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Pat Robertson’s secret to a successful marriage
See Bring It On, page 7
THE CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK • 977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23463 • www.CBn.com • 800-759-0700
In this issue:
Home remedies from
Mayo Clinic
Gordon Robertson
teaches on a different
kind of love
the Little
Children, and
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Their Secret to
Overcoming Debt
Rescued From the Streets
Tom and Kelly Nolting found a way out
Neighbors to
the World
by Michael Little
A man asks Jesus in
Luke 10:29, Who is my neighbor?
The Lord answers by telling
an interesting story.
A traveler is on his way from
Jerusalem to Jericho when he
is beaten, robbed and left for
dead. A priest and a Levite pass
by, each essentially saying, It’s
not my job to care for him!
But along comes a
compassionate Samaritan who
bandages the man’s wounds,
takes him to an inn, cares for his
needs, and pays the innkeeper
to help. Jesus is saying that a
true neighbor is someone with
mercy in his heart. He then says,
Go and do likewise (v. 37).
As a CBN partner, you
are truly a good neighbor to
hurting people around the
world. Through your dedicated
prayers and generous gifts,
you are showing God’s love
and compassion to widows,
orphans, and so many others
who are hungry, sick, and dying
for lack of clean water.
You are also bringing
hope to the nations through
The 700 Club and other CBN
television programs that share
the Good News of Jesus Christ.
May God bless you for
your faithfulness!
Scripture is quoted from the NKJV.
New Drop-Down Menus
Guide You to Great Content
Simply point to FAMILY on the dark blue navigation bar,
and tap into Bible-based resources on dating, marriage, parenting,
kids, youth… and more!
True Stories From The 700 Club:
How God is changing lives today
These amazing, true stories from The 700 Club show a loving God
working in the lives of men and women. See how He revived a dead man
through a doctor’s obedient prayer. Find encouragement in the story of
one desperate grandmother who was left with three young children to raise.
And watch how God’s forgiveness healed a couple’s wounded marriage.
Go to CBN.com/frontlines and click on the video thumbnail in the
right-hand column.
Left for dead
Pronounced dead in the emergency room
after a massive heart attack, Jeff was being
readied for the morgue. But the doctor in
charge acted on a voice that said, “Pray!”
What happened next will astound you.
Single after all these years
After many years of marriage, Alice was
suddenly divorced and left to raise two
granddaughters and her 6-year-old son.
How was she going to make it? This incredible
story will truly inspire you.
Bringing back the love
Sara and Matt were building a life
together with two children and a
successful career. But too much time
away from home led Matt astray.
Tom and Kelly Nolting were on the brink of divorce.
The unbearable stress of being $50,000 in debt almost
tore their family apart.
“You get to a point where there is more going
out than is coming in,” recalls Tom about his past
financial situation.
“We would spend ... money we didn’t have,” Kelly
confesses. “Credit
cards were just
maxed out.”
Then one day
Kelly turned on
the television and
began watching a
program she had
not seen since she
was a little girl. It
was The 700 Club. Tom and Kelly got free from financial stress,
She immediately and saved their marriage.
recommitted her life to God and became a 700 Club
partner. When the pledge appeared on their credit card
bill, Tom made an interesting decision. He told Kelly,
“If I’m paying for this, I’m going to sit and watch it.”
That day, Tom prayed and asked God to take control
of his life.
It took several years for the Noltings to turn their
financial situation around, but their marriage is now
centered on Christ. They’ve also learned that when they
give, God is faithful.
“I was in a pit,” Tom says. “Jesus reached out His hand
and pulled me out.”
Restoring children in Honduras
The rough
concrete of the city
sidewalks made
an uncomfortable
pillow for
Alejandro, but
he simply had
nowhere else to
sleep. Forced out
of his home at a
very young age,
he survived by
searching through CBN partners give street children a better life
through Operation Blessing.
dumpsters for
food. But he could never find enough to ease his constant
hunger. Eventually, he began to use drugs to dull the pain.
An Operation Blessing-supported rescue ministry
found Alejandro after seven years of life on the streets.
Volunteers gave him food and medical treatment. Soon
Alejandro began to show up regularly at the rescue
ministry for meals, baths and clean clothes. He agreed to
live there permanently.
Thanks to the help of friends like you, Alejandro now
has a new life. Presently, he is happy, healthy, and doing
well in school.
CBN’s Operation Blessing provides food, educational
materials, medicine, and more to shelters like this one,
whose mission is to restore street children physically
and emotionally.
“Thank God, and you, for all your help,” Alejandro says.
“May God multiply His blessings because of what you do
for us.”
Help When You Need It Most
When you need a kind voice and prayer from someone who cares,
call CBN’s prayer counseling center. Perhaps your circumstances seem
desperate, or perhaps you’re lonely and need someone to talk to and pray
with. Our prayer counselors offer comfort and encouragement from a
biblical perspective. And they’re constantly available every day of the year.
Whenever you or someone you love needs prayer, please call
800-759-0700 or visit us at CBN.com. We’re always here for you!
Call The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center at 800-759-0700.
Get free information on a variety of life topics. Simply log on to www.my.CBN.com/resources.
Did you know that Orphan’s Promise currently reaches out to children in 53 countries?
february 2011
hen Pat and Dede Robertson came
to Virginia over 50 years ago and
founded CBN, they were young
parents with a heart for children.
As the ministry developed,
Pat directed CBN’s earliest
children’s programs to reach young viewers for
Christ. And as a mother and nurse, Dede shared
Pat’s vision to help the littlest victims of poverty
and illness through Operation Blessing.
Since those early efforts, the world has become an
even harsher place. Many children are unchurched,
from broken homes, and bombarded by ungodly
media. Sadly, many are also targets for abuse, drugs
and gangs, especially in poor regions.
But thanks to you, CBN’s outreaches to kids have
grown beyond what anyone could have imagined!
Here are just some of the ways you bring God’s love to
precious children, here and internationally:
little children,
and so do
CBN partners
“Let the little children
come to me, and do not
hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven
belongs to such
as these.”
Y CBN WorldReach—reaching the world’s children
Caring partners are molding a younger generation
worldwide through CBN WorldReach’s indigenous
programming. These extremely popular shows include:
• Thailand’s Kids Only
• Cambodia’s Super Kids Club
• Ukraine’s Superbook Kids Club 2
• India’s award-winning Happy World
In addition, children in many countries learn
powerful lessons through CBN’s original Superbook®
series. In Nigeria, a boy named Adams was upset when
his best friend Winner was sick. He recalled seeing a
Superbook episode about prayer and healing, and asked
his friends to pray for Winner. When Winner returned
to school the next day, his entire class rejoiced—and
both boys have been drawn closer to Jesus!
Y The new Superbook—for a new generation
CBN is expanding on the success of its 1981
Superbook series, viewed by an estimated half-billion
people, by producing new computer animation for
today’s media-savvy generation. The first 13-part series
is scheduled to begin release in September 2011.
Shonda in Maryland shared the newest DVD, “In the
Beginning,” with her children’s church class. She writes,
“They loved it and can’t wait for the next episode. I
could not have made them understand the fall the
way Superbook did.” The Superbook.TV website is
also providing a fun way to learn the Bible, hear the
salvation message, and share prayer needs.
And Gordon Robertson sees the new Superbook’s
potential for a generation beyond America’s shores:
“We’re thinking of India, Africa, Central and
South America. We’re thinking of the Philippines,
Indonesia—some of the largest unreached groups in
the world are going to be able to hear the whole Bible.”
YOperation Blessing—helping children in Jesus’ name
Through Operation Blessing (OB), you are providing
destitute children with free medical clinics, wheelchairs,
hearing aids, vital medications, and more. For instance,
OB brought relief to 14.7 million children and adults
suffering from deadly parasites—with a 5-cent pill!
Plus, you are offering cleft lip and palate surgeries,
and other medical care, for families who could never
afford it. In impoverished Haiti, 7-year-old Adianne
battled a severe bone infection that was damaging her
right arm. OB staff, amazed by her sunny, peaceful
smile despite her terrible pain, vowed to help her.
Sadly, the surgery she needed was unavailable in Haiti.
But thanks to friends like you, OB partnered with
Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk,
Virginia, providing life-saving surgery and antibiotics
at no cost. Today, she is infection-free—with a
brighter future!
Y Orphan’s Promise—rescuing the vulnerable
For children who are alone or at-risk, you are
providing hope through Orphan’s Promise. You
were there for Pairod in Thailand, whose father died
tragically in a flash flood. Pairod’s mother, pregnant at
the time and deserted by family, was too poor to care
for the children. She sent Pairod and his sister to live
at Buddhist schools. Conditions there were terrible.
Kids, dogs and cats slept on the floor with one shared
blanket. What little Pairod owned was stolen, except
for the clothes on his back, and he was fed noodles
and little else.
Pairod’s mother heard about Liberty Kidz, a
Christian orphanage partnering with Orphan’s
Promise, and got Pairod and his sister accepted there.
Today, Pairod and his sister are happy and well cared
for, with nutritious meals, clothes, a warm bed,
schooling, and friends. Best of all, Pairod is now a
Christian, and dreams of serving the Lord someday!
These are just some of the unique and powerful ways
you are touching children for eternity. But the needs are
still so great. May God bless you for bringing help and
hope to young people in America and the nations!
Matthew 19:14 niv
february 2011
as seen on The 700 Club
Mayo Clinic Home Remedies Save Money
Bring it On
The Greatest
of These
Many illnesses can be treated at home for less
Look at what
you are doing
around the world
During a recent month:
Operation Blessing International
distributed 650,000 gallons of
water through the 6 water
purification systems that are
operating in Veracruz, and
200,000 people benefited.
Recently 44, 972 patients were given
medical care through 115 medical
missions: 231 received cataract
surgery, and 3,400 received
eyeglasses. During these outreaches,
1,002 people accepted Christ. Also,
6,300 people now have fresh water
as a result of 40 bore wells drilled by
Operation Blessing India.
▼ After a fire swept through the village
and destroyed the only clinic in
Chobo, Senegal, CBN’s Operation
Blessing and other partners built a
new clinic to serve the surrounding
25 villages. A missionary to the
region says, “People are getting
medicine and compassionate help
when they need it. And lives are
being saved.”
In addition to the clinic, this motorcycle
ambulance will help save lives throughout
the region.
Tame a cough with honey and lemon.
Many health conditions require
urgent, professional medical care, but
others can be safely treated at home.
If you can tell the difference, you
could save hundreds of dollars a
year or more!
Dr. Philip Hagen and his associates
asked their fellow Mayo physicians
for the most common ailments that
patients could care for themselves and
tested the effectiveness and safety of
traditional home remedies. The result
of their work is The Mayo Clinic Book of
Home Remedies, which covers bursitis,
migraines, heartburn, and more. It also
lists steps to take for serious conditions,
like stroke, before medical help arrives.
For instance, the common cold is
extremely widespread. According to
CBN News health reporter
Lorie Johnson, preschoolers get an
average of 8 colds per year, while
everyone else gets about 3, so treating
them at home can really cut down
on medical expenses. Mayo Clinic
physicians say not to waste your money
on over-the-counter cold medication,
suggesting cheaper, natural home
remedies instead.
To Treat the Common Cold:
• Soothe a cough by mixing 2
teaspoons of honey into a cup of warm
water, tea or lemon juice for adults and
children over 2 years old. Honey at
bedtime reduces nighttime coughing,
improving sleep.
• Gargle with warm saltwater several
times a day to help a sore throat.
• Eat chicken soup. A proven
anti-inflammatory, it reduces
mucus in the respiratory tract
and relieves congestion.
• High doses of vitamin C and zinc
lozenges may shorten a cold’s duration.
• Rinse your sinuses with warm
saltwater using a Neti pot to relieve
colds, sinusitis and allergies.
For more information, visit CBN.com. Always consult
your doctor before making any health changes.
AS SEEN on the 700 club
Just in Case You Missed It
Judge Hatchett
Judge Glenda Hatchett, long admired for
her sage advice on television, reveals how she
discovered her life’s purpose and passion. She
had reached the pinnacle of success as senior
attorney for Delta Air Lines, never losing
a case in 10 years. But God wasn’t finished
with her. “God wrestled with me. It was His
Judge Hatchett
plan which changed my life,” she recalls. That
was when attorney Hatchett became Judge Hatchett, presiding over Atlanta’s
juvenile court. “I knew I was supposed to be there.”
To this day, people stop her and let her know how the Judge Hatchett show
has changed their lives. The power of prayer continues to be her anchor. Her
book, Dare to Take Charge, uses real-life stories from her personal experience
to show readers how to find their true purpose.
Pat, you and Dede obviously
have had a successful marriage.
What, in your opinion, are the
keys to keeping a marriage loving
and lasting?
Pat Robertson answers:
Well, you have to keep communication open—be frank and honest
and talk to each other, and you have to love each other. You have
to realize that the two of you are in it together, and you have to let
annoyances roll off your back. You are to build a foundation between
the two of you: you build it in love and understanding, but you have
to work at it. And, couples who bring everything before the Lord in
prayer stay together—not just praying before meals, but coming to God
together and praying for each other, for your family, for your finances,
for the future spouses of your children, whatever.
Do you have a question for Pat or Gordon? Log on to
and send in your questions for Pat and Gordon Robertson to
answer on The 700 Club’s Bring It On segment.
A Radical New Way
to Reach Children
Have you checked out www.Superbook.TV?
Averaging almost 40,000 unique visitors a month from
over 50 countries around the world, this powerful
website is supported by CBN partners and
is spreading the Gospel 24/7 through:
• Free, fun online games
• Exciting contests and great prizes
• Interactive, age-appropriate
Gospel presentation
• Free 30-day devotional just for kids
• Easy-to-understand Bible truths
to help them grow
Log on to www.Superbook.TV
and get all the latest news by
following Superbook ® on
CBN.com, Facebook and Twitter.
by Pat Robertson
Love is a precious virtue in the kingdom of
God, the controlling principle of heaven,
and the glue that holds everything together.
In 1 Corinthians 12,
Paul describes the gifts
of the Holy Spirit that
enable us to live and
minister as Jesus did.
They include words
of knowledge and
wisdom, prophecy,
discernment, tongues, faith, healing,
and miracles. When we exercise these
gifts, the lame walk, the deaf hear,
and captives are set free. Yet Paul says
in verse 31, Let me show you the most
excellent way.
He explains: Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud
or rude. Love does not demand its own
way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no
record of when it has been wronged. It
is never glad about injustice but rejoices
whenever the truth wins out. Love never
gives up, never loses faith, is always
hopeful, and endures through every
circumstance (13:4-7).
Paul concludes: There are three things
that will endure—faith, hope, and
love—and the greatest of these is love
(v. 13). The greatest is love because it is
the nature of God. It is what sent Jesus
into a sinful world to die on a cross for
our salvation. God is love, and His love
is selfless—pure and giving, reaching
out to the downtrodden.
Love is a precious virtue in the
kingdom of God, the controlling
principle of heaven, and the glue that
holds everything together.
So Paul says, Let love be your highest
goal (14:1). We may know all mysteries
and have the faith to move mountains,
but if we lack love, we are nothing! This
is why the number one aim of our lives
should be love. God bless you!
Scripture is quoted from the NLT.
february 2011
True Love
by Gordon Robertson, Chief Executive Officer
Love that never fails
t’s the time of year when people
talk a great deal about love. The
Bible tells us much about the true
nature of love and its power to motivate
us to do extraordinary things. When we
look at the heroes of the faith—apostles,
missionaries and martyrs—we see the
tremendous amount of hardship they
endured, and we ask ourselves, why did
they do it?
Paul answers this question in
2 Corinthians 5:14-15: For the love of
Christ compels us, because we judge
thus: that if One died for all, then all
died; and He died for all, that those who
live should live no longer for themselves,
but for Him who died for them and rose
again. Only through a love relationship
with Jesus Christ can we truly die to
ourselves and live for God.
In John 15:13, Jesus told His disciples,
Greater love has no one than this, than
to lay down one’s life for his friends. He
then demonstrated that love by giving
His life on the cross. This is our Savior,
the Shepherd of our souls, the One
who “stands at the door and knocks”
(see Revelation 3:20). As we open
that door by spending time with Him
in prayer, reading His Word, and
meditating on His greatness, our love
for Jesus will grow. Like the bride in
the Song of Solomon, we will seek out
our true love and spend time with
Him in the fields, asking, “Where is
the harvest?” Then we will go willingly
where He sends us, as a natural result of
our love for Him.
That’s the kind of Christianity that
moves God and changes nations.
Let’s be quick to open the door and
spend time with God. Let’s ask Him to
rekindle the fire of our love and make
us the kind of bride who rushes to the
harvest field so we can work alongside
the One who loved us and gave
everything to save us.
Scripture is quoted from the NKJV.
Be Part of Our
Interactive Ministry Show
We’re using the latest technology to bring people together.
Join co-hosts Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen,
and special guests weekdays at 9:30 a.m. ET on ABC Family
and on CBN.com weekdays at 10:30 a.m. Strengthen your
faith as you watch this hour-long talk show.
• See God’s power at work
• Pray with other believers online
• Phone or e-mail
• Use live chat or Skype
Having Fun Making
a Difference
• In February 2011, CBN is expected
to finish production on “The Perfect
Choice,” which tells the story of
Exodus—and is the latest episode of
the new Superbook animation series.
• Over 8,500 children have prayed
to ask Jesus into their hearts
since November 2009 through
www.Superbook.TV, the official
Superbook website!
• More than 16,000
electronic copies
of Gizmo’s Bible
Adventures: Your
New Journey
With God (a free
daily devotional
for kids) have
been downloaded from
www.Superbook.TV! This fun
and colorful e-book presents
daily biblical principles in an
easy-to-understand manner that
both children and parents can
enjoy together. Also included
are engaging activities like word
searches and matching puzzles.
Charitable IRA Giving
Recent tax law permits an IRA
distribution up to $100,000 issued
directly by your IRA custodian to
CBN for individuals age 70½ or
older. Realize a tax-exempt benefit
for 2011 even if you don’t itemize
deductions. The gift counts toward
your annual Minimum Required
Distribution if not already taken. For more information,
call CBN Planned Giving at 800-333-2373 or e-mail us at
Frontlines is published monthly by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., 977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23463, 757-226-7000. Copyright © 2011 by
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. Frontlines may also be viewed online at www.CBN.com. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission from the
publisher is prohibited. Due to Revenue Canada regulations, not all premiums are available in Canada.
Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations are
taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. Scripture is also taken from the
New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.