Judy Woodruff and America’s Next Generation


Judy Woodruff and America’s Next Generation
Number 227, October 2011
Newsletter for Members of National Council for the Social Studies
Judy Woodruff and America’s
Next Generation
At 10:00am on Sunday December 4, 2011,
broadcast journalist Judy Woodruff will
address the 91st NCSS Annual Conference
in Washington, D.C. Woodruff has covered
politics and other news for more than three
decades. She has been a White House correspondent for NBC News, anchor and
correspondent for CNN, and is currently
a senior correspondent and co-anchor of
PBS NewsHour.
Woodruff’s distinguished work includes
an extensive project in 2007 on the views
of young Americans called “Generation
Next: Speak Up. Be Heard.” Film clips such
as “Experiencing Other Faiths to Find One’s
Own” and “A Close Bond Sheds Light on
Race Relations” can be viewed free at www.
“Generation Next” is a term for the 42 million 16-to-25 year old Americans who watched
the Twin Towers collapse, saw a student shoot down his peers at Virginia Tech University,
grew up online, and (statistically speaking) are better educated than any other generation
in history. The aim of the Generation Next initiative was to explore the thoughts of this
generation of young people who are hooked to technology, generally supportive of gay
rights and racial differences, partial to postponing adulthood, and swamped in debt.
In a related 2007 survey, the Pew Research Center reported on the many intricacies
and trends of Generation Next. Young people are “generally happy with their lives and
optimistic about their futures. In their political outlook, they are the most tolerant of any
generation on social issues such as immigration, race and homosexuality.” They are also
“much more likely to identify with the Democratic Party than was the preceding generation of young people, which could reshape politics in the years ahead.” Yet the evidence
is mixed as to “whether the current generation of young Americans will be any more
engaged in the nation’s civic life than were young people in the past, potentially blunting
their political impact.”
Woodruff is the recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award in
Broadcast Journalism/Television as well as the University of Southern California Walter
Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism, among many other distinctions.
91st NCSS Annual Conference 1
President’s Message 3
News from NCSS
State & Regional Conferences
Teaching Resources 7
Carter G. Woodson Winners
Professional Development
NCSS Awards & Grants Winner
Awards & Grants 12
Nomination by Petition
Special Offers from NCSS
Serve on a Committee
TV Plus 16
Thursday, December 1, 2011, is “NCSS Legislative Day” in Washington, D.C.—a unique opportunity for NCSS members to discuss with their members of
Congress issues important to the profession in light of pending appropriations legislation and the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA). NCSS will lead a morning orientation, 8:00–9:30 am, to prepare you to meet with your member of Congress, which you may
schedule between 10:00am and 2:00pm. Attend an NCSS-led debriefing, 3:00–4:00pm, to discuss what transpired, strategize our next steps, and share
useful resources.
(Please note: Legislative Day replaces Leaders Sessions tentatively planned for Thursday; we want to maximize this advocacy effort!)
Before making an appointment with you’re member of Congress, visit www.socialstudies.org/advocacy—and the Social Studies Advocacy Group at connected.
socialstudies.org—for updates and tips on how to make an appointment and prepare for a meeting with a member of Congress. If you plan to attend,
sign up at www.socialstudies.org/legislativeday.
Page 1 • October 2011 • tssp
photo by Jack Miller
Washington DC
DECEMBER 2–4, 2011
Diane Ravitch
Research Professor of
Education, New York
University, and author
of The Death and Life
of the Great American
School System
Who We Teach
What We Teach
How We Teach
Join us in Washington, DC to examine
the Dimensions of Diversity in
these issues
Geoffrey Canada
President & CEO,
Harlem Children’s Zone
Teta V. Banks
Former Consul General,
Republic of Liberia
Urban Education
Closing the
Achievement Gap
Lawrence A. Husick
Co-Director, Foreign
Policy Research
Institute Wachman
Center Program on
Teaching Innovation
Philip G. Zimbardo
Professor Emeritus of
Psychology, Stanford
Registration rates have been reduced
15–20% over 2010 rates
Register Now!
Rex Ellis
Associate Director
for Curatorial Affairs,
National Museum
of African American
History and Culture,
Smithsonian Institution
Judy Woodruff
Co-anchor, PBS
Teaching East Asia
President’s Message
The Newsletter for Members of
National Council for the Social Studies
Hidden Gems
October 2011
no. 227
Sue Blanchette, NCSS President
NCSS Executive Director
Susan Griffin
Director of Publications
Michael Simpson
Steven S. Lapham
Have you ever left an NCSS Annual Conference with the feeling that you wished you could have
just one more day—another day of intellectual stimulation, pedagogical direction, and personal
satisfaction before returning home? This years’ Annual Conference, held December 2-4, will be even
more enticing because the whole of Washington, D.C. also lies out there demanding our attention.
What to choose? I want it all!
As you survey your choices, consider the following hidden gems. These are events in the conference
that you might slide over in your quest to cram every possible opportunity into your conference
experience, yet one of them just might be that cherry on the top of your conference experience.
• Poster sessions—There will be 15–34 poster sessions, which will be available during most
break-out periods. Instead of attending an hour session, consider wandering through the
poster area, where you can stop and talk to presenters one-on-one and gather classroom
ideas from several different sources. Team up with a colleague to cover twice as much
ground and then share—share—share!
• Speakers—Have you ever listened to a conference speaker who brought tears to your
eyes with her eloquence and style? I have. Her name is Teta Banks, and she will be one of
the featured speakers at the conference. Using the theme of time from A Tale of Two Cities,
she wove a picture of the modern world that was both tragic and optimistic, inspiring a
room full of social studies educators.
• Clinics—If you teach an AP class, it’s a good bet that you are the only one in your building
with that prep. During collaborative sessions, there you sit, and no one to collaborate with!
As you flip through the conference program this year, notice that you have an opportunity
for collaboration with some of the best AP and PreAP teachers in the country. Thanks to
a partnership with College Board this year, on Thursday the Board will be offering their
one-day clinics in AP Human Geography, AP World History, and AP Government and
Politics for a reduced fee. For those who teach PreAP classes, the College Board is offering
a clinic on Pre-AP Strategies in History and the Social Sciences.
• Communities—“Join the band. Play a sport. Check the bulletin board for play tryouts.
Get involved.” Does that advice sound familiar? As students enter a new school and a new
life, the advice of teachers and parents is often the same—finding a group of people with
similar interests to associate with will make the transition easier. In NCSS we call them communities, groups of individuals who have banded together because of a specific interest.
There are content-based communities, focusing on such topics as Asia, geography, the
Middle East, or psychology. There are issues-based communities, such as African American
Educators, GLBTQ, instruction and practice, or pre-service teachers. Each community will
have a business meeting and a session presentation where like-minded individuals can
meet and share.
• Saturday Night in D.C.—You can view the White House after dark, stroll around the
Jefferson Memorial, or grab a meal in one of the many ethnic restaurants. Or you can mix
and mingle with colleagues at one of three receptions available to NCSS members on
Saturday night. Celebrate a holiday toast with “Martha Washington” at Mt. Vernon, view
the Charters of Freedom at the National Archives, or attend a private screening of the film
“Life in a Day” at the headquarters of National Geographic. Decisions, decisions!
A conference can be a cornucopia of delights, offering traditional sessions and unexpected options.
Come join me in D.C. for the feast.—Sue Blanchette
Page 3 • October 2011 • tssp
Contributing Staff
Timothy Daly
Director of Administration
David Bailor
Director of Meetings
and Exhibits
Ana Chiquillo Post
Director of External Relations and
Council Communications
Cassandra Roberts
Director of Membership
Richard Palmer
Art Director
The Social Studies Professional, ISSN:
0586-6235, is published exclusively online
eight times a year (the issues of September,
October, November/December, January/
February, March, April, May/June, and
For advertising call William M. Doran at
Phone: 302-644-0546; Fax: 302-644-4678
E-mail: advertising@ncss.org. Advertising
rates and specifications can also be found at
Send nonprofit announcements to tssp@
ncss.org. Inquiries about NCSS membership and subscriptions, as well as notification of changes of address by members and
subscribers, can be e-mailed to membership@ncss.org or sent by regular mail to
Membership Department, NCSS, 8555
Sixteenth St., Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD
National Council for the Social Studies.
All rights reserved.
Membership in National Council for the
Social Studies is open to any person or
institution interested in the social studies.
Comprehensive Member dues are $79.
Regular Member dues are $66; Student/
Retired Member dues are $37 (instructor
certification required for full-time student
status). To join NCSS or subscribe as an
institution, send check to NCSS, PO Box
79078, Baltimore, Maryland 21279; call
1-800-296-7840 extension 111; or visit
News from NCSS
Global Scholar Awarded to Kenneth A. Tye
The International Assembly (IA) of NCSS has selected Professor Kenneth A. Tye as the Distinguished Global
Scholar of year 2011. He is a professor emeritus at Chapman University in Orange, California.
Tye’s highly productive professional life has been driven by his extensive work in global and international
education with administrators, preservice, and practicing teachers in his various capacities as educator,
consultant, and administrator.
Tye is also known for numerous publications (seven books, 16 book chapters, and many articles) and
hundreds of presentations at conferences in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway,
Russia, United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, Liberia, Indonesia, Korea, and Italy. He has worked closely
with stakeholders who help guide educational policy in the United States and abroad.
Here’s a short excerpt from his resume: In the later 1980s, Tye directed a project to prepare outstanding Hispanic bilingual teachers and co-directed the Center for Human Interdependence (CHI), a global
education center in southern California, with regional, national, and international projects. This work
involved a large-scale research project and school interventions. Also in the 1980s, he was chair of the
education department at Chapman University. During his five years there, the enrollment grew tenfold
and became a college with a dean.
The Global Scholar Award and the Invited Luncheon at the 2011 NCSS Annual Conference, November 2-4, 2011, in Washington, D.C.
is sponsored annually by the generosity of the Eleanor and Elliot Goldstein (EGEG) Family Foundation.
The Jan L. Tucker Memorial Lecture Keynote Speaker: Guomin Zheng
Guomin Zheng, professor and executive dean of Teachers College at Beijing Normal University, China,
will be the Keynote Speaker at the Jan L. Tucker Memorial Lecture of the International Assembly, which
meets at the Annual Conference.
Zheng’s research interests focus on teacher education policy in China, Chinese instruction policies,
and curriculum in elementary and middle/high school. He carried out the task of creating the Evaluation
Standard of Chinese Teachers for the Ministry of Education. He is chief editor of Teacher’s Journal and of
a series of Chinese textbooks that are used by more than 10 million students and 300 thousand teachers
today. Zheng has played a significant role in Chinese teacher education reform and policy making.
Civil War Lesson Prize: Paul LaRue
For the fourth year, the Civil War Trust, the nation’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the hallowed ground of Civil War battlefields, and the History television channel have teamed up
to honor innovative and inspiring history teachers. The “Best Lesson Plan Contest” offers cash prizes
to teachers who use primary source materials and a healthy dose of creativity to bring 19th-century
history alive in 21st-century classrooms.
The 2011 second place prize went to NCSS member Paul LaRue of Washington High School in
Washington Court House, Ohio, for “The Battle of Saltville.” His lesson uses primary documents, related
to the October 1864 southwestern Virginia engagement, to examine the complexities of the Civil War
experience of African-Americans. Ultimately, high school students are asked to evaluate whether the
fighting amounted to a battle, a massacre or somehow both.
Entries are available on the Trust’s website, as part of the organization’s commitment to sharing
proven classroom techniques with educators, free-of-charge. Teachers may also download individual
lesson plans or the comprehensive two-week Civil War Curriculum, available at three grade levels. Visit www.civilwar.org/education.
If you know a social studies colleague who has won a national-level award, please send a notice to this newsletter via e-mail, tssp@ncss.
Page 4 • October 2011 • tssp
News from NCSS
ISSS Annual Conference: March 1-2, 2012, Orlando, Florida
The 2012 International Society for the Social Studies (ISSS) Annual Conference will be held at the Fairwinds Alumni Center at University
of Central Florida, in Orlando, March 1–2, 2012. With scholarly presentations and practical teaching workshops on various social studies
related topics from prominent experts, the ISSS conference provides a platform for all educators to engage in rich dialogue about the
social studies. For university faculty, teacher educators, curriculum specialists, social studies department leaders, undergraduate and
graduate students, as well as P-12 teachers, the conference features presentations that appeal to all. The 2012 theme is “Social Studies
in a Global World.”
Orlando attractions include Disney World theme parks, Universal Studios, Sea World, and Wet N’ Wild. It’s only minutes away from
Cocoa Beach, Kennedy Space Center, Daytona Beach, and many other surrounding attractions.
Registration remains low at $105 for ISSS members and $165 for non-members. Visit www.TheISSS.org.
International Journal
The editorial staff of the Journal of International Social Studies, the official publication of the International Assembly (IA)of NCSS, announces
the second issue of volume one. Please visit the journal website www.iajiss.org to view the new issue, which is free.
“We welcome manuscript submissions on an ongoing basis. Manuscripts can be research articles, media reviews, or perspectives on
the International Assembly.” —Lee Bisland, Editor.
Advocacy Update from Hawaii
In September 2011, the Hawaii Department of Education decided to drop its controversial recommendation that the state cut its high
school social studies requirements from four to three credits. The initial recommendation raised the ire of social studies advocates all
over the state, and hundreds submitted testimony to the board, opposing the change. NCSS Executive Director Susan Griffin sent a letter. Several others, including author, education advocate, and presidential sibling Maya Soetoro-Ng, submitted opinion pieces to the
regional press, such as Honolulu’s Civil Beat. While the new recommendation does reinstate the fourth social studies credit, per public
outcry, it would now omit U.S. history and world history (as specific subjects) from the requirements. Good news, bad news? Civic Beat
education reporter Katherine Poythress covers the ongoing public discourse at www.civilbeat.com. See also www.socialstudies.org/advocacy and
the Advocacy Group at connected.socialstudies.org.
News of Interest
Our Nation’s Labor History: Missing In Action
As labor unions increasingly come under attack across the nation, a new report on how the history of labor is treated in high school
history textbooks finds that most Americans don’t get the information they need to create informed opinions on questions about labor’s
role in American society.
“American Labor and U.S. History Textbooks: How Labor’s Story is Distorted in High School History Textbooks—And What We Lose By
It,” commissioned by the Albert Shanker Institute in cooperation with the American Labor Studies Center, surveys four major textbooks
that together account for most of the market in U.S. history textbooks. The report notes that these textbooks offer “spotty, inadequate,
and slanted coverage” of the labor movement; for example, focusing on strikes and strike violence while neglecting labor’s role in bringing generations of Americans into the middle class. At other times, the textbooks simply ignore labor’s contributions (including unions’
activism) in passing social reforms such as the eight-hour work day, and their strong support for the civil rights movement.
Students deserve knowledge and understanding that will help them form their own judgments. “In order to fulfill their responsibilities
as citizens today, our students need to understand the past sacrifice of working men and women, individually and through their unions,
that gave us the quality of life we enjoy,” said Paul F. Cole, Executive Director of the American Labor Studies Center, “That quality of life
is threatened today by well-financed anti-union groups.”
While the report notes some exceptions, it finds that the critical role of the U.S. labor movement in supporting the aspirations and
living standards of working men and women is often given short shrift. Textbooks that leave out or slant labor history simply aren’t
fully reflecting our nation’s history. The report reviewed hard-copy student editions of textbooks published by Harcourt/Holt (2009),
Houghton Mifflin/McDougal (2009), McGraw Hill/Glencoe (2010), and Pearson/Prentice Hall (2010) for high school U.S. history classes.
The report is designed to be both a critique, and a valuable resource for teachers, students, and others that can help fill in the gaps left
by many standard textbooks.
Read more at labor-studies.org/labor-spotlight/american-labor-and-u-s-history-textbooks.
Page 5 • October 2011 • tssp
State and Regional Conferences
Affiliate State and Regional Social Studies Conferences provide great opportunities for teachers in their home areas. Visit www.socialstudies.org/affiliates/conferences to find the meeting themes, proposal deadlines, council webpages, and conference contacts. Send updates to
October 6, 2011
Louisiana CSS
Crowne Plaza and Louisiana
State Museum
Baton Rouge, LA
October 6-7, 2011
Idaho CSS
Historic Boise High School
Boise, ID
October 8, 2011
Washington State CSS Fall
Inservice Conference
Edmonds Woodway High School
Edmonds, WA
October 13-15, 2011
Pennsylvania CSS
Doubletree Hotel and Suites
Pittsburgh, PA
October 14-16, 2011
Florida CSS
Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront
St. Petersburg, FL
October 14, 2011
Illinois CSS
Harper’s College
Palatine, IL
October 15, 2011
Nebraska CSS
Buffet Magnet Middle School
Omaha, NE
October 17, 2011
Alabama SSCA
The Lincoln Center
Birmingham, AL 35204
October 17, 2011
Long Island, NY CSS
Huntington Hilton Hotel
Huntington, NY
October 17-18, 2011
Iowa CSS
The Meadows Events and
Convention Center
Des Moines, IA
October 21, 2011
Maryland CSS
Annapolis, MD
October 21-23, 2011
Texas CSS
Doubletree Hotel
IH-35 & Hwy 290
Austin, TX
October 27, 2011
New Hampshire CSS
The Radisson Hotel/
Center of New Hampshire
Manchester, NH
October 27, 2011
New Jersey CSS
Busch Campus Center,
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ
October 28, 2011
Arizona CSS
Arizona State University
West Campus
Glendale, AZ
October 29, 2011
New Mexico CSS
Location TBD
November 3-4, 2011
Arkansas Curriculum Conference
Peabody Hotel and Statehouse
Convention Center
Little Rock, AR
February 4, 2012
Oklahoma CSS
Southmoore High
Moore, OK
February 11, 2012
GreaterMetropolitan New York
Social Studies Conference
UFT Headquarters
New York, New York
February 23, 2012
North Carolina CSS
Sheraton Greensboro
at Four Seasons
Greensboro, NC
March 2, 2012
California CSS
Hyatt Regency
Orange County, CA
March 4, 2012
Minnesota CSS
Atwood Memorial Center
Saint Cloud State University
St. Cloud, MN
March 8, 2012
Middle States Regional Conference
Baltimore, MD
March 9, 2012
Tennessee CSS
Knoxville Downtown Hilton
Knoxville, TN
November 4, 2011
Maine CSS
University of South Maine
Portland, ME
March 19, 2012
Wisconsin CSS
Madison Marriott West
Middleton, WI
November 4-6, 2011
Michigan CSS
Causeway Bay Hotel
Lansing, MI
April 3, 2012
Northeast Regional Conference
Sturbridge Host Hotel and
Conference Center
Sturbridge, MA
November 7, 2011
Maine CSS
Morgan Hill Event Center
Hermon, ME
October 17-18, 2011
Mississippi CSS
Bancorp South Conference Center
Tupelo, MS
December 2-4, 2011
NCSS Annual Conference
Washington D.C. Convention Center
Washington D.C.
October 20-21, 2011
Georgia CSS
The Athens Classic Center
Athens, GA
February 1, 2012
Washington State CSS
K-8 Conference
Page 6 • October 2011 • tssp
April 13, 2012
Colorado CSS
Doubletree Tech Center Hotel
Denver, CO
Teaching Resources
This fall, world population will reach 7 billion. Population Connection has started a “World
of 7 Billion” campaign with a new website, www.worldof7billion.org that includes teaching activities and a high school video PSA contest. A two-sided poster for secondary social studies
teachers is now available and will be sent to NCSS members with the October issue of
Social Education. One side has an illustrated timeline (“A Quick Trip to 7 Billion”), which
shows different advances in science and technology, social movements, and events that
have impacted world population trends over the past 200 years. The other side has graphs
and text that examine present trends and future projections. It includes UN projections,
the Demographic Transition Model, Population Pyramids, and a number of graphs that
show the challenges of meeting people’s needs for food, water, and energy, as well as how
people have altered the planet’s surface and ecosystems to meet demands for resources.
There’s a comparison of statistics from 1960 (when world population hit 3 billion) until
today, showing the advances we’ve made in life expectancy and public health, but also
the challenges we still face as one species among many.
Old tyrants are falling in the Middle East. Why did it happen? What will replace them? A
new fact sheet on the Arab Spring can be downloaded at the website of the Outreach
Center of Harvard’s Center on Middle Eastern Studies, cmes.hmdc.harvard.edu/outreach
A heads-up for your lesson plans. On January 12th, 1912 the labor protest that became
known as the “Bread and Roses” strike began in Lawrence. A new state law had reduced
the maximum workweek from 56 to 54 hours. Factory owners responded by speeding
up production and cutting workers’ pay. Polish women were the first to shut down their
looms and leave the mill. As they marched through the streets, workers from all the city’s
ethnic groups joined them. Over months, increasingly violent methods were used to
suppress the protest, but the strikers maintained solidarity. After Congress held hearings,
the mill owners were anxious to avoid bad publicity. They settled with the strikers, ending a watershed chapter in U.S. labor history.” See teaching resources at the American
Labor Studies Center, labor-studies.org. Description above is from, adian-ancestral-home.blogspot.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has produced the first of its Economic Lowdown
Video Companion series for grades 9–12 economics, AP economics, and business courses.
The first episode explores the concept of supply and is free on the St. Louis Fed’s YouTube
Channel and website at www.stlouisfed.org/education_resources/video_podcasts.cfm. These brief videos
will use clear, simple language and graphic elements so that students can visualize economic concepts and see how economic principles affect the choices they make in their
everyday lives. Videos, explaining the concepts of demand and market equilibrium, will
be available soon.
These videos are part of the St. Louis Fed’s effort to improve economic and personal
finance knowledge. In 2010, its course materials were downloaded by teachers 384,015
times, and nearly 34,000 students from 43 states were enrolled in its online courses.
Andrea Erins (andrea@mastersineducation.com) has compiled a list of schools offering Masters in
Education. Visit www.mastersineducation.com. Is this useful to you? Let us know, tssp@ncss.org.
Use the Google Custom Search to explore back issues of NCSS journals. Enter your search
term and get a list of articles from an NCSS journal (going back 18 years or more). Only
NCSS members can access the Publications Archive, visit a journal, and see the PDF of an
entire article. Visit www.socialstudies.org/publications/archive.
Page 7 • October 2011 • tssp
Are You Moving?
Have A New E-Mail Address?
Go to the members-only link at
socialstudies.org/membership to
renew your membership, change
your address, or update your
member profile. That way, there’ll
be no gap in the delivery of your
NCSS publications.
And include your e-mail address
to receive updates and alerts that
arrive only by e-mail several times
a year.
You can also reach the Membership
Department at
National Council for the Social Studies proudly announces
the Carter G. Woodson Book Award and Honor Books for
2011. The works below have been chosen as the most
distinguished social science books depicting ethnicity in the
United States for young readers. The awards will be presented at the 91st NCSS Annual Conference in Washington,
Sit In: How Four Friends
Stood Up by Sitting Down
An Unspeakable Crime:
The Prosecution and
Persecution of Leo Frank
by Andrea Davis Pinkney and
Illustrated by Brian Pinkney.
Published by Little, Brown
and Company (A Division of
Hachette Book Group, Inc.),
New York, NY.
by Elaine Marie Alphin.
Published by Carolrhoda
Books (A Division of Lerner
Publishing Group, Inc.),
Minneapolis, MN.
Simeon’s Story: An
Eyewitness Account of the
Kidnapping of Emmett Till
by Simeon Wright with
Herb Boyd. Published by
Lawrence Hill Books (An
imprint of Chicago Review
Elementary Honor
Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave
by Laban Carrick Hill and Illustrated by Bryan Collier. Published by
Little, Brown and Company (A Division of Hachette Book Group,
Inc.), New York, NY.
About the Carter G. Woodson Book Awards
Woodson books accurately reflect the perspectives, cultures, and values
of the particular ethnic or racial group(s) represented; promote
pluralistic values; are informational or nonfiction (but not textbooks);
are well written, reflecting originality in presentation and themes; and
are published in the United States in the year prior to the award year.
Eligible books are evaluated for readability, suitability for age/grade
level, scholarship, illustrations, and curriculum enhancement.
There were no awards given for Middle Level books in 2011.
About Carter G. Woodson
The awards are given in honor of Carter G. Woodson (1875–1950),
scholar, educator, historian, and founding editor of The Journal of
Negro History. In 1915, Woodson founded the Association for the Study
of Negro Life and History, and, in 1926, initiated Negro History Week,
which gave rise in 1976 to Black History Month.
For more information
All Carter G. Woodson Book Award winners (1974–2011) are listed
at www.socialstudies.org/awards/woodson/winners.
Page 8 • October 2011 • tssp
Professional Development
The premiere professional development event for social studies educators is the NCSS Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., December
2–4, 2011. See page 2, or visit www.socialstudies.org/conference.
Check out the professional development “America in Class” online seminars from the National Humanities Center, at americainclass.org/seminars.
Cost: $35.00 per seminar. A list of assigned readings are made available prior to each seminar. Assigned texts are provided free and online.
There are five or six seminars each month. Upcoming topics include “Aliens” in the Empire: Diversity in the American Colonies,” “ The Idea
of American Exceptionalism: From the Puritans to President Obama,” and “ The Scopes Trial and America’s Multiple Modernities.”
E-mail Caryn Koplik, Assistant Director of Education Programs, for special pricing, at ckoplik@nationalhumanitiescenter.org.
GEEO.org (Global Exploration for Educators Organization) is already announcing summer travel-study programs for the summer of 2012,
so far to Russia/Mongolia/China, Turkey, Laos/Cambodia/Thailand, Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands. These are described at www.geeo.
org. Until November 15, GEEO we will be offering an early registration discount of 5% on each program. A $250 non-refundable deposit
is required to hold your spot with the final payment for the program due 60 days before departure. If you have any questions feel free
to contact Director Jesse Weisz 9am–9pm, 7 days a week, at 1-877-600-0105. You can also email jesse@geeo.org.
The Educational Seminars program is funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and is
implemented by American Councils for International Education. Program funding covers all costs, and international travel takes place in
the summer. U.S. school teachers and administrators are invited to apply for short-term exchanges in Argentina, Brazil, Greece, India, Italy,
Thailand, and Uruguay. While in the host country, the educators will exchange best practices, network with educational leaders, and/or
develop joint classroom projects and school partnerships. Applications for many programs open in October 2011. Visit www.americancouncils.
org/es. See the page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/EducationalSeminars. Contact Educational Seminars at edseminars@americancouncils.org.
The Bill of Rights Institute’s “On-Demand Constitutional Seminar” allows you to get classroom tested educational materials and training
without having to travel to a university campus. This online professional development program provides the same background information and educational content, and similar teaching strategies as in-person Constitutional Seminars. Move through the programs at your
own pace and according to your own schedule—anywhere you have an Internet connection and a computer.
Read more at ondemand.billofrightsinstitute.org. Once registered, you will have access to all of the resources for that seminar, including interactive exercises; scholar presentations; lessons; and evaluation . The Bill of Rights Institute is an approved professional development
provider in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. You can use this certificate during certification.
TSSP 2011–2012 Deadlines for Announcements
Nov/Dec 2011
Jan/Feb 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May/June 2012
July/Aug 2012
September 2012
October 2012
Page 9 • October 2011 • tssp
NCSS Awards and Grants
2011 NCSS Award and Grant Recipients
NCSS annually recognizes teachers, researchers, authors, and other worthy
individuals or programs. This year’s award and grant recipients are listed here.
Please join us in congratulating your fellow educators for their outstanding
performance in the social studies by attending their presentation sessions (listed
in the Conference Program) and the two awards receptions (described below)
where they will be formally recognized.
For updates and changes, please check your Conference Program when you arrive
at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year
(Sponsored by Farmers Insurance)
Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year—Elementary Level
Ruth King, Cedar Ridge Elementary, Cedar Hills, UT
Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year—Middle Level
Christine Adrian, Jefferson Middle School, Champaign, IL
Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year—Secondary
Benjamin D. Weber, Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School, Los Angeles, CA
2011 Awards & Grant Receptions
NCSS Teacher of the Year Awards Ceremony
The President’s Breakfast, the official opening of the 91st NCSS Annual Conference, will feature the presentation of the NCSS
Teacher of the Year awards. Celebrate Excellence as we recognize outstanding classroom teachers and honor the work of teachers everywhere. Hear NCSS President Sue Blanchette deliver her Presidential Address, recognizing the shared passion of teachers
and looking at teaching, then and now. The breakfast (a ticketed event) is at 7:00am on Friday, December 2, 2011, in the Walter E.
Washington Convention Center Ballroom.
NCSS Awards Reception
Join us for the presentation of the 2011 NCSS Awards. Enjoy a wonderful evening of entertainment and refreshments as we honor
the exceptional contributions of your colleagues to social studies education. The reception will be held at 5:30pm on Saturday,
December 3, 2011, in the Renaissance Hotel Ballroom.
Carter G. Woodson Books and Honor Books
The 2011 Carter G. Woodson award-winning books and their authors are listed on page 8 of the newsletter and can be seen at www.
To read about applying for an NCSS grant or award, nominating a colleague, sponsoring an award, or serving on an awards committee,
go online to www.socialstudies.org/awards.
Page 10 • October 2011 • tssp
Exemplary Research Award
(Co-sponsored by the NCSS Research Community)
Ronald W. Evans, San Diego State University, CA
Award-winning Research: “The Hope for American School Reform: The Cold War Pursuit of Inquiry Learning in Social Studies”
Jean Dresden Grambs Distinguished Career Research in Social Studies
(Co-sponsored by the NCSS Research Community)
Lynne Boyle-Baise, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Larry Metcalf Exemplary Dissertation
(Co-sponsored by NCSS Research Community)
Avishag (Abby) Reisman, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (now at CRESST-UCLA)
Award-winning Dissertation: “Reading like a Historian: A Document-based History Intervention in Urban High Schools”
2011 Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy
(Co-sponsored by Herff Jones | Nystrom Inc.)
Cynthia Resor, April Blakely, Connie Hodge, and Karen Maloley, Eastern Kentucky University,
Richmond, KY
Grant-winning Proposal: “Pre-Service Teacher Conference: Geography in the Classroom”
*This grant recipient will present on her project at the 2012 NCSS Annual Conference.
2010 Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy
(Co-sponsored by Herff Jones | Nystrom Inc.)
James Oigara, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY
Grant-winning Proposal: “Enhancing the Teaching of Geographic
Standards through Tools of Technology: A Summer Workshop for K-12 Teachers”
Award for Global Understanding Given in honor of James M. Becker
(Made possible with funding from The Longview Foundation)
Mark T. Johnson, Concordia International School, Shanghai, China
2011 Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award
(Co-sponsored by the Fund for the Advancement of Social Studies Education, FASSE)
Kathryn Bauer and Sheila Simpson, Patterson Elementary School, Mesa, AZ
Award-winning Proposal: “Historical Firsts! Civil War Science and Technology”
*This award recipient will present on his project at the 2012 NCSS Annual Conference
2010 Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award
(Co-sponsored by the Fund for the Advancement of Social Studies Education, FASSE)
Brady Rochford, Francine Delany New School for Children, Asheville, NC
Award-winning Proposal: “Sister Schools Telling Stories”
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Awards & Grants
An oral history assignment given to your students could win a prize. The Legacy Project has launched its 12th annual Listen to a Life Essay
Contest. This is a chance for students to develop interviewing, listening, writing, and technology skills as they learn about their family,
themselves, and history when they listen to the life stories of a grandparent or grandfriend. The Grand Prize is a Lenovo ThinkCentre
computer and $25,000 of EdOptions Orchard educational software. The contest is part of the Legacy Project at www.legacyproject.org, a multigenerational education initiative with the nonprofit Generations United in Washington, D.C. Deadline for entries is March 30, 2012.
ING Unsung Heroes awards are given to K-12 educators pioneering new teaching methods and techniques that improve learning based
on innovative methods, creativity, and ability to positively influence students. Each year, 100 finalists are selected to receive a $2,000
award, payable to both the winning teacher and his or her school. At least one award is granted in each of the 50 states, provided at least
one qualified application was received from each state. Maximum grant: $25,000 Deadline: April 30 of every year.
Fifth grade teachers take note! The American Immigration Council (formerly the American Immigration Law Foundation) is sponsoring
its 15th annual Celebrate America Creative Writing Contest 2012. The contest gives fifth graders the opportunity to explore the United
States as a nation of immigrants. It also inspires educators to bring U.S. Immigration history and lessons into their classrooms. The national
winner (a fifth grader) and two guests receive an all expenses paid trip to The Council’s Annual Benefit Dinner. The student is honored
and reads the winning entry aloud. Past winners have used the theme “Why I am Glad America is a Nation of Immigrants” to discuss their
personal immigration experiences, learn about and share family histories, or write about the broader questions of the challenges facing
immigrants in a new land. Fifth grade students enter their work in local contests, then each chapter forwards the local winning entry to
the national competition. A distinguished panel including U.S. senators, award-winning authors, and noted journalists review the entries.
Deadlines for entries vary locally, but are usually in the late Fall. Visit www.communityeducationcenter.org/community/grants.
NCSS Governance
Nomination by Petition
NCSS Accepting Nominations for Board of Directors
Qualified NCSS members may be nominated as candidates for vicepresident or for positions on the Board of Directors by petition. The
name of a candidate nominated by petition, along with candidates
nominated by the Nominations and Elections Committee, will be
placed on the ballot and candidate information sheets.
Board of Directors
Persons may be nominated for the Elementary and Secondary
positions, the at-large classroom teacher position, and the general at-large position.
Nomination by Petition
A petition form must be submitted to NCSS headquarters by no
later than November 1. Petition forms may be obtained from
NCSS or on the “Members Only” section of the website.
Petitions must carry the signatures of at least 150 NCSS members, no more than 75 of whom may be from one state.
No member may sign more than one petition.
A 200-word biographical sketch of the candidate, and a 200word position statement.
Candidates for vice-president must have served a full 3-year
term on the NCSS Board of Directors.
Candidates for elected positions in NCSS must agree to the regulations regarding campaigning.
At the NCSS Annual Conference, a candidates’ forum will be scheduled for candidates’ presentations and membership questioning. Each
candidate will be given a name badge (and/or ribbon) that clearly
identifies that person as a candidate (to be worn only during the
Annual Conference). Candidates may be approached by attendees to
discuss their experience, positions, etc. NCSS will create a standard
poster for each candidate, at NCSS expense, that will be displayed
in a common area at the conference site. NCSS will set aside an area
in an appropriate place for candidates to spend a fixed period of
time to meet attendees and talk about issues, etc.
Candidates for elected positions in NCSS and their supporters
may engage in the campaign practices described at www.socialstudies.
Page 12 • October 2011 • tssp
Special Offers from NCSS
To learn more about these special offers, visit
Insurance Program
Save on insurance with our members-only discounts. Enrollment in our group insurance plan provides substantial savings
and numerous options such as professional liability insurance, TDA program, cancer coverage, Medicare supplement,
and other options for NCSS members and their families.
Credit Card
Learn about applying for an NCSS Platinum Plus MasterCard credit card with Worldpoints rewards. Brought to you by
Bank of America. The Worldpoints rewards program lets you select from cash rewards, travel, merchandise, or personal
Flowers, Gift Baskets, Candy, etc.
NCSS members can save 15% on gourmet gift baskets, flowers, candy, and more.
Moving and Storage
Benefits available to NCSS members through the Allied Moving Benefits program can save you thousands of dollars
on professional moving, while guaranteeing you world class service from the industry’s top provider. Moving services
• Group discounts on full service, long distance (interstate) moving and storage with Carey Moving and Storage, an
agent for Allied Van Lines. Receive Allied Van Lines most competitive rates (minimum of 60% currently) on out of
state moves.
• Service Guarantees/Corporate Perks from the nation’s top moving brand means you won’t have to worry about
what your move will cost—in dollars or hassles.
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Be an NCSS Leader!
Serve on an NCSS Operations Committee
Operations committees carry out board-mandated operations, duties, and policies, as well as many of the necessary business and organizational functions of NCSS. Committees relate their work to Board directives, the long-range plan of NCSS and the leadership theme
of the year set by the Board. They make recommendations to the board and provide advice.
You must be a member of NCSS to serve on a committee, and may serve on one at any one time. Beginning teachers, elementary
teachers, and minorities are encouraged to apply. Terms of office begin July 1, 2012. Deadline for application is October 15, 2011.
For details and to apply, visit www.socialstudies.org/about/committees.
• Attendance is expected at all regularly scheduled meetings
and the Annual Conference.
Appointment & Tenure
• Appointments are made by the NCSS House of Delegates in
November 2011. Terms begin July 1, 2012.
• If a member is unable to attend the Annual Conference,
advance notice is expected.
• NCSS members are limited to serving no more than six
consecutive years on a committee.
• Full and active participation from all levels of education, all
ethnic groups, and all geographic areas is encouraged.
Time of Meetings
• During the NCSS Annual Conference.
• Committee business is carried out between committee
meetings by e-mail and Internet discussion.
Archives Committee
• Ensures that documentation and artifacts relevant to NCSS
history are secured in the NCSS archives.
• Reviews current archival holdings and makes assessments
regarding the needs of the collection, and recommends policies and procedures that would ensure that relevant materials are collected and made accessible.
• Conducts sessions at NCSS Annual Conferences and other
meetings to help educators in accessing archived materials.
Awards Committee
• Establishes guidelines for new and existing NCSS recognition
programs and oversees the award selection process.
• Works with NCSS staff in coordinating recognition programs.
• Selection Subcommittees review nominations and applications for individual awards.
Conference Committee
• Advises the NCSS Board of Directors on policies and other
matters pertaining to the NCSS Annual Conference, including conference sites, and on matters pertaining to other
NCSS conferences.
• Advises NCSS regarding endorsement of regional and other
social studies conferences.
Government and Public Relations Committee
• Advises the NCSS Board of Directors and staff on matters
pertaining to government relations.
• Develops strategies and programs to influence public policy,
with the goals of promoting social studies and enhancing
education for civic competence.
Membership Committee
• Advises the NCSS Board of Directors and staff on matters
pertaining to NCSS membership, including policies, processing, and marketing.
• Recommends programs and policies to encourage participation of educators from all levels, ethnic groups, and geographic areas.
Publications Committee
• Advises the NCSS Board of Directors and Director of
Publications regarding the NCSS publications program.
• Assists the NCSS Director of Publications in
identifying reviewers, potential authors, and topics.
• Oversees the work of the Social Education Subcommittee.
International Visitors Committee
• Works with the International Assembly, the International
Activities Community, and the Annual Conference planning
team to coordinate activities between international visitors
and U.S. social studies educators during the Conference.
• Offers opportunities for international participants and U.S.
social studies educa­tors to meet in a variety of settings in
order to raise awareness about world regions and social
studies related programs.
• Coordinates efforts to provide a strand at the Annual
Conference highlighting issues that are relevant to social
studies educa­tors across the globe.
Page 14 • October 2011 • tssp
Submit a
Cover Photo!
Put your students doing social studies
on the cover of Social Education! The
editors are looking for images of K-12
students actively engaged in social
studies. For example, students might
be working with maps, playing the
roles of historical figures, constructing
a table-top model city, debating in a
moot court, “buying” a product with
play money, or interviewing an elderly
citizen for an oral history project.
• The file of the color image is saved
on a CD as a jpg or tiff.
Your color photo must meet these
In addition, the package you send must
include this material:
• The K-12 students in the image are
doing something interesting relating
to social studies. Also welcome
would be a focus on a single student
in action, or a student-created work
of art related to social studies. Photos
of students involved in learning
economics, or using technology in a
social studies activity, are especially
• A caption that tells what is happening
in the photo, the students’ grade level,
name and location of your school,
and who took the photo. (The names
of students appearing in a photo will
not be published in the caption.)
• A vertical composition (portrait as
opposed to landscape frame) with
some open space at the top, leaving
room for the journal’s logo near the
• The digital resolution must be 300
dpi at 8x10 inches (or better), which
is equivalent to about 1 Megabite
or more for a single image. An
8x10-inch color film print (from a
darkroom) or a negative are also
acceptable. Do not send images
created by an ink jet or laser printer.
• Permission forms signed by parents
for each student appearing in the
photo. (Ask your principal for this
• Your full mailing address, e-mail
address, and phone number.
Cover images will be selected solely at the discretion of the art director and editors at NCSS. Materials and CD will be
acknowledged when received, but not returned. Send questions to rpalmer@ncss.org. Send your package Attn: Art Director, Cover
Submissions for Social Education, National Council for the Social Studies, 8555 Sixteenth Street, Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD
tssp www.socialstudies.org
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TV Plus
Check local listings for air times.
History of the World in Two Hours
Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 9pm ET
The History Channel / Special Presentation
From the producers of “Life After People” and “The Universe,” this program gives viewers a rapid-fire history of our world, from the beginning of time as we know it to present day. It delves into the key turning points: the formation of earth, emergence of life, spread of man
and the growth of civilization and reveals some of their surprising connections to our world today.
The War of 1812
October 10, 2011,
For two and a half years, Americans fought against the British, Canadian colonists, and Native nations. Some of the War of 1812’s battles
and heroes became legendary, yet its blunders and cowards were just as prominent. This film shows how the glories of war become
enshrined in history, how failures are quickly forgotten and how inconvenient truths seem to be ignored forever. With re-enactments,
animation, and incisive commentary of key experts, this program presents the conflict that forged the destiny of a continent.
Women, War & Peace
October 11, November 8, 2011
This five-part series challenges the conventional wisdom that war and peace
are men’s domain. The vast majority of today’s conflicts are not fought by nation
states and their armies, but rather by informal entities: gangs and warlords. The
series reveals how the post-Cold War proliferation of small arms has changed
the landscape of war, with women becoming primary targets and suffering
unprecedented casualties.
Yet they are simultaneously emerging as necessary partners in brokering
lasting peace and as leaders in forging new international laws governing conflict. With depth and complexity, Women, War & Peace spotlights the stories of
women in conflict zones from Bosnia to Afghanistan and Colombia to Liberia, placing women at the center of an urgent dialogue about
conflict and security, and reframing our understanding of modern warfare.
The series features narrators Matt Damon, Tilda Swinton, Geena Davis, and Alfre Woodard. Visit www.pbs.org/wnet/women-war-and-peace.
In the Mix
Programs and DVDs
In the Mix half-hour programs air weekly on PBS stations and address critical issues for teens and young adults. (Please check your local
listings for times and dates). All programs have one year of air-taping rights for educational use and are available in DVD, many with
Spanish subtitles.
The website www.pbs.org/mix provides extensive companion areas on past programs, with video clips, transcripts, discussion guides,
resources, and how to order DVDs. Some recent program titles are Youth Against Meth; Young Entrepreneurs; Intergenerational Teens
and Seniors; Peer Mediation; Conflict Resolution; Native American Teens: Who We Are; and Depression: What You Can Do.
Also check out our extensive tween website “It’s My Life,” www.pbskids.org/itsmylife, which covers many of the same issues, but is targeted
to 8-13 year olds.
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