Sacramento County Emergency Shelters


Sacramento County Emergency Shelters
Sacramento County Emergency Shelters
Unless otherwise noted numbers are open 7 Days a week, 24 Hours a Day
Crisis & Abuse Shelters
WEAVE - Women Escaping A Violent Environment
Women & Men
A Community for Peace
Previously known as the Domestic Violence Intervention Center
My Sister's House
Women and Children in the Asian and Pacific Islander Community
Senior Safe House
Seniors age 62 and above.
(866) 920-2952
(916) 920-2952
(916) 728-7210
(916) 428-3271
(916) 874-9377 – Adult Protective Services
Emergency Family Shelters
Family Shelter – Next Move
Previously known as Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center
Family Shelter – Volunteers of America
St. John's Shelter for Women and Children
(916) 455-2160
(916) 443-4688
(916) 453-1482
Emergency Singles Shelters
“A” Street Shelter – Volunteers of America
Single Men Only
Open Arms – Volunteers of America & CARES
Homeless Men & Women diagnosed as HIV+ or AIDS
Salvation Army
Single Men and Single Women
Union Gospel Mission
Men Only
Women's Refuge – Next Move
Previously known as Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center
Single Women Only
(916) 448-5507
(Monday – Friday 8 am - 5 pm)
(916) 451-1765
(Monday – Friday 8 am - 5 pm)
(916) 442-0331
(916) 447-3268
(916) 455-0415
Emergency Youth Shelters
Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento
Wind Youth Services
(Male and Female - Under 18 Years of age)
Sacramento Crisis Nursery
Safely Surrendered Baby Hotline
(916) 482-2370
(800) 339-7177
(916) 679-3600 – North Sacramento
(916) 394-2000 – South Sacramento
(877) 222-9723 or (877) BABYSAF
Call 2-1-1 for additional Referrals - Available 24/7
Crisis & Abuse Shelters
WEAVE (Women Escaping A Violent Environment)
(866) 920-2952 or (916) 920-2952
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone
Eligibility: Crisis shelter and intervention services for female and male survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in
Sacramento County.
A Community For Peace
Previously known as The Domestic Violence Intervention Center
(916) 728-7210
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone
Eligibility: Safe haven for women and children 0-12. Also provides safe refuge assistance for men who are abused members
of the LGBT Community.
My Sister's House
(916) 428-3271
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone or e-mail:
Eligibility: Women and children affected by, or victims of, domestic violence.
Identifies and addresses the needs of women and children impacted by domestic violence in the Asian and Pacific Islander
community by offering a culturally appropriate and responsive safe haven shelter and community resources/services.
Senior Safe House
(916) 874-9377 – Adult Protective Services Abuse Hotline
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone - Adult Protective Services
Eligibility: Emergency shelter with 24-hour support for seniors above 62 years old who are currently at risk of being
abused, neglected, or exploited.
2-1-1 Sacramento, a program of Community Link Capital Region, is funded by First 5 Sacramento Commission, Sacramento Housing and
Redevelopment Agency, Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services, County of Sacramento, Area 4 Agency on Aging, Sacramento
Superior Court, Sacramento Employment and Training Agency, and Kaiser Permanente.
May 2013
Emergency Family Shelters
Family Shelter – Next Move
Previously known as Sacramento Area Emergency Housing
4516 Parker Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 455-2160
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Phone - No walk-ins
Eligibility: Short-term emergency
housing and supportive services to families with children in Sacramento County experiencing
homeless that have no other resources This is one of only two shelters in Sacramento County that accepts two parent families, single
fathers, and sons over the age of 14. Temporary emergency shelter, meals, transportation, health services and clothing for those housed at
SAEHC, within the limit of available resources.
Family Shelter – Volunteers of America
470 Bannon Street Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 443-4688
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Phone - No walk-ins
Eligibility: Shelter designed to accommodate couples with children, single fathers with children, and families with teenage boys. Three
meals provided daily as well as support services including transportation to and from school, permanent housing referrals, and education
and job-search information.
St. John's Shelter for Women and Children
4410 Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA 95826
(916) 453-1482
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone; must contact shelter daily to stay on waiting list
Eligibility: Single women with children; male children no older than 14 years of age.
2-1-1 Sacramento, a program of Community Link Capital Region, is funded by First 5 Sacramento Commission, Sacramento Housing and
Redevelopment Agency, Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services, County of Sacramento, Area 4 Agency on Aging, Sacramento
Superior Court, Sacramento Employment and Training Agency, and Kaiser Permanente.
May 2013
Emergency Shelters for Singles
“A” Street Shelter - Volunteers of America
1400 North A Street, Building B, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 448-5507
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Intake: Call for Intake process and hours.
Eligibility: Homeless single men
30 day shelter providing food, housing, and referral services for up to 60 homeless men. Staff helps shelter residents access
other housing opportunities; refers to drug and alcohol treatment programs if needed.
Open Arms – Volunteers of America
(916) 451-1765
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Intake: Call for Intake process and hours.
Eligibility: Homeless men & women who are living with AIDS or have tested positive with the HIV virus.
Salvation Army Shelter Services
1200 North B Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 442-0331
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Walk-in only, Monday – Friday, 1pm
Eligibility: Homeless Men and Women above 18 years of age.
Shelter for homeless single men and women with a support system of multiple resources and special programs.
Union Gospel Mission
400 Bannon Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 447-3268
Hours: Call for Intake process and hours.
Intake: Walk-in
Eligibility: Overnight Shelter and rehabilitation program for men only
Shelter operates on a first-come/first-served basis. Attendance at Gospel service each day is mandatory. Meals are open to
everyone who attends the service - men, women and children. Clothing and shower for men available.
Women's Refuge – Next Move
Previously known as Sacramento Area Emergency Housing
4401 44th Street, Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 455-0415
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone only
Eligibility: Homeless single women
Temporary emergency shelter, meals, and transportation for homeless single women. Housing limited to 30 days.
2-1-1 Sacramento, a program of Community Link Capital Region, is funded by First 5 Sacramento Commission, Sacramento Housing and
Redevelopment Agency, Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services, County of Sacramento, Area 4 Agency on Aging, Sacramento
Superior Court, Sacramento Employment and Training Agency, and Kaiser Permanente.
May 2013
Emergency Youth Shelters
Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento
3555 Auburn Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 482-2370
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Referral from law enforcement, Health and Human Services Department or court order
Eligibility: Ambulatory, ages 1 – 17
24-hours emergency, short-term shelter-care for abused or neglected children from Sacramento County.
WIND Youth Services
(800) 339-7177
Shelter (916) 363-0128; Day Center (916) 443-8333
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone
Eligibility: Short-term emergency shelter for homeless, runaway, ages 12 – 17, and at-risk youth.
Sacramento Crisis Nursery
North: 4533 Pasadena Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 679-3600
South: 6699 South Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 394-2000
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Telephone for appointment and space availability
Birth through 5 years of age.
Emergency child care 7 am-7 pm and 24 hour overnight care. A safe place for children ages under the age of 5 whose
families are experiencing a crisis or stressful situation. Services are free and confidential.
Safely Surrendered Baby Law: No Shame. No Blame. No Name.
(877) BABYSAF (877) 222-9723
Hours: 24 hours
Intake: Allows parents of newborns 72 hours or younger to legally, confidentially, and safely surrender their baby at select
hospitals and fire stations in Sacramento County. Telephone for designated locations.
Eligibility: Birth – 72 hours of Age.
2-1-1 Sacramento, a program of Community Link Capital Region, is funded by First 5 Sacramento Commission, Sacramento Housing and
Redevelopment Agency, Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services, County of Sacramento, Area 4 Agency on Aging, Sacramento
Superior Court, Sacramento Employment and Training Agency, and Kaiser Permanente.
May 2013