- IRD India
- IRD India
Proceedings Of International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS Volume-I Date: 13th July 2014 (Bangalore) Editor-in-Chief Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mallick Organized by: Institute For Research and Development India(IRD India) Bhubaneswar, Odisha ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09 About The Institute For Research and Development India (IRD India ) is pleased to organize the 2014 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS. The primary goal of the conferences is to promote research and developmental activities in Engineering, Science, and Management. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in and around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: (All Branches of Engineering and Applied Science) Computer Science and Engineering Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Instrumentation Engineering Applied Science About IRD India: The Institute for Research and Development India (IRD India) is an independent, private non-profit scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics, Mechanical, Electrical, Communication and Management. The IRD India members include faculties, deans, department heads, professors, research scientists, engineers, scholars, experienced software development directors, managers and engineers, university postgraduate and undergraduate engineering and technology students, etc. IRD India plays an influential role and promotes developments in a wide range of ways. The mission of IRD India is to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise. Advisement Partner: http://www.conferencealert.org/ Publishing Partner: IGI Global USA, IRD Digital Library, www. isi-thomsonreuters.com Programme Committee Program Chair: Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mallick Chairman, IRD India Bhubaneswer, India Programme Committee members: Di Gregorio, Raffaele, University of Ferrara, Italy Fassi, Irene, National Research Council of Italy, Italy Dr. Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak, Technical University Of Koszalin, Poland Guo, Weizhong, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Hu, Ying, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Lang, Sherman Y. T., National Research Council of Canada, Canada Legnani, Giovanni, Universitá di Brescia, Italy Ma, Ou, New Mexico State University, USA Tan, Min, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Wu, Jun, Tsinghua University, China Yang, Guilin, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore Zu, Jean, University of Toronto, Canada Prof. KumkumGarg, MIT Jaipur University, Ex IIT Roorkee Professor Prof. Rama Bhargava Dept. Of IIT, Roorkee Prof. S. P. Thapliyal Director, SGRRITS, Dehradun Prof. Durgesh pant Director, Uttarakhand Open University Dr. K.C. Gouda,Sr. Scientist in CSIR,Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation,Bangalore, India Zaki Ahmad, Department of Mechanical Engineering,KFUPM,Box # 1748, Dhaharan 31261 Saudi Arabia Rajeev Ahuja, Physics Department,Uppsala University ,Box 530, 751 21 Uppsala Sweden B.T.F. Chung ,Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Akron, Akron Ohio 44325 USA TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl. No. Topic Page No. Editor - in-Chief Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mallick 1 Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 60-64 Anoop M V, V Ravi Car Parking Management System 54-59 M.Lavanya, V.Natarajan Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data 48-53 S.Gayathri, V.Sridhar An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks 44-47 Yashwanth K M ,Nagesha S, Naveen H M, Ravi, Mamatha K R, Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process 38-43 Kusuma Keerthi Intelligent Fuel Fraudulence Detection Using Digital Indicator 33-37 Ram Kumar.S, Gowshigapoorani.S Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier 25-32 Supriya M D, Chandra Shekhar Reddy Atla, K R Mohan, T M Vasanth Kumara An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System 19-24 K. Mohammed Hussain, P. Sheik Abdul kadher Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation 13-18 Savita P.Patil, Manisha R. Mhetre A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries 6-12 Arpitha H B, Chandra Shekhar Reddy Atla,B Kanthraj, 4K R Mohan Intelligent Baby Monitoring System 4 Rupali.S.Kad, R.P.Mudhalwadkar Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction 1-5 65-68 Chandra Prabha R,Vidya Devi M., Sharook Sayeed, Sudarshan Garg, Sunil K.R, Sushanth H J Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film 69-73 14 Distributed Critical Node Detection of malicious flooding in Adhoc Network 15 17 18 19 20 93-98 Chaithrashree.A, Rohitha U.M Spectrum Sensing Using CSMA Technique 89-92 Tejaswini H V, M S Mallikarjuna swamy IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine 85-88 Yusuf Ahijjo Musa, Adamu Nchama Baba-Kutigi Determination and Classification of Blood Types using Image Processing Techniques 81-84 Deepak. C. Pardeshi Estimation of the Level of Indoor Radon in Sokoto Metropolis 78-80 Chandra shekar. P Remote health monitoring in ambulance and traffic control using GSM and Zigbee 74-77 Malvika Bahl, Rajni Bhoomarker, Sameena Zafar “Transmission Line Fault Detection & Indication through GSM” 16 Manisha R.Mhetre, H.K.Abhyankar Rajeev Shukla, Deepak Sharma 99-101 Editorial The conference is designed to stimulate the young minds including Research Scholars, Academicians, and Practitioners to contribute their ideas, thoughts and nobility in these two integrated disciplines. Even a fraction of active participation deeply influences the magnanimity of this international event. I must acknowledge your response to this conference. I ought to convey that this conference is only a little step towards knowledge, network and relationship. The conference is first of its kind and gets granted with lot of blessings. I wish all success to the paper presenters. I congratulate the participants for getting selected at this conference. I extend heart full thanks to members of faculty from different institutions, research scholars, delegates, IRD and, members of the technical and organizing committee. Above all I note the salutation towards the almighty. Editor-in-Chief Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mallick Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. 1 Rupali.S.Kad, 2R.P.Mudhalwadkar PG Student, Associate Professor Dept. of Instrumentation &Control, College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India Email: 1rupalippatil@rediffmail.com, 2rpm.instru@coep.ac.in Abstract— A vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children which has a MATLAB based GUI interfaced with microcontroller has been developed. The system gives visual information about spoken vowels i.e whether vowel is pronounced correctly or not. In this paper, we discuss the development of vowel training system for hearing impaired children specifically children aged between 5 and 10 years whose mother tongue is Marathi. Formants emerged from vocal tract depends on the position of jaws, tongue and the shape of your mouth opening. Vowels in English are determined by how much the mouth is opened, and where the tongue constricts the passage through the mouth: front, back or in between parts of the vocal tract and also how you position your tongue. Formant range is different for same vowel for different ascent.To form a normated data 750 vowel samples from normal speakers are collected. We discuss the formation of vowel database & vowel recognition results using the linear predictive coefficient method. The correct recognition obtained from this system is over 80%. Keywords: Feature extraction, LPC, Vowel Database, GUI I. INTRODUCTION Presentation of speech signal in the frequency domain are of great importance in studying the nature of speech signal and its acoustic properties .Vowels are voiced components of the sound, that is,/a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/.The excitation is the periodic excitation generated by fundamental frequency of the vocal cords and sound gets modulated when it passes via the vocal tract. Many researchers have worked in this regard. Some commercial software is also available in the market for speech recognition, but mainly in American English or other European languages. Proposed system is an assistive tool for speech training of hearing impaired children aged between 5 to 10 years whose mother tongue is Marathi. This paper is divided into six sections. Section I gives Introduction. Section II deals with details of formation of vowels database. Section III focuses on system implementation, Section IV covers result section V deals conclusion followed by references II. VOWEL DATABASE FORMATION Database was formed from a total 50 individuals consisting children from both gender from Municipal schools and apartments. The speakers were children who had no obvious speech defects. The recordings were done using a microphone and a laptop with a sampling frequency of 8000Hz. The vowels were recorded using omnidiectional microphone using the sound wave recorder. The samples were recorded in closed room where background noise was not present. The speakers were seating in front of the direction of the microphone with the distance of about 1-3 cm.. Children use their hearing ability to develop their language skills in order to communicate. But a hearing loss can make communication difficult. If a child has a hearing loss the basic development of language will often be delayed. Children with mild to severe hearing loss can develop understandable speech with the right intervention and amplification. So the earlier the hearing loss is detected and the earlier it is treated, the better. They can get special speech and language therapy. Sign language is one of the method used for the speech training. But majority of people in society cannot always read or use • Vowels: a,e,i,o,u sign language. This create the situation where children • Female vowel samples:675 who cannot communicate verbally are excluded from society and miss a large part of their social learning Male vowel samples :575 experiences..A vowel is a speech sound made by the Database was formed with the samples of 23 male and 27 vocal cords. Vowels form the basic block for word female normal speakers of 5-10 yrs age. Mother tongue of formation. It is the main constituent block for word both the speakers was Marathi. Each speaker was asked to pronunciation. A vowel sound comes from the lungs, speak the 5 vowels with 5 utterances of each vowel. Total through the vocal cords, and is not blocked, so there is no 25 utterances of the vowels were recorded for each friction. All English words have vowels. Each spoken speaker word is created out of the phonetic combination of a limited set of vowel and consonant .Therefore vowel training becomes important part in speech therapy. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 1 Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. SYSTEM DESIGN The vowel training system is designed to record ,analyze and to display pronounced vowel. MATLAB software is used for analysis of vowel and graphical user interface. In addition to that microcontroller is also interface with MATLAB to display pronounced vowel. Vowel sound Microphone PC -Vowel Processing -GUI Output Microcontroller Fig 3. Audio amplifier set up for generation of audio signal Line Driver Fig 1. Block diagram of vowel training system A. Vowel recognition process Vowel utterances were recorded by omnidirectional microphone and stored in workspace then processed using MALAB software. Audio signal is sampled at 8 KHz is processed for feature extraction.LPC is used for feature extraction. The steps for processing are as follows. Fig 4: Power spectrum of 1KHz Audio signal with 1cm distance Vowel sound Sampling Pre-emphasis Frame blocking Hamming Windowing Autocorrelation LPC Analysis Fig 5: Power spectrum of 2KHz Audio signal with 4cm distance Fig 5 shows distortion at fundamental as compared to Fig 4. The speakers were seating in front of the direction of the microphone with the distance of about 1-3 cm 2. Sampling: Sampling is a process of converting continuous time signal into discrete signal. The sampling rate selected is 8000 samples/second..The speech signal is considered to be 300 to 3000 Hertz. A sampling rate of 8000 samples /sec gives a Nyquist frequency of 4000 Hertz, which should be adequate for a 3000 Hz voice signal. 3.Pre-emphasis: Fig 2. Vowel recognition process 1.Recording of vowel: All vowel samples were recorded with omnidirectional microphone.To avoid noise while recording the sample, the optimal distance between microphone and speaker is found out.To do this powerspectrum of the different audio signal which was output of audio amplifier at different distances were observed. Pre-emphasis is used to boost the magnitude of higher frequencies w.r.t to magnitude of lower frequencies. The purpose of pre-emphasis is to improve signal to noise ratio by lowering the adverse effects of attenuation distortion and to shape the voice signals to create a more equal amplitude of lows and highs before their application to further part. To do this, pre- emphasis filter of the form is 1 – 0.99 z-1 is normally used. 4.Frame Blocking &Windowing The vocal resonance & their time variation carries phonetic information. This information analyzed in ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 2 Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ short-time spectrum of signal. Fig 5. shows speech signal is divided into frames. Each frame can be analyzed separately. In order to have each frame stationary in frame blocking process 20-25 millisecond window applied at 10ms intervals. 5. LPC Analysis Linear predictive coding(LPC) is s a digital method used for encoding of analog signal in which a particular value is predicted by a linear function of the past values of the signal. It is proposed as a method for encoding of human speech by the United States Department of Defense , standard 1015, published in 1984. LPC determines the coefficients of a forward linear predictor by minimizing the prediction error in the least squares sense. It is widely used in filter design and speech coding .In MATLAB [a,g] = lpc (x, p) finds the coefficients of a pth-order linear predictor (FIR filter) that predicts the current value of the real-valued time series x based on past samples. p is the order of the prediction filter polynomial, a = [1 a(2) ... a(p+1)]. If p is not specified, lpc takes p = length(x)-1 as a default value. If x is a matrix containing a separate signal in each column, lpc returns a model estimate for each column in the rows of matrix a and a column vector of prediction error variances g. The length of p must be less than or equal to the length of x. Algorithms for lpc uses the autocorrelation method of autoregressive (AR) modeling to find the filter coefficients. and a DB-9 serial cable. The Phiips microcontroller development board is interfaced with PC. The PC is used to write user specified embedded programs to be executed by the Philips microcontroller. Furthermore, the PC hosts an interactive GUI for the user to record and load audio file and visualize pronounced vowel. The microcontroller and the PC communicate using a serial interface. In this paper, we use a P89V51RD2BN, 40-pin, 8-bit CMOS FLASH dual inline package IC.To facilitate serial communication between PIC and PC, we interface a RS232 driver/receiver with the P89V51RD2BN. The effectiveness of our MATLAB -based GUI environment to interact with PIC microcontroller is demonstrated by exporting analyzed vowel of speaker from a MATLAB GUI interfaced to the PC IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS B.Graphical User Interface Development Graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as labels or text. This MATLAB application is selfcontained MATLAB programs with GUI front ends that automate a task or calculation. The GUI typically contains controls such as menus, toolbars, buttons, and sliders. MATLAB based GUI is developed to record the .wav file or load the .wav file from destination. Toggle buttons are used to select vowel to be analyzed. If utterance of vowel is correct it is displayed on vowel text box otherwise message for incorrect utterance is displayed .Structure of graphical user interface is shown in figure 6. . Fig7:Recognition of vowel /a . .wav file of vowels are analyzed .Formant ranges for vowels are determined. .Fig 7 & Fig 8 shows that vowel /a& vowel /e are pronounced correctly. Fig8:Recognition of vowel /e Fig6: Graphical User Interface C.Hardware Enviornment The hardware environment for this paper consists of a P89V51 microcontroller, a PC, a RS232 driver/receiver, ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 3 Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ /o/ /u/ 135 150 113 124 22 26 83.7 82.66 TABLE II. Formant Ranges Vowel Formant Range /a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/ Fig 9: Incorrect Pronunciation of vowel /e Fig 9. Shows result of utterance of vowel /e of hearing impaired child. Since formants are different as that of normal speaker system shows displays that vowel is not pronounced correctly. 450-700Hz 290-400Hz 500-900Hz 400-550Hz 350-470Hz Correct Recognition % Correct recogniti on 85 80 75 70 82.66 82.3 83.7 80.7 77.77 /e/ /o/ Correct Recognition Vowel Fig 12:Recognition of vowels V. CONCLUSION Fig10. Simulation Result of Microcontroller PC interfacing From experimental results, it can be concluded that LPC can recognize the speech signal well. The highest correct recognition achieved is 82.30%. For further work, in order to get better recognition another recognition method such as ANN or neuro-fuzzy method can be applied in this system. The low cost and good performance of this system indicate that developed system will be useful in vowel training of hearing impaired children as an assistive tool .As compared to the common multimedia sound card which adds significant noise above system has potential for speech training at home for the hearing impaired. ACKNOWLEDGMENT It is my pleasure to get this opportunity to thank my respected Guide Dr. R. P. Mudhalwadkar who has imparted valuable knowledge for the development of this system . Fig 11: Microcontroller Board Fig.10 shows PROTEUS simulation result of microcontroller interfacing with PC.Fig.11 shows that vowel /e is pronounced correctly. TABLE I. Recognition of vowels Vo wel REFRENCES [1] Shahrul Azmi M.Y., “An improved feature extraction method for Malay vowel recognition based on spectrum data,” International Journal of Software Engineering and Its ApplicationsVol.8, No.1 (2014), pp.413-426 Numb Samples Samples Correct er of Not Recogn [2] Y. A. Alotaibi and A. Hussain, “Comparative sampl Recognize recognize ition analysis of Arabic vowels using formants and an es d d automatic speech recognition system,” /a/ 135 109 26 80.7 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image /e/ 130 107 23 82.30 Processing and Pattern Recognition, vol. 3, 2010. /i/ 135 105 30 77.77 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 4 Designing of vowel articulation training system for hearing impaired children as an assistive tool. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [3] L. Rabiner and B. Juang, Fundamentals of speech recognition. Prentice Hall, 1993. [4] Ayaz Keerio, Bhargav Kumar Mitra, Philip Birch, Rupert Young, and Chris Chatwin, “On Preprocessing of Speech Signals,” International Journal of Signal Processing vol.5,2009,pp.216222 [5] Rabiner. L. R., Schafer. R. W., “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, First Edition, Prentice-Hall. [6] X. Huang, A. Acero and H. Hon, “Spoken language processing: A guide to theory, algorithm, and system development”, Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, (2001). ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 5 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction 1 Arpitha H B, 2Chandra Shekhar Reddy Atla, 3B Kanthraj, 4K R Mohan 1,3,4 Dept of E&E, AIT, Chikmagalur Karnataka, India 2 PRDC Pvt, Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka, India 1 Email: arpitha.pse.eee@gmail.com, 2sekhar.atla@gmail.com, 3kanthrajb@gmail.com, 4mohanhnpur@gmail.com Abstract - Installed capacity of wind power is increasing substantially in response to the world wide interest in low emission power source and a desire to increase the dependence on petroleum. Hence it is essential to integration large amount of wind energy into power system. A large-scale integration of wind power causes a number of challenges both in planning and operation of complex power system. Power system operator’s needs to deal with the variability and uncertainty in wind power generation when making their scheduling and dispatch decisions of conventional generation. Wind Power Forecasting (WPF) is frequently identified as an important tool to address the variability and uncertainty in wind power and to more efficiently operate power system scheduling tools with large wind power penetrations. Several methods can be used to forecast wind; physical methods can be used for medium term wind power forecasting and statistical methods can be used for short term wind power forecasting. Some of the statistical methods are Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average Model (ARIMA), - Auto-Regressive model (AR), Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This paper adopted ANN model because of its minimum time execution and accepted accuracy as compared to other statistical methods. Key words: Artificial Neural Network, Wind Power Forecasting, feed forward & Backward Propagation Algorithm, Mean Absolute Error. I. INTRODUCTION The energy is a vital input for the socio-economic development of any country. So the investment in renewable energy is increasing in all countries essentially due to mandatory environmental policies that have been introduced recently. The wind power, as a renewable energy source, raises great challenges to the energy sector operation, namely due to the technical difficulties of integrating this variable power source into the power grid. Wind power forecasting is required for the day-ahead scheduling to efficiently address wind integration challenges and significant efforts have been invested in developing more accurate wind power forecasts in wind industry. Wind farm developers and system operators also benefit from better wind power prediction to support competitive participation in generation scheduling against more stable and dispatchable energy sources. In general, WPF can be used for a number of purposes, such as: generation and transmission maintenance planning, determination of operating reserve requirements, unit commitment, economic dispatch, energy storage optimization (e.g., pumped hydro storage), and even for energy trading. Definitions of wind power forecasting – the forecasted wind generation made at time instant t from look-ahead time t + Δt, pt+∆t is the average power which the wind farm is expected to generate during the considered period of time (e.g., 1 hour) if it would operate under equivalent constant wind. It is important to note that, pt+∆t is called as point forecast because it is only a single value. The probabilistic forecast generates a probability distribution forecast to every look-ahead time. A wind forecasting system is characterized by its time horizon, which is the future time period for which the wind generation will be predicted. In order to understand the different issues involved in wind energy forecasting it is useful to divide the problem into three difference time scales as follows: In short term wind power forecasting the time horizon range is few hours, but there is no unanimity for the number of hours. A limit value of 12 to 16 hours has been proposed in literature. In medium term forecasting time horizon ranges from the short–term limit up to 36 or 72 hr. The numbers of hours in this time horizon can also diverge depend on the operational procedures of the countries. In long term forecast the time horizon ranges from the short-term limit of 7 days. As the time horizon increases, so do the forecast errors. Wind forecast models can be categorized according to their approaches to producing the wind power prediction. The advanced WPF methods are generally divided into two main approaches, such as physical approach and statistical approach. Physical method - The Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) forecasts are provided by the global model to several nodes of grid covering an area. For a more detailed characterization of the weather variables in the wind farm, an extrapolation of the forecasts is needed. The physical approach consists of several sub models, which altogether deliver the translation from the WPF at ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 6 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ certain grid point and model level, to power forecast at the considered site and at turbine hub height as shown in Figure 1. Every sub model contains the mathematical description of the physical processes relevant to the translation. A NWP model is commonly used physical method which produces forecasting of weather elements – represented by equations of physics – through the use of numerical methods. NWP model typically run two or four times a day using updated meteorological information. These models are generally operated by national weather services‟ due to a complex nature of work and requirement of large resources. However, few profit making companies like ASW True wind have invested and developed their own NWP model. SCADA Wind farm & Terrain characteristics Numerical weather prediction (NWP) Physical approach Wind Power Forecasting Figure 1: Physical approach structure Statistical method – This method consists of direct transformation of the input variables into wind generation as presented in Figure 2. The statistical block is able to combine inputs such as NWPs of the speed, direction, temperature, etc., of various model levels, together with on-line measurements, such as wind power, speed, direction, and others. Physical methods are vulnerable for forecast errors when NWP data has high errors. Similarly, the major shortcoming of statistical method is that it needs a large amount of validated and correct data to perform modeling. Hence most of the wind forecasters prefers WPF systems with the combination of two approaches and thus improves the forecast accuracy [12]. SCADA Numerical weather prediction (NWP) Statistical approach Wind Power Forecasting Figure 2: Statistical approach structure II. AVAILABLE FORECASTING TECHNIQUES Forecasting of wind power is complex due to the inherent nature of wind. Three main classes of statistical techniques have been identified for short-term wind power forecasting such as ANN methods, autoregressive methods, others. The artificial neural network method has been found to dominate the literature and most of the wind forecasters adopted in Europe. So this paper adopts ANN to forecast short term wind power. Very limited work is progressed in the field of wind power forecasting in India as compared to other European and American countries. In the literature, many studies have been focused on providing a forecasting tool in order to predict wind power with good accuracy, Ahmed Ouammi, Hanane Dagdougui [1] developed a neural network model to assess the wind energy output of wind farms in Capo Vado site in Italy, data are monitored for more than two years. The results are shown for four weeks considering different information in the input patterns, sampled at different time interval (lower sample period is ten minutes) including: pressure, temperature, date and hour, and wind direction. The output pattern information is always the wind speed. G. Kariniotakis et al [2] tells about the state of art wind power forecasting techniques, their performances as well as their value for the operational management or trading of wind power. K. G. Upadhayay [3] developed feed forward back propagation neural network for short term wind speed forecasting, in this paper data set is comprised of first, second, third, fourth and fifth day (24 hour per day) of the January month (year 2009), as the input and target output or predicted variable. One fourth of the total data was selected for training, one fourth for validation and the remaining one half for testing. Network performance was estimated by linear regression between the actual and target wind speed after post-processing. The maximum percentage error for January 4, 2009 is 9.24 %. Cameron Potter [4] talks about Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to forecast wind power generation, this paper forecasted the power generation with error between 12 to 14 %. P. Pinson and G. N. Kariniotakis[5] developed Fuzzy Neural Network for Wind Power Forecasting with online Prediction Risk Assessment; this paper presents detailed one year evaluation results of the models on the case study of Ireland, where the output of several wind farms is predicted using HIRLAM meteorological forecasts as input, and online estimation forecasts is developed together with an appropriate index for assessing online the risk due to the inaccuracy of the numerical weather predictions. M. Jabbari Ghadi [6] talks about new Imperialistic Competitive Algorithm- Neural Network (ICA-NN) method to improve short-term wind power forecasting accuracy at a wind farm using information from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and measured data from online SCADA, this paper built ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 7 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network considering environmental factors and then, Imperialist competitive algorithm is used to update weights of the neural network and it is applicable in both wind speed and WPF. J. P.S. Catalao [7] has developed an Artificial Neural Network for short term wind power forecasting in Portugal; in this paper MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) has an average value of 7.26%, while the average computation time is less than 5 seconds. Hence, the proposed approach presents a good trade-off between forecasting accuracy and computation time, outperforming the persistence approach. In this paper, an artificial neural networks (ANNs) program has been developed based feed forward and backward propagation algorithm. The developed program has been applied for practical power system, Gujarat state, in INDIA. III. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK “Analogy of brain” - The working of human brain looks magic, yet performance of some neurons or cells in brain are known. These neurons are the only part of the body they can be easily replaced, it assumes that these neurons tell about the human abilities to remember, think, and apply previous experience to our every action. There are 100 billion of cells, are known as neurons. Each of these neurons is interconnected with up to 200,000 other neurons, this interconnection between neurons is known as synaptic weights. The power of the human brain comes from the strength of the neuron cells and the multiple connections between neurons. It is also comes from generic programming and learning. The individual neuron is itself complicate. They have myriad of the parts, subsystems, and control mechanism. They host electrochemical path to convey information. Neurons can be classified into hundreds of different classes, depending on the classification method. The neurons and the interconnections between neurons are not binary, and not suitable, and not synchronous. In short, it is nothing like the currently available neural network tries to replicate only the most basic elements of this complicated, versatile, and powerful organism. They did it in a primitive way. Artificial neural network or neural network is physically cellular systems, which can acquire, stare, and utilize experimental knowledge. ANN motivated by the neuron activity in human brain, (it may be reorganization, understanding, invention, thinking abilities of brain) there are billions neurons in brain, with trillions of interconnection. Hence this ANN tries to imitate some of the human activity and the performance of human brain by artificial means. The artificially developed neuron computing is done with large number of neurons or cells and their interconnection. They operate selectively and simultaneously on all the data and inputs and also operation time of the artificial neurons are faster than that of copied neurons from human brain. The artificial neurons are based on self learning mechanisms which do not require following the culture of programming. ANN is imitated electronic models based on the neural structure of the brain. The brain basically learns from experience. It is natural proof that some problem that are beyond the scope of current computers indeed solvable by small energy efficiency packages. This brain modeling also promises a less technical way to develop machine solution. This new approach to computing also provides a more graceful, degradation during system overload than its more traditional counter parts. They are the synthetic networks that emulate the biological neural network found in living organisms. They are built by biological behavior of the brain. They are like machines for performing for all cumbersome and tedious tasks as which have great potential to further improve the quality of our life. The basic processing elements of ANN are called NEURONS, or simply called nodes. They perform different function such as summing point, nonlinear mapping junctions, threshold units, etc. they usually operate in parallel and are configured in regular architecture, organized in layer and feedback connection both within the layer and towards adjacent layers. A neural network is powerful modeling tool that is able to capture and represent the complex input/output relationship. The motivation for the development of neural network technology stemmed from desire to develop an artificial system that could perform intelligent tasks similar to those performed by the human brain. Neural network resembles the human brain in the following two ways: 1. A neural network requires knowledge through learning. 2. Neural networks knowledge is stored within interneuron connection strengths known as synaptic weights. The true power of neural network lies in their ability to represent both linear and nonlinear relationship directly from the data being modeled. Traditional linear models are simply inadequate when it comes to modeling data that containing non-linear characteristics. A multilayer perceptron neural network, with feed forward architecture with three layers of units is used due to its status and capacity to store large amount of problems. The configuration of ANN has three layers, such as first layer is input layer, second layer is hidden layer in which neurons plays major role, any number of neurons can be occupied in hidden layer, hidden layer may have more than 1 layer and third layer is output layer. These three layers are inter connected, the connection between each three layers are modified by “synaptic weights”. In addition each input may assumed to have extra input the weight that modifies this extra input is called bias. The data which propagates from ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 8 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ input to neuron are called as “feed-forward propagation” [3]. Commonly neural network are adjacent, or trained, so that a particular input leads to a specific target output. Neural network trained to perform complex functions in various fields of application including pattern recognition, identification, classification, speech, vision, and control system. Currently only few these neuronbased structures, paradigm actually, are being used commercially. One particular structure, the feed forward propagation network, is by far and away the most popular. Most of the other neural network represents mode for „thinking‟ that are still being evolved in laboratories. Ye5r, all of these neurons are simply and as such the only real demand they make is that they require the network architecture to learn how to use them. Now, advances in biological research promise an initial understanding of the neural thinking mechanism. This research shows that the brains stores information as patterns. Some of these patterns are very complicate and allow as the ability to recognize individual faces from many different angles. This process storing information as patterns, utilizing those patterns and then solving problems encompasses a new field in computing. The absolute value indicates the strength of the correlation (from Figure 1) input layer has 4 units, they are time, humidity, temperature and wind speed respectively hidden layer consists of 3 neurons and output layer 1 units respectively. Then target is nothing but the actual output. A. Flowchart: In this paper wind power forecasting brought up by ANN, the detailed modeling of ANN using forward & backward propagation algorithm for wind power forecasting is presented by flow chart as shown in Figure 4. B. Algorithm for wind power prediction by using proposed ANN model: Step 1: initialize configuration of ANN. Step 2: specify no of inputs, no of hidden layers and no of output. Start Select ANN configuration IV. THE PROPOSED FRAME WORK: Read no of neurons, inputs & output units The configuration of ANN in this proposed paper is shown in the Figure 3. Read input, synaptic weights & target value I N P U T Target O U T P U T Calculate neuron output, actual output and error N Y If error <= 0.01 Stop Modify weights to reduce error Input layer Hidden layer Output layer layer Figure 3: Development of ANN The most important tasks in building an ANN forecasting model is the selection of the input variables each parameter plays major role in modeling. In this paper, analysis is carried out to find the amount of dependency between each of the meteorological values and to get rid of the redundant values that might be present in the data set by applying “feed-forward & back propagation algorithm” method. The purpose of obtaining the correlation is to measure and interpret the strength of a linear or nonlinear relationship between two continuous variables. Both correlation coefficients take on values between -1 and +1, ranging from being negatively correlated (-1) to uncorrelated (0) to positively correlated (+1). The sign of the correlation coefficient (i.e., positive or negative) defines the direction of the relationship. Draw weight values of matched inputs Read inputs to forecast i.e. inputF N If inputF = input Y Calculated forecasted output Stop Figure 4: Flow chart for the proposed wind power forecasting system using ANN. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 9 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step3: enter the values of inputs, enter the values of weights at hidden layers and enter the targeted output value. Step 4: calculate the output from hidden layer using N1 = X1 W11 + X2 W12 + X3 W13 + X4 W14 N2 = X1 W21 + X2 W22 + X3 W23 + X4 W24 N3 = X1 W31 + X2 W32 + X3 W33 + X4 W34 Step 5: calculate the final output from output layer. Output(c) = N1 W1 + N1 W2 + N3 W3 Step 6: calculate the error in output layer using. (AP − FP) MAE = ∗ 100 AP Step 7: calculate the change in weight at output layer. W1+ = W1 + −(δ ∗ N1 ) W2+ = W2 + −(δ ∗ N2 ) W3+ = W3 + −(δ ∗ N3 ) Step 8: calculate the error for hidden layer. δ1 = δ + W1+ δ2 = δ + W2+ δ3 = δ + W3+ Step 9: calculate the new weights for hidden layers using δ1 & δ2. + W11 = W11 + −(δ1 ∗ X1 ) + W12 = W12 + −(δ2 ∗ X2 ) + W13 = W13 + −(δ3 ∗ X3 ) + W14 = W14 + − δ4 ∗ X4 Step 10: go to step 4, then step 5 and step 6. Then obtain new error δ+ Step 11: if new error is < or > 0.1 old error (I e., δ+ >/< δ) Stop iteration Else go to step 6. Step 12: Draw second set of input pattern and values of inputF for forecasting. Step 13: Compare current inputs with history. Step 14: If the inputF value matches with the history then draw respective weights and calculate outputs (power), this gives forecast values in terms of power in MW. A summary of the forecast performance results are presented in below. V. FORECASTING WIND POWER USING PROPOSED ANN MODEL: The selected input variables including actual powers as a target value are presented in Table 1. ANN has been trained based on the cross correlation between time, humidity, temperature, wind speed and wind power from historical data. Wind power (target) xd generated MW The quantitative assessment of the short-term wind power prediction is carried out using the input variables shown in Table 1 and different experiments were conducted to train and evaluate the proposed ANN model by using the set of input variable, these experiments were represented in the 3 cases. The experiments were conducted to check error between forecasted and actual wind power. The case study is referred to Gujarat state situated in India where installed capacity of wind power generation is 3093 MW by 31st March 2014. One month data have been monitored for system analysis. Case 1: In this case a particular day i.e. 27th May 2014 is considered to forecast wind power. The result obtained in this case is shown in table 2. This table shows the comparison of the actual power and forecast power for the same day for below mentioned time period. TABLE 2: SHOWS THE COMPARISON OF ACTUAL POWER AND FORECASTED POWER ON 27TH MAY 2014. Time in hr 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 Actual Power (AP) in MW 815 825 260 120 450 1100 900 500 Forecast power (FP) in MW 772 1031 130 161 344 957 850 641 The graphical representation of the forecasted power for 27th May 2014 is depicted in the Figure 5. Case 2: In this case a particular day i.e. 3rd June 2014 is considered to forecast wind power. The result obtained in this case is shown in table 3. This table shows the comparison of the actual power and forecast power for the same day. TABLE 1: LIST OF INPUTS Inputs Time - x1 Humidity - x2 Temperature - x3 Wind speed - x4 Specifications 0 to 24 hours % ºC Km/hr ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 10 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE 4 – SHOWS THE COMPARISON OF ACTUAL POWER AND FORECASTED POWER ON 15TH MAY 2014. actual 1200 forecast Time in hr 2 5 8 11 14 20 23 Power (MW) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 5 8 11 14 Time (hr) 17 20 23 Figure 5: comparison of actual and forecasted power of 27th May 2014 (3). TABLE 3 – SHOWS THE COMPARISON OF ACTUAL POWER AND FORECASTED POWER ON 3TH JUNE 2014. Time in hr 2 5 8 14 17 20 23 Actual Power (AP) in MW 340 550 330 600 1000 620 600 Forecast power (FP) in MW 471 571.11 224.042 398.301 1097 738.861 519.701 1200 actual 1000 power (MW) forecast 800 600 400 200 0 5 8 14 17 Time (hr) forecast 800 600 400 200 0 2 5 8 11 14 20 23 Time (hr) Figure 7: comparison of actual and forecasted power Observations: The average MAE1 is calculated with respect to forecasted power, (FP − AP) ∗ 100 FP MAE1 = No of Observations The average MAE2 is calculated with respect to the installed capacity in Gujarat located in Karnataka. (FP − AP) ∗ 100 Insatlled capacity MAE2 = No of Observations 1200 2 actual 1000 a. The graphical representation of the forecasted power for 3rd June 2014 is depicted in the Figure 6. Forecast power (FP) in MW 417.604 394.659 456.59 397.261 423.281 1017.05 630 The graphysical representation of the forecasted power for 15th May 2014 is depicted in the Figure 7. Power (MW) 2 Actual Power (AP) in MW 500 370 200 375 560 1100 370 20 23 Figure 6: comparison of actual and forecasted power of 3rd June 2014 Case 3: In this case a particular day i.e. 15 th May 2014 is considered to forecast wind power. The result obtained in this case is shown in Table 4. This Table shows the comparison of the actual power and forecast power for the particular time in a day. TABLE 5: SHOWS THE COMPARISON OF MAE1 AND THE MAE2 Number of days MAE1in % MAE2 in % for analysis 24 44 8.05 From Table 5, it is observed that the average Mean Absolute Error (MAE) with reference to forecasted value is 44% and average MAE with reference to installed capacity is around 8%. The MAE with reference to installed capacity is in line with international practices in Europe and USA, where the MAE is reported 10 to 15% [11]. Hence the proposed ANN method provides the wind power forecast results for Indian conditions with acceptable accuracy. From Table 5, it is also observed that MAE with reference to forecast error is higher side compared with ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 11 Artificial Neural Network Technique for Short Term Wind Power Prediction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAE with reference to installed capacity. Also international practice is to use MAE with reference to installed capacity. However Indian Grid code following MAE with reference to forecasted value. Hence it is recommended to use MAE with reference to installed capacity to find out the accuracy of the forecast and same can be used for scheduling of conventional generation in power system operations. [5]. P. Pinson and G. N. Kariniotakis. “Wind Power Forecasting using Fuzzy Neural Network enhanced with online Prediction Risk Assessment”. In proc. Of 2003 IEEE bologna power tech conference, June 23-26, bologna, Italy. [6]. M. Jabbari Ghadi, S. Hakimi Gilani, a Sharifiyan, H. Afrakhteh. “A New Method for Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting”. Article Code: dgr_3969, in proc. Of 2011 university of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. [7]. J. P.S. Catalao member of IEEE, H.M.I. Pousinho, student member of IEEE and V. M. F. mender. “An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Short Term Wind Power Forecasting in Portugal” in proc. Of 2009 IEEE university if Beira. [8]. G N Kariniotakis, G S Stavrakakis, E F Nogaret. “Wind Power Forecasting using Advanced Neural Networks Models”. Proceeding of 1996 IEEE transactions of energy conversation, vol. 11, no. 4. December 1996. [9]. Makarand A Kulkarni1,∗, Sunil Patil2, G V Rama3 and P N Sen1, “Wind speed prediction using statistical regression and neural network”, 1Department of Atmospheric and Space Sciences, University of Pune, Pune 411 007, India. VI. CONCLUSION: High penetration and intermittent behavior of wind power in the electricity system provides a number of challenges to the grid operator. This paper talks about the theoretical methodologies underlying the physical and statistical modeling approaches. This paper also discusses how WPF efficiency can be increased by using tools, focusing on the problem with wind power uncertainty. The selected wind power plant should reflect for the iterative training of developed model and the forecasting results must be prepared and compared with historical values. The ability of wind power prediction impacts on the operations of the power system. In this paper, artificial neural networks based on feed forward & backward propagation model is proposed to predict wind power in a short term scale and same is applied for Gujarat state located in India. The feed forward & back-propagation learning algorithm proved a good accuracy for the short term forecasting of wind power in practical scenario. REFERENCE: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. Ahmed Ouammi, Hanane Dagdougui, Roberto Sacile, “Short Term Forecast of Wind Power by an Artificial Neural Network Approach”, IEEE transaction on energy conversion, no.978-1-4673-0750-5/12/$31.00 ©2012. G. Kariniotakis, P. Pinson, N. Siebert, “The State of Art in Short Term Prediction of Wind Power from an Offshore Perspective”, in proc. of 2004 Seatech week, Brest, France, 20-21 Oct. 2004. Upadhayay et al. “Short-Term Wind Speed Forecast using Feed-Forward Back-Propagation Neural Network”. International journal of engineering science and technology, vol. 3, no.5, 2011, pp. 107-112. Cameron Potter, Martin Ringrose, Michael Negnevitsky Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia “short-term wind forecasting techniques for power generation”, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2004)26-29 September 2004, Brisbane, Australia. [10]. M. Milligan, M. Schwartz, Y. Wan, “statistical wind power forecasting models: results for U.S. wind farms” NREL/CP-500-33956, May 2003. [11]. C. Monteiro et al “Wind Power Forecasting: State-of-the-Art 2009”, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto (INESC Porto), Decision and Information Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, November 6, 2009. [12]. Dr. John Zack, “Overview of Wind Energy Generation Forecasting”, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, NY 12203-3656, December 17, 2003. [13]. Hannele Holttinen, Jari Miettinen, Samuli Sillanpaa, “Wind Power Forecasting Accuracy and Uncertainty in Finland”, Espoo 2013. VIT Technology 95. 60 p. + app. 8 p. [14]. Sergio Ramos, “Short-term Wind Forecasting for energy resources scheduling”, FCOMP–010.124-FEDER-Pest-OE/EEI/UI0760/2 011. [15]. http://posoco.in:83/docs/RRF/RRF_Procedures.p df ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 12 Intelligent Baby Monitoring System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intelligent Baby Monitoring System 1 Savita P.Patil, 2Manisha R. Mhetre Instrumentation Dept. VIT , Pune, Maharashtra, India Email: 1savitaone@rediffmail.com, 2manisha.mhetre@gmail.com Abstract—This paper presents a design of a Baby Monitoring System based on the GSM network. A prototype is developed which gives a reliable and efficient baby monitoring system that can play a vital role in providing better infant care. This system monitor vital parameters such as body temperature, pulse rate, moisture condition, movement of an infant and using GSM network this information is transferred to their parents. Measurements of this vital parameters can be done and under risk situation conveyed to the parents with alarm triggering system to initiate the proper control actions. The system architecture consist of sensors for monitoring vital parameters, LCD screen, GSM interface and a sound buzzer all controlled by a single microcontroller core. Short Messaging Service (SMS) is fundamental part of the original GSM system and its progress. In this way just by an infant's few biomedical parameters parents can get information about their health. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Many home-care systems are available but majority of this system are specially designed for the aged people and patients. These systems can monitor their health status, automatically send out emergency signals, and have other functions. However, the caring methods for infants are not the same. Children and adults require Keywords- Baby monitoring, vital parameters, different type of care because they are totally dependent microcontroller, GSM network. for their normal functions on someone else. Infants cannot give any feedback about their discomfort or I. INRODUCTION health complaints. Infants cannot express themselves In the past few decades, female participation in the like old people, e. g when an infant has a fever, he/she labour force in the industrialized nations has greatly can only express his/her discomfort by crying. Hence, a increased in present society. Subsequently, infant care home-care system specially designed for infants is has become a challenge to many families in their daily today’s need which would substantially lighten parents’ life. Mother is always worries about the well being of especially mother’s burden. In support of this her baby[1]. requirement many research papers and patents for healthcare application are studied with the intention of As we seen in India both the parents need to work and possible solutions to take care of the infant. Author had look after their babies/infants, so more workload and developed a system which is based on commercial GSM stress is there on such families especially on female network. Vital parameters such as body temperature counterparts. If a system is developed which measurement using LM 35[1,6], Heart rate using IR continuously gives updates about their infants during Transmitter and Receiver, respiratory rate by using illness or during normal routine then it will be of great Piezo film sensor located on Patient’s Chest and blood help to such members as they can work in stress less Pressure are sensed, amplified with variable gain, environment giving more fruitful output. Also urgent filtered and given to microcontroller. Remote subsystem situation condition can be quickly be noticed and with GSM module receives data which is then send to a handled within less time. Usually, when a young baby server by a USB port. Data are stored on the server and cries, the cause is one of the following things i.e. they remotely displayed in a web site. In SMS based are hungry, tired, not feeling well or need their diaper telemedicine system, patients temperature measured by changed. So we developed a prototype which can Infrared temperature sensor MLX 90614 and ECG monitor the activities of the babies and/or infants along signals acquired with electrodes interfaced with the with finding one of the above causes and give this microcontroller PIC16F877[3].A wearable hardware information to their parents[2]. gadget is developed which captures the biological status This proposed system give a peace of mind to loved of the baby such as motion, temperature and heart rate ones when they are away from their infant as they can sensors (both optical and pressure) which are controlled get an update status of their wellbeing. The other by the microcontroller and connected to the Bluetooth advantage is the programmability of alarm conditions module to provide wireless communication[5]. In can alleviate any inaccuracy through a normal sensor. paper[14], the temperature and humidity parameters are Communication is done by GSM interface in which monitored. A skin-temperature probe, the air temperature-probe was used to monitor the temperature ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 13 Intelligent Baby Monitoring System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ around the baby and humidity of incubator was monitored using the humidity sensor from SYHS2XX series. This signals are interfaced to PIC microcontroller 18F4550 and GSM modem is used for communication. Patents are also searched to find novelty in baby care monitoring system. In design, (Patent No. 2002/0057202 A1)[16], system is developed which monitors breathing ,fever and volume of baby sleeping in the crib. There is a module having three sensors attached to the diaper. This signals are amplified, transmitted by transmitter and at remote station there is receiver, multiplexer which applies this signal to audible alarm to alert mother to take appropriate action. U.S. Patent No.6,043,747 (Altenhofen), Wherein a parent unit can record messages Which may then be transmitted to the baby unit to soothe or calm the baby[17]. The baby unit includes a microphone and can transmit sounds to the parent unit. However, in order for the parent to detect a problem With the child, the parent must constantly monitor the sounds being transmitted from the baby unit. The next U.S. Patent No. 6,450,168 B1[18],includes an infant’s sleep blanket/garment which is offered as either a sleep sack or a sleep shirt, depending on the age of the infant. The sack with no arm holes for newborns and with arm holes and sleeves for older infants. Here thermometers incorporated to monitor the infant’s temperature as he sleeps. U.S. Patent No. 4,895,162 [19], in Which a soft belt containing a pair of electrodes is positioned around the torso of an infant such that the electrodes are in position to monitor vital signs, such as respiration and pulse. Monitoring lead Wires connect the electrodes to a monitor unit proximate the infant. The following subsections provide more details of the components used in our prototype: A. Human body needs special type of sensors for reliable readings which led to the choice of using the LM35 temperature sensors in our prototype[1,6]. It operates at 3 to 5 V and can measure temperature in the range of 40 C to +125 C which is sufficient for the targeted body temperature range .It is having linear response and easy conditioning. The sensor's output is an analog DC voltage signal which is read by the microcontroller using an analog pin linked to an ADC. The ADC used has a resolution of l0-bits, 1024 levels, with a sample rate of 9600 Hz and input voltage range depending on the ground and Vee. The output voltage of the LM35 is analog and in the linear range of -1 V to 6 V with accuracy of ±0.5 °C can be converted from volts to degrees of Celsius and Fahrenheit . The placement of sensors is also important for accurate measurements. In our prototype it is placed in the socks of an infant wrapped in cotton so that no irritation made. The temp sensor and actual readings are listed in table below: Serial No 1 2 3 4 III. SYSTEM ARCITECHTURE The architecture of the system consist of both hardware and software. Block diagram is as shown in Fig.1,hardware components were assembled according to the block diagram. The code is written in embedded C and is burnt into the microcontroller . Temperature Sensor B. TABLE I Actual Temp ( 0C) Practical Temp(0C ) 32 31 32.5 33 36.1 35.6 36.7 37.2 Pulse Rate Sensor The components used are 5mm photodiode and 5mm light emitting diode. The system consist of IR transmitter and receiver, high pass filter ,amplifier and comparator .By using this circuit component biological signal in mill volt is converted to larger magnitude about one to two volt and then send it to the microcontroller. Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Proposed System Fig. 2. Pulse Rate Sensor Circuit ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 14 Intelligent Baby Monitoring System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pulse rate will be measured from the finger using optical sensors and displayed on the LCD. The transmittersensor pair is clipped on one of the fingers of the subject. Pulse rate signal is applied to the Non-inverting input terminal as shown in Fig. 2.Voltage gain of Non Inverting amplifier is given by Equation 1+ Rf/R1. Gain=1+ 180/1=181. This amplified signal is given to comparator circuit where voltage divider circuit is used. Voltage at noninverting input is compared with reference voltage and whatever voltage is generated is applied to the base of transistor. There is a 100 Ohm resistor at the base of transistor used to limit the current flowing to the base of transistor. As soon as the voltage across this resistor increases beyond 0.7V the transistor turns ON and at the output we get 0v and the LED D2 glows. vibrating the accelerometer. By measuring the amount of static acceleration due to gravity, one can find out the angle the device is tilted at with respect to the earth. By sensing the amount of dynamic acceleration, one can analyze the way the device is moving. Accelerometers use the piezoelectric effect - they contain microscopic crystal structures that get stressed by accelerative forces, which cause a voltage to be generated. The three axis accelerometer are basically used to identify the movements across the three axis i.e. x-axis, y-axis, zaxis. The accelerometer used in this system is ADXL335, [20] which is small low profile package, can measure minimum full scale range of +/- 3g as shown in Fig.4.In this way movement of an infant is monitored by placing accelerometer properly. It is positioned in the socks of an infant so accurate motion will be detected. The pulse-rate sensor and actual readings are listed in table below: TABLE II Serial No 1 2 3 4 C. Actual pulse rate 72 66 70 54 Practical pulse rate 78 72 76 60 Fig. 4. ADXL335 Accelerometer Moisture Detection Sensor To determine the moisture condition i.e. urine detection ,two pairs of copper electrodes are placed under the cloth on which baby is sleeping. The signal obtained is given to microcontroller. E. In our prototype 16 X 2 LCD module is used. It has 2 rows and 16 column therefore total 32 characters are displayed. It has two operation modes, one uses all 8 pins and the other uses only 4 of them. The 4-bit mode was used to manage the LCD screen. All sensor output is displayed continuously as it is being measured. F. Fig. 3. Moisture Detection Circuit For detection of urine ,transistor as a switch circuit is used as shown in Fig.3 When urine is present switch is closed transistor turns on. When urine is absent switch is open, transistor turns off. D. Motion Sensor An accelerometer is an electromechanical device that will measure acceleration forces. These forces may be static, like the constant force of gravity pulling at our feet, or they could be dynamic - caused by moving or LCD screen GSM Module GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) is a digital mobile telephony system. With the help of GSM module interfaced, we can send short text messages to the required authorities as per the application. GSM module is provided by SIM uses the mobile service provider and send SMS to the respective authorities as per programmed. This technology enable the system a wireless system with no specified range limits. In this way, whenever the safe range of the vital parameter of an infant is violated, the programmed microcontroller produces an alarm and GSM Modem interfaced with the microcontroller sends an alert SMS to the parent's mobile number deploying wireless technology. G. Controller The PIC 18f4520 is an 8-bit microcontroller, which has an on-chip eight channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 15 Intelligent Baby Monitoring System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Converter(ADC).The amplified and conditioned sensor signals are fed to the microcontroller. IV. SOFTWARE DETAILS PIC18F4520 is used as a micro-controller in a proposed system. The sensors namely pulse rate sensor, accelerometer, temperature sensor, moisture sensor and sound detector are interfaced with analog channel of ADC of micro-controller. The values taken from this sensor are displayed after every 2msec of delay. Power on reset function of PIC micro-controller resets all the values. The micro-controller read output of ADC after every 2 seconds. Temperature of an infant is read by microcontroller, the software is developed in such a way that upper limit of temperature is set, if crosses that limit ,buzzer will be on and alert message send to mother. Similar conditions are considered for other sensors. Fig. 6. Actual Implemented System V. RESULTS The system was tested carefully on an infant, the results found to be same as the one's measured by standard instrument. While testing this system on an infant parent's concern was considered. During the execution of the system snapshots of the display were taken. The system being a complete hardware design and the data available on cell phone and LCD display have been captured. Test results of the system are given below, shows successful implementation of the system. Fig.5 and Fig.6 shows hardware module and the actual implemented system.Fig.7,8,9 shows a sample readings of infant onto the LCD attached to the module on an infant's side. The reading were matched to the readings taken by standard instrument and found to be same.Fig.10 and Fig.11 shows message received on parent's cell phone when some abnormal condition exists. Message shows temperature is high and moisture condition exists. Fig. 7. LCD displaying Infant's Temperature Fig. 8. LCD displaying Infant's Urine detection condition Fig. 5. Hardware Module of the Implemented System Fig. 9. LCD displaying Infant's Pulse Rate value ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 16 Intelligent Baby Monitoring System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 10. 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LM35 Datasheet ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 18 A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries ________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries 1 K. Mohammed Hussain, 2P. Sheik Abdul kadher Research Scholar, Professor & Head of Department Department of Computer Applications B.S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Email: Mohammed.hussain6@gmail.com Abstract — In an exceedingly data driven economy, it’s obvious that that raising as key competitive differentiators and retaining the talent pool has become a matter of dominant importance. The primary objective of this study is to provide a background on attrition and also to enlist various factors that build staff displease. This paper also provides inputs and reasoning on satisfactory level of staff towards their job and dealing conditions and to seek out the areas which are important for Indian IT industries. The secondary objective of this paper is to provide a detailed literature review of some of the suitable data mining techniques for employee attrition prediction and retention. Keywords:- Data Mining, Employee Attrition, Prediction, HR I. INTRODUCTION Employee turnover refers to the proportion of employees who leave an organization over a period of one or two years, expressed as a percentage of total workforce numbers. This term is used to encompass all leavers, both voluntary and involuntary, including those who resign, retire or are made redundant, in which case it may be described as „overall‟ or „crude‟ employee turnover. It is also possible to calculate more specific breakdowns of turnover data, such as redundancy-related turnover or resignation levels, with the latter particularly useful for employers in assessing the effectiveness of people management in their organizations. Retention relates to the extent to which an employer retains its employees and may be measured as the proportion of employees with a specified length of service (typically one year or more) expressed as a percentage of overall workforce numbers. Calculating your company's employee attrition rate allows you to determine the percentage of employees that left your business over a specified period of time, usually one year. Attrition includes all employees who leave the company, whether the leaving was voluntarily and involuntarily. An employee who chooses to leave a company for another job is an example of voluntary employee attrition. On the other hand, an employee fired by the company is an example of involuntary attrition. Both academic and industrial researchers start focusing on Employee retention and Employee voluntary turnover. Many of the researchers have examine the reasons for voluntary turnover and retention of professional sales force employees. Even fewer researchers have examined the effects of Human Resource Development (HRD) interferences on a sales force over an extended period of time. One of the case study conducted for Industrial sector manufacturer, headquartered in India, examined the entire population of technical sales employees. The number of observations was extensive–over 20,000 observations associated with the 1,675 subjects analyzed for the study. The longitudinal period, size of the population, and the subject focus of this study distinguish this investigation from previously identified studies of employee voluntary turnover. The unique aspect of this study, however, lies in the number of variables and the variety of statistical treatments of employee turnover through the data-mining process. One of the leading UK Annual Resourcing and talent planning survey report gives a median „crude‟ or „overall‟ employee turnover rate for the UK sample collected, as well as the median turnover figure relating purely to those who „left voluntarily‟ (that is, resignations). While voluntary turnover rates have decreased recently as a result of challenging economic conditions, the flip side of this coin is that redundancyrelated turnover has become more common. However, skills shortages persist for certain occupational groupings even during troubled economic times, so it is important to be aware of trends in turnover rates for different groups rather than simply focusing on „headline‟ figures. Turnover levels can vary widely between occupations and industries. The highest levels are typically found in retailing, hotels, catering and leisure, call centres and among other lower paid private sector services groups. Levels also vary from region to region. The highest turnover rates tend to be found where unemployment is lowest and where it is relatively easy for people to secure desirable alternative employment. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 19 A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries ________________________________________________________________________________________________ To know the acceptable level of employees towards their job and working circumstances, the organization should identify the factors which make disappointment of employees like policy or norms. Apart from this, organization should also find the areas where the company is lagging and also identify the reasons for attrition in Indian industries. Organization works towards methodologies and techniques to reduce attrition in the organization. The aim of this paper is to check factors like remuneration, superior – subordinate relationship, growth chances, facilities, policies and procedures, recognition, gratitude, ideas, co-workers by that it helps to grasp the Attrition level within the organizations and factors about retain them. This study additionally provides a review of multiple papers on factors and issues related to employee‟s attrition and provide a detailed literature review on various researches conducted in employees‟ attrition prediction and application of data mining techniques. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Nagadevara et al, (2008), explored the relationship of withdrawal behaviors like lateness and absenteeism, job content, tenure and demographics on employee turnover in a rapidly growing sector like the Indian software industry. The sole aspect of this research was the application of predictive data mining techniques namely artificial neural networks, logistic regression, classification and regression trees, C5.0 classification trees and discriminant analysis). The authors worked on a sample data of 150 employees in a large software organization. The results of the study clearly illustrate a relationship between departure behaviors and employee turnover. This study also elevated several issues for future research. Further research works can be carried out to explicitly collect data on demographic variables across a large sample of organizations to assess the relationship between demographic variables and turnover. More analysis is recommended on large scale data on longitudinal mode on variables in the past academic research which have a relationship with turnover. Hamidah et al (2011), in their research paper detail the background of data mining, data mining in human resource application and also an overview of talent management. Based on the findings from the paper, there should be wider focus and research on different type of human resource applications and data mining techniques. Jayanthi et al (2008) presented the role of data mining in Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS). This paper indicates that a deep sympathetic of the knowledge concealed in Human Resource (HR) data is vital to a firm's competitive position and organizational decision making. Analyzing the patterns and relationships in human resource data is quite rare. The human resource data is usually treated to answer queries. Because human resource data primarily concerns transactional processing (getting data into the system, recording it for reporting purposes) it is necessary for HRMS to become more concerned with the computable data. They show how data mining discovers and extracts useful patterns from this huge data set to find noticeable patterns in human resource. The paper demonstrates the ability of data mining in improving the superiority of the decisionmaking process in HRMS and gives proposals regarding whether data-mining competences should lead to increased performance to survive competitive advantage. Wei-Chiang and Ruey-Ming (2007), in their work explored the feasibility of applying the Logit and Probit models, which have been effectively applied to solve nonlinear classification and regression problems, to employee voluntary turnover estimates. A numerical example involving voluntary turnover data of 150 professional employees drawn from a motor marketing enterprise in central Taiwan was used with a serviceable sample size of 132. The data set was divided into two portions, the modeling data set and the testing data set using both logit and probit models. The testing data set was not used for either model building or selection, and was used for estimating model performance when applied to forthcoming data. The experimental results of their investigation exposed that the proposed models have high forecast capabilities and that the two (logit and probit) models also provide a promising alternative for predicting employee turnover in human resource management. The authors recommended that turnover research should move in new guidelines based on new expectations and methodologies, which would promote the new issues and problems. The authors proposed that neural networks and support vector machines can be used for classification problem for detecting the continuity of employees and identify who stays longer and who leaves sooner. In a dissertation by Marjorie Laura Kane-Sellers (2007), the researchers carried out a study to explore the variables impacting employee voluntary turnover in the North American professional sales force of a Fortune 500 industrial manufacturing firm. By studying VTO (Voluntary Turn Over), the intention was to improvement a better considerate of HRD (Human Resource Development) interventions that could improve employee retention. The essential firm provided explanations of the employee database for all members of the professional technical sales force over a 14-years longitudinal period. The original database taken 21,271 discrete observations identified by unique employee clock number. The study design combined descriptive, correlation, factor analysis, multiple linear regression, and logistic regression analysis techniques to examine relationships, as well as provide some predictive characteristics among the variables. Initially, evocative statistical techniques were used to develop baseline ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 20 A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries ________________________________________________________________________________________________ turnover rates, retention rates, and years of tenure. The mean tenure for the population as well as for each ethnic, gender, assignment location, supervisor, educational level, and sales training participation group was calculated. Hierarchical evocative techniques also provided the mean salary by job title, ethnicity, gender, educational level, and sales training participation. In this study, data-mining analysis started with descriptive analysis techniques. The dynamic nature of Human Resource Management in ITES (BPO) sector has stimulated many researchers to study the various matters related to the high employee attrition in BPO industry. Anand et al. states that employee attrition discloses a company's internal power and faintness. Vijay and Sekar found that the research studies concentrating on capturing the perception of IT employees‟ knowledge about the ideal computer workstation arrangements and the optimal posture while working on computer is much limited in the literature. Mohamed et.al. observed that, from an organizational perspective, the higher the intra organizational trust, the more satisfied and productive the employees tend to be. New employee need to be continuously added, further costs in training them, getting them aligned to the company environment. Gupta reports that attrition is a burning problem for the promising industry of BPO, especially because it fails to tap the full utilization of the human resources and wastes much of its time, money and assets due to this[10]. Mike observed that Staff attrition (or turnover) represents significant costs to technology and business process outsourcing companies. High attrition rates drive up training costs, and increase human resources, recruiting, and output costs[11]. Khanna gives an overview of the BPO industry and analyzes as to how attrition is the predominant challenge facing the industry[12]. Agarwal feels that the challenge in the BPO industry is lack of discipline. BPO employees belong to a generation that does not like rules – they have had multiple choices from the time they were born, and the minute you hurt the dignity and self-respect of the people of this generation, they are bound to leave, which is probably the reason the attrition rate is so high, says Agarwal[13]. Kumar evaluated that the present salary package in BPO industry is not as lucrative as compared to other industries. Radhika observes that 40% attrition happens in first 120 days of hiring[14]. The importance of employee‟s retention and cost of employees‟ sendoff is well known in the literature. Resigning of an employee implies that employee is leaving with his or her implicit knowledge and thus it is a loss of social capital. Ongori, 2007 and Amah, 2009 indicated that attrition increases operation cost and cost on induction and training. The literature indicated that various factors that why employees quit job. There is also much discussion on the relationship between various factors and attrition. For example, Mobley‟s (1977) study focused on the relationship between job satisfaction and attrition. Mohammad (2006) worked on the relationship between organization commitment and attrition. Another study to show the connection between work satisfaction, stress, and attrition in the Singapore workplace was conducted by Tan and Tiong (2006). Steijn and Voet (2009) also presented the relationship between supervisor and employee attitude in their study. A research was conducted in China to show the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment or career commitment by Zhou, Long and Wang (2009). The results of each study were different as each study was carried out in different countries (having different socioeconomic and culture), in different setting, for different organizations and used different independent variables. III. IMPORTANT FACTORS Review of various research studies indicated that employees quit for a variety of reasons, these can be classified into the following: A. Demographic Factors Various studies focus on the demographic factors to see attrition across the age, marital status, gender, number of children, education, experience, employment tenure. B. Individual Factors Individual factors such as health problem, family related issues, children education and social prestige contributes in attrition intentions. However, very little amount of empirical research work is available on individual related factors. There is another important variable “JobHoping” also donates in attrition intentions. Unrealistic expectation of employee is also an important individual factor which contributes in attrition. Several people keep impractical expectations from organization when they join. When these impractical expectations are not realized, the worker becomes disappointed and they quit. One of the individual features which have been lost in many research studies is the incapability of employee to follow organizations timings, rules, regulations, and requirement, as a result they resign. Masahudu (2008) has identified another important variables “employers‟ geographic location” that may determine attrition. The intimacy of employees to their families and significant others may be a reason to look elsewhere for opportunities or stay with their current employers. For instance, two families living and working across two time zones may decide to look for opportunities closer to each other. C. Propel factors Drive factors are features that drive the employee towards the withdrawal from the employment. In the literature it is also called controlled factors because these ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 21 A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries ________________________________________________________________________________________________ factors are internal and can be controlled by organizations. According to Loquercio (2006) it is relatively uncommon for people to leave jobs in which they are happy, even when offered sophisticated pay elsewhere. Most staff has a favorite for stability. However, some time employees are 'Propelled' due to disappointment in their present jobs to seek substitute employment. On the basis of available literature, Propel factor can be classified as follows: D. Organizational Factors There are many factors which are attached with an organization and work as Propel factors for employees to resign. Among them which are derived from various studies are: salary, benefits and services; scope of organization (the number of staff in the organization); location of the organization (small or big city); nature and sympathetic of organization; stability of organization; communication system in organization; management practice and polices; employees‟ authorization. There is another Propel variable called organizational justice. According to Folger & Greenberg (1985), organizational justice means equality in the workplace. There are two methods of organizational justice: distributive justice, which describes the fairness of the consequences an employee receives; and procedural justice, which describes the equality of the procedures used to control those consequences. For example, Beikzadeh and Delavari (2004) used data mining techniques for suggesting improvements on higher educational schemes. Al-Radaideh et al. (2006) also used data mining techniques to guess the university students‟ performance. Many medical researchers, on the other hand, used data mining techniques for medical extraction units using the enormous patients data files and histories, Lavrac (1999) was one of such researchers. Mullins et al. (2006) also worked on patients‟ data to extract illness association rules using unsupervised methods. Karatepe et al. (2006) defined the performance of a frontline employee, as his/her productivity comparing with his/her peers. Schwab (1991), on the other hand, defined the performance of university teachers included in this study, as the number of researches cited or published. In overall, concert is usually measured by the units produced by the employee in his/her job within the given period of time. Researchers like Chein and Chen (2006) have worked on the development of employee selection, by building a model, by data mining techniques, to predict the recital of newly applicants. Depending on characteristics selected from their CVs, job applications and interviews. Their performance could be foretold to be a base for decision makers to take their decisions about either employing these applicants or not. Previous studies stated several characteristics affecting the employee performance. Some of these attributes are personal characteristics, others are educational and lastly professional attributes were also measured. Chein and Chen (2006) used numerous attributes to imagine the employee performance. They specified age, gender, marital status, experience, education, major subjects and school tires as possible factors that strength disturbs the performance. Then they excluded age, gender and marital status, so that no discrimination would exist in the procedure of individual selection. As a result for their study, they found that employee recital is extremely pretentious by education degree, the school tire, and the job experience. Kahya (2007) also searched on positive factors that disturb the job recital. The researcher reviewed earlier studies, describing the significance of experience, education, salary, working conditions and job satisfaction on the performance. As a outcome of the research, it has been create that several features pretentious the employee‟s performance. The position or grade of the employee in the company was of high positive result on his/her performance. Working circumstances and situation, on the other hand, had exposed both positive and negative relationship on performance. Highly educated and qualified employees showed disappointment of bad working conditions and thus pretentious their performance damagingly. Employees of low educations, on the other hand, showed high performance in malice of the evil conditions. In addition, experience showed positive relationship in maximum cases, while education did not yield strong relationship with the recital. In their study, Salleh et al. (2011) have tested the influence of incentive on job performance for state government employees in Malaysia. The study showed a positive connection in between relationship incentive and job performance. As people with higher affiliation motivation and strong relationships with colleagues and managers have a habit to perform much better in their jobs. Jantan et al. (2010) had discussed in their paper Human Recourses (HR) system architecture to forecast an applicant‟s talent based on information filled in the human resource application and past experience, using Data Mining(DM) techniques. The goal of the paper was to find a way to flair guess in Malaysian higher institutions. So, they have specified certain features to be considered as attributes of their system, such as, professional qualification, training and communal responsibility. Then, several data mining techniques ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 22 A Review of Factors and Data Mining Techniques for Employee Attrition and Retention in Industries ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (hybrid) where applied to find the prediction rules. ANN, Decision Tree and Rough Set Theory are examples of the selected techniques. industry", Expert Systems with Applications, In Press. [3] Cho, S., Johanson, M.M., Guchait, P. (2009). 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[9] Anand V.V., Saravanasudhan R. and Vijesh R., Employee attrition - A pragmatic study with reference to BPO Industry, In Advanes in Engineering, Science and Management (ICAESM), 2012 International Conference on Advances in Engineering, 42-48 IEEE (2012) [10] Vijay A. and Sekar A., New Quality Rating system for the Computer Workstation arrangements of the Information Technology Industries: A Six Sigma Model Approach, Res. J. of Management Sciences, 2(7), 15-21 (2013). [11] Mohamed M.S., Kader M. A. and Anisa H., Relationship among Organizational Commitment, Trust and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in Banking Industry, Res. J. of Management Sciences, 1(2), 1-7 (2012). [12] Gupta S.S. Employee Attrition and Retention: Exploring the Dimensions in the urban centric BPO Industry”, unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Retrieved from http://www.jiit.ac.in/uploads/Ph.D%20Santoshi%20Sen.pdf (2010) [13] Mike. Employee attrition in India [Online Exclusive], Sourcing Line, Retrieved from IV. CONCLUSION Data Mining is an area full of exhilarating opportunities for researchers and practitioners. This field assists in industries with well-organized and effective ways to improve industrial effectiveness and employee efficiency. Data mining is a significant tool for helping organizations improve the decision making and analyzing new patterns and dealings among a huge amount of data. A broad sense of the types of research presently being lead in Data Mining was presented, from smearing data mining for understanding employee retention and attrition to finding new methods of making personalized learning recommendations to each individual employee. Many chances exist to study DM from an industrial unit of analysis to individual courselevels of analysis. Some effort is strategic in nature and some of the research is tremendously technical. A deep understanding of the facts and data hidden in Human Resource data is vital to a firm's competitive position and organizational decision making. Analyzing the patterns and relationships in Human Resource data is quite rare. The HR data is usually treated to answer queries. Because HR data primarily concerns transactional processing getting data into the system, recording it for reporting purposes it is necessary for Human Resource Management Systems to become more concerned with the quantifiable data. This paper discussed usefulness and application different mining techniques and useful factors for attrition prediction. Multiple research avenues are available to improve the data mining to discover and extract useful patterns from the large data set to find observable patterns useful for effective attrition prediction. The focus on multidimensional hybrid decision tree based methodology would be helpful to improve the quality of the decisionmaking process in HRMS. More regression analysis and propositions on data-mining capabilities should be assessed to see if the mining methods can lead to high performance and accurate prediction of attrition for industries in India. REFERENCES [1] Al-Radaideh, Q. A., Al-Shawakfa, E.M., AlNajjar, M.I. (2006). “Mining Student Data Using Decision Trees”, International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT 2006), Dec 2006, Jordan. [2] Chein, C., Chen, L. 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(1985); Procedural justice: An interpretative analysis of personnel ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 24 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation 1 Supriya M D, 2Chandra Shekhar Reddy Atla, 3K R Mohan, 4T M Vasanth Kumara 1,3,4 Dept of E & E ,AIT, Chikmagalur Karnataka, India. Power Research & Development Consultant Pvt, Ltd., Bangalore, India. Email: 1supriyamd.eee@gmail.com, 2sekhar.atla@gmail.com, 3mohanhnpur@gmail.com, 4vasanthkadur@gmail.com 2 Abstract-Reliability assessment is an important tool for distribution system planning and operation. Distribution system reliability assessment is able to predict the interruption profile of a distribution system at the customer end based on system topology and component reliability data. The reliability indices can be evaluated using analytical method or Monte Carlo simulation method. The main objective of reliability analysis is to quantify, predict, and compare reliability indexes for various reliability improvement initiatives/network configurations. By understanding the distribution system reliability indices using analytical method, this paper further implements a reliability models to evaluate the distribution system reliability using Monte-Carlo simulation method and describes a algorithm for computer program to implement these techniques in VC++. General distribution system elements, operating models and radial configurations are considered in the program. Overall system and load point reliability indices and expected energy unserved are computed using these techniques. Reliability assessment estimates the performance at customer load points considering the stochastic nature of failure occurrences and outage duration. The basic indices associated with load points are: failure rate, average outage duration and annual unavailability. Furthermore, these models can predict other indices such as System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index (CAIFI), Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI), Average Service Availability /Unavailability Index (ASAI), Energy Not Supplied (ENS) and Average Energy Not Supplied (AENS). This information helps utility engineers and managers at electric utility organizations to decide how to spend the money to improve reliability of the system by identifying the most effective actions/ reconfigurations. Index Terms: Distribution system, Reliability evaluation, Load point indices, Reliability indices, Random failures, Time sequential Monte-Carlo simulation and Roy Billinton Test System. I. INTRODUCTION system is defined as “the ability to deliver uninterrupted service to the end customers”. The techniques used in distribution system reliability evaluation can be divided into two basic categories - analytical and simulation methods. The difference between these methods is in the way the methodology uses the input data in which the reliability indices are evaluated. Analytical techniques represent the system by simplified mathematical models derived from mathematical equations and evaluate the reliability indices using direct mathematical solutions. Simulation techniques, estimate the reliability indices by simulating the actual process and stochastic behavior of the system. Therefore, the method treats the problem as a series of real experiments conducted in simulated time. It estimates probability of the events and other indices by counting the number of times an event occurs. Earlier day‟s reliability assessment was based on deterministic criteria for system failures like thumb rules like fixed values based on their experience in system operation. Nowadays, probabilistic methods are used to analyze the more complex distribution system. Reliability assessment of distribution system is usually concerned with the system performance at the customer end, i.e. at the load points. The basic indices used to predict the reliability of a distribution system are: average load point failure rate, average load point outage duration and average annual load point outage time or annual unavailability. The basic indices are important from an individual customer‟s point of view and also utility point of view. However they do not provide an overall performance of the system. An additional set of indices can be calculated using these three basic indices and the number of customers/load connected at each load point in the system. Most of these additional indices are weighted averages of the basic load point indices. The most common additional or system indices are; SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI, ASUI, ENS and AENS. These indices are also calculated by a large number of utilities from system interruption data and provide valuable indications of historic system performance. By considering the basic system indices to measure past performance can also used to calculate the same basic indices for future performance. The basic function of the power distribution system is to provide an adequate electrical supply to its customers as economically as possible with reasonable level of reliability and quality. The distribution system is a portion of an electric system that delivers electric energy from transformation points on the transmission system to the customer point. Reliability of a power distribution ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 25 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reliability indices of a distribution system are functions of component failures, repairs and restoration times which are random by nature. The calculated indices are therefore random variables and can be described by probability distributions. The main objective of reliability analysis is to quantify, predict, and compare reliability indexes for various reliability improvement initiatives/network configurations. This information helps engineers and managers at electric utility organizations to decide how to spend reliability improvement dollars by identifying the most effective actions/ reconfigurations for improving reliability of distribution feeders. There are many types of system design and maintenance tasks that fall under the reliability improvement umbrella. Basic distribution system data, Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS) is presented in [1] and is used in reliability test system for educational purposes. This test system includes all the main practical elements like circuit breaker, switches, distribution transformers, main and lateral sections. This data has been used to understand reliability models and evaluation techniques and reliability indices like SAIFI, SAIDI are evaluated in [1] using analytical method. The way of gaining confidence in a reliability model is developed by a validation method in [2], it automatically determines appropriate default component reliability data so that predicted reliability indices results match historical values. Reliability can be improved by reconfiguring the feeder in [3], [4] and [5] and predictive reliability model is used to compute reliability indices for the distribution systems and a novel algorithm are used to adjust switch positions until an optimal solution is identified in [3]. The conventional FMEA technique is applied to complex radial networks to develop a digital computer program using general technique for two small practical test systems in [6]. By using the feeder branches and load branches technique in [7] computer program is developed and numerical results show that, the proposed technique is effective for the reliability evaluation and design of distribution systems. In [8] recursive search is used in the algorithm, which reduces the amount of programming and improves its efficiency. An algorithm for Monte-Carlo Simulation technique is used in evaluation of complex distribution system in [9]. In [10] the simulation program is tested on Feeder 1 of Bus – 2 of Roy Billiton Test System (RBTS) and set of system related indices are presented. In [11] reliability indices of expected values such as System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) are calculated and results are compared for two distribution systems by using both analytical and simulation methods. This paper attempts to develop the sequential MonteCarlo simulation technique for distribution system reliability analysis. The first section of this paper briefly illustrates the basic concepts of analytical method and second section illustrates the basic concepts of the time sequential Monte-Carlo simulation. The development of the algorithm and flowchart using Monte-Carlo simulation technique for distribution system reliability evaluation is described in third section. Developed simulation programs are applied on a RBTS test system and validated the same with published results using analytical method. The presented methodology can be used directly by utility system to observe the reliability performance of the system at customer and utility end and also can be used to improve reliability of the system further by reconfiguration of network. II. ANALYTICAL APPROACH The analytical method looks at how the load points would be affected if a particular component fails. The three basic indices are used to predict the load-point reliability of a distribution system are (failure rate (λ), outage time (r) and annual unavailability (U) can be calculated using the “(1) to (3)”. N λp = f yr λi i=1 N λi ri Up = i=1 rp = (1) hr yr (2) Up hr λp 3 Reliability indices such as SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIFI, CAIDI, ASAI, ASUI, ENS, AENS and ACCI can be calculated using “(4) to (10)”. A. Methodology of Monte-Carlo Simulation Technique A power system is stochastic in nature and therefore Monte-Carlo simulation technique can be applied for reliability evaluation of a power system for more precise results. There are primarily two types of Monte-Carlo simulation: state sampling and time sequential techniques. In this paper time sequential simulation method is used for development. B. Time technique sequential Monte Carlo simulation The time-sequential Monte-Carlo simulation technique can be used on any system that is stochastic in nature. This time sequential simulation process can be used to examine and predict real behavior patterns in simulated time, to obtain the probability distributions of the various reliability parameters and to estimate the expected or average value of these indices. In a time sequential simulation, an artificial history that shows the up and down times of the system elements is generated in chronological order using random number generators and the probability distributions of the element failure and restoration parameters. The system reliability ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 26 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ indices and their probability distributions are obtained from the artificial history of the system. Distribution system elements include basic equipment such as distribution lines/cables and transformers, and protection elements such as disconnect switches, fuses, breakers, and alternate supplies. Line sections and transformers can generally be represented by the twostate model as shown in Figure 1 where the up state indicates that the element is in the operating state and the down state implies that the element is inoperable due to failure. Failure process Up Dn Restoration process Figure 1: State Space diagram of element The time during which the element remains in the up state is called the time to failure (TTF) or failure time (FT). The time during which the element is in the down state is called restoration time that can be either the time to repair (TTR) or the time to replace. The process of transiting from the up state to down state is the failure process. Transition from up state to down state can be caused by the failure of an element or by the removal of elements for maintenance. Figure 2 shows the simulated element operating/restoration history. TTR TTR TTF TTR 1) Determine the type and location of the failed element, the failed element number and the failed feeder number that the failed element is connected to. 2) Determine the affected load points connected to the failed feeder and the failure durations of these load points according to the configuration and protection scheme of the failed feeder. 3) Determine the sub feeders which are the downstream feeders connected to the failed feeder and the effects of the failed element on the load points connected to these sub feeders. 4) Repeat (2) and (3) for each failed sub feeder until all the sub feeders connected to the failed feeder are found and evaluated. 5) Determine the up feeder which is the upstream feeder to which the failed feeder is connected and the effects of the failed element on the load points in the up feeder 6) Repeat (2) to (5) until the main feeder is reached and evaluated. D. System Analysis The distribution system is represented as a mathematical model for analytical techniques to be applied. A failure in any component between the supply point and load point will result in outages. The Bus 6 of the RBTS is a distribution system containing of 4 main feeders, 3 sub feeders, 42 main sections, 22 lateral sections and 40 load points comprising agricultural, small industrial, commercial and residential customers shown in Figure 3. The total number of customers connected on feeders F1, F2, F3 and F4 are 764, 969, 22 and 1183 customers respectively. TTR Time Figure 2: Element operating/repair history The parameters like TTF, TTR are random variables and may have different probability distributions. The uniform distribution can be generated directly by a uniform random number generator and this generated random numbers are converted into TTF or TTR using this equation. TTF = −log U ∗ 8760 λ (11) Where, U is uniformly distributed random variable in the interval [0, 1] and T is exponentially distributed. C. Determination of Load Point Failures The most difficult problem in the simulation is to find the load points affected by the failure of an element. A complex radial distribution system can be divided into the combination of main feeder and sub feeders. The procedure for determining the failed load points and their operating/restoration histories is as follows in [9]: Each system segments consists of a mixture of components. A main section can be a distribution line, a combination of line and disconnect switches which can be installed in each end or both ends of the line. A lateral section usually consists of a line, transformer, fuse or their combination. Some of the components that have not been taken into account are assumed to be 100% reliable. The basic data used in these studies is given in [1]. The failure rate of each element is assumed to be constant. The repair and switching times are assumed to be log normally distributed. It is assumed that the standard deviations of the distribution line repair time; transformer replace time and switching time of all elements are one hour, 10 hours and 0.4 hours respectively. The lines and cables have a failure rate which is approximately proportional to their length. Therefore, the main feeder sections (L1-L64) have a failure rate of 0.065 f/ km-yr. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 27 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ AENS = K i=1 UiLa(i) K i=1 Ni 10 Where λi is the failure rate, Ui is the annual outage time and Ni is the number of customers at load point i La(i) is the average load connected to load point i and 8760 is the number of hours in a calendar year. E. Algorithm & flowchart The algorithm is used to develop the computer program to determine the distribution system reliability indices using Time Sequential Monte Carlo simulation consists of following steps: Step1: Define the system i.e. input data such as location of components, failure rate, failure duration, load connected etc. of the system. Figure 3: Distribution system of RBTS Bus 6 [7] System indices are as follows: i. System average interruption frequency index, SAIFI total number of customer interruptions total number of customers served K i=1 λiNi SAIFI = K i=1 Ni 4 ii. System average interruption duration index, SAIDI sum of customer interruption durations total number of customer served K i=1 UiNi SAIDI = K 5 i=1 Ni iii. Customer average interruption duration index, CAIDI sum of customer interruption durations total number of customer interruptions K i=1 UiNi K i=1 λiNi CAIDI = iv. v. vi. Average service unavailability index, ASUI ASUI = 1 − ASAI (8) Energy not Supplied by the system, Step 4: Generate random number [0-1] for each element in the system and convert these random numbers into times to failure (TTF), based on the failure time distribution and the expected time to failure of each element. Using “(11)”, TTF can be calculated. TTF= (log (U)/λ) x 8760, Where U is random number between 0 to 1. Step 5: Find the element with minimum TTF. Step 6: Generate random number and converted this into repair time (RT) for this element according to probability distribution chosen. Step 7: Generate random number and converted this into switching time (ST) according to probability distribution if applicable. For this research work, switching time is a fixed value of 1 hour. (7) Step 9: Determine the failure duration depending upon the configuration and status of breakers, disconnects, fuses and alternate supply and record the outage duration for each failed load point. Step 10: Generate a random number and convert this into TTF for the failed element. Step 11: Go back to Step 5 if the simulation time is less than the mission time. Otherwise, go to Step 12. K ENS = Step 3: Simulation starts, n = 1, t=0. Step 8: Find the load points that are affected by the failure of this element considering the configuration and status of breakers, disconnects, fuses and alternate supply and record a failure for each of these load points. (6) Average service availability index, ASAI customer hours of available service customer hours demanded K K − i=1 8760Ni i=1 UiNi ASAI = K i=1 8760Ni Step 2: Input number of sample years „N‟, simulation period „T‟. UiLa(i) (9) i=1 vii.Average energy not Supplied indices, total energy not supplied total number of customers served Step 12: Calculate the average value of the load point failure rate and failure duration for the sample years. Step 14: Calculate the system indices for the sample years. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 28 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 15: Return to Step 4 if the simulation time is less that the total simulation period. Otherwise, output the results. In the time sequential Monte Carlo simulation technique, the effect of the events of each component on the power system is chronologically analyzed. This technique has been applied in this paper to evaluate the reliability indices. The simulation program developed evaluates the reliability indices for a general radial distribution system. Start Define System, N, T and Assign n=1, t=0 Generate random number for each element and convert it into TTF, according to probability distribution. TTF = (-log (U)/λ) Find the element with minimum TTF Generate random number and converted this into repair time (TTR) for the failed element according to probability distribution The program in VC++ is developed to evaluate the reliability indices. Feeders from practical test system known as RBTS Bus 6 are considered for the sequential analysis. The random numbers generated do not appear in any table since they were inserted directly in the calculation formulas when necessary. Flowchart for above algorithm is given in Figure 4. The following modeling assumptions are made to simplify the program: 1. Circuit breakers are assumed to work instantly and without any failures or delay. 2. Alternate supply is assumed to be available whenever needed and can supply all necessary power to the load. No transfer load restriction exists. 3. Fuses are assumed to work without failures. 4. No common mode failures occur. 5. No busbar failures occur. 6. The same probability distributions are assigned to the same type of components. III. RESULTS Find the load points that are affected by the failure of this element and record a failure for each of these load points Determine the failure duration and record the outage duration for each failed load point Generate a random number and convert this into TTF for the failed element. t = t + TTR + new TTF Yes t <T NO Calculate the average value of the load point failure rate and failure duration for the sample years Compute n= n+1 Yes n<N NO Calculate the system indices for the sample years Stop Figure 4: Flowchart for Monte Carlo Simulation. Comparison of load point indices and system indices for Bus 6 using both analytical (A) and Monte Carlo simulation (S) techniques are presented in “Table 1”. A. Description The test system is shown in Fig 3. The data is used from paper [1] by L. Goel et al. (1991). The lines and cables have a failure rate which is approximately proportional to their length. Therefore, the main feeder sections (L1L64) have a failure rate of 0.065 f/ km-yr, transformer failure rate of 0.015 f/ km-yr, repair time should be 5 hours for main and lateral section and 200 hours for transformer section and switching time is 1 hour considered in this network. Some of the components that have not been taken into account are assumed to be 100% reliable. B. Calculations for Feeder 1 and Feeder 2 To calculate the load point failure rate have to consider all the main section line failures and particular load point lateral and transformer section line failures using “(1)”. To calculate the load point unavailability has to consider all the main section line failures and particular lateral and transformer sections line failures that should multiplied with particular load point repair time, otherwise switching time has to multiply for all main sections using “(2)”. By using Equation 3 average repair time can be calculated. Feeder 1 and Feeder 2 is normally opened. To calculate the Feeder 1 and Feeder 2 indices have to consider number of customers, average load, peak load and calculated failure rate, unavailability and average repair time for each load point using “(4) to (10)”. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 29 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Calculation for Feeder 3 The failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method used in analytical techniques and is applied on Feeder 3. While calculating load point failure rate has to consider all the main sections line failure and particular lateral and transformer sections line failures. But in unavailability calculation has to consider particular lateral and transformer section line failure that should multiply with repair time. Then all the main sections has to consider and particular load point main section line failures from supply side should multiply with repair time; otherwise switching time has to multiply. Because there is no alternate supply connected to this feeder. Average repair time is calculated using “(3)”. To calculate the Feeder 3 indices have to consider number of customers, average load, peak load and calculated failure rate, unavailability and average repair time for each load point using “(4) to (10)”. D. Calculation for Feeder 4 In feeder F4 there are three sub feeders namely F5, F6 and F7 are considered. To calculate the load point failure rate by using Equation 1 for the feeder F4 has to consider all the main section line failures and particular lateral and transformer sections line failures, and not necessary to consider the sub feeders. To calculate the Unavailability consider all the main section line failures should multiply with repair time before the disconnect switch. After the switch main section line failure should multiply with switching time. To calculate the sub feeder load point indices has to consider feeder F4 main, lateral and transformer failures and particular sub feeder failures using “(1) to (3)”. To calculate the Feeder 4 indices has to consider number of customers, average load, peak load and calculated failure rate, unavailability and average repair time for each load point using “(4) to (10)”. To calculate the System indices has to consider the entire load point Failure rates, Unavailability, Average repair time, Number of customers connected, Average load and Peak load using “(4) to (10)”. TABLE.2: AVERAGE ANNUAL LOAD POINT OUTAGE TIME OR ANNUAL UNAVAILABILITY Load Unavailability(hr/yr) points Published Developed Developed by method by by MonteAnalytical Analytical Carlo method method LP1 3.67 3.666 3.6954 LP5 3.68 3.676 3.856 LP10 3.66 3.656 3.541 LP15 0.84 0.835 0.795 LP20 8.4 8.40 8.654 LP25 11.29 11.287 11.568 LP30 14.05 14.05 14.23 LP35 12.72 12.724 12.985 LP40 15.48 15.48 15.62 TABLE.3: AVERAGE LOAD POINT OUTAGE DURATION OR REPAIR TIME Load Average Repair Time(hr/f) points Published Developed Developed by method by by MonteAnalytical Analytical Carlo method method LP1 11.1 11.101 11.1409 LP5 10.81 10.811 11.015 LP10 10.17 10.171 9.7716 LP15 3.52 3.52054 3.442 LP20 5.02 5.0233 5.170 LP25 6.75 6.74887 6.910 LP30 6.31 6.31460 5.478 LP35 5.02 5.0153 5.0240 LP40 6.16 6.164 5.9484 TABLE.4: SYSTEM INDICES FOR BUS 6 Meth Feede Feede Feede Feede Syste ods r1 r2 r3 r4 m (A) 0.335 0.367 0.242 1.977 1.006 66 39 170 813 64 (S) 0.335 0.369 0.233 1.987 1.011 TABLE.1: AVERAGE LOAD POINT FAILURE 39 16 313 77 1 RATES SAI (A) 3.682 3.713 3.591 1.043 6.668 DI 85 983 034 973 78 Load Failure rate (f/yr) (S) 3.663 3.605 3.621 11.35 6.739 points Published Developed Developed 04 774 233 233 97 by method by by MonteCAI (A) 10.97 10.10 14.82 0.527 6.624 Analytical Analytical Carlo method DI 1 886 853 842 73 method (S) 10.92 9.767 15.52 5.711 6.665 LP1 0.3303 0.33025 0.3317 167 469 088 089 95 LP5 0.34 0.34 0.3349 AS (A) 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.998 0.999 LP10 0.3795 0.3595 0.3624 AI 579 576 59 735 23 LP15 0.2373 0.23725 0.2311 (S) 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.998 0.999 LP20 1.6725 1.6725 1.6738 581 588 586 704 23 LP25 1.6725 1.6725 1.674 AS (A) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 LP30 2.225 2.225 2.5975 UI 420 423 41 264 76 LP35 2.537 2.537 2.5845 (S) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 LP40 2.511 2.511 2.6258 418 412 413 295 76 EN (A) 4.231 4.717 5.902 57.79 72.64 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 30 Indi ces SAI FI Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ S (S) 52 4.225 334 5.538 650 5.530 542 013 4.559 431 4.867 9191 4.705 295 532 5.904 939 268.2 969 492.0 783 038 59.18 776 48.85 070 50.03 192 14 73.87 74 24.72 479 25.14 549 REFERENCES [1] R.N. Allan, R. Billinton, I. Sjarief, L. Goel, K.S. So, “A reliability test system for educational purposes- Basic distribution system data and results,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vo1.6, No. 2, May 1991. [2] R. Brown, J.R. Ochoa, „Distribution System Reliability: Default Data and Model Validation‟ IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 1998. [3] Richard E. Brown (SM),‟Distribution Reliability Assessment and Reconfiguration Optimization,‟ 2001 IEEE. [4] The system indices for Bus 6 were calculated using both analytical (A) and Monte Carlo simulation (S) techniques and are shown in “Table 4”. Richard E. Brown, Andrew P. Hanson, H. Lee Willis, Frank A. Luedtke, Michael F. Born „Assessing the reliability of distribution systems,‟ 2001 IEEE. [5] A. A. Chowdhury, „Distribution Reliability Assessment,‟ 2005 IEEE. F. Comparison of Analytical and Monte Carlo Simulation Method [6] Roy Billinton Peng Wang, „A Generalized Method for Distribution System Reliability Evaluation,‟ 1995 IEEE. [7] Weixing Li, Wei Zhao and Xiaoming Mou, „A Technique for Network Modeling and Reliability Evaluation of Complex Radial Distribution Systems,‟ 2009 IEEE. [8] JIN Yi-xiong, LI Hong-zhong, DUAN Jian-min, WANG Cheng-min, „Algorithm Improvement for Complex Distribution Network Reliability Evaluation and Its Programming,‟ 2010 IEEE. [9] Roy Billinton, Peng Wang,‟ Teaching Distribution System Reliability Evaluation Using Monte Carlo Simulation,‟ IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2, May 1999. [10] Nisha R. Godha, Surekha R. Deshmukh, Rahul V. Dagade, ‟Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation for Evaluation of Reliability Indices of Power Distribution System,‟ ISCI 2012. [11] O.Shavuka, K.O.Awodele, S.P.Chowdhury, S.Chowdhury, Reliability Analysis of Distribution Networks,‟ 2010 IEEE. [12] Satish Jonnavithula, „Cost/ Benefit Assessment of Power System Reliability,‟ Ph.D thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan in 1997. [13] Peng Wang, „Reliability Cost/Worth Considerations in Distribution System Evaluation,‟ Ph.D thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan in 1998. [14] Binendra Shakya,‟ Repair duration effects on distribution system reliability indices and AE NS (A) (S) E. Average value of Load Point and System Indices The published results by analytical method results and developed program results by analytical and MonteCarlo method for average load point failure rates, average annual load point outage time or annual unavailability and average load point outage duration or repair time are shown in “Tables from 1 to 3”. “Tables from 1 to 3” shows results of the average load point failure rates indices, average annual load point outage time or annual unavailability and average load point outage duration or repair time for all feeders obtained using analytical (A) and simulation techniques (S). The results obtained by analytical method are compared by the results of simulation method. The systems indices results obtained by analytical method are compared by the results of simulation method and are shown in “Table 4”. By understanding and development of distribution system reliability indices using analytical & MonteCarlo simulation methods can be further extended to find the predictive reliability indices by changing the network configurations in smart grid environment. IV. CONCLUSION This paper introduces the methodology for calculation of distribution system reliability indices using both Analytical and Monte-Carlo simulation techniques. The failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method used in analytical techniques is applied on Feeder 3 of Bus 6 of the RBTS. To evaluate load point and system indices, the algorithm and flow chart are described and computer program is developed to implement time sequential Monte-Carlo simulation technique in VC++. A comparison of the load point and system indices for Bus 6 of the RBTS using both Analytical and Monte-Carlo simulation technique are also illustrated. The MonteCarlo simulation results are very in line with Analytical method and hence the Monte-Carlo simulation technique can further used to model renewable energy sources where it is very difficult to model renewable in analytical methods. Feeder ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 31 Distribution System Reliability Evaluation using Time Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation ________________________________________________________________________________________________ customer outage costs,‟ Thesis of Master of Science in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in February 2012. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 32 An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System 1 1 Ram Kumar.S, 2Gowshigapoorani.S UG student-final yr Department of EEE ,2UG student- final yr Department of IT, NSIT, Salem – 636 305, Tamilnadu, India. Email id: 1s.ramkumar001@gmail.com,2gowshigapoorani@gmail.com Abstract- In this system, an online voting authentication technique is proposed which provides biometric as well as password security to voter accounts. The basic idea of stegnographic method is to merge the secret key and pin number with the cover image which produces a stego image which looks same as the cover image. The secret key and pin number is extracted from the stego image at the server side to perform the voter authentication function. This system greatly reduces the risks as the hackers have to find the secret key, pin number, fingerprint and facial image, which makes the election procedure to be secure against a variety of fraudulent behaviors. The purpose of the proposed work is to reduce the man power provide secure voting system, quick result announcement and allows voters to poll their vote easily and very quickly. This work gives secured voting system through QR codes and Biometric measures. The basic idea of this proposed system is when the voter entering in to the polling station, the details are shown and to verify the particular person the fingerprint will be taken. If the information is valid, then the ballet sheet is opened in the system. Overcoming the disadvantage of other system of voting, this system is designed as user friendly and it makes the election system simple and elegant. After voting, the information will be stored in the database which helps for quick and easy result announcement. I.INTRODUCTION 1.1 ELECTRONIC VOTING Electronic voting is a term includes several different types of voting, embracing both electronic means of casting a vote and electronic means of counting votes. For many years, paper-based ballot is used as a way to vote during polling days. This matter put an inefficient way of voting process as people have to queue up to register their name before they can vote. Furthermore, the traditional way of voting will take a long process and time. So, the new electronic voting using workings will become the best solution for the matters; besides provide easier way of voting. preparations, law and order, candidate‟s expenditure, etc. and easy and accurate counting without mischief at the counting centre. It is also eco friendly. II. TECHNIQUES: 2.1 Authentication For Online Steganography And Biometrics Voting Using Steganography Method: Steganographyis the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form ofsecurity through obscurity. ADVANTAGES: Authenticity of an individual. Accuracy and reliability. Against from hacking. DISADVANTAGES: Limitation in searching performance. Need more time. 2.2 Novel Design Of Electronic Voting System Using Fingerprint Minutiae Based Matching: Minutiae matching method balances the tradeoffs between maximizing the number of matches and minimizing total feature distance between query and reference fingerprints. A two-hidden-layer fully connected neural network is trained to generate the final similarity score based on minutiae matched in the overlapping areas. Compared to existing voting system the Electronic voting has several advantages like: Electronic voting system is capable of saving extensive printing stationery and transport of large volumes of electoral material. It is easy to transport, store, and maintain. It completely rules out the chance of invalid votes. The proposed work provides the results in reduction of polling time, resulting in fewer problems in electoral Fig.2.1Minutiae Based Matching ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 33 An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADVANTAGES: Fake persons are identified. Accuracy. A direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machine records votes by means of a ballot display provided with mechanical or electro-optical components that can be activated by the voter that processes data by means of a computer program; and that records voting data and ballot images in memory components. DISADVANTAGES: Complex distortions among impression of the same finger. the different 2.3 Evaluating Electronic Voting Systems Equipped With Voter-Verified Paper Records III. BIOMETRICS Biometric recognition means by measuring an individual's suitable behavioral and biological characteristics in a recognition inquiry and comparing these data with the biometric reference data which had been stored during a discovering process, the identity of a specific user is determined. Automatic fingerprint identification is one of the most reliable biometric technologies. This is because of the well known fingerprint distinctiveness, persistence, ease of attainment and high matching accuracy rates. Cryptography And Stenography: Cryptography and Steganography are well known and widely used techniques that manipulate information in order to cipher or hide their existence respectively. Steganography is the art and science of communicating in a way which hides the existence of the communication. Cryptography scrambles a message so it cannot be understood; the Steganography hides the message so it cannot be seen. Even though both methods provide security, a study is made to combine both cryptography and Steganography methods into one system for better confidentiality and security. DRE Voting System: ADVANTAGES: Able to change the cover coefficients randomly. Accuracy. DISADVANTAGES: Complexity of elections 2.4 Mobile Voting Using Global System For Mobile Communication (GSM) Technology And Authentication Using Fingerprinting Biometrics And Wireless Networks GSM Network: GSM is a digital wireless network standard widely used in European and Asian countries. It provides a common set of compatible services and capabilities to all GSM mobile users. The services and security features to subscribers are subscriber identity confidentiality, subscriber identity authentication, user data confidentiality on physical connections, connectionless user data confidentiality and signaling information element confidentiality. Fig.3.1 biometrics ADVANTAGES: User convenience Better security Higher efficiency More reliable It cannot be easily misplaced, forged, or shared ADVANTAGE: Easy and accurate counting. Cheaper rates of services Secured method of voting The Risk Of Electronic Voting Internet Voting: The casted vote of a secure and secret electronic ballot that is transmitted to election officials using the internet. Fig.3.2 finger printer ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 34 An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The use of QR codes results in the low cost implementation in this system and they can have the tendency to overcome the functionalities of the existing system. The whole symbol of the code can be masked on a grid that can be repeated to obtain it. Fig.3.3 finger print 3.1 OBJECTIVE OF BIOMETRICS As the fingerprint of every individual is unique, it helps in maximizing the accuracy. A database is created containing the fingerprint of all the voters in the electorate. Illegal votes and repetition of votes is checked for in this system. Hence if this system is employed the elections would be fair and free from tackling. Fig.3.4 QR code IV. SYSTEM OVERVIEW Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify an individual and verify their identity. Extensive research has been done on fingerprints in humans. Two of the fundamentally important conclusions that have turned out from research are: (i) a person's fingerprint will not naturally change structure after about one year after birth and (ii) the fingerprints of individuals are unique. Even the fingerprints in twins are not the same. In practice two humans with the same fingerprint have never been found [7]. 4.1 PROBLEM DEFINITION 3.3 QR Code: The objectives of biometric recognition are user convenience, better security and higher efficiency. These techniques makes it possible to use the fingerprint of a person to authenticate him into a secure system, So the Electronic voting system has to be improved based on the current technologies of biometric system. A pre requisite for authentication is enrollment, in which the biometric features are saved. Quick Response Code is defined as a two dimensional barcode, a machine readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. A QR code uses the following standardized encoding modes, to efficiently store data and extension may also be used for the effectiveness. Numeric Alphanumeric Byte/Binary The format information records two things: the error correction level and the mask pattern used for the symbol. Masking is used to break up patterns in the data area that might confuse a scanner, such as large blank areas or misleading features that look like the locator marks. The mask patterns are defined on a grid that is repeated as necessary to cover the whole symbol. Modules corresponding to the dark areas of the mask are inverted. The format information is protected from errors with a BCH code, and two complete copies are included in each QR symbol. The online voting system seems to be risky, it is difficult to come up with a system which is perfect in all senses. So a Quick Response(QR) image helps to identify the right person and use biometrics as authentication. It is useful to achieve confidential transmission over a public network. The main aim is to present a new voting system employing biometrics in order to avoid unauthorized access and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the process so that one can cast his vote irrespective of his location. Objective: Biometrics is the automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioral and biological characteristics. Biometric recognition means by measuring an individual's suitable behavioral and biological characteristics in a recognition inquiry and comparing these data with the biometric reference data which had been stored during a learning procedure, the identity of a specific user is determined. Because biometric identifiers cannot be easily misplaced, forged, or shared, they are considered more reliable for person recognition than traditional token or knowledge based methods. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 35 An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig.4.1 System overview A user who enter into the system will have the QR code image and it is used to authorize the same user and to confirm the identity, we authenticate the same user by getting his fingerprint using the fingerprint scanner and only if they are designated as the authenticated user, they will be allowed to view the ballot sheet and can cast the vote. Once casting is done, the result is stored in the separate database. The process is repeated for all the constitute identities and the final results can easily be viewed. hintMap.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L); QRCodeWriterqrCodeWriter = new QRCodeWriter(); BitMatrixbyteMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(qrCodeText, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, size, size, hintMap); 4.2 VERIFY: if(obj==miverify) { flag=Check.verify(v1,ipimg); System.out.println("flag="+flag); if(flag==1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Verified.Please give your vote","Information",1); Vote vv=new Vote(); display(vv); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You are not eligible to Vote","Information",1); } miverify.setEnabled(false); //miresult.setEnabled(true); } V. SYSTEM TESTING 5.1 INTRODUCTION The testing phase involves the testing of the developed system using various kinds of data. An elaborated testing of data is prepared and a system is tested using the test data. It is mainly used to improve the quality and for verification and validation. While testing, errors are noted and corrections remade, the corrections are also noted for future use. 5.2 UNIT TESTING Fig.4.2 flowchart The fingerprint scanner is a unique way of capturing the identity of a person and confirming them over the righteousness of the record. The processing includes Core print estimation, sectorization, gabor filter, feature extraction and then verification. // Create the ByteMatrix for the QR-Code that encodes the given String HashtablehintMap = new Hashtable(); Unit testing involves the design of test cases that validate that the internal program logic is functioning properly, and that program input produces valid outputs. All decision branches and internal code flow should be validated. It is the testing of individual software units of the application .it is done after the completion of an individual unit before integration. This is a structural testing, that relies on knowledge of its construction and is invasive. Unit tests perform basic tests at component level and test a specific business process, application, and/or system configuration. Unit tests ensure that each unique path of a business process performs accurately to the documented specifications and contains clearly defined inputs and expected results. Each units in the system are separately tested and is managed to get the expected output. These units in the system are the separate modules that are used in the ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 36 An Enhanced Secured Approach To Voting System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ system and they represent a process implemented in the system. the functionality of the system is tested with the help of this process of testing method. All decision branches and the internal code flow should be validated to produce a valid output. 5.3 INTEGRATION TESTING Integration tests are designed to test integrated software components to determine if they actually run as one program. Testing is event driven and is more concerned with the basic outcome of screens or fields. Integration tests demonstrate that although the components were individually satisfaction, as shown by successfully unit testing, the combination of components is correct and consistent. Integration testing is specifically aimed at exposing the problems that arise from the combination of components. When the modules are tested separately, they are also tested for the integration between them. when the first module is executed, it must make its path itself to the next module. These are said to be event driven and this is referred using the integration testing. 5.4 TEST CASE The system is tested by providing the invalid images or the images that is not present in the database. For a QR image present in the database, providing the inappropriate fingerprint image will also result in the disqualification of the user. Thus, validating the system. The implementation can be simple and is made effectively with the accuracy. This system can also be used in any organisation or even an association which conducts the voting to select their respective presidents. In those areas, all the members can be given only with the QR codes that were made in the private manner specially to use inside the organisations. The use of QR code is itself a secure one where the biometrics can stay only as a additional security feature in the system. In future, we could only see the trend of QR codes vastly. Though they are mainly used for the purpose of advertisements now, their implementation in a system for authenticaion would definitely bring a change in the future world. This can be implemented using phones if the emerging fingerprint scanners in smartphones like iPhone 5s and Samsung s5 reaches to the hands of the entire society. Thus, making it online and easy. REFERENCES [1] BehroozParahami,(December 1994) “Voting Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability. [2] Chris Karlof, Naveen Sastry and Tavid Wagner, (2001)“ Cryptographic Protocols: A systems Prespective”. [3] Feras A. Haziemeh, GutazKh. Khazaalehand Khairall M. Al-Talafha, (March 2011) “New Applied E-Voting System”, Journal of theoretical and applied science technology. [4] Maltoni D., Dmaio, Navin A.K. and Prabhakar S,(2003) „Hand book of Fingerprint Recognition‟, Springer. INPUT A INPUT B RESULT User1.QRimage User1.Fingerprint True User1.QRimage User2.Fingerprint False [5] Mercuri R,( October 2003) Electronic Vote Tabulation Checks and balances, Ph.D Thesis. User2.QRimage User1.Fingerprint False [6] Ravimaran S, Sagayamozhi G and Saluk Mohamed M. A,(2012) “Reliable and Fault Tolerant Paradigm using Surrogate object ”, International Journal of future computer and communication. [7] SalilPrabhakar,(2001) "Fingerprint classification and matching using filterbank", Ph. D. Thesis. [8] Shan Ao. WeiyinRen and Shoulain Tang,(2009)” Analysis and Reflection on the Security of Biometrics System” [9] Thomas. W. Lauer,(2012) “The Risk of EVoting”, Oakland University, USA. fig 5.1 Test case VI. CONCLUSION The proposed voting system benefits in user authentication method through fingerprints, the polling process is made easy with the use of the QR codes. The main benefit is time consuming comparatively less than the older voting system. The system can be implemented easily in any areas where voting needs to be done. The future enhancement is to analyze the compatible support over the various distances in wide area manner. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 37 Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier Kusuma Keerthi Department of Electronics Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Email: kusumakeerthi99@gmail.com Abstract — The speed of an ALU depends greatly on the speed of its multipliers and adders. The proposed work deals with the implementation of a high performance, single precision floating point multiplier using fast adders and fast multipliers. Compared to the 32-bit floating point multiplier which uses Wallace tree with Kogge-Stone adder in the final stage for mantissa multiplication, the implemented 32-bit floating point multiplier uses Vedic multiplication for mantissa multiplication and was found to have 25% improvement in speed and 33% reduction in gate count, thereby reducing the total power consumption. The floating point multiplier, which is based on IEEE standard, has been implemented in Verilog HDL using Xilinx 10.1 ISE simulation tool and targeted to Virtex-4 FPGA with speed grade of -12. it was done, principal results, and their significance. I. INTRODUCTION With the advent of technology, the demand of high speed digital systems is on the rise. The multiplier is an important unit that affects the speed in almost every digital system. Compared to other operations in an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), the multiplier consumes more time and power. Hence researchers have always been trying to design multipliers which incorporate an optimal combination in terms of speed, power and area. Floating point describes a method of representing real numbers in a way that can support a wide range of values. Floating point units are widely used in a dynamic range of engineering and technology applications. This demands development of faster floating point arithmetic circuits. The proposed work deals with implementing an architecture for a fast floating point multiplier compliant with the single precision IEEE 754- 2008 standard which can be integrated on a single ALU along with fast floating point adder and subtractor. The most common representation is defined by the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754). It is a technical standard established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the most widely used standard for floating-point computation. Floating Point numbers represented in IEEE 754 format are used in most of the DSP Processors. It also specifies standards for arithmetic operations and rounding algorithms. Floating point arithmetic is useful in applications where a large dynamic range is required or in rapid prototyping applications where the required number range has not been thoroughly investigated. Single precision representation occupies 32 bits: a sign bit, 8 bits for exponent and 23 bits for the mantissa. Double precision representation occupies 64 bits: a sign bit, 11 bits for exponent and 52 bits for the mantissa. Various algorithms have been developed to improve the performance of sequential multipliers and adders to simplify their circuitry. The performance of some adders and multipliers were analyzed using Xilinx ISE simulation tool through which a fast multiplier and a fast adder were chosen to implement a floating point multiplier. This multiplier can be integrated into an ALU along with a fast floating point adder and subtractor. A Floating point multiplier is the most common element in most digital applications such as digital filters, digital signal processors, data processors and control units. In most modern general purpose computer architectures, one or more FPUs are integrated with the CPU. II. IEEE STANDARD FOR BINARY FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has produced a Standard to define floatingpoint representation and arithmetic. The standard brought out by the IEEE come to be known as IEEE 754. The IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic is the most widely-used standard for floating-point computation, and is followed by many hardware (CPU and FPU) and software implementations. Many computer languages allow or require that some or all arithmetic be carried out using IEEE 754 formats and operations. The standard specifies: Basic and extended floating-point number formats Add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, remainder, and compare operations Conversions between integer and floating-point formats Conversions between different floating-point formats ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 38 Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conversions between basic format floating-point numbers and decimal strings Floating-point exceptions and their handling, including non- numbers There are basically two binary floating-point formats. These formats are the „Single Precision‟ and „Double Precision‟ formats of IEEE 754. The single precision is 32-bits wide. The single precision number has 3 main fields that is sign field, exponent field and mantissa field as shown in Fig 1. Thus a total of 32-bits are required for single precision number representation. To achieve a bias, 2n-1 – 1 is added to the actual exponent in order to obtain the stored exponent. This equals to 127 for an eight-bit exponent of the single-precision format. The addition of bias allows the use of an exponent in the range from -127 to +128 corresponding to a range of 0-255 for single precision number. The single-precision format offers a range from 2-127 to 2+127. Sign: 1-bit wide and used to denote the sign of the number i.e., 0 indicate positive number and 1 represent negative number. Mantissa: 52-bit wide and fractional component. Fig 2: Double Precision Floating point IEEE format The exponent range for normalized numbers is [−126, 127] for single precision and [−1022, 1023] for double precision floating point numbers.IEEE reserves exponent field values of all 0s and all 1s to denote special values in the floating point scheme which are signed zero, denormalized, infinities and NANs. The IEEE standard defines five types of exceptions that should be signalled through a one bit status flag when encountered. They are Invalid Operation, Division by Zero, Inexact, Underflow, Overflow, infinity and Zero. Rounding is used when the exact result of a floating-point operation (or a conversion to floating-point format) would need more digits than there are digits in the significand. IEEE 754 requires correct rounding: There are several different rounding modes. IEEE 754 specifies four rounding modes: Round to nearest even, Round-to-Zero, Round-Up and RoundDown. III. FLOATING POINT MULTIPLIER DESIGN Exponent: 8-bit wide and signed exponent in excess -127 representations. Mantissa: 23-bit wide and fractional component. The algorithm used for multiplying single-precision floating point numbers is shown in the Fig 3. The floating point multiplication is carried out in four parts. Fig 1: Single Precision Floating point IEEE format The double precision floating point number representation is shown in Fig 2. The double precision number is 64 bit wide. The double precision number has three main fields which are sign, exponent and mantissa. Thus, a total of 64-bits are needed for double-precision number representation. To achieve a bias, 2n-1 – 1 is added to the actual exponent in order to obtain the stored exponent. This equals to 1023 for an 11-bit exponent of the double-precision format. The addition of bias allows the use of an exponent in the range from -1023 to +1024 corresponding to a range of 0 – 2047 for double precision number. The double-precision format offers a range from 2-1023 to 2+1023. Sign: 1-bit wide and used to denote the sign of the number i.e., 0 indicate positive number and 1 represent negative number. Exponent: 11-bit wide and signed exponent in excess – 1023 representation. Fig 3: Flowchart of floating point multiplier 1. In the first part, the sign of the product is determined by performing an xor operation on the sign bits of the two operands. 2. In the second part, the exponent bits of the operands are passed to an 8-bit adder stage and a bias of 127 is subtracted from the obtained output. The addition and bias subtraction operations are both implemented using 8-bit Knowles fast adder which was found to be the fastest among other ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 39 Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ prefix tree adders. 3. a. In the third part and most important stage, the product of the mantissa bits is obtained. The 24-bit mantissa multiplication was done both by using Wallace tree and Vedic multiplication after prenormalisation. Modified Wallace tree multiplication: Wallace tree multiplication was performed using 3:2 compressors and final stage 48-bit adder. The final stage 48-bit addition was implemented using kogge stone prefix tree adder as well as Knowles prefix tree adder. Knowles prefix adder was found to be fastest [2] as compared to kogge stone prefix tree adder. Vedic multiplication technique for mantissa multiplication was found to be most efficient in terms of area, delay and power. b. Vedic Multiplication Technique: The word “Vedas” which literarily means knowledge has derivational meaning as principle and limitless storehouse of all knowledge. Entire mechanics of Vedic mathematics is based on 16 sutras – formulas and 13 upsutras meaning – corollaries. Urdhva-tiryagbhyam sutra is based on multiplication. To illustrate the multiplication algorithm, consider the multiplication of two binary numbers a3a2a1a0 and b3b2b1b0. The result of this multiplication would be more than 4 bits and is expressed as.... r3r2r1r0. Line diagram for multiplication of two 4-bit numbers is shown in Fig 4. For the simplicity, each bit is represented by a circle. Least significant bit r0 is obtained by multiplying the least significant bits of the multiplicand and the multiplier. Fig 4: Line diagram for Vedic multiplication Firstly, least significant bits are multiplied which gives the least significant bit of the product (vertical). Then, the LSB of the multiplicand is multiplied with the next higher bit of the multiplier and added with the product of LSB of multiplier and next higher bit of the multiplicand (crosswise). The sum gives second bit of the product and the carry is added in the output of next stage sum obtained by the crosswise and vertical multiplication and addition of three bits of the two numbers from least significant position. Next, all the four bits are processed with crosswise multiplication and addition to give the sum and carry. The sum is the corresponding bit of the product and the carry is again added to the next stage multiplication and addition of three bits except the LSB. The same operation continues until the multiplication of the two MSBs to give the MSB of the product. Thus the following expressions are obtained: r0=a0b0; (1) c1r1=a1b0+a0b1; (2) c2r2=c1+a2b0+a1b1 + a0b2; (3) c3r3=c2+a3b0+a2b1 + a1b2 + a0b3; (4) c4r4=c3+a3b1+a2b2 + a1b3; (5) c5r5=c4+a3b2+a2b3; (6) c6r6=c5+a3b3 (7) With c6r6r5r4r3r2r1r0 being the final product. Hence this is the general mathematical formula applicable to all cases of multiplication. 24-bit multiplication is performed using Urdhvatiryagbhyam sutra for mantissa multiplication of floating point multiplication. This method was found to be faster than Wallace tree multiplier using kogge adder. Clearly, this is not an efficient algorithm for the multiplication of large numbers as a lot of propagation delay is involved in such cases. To deal with this problem, Nikhilam Sutra presents an efficient method of multiplying two large numbers. 4. In the fourth part, the product of the mantissas is normalized and truncated. To do so, the leading one is detected and the exponent is adjusted accordingly. The leading one is the implied bit and hence dropped. The remaining bits are truncated to a 23-bit value using rounding to zero technique to give the 23-bit mantissa of the product. Example of Floating Point Multiplier Consider two floating point numbers a = -18.0 and b = +9.5 Expected floating point product = (-18.0) x (+9.5) = - 171.0 a = - 10010.0 = - 00010010.0 = - 1.00100000000000000000000 x 24 b = +1001.1 = + 00001001.1 = + 1.00110000000000000000000 x 2 3 sign of a = 1 = s_a sign of b =0 = s_b biased exponent of a = 127 + 4 = 131 =10000011 = e_a biased exponent of b = 127 + 3 = 134 =10000010 = e_b mantissa of a = 00100000000000000000000= mant_a mantissa of b = 00110000000000000000000 = mant_b fp_a = 1 10000011 00100000000000000000000 = C1900000h fp_b = 0 10000010 00110000000000000000000 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 40 Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ = 41180000h Calculation of sign of the product ‘s_out’: s_out = s_a xor s_b = 1 xor 0 =1 Calculation of exponent of the product ‘e_out’: Step1: Add e_a and e_b to get the sum 10000011 + 10000010 =1 00000101 Step 2: Bias of 127 is subtracted from the sum to exponent of the output 1 00000101 – 01111111 = 10000110 = e_out fp_a and fp_b are the two floating point 32-bit operands in IEEE format. expocin is the 1-bit carry in input for exponent addition and is always assumed to be zero bias is an 8-bit input which is always 01111111 in binary =127 in decimal The single precision Floating Point Multiplier Unit has the following output: fp_prod is the 32-bit floating point product output in IEEE format. Calculation of mantissa of the product ‘m_out’: Step 1: Extract both the mantissas by adding 1 as MSB for normalization to form 24-bit mantissas 24-bit mant_a = 100100000000000000000000 24-bit mant_b = 100110000000000000000000 Step 2: multiply 24-bit mant_a and mant_b to get 48-bit product. (100100000000000000000000) X (100110000000000000000000) =01010101100000000000000000000000000000000000 0000 Step 3 : Leading 1 of the 48-bit is found and the remaining bits are truncated to 23-bit output mantissa value to get the mantissa of the output m_out = 01010110000000000000000, e_out =100000110 Floating Point Product(in binary) = 1 10000110 01010110000000000000000=C32B0000h biased exponent = 10000110 =134 unbiased exponent =134 - 127 = 7 Floating Point Product(in decimal) = - 1. 01010110000000000000000x 27 = - 10101011.0000000000000000 = -171 .0 I. SNAPSHOTS OF SIMULATION The RTL schematic and the simulation result of 32-bit Floating Point Multiplier is shown in Fig 5 and Fig 6 respectively Fig 5: RTL Schematic of floating point multiplier Fig 6: Simulation result of floating point multiplier 32-bit Input fp_ a = 11000001100100000000000000000000 = C1900000h =-18.0 32-bit Input fp_b = 01000001000110000000000000000000 = 41180000h= +9.5 32-bit Output fp_prod =11000011001010110000000000000000 =C32B0000h= -171.0 IV. SYNTHESIS RESULTS AND COMPARISONS The performance analysis of prefix tree adders is summarized in Table 1 and the performance analysis of different architectures of single precision floating point multiplier is summarized in Table 2 respectively. TABLE 1: PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF 48-BIT PREFIX TREE ADDER [2] Prefix Delay LUTs Slices Gate Tree (nsecs) Count Adder Type Ladner 21.22 132 74 876 Fischer Sklansky 21.87 139 78 903 Knowles 9.4 302 173 1827 Han 12.43 224 118 1416 Carlson Kogge10.03 312 164 1890 Stone The single precision Floating Point Multiplier Unit has the following inputs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 41 Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE 2: PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF FLOATING POINT MULTIPLIER V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE Conclusion: Floating Point Multiplier architecture Type Delay (nsecs) LUTs Slices Gate Count FPM using kogge[ 1 ] 18.78 2270 1269 - 16.95 2036 1092 16215 14.17 1819 999 11199 FPM using Knowles [proposed] FPM using Vedic [proposed] Synthesis and simulation report show some interesting results of minimization of delay and total gate count compared to the existing design. Fig 7 compares the delay of three architectures of floating point multiplier. The optimized architecture for floating point multiplier using modified Wallace tree with Knowles adder shows 12% improvement in speed and using Vedic multiplication technique shows 25% improvement in speed as compared to the existing architecture which uses Wallace tree using kogge stone adder [1] for mantissa multiplication. Fig 8 compares the total gate count of two optimized architectures of floating point multiplier. The optimized architecture using Vedic multiplication for floating point multiplier shows 31% improvement in total gate count as compared to the existing architecture which uses Wallace tree with Knowles adder for mantissa multiplication. The lesser the gate count, the lesser is the total power consumed. Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier unit has been designed to using fast adder and fast multipliers. IEEE 754 standard based floating point representation has been used. The unit has been coded in Verilog and has been synthesised for the Virtex 4 FPGA using XILINX 9.2 ISE tool. Single Precision Floating Point Unit has been built using power and area efficient fast adders and multipliers to improve the performance. Knowles Prefix Tree adder was found to be the fastest adder as compared to Kogge Stone adder and other prefix tree adders for large numbers. Therefore, Knowles Prefix Tree adder is used in the design of final stage adder of Wallace tree used for mantissa multiplication and in the exponent addition. Vedic multiplier was found to be the fastest multiplier as compared to Wallace tree multiplier using 3:2 compressors. Therefore, Vedic multiplier is used in the design of mantissa multiplication of floating point multiplier instead of Modified Wallace Tree multiplier to improve the efficiency of floating point unit. Future Scope: The designed arithmetic unit operates on 32-bit operands. It can be designed for 64-bit operands to enhance precision. It can be extended to have more mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, square root, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Further, implementing higher compressors for the Wallace tree used for mantissa multiplication can further increase the efficiency of the FPU in terms of speed. Exceptions like overflow, underflow, inexact, division by zero, infinity, zero, NAN etc can be incorporated in the floating point unit. A few researchers have shown that there is a considerable improvement in the delay by using 4:2, 5:2, 6:2, 7:2 compressors for Wallace tree as compared to Vedic multiplier. It is therefore required to further research on the efficiency of the various Wallace tree design approaches for mantissa multiplication based on issues such as area, delay and power consumption. Fig 7: Propagation Delay of floating point multiplier Fig 8: Total Gate Count REFERENCES [1] Anna Jain, Baisakhy Dash, Ajit Kumar Pande, Muchharla, “FPGA Design of a Fast 32-bit Floating Point Multiplier Unit”, Proc of 2012 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems(ICDCS), 15-16 March 2012, pp 545 – 547. [2] Kusuma R, Kavitha V,” Performance Analysis of 48-bit Prefix Tree Adders,” Proc of 2013 ICECE, 24th April 2013, pp 17 -21. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 42 Design of High Performance Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [3] G.Ganesh Kumar, V. Charishma, “Design of High Speed Vedic Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics Techniques”, Proc of International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,Vol-2, Issue 3, March 2012, ISSN 2250-3153. [4] Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris &Ayan Banerjee, “ CMOS VLSI DESIGN”, Third Edition. [5] Peter.J.Ashenden, “Digital design, An Embedded Systems approach using Verilog”,Elsevier ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 43 Intelligent Fuel Fraudulence Detection Using Digital Indicator ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intelligent Fuel Fraudulence Detection Using Digital Indicator Yashwanth K M ,Nagesha S, Naveen H M, Ravi, Mamatha K R, Students, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India Email: yashwanthkm19@gmail.com, mamatha.dcn@gmail.com Abstract -In today’s world, actual record of fuel filled and fuel consumption in vehicles is not maintained. The fraudulence of fuel (petrol/diesel) is increasing in bunks to the peak level. Most of the petrol bunks today have manipulated the pumps such that it displays the amount as entered but the quantity of fuel filled in the customer’s tank is much lesser than the displayed value i.e., the pumps are tampered for the benefit of the petrol bunks owner. This results in huge profits for the petrol bunks but at the same time the customers are cheated. Also the present analog fuel indicator in vehicles gives approximate measure of the fuel in tank. To overcome the above problem a microcontroller based fuel monitoring and vehicle tracking system is proposed here. The AT89C51 microcontroller is used in this system which is an ultra-low power, 8 bit CISC architecture controller. Real Time Clock (RTC) is also provided to keep the track of time. The GPS(Global Positioning System) and GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication) technology to track the vehicle is also proposed here which sends a message to the vehicle owner if the vehicle is stolen and also the amount of fuel filled both quantity and quality. The embedded control system can achieve many tasks of the effective fleet management, such as fuel monitoring, vehicle tracking. In order to indicate the appropriate amount or measure of fuel a digital indicator is used which displays the related measure of fuel. Buzzer/voice message and LED display are used in order to indicate prior to the emptiness of fuel in tank. Index Terms—Fuel fraudulence, AT89C51 microcontroller, Digital fuel indicator, fuel level sensor, fuel quality sensor, GSM, GPS I. INTRODUCTION In this modern and fast running world everything is going to be digitized to be easily understandable and also to give exact calculation. Considering this idea, Digital fuel indicator is used which shows the exact amount of fuel remaining in the fuel gauge as compared to the previously used gauge meter in which a needle moves to give a rough estimate of the fuel left. A fuel indicator is an instrument used to indicate the level of the fuel contained in the tank. The sender unit The indicator The sending unit usually uses a float connected to a variable resistor. When the tank is full, the resistor is set to its low resistance value. As the tank become empty, the float drops and slides a moving contact along the resistor, increasing its resistance, finally reaching its highest value when the tank is empty. In addition, when the resistance is at a certain point, it will also turn on a "low fuel" light on some vehicles. Meanwhile, the indicator unit (usually mounted on the instrument panel) is measures and displays the amount of electrical current flowing through the sending unit. When the tank level is high and maximum current is flowing, the needle points to "F" indicating a full tank. When the tank is empty and the least current is flowing, the needle points to "E" indicating an empty tank. Finally once the fuel is filled at a bunk the device also sends an SMS to the vehicle owner indicating the amount, quantity and date, time etc. using GSM and also one can find the exact location of the vehicle The added feature in this fuel level indicator is that, the reserve condition is pre-informed to the user with an alarm, which helps to tune it to the reserve position before the engine stops and this helps to avoid knocking and engine damage. The scope of this work is it Gives exact amount of fuel in tank. Indicates the emptiness of fuel during final stage by giving beep sound or voice message. Helps to find vehicle theft faster. Can be implemented in all vehicles II. EXISTING METHODS There are many sensor based techniques available in the market to measure the liquid level and gives a close idea of quantity of the liquid, but they failed to provide an exact approximation of quantity as in cars by fuel meters what one can get an idea of whether tank is full, empty, half full etc. The liquid level detector and optimizer play an important role in tanks to indicate the level of liquid of a particular density. Rashmi R et al created a digital Commonly used in cars and bikes, these may also be display of the exact amount of fuel contained in the used in any tank including underground storage tanks. As vehicle tank which also helps in cross checking the used in cars, the fuel gauge has two parts: quantity of fuel filled at bunk. Once the fuel is filled at a bunk the device also sends a SMS to the vehicle owner ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 44 Intelligent Fuel Fraudulence Detection Using Digital Indicator ________________________________________________________________________________________________ indicating the amount, quantity, date, time etc. and also gives the exact location of the vehicle. Technologies used are 8051 microcontroller, embedded C, Keil compiler and GSM/GPS for mobile communication, level sensor and LCD [1] but quality of the fuel is not checked. Sachin S. Aher and Kokate R. D proposed a system [2] in which microcontroller is the brain of system which stores the status of fuel level in a fuel tank and position of vehicle. The system is powered by DC power supply with proper specifications. This supply can be provided from batteries. Fuel Sensors 1 and 2 i.e. reed switches will be used to sense the quantity of fuel filled and quantity of fuel consumed and notify microcontroller about the level of fuel in the fuel tank. Fuel sensor 1 is placed at the inlet of fuel tank, as the disk of flow meter rotates, due to the magnet present on the disk it will make and break the reed switch, so square pulses will be available as an input to the microcontroller. By counting these pulses and multiplying it by a flow factor we will get exact amount of fuel filled. Fuel sensor 2 is placed at the outlet of fuel tank, as the disk of flow meter rotates, due to the magnet present on the disk it will make and break the reed switch, so square pulses will be available as an input to the microcontroller. By counting these pulses and multiplying it by a flow factor we will get exact amount of fuel consumed. From this we can exactly calculate the amount of fuel present inside a tank. These different logs of fuel filling and consumption are stored in the memory. The GSM module is interfaced to the microcontroller. By sending different commands to GSM module placed in a vehicle unit, owner can get the information of different logs and location of vehicle stored in the memory. So that owner can keep the record of fuel and track of the vehicle accurately and continuously. This will help the owner for effective fleet management. In sense of the mileage of any vehicle is affected by some factors which Nitin Jade et al have considered and also taken most economical, useful, intelligent and quick responding sensors to calculate the effect of the all the factors directly as well as indirectly too. All the sensors are situated on their particular separate place to perform their operation. Sensors are very efficient quick responding units. The sensors collect all the data in running vehicle and then the collected information moves up to the E.C.U(Electronic Controlling Unit) which is a controlling unit that make command on all the individual sensors give them power to run and forward the collected data to the C.P.U(Central Processing Unit). Then the data moves up to the C.P.U. At this unit the data finally computed into the numeric form by the mean of programming. All the data from the sensors is converted into the one form of mileage means how much vehicle can run? All the information is in coded form which moves towards the modem. Modem (GSM) is the unit to modulate or demodulate the information and finally the data is display on the digital fuel indicator in a numeric form [3]. A continuous fuel level sensor using a side-emitting optical fiber is introduced in this paper. This sensor operates on the modulation of the light intensity in fiber, which is caused by the cladding’s acceptance angle change when it is immersed in fuel. The fiber is bent as a spiral shape to increase the sensor’s sensitivity by increasing the attenuation coefficient and fiber’s submerged length compared to liquid level. The attenuation coefficients of fiber with different bent radiuses in the air and water are acquired through experiments. The fiber is designed as a spiral shape with a steadily changing slope, and its response to water level is simulated. The experimental results taken in water and aviation kerosene demonstrate a performance of 0.9m range and 10mm resolution [4]. In this paper they have proposed a technique to measure the amount of liquid available in tank. This device digitally displays the level of liquid inside the tanks using load sensor. The measurements are taken so the accuracy level is of 96.36%-98%. Thus it is an efficient device made by keeping in mind the petroleum thefts at the various petrol bunks at the time of filling of tanks [7]. III. PROPOSED WORK Fig 1.Block Diagram of proposed work A. Microcontroller (At89c51) An 8051 architecture microcontroller (AT89C51) is used as the microcontroller unit. The 8051 is an 8 bit Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC), 4KB of program memory and 128 byte of RAM. The firmware inside the microcontroller’s program. A Microcontroller has all of the essential blocks to read from a keypad, write information to the display, control the heating element and store data such as cooking time. In addition to simple ON/OFF inputs and outputs, many microcontrollers have abilities such as counting input ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 45 Intelligent Fuel Fraudulence Detection Using Digital Indicator ________________________________________________________________________________________________ pulses, measuring analog signals, performing pulsewidth modulated output, and many more. B. GSM Modem GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is world’s most famous Mobile platform. Mobile phones with SIM cards use GSM technology to help you communicate with your family, friends and business associates. GSM systems have following advantages over basic land line telephony systems: Mobility Easy availability High uptime GSM technology is being mostly used for talking to family, friends and business colleagues. we use communication feature of Telephone landlines for internet, e-mail, data connectivity, remote monitoring, computer to computer communication, security systems. In the same way we can use GSM technology and benefit from its advantages. substance in a certain place, while point-level sensors only indicate whether the substance is above or below the sensing point. Generally the latter detect levels that are excessively high or low. D .Density Sensor(ULB6-A) A unique fluid density sensor has developed by ISSYS. A small, hollow silicon micro tube is uses by this sensing approach. At a given frequency this small tube vibrates. The vibration frequency will change as the density or concentration of the liquid in the tube changes. By using the vibrational frequency of the micro tube the density of the fluid can be measured. The density or API output can be used by petrochemicals and biofuels to indicate the type of fuel, its purity and to blend fuels together. E. LCD Display A high quality 16 character by 2 line intelligent display module is used, with back lighting, Works with almost any microcontroller. Features Now access control devices can communicate with servers and security staff through SMS messaging. Complete log of transaction is available at the headoffice Server instantly without any wiring involved and device can instantly alert security personnel on their mobile phone in case of any problem. BioEnable is introducing this technology in all Fingerprint Access control and time attendance products. You can achieve high security and reliability. C. Fuel Level sensor (JK-CLFS-07) Level sensor detect the level of substances that is to be filled in the tank, including liquids, oils, gas etc., and all such substances flow to become essentially level in their containers (or other physical boundaries) because of gravity. Fig 2 Fuel Level Sensor 16 Characters x 2 Lines 5x7 Dot Matrix Character + Cursor Equivalent LCD Controller/driver Built-In 4-bit or 8-bit MPU Interface Standard Type Works with almost any Microcontroller Great Value Pricing IV. SYSTEM DESIGN The microcontroller and the GSM unit is interfaced with the fuel level sensor of the vehicle. Every vehicle has a separate number, which is given by the corresponding authority. The GSM unit is fixed in the vehicle. The amount of fuel is stored in memory of the microcontroller. Using keil software and embedded C, SMS can be sent through Modem to that particular mobile number. After the readings the controller will send data to the modem. Modem, in turn sends data to the other end. On other end the vehicle owner will receive the data in the form of a fuel existing before refueling, fuel added while refueling and the total amount of fuel in the tank. Using GSM one can get the response very fast due to which time is saved. After sending the readings to the vehicle owner, the owner can request for the location of the vehicle by sending an SMS to the SIM card used in the GSM. The vehicle owner at any point of time can request for the amount of fuel and the location of the vehicle. After all this process the microcontroller will The substance to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g. A river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors measure level within a specified range and determine the exact amount of ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 46 Intelligent Fuel Fraudulence Detection Using Digital Indicator ________________________________________________________________________________________________ reset the memory to get the fresh readings during the next re-fuelling. accurate, more reliable and allow for added feature the benefit for the customer. In the near future different vehicle company manufactures can implement this kind of fuel system which also provides security for vehicle owner. Not only the measurement is more accurate but the customers are also not cheated for their hard earned money, because of LCD display not only gives the amount of fuel present in tank, it also gives the purity of the fuel. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are thankful to the management of BMS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY for providing all the support for this work. REFERENCES Fig 3 Experimental setup A. Results and Discussion [1] The practical output obtained is same as the expected result, intelligent fuel fraudulence detection using digital indicator is able to perform the following features successfully. Rashmi.R and Rukmini Durgale, “The novel based embedded digital fuel gauge”, International conference on computing and control engineering(ICCCE 2012), 12 & 13 April 2012 [2] Sachin S. Aher and Kokate R. D, “Fuel monitoring and vehicle tracking using GPS, GSM and MSP430f149”, International journal of advances in engineering and technology, July 2012, vol.4, issue 1, pp.571-578 [3] Nitin Jade, Pranjal Shrimali, Asvin Patel, Sagar Gupta, “Modified Type Intelligent Digital Fuel Indicator System” , IOSR Journal of mechanical and civil engineering. [4] Chengrui Zhao, Lin Ye, Xun Yu, and JunfengGe, “Continuous Fuel Level Sensor Based on Spiral Side-Emitting Optimizer”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Volume 2012, Article ID 267519, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2012/267519 [5] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Mazidi, Rolin McKinlay, "8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems" ,The (2ndEdition), Publisher:Prentice Hall, P 2005-10-06. [6] http://www.classictiger.com/mustang/OilPressure Gauge/OilPressureGauge.htm B. Gives exact amount of fuel filled in tank in terms of numeric. Indicates the lowest level of the fuel through buzzer indicator. Sends information about quantity of fuel to owner, while refilling the tank through GSM modem. On request of the owner, the location of the vehicle can be tracked. Future Scope In case of theft of vehicle, it can be stopped i.e. the engine can be shut down remotely using additional software. Location of the vehicle can be determined at any point of time It can be implemented in food and grains trucks. It can be made with too lower cost and faster performance. V CONCLUSION The digital fuel indicator design described above has many new features added to enhance the monitoring and tracking operation using recent technologies. This paper attempts to design best prototype for the same. It is more ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 47 Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process S.Gayathri, V.Sridhar Dept of E&C, Principal SJCE, Mysore, Karnataka, India PESCE, Mandya, Karnataka, India Email: Sgmurthy_65@yahoo.com, venusridhar@yahoo.com Abstract - Image enhancement technique is a preprocessing technique used to reduce the noise which are generally present in the acquired fingerprints images. This noise fails to provide accurate minutiae. The reliability of fingerprint recognition process heavily depends on minutiae. Hence it is essential to preprocess the fingerprint image before extracting the reliable minutiae for matching of two fingerprint images. Image enhancement technique followed by minutiae extraction completes the fingerprint recognition process. Design and implementation of image enhancement technique for fingerprint recognition process using HDL coding on Virtex -5 FPGA development board is proposed. Further, the result obtained from hardware design is compared with that of software using MatLab simulation tool. Keywords: reliability, quality, minutiae, preprocessing, enhancement, hardware I. INTRODUCTION The most critical step in automatic fingerprint recognition system is to extract minutiae from the input fingerprint image. However, the performance of a minutiae extraction process relies heavily on the quality of the input fingerprint image. In order to ensure the success of an automatic fingerprint recognition system, the quality of input fingerprint image must be good. But in most cases the quality of the acquired fingerprint images are of poor quality. Hence it is essential to incorporate image enhancement technique to improve the quality of the fingerprint image. Image enhancement technique is a preprocessing technique which improves the clarity of ridges against valleys. This facilitates precise extraction of minutiae. A well enhanced fingerprint image will provide extraction of reliable minutiae by eliminating spurious features which are created due to noise and possibly by artifacts. The image enhancement technique followed by a minutiae extraction completes the fingerprint recognition process. Thus fingerprint recognition process provides a set of minutiae, which is used for matching two fingerprints which constitute fingerprint Recognition system. Image enhancement technique consists of the five blocks namely normalization, orientation field estimation, filtering, binarization, and thinning. Normalization is the first step in Image enhancement process to standardize the pixel intensity by adjusting the range of gray level to a determined mean and variance. The orientation field of a fingerprint image defines the local orientation of the ridges in the fingerprint. The gradient-based approach is employed in which the orientation vector is orthogonal to the gradient. This provides the orientation estimation of the fingerprint image. The aim of filtering is to separate the foreground from the background areas. The foreground is associated with the region that contains information of interest with ridges and valleys. The background area does not contain valid information and corresponds to the region outside the borders of fingerprint. Binarization process compares each pixel to some threshold and then changes its value to either pure white or pure black. The threshold used is usually either the ideal or adaptive. Here adaptive threshold is used. Thinning process is used to skeletonize the binary image by reducing all lines to a single pixel thickness. Thinning is a morphological operation that successively erodes away the foreground pixels until they are one pixel wide. The results of thinning show that the connectivity of the ridge structures is well preserved II. IMAGE ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUE Fingerprint recognition is one of the most used biometric systems due to its ease of acquisition, high distinctiveness, persistence and acceptance by the public [1]. The performance of the recognition system heavily depends on the extraction of minutiae from the fingerprint image.. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 48 Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. Related work B. Adaptive normalization based on block processing is suggested for improvement of fingerprint images. With the ridge direction, the ridge frequency is selected by utilizing the directional projection. The local property of the adaptive normalization process ensure the reliable fingerprint texture region of the given fingerprint image, even the image is of poor quality [2]. Image enhancement technique for fingerprint recognition process involves different blocks like Normalization, Orientation field estimation, Filtering, Binarization, and Thinning. A low cost FPGA implementation of an image normalization system, which is part of a fingerprint enhancement algorithm, is discussed in [3]. Fingerprint enhancement algorithm ensures better performance of an automatic fingerprint identification system. This system uses a fixed point representation to handle all the data processing. A fast fingerprint enhancement algorithm, which adaptively improves the clarity of ridge and valley structures of input fingerprint image based on the estimated local ridge orientation and frequency, is proposed in [4]. Performance of the image enhancement algorithm is evaluated using the goodness index of the extracted minutiae and the accuracy of an online fingerprint verification system. The orientation field of a fingerprint image defines the local orientation of the ridges contained in the fingerprint. Least mean square estimation method is employed to get orientation field estimated from the normalized fingerprint image [5]. Field programmable gate array (FPGA) is a good choice for implementing fingerprint recognition application because it has large logic capacity and memory resources [6]. Reconfigurable computing adds to the traditional hardware/software design flow, a new degree of freedom in the development of electronic systems [7]. However, the physical implementation of automatic fingerprint authentication system is still challenging task. Until now, only initial stages of biometric recognition algorithm are tested. Fingerprint image enhancement through reconfigurable hardware accelerators using hardware time multiplexing proves saving of two orders of silicon area as compared with general purpose microcontroller system [8]. Fingerprint image processing hardware [9] implemented on hardware-software co-design reduction in the execution performance. through reconfigurable Virtex-4 by means of techniques, aims at time and improved METHODOLOGY NORMALIZATION An adaptive normalization algorithm based on the local property of the given fingerprint image is proposed. Normalization has a pre-specified mean and variance, which enhances the quality of fingerprint image. The input fingerprint image is represented by I(x,y) which is defined as an N x M matrix and I (i, j) represents the intensity of the pixel at the ith row and jth column. Mean (M) and variance (VAR) of the given image are computed as below (1) (2) M and VAR are the computed mean and variance of the input fingerprint image. Hong and Jain [4], have employed the (3) for normalization process. The normalized image is represented by G (i,j) as follows: (3) where M0 and VAR0 are the desired mean and variance values. ORIENTATION FIELD ESTIMATION The orientation field of a fingerprint image defines the local orientation of the ridges contained in the fingerprint image. Based on least mean square estimation method, proposed by Hong [4], let be defined as the orientation field of a fingerprint image. (i, j) represent the local ridge at pixel (i , j) . The main steps of the algorithm are as follows: 1. Divide the input image into blocks of size w*w. 2. Compute the gradients pixel. 3. Estimate the local orientation using the following equations. and at each ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 49 Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BINARIZATION (4) (5) The filtered output will be a Gray scale image. This will be binarized, so that it will be in black and white. The binarization will done by choosing carefully t h e threshold value where the values for image matrix over the threshold value will become 1(black) and values less than threshold will be 0 (white). For Adaptive: (6) f(p) = 0, p < threshold = 1, p ≥ threshold (9) f(p) = 0, 0 ≤ p ≤ 127 = 1, 128 ≤ p ≤ 256 (10) For Ideal: Here (i, j) is the least mean squared estimate of the local ridge orientation of the block centered at pixel (i, j). THINNING GABOR FILTER Gabor filter preserves the continuity of the ridge flow pattern and enhances the clarity of the ridge and valley structures. The general function of Gabor filter [4] can be represent as (7) where θ is the ridge orientation with respect to vertical axis, ƒ0 is the selected ridge frequency in xθ – direction, σx and σy are the standard deviation of Gaussian function along the xθ and yθ axes respectively and the [xθ, yθ] are the coordination of [x,y] after a clockwise rotation of the Cartesian axes by an angle of (90-θ). Referring to (7), the function G(x, y, θ, ƒ0) can be decomposed into two orthogonal parts, one parallel and the other perpendicular to the orientation θ. After the fingerprint image is converted into binary form it is applied to the thinning algorithm which reduces the ridge thickness to one pixel wide. The referred algorithm [10] consists of successive passes of two basic steps applied by considering mixed units. It clearly state the units for contour points of the given region, where a contour point is any pixel with value '1' and having at least one 8-neighbor valued '0'. With reference to the 8neighborhood definition shown in Fig.1(a), the first step flags a contour point p for deletion if the following conditions are satisfied: a. b. c. d. 2 ≤N(P1)≤6, S(P1)= 1, P2*P4*P6=0, P4*P6*P8=0, Where N(Pl) is the number of nonzero neighbors of Pi. N (P1) = P2 + P3 +……..+ P9 . S (P1): number of 0-1 transition in the ordered sequence of p2, p3….., p8, p9. For e.g., N(P1) = 4 and S(P1) = 3 as shown in Fig.1(b). (8) where GBP is only a band-pass Gaussian function of x and ƒ0 parameters while GLP is only a low-pass Gaussian filter of y parameter [4]. Since most local ridge structure of fingerprint comes with well-defined local frequency and orientation, ƒ can be set by the reciprocal of the average inter-ridge distance K. The standard deviation of 2 D normal distribution (or Gaussian envelope) is represented by σ. (a) Definition (b) Example Fig.1 Neighborhood arrangement In the second step, conditions (a) and (b) remain the same, but conditions (c) and (d) are changed to: c′. P2*P4*p8=0, d′. P2*P6*P8=0, ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 50 Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 1 is applied to every border pixel in the binary region under consideration. If one or more of the conditions (a) through (d) are violated, the value of the point in question is not changed. If all conditions are satisfied the point is flagged for deletion. It is important to be considered, that the point is not deleted until all border points have been processed. This prevents changing the structure of the data during execution of the algorithm. After step 1 has been applied to all border points, those that were flagged are deleted, changed to '0' Then, step 2 is applied to the resulting data in exactly the same manner as step 1. This basic procedure is applied iteratively until no further points are deleted, at which time the algorithm terminates, yielding the skeleton of the region. Condition (a) is violated when contour point P1 has only one or seven 8-neighbors valued '1'. Having only one such neighbor implies that P1 is the end point of a skeleton stroke and obviously should not be deleted. If P1 had seven such neighbors and it was deleted, this would cause erosion into the region. Condition (b) is violated when it is applied to points on a stroke one pixel thick. Thus these conditions prevent disconnection of segments of a skeleton during the thinning operation. Conditions (c) and (d) are satisfied simultaneously by the following minimum set of values: p4 = '0', or p6 = '0', or (p2 = '0' and p8 = '0') Thus with reference to the neighborhood arrangement in Fig.1, a point that satisfies these conditions as well as conditions (a) and (b), is east or south boundary point or northwest corner point in the boundary. In either case, P1 is not part of the skeleton and should be removed. Similarly, conditions (c') and (d') are satisfied simultaneously by the following minimum set of values: p2 = '0', or p8 = '0', or ( p4 = '0' and p6 = '0') These correspond to north or west boundary points, or a southeast corner point. Note that northeast corner points have p2 = '0' and p4 = '0' and thus satisfy conditions (c) and (d), as well as (c') and (d'). This is also true for southwest corner points, which have p6 = '0' and p8 = '0'. Database is generated using fingerprint images acquired from NFD HU 3.8 version optical scanner (Hamster DX model HFDU06). C. IMPLEMENTATION MATLAB IMPLEMENTATION The mean and variance of the input fingerprint image is calculated before it is used for Normalization process. The output image gray scale values are adjusted to a predefined threshold. The mean and variance are calculated and compared with the standard value to normalize the image A normalized fingerprint image is decomposed into approximation and detail sub-images, then estimate the approximation image's orientation. Finally, using Gabor filter to enhance the fingerprint A gray scale image is converted into a binary image using an adaptive thresholding. Each pixel values are analyzed to the input threshold. Those pixel values which are smaller than the threshold value a r e a s s i g n e d zero and those pixel value which are greater than the threshold value are assigned one. Ridges thinning are used to destruct the extra pixel of ridges till the ridges are just one pixel broad. FPGA IMPLEMENTATION The Fingerprint image is converted into text file and stored in a ROM. The Fingerprint image data is a matrix of 256 × 256, and the image format is 256 gray level scale, thus the width of the data is 8 bits These values are copied into the RAM from ROM for processing. The mean of image pixels is calculated and the difference between each image pixel value with that of the mean of the block is obtained. These values are squared and accumulated and stored as variance in RAM unit. The mean and variance outputs of the image are applied to the p r o c e s s i n g b l o c k to get the Normalized fingerprint image. The Normalized image’s gradients in both x and y directions are calculated and used to compute the orientation angle of the image. The orientation process provides the horizontal and vertical derivatives of the normalized image. The output of orientation field estimation is stored in the memory. The control unit takes the data from memory location and sent it to the multiplication-accumulator (MAC) unit. In MAC, ROM stores the coefficient values of the Gabor filter, which defines the ridge and valley region of fingerprint. MAC unit perform the convolution operation. The convoluted signal with the Gabor coefficient is transformed into a matrix format which is the filtered image. Filtered image then binarized to obtain the image with only two values. This helped us in reducing the complexity of handling the gray-level image. The binarized output is applied to thinning block. The thinned image thus obtained f r o m t h e image enhancement t e c h n i q u e process u t i l i z e s less memory. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 51 Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The outputs of each block are synchronized with the 100 MHz clock input. The simulation waveform as shown in Fig.2 depicts the values obtained for the input image pixels and various blocks of the Image enhancement technique. The outputs are in signed decimal values. The input fingerprint image is stored in the ROM initially. The outputs from the individual blocks are at a high impedance state until the image is copied to the RAM block. At the rising edge of the clock, the image is copied into RAM from ROM for processing. (b) Discrete schematic Fig.3 RTL schematic of Image enhancement Technique Results obtained from simulation and implementations are discussed in three different sections considering different aspects: firstly the processing time used, followed by the hardware resources used and finally the performance. (i) Processing time The execution time of the Image enhancement technique is measured for the 25 fingerprint images taken from the database, generated using NFD scanner . It is found that the FPGA implementation is in nanoseconds and MatLab implementation is in microseconds. (i)Hardware resources (ii) Hardware resources The estimated values of the resources consumed by the Image enhancement technique with FPGA implementation is as shown in Table.1. The entries in the Table.1 show that less than 10% of the total available logic is utilized in implementing the proposed image enhancement technique. Fig.2 Simulation waveform of Image enhancement technique The corresponding RTL schematic is generated after synthesizing the image enhancement technique Fig.3 (a) shows the top module and Fig.3 (b) shows the discrete schematic with internal connections of the various blocks of image enhancement technique. (a) Top module Table.1 Hardware Resources Device Utilization Summary (estimated values) Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization(%) Number of Slice Registers 3343 69120 4 Number of Slice LUTs 5455 69120 7 Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs 1666 7132 23 Number of bonded IOBs 9 640 1 Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs 1 32 3 Number of DSP48Es 3 64 4 (iii) Performance The input fingerprint image and the thinned image obtained with MatLab simulation is depicted in Fig.4. The corresponding images with FPGA implementation is as shown in Fig.5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 52 Image Enhancement Technique for Fingerprint Recognition Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES (a)Input Image (b) Thinned Image Fig.4 Fingerprint Image (Matlab) (a) Input Image (b)Thinned Image [1]. Raymond Thai , “Fingerprint image enhancement and minutiae extraction”,- A report on fingerprint image restoration. [2] Byung-Gyu Kim, Han-Ju Kim and Dong-Jo Park, “New Enhancement Algorithm for Fingerprint Images”, IEEE, 2002, pp 1051-4651. [3] Chapa Martell mario alberto, “ Fingerprint image enhancement algorithm implemented on an FPGA”, University of Electro-communications, Tokyo, Japan, August 1, 2009, pp 1-6. [4] Lin Hong, Yifei Wan, and Anil Jain, “Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation”, IEEE Tractions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, vol.20, No.8 August 1998, pp 777-789. [5] Stephan Huckemann, Thomas Hotz, and Axel Munk, “Global models for the orientation field of fingerprints: An approach based on quadratic differentials”, IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, September 2008, vol. 30 , Issue no. 9, 1507-1519 [6]. Ravi.J. et al, “Fingerprint recognition using minutia score matching”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology ,Vol.1(2), 2009, 35-42 [7] Mariano Fons, Francisco Fons, Enrique canto, Mariano Lopez, “Flexible Hardware for Fingerprint Image Processing”, 3rd Conference on microelectronics and electronics, July 2-5, 2007, pp 169-172. [8] Mariano Fons, Francisco Fons, Enrique canto, “Approaching Fingerprint image Enhancement through Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators”, IEEE International symposium on Intelligent signal processing, 2007, pp 1-6. [9] M Fons, F Fons and E canto, “Fingerprint Image Processing Acceleration through run-time Reconfigurable Hardware”, IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems –II Express Briefs, December 2010, Vol.57, N0.12, pp 991-995. [10] T. Zhang and C. Suen, “A fast parallel algorithm for thinning digital patterns,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 27, pp. 236–239, Mar 1984. Fig.5 Fingerprint Image (FPGA) From Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 5(b) it is clear that the resolution of the thinned image obtained from FPGA implementation is better than that of MatLab simulation. E. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT The proposed work is to design and implement the image enhancement technique on FPGA and compare the results thus obtained with that of MatLab simulation. FPGA implementation is carried out using Xilinx ISE Design tool 13.1 I using Verilog coding and Virtex-5 development board. It is found that FPGA implementation has more benefits in terms of less processing time, better clarity in the image obtained and minimal utilization of the available hardware resources. The future work related to the image enhancement technique will be the feature extraction. Then finally a system is built using the above techniques which consists of image enhancement technique and feature extraction followed by matching. This system can be validated for commercial implementation and feasibility. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 53 An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks M.Lavanya, V.Natarajan Department of Instrumentation engineering MIT campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu , India Email: drop2lavi@gmail.com, natraj@mitindia.edu Abstract — Wireless sensor network (WSN) consist of large number of sensor nodes with limitations in their battery, processor and memory. Hence it is difficult to incorporate security measures in such a nodes. But since WSN are used in diverse applications and the deployment area of such networks are unmanned security becomes a basic requirement for preventing the nodes from unauthorized access. This paper gives an intensive study of the authentication techniques for WSN I. INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks are an emerging technology that has impending applications in environment control and biodiversity mapping, Machine surveillance, Precision agriculture, Logistics, Telematics, Disaster detection, Medicine and health care etc. it is a network of tiny, inexpensive autonomous nodes, then can sense compute and communicate data in a wireless medium. Because of the limitations of WSN it has lot of security vulnerabilities. There are seven security requirements availability, authorization, authentication, Integrity and freshness, confidentiality and non repudiation. Besides natural loss of sensor nodes due to energy constraints, a sensor network is also vulnerable to malicious attacks in unattended and hostile environments. In such a scenario maintaining and monitoring of sensor node and their network of communication becomes major issue. we investigate various types of treats and attacks against WSN to save communication cost. This paper is organized as follows, this section gives the protocol stack of WSN and the limitations Section 2 gives all possible attacks in a wireless sensor networks and their counter measures. Section 3 describes the existing authentication techniques and Section 4 concludes the paper. A. Protocol stack of WSN The communication model of wireless sensor network contains 5 layers physical layer, link layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer. Physical layer is responsible for frequency selection, carrier frequency generation, signal detection, modulation and data encryption. Link layer does multiplexing of data streams, data frame detection, medium access and error control. It ensures reliable point to point and point to multi point connections in a communication network. Network and routing layer is usually designed according to the following principles 1. Power efficiency is an important consideration, sensor network is mostly data centric, ideal sensor network has attribute based addressing and location awareness. Transport layer is responsible for managing end to end connections. B. Limitations in WSN A sensor network is subjected to a unique set of resource constraints such as finite on board battery power, limited network communication bandwidth, limited processing capability and limited storage. 1) Energy limitations; Sensing, processing and communication activities of the sensor node consume energy. Communication process consumes more energy than processing model and sensing model. Hence communication is more costly than computation. The design of cryptographic algorithms should be such that the key size or message size should be small so that the no of bits transmitted through the channel is less. 2) Computational limitations; The processors used in WSN are low end processors thus cannot process very complex cryptographic algorithm. 3) Memory limitations; Memory in a sensor node usually includes a flash memory and RAM. Flash memory is used for storing downloaded application code and RAM is used for storing application programs, Sensor data and intermediate computations. Therefore usually there is not enough space for running complicated algorithms. II. SECURITY THREATS AND COUNTER MEASURES The layer based security threats and their counter measures are given the tables Table 1,Table 2 and Table 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 54 An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE 1. PHYSICAL LAYER ATTACKS AND COUNTER MEASURES Attack Counter measures Interference Channel hopping and Blacklisting Jamming Channel hopping and Blacklisting Sybil Physical protection of devices Tampering protection and changing of keys TABLE 2. DATALINK LAYER ATTACKS AND COUNTER MEASURES Attacks Counter measures Collision CRC and time diversity Exhaustion Protection of network ID and other information that is required to joining device Spoofing Use different path for resending the message Sybil Regularly changing of keys De-synchronization Using different neighbors for time synchronization Traffic analysis Sending of dummy packet in regular hours Eavesdropping Session keys to protect from eavesdropper energy symmetric key cryptography is not a recommended technique. Hence we go for public key cryptography. The following are some of the existing authentication techniques for WSN A. 1. User Authentication Ismail et al [1] This scheme utilizes a certificate generated by the BS for user authentication. The disadvantage in this scheme is that it is vulnerable to DOS where the attacker can easily exhaust the energy of the node. 2. Le et al [2] Private information is distributed to a set of user by a trusted server. Later each member of the group can compute a common secure group key using his private information and the identities of other users in the group. Keys are secure against coalitions of up to k users. 3. K.H.M Wong et al[3] The user can query sensor data at any of the sensor node in an ad-hoc manner. Computational load is very less since it requires only simple operations. The drawback in this scheme are it is vulnerable to replay and forgery attacks, passwords could be revealed by any node. User cannot change his/her password freely. TABLE 3. NETWORK LAYER ATTACKS AND COUNTER MEASURES Attacks Counter measures DOS Protection of network specific data link network Selective forwarding Regular monitoring Sybil Changing session keys Traffic analysis Regular monitoring Wormhole Physical monitoring, regular monitoring, monitoring system may use packet per each techniques. 4. This scheme overcomes the replay attack in login phase. The user supplies his id along with the time stamp to the gateway node for authentication. Thus avoids replay. Mutual authentication between the user the gateway node is provided. 5. III. EXISTING AUTHENTICATION TECHNIQUES sThere are a number of authentication techniques for WSN. A network authenticates the user who accesses the information at the node or the sensor node which requires the information. Generally symmetric key or public key cryptography is used for authentication. Because of the serious constraints in WSN like limited memory, limited Vaidya et al[4] Jiang et al This s a distributed user authentication scheme based on Self-certified keys cryptosystem (SCK). ECC is used in SCK to establish pair wise keys for authentication. The disadvantage in this scheme is that it is vulnerable to node capture attack and also requires synchronization between nodes. B. 1. Node Authentication Jennifer L.Wong et al [5] In sensor networks watermarking and other intellectual property protection techniques can be applied at a variety of levels. Design of the sensor nodes and the software used in the network can be protected using functional techniques. More complex watermarking protocols like multiple watermarks, fragile watermarks, ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 55 An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ publicly detectable watermarks and software watermarks are also used for WSN .Real time watermarking aims to authenticate data which is collected by sensor network, the key idea behind watermarking is to impose additional constraints to the system during sensing, data processing, or data acquisition phases. First set of techniques embed the signature into the process of sensing data ie. Additional constraints are imposed on parameters which define the sensor relationship with the physical world, the parameters include location, orientation, frequency and phase of intervals between consecutive data capturing, resolution and intentional addition of obstacles. The proposed protocol is LEAP: Localized Encryption and authentication protocol. This is a key management protocol for sensor network designed to support innetwork processing. This protocol uses four different types of keys for sensor nodes: 1.Individual key shared with base station (BS). 2. Pair wise key shared with other nodes. 3. Cluster key shared with multiple neighbors. 4. Group key shared by all network nodes. The overhead in this technique depends on the type of key used for implementation. Not all four key s are used always. 2. A Security Manager issues the static domain parameters for a newly joining node. This technique use elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Security manager will have the public key of all nodes in the network. Based on the device power and security policy two levels of security are defined : high and medium. The overhead depends on the number of bits chosen for the elliptic curve system. Perrig et al [6] The security requirements are achieved by two building blocks in SPINS called SNEP and µtesla. SNEP is designed to provide data confidentiality, two party data authentication, integrity and freshness. This protocol has low communication overhead. Like many cryptographic protocols it also used a counter. SNEP achieves semantic security: a strong security property which prevents eavesdropper from interfering the message content. It also provides authentication replay protection and weak message freshness. Data confidentiality is achieved through randomization. A random bit string is appended before encryption using DES-CBC, MAC are also used for data authentication and integrity. µtesla is used for authentication broadcast. It addresses the problem faced by TESLA which uses digital signature for authentication that is very expensive for sensor networks. Micro-tesla operates on two different scenarios 1. Base station broadcasts authentication information to nodes 2. Sensor nodes act as sender. The base station computes a MAC on an authenticated packet and sends it to nodes unaware of the key used for computing MAC, nodes stores the packet in buffer. When key is disclosed it can verify the correctness. 3. Karlof et al [7] Tiny sec also provides services like authentication integrity confidentiality and replay protection. The difference between the above mentioned authentication and tiny sec is that there is no counter in tiny sec. CBC mode is used for encryption, CBC-MAC for authentication. Tiny sec specifies two different packet formats. Tinysec_auth to authenticate message. Tinysec_AE to authenticated and encrypted message. The security of CBC-MAC is directly related to the length of the MAC. Tinysec uses 4 byte MAC. An adversary attempts 231 times to attempt blind forgeries i.e. approximately 231 packets must be sent to forge just one malicious packet. This is an adequate level of security in sensor networks. 4. Zhu et al [8] 5. 6. Heo &Hong et al [9] Abdullah et al [10] Uses identity based signature and ECC based digital signature algorithm (DSA). The base station is the private key generator. BS sends its own public key to all nodes and generates the private key for all nodes. The nodes store the id privately and the public system parameter P. BS also generates private key for the users. The authentication is done either by the base station or the neighboring node. Before the authentication process the node should register itself with the BS, after registration the node sends the authentication request message which is signed with the signature generation algorithm of IBS along with time stamp to avoid replay attack. Receiver checks for registration, time stamp is used to verify the freshness, verify the signature using verification algorithm of IBS. After mutual authentication session key is established using one pass session key establishment technique. This protocol achieves the following security fundamentals like mutual authentication, Integrity, confidentiality, availability, session key agreement. The architecture of the proposed protocol consists of network administrator, BS nodes and users. 7. Aydos et al [11] The advantage of this protocol is low computational burden and lower communication Bandwidth and storage requirement. It uses ECC, and there are two phases: 1. Terminal and server initialization 2. Mutual authentication and key agreement. The drawback of this protocol is it is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. The attacks can be categorized into two forms; attack from user within the system and attack from any attacker. This protocol cannot provide entity ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 56 An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ authentication of servers to terminal. Public key certificate verification is not designed properly i.e. there is now way to verify the association between public key certificate and the public key. access the BS. This protocol improves the lifetime of WSN. 8. This proposed protocol contains the registration, login authentication and key generation phases. This also supports mutual authentication. In the registration phase the sensor node and the users register themselves to Gateway node (GWN). Login phase is for user verification, where the login and password of the user are verified. This protocol satisfies the security requirements like mutual authentication, password protection, password changing/updating, identity protection, key agreement, and resilience to stolen smart card attack replay attack. The computation cost is comparable to the latest authentication protocol proposed by Xue et al but the disadvantages like dictionary attack and stolen smart card attack are overcome in this protocol. Mangi et al[12] The author proposed a user authentication protocol to overcome the difficulties of the previous protocol. There are two phases, the initialization phase were user and server initializations are done separately. Next is the user authentication phase. This protocol is robust to man in the middle attack but vulnerable to forgery certificate attack launched by attacker after forging the certificate. Security analysis of this protocol identifies the following drawbacks 1.The protocol doesn’t provide entity authentication to server 2. No forward security is provided 3. Explicit key authentication not provided. 9. Lin et al [13] This protocol takes station to station protocol as its basic framework. To make the protocol more efficient Schnorr signature scheme is used for DSA. This protocol provides entity authentication and definite key authentication to both communication parties. Session key is calculated from random number generated by two communicating parties every time. Security depends on difficulty calculating ECC discrete logarithm. This protocol also maintains forward secrecy, since session keys are generated as random numbers it provides key compromise impersonation unknown key share, key control and terminal anonymity. 10. 12. 13. Majid Bayat et al[16] Nan et al Cross layer design can share information among different protocol layers for adaptation purposes and increase the inter layer interaction. The proposed security framework has Energy efficient cross layer framework for security (ECFS), since in WSN the nodes are resource constrained and transmission range is limited, it is impossible to monitor the behavior of the entire network. ECPS security framework is shown in the fig .1 Maha Sliti et al [14] This protocol uses ECC and threshold signature. The proposed authentication technique is adapted in WhoMoVes framework, that has been introduced by the authors for military target tracking. This framework has the following characteristics; 1.Energy aware coverage control. 2. Coverage preserving mobility controls.3. High quality data gathering. Fake warnings from the sensor are avoided by counting k-valid alerts. The authentication framework has the following phases; node registration to certificate authority (CA), intermediate signature verification and generation, global message verification. Elliptic threshold signature algorithm is used for implementing k-security. 11. Qasim et al [15] A new layer called the security layer is added to the WSN architecture in this system. This addition prevents the network from security threats. The BS can’t be acceded directly by the user, user has to authenticate itself from the Kerberos server and then obtain ticket to fig.1 EPCS Security framework 14) Liu et al [17] In the proposed work network monitoring is done taking energy efficiency into consideration. A subset of sensor nodes are selected as monitors in the network and each sensor node is monitored by at least k nodes. A collective monitoring triggering scheme is proposed to improve the capability and reliability of monitoring system. SpyMon monitoring system was designed to achieve security, energy efficiency and reliability. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 57 An Exhaustive Study on the Authentication Techniques for Wireless sensor networks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Systems, (DCOSS ’09),Marina California, USA, June 8-10, 2009 15) Dae et al The proposed work uses public key cryptography (PKC) authentication scheme. Three protocols were proposed for public key authentication. The number of nodes that assist in performing the authentication voting is k with an error range of e each node requires k-e/2 no of faked keys to redirect the result of authentication. Wong, K.H.M.; Zheng, Y.; Cao, J.; Wang, S. “A Dynamic User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC’06), Taichung, Taiwan, 5–7 June 2006 [4]. Vaidya, B.; Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.; Park, J.H. “User authentication schemes with pseudonymity for ubiquitous sensor network” in NGN. Int. J. Commun. Syst. 2009, 23, 1201–1222. [5]. Hui Kang, Jennifer L. Wong: A Localized MultiHop Desynchronization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2009: 2906-2910 [6]. Adrian Perrig, Robert Szewczyk,J D Tygar, Victor Wen, David E Culler,”SPINS: Security Protocols For Sensor Networks”, Wireless Networks 8:521-534, September 2002. [7]. Karlof, C., Sastry, N. & Wagner, D. (2004). “TinySec: A Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensors. Baltimore, MD, USA, 2004. [8]. Zhu, S., Setia, S. & Jajodia, S. (2004). “LEAP: Efficient Security Mechanism for Large-Scale Distributed Sensor Networks”. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS), Washinton DC, USA, 2003. [9]. Heo and C.S. Hong, “Efficient and Authenticated Key Agreement Mechanism in Low-Rate WPAN Environment”, International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing 2006, Phuket, Thailand ,16-18 January 2006, IEEE 2006, pp. 15. 17) Kalvinder et al [19] This protocol is used for distributing keys in WSN, a modified PPK protocol uses elliptic curves instead of RSA, and the most difficult part of this protocol is mapping A, B, KAB to a random point on the elliptic curve. The function f1 is used to generate a point in elliptic curve , function f2 is used to generate a new key, the procedure involves calculating a hash of the key. This protocol has the advantage of less number of messages communicate and less MAC calculations . IV. CONCLUSION A data is said to be transmitted securely if it maintains its secrecy. To achieve confidentiality authentication of the participants is necessary. There are many techniques for authentication some of them are discussed in this paper. Authentication is an effective method to repel replay and node tampering attack. The compelling challenges for authentication technique are how to increase scalability of the network, communication speed and how to decrease communication cost in order to provide security in less time. REFERENCES [1]. 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Tien-Ho Chen and Wei-Kuan Shih "A Robust Mutual Authentication Protocol for Wireless ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 59 Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data 1 Anoop M V, 2V Ravi Department of Computer Science, Professor, Department of Computer Science Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Line 3: Tumkur, Karnataka, India Email: 1aoop6656@gmail.com, 2rsheelavanth@yahoo.co.in Abstract— In the recent years, both the owners and the users are motivated to deploy their data to public cloud servers for greater usage and less cost in data management. For the privacy issues, sensitive data should be encrypted before deploying, which uses traditional data utilization like keyword-based document retrieval. Information search and document retrieval from a remote database (e.g. cloud server) requires submitting the search terms to the database holder. However, the search terms may contain sensitive information that must be kept secret from the database holder. Moreover, the privacy concerns apply to the relevant documents retrieved by the user in the later stage since they may also contain sensitive data and reveal information about sensitive search terms. In this paper, we propose a semantic multi-keyword ranked search scheme over the encrypted cloud data, which simultaneously meets a set of strict privacy requirements. Firstly, we utilize the “Latent Semantic Analysis” to reveal the relationship between terms and documents. The relationship between terms is automatically captured. Secondly, our scheme employs secure “k-nearest neighbour (k-NN)” to achieve secure search functionality. The proposed scheme could return not only the exact matching files, but also the files including the term latent semantically associated with the query keyword. Finally, the experimental result demonstrates that our method is better than the original MRSE scheme. Index Terms— Cloud Computing, Latent Semantic Anlytics,Multi-Keyword Ranked Search I. INTRODUCTION traditional data utilization like keyword-based document retrieval. Information search and document retrieval from a remote database (e.g. cloud server) requires submitting the search terms to the database holder. However, the search terms may contain sensitive information that must be kept secret from the database holder. Moreover, the privacy concerns apply to the relevant documents retrieved by the user in the later stage since they may also contain sensitive data and reveal information about sensitive search terms. In this paper, we propose a semantic multi-keyword ranked search scheme over the encrypted cloud data, which simultaneously meets a set of strict privacy requirements. Firstly, we utilize the “Latent Semantic Analysis” to reveal the relationship between terms and documents. The relationship between terms is automatically captured. Secondly, our scheme employs secure “k-nearest neighbour (k-NN)” to achieve secure search functionality. The proposed scheme could return not only the exact matching files, but also the files including the term latent semantically associated with the query keyword. Finally, the experimental result demonstrates that our method is better than the original MRSE scheme. Computing power, or specially crafted development environments, without having to worry how these works internally. Cloud computing is a system architecture model for Internet-based computing. It is the development and use of computer technology on the Internet. The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet based on how the internet is described in computer network diagrams; which means it is an abstraction hiding the complex infrastructure of the internet. It is a style of computing in which IT-related capabilities are provided “as a service”, allowing users to access technologyenabled services from the Internet ("in the cloud") without knowledge of, or control over the technologies behind these servers [2]. Due to the overwhelming merits of cloud computing, such as scalability cost-effectiveness, and flexibility, more and more organizations are willing to outsource their data for storing in the cloud. The benefits of utilizing the cloud (lower operating costs, elasticity and so on) come with a trade-off. Users will have to entrust their data to a potentially untrustworthy cloud provider. [1] As a result, cloud security has become an important problem for both industry and academia. One important security problem is the potential privacy leakages that Organizations use the Cloud in a variety of different may occur when outsourcing data to the cloud. The idea service models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) and deployment behind cloud computing is similar: The user can simply models (Private, Public, and Hybrid). There are a use storage, computing In the recent years, both the number of security issues/concerns associated with owners and the users are motivated to deploy their data cloud computing but these issues fall into two broad to public cloud servers for greater usage and less cost in categories: security issues faced by cloud providers data management. For the privacy issues, sensitive data (organizations providing software-, platform-, or should be encrypted before deploying, which uses ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 60 Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data ________________________________________________________________________________________________ infrastructure as-a-service via the cloud) and security issues faced by their customers. In most cases, the provider must ensure that their infrastructure is secure and that their clients’ data and applications are protected while the customer must ensure that the provider has taken the proper security measures to protect their information. Despite the tremendous business and technical advantages, privacy concern is one of the primary hurdles that prevent the widespread adoption of the cloud by potential users, especially if their sensitive data are to be outsourced to and computed in the cloud. We aim to achieve an efficient system where any authorized user can perform a search on a remote database with multiple keywords, without revealing neither the keywords he searches for, nor the contents of the documents he retrieves. Moreover, our pro- posed system is able to perform multiple keyword searches in a single query and ranks the results so the user can retrieve only the top matches. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows. In this paper, we will solve the problem of multi-keyword latent semantic ranked search over encrypted cloud data and retrieve the most relevant files. We define a new scheme named Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) -based multi-keyword ranked search which supports multi-keyword latent semantic ranked search. By using LSA, the proposed scheme could return not only the exact matching files, but also the files including the term latent semantically associated with the query keyword. Additionally, this work requires keyword fields in the index. This means that the user must know a list of all valid keywords and their positions as compulsory information to generate a query. This assumption may not be applicable in several cases. It is not efficient due to matrix multiplication operations of square matrices where the number of rows is in the order of several thousands. Wang et al. [7] propose a trapdoor less private keyword search scheme, where their model requires a trusted third party which they named as the Group Manager. We adapt their indexing method to our scheme, but we use a totally different encryption methodology to increase the security and efficiency of the scheme. III. PROPOSED SYETM The problem that we consider is privacy-preserving keyword search on the private database model, where the documents are simply encrypted with the secret keys unknown to the actual holder of the database (i.e. Cloud Server). We consider three roles coherent with previous works. A. System Model The System Model consists of three different entities: The Data Owner, The Cloud Server and The Data User. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we discuss the related previous works. Section 3 gives about a proposed system in which there will be brief description about system model, design goals, notations and latent semantic analysis. Section 4 gives proposed scheme whereas in Section 5 there will be performance analysis, followed by conclusions and at last there is a reference section. II. RELATED WORK The problem of Private Information Retrieval was first introduced by Chor et al. [4]. Recently Groth et al. [5] propose a multi-query PIR method with constant communication rate.Any, any PIR-based technique requires highly costly cryptographic operations in order to hide the access pattern. This is inefficient in the large scale cloud system and as an alternative approach, privacy preserving search is employed which aims to hide the content of the retrieved data instead of which data is retrieved. a) Data Owner: There can be n number of users (owners) in cloud and each user (owner) can store n number of files. Owner first logins using his username and password. One of the closest methods of our solution is proposed by Cao et al. [6]. Similar to our approach presented here, it proposes a method that allows multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted database. In this method, the data owner needs to distribute a symmetric-key which is used in the trapdoor generation to all authorized users. o Upload: For secure data sharing, the owner encrypts the file before uploading it to cloud. As Encryption is the standard method for making a communication private. Before doing so, the owner defies an access structure for the file.After defining an access structure, encrypts the file using RSA algorithm Fig1. Architecture of MRSE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 61 Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data ________________________________________________________________________________________________ that is named after the initials of its inventors: R for Rivest, S for Shamir, and A for Adelman. It is most popular and secure public-key encryption method where the file is encrypted using public key and may only be decrypted by its corresponding Private Key. Encrypted file is then uploaded to server. In cloud the file is stored under those particular owners folder. Encryption time is calculated in milliseconds for each file by calculating the difference between encryption start time and encryption end time. gets the list of files to which he has access from server i.e. only those files whose access structure are satisfied by that particular users attributes are listed. o User Registration: Owner has the right to provide access to the file he owns. To do so, he first registers users by assigning a username, password, eligible time period, attributes for each of them and stores in a database. Along with this a random key is generated and stored. Here eligible time period indicates that user can access the file only within that time. If the owner tries to assign a username that already exists an error will be displayed. In other words, username must be unique. But a single user can be registered by n number of owners. B. o Access Control List: Owner creates an access control list which consists of all the authorized users details required by server for further activities. Then the owner uploads the list to cloud. b) Cloud Service Provider: Whenever it receives a download request from users, it re-encrypts that particular file. The re-encryption is keyword and information retrieval based, therefore AES algorithm is used. It is an efficient algorithm as keys can be generated based on our inputs. o Upload: Upload option is active for users who have write permission only. If the user has write permission, after making modifications to the downloaded file he has to encrypt it before uploading it back to server. Public key issued by the owner is used for encryption. Encrypted file is then uploaded to server. Design Goals The cloud server both follows the designated protocol specification but at the same time analyzes data in its storage and message flows received during the protocol so as to learn additional information. The designed goals of our system are following: 1. Latent Semantic Search: We use statistical techniques to estimate the latent semantic structure and, get rid of obscuring “noise” [8]. 2. Multi-keyword Ranked Search: It supports both multi-keyword query and support result ranking. 3. Privacy-Preserving: Our scheme is designed to meet the privacy requirement and prevent the cloud server from learning additional information from the index and trapdoor. Privacy requirements are as below; o Search Manager: Receives the keyword matrix for searching, searches the document and sends the ranked document list to the user. Index Confidentiality: The Trapdoor values of keywords are stored in the index. Thus, the index stored in the cloud server needs to be encrypted; Trapdoor Unlink ability: The cloud server should not be able to deduce relationship between trapdoors. Keyword Privacy: The cloud server could not discern the keyword in query, index by analyzing the statistical information like term frequency. c) C. o Storage Manager: Receives the encrypted data from the data owner index the document and makes it available for searching. Client: Notations and Preliminaries o Login: Users who have the access can login using the username and password given by the owner after registration. If wrong username or password is entered, an error message will be displayed and login fails.If successful, user is asked to enter the random key for next level authentication. The key entered is checked with the key assigned to user by the owner using the username submitted at first level. If there is a mismatch, a message is displayed saying wrong key. Else user is re-directed to new window where he can download/upload the data. D --the plaintext document collection, denoted as a set of n data D = {d1, d2 ...dm}. C --the encrypted document collection stored in the cloud server, denoted C = {c1, c2....cm}. W--the dictionary, the keyword set composing of m keyword, denoted W= {w1, w2 ...wn}. I--the searchable index associated, denoted I (I1, I2...In). o Download: If the user needs to access the data means they need to decrypt the data twice. The user first Q--the query vector indicating the keywords of interest where each bit represents the existence of ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 62 Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data ________________________________________________________________________________________________ the corresponding keyword in the Q [j] ∈{0,1}Q represents the existence of the corresponding keyword in the query. D. Latent Semantic Analysis A technique in natural language processing, in particular in vectorial semantics, of analyzing relationships between a set of documents and the terms they contain by producing a set of concepts related to the documents and terms. LSA assumes that words that are close in meaning will occur in similar pieces of text. A matrix containing word counts per paragraph (rows represent unique words and columns represent each paragraph) is constructed from a large piece of text and a mathematical technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to reduce the number of columns while preserving the similarity structure among rows. Words are then compared by taking the cosine of the angle between the two vectors formed by any two rows. Values close to 1 represent very similar words while values close to 0 represent very dissimilar words. In information retrieval, latent semantic analysis is a solution for discovering the latent semantic relationship. It adopts singular-value decomposition, which is abbreviated as SVD to find the semantic structure between terms and documents. In this paper, the termdocument matrix consists of rows, each of which represents the data vector for each file, n A`= (A` [1], A` [2]........... A` [j] ...A`[m]) (1) as depicted in the Eq.1. Then, we take a large termdocument matrix and decompose it into a set of, orthogonal factors from which the original matrix can be approximated by linear combination. For example, a term-document matrix named can be decomposed into the product of three other matrices: A′ A`=U`. S`. V` (2) Such that U` and V` have orthonormal columns, is diagonal. We choose previous k columns of S`, and then deleting the corresponding columns of U` and V` respectively. The result is a reduced model: A= S`. U`. V`= A` (3) Secure k-NN: In order to compute the inner product in a privacypreserving method, we will adapt the secure -nearest neighbor scheme. This splitting technique is secure against known-plaintext attack, which is roughly equal in security to ad-bit symmetric key [8]. IV. PROPOSED SCHEMA The data owner builds a term-document matrix A′. We reduce the dimensions of the original matrix to get a new matrix which is calculated the best “reduceddimension” approximation to the original term document matrix. Specially, A [j], denotes the j-th column of the matrix A. Setup The data owner generates a n+2 bit vector as X and two (n+2)* (n+2) invertible matrices {M1,M2}. The secret key SK is the form of a 3-tuple {X, M1, M2.} BuildIndex(A`,FSK) The data owner extracts a term-document matrix A′. Following, we multiply these three matrices to get the result matrix Taking privacy into consideration, it is necessary that the matrix is encrypted before outsourcing. After applying dimension-extending, the original A[j] is extended to (n+2) dimensions instead on n. The SubIndex I1= { M1T.A`[j], M2T.A``[j]}is built. Trapdoor (W~) With t keywords of interest in ~ W as input, one binary vector is generated Q. The trapdoor TW~ is generated as {M1-1.Q~, M2-1.Q~}. Query (TW~, l, I) The inner product of Ij and TW~ is calculated by the cloud server. After sorting all scores, the cloud server returns the top-l ranked id list to the data user. V. PERFROMANCE ANALYSIS Considering analyzing a document for finding the keywords in it, is out of the scope of this work, a synthetic database is created by assigning random keywords with random term frequencies for each document. F-measure that combines precision and recall is the harmonic mean of precision and recall [9]. Here, we adopt F-measure to weigh the result of our experiments. For a clear comparison, our proposed scheme attains score higher than the original MRSE in F-measure. Since the original scheme employs exact match, it must miss some similar words which is similar to the keywords. However, our scheme can make up for this disadvantage, and retrieve the most relevant files. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, along with MRSE support for latent semantic search is proposed. We use the vectors consisting of TF values as indexes to documents. These vectors constitute a matrix, from which we analyze the ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 63 Support of Multi keyword Ranked Search by using Latent Semantic Analysis over Encrypted Cloud Data ________________________________________________________________________________________________ latent semantic association between terms and documents by LSA. Taking security and privacy into consideration, we employ a secure splitting k-NN technique to encrypt the index and the queried vector, so that we can obtain the accurate ranked results and protect the confidentiality of the data well. [5] B. Chor, E. Kushilevitz, O. Goldreich, and M. Sudan. Private information retrieval. J. ACM, 45:965 {981, November 1998. [6] J. Groth, A. Kiayias, and H. Lipmaa. Multi-query computationally-private information retrieval with constant communication rate. In PKC, pages 107 {123, 2010. VII REFERENCES [1] K. Wren, C. Wang and Q. Wang, "Security challenges for the public cloud", Internet Computing, IEEE, vol. 16, no. 1, (2012), pp. 6973. [7] N. Cao, C. Wang, M. Li, K. Ren, and W. Lou. Privacy-preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data. In IEEE INFOCOM, 2011. [2] Armbrust, M., et al., A view of cloud computing. Communications of the ACM, 2010. 53 (4): p. 50-58. [8] P. Wang, H. Wang, and J. Pieprzyk. An efficient scheme of common securities indices for conjunctive keyword-based retrieval of encrypted data. In Information Security Applications, [3] P. Mell and T. Grance, “The nist definition of cloud computing (draft),” NIST Special Publication, 2011. [9] Wong, W.K., et al. Secure KNN computation on encrypted databases. in Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data. 2009. ACM. [10] Powers, D.M. The problem with kappa. in Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2012. Association for Computational Linguistics. [4] Deerwester, S.C., et al., Indexing by latent semantic analysis. JASIS, 1990. 41 (6): p. 391407. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 64 Car Parking Management System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Car Parking Management System Chandra Prabha R1,Vidya Devi M.2,Sharook Sayeed3,Sudarshan Garg4, Sunil K.R5, Sushanth H J 6 Department of Electronics and Communication, BMS Institute of Technology ,Bangalore, Email: Indiamailrchandu@gmail.com1, mvidyadevi@gmail.com2, sharooksayeed@gmail.com3, sudarshangarg05@gmail.com 4, sunil1992.kumar12@gmail.com5, sushanthhj@gmail.com 6 ABSTRACT: In the trend of increasing traffic, it is necessary to have systems monitoring parking spaces efficiently. Until now, sensors were used to keep a tab on traffic. The sensors help in finding out the location of the car slot that is filled up. These sensors aren’t reliable when it comes to differentiating the car and other objects. We have come up with an alternative method for monitoring parking spaces. We have used openCV libraries and python to do the coding on raspberry pi. With the help of image processing, we find the centroid of the car, this location of the centroid gives the exact location of the cars occupying the parking spaces and can be found in real time. The number of cars present in the parking lot can also be found by using the concept of contours. The number of cars in the parking lot can be found by counting the contours in the image. A threshold has been set in both the parts to differentiate between car and other objects all this happens in real time coverage of the parking lot. In this system, the cost of the monitoring system is reduced considerably, as it uses resources that are cheap and available everywhere. There is no need of human intervention once the system is put in place Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Canny, Open CV, Python, contours, centroid,car parking system I. INTRODUCTION: In this era of increasing need to travel, the number of cars also increases, which results in increment in the space required for parking cars. Management of these parking lots is to be done in a very efficient way using limited resources. The objective of this paper is to get information of the parking lot at any place and to provide that information to the new coming vehicle There are two parts in our car parking management system. The first tells the number of cars present in the parking lot. The next part tells us the exact location of the car in the parking lot. To find the number of cars, the image of the empty parking lot is taken and series of images are taken at every instant. These two images i.e. the image at that instant and the empty parking place images are subtracted. The subtracted image gives the cars. By using the concept of contours, the number of cars can be obtained. The contour is set to a threshold value to differentiate between car and other objects. Thus a counter is applied which counts the number of cars present in the lot and this is displayed on the seven segment display. In the next part, to find the exact location of the car, the images are subtracted i.e. the image of the parking layout at that instant and the image of the empty parking lot. This image gives the location of car. The concept of contours and movement detection is applied and the value of contours is set to differentiate between cars and other objects such as bikes, humans, etc. The centroid of the image is found. By locating the centroid in real time the exact location of the car can be found. The main idea of this method is that, this is an alternative method of implementing parking management using the available resources. The resources are of less cost and easily available everywhere. II. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION: The model uses Raspberry Pi Model B which has 512Mb RAM, 2 USB ports and an Ethernet port. It has a Broadcom BCM2835 system on a chip which includes an ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHz processor, Video Core IV GPU, and an SD card. It has a fast 3D core accessed using the supplied OpenGL ES2.0, OpenCV and OpenVG libraries. The chip specifically provides HDMI and there is also a VGA support. The foundation provides Debian and Arch Linux ARM distributions and also Python as the main programming language. We capture the image using the USB camera. This image is being processed by the raspberry pi and the available parking space is displayed on the screen. Here we will be using image subtraction in order to find out the number of cars present by subtracting the original image as well as the updated image Figure 1: Raspberry Pi ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 65 Car Parking Management System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ that particular spot is not free. This shows the parking space which is occupied. Some of the concepts used in the methodology are explained. CANNY EDGE DETECTION The Canny edge detector is anedge detection[1]operator that uses a multi-stagealgorithmto detect a wide range of edges in images. The algorithm consists of 5 separate steps: 1. Smoothing: Blurring of the image to remove noise. 2. Finding gradients: The edges should be marked where the gradients of the image has large magnitudes. 3. Non-maximum suppression: Only local maxima should be marked as edges. 4. Double thresholding: Potential determined by thresholding. 5. Edge tracking by hysteresis: Final edges are determined by suppressing all edges that are not connected to a very certain (strong) edge. Figure2: Block Diagram III. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION: Raspberry Pi can run on many operating systems such NOOBS (New out Of Box Software), Raspbian (Debian for Raspberry), RISC OS, Arch Linux, Open Elec, etc. In our study we have used raspbian .There is another application called as OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) which is a library containing programming functions which aims at real-time computing. Raspberry Pi uses many languages such as C++, Python, Ruby, C#, Etc. We have used python because python is widely used and allows us to express in fewer lines of code. Python supports object-oriented, functional programming or procedural styles and automatic memory management. IV. METHODOLOGY The image of the empty parking lot is taken. The web cam keeps taking images every instant and keeps subtracting from the previous image. The result of this subtraction will be the change in movement. These changes are applied to the concept of contours. The contours limit is set to certain pixel area. If the contour in the subtracted image exceeds the threshold, the counter is given plus one. If the contour size doesn’t exceed the limit the counter value remains unchanged. This gives the number of vehicles in the parking lot. An image of empty parking lot is taken. Next at every instant, images of the parking lot are taken. The image at any instant could again be an empty parking lot or it could be parking lot with few vehicles. Both these images are then converted from colour images to grey scale images. Then the absolute difference of these images is taken using the concept of Image Subtraction. Image subtraction or pixel subtraction is a process whereby the digital numeric value of one pixel or whole image is subtracted from another image. This is primarily done for one of two reasons – levelling uneven sections of an image such as half an image having a shadow on it, or detecting changes between two images. Then using the concept of the contours, centroid of each vehicle present in the parking lot is found. And if the centroid for a vehicle is not detected then it indicates- edges are Edge detection enhances the accuracy of contour in the image. So edge detection is done before applying contours. CONTOURS Contours can be explained simply as a curve joining all the continuous points (along the boundary), having same colour or intensity. The contours are a useful tool for shape analysis and object detection and recognition. The points are selected such that, contours can be drawn as straight line joining these points. So, if object is a horizontal or vertical line, only end points are stored. If object is a rectangle, only 4 vertices are stored. The figure 3 shows the contours of rectangle. Figure 3: Contours of rectangle Contours are represented in OpenCV by sequences in which every entry in the sequence encodes information about the location of the next point on the curve. CENTROID: To find the centroid of the contour, Image moments are used. This helps in calculating some features like centre of mass of the object, area of the object etc. Moments are nothing but it is a certain particular weighted average (moment) of the image pixels' intensities, or a function ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 66 Car Parking Management System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ of such moments, usually chosen to have some attractive property or interpretation. Contour Approximation will remove small curves, there by approximating the contour more to straight line. The centroid of a random contour is shown in figure 4. Results of indication the location of space which is not free in parking lot. The image of the empty parking lot is as shown in the figure 6.The dialog box named Live gives the real time coverage of the parking lot. The dialog named Background shows the empty parking lot. The image is divided into 4 quadrants. When the car occupies anyone of the quadrants or parking space. The centroid of the car (contour) is found and displayed. The car when occupies 3rd quadrant it is displayed as 3rd NOT FREE as in the figure 7. Figure 4: Centroid of a random contour RESULTS: Results of finding the number of cars in the parking lot. Figure 5 indicates the basic output layout of the system. The output is shown on LCD display. As shown in the figure the brighter dialog box indicates the empty parking lot. The dialog box named Difference shows the real time output. Once the car comes and parks at the location it counts the number of contours and displays the output on the 7 segment display as shown in the figure 6.Therefore as the number of cars increase and decrease the count on the 7 segment changes accordingly. Figure 7:Image of empty parking lot Figure 8: Busy Location CONCLUSION: Figure 5 :Basic output layout Figure 6: Display of location on Seven Segment In this modern scenario of increasing vehicles on road, an efficient system is required to keep a tab on the vehicles. The place where the vehicles needs to be parked are to be maintained most efficiently so that the car parking doesn’t become an issue to the traffic flow in the streets due to less space availability .Car parking using Raspberry pi is one such project which indicates the number of vehicles present in the parking lot and also the exact position of the vehicle in the parking lot. This project has been completed using minimum available resources and minimum cost. The big advantage of this car parking management system is that it does not require any sensors at all. It just requires a display to indicate the exact position of the vehicle and a seven segment display to indicate the ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 67 Car Parking Management System ________________________________________________________________________________________________ number of vehicles present in the parking lot. Also this method can be easily implemented in a short period of time and does not require periodic maintenance. REFERENCES: [1] Jignesh K Tank Prof.Vandana Patel.” Edge Detection Using Different Algorithms in Raspberry Pi”. [2] Tang, Vanessa WS, Yuan Zheng, and Jiannong Cao. "An intelligent car parking management system based on wireless sensor networks." Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2006. [3] Maire, Michael, et al. "Using contours to detect and localize junctions in natural images." Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008.CVPR 2008.IEEE, 2008. [4] Moon, Jung-Ho, and Tae Kwon Ha. "A Car Parking Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks." FUTURE SCOPE: While working on the development of Car Parking management system using Raspberry Pi we found that with little modification in the project several new features could be added. Following are the things that can be done with few modifications. Better resolution camera can be used for better edges in the images. Make a Haar Classifier to recognize car more accurately Type of car can be recognized. Integrate the app with smart phone so that the owner is updated with the car location every minute. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 68 Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film Manisha R.Mhetre, H.K.Abhyankar Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune - 411037, Maharashtra, India Email: manisha.mhetre@gmail.com Abstract—Now a days due to air pollution (air born pollutants) respiratory disorders such as Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD),ling cancer are increasing. Due to lack of awareness about this and not having routine checkups facility in small clinics, diseased condition come to know in when it become risky. There is a need to have cost effective and simple measuring device to be available for routine checkups of respiratory system. Among different sensors used for exhaled air flow measurement PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) film is used for experimentation with a advantage of having voltage generation without supply with good accuracy. Experimentation is carried out to investigate the sensitivity and range of voltage generation from exhalation using the piezoelectric sensor through pipes of different diameter and with different locations of film in pipe from mouth. PVDF (Polyvinylidene Chloride) film is also tested for its pyroelectric effect, CO2 change effect and air volume measurement as there is an increase in temperature and carbon dioxide level of human exhalation blow than atmospheric temperature and carbon dioxide levels. The prototype was developed and tested for detection of air flow rate and volume of different subjects. The results of these experiments are presented in this paper. Keywords—- Peak expiratory flow (PEF), Asthma , piezoelectric sensor, PVDF film, Exhalation flow measurements I. INTRODUCTION Human lung system is the purification centre of the body where deoxygenated blood rich in CO2 from cardiovascular system is purified in tiny air sac called alveoli which is unit functional part of bean shaped lung system and abundant in number .Actual diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide is carried out due to partial pressure difference of these gases present in air sac and RBC present in blood. Resistance to inhaled air flow from nasal cavity through trachea and bronchioles to air sac is provided which increases the temperature of the exhaled air. Amount of air and the rate of the exhaled air decide the healthy condition of the respiratory system. The Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) is a person‟s maximum speed of expiration. Peak flow readings are higher when patients are well and lower when the airways are constricted. Spirometry (meaning the measuring of breath) is the most common of the Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs), in which the measurement of the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled is carried out. Spirometery is an important tool used for generating spirogram which is helpful in assessing conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and its severity. Spirometry test is performed using a device called SPIROMETER which measures different lung volumes and air flow rate. There are different method for air flow measurement in different types of spirometer viz Turbine type, differential pressure type, bellow type, Ultrasonic etc, each having some advantages and disadvantages. There are some Challenges in exhaled air flow measurements using Spirometer: (i) very low air force and pressure in mbar is exerted from mouth for its measurement (ii) complex Signal conditioning required as very low amplitude signals (in milli or micro volt range) available (iii) less Span of time of exhalation blow ( 4 to 5 sec only) to capture the signal by the sensor. Many sensors are tested in spirometer to detect proper air flow measurement in the above limitations. In this paper a new approach is reported and tested for human exhaled air flow measurement using Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) [1]. Piezoelectricity is the ability of the material to produce voltage whenever it is mechanically strained /stressed. PVDF is used for many biomedical applications because of its piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties [2]. The pyroelectricic property of PVDF is used to detect sleep apnea [5] and to monitor a respiration rate [6]. Experiments to investigate the voltage generation by human exhalation using the piezoelectric sensor were undertaken. Piezoelectric sensor was tested for maximum voltage output by human exhalation. Its properties are checked in a Lab for suitability of the sensor for exhaled air flow measurement. After this testing , a prototype is developed with proper signal conditioning which is tested for measurement of exhalation of different subjects. The results of these experiments are presented. The aim of our present work is to investigate the use of the PVDF based air flow sensor as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the exhaled air flow. II. PIEZOELECTRIC SENSOR A Greek word „Piezo‟ means pressure electricity. Piezoelectricity is the creation of an electric charge in a ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 69 Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film ________________________________________________________________________________________________ material when subjected to an applied stress. This electric charge is a result of the crystal structure or atomic arrangement of the material. The charge is created by a slight deformation of a material when subjected to an external stress, which causes a slight variation in the bond lengths between cations and anions, Certain crystals show piezoelectric effect as well as other Composites such as polycrystalline Lead Zirconate Titanate based ferroelectric ceramic materials after being subjected to a certain process to make them piezoelectric materials. When they are subjected to a mechanical strain they become electrically polarized and the degree of polarization is proportional to the applied strain. The opposite effect is also possible: when they are subjected to an external electrical field they are deformed [3]. Piezoelectric materials (PZT) can be used as medium to convert mechanical energy, usually forces into electrical energy that can be stored and used to generate power. It is a technology of great interest where available power is limited [4] Voltage generation due to stress is piezo film is represented by the equations 1 and 2 as follows: S=d·E+s·T (1) image of Piezo film (PVDF) used in our study by measurement specialist [7]. Fig 1: DT Series Elements with lead attachment PVDF is a non-reactive, flexible, light weight and a biocompatible polymer available in various thickness and size and has a strong piezoelectric property. As Piezo film is active in nature it produces voltage upon force application. This unique property enables us to measure very low level exhaled air force measurement in 31 mode. It is also extremely durable, capable of withstanding hundreds of millions of flexing cycles, and shock resistant. Table [1] shows the various parameters of PVDF film, with a emphasize on having large stress constant (g31) for conversion of low air force. In this experiment, force is applied in 3 direction on Piezo sensor placed in a pipe i.e. exhaled air flow and electrode are attached in 1 direction on the sensor to get the voltage output (Mode 31) is used. Table 1: Specification sheet for PVDF film by MESAS D=d·T+ε·E (2) When a strip of piezoelectric film is stretched it generates electrical signal (charge or voltage between upper and lower electrode surfaces), proportional to the amount of elongation. This is the quasi static condition of the material and its detail mathematical expression is given by equations 3 and 4. S =d31 / t· V + (1/ Y11 · wt) · F (3) Q = d31.l / t· F + C · V (4) Where S is the effective strain of the device, Q is the electrical charge on the electrodes of the device, F is the force exerted on the device, V is the voltage across the electrodes, Y is Young‟s modulus under constant voltage, d is the general piezoelectric coefficient, C is the capacitance under constant force, l, w, t stand for effective length, width and thickness respectively, and the indices stand for the direction. Voltage developed by the piezoelectric material depend upon piezoelectric strain constant, d; electro-mechanical coupling coefficient, k; piezoelectric voltage constant, g; and permittivity of the material, ε. Different Piezo sensors of different manufacturers are available in market for measurement, fig [1] shows the The DT Series Piezo film sensor with lead attachment having 28µm thickness in mode 31 and, instrumentation amplifier (AD 620, Analog Devices, USA) with high input impedance to interface with PVDF film having high impedance for amplification is used in this experiment. Shot key diode for rectification of ac generated signal of film is used for testing, as it is having very low forward voltage drop of .2V only. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 70 Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film ________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP First of all usefulness of PVDF film is tested for its output change due to exhalation. Fig.2 shows ac output response of PVDF film on DSO when a person exhaled in a Spirometery pipe in d31 mode The subject is asked to exhale blow from one end of the pipe and the Piezo film is attached to other end of the pipe. The force of blow makes the movement of film which on the other end generates the voltage due to piezoelectric effect. For mounting of a PVDF film in a pipe, different pipe materials are studied, as internal roughness of a pipe play an important role in terms of low frictional losses requirement of a fluid i.e. air moving through the pipe. According to standard, material should be light weight and should have low frictional constant. Among different pipe material, Polyvinyl chloride is selected as it is rigid, easily available, less costly and easy to disinfect. Experiments were carried out by taking human exhalation three times for different persons. Different position of film in pipe from mouth with different pipe diameter(24mm,32mm, 40mm) and same length (18cm) are tested for maximum voltage generation with fast response (taken according to ATS (American Thoracic Standard for peak flow measurement and spirometer). Human exhaled air blow is also measured with anemometer during each measurement with PVDF film giving out a range of exhaled air flow rate from 0.1 m/sec to 8 m/sec depending upon height weight, age and sex. As a result of these experimentation 40 mm diameter pipe with mounting at above center position and at a distance of 3.5 cm from inlet of pipe is selected which gives good responses of the film. Next paragraph shows statistics of participating persons with experimentation carried out on them which is approved by the ethical committee and consent taken from them. Fig 2: Response of human blow on PVDF film IV. STATISTICS OF PARTICIPATING SUBJECTS A number of experiments were conducted with participation of 12 Subjects of varying age (22 – 40 years), weight (42 – 78 Kgms) and height (4.75 – 5.75 ft), in order to record the response of piezoelectric film sensor. The details of the 12 Subjects (3 Females and 9 Males) participated in these experiments are furnished in Fig 3. Fig.3:Statistics of participating subjects Fig 4: set up of Amplification circuit for piezo film sensor As Piezo film output change upon air force is in µV, amplification is necessary for recoding and analysis purposes. Fig 4 shows the experimental set up with charge amplifier used with Piezo film for amplification.The output of the charge amplifier is determined by Q/C. Q is the developed charge on Piezo film and C is the feedback capacitance of the charge amplifier. The output voltage of the charge amplifier depends on the feedback capacitance, not the input capacitance. This indicates that the output voltage of a charge amplifier is independent of the cable capacitance. The major advantage of a charge amplifier, therefore, can be found when a long cable is used between a Piezo film sensor and electronics. In addition, it also minimizes charge leakage through the stray capacitance around the sensor. So long cables used in the experiment does not contribute to the small voltage generation due to the human exhaled blow. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 71 Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The response of the piezoelectric sensor to exhalation blow recorded with participation of different Subjects is shown in Figure 5 and 6 with different exhalation condition viz forceful exhalation and normal breathing which is important for Spirometery development. V. TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON PIEZOELECTRIC SENSOR Fig 7 : Experimental setup for temperature effect Fig. 5: The response of the piezoelectric sensor of exhalation blow As exhaled air is having temperature change of 2 to 3 degrees from inhalation( as air has to be passed from surrounding through nose and travel through small respiratory tract it attains temperature change).While using PVDF sensor for air flow measurement, temperature change effect need to be tested because it may affect the final prototype reading. Fig 7 shows the set up of measurement of this effect. Thermometer is used as a calibrating temperature device and Light bulb with variable intensity level using calibrated variac, changes the temperature. Set up show lamp bank with Spirometry pipe in which PVDF film is placed and observing the voltage on calibrated Agilent make Micrometer. Result of this measurement is shown in Fig. 8. Fig: 6: response of PVDF film In spirometry it is necessary to have forceful exhalation for the measurement of lung volumes. According to the ATS standard for spirometry testing, experimentation is carried out by forceful initial exhalation and normal breathing effect on PVDF film which is shown in the fig 4. This result demonstrate that,Exhalation at start and during initial blow time (first 1-2 sec of entire spirometry blow) gives a highest peak voltage as compared to the normal breathe measured with micro voltmeter(Agilent make). The output voltage range comes to be 0.2 to 3.0 Volts and it depends on the respiration rate of different subjects which ultimately depend upon of height weight, age and sex. It is more in case of Male participants (3 Volts) as compared to the female counterparts. Also as the age, weight and height of a person is more the output blow of exhalation is of more force giving more output.t Fig.8: Temperature effect on piezoelectric sensor The output voltage varied from 35.77 to 96.89 millivolt for temperatures ranging from 31 to 50 oC taken for 5 sec as spirometry blow for average person is from 4 to 6 sec. The maximum output voltage of 96.89 millivolt was recorded for the 50oC temperature. But as human body temperature range is very small from 36oC to 40oC, it is observed that temperature change is negligible in this range and can be ignored as ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 72 Spirometry air flow measurement using PVDF Film ________________________________________________________________________________________________ it will not contribute into the voltage generated due to the air flow. VI. CALIBRATION OF PIEZOELECTRIC SENSOR Calibration of PVDF sensor for air volume measurement is important for spirometry and peak flow measurement. Calibration is carried out with 2.5 L calibration syringe developed in Lab and shown in Fig 9. Different air volumes with different stroke and for different time periods is passed over the film placed in the tube with specified time to get the film output. Volume of syringe is calculated from its dimensions(which we designed and build suing PVC pipe in LAB), known different volumes as 0.5lit,1lit,1.5lit,and 2.5lit volume is passed with varying time stroke from 1 sec to 8 sec to get flow rate as lit/sec as per the requirement of ATS standard and its response is measured on PVDF film and calibration is carried out. Resulting graph is shown in Figure 10. The output voltage increased with increase in airflow volume. Maximum output of 97.98 millivolt was recorded for 2500ml of airflow volume measured for 8 seconds. From this graph(Fig 10), we can get the equation in terms of voltage output with flow rate change .This equation will help in the design of the prototype , i.e. sensor responses viz. varying exhalation volumes of different subjects. VII. CONCLUSION Wide and varied Experimentation carried out on the PVDF film shows that PVDF film gives out appreciable change in output which after amplification and proper calibration can be used for the detection of lung volumes and capacities. Spirometer and peak flow measuring device can be built up using the film. The results of the above experiments will have ramifications in the design of prototype. REFERENCES [1] R. H. Brown, 2008: “The Piezo Solution for Vital Signs Monitoring.” Medical Design Technology March 2008, pp. 36 – 40, 2008. [2] GR Manjunatha, K Rajanna, DR Mahapatra“ Polyvinylidene fluoride film based nasal sensor to monitor human respiration pattern: An initial clinical study”, Journal of clinical, 2013, Springer [3] Kawai H. The piezoelectric of Poly(vinylidene Fluoride). Jpn J Appl Phys 1969;8:975-976. [4] M. R. Mhetre, S. N. Nagdeo, H. K. Abhyankar, “Micro energy harvesting for biomedical applications: review.” Proceedings IEEE 2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), ICECT 2011, 08 - 10 Apr 2011, Kanyakumari, India [5] Berry RB, Koch GL, Trautz S, Wagner MH, “Comparison of respiratory event detection by Polyvinylidene fluoride and a Pneumotachograph in sleep apnea patients”, Chest 2005;128:13311338. Fig 9:PVDF film Calibration set up with calibration syringe with piezo film spirometry pipe [6] Dodds D, Purdy J, Moulton C., “The PEP transducer: a new way of measuring respiratory rate in the non-intubated patient”, J Accid Emerg Med 1999;16:26-28. [7] http://www.meas-spec.co Fig.10:Calibration of Piezoelectric sensor with constant airflow volume in fixed time interval (8 seconds) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 73 Distributed Critical Node Detection of malicious flooding in Adhoc Network ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Distributed Critical Node Detection of malicious flooding in Adhoc Network 1 Malvika Bahl, 2Rajni Bhoomarker, 3Sameena Zafar RGPV , Bhopal , MP, India. Email: bahl.malvika @gmail.com Abstract -- The nodes in mobile ad hoc wireless networks have a limited transmission range; they depend on their adjacent nodes to relay packets which are meant for destinations out of their scope. Nodes can rely on their neighboring nodes based on their past records of successful packet transfer. Nodes which interrupt this relay of packets and act maliciously need to be tackled. An intrusion detection scheme (IDS) to detect and defend against malicious nodes’ attacks in wireless network is required. Critical nodes are the ideal junctions and can be considered most suitable for monitoring the behavior for nearby nodes connected to them. Whenever congestion occurs then the senders should lower the transmission rate, but if certain senders do not do this, it can be found by the destination by comparing it with the previous sending rate. When both the rates are equal, the corresponding sender is considered as an attacker and has to be removed from the existing path. Such type of node is continuously sending the control and data packets in the network, hindering the connection establishment. Keywords—Wireless Adhoc Network, malicious nodes, Critical Nodes I. INTRODUCTION intruders. These detection systems are usually placed in those elements with more confluent traffic such as routers, gateways, and switches. Unfortunately, in ad-hoc networks, those elements are not used, and it is not possible to guess which nodes will route more traffic from its neighbors and install IDS systems only in those nodes. This is the reason justifying the proposal of a distributed intrusion detection system where every host in the network investigates possible misbehavior of their neighbors. One of the most important things to secure in the ad hoc networks is the routing system. Attacks against this part of the network system can conclude misbehavior of mobile nodes. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors network or system activities for malicious activities or policy violations and produces reports to a management station. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Ad hoc wireless network is a self organized autonomous network that consists of mobile nodes; each equipped with a transmitter and a receiver, which communicate with each other over wireless links. Wireless channel is used by these networks and such channel is considered highly vulnerable against malicious attacks because of lacking fixed infrastructure, limited bandwidth, dynamic topology, resource constraints and especially limited battery lifetime and memory usage etc. The communication is difficult to organize due to frequent network topology changes. Routing and network management are done cooperatively by the nodes thus forms multi hop architecture, where each node work as host as well as router that forward packets for other nodes that may not be within direct communication range.[6,2] During packet forwarding, valuable packets that belong to any node are on the discretion of another node. A node can act maliciously or selfishly and could harm the packet under transit. A mobile ad-hoc network is a group of devices which are connected without a prior setup of infrastructure such as access points or independent base stations. Such networks are suitable in battlefield with no existing infrastructure; emergency workers at an earthquake that destroyed the infrastructure and others. In all such cases, and others, each node consists of a router and a host, usually on the same computer/node. However, in these environments, topology may be changing all the time, causing the desirability and validity of paths to change spontaneously. Needless to mention, these circumstances make routing in adhoc networks quite different from their wired counterparts. Security is a key feature in any network and hence its implementation here too differs from the fixed wired networks. For this reason several research studies have been focused in ad-hoc security, which include intrusion prevention and intrusion Nodes with malicious intent can easily setup various detection systems. The prevention should prevent kinds of attacks. Black hole Attack is initiated by a type unauthorized access to the network; however, this is not of malicious node that would participate in route always possible, and this risk enforces the discovery mechanism and try to become part of an active implementation of a second line of defense: intrusion route. Gray hole Attack is initiated by a type of malicious detection. Traditional intrusion detection systems (IDS) node that would not participate in route discovery in wired networks analyze the behavior of the elements mechanism that is initiated by other nodes and thus it in the network trying to identify anomalies produced by would not be a part of active route. [2] A black hole is a intruders and, once identified, start a response against the ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 74 Distributed Critical Node Detection of malicious flooding in Adhoc Network ________________________________________________________________________________________________ node which drops all the packets which are supposed to be forwarded by it. [1] conserve energy/effort that is required to forward data packets that belongs to other nodes. [2] Jellyfish (JF) attack is a type of selective black hole attack. When JF node gets hold of forwarding packet it starts delaying/dropping data packets for certain amount of time before forwarding normally. [4] Ad hoc on-demand distance vector or AODV routing protocol is a reactive demand driven. In AODV, nodes do not maintain the whole routing path or share routing tables. They only maintain a routing table with the information of a particular route to a certain destination. When a node wants to send some data to another, it will check in its own table. If there is a route to the destination, data will be transferred using it. If there is no route to the destination, route discovery process will take place. A route request (RREQ) packet will be sent to its neighbours. Neighbours check if they are the destination and then their routing tables for the destination upon receiving the RREQ packet. If they are the destination, a route reply (RREP) packet is sent back. If they are not the destination, they look up their routing table to check if they have a “fresh enough” route to the destination. If they also do not have the route, they will forward the packet to their neighbours. Route error (RERR) message is used to notify other nodes when a node finds a link failure. In the routing table, each route has a timer present. If the route is not used for the particular amount of time, it will be deleted.[1] Various types of attacks have been identified on Mobile Adhoc networks (MANET) [5] 1) Denial of Service Attack (DoS) – The denial of service (DoS) attack is launched by the intruder inserting packets into the networks to devour network resources. For example, if a doubtful node floods the MANET by generating route request packets and seizing the bandwidth. a) Flooding Attack The flooding Attack is a denial-of-service attack is which malicious node sends the futile packets to devour the precious network resources. 2) Routing Table Runoff Nodes misbehave by assailing routing table of other nodes by sending route request packets for searching nonexistent nodes. Due to restriction of memory size, routing tables of attacked nodes will be runoff finally. 3) Impersonation A node may perhaps disguise as another node and send forged routing information masqueraded as some other normal node. 4) Power consumption In mobile ad hoc networks, power consumption of mobile nodes is a decisive state. If there is a misbehaving node with ample power supply, it can send lots of packets to assail other nodes. Once these mobile nodes receive these packets, they may have to relay these packets or record route entries. Thus result in the power consumption of mobile hosts by these attacking packets. 5) Resource consumption attacks [4] Packet injection attacks and control packet floods are resource consumption attacks. Selfish behavior (type1) is considered a misbehaving attack in which the misbehaving node does not participate in route discovery mechanism. It is similar to gray hole attack but the intention behind this misbehaviour is to conserve energy and stop cooperating other nodes. Such act is aimed to conserve the energy but result in disrupting overall network performance. Under type 2 selfish behaviour, the misbehaving nodes participate in route discovery mechanism and try to be a part of an active route. Once becoming a part of an active route, such misbehaving nodes would start dropping data packets. This misbehaviour is similar to black hole attack but the objective of these misbehaving nodes is to According to authors of [1], the simulation results show by using individual reputation system, alert on finding a black hole node and exchanging neighbour information messages on meeting a new neighbour will help detecting and eliminating malicious or black hole nodes from the networks. Simulations result showed an enormous decrease in packet delivery ratio and extensive packet dropping by these malicious and misbehaving nodes. This study could be a valuable asset for those researchers who are working to propose secure routing protocols that can mitigate such malicious or misbehaving attacks. [2] A novel approach to detect malicious attack based on the neighbour’s information is presented by the authors of [3]. In this scheme, they show that the right place to validate route reply and prevent propagation of forged information in the network is the first node in the reverse path. [3] As in AODV protocol, both the Black and Gray holes advertise themselves about the freshest route to destination with the intention of becoming a part of the route from source to destination. In this way, source node can be easily exploited by the attackers sending RREP message firstly. Source node sends the packets over the route where attackers' nodes are present. Black hole then drops the entire packets. Gray hole works honestly by sending the packets in the beginning and later starts dropping the packets. As we can observe that source can easily be exploited for always sending the data packets on the shortest path and these two attacks could easily be launched on AODV due to this weakness. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 75 Distributed Critical Node Detection of malicious flooding in Adhoc Network ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The goal of the proposed solution by the authors of paper [7] is the avoidance of black / gray hole attacks by discarding the first and selecting the second shortest path for data packets transmission. In this way, it becomes difficult for the malicious node to send the RREP message secondly. To be part of the route of the second shortest route, malicious node will have to monitor the entire network which obviously is not an easy task in MANET. Previous work on misbehaving nodes has not taken into account the flooding attacks which can block and congest the networks and disrupt the connection establishment between communicating nodes. Here we try to study such misbehavior and nodes which identify such behavior and act accordingly to counter that effect are designated as critical nodes. Our proposed method is based on Family acknowledgement tree protocol which supports reliable multicast service for mobile ad hoc networks. For each reliable multicast protocol, a recovery scheme is used to ensure end-to-end delivery of unreliable multicast packets for all group members. FAT is based on treebased recovery mechanism. To cope with node movements, FAT constructs an ACK tree on which each node maintains reach ability information to three generations of nodes on the ACK tree. When a tree is fragmented due to a moving node, the fragments will be combined back to the tree using the underlying multicast routing protocol. FAT then adopts an adaptive scheme to recover missed packets that have been multicast to the group during fragmentation and are not repaired by the new reliability agent. III. PROPOSED METHOD In a distributed intrusion detection system every host in the network investigates possible misbehaviour of their neighbours. The inherent constraints like battery life, limited resources and maintenance of long routing tables with changing topology can cause large overheads. Hence, analogous to the wired counterparts certain nodes can be assigned for extensive monitoring of the possible misbehaviour of their neighbouring nodes. Such nodes are critical as they are supposed to find possible faulty and misbehaving nodes in the network. Whenever there is a packet flooding attack in a network by certain malicious node(s), the two connected nodes cannot make a reliable connection and communicate with each other as the path between the two is congested by the attack, hence to come out of such situation the nodes follow another alternative path to establish a successful link and communicate. In this scenario, to ensure that for every connected pair there are available alternative paths. A FAT (Family Acknowledgement tree) topology can be considered and is emulated in its wireless counterpart i.e. adhoc networks. Fig 1. A four pod fat topology A p pod fat topology has p pods in horizontal direction. It uses 5p2 /4 p-port switches and supports nonblocking communication among p3/4 end hosts. A pair of end hosts in different pods have p2/4 equal-cost paths connecting them. Once the two end hosts choose a core switch as the intermediate node, the path between them is uniquely determined. The topology has three vertical layers Top of Rack (ToR), aggregation and core. Pod is a management unit, a replicable building block with the same power and management infrastructure. The above topology can be implemented in the adhoc networks hence ensuring a reliable establishment of alternative paths between any communicating nodes. IV. PROPOSED WORK The method of handling the packet flooding attacks by the malicious nodes involves taking another path to the destination node. Whenever a possibility of congestion occurs in a network then senders should reduce their sending rate. If the channel continues to be congested because some sender nodes do not reduce their sending rate, it can be found by the destination. It compares the previous sending rate of a flow with its current sending rate. When both the rates are same, the corresponding sender of the flow is considered as an attacker. To handle this situation, an alternative path is selected so as to complete the message transfer and the attacker is removed from the network. This selection of alternate path between any communicating nodes is based on selfish path selection algorithm. Firstly, it uses a lightweight distributed endsystem-based path selection algorithm to move flows from overloaded paths to under loaded paths to improve efficiency and prevent hot spots. Secondly, it uses hierarchical addressing to facilitate efficient path selection. Each end system can use a pair of source and destination addresses to represent an end-to-end path, and vary paths by varying addresses. Selfish path selection system overview. There are multiple paths connecting each source and destination pair. Every node has three functional components. The Elephant Flow Detector detects elephant flows. The Path ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 76 Distributed Critical Node Detection of malicious flooding in Adhoc Network ________________________________________________________________________________________________ State Monitor monitors traffic load on each path by periodically querying the intermediate nodes. The Path Selector moves flows from overloaded paths to under loaded paths. to offer adequate protection. Therefore, an IDS has become an vital component to provide defense mechanisms in the presence of critical nodes in Mobile Adhoc Network. REFERENCES Fig 2. Selfish Path Selection Possible drawback in this approach can be path oscillations. The reason for path oscillation is that different sources move flows to under-utilized paths in a synchronized manner as shown in Figure 3. As a result, in this approach, the interval between two adjacent flow movements of the same end node consists of a fixed span of time; adding randomness in the control interval can prevent path oscillation Fig 3. Path oscillations [1] Htoo Maung Nyo, Piboonlit Viriyaphol, “Detecting and Eliminating Black Hole in AODV Routing Detecting and Eliminating Black Hole in AODV IEEE 2011 [2] Mohammed Saeed Alkatheiri, Jianwei Liu, Abdur Rashid Sangi AODV Routing Protocol Under Several Routing Attacks in MANETs 2011 IEEE [3] Mohammad Taqi Soleimani Secure AODV against Maliciously Packet Dropping IEEE [4] Nidhi Purohit, Richa Sinha and Khushbu Simulation study of Black hole and Jellyfish attack on MANET using NS3 INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NIRMA UNIVERSITY,2011 [5] meenakshi patel detection of malicious attack in manet a behavioral approach 2012 [6] ankur mishra1, ranjeet jaiswal a novel approach for detecting and eliminating cooperative black hole attack using advanced dri table in ad hoc network 978-1-4673-4529-3/12/$31.00_c 2012 ieee. [7] hizbullah khattak, nizamuddin, fahad khurshid, noor ul amin preventing black and gray hole attacks in aodv using optimal path routing and Hash 978-1-4673-5200-0/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE [8] Tsung-Chuan Huang, Sheng-Chieh Chen, Lung Tang Energy-Aware Gossip Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks , 2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications. [9] J.Premalatha Enhancing Quality of Service in MANETS by Effective Routing 978-1-42445137-1/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE V. CONCLUSION [10] Once the attackers are identified, the attack traffic is discarded and nodes are killed to make intruder free network. The aim of an intrusion detection system is detecting attacks on mobile nodes or intrusions into network. Intrusion detection systems, if well designed effectively can identify misbehaving activities and help Arvind Sankar and Zhen Liu Maximum Lifetime Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks 0-7803-8356-7/04/$20.00 (C) 2004 IEEE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 77 “Transmission Line Fault Detection & Indication through GSM” ________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Transmission Line Fault Detection & Indication through GSM” Chandra shekar. P Electronics and communication engineering SDIT – Mangalore, Karnataka-India Email: cschandran44@gmail.com ABSTRACT- One of the 8051s many powerful features is its integrated UART, otherwise known as a serial port. The fact that the 8051 has an integrated serial port means that you may very easily read and write values to the serial port. If it were not for the integrated serial port, writing a byte to a serial line would be rather tedious process requiring turning on and off of the I/O lines in rapid succession to properly “clock out” each individual bit, including start bits, stop bits and parity bits. However, we do not have to do this. Instead, we simply need to configure the serial ports operation mode and baud rate. Once configured, all we have to do is write to an SFR to write a value to the serial port or read the same SFR to read a value from the serial port. The 8051 will automatically let us know when is has finished sending the character we wrote and will let us know whenever is has received a byte so that we can process It. We do not have to worry about transmission at bit level, which saves us bite a bit of coding and processing time. In this project, we are using one Temperature sensor, ADC, Microcontroller 8051, LCD) for displaying the faults and parameters, GSM board used to send the fault message to electricity board. By using this project, we can detect the multiple faults of three phase transmission lines one can monitor the Temperature, Voltage, Current by means of GSM modem by sending message. EXISTING SYSTEMS Generally when a fault occurs in transmission line, unless it is severe it is unseen. But gradually these minor faults can lead to damage of transformer and can turn havoc to human life. It may also initiate fire. Present day in India, we do not have a system in hand that would let us know in real time once a fault occurs. Matter of concern is that since we do not have a real time system, this leads to damage of the underlying equipment‟s connected and turns out to be a threat to human around. In order to avoid such incidents to the maximum extent, maintenance or checking of the transmission lines are generally carried out on a frequent basis. This leads to increased manpower requirement. The fact remains that the real intention of this is not met as many a times line failure may be due to rain, toppling of trees which cannot be predicted. Like in Western Ghats where the transmission lines are usually drawn amidst the forest and places like Chirapunjee where massive rainfall almost sets everything standstill. It is necessary to understand the gravity and after effects of a line failure. To overcome these, we are proposing a GSM based transmission line fault detection System. Whenever the preset threshold is crossed, the microcontroller instantly initiates a message to be sent to the area lineman and the Control Station stating the exact pole to pole location. This helps us to realize a almost real time system. The real intention of detecting fault in real time and protecting the transformer at the earliest is realized. It is important to note that transformers are very costly. An 11KV transformer on an average costs 3000 US$. So here we are designing a cost effective and fast response system aiding in improving safety. FAULTS In an electric power system, a fault is any abnormal flow of electric current. For example a short circuit is a fault in which current flow by passes the normal load. An open circuit fault occurs if a circuit is interrupted by some failure. In three phase systems, a fault may involve one or more phases and ground, or may occur only between phases. In a “ground fault” or “earth fault”, current flows into the earth. The prospective short circuit current of a fault can be calculated for power systems. In power systems, protective devices detect fault conditions and operate circuit breakers and other devices to limit the loss of service due to a failure. In a poly phase system, a fault may affect all phases equally which is a “symmetrical fault”. If only some phases are affected, the “asymmetrical fault” requires use of methods such as symmetrical components for analysis, since the simplifying assumption of equal current magnitude in all phases no longer applicable ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 78 “Transmission Line Fault Detection & Indication through GSM” ________________________________________________________________________________________________ BLOCK DIAGRAM OF MULTIPLE FAULT DETECTION upon linear predictive coding (LPC). In additional to being efficient with bit rates, these codec‟s also made it easier to identify more important parts of the audio, allowing the air interface layer to prioritize and better protect these parts of the signal. There five different cell sizes in a GSM network-macro, micro, Pico, femto and umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according to the implementation environment. Macro cells can be regarded as cells where the base station antenna is installed on a mast or a building above average roof top level. Micro cells are cells whose antenna height is under average roof top level; they are typically used in urban areas. Pico cells are small cells whose coverage diameter is a few dozen meters; they are mainly used indoors. Femto cells are cells designed for use in residential or small business environments and connect to the service provider‟s network via a broadband internet connection. Umbrella cells are used to cover shadowed regions of smaller cells and fill in gaps in coverage between those cells. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM WITH PIN DETAILS Cell horizontal radius varies depending on antenna height, antenna gain and propagation conditions from a couple of hundred meters to several tens of kilometres. The longest distance the GSM specification supports in practical use is 35 kilometres Indoor coverage is also supported by GSM and may be achieved by using an indoor Pico cell base station, or an indoor repeater with distributed indoor antennas fed through power splitters, to deliver the radio signals from an antenna outdoors to the separate indoor distributed antenna system. These are typically deployed when a lot of call capacity is needed indoors, for example in shopping centres or airports. SUBSCRIBER IDENTITY MODULE TECHNICAL DETAILS Global System for Mobile communications is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. Its promoter, the GSM Association, estimate that 82% of the global mobile market uses the standard. GSM is used by over 2 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories. Its ubiquity makes international roaming very common between mobile phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world. GSM has used a variety of voice codec‟s to squeeze 3.1 kHz audio into between 5.6 and 13 Kbit/s. Originally, two codec‟s, named after the types of data channel they were allocated, were used, called Half Rate (5.6 Kbit/s) and Full Rate (13 Kbit/s). These used a system based One of the key features of GSM is the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM), commonly known as a SIM card. The SIM is a detachable smart care containing the user‟s subscription information and phonebook. This allows the user to retain his or her information after switching handsets. Alternatively, the user can also change operators while retaining the handset simply by changing the SIM. Some operators will block this by allowing the phone to use only a single SIM, or only a SIM issued by them; this practice is known as SIM locking, and is illegal in some countries. A subscriber can usually contact the provider to remove the lock for a fee, utilize private services to remove the lock, to make use of ample software and websites available on the Internet to unlock the handset themselves. While most web sites offer the unlocking for a fee, some do it for free. WORKING OF GSM MODEM A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with GSM wireless networks. A wireless modem is similar to a dial-up modem. The main difference is that a wireless ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 79 “Transmission Line Fault Detection & Indication through GSM” ________________________________________________________________________________________________ modem transmits data through a wireless network whereas a dial-up modem transmits data through a copper telephone line. Most mobile phones can be used as a wireless modem. place of fault using the distance from pole to pole. In future we can have a GPS attached to it that would exactly send the location in terms of longitude and latitude. To send SMS messages, first place a valid SIM card into a GSM modem, which is then connected to microcontroller by RS 232 cable. After connecting a GSM modem to a microcontroller, you can control the GSM modem by sending instructions to it. REFERENCES [1] Power system analysis and design by B.R. GUPTA. [2] Here, in this project we have designed a GSM based transmission line monitoring and indication system that sends information of the same to electricity board via SMS. The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and „C‟ by Muhammad Ali Mazidi/Janice Gillispe Mazidi/Rolin D.Mc Kinlay. [3] www.google.com [4] www.wikipedia.com FUTURE SCOPE [5] www.nskelectro CONCLUSION The project is designed to send in an alert message as soon as there is a fault. In this model, we predict the ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 80 Remote health monitoring in ambulance and traffic control using GSM and Zigbee ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remote health monitoring in ambulance and traffic control using GSM and Zigbee Deepak. C. Pardeshi Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India Email: dcpardeshi@rediff.com Abstract — Improving the present day safety measures and transport facilities for patients for further ensuring their wellbeing with the help of technology is the aim of this dissertation. In this paper a networking system for ambulance that can interact and communicate with the traffic signals (rather order and alter the status of traffic signals) and collect the crucial parameters of the patient’s health and broadcast it to the dedicated hospital via the GSM and Zigbee module. Also the live status of the traffic on route can be checked by the signals and would inform the ambulances driver about the alternative route (further improving the system for reducing the route time). So this paper shows a system installed that would help the ambulance to command the traffic signal and change its status so as to reach the destination (hospital or site) as soon as possible. Also inform the hospital about patient’s health status via GSM, Zigbee module so as to be prepared with prerequisites for saving a life. So harnessing the power of technology for overcoming the above stated problems is the main aim of this paper. II. SYSTEM DESIGN The purpose of this system is to transmit the health parameters of the patient from ambulance to monitoring system in the hospital with controlling the traffic signal with indication of traffic density using GSM and Zigbee module so as to reach the hospital as early as possible to provide proper medical treatment to the patient to save their life. It consists of three units: ambulance unit, traffic signal unit and hospital unit. Temperature sensor LCD Processing Pulse rate sensor Keywords: Ambulance, GSM, Zigbee module, emergency healthcare, traffic density switches, wireless communication. People with the hemorrhage cannot survive for more than an hour unless given proper medication but the safety carriers-ambulances require more time to reach site and return to hospital which leads to a sad death. The existing method of traffic control system is not aware of emergency vehicles, thus resulting in the need of traffic police for handling traffic control for emergency vehicles, which is improper as availability of recent technology in wireless communication. So the intelligent system that would safely and rapidly direct the ambulances to the hospitals, further improving and saving a life. Zigbee (ARM 7) Traffic switches I. INTRODUCTION Today with the boost in the lifestyle and perception towards way of life the living, human health is facing so many issues. Infants are born with tumors and due to inevitable stress in life people are prone to many cardiovascular diseases. Apart from this death due accidents daily are ever increasing. These alerts how unpredictable are the situations are and how the safety systems should be ready to meet an emergency situation [1][2][3][4][7]. unit GSM Fig. 1. Block diagram of the ambulance unit. A. Sensor: It is most important basic unit of this networking system. It consists of LM35 which is a precision integrated temperature sensor that gives output in the form of voltage, which is linearly proportional to temperature. B. Pulse rate sensor: It is used to measure the pulse rate of the patient. In this case, IR based obstacle sensor (IR LED) is used. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 81 Remote health monitoring in ambulance and traffic control using GSM and Zigbee ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Voltage gain=5V=R3+R4/R3=1K+330K/1K=331K. Voltage output for second stage amplifier, Vout=Vin*65K/65K+3K=Vin*65K/68K. This provides high gain to give proper square pulse irrespective of change in volume of blood flow, which is given to the transistor. Due to switching action of transistor, diode D2 turns on or off, that indicates pulses. These pulses are given to counter mode of the ARM processor that gives pulse rate measurement. Zigbee is communication module. Sensor outputs are given to the ARM processor, which process on this. It is given to Zigbee and GSM module. Zigbee operates within the ISM 2.4GHz frequency band can transmit data upto 100m at the rate of 25 kbps. The 16*2 LCD displays the pulse rate and temperature of patient in the ambulance unit. Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of pulse rate unit. Measurement of pulse rate is achieved by placing the finger between IR transmitter (D7) and IR receiver (D1). Fig. 3. IR transmission method. Radial artery of human finger reflects light at intensity proportional to the change in blood volume. A part of light which does not reflected is refracted to IR receiver. Output of IR receiver is very small pulse, it requires amplification. 100Ω resistor is used for current limiting. Capacitor is used to avoid DC component. Current through LED is 5V/100Ω = 50mA, which is high for LED, but increases the range of obstacle sensor. IR receiver is connected in reverse biased condition. C. Ambulance unit: This unit is responsible for transmitting health parameters of the patient to hospital. In this unit biosensors are attached to the body of patient to grab the health signals (for example-body temperature, pulse rate, ECG etc). These signals are processed using ARM processor, these signals are transmitted to doctors mobile and hospital server using GSM, and Zigbee module. These signals are analyzed by physician or expert doctor. If any emergency is there, physician can guide co-doctor which is present in Ambulance. So that pretreatment can be provided to the patient before reaching to the hospital. This possibly saves the patient’s life. Ambulance unit is responsible for controlling traffic signal and it will know traffic route condition on road sides. Co-driver or driver will change traffic signal condition as well as increasing signal time of green signal as per requirement on road using Zigbee module. Switches operated by driver or co-driver are used in unit to know the traffic conditions in terms of HIGH density traffic, MEDIUM density traffic and LOW density traffic, which is displayed on LCD display on control panel available in ambulance unit. So as per traffic density route can be changed if required. This unit knows traffic condition as communication between it and Traffic signal unit is done by Zigbee module. LED Green*4 Traffic Density switches Processing Unit ARM 7 LED Red*4 Zigbee Here two stage non inverting amplifier is used for Fig. 4. Block diagram of the traffic signal unit. amplification. Voltage gain for first stage amplifier, ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 82 Remote health monitoring in ambulance and traffic control using GSM and Zigbee ________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Traffic signal unit: This unit is responsible to provide first priority to ambulance to cross traffic signal so as to avoid delay in ambulance reaching to hospital for providing necessary treatment to the patient in case of emergency. This unit coordinates with ambulance unit for controlling the traffic signal using Zigbee module, ARM7. Ambulance when reaches the traffic signal and comes within the range of Zigbee module of traffic signal, if required green signal time can be increased also for providing priority for ambulance signal sequence can be altered only after completing present green signal which is going on to avoid unwanted condition or any accidental situation to be take place. GSM Zigbee RS 232 PC unit of Hospital, mobile Fig. 6. Block diagram of the hospital unit. This is the consulation unit. It receives patient parameters on doctors mobile using GSM module as ambulance is far from hospital, also on line data is observed on server as Zigbee module of ambulance comes in the range of Zigbee module of hospital unit. This data is analyzed by the expert doctor. So that expert doctor or physician can convey or consult to doctor which in the ambulance, to provide pre treatment to patient, so that human life can be saved. III. RESULTS Using GSM technology patients pameter are transmitted over doctors mobile so that patient is analysed.With Zigbee module traffic density is observed on driver control panel, is as shown in following table. Fig. 5. Traffic road side with location of the sensors. E. Traffic density indication: There are two sensors or switches are placed on each side of road at a distance apart from traffic signal with traffic switches on driver control panel in ambulance for providing information about traffic condition as shown in above figure. Traffic switches T1(North), T2(East), T3(South) and T4(West) are provided on drivers control panel in ambulance, with S1, S3, S5 and S7 sensors or switches(traffic density switches) are on road side 50m apart from traffic signal, and S2, S4, S6 and S8 sensors or switches are on road side 100m apart from traffic signal. As per traffic on roads these switches are operated when ambulance comes in contact with switches that provide traffic condition, which is displayed on ambulance display unit of control panel. TABLE I. TRAFFIC DENSITY INDICATION. Traffic density switch condition S1- ON S3- ON S5- ON S7- ON S2- ON S4- ON S6- ON S8- ON All switches are OFF Traffic density indication on display of panel MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW Also using Zigbee module, the patient’s health parameter in real time is monitored and displayed on hospital server using Visual Studio 6.0. Graph showing body temperature varying with time. If none of the switch or sensor is actuated pressed on the road, it indicates LOW traffic on display unit in ambulance, when traffic switches are pressed by driver or co-driver to know the traffic condition. Consider one side of road, T1 switch is pressed to know the traffic condition with, If S2 is pressed, it indicates HIGH density traffic and S1 is pressed, it indicates MEDIUM density traffic on display unit of ambulance. It is same for all switches which are placed on road side this information is used by ambulance driver for changing route if required .These signals are communicated using Zigbee module. Fig. 7. Screenshot of the hospital monitoring system. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 83 Remote health monitoring in ambulance and traffic control using GSM and Zigbee ________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. CONCLUSION In this dissertation, we proposed a network system for health monitoring of the patient in the ambulance using GSM and Zigbee. The results were formulated and validated for the successful reception of data at the hospital from the patient in the ambulance. From the experimentation and obtained results of the proposed system we point the unique advantage of traffic control and density indication achieved in an accurate and timely manner using this technique which the traditional health monitoring systems lack. [3]. S. Pavlopoulos, “A novel emergency telemedicine system based on wireless communication technology-AMBULANCE.” IEEE Eng. Med.. Mag., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 32-44, 1999. [4]. P. Giovas, “Transmission of electrocardiogram from a moving ambulance”, J.Telemed.Telecare, vol.4, pp.5-7, 1998. [5]. Texas Instruments “LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors”, Texas Instruments Inc, Dallas, Texas, United States of America, www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm35.pdf, Oct. 2013. REFERENCES [1]. Veeramuthu Venkatesh, M. Prashanth Kumar, V. Vaithayanathan, Pethuru Raj, “An ambient health monitor for the new generation healthcare” Journal of theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Vol 31 No. 2. pp 91-99. Sep2011. [6]. Maxstream “XBee™/XBee‐PRO™ OEM RF Modules‐Product Manual v1.06”, Digi International Inc, Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States of America, www.picaxe.com/docs/xbe001.pdf, Oct. 2005. [2]. Ruihua Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, “A Health Monitoring system for Wireless sensor network” in Proc. of 2ed IEEE conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 16481658. Harbin. China. May 2007. [7]. S.Pavlopoulos. Dembeyiotis. G. Konnis.and D. Koutsouris, “AMBULANCE-Mobile unit for health care provision via telematics support,” in Proc.IEEE Eng. Med. Biol, Amsterdam, The Netherland, Oct.1996. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 84 Estimation of the Level of Indoor Radon in Sokoto Metropolis ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimation of the Level of Indoor Radon in Sokoto Metropolis 1 Yusuf Ahijjo Musa, 2Adamu Nchama Baba-Kutigi 1,2 Department of Physics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria 2 Federal University,Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria Email: 1yusuf4abodia@yahoo.com, nchama3101@yahoo.com 1 Abstract — Indoor radon-222 concentration was estimated in thirty randomly selected homes and workplaces carried out within Sokoto metropolis (a Semi-Arid Extreme Northwest of Nigeria). The studies which may help understand the potential danger posed by radon-222 activity concentration known for its lung cancer potency. The city’s metropolis was gridded into thirty grids over which thirty samples were collected using statistical random sampling; with the aid of Activated Charcoal Detectors (ACDs). The gamma-ray spectrometric analysed result by Sodium Iodide detector (NaI (Tl)) revealed that indoor radon concentration ranges from 358.81 to 542.30 Bq/m3 with a mean value of 448.98 Bq/m3 for homes and workplaces. I. INTRODUCTION Radon-222 is a naturally occurring radionuclide, a chemically inert gas, and has a suitable half-life of 3.82 days [1]. Recently, high levels of 222Rn have been reported in dwellings of many countries around the world. It is estimated that indoor 222Rn exposure may be responsible for more than 10% of the lung cancer incidence [2]. Inhalation of the radioactive decay products of radon (222Rn), a naturally occurring gaseous decay product of radium, present in all soil has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer [3]. Every square mile of surface soil, to a depth of 6 inches (2.6 km2 to a depth of 15 cm), contains approximately 1 gram of radium, which releases radon in small amounts to the atmosphere on a global scale, it is estimated that 2,400 million curies (90 TBq) of radon are released from soil annually [4]. Nearly 50% of annually radiation dose absorption of human is due to radon which is one of the main causes of cancer to respiratory and digestive systems [5]. Its concentration varies greatly with season and atmospheric conditions. For instance, it has been shown to accumulate in the air if there is a meteorological inversion and little wind [6]. In deciding if remedial measures have to be taken and where these measures should be taken the wide indoor radon survey is to be carried out. A 222Rn detector of the passive alpha track type was used in the measurements of indoor radon in Indian dwelling. The estimated measured activities from an individual detector for a month-long exposure were 18% at 500 Bq.m-3 and 13% at 1000 Bq.m-3 respectively [7]. II. THE STUDY AREA Sokoto metropolis is the study area. Sokoto lies on the Latitude 13.08333330, Longitude 5.250, and Altitude 895 (feet). The time zone in Sokoto is Africa/Lagos, sunrise at 06:27 and sunset at 18:46. It is located in the extreme northwest of Nigeria, bordering Niger and Benin Republics in West Africa. It has an annual average temperature of 33.3oC. Sokoto state is highly endowed with the wealth of limestone which attracted the chosen site of one existing cement company, and this limestone also contains some fairly significant amount of radon222 [8]. It is no longer doubtful that low concentration of 222Rn can as well deliver the radiation dose which can cause internal hazards to humans [9]. A. Materials and Methods This research was conducted on the use of a commercially purchased activated charcoal detectors (ACDs). ACDs are passive devices deployed for 1-7 days to obtain indoor radon sample before Laboratory analysis. The principle of detection is radon adsorption on the active sites of the activated carbon [10]. An electronic chemical balance of Shimadzu Corporation, assembled by SPM Japan, which is capable of measuring between 0.1mg to 320g, was used to measure 40g of ACDs needed in the canister. A plastic can was purchased in Sokoto market (Kasuwan Kara), and constructively improvised to ascertain the required dimensions. This is to enhance fixing of smaller dimension cylinder (canister) inside the lager one for the sample collection. Their dimensions were carefully determined as shown in the figure 1 and 2 below, so that they can conveniently fit into the Sodium Iodide detector geometry (7.62cm x 7.62cm) for better resolution. An electronic Chassis Model (GP 214) manufactured by Graffin England was used to perforate the lid of the plastic cylinder to allow radon gas adsorption into the canister. The side of the perforated lid was sealed round by the application of candle wax and Vaseline jelly to greatly lay barrier for any unwanted cross-ventilation as radon concentration can easily be affected by air flux [10]. Since the same ACDs were used throughout this research, the probable ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 85 Estimation of the Level of Indoor Radon in Sokoto Metropolis ________________________________________________________________________________________________ variation in the result of radon activities is a function of possible variation in structures of the sampled points. Fig-1 Schematic Illustration of a Constructed, Cylinder (Canister). from that medium in immediate vicinity of the surface for example if freshly heated charcoal is placed in an enclosure with ordinary air, a condensation of certain grasses occurs upon it, resulting in a reduction of pressure; or if it is placed in a solution of unrefined sugar, some of the impurities are likewise adsorbed, and thus removed from the solution [12]. Charcoal when activated (i.e. freed from adsorbed matter by heating) is especially effective in adsorption, due to it great surface area presented by it porous structure. The adsorption of dirt on one's hand results from the unequal distribution of dirt between the skin of the hand and the air or solid with which the skin comes in contact. Water is frequently ineffective in removing the dirt. The efficacy of soap in accomplishing its removal is due to the unequal distributing of dirt between skin and soap solution, this time favouring the soap and leaving the hands clean. At a given fixed temperature, there is a definite relation between the number of molecules adsorbed upon a surface and the pressure (if a gas) or the concentration (of a solution) which may be represented by an equation or graphically by a curve called the adsorption isotherm. The freundlich or classical adsorption isotherm is of the form. 1 x k n m Where x is the mass of gas adsorbed m is the mass of adsorbent is the gas pressure (1) k , n are constant for the temperature and system. Fig-2 Schematic Illustration of a Constructed ACDs Canister with Accumulated Radon. In certain system it is necessary to express this relationship as x k m B. Theory of Adsorption and Absorption Adsorption, which is often confused with absorption, refers to the adhesion of molecules of gases and liquids to the surface of porous solid. Adsorption is a surface phenomenon; while absorption is an intermingling or interpenetration of two substances [11]. The relatively large surface area of the absorbent allows absorbate atoms, ions or molecule to be taken up. In some cases the atoms of the absorbate share electrons with atoms of the absorbent surface, forming a thin layer of chemical compound. Absorption occurs when the molecules of the absorbate penetrate the bulk of the solid or liquid absorbent. Adsorption denotes absorption of a gas or a solute by a surface or an interface. Adsorption implies action at the surface .It is a spontaneous process accompanied by reduction of surface free energy of the adsorbing surface. Adsorption is a type of adhesion which takes place at the surface of a solid or a liquid in contact with another medium, resulting in an accumulation or increased concentration of molecules h 1 n (2) Where h is the relationship of the partial pressure of the vapour to it saturation value and r is the surface tension. Numerous isotherm equations have been proposed. The lagmuir adsorption isotherm is of the form stated below. x 1 2 m 1 1 The viz: (3) degree of adsorption depends on following factors, The composition of the adsorbing material The condition of surface of the adsorbing material The material to be adsorbed The temperature The pressure (of a gas) [13]. C. Gamma ray Spectrometry The concentration of radon in the air is measured in units Becquerel’s per cubic meter (Bq/m3). One Bq corresponds to one disintegration per second. One pCi/L ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 86 Estimation of the Level of Indoor Radon in Sokoto Metropolis ________________________________________________________________________________________________ is equivalent to 37 Bq/m3 [14]. Gamma ray spectrometry technique was utilised in the spectral collection of the 30 prepared samples after the equilibration period. Background measurements were performed by measuring unexposed canister which gave an average concentration of 1.5Bq/m3. This is because radon-222 is present relatively everywhere, as a natural radionuclide. Each data is corrected by subtracting the background that measures the gamma decay of the short lived 222 decay products once equilibrium has been reached [15]. In this experiment we need no manual conversion due to the task embedded in the MAESTRO-23 software. The principle of detection in NaI (Tl) detector is that the output pulse amplitude from the radioactive source detector is proportional to the energy deposited by the source. So the pulse-height spectrum from such a detector contains a series of full-energy peaks superimposed on a continuous background, the spectrum can be quite complicated and difficult to analyze. It contains much useful information about the energies and relative intensities of the type of radioactive sources [15]. 14. 14Sok 0.0641 446.7114 15. 15Sok 0.0641 445.1001 TABLE: 2. RESULT OF RN-222 RADIOACTIVE DECAY OF SOKOTO METROPOLIS CONTINEUED. Number Sample Count Rate Conc. of of Points of Rn-222 Rn-222 Samples Identity (CPS) (Bq/m3) 16. 16Sok 0.0982 446.7114 17. 17Sok 0.0641 542.3030 18. 18Sok 0.0611 446.7114 19. 9Sok 0.0640 410.0911 20. 20Sok 0.0640 410.0911 21. 21Sok 0.0641 410.0911 22. 22Sok 0.0600 409.8105 23. 23Sok 0.0641 446.7114 24. 24Sok 0.0641 446.7114 25. 25Sok 0.0600 407.1901 26. 26Sok 0.0730 480.6742 27. 27Sok 0.0641 446.7114 28. 28Sok 0.0831 511.0072 29. 29Sok 0.0600 410.0911 30. 30Sok 0.0720 479.3100 D. Result The analysed results of thirty (30) samples within the gridded map of Sokoto metropolis from CERT Zaria is shown in Table 1 and 2 below. The result is a spectrum of the analysed thirty (30) samples within the gridded map of Sokoto metropolis from CERT, Zaria, ranging from Pottasium-40, Radium-226, Thorium-232, and Radon-222. But the activity concentration of Radon-222 which is the radioactive isotope of interest is tabulated on table 2 as shown below. Although, the significance of this research focuses on estimating indoor radon gas concentration since there is strong epidemiological evidence that ionizing radiation increases cancer risks [16]. Fig-3 Histogram of Indoor Rn-222 Concentration from Different Sample Points within Sokoto Metropolis. TABLE: 1. RESULT OF RN-222 RADIOACTIVE DECAY OF SOKOTO METROPOLIS. Number of Samples Sample Points Identity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1sok 2Sok 3Sok 4Sok 5Sok 6Sok 7Sok 8Sok 9Sok 10Sok 11Sok 12Sok 13Sok Count Rate of Rn-222 (CPS) 0.0510 0.0641 0.0640 0.0721 0.0721 0.0721 0.0641 0.0641 0.0830 0.0721 0.0771 0.0641 0.0641 Conc. of Rn-222 (Bq/m3) 358.8100 446.2301 410.0911 479.3100 479.3100 479.3100 445.1001 446.7114 512.3992 479.3100 443.3551 446.7114 446.7114 Fig-4 Histogram of Indoor Count Rate from Different Sample Points within Sokoto Metropolis. E. Conclusion It has been shown from the result of this work, that with the aid of ACDs, the concentration of Rn-222 has be ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 87 Estimation of the Level of Indoor Radon in Sokoto Metropolis ________________________________________________________________________________________________ determined and following a careful observation, this research have been able to unveil two possible ionizing radiation parameters i.e. activity concentration and dose rate of Rn-222 in home and workplaces within Sokoto metropolis. The radon level in most of the houses was found to be fairly above the levels of other work in the southern-Nigeria due to vast difference in weather conditions, with mean value of 448.98Bq/m3 for this perceive method. Hence, research should be intensified in this direction to employ other methods. The hotness and dryness nature of the weather in Sokoto could account for significantly distinct result from other research in this direction. [6] Steck DJ, Field RW, Smith BJ, Brus CP, Fisher EL, Neuberger JS, Platz CE, Robinson RA, Woolson RF, Lynch CF: Residential Radon Gas Exposure and Lung Cancer: The Iowa Radon Lung Cancer Study, American Journal of Epidemiology 2000, pp.1091-102. [7] A.J. Khan. A study of indoor radon levels in Indian dwellings Influencing factors and lung cancer risks, Radiation Measurements. 2000, pp. 87-92. [8] Adediran JA, Oguntoyinbo FI, Omonode R and RA Sobulo. Agronomic evaluation of phosphorus fertilizers. 1998, pp. 12-16. [9] Field RW, Krewski D, Lubin JH, Zielinski JM, Alavanja M, Catalan VS, Klotz JB, Letourneau EG, Lynch CF, Lyon JI, Sandler DP, Schoenberg JB, Steck DJ, Stolwijk JA, Weinberg C, Wilcox HB, Residential Radon and Risk of Lung Cancer: A Combined Analysis of 7 North American Case-Control Studies, Epidemiology 16(2): 2005, pp. 37-45. Mallam A.A Musa Chief Academic Technologist, (Chief Co-ordinator Physics Laboratories), Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto [10] Oikawa S, Kanno N, Sanada T, Abukawa J, Higuchi H J Environ Radioact. 87(3): 2006, pp. 239-45. Mallam Awalu Ibrahim a Principal Academic Technologist, (Head of Electronics unit of Physics Laboratory), Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto [11] Peter, B. N. Encyclopedia Vol. 9. Encylopedia Britannica Inc. London 77(20): 1994, pp. 4280. [12] Barnard L Cohen and Richard Nason. A diffusion Barrier Adsorption Collection for Measuring Radon Concentration in indoor air, Health Physics vol. 50(14): 1986, pp. 30. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was successfully achieved due to the painstaking effort of the following persons: Dr. Mitshelia, Head, Department of Pharmacy, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto Mallam Adam S. Sa’idu an Academic Technologist, Centre for Energy Research and Training, Zaria REFERENCES [1] Dorr, H., Kromer, B., Levin, I., Mu¨nnich, K.O., Volpp, H.J., CO2 and Radon-222 as tracers for atmospheric transport. J. Geophys. 1983, pp. 1309–1313. [2] Dr.Maria Neira of WHO. Handbook or Indoor Radon: A public Health perspective. 2009, pp. 12, 50-51. [3] Fabricant, J.I., Radon and lung cancer: the BEIR IV report. Health Phys. 1990, pp. 59, 89–97. [4] Agency for toxic Substances and Discease Registry, U.S. Public Health Service. In collaboration with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000, pp. 40-49 [5] [13] Ducan. Advance Physics Field Waves and Atoms. John Murray (Ltd) London. 1981, pp 890. [14] International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). 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Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2003, 100: pp. 13761–13766. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 88 Determination and Classification of Blood Types using Image Processing Techniques ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Determination and Classification of Blood Types using Image Processing Techniques Tejaswini H V, M S Mallikarjuna swamy Department of Instrumentation Technology S. J. College of Engineering Mysore, Karnataka, India Email: tej.jasmine07@gmail.com, ms_muttad@yahoo.co.in Abstract — Determining of blood types is very important during emergency situation before administering a blood transfusion. Presently, these tests are performed manually by technicians, which can lead to human errors. Determination of the blood types in a short period of time and without human errors is very much essential. A method is developed based on processing of images acquired during the slide test. The image processing techniques such as thresholding and morphological operations are used. The images of the slide test are obtained from the hospital/pathological laboratory are processed and the occurrence of agglutination are evaluated. Thus the developed automated method determines the blood type using image processing techniques. The developed method is useful in emergency situation to determine the blood group without human error. I. INTRODUCTION Before the blood transfusion it is necessary to perform certain tests. One of these tests is the determination of blood type and this test is essential for the realization of a safe blood transfusion, so as to administer a blood type that is compatible with the type of receiver[1].There are certain emergency situation which due to the risk of patient life, it is necessary to administer blood immediately. The tests currently available require moving the laboratory, it may not be time enough to determine the blood type and is administered blood type 0 negative considered universal donor and therefore provides less risk of incompatibility. However, despite the risk of incompatibilities be less sometimes occur transfusion reactions that cause death of the patient and it is essential to avoid them, administering blood based on the principle of universal donor only in emergencies[1] . Thus, the ideal would be to determine the blood type of the patient even in emergency situations and administering compatible blood type from the first unit of blood transfusion. Secondly,the pre-transfusion tests are performed manually by technician's analysts, which sometimes lead to the occurrence of human errors in procedures, reading and interpreting of results. Since these human errors can translate into fatal consequences for the patient, being one of the most significant causes of fatal blood transfusions is extremely important to automate the procedure of these tests, the reading and interpretation of the results. This is based on slide test for determining blood types and the software developed using image processing techniques. The slide test consist of the mixture of one drop of blood and one drop of each reagent, anti-A, antiB, and anti-D, being the result interpreted according to the occurrence or not of agglutination. The agglutination reaction means that occurred reaction between the antibody and the antigen, indicating the presence of the antigen appropriate. The combination of the occurrence of agglutination, or non occurrence, determines the blood type of the patient [2]. Thus, the software developed based in image processing techniques allows, through an image captured after the procedure of the slide test detect the occurrence of agglutination and consequently the blood type of the patient. Blood group is classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins or glycolipids depending on the blood group system.The ABO system is the most important blood group system in human blood transfusion. Rh blood group system is the second most significant blood group system in a human blood transfusion with currently 50 antigens. Blood transfusion is generally the process of receiving blood products into one’s circulation intravenously. Transfusions are used for various medical conditions to replace lost components of the blood. Early transfusions used whole blood but modern medical practice commonly uses only components of the blood such as RBCs, WBCs, plasma, clotting factors and platelets. India faces blood deficit of approximately 30-35% annually. The country needs around 8 to 10 million units of blood every year but manages a measly 5.5 million units on top of it 94% of blood donation in the country made by men while women contribute only 6%. II. LITERATURE REVIEW The blood phenotyping based on the slide test and on image processing techniques such as thresholding morphological operations,and the secondary operations like dilation, erosion, opening and closing to determine the occurrence of agglutination [3].Errors have occurred in blood transfusions since the technique began to be used. One requirement was the mandatory reporting of all fatalities linked to blood transfusion and donation. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 89 Determination and Classification of Blood Types using Image Processing Techniques ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The humans will inevitably make errors and that the system design must be such that it decreases errors and detects residual errors that evade corrective procedures [4].The use of automated techniques reduces the impact of human errors in laboratories and improves standardization and quality of achieved results [5]. Thresholding plays a major in binarization of images.Thresholdingcan be categorized into global thresholding and local thresholding. In images with uniform contrast distribution of background and foreground like document images, global thresholding is more appropriate. In degraded document images, where considerable background noise or variation in contrast and illumination exists, there exists many pixels that cannot be easily classified as foreground or background. In such case, local thresholding is more appropriate[6]. Image segmentation of an image is a process of dividing an image into non overlapping regions which are homogeneous group of connected pixels consistent with some special criteria. There are lots of ways to define the homogeneity of a region in the segmentation process. For example, it may be calculated by color, depth of layers, grey levels and textures etc. III. METHODOLGY The digital images of blood samples are obtained from the hospital/laboratory consisting of a color image composed of three samples of blood and reagent.These images are processedusing image processing techniques namely color plane extraction, thresholding, morphological operations. The steps involved in image processing are shown in the Fig.1. Input Image Color Plane Extraction Thresholding Morphological Operations viewed as an operation that involves tests against a function T of the form T=T[x,y,(p(x,y),f(x,y)] (1) Where f(x,y) is the gray level at the point (x,y) and p(x,y) denotes some local property of the point. A threshold image is defined as g(x,y)= {1 {0 if f(x,y)>T if f(x,y)≤T (2) Thus pixels labeled 1 corresponds to objects and pixels labeled 0 corresponds to background. If T depends only on f(x,y) the threshold is global, if T depends on both f(x,y) and p(x,y) the threshold is called local, if T depends on the spatial co ordinates x and y the threshold is called dynamic/adaptive. B.Niblack function Niblack’salgorithm calculates a pixel-wise threshold by sliding a rectangular window over the gray level image[8]. The computation of threshold is based on the local mean m and the standard deviation s of all the pixels in the window and is given by the equation Tniblack = m+ k* s(3) Where m is the average value of the pixel, and k is fixed to -0.2 and s is the standard deviation. C. Morphology It includes pre or post processing operations such as dilation, erosion, morphological filtering and granulometry. The fundamental operations are dilation and erosion. The erosion operation uniformly reduces the size of the objects in relation to their background and dilation expands the size of the objects. By using dilation and erosion secondary operations like opening and closing can be done. Opening is used to smooth the contours of cells and parasites. Closing used to fill the holes and gaps. Morphological operations are used to eliminate noise spikes and ragged edges [9]. D. HSL Luminance plane HSL Luminance Plane It stands for hue, saturation and lightness. Most common cylindrical co-ordinate representation of points in an RGB color model. Quantification IV. RESULTS Determination of Blood Group Fig.1.Steps of determination of blood types using image processing A. Thresholding It is the simplest method of image segmentation. From a grayscale image thresholding operationis used to create binary images. The gray scale samples are clustered into two parts as background and object [7]. It may be The images of slide test are captured by a camera consists of a color image composed of three samples of blood and reagent. The image processing method is experimented on the several images acquired. One of the captured input imagesis shown in Fig. 2(a). Theseimages areprocessed using MATLAB software. The image processing techniques such as color plane extraction, thresholding and morphological operations are performed on the images. Fig. 2 (b) shows the image obtained after the color plane extraction contains only the green color component. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 90 Determination and Classification of Blood Types using Image Processing Techniques ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig.5. Fill holes (a) Advanced morphological operation Opening is performed here it can be noticed that it smoothens the contours of cells by removing small objects is shown in fig.6. (b) Fig.2 (a)Input image (b) Color plane extracted image The image obtained after applying auto thresholding clustering function here it can be observed that the object and background are separated is shown in Fig. 3. Fig.6.Remove small objects The image obtained by applying the color plane extraction: HSL luminance plane function is shown in fig.7. Fig.3 Auto threshold image In the next step, local threshold operation using Niblack function, it calculates a pixel-wise threshold and it can be noticed only the border segmented imageand the result is shown in Fig. 4. Fig.4 Localthreshold Image obtained by the application of advanced morphology,it can be observed that the segmented image is filled using closing operation is shown in Fig. 5. Fig.7. HSL Plane The image obtained by the application of quantify function is shown in fig.8. Fig.8.Quantify function V. CONCLUSION The method developed is proves that it is effective and efficient method to detect the agglutination and determines the blood type of the patient accurately. The use of image processing techniques enables automatic detection of agglutination and determines the blood type of the patient in a short interval of time (less than 5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 91 Determination and Classification of Blood Types using Image Processing Techniques ________________________________________________________________________________________________ minutes). The method is suitable and helpful in emergency situations. REFERENCES [I]. M. R. Brown, P. Crim. “Organizing the antibody identification process,”Clin Lab Sci, vol. 20, 2007, pp.122-126. [2]. Datasheet of DiamedDiaclon Anti-A, Diaclon Anti-B,Diaclon Anti-AB. Cressiers/Morat, 2008. [3]. [4]. [5]. Ana Ferraz, Filomena Soares”A Prototype for Blood Typing Based on Image Processing,”The Fourth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, Copyright (c) IARIA, 2013. B. A. Myhre, D. McRuer."Human error - a significant cause of transfusion mortality," Transfusion, vol. 40, Jul.2000, pp. 879-885. Medicine Hemotherapy, vol. 34, pp. 341-346. Available:Kargerwww.karger.com/tmh. [6]. T.Romen Singh, Sudipta Roy, O.Imocha Singh, Tejmani Sinam,,and Kh.Manglem Singh"“A New Local Adaptive Thresholding Technique in Binarization,”IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues,Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 2, November 2011 [7] Stefano Ferrari,”Image segmentation,”Elaborazine di immagini(Image processing),2012. [8]. Khurram Khurshid,Imran Siddiqi, Claudie Faure, Nicole Vincent "Comparison of Niblack inspired Binarization methods for ancient documentst," DDR,volume 7247 of SPIE,page 110.SPIE,(2009) [9]. Miss. Madhuri G. Bhamare “Automatic Blood Cell Analysis By Using Digital Image Processing: APreliminary Study,”Vol. 2 Issue 9, September - 2013 A. Dada, D. Beck, G. Schmitz."Automation andData Processing in Blood Banking Using the Ortho AutoVue® Innova System". Transfusion ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 92 IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine 1 Chaithrashree.A, 2Rohitha U.M Dept. of Electronics & Communication, BITM Bellary. Email: 1 chaithrashree.a@gmail.com, 2 rohitha_ujjini@rediffmail.com Abstract—ATM has gained its popularity within a short period than the conventional banking system.as it provides the customer to withdraw the fund quickly, balance enquiry, and the most important one is any time access. At the same time providing the security for access control is the major concern. As the Smart card access to the ATM does not guarantee in confirming the person who is using it is the authorized user, and which initiates the fraud things to be done by the people. In order to reduce the access by an unauthorized user and withdraw the money easily, our paper proposes the biometric based authentication security system, which uses the physical or behavioral characteristics to identify the person. Voice, Iris, finger print etc. are the important physical characteristics used to identify the person. Proposed work presents the Iris based biometric authentication in ATM in order to improve the security for the customer’s fund by providing the access only to the person who is authorized. And the authentic user is allowed for the transaction by using the voice based commands. Keywords— Automatic teller machine (ATM), Iris based access control, Canny Edge Detection, Normalization, Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Hamming Distance (HD), Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation (CASIA). I.INTRODUCTION The iris based biometric recognition is the most accurate security system in order of recognizing the person on the basis of iris. Because of its accuracy it has been widely applicable in many applications like law enforcement applications, forensic work, research analysis, security systems etc. [1]. In order to provide the improved banking system, quick access, and to reduce at least some functions manually and also to provide the money withdrawal service any time ATMs have been invented. At the same time providing the security for the customer’s fund by allowing only to those of authorized user and make sure that the transaction is done by the same authentic user. So, important tool for secured transaction in ATM is access control. The conventional smart card access control for ATM [9] does not guarantee in providing the secured transaction, as it can be stolen [7], password can be used by unauthorized person, and the information stored on the magnetic stripe may lost due to improper usage of card, and it can also be duplicated. Iris recognition is a rapidly expanding method of biometric authentication that uses pattern- recognition techniques on images of irises to uniquely identify an individual. Iris Code has been extensively deployed in commercial iris recognition systems for various security applications and more than 50 million persons have been enrolled using Iris Code. Iris-based recognition is the most promising for high environments among various biometric techniques (face, fingerprint, palm vein, signature, palm print, iris, etc.) because of its unique, stable, and non-invasive characteristics. The iris code is a set of bits, each one of which indicates whether a given bandpass texture filter applied at a given point on the iris image has a negative or nonnegative result. Unlike other biometrics such as fingerprints and face, the distinct aspect of iris comes from randomly distributed features. The iris patterns of the two eyes of an individual or those of identical twins are completely independent and uncorrelated. Irises not only differ between identical twins, but also between the left and right eye. Another characteristic which makes the iris difficult to fake is its responsive nature. Iris detection is one of the most accurate, robust and secure means of biometric identification while also being one of the least invasive. The iris has the unique characteristic of very little variation over a life’s period yet a multitude of variation between individuals. Iris recognition system can be used to either prevent unauthorized access or identity individuals using a facility. When installed, this requires users to register their irises with the system. A distinct iris code is generated for every iris image enrolled and is saved within the system. Once registered, a user can present his iris to the system and get identified. Iris recognition technology to provide accurate identity authentication without PIN numbers, passwords or cards. Enrolment takes less than 2 minutes. Authentication takes less than 2 seconds. II. EXISTING SYSTEM Automatic teller machine is online with bank, each transaction will be authorized by the bank on demands and it uses real-time online processing technique which ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 93 IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ directly updated the account from which transaction takes place. The ATM model in figure below work as follow; Bank customer inserts the smartcard (smartcard) in the ATM machine. The machine then request for a personal identification Number PIN if the supply PIN is correct, access will be authorized and transaction will continue the customer then enter the amount to withdrawal, and if the customer has enough money in the account then the amount will be paid. The whole work is being monitored by the controller class. In principle this is not necessary, but for working with a secure model the controller class is needed as a dispatcher of actions and it would have a log file with the trace of every transaction earned out by ATM. The class card_input has the methods for reading the code of the client's card and for ejecting the card from machine. It interacts through the controller with the class terminal, where the methods reg_PIN and reg_amount are defined. III. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK An automatic teller machine requires a user to pass an identity test before any transaction can be granted. The current method available for access control in ATM is based on smartcard. Efforts were made to conduct an interview with structured questions among the ATM users and the result proved that a lot of problems were associated with ATM smartcard for access control. Among the problems are; it is very difficult to prevent another person from attaining and using a legitimate persons card, also conventional smartcard can be lost, duplicated, stolen or impersonated with accuracy. To overcome the problems of smartcard access control in ATM the use of Iris as the biometric characteristic offers advantages such as: it is well accepted by the user, and the iris can be captured, the hardware costs are reduced, etc. Research framework and methodology is based on the survey that covered a sample of one thousand ATM users in Lagos state. The choice of the location is based on the fact that Lagos state is the economy nerve center of Nigeria and it has more branches of the banks and ATM location compare to any other state in Nigeria. The following questionnaire was used to get information that prompts us to propose the Iris Based Access control. The result obtained from the questionnaire shows that, there is need for better security approaches to ATM access control. The result is analyses as follows: Question 1: Banking would have been better if ATM was never invented 81.7%, the response to the question implied that invention of ATM is a welcome innovation in banking sector. Figure 1: ATM Model Network In order to verify whether the PIN of a particular users is correct or not, the class card will have the information of the cardholder i.e. card_number, PIN, and Account number. The controller will interact with the bank the bank using the information of the card holder in order to get the authorization to pay (or not) request amount. The bank interface will send the request to the accounting class, which belongs to the bank package, in order to call the debit method of the accounting class [5]. The accounting class has the methods of rollback, authorization and debit which directly interact with the accounting class. Rollback is for rollback a transaction in case anything is wrong and should leave the account and the teller machine in the original state; authorization will authorize or not an operation and debit will extract the requested amount of money from the account in case the operation is authorized [8]. Question 2: Withdrawal of money using ATM is quick than normal banking. The majority of the respondent prefers using ATM because it enables quick access to withdrawal of money. Question 3: Withdrawal of money from ATM is more secure The majority of the respondent strongly agreed that fund withdrawal through ATM is not secure compared to using face-face with cashier. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 94 IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question 4: There is need for better security for access. Larger percentage of the respondents strongly agreed that there is need for better security that will guarantee one user with one. Question 5: Biometric approach for access control in ATM would provide better security. Larger percentage of the respondent strongly agreed that biometric approach to ATM access control would provide better security in ATM. Based on the result analysis, it was discovered that Smart card access control has the following drawbacks; In order to access the ATM through iris, one has to register his iris by giving the details. 2. Iris Recognition A customer who has registered his/her iris wants any transaction from his/her account has to select his/her iris image file from the database then Pre-processing, Normalization and Feature extraction of the image takes place. If the extracted pattern of input loaded image and the existing patterns in the database are matched then it provides the authentication for the customer. The principle can be explained with following block diagram. 1. The card which is being used for access control in ATM may become useless as the chip or magnetic stripe used for storing the information for its functionality can destroy because of its continuous and improper use. 2. The card which is being used for access control in the conventional system may have the possibilities of being misplaced. 3. The card could be stolen by another person even with the password. There have been a case of burglar’s forcefully collected ATM card and password from the legitimate owner and even follow such person to the ATM location to confirm that the PIN number given to them is correct. 4. Recently, there has been reported case of card fraud. Various methods were used by fraudster in perpetuating this crime; among others are: for a low tech form of fraud, the easiest is to simply steal an ATM card. A later variant is of this is to trap the card inside ATMs card reader [3]. Advance fraud in ATM involve the installation of a magnetic card reader over the real ATMs card slot and use of a wireless surveillance camera or a modified digital camera to observe the user PIN. Card data is then cloned out on a second card and the criminal attempt a standard cash withdrawal. Consequent to the identified drawbacks, we proposed the design of Iris based access control in Automatic Teller Machine IV. PROPOSED IRIS BASED SYSTEM IN ATM The proposed system consists of following stages 1. 2. 3. 4. Iris Registration Iris Recognition Authentication to the authorized user Password Verification and Transaction Figure 2: Block diagram of Iris Recognition 1 .Image Acquisition 2. Iris Pre processing 3. Iris Normalization 4. Feature Extraction 5. Pattern Matching Iris Preprocessing: Pre-processing of an iris includes localization and segmentation of an iris. After getting the input image, the next step is to localize the circular edge in the region of interest. Canny edge detection operator uses a multi-stage algorithm to detect a wide range of edges in images. It is an optimal edge detector with good detection, good localization and minimal response. In localization we use this detection, in which the inner and outer circles of the iris is approximated, in which inner circle corresponds to iris/pupil boundary and outer circle corresponds to iris/sclera boundary. But the two circles are usually not concentric. Also, comparing with other parts of the eye, the pupil is much darker. The inner boundary is detected between the pupil and the iris. At the same time, the outer boundary of the iris is more difficult to detect because of the low contrast between the two sides of the boundary. So, we detect the outer boundary by maximizing changes of the perimeter along the circle. Iris segmentation is an essential process which localizes the correct iris region in an eye image. Circular edge detection function is used for detecting iris as the boundary is circular and darker than the surrounding. Iris Normalization: The obtained iris region is transformed in order to have fixed dimensions for the purpose of comparison. Gabor filter is used for the purpose of normalization. It is a linear filter used for edge detection. Here it is used to perform good detection 1. Iris Registration of iris region. The size of the pupil may change due to ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 95 IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ the variation of the illumination and the associated elastic deformations in the iris texture may interface with the result of pattern matching. And so, for the purpose of accurate texture analysis, it is necessary to compensate this deformation. Since we have detected both inner and outer boundaries of the iris, it is easy to map the iris ring to a rectangular block of texture of a fixed size. Here a convolution filter also employed for the purpose of enhancement. The original image has low contrast and may have non- uniform illumination caused by the position of the light source. These may impair the result of the texture analysis. We enhance the iris image in order to reduce the effect of non -uniform illumination. Feature Extraction: LBP is a type of feature used for classification in computer vision. LBP was first described in 1994. It has since been found to be a powerful feature for texture classification; it has further been determined that when LBP is combined with the Histogram of oriented gradients improves the detection performance considerably on some datasets. LBP operator forms labels for the image pixels by thresholding the neighbourhood of each pixel and considering the result as a binary number. LBP provides fast feature extraction and texture classification. Due to its discriminative power and computational simplicity, the LBP texture operator has become a popular approach in various applications like image retrieval, remote sensing, biomedical image analysis, motion analysis etc. to extract the entire iris template features. Here, LBP is used to extract the features of the normalized iris image. Pattern Matching: Matching of two iris code is performed using the Hamming distance. The Hamming distance gives a measure of how many bits are the same between two bit patterns. Using the Hamming distance of two bit patterns, a decision can be made as to whether the two patterns were generated from different irises or from the same one. In comparing the bit patterns X and Y, The Hamming Distance HD is defined as the sum of disagreeing bits (sum of exclusive OR between X and Y) over N, the total number of bits in the bit pattern is given by Figure 3: Three neighborhood examples used to define a texture and to calculate LBP The LBP feature vector, in its simplest form, is created in the following manner: Figure 4: Iris Recognition Process 1. 2. Divide the examined window to cells (e.g. 16x16 pixels for each cell). For each pixel in a cell, compare the pixel to each of its 8 neighbors (on its left-top, left-middle, leftbottom, right-top, etc.). Follow the pixels along a circle, i.e. clockwise or counter-clockwise. 3. Where the center pixel's value is greater than the neighbor, write "1". Otherwise, write "0". This gives an 8-digit binary number (which is usually converted to decimal for convenience). 4. Compute the histogram, over the cell, of the frequency of each "number" occurring (i.e., each combination of which pixels are smaller and which are greater than the center). 5. 6. Optionally normalize the histogram. (a)The original eye image taken from CASIA iris database (b) Region of interest extracted image (c) Filtered iris image and (d) Edge detected portion of the iris textures The above figures are the results of iris recognition process. In which, figure (a) is the original eye image taken from CASIA iris database. The eye image is processed to segment the region of interest portion as shown if figure (b). After this, the extracted image is filtered to get the patterns of clear iris textures as shown in figure (c). Figure (d) shows the canny edge detected portion of the filtered iris textures 3. Authentication to the authorized user If the pattern extracted from the loaded input image and the pattern of the existing image in the database are matched then it provides the authentication to the user. Concatenate normalized histograms of all cells. This gives the feature vector for the window. 4. Password Verification and Transaction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 96 IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The authorized person then enters password, if the entered password match is found then the system allows for the transaction and the transaction process begin through voice commands. A microphone commonly used in computer system is used as voice sensor to record the ATM user voice. The recorded voice is then sent to the system which will identify the command given by the user based on his/her voice. Implementation: Implementation of any software is always preceded by important decisions regarding selection of the platform, the language used,etc. these decisions are often influenced by several factors such as real environment in which the system works, the speed that is required, the security concerns, and other implementation decisions that have been made before the implementation of this project. They are as follows: 1. Selection of the platform (Operating System) 2. Selection of programming language for the development of the application 3. Coding guidelines to be followed. Figure 6: Iris Registration MATLAB high level language is used to implement the project. For the user interaction GUIs created using MATLAB tool, can also read, write data files and even communicate with other GUIs. Figure 7: Input Iris for Recognition Figure 5: User Registration Figure 8: Iris Authentication to Authorized user ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 97 IRIS Authentication in Automatic Teller Machine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ To overcome these problems it is advisable to implement the Iris based access control in ATMs as it will eliminate the problems associated with the smart card access control. Iris based recognition enables the most secured authentication to access the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), because of its stable, unique and non-invasive characteristics. REFERENCES [1] Atkins, W., 2001: A testing for face recognition technology. Biometric Technology Today, vol 147, pp. 195-197. [2] Campbell, J, P., 1997. Speaker recognition; a tutorial. In Procc. IEEE, pp; 1437-1462. [3] Dade, L. A. et al. 1998. Human brain function encoding and recognition: Anal of the New York Academy of Sciences, 355, 572 - 574 [4] Kung, S. Y., M W, Mack, and S. H. Lin, 2004. Biometric authentication machine learning approach. Prentice Hall [5] Njemanze, P. C. 2007. Cerebral lateralization for processing Laterality, 12, 31 -49. [6] Schoon G. A. A. and deBurn J. C. 1994, Forensic science international, pill. [7] Wahyudi et al, 2007. Speaker recognition identifies people by their voices. In Proc. Of conference on security in computer application (2007). [8] Yekini, N. A., and Lawal, 0. N. 2000. 1CT for accountants and Bankers: Hasfem Publication, [9] Zhang, D, d., 2000. Automated biometric technologies and systems. Kluwer academic Publisher. [10] Adams W.K. Kong, Member, IEEE, David Zhang, Fellow, IEEE, and Mohamed S. Kamel, Fellow, IEEE, An Analysis of Iriscode, IEEE transactions on image processing, 19(2), (2010)[11]. Amol D. Rahulkar and Raghunath S. Holambe, Half-Iris Feature Extraction and Recognition. Figure 9: Transaction Above figure shows database creation, which includes the process of loading an input eye image from database, extracting the region of interest, filtering the extracted image and the canny edge detection is for edge detection. Also the details of user are registered for storing and recognition. Figure 7 is the captured input iris of a user which is being compared with the existing pattern in the database. Matching of two iris code is performed by using Hamming distance of two bit patterns. If any of the patterns is matched then it displays “Iris Found” else “No Iris found”. Then the recognized person gets the access to ATM. V. MERITS OF IRIS AUTHENTICATION IN ATM 1. Compared to smart card based access the Iris based access system has low false acceptance rate. 2. Iris recognition is reliable in the sense that no two people have the same Irises. 3. Smartcard used to access the ATM might be lost, misplaced or even duplicated but the authentication provided through iris can reduce these problems. 4. Iris Recognition system is economical as it saves the banks cost of producing smartcard. VI. CONCLUSION This paper proposes and describes the design and evaluation of a biometric based authentication to access an Automatic Teller Machine. As the ATM users with smart card access have encountered several problems like card misplacement, chip distortion, card fraud etc. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 98 Spectrum Sensing Using CSMA Technique ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spectrum Sensing Using CSMA Technique 1 Rajeev Shukla, 2Deepak Sharma Electronics and Communication Engineering, CSIT, Durg, Chhattisgarh, INDIA Email: 1rajeev1683@gmail.com, 2deepaksharma@csitdurg.in Abstract — Cognitive Radio is an emerging frontier to tackle the ever increasing demand of spectral needs. The most important function of CR is to search for spectrum holes or white spaces in the spectrum. Many techniques has been introduced and researched to increase the efficiency and accuracy of Spectrum Sensing. With the introduction of more complex methods cost of the whole process also increases. The following paper suggests a new idea of involving CSMA technique for spectrum sensing. This paper will give an insight on working of CR and CSMA technique. Later it will put forward the criterion for spectrum sensing and how CSMA can be used for investigate the presence of primary user in the spectrum vicinity. I. INTRODUCTION Joseph Mitola-III first coined the term “Cognitive Radio”. According to him “Cognitive Radio (CR) is a type of Software Defined Radio which continuously monitors its RF environment for Spectrum holes and provides this unused frequency band to another user” [1]. The original licensed user are called primary user whereas the users to whom the spectrum holes are provided for usage are termed as secondary user. The CR uses various Spectrum Sensing methods to detect the spectrum holes in the RF spectrum. It then estimate the timing for which spectrum would be allotted, then use Dynamic spectrum management techniques to allocate the unused frequency to secondary user through different Power Control methods to communicate between its users undisturbed. The term spectrum holes may be defined as „The spectrum holes is a band of frequencies assigned to a primary user, but, at a particular time and specific geographic location, the band is not being utilized by that user‟. Because of its high awareness about its environment CR uses the methodology of understanding- by-building to learn from the environment and adapt to statistical variations in the input stimuli, with two primary objectives in mind: II. SPECTRUM SENSING The main objective for CR network to achieve is to grant extremely trustworthy communications whenever and wherever needed and to exploit the radio spectrum resourcefully. To utilize the radio spectrum the CR needs to search for the spectrum holes within the spectrum and provide it to secondary user. Here, the term “Spectrum holes” stands for those sub bands of the radio spectrum that are not used by PU at a particular instant of time and specific geographic location (Fig. 1.). Spectrum Sensing, defined as the process of searching spectrum holes in the radio spectrum in local neighborhood of the cognitive radio receiver. It facilitates the cognitive radio to continuously monitor a licensed frequency band and smartly transmits whenever it doesn‟t detect a primary signal. With ability of parallel detection and reaction to the spectrum usage, these types of secondary users can be considered as the basic forms of cognitive radio. The basic prerequisites for spectrum sensing are the full awareness of its radio environment and acquaintance of its geographical location. The responsibilities executed spectrum sensing unit involves [2]: 1) Recognition of possible spectrum holes; 2) Spectral resolution of each spectrum hole; 3) Estimation of the spatial directions of incoming interferes; 4) Signal classification. III. CSMA •A trustworthy system for communication whenever and wherever needed; • Well-organized utilization of the radio spectrum. Fig.1. Spectrum Holes [2] ________________________________________________________________________________________________ International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science - ICEAS, 2014 ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-09, Bangalore, 13th July, 2014 99 Spectrum Sensing Using CSMA Technique ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Multiple access methods are the techniques of allowing multiple users to use a transmission medium or channel for transmission and reception purposes. Media Access Control (MAC) provides addressing and channel access control mechanisms that make it possible for users to use channel in multiple access. Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) is a MAC protocol in which user first validates about the channel whether it is pre-occupied by any other user or not before transmission. It is based on the principle “Sense before Transmit” or “Listen before Talk” [4]. IV. CSMA WITH COGNITIVE RADIO CR make use of spectrum sensing techniques for searching the spectrum holes which are nothing but free channels in the dedicated spectrum. CSMA techniques also verify that channel is free for use or it is preoccupied . thus we can combine CR technology with CSMA. The simplest way for spectrum sensing is by using Energy Detection (ED) technique. The Energy Detection technique is based on the principle that if a primary user is present in the spectrum then there will exist a finite amount of energy in the associated channel. If we analyze the whole spectrum measuring the enery level at each level we can estimate the presence of primary user. But the ED technique has a major flaw that when the signal is continuous in nature the energy of the signal become infinite. So for this purpose we are measuring the power content in the channel instead of energy. For this purpose we are making use of Power Spectral Density (PSD) graph for estimating the power in different channels. Fig.2. PSD graph when all channels are occupied So we can conclude that the system will detect primary user at these carrier frequencies. When some of the channels are unoccupied there will be zero power measured in that channel as no signal will be flowing through that channel. There will be absence of some peaks in the PSD graph of fig.2. as shown in fig.3, upon comparing with fig.2 we see that there will be no peaks for channel 1 and 4 indicating the absence of PUs in that channel. Fig.3. PSD graph when 2 channels are absent. The information thus generated by the reciever can be fed back to transmitter to determine whether another transmission is in progress before initiating any transmission. V. EXPERIMENTAL VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK For the simulation of above idea we are using MATLAB simulation software. We have taken exponetial test signal as an input and 5 channels through which test signal will be transmitted after modulation. The carrier frequency for each channel is different and here it is 1KHz for channel 1, 2KHz for channel 2, 3KHz for channel 3, 4KHz for channel 4 and 5KHz for channel 5. At the reciever end, the signals from different channels are combined and their FFT is taken. Through the FFT result we obtain PSD for the combined signals. In this paper, we had proposed a method for spectrum sensing with the help of CSMA MAC protocol and energy detection using PSD. We had simulated the method using MATLAB to get the desired result. For further improvement of the process presence of noise and attenuation could be taken into consideration. Also the problem of „hidden terminals‟ and „exposed terminal‟ had to be dealt with so as to improve the performance of the system. REFERENCES VI. RESULT AND DISCUSSION [1]. When simulated the PSD graph thus obtained when all channels are occupied is shown in fig.2. Here we can see that PSD curve has some positive finite power when curves get near to carrier frequencies and decreases there after. Joseph Mitola III and Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr. “Cognitive Radio: Making Software Radios More Personal” IEEE Personal Communications, August 1999. S. 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