

March 6-12, 2013
Volume 20, No. 20
The Voice of the Community since 1987
Locally owned and operated
Commentary – A4
128 N. Church St., Rockford, Illinois 61101
Online Exclusives at
Ethnic Heritage Museum honors five outstanding women
YMCA workshop series focuses on raising today’s teens
Van Matre HealthSouth honored for patient care
Crossroads Blues Society brings two shows in one week
Area exotic pet sanctuary seeks funds for new facility
SwedishAmerican introduces palliative care program
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Rockford News
Is learning losing out to
entertainment at library?
Health – A5
Consuming unhealthy
chemicals in your cuisine?
Vibe – A7
Morrissey contributor
owns property near new
downtown sports complex
! Project’s architectural
firm also contributed to
Morrissey’s campaign
By Brandon Reid
Assistant Editor
A major contributor to the campaign of Rockford Mayor Larry
American Pickers picks
Rick Nielsen’s collection
Fast Lane – A11
Section A:
! Commentary — A1-A2, A4
! Fast Lane — A11
! Letters to the Editor — A4
! News — A1-A12
! Obituary Notices — A3
! People in Our Times — A3
! Renewable Energy — A1, A5
Vibe Entertainment
! Crossword Puzzle — A10
! Vibe Calendars — A8-A10
! Vibe News — A7-A11
! Health — A5
! Naturally Rockford — A5
! Outdoors — A5
Section B:
128 N. Church St.
Rockford, IL 61101
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 397
Rockford, IL
! Classifieds — B1-B4
! Horoscopes — B27
! Public Notices — B5-B18
! Real Estate — B27
! Real Estate Notices — B19-B26
! Sports — B28
tributor SupplyCore,
Inc. — 303 N. Main A rendering by Larson & Darby Group of the interior
St., Suite 800. basketball courts inside the new amateur sports complex
SupplyCore, Inc., on South Madison Street, set to open in fall 2014.
President and CEO
Peter J. Provenzano is registered the Secretary of State’s website.
Matthew S. Marshall, vice presiwith the state as the agent for Madison Street Properties, LLC, accord- dent of finance for SupplyCore, was
ing to an “LLC File Detail Report” on
Continued on page A2 !
Winnebago County News
The death of Great American Cleanup set
our nation for April 27 in northern Illinois
Guest Column
The pros and cons of
four-wheel-drive vehicles
Morrissey (I) owns a number of
properties in the area near a new
amateur sports complex set to
open in fall 2014 in the former
Ingersoll building, 301-401 S.
Madison St., Rockford.
The address for Madison Street
Properties, LLC, is listed as the same
address as Morrissey campaign con-
By Gregory John Campbell
When American companies hire
H1-B visa workers at two-thirds the
salary, they are directly undermining the economic stability of America
by hiring foreign workers to fill jobs
American citizens can.[1] They could
hire Americans at a decent wage to
fill these jobs, because there is no
shortage of them now, but they won’t.
Such companies do so for one reason only — to gain more short-term
profit at the long-term loss of the
economic viability of our country —
ensuring their short-term corporate
profitability and existence, while undermining
sustainability of the very nation that
permitted them the moral and economic opportunity to do so. [2]
In doing so, these “rogue” companies are undermining each of our
abilities to get a good job with a
“living wage,” because they are
making it more difficult for qualified Americans to compete for such
Continued on page A2 !
! Volunteers asked to
register by April 19
Staff Report
Coordinating agency Keep
Northern Illinois Beautiful’s
(KNIB) Executive Director Lori
Gummow has announced the 26th
Annual Great American Cleanup
will be Saturday, April 27, in northern Illinois.
At an inter-governmental and
multi-agency volunteer rally
Feb. 27 at Katie’s Cup, 502 Seventh St., Rockford, speakers
pledged their participation and
support, including expansion
into Boone County and 20 equipment pickup locations.
Winnebago County Board Chairman Scott Christiansen (R), City of
Rockford Director of Community
and Economic Development Reid
Montgomery, SwedishAmerican
Hospital Medical Foundation Executive Vice President/CEO John
Mecklenburg, Belvidere Township
Supervisor Patrick Murphy and
Renewable Energy
Ice dams
on roofs
By Drs. Robert & Sonia Vogl
President and Vice President, Illinois
Renewable Energy Association
A homeowner near Durand
called concerned about the ice dams
on his roof. He wanted advice about
how to eliminate them. The home
consists of the original building
with two subsequent additions. All
three sections had ice dams.
We walked around the house to
observe the locations of the hanging icicles and ice dams. While
icicles are attractive, they pose a
safety hazard as they eventually
break off and fall, potentially injuring people under them.
We examined the house interior,
starting with the basement and
eventually three attic areas. We
noticed shallow layers of fiberglass
insulation between ceiling joists and
the lack of attic ventillation. Some
roof sections had no access, so we
Continued on page A5 !
Photo provided
Front and center, holding the Great American Cleanup sign, are Winnebago
County Board Chairman Scott Christiansen and Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful
Executive Director Lori Gummow. To the right of Gummow is Patrick Murphy of
Belvidere Township; and at far right is Dorsey Thompson of Banner of Truth
Church, one of the equipment sites. At far left is Cyndie Hall of Neighborhood
Network & EEDEN; and between Hall and Christiansen is volunteer Judy Boozell.
others endorsed the beautification
effort at the volunteer rally.
The Great American Cleanup is
Continued on page A6 !
Illinois News
CUB gives high marks to power suppliers for
savings, but warns of misleading pitches
Staff Report
Electricity competition saved Illinoisans up to $218 million in
2012, but power suppliers get an
overall grade of “incomplete” for
reports of misleading pitches, a
lack of innovation and the looming
question of whether they can offer
savings after a major market shift
this summer, the Citizens Utility
Board (CUB) said Feb. 18.
“It’s good news that power shoppers have saved money in the short
term, but Illinois is still in the honeymoon phase of electric competition,” CUB Executive Director David
Kolata said at a news conference
unveiling the watchdog group’s report card for Illinois’ electricity market. “The Land of Lincoln power
market is about to undergo a big
test, and alternative electric suppliers should make key improvements.”
Illinois restructured its electricity market in 1997, but alternative
suppliers didn’t begin competing for
residential customers until more
than a decade later, sparked by
higher utility rates and a new state
rule that allowed companies to add
their charges to ComEd and Ameren
bills. Now, consumers can choose an
alternative supplier themselves, or,
if their community passes a referendum, have local leaders choose one
for them through a process called
“municipal aggregation.”
Since 2010, 1.7 million residential
customers have switched to alternative suppliers, most in 2012, which
saw a 562 percent increase in participation. That increase, unmatched in
the nation, was largely fueled by 467
communities that have launched aggregation programs.
CUB’s report card graded the electric market as follows:
Short-term savings, A-
With some exceptions, alternative
suppliers have beaten utility rates,
because Ameren and ComEd have
been locked in higher-priced power
contracts. In general, municipal aggregation has offered the lowest rates
— an average price of 4.85 cents per
kilowatt-hour in ComEd communities,and4.08centsperkWhinAmeren
communities. Compare that to
ComEd’s current supply rate of 8.3
cents per kWh, and about 5.4 cents
per kWh for Ameren. CUB estimates
that competition sparked $92 million
to $218 million in savings in 2012.
The big question facing Illinois’
electricity market is how it will
change June 1, when the last of
higher-priced utility contracts expire and ComEd and Ameren rates
are expected to drop.
Consumer protection, C
Because of the expected drop in
utility prices, CUB is concerned
that many offers it is tracking
charge “termination fees” of up to
$175 if customers want to exit a
contract early. (It appears many
municipal aggregation deals do not
charge exit fees, but that is a good
detail to check with local officials.)
Inaddition,CUBhasreceivedtrouContinued on page A3 !
The Rock River Times has been leading area media in Renewable Energy and green news coverage since 2002.
March 6-12, 2013 • The Rock River Times
Three local businesses want ‘community support’ to fund projects
! New local online funding site
helps entrepreneurs get started
Staff Report
Three local entrepreneurs want to grow
support for their dreams. Each believes that
with community support, they can garner
the necessary dollars in fewer than 60 days,
while keeping their businesses local.
Kryptonite Bar owner Chris Wachowiak’s
latest venture, Entre Funding, gives entrepreneurs access to donor dollars to fund ideas
through an easy-to-navigate online experience. The business-minded locals have added
their projects to the crowd-source funding
site, run through,
within the last 48 hours.
Using the all-or-nothing model, Nick Jupin of
Designated Drivers of Illinois wants to set him-
self “apart from other transportation services
that may only offer traditional transit services.”
Kate Sullivan of Kate’s Pie Shop would like to
focus on “old-school pie, baked fresh every day
with local ingredients” at a local storefront or
is for giving everyone a voice with a product he
already has in stock and calls, “The Big Mouth,”
a 32-inch-by-22-inch dry erase board meant for
a variety of bulk-free, on-the-go uses.
“We really want this,” Sullivan said.
“People always say, ‘We want you here.’
Well, let’s go. Let’s get started.”
The businesses have fewer than 60 days
to reach respective goals of raising $2,000,
$10,000 and $3,000, with supporters’ events
being tied in to St. Patrick’s Day weekend
festivities at Kryptonite Bar, 308 W. State
St., No. 110, in Rockford. The weekend will
Morrissey contributor owns property ...
! Continued from page A1
also listed as the “general manager of an LLC
representing Madison Street Properties” at a
March 15, 2011, Rockford Zoning Board of
Appeals (ZBA) meeting.
At the 2011 ZBA meeting, Madison Street
Properties’ application for a special-use permit for a mixed-use commercial development
in a two-family residential district at 220 S.
Madison St., 323 Walnut and 307 Walnut was
approved 6-0. The matter had been laid over
from a previous meeting because the property
was in a historic district and approval was
first needed from the Historic Preservation
Commission (HPC). According to minutes
from the March 15, 2011, ZBA meeting, “The
HPC recommended approval, excluding a fullservice grocery store.”
According to a search on the Winnebago
County Treasurer’s tax parcel database, Madison Street Properties, LLC, owns properties
listed at 1XX N. Madison St., two properties
on South Madison Street, one on North Madison Street, 307 Walnut St., 323 Walnut St.,
and two listings for 220 S. Madison St. All of
the properties are across the street from or
within blocks of the new sports complex.
The Illinois State Board of Elections’ campaign disclosure website ( shows
SuppyCore, Inc., has given more than $150,000
in contributions, in-kind donations, services
and loans to Morrissey’s campaign since 2001.
Marshall himself donated $400 to Morrissey’s
campaign between 2005 and 2010.
Morrissey’s most recent D-2 quarterly report of contributions indicates his campaign,
The death of our ...
! Continued from page A1
jobs, opposite the principle of “fair competition” such supposed “free-market” capitalists endorse. This places them at odds with
the capital values that allowed them to create their wealth and build their companies,
revealing them as the principal agents responsible for the moral, economic and political destruction of our nation, because they’re
literally cutting off the country that enabled
this for them, regardless of the human cost.
But more importantly, such short-sighted
“executives” are making it even more pointless
“Citizens for Morrissey,” owes a total of $28,700
in debt to SupplyCore, Inc. The debt is in
relation to loans given April 1, 2005 (original
amount was $20,000) and May 23, 2005 (originalamountwas$13,500).CitizensforMorrissey
has paid a total of $4,800 toward the debt.
Between 2001 and 2006, Albert Provenzano,
owner of SupplyCore, Inc., donated $6,125 to
Citizens for Morrissey.
SupplyCore is a global defense contractor
with headquarters in downtown Rockford at
303 N. Main St., Suite 800. Peter Provenzano is
the company’s president and CEO. Provenzano
is also chairman of the Rock River Development Partnership (RRDP), a public/private
partnership he co-founded with Morrissey.
The RRDP is best known for the Rockford
City Market, which began June 11, 2010, and
takes place every Friday during the summer
months along Water Street between State
and Jefferson streets in downtown Rockford.
More than 55,000 visitors attended the market in 2012, and five vendors have found
permanent storefront locations in downtown
Rockford since the market’s inception.
Financing for the $15 million Madison Street
sports complex was approved at the Jan. 28
Rockford City Council meeting. The 115,000square-foot riverfront complex will feature eight
basketball courts convertible to at least 14
volleyball courts, an extreme sports park,
children’s play area and riverwalk.
Half of the sports complex project is expected to be paid for with state grants, while
the other half will be funded by bonds. The
city hopes the facility will host 40 sports
for their fellow Americans to invest in the expense of an education that would give them the
necessary skills to fill such jobs, undermining
the central tenet of a democratic representative
republic — that of an educated and informed
citizenry able to compete in the both the marketplace and political place in their country.
Why, then, have a nation, be a citizen or
an employee, when the very firms that could
hire us are undermining our ability to do so,
especially with jobs that could offer us a
living means to be so? Such countries then
descend to third-world status, destroying
the sole means for them to remain firstworld — a purposeful “working” middle
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“We’re Here To Get You There”
Providing a vital link between the Rockford
and Beloit transit service areas.
include a “pie night,” and the local business
owners will be featured on a float alongside
Wachowiak during the March 16 parade in
efforts to raise awareness.
Laptops for on-site donations will be available at Kryptonite for immediate giving
during the festivities. Karaoke and a DJ will
be on site during one of the evenings as well.
“We want to be more than drivers, we want
to educate,” said Jupin of Designated Drivers
of Illinois. “We’re trying to raise at least
$2,000 to get our nonprofit status. We (currently) operate primarily through sponsorships and can only accept in-kind donations.”
Donors and entrepreneurs alike create profiles, entrepreneurs entice dollars to be pledged
to their ideas, and donors can give via PayPal at
the support level of their choice. Participants
are encouraged to offer unique perks for sup-
port and fully embrace social media tools to
market themselves and their ideas. Each of the
three has listed various “thank-yous” supporters will receive for their investment, from rides
to baking sessions and product giveaways.
“There needed to be something for those of
us already fighting the good fight, those that
have the fortitude to come up with ideas and
fund them in a nontraditional way,”
Wachowiak said. “Give donors something
creative and fun in return for their [support],
and let them be a part of your dream.”
Should a project not meet its deadline for
fund-raising, donors’ dollars are not charged,
and the project is voided. EntreFunding
launched softly in October. For more information, visit
“It’s a win for everybody,” Sullivan said of
tournaments per year.
The city has hired Sink Combs Dethlefs, a
nationally-renowned athletic facility design
firm, to lead the project’s architectural and
engineering team, along with a team of local
architectural and engineering firms serving as
sub-consultants on the project.
Local architectural design and engineering firm Larson & Darby Group created the
initial designs for the sports complex project
in January 2011. Since 2006, Larson & Darby,
Inc., has donated more than $10,000 to
Morrissey’s campaign, including the following donations: $1,000 (Feb. 2, 2006); $900
(May 26, 2006); $80 (Jan. 25, 2006); $900
(June 18, 2007); $1,000 (Feb. 5, 2007); $1,000
(May 2, 2008); $250 (May 29, 2008); $200
(March 30, 2009); $300 (April 2, 2009); $500
(June 3, 2009); $750 (June 1, 2010); $1,000
(Oct. 15, 2010); $750 (June 7, 2011); $1,000
(Nov. 21, 2011) and $500 (June 11, 2012).
The downtown sports complex is one of four
projects included in the region’s Reclaiming
First master plan for sports tourism. The plan
also calls for modernizing and expanding the
Sportscore One (1288 Elmwood Road, Rockford) and Sportscore Two/Indoor Sports Center
(8800 E. Riverside, Loves Park) complexes.
The Rockford Park District will operate the
new Madison Street complex, and the Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau will
lead sales, marketing and booking of the complex for amateur sports tournaments.
The city-owned former Ingersoll manufacturing complex sits on the banks of the Rock
River in downtown Rockford, across the river
from Davis Festival Park. The 115,000square-foot building, built in phases between
1941 and 1967, will become a multi-court,
hard-surface, air-conditioned facility and will
create an opportunity to host hard-surface
sports events that the region is currently
unable to accommodate.
Morrissey said in a press release about
the complex: “This project will act as a
springboard for our community — propelling us to the next level in attracting amateur sports tournaments and tournaments
to the Rockford community. This complex
will cement our reputation as a premier
sporting destination in the Midwest, spur
downtown development, generate new tax
revenue and grow jobs.”
As part of the sports complex development,
the city has also been seeking to extend South
Madison Street, which currently dead-ends at
the Union Pacific Railroad tracks just south of
Grove Street. The extension would extend over
the railroad tracks, curve south and east, and
then connect with College Avenue and the
newly reconstructed Morgan Street bridge.
The road would provide another access point to
the sports complex and area Rockford Housing
Authority residential and retail developments.
In addition to the sports complex and the
extension of South Madison Street, the city has
also been considering a whitewater rafting
course on the river.
Morrissey is seeking a third term as Rockford mayor in the Tuesday, April 9, election. He
was first elected mayor in April 2005.
Morrissey’s campaign has about $40,000 in
funds. The campaigns of his opponents —
Democrat Jim Hughes and Republican
Michael Kleen — have about $4,200 and
$1,400, respectively.
class. For men who value materiality only,
have no moral reality or ability; no morality.
Such “all-American” companies are undermining the moral economic tenet of all
civilized nations, and of civilization itself —
that of paying a fair wage for a fair day of
work. For without such a “fair wage,” it is
impossible for the citizens of such a country
to buy the goods and services they need to
survive, nor to have the political power and
resources to inform and direct their nation.
This marks the end of Western Civilization as
we have known it, because the behavior of all
such companies, near and far or large and small,
is playing a prime role in undermining the moral
reciprocity enabling democratic citizens, economies and countries to function. The sequestration just fulfills their neo-liberal ambitions.
Why this is so shocking, is that even with
near-record unemployment, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported in the third quarter
of 2010 the highest rate of business profit ever,
since records have been kept (60 years) — $1.66
trillion![3] What, then, is preventing them from
hiring their fellow Americans at a decent wage?
Nothing. So much for the terrible “recession,” if
you’re a large corporation.
For this we can thank our “greed is good”
corporate executives, who haven’t the principle,
conscience or morality to value anything more
than their principal gluttony, and their stockholders, and certainly not the country. Why,
then, should they have a country, a business or
our company? They shouldn’t. For it is to them,
and all who place money before morality, that
we owe the death of our nation.[4] Thank you.
[1] The hiring of illegal immigrants creates
the same effect, but usually involves much lower
wages than those of H1-B visa workers.
[2] As Thomas Jefferson indicated (paraphrased): “Such merchants have no country.”
15-17, 2013, “Management and Labor are Advisories, Deal With It, Obama’s $9 Per Hour
Minimum Wage,” by David Macaray, at http://
[4] It is this citizen’s contention that our
nation’s death will begin in March 2013 with the
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People In Our Times/Obituary Notices/News
People In Our Times
Starr Pittaway completes class on auricular therapy
Starr Pittaway, CNHP, of Step Into Wellness, 5301 E. State St., has completed a
class on auricular therapy.
Needle-free auricular therapy is the practice of mapping the body’s energetic points on the
ear. The auricular points, based on Chinese nomenclature, can help people deal with common
conditions such as obesity, smoking, addictions, stress, back pain and body aches, digestive
disorders, sensitivities, and other conditions. Because the body’s organs and structures can be
mapped to the ear, they can be activated through the use of electrical, cold laser, magnetic and
heat stimulation, as applied to the ear points.
The benefits of auricular therapy are that it activates the meridian, which regulates energy flow,
stimulates the internal organs, improves the circulation in general, aids in the flow of the lymphatic
system, restores both emotional and energetic balance to organs and body systems, induces deep
relaxation, stimulates the brain, and improves the immune system as a prevention measure.
Pittaway provides wellness evaluations, weight loss, ionic foot detox, Bach flowers, nutritional supplements and enzymes, and with complete course work during 2010, has become an
advanced digestive specialist working with stiff, sore joints, headache, heartburn, gas and
bloating, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, irritability and restlessness. By removing heavy metals
and chemicals (detoxing) and fortifying or supporting the body with nutrients, nutritional
supplements and enzymes, one can enjoy improved quality of life with vitality. Humans are
capable of living in balance with energy and in a state of homeostasis.
Locals receive ‘Friends of Illinois County Fairs’ Award
The Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs held its 103rd annual convention at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Ill., Jan. 19.
John (Jack) and Laurel Ratcliffe of the Boone County Fair in Belvidere, Ill., were the
joint recipients of the “Friends of Illinois County Fairs” Award.
Jack has been on the fair board for 39 years and has been vice president of the association for more
than 20 years. He serves as entertainment and track chairman. The Boone County Fair boasts one of
the largest truck and tractor pulls in the state, partly because of Jack’s leadership.
Laurel has managed the Grange Food Stand Complex for more than 40 years and serves as Gate
6 superintendent. She is Jack’s “gal Friday” behind the scenes and takes care of all the book work,
contracts, office duties and computer work. Her hours begin at 4 a.m. and end well after Happy Hour.
Together, with the invaluable assistance of volunteers, they work on building maintenance, keeping the grounds manicured, painting, spraying and repairing. They are dedicated to maintaining a
local family fair where everyone is welcome to enjoy all the events and activities.
“Jack and Laurel are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep on going and going,” according to Al and Darlene Henninger.
Lyle Lee, Boone County Fair president, calls Jack and Laurel some of the hardest-working people
he knows, and added that they work countless hours above and beyond the call of duty.
Their efforts extend beyond the Boone County Fair to the Flora Grange, Pomona Grange, Illinois
State Grange, Farmland Protection Project, Boone County Soil and Water, and their church. Jack
and Laurel are always the first to step up when there is a friend or neighbor or someone they’ve never
met in need of help; it doesn’t matter if it is monetary, cleaning up after a disaster, harvesting crops,
rebuilding a home, serving a meal for a funeral or Habitat for Humanity workers, or simply giving
someone a ride home. Neither of them knows how to say “No,” said Larry and Emalee Colver.
Obituary Notices
Ralph Richardson, 57, Rockford, 2/25/13
Kathleen Schleicher, 64, Rockford, 2/25/13
Glen Graves, 56, Rockford, 2/25/13
Jimmy Hollins, 20, Rockford, 2/25/13
Caroline Ambruoso, 94, Rockford, 2/25/13
Phyllis Conery, 88, Rockford, 2/25/13
Lorraine Miller, 93, Rockford, 2/25/13
John Elder, 60, Rockford, 2/25/13
Margaret Datschefski, 83, Rockford, 2/25/13
Linda Johns, 60, Rockford, 2/25/13
Gloria Jacobs, 84, South Beloit, 2/25/13
David Baylis, 71, Rockford, 2/25/13
Charles Buttacavol, 69, Rockford, 2/25/13
George McBride, 89, Rockford, 2/25/13
Timothy McGinn, 62, Rockford, 2/26/13
Jose Ramos, 36, Rockford, 2/26/13
Evelyn Jungerberg, 88, Rockford, 2/26/13
Marie Jirasek, 97, Rockford, 2/26/13
Norbert Cadarian, 63, Rockford, 2/26/13
Ruth Schutt, 90, Rockford, 2/27/13
William Schmederer, 77, Rockford, 2/27/13
Frances Anthon, 72, Rockford, 2/27/13
Fred Mead, 68, Rockford, 2/27/13
Marie Wilson, 65, Rockford, 2/27/13
Roger Reno, 78, Rockford, 2/27/13
Margie Hosick, 83, Rockford, 2/27/13
David Duke, 68, Rockford, 2/27/13
Scott Hobel, 50, Rockford, 2/28/13
Richard Witherby, 79, Rockford, 2/28/13
Ruth Vincent, 88, Rockford, 2/28/13
The Rock River Times • March 6-12, 2013
CUB gives high ...
! Continued from page A1
bling reports of misleading marketing. The reports often come from aggregation communities, such as Chicago, presumably because competing suppliers are racing to sign up customers
before the community switches residents to its
chosen supplier. Sales representatives may become more desperate as the pool of potential
customers gets smaller and in the face of the
expected drop in utility rates.
said. “Conditions could be ripe for rip-offs.”
CUB warned Illinoisans to use extreme
caution if a marketer:
1. Asks to see an account number or power
bill before you’ve even decided whether you
want to sign up.
2. Claims to be recommended by city or
state government.
3. Claims to be from “the electric company,” failing to clarify that he or she is not
employed by the utility.
4. Offers a low introductory rate — that
skyrockets after a month or two. (Fixed-rate
plans that don’t charge an exit fee have been
the safest bet for consumers in the short term.)
5. Promises that this offer will protect from
utility rate hikes. (Customers still pay utility
delivery rates — so they won’t avoid any
increase in those rates.)
Watch a short video explaining each of these
red flags at
Innovation, D-
A major weakness in Illinois’ electricity
market is that suppliers have focused
solely on the price advantage caused by
relatively expensive utility contracts —
an advantage unlikely to last.
Launching innovative programs that promote energy efficiency, money-saving technology, and dynamic pricing would make
alternative offers more attractive after the
market changes, but also better protect consumers from future market fluctuations. Yet,
none of the suppliers has introduced creative
offers, such as “real-time” pricing, “time of
use” rates, or smart thermostat programs.
CUB added that the City of Chicago’s municipal aggregation deal has the potential to be a
model for its consumer protections and its use of
renewable energy and efficiency.
Overall grade, INCOMPLETE
Elizabeth Buckardt, 83, Rockford, 2/28/13
John Dugan, 53, Rockford, 2/28/13
Mildred Massetti, 92, Rockford, 2/28/13
Lillian Perrone, 90, Rockford, 2/28/13
John Barton, 99, Rockford, 3/1/13
Elizabeth Kellems, 62, Rockford, 3/1/13
Gail Hegarty, 67, Rockford, 3/1/13
Howard Fosler, 89, Rockford, 3/1/13
Lois Carlson, 81, Rockford, 3/1/13
Mary Streeter, 82, Rockford, 3/1/13
Viola Gates, 82, Rockford, 3/1/13
Richard Brown, 82, Rockford, 3/1/13
Johnny Gillespie, 59, Rockford, 3/2/13
Robert Pirzyk, 74, Rockford, 3/2/13
Eileen Grant, 89, Rockford, 3/2/13
Willard Euhus, 96, Rockford, 3/3/13
Melvin Paris, 68, Rockford, 3/3/13
Charles Epling, 79, Rockford, 3/3/13
William Hopkins, 76, Rockford, 3/3/13
Mary Sandoval, 57, Rockford, 3/3/13
Charles Nepean, 81, Rockford, 3/4/13
George Porter, 53, Rockford, 3/4/13
Betty Smith, 83, Rockford, 3/4/13
Elizabeth Lichteig, 87, Rockford, 3/4/13
Eddie Clark, 67, Rockford, 3/4/13
Barbara Hogan, 69, Rockford, 3/4/13
Dennis Goomis, 66, Rockford, 3/4/13
Alan Palm, 68, Rockford, 3/4/13
Emma Hartley, 102, Rockford, 3/4/13
Alice Brogren, 90, Rockford, 3/4/13
Second Congregational
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Worship Services on Sunday at 9:30 am
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Call 815-964-9767. $12/
A final grade remains to be seen, given
market uncertainties and reports of misleading marketing, high exit fees and the
lack of innovation. CUB recommends that
alternative suppliers:
1. Train their sales force better. Provide a
concrete list of marketing DOs and DON’Ts.
Cedar & Churc
h —Think New
Courthouse and Amtrak Station
Call today 815-979-0789
2. Introduce innovative programs. The most
reliable way to help consumers cut costs is not to
rely on the market, but to launch innovative
programsthatpromoteenergyefficiency,moneysaving technology, and creative pricing plans —
such as “time of use” or “real-time” pricing.
3. Practice better transparency. All alternative electric suppliers should promptly and accurately report their prices to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for display on the
ICC’s website.
4. Eliminate exit fees. Some electric offers
don’t charge any exit fees, which begs the
question of why others charge $100 or more.
CUB calls on all power suppliers to eliminate such fees.
5. Don’t use utility logos. Alternative suppliers should not use names and logos that
are similar to regulated utilities. That can
spark customer confusion.
CUB is Illinois’ leading nonprofit utility
watchdog organization. Created by the Illinois
Legislature, CUB opened its doors in 1984 to
represent the interests of residential and smallbusiness utility customers. Since then, CUB
has saved consumers more than $10 billion by
helping to block rate hikes and secure refunds
over the years. For more information, call
CUB’s Consumer Hotline at 1-800-669-5556 or
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March 6-12, 2013 • The Rock River Times
Response to Paul Logli
Guest Column
Dr. Dennis Thompson, when asked by a
Register Star reporter to what he attributed
the steep decline in adolescent literacy, anEditor’s note: The following is in response to swered it was due to all the time spent
the Feb. 27-March 5 guest column “What is playing video games. So, here’s my question
‘just a library’ today?” by Rockford Public for Mr. Logli: How does he justify the expenLibrary Board of Trustees President Paul diture of public funds on video games and the
Logli. Logli’s column was in response to the staff necessary to maintain order while the
Feb. 13-19 guest column, “Why can’t our li- games are being played, when educators
point to video game playing as the major
brary be just a library?” by Tim Hughes.
cause of adolescent illiteracy? I look forward
By Tim Hughes
In his response to my column asking why to hearing Mr. Logli’s answer to that quescan’t our library be just a library, board presi- tion, because quite frankly, I don’t believe
dent Paul Logli raised several questions that there is a justifiable answer considering all
the circumstances.
need answering.
I’m a firm believer in summer reading
It isn’t just a question of keeping pace
with changing times, it is the balance the programs, but yes, I do think kids should
library should strive to maintain between go into the library to sign up for it;
education and entertainment, and, unfor- otherwise, they might think a library is
tunately, where this library administration about carnivals and cotton candy and
is concerned, entertainment is winning out nothing else. Besides, in doing so, they
over the core purpose for a library’s exist- might end up checking out books, which
ence, the distribution of knowledge and would help the circulation Mr. Logli is
information. Young adults who really are concerned about.
Of course, Mr. Logli is right in stating that
young adults and who have read my criticisms of these fighting video games offered summer reading programs are necessary for
children to maintain
in the Young Adult
their reading skill
Zone have said they
agree with me, such It isn’t just a question of keeping level. But that’s readgames are not ap- pace with changing times, it is the ing, and not watchpropriate for adoles- balance the library should strive to ing movies. Yet, movies, thematically recents, and went on
to point out that they maintain between education and lated to the summer
themselves were entertainment, and, unfortunately, reading program, are
avid gamers. So, I where this library administration is offered at the library
minors who
don’t think I’m that
concerned, entertainment is winning to
wouldn’t be allowed
far off in my complaint about these out over the core purpose for a to watch such movies
sickeningly violent library’s existence, the distribution in a theater unless
accompanied by an
gamers with such vi- of knowledge and information.
adult, but are offered
cious titles as “No
in the guise of being
Mercy,” in which
story characters are pummeled without part of the summer reading in spite of sexumercy. And at a time we are learning so ally-explicit language and images.
As Mr. Logli should know better than most,
many of the mass shooters who have recently horrified the nation with their crimes it’s illegal under state law to expose a minor to
have also been devotees of such games, it is sexually-themed images. The images don’t
fair to raise objections as to why the library have to be sexually explicit, just sexually
is providing such material for adolescent themed. So, I’m taking this opportunity to
consumption. When a library staffer justi- inform Mr. Logli that the next time I observe
fies offering fighting video games to keep, under-age children watching R-rated movies
and I quote, a “certain grade of kid off the in the name of the library’s summer reading
streets,” and most of those playing the games program, I’m not going to be writing about it,
in the Young Adult Zone are minority kids, I’m going to be reporting it to the State’s
then it is fair to ask if RPL hasn’t come to Attorney’s Office.
So, I stand by what I’ve said. I’m fully
stand for Racist Pandering Library, for it
aware libraries must meet current technoseems to me that’s what it comes down to.
Since when are fighting video games neces- logical demands, but I maintain such desary for library staff to form positive relations mands are being subverted by self-serving
with adolescent patrons? Many library staff- library administrators for their own purers believe these games have no place in the poses, and that doesn’t bode well for the
library, and ones I have spoken with indicate future of our library. I also think I stand in
the playing of these games as a lure for getting pretty good company in my insistence that
adolescents to use the library has resulted in the library serve its primary function first.
only minimal circulation of library materials. After all, it was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who
Mr. Logli tells us that adolescents form said that going to the library taught him
friendships in the YAZ, but I know some what a big world it is and what incredible
who complain they can’t concentrate on opportunities awaited him. He certainly
their school work while using one of the wouldn’t have learned that playing a video
zone’s laptops because of all the racket game in which story characters run around
caused by video games. Laptops good. Fight- setting each other on fire.
Tim Hughes is a former teacher in Rockford
ing video games not so good. And I hope Mr.
Logli doesn’t think that all that bonding School District 205 who coached debate and
together he talks about includes certain taught English at Auburn High School for 20
forms of illegal card games for adolescents years. At Auburn, he coached three debate
teams to first-place national championships.
since that goes on in the zone as well.
Letters Policy
The Rock River Times welcomes your letters and comments. However, to be fair to
all writers, we ask that all letters be fewer than 200 words, no more than one letter
per month be sent from any one writer, and that letters be signed and include a
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Vote at
Do you support Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey’s
geopolicing plan, which calls for three police substations as
opposed to one central headquarters? (Yes or No)
from February 27- March 5, 2013:
Is Rockford a miserable place to live?
Yes 61% (65) — No 39% (42)
Elimination of Rock Stage contributed
to On the Waterfront’s demise
Editor’s note: The following is in response to Paul Gorski’s Jan. 30-Feb. 5
“Meet John Doe” column “The iPod killed
On the Waterfront?”
In response to Mr. Gorski’s article about
the iPod killing On the Waterfront (OTW), I
will have to agree with him — but only
partly. I do believe that the different modalities of music gathering and music absorption have definitely hurt a lot of musical
venues, but I’m going to take it one step
further and say OTW killed OTW.
Now, granted I was only a pup in the ’90s,
my favorite memory of OTW was when the
hair metal band Nitro came to town to the
Rock Stage. They had Michael Angelo Batio
playing a four-neck guitar faster than anyone has played guitar. I was probably 5 or 6,
but it blew my mind.
That was the best part of OTW: The Rock
Stage. Rockford is not called ROCKford for
nothing. We’re blue-collar that way. We
love our rock, we love our metal.
I used to be in the local rock/metal scene,
and people would lose their minds at shows.
It was their outlet. The Rock Stage was
Rockford’s mecca at OTW. I remember that
stage being more packed than Davis Park.
Seeing Union Underground, Nitro,
NightRanger, winning KISS tickets there ...
we Rockfordians loved the Rock Stage. I
think when the Rock Stage got canned, it
alienated a lot of our residents — A LOT. I
heard it got eradicated because of the goth
and metal kids who would always cause
trouble. That’s crap. Those kids kept the
numbers up. They were harmless little
punks who dressed in black. I was one of
them, at times.
So, what this boils down to is IF OTW
comes back, try to include more rock/
metal shows. It will help bring the droves
back. Don’t alienate a VERY prominent
Thank you, Mr. Gorski — great article.
Shawn Williams
Let’s stop the train!!!
How many articles are going to be written, how many politicians are going to try to
make it to an elected office by claiming they
have the solution to our economic, moral
and criminal situation in our cities, counties, states and country?
Isn’t it time these so-called experts put up
or shut up?
Who got us here? Could it have been past
and present politicians and public officials?
No, they are only looking out for our best
interests. Yes, of course, Messrs. Ryan,
Blago, Jackson and Ms. Crundwell!! What
they have done will never be recovered.
What about their cronies who haven’t been
exposed yet? This is just in Illinois … should
we multiply that by 50 states, untold cities
and counties? WOW!!
Let’s try something, to get the attention of
our legislators and public officials, for a
period of time (or until our leaders can get
together as one caring unit):
(1) Freeze the current government officials’ pay, benefits and office expenses,
plus absolutely no access to their campaign
funds. Or the ability to transfer these monies and benefits in any way.
(2) Stop all previous pensions and benefits to all out of office, past government
officials and their families.
(3) Make outgoing compensation and benefits comparable to average Joe Citizen.
(4) Let’s all make a conscious effort to not
buy anything we do not absolutely need, if it
is not made in the United States. Let’s say for
just a month? That could get the attention of
our government officials who have supported
the shifted manufacturing base, too!!!
Now that we have their attention, let’s
move forward!!
Dan Sears
Roscoe, Ill.
Support CASA as a volunteer
Every year, there are millions of abused
and neglected children who have become
wards of the court. CASA is a program
where volunteers are appointed by the court
to speak for the child’s best interest. Court
Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) are
trained volunteers from our community.
These children are at risk because of their
circumstances, i.e., they are abused and/or
neglected. The CASA volunteer then provides the judge with factual, researched
details about the child to help the judge
make an informed decision regarding the
child’s future. CASA is often the one consistent person throughout the duration of the
child’s case, providing continuity for the
child until the case is permanently resolved.
We always need volunteers for the program as the number of new children assigned to us changes on a monthly basis.
There is no special experience or education
to become a CASA volunteer. All one needs
is a commitment to children and the desire
to help.
The American Bar Association, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court
Judges, and the Office of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the U.S.
Department of Justice have endorsed CASA.
Please think of our children and consider
becoming a CASA volunteer. For more information, visit our website,,
or call (815) 288-1901.
Marguerite Nye
CASA 15th Judicial Circuit Board Member
(serving Lee, Carroll, and Ogle counties)
Scam warning regarding alleged
phone calls from Microsoft/Windows
Editor’s note: The following was sent as an
e-mail to Frank Schier, editor and publisher.
It is reprinted here as a Letter to the Editor.
If you receive a phone call from a guy or a
girl claiming they are from Microsoft or
Windows, and they tell you your computer
is sending them errors, do not talk to them.
They are not who they say they are. This
crazy guy calls me about 10 minutes ago and
said my computer was sending Microsoft
errors and then told me to enter a bunch of
info in so he could fix it. LOL, I replied, “Sir,
I don’t think Microsoft is in the habit of
calling homes and telling them they have
errors or viruses.” He then said, “Mr.
Marinaro, I am not going to waste any more
time with you,” and hung up.
The reason for my concern is there are a
lot of people out there who would not know
better. If I had let him have his way, he could
have easily gone through and stolen info,
bank, financials, etc.
Matthew J. Marinaro
Obama administration still harming
American people
Sequester schmester! What a distraction
from the damage this administration is
wreaking on the American people! I’ll admit
it. I’ve only recently realized that a billion
dollars is 1,000 million, and a trillion is
1,000 billion. So, with a national budget of
$3.5 trillion, the sequester is $85 billion, or
2.4 percent of the budget. If your budget
were $1,000, could you manage if it were
reduced by $24?
The president was AWOL in the effort to
avoid sequester’s indiscriminate cuts — he
didn’t meet with Harry Reid. He campaigned. He vowed to veto a Republican bill
giving him authority to specify cuts, to inflict least damage on the national security
and vital functions. He could have protected
food inspections and airport traffic control.
And this is the guy who says he is looking
out for the American people?
Listen to the March 1 show at Mark lambasts
House Republicans who have a choice to
defund Obamacare in the March Continuing Resolution. Nothing represents a greater
threat to our national health — literally and
figuratively — than Obamacare. Employers who reduced employee hours to 30 to
avoid Obamacare’s obscene insurance costs
have learned the rules changed. Now, they’re
reducing hours to 25. This is good for working people? But the sheeple still believe
Obama cares for the “little guy.”
Northern IL Tea Party invites the public
to the third Thursday, March 21
meeting,West Main in Rockton.
Jane Carrell
Roscoe, Ill.
Health/Naturally Rockford/Outdoors
The Rock River Times • March 6-12, 2013
Chemicals in U.S. food Openfields Local Foods
— how safe are they? Conference March 16
By Susan Johnson
have not been fully evaluated. The FDA has
Copy Editor
“found concentrations of SEM in a limited
How safe is the food we eat? The Chicago survey of domestic bread and bakery prodTribune ran an article in its Jan. 21 issue ucts” and has asked the baking industry “to
highlighting the crusade of Sarah Kavanagh, identify production changes aimed at rea Mississippi teen-ager who discovered an ducing SEM levels and potential consumer
emulsifier in Gatorade that is banned in exposure.” McDonald’s says that
other countries.
azodicarbonamide is used in their bread,
The chemical, brominated vegetable oil and that all their food ingredients comply
(BVO), is illegal to be used as a food additive with federal food laws.
in the European Union, Canada, Brazil,
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and
India, Japan and Nepal. Some other ingre- butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) help
dients allowed in U.S. food but not in other slow the spoilage of certain fats and oils in
countries are some artificial colors and ad- food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical prodditives to flour.
ucts. These preservatives are found in proKavanagh, meanwhile, has started her own cessed butters, meats, cereals, gum, baked
online petition drive requesting Gatorade to goods, vitamins, dehydrated potatoes and
stop putting “flame retardant chemicals in beer. They are forbidden for use in Eurosports drinks!” After doing some independent pean cosmetics; California classifies BHA
research on the ingredients in Gatorade, she as a carcinogen. The National Institutes of
was shocked to find BVO listed as a flame Health connects BHT to liver enlargement.
retardant used in some flavors of Gatorade. An FDA agency committee called in the
According to a 2011 article in Scientific Ameri- 1970s for research on potential risks. There
can, BVO is “under intense scrutiny because is no record of any studies being conducted.
research has shown
Regulations on
that they are building
natural foods
up in people’s bodies,
On the other hand,
including breast milk, article from the Alliance for Natural a May 18, 2010, araround the world,” as Health reported that the U.S. ticle from the AlliKavanagh states in Institute of Medicine seems to think ance for Natural
her petition. She adds,
Health reported that
“The same article also that healthy foods and supplements the U.S. Institute of
mentions that there should be regulated like drugs. The Medicine seems to
are ‘links to impaired article pointed out that natural think that healthy
neurological developfoods and supplement, reduced fertil- products cannot be patented and ments should be
ity, early onset of pu- so cannot go through the lengthy, regulated like drugs.
berty and altered thy- expensive FDA approval process The article pointed
roid hormones.’”
out that natural
required for drugs.
Brominated vegproducts cannot be
etable oil (BVO) has
patented and so canbeen used as a stabilizer or emulsifer to pre- not go through the lengthy, expensive FDA
vent separation of citric oils used to flavor approval process required for drugs.
drinks. It is also used in some soft drinks such
“Who does the IOM or FDA expect to pay
as Mountain Dew, Fanta and Squirt. The a billion dollar cost of approval for cherries
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says or walnuts?” asks the Alliance for Natural
that “interim” use at up to 15 parts per million Health. “Individual cherry or walnut grow(ppm) has been allowed since the 1970s, “pend- ers? Will consumers buy cherries if they cost
ing the outcome of additional toxicological as much as drugs?”
studies.” We don’t know whether these studThe IOM would like to strengthen FDA
ies were ever performed.
authority over supplements and allow the
Potassium bromate (bromated flour) agency to pull them off the market because
is an oxidizing agent that enhances the of vague concerns, not just the standard of
performance of flour. However, the Ameri- “significant or unreasonable risk.”
can Bakers Association says that most of its
IOM also forbids a supplement intended
members have stopped using the ingredi- for bones (containing vitamin K, D, calcium
ent, though it is still found in some bread and other minerals) to cite accepted claims
products. So far, no adverse effects have for vitamin D or calcium. The IOM wants
been discovered in animals fed bread-based the entire product to be researched as a
diets made from flour treated with KBrO3. whole and nothing said about component
But the agent is carcinogenic in rats and vitamin D or calcium benefits.
proven toxic to kidneys in both man and
These could be some of the results of the
experimental animals when given orally. DSHEA, passed in 1994, if carried to the
California classifies it as a carcinogen. The extreme. This law essentially forced the
FDA encourages manufacturers to stop us- FDA to stop regulating dietary supplements
ing brominated flour but has not banned it, out of existence. But one of the little-known
claiming that if good manufacturing pro- sections of the law required supplement
cesses are followed, residual bromate does manufacturers to “notify” the FDA whennot pose a health hazard.
ever they used a new ingredient in their
Azidocarbonamide is used to bleach, formulations. The details on how this was
age and enhance flour and is found in sand- supposed to be done (called New Dietary
wich bread and many fast-food burger buns, Ingredient rules or NDI) were never pubsuch as those at Burger King and lished by the FDA, and they were mostly
McDonald’s. It is not legal in Australia and unenforced. But now, the rules are manEurope. In Singapore, its use can result in dated under the new Food Safety Act (S.
15 years in prison and a fine of $450,000. 510), so supplements will be more closely
The United Kingdom Health and Safety regulated, and some manufacturers may go
executive said that its effects in humans out of business if they cannot comply.
‘The Early Signs of Spring’
March 9 at Klehm Arboretum
Staff Report
This spring, families are invited to engage with nature at Rockford’s Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Garden, 2715 S. Main St.
On the second Saturday of each month,
Klehm will offer themed activities for kids of
all ages. Families will find fun ways to learn
about nature outdoors through hikes, scavenger hunts and guided tours.
Saturday, March 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
the Family Day theme is “The Early Signs of
Spring.” Before the first trees blossom, you
can find signs of spring: in patches of color, the
first flowers of the year, sprouting plants and
interesting tree buds. To encourage discoveries, families will be able to check out backpacks with supplies to discover these signs
(map, binoculars, magnifying glass, etc.).
The day will also include a spring-inspired dance by the Rockford Dance Company, Junior Company. From 11 a.m. to 1
p.m., these young dancers will be on hand to
wow you with their talent and remind you of
the beauty of the season.
Admission is free for Klehm members
and $10 for non-member families. For more
details, call Klehm at (815) 965-8146, or
at Atwood Center
Staff Report
University of Illinois Extension and the
Winnebago County Local Foods Workgroup
present the Fourth Annual Openfields Local
Food Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
Saturday, March 16, at Atwood Center, 2685
New Milford School Road, Rockford.
U of I Extension Openfields events are
designed to help interested community members gain knowledge and develop a greater
understanding of local foods, from the farm
to the table. This year’s conference is geared
toward individuals interested in learning
more about growing their own food and/or
growing food for the local foods market.
Keynote speaker is Chicago’s Bill Shores
of Shores Garden Consulting, Inc., who will
present “Designing Edible and Ornamental
Small Space Gardens.”
A slide show and discussion of unique and
beautiful spaces devoted to producing food for
restaurants will be presented. Also learn how
urban residential spaces can be transformed
Ice dams on roofs
! Continued from page A1
had no idea of the insulation levels.
Snow on the roof can melt from the heat of
the sun or house heat reaching the underside of
the roof. The water usually drains off. Under
certain temperature conditions when the water flows onto the cold area over the eaves, it
freezes. If the snow above the ice dam continues
to melt, the water is blocked. It can move up
under the shingles and seep into the attic
insulation and the walls of the building. Over
time, water stains, deteriorated insulation,
mold and wood rot can set in. “Non-uniform
roof surface temperatures lead to ice dams.”
A short-term solution involves using a
snow scraper to remove the first 8 feet of
snow from the roof when the depth reaches
6 inches. Snow should be removed from the
Cross section of house with roof dam.
into highly productive organic gardens that also
serve as outdoor living and entertaining spaces.
season extension, container gardening, indoor
growing, composting and edible landscaping.
Shores designs urban garden systems in
Chicago and manages the organic garden
at Topolobampo, Rick Bayless’ famous Chicago restaurant.
The event includes three additional sessions, including the “Local Impact of Frontera
Foundation Grants,” presented by local farmers Andy Hazzard of Hazzard Free Farms and
Jill Beyer of Harrison Market Gardens, and
“Farms of Tomorrow … Today” presented by
Jonathan Fagan, head grower at Angelic Organics. Lunch will feature local food creations
by Michelle Princer of Toni’s of Winnebago.
The registration fee is $25 per person, which
includes the keynote presentation, three educational sessions and lunch; registration is $30 at
thedoor.Register at
jsw or call (815) 986-4357.
shingles without damaging them, and provide pathways for the melt water to drain.
Snow scrapers have a curved plastic blade
affixed to a lightweight aluminum pole that
can be expanded to more than 20 feet. Chipping with a hammer or pick can damage the
shingles. Electric wires should not be touched
by the pole, as an electric shock could prove
lethal. It is best not to climb up on a sloping,
slippery, snow-covered roof.
Another temporary solution is to apply
waterproof heat tape along the roof edge
and the rain gutters to provide a pathway
for the water to flow. The electrified strips
only need to be turned on as needed. Some
come with timers or moisture sensors and
turn on and off automatically.
It is important to look into what is causing
the ice dams. Heat passing up from the house
and air leaks into the attic often warm the
roof enough to melt the snow. Sealing
air leaks and adding attic insulation
may solve the problem. Ventilating
the attic from the soffits to the roof
ridge helps cool the attic and reduce
the likelihood of snow melt.
If a roof needs to be replaced, installing a waterproof membrane shield
from the edge of the roof and beyond
where the walls intersect with the roof
will limit water penetration.
The Durand homeowner wanted a
permanent solution to his problem, so
we recommended he contact a certified
insulation contractor. Armed with an
infrared camera, blower door and air
monitoring equipment, a contractor
can isolate the problems and offer solutions. The solutions should solve the ice
dam problem, while reducing heating
and air conditioning costs and maintaining air quality.
Drs. Robert and Sonia Vogl are
founders and officers of the Illinois
Renewable Energy Association (IREA)
and coordinate the annual Renewable
Energy and Sustainable Lifestyle Fair.
March 6-12, 2013 • The Rock River Times
Great American Cleanup set for April 27 ...
! Continued from page A1
the region-wide litter collection event involving citizens from all municipalities, agencies and service organizations in Winnebago
County as well as new partner Belvidere
Township. Individuals and teams from businesses, civic groups and youth organizations are asked to register by April 19. The
groups can request specific locations or be
assigned to a targeted area.
KNIB provides safety and litter-collecting equipment at strategic staging sites.
“Through leadership, recycling programs
and personal dedication to ridding our community of trash and litter, I commend Lori
Gummow and her staff at Keep Northern
Illinois Beautiful on their upcoming Great
American Cleanup,” Christiansen said. “I
encourage our citizens to get involved with
helping to keep our county clean and as
litter-free as possible, and personally thank
all the volunteers who will donate their time
to pick up litter along the sidewalks, streets
and fields in Winnebago County.”
A nationally-organized anti-littering campaign, the Great American Cleanup was
originated by Keep America Beautiful in
1985. The effort has been endorsed by the
U.S. Conference of Mayors. It has grown
into a catalyst for change, becoming the
nation’s single-largest volunteer community improvement program. Removing litter and debris ensures resident safety and
gives best impressions to visitors during the
rest of the year.
KNIB’s Great American Cleanup coordinator, Frank Manzullo, said: “Last year, we
had more than 1,200 volunteers and collected 36 tons of litter. With our additional
partners, we hope to attract even more
volunteers this year.”
Preregistration for the event is required.
Located at 5454 11th St. in
Rockford, Pine Tree Pistol
Club is the Stateline’s
premier indoor shooting
facility. A private club
established in 1954, Pine
Tree has much to offer the
community, including NRA
Firearm Safety classes, women-only classes, and
Bullseye, USPSA and IDPA leagues, just to
name a few. All classes and most events are open
to the public. Pine Tree also opens its doors to
the public for general target shooting on the 2nd
& 4th Sundays of the month from 1PM until
5PM. For more info on Pine Tree Pistol Club,
including membership requirements and event
schedules, visit us on the web at:
• Meals provided
• Housekeeping
• Transportation services
• Call to schedule a tour
Luther Center
111 West State Street
Rockford, IL 61101
(815) 965-0055
(847) 390-1460 TTY
Volunteers must register by Friday, April 19. River Trail; Rock Valley Culligan; Starbucks
Saturday, April 27, a designated team member Coffee; SwedishAmerican Medical Foundawill pick up supplies at one of the 20 distribu- tion; Winnebago County; the Winnebago
tion sites between 8 and 9 a.m. and proceed to County Highway Department; the
their assigned team cleanup location to hand Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department;
out supplies. Teams pick up litter from 9 a.m. to and WTVO Channel 17/FOX 39.
Organizations, groups or individuals internoon. Complimentary water and snacks, courested in participattesy of event sponin the 2013 Great
sors, will be provided
In an additional effort to beautify ing
American Cleanup
for all volunteers.
Patriots’ Gateway northern Illinois, free oak trees will may call Manzullo at
Center, 615 S. Fifth be available, in limited quantities, KNIB at (815) 6371343 or register at
St., Rockford, will at select distribution sites. by
serve as the central
Friday, April 19.
location for volunGreat American Cleanup equipment
teers’ supplies (gloves, safety vests, trash bags
pickup sites
and litter tongs). The complete list of pickup
Rockford: House of Refuge Church, 1401
sites is included at the end of this article.
In an additional effort to beautify north- W. State St.; Patriots’ Gateway Center, 615
ern Illinois, free oak trees will be available, S. Fifth St.; Riverside Community Bank
in limited quantities, at select distribution locations (Perryville Banking Center, 6855
sites. The trees are to be planted within E. Riverside Blvd.; Harrison Banking Censight of the Rock River, per stipulation of ter, 2625 Stowmarket Ave.; and State Street
the grant from the Living Lands and Wa- Banking Center, 4048 E. State St.); TAC of
Rockford, 109 N. Main St.; Wayne’s Feed
ters project, which makes them available.
Cooperating partners in this year’s Great Store, 3435 Auburn St.; West Gateway CoaAmerican Cleanup in northern Illinois in- lition, 200 N. Johnson St.; and the
clude KNIB; Beef-A-Roo; Burger King; the Winnebago County Highway Department,
City of Rockford; Don Carter Lanes; Gen- 424 N. Springfield Ave.
Boone County: Belvidere Township
eral Mills; Greenlee, A Textron Company;
Johnny Pamcakes; Katie’s Cup; Lowe’s Building, 8200 Fairgrounds Road, Belvidere.
Winnebago County: Cherry Valley TownHome Improvement Center; McDonald’s;
Papa John’s Pizza; Pepsi Cola of Rockford; ship, 4875 Blackhawk Road; Durand United
RK Dixon; The Rock River Times; Rock Methodist Church, Main and Center streets;
Harlem Township Town Hall,
819 Melbourne Ave.,
Machesney Park; Loves Park
City Hall, 100 Heart Blvd.;
11th St.; Pecatonica Township
Building, 410 Reed St.; Riverside Community Bank, Route
173 Banking Center, 1515 W.
Lane Road, Machesney Park;
Rockton Village Green Park,
149 E. Chapel St.; Roscoe Public Works Building, 5402
Swanson Road; and South
Beloit Fire Station, 149
Gardner St.
The Rock River Times
Commentary/News/Renewable Energy
March 6-12, 2013
Page A7 — March 6-12, 2013
Rick’s Picks gets picked March 11 on History Channel
! What American Pickers’ Frank
Fritz and Mike Wolfe have to say
about Rick Nielsen’s collection
Tube Talk
By Paula Hendrickson
Contributing Writer
Did Rick’s Picks really get picked? Not
exactly, but the Rick’s Picks exhibit chronicling the first 40 years of Cheap Trick
guitarist Rick Nielsen’s career — on display at Burpee Museum through April 10
— did lure American Pickers stars Frank
Fritz and Mike Wolfe back to town to
shoot another episode of their popular
History Channel show.
“Frank heard about the museum display
because he’s a member of his fan club,”
Wolfe explained. “Frank wanted to see the
exhibit, so we stopped by.”
Wolfe said seeing Nielsen’s guitars and
old costumes was his favorite part of the
exhibit. “I’ve always loved vintage clothing
because it’s such a personal thing,” Wolfe
said. “I love the wear, and you can also see a
person’s style and stature from the pieces.
The exhibit was a very personal look into his
life and his collecting taste and habits.”
While they were in town, the guys also got
a peek at Nielsen’s private stash.
“He was — and will always be — an icon
in the American rock and roll history
books, so to see his personal items and go
through them was picking folklore,” Wolfe
said. “Looking through Rick’s private collection was a dream.”
Wolfe started listening to Cheap Trick
when growing up in Iowa, and said “Surrender” is his favorite one of the band’s songs.
Like many kids of that era, Wolfe considers
Cheap Trick songs his coming-of-age music.
Seeing Nielsen’s archive gave Wolfe
and Fritz a feeling that somehow, way
back when, Nielsen had a sense of how
influential Cheap Trick’s music would
one day be. The sheer size of the collecContinued on page A10 !
Vibe Calendars
March 6-12, 2013 • The Rock River Times
Upcoming Events
View the Music Calendar online at for a
complete list of upcoming events.
Wednesday, March 6
Early Show: Truman’s Ridge, 7:30 p.m.
– The House Café, 263 E. Lincoln
Hwy., DeKalb. Late show: NIU Jazz
Jam Session, 10 p.m. Free. Info:
Country Night – Mandalay Lounge, 200
N. Church St. Starts at 5 p.m.
Karaoke with Mike – Rusty Nail, 1804
Eighth Ave. 7:30 p.m.-midnight. Every
Wed. Free. Info: 815-397-2510.
Vinyl Voodoo – Mary’s Place, 602 N.
Madison St. 10:30 p.m. Free. Info:
Open Mic – Sharky’s Sports Bar & Grill,
3 N. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris. 6 p.m.close every Wednesday. $2 domestic bottles. Info: 815-734-6808.
Matt Losey and Henry Vander of the
Stragglers – Stumpy’s Pub, 5801
Columbine Pkwy. Info: 815-316-1225.
Thursday, March 7
Karaoke by Hallie – Hawkeye’s Lounge,
Hawk’s View Restaurant, 11189
Forest Hills Road, Machesney Park.
Pizza, too! Info: 815-282-4868.
Blues Gone Wild/First Thurs. of the
Month Open Blues Jam – The House
Café, 263 E. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb.
7:30 p.m. Free. Info: 815-787-9547.
Blues Night – Mandalay Lounge, 200
N. Church St. 5 p.m.
Country Western Jam feat. Steve Ciko
– Keen Age Center, 2141 Henry
Luckow Lane, Belvidere. Every Thursday, 1-3 p.m. Info: 815-516-0646.
Ed Anderson (of Backyard Tire Fire) w/
Johnny Hickman – Kryptonite Bar,
308 W. State St. 8 p.m. $10 advance,
$12 door. Info: 815-965-0931.
Harlan Jefferson – Rockton Inn, 102
E. Main St., Rockton. 7 p.m. Info:
Open Mic – Katie’s Cup, 502 Seventh
St. Info: 815-986-0628.
Open Mic w/Ben Doetch– The Grove,
100 E. Grove St., Poplar Grove. 6
p.m. Free. Info: 815-765-1002.
Open Stage – Mary’s Place, 602 N.
Madison St. 9:30 p.m. Free. Every
Thurs. Info: 815-962-7944.
Open Mic – Cronie’s Grill, 9032 N. Second St., Machesney Park. Every Thurs
Bike Night, Stone Free, DJ & Karaoke
– Whiskey’s Roadhouse, 3207 N.
Main St. Info: 815-877-8007.
Friday, March 8
RVCC Great American Sing-a-Thon –
Mendelssohn PAC, Starr Center,
415 N. Church St. 7:30 p.m. Sing
along with the Rock Valley Children’s
Choir. If you attend, you receive a
free songbook. Public also has the
chance to sponsor the choir as they
learn songs. Info: 815-964-9713.
Listening Room: Empty Pockets –
JustGoods, 201 Seventh St. 7 p.m.
Free-will donations. Info: http// or 815-965-8903.
“KSO Goes to the Movies” w/Painted
Violin Auction – Kishwaukee Symphony
Orchestra at Boutell Memorial Hall,
Music Building, NIU, DeKalb. 7:30 p.m.
Tickets: $15/person, available at door
prior to concert or in advance at local
businesses. Info: 815-756-3728.
Charlotte’s Web Series: Buddy Mondlock
– New Mendelssohn PAC, 406 N.
Main St. 7:30 p.m. Singer/songwriter
who has appeared on PBS’s Great
Performances. Tickets: $15 adults, $5
students. Info: 815-964-9713 or
Star City Meltdown, Throwing Gravity
w/TBA – The Back Bar, 1901 Beloit
Ave. (Hwy. G), Janesville, Wis. 7 p.m.
$5. Info: 608-741-0001.
The Classix – Big Al’s Bar, 610 N. Bell
Scvhool Road. 9 p.m. No cover. Info:
Jodi Beach & Jim McDowell – Bistro
108, 6164 E. Riverside Blvd. 6:30
p.m. Info: 815-977-5611.
Mike Williamson w/Bob Rub & Bob
DeVita – The Butterfly Club, Hwy. X,
Beloit, Wis. 7 p.m. No cover. Info:
Sixteen Candles – The District Bar &
Grill, 205 W. State St. Info: 815977-4524.
Mr. Burgundy – Fatty McGee’s, 4846
E. State St. Info: 815-316-7616.
Karaoke by Hallie – Hawk’s View Restaurant, 11189 Forest Hills Road,
Machesney Park. Pizza, too! Info:
Royal Thunder w/Ancient Wisdom,
Jar’d Loose – The House Café, 263 E.
Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb. 7 p.m. $10 advance, $12 door. Info: 815-787-9547.
The Rockford Peaches En Regalia
(Frank Zappa cover) w/Staggg –
Kryptonite Bar, 308 W. State St. 9
p.m. $5. Info: 815-965-0931.
Classic Rock – Mandalay Lounge, 200
N. Church St. Starts at 5 p.m.
Mana Kintorso – Mary’s Place, 602 N.
Madison St. 9:30 p.m. Info: 815962-7944.
Prime Time Live – Mustang’s Bar &
Grill, 428 Gardner St., South Beloit.
9 p.m. Info: 779-475-0048.
Open Mic – Take 20, 438 Bypass U.S.
20, Cherry Valley, Ill. 8 p.m. Info:
Saturday, March 9
15th Annual RAMI Spring Benefit –
Tebala Shrine Temple, 7910
Newburg Road. Doors open at 6
p.m., bands start at 7 p.m. Tickets:
$10 advance, $15 at the door. Info:
815-847-8228 or 815-546-3021.
“10th Annual Moonlight Serenade” –
Freeport High School Jazz Ensemble
and Highland College Big Band at
Freeport Masonic Temple, 305 W.
Stephenson St. 7-10:30 p.m. Music,
dancing, food. Dress up or dress
casually. Tickets: $7.50 in advance
at Highland Community College Box
Office (815-599-3718), Mon.-Fri., 15 p.m. or at the door.
“Real Men Sing” Workshop –
Mendelssohn Hall, 406 N. Main St.
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Young Naperville Singers Boys Chorus join with Kantorei–
The Singing Boys of Rockford. Free
choral workshop. Luncheon will be
served. Boys in 6th-11th grades are
encouraged to attend.
Cornucopia Workshop – NIU Community School of the Arts, Music Building, DeKalb. All-day workshop. William Hudgins, principal clarinetist with
Boston Symphony Orchestra , and
his wife, Catherine Hudgins, perform
and conduct a master class.
Rockford Symphony Orchestra: “Salute to the Big Bands” – Coronado
Theatre, 314 N. Main St. 7:30 p.m.
Tickets: $22-$60. Student tickets
available for $7 at RSO Box Office.
Info: 815-965-0049.
“A Little Night Music” – Beloit Janesville
Symphony Orchestra, Janesville Armory, 10 S. High St., Janesville, Wis.
7:30 p.m. Feat. Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings, Mendelssohn’s
Sinfonia No. 8 and Mozart’s Eine
Kleine Nacht Musik. Tickets/Info:
608-313-1200 or online at
Rudy Faz – Josiah’s Place Coffeehouse,
310 State St., Beloit, Wis. 7 p.m.
Singer/songwriter from Markham,
Ill. Original folk style. Info: 608-3650365 or
Janesville Presents: River Cities Jazz –
Janesville Performing Arts Center,408 S. Main St., Janesville, Wis. 7:30
p.m. Tickets: $23 adults, $9 students,
special senior rate: $19. Info: 608758-0297 or
CD Release Party: Left of Reason, Gnome
Seign w/Roxtar – The Back Bar,
1901 Beloit Ave. (Hwy. G), Janesville,
Wis. 7 p.m. $5. Info: 608-741-0001.
Super Bob w/Joey Columbine, Fists of
Rage, Six Hour Sorrow and Losing
September – Bar 3, 326 E. State St.
9 p.m. $6. Info: 815-968-9061.
Stage Fright – Big Al’s Bar, 610 N.
Bell School Road. 9 p.m. Info: 815398-6411.
Mike Williamson w/Bob Rub & Bob
DeVita – The Butterfly Club, Hwy. X,
Beloit, Wis. 7 p.m. No cover. Info:
Bullet – The Grove, 100 E. Frove St.,
Poplar Grove. 8:30 p.m.
Mark Reed and Waddy – Hope and
Anchor, 5040 N. Second St., Loves
Park. 8 p.m. Info: 815-633-2552.
The Dangerous Summer w/Audience,
T-shirts for Tomorrow, On Landing
and Michaela Kramer – The House
Café, 263 E. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb. 7
p.m. $10 advance, $12 door. Info:
Danielle Ate the Sandwich w/Briarhill,
Calico Flamingos – Kryptonite Bar,
308 W. State St. 8:30 p.m. $5. Info:
Open Mic – Mandalay Lounge, 200 N .
Church St. 5 p.m.
The Bar Hambone w/The Afterdarks,
The Smootties – Mary’s Place, 602
N. Madison St. 9:30 p.m. Free. Info:
Pablo & the Rhythmix – Mustang’s
Bar & Grill, 428 Gardner St., South
Beloit. 9 p.m. Info: 779-475-0048.
x51 – Onyx Bar & Grill, 1001 W. Lane
Road, Machesney Park. 9 p.m. Info:
Empty Pockets – Pearl, 6876
Soring Creek Road. 8 p.m. Info:
Can’t Touch This – Rascal’s Bar & Grill,
5223 Torque Road, Loves Park. 9
p.m. Info: 815-636-9207.
The Sensations feat. Holland Zander
– Shooter’s Bar & Grill East, 7171
CherryVale Blvd., Cherry Valley. 9
p.m. Info: 815-399-0683.
Smokin’ Opies – Stumpy’s Pub, 5801
Columbine Pkwy. Info: 815-316-1225.
DJ Karaoke – Red’s Neighborhood Tavern, 129 N. State St., Belvidere. Info:
DJ Mark & Lana – FIBS, 105 W. Main
St., Rockton. 9:30 p.m. Free. Info:
DJ – Tad’s, 10 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves
Park. 9 p.m. Info: 815-654-3500.
Sunday, March 10
The Lost Show feat. Smudged Portrait, NeverclearX, Mad Toxic,
Morbid Grim, Braindead Gang,
ViZionary Music – The House Café,
263 E. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb. 6 p.m.
Info: 815-787-9547.
Patchouli – Prince of Peace Church,
2336 Freeport Road. 3-5 p.m. Contemporary folk duo. Tickets: $5 cash
at the door. Info:
Karaoke with Bob – Whiskey’s Roadhouse, 3207 N. Main St. 9 p.m.-1
a.m. Info: 815-877-8007.
Monday, March 11
Jazz at Emerson: Music on Main –
Mike Alongi and Friends – Emerson
House, 420 N. Main St. 5:30 p.m.
Jazz classics. Info: 815-964-9713
Country Night & Monday Night Football – Mandalay Lounge, 200 N.
Church St. Free.
Bun E. Carlos & His Monday Night
Band – Mary’s Place, 602 N. Madison St. 6:30 p.m. No cover Info:
Tuesday, March 12
All City Music Festival – Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N. Main St.
7-8 p.m. Five guitars signed by Rick
Nielsen of Cheap Trick will be among
those auctioned; includes painted
guitars. High school band, orchestra
and vocal programs will perform. Free.
Council Choraleers – 5th & 6th grade
Community Chorus from many cultures. Rehearsals Tuesday evenings,
5:30-6:30 p.m., Jan. 15-May 7 at
Court Street United Methodist
Church, 215 N. Court St. No auditions; free; final concert in May or
June. Info: 815-963-6765.
Everything Irish Pub Trivia – Hope and
Anchor, 5040 N. Second St., Loves
Park. 8 p.m. Info: 815-633-2552.
Salsa Night – The House Café, 263 E.
Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb. 8 p.m. $5. Info:
Open Stage – Mary’s Place, 602 N.
Madison St. 9:30 p.m. Free. Info:
Tuesday Night Karaoke & Craft
Beers – Kryptonite Music Lounge,
308 W. State St. 9 p.m . $2 off
majority of craft beers, $3 Captain
Morgans, $5 Rum Buckets. Info:
Rock Night – Mandalay Lounge, 200
N. Church St. Starts at 5 p.m.
Street Corner Blues – Nikki’s Café,
431 E. Grand Ave., Beloit, Wis. 7-9
p.m. Info: 608-207-3101.
Karaoke with Bob & Free Pool –
Whiskey’s Roadhouse, 3207 N.
Main St. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Info: 815877-8007.
Arts & Theater
Ongoing Attractions
View the Arts & Theater Calendar
online at
for a complete list of ongoing attractions.
Registration Needed
View the Arts & Theater Calendar
online at
for a complete list of upcoming
events that require registration.
Wednesday, March 6
Sunday, March 10
Juried High School Art Show Opening
– Rock Valley College , Educational
Resource Center, 3301 N.Mulford
Road. 4:30-6:30 p.m. Award ceremony at 5:15 p.m. Art on display
thru April 13.
Beaded Wire Goddess – Womanspace
New Dimensions Studio, 3333
Maria Linden Drive. Dates: March 6
& 13, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 6-9
p.m. Regular fee: $85, members’
fee, $75. Includes $15 in materials.
Bring any trinkets or beads. See
website for seed beads requirements for advance purchase.
Science Fiction Film Series: Creature
From the Black Lagoon – Lindo
Theatre, 115 S. Chicago Ave.,
Freeport. 1 and 7 p.m. 1951 film.
Classic horror film of the 1950s.
Admission: $5 per movie or $20 for
entire series; tickets available at the
box office. Thru April.
Opening of 72nd Young Artist Show:
High School Division – Rockford
Art Museum, 711 N. Main St. 1-3
p.m. Free. On view thru April 7. Info:
815-968-2787 or 815-972-2874.
Trojan Women – Rockford College Performing Arts Department, Clark Arts
Center, Maddox Theatre, 5050 E.
State St. 2 p.m. Tickets: $10 adults,
$7 seniors, $7 students. Info: 815226-4105.
Footloose – The Fireside Theatre, Fort
Atkinson, Wis. Runs thru April 14.
Tickets/Info: 800-477-9505 or
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – Woodstock Musical Theatre
Company, Woodstock Opera House,
121 VanBuren St., Wood-stock. 8
p.m.Tickets: $23 adults, $20 students/seniors. Info: 815-338-5300.
Thursday, March 7
Thursday Night Artist Open Studio –
Beloit Fine Arts Incubator, 520 E.
Grand Ave., Beloit, Wis. 6:30-9 p.m.
Cost: $5 per night. Come in and
paint, network with others. Bring
your own supplies. Free coffee; donations accepted for beer, wine and
soda. Info: 608-313-9083.
Coffin Art Show & Auction – Grace
Funeral & Cremation Services, 1340
S. Alpine Road. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Work
by local artists to be auctioned off with
proceeds to benefit Rockford Area
Arts Council. Info: 815-963-6765.
Trojan Women – Rockford College Performing Arts Department, Clark Arts
Center, Maddox Theatre, 5050 E.
State St. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $10
adults, $7 seniors, $7 students. Info:
Footloose – The Fireside Theatre, Fort
Atkinson, Wis. Runs thru April 14.
Tickets/Info: 800-477-9505 or
Friday, March 8
Art Talks Lecture Series: Prof. Emeritus Dmitri Liakos: “The Draped,
The Nude,and the Naked in Greek
Art and the Exultation of Physical
Beauty” – Rockford Art Museum,
711 N. Main St. N oon. Tickets: $10
at door, $8 seniors and students.
Info: 815-968-2787.
Artists at Work – Tom Littrell Design
and 317 Studio & Gallery, 317 Market St. Every Friday, see “Artists at
Work” from 4-8 p.m.
Messy Palette Art Studio – Messy
Palette Art Studio, 2127 Broadway.
5 p.m. $5 suggested donation. Info:
Coffin Art Show & Auction – Grace
Funeral & Cremation Services, 1340
S. Alpine Road. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Work
by local artists to be auctioned off with
proceeds to benefit Rockford Area
Arts Council. INfo: 815-963-6765.
Trojan Women – Rockford College Performing Arts Department, Clark Arts
Center, 5050 E. State St. 7:30 p.m.
Tickets: $10 adults, $7 seniors, $7
students. Info: 815-226-4105.
Footloose – The Fireside Theatre, Fort
Atkinson, Wis. Runs thru April 14.
Tickets/Info: 800-477-950
The 25th Annual Putnam County
Spelling Bee – Woodstock Musical
Theatre Company, Woodstock Opera House, 121 VanBuren St.,
Wood-stock. 8 p.m.Tickets: $23
adults, $20 students/seniors. Info:
Saturday, March 9
Trojan Women – Rockford College Performing Arts Department, Clark Arts
Center, Maddox Theatre, 5050 E.
State St. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $10
adults, $7 seniors, $7 students. Info:
Footloose – The Fireside Theatre, Fort
Atkinson, Wis. Runs thru April 14.
Tickets/Info: 800-477-9505 or
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – Woodstock Musical Theatre Company, Woodstock Opera
House, 121 VanBuren St., Woodstock. 8 p.m.Tickets: $23 adults,
$20 students/seniors. Info: 815338-5300.
Monday, March 11
No listings submitted
Tuesday, March12
No listings submitted
Winter Attractions
Sledding, Snowshoeing and XX Skiing
– Byron Forest Preserve District,
7993 N. River Road, Byron. Meet at
Jarrett Center. All equipment provided or bring your own. Throughout
winter. Rentals available during normal hours. Fees: $5/hour for skis
and snowshoes. Info: 815-234-8535.
Ongoing Attractions
View the Community Calendar online at for a complete list of Ongoing Attractions.
Registration Needed
View the Community Calendar online
at for a
complete list of upcoming events
that require registration.
Wednesday, March 6
Certified Livestock Manager Training
Workshop – DeKalb County Farm
Bureau Building, 1350 W. Prairie
Drive, Sycamore. Registration starts
at 8:30 a.m., workshop presentations
begin 8:50 a.m. Participants arriving
after 9:20 a.m. cannot be certified.
Illinois Dept. of Agriculture written
exam at 1 p.m. Info: 815-758-8194.
Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day
– St. Paul Lutheran School, 811 Locust St., Rockford. Students will present
a variety show to visitors. Special Lenten
service in school gym, 10:30 a.m. Part
of Lutheran Schools Week.
Babes and Books – Rockford Public
Library, Main Library Little Theatre,
215 N. Wyman St. 11:15 a.m.-noon.
For children under 2. Develop baby’s
literacy and social skills . Info: 815965-7606.
Lunch & Learn: Whiplash –
Womanspace, Reif Gallery, 3333
Maria Linden Road. Noon-1 p.m. Bring
a sack lunch. Regular fee: $12, members’ fee, $10. Info: 815-877-0118.
Turning 65: Get the Facts about Medicare – Rockford Public Library, East
Branch, Friends of RPL Community
Room. 6685 E. State St. 1-3 p.m. Ages
55 and older. Social Security, original
Medicare Parts A and B, Supplemental
Insurance and Medicare Parts C and
D, Info on benefits, online resources,
appeal process, etc. Registration is
required. Info: 815-965-7606.
Science Fiction Film Series: Creature
From the Black Lagoon – Lindo
Theatre, 115 S. Chicago Ave.,
Freeport. 1 and 7 p.m. 1951 film.
Classic horror film of the 1950s.
Admission: $5 per movie or $20 for
entire series; tickets available at the
box office. Thru April.
Beginning Computer for the Absolute
Beginner – Rockford Public Library,
Main Library, 2nd Floor Computer
Room, 215 N. Wyman St. 2-4 p.m.
Ages 13 and older. Registration is
not required. Info: 815-965-7606.
Spring 2013 Forum Series: Charter
Day – Rockford College, Maddox
Theatre, Clark Arts Center, 5050 E.
Continued on page A9 !
Vibe Calendars
The Rock River Times • March 6-12, 2013
Saturday, March 9
! Continued from page A8
State St. 4 p.m. Guest Dr. Marc
Pfeffer, Ph.D., M.D., 1969 RC graduate, is a translational investigator. He
and his late wife advanced studies in
an experimental model of myocardial
infarction. Tickets: $10 adults, $7
seniors/students. Info: 815-2264100 or
LOL Club (Library Out Loud) – Rockford Public Library, Montague
Branch, Connie Lane Room, 1238
S. Winnebago St. 5-6 p.m. Ages 611. Info: 815-965-7606.
YA Movie Nights – Rockford Public
Library, Main Library Auditorium,
215 N. Wyman St. 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Ages 13-19. All movies rated PG-13
or lower. Info: 815-965-7606.
Meditation – Womanspace Library,
3333 Maria Linden Road. Dates:
March 6, 20, April 3, 17, 5:30-6:30
p.m.With Dr. Shanti Hulsebus. For
women & men, ages 14 to adult.
Regular fee: $48 or $13/class. Members’ fee: $40 or $12/class. Dress
comfortably and bring a yoga mat or
rug, blanket. Info: 815-877-0118.
Young Adult Advisory Board Meeting
– Rockford Public Library, Main Library YA Zone, 215 N. Wyman St. 67 p.m. Ages 13-19. To apply, see
Kathi Kresol in Youth Services, call
her at 815-965-7606, ext. 682, or
Mayor Morrissey’s State of the City
Address – Coronado Performing
Arts Center, 314 N. Main St. 6 p.m.
Men for Moral Change Presents: Talk
Therapy – Rock Valley College, Woodward Technology Center, Room 141142, 3301 N. Mulford Road. 6-9
p.m. A new therapy to meet social
challenges. Seats are limited; reserve
early. Info: 815-721-2163.
Around the World in Rockford 2013
– Giovanni’s Restaurant & Convention Center, 610 N. Bell School Road.
6-9 p.m. Tickets: $50/person, $90
couple. Table of 10 sponsor, $1,000.
Silent and live auctions, 50/50 raffle.
Sunset Storytime – Rockford Public
Library, East Branch Children’s Area,
6685 E. State St. 6:30-7:15 p.m.
Info: 815-965-7606.
Mah Jong Group – Womanspace,
3333 Maria Linden Road. 6:45-9
p.m. Women age 21 and up. Regular fee: $5; members’ fee: $3. Info:
Thursday, March 7
Mark the Date for Klehm March Family Day – Special Performance –
Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Garden, 2715 S. Main St. Date: March
9, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. “The Early Signs of
Spring.”Includes a special performance by Rockford Dance Company,
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free to Klehm members, $10 non-members. Info: 815965-8146 or
Last Day to Apply for Animal Services
Spay/Neuter Vouchers for $50
Each – Winnebago County Animal
Services, 4517 N. Main St. No income requirements; limited to first
50 Winnebago County residents
who purchase a voucher for their
cat or dog. Info: 815-319-4100.
U of I Extension Webinar: Farm to School
Sales – What’s Involved? – Julia Govis,
University of Illinois Farm to School
Program Coordinator. 1 p.m. Offered
in Boone County. Free, but pre-registration required at 815-732-2191.
Applications for Community Action
Gardens Now Available – Boone
County Conservation District, 603
N. Appleton Road, Belvidere. 6:307:30 p.m. To request an application: Cyndie Hall at 815-967-4034, or Chris
Greenwood at 815-967-4039 at
Applications are due by 4:30 p.m.,
March 8.
Blood Drive – DeKalb Masonic Lodge
144, southeast corner of Fairview
Road and South 4th St. (Route 23).
Pre-register at 815-758-5788 or
Morning and Evening Yoga Flow –
Womanspace Library, 3333 Maria
Linden Road. Every Thurs., 9:30-10:45
a.m. Regular fee: $13/class; members’ fee: $12/class. Open to both
women and men. Dress comfortably;
bring a yoga mat. Info: 815-877-0118.
Website Assistance Workshop –
Lanark Heritage Center, 106 S.
Broad St., Lanark. 10 a.m.-noon.
Workshop required for those receiving funds from Blackhawk Hills
Website Assistance Program, but
is open to anyone. Free and open to
the public. Info: 815-625-3854.
Preschool Storytime – Rockton Centre Library, 3112 N. Rockton Ave.
Noon-12:45 p.m. Ages 3-5 years.
Info: 815-965-7606.
Learn to Play Hockey – Rockford Park
District program begins at Carlson
Ice Arena, 4150 N. Perryville Road,
Loves Park. Six-week group sessions,
skates provided. Registration/Info: or
Look, Listen, and Learn Storytime –
Rockford Public Library, East Branch,
Friends of RPL Community Room,
6685 E. State St. 11:15 a.m.-12:15
p.m. All ages. Info: 815-965-7606.
Facebook – Rockford Public Library, Main
Library 2nd Floor Computer Room,
215 N. Wyman St. 2-4 p.m. Ages 13
and older. Info: 815-965-7606.
Public Skating – Carlson Arctic Ice
Arena & Sapora Playworld, 4150 N.
Perryville Road. Tues., Thurs. & Fridays during school year, 11 a.m.-1
p.m. Info: 815-969-4069.
“Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection
Matters” – Hearthstone Manor
Senior Center, 840 N. Seminary
Ave., Woodstock. 1-2:30 p.m. Register with Alzheimer’s Association
at 815-484-1300.
Thursday Bilingual Storytime/Jueves
de cuento bilingue (Spanish/English) – Rockford Public Library, Rock
River Branch, Program Room, 3128
11th St. 4-4:45 p.m. Ages 3-8. Info:
Teen’Scape at Montague Branch –
Montague Branch Library, 1238 S.
Winnebago St. 4-7 p.m. Ages 1019. Play games on Wii or Playstation,
surf the Internet, play board games,
make crafts. Info: 815-965-7606.
Sunset Storytime – Rockford Public
Library, Main Library, Little Theatre,
215 N. Wyman St. 5-5:45 p.m. Ages
4-10. Info: 815-965-7606.
e-Reader Help – Rockford Public Library,
East Branch, Bookworm Bakery &
Cafe, 6685 E. State St. 5-7:30 p.m.
Ages 13 and older. Bring your eReader and all your cords, and a laptop
if you have one. Info: 815-965-7606.
PDA Northern Illinois – Rockford Public
Library, East Branch Bookworm Bakery & Café, 6685 E. State St. 6 p.m.
Film Discussion: Django Unchained –
Rockford Public Library, Montague
Branch, Connie Lane Room, 1238
S. Winnebago St. 6-7:30 p.m. Local
community activist and poet Christopher Sims and Dr. Litesa Wallace
will be facilitators. Open to adults
(high school and older). Free.
Group Hope Meeting for Major Depression & Bipolar Disorder – Rockford School of Medicine, 1601
Parkview Ave. 6:15-7:30 p.m. Info:
A Ministry of Restoration Bible Study
– Montague Branch Library, 1238
S. Winnebago St. 5:30 p.m. Every
Thurs. Prayer every Tues. 6:30 p.m.
For prayer or info: 815-966-6322.
Family Reading Night – Brookview Elementary School, 1750 Madron
Road. 5:45-7:30 p.m. Guest speaker
and story-related activities.
Easter Seals Rockford Zumbathon –
Machesney Park Elementary School,
8615 N. Second St., Machesney
Park. 6-8 p.m. Tickets: $10 advance,
$15 at the door. Benefit for Easter
Seals Autism Therapeutic School,
Rockford. Info: 815-965-6745.
Under the Pillow Books – Rockford
Public Library, East Branch, Bookworm Bakery & Cafe, 6685 E. State
St. 6:30-8 p.m. Topic: Purple Panties by Zane. Info: 815-965-7606.
“A Night at the Wax Museum” – St. Paul
Lutheran School, 811 Locust St., Rockford. 7 p.m. Upper grade students will
portray influential historical figures,
posing as wax figures that “come to
life” and provide a short biographical
speech as guests roam the “museum.”
K-4th grades will sponsor a family
reading event in primary grade building. Part of Lutheran Schools Week.
Half-Price Admission at Playworld –
Sapora Playworld, Carlson Ice
Arena, 4150 N. Perryville Road,
Loves Park. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Info: 815-969-4082.
VFW Fish Fry – VFW Post 9759, 2018
Windsor Road, Loves Park. 5-8 p.m.
every Friday. Info: 815-654-2195.
Babes and Books – Rockford Public
Library, East Branch Children’s
Area, 6685 E. State St. 6-6:45
p.m. For children under 2. Develop
baby’s literacy and social skills. Info:
Overeaters Anonymous H.O.W. – Byron
Public Library, on Ill. Route 2. 6-7:30
p.m. every Thurs. Info: 815-547-5932.
PFLAG of Rockford – Spring Creek
United Church of Christ, 4500
Spring Creek Road. 7 p.m.
Rockford Raptors Bartending for a Benefit – Hope and Anchor, 5040 N.
Second St. 5 p.m. Info: 815-633-2552.
Friday, March 8
Women’s History Month Sale Begins
– JustGoods Fair Trade Store, 201
Seventh St. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
March 8-30. Sheet music, books,
posters, political pins, etc.
Women in Tango with Maria Castello
& Jacques Saint-Cyr – Mendelssohn
Hall, 406 N. Main St. 7-10 p.m. Admission $10/person or $14/
couple. Info: 815-964-9713.
Rachel’s Peace: Retreat for Post-Abortion Healing – Stronghold Center,
Oregon, Ill. March 8-10. Interdenominational. For any woman or man who
has experienced grief over an abortion. Cost: $150, includes room,
meals, retreat materials. Info/Register: or
Zumba Fitness Program – Ken-Rock
Community Center, 3218 11th St.
9-10 a.m. Every Mon. and Fri. morning. $5 per session. No pre-registration. Pay as you go. First class FREE.
Info: 815-398-8864.
Drop-In Storytime – Rockford Public
Library, Main Library, Little Theatre,
215 N. Wyman St. 10:30-11 a.m.
All ages. Info: 815-965-7606.
Public Skating – Carlson Arctic
IceArena & Sapora Playworld, 4150
N. Perryville Road. Tues., Thurs. &
Fridays during school year, 11 a.m.1 p.m. Extra Friday session, 8-10
p.m. Info: 815-969-4069.
Know Your Rights Meeting for People
with I/DD and Families – The Arc of
Winnebago, Boone and Ogle Counties, 1222 E. State St. Noon-2 p.m.
Light lunch provided. March is Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Month. Register at 815-965-3455
or e-mail
Girls, Let’s e-Read – Rockford Public
Library, Lewis Lemon Branch, 1988
W. Jefferson St. 4-5 p.m. Ages 913. Registration is required. Info:
The Haven Network Auction – Forest
Hills Country Club, 5135 Forest Hills
Road. 6 p.m. social hour & silent
auction, 6:30 dinner & live auction.
Tickets: $50/person. Info: 815-9621512 or
After Hours Book Discussion with
Patricia Haley – Rockford Public Library, Montague Branch, Connie Lane
Room,1238 S. Winnebago St. 7-9 p.m.
Book: Anointed, fourth novel in the
Mitchell family saga. For adults (high
school age and older). Info: http://
IDOT Engineering Academy – Jefferson
High School, 4145 Samuelson Road.
Students take part in hands-on engineering projects, including building
their own city. Future sessions:
March 16, 23, 26. Info:
Applebee’s Easter Seals Therapeutic
School Fund-raiser – Applebee’s
Neighborhood Grill Tickets & Bar,
1675 E. Riverside Blvd., Rockford. 810 a.m. Tickets $5.
St. Bernadette 24th Annual Health
Fair – St. Bernadette Parish Center, 2400 Bell Ave. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Free health testing for blood sugar
(fast for 8 hrs.), cholesterol, and
blood pressure checks. Informational
booths, also bake sale, book sale,
white elephant sale. Food available.
Project Flying Wild – Atwood Park,
2685 New Milford School Road. 9
a.m.-noon. For teachers/educators.
Fee: $22 ($24 non-resident).
Chance to earn CPDUs. Register by
atwood or 815-987-8800.
Beloit Regional Hospice & Transitions
Volunteer Training – Beloit Regional
Hospice, 655 Third St., Beloit, Wis.
March 9 and 23, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. both
days. Two-day informal and interactive training. Register by March 1 at
“Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters” – Northern Illinois
Hospice & Grief Center, 4215
Newburg Road. 9:15-10 a.m. Register with Alzheimer’s Association
at 815-484-1300.
Chicago Flower & Garden Show – Navy
Pier. March 9-17. Sat., 10 a.m.-8
p.m. 20-plus gardens, marketplace,
seminars and workshops. Adults,
$17 weekdays, $19 weekends, $2
discount online, kids, $15. Info:
Kids Club Paper Easter Basket Event –
Michael’s, 1017 W. Lane, Machesney
Park and 6301 E. State St., Rockford.
10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Create a cute Easter
basket. $2 per child. All supplies included. Register for a session every
half-hour from 10 a.m.-noon. Info: 815639-1354 or 815-227-1296.
Classes Open House – Michael’s, 1017
W. Lane, Machesney Park and 6301
E. State St., Rockford. 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Features 25 percent off all adult
classes and 50 percent off Wilton 4Week Classes. Info: 815-639-1354
or 815-227-1296.
ACT Prep Courses – Dates: March 9,
16, 23. Workshops at Guilford High
School, 5620 Spring Creek Road.
Time: 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Cost: $20.
Fee will be reimbursed if students
complete each workshop. Info:
Rockford Area Spanish Conversation
Meetup – Katie’s Cup, 502 Seventh
St. 10 a.m.-noon. Every Saturday.
“The Early Signs of Spring” – Klehm
Arboretum & Botanic Garden, 2715
S. Main St. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Featuring
a performance by the Rockford
Dance Company, Junior Company,
1 1 a.m.-1 p.m. Free for Klehm members, $10 for non-members. Info:
St. Paul Fun Fair – St. Paul Lutheran
School, 811 Locust St., Rockford.
11 a.m.-2 p.m. Food, games, prizes,
live musical performances, more.
Giant bouncy structures for children
in the gym. Concludes Lutheran
Schools Week celebration.
Saturday Spectacular: McNulty Irish
Dancers – Rockford Public Library,
Main Library Little Theatre, 215 N.
Wyman St. 11-11:45 a.m. All ages.
Info: 815-965-7606.
March Ninja Madness – Rockford Public Library, Main Library Auditorium,
215 N. Wyman St. 2-5 p.m. Ages
10-19. Info: 815-965-7606.
Many Faces Cultural Dining Experience: German Theme – Midway Village Museum Center, 6799 Guilford
Road. 6 p.m. Cost: $35/person, $30
members. Space is limited; reservations are required. Info: 815-3978058, ext.104.
Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner –
Brooke Road United Methodist
Church, 1404 Brooke Road. 4:306:30 p.m. Cost: $8.50 adults, $4.50
children up to age 12, ages 3 and
younger, free. Available at the door
or call 815-398-8914.
Adult Grief Support Group – Beloit
Regional Hospice Office, 655 Third
St., Suite 200, Beloit, Wis. 6-7:30
p.m. Info: 608-363-7421.
2nd Annual Zumbathon – Northeast
Family YMCA, 8451 Orth Road,
Loves Park. 6-8 p.m. In support of
2013 Strong Kids Campaign. Event
will be led by YMCA Zumba instructors. Wear comfortable workout
attire and exercise/running shoes.
Tickets: $10 advance, $15 at the
door. Info:15-489-3344.
Alzheimer’s Association Trivia Night
Fund-raiser – Last Stop, 1914
Lowell Park Road, Dixon. 7-9 p.m.
Top two teams win cash prizes. Cost:
$20/person. Registration is required at least a day in advance. Info:
800-272-3900 or 815-285-1100.
Public Skating – Riverview Ice
House, 324 N. Madison St. Info:
Public Skating – Carlson Arctic Ice Arena
& Sapora Playworld, 4150 N. Perryville
Road. Info: 815-969-4069.
4-H Penny Carnival – Oregon Coliseum,
Oregon, Ill. 5-8 p.m. 4-H Club-created games that can be played for
25 cents each or 50 games for
$10. Prizes awarded. Open to public. Info: 815-732-2191.
Sunday, March 10
Chicago Flower & Garden Show – Navy
Pier. March 9-17. Sun., 10 a.m.-6
p.m. 20-plus gardens, marketplace,
seminars and workshops. Adults,
$17 weekdays, $19 weekends, $2
discount online, kids, $15. Info:
English Mother’s Day High Tea – Hope
and Anchor, 5040 N. Second St. 11
a.m.-3 p.m. Info: 815-633-2552.
Ethnic Heritage Honors Women in History – Ethnic Heritage Museum, 1129
S. Main St. 2-4 p.m. Stella (Stanislawa)
Kubiak: Polish. Info: 815-962-7402.
Free Range Radio: “Intelligence
Squared U.S.: Should We Prohibit
Genetically-Engineered Babies? –
89.5 WNIJ, DeKalb. 6 p.m. Also
streamed online.
Paranormal Evening at the Briggs
Mansion – 1244 E, State St. 6:308 p.m.With Kathi Kresol and guest
psychic. Cost: $15 advance, $20 at
the event. Info: 815-871-4239 or
Lifetree Café: “Inside the Gun Debate:
To Hunt? To Defend? To Assault?”
– Meg’s Daily Grind, 1141 N. Alpine
Road. 7 p.m. Filmed interviews with
Tom Mauser, whose son died at Columbine High School, and Michael
Lang, a concealed weapon firearms
instructor. Free. Info: 815-797-9LTC.
Monday, March 11
Chicago Flower & Garden Show – Navy
Pier. March 9-17. Mon., 10 a.m.-8
p.m. 20-plus gardens, marketplace,
seminars and workshops. Adults,
$17 weekdays, $19 weekends, $2
discount online, kids, $15. Info:
Senior Computer Learning: 6-week
class – Rockford Public Library,
Rockton Centre Branch, 3112 N.
Rockton Ave. 1-3 p.m. Ages 55 and
older. Beginning computer class for
the true beginner. Learn basic terminology, get an e-mail address. Registration is required for first class
only, all following classes are included. Bring your laptop if you have
one. Info: 815-965-7606.
LOL Club (Library Out Loud) – Rockford
Public Library, Lewis Lemon Branch,
1988 W. Jeffersin St. 4-5 p.m. Ages
6-11. Info: 815-956-7606.
Eating to Lower Your Blood Pressure
– OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center, 5666 E. State St. 5-6 p.m. Cost;
$20. Registration is preferred. Info:
Sports Nutrition Basics – OSF Saint
Anthony Medical Center, 5666 E.
State St. 5-6 p.m. Cost: $20. Registration is preferred. Info: 815-227-2761.
Rockford City Council Meeting – Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Rockford
City Hall, 425 E. State St. 6 p.m.
Microsoft Excel: 3-week class – RockContinued on page A10 !
Crossword/Vibe Entertainment/Vibe Calendars
March 6-12, 2013 • The Rock River Times
Crossword by Myles Mellor
1 Joanne Woodward Oscarwinning role
4 Pax Thien, to Brad
7 Surveyor’s map
11 Solid
13 Color
14 Promise
15 Dessert option
17 Indian butter
18 Roman consul
20 Gems
23 Public disturbances
26 Real
27 Postman
29 Danson, of Cheers
30 Tall tales
31 Software program
33 Oppressive African wind
35 Disapprove
36 Murmuring sound
37 Squalid
38 A chest to hold ammunition
41 Hired writer
44 Is loyal to (2 words)
48 Yucca’s kin
49 NY baseballer
50 Gull-like birds
51 Transmit
52 Have bills
53 Little troublemaker
Lucky Roman number
“To ___ is human ...”
Islamic religious group
English river
Elementary particle
Organized persecution
Musical note
Wolfed down
Most common in English
Sugar variety
One of a couple
Painter’s medium
Pittsburgh catcher Ed
Small drum
Exaggerated manliness
Stretching exercise procedure
Became wrinkled
Golf courses
One of Snow White’s dwarves
Web destination
Dark beer
Word with bum or bunny
‘Dirt Simple’ and Divorce Talk Radio
Vince’s Notes
By Vince Chiarelli
What do the band “Dirt Simple” and the Divorce Talk
Radio show have in common? Well, nothing, except being
two very original concepts coming out of the Rock River
Valley. So, let’s dive right in.
“Dirt Simple” is a band like no other in the area. It is
composed of Kendra Beth Swanson (banjo, fiddle and vocals)
and Marques Morel (guitar, harmonica, washboard, kickdrum and vocals). These two are great musicians in their
own rights, but when they come together, “Dirt Simple” is
simply stunning. They can transform a sports bar into a barn
dance concert hall that simultaneously evokes the spirits of
Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash and Bill Monroe. If you listen
carefully, you might even hear Janis Joplin and Gregg
Allman singing along. When they play, there is an energy
that penetrates the room and makes everyone take a step
back and listen. Their mixture of old roots music, folk
personality, and young age gives them quite a niche.
While there are many folk/Americana musicians around,
none has stood out to me as much as “Dirt Simple” has. For
that reason, I thought they would be a great addition to the
Vincent Records artist catalog.
Just as a quick recap, my grandfather started the
record label Vincent Records in the mid-’60s and signed
many prominent local and national musicians. Recently,
I have been handed the reins to the record label, and I have
made it my goal to continue his musical legacy in the
Rockford area.
My grandfather always tried to promote artists that
were truly original and possessed something that set them
apart from other artists. Continuing to abide by that
philosophy, I decided to help promote “Dirt Simple” and
sign them to Vincent Records this past year.
If you would like to listen to “Dirt Simple,” they are
playing live this Saturday, March 9, at Val’s Place in Dixon,
Ill. However, Vincent Records sponsors the live music at
Stumpy’s Pub on Harrison Road, and as a result of audience
suggestion, “Dirt Simple” plays there every first Saturday.
So, be sure to catch them at Stumpy’s Pub on the first
Saturday in April. For more about “Dirt Simple” and their
music, visit and search for “Dirt
Simple” under Artists.
Now, what is Divorce Talk Radio? Well, this is a new
program on Rockford College Radio, of which I am the
station manager. Following the same mindset as finding
new original musicians, when people come to me with new
radio show ideas, I try to pick the ones that are unique and
original. So, when the concept of this radio program was
brought up, I couldn’t resist.
Divorce Talk Radio consists of frank legal talk about
divorce, custody, visitation and child support issues. It is
hosted by attorney Brad Tengler, airing Tuesdays at 8 p.m.,
and then made available on podcast shortly after on While divorce is not a topic
many people like to talk about, this show consists of interviews with other local attorneys and important divorcerelated topics that can help ease the process of a divorce.
For more about Tengler, visit his website, http:// Also, please visit http://, where you can listen to
Rockford College Radio live and find past episodes of
Divorce Talk Radio and our various other programs.
Please contact Vince Chiarelli if you have any original
Rockford music or radio suggestions. He can be reached
RAMI’s Spring Benefit March 9 at Tebala
Staff Report
Rockford Area Music Industry’s (RAMI) 15th Annual
Spring Benefit is set for Saturday, March 9, at Tebala
Shrine Temple, 7910 Newburg Road, Rockford.
Doors open at 6 p.m., and bands start at 7 p.m. Tickets
are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Advance tickets may be
purchased at the Tebala Shrine Temple, all Alpine Bank
locations, online at, or from members of participating bands.
The event benefits the Gary S. Wilmer Memorial Scholarship Fund, and features Clutch Cargo, Missing Links
and Dirty Fishnet Stockings. Food and dancing will also be
part of the festivities.
For more information, call (815) 847-8228 or (815)
RAMI’s Youth Charity Jam will be Saturday, April 6,
and the RAMI Awards Ceremony will be at 7 p.m.,
Friday, April 19.
46 Cadge
47 Puppy bark
Solution to
last week’s
Crossword puzzle creator
Myles Mellor, of Lake View Terrace, Calif., has been creating
puzzles of various styles for
multiple publications for more
than eight years.
Rick’s Picks gets picked
March 11 on History Channel
! Continued from page A7
tion surprised Wolfe, as well as how detailed and extensive it is. “He remembered every piece, every story in
detail,” Wolfe said.
Hardcore Cheap Trick fans are probably curious as to how
Nielsen stacks up among the various collectors Wolfe and
Fritz have encountered over the years.
“I would rate Rick as a Mega Collector — or should I say,
the curator of his life,” Wolfe said. “He saw the importance
in the smallest things like receipts and travel mementos.
Rick somehow had a crystal ball and saw the significance of
all this stuff before it had any story or age to it. Now
assembled together, it all makes sense: He is, and was then,
a total genius.”
Hanging out with Nielsen, Wolfe picked up on another one
of the rock legend’s strengths. “One thing I can say about him
is that he loves Rockford. It’s family to him, and he holds its
history close to him,” Wolfe said.
Programming note
The “Cheap Pick” episode of American Pickers airs at 8
p.m. (Central), Monday, March 11, on History.
Paula Hendrickson is a regular contributor to Emmy
magazine and Variety, and has been published in numerous national publications, including American Bungalow, Television Week and TVGuide. Follow her on Twitter
at P_Hendrickson and send your suggestions to
! Continued from page A9
ford Public Library, Rockton Centre
Branch, 3112 N. Rockton Ave. 6-8
p.m. Ages 13 and older. You must
attend all 3 weeks. Prerequisite: Must
have a good understanding of MS
Word, especially copy and paste functions. Info: 815-965-7606.
Infant & Toddler CPR – OSF St. Anthony
Medical Center conference rooms,
5666 E. State St. 7-9 p.m. One-day
class. Cost: $25 per couple or $12.50
individual. Registration free to those
registered in one of the prenatal
classes. Info: 815-227-2695.
Zazen (Seated Meditation) – Lazy Dog
Yoga Studio, Integral Therapy Center, 5428 Williams Drive, Roscoe.
7:45 p.m. With Zen Master Meido
Moore Roshi. Info: 815-985-7283.
Free Pool – Whiskey’s Roadhouse,
3207 N. Main St. 9 p.m. Info: 815877-8007.
Tuesday, March 12
Good Agricultural Practices Workshop
– University of Illinois at Springfield.
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $10/person,
includes lunch and a manual. Register a week in advance. Info; 815732-2191.
Chicago Flower & Garden Show – Navy
Pier. March 9-17. Tues., 10 a.m.-8
p.m. 20-plus gardens, marketplace,
seminars and workshops. Adults,
$17 weekdays, $19 weekends, $2
discount online, kids, $15. Info:
Lunch & Learn: Staying Healthy: Giving Your Business the Competitive Advantage – Rockton Fire Department, Rockton. 11:30 a.m.-1
p.m. Topic: Organizational Health.
Hosted by Rockton Chamber of
Commerce. Cost: $10 members,
$15 non-members. Info: 815-6238818 or 815-624-7625.
“Raising Teens” Workshop – YMCA of
Rock River Valley, I.D. Pennock Family
YMCA, 200 Y Blvd. Tuesdays, 4 weeks
beginning March 12, 6-7:30 p.m. All
parents welcome; Y membership not
required. Info: 815-489-1252.
Get to Know NAMI – Klehm Arbore-
tum & Botanic Garden, 2715 S.
Main St. 3-7 p.m. Presented by National Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
Promote awareness of local resources. Steve Vrtol, local actor,
will be the MC. Free.
U of I Extension Spring Sustainable
Landscaping Series – Midway Village Museum, 6799 Guilford Road.
Every other Tuesday, March 12-May
7. Today’s topic: Introduction to Landscape Planning and Design.Cost: $5
per session or all five sessions for
$20. Info: 815-986-4357 or http:/
Family Story Hour – Rock River Branch,
3128 11th St. 6:30-7:30 p.m. All
ages. Info: 815-965-7606.
Rockford City Council Candidates Forum (Rescheduled) – Sullivan Center, 118 N. Main St. 6:30-8 p.m.
Presented by Next Rockford.
Learn to Skate – Carlson Ice Arena,
4150 N. Perryville Road, Loves
Park. Figure skating. Private lessons available. Register now at or at
Customer Service locations, or call
Snake & Turtle Show – Byron Forest
Preserve District, 7993 N. River
Road. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Meet at Jarrett
Center. Free. All ages. Register by
March 11 at 815-234-8535.
Family Story Hour – Rockford Public
Library, Rock River Branch, 3128
11th St. 6:30-7:30 p.m. All ages.
Info: 815-965-7606.
Katie’s Choice Book Club – Katie’s Cup,
502 Seventh St. 7 p.m. Book: The
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Info: 815986-0628 or 815-914-5998.
Rockford Board of Education meeting
– Administration Building. 501 Seventh St. 7 p.m.
Pub Trivia – Hope and Anchor, 5040 N.
Second St., Loves Park. 8 p.m. Info:
Have your free listing in the Thursday
preceding our Wednesday publication. Listings can be e-mailed to, faxed
to 815-964-9825 or called in to
Vibe Entertainment/Fast Lane
The Rock River Times • March 6-12, 2013
Greg Farnham — a 20-something renaissance man
By Chris Wachowiak
Good IT (information technology) guys
are hard to find. Keeping up with computers
and technology is not always an easy task,
especially how fast technology changes. It
takes a special sort of person to be able to
keep up with it, and be passionate about it ...
and it takes a remarkable person who can
communicate to others in a way that allows
novices to understand.
Greg Farnham is 29 years old and is
passionate about computers, networks and
technology. He is also an aspiring photographer/videographer on the side.
Farnham is that “hard-to-find” IT guy for
Keith Country Day School, and that “hardto-find” IT guy for a lucky few. He brings an
intensity, a kindness and an eagerness to
share with others.
After gaining his associate’s degree from
Rock Valley College, Greg quickly jumped
into a career in IT at Keith, where he resides
today as their computer technician/network
administrator. He has also helped run the
“School of Rock” there the last few years.
School of Rock is one of those rare amazing programs in our community that enables young artists to work in “a working
band” scenario and gain some mentorships
from some local legends like Miles Nielsen,
Stu Johnson and many more. Many of these
kids then get to fine-tune their skills and
then go play out in the community in events
like Green Light Nights and other festivals.
Greg has helped move this idea off the
school into the community time and time
again. It was during the first School of Rock
that he discovered photography and had the
chance to meet Brian Milo (a drummer and
amazing photographer).
Milo began to serve as Greg’s mentor, and
Greg began to take on photography with a
zest of almost consumption. Four years later,
Greg still fine-tunes his craft every day, and
adds to his skill set with some video work.
When Greg is not working his 40-plus-houra-week job, he is out in the field doing event
photography or learning more about his passions. He recently joined Miles Nielsen & The
Rusted Hearts on a tour documenting their life
on the road via photos and video. That was his
first band road trip, and it opened his eyes to the
hard work of being a touring artist.
I find Greg — with the ability to be an
artist paired with a critical-thinking ability
— to be a modern-day renaissance 20-something. He does not fear failure, but pushes
himself over obstacles until he figures a way
out to his end goal. He believes in a collaborative approach to work and community.
Greg loves Rockford and believes that
Rockford is what you make of it. He chooses
to live here and do his part to improve it
through his actions and attitudes toward
others, and by always pushing forward.
One thought has echoed through his mind
since he heard Miles Nielsen say it to his
students in the first Rock Camp: “What are
your goals, and what are you doing today to
reach those goals?” A question I wish we
would all ask ourselves a little more often.
Chris Wachowiak is owner of Kryptonite
Bar, 308 W. State St., No. 110, Rockford.
Read his blog at
Do you know a 20-something who is doing
something unique and should be recognized?
E-mail Chris at
The Trojan Women — classic drama remains contemporary
Theater Review
By Edith McCauley
Theater Critic
The production of The Trojan Women at
Rockford College, directed by Deborah
Mogford, is a heart-wrenching interpretation
of Euripedes’ story of the victims of the Trojan
War. The women gather on the stark stage
almost reminiscent of the remains of the Twin
Towers … a most appropriate setting.
Greek mythology and its classic prediction
of man’s fate as a foretold destiny brings
every detail of the Trojan tragedy to life.
Mogford’s choices of cast are brilliant. These
students perform as well as many profes-
sional companies. Megan Woodley is Hecuba,
mourning the loss of husband, Priam, her
sons and the two daughters, Cassandra (Erin
Farste) and Andromache (Raenna Larson),
who are to become the wives of their conquerors. The deepest tragedy of all is the murder
of Hector’s son, the only heir to the throne of
Troy. Rafael Gahan appears clutching his
teddy bear, and his grandmother, Hecuba,
begs the guards for his life.
Woodley is absolutely amazing as the matriarch. Dominating the stage, her talent
brings tears as we grieve with her. Larson’s
rage and intensity equal that of her mother,
while Farste in an unsurpassed wedding
gown almost seems to accept her fate.
Menelaus (Eric Woelbling), the Greek
king, appears to claim his wife, Helen (Lisa
Revis). In modern dress and wearing dark
glasses, he seems more a corporate executive than a Spartan king. Helen’s 4-inch
gold sandals and lime green designer dress
complete the picture. Wailing that her life
must be spared, she leaves the stage with
Menelaus as he hands her a pair of dark
glasses. It is so corporate America.
Poseidon (Alex J. Smith) and Athena (Rachel
Beckemeyer) open the drama with the point of
view of the gods. The cast also consists of the
women of the chorus, Christina Lewis, Amelia
Francesco, Jesse Morgan, Audra Giachino,
Susie Matthews and Rachel Bean, who give
the drama much of its structure. Dakota
Bryant is Talthybius, and the two guards are
Drew Brantley and Zachary Pletcher. Dressed
as modern soldiers, their uniforms lend another sense of reality.
Having seen The Trojan Women at the
Goodman several years ago, I was prepared
for the drama, but the intensity of this performance completely overwhelmed me. Jillian
Christenson’s brilliant ideas for the innovative costume are superb. Mogford’s direction
and staging supports her actors beautifully.
Speaking with my friend Gordon Odegard
following the performance, we both agreed
that it was one of the best we have seen.
The students of Rockford College join Artists’ Ensemble April 25 through 28 to present
Meet Me in St. Louis. Tickets are now on sale.
Call (815) 226-4100. Plan your spring theater.
What’s driving you? — part three, four-wheel-drive
Mr. Green Car
Editor’s note: The following is part three
in a series. Part one, “What’s driving you?”,
appeared in the Feb. 6-12 issue. Part two,
“Front-wheel drive,” appeared in the Feb.
20-26 issue.
By Allen Penticoff
Free-lance Writer
In the previous two Mr. Green Car columns, I discussed the nature of rear-wheeldrive and front-wheel-drive vehicles. This
is the third of a four-part series on common drive trains. This time, four-wheeldrive (4x4, as it is commonly abbreviated)
will be the topic.
Other than rear-wheel-drive (RWD),
four-wheel-drive is the oldest type of drivetrain. In the early days of motorized
transportation, horse-drawn vehicles were
still common and paved roads were a rarity. Much of the year, these dirt roads
were nearly impassable, particularly with
the early RWD cars.
Bramah Joseph Diplock, a British engineer, patented a four-wheel-drive system in
1893. Ferdinand Porsche built a four-wheeldriven electric car in 1899. Europeans were
experimenting with 4x4 in the early 1900s,
while in the United States The Four Wheel
Drive Auto Company (FWD) in Clintonville,
Wis., would begin production of 4x4 cars in
1908 that led to 15,000 of its Model B trucks
that were sold to British and American
forces for use in World War I.
Trucks needed 4x4 to make it anywhere, and the military needed them for
combat in the First World War. (FWD is
an abbreviation for the company that is
still in use and should not be confused
with front-wheel-drive).
Four-wheel-drive is distinguished from
all-wheel-drive (AWD) in that in common
usage, the extra two driven wheels, usually the front, are chosen by the driver
when they need to be engaged — whereas
with AWD, all four wheels are driven all
the time. Sometimes this type of fourwheel-drive is referred to as “part-time”
Most 4x4s start out life as a rear-wheeldrive vehicle (Subarus being a notable exception among several), with a front differential
and transfer case added to provide for driving all four wheels. Instead of the driveshaft
leading to the rear differential, there is a
“transfer case” attached to the output shaft
of the transmission. From there, are two
driveshafts — one goes to the front differential and one goes to the rear differential. The
transfer case often has the option of a neutral
position, where no power is transferred to the
wheels, a two-wheel drive position (2H), a
low-range 4x4 gear set (4L) for when tough
heavy-duty use is needed (such as snow
plowing) and a high 4x4 range (4H) for normal driving. The transfer case may have a
floor-mounted manual shift lever, or a dashmounted switch. The transfer case may allow for the difference between what is happening with the front axle and rear axle, or it
may be fixed. Some newer transfer cases are
electronically controlled and sense slippage
in the drive wheels and automatically engage the other axle — this feature is called
“automatic four-wheel-drive.”
Another common feature of 4x4 vehicles is
that there may be “hubs” on the front wheels
that allow the wheel to be disconnected from
the axle when four-wheel-drive is not needed.
This reduces wear and tear on the front drive
system, and reduces friction caused by the
front wheels turning the steering u-joints, or
CV joints, differential and driveshaft.
Older 4x4s tend to have manual hubs,
where the driver must stop the vehicle and
turn a selector on each hub to engage them.
Newer 4x4s have auto-locking hubs that are
engaged when the front drive system is
producing power to the wheels. My old AMC
Eagle Wagon was a mix of 4x4 and AWD. It
had a curious need to roll forward a bit to
engage the hubs once four-wheel-drive was
selected. Thus, if you were already stuck in
snow and not in 4x4 mode, you could not get
the front wheels to help you out. You needed
to decide on engaging 4x4 before conditions
needed it. Other Eagles were full-time 4x4,
and thus among the first AWD cars available. It was awesome in deep snow.
Despite its name, four-wheel-drive is not
necessarily driving all four wheels when
you need them. Because it is common to use
two standard differentials without limitedslip clutches, it is possible to get one front
wheel spinning on ice and one rear wheel
spinning on ice, and you are not going anywhere. Watch someone plowing snow — you
can sometimes see this happening. To be
true four-wheel-drive, all the wheels need
similar traction. Conversely, in a 4x4 system without a slipping transfer case, if
there is not some slippage of the tires, as on
dry pavement, the system will bind and
jump, as it cannot accommodate the difference in what the front tires are doing and
the rear tires are doing. With these systems,
it is not recommended to use 4x4 on dry
pavement or at high speeds. Another optional feature, seen on off-road vehicles, is to
have “locker” differentials. With the front
and rear differential locked — there is no
accommodation for the wheel speed variations; all slippage must be between the tire
and the surface. However, you do get all four
wheels providing power to the ground, no
matter what. This feature is popular for
driving in soft sand.
Four-wheel-drive can add a lot of weight
and complexity to a vehicle. The extra parts
require maintenance, adding expense. They
typically get much lower gas mileage than
their RWD counterparts. 4x4s are still preferred for heavy-duty and off-road use. Thus,
Jeeps still have 4x4 rather than AWD, and
trucks of all sorts use 4x4 rather than AWD.
AWD systems tend to be less robust and,
therefore, found on passenger cars — although in most situations, AWD can provide better traction than 4x4s.
I’ve lived with both AWD and 4x4 vehicles and can attest to their maintenance
expense and fuel consumption. My 1979
Chevy Suburban with 4x4 and a 350 engine got a pretty lousy 10 mpg compared to
my 1990 Suburban with RWD that gets 15
mpg. It’s not a straight comparison, but it
is close. Thus, if you choose to have fourwheel-drive, you should have a real and
regular need for it, otherwise you are wasting a lot of fuel, polluting more and incurring unnecessary expense for infrequent
need of that capability.
March 6-12, 2013 • The Rock River Times
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