ATMOSOHNSON COUNTY Account Number: 3023176526 Customer Name: JOHNSON COUNTY AUDITOR energy, >i»efgy.corn JUL J- : tUiO TOTAL DUE DUE DATE Service Address: 803 ROSE AVE CLEBURNE TX 76033-7442 $49.03 07/28/16 DIIRI IP WORKS Account Summary Billing Date: 7/13/16 Previous Balance 95.88 Payment(s) Current Charges -95.88 49.03 Total Amount Due $49.03 (see reve/ue furbilling 11 Important Messages from Your Natural Gas Company YOU CAN HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED Help low-income families and individuals in your community by donating to our Sharing the Warmth program. To donate monthly, check a box on the back of ycur bill to round up to the next dollar or to donate another amount. Or visit Your tax deductible donation will be added to your monthly natural gas bill. You may change or end your donation by calling 1-888-286-6700. If current bill is notpaid bythe due date, a penalty (if applicable) will appear on your next bill. Go paperless with E-Bill and sign up for other billing and payment options at For instructions on reading your new Atmos Energy bill, please visit CUSTOMER CHARGE EXPLANATION Under settlements approved by regulators, your bill this month reflects a customer charge of S41.75 and a Conservation and Energy Efficiency surcharge of SO.08 for a net customer charge of $41.83. and a consumption charge of $0.08494 per Ccf. For more information about your bill, visit CONTACT US: Emergency Phone 24/7:1-866-322-8667 Customer Service M-F 7am - 6pm CST: 1-880-286-6700 FRESH NEW LOOK. SAME RELIABLE NATURAL GAS. We are proud to announce upgrades to our website, online Account Center, and your bill statement and E-Bill. oo;>5o:>?W47 Keep this portion loryour records Atmos lergy. Return this poilion willi your check or money order and include your account number. If paying in person, please bring the bill. lllllllllllllll D pet 1& P3^ ' °' 2 Account Number Due Date Total Amount Due 3023176526 07/28/2016 $49.03 Amount Enclosed: $ 1o update your mailing address or donate lo energy assistance check here and complete the form on the back BXMAIU\TMOS.20160713_66008.afp.027954 JOHNSON COUNTY AUDITOR JOHNSON COUNTY SCU 1 N MAIN ST ATMOS ENERGY PO Box 790311 St Louis, MO 63179-0311 I.II....II....III...II.I..II II.. ll..l CLEBURNE TX 76033-5543 ,„l.|l||..l.|lll|l..||.|lll.l|.ll.ll,|il||.||.ll|l.|ll|lll. DQDDQD0DDDQD0D0QDD0flDDD3DE317LSEt3DDDDD4TD3E Atmos energy. Account Number: 3024572828 |f}!-|WQnM COUNTY Cllstomer Name: JOHNSOhfcouNTY/GJC Service Address: 204 S BUFFALO AVE CLEBURNE TX 76033-5404 TOTAL DUE DUE DATE $6685.76 07/26/16 • Ku> Gas Usage Trend PUBLIC WORKS Account Summary Billing Date: 7/11/16 14.000 Previous Balance 2.619.54 Payment(s) Current Charges -2.619.54 6.685.76 Total Amount Due (sco reverse far hilling details) important Messages from Your Natural Gas Company m^Xcmh c-n ni3lj//C/. eti YOU CAN HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED Help low-income families and individuals in your community by donating to our Sharing the Warmth program To donate monthly, check a box on the back of your bill to round up to the next dollar or to donate another amount Or visit Your tax deductible donation will be added to your monthly natural gas bill. You may change If currentbill is not patd by the due date, a penalty (if applicable) will appdar on your next bill. Go paperless with E-Bill and sign up for other billing and payment options or end your donation by calling 1-888-286-6700. a! CUSTOMER CHARGE EXPLANATION For instructions on reading your new Atmos Energy bill, please visit Under settlements approved by regulators, your bill this month reflects a customer charge of S41.75 and a Conservation and Energy Efficiency surcharge of SO08 for a not customer charge of S4 1.83, and a consumption charge of SO08494 per Ccf. For more information about your bill, visit CONTACT US: Emergency Phone 24/7:1-866-322-3667 Customer Service M-F 7am - 6pm CST: 1-888-286-6700 FRESH NEW LOOK. SAME RELIABLE NATURAL GAS. We are proud to announce upgrades to our website, online Account Center, and your bill statement and E-Bill. Keep this portion for your rei -. ATMOS Return this portion with your check or money order nnd include your account number. If paying in person, please bring the bill. energy iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiii iii • p^s ' cf * Account Number Due Date Total Amount Due 3024572828 07/26/2016 $6685.76 Amount Enclosed: S To update your mailing address or donate to energy assistance check here nnd complete the form on the back. ATMOS ENERGY P$| [Sri^: sLUt BXMAIL ATMOS 20160712_98228.afp.O49O46 JOHNSON COUNTY/GJC 1NMAIN ST PO Box 790311 St Louis. MO 63179-0311 I,II,.mII,..,III,,,II,!,,II,m,,II,,..II..,III.L CLEBURNE TX 76033-5543 'llM'll[""'lll'll"l'll'"llll"l i»i'nll'inl>l|i DaDQDaaDoaoDDQDDDDOflDD03 02MS7 2a2floook.t>fl57k,b Account Number: 4008297594 Atmos JOHNSON COUNTY energy. . .. Customer Name: JOHNSON COUNTY/GJC Service Address: 206 N BAUGH ST ALVARADO TX 76009-3900 •• JUL 28 2016 Gas Usage Trend 600 PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL DUE 08/09/16 $63.97 ?o /&>-(& Account Summary .'.".! 80 ~ l o 3 2- DUE DATE Billing Date: 7/25/16 55.36 Previous Balance Payment(s) 2-10 E -55.36 Current Charges 63.97 Total Amount Due (soo reverse tor billingdeteils) OK TO) PAY Important Messages from Your Natural Gas Company >era YOU CAN HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED Help low-income families and individuals in your community by donating to our Sharing the Warmth program To donate monthly, check a box on the back of your bill to round up to the next dollar or to donate another If current bill is not paid by the doe ate."a penalty (if applicable) will appear on your next bill. amount Or visit Your tax deductible donation will be added to your monthly natural gas bill You may change or end your donation by calling 1-888-286-6700. Go paperless with E-Bill and sign up for other billing and payment options For instructions on reading your new Atmos Energy bit please visit CUSTOMER CHARGE EXPLANATION Under settlements approved by regulators, your bill this month reflects a customer charge of S41.75 and a Conservation and Energy Efficiency surcharge of SO.08 for a net customer charge of $41.83, and CONTACT US: a consumption charge of SO 08494 per Ccf. For more information about your bill,visit Emergency Phone 24/7:1-866-322-8667 Customer Service M-F 7am - 6pm CST: 1-888-286-6700 FRESH NEW LOOK. SAME RELIABLE NATURAL GAS. We are proud to announce upgrades to our website, online Account Center, and your bill statement and E-Bill. : Keep tinsportion for youi records : ATMOS Return this portion with your check or money order and include your account number. Ifpaying m person please bringthe bill. energy Illl III IIIIII III IIIIII III • Pa9°*°!2 Account Number Due Date 4008297594 08/09/2016 Total Amount Due $63.97 Amount Enclosed: S To update your mailing address or donate to energy assistance check here and complete the form on the back. ATMOS ENERGY BXMAJL.ATMOS.20160725_89024 afp 044415 JOHNSON COUNTY/GJC 'iW^f. 1NMAIN ST PO Box 790311 St Louis, MO 63179-0311 l.ll....ll....lll...ll.l..ll.....ll....ll..,lll,l„l CLEBURNE TX 76033-5543 .||,,l,li|||||,|l„||U|,.||)l,||,l,||l|.l|||l|I,.,l,l|lll,|l.| DDDD0DDDDDDDDDDDDDDciDDDMDDflE,^7Sc:ILiaD0DDb3ci7fl Account Office Hours 104 West College Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Alvarado, Texas 76009 utilities Office: 817-790-3351 JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS JOHNSON COUNTY SUB-COURTH 1 N. MAIN SUITE 30 5 } ,-• ii. 22> ACCOUNT INFORMATION ACCOUNT JUL 29 2016 CLEBURNE TX Statement ft: 01-65501-01 :y :le: SERV ADDR: LAST PAYMNT: ol 206 N BAU \H 165.75- 3ERV PERIOD: :• :::. DATE: 06/15/2016 TO 07/15/2016 07/27/2016 DUE 08/15/2016 DATE: '.:• CURRENT CHARGES (WATER) 7 6033 Motor Curront 814 91 •;•• 54 7 Usjgo 559 Amount 12 OTHER CHARGES YOUR MONTHLY USAGE PRAIRIELAND 0.24 SEWER • YD GARBAGE •• . :• l WATER \L TA] TAX :URREMT JHARGES OK TO PAY J A S O N D J F M A AMOUNT DUE SPECIAL MESSAGE PREVIOUS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ACCEPT VISA, BALANCE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE TOTAL DUE PAIi MASTEE AND DISCOVER IN OFFICE AND BY PHOME WITH . MAI CONVENIENCE FEE OF $2.50. Y U OF PAYMENT ON-LINE BY VISITING WWW. •:TYOFALVARADO.ORG. A !F AE • •• )S I5/16 . Coupon AMOUNT DUE ToTAL CURRENT i -!iARGE3 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE L! 1.19 159.19 ACCOUNT INFORMATION •• : '.' :LE: SERV ADDF: PAYMNT: • ~ Please return this portion along with your payment and make your check payable to the City of Alvarado. Payment ACCOl NT : . 01-65501-01 01 206 IAJ CUE I :• E ••.'. C At TEP )8 L5/16 . M BAUGH 165.7 5- SERV PERIOD: BILL DATE: 06/15/2016 TO 07/15/2016 07/27/2016 DUE DATE: 08/15/2016 JOHNSON COUNTY SUB-COURTHOUSE 1 ::. MAIN SUITE 305 CLEBURNE TX 7 6033 AMOUNT ENCLOSED,,,l.lM.I,,l..ll..,,lll.l.,ll,,«.l..ll.,,ll City of Alvarado 104 W College St Alvarado TX 76009-4319 fXTtW" ^Rk Account Statement ^irnr^ ,0^ Office Hours 104 West College Alvarado, Texas 76009 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ACCOUNT INFORMATION Utilities Office: 817-790-3351 01-65500-03 JOHNSON COUNTY "..:•.: JUL 29 2016 SERV ADDR: .06 N BAUGH ^V?\ LAET :AYMNT: SERV PERIOD: 19 .5606/15/2016 TO 07/15/2016 Bi:.:.. : M • . puBLorm DUE INSON 'COUNTY SUB-O IUB PH< >USE 727/2016 08/15/2016 DATE: CURRENT CHARGES (WATER) 1 N. MAIN SUITE 305 CLEBURNE TX 7 6033 Mot Of • U-aqo Current Previous Ajrount 213 4 51 5 3090 OTHER CHARGES 4.26 PRAIRIELAND YOUR MONTHLY USAGE TOTAL CURRENT 144. CHARGES 6 n OK TO PAY J - S 0 tl D J F M A M J &±&lCa J AMOUNT DUE SPECIAL MESSAGE PREVIOUS TOTAL FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ACCEPT VISA, MAST!-'.: BALAN T AMOUNT DUE ... AN! IISCOVER IN OFFICE AND BY PH NE WITH A MINIMAL CONVENIENCE FEE OF $2.50. YOU MAY •-.:.• XAXE YOUR PAYMENT ON-LINE BY VISITING WWW. ::TYOFALVARADO.ORG. T rAL DUE CF PA]D AFTEF 38/15/16 Please return this portion along with your payment and make your check payable to the City of Alvarado. Payment Coupon AMOUNT DUE : :;,:. iurrent charge.; ;.:.;. t o t a l amount due • •• ACCOUNT INFORMATION ACCOUNT It: CYCLE: LAST PAYMNT: 206 " N -: : . ay:-; ;•••• :• DUE DATE: 08/15/2016 07/; ' johnson county sub-courthouse : ::. main suite 305 76033 rAL due : :• i aic after : • , 15/ ;•: 153.04 AMOUNT ENCLOSED 190.5 6- 06/15/2016 TO 07/27/2016 ::•: .-. . . BAUGH SERV PERIOD: BILL DATE: .•:::• am uki 01-65500-03 .; SERV ADI ;• : ' . ' ' ;•::.'! " 6 144.06 >01l ll...l.ll..ll..,ll.,.l,l,Ml.,l..ll,„.lli.l..ll.,..l,.ll..,ll City of Alvarado 104 W College St Alvarado TX 76009-4319 CITY OF CLEBURNE PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL P.O. BOX 657 • CLEBURNE, TX 76033 (817)645-0919 US POSTAGE PAID CLEBURNE, TX RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED METER READING TYPE OF PRESENT PAST USAGE 7303 1485 1485 SEWER DRAIN f SERVICE 10<tTt —31.4 4 DUE 5818 PERMIT MO. ICO ACTIVE 010 SE DU UTILTY 18.31 20.65 ACCOUNT NUMBER 06-0220-02 140.44 AFTER DUE DATE DUE DATE PAY THIS AMOUNT 08/18/2016 140.44 SERVICE FROM i <f«MO SERVICE TO 06/14/2016 07/14/2016 SERVICE ADDRESS 8 03 ROSE AVE SERVICE FROM 06/14/2016 DbDB2DD5DDDmDMMD SERVICE ADDRESS 803 ROSE AVE SERVICE TO 07/14/2016 AMOUNT DUE **AUTO SORT CRRT PO BOX 140.44 ACCOUNT NUMBER B007 JOHNSON COUNTY DUE DATE 67 6 TX \&£*<tr~CLEBURNE 08/18/2016 76033-0676 VISA/MASTERCARD PHONE PAY OR ONLINE v 06-0220-02 i-'i'i'ii for this T Date:— Signed:. iiA''miII''ii'I''i'iIi'iiII'I'I'iIiiiiii'"Ii'ii Johnson County Invoice Date: Invoice tl: Due Date: 1226444 Account «: 00002027 Type Amount Due: Service Period Meter Current Read 7/20/2016 8/19/2016 $3,404.67 Multiplier Prior Rend 6/1G/2016- 7/18/2016 Usage (kWh) 100 MP2 Enercy Texas LLC PUCT: 10174 21 Waterway Avenue Suite 450 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Energy Charges Questions or Comments: Meter lee Cust Service 832-510-1030 Aggregator Fee Toll-free 877-238-5343 customerservice(S)mp2enerEy.coni ESI ID: 10443720009336351 Enercy Hate Energy Losses Passthrough Load /.one Basis Passthrough Subtotal —Energy Charges 5.00000 S5.00 45,800 45.800 0.00059 S27.16 0.04761 S2.180.54 3,109 0.02592 48.909 0.00121 S80.5S 559.14 Total tdsp Charges Nuclear Decommissioning Fee 425 W CHAMBERS ST Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor Your Reference: Unit Price 1 $2,352.42 Service Address: CLEBURNE, TX 76033-5443 luanlity 120 0.05300 S6.36 45,800 0.00050 521.02 Meter Charge 1 22.14000 522.14 Advanced Metering Charges 1 3.98000 S3.98 Customer Charge 1 6.80000 S6.80 120 3.29550 S395.46 120 4.33000 S525.60 Transmission Cost Recovery Factor Distribution System Charge Subtotal-TDSP Charges E-mail: S981.35 bford@johnsoncountytx.orE, For Outages/Emergencies Call: AEP 877-373-1858 CenterPoint 800-332-7143 Nueces 361-387-2581 Oncor 883-313-4747 Sharyland 800-442-86S3 TNMP 883-866-7456 Taxes $.00 STATE SAIES TAX 3.346.14 0.0000% CITY SALES TAX 3,346.14 0.0000% $.00 PUCA Assessment 3,275.26 0.1670% $5.47 Miscellaneous Gross Receipts Fee 3.275.26 1.9970% S65.42 $70.89 Subtotal-Taxes Total Current Charges OK TO. PAY -ML JOHNSON COUNTY Prev. Balance PUBLIC WORK 0 $2,803.27 New Charges $3,40-1.67 Payments Adjustment Late Charges Amount Due Due Date ($2.803.27) $ .oo $.00 $3,404.67 08/S9/2016 A late fee of $136.19 will be assessed if the statement is paid after 8/19/2016. Your total balance due after 8/19/2016 will be $3,540.86 Please mail your check with this stub or pay via Wells Fargo Bank N.A.,San Francisco ABAtt (Wire) 121000248/ (ACH) 111900659 /rturn I/in porffefl **'tr»fov/poymrnt Invoice Number: Account Number: Due Date: Amount Due: Account: 1737468569 1226444 00002027 4 8/19/2016 $3,404.67 MP2 ENERGY TEXAS PO BOX 202829 DALLAS, TX 75320-2829 Johnson County 1 N. Main St, Suite 305 Cleburne, TX 76033 lEEbMMM Q0DD2027 4 DDD3MDMb7 D 7 Q TXU energy Customer Name: JOHNSON COUNTY Account Number: 900009245416 Invoice Number: 055126734470 Invoice Date: 07/20/2016 Account Summary 11 ?D llfi-t (''if Previous Balance Credits/Payments Balance Forward $302.72 S302.72 CR S0.00 Current Charges Amount Due Due Date $151.43 08/19/2016 - $151.43 V 'X ^ See remaining pages for invoice details. Customer Conimunications Be the cool biz on the block without making your budget break a sweat this summer. Visit for quick and easy tips that help keep the heat off your bill. JOHHSOHCOUHTY JUL 25 2016 PUBLIC WORKS How to Contact Us Customer Service: 972-791-2830 or Power Outage Notification: 1-888-399-5501 (7AM - 7PM M-F) Oncor Electric Delivery - 1-888-313-4747 REP Certificate: # 10004 Please return this portion with your payment in Ihe enclosed envelope Make chuck-, plyJble lo TXU Energy Do not include correspondence with yo'j'r'paym'ent. The TXU Energy AidSM program helps families in critical situations with bill payment assistance. Account NumberQOnnnQOi'vl If Amount Due Due Date $151.43 08/19/2016 For Donations Only One-time gift to <t TXU Energy Aid^'1 program Recurring monthly donation to TXU Energy Aid: '•' program AB 01 ____„ (£ To ensure proper payment posting, please provide this number (900009245416) on all payments and send to the address directly below. 003176 78967 B 13 A iiiI"M'iii"iHhIIIiiiitIiiiii"I"'1ii'IIi''iIiIi'IiII|i johnson county loll II ill.III I I IIIIII I Mil III Mil TXU ENERGY 2 N MAIN ST PO BOX 65063(1 CLEBURNE TX 76033-5500 DALLAS. TX 75265-0638 Bfl,^D0Dm54Smb00DDDlSm3D0DDDDDDDD5 Q TXU energy Customer Name: JOHNSON COUNTY Account Number: 900011719989 Invoice Number: 054576781607 Invoice Date: 6772l72lrfeP Account Summary °« /6-OZicQ^ ML Previous Balance Credits/Payments Balance Forward Current Charges Amount-Quo Due Date $55.18 $55.18 CR $0.00 $27.59 $27.59 08/22/2016 maining pages for invoice details. Customer Communications Your business is demanding enough without worrying about electricity. TXU Energy provides you with innovative online account management tools to help you make smarter decisions about energy consumption. TXU Energy MyAccounl Summary provides a customized view of when and how your business uses electricity so that you can manage your usage and save money. It's fast, secure and convenient. Contact your Account Service Manager for more information and lo get started today with a TXU Energy MyAccounl. JOHNSON COUNTY JUL 26 2016 PUBLIC WORKS How to Contact Us Customer Service: 972-791-2830 or Power Outage Notification: 1-888-399-5501 (7AM - 7PM M-F) Oncor Electric Delivery - 1-888-313 TO PAY 1 REP Certificate: #10004 Please return this portionwith your payment in the enclosed envelope Make ched.s payable to TXU Energy. Do not include correspondence with your payment. The TXU Energy AidSM program helps families in critical situations with bill payment assistance. For Donations Only One-time gift to Amount Due Due Date $27.59 08/22/2016 <t TXU EnergyAidSM program Recurring monthly donation To ensure proper payment posting, please provide this number (900011719989) on all payments and send to the address directly below. J toTXU Energy Aid:M program AB 01 Account Number: 900011719989 003108 79689 B 12 A inlMl'M-'I'li-'I'I'I'-'lMi'lllli'lii'MiMnn JOHNSON COUNTY I '* III l"l 'M' "II Ml" " ll' I l||. |||. .|. |lll||l|,l. |l,l||.. ,.lll| TXU ENERGY JOHNSON COUNTY AUDIT OFFIC PO BOX 650638 1 N MAIN ST RM 314 DALLAS, TX 75265-0638 CLEBURNE TX 76033-5543 51TDQQ1171c]cTAtT00Q00G2 7ScTaa0QQQG0Q0cl JOHNSON COUNTY JUL 26 2016 PUBLIC WORKS How to Contact Us Customer Service: 972-791-2830 or 1-888-399-5501 (7AM - 7PM M-F) Power Outage Notification: Oncor Electric Delivery - 1-888-313-4747 OK TO PAY REP Certificjilo: ,",'10004 Please return thisportion with yourpayment in the enclosed envelope. Make chocks payable to TXU Energy. Donot include correspondence with yourpayment. The TXU Energy AidSM program helps families in critical situations with bill payment assistance. For Donations Only One-time gitt to TXU Energy Aid:-M program Account Number: 900009245037 Amount Duo Due Date 831.53 08/22/2016 C To ensure proper payment posting, please provide this United Cooperative Services ',•. 7-t PO Box 290 Stephenville TX 76401 Cleburne 817-556-4UIW Stephenville 254-955-3153 Burleson 817-447-9292 Granbury 817-326-5232 Meridian 254-435-2332 Possum Knoclom 940-779-2985 We conslanllv strive to minimize power outages However, sometimes Mother Nature shows she's boss. If you sustain an outage, you can follow the restoration process on your smart phone or tablet by accessing United's Outage Dashboard at: htlp:/; A hard hat symbol indicates that crews are working lo restore service. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Total Current and Prior Due.' ««aUT0*«3-DIGIT ISO 1 AT 0.31k 'l'»l'l'"'l 7L.0 1 PS3 ^cSSBaI^-A-I l|lll..ll||.||l|||.l.|l.|I.IH||i«»||«.|H.||l JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT AijfMfWATIQN JgOK .PAYMEN" 2744 W FM 4 493.1S I'not paid oy 08/0416 Amount v. ill be 494.24 Special Messages about your account -^mmtifwm BEEN BHCEMSD CLEBURNE TX 76033-8036 DATE: wmmm SIGNED: Statement D ate page: 07/19/16 BHH H^&^^^&^&H 68171-001 ,:•..•„' ;,-- 200 2744 W FM4.CLEBURNE 06/12 - -4-2^-; 1 ACCOUNTS: 68171-/.XX 2 o- ,! irT 07/12 078-614-325 i 1 . 73b/1 B^tt^tB 2077 75748 Brazos Energy Charge S0.0827000/kWh Brazos PCRF S0.02lOOO-/kWh - Total Brazos Charges 17: 77 4 United Deliver/ Charge S0.0117000/kWh 24 30 United Facility Charge 13 75 - Total United Charges 38.05 CURRENT QUE FOR LOCATION 68171-002 52 - 128.15 166 20 2744WFM4.CLEBURNE 200 06/12 07/12 078-614-323 1 40562 44540 3razos Energy Charge 3973 S0.0827000/kWh Brazos PCRF 326 98 S0.021000-/kWh - Total Brazos Charges 83 54 245.44 United Delivery Charge S0.0117000/kWh United Facility Charge 13 75 - Total United Charges 60.29 CURRENT QUE FOR LOCATION 305 '3 Weather information during the billing period AVERAGE DAILY HIGH: 93.7 AVERAGE DAILY LOW 72 9 from the Stephenville Weather Station (aVn Please return this portion of your bill with your payment Slal&nent Dale ACCOUNT 3 WL 12 Spocial Messages about your account 68171-XXX 07/19/16 Cycle C liuon receial ^2& £S oTWrtf FaiHiru lo receive 494.24 i :a!e ch.irq»j or oisconneclion We accept credit cards online or contact your local office Help us to serve you better by correcting your address and supplying the additional information below JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 2744 W FM 4 CLEBURNE TX 76033-8036 llliil'lh>il»"'l'»li>i<liiii<'»l'iln'<ii>i'ill'ii< UNITED COOPERATIVE SERVICES PO BOX 961079 FORT WORTH TX 76161-0079 DDIESESTBT DDDDbfll?! DDDDDQMT31r3 DOQQQDLmSU. jii/tea^ United Cooperative Sen/ices %)iKT.uiw PO Box 290 Account tt: 97600,001Total Amount Due: Stephenville TX 76401 1195.76 Service Address: FM 731.BURLESON Rale: 300 Small Commercial Map #: 31-22-80-82-00-001 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ♦ •AUT0»*SCH S-DIGIT 'ILa 1 AV 0.373 71,031 S PSS Cleburne 817-55G-I000 Meridian Stephenville Burleson 254-9(35-3153 817-447-9292 Possum Kingdom 940-77(j-2985 Granbury 817-326-5232 '17232AAV1-A-1, 254-135-2832 1tfU\1nragreqrcraifoTrrr?: |II|I»i|IIi<|||||.I>|||'|'||'II||I|I|||mi'|I||I'"Ii|I|i!'|IiI johnson county sub court hou Wm ACCTS. PAYABLE ••£$* 2 NMAIN ST ^^ CLEBURNE TX 76033-5500 •III. CD Jul A.„j Sep <ii! Nov Dec I en Mar A{jf May 'l!i '!!, •!'. 'I!i •!•. I- ii 'lo -IB Mf. Mr. Jun :•, I lul 'II Weather information during the billing period Irom the Stephenville weather station. Average Daily High • H8.6 Average Daily Low - 69 1 Average Cost per Day: 38.57 Explanation ofCurrent-Charges Statement Date: Usage Period 05/27/16 07/19716 to 06/27/16 (31 days) Motor Readings Meier it 078-340-139 Messages from United kWh Multiplier PfL'V Pros 8780 8911 We constantly strive lo minimize power outages. However. Used 120 0000 sometimes Mother Nature shows she's boss. If you sustain an outage, you can follow the restoration process on your smart phone or tablet by accessing United's Outage Dashboard at: A hard hat symbol indicates that crews are working to restore service. 15720 Energy Charge 642 22 -Includes PCRF/kWh of .021000- Demand Charge 553 54 Demand used 57 GO Demand billed 57 60 JOHNSON COUNTY Total current bill 1.UIH.-MI WMi 1195.76 ^J*\ I JUL 22 2016 PUBLIC WORKS Previous bill 201)349 Paymenl received Adjustments 2063.49CR .1)0 ik Prior Balance / Total Current and Prior Due: 1195.7G PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION OF YOUR BILL WITH YOUR PAYMENT 12 y,s$. BEEa 97608-001 07/19/16 CS \ ^& !33l Special Messages About Your Account 08/04/16 Iha I IIn Wyo!*i u:«vi rua-cA Failure I" ri.u-i.. 1195.76 c\.,i v..ii.i- late charge* a disconnocHon We accept Credit Cards online or call your local office Help us to serve you better by correcting or supplying your information below JOHNSON COUNTY SUB COURT HOU ACCTS. PAYABLE 2 N MAIN ST lll'l-ll'll1' CLEBURNE TX 76033-5500 'iIMiH-'mIIiIiI'II'i'I'II UNITED COOPERATIVE SERVICES PO BOX 961079 FORT WORTH TX 76 161-0079 D01r2SEME7D DDDQc17bQfl DDDODinSTb QDOOQinSVb il"lll United Cooperative Services C*'/vram« PO Box 290 Stephenville TX 76401 Cleburne 817-556-4000 Stephenville We constantly sirive to minimize power outages. However, 254-965-3153 sometimes Mother Nature shows she's boss. If you suslnin Burleson 817-447-9292 Granbury 817-326-5232 Meridian 254-435-2832 an outage, you can follow the restoration process on your smart phone or tablet by accessing United's Outage Dashboard at: A hard hat symbol indicates thai crews are working to restore service. Possum Kingdom 940-779-2985 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Jfuft-/057</0 % Tola1 Current and Prior Due • iAUT0»»3-PIGIT 1M3 1 AT 0-31b 71,0 "I'lll'l-'lHlll" &« &P 1 PS3 T7232BA1'!-A-'. il|I.H.||ll|.l|||l|l.||«|ll.|||.l|l... If not paid by 08/04/16 Amount will be 432.08 Special Messages about your account JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 4 2 N MAIN ST CLEBURNE TX 76033-5500 Statement Date page: 07/19/16 1 of 1 ACCOUNT*/: 103740-XXX Service 10374, 432.08 Rate From 200 06/12 4300 E FM 4,CLEBURNE ,\ !V. I ' ". : 07/12 113-150-077 90791 93539 Brazos Energy Charge 2748 SO 0827000/kWh Brazos PCRF - Total Brazos Charges 57 71 169.55 United Delivery Charge S0.01170007kWh 32.15 United Facility Charge 13 75 - Total United Charges 45.90 CURRENT DUE FOR LOCATION 103740-002 227.26 S0.f)21000-/kWh 215 45 200 4300 EFM 4.CLEBURNE 06/12 07/12 113-150-079 16719 19483 2764 Brazos Energy Charge SO 0827000/kWh 228 58 Brazos PCRF S0.021000-/kWh 58 04 - Total Brazos Charges 170.54 United Delivery Charge SO()117000/kWh 32 34 United Facility Charge 13 75 - Total United Charges 46.09 CURRENT DUE FOR LOCATION 216 63 Weather information during the billing period AVERAGE DAILY HIGH 93.7 AVERAGE DAILY LOW 72 9 from the Stephenville Weather Station Please return this portion of your bill with your payment Cv«* TJsT 12 Special Messages about your account 103740-XXX 07/19/16 ^ <^*a 08/04/16 This RiJ is EMy.iWo uix'.i roCCWM I ndum 10 rr i ' I :>'S 'Kit .-. i ill; ' !-•• 432.08 .' We accept credil cards online or contact your local office Help us to serve you better by correcting your add and supplying the additional information below JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 4 2 N MAIN ST CLEBURNE TX 76033-5500 l|ll.||.ll|H|.||.|l|.l.l!|ll|..l|...lll|..|„l|.l|l|l|,|.|l, UNITED COOPERATIVE SERVICES PO BOX 961079 FORT WORTH TX 76161-0079 001552^123 DDQ1D37MD 0DDDDDM3r2Dfl DDDDDDM32Dfl JnitcJ^- United Cooperative Services cooperative po Box 290 rwB" StephenvilleTX 76401 Cleburne 817-550-4000 We constantly strive lo minimize power outages. However, Stephenville 254-9G5-3153 sometimes Mother Nature shows she's boss. If you sustain Burleson Granbury 817-447-9292 817-326-5232 Meridian 254-135-2832 an outage, you can follow the restoration process on your smart phone or tablet by accessing Uniled's Outage Dashboard at: A hard hat symbol indicates that crews are working to restore service. Possum Kingdom 940-779-2985 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Total Current and Prior Due: **AUT0**3-DIGIT 7b0 1 PS3 ITS^BASn-A-l 33 1 — 08/14/16 AT 0.3U Amount will be ||«i»|I||'I'IIiii''iiI'III>Iii»Ii»iIii»,IiIiImiI"IiiIIII«i Statement Date { Account j _pac:ej_ 07/29/16 [Number-Sub": Description Rate 200 10420 E FM 917.ALVARADO From 06/23 763.58 Special Messages about your account JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 3 ATTN: BETH BEHRMANN 10420 E FM917 ALVARADO TX 76009-5171 124933-001 763.58 If notpaidbyf ACCOUNTS: 124933-XXX 1 of 1 To* " " Meter# 07/23 076-426-720 ; Mult~; 40 Prev Pros 13578 13721 - Billed Amount 5720 S0.0827000/kWh Brazos Energy Charge S0.021000-/kWh Brazos PCRF 473.04 120.12 352.92 - Total Brazos Charges S0.0117000/kWh United Delivery Charge 66.92 United Facility Charge 13.75 - Total United Charges 80.67 Area Lighl Charge Area Light PCRF 41.99 2.77 472.81 CURRENT DUE FOR LOCATION 124933-002 200 10420 E FM 917.ALVARADO 06/24 07/24 093-520-147 1 31135 3774 34909 S0.0827000/kWh Brazos Energy Charge 312.11 S0.021000-/kWh Brazos PCRF 79.25 232.86 - Total Brazos Charges S0.0117000/kWh United Delivery Charge 44.15 United Facility Charge 13.75 - Total United Charges CURRENT DUE FOR LOCATION 57.91 290.Z7 Weather information during the billing p from the Stephenville Weather Statio AVERAGE DAILY HIGH: 94.9 }riod AVERAGE DAILY LOW: 72.9 n Please return this portion of your bill with your payment Slalomoni Dato ACCOUMI II Cycle E 20 Special Messages about your account 124933-XXX 07/29/16 iC2>i ^$ This bill is payaalo upon rccuisl Failure lo rocoivo II nol POM by :J£2^- 08/14/16 Received Date Amount w.ii bo 763.58 Dindocs not warvo late charpes c aisconncdon. We accept credit cards online or contact your local office Help us to servo you better by correcting your address and supplying the additional information below Approved By: JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 3 ATTN: BETH BEHRMANN |||i...l,l||,.i,|.„l|ll||.ll,l.|lll.||ll„l..l..ll,|,|..|.|||,|, 10420 EFM 917 ALVARADO TX 76009-5171 UNITED COOPERATIVE SERVICES PO BOX 961079 FORT WORTH TX 76161-0079 DD125SbD3M 00013^33 DDDDQD7L3Sfl DDDDDD7b3Sa j$& Johnson County SERVICE ADDRES SStA Special Utility District 11567299- 10420 E. FM 917 ,\\ /ffiha Cleburne. TX 76033-0509 (817)760-5200 ^Ht /**• P. O. Box 509 WATER CLEBURNE. TEXAS $48.04 $0.24 STATE FEES CARE SHa iKt 07/15/2016 CURRENT READING $0.08 PERMIT NO. 5 New Updated Website Check us out at SERVICE FROM 249630 PREVIOUS READ1MQ CHARGES DATE BILL MAILED 00001147 FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID TYPE SERVICE I" case of emergency (8 17i 760-5255 ACCOUNT NUMBER : https:/'' 06/06/2016 SERVICE TO . 2453/U AMOUNT DUE 0770572075 CURRENT BILL DUE DATE USAGE -_-n METER NUMBER 3 / 60 s\ r Please read note on backside of Ihe return stub U0U01147 need a hard copy, please call our office at 817-760-5200. St r-UJ Z "> 7-2 ~-> k we<j0^e;-—JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 3 ^eCe / 08/05/2016 AMOUNT DUE ARER DLJE DATE ljj p 10^20 E FM 917 CVARADO, TX 76009-5171 lil > 4cT3B~~ 48.36 DDQ0i:L47QQD04fl3bDDD04fi3bb DUE DATE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 48.36 I The CCR is now available at <htt&://>. If you I—| "Opt Out" of •—' CareFlite Program. ACCOUNT NUMBER AFTER DUE DATE "r- .>,"-. . -. 08/I Jo/^uib 7230129 JCSUD has partnered with CareFlite lo allow customers Ihe membership of Ihe CareFlite Program Foi $1 pei monlh. which covers all household members Sec CareFlite at AMOUNT DUE approve -i h- Q. CO I1 m l ir 'II i llliili ii i n n ii|iii||i|iiTli,i,„, Johnson County SERVICE ADDRESS Special Utility District U.S. POSTAGE PAID TYPE SERVICE (817) 760-5200 "WATER STATE FEES In case of emergency (8 17) 760-5255 aiLL MAILED, ACCOUNT Nl IMBER ^ 07725/2016 CURRENT READING SERVICE FROM JiobO 06715/2016 PREVIOUS RjE SEBVJCET 5M20I6 §B§^- CARE SHARE METERjWJJWIBBRI WG aE4640- CHARGES $101.06 CLEBURNE, TEXAS $0.51 S0.08 JftO#MoD5>09b-7//(r, PERMIT NO. 5 New Updated Website Check us out at AMOUNT DUE CURRENT BILL DUE DATE USAGE FIRST CLASS 09604005 - 4300 E FM 4 P. 0. 6ox 509 Cleburne, TX 76033-0509 08/15/2016 AMOUNT DUE AFTER DUE DATE 101.65 I 101.65 JCSUD has partnered with CareFlite to allow customers the membership of the CareFlite Program for SI per month, which The CCR is now available at <>. If you covers all household members. See CareFlite- at y,.'..-, jr.-.n i com need a hard cop/., please call our office at 817-760-5200. Please read note on backside of the return stub. II pi -opt out" of •—' CareFlite Program. ACCOUNT NUMBER I* Q4005096 I H uj DMQ05D^0QQ101k5QQDlDlb54 JOHNSON COUNTY PRECINCT 4 4300 E FM 4 DUE DATE CLEBURNE, TX 76031-9127 08/15/2016 UJ > CO > CURRENT AMOUNT DUE IQfJBSAMOUNT DUE AFJj^puggATE < CD UJ D _i h 0- CO 4#ljlh^
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