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prelom (ang)_5 korektura.indd
The P u b l i c S e r v i c e B roadcaster RTV Slovenia
A n n u a l r eport 2003
The programme offer of RTV Slovenia is available via the following paths:
• via terrestrial wireless waves in Slovenia;
• in cable networks in Slovenia and those foreign countries that signed contracts on reemission (in Austria,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Sweden,
the Czech Republic, Hungary);
• via the satellite Hot Bird 3, 13 degrees east, 12.30288 ghZ, y-polarisation 27.500 – ¾, Wide Beam;
• on the web site;
• broadcasts for foreign countries are also regularly broadcast in cable systems in Germany, USA, Canada,
Argentina, Australia, on the satellite channel 3-sat, satellite channel Europe by Satellite and satellite channel
Published by: RTV Slovenia, June 2004
Edited by: Boris Bergant and the Public Relations Department of RTV Slovenia
Translation: Nataša Lindič
Concept and Design: Darja Brečko Poženel
DTP: Solos, d.o.o.
Photos: Darko Koren, Foto Spring, Irena Herak – GV, Darja Žnidarič, Stane Sršen, Photo Archives of RTV Slovenia
Print: Tiskarna Petrič
U s e f u l a d dresses
The Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia
Kolodvorska 2
1550 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 475 21 11
Director General
Aleks Štakul
Phone: +386 1 475 21 22
Fax: +386 1 475 21 20
Director of Television Programmes
Mojca Menart
Phone: +386 1 475 21 62
Fax: +386 1 475 21 60
Director of Radio Programmes
Miha Lampreht
Phone: +386 1 475 24 36
Fax: +386 1 475 24 40
Director of RTV Programmes for the Italian Community
Antonio Rocco
Phone: +386 5 668 54 84
Director of RTV Programmes for the Hungarian Community
Albert Halász
Phone: +386 2 578 99 10
Deputy Director General for International Relations
Boris Bergant
Phone: +386 1 475 21 53
Fax: +386 1 475 21 50
Deputy Director General for Financial Management
Irma Gubanec
Phone: +386 1 475 21 74
Fax: +386 1 475 21 20
Deputy Director General for Marketing and Public Relations
Iztok Malačič
Phone: +386 1 475 42 07
Fax: +386 1 475 21 40
Deputy Director General for Organisation, Human Resources and Information Technology
Janez Sajovic
Phone: +386 1 475 21 76
Fax: +386 1 475 21 78
Deputy Director General for Legal Affairs
Irena Urbanc
Phone: +386 1 475 21 39
Fax: +386 1 475 21 30
Deputy Director General for Technology, Investments, Development and Production
Jože Vesel
Phone: +386 1 475 21 32
Fax: +386 1 475 21 30
T a b l e o f contents
Management Programme Administration Scheme of RTV Slovenia
Presentation of RTV Slovenia
Address of the Director General of RTV Slovenia
Address of the Chairman of the Council of RTV Slovenia
Address of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia
Auditor’s Report
Programme Unit Television Slovenia
Programme Unit Radio Slovenia
Programmes for National Communities
Programmes for the Hungarian Community
Programmes for the Italian Community
Organisation Units
Organisation Unit Music Production
Organisation Unit Record Label
Organisation Unit Transmitters and Communications
Common Services
Human Resources, Organisation, Training and Information Technology
Marketing and Public Relations
Multimedia Centre
Financial Report
Awards and Prizes Received in 2003
Who is Who
Nikola Damjanić
Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of RTV SLO,
7 members of the Supervisory Board
ted by the Director
Boris Bergant
Deputy Director General
for International Relations
General of RT V SLO
Aleks Štakul
Director General
Deputies are appoin
Irma Gubanec
Deputy Director General
for Financial Management
Irena Urbanc
Deputy Director General
for Legal Affairs
Jože Vesel
Deputy Director General for Technology,
Investments, Development and Production
Iztok Malačič
Deputy Director General
for Marketing and Public Relations
Programme Production
Janez Sajovic
Deputy Director General for Organisation,
Human Resources and Information Technology
Marko Petretič
Head of the OU
TV Production
Igor Krč
Head of the OU
RA Production
Heads of the Regional RTV Centres
Boris Rener
Head of the OU
Music Production
Ivo Umek
Head of the OU
Record Label
Cvetka Žirovnik
Head of the Regional
RTVC Maribor
Dragomir Mikelič
Head of the Regional
RTVC Koper/Capodistria
Zvezdan Martič
Programme Manager
of the MMC
Janez Kocijančič
Chairman of the
Council of RTV SLO,
25 members of the Council
Programme Council for
RTV Progr. for the
Italian Community,
7 members
Programme Council for
RTV Progr. for the
Hungarian Community,
7 members
Elected by the Council of RTV Slovenia
Miha Lampreht
Director of
RA Progr.
Antonio Rocco
Director of RTV Progr.
for the Italian Community
Albert Halasz
Director of RTV Progr.
for the Hungarian Community
Bojan Veselinovič
Managing Editor of
RA News and
Current Affairs Progr.
Robert Apollonio
Managing Editor
of the TV Progr.
for the Italian Community
Helena Zver
Managing Editor
of the TV Progr.
for the Hungarian Community
Jani Virk
Managing Editor of
TV Culture and Arts Progr.
Vlado Senica
Managing Editor of
RA Culture and Arts Progr.
Vladimiro Dellore
Managing Editor
of the RA Progr.
for the Italian Community
Jožef Vegi
Managing Editor
of the RA Progr.
for the Hungarian Community
Miša Molk
Managing Editor of
TV Entertainment
and Sports Progr.
Ivanka Mulec Ploj
Managing Editor of
the RA Music Progr.
Nataša Segulin
Managing Editor of the
Reg. TV Progr.
in the Regional
RTVC Koper/Capodistria
Leon Horvatič
Managing Editor of the
Reg. RA Progr.
in the Regional
RTVC Koper/Capodistria
Zoran Medved
Managing Editor of the
Reg. TV Progr.
in the Regional
RTVC Maribor
Anton Petelinšek
Managing Editor of the
Reg. RA Progr.
in the Regional
RTVC Maribor
Miran Dolenec
Director of the OU
Transmitters and
Supervisory Board of the OU
Transmitters and Communications,
6 members
Mojca Menart
Director of
TV Progr.
Tanja Starič
Managing Editor of
TV News and
Current Affairs Progr.
RTV Slovenia is a public, non-profit radio-television
organisation performing radio, television and other
activities in order to satisfy legally stipulated social
It operates on the basis of the Law on RTV Slovenia
(Official Gazette RS, No. 18/1994) and several
amendments adopted by the legislator and the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia in
order to protect or additionally define public service.
RTV Slovenia is a public-legal institution. It also
operates in compliance with the Law on Media of
the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette RS, No.
In-house production, co-production and ordered
production must encompass at least 50% of the
time of the programmes of RTV Slovenia or in
other words at least two hours a day in case of a
minority radio programme, or at least 30 minutes
in case of a minority television programme (Article
6 of lex specialis). In compliance with directives of
the European Convention on Transfrontier Television
of the Council of Europe, RTV Slovenia assures the
prescribed quota of productions of independent
producers and audio-visual productions. The entire
legislation complies with both basic European
V Slovenia
Presentation of RT
The programmes of RTV Slovenia do not allow
In compliance with lex specialis on public services,
religious propaganda (Article 7 of the Law on RTV
the Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia
Slovenia) or political propaganda (Article 8 of the
is obligated to prepare two national television
same Law), except during election campaigns, which
programmes, three national radio programmes, one
are also very strictly determined by legal provisions.
radio and one television programme for the Italian
and the Hungarian communities in Slovenia, radio
The Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia is
and television programmes for Slovene national
financed from two sources: RTV licence fee and
minorities in the neighbouring countries, radio and
commercial revenue. In 2003 RTV licence fee
television programmes of the Regional RTV Centres in
represented 72.8% of revenue, the rest came from
Koper and Maribor and assure »quality and versatile
commercial revenue. RTV licence fee payers are
informative, cultural, educational and entertaining
all those having a radio or television receiver on
programmes, creation and performance and mediation
the territory of the Republic of Slovenia where
of culture-arts works, broadcasts for Slovene national
technical conditions for the reception of at least
minorities in the neighbouring countries, emigrants
one programme of RTV Slovenia are assured. An
and migrant workers…« Moreover, RTV Slovenia must
alternative way of determining licence fee payers was
»respect human personality and dignity, principles of
introduced by the amendment of the Law on RTV
unbiased and truthful information, pluralism of opinion,
Slovenia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 88/99): there is
ideology and religion as well as political independence
a supposition that each electricity payer has a radio
and autonomy, it must assure integral and unbiased
or television receiver and is therefore obligated to pay
possibility of being informed and freedom of artistic
the RTV licence fee, unless a person gives a legally
creativity, educate and develop linguistic culture,
requested declaration. There are more than 600,000
protect children and young people against the
active households that are bound to pay RTV licence
contents that could harmfully influence their mental
fee. As far as commercial revenue is concerned, the
and corporal development«. The national programme
scope of advertising is limited to 12 minutes per hour
must cover a territory inhabited by at least 90% of
and 9 minutes in prime time in the evening.
the population of the Republic of Slovenia or better
90% of the territory inhabited by the inhabitants of
The founder of RTV Slovenia is the Parliament of the
the Italian and Hungarian communities if a national
Republic of Slovenia.
programme is in question (Article 5 of lex specialis).
Manageme n t B o d i e s
A) The Council of RTV Slovenia consists of
25 members, it is made up according to the civilsociety model. Five representatives are elected by
the Parliament in compliance with the proportional
representation of political parties (councillors cannot
be members of the Parliament or state officials), one
member is autonomly delegated by the Italian and
Hungarian communities respectively and one member
also autonomly and without arbitrage by 15 civil-social
organisations or institutions (their representatives also
cannot be members of the Parliament, members of
the state council, state officials or members of the
management of political parties or members employed
with RTV Slovenia). Three members of the body are
elected by the employees of RTV Slovenia from the
field of informative, culture-arts and technical activities.
The Council of RTV Slovenia, with a four-year
mandate from June 2002
Deputy of the President:
Tone PLOJ, Ph.D.
(University of Ljubljana and University of Maribor)
Anton JEGLIČ, Ph.D.
- Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia
France ARHAR, Ph.D.
(Jožef JERAJ until December 2002)
- Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia
- Association of Slovene Musicians and
Association of Slovene Composers
(Aleš BERGER until December 2003)
- Association of Slovene Writers and
Association of Theatre Artists
Franček RUDOLF
- Association of Cultural Organisations of Slovenia
- Federation of Journalists of Slovenia
- Council of Organisations of the Disabled Persons
(Stojan BINDER until December 2002)
- Association of Employers of Slovenia
Marjan KOVAČ
- Slovene Co-operative Union and
Slovene Farmer’s Association
- Coordination Committee of Organisations and
Parties of the Retired People of Slovenia
Srečko ČATER
- representative trade unions as organisations of
Vladimir MIHELJAK, Ph.D.
- Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia
Slavko GEGIČ
- Youth Council of Slovenia and
Union of Youth Supporters of Slovenia
- Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia
Hubert POŽARNIK, Ph.D.
- religious communities
- Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia
- Italian national community
- Hungarian national community
(Rudi ŠELIGO, M.A. until December 2002)
- Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences
(Rosvita PESEK, M.A. until December 2003)
- employees of RTV Slovenia
(informative activity)
Aleš JAN
(Milan DEKLEVA until December 2003)
- employees of RTV Slovenia
(culture-arts activity)
- employees of RTV Slovenia
(technical activity)
Presentation of RT
V Slovenia
(Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of
Sports Federations)
- Association of Slovene Film Producers
B) The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia has
7 members. The Parliament appoints three members,
the Government of the Republic of Slovenia two
members, the employees of RTV Slovenia elect the
remaining two members on direct election.
The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia, with
a four-year mandate from July 2002
(appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of
Deputy of the President:
(appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of
Alja BRGLEZ, Ph.D.
(appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of
Slovenia on the Government’s proposal)
Venčeslav RADI
(appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of
Slovenia on the Government’s proposal)
Director General appoints Managers who assure the
proper operation of the business system independently.
The mandate of all is four years.
With its decision No. 106/01-27 of February 5, 2004
the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
judged the suggestion of RTV Slovenia concerning
the constitutionality of the amendment of the Law
on the exclusion of means received by the Public
Service Broadcaster from RTV licence fee for other
needs (financing of non-commercial local programmes).
This decision is the most important decision of the
Constitutional Court in support to the mission of
the Public Service Broadcaster for its political and
commercial independence and can be compared to
the similar decision of the German Constitutional Court
of Karlsruhe in the 1980s.
In 2003 RTV Slovenia celebrated the 75th anniversary
of the Radio and the 45th anniversary of the
Television apart from many other important working
Selected milestones in the development of
RTV Slovenia:
establishment of Radio Ljubljana
first television broadcasting
first radio airing in stereo technique
first television airing in colours
(appointed by the Parliament of the Republic of
erection of a new RTV Centre in Ljubljana
Slovenia on the Government’s proposal)
introduction of teletext
beginning of digitalisation
Tomaž RANC
erection of the first terrestrial satellite station
(representative of the employees of RTV Slovenia)
in Ljubljana
1997 first test of DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting)
1998 introduction of digitalisation of radio (DALET),
(representative of the employees of RTV Slovenia)
initiation of regular broadcasting of
programmes of RTV Slovenia via the satellite
Hot Bird 3
C) The Business and Programme Management
1999 introduction of digitalisation on television
of RTV Slovenia is elected by the Council of RTV
2000 erection of the second terrestrial satellite
Slovenia based on a public call.
station in Domžale
After being elected in the Council, Director General is
2002 initiation of multimedia activity, introduction of
confirmed by the Parliament.
web sites, extension of offer
Programme Directors are finally elected by the Council
of the Internet via mobile telephony,
of RTV Slovenia under the consideration of the opinion
modernization of teletext
of Director General, Managing Editors of Programmes
are appointed on the basis of the opinion of Directors
of Programmes and on the basis of the opinion of the
representation of the employees in the Editorial Board.
V Slovenia
Presentation of RT
The business and programme year 2003 is characterized in that it was marked by the implementation
of recovery measures. We achieved the planned effects in lowering the costs of purchase, the number of
employees, costs of regular financing, scope of debt and in major claim of commercial revenue and claims of
unpaid subscriptions or RTV licence fee. However, the importance of the achieved work faded away due to
the increase of expenses for legal executors and we also see an extreme increase of amortization and write-off
of intangible fixed assets. The most evident decline from the adopted plan is in additionally charged legal late
interests in the amount of 963 million tolars for the unpaid turnover tax in the years 1996-1998. Despite all
arrangements with the representatives of the Slovene Government on possible postponement of payment of
this obligation or on the legal solution to this question, the question remained unsettled in 2003. In 2004 the
Public Service Broadcaster will - in order to pay the debt of the entire turnover tax - indebt itself and start the
procedure of sale of shares in the Eutelsat company. We will thus cover the loss from the previous years and in
this part »clean« business statements.
Additionally, the greatest negative impact on the business result was caused by lower realisation of revenues
from advertising compared to the original plans.
The Public Service Broadcaster operated under the conditions that are determined in the broadest sense by the
legislation for public institutions (Law on RTV Slovenia, Law on media, Law on services, Law on public finances,
and Law on the wage system in public sector). The fundamental problem of management and its flexibility is
shown in the management of assets. Mitigation of former RTV subscriptions depends on the work of courts
and expensive court executors, the mitigation of the current RTV licence fees depends on the procedures at
the tax administration and in business banks. Movables and financial property are subject of governmental
orders demanding extremely long terms for implementation. In case of lower realized revenues it is therefore not
possible to act quickly and flexibly enough, though this would mean an essential intervention into the adopted
scope of programmes and adopted programme plan. Legal changes are therefore urgently needed in this field
and they mean an inevitable condition for the implementation of the long-term development strategy until 2010
and the recovery programme with the renovation of business processes, which was started in 2003.
We are before a demanding period of restructuring of the Service Broadcaster where we will abandon and
diminish the scope of those activities which are not the basic activities of the Public Service Broadcaster
stipulated by the law on RTV. The strategy of stabilisation by means of recovery will not be successful without
obligatory and radical structural changes in the implementation of the basic activity and without transformation
of the Public Service Broadcaster into a public company in state ownership. This will allow more flexible and
marketing actions in management, higher independence and responsibility of individual legal subjects for
business results and organisation of companies exposed to the laws of the market and incomparable firmer
economic and thus political independence. We count on the active and adequate support of all the employees
as well as our founder.
Aleks Štakul
Director General of RTV Slovenia
It must be very satisfying to write introductory thoughts when good or even excellent business results are
achieved. Unfortunately, as the Chairman of the Council of RTV Slovenia, I have not had this privilege for the past
two years. The annual report of The Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia for 2003, especially its financial
part, reflects the actual business situation. This mirror shows everybody as he or she really is.
The Council of the Service Broadcaster is legally the highest management body and in its Programme-Business
Plan planned financially equilibrated business operations, a slight surplus of revenue over expenditures or a
positive zero as we like addressing the matter in jargon. There were many reasons that contributed to a much
worse result; expenditures have exceeded the revenue by more than 2.6 billion tolars and reached 9 billion tolars
together with the deficit from previous years. A majority of problems of financial nature has accumulated in the
Service Broadcaster through a longer period of time, we could even say a decade. There would be even a higher
deficit, if the Public Service Broadcaster did not start radical recovery processes. The negative business result
contributed to the financial burden of the Broadcaster, which is a severe threat to its financial situation.
Although there were some standpoints that we could hear in public, financial situation and business results are
not a legal competence and responsibility of the Council. Moreover, it is unreasonable to have polemics about
the closing statement, about boring and exact numbers. The Council as a management body only has two
possibilities: either to adopt the final statement and the business result linked to it or to reject it with arguments
and reaches for radical medicaments, for instance for the change of the management that is responsible for the
business results according to the law and the Articles of Association.
The Council of RTV Slovenia adopted the final statement and the Business Report for 2003 with a majority
of votes. This was done on the basis of an in-depth discussion and wilfully on the recommendation of the
Supervisory Board and in accordance with the conclusions that a major part of excessions of expenditures over
revenue is a consequence of facts and events, for which the responsibility cannot be attributed to the Broadcaster
or its management bodies.
Essential deviations from the Programme-Business Plan are as follows:
- new late interests owing to the non-payment of the turnover tax between the years 1996 and 1998 in
the amount of 963 million tolars;
- prescribed depreciation costs in the amount of 240 million tolars.
The business result of 2003 was additionally influenced by the introduction of an obligation to the account (inbetween a non-constitutional obligation) for the financing of local public television and radio programmes in the
amount of 500 million tolars. If the deficit of marketing revenue is counted to that (in the amount of 848 million
tolars), which is especially a consequence of general market movements and the incapacity of planned sale
of the assets (in the amount of 670 million tolars), we can come to a conclusion that very rare causes for the
unfavourable financial situation may be attributed to the lack of responsibility or the incompetence of the business
When adopting the Business Report and the final statement, the Council of RTV Slovenia established that the
Public Service Broadcaster mostly performs its tasks well and that for the time being financial stability and
solvency are not jeopardized. Yet the Council will not find it acceptable if the indicated negative guidelines
continued. The Council has therefore concluded to adopt a new, an even more radical recovery programme
in the first half of 2004 that will give an opportunity to perform the programmes of quality on the basis of
equilibrated business and financial flows. The Council has also invited the founder - the Government and the
Parliament - to assist, as far as their competencies it allow, in a permanent solution to the financial problems of
RTV Slovenia.
Janez Kocijančič, M.Sc.
Chairman of the Council of RTV Slovenia
In 2003 The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia acted within the scope of its competence stipulated in the
Law on RTV Slovenia, the Statutes of the Service Broadcaster and regulations of the Supervisory Board of RTV
Slovenia and performed supervision of the business operations of RTV Slovenia, reviewed the financial plan,
periodical statements of account and supervised the books and legal conformity of operations. During the year,
the Supervisory Board had nine ordinary meetings and one extraordinary meeting. The decisions and findings
have been passed on to the Parliament, the competent ministry and the Council of RTV Slovenia.
At the beginning of the year, The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia supported the proposal of the
Programme-Business Plan of RTV Slovenia for 2003 and changed its implementation as one goes along and
warned the Management and the Council of the Service Broadcaster as well as the founder of deviations and
lacks in its implementation.
The Supervisory Board further acquainted itself with the draft Programme-Production and Business Plan of
RTV Slovenia for 2004. In this context it has pointed out the necessity of realistic and harmonized planning,
which caused a delay in adopting the Programme-Business Plan. Its persistence in the realistic and harmonized
planning was grounded with the fact that in 2003 we noted some considerable deviations in the field of
own revenue and in labour costs. This is the reason why the Supervisory Board has supported the efforts of
the Management of the Service Broadcaster to continue and upgrade the preparation and implementation of
reorganisation measures.
Within its competence the Supervisory Board also dealt with the question of rewarding the management staff of
the Service Broadcaster. The wages of Director General were quite some time in the centre of public attention,
yet the Supervisory Board established that they are in compliance with the individual contract. It moreover
established that in the time when the individual contract was signed, there were no concrete legal grounds for
the formation of the wages of Director General. It may be expected that order will be brought in the field of
wages of directors of public services by the Law on the system of wages in public sector that will come into
force presumably on July 1, 2004.
After getting an insight into the annual report of the Service Broadcaster for 2003, the Supervisory Board
established that the Service Broadcaster ended the business year 2003 by having 2.62 billion tolars more
expenditures than revenues so that the joint surplus of expenditures over revenue (from 2003 and previous
years) amounts to 9.67 billion tolars. The main reasons for the existing business statement derive from tax debt
and administratively determined depreciation costs. The Supervisory Board suggested adequate solutions relating
to tax debt, which are not being implemented. Attention should be drawn to the fact that as far as solvency is
concerned, the Broadcaster had positive business operations in 2003, because the principle of the money flow
showed a surplus of revenue over expenditures in the amount of 247 million tolars, although the expenditures
for investments amounted to 2.2 billion tolars (of that a prevailing part was for investments into equipment),
which resulted in the redemption of the Service Broadcaster in the amount of 335 million tolars.
The Supervisory Board evaluates that the business year 2003 was the last one in which the Broadcaster had
a negative business result. It is expected that the year 2004 will finally see a solution to the problems of tax
debt and that key strategic documents, the implementation of which will assure better quality of operations and
development of the Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia, will be adopted. We must, however, not forget
that ambitiously set goals will only be reached if we all do our best and if we are not ignorant of the direction
into which the Broadcaster should develop. We are more powerful together, so use the opportunity that we
Nikola Damjanić
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia
AUD I T O R ' s R E P O R T
There is always plent y to do
on the farm. On Sundays we
u s u a l l y re s t . T h e n , my h u s b a n d
a n d I l i ke l i s t e n i n g t o f o l k
music and my son is ver y
a t te n t i ve to a d v i c e fo r f a r m e r s .
In the circumstances unfavourable for the creativity
and ambitious programme projects we carried
out a number of important programme projects
mentioned in the following chapters. Among others
informative projects upon the outburst of the war in
Iraq, upon the referendum of Slovenia joining the EU
and upon the referendum of Slovenia joining NATO,
first successful tenders for independent producers
in Children’s and Youth, Musical and Theatrical
Programmes, restructuring in favour of a larger share
of culture-arts and culture-informative contents in
prime time, European co-productions where within
EBU our children’s broadcasts regularly get the
highest notes and are taken by the most European
televisions, first Zlata rola award for featured projects
that were done in our own production or in coproduction and won both the spectators in front of
television seats (children’s film and the serial Pozabljeni
zaklad) and in the cinemas (Pozabljeni zaklad, Kajmak
in marmelada).
Our television broadcasts in 2003 participated in 42
television festivals mostly European ones. Among the
very noticed and awarded broadcasts we have to
mention the educational broadcast Nevidna civilizacija
of the cycle Volja najde pot at the festival Japan
Prize, the film Gangl of the Radmilović brothers and
the documentary Prijatelj čebelar directed by Hanka
In the very demanding environment with stiff
commercial competition of both Slovene and
foreign televisions (in the past years a number of
foreign topical channels decided for the translation
of broadcasts in the Slovene language) that our
spectators can watch from cosy sophas much more
easily than anywhere in Europe, we managed to keep
the share of spectators from the year before, whereby
the share of the spectators of the 1st programme
increased by one percent point, the share of the
2nd programme decreased by one percent point.
The media mostly treated us very critically so that
our public image and after-marketing of the most
spectated projects exceeding even 50% rating shares
cannot be to our satisfaction. Criticism was very often
for the broadcasts with less than 2% rating and for
this reason it is necessary to clearly state that 2%
represent almost 40,000 spectators! Nowadays,
the segmentation of public is obvious and if anyone
wanted to remove such broadcasts from the national
programmes, this would mean abolishment of a
type of national mission for smaller target groups of
population and an entire revolution to unacceptable
The programme and production plan was completed
in compliance with the adopted programme draft
and legal obligations; a reason for slight deviations is
mostly to be sought in unexpected events that had
influence on the abolishment of some programme
contents in favour of others. These events for instance
include a higher number of live transmissions from
the Parliament, war in Iraq, a smaller number of some
sports events, the exact planning of which is not
possible due to the systems of abolishment, failing
to complete some more demanding broadcasts of
the documentary genre owing to additionally limited
possibilities of post production.
Mojca Menart
Director of TV Programmes of RTV Slovenia
Programme Unit Te
levision Slovenia
The jubilee year, 45 years of the Slovene National
Television that was marked by a series of
retrospective films, was the year of severe financial,
personal resource and production conditions for
the creation of national and regional television
programmes. Compared to 2002 there were
nominally lower means and by having a smaller
number of programme and production workers we
created and broadcasted more hours of premiere
in-house production and broadcasted more hours
of programme than a year before. Less foreign
programmes were bought, for we have wilfully
decided to invest the money into in-house production
- into more Informative, Children, Youth and
Theatrical Programme. The 1st and the 2nd national
programmes also broadcasted more regional contents:
on the 1st programme a joint Morning Programme
of the studios from Maribor, Koper and Ljubljana
(which is marked as the television programme of the
Regional RTV Centre Maribor, because it is created by
the editors of this centre) was broadcasted and on the
2nd programme a regional hour between 18.00 and
19.00 hours.
New s a n d E d u c a t i o n Programmes
successful Polnočni klub, a non-political programme
In 2003 News and Education Programmes
that keeps the spectators in front of television seats
prepared over 200 hours more programme than a
each Friday also after midnight, Studio City (with an
year before (in 2002 2,715 hours were prepared,
average of 5% rating and with an average 15% share,
in 2003 2,980 hours). A reason for that is to be
which means that the rating has increased compared to
sought especially in two large, very successful projects
the year before), Dosje (based on research journalism
carried out in compliance with the highest professional
and reached exceptional repercussions with the contents
standards - covering of the war in Iraq and referendums
like the investigation of the case of the SIB bank and
upon Slovenia entering the EU and NATO. TV Slovenia
the attack on the journalist Miro Petek), Mednarodna
was one of the four European stations that so to say
obzorja, Gospodarski izzivi and Svetovni izzivi
directly entered the very beginning of the war in Iraq
(average rating 7%). Weekly reviews, the domestic
and the events were attended to also in the following
political Utrip and the foreign political Zrcalo tedna
days by numerous extra reports, live reports from the
in which the journalists also comment and analyze the
crisis area and analytical broadcasts. Although Slovene
events, attracted even more spectators in 2003 by being
politics almost without any second thoughts supported
included in the central one-hour informative block and
the entrance of Slovenia into international integrations,
were watched by 40% of the spectators of television at
TV Slovenia enabled the presentation of views also to
that time.
those segments of civil society that object the Slovene
membership in the Northern Atlantic Association. It must
The News Programme certainly reached the set goal
have been for the first time that a studio of TV Slovenia
in respecting professional standards of objective and
hosted a confrontation between the Government, the
impartial reporting to public on all important social
opposition, the Roman-Catholic church, civil society on
questions and topics. There is still an unsolved question
one side and anti-globalisation and peace movements as
how to reach a balance between the quality of contents
well as independent intellectuals on the other. This fact is
and rating, because these two elements often exclude
worth being stressed because it negates the statements
each other. More »yellow« contents reach higher rating,
about the influence of the Government and politics on
however, such contents orientation is not the goal and
the News Programme of TV Slovenia.
mission of a public television. Thus we have to keep
to the existing orientation: to quality although to the
The creators of the News Programme paid most
disadvantage of somewhat lower rating and moderate
attention and energy to the preparation of daily news.
conservativism in presenting contents, although to
The year was marked by turbulent domestic political
the disadvantage of reproaches that competitive
events (the deleted, the referendum on the opening
programmes are more attractive. Explicit criticism of
times of shops, the referendums about entering the EU
spectators and professional public towards the contents
and NATO, »chase« after the attackers of the journalist
of our programme (and indulgence to the products of
Miro Petek) and economic affairs and turnabouts (SIB
competitive televisions) which is to some extent logical
bank, the war of breweries). The international scene was
and useful with respect to the mission of a public
focused on the war in Iraq and the most outstanding
television quite often contributes to the creation of a
events were linked to Croatia (announcement of an
negative image of programmes and contributions and is
exclusive economic zone). Much attention was paid
often unfair towards creative and self-sacrificing journalists
to local topics and in co-operation with the colleagues
and other creators of the News Programme.
of the Editorial of Broadcasts on Culture we even paid
more attention to cultural topics. We preserved all the
Education has long ago crossed the boarder of formal
broadcasts (three morning news, bulletins at 13.00 and
education. The Education Programme thus has an
16.30 hours, Odmevi) until April also the broadcasts
important role in the promulgation of knowledge and
Danes, Vaš kraj and TV Dnevnik. The latter three were
knowing among spectators and also advice giving about
replaced by Dnevnik, Denar and Magnet through
burning every-day topics. More attention was paid to the
the re-organisation of the one-hour news block between
topics from the field of emotional intelligence, which will
19.00 and 20.00 hours.
be the topics that a spectator of the 21st century will
reach more often. As far as the broadcasts popularizing
Among new broadcasts the 90-minute long Tarča was
more demanding contents from the field of science and
very well accepted. This is a combination of research
cultural heritage are concerned, we will have much work
journalism and meeting of various opinions. A much
to do in order to present these demanding topics in a
higher rating than a year before was achieved by
more popular way. A key question for the future is: »What
Aktualno, oriented towards the presentation of various
do we communicate and how do we communicate?«
opinions on the most topical issues, and Tednik, the
The most we can do as creators is a permanent dialogue
broadcast with a more than 20-year tradition which does
with spectators.
not only point at problems of »little people« but often
solves them. We shall not forget about Omizje which
Tanja Starič
is watched by one fourth of spectators in that time in
Managing Editor of News and Current Affairs
the middle of a week up to 1.00 in the morning, the
Programmes of TV Slovenia
Culture a n d A r t s P r o g r a mmes
Culture and Arts Programmes implemented all vital
projects which are of essence for the mission of a public
television in compliance with expectations. In several
segments we managed to considerably increase rating.
The colleagues from the Department of Drama
Programme broadcasted more than 25 hours of inhouse production and simultaneously recorded all the
planned own production. Let us mention just a few
highlights: the television film of Metod Pevec Pod njenim
oknom received a majority of awards at the film festival
in Celje and was simultaneously very well accepted by
both critics and spectators. We successfully completed
recording of the television feature film Jasnovidka and of
the television drama Obisk, where both projects are now
in the final phase of post production. The co-production
of Kozole’s Rezervni deli was very successful at the
film festival in Berlin. The AV-tender offered independent
producers a possibility of co-creating television programme,
selected and presented was the serial Čokoladne sanje.
We completed the serial Novi svet that was watched by
about 9% of spectators. The fourth season of Vrtičkarji
was seen by an average of 13% of spectators and we
recorded the last ten parts of the fifth, last season.
The colleagues from the Department of Broadcasts
on Culture prepared a total of 94 hours of programme.
The biggest progress was achieved in reporting on culture.
The programme Kultura had an average of 111,200
spectators on week days, achieved a good professional
level each evening and became an important place of
reporting on cultural events and at the same time the
place for the establishment of younger, penetrating
journalists. A more intense co-operation with the News
Programme brought along several culture topics in Dnevnik
and Odmevi and a new rubric Magnet, in weekly and
monthly broadcasts we dedicated more attention to
rarely presented topics in the past (architecture, dance,
The Children’s and Youth Programme Department
carried out a series of projects; the new puppet educationentertainment serial Zajček Bine, dedicated to the
youngest children, will certainly become one of the parade
horses of TV Slovenia. Among the successful projects
let us mention the series of television lyric allusions to
the poems of Oton Župančič, the acted documentary
Pepi vse ve (acquaintance with artistic languages) and
a new season of the serial Bisergora for the smallest
children (even richer thanks to the added animations of
Eka Vogelnik). We presented ourselves with dignity in
Europe with the documentary Emanuel iz Evrope and
with the play Čudežni urok. Both films were among the
most successful in the last-year European production of 15
states. The spectators welcomed the series Knjiga mene
briga, Zlatko Zakladko and the featured-documentary
educational serial Potepanja (independent production).
We are also satisfied by putting to life the animated
programme (the children welcomed the serial Hrček
Miha pripoveduje) and with the acted links in Živ-Žav. All
expectations were exceeded by the featured serial Nina,
and we also finished Sprehod z baronom narrating
about the creativity of the Slovenes from Trieste from
Trubar until the middle of the 20th century.
The Department of Foreign Featured
Programmes entirely carried out its programme plan,
its clearer and more consistent programme policy and
special attention paid to the European film production
made an important contribution to more quality
programme planning. Sedmi pečat showed the films
of world production of highest quality that were very
highly rated or got awards at prestigious film festivals.
Apart from the products of the European cinematography
and uncommercial American films we also broadcasted
domestic films from a co-production between the Film
Fund of the Republic of Slovenia and RTV Slovenia.
In the Department of Culture and Documentary
Programmes we recorded the planned number of
broadcasts and presented 30 hours of programme
in our own production. Documentaristics as one of
the most prominent television genres is an important
contribution to the maintenance of our historical and
cultural consciousness and self-confidence. It is also
paid great and permanent attention of the spectators.
Certain documentary portraits and films were seen by an
extraordinary number of spectators (the portrait of Polde
Bibič, Človek, ki ga moraš imeti rad, was seen by
162,000 spectators and the documentary narration on
Karničarji with the title Hribovska saga by 175,000
spectators). The documentary feature of Jasna Hribernik
Tango-5 was awarded for the best television film at the
Film Festival of Celje.
In the Department of Serious Music and Ballet
we completed the set programme and at the same time
presented more than 97 hours of the programme of our
own production. The project of the year were Svetovni
glasbeni dnevi (The World Music Days) to which
we paid our utmost programme and implementation
care and achieved that the performance was well
accepted. We completed and broadcasted the portraits
of Marjana Lipovšek, Andres Valdes and Rudolf
Francl. We recorded the serial Po sledeh baleta, we
took a part of the serial Zgodovina slovenske opere,
strengthened co-operation with musical ensembles of
RTV Slovenia and continued presentations of young
Slovene musicians, of Slovene jazz and choir music.
The Colleagues from the Religious Programme
Department implemented the planned programme
and broadcasted 68 hours of in-house production. The
broadcast Duhovni utrip changed the airing time and
expanded its field of topic and achieved a higher rating.
Compared to a year before, the rating of the broadcast
Obzorja duha also increased.
Jani Virk
Managing Editor of Culture and Arts
Programmes of TV Slovenia
Ent e r t a i n m e n t a n d S ports Programmes
In Entertainment Programmes we kept to two
concerned we made a step forward in covering
basic goals in the programme scheme: first, to
a majority of winter projects on the scene,
preserve in-house production that was very positively
especially the World Championship in Alpine
accepted by the spectators and professional public,
Skiing in St. Moritz and the Nordic World
and secondly, offer new projects or variegate several
Championship in Val di Fiemme as well as
existing broadcasts by new ideas and people. From
the World Championship of Group A in Ice
the planned 848 broadcasts we carried out 826
Hockey in Finland. Ski jump and alpine skiing
of them, because in the second half of the year we
races also reached very high ratings, whereas the
replaced the evening show Človek ne jezi se with
rating of hockey remained below our expectations.
a foreign serial and the remaining finances were
A step forward was also made in the shape and
invested into the new Friday quiz. We had 679
quality of News Programme and the regular weekly
hours of domestic premieres and 123 hours of
broadcast Končnica (the latter especially in the field
foreign production. As far as their quality and rating
of implementation and design). We also had optimal
are concerned, we can highlight the following ones:
coverage of matches of the Slovene football
Tistega lepega popoldneva (apart from a good
representation for European Championship
editorial concept, the novelty showed to be a nonin 2004 which were like winter sports also very
typical approach of the moderating couple, which is
positively accepted by the spectators.
a good indicator for the future), Najšibkejši člen
(Weakest Link) (apart from extraordinary rating the
We had fewer broadcasts of domestic production
licensors - BBC - evaluated the Slovene version as one
due to the lowering of expenditures and somewhat
of the best productions), Vsakdanjik in praznik,
more broadcasts in the field of foreign production, yet
Avtoportret, Čez planke and unique projects like
the deviations were not of essence. The majority of
EMA, Evrosong, Slovenska popevka and 50 let
projects attained the set rating, with those, especially
Avsenikove glasbe.
new ones, where we did not reach it, we performed
radical cuts or abolished the broadcasts. This is the
The basic programme direction of the Entertainment
reason why we are self-critical in exposing some
Programme of TV Slovenia will remain commitment
unsuccessful projects from 2003: special broadcast
to quality in-house production, because domestic
on the World Championship in Alpine Skiing in St.
broadcasts give the spectators not only an opportunity
Moritz which was prepared from Ljubljana in order
of linguistic identification but also a comparison and
to cut down costs and the Sunday broadcast on
insight into the national culture of entertainment.
football Gool.
The Sports Programme mostly reached the set
goals and implemented the set plan with respect to
the expected quality and scope. As far as contents are
Miša Molk
Managing Editor of Entertainment and Sports
Programmes of TV Slovenia
Regional T e l e v i s i o n P r o g ramme Maribor
In the national programme we increased the number
of broadcasts and production: 551 broadcasts of inhouse premiere production in the total duration of
492 hours. We were also very active as a collective
correspondent with 55 hours of programmes and
contributions in daily news and broadcasts of other
programmes of TV Slovenia. In national programmes
we broadcasted 78 more broadcasts from the
production of ORF and MTV, of editorials of Slovene
national communities in Austria and Hungary and that
in the total length of 37 hours.
The year 2003 was the first year when we emitted
the regional television programme on the frequency
for the territory of north-eastern Slovenia the whole
year through, so that it was possible to monitor the
effects of this programme within a broader regional
environment and to reach adequate recognizability.
The data on rating in the region surpassed those of all
other local and regional television programmes.
The regional programme mostly concentrated on the
basic informative function, daily informative, topical
news and broadcasts on culture and sports in the
regions of north-eastern Slovenia.
Programme Unit Te
levision Slovenia
A majority of broadcasts reached the expected quality
and also rating. The biggest success was the rating
In the regional channel programme we broadcasted
of the live transmission of the Festival narečne
7,318 hours of programme, of that 53% programme
popevke (11% rating and 30% share of spectators;
contents, 3% advertisements, promotional messages
the telecast was spectated by 208,200 spectators).
and breaks and 48% panoramas with video news.
Among the regular weekly broadcasts there are
In the programme genre there prevailed informative
two which reach the highest rating, namely Ljudje
broadcasts (over 40%), follow educational, educationalin zemlja and Na vrtu. The Morning Programme
advisory and documentary broadcasts.
Dobro jutro, prepared in co-operation with the
regional programmes from Koper and Maribor, early
Zoran Medved
in the morning between 7.00 and 9.00 hours each
Managing Editor of the Regional TV Programme
week day attracts almost one half of all the spectators
in the Regional RTV Centre Maribor
who watch television at that time.
Reg i o n a l T e l e v i s i o n Programme Koper
Following the basic functions in 2003 we respected
the adopted programme scheme, which was
unfortunately not entirely implemented.
The role of correspondents for informative and cultural
broadcasts of the national programme was performed
within the arranged scope and was adapted to the
topical issues and requirements. Unfortunately, our
capacities of production and human resources do not
suffice, which causes very high expense for part-time
workers in production and for the hiring of free-lance
shooting teams.
co-operation, exchange of daily newscasts and the
topical magazine broadcasts Lynx magazin, prepared
in four departments – the Slovene and Italian in
the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria and the
Slovene and Italian regional seat of RAI in Trieste. As
an upgrade of the current co-operation we started a
joint media project Dober dan, Evropa in October,
which is financed by the funds Interreg and Phare and
contributes to an even better exchange of information
and acquaintance of spectators with the topics upon
the near accession of Slovenia to the EU.
The share of the Morning Programme prepared in
the studio of Koper met the requirements - it adapted
both to domestic and international events. Apart from
two permanent sections (gymnastics and horoscope)
we prepared a series of interesting reports, advice and
hosted interesting personalities in our studio.
levision Slovenia
Programme Unit Te
Program za zamejce (Slovenes in Italy), which is
one of the basic missions in the regional programme,
followed the events on the other side of the boarder
between Slovenia and Italy. We continued transfrontier
Good rating in the majority of cases proves that
the broadcasts were well prepared in contents and
pictures. The spectators preferred the daily newscast
Primorska kronika, TV Poper, the broadcasts
Ljudje in zemlja, Pomagajmo si, Med valovi,
Halo, izzvani ste, Ostani doma, Pravljice Mike
Make… Almost all these broadcasts were shown on
national programmes.
Nataša Segulin
Managing Editor of the Regional TV Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Rating a n d S h a r e s o f S p e ctators
According to the data of the daily electronic rating measurement in 2003 prepared by Media Services AGB, an
average of 221,500 Slovenes older than four years, which represents a good tenth of the population, watched
television every day (in 24 hours). Each inhabitant of Slovenia watched television approximately 255 minutes a
day last year. The 1st programme was watched by one fourth of all the spectators, the 2nd programme was
watched by a tenth of the spectators - this means for TV Slovenia somewhat more than a third of the market
share (35%). In the primetime from 19.00 to 23.00 television was watched by an average of 585,560 Slovenes,
which represents 31% of the entire population. Out of four evening hours, each spectator watches television more
than half of the time - 2 hours and 20 minutes. The share of spectators of the 1st programme of TV Slovenia
in this time is somewhat higher than during the day (27%), whereas the share of the 2nd programme of TV
Slovenia is somewhat lower than during the day (9%).
A v e r a g e N u m ber of Spectators of t h e 1 s t a n d 2 n d P r o g r a m m e o f
T v S l o v e n i a in 2003
in the whole day
(24 hours)
prime time
(19.00 - 23.00)
1st programme
2nd programme
Source: Media Services AGB, panel sample of 450 households with members aged above 4
The represented general rating of television and rating of individual programmes point at the fact that the
evaluation of success of broadcasts by rating should always include also the time of broadcasting and the
programme, in which a broadcast is shown.
The summary of ratings of broadcasts of TV Slovenia in the previous year presents those broadcasts of individual
departments which are important highlights if the earlier mentioned key data are taken into consideration.
Regular daily informative newscasts are among the best rated the whole year through.
An average rating of Dnevnik was 11.8% (222,200 spectators); an average share of spectators in that time
period is 38%.
Odmevi is watched by 10.1% of population, which represents an average of 189,500 spectators, an average
share of spectators in that time period is 35%.
I n f o r m a t i v e N ewscasts
Among the regular mosaic broadcasts Tednik reaches the highest rating. It is watched by an average of 11.4%
or 214,300 spectators, an average share of spectators in that time is 33%.
In 2003 the rating of two weekly feature broadcasts increased. It is watched by 40% of spectators of television
in this time: Utrip on Saturdays reaches an average rating of 11.2% or 210,100 spectators, Zrcalo tedna on
Sundays reaches the rating of 13.9% or an average of 261,400 spectators.
Among the regular talk shows the highest average rating is reached by the new monthly broadcast in 2003
– Tarča, which was watched by an average of 10.5% of spectators. Follows the broadcast Aktualno with 7.8%
(average rating in 2003 increased by an average of 2%), Intervju with an average of 6.5% and Večerni gost
with 6% of spectators.
Topical documentary broadcasts Mednarodna obzorja and Dosje maintain the average rating of 7% and one
fifth of spectators in the time.
The mosaic broadcasts Gospodarski izzivi and Svetovni izzivi found their regular public on Mondays. They
are watched by an average of 6% of spectators.
A stable average of 5% rating is occupied by Studio City on the 2nd programme of TV Slovenia on Monday
The broadcast on Fridays Polnočni klub is watched by one fourth of spectators when the show is presented,
which is an average of 4% of the entire population.
Programme Unit Te
levision Slovenia
D a i l y I n f o r m a tive Programme
E d u cation Programme
Regular afternoon education and informative broadcasts (Modro, Humanistika, Zenit, Resnična resničnost,
Zgodbe o knjigah) have a permanent 3% average rating.
Regular education broadcasts with various target groups (Recept, Volja najde pot, Dober večer and Vem,
veš), are watched in comparison with 2002 by an average of somewhat more spectators - 3.7%.
Among the premieres of in-house production of the Education Programme of TV Slovenia, the following can be
highlighted as having reached a rating above the average:
Naprodaj – trgovanje z albanskimi otroki
Gorniška pot od Planice do Pokljuke
Sadovi narave
Gorska jezera
Zlati maturantje – pet vprašanj in pet odgovorov
Bela magistrala na smučeh čez Julijce
Terske doline in gore
Življenje in gore
Življenje v gorah
Svetloba temnih obrazov
Kako živijo slovenski gradovi
13.3 %
9.1 %
8.1 %
8.0 %
8.0 %
7.7 %
7.4 %
7.0 %
6.9 %
6.0 %
6.0 %
Share of spectators
35 %
25 %
22 %
21 %
23 %
27 %
18 %
19 %
24 %
18 %
19 %
F eature Broadcasts
Own and Slovene production traditionally contribute to higher rating:
Novi svet
12.5 %
9.4 %
9.3 %
Share of spectators
29 %
26 %
26 %
Broadcasts on Cultu r e
levision Slovenia
Programme Unit Te
The regular informative broadcast Magnet is watched by an average of 10.1% of population of Slovenia or
rather a third of all spectators of television. The broadcast Kultura, which follows the Odmevi, is regularly
watched by an average of 6.4% of population or a considerable fifth of spectators of television at that time
The weekly broadcast Osmi dan is watched by an average of 4% of spectators.
Regular feature broadcasts from the field of culture (Pisave, Podoba podobe, Opus, Neznani oder) regularly
reach a rating of 3%.
The celebration of the evening before the cultural holiday in 2003 was watched by somewhat more spectators
than in 2002. Prešernova proslava was watched by 9.2% of spectators or rather a fourth of all spectators of
television at that time.
Music Shows
The most watched music shows were the following:
75 let Radia Slovenija
34. tabor slovenskih pevskih zborov
Zvočnost slovenske duše
7.0 %
4.7 %
4.4 %
Share of spectators
18 %
33 %
12 %
Miklavžev koncert was shown on Saturday, December 6 last year and was attended to by an average of 4%
of spectators.
D o c u m e n t a ry Broadcasts
Among the premiere shown broadcasts of own production recorded in the Documentary Programme of TV
Slovenia, the following can be highlighted as having the rating above the average:
Hribovska saga
Človek, ki ga moraš imeti rad
Zgodba gospoda P. F.
Krka in ljudje
Čar nakupovanja
Zemlja planinca
Vmesni čas
Zgodbe o mostovih
9.4 %
8.7 %
7.8 %
7.3 %
7.3 %
7.2 %
7.1 %
7.0 %
7.0 %
Share of spectators
24 %
28 %
21 %
21 %
19 %
19 %
27 %
20 %
24 %
C h i l d r e n ’ s and Youth Broadcast s
Regular educative and entertainment broadcasts (Iz popotne torbe, Pod klobukom and Male sive celice)
have permanent public and reach an average rating of 3%.
The education report broadcast Sprehodi v naravo reaches an average of 4% rating, Zlatko Zakladko and
Enajsta šola an average of 2.6% rating.
The most successful among the children’s and youth broadcasts is the featured serial for youth Izgubljeni
zaklad, which was presented on Sunday evenings. Its average rating was 11.5%.
Contact talk shows for youth (Na liniji, Jasno in glasno) in the afternoons have an average of 1.8% rating.
Compared to the year 2002 regular broadcasts of Religious Programme increased its rating: the broadcast on
religion and religious men Obzorja duha is followed by an average of 4.2% spectators. The 5-minute religious
address Ozare on Saturdays in the afternoon is watched by an average of 3.7% of spectators. The monthly
broadcast Duhovni utrip reached a rating of 3.6%.
Live transmissions of Sunday masses and worships of God are watched by an average of 3.4% of
We must also stress the rating of the live transmission of the charity concert Klic dobrote, which is prepared
in the Religious Programme. Its average rating reaches 14.8% (278,900 spectators) having in mind that 35% of
spectators watch television at that time.
E n t e r t a i n m e n t Programme
The best rating among regular entertainment shows in 2003 was reached by the new quiz Najšibkejši člen
(Weakest Link), which addresses the audience each Friday evening. The quiz was watched by an average of
16.1% of spectators out of 42% of all spectators of television.
The spectators find the entertaining broadcast Vsakdanjik in praznik very popular. It is aired on Sunday
afternoons and achieves an envied 10.1% average rating at constant 37% share of spectators. We also have to
draw attention to the following well rated broadcasts of folk music:
50 let Avsenikove glasbe
Slovenska polka in valček 2003
Najlepša viža
16.3 %
13.9 %
11.5 %
Share of spectators
40 %
35 %
29 %
Programme Unit Te
levision Slovenia
R e l i g i o u s P r ogramme
The selection for the Eurosong and everything
connected thereto is a notion for good rating. The
broadcast EMA 2003 was followed by an average
of 24.4% spectators (58% share), the very transparent
broadcast before the selection for the Eurosong was
watched by 9.7% of spectators (40% share). The
Eurosong that followed the introductory broadcast
was watched on the 1st programme of TV Slovenia
by as much as 76% of spectators at that time!
The entertainment talk show Tistega lepega
popoldneva attracted spectators on Sunday
afternoons and in comparison with 2002 the rating
has considerably increased. The broadcast is watched
by an average of 8.5% of spectators at the average of
37% share.
By all means, we have to highlight a charity show
performed by the entertainment programme that
was called Mavrična šola odpira vrata, for it was
watched by an average of 11.4% or a poor third of
TV spectators at that time.
Regional RTV Centre Maribor
The regional TV programme prepares several regular
broadcasts for national programmes. Among them
let us mention the most rated consulting broadcasts:
Ljudje in zemlja with 6.6% rating, Na vrtu with
4.9% rating and the broadcast Evropski magazin
with 2.6% rating.
The regional TV programme Maribor and the regional
TV programmes of Ljubljana and Koper prepare the
broadcast Dobro jutro, which is followed by an
average of 1.4% or 23,600 spectators whereas the
number of spectators at that time is almost half the
Most popular among the occasional broadcasts are
Festival narečne popevke, which was watched
by 11.1% of spectators, Ptujski festival with 8.4%
rating and Festival Vurberk with 6.7% rating.
S ports Programme
levision Slovenia
Programme Unit Te
Among regular sports informative broadcasts in 2003
Športna poročila after Dnevnik was the most
watched with an average rating of 12.9%.
The live transmissions of Slovene sports events in
2003 were headed by live transmission of the match
for additional qualifications for the European
Football Championship that was watched by
27.5% spectators which represents two thirds of
the spectators of television at that time. All football
matches for the placement to the European Football
Championship were followed by an average of 15.9%
or 43% of all television spectators at that time. Closely
behind was the World Cup in Alpine Skiing
from Maribor and Kranjska Gora, which was
watched by an average of 14.9% of spectators or
even two thirds of television spectators at that time.
Live transmissions of ski jumps from Planica
were watched by 11% of spectators this year and
qualifications of our basketball players for the
European Championship by 7.7% spectators.
Regional RTV Centre
Also the regional TV programme Koper/Capodistria
prepares regular broadcasts for national programmes,
among them the best rating is expected for
TV Poper with an average 8% rating and 25%
share of spectators.
We have to highlight three parts of the broadcast
10 years of TV Poper, that were followed by
an average of 8.8% of spectators or one fourth of
television spectators in the time of airing.
The regular agricultural broadcast Ljudje in zemlja,
prepared by the regional TV programme Koper/
Capodistria is followed by an average of 6.1% of
spectators out of 40% of all the spectators at that
time. The broadcast Pomagajmo si is watched by
3.5% of spectators at 26% share of spectators.
T v S l o v e n ia’s Programme Outpu t i n t h e Y e a r 2 0 0 3
Number of hours: 14,310
Adver tising and T V Sales 6%
(865 hours)
Newscasts 8%
( 1, 0 6 8 h o u r s )
Tr a i l e r s 3 %
(354 hours)
Current Af fairs
P r o g r a m m e s 18 %
( 2 , 6 37 h o u r s )
Other Programmes 2%
(350 hours)
S p o r t 10 %
( 1, 4 9 3 h o u r s )
M u s i c 10 %
( 1 , 37 5 h o u r s )
Education 2%
(348 hours)
Yo u t h P r o g r a m m e s 6 %
( 810 h o u r s )
Enter tainment 6%
( 87 5 h o u r s )
P r o g r a m m e s 10 %
( 1 , 417 h o u r s )
F e a t u r e F i l m s 10 %
( 1, 4 0 3 h o u r s )
T V Drama 2%
(262 hours)
Series and Serials 7%
( 1, 0 5 3 h o u r s )
T v S l o v e n i a ’ s Broadcasts Accordi n g t o S o u r c e o f P r o d u c t i o n
in 2 0 0 3 ( A d v ertising, Tv Sales an d T r a i l e r s a r e E x c l u d e d )
R e p e a t s 51 %
(6,703 hours)
In-house & Commissionned
Production - Premiere 26%
(3,434 hours)
Other Production Premiere 23%
(2,954 hours)
U S P r o d u c t i o n 12 %
( 1, 5 4 3 h o u r s )
P r o d u c t i o n 24 %
( 3 ,18 8 h o u r s )
Other 7%
(882 hours)
Source: Programme Controlling of RTV Slovenia
Original Slovenia
P r o d u c t i o n 57 %
( 7, 47 8 h o u r s )
Programme Unit Te
levision Slovenia
Broadcasted programme total: 13,091 hours
N a tional Channels in th e Y e a r 2 0 0 3
1 s t Programme of TV Sl o v e n i a
Number of hours: 8,746
Adver tising and T V Sales 4%
( 37 2 h o u r s )
Tr a i l e r s 2 %
( 212 h o u r s )
Programmes 2%
( 14 3 h o u r s )
Programmes 1%
(94 hours)
E n t e r t a i n m e n t 10 %
(826 hours)
Sport 5%
(455 hours)
Music 5%
( 4 37 h o u r s )
Feature Films 9%
( 7 51 h o u r s )
N e w s c a s t s 10 %
(894 hours)
Current Af fairs
P r o g r a m m e s 21 %
( 1, 8 4 0 h o u r s )
Education 4%
(344 hours)
Yo u t h P r o g r a m m e s 8 %
(695 hours)
P r o g r a m m e s 11 %
(994 hours)
T V Drama 2%
(209 hours)
Series and Serials 6%
(480 hours)
2nd Programme of TV S l o v e n i a
Number of hours: 5,564
Newscasts 3%
( 174 h o u r s )
Other Programmes 4%
( 219 h o u r s )
Tr a i l e r s 2 %
( 14 2 h o u r s )
Current Af fairs
P r o g r a m m e s 14 %
( 7 97 h o u r s )
levision Slovenia
Programme Unit Te
Adver tising and T V Sales 9%
(493 hours)
S p o r t 19 %
( 1, 0 3 8 h o u r s )
M u s i c 17 %
(938 hours)
Yo u t h P r o g r a m m e s 2 %
( 115 h o u r s )
Programmes 8%
(423 hours)
S e r i e s a n d S e r i a l s 10 %
( 57 3 h o u r s )
F e a t u r e F i l m s 12 %
(652 hours)
Source: Programme Controlling of RTV Slovenia
I'm constantly on the road
and radio is therefore my
indispensable fellow
t r a v e l l e r. Tr a f f i c i n f o r m a t i o n ,
newscasts, culture, spor ts,
music... ever ything in one
In the jubilee year when Radio Slovenia (earlier Radio
Ljubljana) celebrated 75 years of existence, we prepared
an adequate offer of topical radio contents and thus
additionally contributed to the establishment of the
national media that strives to keep its image and goal
of national media despite stiff competition of almost
90 radio stations in Slovenia. The diversity of offer of
three national programmes constituting our basic activity
(quality programme contents are imperative imposed
on us by the founder) led our desire to try to reach
two things in 2003: preserve its present status in radio
media space and improve it with constant programme
Even in 2003 we attentively followed the data on rating
of all three radio programmes, which among others
reveal our shares on the market: from 4.30 to 8.00 radio
is listened to by 72% of all listeners, from 8.00 until
13.00 by 50%, from 13.00 until 19.00 by 54% and
from 19.00 until 24.00 by 46% of questioned listeners
older than 13 years (Research of Programmes and the
Audience of RTV Slovenia and Measurement of 2003
Rating). Such public polls make us even more convinced
that the programme offer is designed in an adequate
manner and that we seriously respected one of the
fundamental commandments of radio programme study,
i.e. segmentation. Namely, there is no general audience
with undefined habits and requirements. In 2003 we
therefore addressed individual segments of listeners
and adapted our programme offer to them by changing
the existing schemes, especially on the 1st and 2nd
programmes. Of course, this can be a risky undertaking
In implementing programme obligations in 2003 we
were burdened by the fact that we are more severely
facing inexorable commercial competition. By competing
at the 2003 tender for frequencies (for Val 202 and
Radio SI) which are public goods we have one more
experience, namely the division of the Slovene Mega
hertz vast area got new extensions that must not be
Integrally speaking, the situation of Radio Slovenia in
2003 was not bad. The 1st and 2nd programmes
increased their market share from 45% in 2002 to
46% in 2003. The share of both regional programmes,
the Radio Maribor and the Radio Koper is 8%, which
represents 90,000 listeners a day. The 1st programme
of the national radio, A-1, reaches 365,000 listeners
a day, whereas the 2nd programme, Val 202, reaches
275,000 listeners. The 1st programme remains reserved
as a scene for airing informative political, commercial
and cultural contents, the 2nd programme is more
servicing, informative and contact, open to various views
and the flow of information. The 3rd programme, called
Programme Ars is not included in the statistics of this
type due to its specific culture-arts, musical, creative and
playing role.
The achieved results are a good direction for our work
in the future. In 2003 the Informative Programme was
the most listened to and is the engine of our dynamic
and versatile radio offer. A guarantee for the quality of
our programme contents is consistent respect of the
principles of objectivity, authenticity and impartiality.
These principles were also taken into account at other
programme profiles in culture-arts, religious, education
contents or relaxation, sports and entertainment. A
special stress was on the broadcasts for old people and
the disabled, in 2003 we also created good programme
initiatives that will help us upgrade the broadcasts for
children and youth.
A self-sufficient radio is a poor radio. Traditional
programme anchors supported by strengthening the
share among the listeners in 2003 helped us keep the
role of a national medium as stipulated by the law and
at the same time took care to profilate the contents, with
which we might attract »active curious people, stay-athome people and last but not least unsatisfied listeners«.
In 2003 the programmes of Radio Slovenia were carried
out by 233 employees; this means that we did not hire
any new persons, we lost three of them. We remain
a relatively old collective. We could not implement the
existing programme offer without the creativity of external
employees, which results in increased programme costs.
Miha Lampreht
Director of RA Programmes of RTV Slovenia
Programme Unit Ra
dio Slovenia
We could be self-satisfying in saying that the prevailing
part of our programme tasks was successfully
implemented in compliance with programme starting
points and with the adopted yearly programme and
business plan. Since the programme has to be judged
in constant amendment and improvement, we cannot
and do not want to be entirely satisfied with it. We
constantly keep looking for new programme niches, new
programme effects and new target public. In pursuing
the key goals we used all complementary methods and
practices that additionally strengthen radio as a medium
in the consciousness of a listener. In this direction we
also think about renewal of our programme pages
on the Internet and simultaneously also use effective
promotional contents to draw the audience’s attention
to our programme offer. Even in 2003 we derived
from continuity in its noblest professional sense. We
are at the same time aware that we have to respond
to new happenings and directions in the technological
and production field of radio activity very quickly. We
have to seriously consider the experience of comparable
European media, especially in the sense of development
of new media projects, introduction of new technologies
and last but not least also the extension of co-production.
per se. Loyal listeners are hard to get, yet they may be
lost very quickly.
New s P r o g r a m m e s
After presidential and local elections we followed the
personnel transformation of the political institution
system at the beginning of the year. The question
was about electing a new president of the state and
appointing a new prime minister as well as forming a
new network of local administration institutions (193
new municipality councils and mayors). We prepared a
thematic series of special broadcasts in the final part of
preparations for Slovenia entering EU (especially in the
field of agriculture). In the extensive discussion
»pro et contra« we prepared a series of topical
broadcasts in the period after the invitation to join
NATO. A short summary: after the invitation at the
summit of Prague and Kopenhagen there were
referendums in March 2003 with the questions about
Slovenia entering the EU and NATO and got quite
considerable support. Followed the April signing of an
Association Agreement with EU in Athens.
compliance with the EU directives and preparations on
the abolishment of monetary autonomy of Slovenia.
We were also intensely engaged in the second phase
of transition processes, i.e. takeovers and entering of
foreign capital on the Slovene market. We would like
to draw special attention to the agreement with public
employees who agreed to a formula, according to
which they refrained from the increase of wages in
exchange for additional old age pension insurance,
which is undoubtedly an achievement of social
dio Slovenia
Programme Unit Ra
There were as much as five referendums in 2003!
Apart from two referendums on Slovenia entering
the EU and NATO there were referendums on
Sunday opening times of shops, on reimbursement of
investments into the erection of the telecommunication
network and on privatisation of railways. Among
economic topics were highlighted the uncompleted tax
and health reform, renovation of budget policy in
As far as external politics are concerned, we have
to mention the war in Iraq and the arrest of Sadam
Hussein at the end of last year, following efforts in the
fight against terrorism, estrangement of Euro-American
alliance as an introduction into the war of Iraq, the
scandal Kelly in Great Britain and expanding of SARS
and AIDS.
Last but not least, it should be mentioned that in
2003 we took care of integral renovation of the
identification presentation of the broadcasts of Daily
News Programme.
Bojan Veselinovič
Managing Editor of News and Current Affairs
Programmes of RA Slovenia
Culture a n d A r t s P r o g r a mmes
The Culture and Arts Programmes of the Radio for 2003
almost entirely met the expectations from the programme
and business plan. Compared to the year before, we mark
a slight increase in the share of repeated airing of feature
projects, to which we were forced due to the lack of
money for original production. This increase was
somewhat influenced by the fact that during the holidays
on Val 202 (where featured broadcasts do regularly not
appear) we repeated the utter successful series from ten
years ago Klinika Tivoli. The jubilee year brought an echoing documentary serial on the history of Slovene radio
play of the author Peter Zobec.
The Children’s and Youth Programme additionally strengthened its presence in Morning and News Programme
and on the programme Val 202. To a thematic expansion
were subject the broadcasts Knjižnica za mlade and
Za knjižne molje, in autumn we also filled the gap in
the offer for student’s population that lacked a specialized
broadcast until then. On Thursday evenings we started
preparing Študentski val on Val 202, and we were
soon joined by the Regional RTV Centres of Maribor and
Koper which are also university centres.
Programme Unit Ra
dio Slovenia
The Ars Programme preserved and cleaned its current
concept of 24-hour programme for a more demanding listener. Essay broadcasts were joined into thematic groups,
Since the Ministry of Culture co-financed the serial of
which offered a clearer overview. We simultaneously aired
Zobec on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of radio,
broadcasts in terms each day at the same hour and thus
we managed to use the remaining money to complete the
satisfied the wishes of listeners for systematics. The 40th
electronic files of the feature programme (e-Antigona),
anniversary of the beginning of airing (when the two-hour
which is compatible with similar data collections of the
concert programme shared the transmitter network with
Slovene Theatrical Museum and the Academy of Theatre,
the 2nd radio programme) was celebrated by a publication
Radio, Film and Television and allows searching among
of a compact disk with a compilation of statements of
almost 4000 archival units (broadcasts) by various search
40 Slovene intellectuals - listeners and co-creators of the
criteria (by the author’s name, title, director, dramaturgist,
3rd programme. In September and October we further
actors, music arranger…).
aired a selection of 40 most quality broadcasts kept in our
We loyally attended actual events on Slovene and partly
also on foreign cultural scenes (especially where our artists
Vlado Senica
performed) and acquainted the listeners with the most
Managing Editor of Culture and Arts
important moves in the final transformation of the national
Programmes of RA Slovenia
Culture Programme.
Mu s i c P r o g r a m m e
In 2003 the Department for Serious Music of
Radio Slovenia organized seven big concerts for the
European Association of Radio Stations; it contributed
to the enrichment of the archives with new recordings
of Slovene music and for the first time organized its
Festival of Chamber Groups of Young People.
The year 2003 started with a direct transmission:
- on January 1, 2003 from studio 14 to the waves of
the BBC radio. The Music Programme joined the
BBC project Z glasbo okoli sveta (With Music
Around the World) with the concert of the
ensemble Terrafolk. The concert was so eminently
prepared that it ranked first and received the award
Prix of the Listeners of the BBC radio.
In 2003 the Music Programme of Radio Slovenia
celebrated its 100th anniversary of death of the
composer Hugo Wolf. The department organized a
concert in the composer’s birthplace in Slovenj Gradec.
On February 23, 2003 the Chamber Orchestra of RTV
Slovenia prepared a concert of Wolf’s works and on
the proposal of the Department for Choir Music the
works were also recorded for the archives.
Among the more outstanding recording projects
in 2003 we should pay attention to the archive
recording of the opera of this year’s nominee for the
prize of the Prešernov sklad. The opera Kriton of
Tomaž Svete was recorded. On our motion it was also
included into the programme of Slovenski glasbeni
dnevi 2003 (The Slovene Music Days 2003). As each
year before the Music Programme of Radio Slovenia
directly broadcasted the entire festival.
dio Slovenia
Programme Unit Ra
Other milestones in the international activity in 2003
were among others:
- February 23, 2003 - The concert of the Symphony
Orchestra of RTV Slovenia in the framework
of the cycle Radijski orkestri ustvarjajo
zgodovino. The Symphony Orchestra was
conducted by Sean Edwards, and for the first time
the international public was presented the Primož
Ramovš’ Žalna glasba and received positive notes of
foreign critics.
- July 12, 2003 - The music programme EBU aired
the concert of Gallus’ motets. It is a result of
a co-production with the Festival Brežice in which
singers from eleven countries participated.
- October 12, 2003 - We joined the project Evropski
dan kulture (The European Day of Culture)
with Slovene People’s Music.
- December 21, 2003 - We prepared the
traditional Christmas concert for the special
day of Euroradio. We played the works of Hugo
Wolf and of French masters. For the first time the
young Slovene organist Tomaž Sevšek was
presented to the audience.
To demanding projects of 2003 can also be counted
the journalistic coverage and editorial attention of
the greatest music event in the country - the festival
Svetovni glasbeni dnevi 2003 (The World
Music Days 2003) (between September 26 and
October 3, 2003). Music editors and co-workers of
the Department for Serious Music of Radio Slovenia
took care of information to public, of critical evaluations
of concerts and prepared direct transmissions of
concerts. On the occasion of this festival 19 concert
events were recorded. 15 concert events were
prepared in the Department for Serious Music also
for the exchange in the framework of the European
Association of Radio Stations and this event was also
covered in our Informative Programmes.
Between June 23 and June 29, 2003 the Music
Programme of Radio Slovenia prepared the project
Evrointegracije (Eurointegrations) in Nova
Gorica. The world known ensemble Combattimento
Consort Amsterdam, the conductor Jan Willem de
Vriend and the violinist Gordan Nicolich with the
Chamber Orchestra of RTV Slovenia prepared a
concert of Slovene music heritage. The songs of Izak
Poš, Janez Krstnik Dolar and Giuseppe Tartini were
also recorded for the radio archives. The selection of
works was a result of co-operation with the Institute
of Musicology of the scientific-research centre of the
Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences. The scientists
of the Institute were so overwhelmed with the
performance that the recordings will be used also in
the presentation of the Institute on the web sites.
Between May 19 and May 24, 2003 the Music
Programme for the first time organized a Festival
of Chamber Groups of Young People which was
given the name Allegretto. All concert events
were recorded, three times we also entered into live
transmissions on the 3rd programme and once also
on the 1st programme in the framework of youth’s
broadcasts Gymnasium.
We entirely recorded two festivals of old music - in
Brežice and Radovljica. We have to mention also the
Festival of Chansons and about 50 new things in this
connection. Our joint efforts resulted in the success
of the concert of the Symphony Orchestra of
RTV Slovenia with the group Siddharta.
Ivanka Mulec Ploj
Managing Editor of the Music
Programme of RA Slovenia
Radio Ma r i b o r
One of its basic tasks is co-creation of central three
national programmes which are originally prepared in
Ljubljana. In the field of news Radio Maribor prepared
some 1500 short newscasts, in the culture and music
fields it occupies an important place in the promotion
of culture and art creativity within the 3rd programme
- Programme Ars. It concerns recordings and
transmissions of classical music concerts, co-operation
with the Maribor Opera and Maribor Philharmonics,
promotion of vocal groups (e.g. Carmina Slovenica),
choirs (in the framework of the festival Naša pesem)...
On a yearly basis this presents more than 100 hours
of programme from the culture and musical field!
Radio Maribor also participates with its contributions
in the entertainment, documentary and feature, sports
and recreative fields.
In 2003 we put into life the quiz Umko meant for
primary schools. In co-operation with the colleagues
at the Radio Koper we prepare a regular weekly
broadcast Sotočje and once a month an agricultural
broadcast and live shows of masses for the Ars
Programme. We prepared a series of more demanding
broadcasts and contributions in the framework of
established radio brands like Studio ob 17h, Nedeljski
gost na Valu 202, Tedenski aktualni mozaik…
The production of Culture-Arts Programme also had
great repercussions - a majority of radio plays (eight of
them in total) were recorded in Maribor and aired on
three central national programmes.
In 2003 Radio Maribor also created a 24-hour
programme of Radio Slovenia International (RSI)
in foreign languages – with short newscasts and
dynamic music; the employees of Radio SI offered
newscasts of the 1st and 2nd programmes of Radio
Slovenia in foreign languages.
Anton Petelinšek
Managing Editor of the Regional RA Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Maribor
Programme Unit Ra
dio Slovenia
In 2003 Radio Maribor daily aired on two frequencies
almost 17 hours of programme thus performing
decent national media function on the regional level. It
prepared newscasts of the events from north-eastern
Slovenia and especially in Maribor as the second
biggest urban, culture and university centre of Slovenia.
It performed public broadcasts of numerous topical
events in the region.
Rad i o K o p e r
In compliance with the Programme-Business Plan for
2003 Radio Koper preserved the programme contents
and the current scheme. These are defined by the status
of the station as the Public Service Broadcaster RTV
Slovenia. The Informative Programme was carried out by
the plan both in the sense of a regional programme and in
the role of a collective correspondent.
We took some internal measures to prevent the removal
of some broadcasts from the programme scheme, which
would otherwise be inevitable due to the cutting down
and re-arrangement of means intended for variable use.
The implementation was possible with the shortening of
some broadcasts and by diminishing the number of programme projects which are more demanding in the sense
of production and finances.
dio Slovenia
Programme Unit Ra
Among others we co-operated with Radio Trst A and
again carried out the programme projects Naš športnik
and Primorska poje, the latter being the most massive
review of choirs in Europe. We also continued a series
of echoing Sunday matinees for the youngest, in which
children hosted writers, illustrators, musicians, actors and
other creators who work for them.
Despite big organisational troubles emerging as a consequence of limited resources, we continued preparation and
implementation (in a smaller scope than originally foreseen) of music broadcasts Radio Live, which are especially
important in the promotional sense, mostly because of the
fact that they help us reach the category of young listeners
(aged between 18 and 25).
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the humoristic
broadcast of Radio Koper Du, jes? we prepared a public
radio broadcast Praznik smeha in Koper in November.
The event overwhelmed almost 5,000 spectators who
filled the Koper hall Bonfika until the last corner.
The data of the competent institutions show that even
in 2003 Radio Koper remained the most listened radio
station on the territory of broader Primorska region.
Leon Horvatič
Managing Editor of the Regional RA Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
R a d i o S l o venia’s Programme O u t p u t i n t h e Y e a r 2 0 0 3
R a d i o S l ovenia
Number of hours: 23,334
Adver tising 1%
( 211 h o u r s )
Other Programmes 6%
( 1, 4 0 4 h o u r s )
Light and Popular
Music 32%
( 7, 4 6 2 h o u r s )
Sport 4%
( 9 24 h o u r s )
N e w s 12 %
( 2 , 874 h o u r s )
C u r r e n t A f f a i r s 13 %
( 2 , 914 h o u r s )
Radio Drama 2%
( 4 47 h o u r s )
C l a s s i c a l M u s i c 27 %
(6,333 hours)
Other Music 3%
( 76 5 h o u r s )
1 s t P r o g r a m me – A1
Number of hours: 7,988
Adver tising 1%
( 51 h o u r s )
O t h e r P r o g r a m m e s 11 %
( 871 h o u r s )
Light and Popular
Music 45%
(3,593 hours)
N e w s 16 %
( 1, 2 5 3 h o u r s )
Current Af fairs 23%
( 1, 8 3 2 h o u r s )
Other Music 2%
(209 hours)
2 n d P r o g r a m m e – Val 202
Number of hours: 6,829
Adver tising 2%
( 15 4 h o u r s )
Other Programmes 3%
(200 hours)
S p o r t 10 %
( 671 h o u r s )
C u r r e n t A f f a i r s 14 %
( 9 41 h o u r s )
N e w s 15 %
( 1, 0 2 9 h o u r s )
Source: Programme Controlling of RTV Slovenia
Light and Popular Music 56%
(3,834 hours)
Programme Unit Ra
dio Slovenia
Radio Drama 2%
( 17 9 h o u r s )
3 r d Programme – Program A r s
Number of hours: 8,517
Other Programmes 2%
( 15 3 h o u r s )
Current Af fairs 2%
( 141 h o u r s )
News 7%
(592 hours)
Radio Drama 3%
(259 hours)
Arts/Science 3%
( 27 2 h o u r s )
Education 3%
(302 hours)
Other Music 6%
( 514 h o u r s )
dio Slovenia
Programme Unit Ra
Source: Programme Controlling of RTV Slovenia
C l a s s i c a l M u s i c 74 %
(6,284 hours)
The work I do requires
that I'm always well
acquainted with
international news as
well as with the
information of regional
a n d l o c a l c h a r a c t e r.
Programm e s f o r t h e H u n g arian Community
The Studio of Hungarian Programmes Lendava,
the task and mission of which is preparation of TV
broadcasts in the Hungarian language, operated
in 2003 on the basis of the adopted ProgrammeBusiness Plan and in compliance with the role
imposed on minority electronic media in the field of
bringing news to national communities. Last year, the
programme of TV Slovenia broadcasted 192
30-minute broadcasts in the Hungarian language
with special accent on the national culture, education,
preservation of history and minority politics.
These new broadcasts have filled the gap in the field
of preparations of broadcasts for children and youth
and in the field of more extensive topical issues.
Programmes for Na
tional Communitie
Among the projects implemented in 2003 let us
mention the following ones:
- publication of the video cassette entitled
Preteklost v zrcalu sedanjosti. It shows sacral
and cultural arts monuments from the Prekmurje
region. The cassette was presented in October and
was published to celebrate the 25th anniversary
of the operation of the Studio of Hungarian
The broadcast Hidak – Mostovi (on Wednesdays
Programmes Lendava.
and Fridays) is essentially dedicated to topical events
- recording of the feature documentary film entitled
and celebrated in 2003 its 25th anniversary in the
Človek dejanj about Mihály Hajós Kakasdi. The
programme of TV Slovenia. It is well established
33-minute long feature film was presented on
in Slovenia. Our new broadcasts on Tuesdays and
September 14, a day before the anniversary of
Thursdays prepared in the Studio of Hungarian
birth of this important man from the former Dolnja
Programmes Lendava since October 2002 were also
Lendava. The premieres of the film were well
warmly accepted.
attended to and followed also an emission on the
The broadcast Barangolások - Potepanja (foreign
1st programme of TV Slovenia in the framework
production from TV Donava) shows the life of the
of the broadcast Moj gost, moja gostja. The film
Hungarian and also of other national communities in
was also presented in Tapolica and Nagykanizsa in
Europe and elsewhere in the world.
On Thursdays the following broadcasts rotate:
- Leto se izteka… a traditional public event
- Kanapé – Kanape: intended for young
intended as the Christmas - New Year’s
people, children and youth. It contains various
Eve programme of the Studio of Hungarian
contributions which are variegated by video spots
Programmes Lendava. Based on the response from
from Hungarian and international music scene,
the guests at the event and the spectators from all
occasionally also from the Slovene music scene,
over Slovenia, we can by all means consider the
and cartoons. Since the Studio of Hungarian
event to be one of the most successful events up
Programmes Lendava does not have technical
to now.
facilities to record broadcasts of this type, it is
- We also recorded the projects Biseri Madžarske
recorded in the TV Studio of Murska Sobota.
(Eger z okolico) and Transilvanski Madžari. The
- Vendégem – Moj gost, moja gostja: 30taken material is still under processing and the
minute portraits of known Hungarians from the
events will be presented in 2004.
Prekmurje region who achieve considerable
results elsewhere. Our wish is also to present
In 2003 the Studio of Hungarian Programmes
important persons from the field of public life who
Lendava can boast of two international prizes, namely
immigrated to our places from other towns.
the prize for the best screenplay and assembly of
Nagyító alatt – Pod drobnogledom: this
the documentary film on Miki Muster at the festival
broadcast treats one topical issue and it is
My Native Land in Uzhgorod in Ukraine and with the
sometimes divided into several small divisions.
Knight’s Cross of the President of the Republic of
Határtalan – Brez meja: this broadcast is a
Hungary for the activities in the field of preservation of
result of transfrontier co-operation between the TV
the Prekmurje Hungarians and their television activities.
studios of Lendava, Zalaeegerszeg and Sombotel.
Helena Zver
Managing Editor of the TV Programme
for the Hungarian Community
R a d io
The 2003 highlights of the Pomurski madžarski radio
- Muravidéki Magyar Rádió (Pomurje Hungarian Radio)
were additional enrichments of the programme and
many anniversaries.
tional Communitie
Programmes for Na
Last year was also the year of two anniversaries.
April 27, 2003 passed 20 years since the opening
of the first radio studio in Lendava and on November
29, 2003 we celebrated the 45th anniversary of
airing of the Pomurski madžarski radio by airing a
Last year saw the introduction of as much as
24-hour programme in which we talked about the
three new broadcasts and the existing ones were
past, the presence and the future of the radio of
preserved. In the first new show with the title
the Hungarian community in Slovenia. The guests of
A vendégem… - Moj gost je… aired each Tuesday
the 24-hour programme were former and present
at 11.15, we host mostly political protagonists from
editors, programme directors and co-operators of the
the nationally mixed territory. Another show is entitled
radio and also all those who have contributed to the
Faluról falura - Od vasi do vasi and is aired on
development of the Pomurski madžarski radio in any
Thursdays also at 11.15. This broadcast pays attention
especially to rural people who face various problems
of everyday life. We do of course not only report on
Our co-operation with the Institute of Health Care of
problems but also on success in the territory at the
Murska Sobota and with the Pomurje Association for
boarder. The third broadcast with the title Tér-erő
the Fight against Cancer was also very fruitful, which
- Polje moči is a co-production of nine Hungarian
is reflected in the fact that the Union of Slovene
studios in the Carpathian Basin from Bratislava to
Associations for the Fight against Cancer awarded the
Osijek in which we are also actively involved.
Pomurski madžarski radio for its activities in this field
for the promotion of healthy way of life.
Apart from that 13 full-time employees and some
15 part-time workers each week prepare about
Jožef Vegi
40 various broadcasts in order to meet as many
Managing Editor of the RA Programme
every-day needs of our listeners as possible and to
for the Hungarian Community
accomplish our mission.
Programm e s f o r t h e I t a l ian Community
The Department of Daily Newscasts put much
effort and attention to the increase of objectivity
and variegation of information concerning minorities
at the boarder area and also to the increase of
analytical approach. The programmes concerning
culture and education were also enriched. In the
preparation of weekly own production programmes
(Meridiani – Meridiani, aktualno, Tuttoggi
Attualitá – Vsedanes, aktualnost, Parliamo di…
- Pogovorimo se o..., Athenaion) we strived to the
treated topics to be as much updated as possible.
In the radio programme for the Italian community
we managed to implement the plan, scheme and
programme directions adopted for 2003 with a high
level of commitment and efforts of all programme
workers. We at Radio Capodistria managed to create
good products which were well accepted by our
listeners although in the scope of the limitations
imposed to us by the personnel (lack of two
journalists) and limited material means (diminishing of
quotas for fees).
Programmes for Na
tional Communitie
In the past years we have placed much effort into
Cultural, Educational and Entertainment
improvements, which we continued also in 2003,
Programmes were marked by the increase of quality
especially in the framework of some structures and
of own production programme. Apart from already
programme terms. Partial re-organisation of daily
established broadcasts like Istria e dintorni – Istra
informative news allowed us to improve especially
in..., Un paese al mese – Vas meseca, Itinerari
direct information in radio daily newscast containing as
- Potopis, L’ universo é… - Vesolje je... a special
many contributions from the field as possible and with
development is noted with the broadcast Artevisione
as wide spectre of news as possible. The Informative
– Oddaja o kulturi in both the magazine and studio
Programme is variegated and interesting, which
versions. This is one of rare television programmes on
we proved also with special programmes and extra
art offering an insight into the versatility of creativity,
publications of the radio newscast. We attended to
exhibitions etc. also in the broader area of the
the events in Iraq, the referendums for the accession
neighbouring countries.
of Slovenia to NATO and EU, to the meeting at the
summit of the quadrilateral at Brdo pri Kranju and
many other events.
In the field of long-path programme project we started
the television multimedia project entitled Istria nel
The programme was mostly oriented towards the
tempo - Istra skozi čas. The first three out of
Italian community in Slovenia, towards the activities
six 30-minute co-financed documentaries will be
and creativity of the Slovene community in Italy,
presumably implemented in 2003 and partly in 2004.
towards culture and arts creativity in Slovenia and
in a number of cultural, musical and literary events
If we look at foreign production, the quality and the
that accompany the life in our environment. We
rating of spectators prevail in direction of documentary
also found it very important to report on the living,
broadcasts acquisitioned also in co-operation with TV
cultural and arts events in Slovenia and within the
Slovenia and sport live shows as well as other sports
Italian community in Istria, especially in that segment
programmes prepared by the colleagues from the
concerning the so-called common institutions, the role,
Sports Department.
function and activities of the community of Italians.
We also continued work on the project of Transfrontier
The programme scheme of Radio Capodistria is based
television and in co-operation with RAI and supported
above all on informative broadcasts with highlights
by organisation of the Italian and Slovene minorities
on topical issues. In compliance with plans for 2003
we have prepared a candidature for the means of
we prepared broadcasts concerning community
EU with the television project Dober dan, Evropa.
topics (Dimensione minoranza – Razsežnosti
The project was selected in the past three months
manjšine), culture (Incontri – Srečanja and
together with the Italian and Slovene colleagues from
Spazio attualitá cultura – Novosti na kulturni
the Trieste seat of RAI, and in co-operation with the
sceni), internal politics and information from the
Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria we prepared
Parliament (Se ne parla il venerdí – Petkov
and broadcasted a series of broadcasts in Slovene
pogovor), tourism (Sogni di vacanza – Sanje o
and Italian languages about the extension of EU and
dopustu) and a weekly newscast on topical events
Slovenia acceding EU.
in Slovenia and in the world (Domenica ore undici
Robert Apollonio – V nedeljo ob 11. uri).
Managing Editor of the TV Programme
for the Italian Community
We have to highlight the broadcasts intended for the
Italian community, among which: the weekly broadcast
intended for the schools of the Italian minority (Un
anno di scuola – Šolsko leto), an extensive cycle
of portraits of interesting persons from the national
minority or Italians living all over the world (Dialoghi
- Dialogi), a weekly satirical broadcast on the topical
events in Slovenia, Istria and Friaul-Julia (Io la penso
cosí – Moje mnenje je), and also the broadcast
created by young people for young people and treat
the topics concerning the youth of today (Popcorn).
tional Communitie
Programmes for Na
Co-operation between the journalist’s redaction and the
redaction of speaking programme is very important.
We did away with the sharp delimitation line between
individual redactions and thus introduced a new
form of a more productive co-operation between two
groups, which is reflected in the improved quality of
the programme. The programme part Calle degli
orti grandi - Ulica velikih vrtov and La radio
nella rete - Radio v mreži, prepared by the contact
and musical redactions is based on such foundation.
The advantage of this Morning Programme is to
create an environment for a more intense and active
co-operation between the news redaction and the
redaction of contact shows. Thus we created a new
mode of co-creation between individual programme
units and improved the quality of the programme.
We have implemented the set plan, although
the programme of Radio Capodistria has been
rationalized both in personnel and material matters.
Such circumstances were a burden to us in the
past three months of 2003 when we were forced
to operate in utterly severe conditions due to urgent
savings measures. The costs for the implementation
of broadcasts were on a very low level, the fees
of employees almost symbolical. Despite all this,
the programme ran almost without failures on high
quality level, which was above all the result of will,
professionalism and commitment of journalists,
redactors, editors and other employees.
Vladimiro Dellore
Managing Editor of the RA Programme
for the Italian Community
When I'm not playing
the violin with the
I passionately listen to
the news on music
organisa t i o n U n i t M u s i c Production
The year 2003 will certainly become a turning point in
the history of the Music Production Organisation Unit,
because in all fields of operation the first results of the
efforts are evident.
Organisation Unit
and that point at a right way that we will go along in
the future. It has proved that the common projects of
Big Band and the Symphonics of RTV Slovenia are
more than a success and also justified both in artistic
and business senses. For the first time after the times
The Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia began
of Jože Privšek the orchestra is able to fill in the Gallus
a steep path towards excellence. Concert halls are full of
Hall in the Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana. It is delightful
listeners and with the concert on September 13, 2003
that in the programmes of RTV there is more and
on the stadium Bežigrad, the name of the orchestra
more interest in the co-operation with Big Band, so
was shot into the orbit of the young people together
that the orchestra set even new records in the works
with the Siddharta band. Young people are the biggest
performed. Last year it achieved the absolute record, for
target group we want to lure to our concerts. We are
it recorded three times more archival material than two
also very proud of the really magnificent response of the
years ago, which was also a record year in this sense.
audience to our newly conceived concerts at Sunday
We finally appointed a new musical producer of Big
mornings - the so-called Mozartinas. The orchestra has
Band who has distinguished himself by professionalism
concentrated its work especially on the performance of
and commitment. One of the major goals of this band
archival records and thus improved the ratio between
was to improve the ratio between archival and concert
concert activities and recordings to the benefit of
activity, because especially recording music for archives
the latter. In the past four years we have noticed the
is the thing that mostly justifies the existence of our
biggest increase of archival recordings which surpasses
musical bands. Many internationally recognized names
the earlier most successful increase level of 2000 for
co-operated with the orchestra and our arrangers and
almost once. Apart from its regular concert season in
composers also distinguished themselves with new
Slovenia, the Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia had
approaches and sensitive intensivity of jazzistic message
successful visits abroad. At the beginning of the year it
to the listeners.
inaugured the new concert hall and a cycle of concerts
of symphony music in the Austrian Graz, which was
The Chamber Choir of RTV Slovenia, led by
the city of culture of 2003. The appearance in Italy
the conductor Stojan Kuret, set new directions in
was also a success. A year before the accession to
its operation. Personnel fluctuation and permanent
EU we presented our cultural mission at the festival of
recruitement of the best personnel, who were invited
nations that paid special attention to Slovenia as the
to the professional group in Ljubljana, jeopardized the
future EU member. The orchestra hosted top conductors
homogeneity of the Choir to a great extent and caused
and soloists. In September Maestro David de Villiers
many problems in the field of implementation and
took place of the chief conductor. He is a man with
organisation. The problems were done away with at
clear vision and much energy to enforce changes and
the end of the year and the choir took a new breath
rejuvenescence of the ensemble both in the sense
with full lungs. Despite the problems the results are
of programme and performance. The Orchestra also
encouraging and point at the increase compared with
participated in the largest musical performance in the
the previous four years both in concert participation and
world, Svetovni glasbeni dnevi (The World Music Days)
in recording practicum. The Choir recorded a complete
and received many flattering critics of foreign experts
choir opus of the composer Hugo Wolf and recorded
and visiting musicians. One of the peaks of the season
and performed also the new opera of the Slovene
was certainly the departure of Marko Munih, the
composer Tomaž Svete.
permanent conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of
RTV Slovenia. He concluded his professional path on
The Children and Youth Choir of RTV Slovenia is
RTV Slovenia with a magnificent performance of Verdi’s
no longer conducted by the long-year conductor Matevž
Requiem and with a tour in Slovenia and abroad.
Fabijan and its management underwent refreshment
right away. The Youth Choir has been conducted since
Big Band of RTV Slovenia underwent some radical
autumn by the excellent and promising choir leader
rejuvenescence (mostly diplomants of foreign jazz
Tomaž Pirnat. There has not been so much interest for
academies) and was the king on the Slovene jazz scene
the participation in rehearsals since a long time and
also in 2003. Monthly concerts in Studio 14 are on a
after several years we witness an extraordinary growth
high quality level, unfortunately, the room is too small
in the Choir cast. This cast in connection with the new
for all those who would like to visit the concert. So
leadership is very promising and we are convinced that
the wishes for own recording and concert hall become
our youngest casts are in front of a new spring.
more and more justified. Co-operation of Big Band has
lifted several common RTV projects to that quality level
The Group of Producers for Serious Music managed to
that we have striven for since ever (Slovenska popevka,
set one more record despite very scarce members. In
mariborska Narečna popevka, Ježkova nagrada prize,
2003 we recorded no less than 32,288 minutes of
the anniversary of Jure Robežnik and other projects)
music, which would represent 587 CDs! This is certainly
a result that will be hard to repeat. Although we meet new technology demanding always new approaches every
day, the young team knew its way round well and knew how to make use of the offered challenge.
In the framework of financial business we achieved the set goals and decisively kept to unfavourable frameworks
in the plans. Assisted by the Marketing and Public Relations Service we considerably surpassed the plans with the
so-called other commercial revenues. The increase of the costs of labour is something that is frightening. Despite a
drastical cut-off of the number of employees in the Organisation Unit Music Production, this item is on a constant
increase from a year to a year. The year 2003 brought along one more interesting record, because we reached the
almost unrepeatable number of listeners at one concert – 30,000!
Having all the above in mind, we are full of optimism, which helps us enter the new morning with much energy and
with highly set goals.
R e corded Archival Musi c 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 3 i n M i n u t e s
SO – The Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia
BB – Big Band of RTV Slovenia
KZ – The Chamber Choir of RTV Slovenia
MPZ, OPZ – The Youth Choir of RTV Slovenia, The Children Choir of RTV Slovenia
Producer Group 2000 – 2 0 0 3 , T o t a l G a i n i n M i n u t e s
Organisation Unit
C o n c e r t s 2000–2003, the Numb e r o f P e r f o r m e d c o n c e r t s
Organisation Unit
Org a n i s a t i o n U n i t R ecord Label
96 projects on the sound and image carriers were
published in 2003.
In 2003 the Record Label published especially the
programmes of Slovene authors and performers
and thus performed cultural mission, which is very
important for the recognizability and placement of
Slovenia in joined Europe.
52 programmes were published on CDs (which
represents 54%), 27 programmes on audio tapes
(28%), 13 programmes on video cassettes (14%)
and 4 programmes on DVDs (4%). In music there
Top five sellers:
were 16 publications of serious music (17% share),
39 publications of easy listening music (40%), 27
Casettes and CDs:
publications of folk music (28%) and 14 publications
- 50 let Avsenikove glasbe
of children’s and educational contents (15% share).
- Nuša Derenda - Na štiri oči
127,140 pieces of CDs, 145,046 pieces of audio
- Ansambel Franca Miheliča - Moj dragi dom
cassettes, 32,716 pieces of video cassettes and 2,000 - Katalena - (Z)godbe
pieces of DVDs were produced.
- Elza Budau - Na pragu let
Compared to 2002 the production of video cassettes
has increased by 23%, the production of CDs by 16%
and the production of audio cassettes has decreased
by 30%.
In co-operation with the Ministry of Culture and Radio
Slovenia we published 12 CDs of serious music. Apart
from in-house projects the Record Label offered service
activity to external partners - from the initial idea until
the final product. Among the most important partners
should be mentioned: the Slovene Academy of Arts
and Sciences, The Association of Slovene Composers,
Republic’s Examination Centre, Menart, d. o. o.,
Racman, d. o. o., Pego, d. o. o. and many other small
Video Casettes and DVDs:
- Pozabljeni zaklad
- Erazem in potepuh
- Franček (Franklin) (series 1-13)
- Roli, Poli, Oli (series 1-6)
- Frančkov čarobni božič (Franklin’s Magic Christmas)
Organisa t i o n U n i t T r a n s m itters and Communications
The basic task of the Transmitters and Communications Organisation Unit was also in 2003 to transmit the
programmes of RTV Slovenia and of commercial and non-commercial radio and television programmes in the
Republic of Slovenia. Within the last few decades several transmitting networks have been built and connected
with microwave links for the distribution of programmes from radio and television stations or between them.
All over Slovenia there are 227 transmission points, via which we service listeners and spectators with the
programmes of RTV Slovenia, on numerous points we host local, regional and commercial radio and television
stations. We should neither neglect the data on our presence on the Hot Bird Satellite (13 degrees east), through
which RTV Slovenia airs its two national TV channels and five radio channels since 2002 also with its own
satellite terrestrial satellite station. Besides the programmes aired by RTV Slovenia, RTV Slovenia also broadcasts
programmes from 25 commercial and 21 non-commercial radio and television stations.
Our comprehensive infrastructure of transmitters and transponders allows us to lease some of our capacity to
other operators and services utilising it for corporate links (mobile phone operators, Telekom, Elektrogospodarstvo,
Petrol, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, road-constructions companies...) and other
On December 2003 the Transmitters and Communications Organisation Unit employed 142 people, four people
less than at the beginning of the year. The employees take care of undisturbed operation of all transmission
networks and of investment activities. The Organisation Unit groups are located across the whole Slovenia.
Seven national transmitting station and six regional transmitting station crews ensure that the transmission of
programmes runs smoothly.
Report on the Consumption of Finances for Investments and Investment Maintenance
The following figure shows the investments in 2003 intended for:
- the reconstruction of technology,
- the overhaul of supporting infrastructure,
- security equipment,
- new transmitter units,
- new technologies,
- investment maintenance.
O v e r v i e w o f 2003 Investments
The Overhaul
of Existing
Te c h n o l o g y 6 2 %
M a i n t e n a n c e 16 %
Security Equipment 1%
N e w Te c h n o l o g i e s 3 %
The Overhaul of
Infrastructure 9%
Organisation Unit
N e w Tr a n s m i t t e r U n i t s 9 %
From the funds for the reconstruction of technology
was partly paid the replacement of TV transmitters
at transmitter centres of Plešivec, Trdinov vrh and
Krvavec, the replacement of FM-transmitters at
Tinjan and Trdinov vrh, the overhaul of systems for
monodirectional supply of links (Beli križ, Pohorje,
Maribor) and the acquisition of UPS for the
replacement of CET, the acquisition of the aerial
system at Krvavec, the replacement of transponders
and the RR portable system for the relation RTV
Organisation Unit
The funds for the overhaul of supporting infrastructure
were invested in the towers at Šance and in Kranjska
Gora, some finance was also intended for the
payment of the land at Kuželj and Murska Sobota and
for the cleaning device at the transmitters centre Kum.
The security equipment funds were invested in the
purchase of security guides for climbing up towers.
The new transmitter unit funds were invested into
the purchase of satellite receivers, RDS-encoders and
measurement instruments.
The new technologies funds were invested into the
purchase of the instruments for digital technology, a
very small portion of these funds is a consequence
of the standstill of introduction of new digital
technologies like DAB, DVB, DRM in the field of radio
and television in Europe and in the rest of the world.
There are still only two test transmitters of DAB and
DVB technologies.
I l i ke w o r k i n g a t R T V
Slovenia. The work is
dynamic and is a challenge
e v e r y d a y.
Human Re s o u r c e s , O r g a n i s ation, Training and
Informat i o n T e c h n o l o g y
P e r s o n n e l structure
On December 31, 2003 the Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia employed 2,176 full time employees.
634 regular part-time workers and 214 students were also employed. In 2003 the number of full-time
employees decreased by 137 people, a majority of them retired. Retirement will present some big problems in
the future, because the law on labour relations allows a worker who meets all formal requirements for retirement
to keep on working. The plan of the number of employees as per the last day of 2003 was not met especially
due to unsuccessful public tenders for the exclusion of activity of protection of people and assets.
Status of Employees as per December 31, 2003
Employable Free-lancers Students
TV Slovenija
TV Production
RA Slovenia
RA Production
Regional RTVC Koper/Capodistria
Regional RTVC Maribor
Music Production
Transmitters and Communications
Record Label
Common Services
The working staff is old (average age is 47) and possesses poor educational structure, which represents
additional problems in the transformation of the institution due to new technologies (multimedia, digitalisation
and other). Among the employees of RTV Slovenia there are 9% people younger than 30 years, 61% of the
employees are aged between 30 and 50 and 30% of the employees are older than 50 years. This older group
is especially legally protected as to the working place. The average yearly absence (in the past five years) due to
sick leave is 6%.
The situation in the field of meeting education requirements for a job or a tariff class is extremely critical. Among
the full-time employees there is almost a half of them (47%) who do not meet education requirements. A higher
education than required is only possessed by 4.5% of employees, the required education level is reached by
somewhat less than one half of the employees (48.5%). Truly, there are about a hundred of specific jobs at RTV,
for which it is impossible to get formal education and need to be learned on the spot (functional knowledge),
which is done at RTV Slovenia. However, it is of great concern that as much as 42.5% of managers lack proper
Almost half of all employees (45.6%) have completed secondary school (4-year programme). 33.2% of
employees completed higher and university education. 12.1% of employees completed vocational secondary
school (3-year programme) and there are 3.9% of employees with primary school or even unfinished primary
school. 1.2% of employees have a master degree, 0.2% of employees have a Ph.D.
All the mentioned facts have a strong influence on the efficiency of management. In the middle of the year
we conducted a management research which showed a poor situation in the field of skills and knowledge of
the management for managing works and also poor results in the field of management. A structural model
also showed links between skills and knowledge of management and the management results. Essential
disadvantages were detected in the field of use of power, methods and ways of solving disputes, in the field of
communication and personal traits and skills of the managers. These should be done away with in the future
by a better selection of new managers and by introducing additional education of both the managers and the
employees with the contents from mutual relations, team work and management.
Common Services
The years of work of the employees of RTV Slovenia are just slightly shorter than their total years of work. They
were employed a majority of their active period at RTV Slovenia and they do not change jobs (there is almost
no fluctuation). There are two reasons for it. The first one lies in the specifics of occupations (also attractiveness
of media) at RTV Slovenia, owing to which the change of job is not simple. Another reason is no doubt high
employment safety.
E d u cation
A need for professional training of employees dictated
preparation of special educational programmes and
training for some specific profiles of employees. We
internally verified programmes for the profiles of
television implementation: for secretaries of directors,
assistants and realizers of the Editorial of Daily News
- their training started in the last months of the year.
We also started preparing educational programmes
for 35 other jobs, internal implementation of these
programmes and verification is intended for the year
In co-operation with the British Council and the
Thompson foundation two 2-week seminars for
producers were organized and they were attended to
by 26 employees.
We also included over 150 young people (students)
into the education and they were acquainted with
practical basics of journalism. We organized four
courses of journalism. Media test was passed by 12
In the field of system development and hardware
we upgraded the journalist’s information system
Avstar on all three locations (Ljubljana, Koper and
Maribor) and set up the system ControlAir for the
link with character generators. We established
WAN connections to the location in Lendava
and supervisory centres of the Transmitters
and Communications Organization Unit and we
implemented a transition from the operating system
Windows NT to Windows 2003. We optimized the
system of the central data security with additional
equipment which allowed us to extend capacities.
350 new computers were purchased for the
employees. One of our successes is also the transition
to the information support for the management of
the archives so that about 30% of all archival material
was processed until the end of the year (radio
broadcasts), whereby also now there are about 20%
of searches performed in an electronic way.
For 92 participants divided in 16 groups we organized In further restructuring of the Broadcaster we had a
foreign language courses (English, German, French,
tender for the implementation of the renovation of
Italian). External seminars were participated by 148
business processes. We had the situation assessed by
employees. The study out of work includes 105
gathering the data and we had negotiations with the
employees. The trainee examination was passed by 15 carriers of key business processes. On this basis some
trainees. We organized 16 courses of safety at work
starting point problem analyses were performed. The
that were attended to by 370 participants. We granted renovation of business processes will allow a merger
15 personnel and 16 social scholarships.
of several working tasks into one and performance of
work where it is most reasonable and efficient, good
transparency of processes, shorter transition times and
Information Technolo g y
performance of tasks in a logical sequence.
Common Services
In the field of application development we introduced
information support to purchasing with the application
for the performance of public orders of small
values. We completed the project for the support of
monitoring contracts of part-time free-lancers, we also
completed work in the field of radio documentation
and archiving of radio documentation in electronic
form. We introduced a documentation system for
the needs of financial-accounting department in
the field of wages. We introduced and integrated
the programme for planning of television and radio
production (ScheduALL). We started working on the
information support for the RTV licence fee.
In recovery measures in the field of purchase the
achieved effect was in the amount of 247 million
The introduction of the programme ScheduALL
created a new independent Central Planning Service
(CPS) on the institution level. It also includes planning
of production and personnel capacities for the
Programme Unit Radio and for both regional centres.
The CPS became an interface member between
editorials (producers) on one side and production
and implementation on the other. The basic task
of the CPS is optimal arrangement of production
requirements of the programme in the framework
of production and implementation possibilities with
the stress on the rational use of programmes and
personnel. CPS also got an important role in the
analysis of programme requirements and in the
preparation of new broadcasts.
Marketin g a n d P u b l i c R e lations
In May 2003 we saw some changes in the
management of the field and later on also in the way
of work and organizational changes. The goals were
to simplify working processes and to consider the
situation on the market. We decreased the number
of management levels and we have organized three
new departments: Sales Department, Promotion and
Marketing Department and Public Relations Department.
The realisation of marketing revenues in 2003
amounted to 3,925,342,000 tolars whereas the
plan set for 2003 expected the marketing revenues
to reach 4,774,185,000 tolars. The realisation of the
plan was 82.2%. The realisation of revenues of the
Sales Department of Television Programmes in 2003
reached 2,855,193,000 tolars (together with barter
business). The plan was realised 82.5%.
Unlike planned, the advertising revenues were lower
especially due to severe economic crisis, cut of the
entire advertising market, poorly conceived and
unstable programme scheme, which is true especially
for television, and inflexibility and poor organisation
of the Sales Department. In the second half of 2003
we started reorganizing the Sales Department and its
major goal is the change of the way of work. At the
end of 2003 we also prepared new sales conditions
which will allow better flexibility and an increase of
advertising revenues.
The main course of the Promotion and Marketing
Department in 2003 was the celebration of the
75th anniversary of Radio Slovenia and the 45th
anniversary of Television Slovenia. Starting with the
new year we introduced a special logo 75/45 that
became a constituent part of promotion of events
and broadcasts of RTV Slovenia in public. The most
echoing event linked to the jubilee of the RTV Slovenia
was the concert of the Symphony Orchestra and the
Siddharta group at the stadium at Bežigrad in Ljubljana
that was visited by over 30,000 people. The main
celebration of anniversaries of radio and television was
prepared simultaneously with the traditional awarding
of the Ježkova nagrada prize in the Slovene National
Theatre of Maribor.
In 2003 40 contracts for the advertising in radio
programmes on the Radio Slovenia were concluded,
which brought us 609,206,000 tolars. This represents
15.8% less revenues in 2003 from contracts. The
revenue from notices and congratulations are on
the decrease from a year to another. In 2003 they
dropped by 10 million tolars or 18.9% in comparison
with 2002. The 2003 plan expected 797,678,000
tolars revenues of advertising in radio programmes.
The realisation of this plan was 89.3%. The realisation
Apart from big projects the work also included
of revenues of the Sales Department of Radio
preparation of radio and television trailers for the
Programmes in 2003 amounted to 712,722,000
broadcasts in regular programme. We were successful
tolars, which is 13.7% less than in 2002.
in producing the Slovene Lottery broadcasts, we
unified the scene and introduced the new game
The realisation of revenues of the Regional RTV Centre
Astro. The broadcasts were led by new permanent
Koper/Capodistria in 2003 amounted to 177,749,000
tolars out of the expected 209,939,000 tolars. The
realisation of the plan for 2003 was 84.7%. The
realisation in 2002 was 198,103,000 tolars, which
means that the revenues in 2003 decreased by 11.4%
in comparison with 2002.
Common Services
The recession in the advertising market which dates
back to 2002 continued also in 2003, which was
manifested the whole year through in the lack of
implementation of the very ambitiously set plan of
advertising revenue. Much time was invested into the
establishment of the work system for the future, and
the results will only be evident in 2004.
The realisation of revenues of the Regional RTV Centre
Maribor in 2003 reached 159,678,000 tolars out of
the expected 207,113,000 tolars. This means that
the plan was realised 77.1%. The revenues in 2002
reached 168,391,000 tolars, which means that the
revenues in 2003 decreased by 5.4% in comparison
with 2002.
Inv e s t m e n t s
Investments are made into those technological systems
and equipment that contribute to the lowering of
production and programme costs and diminish the
number of the necessary personnel, strengthen our
competitive level and increase the attractiveness of
our programme which contributes to better rating and
simultaneously increases the reliability of operation of
technical and technological systems. It also reduces
costs for their maintenance.
The scope of extension of technological capacities
includes: new rooms at Lendava, the journalists system
Avstar, licences of SW Oracle, computer network (LAN
and WAN), new computer and telecommunication
equipment, universal telecommunication wiring, new
transmitting units and multimedia equipment.
Common Services
The plan was divided. Bigger projects of the renewal
of technological capacities were a telecinema and an
image corrector, reconstruction of a synchro studio,
exchange of the magnetoscopic platform with the
IMX system, switching system of radio distribution
box, upgrade of the DALET system, exchange and
renewal of heating-cooling systems, exchange of
cooling ceilings, computer network, upgrade of the
Avstar system, purchase of licences, recovery of
television distribution box and airing of the programme,
renovation of the radio direction room and the systems
for audio editing in the Regional RTV Centre Koper/
Capodistria and renovation of studios and director
rooms in the Regional RTV Centre Maribor.
Expenses for investments in 2003 without any
investments into the renovation of fixed assets and
small inventory »as fixed assets«, totalled 1,921 million
tolars, which is less than planned by 736 million tolars
(65% of the plan). The planned and actual expenses
include co-financing for the constructional works at
Lendava in the amount of 100 million tolars.
Multimedia Centre
The Multimedia Centre carried out several technological The initial SMS applications were upgraded by new
applications related to entertainment (txt biorhythm,
and contents projects in 2003. We exchanged the
matches, gallows). We modernized the graphical
hardware and software for the Internet and intranet
image of the video pages, we changed the audio/
portal, exchanged the server for video and audio
video server thus offering a more quality access to
contents that are accessible via the Internet, we
RTV contents on the Internet.
established a server and coding system for the supply
of video contents to mobile operators. As far as
We established a server/coding system for the supply
contents are concerned, we enriched the offer on
of video contents to mobile operators, we became the
teletext and the Internet and maintained the position
supplier of news for Simobil (WAP, MMS and SMS)
of a reliable and quick provider of contents on new
and the supplier of video contents for Mobitel’s Planet.
media, which is also supported by two contents on
the supply of textual and video contents to Simobil
Constructional works for new premises for the
and Mobitel. The existing Internet and SMS contents
redaction of info-channel were completed.
and applications were upgraded and several new were
The Departments of Teletext and Internet continued
reorganization, they underwent human resource
We participated in Teleinfos 2003, where we delivered reorganisation and even more strengthened its position
of a reliable and fastest-growing medium in Slovenia.
a presentation on our new and updated services (web
portal, video on a mobile phone), we changed the
The Unit of Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard Hearing
platform of the web portal (instead of Oracle Portal
achieved that almost 100% of in-house television
we now use the application which was developed by
production was subtitled (with the exception of live
in-house in php on the mysql base), the web portal
chats) and in co-operation with the News Programme was amended and upgraded the whole
we essentially improved the subtitles of informative
year through and is one of the richest in Slovenia as
to the scope and quality of information. Apart from
information, we also offer the users forums (new
applications), voting, sending of e-news, a browser
and the like. The number of visitors on the portal
is increasing every month for several percents. The
audio/video archive has been enriched. New contents
include a sport and cultural subportal and new web
sites of some ten RTV broadcasts intended as a
support to these broadcasts and offer the visitors
more information and participation opportunity. In
co-production of nine EBU member states we have
developed the web game Sportzarena (that was
adequately presented in media).
By listening to and watching
traveller's broadcasts, in
which passionate travellers
described their adventures, I
got an inspiration also for my
journey to Australia. By
savings and well thought
i n v e s t m e n t s I c o u l d m a ke m y
long-year wish come true.
The year 2003 was a beginning of big changes for
RTV Slovenia, especially from the point of view of
rationalisation of business operations. The Programme
and Business Plan for 2003 included reorganisation
measures in the field of programmes and in other
fields. The goals were set very high and were therefore
not entirely implemented. Despite that the effects
are evident especially in the field of purchase, in the
field of diminishing or restructuring of personnel and
in increased revenues from the unpaid licence fee
The discrepancy between the revenues and the
expenses on one side was increased by the drop of
advertising revenues and on the other by the surplus
of variable expenses and amortization. The biggest
influence on the amount of the surplus was also in this
year exercised by the burden of tax obligations in the
amount of 963 million tolars. The Tax Administration
started collecting debt, which had a negative influence
on the solvency of the Public Service Broadcaster.
In 2003 we were also successful in RTV licence fee
collection, because we reached a positive shift from
the planned in the total amount of 111 million tolars.
Advertising revenues in 2003 amounted to 3,925
million tolars, which is 849 million tolars or 17.8%
less than the planned scope. In comparison with the
revenues achieved in 2002 they are lower by 7.2% or
305 million tolars. Out of the total revenues advertising
only represents a 16.5% share, which had a strong
impact on business operations in 2003 having the
negative tendency in mind.
The required goals set in the framework of the
recovery plan and included in the 2003 plan were
not entirely achieved on the costs side. Despite that
a comparison with 2002 points at a limitation of
consumption of variable costs (no essential increase).
The plan was exceeded especially in the group of
variable costs, whereas in the framework of fixed costs
certain savings were achieved. In 2003 we faced
a negative shift from plans in amortization (due to
consideration of lower amortization levels in planning).
In 2003 we paid much attention to the managing
of labour costs. Since there was a higher number of
employees and these costs exceeded the plan, we
had additional measures on the variable part of the
labour costs (lowering of the scope of overtime hours,
prizing) to save as much to almost nullify the negative
Based on all the above, the Public Service Broadcaster
ended the business year 2003 with 2,620 million
surplus of expenses over revenues.
At the end of 2003 the assets and equity of the
Public Service attained 16,823 million tolars. 18.1%
of assets fell for short-term deposited means, 2.7%
for stock and 79.2% for long-term deposited means.
Short-term obligations represented 65% of all sources
and long-term obligations 35%.
At the end of December 2003 we had 3,542 million
tolars raised loans, of that 2,078 million tolars shortterm loans (including the short-term part of long-term
loans in the amount of 1,066 million tolars), and
1,464 million tolars long-term loans. The mentioned
loans represent 21.1% of all equities in the balance
sheet. Despite a worse solvency situation we managed
to diminish the debt of the Public Service Broadcaster
in 2003 by 335 million tolars.
Our own and long-term equity cover 44.2% of all longterm deposited means, which means that there are
7,435 million tolars covered by short-term equity.
Financial Report
In 2003 17,269 million tolars licence fee revenues
were realized, which represents a 72.8% share in the
total revenues. The latter exceeded the planned for
2003 by 344 million tolars, especially due to the
increase of RTV licence fee (June 2003), partly also
due to campaigns of acquisition of new licence fee
payers. Despite a 3% decrease of these revenues
in compliance with the statutes on measures for
financing of programme contents of radio or television
programmes with the status of local, regional or
student’s programme, the revenues from RTV licence
fee exceeded those of 2002 by 350 million tolars or
A large part of loss of advertising revenues in 2003
is covered by other commercial revenues - higher than
planned. These revenues represent a 9.5% share of
the total revenues.
I n c ome Statement
in Thousand EUROS
Total Revenues
Expenses (Materials and Services)
Labour Costs
Long Term Provisions
Other Expenses
Financial Expenses
Extraordinary Expenses
Operating Revenues
Financial Revenues
Extraordinary Revenues
Total Expenses
Financial Report
Surplus (Revenues Minus Expenses)
S t r u c t u r e of Total Revenues i n 2 0 0 3
R e v e n u e s 3. 7%
Operating Revenues
91 . 2 %
R e v e n u e s 5 .1 %
S t r u c t u r e of Total Revenues in 2 0 0 3
C o - f i n a n c i n g 1. 2 %
License Fee 72.8%
Other Commercial
Revenues 9.5%
A d v e r t i s i n g 16 . 5 %
Stru c t u r e o f Total Expenses in 20 0 3
L a b o u r C o s t s 41 . 3 %
Financial Report
Expenses (Material and
Services) 34.5%
Expenses 2%
E x p e n s e s 12 %
Amortization 9.9%
Source: Financial Controlling of RTV Slovenia
B a l ance Sheet
in Thousand EUROS
Intangible Fixed Assets
Tangible Fixed Assets
Long Term Investments
Long Term Accounts Receivable from Operating Activity
Long Term Accounts Receivable from Financing Activity
Cash and Inventory
Short Term Investments
Short Term Accounts Receivable from Operating Activity
Short Term Accounts Receivable from Financing Activity
Deferred Expenses and Accrued Revenues
Liabilities to Employees
Short Term Accounts Payable
Short Term Loans
Deffered Revenues and Accrued Expenses
Long Term Provisions
Long Term Accounts Payable
Long Term Loans
Revenues Minus Expenses (Cumulated)
Financial Report
Liabilities and Equity
Dec. 31, 2003 Dec. 31, 2002
- 32,298
- 22,107
S t r u c t u r e of Assets as of De c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 3
Intangible Fixed
Assets 2.4%
Ta n g i b l e F i x e d
Assets 64%
Deferred Expenses and
Accrued Revenues 2.3%
S h o r t Te r m A c c o u n t s
R e c e i v a b l e 15 %
Cash and Inventory
L o n g Te r m A c c o u n t s
R e c e i v a b l e 12 . 8 %
S t r u c t u r e of Liabilities and Eq u i t y a s o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 3
Liabilities to
Employees 6%
S h o r t Te r m
Accounts Payable
Equity & Cumulated
Revenues Minus
E x p e n s e s 24 . 5 %
L o n g Te r m
Loans 8.7%
L o n g Te r m
P ro v i s i o n s 1. 8 %
Deferred Revenues
and Accrued
E x p e n s e s 0 .1 %
S h o r t Te r m L o a n s
12 . 4 %
Financial Report
Source: Financial Controlling of RTV Slovenia
Awa r d s a n d P r i z e s
A ) In-house RTV Sloveni a A w a r d s
The Honorary Award
Vid Mavec, Main Development Engineer at TV Slovenia
Awards given for long-term contribution
Alenka Dakič, Editor with RA Slovenia
Bernard Vrh, Development Engineer with TV Slovenia
Silvio Odogaso, Television Journalist in the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Awards for outstanding achievements in the past year
Ksenija Horvat, Journalist and Announcer of Odmevi with TV Slovenia
Hanka Kastelicova, Director with TV Slovenia
Dragan Bulič, Music Editor with RA Slovenia
Anton Andrej Valentan, Technician of Laboratory 1 in RA Production
Awards for the receivers of international and Slovene prizes
Mija Škrabec Arbanas, Journalist with RA Slovenia
Irena Majce, Radio Correspondent from the Posavje region
Tugo Štiglic, Director with TV Slovenia
Anton Petelinšek, Managing Editor of the Regional RA Programme in the Regional RTV Centre Maribor
Gabrijela Lučka Gruden, Editor with RA Maribor
Helena Zver, Managing Editor of the TV Programme for the Hungarian Community
B) Receivers of Slo v e n e a n d F o r e i g n A w a r d s i n 2 0 0 3
Awards of the Journalists’ Society of Slovene Consortium veritatis/Bratstvo resnice
Mija Škrabec Arbanas, Journalist with RA Slovenia, for her lifetime contribution to the development of
Slovene journalism
Irena Majce, Radio Correspondent from the Posavje region, for outstanding journalistic creations in the past year
Awards and Prizes
The Viktor Popularity Awards
Odmevi, for the best TV News Programme
Vladimir, main feature film directed by Zoran Živulovič, Viktor for the best feature TV broadcast
Franci Pavšer ml., for the newcomer in the Slovene media
The Vikend Magazine Gong Awards for Creativity and Popularity
Volja najde pot, Gong for creativity for the broadcasts representing destinies and stories, especially of the sick
and handicapped
Vida Petrovčič, Gong for popularity
Editorial of Children’s and Youth Programme of TV Slovenia, Gong for special achievements of the
Award Zlata rola for the most spectated feature films in Slovenia
Youth feature film Pozabljeni zaklad directed by Tugo Štiglic and in co-production with RTV Slovenia,
Zlata rola for 25,000 thousand spectators
Feature Film Kajmak in marmelada, the majority producer of which is RTV Slovenia, three awards
Zlata rola (for 25,000, 50,000 and 75,000 spectators)
International Festival of Tourist Feature Film and Ecology in Split
Anton Petelinšek, receiver of the award for the project Radijska delavnica znancev, especially for the
workshops in the framework of the Lent Festival
International Festival Prix Marulić 2003
Gabrijela Lučka Gruden, receiver of the award and diploma for author’s, producer’s work and the sound of
the broadcast Kako je največji medijski pesnik postal medijska zvezda
Across-the-boarder Festival My Native Land in Uhzgorod
Helena Zver, receiver of the prize for scenario of the portrait of Miki Muster
Oliver Szunyog, receiver of the prize for the assembly of the portrait of Miki Muster
Order of the Republic of Hungary with a Knight’s Cross
Helena Zver, receiver of the order for extraordinary achievements in the field of Hungarian television activity
International Festival in the frame of the World’s Beekeeper’s Congress in Ljubljana
The documentary Prijatelj čebelar directed by Hanka Kastelicova, receiver of second award and the silver
medal of Apimondia
The TV programme Prize at the International Festival in Bar in Montenegro
Television feature film GANGL directed by the brothers Radmilović, receiver of Srebrna oliva prize for direction
International Choir Contest Musica Mundi in Gradež
The Youth Choir of RTV Slovenia, receiver of the silver prize in the category of spiritual music and the
bronze medal in the category of univocal vocals up to 19 years
Awards and Prizes
Croatian Discographic Award Porin
Big Band RTV Slovenia, receiver of the award for the best jazz album Round Midnight with Boško Petrović
Who i s W h o
P r o gramme Unit Televis i o n
S l ovenia
Managing Editor of News and Current Affairs
Tanja Starič
Phone: +386 1 475 30 13
Fax: +386 1 475 30 11
Managing Editor of Culture and Arts Programmes
Jani Virk
Phone: +386 1 475 31 81
Fax: +386 1 475 31 83
Director of the OU Transmitters and Communications
Miran Dolenec
Phone: +386 1 475 27 21
Head of the OU Record Label
Ivo Umek
Phone: +386 1 475 46 26
Fax: +386 1 475 46 78
Head of the OU Music Production
Boris Rener
Phone: +386 1 475 24 69
Managing Editor of Entertainment and Sports
Miša Molk
Phone: +386 1 475 33 09
Fax: +386 1 475 33 10
Programme Unit Radi o S l o v e n i a
Managing Editor of News and Current Affairs
Bojan Veselinovič
Phone: +386 1 475 23 21
Fax: +386 1 475 23 15
Managing Editor of Culture and Arts Programmes
Vlado Senica
Phone: +386 1 475 22 04
Fax: +386 1 475 22 07
Who is Who
Managing Editor of the Music Programme
Ivanka Mulec Ploj
Phone: +386 1 475 24 41
Fax: +386 1 475 23 99
Organisation Unit s - O U
Head of the OU Television Production
Marko Petretič
Phone: +386 1 475 36 82, +386 1 475 36 85
Head of the OU Radio Production
Igor Krč
Phone: +386 1 475 26 79
Regional RTV Centre
Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Ul. OF 15
6000 Koper
Phone: +386 5 668 50 50 - Radio
Phone: +386 5 668 50 10 - Television
Head of the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Dragomir Mikelič
Phone: +386 5 668 54 85
Managing Editor of the Regional Television Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Nataša Segulin
Phone: +386 5 668 53 02
Managing Editor of the Regional Radio Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Leon Horvatič
Phone: +386 5 668 54 83
Managing Editor of the Television Programme
for the Italian Community
Robert Apollonio
Phone: +386 5 668 51 02
Managing Editor of the Radio Programme
for the Italian Community
Vladimiro Dellore
Phone: +386 5 668 54 44
R e g i o n a l R T V C e n t r e M a ri b o r
Regional RTV Centre Maribor
Ilichova 33
2000 Maribor
Phone: +386 2 429 91 11
For the Prekmurje Region
Lidija Kosi
Slovenska 25, 9000 Murska Sobota
Phone/Fax: +386 2 521 18 78, +386 2 531 18 78
Head of the Regional RTV Centre Maribor
Cvetka Žirovnik
Phone: +386 2 429 91 60
Managing Editor of the Regional Television Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Maribor
Zoran Medved
Phone: +386 2 429 91 25
Managing Editor of the Regional Radio Programme
in the Regional RTV Centre Maribor
Anton Petelinšek
Phone: +386 2 429 91 44
Managing Editor of the Television Programme
for the Hungarian Community
Helena Zver
Glavna ulica 60
9220 Lendava
Phone: +386 2 578 98 90
Managing Editor of the Radio Programme
for the Hungarian Community
Jožef Vegi
Phone: +386 2 578 99 20
C o r r e s p o n d e n ts of Radio
For the Koroška Region
Petra Lesjak
Meškova 21, 2380 Slovenj Gradec
Phone: +386 2 882 17 90, Fax: +386 2 882 17 91
For the Posavje Region
Irena Majce
Ul. Stanka Škalerja 21, 8250 Brežice
Phone: +386 7 496 65 66, Fax: +386 7 496 65 60
For the Zasavje Region
Karmen Štrancar Rajevec
Ul. 1. junija 36, 1420 Trbovlje
Phone: +386 3 563 29 40, Fax: +386 3 563 29 41
For the upper part of the Gorenjska Region
Romana Erjavec
Ljubljanska cesta 7, 4260 Bled
Phone: +386 4 576 61 00, Fax: +386 4 576 61 01
For the Notranjska Region
Dragica Prosen
POB 55, 6230 Postojna
Phone/Fax: +386 5 720 37 05
For the Region of Kočevje and Ribnica
Mojca Skender
Kostel 1a, 1336 Vas
Phone: +386 1 894 80 66, Fax: +386 1 894 80 67
For the Gorenjska Region
Aljana Jocif
Vodopivčeva 8, 4000 Kranj
Phone: +386 4 202 22 42, Fax: +386 4 201 16 67
For the broader Region of Celje
Miran Korošec
Gledališka 2, 3000 Celje
Phone: +386 3 492 60 07, Fax: +386 3 492 60 06
For the Podravje Region
Nevenka Dobljekar
Prešernova ulica 17, 2250 Ptuj
Phone: +386 2 771 03 16, Fax: +386 2 771 03 17
For the Goriško Region
Valter Pregelj
POB 194, 5000 Nova Gorica
Phone: +386 5 668 50 88, Fax: +386 5 668 50 99
For the Dolenjska and Bela Krajina Regions
Jože Žura
Mestne njive 8, 8000 Novo mesto
Phone: +386 7 337 97 10, Fax: +386 7 337 97 11
For the Region of Domžale and Kamnik
Matjaž Brojan
Masarykova 14, 1230 Domžale
Phone: +386 1 729 21 03, Fax: +386 1 729 21 02
For Ljubljana
Marko Škrlj
Prešernova 6, 1370 Logatec
Phone: +386 1 475 23 09, Fax: +386 1 475 23 15
Editor of the Correspondents Department
Toni Laterner
Tavčarjeva 17, 1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 475 23 08, Fax: +386 1 475 23 15
Who is Who
Studio of Hungarian Programmes Lendava
Glavna ul. 124
9220 Lendava
Telefon: +386 2 578 99 00
For the Primorje Region
Filip Šemrl
Arkova 43, POB 21, 5280 Idrija
Phone: +386 5 372 29 00, Fax: +386 5 372 29 01
C o r respondents of Tele v i s i o n
S l ovenia
Correspondents of RTV Slovenia
Nada Kumer
Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje
Phone/Fax: +386 3 541 15 17
Marjan Vešligaj
Sinđelićeva 12, 11000 Beograd
Phone: +381 11 324 76 19
E-mail: marjan@sezampro.yu
Murska Sobota
Bojan Peček, Boris Cipot, Ernest Ružič
Slovenska 25, 9000 Murska Sobota
Phone: +386 2 521 18 78
Phone/Fax: +386 2 531 18 78
ISDN: +386 2 534 97 60, +386 2 534 97 61
Peter Habjanič
Gartenstr. 3d, 10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 283 845 90
Nova Gorica
Mojca Dumančič
Rejčeva 6, 5000 Nova Gorica
Phone: +386 5 333 16 74, Fax: +386 5 333 16 73
Novo mesto
Petra Držaj
Novi trg 5, 8000 Novo mesto
Phone: +386 7 332 59 13
Janja Koren
Vodopivčeva 8, 4000 Kranj
Phone: +386 4 202 22 42, Fax: +386 4 201 16 67
Marko Planinc
Trg svobode 11a, 1420 Trbovlje
Phone: +386 3 562 63 61
Who is Who
Slovenj Gradec
Slavko Bobovnik, Tomaž Ranc
Meškova 21, 2380 Slovenj Gradec
Phone: +386 2 882 17 80, +386 2 882 17 81
Fax: +386 2 882 17 91
Tanja Fajon
Residence Palace
Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels
Phone/Fax: +32 2 235 21 64
ISDN: +32 2 235 21 65
Vlasta Jeseničnik
Gruzinsky per. 3/apt. 7-8, 123056 Moscow
Phone: +7 502 937 39 00
Phone/Fax: +7 095 935 80 18
Sebastjan Šik
Via Cassia 901 B/6, 00189 Rome
Phone: +39 06 30 36 22 26
Drago Balažič
Hercegovačka 51a, 10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 375 67 15, +385 1 375 55 38
Matej Šurc
1462, South Green Mount Drive, Apt. #107
Goran Rovan
Alexandria, 22311 Virginia
Rozmanova 32, 8270 Krško
Phone: +386 7 490 50 70, Fax: +386 7 490 50 71 USA
Phone/Fax: +1 703 845 81 71
Vienna – Klagenfurt (from Ravne na Koroškem)
Barbara Renčof
Lojze Kos
Trg padlih borcev 5, POB 177
Phone: +386 5 720 35 79, Fax: +386 5 726 31 20 Dobja vas 162, 2390 Ravne na Koroškem
Phone: +386 2 821 78 40
Trieste (from Pobegi)
Mirjam Muženič
Cikuti 1/C Pobegi, 6276 Pobegi
Phone/Fax: +386 5 653 09 35
Regional RTV Centre Koper/Capodistria
Phone: +386 5 668 51 02, Fax: +386 5 668 54 09