Document 6442495


Document 6442495
15 August 2013
Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the
August newsletter,
and what a varied
month it has been.
The Health and
Wellbeing Board
started with a
presentation about
a campaign a young
local girl Vickie
Bromfield and her parents are involved in. Vickie’s friend
and schoolmate Lizzie Andrews died while awaiting a
lung transplant. Before she died, one of Lizzie’s goals
was to increase the number of registered organ donors
by 10,000. Now, her family and friends are continuing
this campaign in her memory. Both the local authority
and the CCG are supporting this and feel certain Lizzie’s
target will be achieved and surpassed.
I visited the North Manchester CCG referral hub and
discussed the process with one of the local GPs and
triagers to see if there is anything we can learn for
our own triage system. There seemed to be a lot of
advantages, consistent standards of referrals, rapid
assessment and turnaround of referrals, live-time data
regarding where your referral was – and no need to
use Choose and Book within the surgery.
This was followed by a meeting with the other board
clinicians and Ivan Bennett – a GP from Central
Manchester CCG in his role as primary care lead for
Healthier Together. This and the recently released
‘Call to Action’ from NHS England give an indication
of the expectation and standards for general practice
in the future.
Having received my invitation for an NHS health check
recently, this month I took up the offer. Although the
whole process was simple and straightforward, it was a
little strange being on the other side of the consultation.
A full report is being included in our public newsletter
Livin’ it! to help promote the importance of having a
health check, so look out for that.
I attended the Rochdale East locality meeting with a
very interesting and informative presentation about
the bowel screening programme. I also stayed to listen
to the peer review of referrals which provoked some
interesting discussion and debate. This was reported
back to the governing body meeting and was echoed
by attendees at the other two localities.
As was also reported at the various locality meetings,
both the Heywood and Middleton demonstrator site
bids were successful, which will provide funding to pilot
different ways of using technology, increasing access to
primary care and integrated working between health and
local authority. Hopefully, both bids will be presented at
the next engagement event in September as a rehearsal
for the presentation at the second primary care summit
in Manchester on 25 September.
On a lighter note, before I go on holiday, following
an interesting strategy development session for the
governing body, look out for more members tweeting
as we look to increase our use of social media – old dogs
and new tricks spring to mind but let’s give it a go. In
the meantime, I’d encourage you to follow our CCG
corporate account @NHSHMR.
Dr Chris Duffy
Chair of NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale CCG
Biography – Alan Cook, Lay Member
Integrated care 3
Middleton Talking Newspaper 2
Springhill Hospice at Home 3
Quick links
GP event
Provider / partner news
Newsletters and bulletins
Quick links
• Next NHS HMR CCG Governing
Body meeting – 20 September
• Liverpool Care Pathway – guidance
for doctors and nurses
• Launch event: Dera project for
people with dementia –
12 September
• Workshop: Docman, Heywood and
Middleton – 18 September
• Workshop: Docman, Rochdale –
19 September
• Workshop: Safety and quality
revalidation workshops –
• Event: GMPH Network Public
Health Strategy Engagement Event
– 10 October
• Conference: Reducing HCAIs 2013
– Supporting Community Health –
10 October
Alan Cook,
Lay Member
Alan is one of three lay
members on NHS HMR CCG’s
governing body. He has
specific responsibility for
taking the lead on ensuring
that the systems of internal
control on governance and
financial management are
properly established and
appropriate systems of risk
management are in place.
A qualified accountant with extensive experience in finance
and general management, Alan has more than 30 years’
experience of successful direction, planning, relationship and
team management in various NHS and voluntary organisations.
He believes he can offer the HMR CCG governing body a
mixture of professional expertise based on his career, local
knowledge having lived in and around the area all his life,
combined with a common sense attitude.
• Online course: Clinical audit,
appraisal and revalidation for GPs
Middleton Talking Newspaper
Newsletters and
• Rochdale Improvement Board
News – Issue 5
• PAHT GP/CCG bulletin – August
• Pennine Care Progress – August
• Rochdale and District Mind
newsletter – issue 10
• Healthier Together stakeholder
briefing – August
• NHS England CCG bulletin –
issue 39, 8 August
• NHS England CCG bulletin –
issue 40, 22 August
• AQuA Bulletin – issue 64,
16 August
• AQuA Bulletin – issue 63, 2 August
• Tobacco Free Futures newsletter –
For almost 30 years, Middleton Talking Newspaper (MTN)
has been providing people with visual impairments with
an alternative way to receive local news.
The weekly audio newspaper accepts referrals from
health and social care professionals and is always keen
to welcome new users.
It provides a locally-orientated collation of selected news
items from the Middleton Guardian, covering a wide range
of topics, from council related matters, good performance
news from schools and leisure activities at the arena,
by-gone days articles and family notices, all of which are
designed to alert listeners to what is going on in their
local area and keep them feeling in touch.
In addition, the MTN is not restricted to people with
severely impaired vision, but is also available to people
who by virtue of a different incapacity are not able to
hold a newspaper comfortably or read a newspaper in the
conventional way. For example, people who have had a
stroke or people who have Parkinson’s.
Anyone wanting to refer patients to this free service
should contact Brian Brown on 0161 653 9814 or the
MTN on 07950 450006.
Integrated care
NHS HMR CCG and its partner organisations The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS
Trust, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust and Rochdale Borough Council are
working together to develop, commission and provide an integrated care model
for the borough of Rochdale.
The teams will be arranged in clusters working with and wrapped around
general practice. They will be able to build relationships with practices in the
interest of patient care being delivered in multi-disciplinary approaches.
The proposed model will be based on the following:
 Health and social care teams will be integrated, particularly for the frail
elderly and people with long term conditions. Patients and carers will
experience seamless care planned and delivered in partnership.
 Patients and their carers will be helped to manage their care and wellbeing
so they can live independently.
 Urgent care needs will be met quickly and the appropriate services will
be easy to access.
 Patients will receive standardised care through care pathways agreed by
them and their clinicians. They will get the required appropriate specialist
input at the right time. There will be no unnecessary spells in hospital and
discharge into the community will be instigated as soon as safe and practical.
Some of the characteristics of an integrated model will be:
 Cross-agency leadership, commitment and governance between partnering
 All partners in the proposed service model understanding the costs and
benefits, and the contracting and reimbursement models that would allow
integrated commissioning.
 A focus on scale to target new interventions at greater numbers of those
at risk.
 A focus on outcomes, not processes.
 Recognition of how regional and sub-regional interventions impact
on local delivery.
 A demonstration that patient experience is embedded in the design,
commissioning, development, delivery and monitoring of services.
 A plan to share and commit resources in partnership.
We will continue to involve you and keep you updated about details
and progress on this programme of work.
Thursday 12 September, Rochdale Masonic Buildings, OL11 1DU
1pm-2.30pm, lunch 12.30pm
Come and join us on the above date for an update on where we are, and
have the opportunity to raise any questions.
We hope you can join us.
Dr Chris Duffy, Dr Paul Laker, Dr Bob Wood,
Dr Lynn Hampson and Dr Hazel Platts
To book your place, email
or call 01706 652826
before 5 September
at Home
For almost 24 years,
Springhill Hospice has provided quality
palliative and end of life care to local
patients and families at the hospice
at Broad Lane, Rochdale.
In June 2012, the hospice launched a
new Hospice at Home service, jointly
commissioned by HMR CCG and
Rochdale Borough Council.
The main aim of the service is to ensure
more patients will be cared for in their
preferred place of care at the end of life
and their families will benefit from the
extra level of support this service will
offer. In addition, the Springhill Hospice
at Home service, working alongside
existing community services, is playing
a significant part in facilitating a
reduction in avoidable and unnecessary
admissions to hospital in the last weeks
of life and assisting in the process of
rapid discharge from hospital for
patients who wish to be cared for at
home – both key objectives as identified
in the HMR CCG End of Life Care Strategy
for Adults.
The Hospice at Home service consists of
a team of skilled, experienced hospice
nurses providing a visiting service
throughout the day, from 8am to 10pm.
The team provides patient care and
family support according to the needs
of the individual. The timing, length
and frequency of visits is flexible and
determined by the needs of the individual
patient and their family. Night support
for these patients and their families
is provided by way of a night sitting
service staffed by hospice trained nursing
assistants from 10pm to 8am, thus
providing a dedicated end of life service
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Evaluation of the service is extremely
positive in respect of outcomes for both
the patients and their families. Following
a successful pilot year, the service is
set to continue to provide dedicated
end of life care services to patients
and their families. Further funding has
been made available from HMR Clinical
Commissioning Group which will secure
the service until the end of March 2014.
For further information about the
Springhill Hospice at Home service,
please contact the Admissions
Coordinator at Springhill Hospice,
on 01706 649920.
Provider / partner news
Toasty Rochdale –
we need your help
Rochdale Borough Council is calling on frontline staff and
partners to help identify eligible customers who would
benefit from free or part-funded home improvements that
will save them money on their energy bills.
Meet us for breakfast?
Breakfast will be provided.
 Where: Rochdale Town Hall, Reception Room
 When:
Around 7,500 people across Greater
Manchester, including the Rochdale borough,
have benefitted from new and innovative
psychiatric liaison services.
The initiative, known as RAID (Rapid
Assessment Interface and Discharge), is
run by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.
It involves experienced mental health workers
working with hospital colleagues to support
people with mental health or alcohol
Read the full story online.
8-9am, Wednesday 11 September
Why you?
You and your team have been identified as people who
could greatly assist in reaching many more householders
who may have cold or poorly heated homes this winter.
Through your work, you come into contact with the
targeted audiences: low income families, benefit
recipients, older people and families or individuals
living in older properties.
These customers are most likely to benefit from additional
support from the Toasty Rochdale scheme.
Education and training
The council is offering you breakfast and a chance to find
out how you can help your clients. They will provide you
with an introduction to Toasty Rochdale and a pack of
leaflets for you to use to publicise the scheme to potential
eligible customers you feel need some extra help.
It’s important that as many people from across Heywood,
Middleton and Rochdale take up this offer of help and
support while this programme is available.
Benefits to your service include reduced fire and flooding
risks, improved health and wellbeing and reduced crime.
Let’s get more homes in Rochdale toasty in time for winter!
To register, please contact Helen Wilkinson,
Communications Officer, on 01706 925349
or email
If you want more information or would like
to bring along other colleagues, please get
in touch.
innovative mental
health project
Tell us
The council’s top bosses are opening their
doors to Rochdale’s children and young
people and GPs are urged to ensure young
patients are aware.
On the first Thursday of every month, anyone
aged 11 and over is invited to speak to Gladys
Rhodes White, Director for Children’s Services,
and Councillor Donna Martin, Cabinet
Member for Children, Schools and Families
about any topic.
Whether it’s something they’d like to change
in their community, or a teacher that has made
a positive difference in their lives, as long as
Rochdale’s young people have something to
say, the council wants to hear it.
The drop-in sessions take place at Number
One Riverside on the first Thursday of each
month, from 4.30pm to 6pm.
Posters will be sent to all practices to promote
these events, so if you could please display
them in a prominent position it will help
support the work of the Rochdale
Improvement Board.
Provider / partner news
Plans to develop a new strategy for district nursing
District nursing is the foundation of a large proportion
of adult care delivering planned, unplanned and end of
life care.
The key to the success of district nursing is the emphasis
on care closer to home, increased capability to support
long term conditions through clinical skills, care
coordination, more use of technology and integration
of community teams.
However, as with all services, there is an opportunity to
review, redesign and transform district nursing to meet
the future care challenges and identify opportunities for
innovation. In order to deliver this, Pennine Care NHS
Foundation Trust has launched a project to develop a new
district nursing strategy and drive transformation forward.
Over the next 12 months, the project will seek to develop
a strategy for district nursing that:
 takes account of the Department of Health’s national
vision for district nursing
 is responsive to commissioning intentions
 takes account of the views and experiences of staff,
GPs, service users and partner agencies
 clearly defines the core business of the district nursing
service, articulating the outcomes expected and the
scale of service required
 ensures the service consistently delivers against agreed
common standards reducing variation, but allowing for
flexibility to meet diverse needs in the community
and local commissioning plans
 ensures robust clinical governance of standards
and practice
 raises the profile of district nursing and recognises the
service’s role as the cornerstone that underpins the
delivery of many planned and unplanned episodes
of care
 develops and puts in place a plan for the future
workforce that has the capability and profile to sustain
high quality service delivery
The project is being led by Jackie Taylor, Service Director
for Bury Community Services, and Ian Trodden, Director
of Nursing. The project’s key work streams are
benchmarking, engagement, workforce, technology,
performance and service redesign.
Pennine Care recognises the need to ensure that any
review and subsequent plans reflect stakeholder needs
and commissioning intentions. Therefore, as a priority
stakeholder of district nursing services, the trust would
like to closely engage and collaborate with the CCG and
GPs on this important agenda and hopes that we can
jointly develop a strategy that improves patient care.
The trust is currently in liaison with the locality
engagement leads to agree a collaborative approach.
If you have any queries about the trust’s plans, please
contact Jackie Taylor, Service Director, on 0161 762 7359.
New video about preventing
and treating bed sores
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has released a new
video for its staff and the public about how best to treat
and prevent pressure ulcers.
In the video, Judy Harker, specialist nurse consultant for
tissue viability at the trust, talks about what can be done
to combat and treat what is an entirely preventable
condition in the majority of cases.
Find out more on PAHT’s website or watch the video
on YouTube.
CCG News – future editions
CCG News is produced on a monthly basis. The information that it includes will be determined, to a large extent, by you.
Please let us know your thoughts about this issue and what you would like us to include in future issues. Contact us at