
Foster Care Queensl and
FOSTER CARE REPORTER : : issue 365 april 2009
Leave no child in foster
care behind.
Represent. Advocate. Inform.
Support. Excel.
To contribute to the development
of an inclusive, responsive and
fair foster care system.
Foster Care Queensland Inc is the nongovernment peak body for all Foster,
Kinship and Provisionally Approved
Carers. The organisation was founded
in 1976 and today exists to support,
advise and advocate for carers
throughout the State.
FCQ Office
Ph: (07) 3268 5955 Fax: (07) 3268 5970
FCQ Office Hours are 9am - 5pm MON-FRI
5/921 Kingsford Smith Drive : Eagle Farm : Qld 4009
ABN: 16 454 122 649
Print post approved - PP400939/00007
North Queensland
FCQ Townsville Office
Ph: (07) 4723 8066 Fax: (07) 4723 8066
2/11 Castlemaine Street : Kirwan : Q 4817
PO Box 1104 : Thuringowa : Q 4815
Mail Address and “Letters to the Editor”
Foster Care Queensland Inc. : PO Box 1179 : Eagle Farm BC Q 4009
foster care reporter : : issue 365 : : APRIL 2009
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Trevor Harrington
5476 0517
Hazel Little
3851 0867
3351 7867
John Dow
4163 3238
4163 3847
Saskia Smith
4691 2924
Cheryl Gill
3204 2145
Linda Smith
0414 681 059
Cassandra Ella
4057 7983
3204 2145
Trevor Harrington
Hazel Little
Saskia Smith
John Dow
Cheryl Gill
Linda Smith
Cassandra Ella
Training & Conferences
Hazel Little
3851 0867
3351 7867
Andy Vestey
3389 7255
Bryan Smith
Executive Director
Carissa Hall
Team Leader / FAST Co-ordinator
Rachael Hodgen
Accounts Officer
Toni Sparrey
Administration Officer
Anna Ibrahim
Case Officer
Karen Webel
Case Officer
Jodie Baird
F.A.S.T / Case Officer Townsville - 0400 647 664
Hello to one and all,
We have finally got our Foster Care Conference website up
and running with Rydges Resort - Caloundra. The website
address: All you need to
do is follow the prompts and make your accommodation
booking online. If you haven’t a computer you can also call
on (07) 5491 0336 and advise the receptionist that you are
making a booking under the Foster Care Qld Conference.
There is also a Holiday Park in Caloundra called
Hibiscus Holiday Park. The website address: www. or phone number (07) 5491
1564 – Toll Free: 1800 550 138.
I have also some tickets to attend the annual Special Children
Razz-Ma-Tazz being held at on 25th April 2009 (SaturdayAnzac Day) at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition
There are 2 sessions – 12.00pm and 3.00pm. If you would
like some tickets please call the office and I will post that day
for you.
We are still looking for stories or accolades regarding anything
about fostering you might want to share with us. Remember
this is your Reporter so send us an email or even fax it through.
Email address: Fax number: 3268 5970
DISCLAIMER: Information in this Reporter has been obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, we cannot guarantee its
accuracy and interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.
All material submitted for publication herein are the expressed views of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
editor or Foster Care Queensland Inc.
Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 3-4
Contact List ............................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents ................................................................................ 2
President’s Report .............................................................................. 2
A few words from the Executive Director ................................. 3
New Autism Website .......................................................................... 3
F.A.S.T. Report ...................................................................................... 4
North Queensland Report ................................................................ 5
Kinship Carer Excellence Awards 2009 ......................................7-10
Helping Kids Understand Traumatic Events ................................... 11
Asperger Services Australia ............................................................. 12
Foster and Kinship Carer Week Celebration ................................ 12
Child Safety Forums ........................................................................13-14
“You Raise Me Up” a Conference 2009 ...................................... 15
WA Conference Workshop Information .................................... 16
Child Related Costs Polcy...............................................................17-20
Kids Science Questions ....................................................................... 21
F.A.S.T Contact List ............................................................................... 22
G’day Members,
As you would be aware, Premier Anna Bligh has selected the
former Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, the Honourable
Phil Reeves MP, as Minister for Child Safety and Minister for
Sport. I welcome the Minister to the portfolio, and considering
correspondence already exchanged, look forward to a mutually
beneficial relationship….primarily as Minister for Child Safety,
but along with our sponsorship by the Broncos, also as Minister
for Sport.
I particularly thank the Honourable Margaret Keech MP for
the recognition she afforded FCQ as peak body for foster and
kinship carers in Queensland. Her enthusiasm in attending
many foster care functions, often travelling long distances,
and the time taken at each to sit down and talk informally to
carers was much appreciated.
The National Foster Care Conference in historic Fremantle
was an event that the Foster Care Association of Western
Australia and its sponsors deserve sincere congratulations.
The Western Australian Department of Child Protection was
fully supportive as conference partners, and Lottery West
provided funding for carers from even the most remote areas
of the Kimberleys to attend. At a session titled “What is the
vision for Fostering in Australia”, I found it most interesting
that partnership and support featured heavily in the visions
of carers from all States and Territories. FCQ funded
management committee members and staff, and the Dept
Child Safety funded a delegate from each Zone, to benefit
from the two full days and one half day training by presenters
highly experienced in their particular fields.
The Western Australian Department of Child Protection used
the conference to launch their recruitment drive, and the Foster
Care Partnership model. The Foster care Partnership model
has the child at the centre with the carer family providing the
most pronounced impact on the child’s well being. The third
element of the partnership is the surrounding, encompassing
and supporting role of the DCP team. It is a remarkable
approach that commits to sustaining stable foster placements.
Further information is available from links to the department’s
web page at
The Australian Foster and Kinship Carer Partnership met during
the conference time. This partnership, consisting of foster
carer peaks from 6 Australian States and territories, focuses
on foster and kinship carer matters on a National level. This
partnership is now recognised by the Department of Families,
Housing, Communities and Indigenous Affairs….with Minister
Jenny Macklin supportive of the partnership. This Department
has agreed to co-sponsor the National Foster Carer Conference,
28th – 29th August, 2010 in Hobart, Tasmania. This is very
good news for Foster Carers Association of Tasmania, given
that organisation’s size and the minimal funding provided to
them. At this stage, Foster Care Queensland is scheduled to
host the 2011 National Conference.
Please ensure you have started to plan for our 2009 Queensland
Foster and Kinship Care Conference at Caloundra on the first
weekend of August.
As always, Take care of yourself in caring for others,
Trevor Harrington
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A few words from the Executive Director...
Hello Everyone,
By the time you read this article Easter will have passed for
another year and like all good chocolate loving humans I will
have had enough. Our children were excited as usual at the
thought of the Easter Bunny making his/her annual visit to
our home. One of my beautiful boys is a very practical soul
who never wants for a word or suggestion as to how things
may work. When trying to figure out how the Easter Bunny
was going to get in without the dog barking and scaring the
Easter Bunny away he came up with the suggestion that the
dog should go on respite for Easter. When I stated that the
dog may like to have an Easter egg too he stated, “That’s
okay; we will give him a call on Easter and let him know we
have eaten his eggs because he wasn’t here”. On that I
must write a book on what our children say.
Carers may be aware that the Department of Child Safety
has a new Minister. He is Phil Reeves who takes over the
portfolio of Child Safety and Sport. Carers may also be
aware that Child Safety now comes under a super portfolio
being the Department of Communities. It will take time to
get used to the new structure however there should not be
any real changes at the Service Centre level. Time will tell
us how the new system works and we will work closely with
the Ministers office and the Department of Child Safety to
ensure Foster and Kinship carer families and the children and
young people they care for continue to focus on enhancing
support systems for your and your children’s benefit.
During 2009 FCQ staff, Jodie (Townsville) and Anna
(Brisbane) will undertake a project which will focus on the
needs of Kinship Carers through out the state. 2 Zones,
New Autism website for
parents and carers
North Queensland and Logan and Brisbane West have
been chosen as pilots for the project and we will soon be
asking Kinship Carers to meet as a working party to get your
thoughts on how to best meet your support needs now and
in the future. It is hoped that the working parties in both
zones will develop a Kinship Carer survey that will go to all
Kinship Carers in the state, which will help us to prioritise
ideas from which we can advocate on your behalf with the
Department of Child Safety and other government agencies.
FCQ would then keep the working parties active so that we
continue to change as your needs change and provide you
with a continuous active voice. Watch this space for further
Feedback on our new look Reporter has been very positive
and every ones suggestion for improving the content is being
well considered. The sponsorship provided by the Brisbane
Bronco’s is allowing us to bring you such a professional and
up to date publication, which is something that we could not
do ourselves. In the next edition I hope to be able to bring
you yet another exiting sponsorship in North Queensland
that Jodie Baird has been working on that will provide carers
and children and young people with an activity that I am
sure everyone will enjoy. More to come next month.
Have a great month every one.
Bryan Smith
Executive Director
A NEW source of information has been made available to
parents and carers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
(ASD), with the launch of a new website from the Australian
sourced information from “The Petrie Post”
The website was launched by the Parliamentary Secretary for
Disabilities and Children’s Services, Bill Shorten, in February
and I was happy to be able to attend.
The ASD website was created as part of the Rudd
Government’s $190 million Helping Children with Austism
package which aims to help an estimated 9,000 children
diagnosed with ASD.
The new site provides information, online resources and
interactive functions to help support parents, carers and
professionals. Raising and caring for children and ASD can
put enormous pressure on families and carers and this website
will provide valuable information in one convenient location.
If you have a child six years and younger who has been
diagnosed with an ASD and hasn’t started full time school,
you may be eligible for funding of up to $12,000 in early
intervention services.
The ASD website can be found at
For more information visit
Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 5-6
Hi all, well I’m looking back over the last month and trying
to figure out where it went. Settling into this acting role has
been a very enjoyable experience but Carissa has left some
big shoes to fill so please bear with me.
Early March I was fortunate enough to attend the launch of
the Foster and Kinship Care Week in the Brisbane North and
Sunshine Coast Zone. It was so great seeing the kids go nuts
in the Chipmunks play centre and the carers enjoying a well
deserved coffee break, if only for a brief moment between
toilet runs and screams of “watch me mum!” We have also
had some great reviews of other events that were held around
the state get back to us here in the office. I hope you all had
a great week.
So as you have heard we all made it back safe and in one
piece from the Western Australia National Conference, I have
to say though after the 12am redeye return flight I am not a
morning person! But that’s all part of the fun.
One of the workshops I attended during the conference
was Permanency Planning in the UK- Lessons for Australian
Practice; with the fairly recent introduction of our own One
Chance at Childhood here in Queensland I was very interested
in seeing different practice frameworks both interstate and
international. This was presented by Renee Gioffre a Senior
Policy Officer for the Department for Child Protection WA.
Renee had returned to work for the WA Department following
an 8year period working in the UK Child Protection system.
This workshop was not what I had anticipated but I still found
the group activities and discussions very insightful. Due to the
differing state legislations and types of orders, there were
several interpretations of permanency and the UK definition
differed again. This workshop explored what Permanent care
is, issues for children, foster carers and birth families associated
with permanent care and the role of contact and involvement
of birth family for children in permanent care. One of the
main activities for this workshop was a case study. The room
was divided into for groups and each group asked to take the
position of the foster carer, the child, the Department or the
birth family. Armed with the case study each group was asked
to develop a contact plan for the child and family members.
This was a cleaver exercise that opened up conversations and
got all the participants thinking out of their own position, this
also created healthy debate as expected.
Back in Queensland myself and Karen Webel will be heading
up to Rockhampton this month. We will be spending the
21st -23rd facilitating training with carers, agency and
Departmental staff. The carer training will include Matters of
Concern, Third Party Guardianship and The Children’s Service
Tribunal. If you are in the area I encourage you to get onto
your local office and find out details to attend as they are
really worthwhile sessions and unfortunately FCQ does not
get out that way all that often.
Now we are only a few sleeps away from the Easter break
and school holidays begin, that’s where the real fun starts!
Finally the kids get their hands on those blasted eggs that
have been sitting on the Woolies shelves taunting them since
the week after new years! I wish you all a very happy and safe
Easter with lots and lots of chocolate
Anna Ibrahim
Foster Care Queensland
1ST – 2ND AUGUST 2009
Details are currently being finalised for Workshop Presenters
and activities for this year’s conference and we are confident
that there will be something for everybody in the program.
Some of the workshop topics confirmed to date include:
- Learning together about Safety & sexuality
- Anxiety in Children
- Managing Difficult Behaviours
- The MOC Process
- Tackling Difficult Teens
- Living & Working with Traumatised Children
- Supporting Children Struggling with Literacy
- Practical & Supportive Care for Indigenous Kids
To name just a few. There will also be some fun options to
lighten the learning process!
The Annual Recognition Dinner will be held on Saturday 1st
August also at the SCFC and promises to be a memorable
Contact the FCQ office for more details (3268 5955) and
watch out for your brochure in the next Reporter.
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such as good and bad secrets and having a network of
trusted adults. Other topics covered are Ok to say No, Cyber
Safety, Persistence, Early Warning Signs, Safety Continuum,
just to name a few. There are many resources that go
along with the training to help assist when teaching this to
children. Fantastic!
Firstly big congratulations to one of our FAST Delegates Cath
Watts and her partner Trish Loveday for receiving this year
Foster Carer Excellence Awards for the Northern Zone. Both
Cath and Trish continue to work with both Departmental and
Agency staff to assist with events such and Foster & Kinship
Care Week, Child Protection Week and many other activities
during the year. They also compile a carer Newsletter that
goes to all carers in the zone.
I recently had the opportunity to travel with management
committee, other staff and carers from across Queensland
to attend the National Foster Carers’ Conference in Western
Australia. It was a great opportunity to network with people
working and volunteering in the child protection system
from other states.
The theme name of the conference was “You Raise Me Up”.
I was then able to spend the rest of the weekend singing
‘You Raise Me Up’. I might try out for ‘Australia’s Got Talent’
next year!
One of the sessions I attended was with a lady by the name
of Holly-Ann Martin. Holly-Ann is the director of Protecting
Kids is Our Game.
This is a program specialising in Protective Behaviours which
is very child-centred. Holly-Ann travels all over the country
visiting main stream schools, schools with high numbers
of indigenous populations, education support centres
and language development centres. This training is very
interactive and is a proactive approach to preventing child
abuse. It gives practical ideas for teachers and parents who
work with children to teach protective behaviours. Holly-Ann
also works with the children teaching songs, signs, concepts
Where: Mud cafe - DECEPTION BAY
When: Thursday 28th may 2009
Bryan came and spent a couple of days here in Townsville
just recently which was great. He was able to present some
training for both Department and Agency staff around
writing and critiquing Foster Carer Assessments. We also had
the opportunity to meet with Terry Cronin (Zonal Director)
and Jennifer Blackshaw (Acting PSU Director). This was a
very successful meeting as we were able to discuss FCQ’s
plans for our Kinship Care Project. It’s with much excitement
that I am able to confirm that we have the support of both
Terry and Jennifer to begin this project. Letters will be going
out to all Kinship carers in the next week or so.
I will be travelling to both Cairns and Innisfail to attend
the Carer Forum just after the school holiday then up to
Atherton at the end of the month. These will be the first
forums of the year for each of these areas. If you are able
to attend it is a great opportunity to relax and have a coffee
and chat with other carers and staff and catch upon the
latest that is happening for your Zone.
By the time you will have read this the Easter Bunny will
have been and gone and hopefully not left too much mess
behind. I hope that the long weekend brings you and your
family the time to just relax, regroup and enjoy each others
company. For those of you who are travelling away I hope
you have a holiday that is full of fun and exciting things and
your journey is a safe one.
Happy Holidays
Jodie Baird
FAST Coordinator
Northern Zone
Carers Learning Circle
These get together’s are held approximately every 6 weeks at
the Alderley Child Safety Service Centre & usually include a
guest speaker.
The next meeting will be held 21st May at 10.00am
Time: 10AM
Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 7-8
Chermside, Alderley, Pine Rivers and
Fortitude Valley Carers
Logan Region
Foster & Kinship Carers
Friendship Circle
All Foster and Kinship Carers - Departmental, Agency
& Provisionally Approved Carers alike - attached to
Chermside, Alderley, Pine Rivers and Fortitude Valley
Child Safety Service Centres are invited to attend our
monthly get togethers.
Come meet and make new friends,
have a coffee, chat and a laugh.
These meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each
month at the Meeting Rooms at the Chermside Library,
375 Hamilton Road, Chermside at 10.00am.
Bring the kids and let them play!
Where: McDonalds Woodridge
Wembley Road, Woodridge
When: 4th Wednesday of each month
These informal get togethers are a great way for Carers,
new and old, to exchange thoughts, experiences and ideas
and share a cuppa at the same time!
Time: About 9 ish (after school drop off)
The next meeting will be held Tuesday 5th May 2009
More Info: Karen 3411 0146/0418 191 681
The Zonal Director, Brisbane North and
Sunshine Coast Zone, wishes to invite you
to participate in the
Brisbane North and
Sunshine Coast Zonal
Foster & Kinship Carer
Date - Friday 8 May 2009
Venue - Maroochy Baptist Centre
186 Wises Road, North Buderim
Time - 9.30am – 2.15pm
Cost - Free
Morning Tea and Lunch will be provided. Childcare will
be provided by Active Childcare Solutions. Bookings for
childcare are essential.
Please see over for the forum agenda, concurrent session
options and registration form.
RSVP - Date 28 April 2009 , Phone 5490 1081 (Mon/Tues)
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Kinship Carer Excellence Awards
Foster and Kinship Carer Excellence
Awards 2009 was held on Thursday,
12 March 2009, Premier’s Hall,
Parliament House, Brisbane.
The Foster and Kinship Carer Excellence awards provide an
opportunity for the Department of Child Safety to recognise the
valuable contribution that foster and kinship carers make to the
lives of vulnerable children and their families in Queensland.
Foster and kinship carers are the Department’s vital partners.
These awards acknowledge the important role they play in their
local community and in Queensland’s child protection system.
One outstanding foster or kinship carer family from each of
the Department’s seven zones is selected from nominations
made by departmental child safety service centres and nongovernment fostering services in the zones.
The foster and Kinship Carer Excellence Awards were established
in 2000 and continue to recognise the outstanding efforts of
foster and kinship carers throughout the state.
Far North Zone
Tod & Petra Bathe of Innisfail
Tod and Petra Bathe are carers for two young children with
DiGeorge syndrome, a disorder which requires constant
medical attention, including heart surgery.
The couple spent last Christmas Day apart after one of the
children required unexpected heart surgery. Tod stayed in
Innisfail while Petra travelled Brisbane for the surgery.
After spending weeks apart during this time, Tod surprised
Petra by arriving in Brisbane on New Year’s Day so the family
could spend some time together.
The couple has worked hand-in-hand with the Department,
attending all scheduled meetings to discuss the needs of the
children, actively participating in case planning, and making
regular contact to give updates on the children in their care.
Northern Zone
Trish Loveday & Cath Watts of Idalia
Trish Loveday and Cath Watts provide long-term care for a
sibling group of three, along with regular respite to two siblings
and a teenage girl.
Trish and Cath accept emergency and other placements as
long as they believe the child or young person will fit in with
the children currently in their care.
Trish and Cath advocate for the best interests of the children,
attending all departmental meetings and occasional initiating
meetings when they have concerns.
They play an active role in the children’s lives, encourage them
to participate in many different recreational activities and to
develop a strong social circle.
Elizabeth is an ex-president of Foster Care Queensland, has held
various positions on the Foster Care Queensland committee
and continues to be a FAST delegate for the Pine Rivers Child
Safety Service Centre.
Glenda and Clint have provided consistent, high-quality foster
care in a loving and caring environment for six years.
Over the years Elizabeth’s commitment to working in
partnership has been evident in her ability to support other
carers in working with the Department, including mediation
on their behalf when necessary.
Glenda and Clint encourage and support young people in their
care to participate in sports, and tirelessly attend the many
training and sporting events.
One young person will be competing in the World BMX
Championships – a feat that was made possible by Glenda
and Clint giving up their time for regular practice and
The couple works diligently, instilling in each child a sense of
confidence and belief to follow their dreams.
One young person in their care has obtained an OP score and
will be able to fulfil their dream to attend university thanks to
Glenda and Clint going above and beyond to assist this person
with transportation, resources and time.
Glenda and Clint have demonstrated that, through
unconditional love and support, positive outcomes can be
achieved for these children and young people.
Elizabeth has also had a long-term and extensive relationship
with Adoption Services, having cared for multiple preadopt babies and successfully transitioned them to their
new families.
Brisbane South & Gold Coast Zone
Jim and Cheryl Williams of Tingalpa
Jim and Cheryl Williams have been fosters carers for nearly 30
years and in that time have provided care for more than 60
children and young people.
Jim and Cheryl continue to be motivated to provide a safe and
stable home through their love for children and their need to
help when they are able.
At this time, Jim and Cheryl have three young people in their
care. Two of the children have Asperger Syndrome, Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and intellectual impairment.
They go above and beyond by facilitating family contact and
attend all medical appointments.
Brisbane North & Sunshine Coast Zone
Trish and Cath have demonstrated their creative flair by creating
the STUFF carer newsletter which is distributed to the carers in
Townsville. The newsletter is also distributed in Cairns with
minor amendments to the local events calendar.
Elizabeth has been a carer with the Department since 1981
and during those years 27 years has cared for in excess of a
hundred child and young people.
Jim and Cheryl manage this by being open-hearted, patient
and consistent with clear boundaries and consequences. They
always demonstrate a very loving and affectionate relationship
with all of the children, and have found a good balance
between parenting and discipline within their home.
Elizabeth has two “foster sons” who, although now adults, still
remain part of Elizabeth’s family, as well as two other young
people on long-term guardianship orders. She also carers for
a young girl with severe disabilities who requires intensive care
to meet her needs.
Jim and Cheryl regard each child as unique and as a valued
member of their family. The children are treated equally and
encouraged to have self confidence and to talk about their
feelings. The family’s motto is “I can do it… I am going to do
it…and I will do it”.
Elizabeth has an extraordinary ability to communicate with
children and their families and has provided exemplary care to
the children placed with her. She is tenacious in seeking out
supports and ensuring that the children in her care are provided
with any additional treatment or therapy required.
Over the years, Jim and Cheryl have maintained strong
relationships with their former foster children and have been
present at their weddings and other important occasions.
Trish and Cath are actively involved in the fostering community.
Cath is one of Townsville’s FAST delegates and both Trish and
Cath act as mentors for other carers.
The ladies assist in the Department’s recruitment campaigns
by positively promoting foster and kinship care to people
they know.
The devotion that Tod and Petra have to the children in their
care has been described as inspirational, especially given
that the road ahead will not be an easy one, particularly for
the children.
Elizabeth Anderson of Strathpine
At times, Elizabeth travelled to the hospital on a daily basis
and when one of the children in her care had a difficult
operation, Elizabeth remained at the hospital with her until
she had fully recovered.
Tod and Petra have demonstrated a firm commitment to
facilitating family contact. The children in their care have five
siblings and Tod and Petra are keen for them to maintain a
relationship with their family where possible.
Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 9-10
Central Zone
Glenda Pfunder and Clint Marstella
of Maryborough
Jim has played Father Christmas for the TRACC Foster Children’s
Christmas Party for many years.
Jim and Cheryl have been proactive in working closely with the
children’s school to help with the children’s high needs. They
are committed to working with any agency that enhances the
quality of life of the two high needs children in their care.
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Logan and Brisbane West Zone
Peter and Christine Cuthbert of Oxley
Ipswich and Western Zone
Marleen Nugent
Peter and Christine are tow of the few carers focussed on
caring for challenging male teenagers. They are currently
completing a TAFE course to become qualified youth workers
so they can apply this knowledge and skill to their daily care
of teenagers.
Marleen has been a foster carer since 2002. During that
time she has cared for approximately 40 children. She has
demonstrated exceptional commitment to fostering, providing
a high standard of care to meet the needs of children.
They recently funded their own travel to Sydney to support a
young man who was in intensive care before returning with
him to Queensland.
Peter and Christine encourage all young people in their care to
participate in extra-curricular activities such as sports, volunteer
work and community work, and link young people with trades
to secure a future.
The couple prioritises the young people in their care so much
that Peter has changed employment to meet the needs of
young people with challenging behaviours where suspension
from school is a regular occurrence.
They recognise the difficult backgrounds children and young
people in care come from and treat these young people as
their family and include them in all family activities.
Each year, Peter and Christine fund an annual family holiday
as they recognise these types of family holidays are something
that a lot of young people in care have not had the option of
Peter and Christine work very hard to ensure their home
provides a sense of family and belonging. This includes
renovating their house to provide the older teenagers with a
bedroom and study area private to themselves, along with a
gym to assist high energy teenagers and the health and fitness
of young people.
She gladly facilitates contact visits and ensures children receive
the therapeutic and counselling services they require, despite
the distance she travels.
Marleen is a firm advocate for the recognition of children’s
needs and liaises with Queensland Education and
Queensland Health and other agencies when necessary to
meet these needs.
tts of Idalia
Trish Loveday & Cath Wa
The challenging behaviours displayed by children in her care
are managed by Marleen in consultation with her support
worker and other appropriate service providers.
Marleen has assisted children in the reunification process
by providing detailed scrapbooks for the children and
their families.
Peter and
Christine C
uthbert o
f Oxley
Of significant note is Marleen’s willingness and ability to care
for young children with complex medical needs.
Marleen accepted placement of a baby with uncertain life
expectancy. The baby required oxygen and tube feeding
so Marleen spent time in hospital providing early nurturing
and comfort and learning the procedures required to care
for this child.
Marleen then assisted with the funeral providing photos and
information to support the child’s mother.
Elizabeth Anderson of Strathpine
Congratulations to one and all
Glenda Pfunder and Clint Marstella of Maryborough
Jim and C
heryl Willia
ms of Ting
Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 11-12
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Helping Kids
Traumatic Events
“It is always important to think about what your children are
being exposed to on the TV news,” she says. “At the moment
there has been a real focus on the bushfires in Victoria. The
longer children sit in front of the television watching the fires
scenes, the more it could impact them. When kids are seven
or eight they can certainly image themselves in the same
situation, and this can really add to their anxiety.”
The terrible bushfires which devastated rural
Victoria have confronted all of us over the
past few weeks, reinforcing just how fragile
human life is. Widespread media coverage of
such traumatic events can have a profound
effect on children, as they struggle to process
the issues they see and hear in the news.
Chris says the key is to acknowledge that bad things happen
and treat kids’ concerns realistically.
sourced information from: Act for Kids
Christine Hodges is an experienced therapist who works in
our Intensive therapist Programme with children who are
suffering serious trauma. Many have been continuously
exposed to shocking domestic violence.
While the distressing ordeals these kids deal with happen
in their own homes, Chris say parents need to be equally
aware of how their children deal with the bad things they see
and hear through the media – whether its terrorism, natural
disasters, or any other alarming incidents.
“For example, my own children wanted to talk about fire
safety plans like where we would meet id we were separated
by a fire and how to escape from the house, so it was useful
for our family to discuss the practicalities of such a situation
over dinner.”
Chris says one of the worst things parents can do is reassure
their children without actually addressing their fears.
“If your child is anxious you need to fins out what part of the
situation is scary for them and acknowledge their feelings.
After this you can then try to reassure them, and talk about
the best way for them to prevent whatever it is they’re
concerned about from happening to them”.
Asperger’s Syndrome falls within the Autism Spectrum. It is
a disability which affects the way a person communicates
and relates to others.
Asperger Services Australia provides support to parents,
families, carers, and siblings as well as to children, adolescents
and adults with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Aims of Asperger Services Australia
The association’s aims are to:
• Give mutual support to people with Asperger’s
Syndrome and their carers
• Provide relevant up to date information on
Asperger’s Syndrome
• Encourage research into Asperger’s Syndrome
• Promote awareness and engage in
community education
• Campaign for improved educational services and
equal opportunity
A monthly newsletter
Family outings and camps
Carers respite weekends
Support Groups - Young Adult Support Group
- 40+ Adult Support Group
A large resource library (members only)
Links with other organisations
Contact Us
(Asperger’s Syndrome Support Network (Qld) Inc)
Shop 4 & 5, 235 Zillmere Road, Zillmere Qld 4014
(at roundabout, shops are facing Beckman Street)
All correspondence to: P O Box 159 VIRGINIA QLD 4014
Head Office and Support Groups are usually closed during
school holidays.
• Office Phone: (07) 3865 2911
• Office Fax: (07) 3865 2838
• After Hours: 0439 769 500
Office Hours: 9:30AM till 12:30PM or by appointment.
The offices and Support Groups are staffed by Volunteers
Asperger Services Australia provides:
• Confidential support
• Information and referral services
• Information available to parents, education staff,
professionals, service providers and government bodies
• Educational conferences, seminars and workshops for
parents, education staff & professionals
• Monthly meetings at various locations
Should you wish to pay us a visit, please phone ahead to be
sure someone is in the office.
• Office Email:
• Secretary:
• Website Queries:
Special thanks go to all involved including Families Plus,
Mercy Family Services, Life Without Barriers, Murriajabree
Aboriginal Dance Group, The Lions Club of Petrie, Qld Fire
Brigade, CREATE Foundation, IFACS and the Organising
The FKCW Organising Committee held a great
“Celebration Day in the Park” on Saturday 14th March at
the Pine Rivers Park.
Approximately 100 Foster and Kinship Carers from
Chermside, Pine Rivers, Alderley and Fortitude Valley (The
Cluster) attended. The activities included kid’s painting, an
aboriginal dance display, children’s craft activities, the local
fire brigade and of course the great playground facilities to
wear everyone out! The Lions Club supplied and cooked a
wonderful sausage sizzle that helped to restore our energy
levels. Lots of goodies were also given away and luckily the
rain held off till the cake came out but then it really pored!
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Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 13-14
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Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 15-16
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16/4/09 3:37:44 PM
By Cheryl Gill
Fremantle: The City.
What a great choice for the conference. The township is like
stepping into the past. Stone building surround the streets,
beautiful parks, a harbor of beautiful ships, boats, restaurants
etc. are top class.
Conference: Like our own conferences major effort was
taken to organize this fantastic event.
Work shop: “Bringing Fun Home”.
This workshop was presented by Erica Thompson with great
enthusiasm and the five hours in this workshop just flew by.
In the workshop we were taught games to play with our
children in care to encourage and develop the children’s
individual strengths. These fun activities used inexpensive
and practical ideas to gain the children’s cooperation and
build good relationships with the children we care for. Erica’s
skills and experience as a carer and counselor were evident
through her work.
Saturday brought the opening ceremony with Fay Alford
president of FCA of WA.
The welcome was done by Uncle Neviel and his 4 grandsons,
who entertained us with an aboriginal dance from his tribe.
The Key note speaker was Dr Larry Brendtro and the official
opening was done by Hon. Robyn McSweeney.
Workshop: “How do carers make children feel secure and
stable” and “Impact of Fostering on the children of Indigenous
Foster Carers” and “Strengthening and Maintaining Children
who Foster”.
I found the issues explored in these workshops were applicable
to situations in Foster Care Australia wide. University studies
and statistics were presented with up to data, historical data
was also reflected upon.
We also heard from the Wanslea ‘Sons and Daughter’s program
that provide support to the children of foster families. This
program considers the needs of these children and provides
them with regular activities such as camping trips.
Workshop: “Mirror Families” Creating Extended Families
for life. This workshop was presented by Clair Brunner and
Cass O’Neil. Their work was exploring how placements can
build long term supports and attachments for the child in
their extended community. This work also recognised the
importance of belonging for a child.
Sunday work shops & closing ceremony
Dare To Be Different Workshops.
Choices were made by selection.
Put you’re had up if you can’t sing? Singing for non singers is
for you. Hand up if you can’t paint? Artybrellas is for you.
Hand up if you’re stressed? Drumming to de-stress is for you.
This was a really great way to wind down after a hectic weekend
of workshops. I did complete my umbrella. Lots of photos
were taken in this work shop and I am told the presenter (Tricia
Stedman) will be at the SAILS event at Redcliffe. I recommend
you try to join in on a really fun hour.
Karen Webel – Case Worker - FCQ
On 27-29 March 15 Queensland “delegates” were
fortunate to head over to beautiful Freemantle for
the National Foster Care Conference. As usual there
was some exciting information to gather – with WA
currently going through some major reforms to their
Child Protection System. Although I was fortunate to
hear 2 Keynote speakers and attend 8 workshop sessions
– the following 2 were the ones I considered to be most
exciting and provide the most “food for thought”.
(i) “Understanding Sleep” – I have attached the handout on
Ngala’s Secrets of Good Sleepers. Ngala provide support to
primarily birth parents in parenting skills – with them being
able to stay “in house” for intensive support. They also offer
assistance to carers to help manage young children and
their sleep patterns/behaviours. Their approach is very child
focused – acknowledging that sometimes you just have to
pick your battles and work out is it really such an issue for a
child to fall asleep on the lounge?? It provided the balance to
allow carers to “go with the child’s flow” and that society’s
normal expectations are often only and issue if you let it be.
The other main piece of advice – which I’m sure many of you
are already well aware of – is not to develop a “get to sleep”
routine that is not sustainable, and to try to assist the child to
develop their own capacity to get themselves to sleep.
(ii) Wanslea’s VIKs Program . Wanslea is a fostering agency
for emergency and specialist carers. They adopt a “whole carer
family” approach and as such have developed a program for
the “children who foster”. Very Important Kids is a day of
activities for the natural children of foster carers – where they
can get together and discuss their experiences of fostering.
One teenager came and spoke – it was great to have the
child’s perspective!!! Wanslea also discussed the inclusion
of the carers’ children in case planning, where appropriate,
acknowledging that often have crucial information that
others more than likely don’t. It is an acknowledgment of
the special relationship they form with the children that enter
their home – as well as the many sacrifices they also make.
This is something that some of you have raised in the past and
it was great to see how one agency has chosen to address it.
I only hope we can have some programs like VIKs throughout
Queensland to support all your natural children.
Donna Meehan
One other guest speaker that impressed me was Donna
Meehan, an aboriginal woman who spoke on the stolen
generation. Donna spoke passionately when talking of her
German foster carers and how hard they worked to bring her
to her culture.
My sincere thanks DCSSC & FCQ for sponsoring me to go, I
was very proud to say we were from Foster Care Queensland.
To Trevor Harrington also, for getting us where we were
meant to be on time and booking boats and restaurants etc,
so our wait till midnight passed with out any hassles.
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Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 17-18
WA Conference Workshop Information
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Procedure/s Purpose:
To inform child safety officers (CSOs), team leaders and
Child Safety Service Centre (CSSC) managers of the eligibility
criteria for use of the child related costs accounts detailed in
this policy to support decision making and case planning.
The term “carer” within this document is inclusive of foster
carers, kinship carers and provisionally approval carers.
As part of the case planning process, the pre-approval of
the financial delegate is required for any child related cost
reimbursement or expenditure to proceed. Only these
delegated officers, or above, where specified, can authorise
the provision of child related costs for children and young
people. This is obtained by submitting a Child Related Costs
(CRC) form to the CSSC manager or the relevant financial
delegate who can approve the child related costs.
The processing of approved child related costs expenditure or
reimbursement is made by submitting the approved CRC form
with required payment documentation (receipts, invoice, etc),
to a CSSC administration officer who will process the payment
or reimbursement according to the Financial Management
Practice Manual (FMPM). Once processed the CRC form is
placed on the client file.
Policies and procedures
Title: Child Related Costs - Outfitting
Policy no.: 600-1
Records file no.: CHS/12105
Date of EMT endorsement: 16 September 2008
Date of implementation: 16 September 2008
Date to be reviewed: 01 September 2010
Division: Policy and Program Division
Contact: Children in Care Team
Authority: Child Protection Act 1999, Section 159
Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977
Financial Management Standard 1997
Policy statement:
The Department of Child Safety may provide financial
support to children and young people, subject to statutory
intervention, in accordance with an approved case plan. In
addition, financial support will be in accordance with the
following criteria:
• Carers are entitled to the Establishment and/or Start-up/
Outfitting Allowance when they provide direct care for
a child or young person placed in out-of-home care, if
they meet the eligibility detailed below.
• Child related cost (CRC) reimbursement is approved for
costs that are specific to the child or young person’s
individual needs over and above the financial support
provided in the Fortnightly Caring Allowance. However,
all other avenues of financial support must be explored
first, for example, other government allowances
and benefits.
• Decisions regarding access to CRC must be in accordance
with section 36 of the Financial Administration and Audit
Act 1977 and all goods and services purchased must be
considered reasonable by the relevant financial delegate.
• All CRC expenditure is in accordance with the
appropriate financial delegations and standards.
• All transactions are to be substantiated (ie. receipts) and
all reimbursement documentation is to be maintained to
ensure an adequate audit trail.
• All items purchased under this category belong to the
child or young person.
• The welfare and best interests, safety and well-being of
the child or young person are paramount.
• Carers have the right to receive support that will
contribute towards ensuring a safe and caring
environment in which the needs of children and young
people are met.
• The child or young person has a right to be placed in a
care environment that best meets their needs.
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Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 19-20
Wherever practical, reimbursement of CRC expenses should
be processed when the accumulated total of the receipts is
$50 in value or higher.
Carers must be advised by their CSO that receipts for CRC
reimbursement should be submitted during the current
financial year and therefore be less than 12 months old.
For young people on dual orders (both child protection and
youth justice), please refer to the relevant procedures in the
Child Safety Practice Manual.
where a child or young person returns into the care of the
Chief Executive after an unsuccessful reunification and where
the original order has expired.
The payment is to be used for items that will assist the carer
establish the long-term placement. It is envisaged that the
Establishment Allowance will be provided as soon the longterm placement is deemed suitable and stable. As a guide
the time frame for a long-term placement is one month
or more (for short-term placements/interim orders, ie. less
than one month, please refer to the Additional Outfitting
category below).
A child or young person subject to a Temporary Assessment
Order (TAO) or Court Assessment Order (CAO) is not eligible for
this payment (please refer to the Additional Outfitting below).
If however, the child on the TAO or CAO is subsequently
placed on an order, the Establishment Allowance is to be
provided as soon as practicable once a long-term placement
is arranged.
Guardians under section 61 (f) (i) and (ii), of the Child
Protection Act 1999 are not eligible for financial support
under this category.
This allowance is not conditional on a case plan and receipts
are not required, but it should be noted in the case
plan that the payment has been made.
If a sibling group or multiple children or young people are
simultaneously placed with the same carer for the first time,
and all are subject to the custody or guardianship of the
Chief Executive, each child or young person is eligible for
this payment.
This payment is processed through completion of a
Purchase Order.
The following categories will be covered in this policy:
Carer Allowance - Establishment Allowance
Carer Allowance - Start-up/Outfitting Allowance
Client Support - Additional outfitting
As a general rule items purchased for the child or young
person with the Establishment Allowance remain the property
of the child when changing placements or returning home
and should therefore go with the child.
1. Carer Allowance - Establishment Allowance
The Establishment Allowance is provided the first time a child
or young person is subject to:
• A Child Protection Order granting custody or
guardianship to the Chief Executive under the Child
Protection Act 1999; or
• Entering guardianship under the Adoption of Children
Act 1964.
2. Carer Allowance - Start-up/Outfitting
The Start-up/Outfitting Allowance is provided to carers in
receipt of the Fortnightly Caring Allowance.
The Establishment Allowance is a one-off payment made to
a carer for a child or young person when they come into care
for the first time. However, this payment can also be used
The purpose of this allowance is to provide financial support
to carers for initial set up costs to establish appropriate
accommodation and resources for a new placement greater
than 5 night’s duration.
At the discretion of the CSSC manager, the Start-up/Outfitting
Allowance can be provided for placements less than 5 nights
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in duration depending on child need and the individual
circumstances of the carer.
This allowance is not paid in relation to dual placements, that
is, for dual placements greater than 5 nights only the support
carer who provides respite and support, receives the Start-up/
Outfitting Allowance.
Guardians under section 61 (f) (i) and (ii), of the Child
Protection Act 1999 are not eligible for financial support
under this category.
This allowance is processed through the Carepay System and
payment forms are to be noted accordingly. Receipts are not
required to substantiate expenses covered by this allowance.
3. Client Support - Additional outfitting
Predictive day to day or reasonable outfitting expenses,
including school uniforms, are included in the Fortnightly
Caring Allowance.
For the purchase of school uniforms or school related clothing
under extraordinary or emergent circumstances please refer
to the Child Related Costs - Education Support policy.
The purpose of this category is to provide financial support for
a child or young person to enable the purchase of non-school
related clothing in extraordinary or emergent circumstances.
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
• a child or young person arriving at, or returning to, a
placement with little or no clothing/belongings;
• maternity clothing for a young woman in out-of-home
care who is pregnant;
• a child or young person suffering from a medical
condition causing extreme weight gain or loss (where
the High Support Needs Allowance is not provided);
• loss of clothing, ie theft;
• a period of rapid growth;
• a young person is living independently and:
• they possess insufficient income to adequately outfit
themselves; or
• they are ineligible for the Youth Allowance. (Young
persons living independently aged 15 and above should
be accessing the Youth Allowance through Centrelink.)
Provision of support under this category is paid at the
discretion of the delegated officer.
This payment is based on the needs of the child or young
person at the time and must be noted or included in a case
plan. As a guide, payments should generally not exceed
To be eligible for payments under this category, a child or
young person must be subject to:
• a signed assessment or child protection care agreement;
• a signed voluntary care agreement or adoption consent;
• a child protection order granting custody or guardianship
to the chief executive.
Guardians under section 61 (f) (i) and (ii), of the Child
Protection Act 1999 are not eligible for financial support
under this category. The only exception is guardians under
section 61 (f) (i) and (ii) of the Act, granted guardianship prior
to the approval of this policy and in receipt of pre-approved
child related costs for outfitting expenses, may be subject to
transitional arrangements.
A young person who is subject to a guardianship order under
section 61 (f) (i) and (ii), of the Child Protection Act 1999 may
be eligible for support under this category, when they are no
longer residing with and being supported by the guardian. In
these circumstances, a review of the young person’s protective
needs must be undertaken to determine the appropriateness
of the order.
Personal Assets: When a child or young person leaves a
As a general rule all clothing, gifts and personal items
purchased for the child or young person should go with the
child or young person to their next placement, when they
transition from care, or return home to their family.
However, in cases where a carer purchases shared items or
gifts for the carer family, these items need to be detailed
in the child’s case plan and their status agreed on with the
CSO as these items will stay with the carer. Such items may
include, but are not limited to:
• bedding/towels;
• bunk beds;
• book shelves; and
• swing sets.
In order to facilitate this, carers should be encouraged to
maintain a personal assets list in order to assist them with
managing items purchased for the children and young people
in their care.
The following officers are able to approve the case decision
to provide carer payments.
Deputy Director-General
Executive Director, Child Safety Services Division
Executive Director, Policy and Programs Division
Director, Statewide Services
Zonal Director
Manager, Child Safety Service Centre
Manager, After Hours Service Centre
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Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 21-22
Related legislation or standards:
Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977
Financial Management Standard 1997
Child Protection Act 1999
Family Services Act 1987
Related Government guidelines:
Related departmental policy:
Child Related Costs – Medical
Child Related Costs – Carer Support
Child Related Costs – Client Support
Child Related Costs – Travel
Child Related Costs – Education Support
Fortnightly Caring Allowance and interstate foster payments
Regional and Remote Loading for Carers
Dual Fostering Allowance
High Support Needs Allowance
Complex Support Needs Allowance
Ex-gratia – special payments – compensation for property
loss, damage or personal injury caused by clients of the
Placement in alternative care: contingency placements using
commercial accommodation
Placement and Support Packages (PASPs) for children and
young people in alternative care
Expenses – General Policy
Expenses – Payment Methods
Financial Delegations
Operation of the Case Management protocol between
Commonwealth agencies and State/Territory welfare
authorities for unsupported young people and the provision
of youth support payment
Statement of Commitment between Department of Child
Safety and the Foster Carers of Queensland, 2006
Request for Reimbursement of Child Related Costs
Foster Care Placement – Addition and Deletion Advice
Care Agreement
Rescinded policies:
Reference Guide to Child Related and Program Related
230-2 Expenses – Child Related Costs - Outfitting
Norelle Deeth
25th APRIL 12.00pm
25th APRIL 3.00pm
3268 5955
11.ooam, 2.oopm, 5.00pm
10.00am, 1.00pm
3268 5955
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Q:Explain one of the processes by
which water can be made safe to drink.
A: Flirtation makes water safe to
drink because it removes large
pollutants like grit, sand, dead
sheep and canoeists.
Q:What happens to a boy when he
reaches puberty?
A: He says good-bye to his boyhood
and looks forward to his adultery.
Q:Name a major disease associated with
A: Death
Q:How is dew formed?
A: The sun shines down on the leaves
and makes them perspire.
Q:How are the main parts of the body
Q:How can you delay milk turning sour? categorized? (e.g. abdomen)
A: The body is consisted into three
A: Keep it in the cow.
parts -- the brainium, the borax
and the abdominal cavity contains
Q:What causes the tides in the oceans?
the five bowels, A, E, I, O and U.
A: The tides are a fight between the
Earth and the Moon. All water
Q:What is the fibula?
tends to flow towards the moon,
A: A small lie.
because there is no water on the
moon, and nature hates a vacuum.
Q:What does ‘vaircose’ mean?
I forget where the sun joins in
A: Nearby.
this fight.
Q:What are steroids?
A: Things for keeping carpets still on
the stairs.
Q:What happens to your body as
you age?
A: When you get old, so do your
bowels and you get intercontinental.
Q:Give the meaning of the term
‘Caesarean Section’.
A: The Caesarean Section is a district
in rome.
Q:What does the word ‘benign’ mean?
A: Benign is what you will be after
you be eight.
. 21 .
Foster Care Reporter april 2009.indd 23-24
Hazel Little
3851 0867
0412 457 705
Trude Mykkeltvedt
3366 5085
0421 342 076
Naomi Willys
3200 5468
0402 451 580
Vivien O’Mullane
Janice Cormick
3805 3667
0414 684 657
Nico & Cressida
0417 634 167
0417 634 167
David Davidson
5497 6645
0438 720 116
Jane McMillan
3385 5853
0422 584 080
Cassandra Ella
4057 7983
0409 405 778
Elizabeth Thaiday
4041 3582
0434 105 531
Lori Davidson
3312 4472
0419 753 735
Lisa Reid
5502 7598
0422 720 881
Rebecca Taylor
5563 3304
0438 792 951
Shirley Sherrard
5488 0806
0439 677 696
Cheryal Pates
3372 4134
Lorri Roll
5465 6927
0412 180 058
Andy Vestey
3389 7255
0417 927 824
lyn Wolfe
3808 1835
0416 759 397
Karen McClary
3411 0146
0418 191 681
Cherelle Brown
0417 909 924
Barbara Harris
4122 3027
Ili Dabea
4770 1171
0488 528 243
Elizabeth Anderson
3205 1754
0488 074 585
Cheryl Gill
3204 2145
0419 738 871
3134 0427
0421 252 268
John Dow
4163 3238
Rosemary Pearse
3848 8160
0407 384 603
Joan Sullivan
5443 9686
0412 120 176
sunshine coast
Georgia Fraser
5444 4546
0401 522 152
Mary Lavers
4696 2135
Saskia Smith
4691 2924
Catherine Watts
4778 3778
John O’Leary
4724 1593
0407 180 747
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0428 912 924
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