INTEGRIS Women’s Health Forum INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity
INTEGRIS Women’s Health Forum INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity
INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity LIFETIME OF HARMONY NEWSLETTER volume 5 • number 9 • september 2011 INTEGRIS Women’s Health Forum Below is a sampling of our Women’s Health Forum 2011 events. Please see for the complete list. An Evening with Rob Lowe Friday, Sept. 9 • 7 p.m. Civic Center Music Hall • 201 N. Walker Ave. You’ve seen award-winning actor Rob Lowe on television in a variety of roles. Now is your opportunity to see him on stage as he speaks of his dedication in the fight against cancer. Lowe works with such organizations as the Cancer Hope Network to raise awareness and emphasize the importance of continued support for cancer survivors. Reservations are required for all events. INTEGRIS Cancer Institute Fireside Chats Tuesday, Sept. 13 • 10:30 a.m • 5911 W. Memorial Road IN THIS ISSUE Are You Baffled By Cancer? Women and Lungs What Friends Do ...............2 10:30 a.m. Noon Bad to the Bone!................2 Romeo Mandanas, M.D., hematology Elisa Sparkes, D.O., obstetrics and gynecology Lara Theobold, M.D., medical oncology Luncheon (optional) fee: $10 Advance payment is required. Slow Down, You Move Too Fast ..................3 Open House Tour 5:30 p.m. Learn more about our services. Patients, family members, friends and caregivers are invited. Precision of Protons 1:30 p.m. Sameer Keole, M.D., radiation oncology Senior Day in Yukon Wednesday, Sept. 14 • 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Canadian Valley Technology Center • 1701 S. Czech Hall Rd., Yukon This event, planned especially with seniors in mind, begins at 9 a.m. with numerous resources to address many of the issues seniors are facing today. At 11 a.m. relax and absorb the life changing information presented by the following physicians. 11 a.m Shea Samara, M.D., Incontinence 11:30 a.m. Sam Dahr, M.D., Macular Degeneration Noon Thad Carnine, M.D., Corrective Exercise for Joint Replacement Patients 12:30 p.m. Robert McFadden, M.D., Organ Management: Avoiding a Transplant Complimentary Lunch • Door Prizes • Community Resources • Reservations Required A VIP Evening with Rob Lowe...................3 Yoga for Kids and Mandala Art – Fall Sessions ...........................3 Calendar........................4-5 8th Annual INTEGRIS Men’s Health University .....6 INTEGRIS Hospice Program Needs Volunteers ........................6 Computer Classes..............6 Support Groups and Supplementary Classes......7 Culinary Delights — Farmer’s Market Cooking ............................7 Your Heart is in Your Hands – Healthy Cooking Demonstration Tuesday, Sept. 20 • 6:30 p.m. The Tasting Room at Will Rogers Theater • 4322 N. Western Ave. Karen Massey, RD, LD, nutritionist, INTEGRIS Health Cost: $20. INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity LIFETIME OF HARMONY NEWSLETTER What Friends Do is in art class but I will give you the homework. You can get your mentee from the art class for the mentoring session.” As she began getting things I have had the privilege of mentoring at the together to give me she said, “Your mentee’s faStanley Hupfeld Academy at Western Village for ther left a couple of weeks ago and he did not want almost five years. The academy is an elementary anyone to know.” charter school in an economically depressed When I arrived at the art class my mentee was area. The academy is sponsored by the Oklastill in the mode of not talking much and little eye homa City Public School Board and INTEGRIS contact. I told him the teacher had given me some Health. Most of the children come from single homework for us to do. Again, my mentee had no parent homes and 90 percent of the children are real response. I thought I would cheer him up and on free or reduced cost lunches. said “Let’s skip the homework and go straight to INTEGRIS Health adopted this school more the basketball court!” He seemed a little happier than 10 years ago and allows all of its employees but not much better. the opportunity to mentor a child without having As we walked to the basketball court I walked Jason Thompson, VP, to take time off work. During the last four years, Community Wellness and Diversity next to him and said, “I am your friend – do you I have mentored two boys. know what that means?” He mumbled, “Yes.” I said, “Well, what On one particular occasion when I went to visit my mentee, does it mean?” My mentee became a little upset with me. I he had gotten into trouble. Apparently, his behavior was quite guess he thought this question was too simple for a fifth grader. bad all week. My mentee is no angel but this was somewhat unHe just frowned and kept walking. I said, “It means I am your usual. We talked a little bit about it, but not too much because friend, and you can get angry with me all you want. You can he was still in a bad mood and not very talkative. choose to not talk to me, but I will still keep coming back.” After we completed his homework he wanted to go outside to When you are a fifth grader and your dad walks out, you play basketball. I told him “no” because his behavior had been should be angry, you should be hurt and it will not make sense. bad during the week, and basketball was a reward for good beYou would probably assume that your dad is just the first of havior. This clearly made him angry and he pouted quite a bit, things and people who are going to leave you. It was easier for finally refusing to speak to me at all. him to push everyone away and not get hurt. He was only trying This made me angry, and I began to think maybe I should tell to protect himself from being hurt, and trying to make sense him that I was not going to keep coming back if he is going to of the world. be disrespectful to me. For whatever reason, I did not say that I I told my mentee I would be back every week until the school might not be back if his behavior did not improve. I just kept term ended. I told him it did not matter if he was angry at me or the thought to myself and walked him back to class. did not want to talk, I would always come back. I will come The next week my mentee’s behavior was better but still he back every week because that is what friends do. was less than happy to see me. He did not want to talk much, but I tried to make conversation anyway. I would ask questions Bad to the Bone!** and he would mumble some answer and not make eye contact. It was frustrating. I again thought maybe I should not come Wonder why the saying isn’t, “Good back – maybe he doesn’t want me for his mentor. It is frustratto the Bone”? Good, strong bones are ing to talk to someone who does not seem to like you or want essential for a healthy body, and it you there. takes quite an effort by your body to Going into the third week, I had prepared myself with “the build and maintain healthy bones. speech.” As I was driving to the academy, I decided that if my Join Pam Patty, RD, LD, CDE, as mentee was going to be quiet and unresponsive, I was going to she discusses the bone matrix and its give him a talking to! I would remind him that I was a volunteer, various components. She will provide nutritional guidelines that will help and I would not be returning if he did not want to be more rePam Patty, RD, LD, CDE you be good to your bones. The interspectful to me. active seminar is scheduled from 9 to 10:30 a.m., Friday, As I walked to the classroom, I had my speech ready and was Sept. 2, in the auditorium at INTEGRIS Southwest Medfully prepared to give it. I opened the door to the classroom and ical Center, 4401 S. Western Ave. it was empty. The teacher was there and she said, “Your mentee **Reservation required. Please call the INTEGRIS HealthLine at 405-951-2277 for reservation. INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity LIFETIME OF HARMONY NEWSLETTER FROM THE JAMES L. HALL JR. CENTER FOR MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT Slow Down, You Move Too Fast R. Murali Krishna, M.D., COO of INTEGRIS Mental Health and the James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit, has been on a mission to improve the health and well-being of Oklahomans since 1975. He has great compassion and enthusiasm to educate others about the importance of “whole person” wellness. Here is some of his sage advice on setting your life’s pace. “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” — Mahatma Gandhi Away from work, you’re always on the run, delivering children to appointments, shopping for groceries, taking care of household chores. At work, deadlines are crashing down upon you. You are overloaded and overwhelmed. In response, you race through meals R. Murali Krishna, M.D. and rush to appointments. You feel that no matter how fast you go, COO INTEGRIS Mental Health it’s not fast enough. If this describes your life, take a deep breath and the James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit and ask yourself these questions. • Do you dislike waiting or feel impatient with the rate at which many things take place? • Do you regularly do more than one thing at a time? • Do you suffer from “racing mind” and experience disturbances in your sleep? • Do you feel a chronic sense of time pressure? • Have you lost interest in activities away from your job? • Do you have difficulty accumulating pleasant memories? If you answered yes to any of these, you may have what medical researchers refer to as “time urgency.” It’s not a healthy condition to have. The stress felt by people with time urgency can also cause muscle pains, headaches, high blood pressure, irritable bowels, insomnia, phobias, depression and anxiety. Your immune system may be weakened as well. continued on page 8 A VIP Evening with Rob Lowe** An exciting evening with Rob Lowe will be remembered forever when you become a VIP. Your VIP status includes VIP parking, a chance to meet Lowe on stage before the presentation and VIP seating – all for only $100. Proceeds from the VIP reception support the INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit. Yoga for Kids and Mandala Art – Fall Sessions** Children ages 7 to 12 can learn to manage stress and experience creative growth through classes offered by the INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit. Yoga for Kids and Sand Mandalas classes will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, from Sept. 14 through Nov. 2. Cost is only $30 for all eight sessions. september 2011 SUNDAY K MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNE ** Reservation required. Call the INTEGRIS HealthLine at 405-951-2277. 4 5 LABOR DAY OFFICE CLOSED 11 12 Senior Strength Training** Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 123 S.W. 25th St. 10-11 a.m. 18 19 Senior Strength Training** Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 123 S.W. 25th St. 10-11 a.m. 6 7 Tai Chi Chih** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 $45/6-week session 10-11 a.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 3:15-4:15 p.m. Senior Strength Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 123 S.W. 25th St. 10-11 a.m. Quilter’s Club 5100 N. Brookline 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m 13 Tai Chi Chih** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 INTEGRIS Cancer Institute Fireside Chats** 5911 W. Memorial Rd 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 3:15-4:15 p.m. 20 Tai Chi Chih** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. Ask A Dietitian** 4200 S. Douglas Ave., Ste., B-10 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Rapid Readers Book Discussion** 5911 W. Memorial Rd. 2-3 p.m. Senior Strength Training** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 3:15-4:15 p.m. Your Heart Is in Your Hands – Healthy Cooking Demonstration, Karen Massey, RD, LD** 4322 N. Western Ave. 6:30 p.m. 25 26 Senior Strength Training** Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 123 S.W. 25th St. 10-11 a.m 27 Tai Chi Chih** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. 14 Healthy Heart W 4200 S. Douglas 7:30-8:30 a.m. Senior Day at Yukon** Canadian Valley Technol 1701 S. Czech Hall Rd. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Senior Strength Trainin Capitol Hill United Metho 123 S.W. 25th St. 10- Ask a Dietitian** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., S 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 21 Healthy Heart W 4200 S. Douglas 7:30-8:30 a.m. Senior Strength Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 123 S.W. 25th St. 10-11 a.m 28 Senior Strength Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 123 S.W. 25th St. 10-11 a.m Senior Strength Training** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 3:15-4:15 p.m. M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y • M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y • M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y • M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F Keep the other person’s well-being in mind when you feel an attack of soul-purging truth coming on. — Betty White ESDAY h Training** d h . THURSDAY 1 AARP Driver Safety Program** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 $12 AARP members $14 non-AARP members 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Bowling at Heritage Lanes 11917 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Special rate available 11 a.m.-2 p.m. logy Center ng** odist Church -11 a.m. Ste. 100 Walkers Club** Ave., Ste. B-10 h Training** d h . h Training** d h . 2 Bad to the Bone by Pam Patty, RD, LD, CDE** INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center Auditorium 9-10:30 a.m. SATURDAY 3 Laughter Yoga** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** Will Rogers Senior Citizens Center 3501 Pat Murphy Drive 1:30-2:30 p.m. 8 9 Bowling at Heritage Lanes 11917 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Special rate available 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Laughter Yoga** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. AARP Driver Safety Program** 4200 S. Douglas Ave., Ste. B-10 $12 AARP members $14 non-AARP members 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** 3501 Pat Murphy Drive 1:30-2:30 p.m. 10 Culinary Delights** Farmer’s Market Cooking Francis Tuttle, Rockwell campus Building 1, Room C1586 10 a.m.-1 p.m. An Evening with Rob Lowe** Civic Center Music Hall 201 N. Walker Ave. 7 p.m. e Ave., Ste. 100 m. Walkers Spanish Club** Ave., Ste. B-10 FRIDAY 15 Bowling at Heritage Lanes 11917 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Special rate available 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Senior Café** INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center Cancer Center Conference Room 4 p.m. 22 Bowling at Heritage Lanes 11917 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Special rate available 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 29 Bowling at Heritage Lanes 11917 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Special rate available 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 16 Laughter Yoga** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. Rapid Readers Book Discussion** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** Will Rogers Senior Citizens Center 3501 Pat Murphy Drive 1:30-2:30 p.m. 23 17 8th Annual INTEGRIS Men’s Health University INTEGRIS Cancer Institute of Oklahoma 5911 W. Memorial Road 9 a.m.-noon Reservations required for cancer screening. 24 Laughter Yoga** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** Will Rogers Senior Citizens Cntr. 3501 Pat Murphy Drive 1:30-2:30 p.m. 30 Laughter Yoga** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 10-11 a.m. Line Dancing** 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 12:30-2:30 p.m. Senior Strength Training** Will Rogers Senior Citizens Cntr. 3501 Pat Murphy Drive 1:30-2:30 p.m. F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y • M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y • M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y • M AY Y O U E N J O Y A L I F E T I M E O F H A R M O N Y INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity LIFETIME OF HARMONY NEWSLETTER 8th Annual INTEGRIS Men’s Health University Saturday, Sept. 17 • 9 a.m. to noon INTEGRIS Cancer Institute of Oklahoma 5911 W. Memorial Road INTEGRIS Men’s Health University is offering free health and wellness check-ups designed just for men. The check-ups include prostate, oral, skin and colorectal cancer screenings. Also, blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and stroke assessments are available at this exciting come-and-go event. Join us in the parking lot after your screenings for our free tailgate party with door prizes and giveaways. Admission is free. Appointments are required for cancer screenings. For more information and reservations, call the INTEGRIS HealthLine or log on to INTEGRIS Hospice Program Needs Volunteers Families who care for a hospice patient spend their nights and days focusing on the comfort of that patient. Often a short break is possible because of the generosity of patient care volunteers. A patient care volunteer may run errands for a caregiver, stay with a patient while a caregiver takes a break, or even become a companion to a patient who may still be living alone or in a nursing home. COMPUTER CLASSES Hospice of Oklahoma County and the INTEGRIS Hospice House are looking for people with a caring, compassionate heart. Call 848-8884 for more information about volunteer opportunities or about hospice services. Hospice of Oklahoma County is dedicated to providing care to terminally ill patients and their families. Computer Literacy Sept. 12-15.....................................................................5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100...........................................1:30-3:30 p.m. Sept. 13-15.....................................................................4200 S. Douglas Ave., Ste.B-10..............................................11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Windows 7*$ Sept. 28, 29, 30..............................................................Francis Tuttle Rockwell Campus ............................................12:30-4:30 p.m. Microsoft Word II*# Sept. 12-15.....................................................................5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100...........................................6-8 p.m.. Microsoft Excel I*# Sept. 19-22.....................................................................5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100...........................................6-8 p.m. Microsoft Excel II*^ Sept. 26-29.....................................................................5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100...........................................6-8 p.m. Understanding Digital Photos*+ Sept. 22..........................................................................Francis Tuttle Rockwell Campus ............................................9 a.m.-12 p.m. Microsoft PowerPoint*# Sept. 27-29.....................................................................4200 S. Douglas Ave., Ste. B-10.............................................11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sept. 27-30.....................................................................5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100...........................................9-11 a.m. Intermediate Computer* Sept. 19-22.....................................................................5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100...........................................1:30-3:30 p.m. Sept. 20-22.....................................................................4200 S. Douglas Ave., Ste. B-10.............................................11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. *Must have basic computer skills before enrolling in this class. #Must have Microsoft Word skills before enrolling in this class. ^Must have Microsoft Excel skills before enrolling in this class. $Cost is $15, payable at time of enrollment. +Cost is $10, payable at time of enrollment. INTEGRIS Community Wellness and Diversity LIFETIME OF HARMONY NEWSLETTER Support Groups and Supplementary Classes 1st and 3rd Tuesday, Sept. 6 and 20 Rx for Stroke Education 10-11:30 a.m. INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation 4219 S. Western Ave. Call 644-6867 for this month’s agenda. 2nd Tuesday, Sept. 13 ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 6:30-8 p.m. INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Jones Educ. Classroom – 1st Floor 4219 S. Western Ave. 1st Tuesday, Sept. 6 Rx for Stroke Education 1:30-3 p.m. Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation (3 East) INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center 3300 NW Expressway Call 644-6867 for this month’s agenda. 2nd Tuesday, Sept. 13 Bob McVay Stroke Support Group 6:30-8 p.m. Support, education and information for stroke survivors and families/caregivers Call 644-6867 for this month’s agenda. 3rd Tuesday, Sept. 20 Us Too! Prostate Cancer 6-7:30 p.m. Meeting location alternates. Please call 773-6608 or 604-4298 for location and information. 2nd and 4th Thursday, Sept. 8 and 22 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 5100 N. Brookline Ave., Ste. 100 1st Wednesday, Sept. 7 Lunch Bunch Breast Cancer Survivor 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. INTEGRIS Cancer Institute of Oklahoma 5911 W. Memorial Road For reservations and information, call 773-6600. 2nd Thursday, Sept. 8 Cardio-Metabolic Focus Group (Diabetes and Heart Disease) 5:30-6:30 p.m. INTEGRIS Cancer Institute of Oklahoma at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center 4401 S. Western Ave. 1st Thursday, Sept. 1 Spinal Cord Injury Support Group 5:30-6:30 p.m. INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Jones Education Classroom – First Floor 4219 S. Western Ave. 4th Thursday, Sept. 22 Brain Injury Support Group 6-7 p.m. INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Jones Education Classroom – First Floor 4219 S. Western Ave. No fragrances please at any of these support groups as many people are very sensitive. Culinary Delights** Farmer’s Market Cooking Summer is a great time to take advantage of fresh vegetables and fruits available at your local farmer’s market. Join Chef Carolyn as she prepares the very best dishes incorporating fresh foods from your local markets. Make your reservation for Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Francis Tuttle, Rockwell campus, 12777 N. Rockwell Ave. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Okla. City, OK Permit No. 1286 115.4380 5100 N. Brookline, Suite 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Slow Down, You Move Too Fast continued from page 3 What can you do about it? The finding that counseling can help people with time urgency is consistent with other findings on the value of stress management in combating illness. This is not to suggest that if you have time urgency, you need counseling. So what should you do? Be objective about your life. Time urgency causes us to lose objectivity about our lives. People who are running themselves ragged can easily lose sight of their values. Stop and determine why you are doing what you are doing and what steps you need to take to reach your goals. Take responsibility for your choices. Every human being has the same 24 hours each day. What you do with yours is your choice. Every second of the day you make choices about what to do and how to spend your time. Own the decisions you have made. Set priorities. Drop the idea that everything must get done. Choose a small number of things to do, from accomplishing specific on-the-job tasks to nurturing relationships with your spouse and children. Act decisively in pursuing these goals. Pursue meaningful relationships. All too frequently in our busy lives we don’t make time to nurture relationships. Conversations with family, friends and colleagues take place on the fly. Ultimately, we need to connect with people on a deeper level. True intimacy replenishes our souls. Seek oneness. These are moments of oneness with creation, times when every cell in your body resonates with a sense of rightness, when every fiber of your being says life is good. You may have experienced that moment in any number of ways, holding a sleeping newborn, praying, creating a work of art, laboring on a project you truly believe in, finishing your morning run. These moments restore us spiritually and recharge us emotionally. They also do wonders for us physically – reinvigorating and replenishing our immune system and making us feel more vital and alive. In this century, we’ve seen our life spans almost double, from an average life expectancy of 49 years for someone born in 1900 to about 80 years for someone born this year, but with twice as much life to live, we’re living at a pace considerably greater than twice as fast. Those who came before us had an ability to savor life. For the sake of your health, we need to learn to do the same. Visit us online at Lifetime of Harmony is published by INTEGRIS Health's Third Age Life Center, and the James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit. Our mission is to improve the health of the people and communities we serve. Letters and comments may be addressed to Lifetime of Harmony, 5100 N. Brookline, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. The James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit is located at 3366 N.W. Expressway, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73112.
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