Document 6442567
Document 6442567
A MASSAGE. Original Darwin Chinese Massage now only at 130 The Esplanade. Phone 8981 0008, 0448 678 278 or 0458 828 279. 1026723v13 Alchemy Massage Jade Therapy 1065168v2 AMIMI. $40 for Professional full body relaxing oil massage, ordinal lady. 1st time in town. In/out. CBD. 0411 874 518 1077756v4 Full Body, French/Taiwan 1/21 Vanderlin Dr, Casuarina AMY $40 Good relaxing hand & machine massage. 0404 541 819 CDB. Phone 0439 164 803. 8927 8437 1051921v3 IMPRESSION MASSAGE Professional Full Body Massage 3 Pavonia Place, Nightcliff 8985 5388 1054756v3 COCONUT MAN. All tree maintenance! Coconut and palm seeds removed. Make your yard clean and safe. Call David on 0417 565 791. 1021535v2 MASSAGE. A deep tissue full body sports, relieve stress, relax, $65 per hr. Call John at Nightcliff, 7 days, on 0439 570 997. 1022781v2 MICKEY LI Chinese Massage. 7 days, 9am-7pm. Mon & Thur special 40min $30. Wagaman Shops. Phone 0431 118 798 or 8928 0868. 1004673v4 NEED to talk to someone who cares? If you feel you or someone you know may be at risk, please call Lifeline now on 13 11 14. PUB: NT NEWS BULK ! NERAL PRACTICE ACCREDITED GE E! COM TS WEL NEW PATIEN Extended after hours either by walk ins or appointments Location Casuarina Health Precinct 2/11 Vanderlin Drive Casuarina (Old Bunnings Site, opposite new Amcal) DATE: 12-JUN-2013 PAGE: 40 COLOR: Opening Hours Mon - Fri 8.30am - 9pm Saturday 9am - 4pm Sunday 10am - 4pm Closed Public Holidays We do all ions Travel Vaccinat Dr Satbir Aulakh | Dr Aruna Liyanage Dr Sanjaya (Jay) Muhandiram | Dr Kris Piyadasa Dr Nolasco Capati | Dr Marilou Capati | Dr Kotha Sanjeevi Phone: (08) 8927 1033 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE JENKINS ROAD Water main installation 1093192V1 SIDS and Kids NT provides a 24 hour on-call service for anyone affected by the death of a child. Phone 0448 849 234. 1093635V1 SPRINGFIELD Butchers Hibiscus Shopping Centre. Hamburger mince, $7.99kg BBQ steak $9.99kg. Yearling Porterhouse whole $16.99 sliced $19.99kg. Ph 8945 5429 Fax 8945 7529 Remote orders welcome 1023744v2 XI XI Massage. 2hr therapeutic package, (1hr deep tissue, shoulder, body, foot, & head, 20min ea $125). 1/24 Cavenagh St. 0451 170 748. 1034115v3 SURGERY! BRAND NEW SERVICES! BILLING Public notices Public notices 1054348v4 1046963v3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION PLACING YOUR ADVERTISEMENT t1IPOFPVS$MBTTJGJFE"E-JOF t'BY tXXXOUOFXTDPNBVDMBTTJGJFET tDMBTTJGJFET!OUOFXTDPNBV t/5/FXT0GGJDF.D.JOO4USFFU%BSXJO BNQN $-04&% $-04&% $-04&% DEADLINES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS advertisingBOEDMJDLPO/5/FXT "EWFSUJTJOH3BUFTMJOL Now Doing WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC Every Sat 9am-12pm CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTICE FROM IINET GROUP (IINET LTD, WESTNET PTY LTD, AAPT CONSUMER DIVISION, INTERNODE PTY LTD, TRANSACT CAPITAL COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD) Staff Redeployment impact service in Alice Springs District of the Northern Territory. K iiNet Group reference ID: 2550523 As previously notified on 8 May 2013, the iiNet Group (iiNet Ltd, Westnet Pty Ltd, Internode Pty Ltd, AAPT Consumer Division and TransACT Capital Communications Pty Ltd) is currently working to manage the impact to its network that has occurred as a result of Telstra wholesale staff being redeployed on or about 3 May 2013. More recently, heavy rains and lighting strikes have impacted operations in Western Australia. This necessitated in our wholesaler redeploying a large number of staff from across Australia to the affected regions. Destructive winds, heavy rainfall, flash flooding and river floods in widespread areas of Queensland and New South Wales as well as heavy rains and lighting strikes in Western Australia have caused notable damage to the network. Due to the extent and severity of these ongoing weather events, our wholesaler has redeployed staff from across Australia, as referred to in Telstra Wholesales Mass Service Disruption Notification which can be found at abouttelstra/commitments/mass-service-disruption/ The iiNet Group is working closely with suppliers and wholesalers to assess and manage the impact to affected services in a timely manner. Customers in the Alice Springs regions of the Northern Territory may experience service disruptions and delays to normal connection times and fault restoration as Telstra staff from this region are redeployed to Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia. For further detail on the relevant regions see the Telstra Wholesales Mass Service Disruption Notification which can be found at commitments/mass-service-disruption/. The impact in the affected region has been greater than initially estimated, and as a consequence the expected date for resumption of normal service operations has been extended to 28 June 2013. As these circumstances are outside the iiNet Group’s control, iiNet is claiming an exemption under Section 21 of the Telecommunications (Customer Service Guarantee) Standard 2011 from the normal performance standards. The exemption shall apply from 3 May 2013 to 28 June 2013 inclusive. This date is indicative only; customers should anticipate that some further delays may occur. Services in the affected location with a phone number in the following ranges may have been affected: 08 8950 0000 To 08 8966 9999 08 8993 8000 To 08 8993 8999 Estimated number of impacted services: 700 iiNet Ltd and AAPT Consumer Division customers can enquire about CSG payment eligibility or the basis for claiming this exemption by contacting iiNet on 13 22 58 and quoting fault reference 2550523. Westnet Pty Ltd customers can enquire about CSG payment eligibility or the basis for claiming this exemption by contacting Westnet on 1300 786 068 and quoting fault reference 2550523. Works will commence shortly to install a water main to service the Middle Arm industrial area. While the installation takes place, there will be an increase in heavy vehicle traffic. Traffic management will be present and motorists are asked to adhere to all signage and restrictions in place. This a staged project with final completion scheduled for April 2014. For more information contact Geoffrey Thomas, Senior Project Manager on 8946 5039, email or visit CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTICE FROM M2 GROUP (iPrimus, M2 Telecom, Commander, People Telecom, and Southern Cross Telco) Legal notices Staff Redeployment impact service in Alice Springs District of the Northern Territory. As previously notified by M2 on 8 May 2013, normal operations have been affected by a series of extreme weather, which have caused damage to the telecommunications network throughout widespread areas of Queensland and New South Wales. M2 Group has identified that the effect of these circumstances may apply to approximately 215 services. M2 Group also refers to the notice published by Telstra in Northern Territory News 10 June 2013. M2 Group customers in the areas identified in the Notice will be similarly affected (see for further details). NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA Births, Deaths & Marriages Registration Act - Sec 23 APPLICATION TO REGISTER CHANGE OF NAME OF AN ADULT I, Joanne Marie Hardy change my name to Joanne Marie Huddleston for all private, business and legal purposes, and request all persons to designate and address me by the new name. Signed: J. Hardy Date: 11/06/13 Due to the damage caused by extreme weather and flooding events throughout widespread areas of Queensland and New South Wales, there has been a redeployment of a large number of Telstra staff to the affected regions. As a result, there will be delays to normal installation and repair activities in the Alice Springs regions of the Northern Territory, as staff from this region are redeployed. BOOKINGS REQUIRED IN WRITING #JSUIT'VOFSBM/PUJDFT%FBUIT &OHBHFNFOUT.BSSJBHFTBOE"EVMU &OUFSUBJONFOU8SJUUFODPOGJSNBUJPOJT SFRVJSFE8FBSFVOBCMFUPUBLFUIFTFBET PWFSUIFQIPOFBTTJHOBUVSFTBSFSFRVJSFE QSJPSUPQVCMJDBUJPO OFFICE HOURS .POEBZUP'SJEBZ 4BUVSEBZ 4VOEBZ 1VCMJD)PMJEBZT ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. If you want to stop drinking, call Darwin 8948 5202, Alice Springs 8953 0802, Katherine 0427 712 443. Public notices ,=DMBTTJFT='PSNTBOE5FNQMBUFT Public notices Consequently, M2 Group is claiming an exemption to timeframes and performance standards required by the Telecommunications (Customer Service Guarantee) Standard 2011 and notifies customers that normal service timeframes may not be met from 3 May 2013 to 28 June 2013. M2 Group customers can contact Customer Care on 1300 551 499 and quote reference number M2-NT1304-Extended to discuss their options. Should you wish to challenge the exemption, you can raise the matter with the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO). TIO information and contact details are available at and in the White Pages. 1066940v4 NT NEWS & SUNDAY TERRITORIAN COMPETITION TERMS & CONDITIONS & PRIVACY POLICY Employees of Nationwide News Pty Limited - NT Division, their families and associated companies with our promotions are ineligible to enter those promotions. The promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost or miss-directed mail. Entry into those promotions deems consent to use prize winners’ names and photographs for any promotional purposes. The judges’ decision in relation to all aspects of the competition is final. No correspondence will be entered into. Any additional costs incurred by the winner, other than those that form part of the prize are the responsibility of the winner. By entering into this competition you accept all terms and conditions. The promoter is Nationwide News Pty Limited - NT Division, Printers Place, Darwin NT 0800. This edition of Northern Territory News/Sunday Territorian may contain offers, or competitions which require you to provide information about yourself. Nationwide News collects this information to include you in these competitions and may also use the information to assist us in improving our goods and services and to contact you in the future with special offers. We may share your information with our Australian related companies. We or they may be in touch by any means, at any time n the future to let you know about goods, services, or promotions which may be of interest to you. We may also share your information with other persons or entities that assist us in running competitions or with other companies who provide prizes. This company is part of a global media and entertainment company. We would like to share your information with these overseas related companies so they can contact you with special offers, but if you would prefer us not to, please write to our Privacy Officer at: GPO Box 1300, Darwin NT 0801. You can also gain access to your personal information by contacting our privacy officer. 1015704V1 Annual general meetings TransACT Capital Communications Pty Ltd customers can enquire about CSG payment eligibility or the basis for claiming this exemption by contacting TransACT on 13 30 61 and quoting fault reference 2550523. If after calling one of the above numbers, you remain dissatisfied, you may choose to contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) on 1800 062 058, The iiNet Group would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused, and thank all affected customers for their patience. A copy of this notice is available on our webpage at NT NEWS. Wednesday, June 12, 2013. CLASSIFIEDS 8944 9999 Houses for sale BAKEWELL 7 Izod Court $585,000 Open inspection 12pm 3pm Sat & Sun or by appointment 3bdrm BIRs, 2bath, 1 indoor kitch, 1 outdoor Stainless kitch, tiled and aircon throughout, open plan, 3M verandahs, est garden, gard shed, spa, 2 parks, boat area, freshly painted in & out, solar hot water & panels to reduce power bills., 0407731884. HIGH potential central commercial shop, 120m2, Aralia Street, Nightcliff, shopping centre. Highly suitable for commercial activity, restaurants, takeaway, bank, chemist, group practice, govt offices. Rent negotiable. Phone 0410 810 838, 8948 1172 or 8985 3377. 1010549v2 Houses to let NORTHLAKES 5 Gleneagles Cres, 3br + study, tiled, a/c, 2bthrm, WIR, c/port, fenced, pool, $650pw. Insp Wed 5-6pm. Ph 0412 717 289 1043807v1 TIWI. Close to dripstone school, Casuarina, hospital, CDU. 3brm & study all with A/C fully fenced 1200m2, 50m2, ent area, paved area with huge pool. Maintained lush gardens, fully rectic irrigation. Large garden shed & chicken pen fresh paint, neat & tidy. Avail now $650 p/w, + adv rent + bond. Must have current checkable ref. 12 mth lease pref but will consider 6 for right applicant. NO agents please. Phone Xristos on 0420 416 776 1056429v3 Flats, units & townhouses to let 1006765v2 NAKARA Family home in great location close to schools, university, hospital, Casuarina Square and walking distance to beach. Three large double bedrooms with built in robes, two bathrooms (one an ensuite), two living areas, the second living area a very generous size, lovely salt water pebblecrete swimming pool with waterfall and large covered entertainment area. Established garden with irrigation installed and garden shed. Security screens through out. Lots of room for everybody.Inspection by appointment.Call, 0459 838 692, any time. 1041818v2 NIGHTCLIFF Light breezy 2bed twnhse, close beach & pool. 2 lge living. Balcony, privt crtyd & deck. AC 2 cars, $500, 0419771300. MAKE your ad stand out from the rest!! Colour is now available on your line ad. For more information phone 8944 9999. 1082472v2 1003966V1 Shared accommodation CBD. Large bedroom with ensuite, queen bed and t.v in 2 bedroom unit. Baloney, pool and carpark. $250pw + electricity. Ph 0410 363 232. 1053376v2 MALAK, 1 bedroom in a elevated house, mature person preferred, A/C, ig pool, Austar, sec park, tropical surrounds, must be working $210 p/w + bond. Phone after 4:30pm, 0423 614 164. 1053896v2 NIGHTCLIFF, Private sale. Bedsitter, 13/55 Aralia St. Immaculate condition, ideal location, close to all ameniConstitution Upgrade ties, ideal investment property with excellent returns Purpose of the meeting is to pass changes made to the Phone 0438 855 199 1027777v3 Constitution. All FULL members, please come along. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Meeting will be held at the R.A.O.B. Club on Sunday 16/06/2013 at 10.00 a.m. Commercial & industrial • Births • Deaths • Marriages • Engagements STUART PARK. Queen size room, couple pref, excel facilities, 2 pools & t/court, backpackers/students welcome. $300pw. 0409 024 067. 1070804v1 STUART PARK room to rent in 3 bed unit $230 pw + electricity. Phone Tony 0427 440 673 1013383v2 ROB PEARSON, PRESIDENT AT Berrimah 100m2 warehouse with a/c office $1320 pcm inc GST. Phone 8948 3766 Accommodation wanted 1048215v3 all require signatures prior to publication 1055306v4 40 1072820v3 Flats, units & townhouses for sale 1004348v2 Internode Pty Ltd customers can enquire about CSG payment eligibility or the basis for claiming this exemption by contacting Internode on 1300 788 233 and quoting fault reference 2550523. For lease 75 to 330m2 Casuarina CBD. Suit office, restaurant, retail. Trower Road exposure, ample parking. Near hospital, university, Casuarina Square. Reasonable rates. Ph 0418 839 816 1096615v1 LONG TERM Drw resident looking for caretaker’s position. Have own acc, just want pwk + toilet & shower. access willing to work on when needed. Please call David 0408 763 451. 1007716v4
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