Newsletter February 20 – Term 1, Week 4 Dates to Remember


Newsletter February 20 – Term 1, Week 4 Dates to Remember
February 20 – Term 1, Week 4
50 Grossmans Rd, Torquay 3228
Tel:(03) 5261 4246 Fax: (03) 5261 6221
Mass Times in Parish
Anglesea: Sat 5.30pm
Torquay: Sun 8.45am
Grovedale: Sun10.30am
Parish Phone
Number: 52439891
Dates to Remember
Term 1:
Hot Dog Day: 26th Feb
Sushi Day: 5th March
See details in P&F info
Parent Information
Yr 1- 6: 7 pm
Thursday 20th Feb
Presentation Mass:
Sunday 2nd Mar
St Therese Cross
Country: Monday 3rd
March 10 am
Start/Finish: Torquay
Front Beach- (back up
day Tuesday 4th)
Shrove Tuesday: 4th
March, Pancake Day
Ash Wednesday Mass:
5th March at St Therese
Church 9.30am
St Therese Athletics
Day: Monday 24th
March at Bob Pettit
Reserve in Jan Juc
Year 6 Urban Camp:
Monday March 31st –
Wednesday 2nd April
An up to date Calendar can be
found on our school website.
Dear Parents,
Thanks to those parent who were able to come to the prep information night last night and to those who will
attend the Yr1-6 evening tonight. Summaries of the evening with links will be placed on Year Level Blogs
and the school’s website.
At the Beginning of School year Mass the Year 6 Leadership group were presented with their badges.
Congratulations to all our School leaders.
Sports: Xavier Huxtable, Olivia Gross, Tom Powell, Millie Johnson, Noah Gadsby, Jack Farrow, Indi White,
Hunter Locke Assembly : Riley Lewis, Mackenzie Ewings Outreach: Lilyanna Keating, Remony Reid
Buddy: Will Marshal , Zoe Jones ICT: Henry Van Til , Billy Gibbons
All Year 6 students also received their Year 6 jackets, we wish them well in their final year at St Therese and
continually look to them for leadership within our school.
Bring your own device (BYOD) Year 5/6, 2014:
St Therese is expanding its current iPad Program to allow for a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) policy to
be implemented for students in Years 5/6 by the end of Term 1, 2014.
This program allows students to use their own iPads or mini iPads at school as well as at home. They will be
wholly responsible for these.
We have worked with our IT management provider, Centorrino, to ensure that all students can access their
device through our school network and security system, as well as also developing a BYOD school policy.
This policy is now available for families and will be sent home tomorrow with Yr
5/ 6 students who are interested in this program. Once User agreements are signed
students can bring their device.
We will continue to provide school-owned laptops and iPads for all students to
use and no student will be disadvantaged if they do not have their own device.
Students will not be able to take school- owned iPads home.
A careful consideration for Year 6 student families is that most Secondary
Schools will require students to purchase or lease a completely new device in
Year 7. There is no expectation that your children will need to purchase an
iPad or mini iPad.
We will continue to offer the availability of school-owned netbook/ laptops and
ipads in all classes
Students own their own device and are fully responsible if lost, stolen or
Any questions please direct to Darren on
Cross Country:
On Monday the 3rd of March, the school will be holding our first St Therese cross country carnival. The cross country will be
held down at Torquay Front Beach starting at 10:00am and finishing around 12:00pm. Starting and finishing line will depend
on the tide on the day as we hope to have some of the run on hard sand. Prep, Year 1 and 2 children will be getting a bus
there and back to school. Year 3 to 6 will walk. Back up day is Tuesday the 4th.
Prep children will run 400 metres.
Year 1 children will run 800 metres.
Year 2 children will run 1 km.
Year 3 children will run 1.5km.
Year 4 children will run 2km
Year 5 and 6 children will run 3km.
A great opportunity for families to train for this event using the distances above as a goal.
Any inquires feel free to contact Vaughn McCarthy at school or email
Cyber safety:
On Monday 17th of February Leading Senior Constable Robert Noggler visited the 5/6 learning community to talk to us
about cyber safety. He taught us lots of interesting things about the internet and how to be safe using it. Some of the
important things we discussed were: cyber bullying, digital footprints, being safe online, bystanders, using social media sites,
some safety tips, meta data and using your devices near your parents. The most important of all, is to let someone know if
you come across anything that is not appropriate.
From the 5 /6 blog
Sustainability News
Clean Up Australia Day:
Students in years 3-6 will be travelling off site on Friday
28th February to take part in Clean Up Australia Day.
Years 5/6 will focus on Jan Juc Creek, Jan Juc Beach and
Torquay Back Beach. Years 3/4 will focus on the Torquay Front Beach/Fisherman’s Beach area.
Some Year 1/2 classes will focus on the nature strips which border our school, such as Grossmans Road and Illawong Drive,
as well as our school grounds.
All middle and senior classes will participate in these activities between 9:15 and 12:00am
From Sari and Charlotte, year 5/6 Sustainability Leaders:
On Schools Clean Up Australia Day, 28th February, students should bring gloves from home to participate in picking up
rubbish around Torquay.
The 5/6 Sustainability Leaders will organize some certificates and spot prizes to give to students who help out on this day.
These are the areas the levels will focus on
Prep - school grounds
1/2 - school grounds, Grossmans Road and Illawong drive.
3/4- Cosy Corner to Fisherman’s Beach
5/6- Jan Juc Creek and Torquay Surf Beach area.
Parents are welcome to attend. Your child will be able to give you the times that they will be cleaning up (these will be in the
morning before lunch)
You do not need to sign an excursion form as this falls under the local excursion forms you have already signed.
St Therese is a 5 Star School:
Since 2008 our school has been part of Sustainability Victoria’s, ‘Sustainable Schools Project’. As part of this project we
have completed modules in water, waste, biodiversity, energy and community leadership. We have also made great links
with local environmental groups, planted thousands of trees and shrubs, started recycling programs, saved our school money
and made an impact on student understandings about living sustainably.
In December last year we received notification that we have become a 5 Star Sustainable School, which is an outstanding
To put this in context:
 There are 1017 Victorian schools in this program.
 Only 26 Victorian schools are 5 star schools, of which we are now one.
 Port Fairy State School and St Therese are the only 5 star schools in the Barwon South West Region.
 We are one of five schools to receive this status in 2013.
 The Victorian Minister for the Environment and Climate Change has to approve new 5 Star schools.
On behalf of the St Therese staff, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the families who support our environmental
initiatives. You can continue to help us on our journey by doing things such as:
 Sending rubbish free lunches, not buying food in small packaging (eg shapes)
 Travelling sustainably to and from school (walking, riding, part of the way is ok too)
 Discussing environmental issues with your child.
Thanks for your continued support.
You can now recycle your old batteries at St Therese Primary School. The recycling bin is located in
the front office. We will dispose of the batteries at Barwon Waste Management in Geelong North for
This is another initiative we have started at school to help the local community and our environment.
Families are welcome and encouraged to drop off their batteries to our recycling bin. We will take
button, AAA, AA, C, and D sized batteries.
Batteries recycled in 2013- 21.28 kg. So far we have sent around 1700 batteries to Barwon Waste
to be recycled in the correct manner, instead of going to landfill.
Parent-Teacher Interviews 2014
Prep families will be given their login name and PIN number this Friday.
Parent-Teacher interviews will be held for years Prep to Year 6, interview timeslots are 3.40 to 4.55 - 4.00 to 4.15 or 4.20 to 4.35 every
second Wednesday Term 1commencing on February 12. Interviews will be of 15 minutes duration.
Using this system you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer.
Please access the system as follows:
Go to the school’s home page www.
Click the PTO Link icon as shown here …
Enter your surname and PIN, (this is enclosed in your child’s school fees) if you misplace your Login details, call the office as
the school has a copy of your details.
If you encounter any problems using PTO please contact the school office by phone on 52 614246, or by email to
Yoga & Wellness Event for Mums!
Saturday March 1st 8.30am – 10am Barwon Heads Hall.
Tickets & more information visit
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden:
Last year we applied to join the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Program, to enhance our learning in areas such as living a healthy and
sustainable lifestyle and encouraging children to establish positive lifelong
eating habits. The Program is designed to be fully integrated into the
Australian Curriculum as it offers infinite possibilities to reinforce literacy,
numeracy, science, cultural studies and all aspects of environmental
sustainability. In addition, the Program delivers observable social benefits to
all students, including those with special needs. Taking part in this program teaches children important life skills across all
areas of the curriculum.
Julie Nicholson and I will be attending training for the program over 4 days this year. Our school is already well equipped
with plenty of garden spaces set up and a purpose built kitchen that caters for teaching cooking classes. We also have plenty
of keen participants in teachers and students!
To enable this program to run efficiently, we would love parent and local community involvement. This might mean you
have a regular time when you can assist, or you may be able to help just once or twice. If you would like more information
please check out the website via this link.
If you wish to be involved, please contact me.
'The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden National Program will educate the next generation of Australian children to enjoy
the pleasures of fresh, seasonal food and to develop the skills that lead to lifelong health.'
Stephanie Alexander
Anne Jordan –
School Board Nominations:
It is that time of year when we seek nominations for the School Board from the parent Body. The School Board is an
Advisory Board to the Parish Priest and the Principal and provides a great opportunity for any parent to contribute to the
ongoing development of the School. In addition, the Advisory Board is responsible for managing the St Therese Foundation.
If you would like to contribute to the School in this way please nominate yourself on the attached form before the March 11
Board meeting. There are currently two positions available and we welcome new members, as we believe it is important to
maintain a healthy injection of new faces and ideas to assist the Principal, Pauline Audley and Parish Priest, Fr Linh develop
the School and the School Community. The School Board plays a complementary role to the extremely important work done
by the Parents and Friends Association.
Please feel free to contact me or any other member of the current Board if you would like to discuss nominating and are
uncertain about any aspect of being a Board member of St Therese School. The time commitment is not onerous though the
value to the School is great and much appreciated.
Brendan McKeegan
2014 School Board Nomination Form
I hereby wish to Nominate for the St Therese School Board for 2014.
Please note: Current Board Members and Nominees vote on vacant positions. Nomination forms are also available from the
St Therese parents & friends
“Just One Thing”
We require volunteers for Pancake Day, sausage sizzle and the
family night, Luau/Hawaiian theme. If you can help out at all on these important days please
email following people: For Pancake Day Deb on School sports
sausage sizzle Marisa on marisa.joseph@gmail.comFamily luau night Alyson on
Our next P & F meeting will be held Tuesday 4th March at 2pm in school Hall. All new members
very welcome. The more the merrier! Next month we will trial a night time meeting as requested
by some parents that are unable to make day time meetings. This will be April 2nd at 7.30pm. If
you can attend the night time meeting please email Megan on for details of
Hot dogs $ 2.50 Prima drink $1.00 Ice poles 50c
If you would like to volunteer and help out on the Hot Dog days, please email Vikki McCoy on all that is required is 1.5 hrs on the day, once a term. ORDERS
Sushi orders are to be written on brown paper bag with child’s name and class and given to class
teacher. Vegetarian, chicken and tuna are available. Prices are as follows:
Snack pack: $3.50 Lunch pack: $7.00
Don’t forget if you’re interested to be a class parent social butterfly for your child’s year level,
please place your details on the form in the school office. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact Leanne O’Brien on 0425 774 035 or email for
further information.
Feb 19th: Sushi
Feb 26th: Hot
dog day
March 4th:
Pancake day
March 4th:
P & F meeting
2pm in school
March 12th:
Hot dog day
March 24th:
School sports
sausage sizzle
March 29th:
Family Luau
night 5 -8pm
school hall
April 2nd:
P & F meeting
7.30 pm see
newsletter for
Our annual Mothers Day luncheon will soon be upon us, and this is an event not to be missed.
Mark in your diary now Friday 9th May at Sands Resort. More details will follow in future
In 2011 the P & F had as a fundraiser, a great hessian bag which one of our past students created the logo that is on the bags.
Peaches in Torquay have been selling these for us and there are only limited numbers left. So please do yourself a favour and
head down and purchase one or more of these fabulous bags for $5 each.
Come along to our Term One
Get together…..
Tuesday 18th March
Drinks at the Front Beach Café
The Esplanade, Torquay
All welcome!!!!!
Morning Tea for all PREP parents and for any new parents to our school
Next Tuesday there will be a morning tea at Moby’s after school drop off for all our Prep parents and also for any
new parents to our school. Meet out the back where your preschoolers can play. This will be held on Tuesday 25th
February from 9am.
It will be a great opportunity to meet new faces in a relaxed environment. We look forward to seeing you there.
Extend After School Care at St Therese Primary School:
Our recap
Over the last three weeks, After School Care had a puppet, circus and Olympics themed week. The children
have made some fabulous puppets, put on puppet shows, made some juggling balls, clown face biscuits, pipecleaner acrobats and clown costumes. The creations are truly magical and have been photo documented in the
scrap book displayed in the OSHC room. We have had some of the older children take on workshops and
leadership roles and it has worked successfully. Next week is Camping week, so get ready for marshmallows,
ghost stories and blanket and pillow forts. Also, if you have a spare hat at home, please make sure to put it in
your school bag so we can have some outdoor fun in the sun without worrying about misplacing your school hat! Kayla
Our Extend Superstar’s are Coby & Charlie. Thank you Coby for volunteering to clean up and thank you Charlie for helping the
new Prep students settle in and feel welcome.
Next week’s activities: Monday 24 February: Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Tuesday 25 February: Build a Blanket & Pillow Fort
Wednesday 26 February: Build a pretend Fire & eat Marshmallows
Thursday 27 February: Fishing Memory Game
Friday 28 February: Painting pine cones and making pine cone friends
CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437
From the Crossing Man:
A belated welcome back to everyone and a big thank you for your concern and interest in my wellbeing. You looked after me
well at Christmas and my birthday.
The Preps have been taught the crossing drill – stand behind the bubbles and wait for two blows of the whistle. Mums, if
your child pulls you back or says “Mum, stop please” help where you can. It is a good idea for parents with children to use
the crossing to help your child in safety education.
The double lines between the roundabout and the crossing are the ones it is illegal to turn right or U turn over. The drop off
zone on the north side is a three minute stop off.
My hours of duty are 8.00am to 9.00am and 2.45pm to 4.00pm. Please keep alert and be aware of where I am.
Community Notices:
Open Days:
Saint Ingatius College
Date: Sunday 23 March 2014 11am - 2pm Information Sessions 11am and 12.15pm
“See the College at Work” Wednesday 7 May 2014 9 -11am
Address 27 Peninsula Drive Drysdale VIC 3222
Phone (03) 5251 1136
Sacred Heart College
Date: Tuesday 25 March 2014 Option 1 Tour 1 - 3.45pm Information session 5 - 5.30pm
Option 2 Tour 2 - 5.30pm Information session 7 - 7.30pm
Address Retreat Road Newtown VIC 3220 Phone (03) 5221 4211 Email
Clonard College
Date: Friday 21 March 2014 Tours 1pm & 4.30pm “See the College at Work” Monday 24 March 2014 9.15am
Go to our website or contact the College for full details.
Address 225 Church St Herne Hill VIC 3218 Phone (03) 5278 2155 Email
St Joseph’s College
Date: Thursday 24 April 2014 Pre-register for our Open Day online at
Address NEWTOWN CAMPUS 135 Aphrasia Street Newtown VIC 3220
WESTCOURT CAMPUS 31 Minerva Road Herne Hill VIC 3218 Phone (03) 5226 8100 Email
Torquay junior boardriders are holding their first competition for the year 2014 on the 1st of March at Jan Juc 7.30am
weather conditions permitting. We will be running u10 u12 girls and boys, if you want to have some fun in the surf with
your friends come along. Make sure you bring a parent. If you have any queries check our web page or email
Meagan Burch Music Tuition
Music Lessons AT school
Piano, keyboard, Guitar, Ukulele, Drum or Singing Lessons
Private & Group of 2 Lessons During &/or After School Hours at School
Come & try music lessons without committing to the full term.
To enrol in, or to obtain more information please contact
Providing Music Lessons in local schools since 1985.
Community Football Information Evening:
An invitation to be part of an exciting journey for community football
As you know Surf Coast FC has been accepted into the new National Premier League competition and as a result there is a
requirement to establish a new community-level club for players that do not participant at the NPL level.
This information evening will focus solely on the community club with a view to provide insight on current status, our vision
and what we need to do over the coming months to ensure our community players are ready to take to the field as the season
The journey ahead is exciting and we are keen to ensure that the community and members are part of the journey.
Details are as follows:
Thursday, 20 February 2014
7:30 – 8:30pm
Grant Pavilion
Banyul Warri Reserve, Torquay
Look forward to seeing you there.
Interim Committee Members - Community Level Club.