Converse Church of Christ Preschool 301 S. Wabash St. Converse, IN 46919


Converse Church of Christ Preschool 301 S. Wabash St. Converse, IN 46919
Converse Church of Christ
301 S. Wabash St.
Converse, IN 46919
Blessed are the Parents
(Beatitudes for Parents)
BLESSED are the parents who let a
child do for himself whatever he is capable of doing, for they
shall not be merely unpaid servants.
BLESSED are they who do not expect more of their children
than is appropriate for their level of maturity, for they shall not
be disappointed.
BLESSED are the parents who do not get involved in their
children’s spats with their playmates, for they shall not prolong
such squabbles.
BLESSED are the parents who take their children along with
them often, for they shall see the world with fresh eyes.
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BLESSED are the father and mother who spend time together occasionally without their offspring, for they shall not go
BLESSED are they who listen to their children, for they in turn
will be heard.
BLESSED are they who pay more attention to their own individual children and their specific needs and reactions than to
abstract child care theories, for they shall not be confused with
the swings of the pendulum.
BLESSED are they who can be a warm fire of encouragement to their children, for their offspring will not stay away long
from a hearth where they can warm their souls.
BLESSED are they who enjoy their children, for they have
come close to the kingdom of Heaven on this earth.
Joan Beck
End of Year Skills
Below is a checklist of skills your child should be able to do at the
end of the school year.
3 Year Olds & 4 Year Olds
First & Last Name
Parent’s Names
Share, Take Turns
Display Good Manners
Care for Own Belongings
Follow Directions
Walk Steps, Alternating Feet
Listen to a Story
Town They Live In
Button/Zip Coat
Cooperate with Group
Show Self-control
Care for Toileting Needs
Use Crayons and Pencils
Cut with Scissors
Recognize and Name
Basic Colors, Shapes
and Sizes
All of the above plus —
Say Full Name
Say Street Address
Tell Age
Say Telephone Number
Tie Shoes
Draw a Person
Know Right & Left Hands
Run, Jump, Hop & Skip
Throw & Catch a Ball Write Letters & Numerals
Count to 50
Recognize Numbers
Recognize letters of
alphabet and be able to
say sound for each
Parental reinforcement of these skills is encouraged. The more the
child works on these skills, the stronger their memory is.
Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance
and friendship,
He learns to find love in the world.
Dorothy Law Nolte
Shoes and socks are required. When boots are worn to school,
shoes should be sent with the child. Boots are often very hot and
clumsy. Slippers are not acceptable. Sandals are permissible
during hot weather.
We will be having physicial education every day. The girls may
want to wear slacks or tights if they wear a dress. In spring and
fall we play outdoors and often use the park. Please dress your
child accordingly.
Please label all coats and personal belongings with the child’s
Select clothing that your child can easily operate.
The church carries the necessary liability insurance to operate the
Preschool program.
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Parents are encouraged to request conferences at any time with
the teacher and/or director of the preschool in order that both parents might understand the child and any problems. Conferences
may also be scheduled by the staff with the parents.
Preschool Calendar
One week’s notice is required for the withdrawal of the child. This
will protect your good standing should you wish to participate in the
Children withdrawn for any reason may be re-enrolled, providing
they are in financial good standing and space is available.
Holidays & Special Dates
Parents are asked not to send toys, except for show and tell, as the
school cannot be responsible for misuse or damage to them.
The first week of each month is designated for “Show and Tell” so
the children may share their personal experiences and possessions.
If your child has a birthday during the school year, we will celebrate
it on the closest day that we meet. If you wish, you may send a
take home treat that day. Please notify the Director of your plans.
Summer birthdays may be celebrated at the end of the year.
Child training and discipline is handled with kindness and understanding. Attention is given to the needs of the individual child, and
at the same time, the child is encouraged to participate in group
Our staff would like to work with the parents on individual discipline.
September 3
First day of School
November 27-28
Thanksgiving Vacation
December 12
Christmas Program—7:00 p.m.
December 17-January 6
Christmas Vacation
January 7
Preschool Reconvenes
January 16
Parent-Teacher Conference
(no school for children)
January 21
First Day of Second Semester
March 24-28
Spring Break
May 15
3 & 4 yr olds program and
Pre-K graduation 7:00 p.m.
The regular tuition is charged regardless of the length of absence
due to illness or other causes, unless the child is withdrawn from
school. The payment of tuition guarantees the child’s position until
he/she is able to return.
There is no need to call if a child must be absent for a single day.
However, extended absences should be reported to the Director.
Mid-morning nutritional snacks are furnished by the school.
Upon arrangements with school officials, parents are welcome to send
treats for special occasions. Children should not have gum or candy
during school. Gum in hair or on furniture is no fun!
(all children attend today
at 9:00-11:30 a.m.)
Please call Donna Maple with questions—765-457-2695 or
e-mail her at
Converse Church of Christ
Preschool Policy Statement
The Converse Church of Christ’s Preschool operates on a nonprofit basis and is sponsored by the church, with the ultimate
authority resting with the official Board of the church.
As much as possible, the Preschool is self-supporting
To give guidance to preschool children that will enable them to
adjust to other children and to adults.
To share Christian beliefs and other cultural values through
stories, songs, prayers and principles of sharing in play and social
contact. The atmosphere and objectives of the school are
Christian in nature. Bible stories are taught.
Three yr. olds and 4 yr. olds class will attend sessions on Tuesday
and Thursday. The Pre-Kindergarten class will attend sessions on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Preschool morning session is 9:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. and the
afternoon session is 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. Please do not bring
children before 8:50 a.m. or 12:20 p.m. Please be punctual in
picking up your children at the close of school. If you are
habitually late in picking up your child, you may be charged
for the additional time. After the second time of being 5
minutes late or later with no phone call, you will be charged
an additional fee of $5.00.
Preschool will begin Tuesday, September 3rd, and close
Thursday, May 15th . The remainder of the holidays and closing
follow the Oak Hill school calendar. During the winter months or in
questionable weather, check WBAT, WWKI or WIOU for
cancellation information. Oak Hill has a preschool also, so listen
for Converse Church of Christ Preschool.
Preschool activities are available for children ages 3 through 5.
Children attending MUST be potty-trained. The program provides
constructive experiences for each child through planned activities,
creative play, music, speech, art projects, physical education and
For the sake of the children involved, parents are asked not to
send children if they are not in good health. The Preschool program considers any child with diarrhea, fever, excessive runny
nose, cough or any communicable disease to be an unhealthy
Any child who becomes ill during the day will be isolated from the
other children until they can be taken home. Please make sure
there is someone we can contact if the child becomes sick and
needs to go home. If the child has a fever, we will contact you to
come and get him/her.
If a child contacts a contagious disease, the Director should be
informed immediately so that other children can be observed for
possible symptoms.
Visitors are welcome. We suggest waiting for a month after school
starts to visit. Contacting the teacher ahead of visiting day would
be a good idea.
There is an Enrollment Fee of $30 for one child each semester,
and a $15.00 fee each semester for each additional child in the
same family. This fee is due at registration is non-refundable.
Tuition is payable the first Tuesday of each month or weekly and
refunds are not made for non-attendance unless school is
cancelled. Tuition is $6.00 per session.
Checks should be made payable to Converse Church of Christ
Fees are payable the first Tuesday of each month or weekly.
You may pay the entire semester if you prefer.
Please put money or check in an envelope with your child’s name
on the envelope and place envelope on the desk in the Preschool
Two weeks of delinquent payment, without satisfactory arrangements with the Director, automatically disenrolls the child. The
child will be allowed to return when payment is made.