UU Fellowship of Columbus Sunday Programs In This Issue


UU Fellowship of Columbus Sunday Programs In This Issue
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UU Fellowship of Columbus
Volume 5, Issue 9
September 2011
In This Issue
Sunday Programs
4 September
9:30—Adult Religious Education: a video: World’s Religions
10:40—Speaker: Bill Edwards, PhD., Professor of Communications at Columbus State
University will lead the congregation in a Water Service. Members will talk about why the
samples of water they brought to the service are special to them. The samples will be
combined as a symbol of shared faith.
Service Leader: Ron Ussery
Opener: Barry White
Closer: Rick Spradlin
Greeters: John Land & Angie Oliver
Sunday Programs
Joys and Concerns
Calendar of Events
September Birthdays
Water Service
President’s Notes
Healthy Congregations
Reception and Party
Building Your Own
11 September
9:30—Adult Religious Education: an open discussion about sin
10:40—Speaker: Markus Weidler, PhD., Dept of Philosophy at Columbus State University will
present a program: “Terrorism and Spiritual Sickness’. Dr. Weidler is a native of Berlin. He
holds a Masters and PhD degree in Philosophy from the University of Texas.
Service Leader: Barry White
Opener: Rick Spradlin
Closer: Chris Nix
Greeters: Evelyn Roebuck & Ann Newland
18 September
9:30—Adult Religious Education: Building Your Own Theology, “Authority—Can We Be Good
Without God?”
10:40—Speaker: Rev. Marti Keller, UU Congregation of Atlanta will speak on “Modern Family”,
how that looks on contemporary TV, what we now know from the 2010 census, and how our
UU values weigh in to keep families strong, however they are defined.
Service Leader: Carolyn Searcy
Opener: Chris Nix
Closer: Pat Hart
Greeters: Mark Berger & Barry White
25 September
9:30—Adult Religious Education: Building Your Own Theology, “Motivation—Doing the Right
Thing for the Wrong Reason”
10:40—Speaker: A group of women from our Fellowship will present a program entitled,
“Famous Unitarian Universalist Women in History”.
Service Leader: Paul Lee
Opener: Pat Hart
Closer: Marge Hall & Carolyn Searcy
Greeters: Linda Hagberg & Marge Hall
Thank you to Pat Hart for coordinating the September programs.
Newsletter Editor
Paul Lee
Meeting Address:
1442 Double Churches Rd.
Columbus, GA 31904
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 698
Fortson, GA 31808
Water Service
The Water Service which is also known as a Water Communion was first conducted in 1980 at a UU Women and Religion Convocation in East Lansing, Michigan. The UU Fellowship of Columbus will hold their Water Service in September. You are asked
to bring a small sample of water that you collected during your summer travels and bring the collected water to church in September. The mixing of the water symbolizes the rejoining of Fellowship Members and Friends after returning from various travels. If you have been away from the Fellowship for a long time, this would be a great opportunity to join us again.
Happy Birthday!
Kayla Spradlin
Sidney Wilson
Julie Bouchard
Hal Midgette
Don Nahley
Ron Ussery
2 September
6 September
16 September
18 September
22 September
22 September
Joys and Concerns
Remember Shirley Gray, Hugette May, and Otho Crawford in
your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you to Ron and Connie Ussery for the new CD player.
Reception and Party
A reception is being planned for Shawn Tarkington and Jamie
Williams. Soon these two will be joining the military. The event
is to be held at Grace Jordan’s Cabin on 1 October, 2011. Norm
Horofker is coordinating this event.
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Page 2
UU Fellowship of Columbus
President’s Notes—Board Meeting—16 August 2011
Treasurer’s Report—Nikki Rohrs reported that we are in relatively good financial shape. The IRS sent a letter stating that the
Fellowship did not owe any money to them. It was moved and seconded that we should spend an additional $48 on insurance
coverage so that we are covered 100% for the building and its contents.
Congregational Care—Pat Hart reported that Shirley Gray is improving. Norm Horofker reported that he had visited with
Hugette May. He stated that she would appreciate visitors from the Fellowship.
Publicity Committee—Ed Wilson reported that he and Dick McMichael would continue to review upcoming Fellowship events
and programs to determine which could be advertised. It was suggested by Board members that perhaps advertising in the Saber
and the Bayonet could be done. There was also a discussion about how the Children’s RE curriculum could be advertised.
Administrative Report—Brenda has begun to go through the minutes from years of Board meetings to glean from them the policies and procedures that were adopted and implemented by those Boards in an effort to make sure that we are following previous
Board’s recommendations.
Honoring those entering the military—Norm Horofker is coordinating the planning of an event at Grace Jordan’s cabin to honor
Shawn Tarkinton and Jamie Williams. They soon will be joining the military.
Learning Team—Chris Rohrs presented a mission statement, action items, and a list of possible members that could become a
part of a Learning Team. The Learning Team would look at ways to help keep the momentum going for growth of the Fellowship
and the ways to finance and earn money for a new building. The Board will review the document and make a decision about
forming a Learning Team at the next board meeting.
Furniture Placement in the Fellowship Hall—Ed Wilson present a proposal for rearranging the furniture in the Fellowship Hall.
The Board will review the proposal and make a decision about the proposal at the September meeting.
A copy of the complete and corrected minutes can be gotten by requesting one from Brenda Stevens.
Mid-South District Healthy Congregation Conference
Mid-South’s district’s theme this year is Immigration as a Moral Issue. We will be learning and sharing insights on how this important issue
of our times impacts our congregations and how we can impact our larger communities. It will take place on Saturday, 8 October 2011 at the
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta. Registration and additional information is now on the MSD web site ate www.msduua.org.
The featured guest presenter will be Jerry Gonzalez, a strong advocate for Latino rights who serves as the first executive director of the Georgia
Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO). At GALEO he is charged with developing a legislative agenda and directing programs that
promote the involvement of the Latino/Hispanic community in the legislative process. He will speak about the need for national comprehensive
immigration reform. He will the be joined by other UU’s for a panel discussion of how our state legislatures are approaching immigration.
In the afternoon several workshops will explore other ways our congregation can learn skill to live our values. They include:
Plaza Fiesta Immersion Experience Field Trip lead by Pat Kahn and the Faith Development Council. It is a multigenerational program that
will discuss “What’s the big deal about immigration?”
Laurel Amabile, Director of Annual Program Fund at the Stewardship and Development Office of the UUA will explore the importance of
structuring our congregational stewardship programs and re-energizing our fundraising efforts to better fund our mission and Values.
Tim Atkins of UUCA and Laura DeCastro, Communications Trustee on the MSD Board will talk about how to get the word out about your
social justice work using social media in a session titled “Can WE create a revolution using social Media?”.
Rev. Fred Hammond will continue this discussion about how to work on immigration justice in our small, medium, and large congregations.
Congregational Care
The Congregational Care Committee still needs your help. If you have not already let the Congregational Care Committee know
how you are willing to help in the time of need or crises, do so as soon as you can. Because we do not have a minister, the Congregation Care Committee takes on some of the responsibilities of the minister. Your help is needed in the form of volunteering
to give of your time in the form cooking or delivering food to a sick member, visiting with a member in the hospital or a nursing
home, and providing transportation to a member or friend who might not be able to drive. If you are willing to offer occasional
assistance in these instances or some other, give your name and phone number to Brenda Stevens.
Adult RE—Building Your Own Theology
The Adult RE session of Building Your Own Theology that uses the third volume in this series of lessons will begin on 18 September, 2011. If you wish to participate in the last series of lessons and do not have the third volume, you need to order the book
as soon as you can. It takes about two weeks for the order to be placed and shipped. You need to place your order with Brenda
Stevens as soon as you can. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity.
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Volume 5, Issue 9
Page 3
Upcoming Events in the Mid-South District
October 8, 2011 MSD Healthy Congregation Conference—"Immigration As A Moral Issue"
Location: UUCA/Atlanta Info: carleen.dowell@comcast.net
September 2011
Bill Edwards: Water Service
Service Leader: Ron Ussery
Opener: Barry White
Closer: Rick Spradlin
Greeters: John Land & Angie
Wo m e n ’ s N i g h t
7 pm
Meeting Place &
Time TBA
Children’s RE: Gerda & Janet
Markus Weidler: Terrorism and
Spiritual Sickness
Service Leader: Barry White
Opener: Rick Spradlin
7 pm
Closer: Chris Nix
Greeters: Evelyn Roebuck & Ann
Children’s RE: Kirsten & Betty
Rev. Marti Keller: Modern Family
Service Leader: Carolyn
Opener: Chris Nix
Closer: Pat Hart
7 pm
Greeters: Mark Berger & Barry
Children’s RE: Paul & Sidney
Famous UU Women
S e r v i c e L e a d e r : Pa u l L e e
Opener: Pat Hart
Closer: Marge Hall & Carolyn
7 pm
7 pm
Greeters: Linda Hagberg & Marge
Children’s RE: John & Barry
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UU Fellowship of Columbus
P.O. Box 698
Fortson, GA 31808
A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning