06 October 2013


06 October 2013
Weekly Diary (for information and prayer)
Sunday 6
10.00am Prayer meeting in the Prayer Room
8.00pm The Net (at St Mary’s) (Y 10+)
Monday 7
9.00 Old School Nursery (Mon-Fri)#
9.30am Parish Staff Meeting & prayers
8.00pm SCC F & S meets (Venue TBC)
10.00am ACORNS
8.15pm Housegroup at 25 The Mere
Wednesday 9
... 8.30am Prayers in church (Wed – Fri)
10.15 & 10.45am KS2 & KS1 assemblies at Meadowbank
12.00pm Lunchtime Communion & Lunch
6.30pm All Stars Club (Y5 & 6)
Thursday 10
9.00-11.00 Church Office open
10.30am Funeral of Lola Parkes in church
2.00pm Church Café
St Cuthbert Labyrinth opens
3.30pm After School Club
Friday 11 …
9.00-12 noon St Cuthbert Labyrinth
12.15pm OSN Committee meets
1.00pm Knit and Natter
7.00-9.00pm St Cuthbert Labyrinth
7.30pm Friday Club
Saturday 12 …
8.00am – 4.30pm St Cuthbert Labyrinth / Day of Prayer
9.00am In Stitches
Sunday 13 …
10.00am Prayer meeting in the Prayer Room
8.00pm The Net (at St Mary’s) (Y 10+)
Please pray for
The Sick ...
In homes /
Bereaved …
Edith Bell (in St Anne’s Hospice), Barbara Beynon, Di Latimer, Daniel
Adu-Dwumma, Carol Simms, Emma Capper, Mabel Hodgetts,
Colin France, Gwen, Mike Johnson, Les Fennell, Mary Wolstenholme,
Joy Hayward (Heather’s sister) & Eddie Scrase-Field
Bessie Skeer, Dora Jones, Pauline Price, Herbert Ormiston
Winnie Burrows & Rosemary Railey
The family & friends of Lola Parkes, especially her children, Gillian
& Michael.
06 October 2013
Much is required from the person to whom much is given Lk 12.48
Minister: Mike Newman (428 5212)
Wardens: Andrew Pugh (610 2570) Lindsay Burrows (485 1509)
Time for God volunteer: Theresa Heering 07582484721
e-mail: enquiries@stcuthberts.org web: www.stcuthberts.org
Welcome to St Cuthbert’s today especially if you are a visitor
The morning service is usually projected and so no books are required. For those who prefer,
printed sheets are available containing the songs.
There is a crèche throughout the morning service in the lower lounge. For children aged three to
school Year 9 inclusive there are separate activities which commence before the reading.
Noticesheet items should be sent to Fiona – fiona.earnshaw@sky.com 286 2823 - by Wednesday
Prayer Ministry is available at all Sunday services with a particular provision at Communion service.
Please move to the front after the service or speak to a member of the Prayer Ministry team.
It is our policy not to take public collections, but if you wish to give towards the work of St.
Cuthbert’s please use the offertory box. If you are a tax payer please think about completing a Gift
Aid declaration Ten per cent of all that we receive is in turn given away to the following mission
agencies: OMF, CMS & Crosslinks. We also support YFC/ Covies, & The Eden Bus Project.
If you know of anyone sick or in any sort of need pass the details to Liz or Ruth our Pastoral Workers
Drinks are served after both morning and evening services. Please do join us if you can.
Special Prayer for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you; mercifully grant that
your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your
Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and for ever. Amen.
This Sunday
10.30 am Ten Thirty Service
Theme: 125th Anniversary
Leader: Mike Newman
Preacher: Rt. Rev Peter Forster
Read: John 1.43-51
6.30pm Evening Service / HC
Theme: Nineteenth after Trinity
Leader: Mike Newman
Preacher: Phil Newsome
Read: Habakkuk 1.1–4; 2.1–4
2 Tim. 1.1–14; Luke 17.5–10
Next Sunday
9.45am Service with baptism
Theme: Called to serve
Leader: Malcolm Winton
Preacher: Mike Newman
11.15am Holy Communion
Theme: Called to serve
Leader: Phil Newsome
Preacher: Mike Newman
6.30pm Evening Service
Theme: Twentieth after Trinity
Leader: Liz Duxbury
Preacher: Catherine Johnson
Administrative Assistant on an Internship Basis
ROC is an established charity recognised for the way it brings people
and organisations together to improve the lives of individuals and
communities. The post would ideally suit someone who is well
organised with a friendly outgoing personality, a positive attitude and
a passion to see communities and lives changed for the better. To
apply please email a full CV with a covering letter explaining how your previous skills and
experience will be of value to this post and why you are applying to:
recruitment@roc.uk.com. Closing date: 1st November. Interviews: 8th November.
Start date: 18th November
A warm welcome to the Bishop of Chester
Peter Forster, our Diocesan Bishop, joins us this morning for the last
event in our year of 125th Anniversary celebrations. We appreciate his
leadership and he, in turn, is looking forward to talking to as many of
us as possible over coffee. Please do stay on after that for a special
Church lunch of either lasagne or curry at £3.00 / £1.50.
St Cuthbert’s Calling
Please help us distribute our Parish Newsletter by collecting your
bundle today. New helpers are always welcome.
World Mental Health Day
Tricia Berry is involved in the Diocesan work on mental health. The
Board of Social Responsibility is putting on a free one-woman show
by Revd. Eva McIntyre at Patches Chabala’s church, St Michaels, in
Chester on Monday 7th October from 7 to 9 pm. Her show is called:
“God is depressed! Who on earth can shine some hope on the
situation?” Flyers are in the foyer, or see Tricia for more details.
St Cuthbert Labyrinth /
50 Days of Prayer
From Saturday 12 October to Sunday 01
December everyone at St Cuthbert’s is asked to
join in 50 Days of Prayer for this and other local
churches. Prayer cards and further information
will be available on the day, but for now please
note the St Cuthbert’s Labyrinth with which we
will launch the initiative. This will provide quiet,
space and resources to help us consider the Lord’s
call on our lives. Times are shown opposite and
in the Diary section with the church being open all
day Saturday 8.00-4.30 and with three set gatherings at 8am, 12 noon and 4pm. Please help
us - volunteers are needed to staff the church as shown on the notice in the foyer.
Maranatha Lecture
Presented by Sir Peter Fahy Chief Constable, Greater Manchester
Police Force “Do not judge and you will not be judged” The
challenges of being a Police Officer and a Christian, and the
balance between punishment, rehabilitation and blame.
Wednesday 13th November 2013 7.30pm. Weston Theatre, Manchester Conference Centre,
Sackville Street, Manchester M1 3BB. Tickets cost £5. Telephone Kevin McKenna: 0161
282 5523 or email: lecture@maranathacommunity.org.uk
Christmas Child
Please help yourself to
a free flatpack ‘go’ box
and leaflet (in the
foyer) and bring the shoebox to church
during the first two weeks in November.
Remember to give £3 on line or put a
cheque for that amount in the box and put
the relevant label on the front of the box.
Thank you for doing a box.
New Format Noticesheet
As part of our changes to services, we are
altering the way we share information.
From next week the noticesheet will be
replaced with a compact weekly "diary"
sheet. All other notices will be available
on the powerpoint in church, in the foyer,
and shortly on the new website. We'll also
have a monthly "catch-up" sheet to share
news and events. If you have any notices,
news or events you'd like published,
please send them to Lindsey:
lindseycampbell@ymail.com / 07546
588042. For those who can, a PPT slide of
your notice would be appreciated. Please
be patient as we work out the changes!
City Centre Ministries
Steve Brown called in the week in CCM’s
new van to pick up our Harvest offerings
and says a bi ‘thank you’ to all who gave.
Visit their website or wait out on the
forthcoming newsletter for more
Service of Confirmation / Affirmation of Faith
This will be held on Sunday 09 February 2014 at 6.30pm. It is likely that we will have a
good number of candidates. If you are interested in being one of them please speak to Mike
or one of the Wardens (adults) or Kate or Gary (young people).
Christmas Hosts Required
Could you make the world a friendlier place by offering an invitation to an international
student at a UK university, for just a day, a weekend, or three days at Christmas? Young
adults from many countries would love to have a homely break and discover the real life of
this country. HOST is a well-established charity which takes care in linking students with
volunteer hosts. www.hostuk.org or call Alan Lodge 01845 527448.