October 2015 - West Lawn United Methodist Church


October 2015 - West Lawn United Methodist Church
We had our first 2015-2016 First
Saturday Worship on September
5th. Great music was provided
by David Haas and the Praise
Team. Jean Howe presented the
message— “Ready, Set, Go!”
sharing her personal journey to
embrace God's presence and journey alongside Him. He
invites us to GO! The basic question is: "Do we listen and
respond in love and obedience to God's call to GO?"
On Saturday, October 3rd at 6:00 pm, join us for inspirational praise music, testimony, Holy Communion, and
fellowship in the WLUMC Community Center featuring
Robert Turchi, Executive Director of Hope Rescue Mission bringing the message. These services are unique opportunity for people to share in a relaxed environment.
[If you would like to share your testimony at a First Saturday Worship service, please send a brief summary of your story to Pastor Jeff
at jeff@westlawnumc.org.]
West Lawn UMC will again be participating
in the annual CROP WALK on Sunday, October 11, 2015. Like last year, this year’s walk
will begin at Gring’s Mill at 1:15 pm
(registration at 12:30). Walkers can choose to walk a 1mile, 3-mile or 5-mile loop.
This interfaith community walk is a hunger education and
fundraising event sponsored by West Berks Mission District. To make this year’s Walk a success, we NEED
walkers and sponsors! Later in September and in early
October, visit the CROP Walk table set up outside the
breezeway on Sunday mornings. Here you can both sign
up to walk, or make a pledge for those that are walking.
For additional information, please contact Dan Allan at
610-927-1647, or Barb Myer at 610-670-0407,
Thank you for helping us make a difference!
Blood Drive Coming...
Our next Blood Drive is scheduled
for Thursday, October 27th from 3-7
pm in the Community Center. Please
call Eileen Williams at 610-670-0591 to
schedule your appointment today and
help save a life!
Safe Haven Apple Pies!
It’s time again for Safe Haven’s
Apple Pie Sale! On Sunday, October 18th, we will be selling pies in
the HeBrews Café after the 8:00
am and 9:30 am services. Pies are
$10.00 each, and always delicious!
Com out and help support the service projects of Safe Haven Lighthouse. Thank you! (Pies
are sold on a first come-first serve basis.)
by Pastor Raffauf
(Jesus) then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers
of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to
rebuke him. But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. “Get behind me, Satan!” he said. “You do not have in
mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Mark 8:31-33 NIV
Peter was so concerned with the current world, he couldn’t praise God for the resurrection that was promised. So it is
with us that we sometimes miss the blessing for worrying about the details.
It is very easy to be consumed with our daily routine and the programs of the Church. Sometimes we work so hard
for God we forget to worship God. This is especially true for those actively involved in the church. Like Peter we set
our minds on human concerns in order to accomplish the work of God’s ministry, such as making sure the church’s
heat and air are working properly, enough Sunday school teachers are present, and that the homebound are visited
However in doing so, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that God wants us first and foremost to be in relationship
with Him, to know God’s concerns, which includes all that we do, but never forgetting to worship him. God wants us to
be with Him in a relationship that transcends the work we do, which actually makes the work meaningful.
Let us be aware of our human concerns, for God's countenance is shown when love is acted out.1 And if we can
agree on anything, I hope it is a common understanding that whatever we say and whatever we do as Christians must
begin with a believer’s personal and saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Once we come to know God in this personal way, institutional religious behavior becomes less important to us. What
we do together is meant to be a reflection of our relationship with God and our commitment to Jesus Christ. That’s
what we strive to do here at West Lawn UMC, and this is how we will do it:
We worship God! We strive to do this each week, and daily, in our private devotional time with God. We welcome
all to our corporate worship in a variety of formats: traditional worship, like that in which I was raised, at 8 o’clock
and 11 o’clock every Sunday morning; “contemporary” worship, like that which continues to draw people to God
through our church, at 9:30 a.m. in our sanctuary and at 11:10 a.m. in the Community Center; and other ways, like our
First Saturday worship in the Community Center, our Wednesday evening Praise & Praise service (this year during
Advent and January – May), and CONVERGE, which we are pleased to host for young adults the first Friday of each
We seek to extend Radical Hospitality. It’s not good enough to be friendly to those we know and like. We are
called to love all God’s children, and so we strive to be intentional about welcoming all who God may draw to this
church, this place of worship and service, this family of God.
We strive for a focused sense of mission. We have been blessed to serve God in many ways and places. We pray
that together we will continue to serve God by loving our neighbors in tangible ways in the months and years to
We must make disciples, and we believe God is calling us to do so through intentional family ministries. We have
invested in staffing for children’s ministry, children’s music ministry, and youth ministry. We have a strong Sunday
school tradition for students of every age. We invite you, and your family, if you are a part of one, to join us in our
journey toward deeper, greater discipleship.
We look forward to your sharing this journey of discipleship as we move into the fall, and in the years to come. In the
meantime, please know what a joy and a privilege it is to share in ministry with each of you, and with all you together,
for we are the family of God, the Body of Christ, together!
Jeff Raffauf
Andrea Haldeman
Nick Camacho
Terry Cooney
Lead Pastor
Pastor of Discipleship
& Congregational Care
Pastor of Community Outreach
Pastor of Visitation
based on an article from Spiritual Giving, an e-newsletter of The United Methodist Church Development Center, 9/22/2015
Our church is at its best when we reach out to sisters and brothers in
need. World Communion Sunday calls the church to reach out to all
people and model diversity among God’s children. United Methodists
relate to World Communion Sunday by celebrating communion with
other Christians around the world on this special Sunday. We will receive
an offering to support ethnic undergraduate and graduate students,
which often enables first-generation students to attend college. Join us at
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 or 11:10 am.
Baptism and reception of new
members will be offered on
October 18 at all four services. If
you have any questions or to
schedule a baptism, please contact
the office at 610-678-5611.
Our WLUMC Atlantic City Mission Team
(Next opportunity will be November 1st.)
prior to leaving on the Sept. 20-26 Trip
Our next Inquirers’ Class will be
on Sunday, October 18, at 12:30
pm in Room 109 of the Education
Bldg. This class is for anyone who
would like to learn more about the
Christian faith, The United Methodist Church, or making West
Lawn your church home.
Last spring, six women in our congregation attended a conference on Domestic Violence, sponsored by the United
Methodist Women’s group. Here, they came to better understand the dynamics of domestic violence, the religious
issues for victims, survivors and the abusers, response skills, and how to build a community collaboration.
In this article, we would like to share with you some facts about Domestic Violence:
Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors (physical, sexual, psychological,
economic) that adults or adolescents use against their intimate partners. It is about power and control.
Domestic violence is a learned behavior. It is not caused by genetics, illness, alcohol and drugs, anger, stress or
behavior of the victim.
Many victims do not leave their abuser because of: danger, fear, societal pressures, religious values, family discouragement, economics, have nowhere to go, children, emotional investment, or isolation.
As a community of faith, there are many ways we can assist survivors.
Affirm: Their courageous act of speaking about the abuse should be affirmed. You can tell them: “I believe you.”
“I care about you.” “ You are not alone.” “It’s not your fault.”
Assess: Support a survivor’s need to implement their safety plan. How can you and/or your faith community assist
them? Financially? Emotionally? With practical steps?
Safety is the #1 Priority, Always: Assure the victim that their safety is important to you and the community. Review
West Lawn’s safe church policy and procedures with them. Ask for feedback, address concerns.
Refer: Domestic violence advocates are experts at creating a detailed safety plan with the survivor. Certain aspects
of safety planning can be addressed by faith leaders, but most aspects must be left to the experts. Tell them that
an advocate can help them develop a plan for emotional, physical, and sexual safety for themselves and their
(source: FaithTrust Institute – faithtrustinstitute.org)
For more information about domestic violence, or to join the West Lawn Domestic Violence committee, contact
Tracey Witmyer, Peggy Fleck, Susan Sellgren, DeAnn Bechtel or Mary Davis.
Keeping the Connection (KTC) is starting up again for the school year 2015/2016. If you have someone going to
college or know of someone that you think would like to get a care package from our church family, please send in their
name and address from the school they are attending. You can call in your address to the church office or send an
email to sherirath@yahoo.com. We will be sending out our first package mid October so if you would like to donate
any goodies to be put in the boxes, they can be dropped off at the church office and marked KTC
by Jean Howe
The family of God in Christ is abuzz with the activity of Embracing, Equipping, and Empowering! Our Sunday School
offerings are expanding. We now have two classes meeting after the 9:30 Praise Worship. Consider one of these opportunities after 9:30 Worship!
The Young Adult Class meets in room 110 from 10:45 AM to 12:00 PM every Sunday. If you are 18-35, join this
class and explore Biblical reflections on life as a member of Generation X and Y! This is an amazing opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ. Fun, fellowship, friends. Get in on the ground floor of this opportunity to shape a study designed for and with you in mind. The current study is Max Lucado’s Before Amen.
God is calling your generation to rise up in leadership of the church. This is a great place to prepare your hearts
and minds to take up the calling. Also, watch for a new SMALL GROUP coming that will be designed with you
in mind. Contact: Carolann Schneiderhan or the Church Office for more information.
Table Talk 2 meets in Room 109 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Current study is Michael Youseff’s Back to the Future. Content of the Video reflects on Prophecy. Join this class if you enjoy an engaging, lively conversation on
serious Biblical principles. This class allows you to explore and grow in your relationship in a safe, loving, welcoming environment. Journey together with accountability and love! That is Table Talk 2. Contact: Laila
Moore or the Church Office for more information.
Watch for more great news as the family of God, called West Lawn UMC, grows in understanding of the Word—Biblebased and Christ Centered.
THANK YOUs go out to: Sue Sellgren, Barb Wenger, Karen Garverich, Judy Brisan and Patty Chubb for spending
hours assisting in the Resource Library! Praise God for self-less servants.
Laity Academy-32nd Annual. . .Seeds of Growth
West Lawn UMC had great attendance at this year’s academy. The following Laity attended the academy designed to
equip and empower leaders! The following students attended the Academy:
Elysse Elliott, Basic Course; Joe Kuhn, Caring Ministry; Carolann Schneiderhan, Basic Course; Judy Alvarez, Basic
Course; Sarejean Reinert, Basic Course; Mike Reinert, Preaching 2; Jean Howe, Preaching 1.
Attention all West Lawn UMC parents!
Kids Club
Kids Club is off to a great start, the children and teachers are having a great time getting to know one another. All children from Kindergarten to fifth grade are welcome to join us on Wednesday nights from
6:30PM to 7:45PM.
We need you!!!! Anyone interested in serving as an assistant at Kids Club, please contact me, we
would love to have you!
Sunday School
The new Sunday school curriculum started in September. The children are learning how God created the
world in fun and interactive ways.
The children are enjoying music class in Sunday school. Miss Helen is visiting the classrooms and teaching
the children new songs.
Anyone interested in serving as a Sunday school teacher or assistant, please contact me, we would
LOVE to have your help!!!!
Don’t forget to join us at the Halloween Blast on Saturday, October 31, from 1-3 PM.
Thank you and God Bless! ~Allison Piscitelli, Director of Children’s Ministry.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns - allison@westlawnumc.org.
New Journey
Community Outreach
138 South 6th Street
Reading, PA 19602
Main Number: 610-375-2662
Food Program Contact :
Ann Marie @ 610-375-3310
Clothing Center Contact:
Beverly @ 610-944-9924
Please come join us and our other volunteers providing
food and clothing services for those in need.
We need help in the Clothing Center
on Wednesday &Friday mornings
10:30 AM- 12:30 PM sorting &
handing out clothing.
We also need help on Wednesdays
from 9:30 to noon with
registration and packaging groceries
in our Food Pantry.
We just hosted Family Promise guests in September: three families, each consisted of a mom and
son (ages 4 months, 4 years and 8 years). Thank
you to all our volunteers for making our guests
comfortable and feel somewhat at home, and to the
guys from Pastor Issac’s youth group for helping
with set up. Our next week to host will be December 6 thru December 13.
If anyone would like to become a volunteer for this
great mission, please call us at 610 678-9499 or
email Wayne & Linda at wgweikel@yahoo.com.
The Diabetes Support Group is having a special
meeting on Tuesday, October 6 at 7:00 pm in Room
109 of the Education Building featuring guest speaker, Nancy Stewart, Endocrinology Nurse. Please consider attending this very informative meeting and
bring your spouse, caregiver or friend.
For questions, please contact George Goldman at 610
by Alice Moyer
On behalf of Little Acts of Love and our Board of Directors, thank you for supporting our Annual Kauffman’s Chicken Barbeque. With your support of this event you have furthered our ability to continue our mission of restoring the
homes of the most vulnerable homeowners in the City of Reading and the surrounding areas.
We recently hosted a team from North Carolina that completed 31 projects for seven homeowners in just four days.
Five of these are veterans. One is caring for his wife who receives hospice services. Another is a woman who was primarily living in her living room because of water damage to the rest of her home. The little she owns is in that room.
When I first met her she did not have a bed. The second and third floors are empty rooms needing insulation and ceiling and wall repairs. She had water running in her basement every time it rained. She used an old dining room table
from a neighbor as a gate in her backyard and her second floor porch was showing extensive signs of disrepair. We later learned that a roofer left the roof over this porch unfinished and this was causing the damage to the porch and a second floor bedroom. All this has changed for her and the others served that week.
Thank you again for your generous support. Our ability to continue to serve has been blessed greatly because of your
Dave’s Ramsey’s
Financial Peace University
Classes Start October 1st
Thursdays at 7:00 PM, Room 109
Nine Class Sessions
Through this program,
you will learn:
1. Super Saving: Common Sense for
your Dollars and Cents
2. Relating with Money: Nerds and Free
Spirits Unite!
3.Cash Flow Planning: The Nuts and
Bolts of Budgeting
4.Dumping Debt: Breaking the Chains
of Debt
5. Buyer Beware: Power of Marketing
on Your Buying Decisions
6. Role of Insurance: Protecting Your
Health, Family & Finances
7. Retirement & College Planning: Mastering the Alphabet Soup of Investing
8. Real Estate and Mortgages: Keeping
the American Dream From Becoming
a Nightmare
9. The Great Misunderstanding: Unleashing the Power of Generous Giving
To register: Kelly Rismiller at 610507-9141, kelly@westlawnumc.org,
online: www.westlawnumc.org
Childcare provided if necessary. Participants are responsible for purchasing
their own course materials. Financial
assistance available.
This year’s Craft Bazaar will be Saturday, November 7, 2015 from 9:00 AM
to 2:00 PM. Set up will be Friday, November 6th between 2:00 and 4:00
PM, or Saturday, November 7th between 7:00 and 9:00 AM prior to the
arrival of customers.
Reservation forms for venders have
been mailed out early because of the
changed date. Blank application forms
can be secured at the church office or
by calling Laura Trewella at 610-3730614. Return of the application along
with a check will secure your space on
a first come, first serve basis.
October 4th
October 18th
November 1st
Our Bell Choir is looking for a new ringer for
the largest bell. If you
are interested in joining
us, please contact Judy
Alvarez at 610-678-5611.
NEED A “HALF” STEP? The Neighborhood
Mission Team, in keeping with it’s Mission to
“Provide Home Handyman Safety Repairs,” is offering a Fall Special to custom build a “Half” step
for that troublesome step that is just a little to
high, such as the entry from the garage to the
house or the back door to the patio or porch. This
can also include an “Assist Bar” to steady yourself
on entry. This has been a very successful item this
past summer. Call the Church office or Dave Page
at 484-256-3408 for details. Safety first!!
If you have extra Thanksgiving & Christmas
cards that you do not need, please consider
donating to them to the church for fellow
church member, Kim Hershman, who sends
cards and letters to the homebound from our
church and to Veterans Hospital patients.
Thank you!
Are there days when life just seems a little heavy? Do you feel you need a
break? Get rejuvenated and spiritually recharged by joining us for the
Women’s Retreat the weekend of November 6-8, 2015. God wants us to
save time and space for him. He wants us to find time to restore our souls
through the study of his Word, through worship and through fellowshipping with others. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give
you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28
We will welcome Grace Fabian as our presenter, who will inspire us as we
learn about her life as a missionary and Bible Translator in Papua New
Guinea and how God brings joy out of pain. She will lead us through some
of the ways we can Lighten our Load, by identifying the burdens we carry
and by helping us to identify ways we can turn over those cares to our
This year during our free time, we are going to offer chair massages and
paraffin hand treatments provided by Berks Technical Institute student interns. We will also offer a few off campus excursions for a manicure or
pedicure (for an additional fee). If that doesn’t appeal to you, you may
want to take a shopping trip to a nearby mall, curl up and read a book, take
a walk, or simply join a group for an afternoon movie. Come join us at the
Traber Center in Spring City where we will have a weekend of great food
by Chef Mark, hotel-like accommodations, and great fellowship! Bring a
friend or group to room together, or if you’re not sure who to room with,
we will be glad to coordinate that for you. Register now to save your spot!
Receive a $20 discount off your registration fee if you refer the most friends
(use the space below to indicate referrals).
Home Phone #________________________
E-mail Address__________________________ Is e-mail a reliable form of communication? Yes or No
Retreat cost includes: 2 nights lodging, 4 meals, and speaker
Occupancy (circle one): Triple/$130pp
Double (if available) $150pp
Please arrange roommates for me. OR
I have made arrangements to share a room with:
1. _________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ________________________
Full payment is due by Sunday, October 18, 2015.
All checks made payable to: West Lawn UMC; Memo Section: Women’s Retreat
Please mail your registration form and payment to:
Carolann Schneiderhan
West Lawn United Methodist Church
15 Woodside Avenue
West Lawn, PA 19609
Any registration questions, call Carolann at 610-678-5611.
*Please indicate who referred you to register for the Retreat:
Kids (and adults!) will again have the chance to help needy children around the world by
packing a simple shoebox with small gifts, school supplies, snacks and especially prayers
for them to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Flyers will be available starting on October 18th at the Welcome Center. You can also log onto
www.samaritanspurse.org to go directly to the Operation Christmas Child site. The stories of children’s lives and those of their families being dramatically changed by one shoebox is AMAZING!
Packed boxes can be dropped off at church during three weeks starting Sunday, October 25th to
Sunday, November 8th. If you need additional information please contact Lisa Gallagher at fourshamrocks@comcast.net or 610-750-5118.
Backpacks for the Homeless
in support of
City Light Ministries
 Freedom Gate
 Mary’s Shelter
Hope Rescue Mission
Items to be Collected:
Body Wash
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Regular White Socks
Note Pads
Wash Cloths/Towels (small)
Shaving Cream
Disposable Razors
Body Wash
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Lotion
Hair Brush
Note Pad
Wash Cloths/Towels (small)
Female Disposable Razors
Pick up a backpack at the Welcome Center or office,
and return by Sunday, October 11th. Contact Pastor
Nick at 484-769-5173 for more information.
S UNDAY , N OVEMBER 15, 2015
AT 5:00 PM
P AGE 10
by Linda Welsh
An eager and excited team headed to Mississippi to assist The Fuller Center for Housing
with a “Back to Biloxi Build” to celebrate the
10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We
worked to build a home for the truly grateful
Nguyen family who moved from a moldinfested rental, to their shrimp boat with two
young boys. The week was filled with learning new tasks, performing familiar duties,
meeting a array of new friends, dealing with
sore muscles, a lot of sweat and a flow of
tender tears. The Mississippi weather was
hot, but the true warmth came from the
hearts of everyone we encountered. The
bonds that were formed among all were special and will be remembered for a lifetime.
Our commitment to doing God’s work until the job is done enforces the philosophy of, “we'll be there until the mission is complete!”
From Dave Endy, Missions Chair: Please join us for a Mission Recognition Dinner held on November 15th in the
Community Center. This event will recognize the efforts of our mission teams over the last 10 years. All who have
served on past teams are invited to attend, so please save the date: NOVEMBER 15 at 5:00 PM.
The United Methodist Women will meet on Tuesday, October 20 at noon in the Hebrews
Café. Beverly Connor will share information about New Journey Community Outreach. The
purpose of United Methodist Women is to develop a deeper spiritual life as part of a community of women who put their “Faith, Hope and Love in Action” on behalf of women, children
and youth in our neighborhoods and around the world. All women are invited to bring your
lunch, beverage and dessert will be provided. If you have questions or need transportation,
please contact Harriett Ziegenfuss (610-678-3107) or Anna Bickhart (610-670-1671).
Do you represent the Millennial generation of young adults, ages 18 to 35, otherwise known as “Generation Y? If so,
read on! According to an article published by the PEW Research Center earlier this year, “In 2015 the Millennial generation is projected to SURPASS the Baby Boomers as the largest living generation,” and yet, look around our congregation on a Sunday morning - this generation is one of the least present here. How can that be, and, what is West Lawn
doing about it?!!
Last month CONVERGE, a “first Fridays” night of worship and fellowship for Young Adults of the Greater Reading
Area, began at West Lawn. Then, West Lawn changed the time of the Young Adult Sunday School Class to 10:45 AM,
as a greater majority of this generation attended worship at the 9:30 service. Now, our church is starting its own Millennial community group! If you’re not already sharing and fellowshipping in a group of young believers, this group is
looking for YOU and want YOU to join them!
In October, there are a variety of days, dates and times that this new group will be gathering, and they invite you to
consider coming. These meetings will be hosted by other young adults just like you that are interested in getting connected. The first event will be held on October 2, dinner at 6:30 PM at Say Cheese, and then moving to the CONVERGE first Friday service in West Lawn's Community Center at 8 PM.
The following gathering dates are tentatively set for 6:30 PM at the West Reading home of Bethany Saunders: October
8, 16, 22 and 29, Follow West Lawn’s Facebook page and website for more information, or contact Bethany directly at
P AGE 11
The Fall schedule is in full swing with lots of weekly meetings and special events
planned! We would love to have any and all 6th through 12th grade students join the
Firehouse Youth Ministry! We have a lot of fun, spend time learning about God and
encourage one another in our daily walk with the Lord! If you want to learn more about
getting involved email Isaac!!!
Halloween Bash!!!
Since Halloween is on a Saturday this year, we are moving our annual community outreach event to the afternoon! Weather permitting, we will have games and food in the park, along with a bounce
house and cotton candy! We are also introducing Trunk or Treat in
the parking lot next to the Park and we need your help to make this
work! See the separate newsletter article to learn more about
how to get involved!!!!
The Youth Group is Thriving and
we could use more help! If you
are interested in getting involved
in either teaching Sunday School,
leading a small group or event
just chaperoning activities, please
contact Isaac to learn more about
options for getting involved!!!
Remember to check the weekly bulletin for more info about upcoming events,
weekly meeting times and how to get involved!!!
AGE 12
Beginning Wednesday, October 7, both Pastor Jeff and Pastor
Andrea will begin a five-week community group session based on
the movie “War Room.” Everyone is invited to join them as they
examine how we are called to evaluate our spiritual life and
growth, to uncover our true character, to trust in the God of
grace, declare victory over our true Enemy, and discover that
prayer really is a powerful weapon. The classes will take place
in the HeBrews Café and in Room 109 beginning at 6:45 p.m. on
Wednesday nights.
To sign up, email Kelly Rismiller at kelly@westlawnumc.org, or
call 610-507-9141.
There is still time to write for “Advent Voices,” the 8th annual devotional written by you, the
congregation. Jot down your reflections about Christmas in one page, with a related Bible
verse and a brief prayer, and submit it to Mary Lou Hutchinson (cyber-lou@juno.com) or
Mike Reinert (miker@wfmz.com), or drop off to the Church office, by October 15th, please.
They’ll be posted on the Church website during Advent, and paper copies will also be available in the Welcome Center. Together, let’s journey through Advent and welcome anew our
Lord Jesus!
WOMEN’S BOOKCLUB In October, we are reading “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen. In Black Mountain, NC, everything seemed to function normally. Then the phone lines and
electrical appliances all go dead. Shortly, the residents realize this is no ordinary power outage as all
modern electrical devices are disabled. See how this small town reacts when they are thrown back
into the 19th century and how so much we take for granted affects the town as the U.S. becomes
more like a Third World country. Join us on Wednesday, October 7 in Room 102 of the Community Center. The next Book Club meeting will be on November 4th.
I am grateful to the congregation for your
prayers during my dad, Charles Marabella’s,
hospitalization. I am also grateful for Pastors Jeff and Terry’s support, companionship, and prayers. Thank you all for the
beautiful flowers that were sent. We appreciate your kindness and caring.
~Jane Boylan & Family
To the members of West Lawn UMC Church,
Thank you for the beautiful sympathy bouquet of flowers at
the passing of Alva Barnett. She will be deeply missed by her
family and friends, but it helps to know that we are supported by the congregation. God bless you and keep you safe !
~George Barnett & Family
We would like to thank Pastor Jeff for being a part of Katelyn’s baptism. During our time spent in the West Lawn area,
West Lawn UMC has had a huge presence and really drew us
in. You are always going above and beyond, and are not afraid
to try new things! Thank you again for all you and the church
do, and we are extremely excited that our family gets to
grow up with an awesome youth program for our girls!
Sincerely, Katelyn, Kinsey, Amy & Jeremy Palm
P AGE 13
Maryann Long (9:30 Service)
Maryann was looking for a church with opportunities to serve God and help people less fortunate. She was also looking for a more contemporary service. From the first time she attended services here, she felt at home and welcome. Maryann is attending Alvernia University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in accounting. She has only four more classes to complete
and is looking forward to graduating in May, 2016. Maryann is excited to find a church
with warm, welcoming people and looks forward to getting very involved with the ministries.
Carole Young (9:30 Service)
Carole has been away from the church for a long time, and felt like it was missing from her
life, so she needed to return. She is the oldest of eight children, and has two sons, Brian and
Shane. She enjoys scrapbooking, sewing, jewelry making, weaving and reading.
Andrea & Charles Kolb (11:00 Service)
Andrea & her husband, Charles, were looking for a church home, and many of
their friends recommended West Lawn UMC. They attended the service and
found it to be a wonderful place of faith and friendship. They felt so welcomed!
Andrea is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Education at Penn State and Charles is
co-owner of the Forest Inn on Penn Street in Reading. They have a beautiful
baby girl, Natalie, who will be one in September. They enjoy traveling, camping, and going to the beach, and are really excited to become part of the West
Lawn UMC family!
15 Woodside Avenue
West Lawn, PA 19609
Phone: 610-678-5611
Pastor Jeff Raffauf
Pastor Andrea Haldeman
Pastor Nick Camacho
Pastor Terry Cooney
Every Sunday: Worship
8:00 am Traditional Worship
9:00 am Fellowship Time
9:30 am Praise Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Celebration Worship
11:00 am Table Talk 11
11:10 am Community Worship
11:30 am Children’s Church
2:00 AM on NOVEMBER 1, 2015
Every Sunday:
Worship @ Left
1:15 pm CROP Walk
5:30 pm Kid’s Choir 4-6
6:00 pm Chimers
6:00 pm Tweens Group
Meetings at Various Locations
7:00 pm Community Groups
7:00 pm Women at the Well
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
7:00 pm Goody’s Group
6:45 pm Pastors Comm. Group
6:30 pm Kid’s Club
6:30 pm Jr./Sr. Youth Group
6:15 pm Rabold s Small Group
6:00 pm ALPHA
4:30 pm WLW Dinner
3:30 pm Safe Haven
7:14 am Prayer Service
Every Wednesday:
Confirmation Trip
5:30 pm Kid’s Choir 4-6
6:00 pm Chimers
6:00 pm Tweens Group
Baptisms/New Members
@ all services
Safe Haven Apple Pie Sale
12:30 pm Inquirers Class
12:30 pm Guitar Workshop
8:00 am Traditional Worship
9:00 am Fellowship Time
9:00 am Kid’s Choir K-3
9:10 am Choral Ensemble
9:30 am Praise Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Fellowship Time
Youth Retreat
10:30 am Kid’s Choir 4-6
4 See Sunday
10:45 am Young Adult SS
Worship @ Left
11:00 am Celebration Worship World Communion Sunday
12:30 pm Guitar Workshop
11:00 am Table Talk 11
4:00 pm Friends of God
11:10 am Community Worship 7:00 pm Choral Ensemble
11:30 am Children’s Church
6:00 pm Youth Group
See Sunday
6:30 pm Courage to Change
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
6:30 pm Hoofcamp Exercise
7:00 pm Before Amen BS
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
6:30 pm Courage to Change
6:30 pm Prayer Team
6:30 pm Hoofcamp Exercise
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Before Amen BS
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry
6:30 pm Hoofcamp Exercise
6:30 pm Courage to Change
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Before Amen BS
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon.
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Before Amen
9:30 am Before Amen
9:30 am Ephesians
1:00 pm Griefshare
3:00 pm Blood Drive
7:00 pm NA
7:00 pm Leadership Team
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Before Amen
9:30 am Before Amen
9:30 am Ephesians
12:00 pm UMW Luncheon
1:00 pm Griefshare
6:00 pm Bridge of Hope
7:00 pm NA
9:00 am F Friends
9:30 am Before Amen
9:30 am Before Amen
9:30 am Ephesians
1:00 pm Soaking Prayer
1:00 pm Griefshare
7:00 pm NA
9:00 am F Friends
6:30 pm Prayer Team
9:30 am Before Amen
6:30 pm Courage to Change 9:30 am Before Amen
6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study
9:30 am Ephesians
7:00 pm Before Amen BS
1:00 pm Griefshare
7:00 pm Reformation Bible St 7:00 pm Diabetes Support
7:30 pm Overeaters Anon. 7:00 pm NA
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
7:00 pm Financial Peace
9:30 am Sewing
1:00 pm Needlework
2:30 pm Food Pantry
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
7:00 pm Financial Peace
9:30 am Sewing Group
11:00 am Crafters
4:30 pm Relay for Life
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
7:00 pm Little Acts of Love
7:00 pm Financial Peace
9:30 am Sewing Group
1:00 pm Needlework
6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
7:00 pm Financial Peace
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
9:30 am Christianity & World 6:30 pm Bell Choir
7:00 pm Exercise Class
12:00 pm Embrace the Journey 7:00 pm Financial Peace
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
9:30 am Christianity & World
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
9:30 am Christianity & World
See Every
Wednesday @ Left
9:30 am Before Amen
7:00 pm Women’s Book Club
Youth Retreat
10:00 am Newsletter
2:30 pm Food Pantry
6:00 pm Wedding
5:00 pm Wedding
7:00 pm Converge
Youth Retreat
7:30 am Exercise Group
1:00 pm Trunk or Treat
(cars arrive by 12:00)
7:30 am Exercise Group
8:30 am Sexual Ethics
6:30 pm Latino Heritage
7:30 am Exercise Group
2:00 pm Wedding
7:30 am Exercise Group
3:00 pm Wedding
7:30 am Exercise Group
12:00 pm Blessing of the
6:00 pm 1st Sat. Worship
Cathy Jacobs
Frank Piscitello
Robert Rauenzahn
Broderic Shipe
Craig Snyder
Rick Unger
Sylvia Zimmerman
Mark Gillette
Pat Goshert
Sheri Rath
Joyce Sipe
Garry Slemmer
Bradley Sweitzer
Steven Whitney
William Barrick
Terry Cescon
Stephanie Conner
Mandy Kieffer
Zachary Mellinger
Toni Ortenzi
John Sheperak
Harry Stiller
Daniel Surgeoner
Jeffrey Achey
George Freeman
Stewart Herbine
Rebecca Pacifico
Lauren Weller
Richard Buchanan
Bryan Focht
Donna Hafer
Betty Johnson
Linda Miller
Ruth Penta
Abigail Wartluft
Taylor Dallas
Jen Fuhrer
Janet King
Kimberly Loeper
Cameron McAllister
William Tschop
William Ulrich
Nicolas Albert
Rachel Auman
Cynthia Dierolf
George Gadebusch
J. Gregory Hart
Trevor Hertzog
Sabrina Kramer
Ryan Malia
Mark Rothenberger
Shellie Rutolo
Michele Unger
Karen Chimenko
Scott Goetz
Kristen Lutz
Kim Paolini
Christopher Schoellkopf
Nancy Stamm
Zachary Wyrick
Christopher Adams
Jim Gallagher
Jen Heilmann
Allison Kreitz
Christopher Schell
Evan Schweitzer
Louise Seifert
Vicky Snyder
Sherry Hushen
Emma Bittner
Robert Bryan
Jennifer High
Jacob Leed
Paul Myers
Jeff Piscitello
Helen Quade
Griffin Stambaugh
Troy Turner
Malissa Young
Chris Cullen
Valerie Devine
Daniel Eastman
Steven Good
Shaun Hauschild
Maslyn Soisson
Ryan Texter
Alex Trout
Johnathan Trout
Meghan White
James Conroy
Ann Fisher
Alvin Fogelman
Beatrice Kalbach *
Michael Normand
Molly Vicari
J Todd Dickerson
Sandra Keppley
Beth Turner
Timothy Woll
Marcia Zillhardt
Amanda Baker
Kim Bortz
Rick Eckroth
John Evans
Sophia Jalil
Wendi Pettinato
Mark Shaner
Hayden Young
Jasmine Eastburn
Cheryl Englehart
George Geiger
Grace Haldeman
Ralph Johnson
Beverly Szymborski
Kate Behrenshausen
Pam Berger
Ken Coots
David Diehl *
Larry Fink
Dorothy Kemp
Cynthia Slemmer
Marilyn Weber
Sue Weidman
Noah Carles
Pam Daniels
Ruth Fisher
Mary Lou Hutchinson
Trudy Kauffman
Carolyn Marshall
Megan Normand
Kristopher Perez
David A Steinmetz
David Stemler
Jane Boylan
Carol Brudereck
Joseph Ferrara
Ardell Matheson
Harry Ramsey
Rhys Trogus
Doris Westley
Mason Becker
Todd Bosler
Jason Brudereck
Brandon Harbach
Mi Jen Hong
Leah Kreider
McKellar McCloy
Wendy Reinert
Kaitlin Weaver
Roger Broome
Clifford Burket
Jennifer Grider
Brittany Melnyk
Daniel Pettinato
Noah Rauenzahn
Ethan Stemler
Emma Swartz
Allen Williams
Robin Barnett
Edward Chimenko
Kim Gantert
David Loose
Kayla Piccone
Jerry Schoellkopf
Alena Woolwine
Mason Woolwine
Maynard Koch
Allen Loos
Barb Myer
Meredith Donaldson
Megan Evans
Cheryl Greth
Ariella Rivera
Shelly Shaak
Eugene Curry
Luis . Delgado
Scott Irwin
Sylvia Boronski
Daniel Dixon
Laura Rhodes
Kelly Shumaker
Walter Woolwine
Diana Braine
Tammy Debelius
Albert Happel
Emily Kallinger
Jenn Quick
Jeffrey R Ricketts
Amy Beddow
Erika Bentz
Jeffrey Folk
Stephanie Mays
Barbara Messner
Susanne Paull
Corbin Rittle
Michael Brightbill
Nadia Brown
Lauren Chubb
Amaya Evans
Jen Fry
Elizabeth McGarrigle
Andrew Moyer
Robert Orzechowski
Rodney Stamm
Mikala Weikel
Bruce Crabbs
Ben Draper
Steve Grill
Christine Noecker
Kim Pachuilo
Terry Rismiller
Todd Wagner
Bethany Young
Jessica Zeiner
Barbara Berk
Jack Goodhart
*David Diehl
149 N Cacoosing Dr
Sinking Spring, PA 19608
*Bea Kalbach
1801 Cambridge Ave.,
Apt. A23
Wyomissing, PA 19610
If we have inadvertently
forgotten your birthday,
please contact the church
@ 610-678-5611