriving
at the hotel, I went to the bar to see if there was anyone there I might recognize. Within 10 minutes, Nibbs
walked in smiling that same old smile.
We were really glad to see each other because it had been so many years since Vietnam. He was still married
to Nuyen and she remembered the “TROZ” man. A general B. S. session was engaged and Nibbs saw my
North Sewickley Fire Department shirt. He volunteers in
his local Kerrville, Texas fire department as well. More
chatting took place and eventually he asked if I belonged to
Vietnam Veterans of America. I proudly announced, “Yes,
Chapter 862, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.” His eyes lit
up and he laughed as he proclaimed, “I am a Charter Member of the Kerrville, Texas, Vietnam Veterans of America,
and Chapter 863.”
After all of these years, Nibbs and I are still side by side.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim "TROZ" Trozzo
Vietnam 70 & 71, 6994th Security SQ.
Jim Trozzo, Bill Nibblett
visit: &
Page 13
724 - 378 - 3993
JULY 19, 2014 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
***50/50 RAFFLE***
Page 14
Associates of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 862 June 18th, 2014
A regular meeting of the AVVA Chapter 862 was called to order by President Bobbie Morris at 6 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of
silence for the POW/MIA. Chaplain Barb Googins gave the opening prayer and said a special prayer
for Lee Corfield and Tom Robes who were both hospitalized. Secretary Veronica Grant was excused and Sandy Giordano was appointed as secretary pro-tem.
Vice President Marji Slawianowski was excused due to the birth of her grandchild.
New Members present: Sue Smith, Rita Swesey and Kathleen Curtis. A motion was made by Betty Jacobs to accept the minutes of May 21, 2014 as printed in the June
newsletter and was seconded by Judy Hage. Motion carried. Treasurer Sue Bridgewater gave the financial report. The report was approved pending audit. President Bobbie Morris gave the membership report. We have 90 regular members and 50 life
members for a total of 140 members, our Chapter ranks 4th in the nation. New Members are: Kathy
Roman, Nancy Wolf, Nancy Inman and Nancy Mineard.
A motion was made by Judy Hage to give Historian Sandy Giordano $25.00 to purchase a photo album and was seconded by Betty Jacobs. Motion carried.
President Morris gave a special “Thank You” to Rich Tindell, Rich Kamzelski and Philip Morris for
replacing the American Flag and POW/MIA Flag at our Vietnam Memorial in Beaver. She also reminded members to water the flowers if they are going past the Vietnam Memorial.
A motion was made by Kitty Curtis to donate $250.00 to “Project New Hope” for disabled Veterans
and their families to attend a retreat at the Beacon Lodge Camp in Mount Union, PA; motion was seconded by Linda Szatkiewicz. Motion carried.
Bobbie read the biographies of Donna Foy and Jessica Murray the two candidates running for PA
State Vice President. Elections for PA State AVVA will be on June 28th at State College. The AVVA
will be celebrating their Ten Year Anniversary of incorporation and honoring past PA State AVVA
Rick Raich is collecting cell phones for soldiers; if you have one you are no longer using please
bring it to the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.; the next meeting will be July16, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. at the
VFW Post 128 in Rochester, PA. Submitted by, Sandy Giordano Secretary Pro-Tem, Chapter 862 Page 15
memorial walkway bricks to be
placed at the Vietnam Memorial
in Beaver. You may honor
Veterans of the armed services,
loved ones and friends (both
living and deceased) with an “In
Memory of” brick. You may also
want to honor your American
Legion post, your Veterans of
Foreign Wars post and/or all
Veterans Service Organizations.
Orders are accepted year round,
with placement every spring and
fall. Engraving is donated by
Rome Monument in honor of
county veterans.
Mail completed forms to:
William Laughner
119 Jonathan Drive
Darlington, PA 16115
Please Note: Our Chapter Web site has been updated with several
“Links” with more being added everyday. Check all the “Links” !
“Agent Orange” Link now has a Reference to all the Illnesses Related to Agent Orange
along with the Birth Defects and it also includes the “Faces of Agent Orange”.
This would be a Good Link to refer your friends to that don’t know
what Agent Orange is and how it can affect your family.
Watch Daily for any “Special Announcements”
Go to & “Check it Out”
Page 16
July 2014
For Our Children and Grandchildren: Ask Your Representatives to Support H.R. 4816
Please write to your representatives today and ask them to join their colleagues in support of H.R.
4816, the Toxic Exposure Research and Military Family Support Act of 2014.
On June 9, Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA17) introduced H.R. 4816, the Toxic Exposure Research
and Military Family Support Act of 2014, which is a companion bill to S.1602, introduced by Senator
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).
“My bill will extend care to veterans who can show that their medical illnesses have a direct relation
to a toxic substance they were exposed to,” said Rep. Honda.
“Additionally, this act will take care of the children, grandchildren, and future descendants who have
been affected by these poisons. This is about keeping our promise to our veterans. This is about
making sure that they get the care that they not only deserve, but they have earned.”
H.R.4816 directs the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a national center for the diagnosis,
treatment, and research of health conditions of the descendants of veterans exposed to toxic substances during service in the Armed Forces, and to provide certain services to those descendants.
Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) strongly supports H.R. 4816, which upholds our founding principle, "Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another."
Remember “Candy Lokey”
Candy is one of our VVA 862 LIFE Members who took on the challenge of trying to find pictures of all
the POW / MIA’s from the Vietnam War. Its taken many years but I received this email recently.
“On May 20 2014, I received the last photo I needed to complete my project. I now have all 1,642
photos, as well as all but 76 of those that have been accounted for.”
Congratulations Candy!
I know its been a long road but you must have a great feeling deep inside. Job Well Done!
Contact - Don Villella 724-843-7401 or Cliff Hawes 724-728-5065
for 2006
Calendar of Events for 2014
4th of July Parade - Midland, Pa.
VVA 862 - BOD Meeting - 7:00 PM
Honor Guard Practice 7:00 PM Midland
VFW Park
July 11, 12, 13 - Buffalo Hollow 12, Opening Ceremony
VVA 862 Honor Guard
July 16
AVVA 862 - Meeting - 6:00 PM
VVA 862 - Meeting - 7:00 PM
July 4
July 9
July 11
U S Coast Guard Birthday
Honor Guard Practice 7:00 PM Midland
VFW Park
Aug 5 - 9
VVA Nat Conference - Hyatt - Wichita,
Aug 13
VVA 862 Picnic - Industry Park No
BOD Meeting
Aug 15- -17 Bridgewater River Regatta
Aug 19 - 23 “Hookstown Fair” VVA Booth
Aug 20
AVVA 862 Meeting - 6:00 PM
VVA 862 - Meeting - 7:00 PM
Aug 23
VVA 862 “Duck Race” @ Fair 6:00 PM
Aug 30
4th Annual Blaine Allinder
“Golf Outing”
$100 Per Golfer / $400.00 per Foursome
Aug 4
Aug 8
Next Meeting Date
JULY 16th, 2014
VVA 862 - BOD Meeting - 7:00 PM
Honor Guard Practice 7:00 PM Midland
Oct 13
U S Navy Birthday
Oct 15
AVVA 862 Meeting - 6:00 PM
VVA 862 - Meeting - 7:00 PM
Oct 18
Hi-Way Clean-Up - Rt 18 9:00 AM
Oct 18 - 19 PASC Meeting State College - Ramada
Oct 8
Oct 10
Nov 2
Nov 14
Nov 10
Nov 11
Nov 12
Nov 19
Nov 25
Dec 7
Dec 10
Dec 12
Sept 10
VVA 862 - BOD Meeting - 7:00 PM
Sept 12
Honor Guard Practice 7:00 PM Midland
VFW Park
Sept 17
VVA 862 - Meeting 7:00 PM
Sept 18 - 21 Kokomo 32nd Vietnam Vets Reunion
Kokomo, In.
Sept 18
US Air Force Birthday-1947
Sept 23 - 28 “Wall That Heals” Beaver, Pa.
Sept 27
POW / MIA Ride to the Wall Registration
12:00 Noon - Leaves Rochester VFW 3:00 PM
Sept 28
“Gold Star Mothers” Day
July 2006
Dec 13
Dec 17
Dec 25
Dec 31
Daylight Savings - Ends”
Honor Guard Practice 7:00 PM Midland
US Marines Birthday
Veterans Day—Parade - -Beaver
VVA 862 - BOD Meeting - 7:00 PM
AVVA 862 Meeting - 6:00 PM
VVA 862 - Meeting - 7:00 PM
“Happy Thanksgiving
“Pearl Harbor Day” 73 years
VVA 862 - BOD Meeting Rochester VFW
7 PM
Honor Guard Practice 7:00 PM Midland
“Wreaths Across America - Gazebo in
VVA 862 - Meeting - 7:00 PM
“Merry Christmas”
“New Year’s Eve”
The PTSD Group of VVA Chapter
862 is cancelled effective immediately
due to lack of participation.
In the future, if the need arises, we
can start the group back up again.
I will remain chairman for the PTSD
committee. I will be available 24 hrs.
a day for anyone who has a problem
or has questions.
Rich McCracken 724 - 266 - 4914
____I served in the US military (for other than training purposes) between 8/5/64 & 5/7/75
____I served in the US military in Vietnam between 2/28/61 and 5/7/75
____DD-214 enclosed (Applications without DD-214 will be processed as Associate Memberships)
Membership Card #_________________New Member:_____________
____I wish to join the (AVVA) - Associates of the Vietnam Veterans of America $20.00 P/Year
__ 1 Year Individual Member- $20.00 __ 3 Year- $50.00
__ Life Member Optional Time Payment $50 down/ $25/mth
__ $250.00 (Ages 49 and under)
__ $225.00 (Ages 50-55)
__ $200.00 (Ages 56-60)
__ $175.00 (Ages 61-65)
__ $150.00 (Ages 66 + )
Return this form to:
Rick “Luis Suárez” Raich prepares to put the bite on Frank Petz.
Air Force Museum trip
- relaxing after a day of touring.