
The Official Newsletter of the Tuxedo Park Community Association
Beer and Bratwurst!
October 26, 6:30pm - details pg 4
NEW! - at Tuxedo!
Kids Acting Classes - details inside
TPCA Special Meeting
October 10, 7:00pm at the hall
We welcome Social Services patients!
We treat you as family!
We are a Not-For-Profit Dance Studio, now in our 5th
year, providing recreational and competitive classes
for all interested dancers ages 3 to adult.
Pure Energy Dance offers Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip- Hop,
Lyrical, Contemporary and Modern instruction.
Come out and try your first class for free.
New patients always welcome
After hours emergencies accepted
Open 6 days/week - including evenings
Direct-billing to your insurance available
New Patients Welcome!
CALL US AT 403-288-4444
#102-16 AVENUE NE
#1, 3220 - 5th Avenue NE (403) 250-1209
Please make cheques payable to:
Tuxedo Park Community Association
202, 29th Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 2C1
Please check appropriate box:
Family $20
Name __________________________
Address _________________________
Email ___________________________
Single $10
Phone _________
Postal Code ________
Please indicate your interests/needs below, so we can serve you better!
My interest include...
□ Senior’s Activities
□ Community Suppers
□ Skating Rink
□ Fitness Programs
□ Friday Children’s Movie Night
□ Mom’s and Tots events
□ Youth Programming
□ Canada Day
□ Other... _____________________________
□ Volunteer for _________________________
□ please keep me informed of community events
by email
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
Tuxedo Park
202 - 29th Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 2C1
Ph: (403)277-8689
President ...........Tammy Maloney, 403-831-4503
Past President .............Gus Barron, 403-230-8616
Vice President ........................................Darren Rempel
Treasurer ............ Bryan Summers, 403-819-3175
Secretary ........................ Shannon Bowen-Kelsick,
Arnie Brownlees • Chrystina Lusney
Karen Thompson • Tammy Sealock
Communications ..........Shannon Bowen-Kelsick
Facilities Manager ......................Arnie Brownlees
Membership ................................................ Available
Social and Fundraising ........ Karen Thompson
Traffic and Development .......... Darren Rempel
Hall rentals: 403-277-8689
Tuxedo Park Community Association meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month, except July and August (no
meetings) and December (usually earlier due to Christmas). Meetings start at 7:30 pm. All community residents are welcome to
express their concerns, meet some of your neighbours, or sit in and hear what’s happening in and around you community.
Treasurer’s Message
Hi Tuxedo residents, my name is Bryan, and I am the Treasurer for Tuxedo Park Community Association. I moved to Calgary in 2002, firstly to Tuscany, then Montgomery in 2004.
Through all of this I was at Mount Royal College and part of small group studying Industrial Ecology. In 2005, I moved to Crescent Heights, before Colette and I bought a small
bungalow in Tuxedo Park in 2006 which we renovated.
2008 saw the arrival of our daughter Marseille. During walks around the community with
Marseille, we discovered what a delightful place it is. We’d already discovered Lina’s, and their
vanilla slices are still one of my vices, the park was peaceful.
I had already attended a few community meetings before Marseille was born and was seeing the life of the community from a different perspective.
A big reason for me to get involved in the community was that Colette and I were planning
to stay and raise our family there. Knowing that you are always welcome at the events down at
the community hall and there are always friendly faces to talk to and new people to meet.
Everybody in Tuxedo Park has their own story, but everybody has something in common.
I have been the treasurer at TPCA for 18 months now and the support from the other
members of the executive, both past and present has been fantastic.
Continued on page 5
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be
considered to reflect those of the community association. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate but is not
warranted to be so. The community association does not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these
ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services.
We publish ten issues per year in each
of these fine communities:
is the official newsletter of the
Tuxedo Park
Community Association
Bridgeland/Riverside • Renfrew
Crescent Heights • Crossroads
Highland Park • Tuxedo Park • Rundle
Marlborough• Marlborough Park
Mt. Pleasant • Winston Heights
Proudly published by:
Best Service
Best Quality
Best Value
October 2013
Printed using environmentally friendly
vegatable-based inks and recycled paper.
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
• discount levels up to 40%
• target one or many communities
• colour advertising available
• reach your target market effectively
• community newsletters contain the
news that residents want to read
For advertising information
email ellisevansdesign@shaw.ca
or call 403-276-8108.
Special TPCA Meeting
1835 House - Building Rendering
Notice of Special Meeting - October 10th, 7pm
Recovery Acres has shared recent building renderings with Tuxedo Park Community Association. Their new recovery center is now
expected to start construction in early 2014. The building will be
located on a vacant lot on Center Street between 28th Ave and 29th
Ave NE.
We would like to call members and residents to a Special TPCA
Meeting at Tuxedo Hall on Oct 10th at 7pm (prior to our general
meeting) to review and approve Tuxedo’s draft audited financials
from 2011.
If any TPCA member would like a copy of the draft financials
please email communications@tuxedoparkcommunity.ca
We hope to see you there!
1835 House rendering bldg front
Beer & Brats - the first pint is on us!
This fall Tuxedo Park will be hosting a new event in October – Beer
and Brats! The community is encouraged to come to this evening
event and meet your neighbors. We will have a selection of local craft
beers as well as international brews and tasty bratwurst sausages from
Calgary’s premiere butchers.
Beer & Brats: 6:30pm – 11pm on October 26th.
Come join your neighbors and toast to the end of summer.
Watch October’s newsletter and our website www.tuxedoparkcommunity.ca for the date and more details.
Contact: Karen at social@tuxedoparkcommunications.ca to volunteer or learn more.
1835 House rendering bldg back
1835 House is a men’s alcohol and drug recovery centre currently
located in a residential area of Calgary, Alberta. The House provides
daily living and meeting space for thirty residents, in addition to dayprogram clients, counsellors, and staff. It is operated by Recovery
Acres, a local non-profit organization dedicated to providing an effective substance abuse treatment program that minimizes disruption
and cost to the individual, family, employer, and the community at
If you have any questions regarding this development please contact info@recoveryacres.org.
Transportation Corridor Workshops
Planning Transportation Corridor Workshops – Nov 20 + Nov 23
From the City of Calgary - The City of Calgary’s Transportation
Planning team would like to ask our community members to SAVETHE-DATE for the nextConversations: Planning Transportation
Corridors workshops.
The new workshops are scheduled for an evening session on
Wednesday, Nov. 20 and a morning session on Saturday, Nov. 23,
2013. The exact locations and times are still being determined but
an email invitation and RSVP request will be sent out to you the
first week of November (and will be posted on the tuxedoparkcommunity.ca website)
Continued on page 6
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
Treasurer’s Message, continued from page 3
Although Colette and I are no longer together, we have three fantastic children who enjoy going to events at the hall and have dubbed
the park as “Central Park” - they have all been to NYC.
I speak for everyone who helps out at the community association,
it is rewarding to see smiles on people’s faces, especially children.
I would encourage all of you to come along to the hall to one of
our monthly meetings. See what we’re all about and tell us what you
want to see from YOUR community.
Thank you and see you next month.
Bryan Summers, Treasurer
Tuxedo Park Community Association
by Shannon Bowen-Kelsick
Every month I wonder what residents
would like to learn about. What articles should go into the newsletter,
what do we need to share? I often write about the things I love about
Tuxedo, and what I have gotten out of volunteering.
These past few months have been inspiring. We ended our board
meetings in the spring and early summer in crisis – meeting for hours,
trying to figure out our finances, creating draft budgets, working through
lease documentation with the City, and trying to get into a groove with
a new board that was elected at the last AGM. It was exciting, tough
and tiring. Then the summer brought us more challenge as our Hall
Manager – Harley decided to resign and move out of Calgary, and our
newsletter carrier also decided to move on. Challenge after challenge,
and some crisis all mixed in. With those crises, brought emotion and
some very tired volunteers and board members.
I have had a few conversations with several people that are close
to throwing in the towel. But what I saw was miraculous, we pulled
together, new volunteers stepped up, board members took on more
responsibility and pushed each other for excellence. We have some
incredible people in this community, making it work. We have
great resources, and a lot of people around us that want to see our
community association succeed and are willing to help us.
If you have ever wanted to throw a community event, test an idea,
write an article for the newsletter, get to know our community, or
Calgary this is a great time to do it. We are very open to any and all
ideas. You can send them to us via email, call us, attend a general
meeting and share your ideas or thoughts, or meet any board member
for a coffee. It’s a “yes” group! We will all be at the Beer and Brat event
in October – a great way to meet everyone. We hope you will stop by
and have some fun.
Thank you to everyone that has done so much in our community, it
often goes unnoticed and thanks are often not given. Thank YOU!
Shannon Bowen-Kelsick,
October 2013
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
TPCA COMMUNITY NEWS cont from page 4
We know you and your communities have participated in past
transportation planning projects so you and your members have the
exact “know-how” we are looking for to help us make informed decisions during our Transportation Corridor Study Review Project.
We look forward to your participation in November.
For more information about the project and for project updates,
please visit Calgary.ca/corridorstudies.
Ward 9 Election Debate
Civic Camp is hosting an election forum for Ward 9 on October
15, 2013 at Winston Heights Community Hall (520 – 17th Ave NE)
starting at 7pm. For updates or changes on events please check: www.
Bylaws – Proposed Changes
Tuxedo Park Community Association
Version 2.0 Prepared Sept 15, 2013
The Tuxedo Park Community Association board has been reviewing our bylaws and would like to see if the community would like
some items updated. We are just starting to discuss some potential
changes. Below is a short list of some items that could be addressed and changed.
All bylaw changes need to be shared with the community members and residents, meetings need to occur for full discussion, and
then bylaw changes can be made if we choose at the AGM in 2014.
Please let us know what you think of the following ideas, email
Shannon your thoughts and questions: communications@tuxedopar
kcommunity.ca If we do decide that some bylaws need to be updated
appropriate notice will be given to members for thorough discussion
and direction.
Updated ideas and correspondence will be posted to http://tuxedoparkcommunity.ca/membership_bylaw/
Comments are also possible on the bylaw webpage.
Article V – those living in regular boundaries are able to gain membership. Should membership be available to those outside Tuxedo?
Discuss advantages of disadvantages.
Article X – Executive Committee needs general membership approval to spend more than $200.
A spending policy needs to be constructed, and the amount in
Article X needs to be updated.
Article XIII – item 9. mentions “chairmen”. Proposed change to
Use of Technology
Article XV – item 2 stipulates that “votes at meeting(s) shall be cast
by eligible votes who are present in person”.
It is suggested that when important business arises between meetings or when meetings are convened for Christmas and summer
breaks that electronic voting can be used by board members.
Article XV – item 3 stipulates that “Each member, at the time of
purchasing a membership, shall be given a copy of the current registered
The proposed change is “Each member, at the time of purchasing
a membership, shall be directed to source the current registered by-laws
on Tuxedo Park Community Association’s website, or request a hardcopy
copy of the bylaws if needed.”
Article XVI – item 3 stipulates “There shall be no less than 1 regularly scheduled board meeting per year to be held at the President’s call.”
Suggested change is to remove the “regularly scheduled” portion as
this has also not been followed for some time.
September Update: Edmonton Trail
Road Reconstruction Project
Edmonton Trail, from 28 to 41 Avenues N.E., is being reconstructed this year under the Major Roads Reconstruction Program.*
Construction has started on the two east lanes
Reconstruction started in July on the two east lanes of Edmonton
Trail from 28 to 41 Avenue, which are now closed. Traffic is being
James Fowler Cosmetology
Haircut ...................................................... $7
Tints only ................................................ $23
Beard trim ................................................. $3
Bleach only .... $25 and up, w/toner add $4
Shampoo .................................................. $5
Facial ........................................................ $5
Perms ..........................................$20 and up
Make up .................................................... $3
Colours .......................................$20 and up
Manicure .....................$2, with wax bath $3
Hair and scalp treatments ...........$5 and up
Nail art ..........................................$1 and up
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 1:00 or 2:00pm.
For an Appointment please call 403-777-7604
4004 - 4 Street NW. (north door by small parking lot area)
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
diverted to the two west lanes, with one lane running in each direction. Because major utility work is also being undertaken at the same
time, construction may take up to three months.
Every effort is being made to maintain access to all properties in
the area, but some access closures will be necessary from time to time.
A storm sewer upgrade at 35 Avenue (the exact date needs to be determined) will involve closing Edmonton Trail at 35 Avenue for a
short time period. The sewer upgrade is needed to improve storm
water drainage in the area.
Reconstruction of the west side (six to eight weeks)
After east side reconstruction is complete, crews will move construction to the west side of Edmonton Trail during the fall months.
This construction will take less time as there is less utility work in
this area.
Pavement construction on centre lanes
When the above construction work is done, some centre sections
of Edmonton Trail will need some further pavement work to complete the road surface. Traffic will be moved to the outer lanes while
this is being done.
The construction work from 28 to 41 Avenues will continue until the end of the construction season in fall 2013, which is usually
determined by weather conditions. The road will be fully open to
four lanes of traffic at the end of construction season. Any work not
completed in the fall, such as landscaping or other cleanup work, will
be completed the following spring.
Construction impacts
Every effort will be made to keep impacts to a minimum, but
construction will cause traffic delays and limit access to roadways
and driveways at different times. Any business, residence or service
directly impacted by construction will receive information notices
explaining the impacts.
For more information
• Visit www.calgary.ca/edmontontrail for more information and
project updates. Please call 311 if you require more information.
*The City of Calgary has a program in place dedicated to reconstructing Calgary’s aging roadways – the Major Roads Reconstruction Program. Elbow Drive, between 4 Street and Glenmore Tr. S.W., and Centre
Street, between 42 Avenue and 54 Avenue, have already been reconstructed under this program
Area School News
Close to Downtown, TransCanada Highway,
Calgary Zoo, Fort Calgary, Bike Paths
Wireless Internet Available
Comfortable, family-friendly atmosphere.
Specials for visiting relatives!
315 - 11th Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 0Z2
(403) 804 - 4431
Visit us at:
Our Community Hall is centrally located,
with free parking and an attractive park setting.
Low rental rates make this an attractive place to hold family
reunions, birthday or retirement parties, wedding receptions or
small to mid-size group meetings. Rental rates vary from
$50 - $400, depending on day, time and length of rental.
The bright and airy Upper Hall has a capacity of 135 people with
tables, chairs, coffee urns and access to a kitchen and bar.
The cozy Lower Hall offers a capacity of 50 people, with tables,
chairs, coffee urns and access to a kitchen.
A commercial size barbeque is available for a reasonable price.
For more information, please contact Harley Shouldice
at 403-277-8689 during normal office hours,
or email using hallrentals@tuxedoparkcommunity.ca,
or via text message at 403.860.4275.
Georges P. Vanier School
One of the things that make Georges P. Vanier a special place is the
extra-curricular life. We are having quite a Fall Athletic season thanks
to marvelous work of all our coaches. Our Cross Country Team won
all the ribbons that they were competing for. Both our Soccer teams
are contenders for their championships. Our 4 Volley Ball teams just
started their seasons on the road to a three-peat! Most importantly,
those athletes demonstrate the spirit of Georges P. Vanier through
their display of sportsmanship!
Thanks to our leadership students, the spirit of Georges P. Vanier
was also demonstrate on Sept 27th with the outstanding efforts in
getting our Terry Fox Run recognized as one of the top school for
Continued on page 9
October 2013
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
TPCA NEWS cont from page 7
fundraising in Calgary! Thanks to those families and students who
took part and to all those who generously donated to the cause!
One of the exciting events going on this month is the Forensic
field trip to the Forensic unit of the Calgary Police Services. Forensic
is an exciting class that look at practical application of science to the
field of police work. One of the many options offered to the students
at Georges P. Vanier.
Rosemont School
The month of September kicked off with 178 students enrolled at
Rosemont School. The energy and excitement of a new school year is
amazing as always. The School Council and Fundraising Society were
busy, providing coffee and snacks to over fifty parents on the first day
of school. The following week, breakfast was served to students, parents and staff as part of the annual Welcome Back Breakfast. Students
participated in the Terry Fox Run on September 13 and we collected
“Toonies for Terry”.
It promises to be a busy and exciting year at Rosemont School as
we undertake many exciting learning opportunities. Three classrooms
will participate in Open Minds/Campus Calgary programs. All students will experience inline skating, Nordic skiing and swimming
lessons. We look forward to working with experts in dance, drama
and art as part of our studies. We look forward to a great year!
Upcoming Community Events
Personalized service for your vehicle...
Serving your community for over 19 years!
100% guarantee
of SNOW this winter!
Beat the rush and have your winter tires
installed before the flakes arrive!
• Brakes and Tune-ups
• Fuel injection diagnostics
• Oil/Lube/Filter
• Coolant flush
• Transmission and
Power Steering flush
• General Repairs
• Vehicle Inspections
• Brake flush
• Tires/Batteries
• New car and old car
scheduled maintenance
Owner: Earl Reimer
1212 Edmonton Trail NE
October 6 and 7 - Kids Acting Classes – contact Christi Day
christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
October 10, 7:00pm – Special Meeting, Tuxedo Hall, to approve
2011 draft audited financials
October 10, at 7:30pm – Tuxedo General Meeting – all welcome!
October 15 at 7:00pm - Election Debate at Winston Heights Hall
October 26 at 6:30pm – Beer and Bratwurst, more event details
on website
October 26 and 27 - Kids Acting Classes – contact Christi Day
christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
November 9 and November 10 - Kids Acting Classes – contact
Christi Day christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
November 20 and 23 – Transportation Corridor workshops with
the City of Calgary, details to be shared in November newsletter and
on Tuxedo website
November 30 and December 1 - Kids Acting Classes – contact
Christi Day christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com
December 7 – Santa Day Breakfast, event details will be on website
and in upcoming newsletters
December 8 – Community Supper – info coming
March 20, 2014 at 7:30pm UDPATED - TPCA AGM, lower hall,
all are welcome!
Community Babysitters
Please contact Chyrstina at 403-244-2418. She can fill you in on
the policies and procedures of this program.
October 2013
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
Area Events and
Resource Guide
Bridgeland Riverside Community Association
Hall: 917 Centre Avenue NE
Ph: 403-263-5755, Hall email: hall@brcacalgary.org
Newsletter email: newsletter@brcacalgary.org
Visit our web site at: www.brcacalgary.org for a complete
listing of programs and classes.
Crescent Heights Community Association
Hall: 1101 - 2nd Street NW
Hall Rentals: Call 403-804-5600
Newsletter email: chcaview@gmail.com
Renfrew Community Association
Hall: 811 Radford Road NE Ph: 403-230-7055
Hall Rentals: Call 403-230-7055 and leave message.
Newsletter: newsletter@renfrewcommunity.ca
Empties For Equipment! Crescent Heights High School’s monthly
drop-off bottle drives restart Sept.14 from 10 am-noon. Thanks for
helping support various clubs and teams - your donations make a huge
difference to us! Drop-offs take place the second Saturday of the month
- Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Dec. 14. Thanks for your continuing support!
Renfrew Bingo - The little hall with the big payouts!
Saturday and Monday evenings. Nickel Games at 6:10pm, regular
games at 6:50pm, Satellite at 8:45pm. Concession open.
Fall Harvest Market - at the hall on Saturday, Oct 5th from 2 - 6pm.
Food, fun, and local artisan products. Are you an aspiring musical
entertainer or just enjoy playing music? Be a busker and play at the
market! Contact Jessica at jburylo@gmail.com for more information.
Beacon Original Art Show - BRCA Hall on Saturday, Oct 19, 2013
from 10am - 4pm.
Bridgeland Riverside Playgroup: We meet Wednesdays from 10am
to noon at the Bridgeland Campus of Centre Street Church, 235-8A
Street NE. For more information email: events@brcacalgary.org.
Tuxedo Park Community Association
Hall: 202 29 Avenue NE
Ph: 403-277-8689
Editor: communications@tuxedoparkcommunity.ca
Oct 06 and 07 - Kids Acting Classes
Christi Christi Day christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
Oct 26 - Beer and Bratwurst, 6:30 - 11pm. We will have a selection
of local craft beers as well as international brews and tasty bratwurst
sausages from Calgary’s premiere butchers. Contact: Karen at social@tux
edoparkcommunications.ca to volunteer or learn more
Oct 26 and 27 - Kids Acting Classes
Christi Christi Day christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
Nov 09 and 10 - Kids Acting Classes
Christi Christi Day christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
Nov 30 and Dec 01 - Kids Acting Classes
Christi Christi Day christi@studio7acting.com http://studio7acting.com/
December 07 - Santa Day Breakfast, 9am, at the hall
December 08 - Community Supper, info coming
Tiny Treasures Sale: Oct 26 from 9am to 2pm at Wild Rose United
Church. Shop for gently used children’s items. If you are interested in
being a vendor, contact rosedaleplayschool@gmail.com or rosedale.
tiny.sale@gmail.com. For more information, you can also check out our
website at www.rosedaleplayschool.com
Programs at the hall
SUNDAYS: Pentecostal Church Public Service 10am – noon
MONDAYS: Fitness Class 5-7pm, call Lana 403-999-5373
Dance and Fitness 7:30 – 9:30pm.
WEDNESDAYS: Fitness Class 6:30-7:15am, call Lana 403-999-5373
Tai Chi 7:30 – 9:30pm
THURSDAYS: Fitness Class 5:30-8pm. For info call Lana 403-999-5373
For more a more detailed Hall Calendar and for event and activities
contact information please visit:
Highland Park Community Association
Hall: 3716 - 2nd Street NW
Hall Rentals: Call 403-276-6969
Newsletter email: highlandparkeditor@gmail.com
Hall Programs:
Karate: Mondays, 6:15 – 7:15pm (kids), 7:30 - 9:30 (adults)
Martial Arts: Tuesdays, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm & 6:30 – 10:00 pm
Scottish Country Dancing: Every Tuesday, 7:30 – 9:30pm
Irish Dancing: Wednesdays, 5:00 – 9:30pm
Martial Arts: Thursdays, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm & 6:30 – 10:00 pm
For information regarding any of the above, please call Gaitri at the
Community Hall at 403-276-6969.
Highland Park Play Group: Parents and little ones ages 0 – 5 years
When: Mondays 9:30 – 11:00am (unless it is a holiday)
Where: Jubilee Church 458-35 Ave. NW
For more information contact: Carla Rae Shaw at 403-475-0742 or
shaw.cr@gmail.com. This group is run by local community residents.
Family Halloween Party and Pub Night: Friday, Oct. 25, 6:30pm
Crafts, games and prizes for kids, and best costume prizes for both kids
and adults. Bring your friends and family.
Renfrew Curling League Registration: Still a few spots available!
We are a fun league - emphasis is on having fun, learning and
improving curling skills. Please call Guy Nelson at 403-230-7076 for
more information.
Drop In-Pilates Class: Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm in the lower hall of
Renfrew Baptist Church - 1204 Renfrew Drive NE. Cost is $5.00/class
Everyone is welcome regardless of skill level. Classes taught by trained
Stott Pilates instructor.
Jelly Bean Dance: October 18, 6 to 9pm. That’s right, they are back!
Dance with the DJ, chow down at the candy canteen and make new
friends. Kids grades 1-6 welcome. $3 entrance. Please confirm that
date on the website. Volunteers always needed.
Renfrew Community Pub (Social Room)
Most Fridays from 7pm until close. Non-members welcome - be our
guest. Free pool, free shuffl eboard, free foosball.
Calgary Marlborough Community Association
Hall: 636 Marlborough Way NE Ph: 403-273-5894
Hall Rentals: Call 403-273-5894 or email
Newsletter email: cmccnews50@yahoo.com
Jelly Bean Dance - November 8th, 2013
Christmas Craft Sale - November 30th, 2013 9:00am to 4:00pm
Children’s Christmas Party - December 8th, 2013 1:00 to 4:00pm
New Years Eve Barn Dance Party! December 31st, 2013
Tickets and Info at the Hall
Country Dancing Classes: Four (4) week introduction course where
you can learn the 2-step, country swing and line dancing. One hour
class starting Wednesday, Nov 6 and every Wednesday until Nov 27th
Class time: at 7:15 – 8:15 pm
Location: 636 Marlborough Way N.E.
Cost: $60.00 per person with a $10.00 off coupon to the purchase of a
New Year’s Eve Barn Dance Party. To register please call: (403) 273-5894,
drop by the community hall or online at www.marlboroughca.ca
Is there a volunteer in your community who deserves to be recognized?
We at The Federation of Calgary Communities are excited to announce that we are now accepting
nominations for the 2013 Community Volunteer Awards! There are 20,000 volunteers in the
community association movement here in Calgary; help us recognize one from your community!
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
Area Events and
Resource Guide
MONDAY: Yoga - upstairs - Fireside Room - 7:30 to 9pm. Please call
Marg at 403-273-7952 for information.
TUESDAY: Seniors social walking – downstairs, 9 to 10:30am
WEDNESDAY: Sparks - 6 to 7:15pm; Brownies - 6 to 7:30pm;
Beavers - 6pm
THURSDAY: 50+ Club - Whist and Bridge every Thursday
at 1pm in The Alpine Loft, 2nd level (Elevator available) Pot-luck lunch
every third Thursday. New members welcome!
- Seniors social walking – downstairs, 9 to 10:30am
- Yoga upstairs - Fireside Room - 1:30- 3:00pm Call Marg Berger at 403273-7952 for information.
FRIDAY: (4th Friday of the month) Military Whist in the Alpine Loft
(Elevator available)
- Seniors Be-fit Low impact Exercise Program Fri. Mornings 9 - 10
beginning Sept. 6
SATURDAY: Lounge - Fireside Room. Open on some Saturdays. We are
taking private bookings,call the office at 403-273-5894 to book.
Last Saturday of the month - Jam Sessions and Euchre. Euchre starts at
7:30 everyone welcome.
Winston Hts - Mountview Community Association
Hall: 520 - 27 Avenue NE
Hall Rentals: Call 403-276-5474 or
Email hallmanager@winstonheights.ca
Newsletter email: newsletter@winstonheights.ca
Mount Pleasant Community Association
Hall: 602 - 22nd Avenue NW
Hall Rentals: Call 403-282-1314 or email:
Newsletter email: publicity@mpca.ca
Ward 9 Election Debate: at Winston Heights Oct 15th. Civic Camp is
hosting an election forum for Ward 9 on October 15, 2013 at Winston
Heights Community Hall (520 – 17th Ave NE) starting at 7pm.
For updates or changes on events please check: www.civiccamp.org
Pleasant Times – Upper Hall, 602 22 Ave. NW
Pleasant Times is an adults-only group that meets from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Upper Hall, 602 22 Ave.
NW. Join us for good conversation, games, refreshments, and the opportunity to add your ideas for outings and other activities. If you’d like
to be informed of our planned activities and trips in advance, please
contact Linda at (403) 289-8390 or lohanlon@telus.net. You also can
check mpca.ca for information.
Mom and Tots Playgroup: Meet in the WHM Community Hall.
Mondays, from 10-11:30am. For more info contact Mary-Beth Walsh
at 403-209-1691.
Book Club - 4th Tuesday (usually) of the month from 7 to 9pm in the
Lower Hall. Our October 22 book is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lack
by Rebecca Skloot. Our November 26 will be The Book of Negroes by
Lawrence Hill. For more info email lohanlon@telus.net or call Linda at
(403) 289-8390.
MPCA Playgroup - The Mount Pleasant Playgroup is a parent and tot
playtime in the MPCA lower hall. Programs are held Monday to Friday
mornings from 9:30 am to 11:30am. Go to mpca.ca, click Activities, select Playgroup, then scroll to the bottom of the page for the registration
button. For more information you can email mpp.chair@gmail.com.
Marlborough Park Community Association
Hall: 6021 Madigan Drive NE
Hall Rentals: Call 403-248-1775
Newsletter email: marlpark@shaw.ca
October 17 - Little Warriors: Little Warriors teaches adults how to
help prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The
courses go form 6-9 pm and will cost $20.
Register at www.littlewarriors.ca
October 18 - Jelly Bean Dance
November 17 - Craft and Book Fair: Come support our preschool
and get some of your Christmas shopping done. There will be unique
craft vendors as well as scholastic to provide your book needs. If you
would like to be a vendor, please call into the office at 403-248-1775.
November 29 - Jelly Bean Dance
December 22 - Breakfast with Santa
December 31 - New Years Eve Dinner and Dance
Martial Arts Classes: Matial arts classes for children and adults on
now. Please call for our free intro program. 403-601-1228
Marlborough Park PreSchool: There are still a few spaces available.
Please call the office at 403-248-1775.
Loma Whist Club Wednesday afternoons at 1pm. Please call Ilene at
403-450-9827 for more information.
Drop-in Tai Chi Drop-in Tai Chi is held at the Marlborough Park
Community Centre every Tuesday from 9:15 to 10:15am.
Rundle Community Association
Hall: 2409 - 50 St. NE
Hall Rentals: Call 403-280-4752
Newsletter email: rumbles@shaw.ca
“I live in Crossroads!”
Crossroads Community Association
Hall: 1803 14 Avenue NE Ph: 403-277-6201
Hall Rentals: Call the hall at 403-277-6201
Newsletter email: convenor.editor@gmail.com
Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/fqqjLG
Christmas Craft Sale: November 9, 10am to 4pm at the hall.
If you are a home-based business or crafter, please contact Wendy at
403-280-4752 to register for a table ($20.00). There are still a few
tables remaining.
The Rundle Summit Pub at the hall - Rundle’s best kept secret!
The Summit Pub also offers pool tables, dart boards, as well as cribbage
games on Tuesday and euchre on Thursdays. Wing night is still on
Wednesdays. Families are welcome! New menu! Check it out!
Stampede BBQ at Rundle Summit Pub - July 13
$20/person - Steak Sandwich, baked potato, beans, buns, salad
Meal - 5:30pm, Live Band - 7:00pm. SUDS; Drink Specials…
NEW! TEXAS HOLD’EM ON Saturday nights at 7pm
NO CASH INVOLVED….. Points Based System.
Crib Night at the Rundle Summit Pub! Tuesdays 7 to 9pm
Have dinner, play cards and have fun, fun, fun. All welcome.
Karaoke at the Rundle Summit Pub! Bring your singing voice and
warble your favourite tune! Oct 11, 25, Nov. 8, 22.
Crossroads Community Preschool: Accepting registrations for the
2013/2014 school year. Please call 403-277-2168 or 403-640-4967.
Crossroads 50+ Club: Meet every Monday at 6:30pm at the Crossroads
Community Centre. Join us for fun times and meet your neighbours. For
information call 403-277-6201 or visit our website at:
New Afterschool Program! - Mondays at the Hall from 3:30 to 5:30pm;
inclusive of ages 6 to 12. It will be nature themed, and feature crafts and
play activities.
Mayland Terrace Annual General Meeting – Oct 1 at 7pm
Halloween Movie Night – October 11 at 7pm
Community Craft Sale – November 16,10am to 3pm
CPR Fundraiser for Flood Relief – November 16
Movie Night – November 8 at 7pm
Please visit www.calgarycommunities.com for detailed descriptions of the four awards and the
nomination form. The deadline to nominate someone for a 2013 Community Volunteer Award is
November 1st, 2013.
The winners will be presented with their award at our volunteer recognition celebration in December. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Dakin with The Federation at (403)244- 4111
ext. 204 or communityrelations@calgarycommunities.com
October 2013
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
Fashion Boutique
All new fashions - all the time!
as what
to wear
this Fall?
We’ve found
designs to fit you
from head to toe!
Tuxedo Park...
Back in the Day!
Robin Hood in Tuxedo Park
Reprint from April 03 article
by Tom Minhinnett (1941-2006)
Our family moved into Tuxedo Park in 1946. Soon
after, the Hoods moved into a small wartime house not far from us. Mr. and Mrs. Hood
were fine parents with two children: Linda, who could have been a princess and a son named
Robin. Like their parents, these kids soon became leaders in the community.
One Saturday, a group of kids were hanging out, like we always did, at Malsey’s Store on
23rd Avenue where A-l Pawn now sits. Someone started the idea of daring Robin to get on
the roof of Malsey’s. Never one to back down from a challenge, he accepted and clambered
up on the roof. Unfortunately for Robin, the local Constable came along at exactly this moment. Constable Ken Ogg was as big imposing man. We used to say, “Ogg better not catch
you because he doesn’t take prisoners.”
Constable Ogg took one look at Robin on the roof and yelled up, “Hey punk! Get the off
of the roof now!” Fearing that further disobedience would increase Ogg’s ire, Robin nimbly
got off the roof and found himself in the strong arms of Constable Ken Ogg. “What’s your
name kid?” Ogg demanded. “Robin Hood, Sir,” Robin meekly answered.
An angry flush over¬took Ogg’s face. Taking him by the shirt, Ogg looked squarely into his
face and yelled, “What punk! What’s your name? “Robin scanned the bewildered faces of his
friends and stumbled his reply, “R-R-Robin Hood.” This only further infuriated Constable
Ogg and sent him off into a verbal flurry of explicatives too harsh for tender ears.
All this commotion had caught the attention of the people on the street. At about this
time, a little lady came running down 23rd Avenue NE yelling, “My boy. What are you doing
to my boy?”
Caught off guard, Ogg’s aggressive tone changed to apologetic, “Is this your boy Mame?”
“Well yes,’~ she replied. “I’m Mrs. Hood and that’s my boy Robin.” The astonished look on
Constable Ogg’s face was priceless and remains with me too this day.
Robin Hood went on to become a policeman with a long and distinguish career. The
Hoods were the finest neighbours one could have. I wish them all the best. The adventures
of Robin Hood are just one of the many stories that contribute to the colourful history of
Tuxedo Park.
36 - 4th Street NE
1½ blocks north of Memorial Drive
on southbound Edmonton Trail.
Mon: Noon-6pm
Tues to Thurs: 11am - 7pm
Fri: 11am-5pm
Sat: 10am-6pm Sun: Noon-4pm
FREE On site Parking!
Visit www.tuxedoparkcommunity.ca
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
- Clip and Save -
Newsletter Delivery
How often is the newsletter printed?
The newsletter is published ten times
per year. Two issues are combined
month issues - July/August and
Where is the newsletter delivered?
All homes, apartments and condos in
your community should receive the
How is the newsletter delivered?
West of Centre St. and small pockets
east of Centre St. by volunteers, the rest
of the community by Canada Post.
Who pays for the delivery?
The Tuxedo Park Community
Association pays for newsletter delivery.
If I have a ‘no-flyers’ sign on my mailbox how do I get the newsletter?
Community newsletters are classified as
official information and, as such, must
be delivered by Canada Post to every
address on every letter-carrier route.
There are no options for non-delivery
of official information mail-outs.
If you don’t receive
your newsletter...
Your community association pays a lot
of money for newsletter delivery but we
need your help to monitor the delivery
and to report delivery problems.
If you, your friends or neighbours are
not receiving the newsletter please
follow these steps:
1) Talk to your letter-carrier or leave a
note or a sign on your mailbox insisting
on delivery.
2) Call Canada Post at 1-800-267-1177
and insist they initiate a case file and
reply to you with an explanation. Be
3) E-mail ellisevansdesign@shaw.ca and
provide your address and postal code.
- Clip and Save October 2013
New Patients Always Welcome!
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Hours: Mon ....................... 9am - 8pm
Tue - Thur ............. 9am - 9pm
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901 - 64 Ave NE - Deerfoot Mall
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
Area Classified Ads
All Classified ads must be prepaid
Call 403-276-8108 to book your ad.
Snow Clearing From Ten Dollars.
Call Warren at 403-966-9702.
All Winter Contracts Available.
TLC CLEANING, Licensed, Insured,
Bonded, WCB Covered, excellent rates
and references, enviro friendly options too!
Free estimates, call Carol at 403-614-8522
Adopt - Foster - Volunteer - Donate
Our volunteers range in age from
young children to seniors and all
are animal-lovers who are looking to
make a difference.
To learn more, please visit
(403) 285-9303
Hughes’ House B & B. Crescent Hts. area.
Family-friendly. Visiting relative specials.
403.804.4431 Visit www.hugheshouse.ca
Serving Calgary for over 23 yrs!
Tony Peterson Eavestrough
Free estimates, prompt service, quality work
Call Tony 403-230-7428 (Since 1990)
Lotus Belly Dance Studio with Ariellah
Beginner to Advanced - Mon-Thr and Sat
www.bellydancetoo.com Call (403) 247-9776
or email: lotusbellydance@shaw.ca
Kindermusik at Renfrew Hall. Sing, play and
learn with your child. For more info call (403)
457-4126 or email: placusta@me.com
References/Bonded. Free est. Non-abrasive,
ph-neutral, biodegradable supplies + microfibre cloths for top quality residential cleaning.
Call (403) 719-4052 or (587) 434-0798.
Experienced, reliable, bonded residential
cleaner accepting new clients.
Please call Natasha at 403-999-3603
Caregiver needed, live in or out. 5-8 hrs/day
Patient, honest, age 30-50yrs, female pref.
Starts Sept. Call 403-220-1066
Paid position. Want live-in, supportive companion/roommate for mentally challenged,
high functioning lady. 2bdrm, 2bath condo by
shopping. Need warm, friendly, love to visit
person. Person can keep their day job.
Car an asset. Contact Ann 403-280-1032
or annc@cooperfamily.ca
Three Streams Engineering Ltd. is a
rapidly growing, multi-discipline company
providing leading edge services in
Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction Management services to the
Gas and Oil industry in Western Canada.
The company offers competitive salary
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Drop-in Pilates -Tuesdays, 7:30pm at
1204 Renfrew Dr. NE. (Renfrew Baptist
Church) $5 drop-in. Everyone welcome!
Tub tired looking-hard to clean-don’t like the
color? Call Obe / Arlene at BathMaster for
all refinishing needs! Call 403-293-4810
or calgary.bath@bathmaster.com
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Gas fitter. Bathrooms/Hot Water Tank/etc
No job too small! 403-477-9754
(403) 968-1377
Free Site Visit & Basic Inspection
Keyboard, organ, accordian lessons in my
home studio. Experienced teacher. Fee
includes books. Phone 403-230-5927.
A Foster Wheeler Company
We’re Hiring!
Certified Master Electrician
First three lines ...............$79 (less than $7.50/community)
Each additional line ..... +$15
Over 31,500
BOLD font .................... +$15
copies each
Custom font ...........+$20/line
3 editions: 10% OFF 5 editions: 15% OFF 10 editions: 20% OFF
Text ads only. Prices do not include GST.
Regular Size - 1 edition ................. $119 (+GST)
Regular Size - 5 editions ............... $479 (+GST)
Regular Size - 10 editions ............. $899 (+GST)
Large Size - 1 edition..................... $169 (+GST)
Large Size - 5 editions ................... $699 (+GST)
Large Size - 10 editions ............... $1299 (+GST)
Frequency discounts have been applied to multi-edition display rates.
E-mail: ellisevansdesign@shaw.ca or phone 403-276-8108 to place your ad!
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
October 2013
Inner City Kids Club
by Tuxedo Park
October 2013
draw some
jack-o-latern faces!
CRAFT: DRAW A GHOST- by Activity Village
Tuxedo Park Backyard Gazette
Serving the Tuxedo Park
community and area for
over 21 years!