Piano Classes Fall 2014 For Young Children in Grades K–5
Piano Classes Fall 2014 For Young Children in Grades K–5
Montgomery College Youth Programs www.montgomerycollege.edu/youth 240-567-7917 Fall 2014 Piano Classes For Young Children in Grades K–5 ALL CLASSES: Rockville Campus September 6–December 20, 2014 15 Saturday sessions No Class 11/29 Tuition $230 + Fee $50 = $280; Non-Md. residents add $25 Enrollment limit: six students Piano for the Five-Year-Old This course is for kindergarten students. Children will experience music through prereading and rhythmic activities involving participation both at and away from the piano. They will learn several pieces by rote as well as create their own music through improvisation. This beginning course is the first in a three-level program. Piano for the Five Year Old—Level I CRN #: 26256 CRN #: 26257 9–9:45 a.m. 10–10:45 a.m. Piano for the Five Year Old—Level II CRN #: 26289 11–11:45 a.m. Course: SCH252 Eun Ji Park Eun Ji Park Room 203 Campus Center Room 203 Campus Center Eun Ji Park Room 203 Campus Center Course: SCH268 Children must have taken Level I to enroll in Level II and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Piano for the Five Year Old—Level III CRN #: 26290 12–12:45 p.m. Eun Ji Park Course: SCH269 Room 203 Campus Center Children must have taken Levels I and II to enroll in Level III and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Voice: 240-567-7264 • TTY: 240-567-7931 Fax: 240-567-7548 • E-mail: sharon.wolfgang@montgomerycollege.edu Piano for the First Grader Students must be presently enrolled in first grade. Learn prereading and rhythmic skills through songs, body movement, flashcards, and hand‑to‑hand playing skills in both large and small motor movements. Several songs will be taught by rote. Having a piano at home is not required, but access to an electronic keyboard (full‑size keys, five‑octave minimum) is strongly suggested. Piano for the First Grader—Level I CRN #: 26286 11–11:45 a.m. Piano for the First Grader—Level II CRN #: 26287 10–10:45 a.m. Marita Almario Marita Almario Course: SCH213 Room 211 Music Bldg. Course: SCH214 Room 211 Music Bldg. Children must have taken Level I to enroll in Level II and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Piano for the First Grader—Level III CRN #: 26288 9–9:45 a.m. Marita Almario Course: SCH215 Room 211 Music Bldg. Children must have taken Levels I and II to enroll in Level III and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Piano for the 2nd & 3rd Grader Learn music theory, notes reading and writing, and receive basic ear training. Several piano pieces from various music styles will be discussed and played. Students will also be encouraged to create their own songs. Piano for the 2nd & 3rd Grader—Level I CRN #: 26291 12–12:45 p.m. Sanja Grujic-Vlajnic Piano for the 2nd & 3rd Grader—Level II CRN #: 26293 1–1:45 p.m. Sanja Grujic-Vlajnic Course: SCH315 Room 211 Music Bldg. Course: SCH772 Room 211 Music Bldg. Children must have taken Level I to enroll in Level II and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Piano for the 2nd & 3rd Grader—Level III CRN #: 26294 2–2:45 p.m. Sanja Grujic-Vlajnic Course: SCH947 Room 211 Music Bldg Children must have taken Levels I and II to enroll in Level III and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Piano for the 2nd & 3rd Grader—Level IV CRN #: 26292 3–3:45 p.m. Sanja Grujic-Vlajnic Course: SCH350 Room 211 Music Bldg. Children must have taken Levels I, II, and III to enroll in Level IV and be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Friday Classes: 14 Sessions, 9/12‒12/19 (No Class 11/28) Tuition $275 + Fee $75 = $350; Non-Md. residents add $25 Beginning Piano—Level I for 4th and 5th graders CRN #: 26258 5–5:50 p.m. Sanja Grujic-Vlajnic Course: YOU457 Room 211 Music Bldg. Advanced Piano I..............................................................Course YOU564 CRN #: 26259 6–6:50 p.m. Sanja Grujic-Vlajnic Room 211 Music Bldg. Children must have taken Piano for the 2nd/3rd Grader or be placed upon teacher’s recommendation. Registration Options Please follow these instructions. Use one form for each student. 1. 2. 3. Make course selection(s). Go to http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/wdce/youth.html and register online. Or complete the printed Registration Form (be sure to include student’s Identification Number). Complete signature line, make check payable to Montgomery College for the total amount due, and mail registration form and check to: Montgomery College, Workforce Development & Continuing Education, Youth Programs/Piano, 51 Mannakee Rockville, MD 20850. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are also accepted for payment. You may choose to FAX completed registration form indicating VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover payment to 240-567‑7548. Walk-in registrations for Youth Programs must be processed in the Workforce Development & Continuing Education office, Rockville Campus, Campus Center, Room 220. Registrations for Youth Programs can’t be processed at the College registration office. 4. Registrants will be enrolled in the order that registration and payments are received. Therefore, we urge you to register as early as possible to avoid disappointment. You will receive acknowledgment of registration. Please call Customer Service at 240-567-5188 if Registration Confirmation is NOT received at least five days before the start of classes. Classrooms and specific locations will be stated on this acknowledgement. Courses may be canceled due to low enrollment. 5. All students must register prior to attending class; do not attend class if you have not registered in advance. 6. Pending funding, partial scholarships may be available for Montgomery County students who demonstrate financial need or qualify for free or reduced lunch. Call 240-567-7264 or 240-567-7917 for information. Residency Policy The following are general guidelines taken from the College policy on residency for tuition purposes. A copy of the policy is available in the Montgomery College Catalog. A. Students attending Montgomery College will pay tuition according to their residency. B. To qualify for tuition purposes as a resident of the state of Maryland, legal domicile must have been maintained for a period not less than three months prior to the first regularly scheduled class. Non-Maryland residents must pay out-of-state fees. C. The domicile of a person registering in a noncredit course at Montgomery College shall be considered as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained, and where he/she intends to remain indefinitely. D. Non-U.S. citizens must submit copy of passport visa or permanent resident card. E. Non-Maryland residents pay “Out-of-State” fees. Refund Policy Youth Programs Only: Class Transfer and/or Class Withdrawal/Drop Fees 1. Class Transfer Requests: Students will be allowed to transfer from one class to another, one time without a charge. Any additional schedule changes will be reviewed and may be subject to a $20.00 fee. 2. Youth Class withdrawal/drop request. If a student requests to drop or withdraw from a class, the request must be received at least 6 days prior to the start of the class to avoid a withdrawal/drop fee. Requests to withdraw from a class received within 6 days of the start of the class will be subject to a fee of $50.00. Contributions to the Youth Scholarship Fund You may take advantage of this easy way to make a tax‑deductible contribution to the College’s Youth Scholarship Fund by writing an amount in the place provided on the Registration Form. Disability Support Services If student requires aids, services, or barriers removed to fully participate in Montgomery College Workforce Development & Continuing Education programs, please register first. Then call 240-567‑7264 at least four weeks before the first day of class to arrange for reasonable accommodation. For additional information, please call 240-567‑7917. This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact Workforce Development & Continuing Education at 240-567-5188 and allow three weeks for delivery. Transportation Students and their parents or guardians are responsible for all transportation arrangements. Public transportation is available. Call Montgomery County Transit Information at 301-217‑RIDE. Health Services Should a medical emergency occur, trained personnel from the Campus Security Office will be available to render aid. Questions? You may call any time Mon-Fri 9 a.m.–4 p.m.: 240-567-7917 or 240-567-7264 Youth Programs - Piano Registration Form Montgomery College ~ Workforce Development & Continuing Education www.montgomerycollege.edu/youth (Please use black pen when completing this form) College ID Number: - Birthdate M 2 - Month (This is your Student ID Number. If you have taken courses at MC previously, you should have one. If not, the College will assign your MC Identification Number for you.) Sex Day Year Female Male Name Last First Middle Address Apt. # House # and Street Name (Do NOT use P.O. Box or you will be charged Non-Md. resident fee.) City Is this a new address? State Yes No Have you attended MC before? Zip Yes No ___ U.S. Citizen ___ Non U.S. Citizen Visa, if any ____________ International Students: Are you planning to request an I-20 from MC? (If yes, you must see the International Student Coordinator, Rockville Campus, Student Services, Room 115.) (Non U.S. Citizens attach copy of your passport visa or permanent resident card.) Home Phone Parent Fax Parent Work Phone Parent E-Mail (Provide e-mail address only if you desire notification of future offerings.) School Currently Attending Course Title CRN # Begin Date Tuition Fee Current Grade Course Non Md. Total Resid. Fee $ $ $ $ $ Optional Contribution to Scholarship Fund Total Due Please indicate payment by: _____Check (payable to Montgomery College) _____ MasterCard _____VISA _____ American Express _____ Discover Expiration Date of Card: (m m / y y) 3 or 4 digit Security code on back of card: Credit Card Information: Name on Card Card Number Your Name Please mail this form with your payment or credit card information to: Montgomery College Workforce Development & Continuing Education Youth Programs - Piano 51 Mannakee Street, CC 220 Rockville, MD 20850 OR FAX to: 240-567-7548 (If different from name on card) Cardholder Signature Required “Montgomery College reserves the right to use, photograph, reproduce, and publish any work produced by students as part of their educational program. Work is defined as intellectual property as defined or recognized by law and custom created or developed through the application of intellectual efforts by one or more persons. Unless otherwise agreed, work will not be used for any purpose other than educational and to support the mission of the College.” I affirm that the information recorded on this application is correct. My child is a Maryland resident and lives in _______________________ County. I understand that my son/daughter will be attending classes on an open college campus and there will be no student supervision provided outside the classroom. He/she will abide by the rules and regulations of Montgomery College, including exhibiting classroom behavior that allows for a study environment free from harassment, discrimination, and disruption. Behavior contrary to this will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion. Should a medical emergency occur, I grant authority to the Montgomery College Campus Security staff to provide necessary and reasonable medical attention to: ________________________________________ Student’s Name __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date ________________ I give my permission to have my child’s photograph and/or testimonial used in media promotions in conncection with registration and other media campaigns produced by Montgomery College. __________________________________________ _________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date RACE: Choose all that apply, you may choose more than one. (Disclosure not mandatory by Montgomery College, but is required by the U.S. Dept. of Education.) ___American Indian or Alaskan Native ___Asian ___Black or African American ___Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander ___White ETHNICITY: Choose one. (Disclosure not required by MC, but is required by the U.S. Dept. of Education.) ___Not Hispanic or Latino ___Hispanic or Latino ___None Please Complete All Registration Information. For Registration Assistance call 240-567-7917 or 240-567-7264. CODE: PO
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