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A publication sharing ideas and insights
Summer 2006 Volume Seven Issue Three
Addressing the
Needs of Older
Children and Youth
in Foster Care
2006 National Convening on
Youth Permanence:
Promoting Families for Life
Massachusetts DSS
Commissioner on Reforming
Child Welfare
Journalist Judy Woodruff
Searching for Generation Next
Rural Family Economic Success:
Supporting Homeownership
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Raymond L. Torres
From the Executive Director’s Desk
In this special issue of Voice, we present several articles that relate to the importance of lifelong family connections. One is an
interview with respected journalist Judy Woodruff, who is traveling the country to speak with young people from all walks of
life. She tells us that a common thread runs throughout their stories: the importance of family relationships.
Many studies have shown that children do well in strong families. Yet each year more than 20,000 youth continue to “emancipate” from foster care, disconnected from family members or caring adults. Too often these young people find themselves cast
adrift, without sufficient education to find good jobs, without the means to find a decent place to live, and without the life
experience to make responsible decisions.
It’s no surprise that studies, including the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT, tell us that an alarmingly high number of
these youth become homeless, parent children too soon, and/or become involved with drugs or crime.
But it is good news that, increasingly, policymakers and practitioners alike are recognizing that existing foster care laws may be doing
a disservice to these vulnerable youth, and change is needed. Several states – California and Massachusetts, for example – are leading the way to ensure that every youth in foster care achieves the highest possible level of legal permanence before leaving foster care.
Strong family relationships serve as an anchor for all of us throughout our lives, and they endure for generations. Most of us may
take these relationships for granted, but for hundreds of thousands of youth in foster care, having a family to count on for a lifetime is a luxury far out of reach.
This year, for the first time, the Casey Foundation, including Casey Family Services, will host the National Convening on Youth
Permanence in Washington, D.C. Building on four years of success in California, the convening will open the dialogue to
national leaders, adding a research roundtable and policy briefing as pre-convening activities.
Achieving family permanence for youth is possible, it’s powerful, and it should be a national priority. The convening offers a
special opportunity to gather those who touch the lives of families and children. The result, we hope, will be a clear call for a
national movement to achieve timely family permanence for all of America’s youth in foster care.
Raymond L. Torres
Casey Family Services
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Raymond L. Torres
Raymond L. Torres (central), director ejecutivo de
Casey Family Services, con la familia Strong durante
la celebracion del 2005 Dia de Adopcion Nacional
en New Haven, Connecticut.
Del Escritorio del Director Ejecutivo
En este volumen especial de “La Voz”, nosotros presentamos unos artículos sobre la importancia de los lazos familiares que perduran durante toda la vida. Judy Woodruff, periodista destacada, va viajando por todo el país hablando con toda clase de jóvenes.
En nuestra entrevista, ella nos cuenta que el hilo que ensarta todas sus historias es la importancia de los lazos familiares.
Muchos estudios demuestran que los niños florecen en familias estables. Sin embargo, cada año mas que 20,000 jóvenes siguen
“emancipándose” del custodio temporal, desconectados de familiares o adultos cariñosos. Demasiadas veces, estos jóvenes se
encuentran sueltos, sin la educación necesaria para conseguir buen empleo, sin los medios para encontrar un lugar decente para
vivir, y sin la experiencia vivida para tomar decisiones responsables.
No nos sorprende que los estudios, incluyendo lo de Annie E. Casey, KIDS COUNT, indican que un numero alarmantemente alto
de estos jóvenes terminan desamparados, que tienen niños demasiado pronto, y/o que se enredan en las drogas o el crimen.
Pero son buenas las noticias que tanto los políticos como los practicantes reconocen que leyes actuales puedan ser perjudicial a jóvenes
vulnerables, y que un cambio es necesario. Algunos estados, entres ellos California y Massachussets, han tomado un papel de liderazgo
para asegurar que cada joven en cuidado de crianza logre el nivel mas efectivo de permanencia legal antes de egresar del sistema.
Los lazos fuertes de familia sirven como ancla para todos nosotros durante nuestras vidas y perduran durante generaciones.
Algunos de nosotros los toman por dados, pero para cientos de miles de jóvenes en cuidado de crianza, contar con el apoyo familiar es un lujo muy fuera de su alcance.
Este año por primera vez, la Fundación Casey, incluyendo Casey Family Services, patrocinará la Convocatoria Nacional de la Permanencia Juvenil en Washington, D.C. Construyendo sobre los cuatro años de éxito en California, la Convocatoria extenderá el dialogo a los
lideres nacionales, agregando a las actividades previas a la Convocatoria una mesa redonda de investigación y una sesión informativa.
Lograr la permanencia juvenil es posible, es poderoso y debe ser una prioridad nacional. La Convocatoria ofrece una oportunidad
para reunirse todos los que están comprometidos con las vidas de las familias y los jóvenes. Esperamos que el resultado llegue a ser una
llamada clara a un movimiento nacional para lograr la permanencia de todos los jóvenes en cuidado de crianza en América.
Raymond L. Torres
Voice Magazine
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Nearly a decade after the federal Adoption
and Safe Families Act strengthened the
focus of public child welfare on safety and
family permanence, leaders from across the
country will join together in September, in
Washington, D.C., to advance the practice
of helping older children and youth in
foster care have families for life.
The 2006 National Convening on Youth
Permanence will take place from September
12 to 15, at the Renaissance Washington,
D.C. Hotel, in the nation’s capital.
Sponsored by the Annie E. Casey
Foundation and its direct service agency,
Casey Family Services, the convening will
promote research, policy, and practice
strategies for increasing the number of older
children (ages 11 to 12) and youth (ages 13
to 18) who leave foster care with the enduring family relationships they need to be successful and fulfilled in adulthood. Thirtyseven other organizations have signed on as
supporting organizations.
Convening cosponsors include Casey
Family Programs, the Dave Thomas
Foundation for Adoption, the Freddie Mac
Foundation, the Hite Foundation, the Jim
Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, and
the Stuart Foundation.
Invited child welfare leaders, including commissioners and directors, attorneys, judges,
and youth from nearly every state, as well as
representatives from tribal and national organizations, are expected to number more than
400. Scheduled for the convening are a
research roundtable, a policy briefing, and a
learning opportunity for practitioners.
Permanence is both a value and a practice
goal. Proponents believe that for youth in
state care to be successful and emotionally
healthy in adulthood, they need to leave the
system in a planned manner that connects
them to a lifelong family, according to Sarah
Greenblatt, director of the Casey Center for
Effective Child Welfare Practice and a convening organizer. “When professionals
understand the benefits of a permanent family connection for a youth, then the real
work of making these types of relationships
possible begins,” she says.
Permanence for children and youth can be
achieved in several ways, with legal family
relationships being the most secure outcome, Greenblatt says. Legal permanency
options include reunification with birth and
extended family, placement with relatives,
guardianship, and adoption.
Yet, according to Greenblatt, as many as
20,000 teenagers annually “age out” of foster care. Exiting the system as an older adolescent without a permanent family relationship is correlated with a range of
adverse outcomes for young adults. Having
a family relationship for a youth is a key
success variable.
Casey Family Services
Making Youth Permanence a National
“The need to pursue family relationships for
older children and youth has been abandoned
for many in foster care,” Greenblatt says.
“The convening is an opportunity to help
develop strategies and interventions that build
family relationships for these youth – families
they can count on now and in the future.”
Greenblatt offers the following example: In
many states, a 12 year old can consent to
his or her own adoption. If that child says
no to a particular adoption option, the permanency plan changes from adoption to an
alternative planned living arrangement.
Rather than continuing the family work,
the focus shifts to preparation for independent living. “It’s easier to meet a youth’s
basic needs, helping him or her get ready
for adulthood, rather than engaging in the
more complex work of building family relationships. An integrated approach is needed,” Greenblatt says.
Meeting Our Policy Obligations to Youth
The convening also will examine the public
policies that present disincentives to permanence for older youth. The convening’s policy
briefing on September 13, “Achieving Family
Permanence: Unfinished Business for Youth
in Foster Care,” will examine policy solutions
aimed at removing barriers that prevent or
delay family permanence for older youth in
foster care. It also will highlight the implementation of current and innovative state and
local policy reforms. U.S. Representative
Danny K. Davis (D-IL) will be the guest
speaker. Panelists include MaryLee Allen from
the Children’s Defense Fund; Judge Patricia
Macias of the 388th Family District and
Associate Court; John Mattingly, commissioner of New York City’s Administration for
Children and Families; and others.
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“The convening is an opportunity to help develop strategies
and interventions that build family relationships for these youth–
families they can count on now and in the future.”
“This is a unique opportunity to reach out
to both practitioners who are attending the
convening, and to elected officials and
Congressional staffers involved in developing legislation and regulations that can support older youth in securing permanence,”
says Sania Metzger, Casey Family Services’
policy director.
Practices that Show the Possibility
Helping youth in foster care form permanent
connections with family and other networks
of caring adults is a key theme of the Casey
Foundation’s work. Casey has been working
toward the goal of permanence for foster
youth not only through Casey Family
Services, but also through the Family to
Family initiative, which helps states and
communities develop a network of neighborhood-based family foster care; the Jim Casey
Youth Opportunities Initiative, which helps
connect young adults leaving foster care to
jobs, services, and caring adults; and other
efforts to help reform public systems and
child welfare services across the country.
From this work and that of grantees and
partners nationwide, the Casey Foundation
has compiled significant evidence showing
that greater permanence – and other
improved outcomes – are available in child
welfare, according to Foundation Senior
Associate Wanda Mial, adding that the following strategies can be invaluable:
• Expand and improve services and engage
community partners to prevent children
from entering the foster care system whenever possible.
• Conduct greater outreach to relatives and
make subsidies more available for kin willing to care for foster children.
• Strengthen efforts to recruit and support
foster and adoptive families for older youth.
• Examine state and local child welfare systems for racial bias, and develop new strategies to eliminate disparate treatment of children and families of color.
• Undertake intensive, creative team planning for permanence that is individualized
to the circumstance of each youth and
grants young people a central role in planning their own futures.
• Make extensive use of subsidized guardianship as a permanency option for older children.
• Eliminate the use of “long-term foster
care” or “emancipation” as case goals for
adolescents in the foster care system.
The convening will offer an opportunity for
participants to learn from one another as
peers. A host of plenaries, learning sessions,
and planning meetings are on the agenda,
with topics that include: youth involvement, the California experience of implementing youth permanence, team planning
and decision making, effective court and
legal partnerships that benefit foster youth,
and ways to develop mutually beneficial
relationships with journalists.
Advancing the Promise: From California to
the Nation’s Capital
The convening was first presented in 2002 by
the California Permanency for Youth Project
(CPYP) with primary funding from the
Stuart Foundation. Its purpose was to assemble practitioners and officials from other states
in order to improve practices in California.
Since its start, the convening has grown
steadily, becoming a larger national event.
“We’re excited by the opportunity to carry
this vision forward with our cosponsors. We
intend to keep the momentum of permanence for older children going for many
years,” declares Greenblatt.
“It’s our hope that participants will walk
away from the convening with a belief that
permanence is possible and a plan to make
it a priority in every state,” Greenblatt says.
Voice Magazine
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Una década después de que el Acto de
Adopción y Familias Seguras fortaleció el
enfoque del bienestar infantil sobre la seguridad y la permanencia, los lideres a lo largo del
país se juntarán en Washington, D.C. en
Septiembre, para avanzar las practicas de apoyo
a los jóvenes en cuidado de crianza para que
tengan lazos familiares durante toda la vida.
La Convocatoria Nacional de Permanencia
Juvenil 2006 se realizará desde Septiembre
12-15 en el Hotel Marriott Renaissance
Washington en la capital de la nación.
Patrocinada por la Fundación Annie E. Casey
y su agencia de servicios directos, Casey
Family Services, la Convocatoria promoverá
la investigación, la elaboración de políticas y
las prácticas estratégicas para aumentar el
número de niños (de 11-12 años) y jóvenes
(de 13-18 años) egresando de cuidado de crianza con los lazos perdurables familiares necesarios para su éxito como adultos. Ya firmaron
treinta y siete organizaciones como organizaciones de apoyo.
Se incluyen entre los co-patrocinadores: Casey
Family Programs, Dave Thomas Foundation
for Adoption, la Fundación Freddie Mac, la
Fundacion Hite, Jim Casey Youth
Opportunities Initiative, y la Fundación Stuart.
Se espera la presencia de más que cuatrocientas personas, incluyendo líderes de asuntos de
bienestar infantil, comisionarios, directores,
abogados, jueces y jóvenes de casi todos los
estados, y también representantes de organizaciones nacionales y tribales. El programa
incluye conversaciónes sobre la investigación,
una sesión informativa sobre la política, y una
oportunidad de aprendizaje para practicantes.
La permanencia es tanto un valor como una
meta práctica. Los proponentes creen que los
jóvenes bajo cuidado estatal, para que logren
tener vidas exitosas y emocionalmente sanas,
Casey Family Services
necesitan egresar del sistema en una manera
bien planeada con lazos familiares fuertes,
según Sarah Greenblatt, director de Casey
Center for Effective Child Welfare Practice y
una organizadora de la Convocatoria.
“Cuando los profesionales comprenden los
beneficios de los lazos permanentes familiares,
entonces en este momento comienza el trabajo verdadero para hacer posible este tipo de
relaciones para los jóvenes,” dice ella.
hacia un arreglo planeado y alternativo de
vivienda. En lugar de continuar con el trabajo
con la familia, el enfoque cambia hacia la
preparación para la vida independiente. “Es
mas fácil responder a las necesidades básicas
de un joven, ayudándole a el o a ella a que se
preparen para la vida adulta, que comprometerse a la tarea mas compleja de construir relaciones familiares. Se necesita una planificación mas integrada,” dice Greenblatt.
Se puede lograr la permanencia para niños y
jóvenes en distintas maneras, dice Greenblatt,
y el desenlace mas seguro es tener relaciones
familiares con base legal. Las opciones de la
permanencia legal incluyen la reunificación
con familias biológicas, la ubicación con parientes, la tutela y la adopción.
La Casey Foundation/Casey Family Services,
junto con el Proyecto de Permanencia Juvenil
de California (CPYP), Casey Family
Programs, y el Jim Casey Youth Opportunities
Initiative promovieron un plan integrado a la
permanencia y a la preparación para la vida
adulta, en su publicación “A Call to Action”
en 2005. Se espera que la Convocatoria lleve
a cabo el valor de esta visión a nivel nacional.
Sin embargo, según Greenblatt, casi 20,000
jóvenes egresan del sistema de cuidado de crianza por motivo de edad (“aging out” en
inglés). La salida del sistema de crianza de los
adolescentes mayores sin que tengan relaciones familiares permanentes lleva consecuencias adversas para ellos. Contar con una
relación familiar estable es un factor clave
para que un joven tenga éxito en la vida.
Permanencia Juvenil – una Prioridad
“Se ha abandonado la necesidad de promover
relaciones familiares para los niños mayores y
jóvenes en cuidado de crianza,” dice
Greenblatt. La Convocatoria ofrece una oportunidad para desarrollar estrategias e mediaciones que puedan construir relaciones familiares con estos jóvenes – familias con las cuales
ellos pueden contar ahora y en el futuro”
Ofrece Greenblatt el ejemplo siguiente: En
varios estados, un niño de 12 anos puede dar
consentimiento a su propia adopción. Si este
niño dice no a una opción particular, el plan
de permanencia cambia desde la adopción
Cumpliendo con Nuestras Obligaciones
para con los Jóvenes.
La Convocatoria también examinará las
políticas públicas que sirven para desincentivar el plan de permanencia para jóvenes. La
sesión informativa “Logrando Permanencia
Familiar: Tareas Pendientes con los Jóvenes en
Cuidado de Crianza” (“Achieving Family
Permanence: Unfinished Business for Youth
in Foster Care”) examinará las soluciones
políticas dirigidas a eliminar los obstáculos
que impiden o demoran la permanencia
familiar para los jóvenes en cuidado de crianza. Dará relieve a la implementación de las
reformas políticas actuales y creativas a nivel
estatal y local. El orador de honor sera
Representante Danny Davis (D-IL). Los
locutores incluyen, entre otros, MaryLee
Allen del Children’s Defense Fund, Patricia
Macias, Juez de la Corte del Distrito 388 y
John Mattingly, Comisario del Children and
Family Administración de la Cuidad de
Nueva York.
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“La Convocatoria ofrece una oportunidad para desarrollar estrategias e mediaciones que puedan construir relaciones familiares con
estos jóvenes–familias con las cuales ellos pueden contar ahora
y en el futuro.”
“Esta es una oportunidad única para comunicar con los trabajadores/practicantes en la
Convocación y a los oficiales elegidos y ayudantes involucrados en el proceso legislativo
que pueden apoyar a los jóvenes buscando
permanencia,” dice Sania Metzger, una directora de Casey Family Services.
Practicas que Revelan Posibilidades
Un tema clave en el trabajo de la Fundación
Casey es la formación de lazos permanentes
con familias y otras redes de adultos cariñosos. Ha dirigido sus esfuerzos a la meta de
permanencia por medio de Casey Family
Services y también por la Iniciativa: Familia a
Familia, que ayuda a los estados y comunidades crear redes locales de cuidado de crianza, el Jim Casey Youth Opportunities
Initiative que ayuda a conectar jóvenes egresando del sistema con empleos, servicios, y
adultos cariñosos, y otros esfuerzos para reformar los sistemas publicos y los servicios de
bienestar de niños a lo largo del país.
Casey Family Services, en conjunto con sus
socios a nivel nacional, ha recopilado pruebas
convincentes demostrando que un nivel más
alto de permanencia – y otras consecuencias
positivas – se encuentran en el sistema del
bienestar de niños, según Wanda Mial, asociada de la Fundación. También ella agrega que
las estrategias siguientes son muy importantes:
• Ampliar y mejorar los servicios y juntarse
con socios comunitarios para evitar, cuando
sea posible, que los niños entren en el sistema
de cuidado de crianza.
• Establecer comunicación con parientes y
hacer disponibles subsidios financieros a los
que esten dispuestos a cuidar a los jóvenes en
cuidado de crianza.
• Fortalecer los esfuerzos para reclutar y apoyar
familias dispuestas a cuidar a jóvenes mayores.
• Examinar los sistemas de bienestar de niños
estatales y locales por prejuicios raciales y desarrollar estrategias nuevas para eliminar le tratamiento desigual de niños y familias de color.
que beneficiarán a los jóvenes, y como promover relaciones productivas con periodistas.
• Utilizar la opción de tutela subsidiada par
niños mayores.
Llevando a Cabo la Promesa: Desde
California a la Capital de la Nación
La Convocación fue inaugurada en el 2002
CPYC (California Permanency for Youth
Project) con financiamiento inicial de la
Fundación Stuart. El objetivo fue juntar practicantes y oficiales de otros estados para mejorar las prácticas en California. Desde aquel
entonces, se ha crecido a un ritmo constante,
llegando a ser un evento nacional.
• Eliminar el uso de “cuidado de crianza a
largo plazo” o “emancipación” para adolescentes como metas por parte del los trabajadores sociales en los sistemas de cuidado de
“Estamos emocionados por la oportunidad de
llevar adelante esta visión junto con nuestros
co-patrocinadores. Esperamos que la idea de la
permanencia para jóvenes siga ganando fuerza
durante muchos anos,” dice Greenblatt.
La Convocación ofrecerá una oportunidad
para el aprendizaje mutuo entre los participantes. El programa incluye una variedad de
plenarias, sesiones de aprendizaje y reuniones
de planificación. Los temas incluyen: la participación juvenil, la experiencia de
California, la planificación y la toma de decisiones a nivel del equipo, asociaciones legales
“Esperamos que los participantes llevarán de
la Convocación la convicción que la permanencia es posible, y un plan para llevarla a
cabo como prioridad en cada estado,” dice
• Iniciar a nivel del equipo una planificación
intensiva y creativa para la permanencia basada en las circunstancias individuales de cada
joven, y asegurarle a cada uno un papel central en su futuro.
Voice Magazine
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Harry Spence was appointed Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services (DSS) in November, 2001.
He is a former deputy chancellor for operations for the New York City Public Schools; a governor-appointed receiver for the bankrupt
city of Chelsea, Massachusetts; and a court-appointed receiver for the Boston Housing Authority. Spence has led sweeping changes
at DSS by abolishing a “culture of blame” and fostering a “learning organization” that is now focused on permanence for every child.
Currently, Massachusetts has more than 9,450 children in placement, a majority of whom are age 12 and older.
VOICE: What changes have you implemented to achieve permanence for kids –
especially older youth?
SPENCE: Four years ago, we began to look at
the system through the lens of permanence.
We worked with our provider networks, in
part because we were concerned about having an overreliance on residential placement, which was a source of kids aging out
of care. We reorganized our purchased services to enhance their focus on permanence.
That meant moving to a system where we
keep kids as close to home as possible,
creating permanency incentives for everyone
involved in the system, and making a
systemic commitment to permanence as
a goal for children.
Another initiative was “Working with
Families Right from the Start,” a 90-member committee that looked at the entry into
care and the ways in which we could look at
permanence from the outset. Our traditional entry process had an overwhelming focus
on safety. That focus on safety needed to
continue, but also be combined with a
focus on permanence.
Casey Family Services
The third change is our “teaming”
approach. The staffing model in child welfare has been one social worker responsible
for a number of cases. With the teaming
approach, for example, we assign cases to a
group of five social workers, with a supervisor. They’re able to assign resources within
the group as needed. We think it’s a more
effective way of organizing the work and
will make a big difference in the quality of
decision-making, the support that the workers feel, and the state’s ability to achieve
permanence for kids.
VOICE: Have you expanded prevention services, so children don’t have to enter care?
SPENCE: Central to the intake process is a
belief that if we work collaboratively with
the majority of families, we will not need to
remove as many kids. The reorganization of
our service system is directed toward delivering services immediately because we know
that if we provided services within a day or
two, we often wouldn’t have to remove the
child. One way we hope to reduce the
number of children in care is by moving to
a Differential Response System. Under this
effort, we hope to be able to provide support and services to many families without
charging them with neglecting their children, as we do now. It allows families to
receive community-based supports without
the necessity for a formal finding of abuse
or neglect.
VOICE: What do you think the public
expects from its child welfare system?
SPENCE: We’ve really got three public expectations of child welfare that pull the system
in different directions. The public insists
that DSS work to prevent atrocities to children, and there’s zero tolerance for failure.
Countering that first expectation is another
that mandates that we support families
(with minimal intervention) to improve
their parenting in order to keep children
safe; but these two expectations are in complete contradiction, since we cannot ensure
safety while maintaining our distance with
vulnerable families. There also is a permanency expectation from the community.
People believe that the outcomes for youth
in the child welfare system should not be
any worse than for other children.
All three have some reasonable and appropriate element to them, but when each is
made absolute, it is what I call the Bermuda
Triangle of child welfare.
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VOICE: Child welfare systems routinely
come under fire when a child in care sustains injuries or dies, which leaves communities and officials wanting to place blame.
How does DSS respond to crisis?
SPENCE: Since I got here, I have said publicly that I will not punish error, that I will
defend error. I won’t defend negligence, I
won’t defend dereliction of duty, but error
occurs in everyone’s life all the time.
Therefore, we need to become a learning
organization in which we review our mistakes and create a culture of change and
lessons learned.
Fifteen years ago, in the medical world,
practitioners moved to reduce fatalities by
making the culture of hospitals one where
the acknowledgment and analysis of error is
constant. So, we’ve said we’re going to take
that kind of approach.
This question of how we build learning
organizations is critical. And I think that’s
the real challenge we face, because child
welfare ought to be the most exciting, rich,
complex, intellectually stimulating, emotionally powerful work that anyone could
do. DSS ought to be the center of services
for children, and others ought to be excited
about what we’re doing. And I think the
possibility for that is very real, but we’ve got
to learn how to be learning organizations.
VOICE: Do you have supports for youth
who have “aged out ?”
SPENCE: For a number of years, Massachusetts had a provision for helping youth
ages 18 to 22, but they had to be high-performing kids to qualify, either in college or
some form of job-training. We realized
those are the kids who least need the assis-
tance. It’s the other kids, the ones who
aren’t so high-performing, who would benefit most from continued supports. We
decided a performance requirement wasn’t
necessary, but we have established standards
for those who will receive ongoing support,
because between ages 18 and 22, youth
should be making some progress toward
becoming an adult. We’re not looking to
build dependence on the state, but rather to
use our support to help kids transition into
adulthood more successfully.
VOICE: What other changes are you making for older youth in care?
SPENCE: We’re redefining our service goals.
Our Group on Adolescent Permanency has
made its recommendation to eliminate both
independent living without a family connection and long-term substitute care as
acceptable outcomes.
And all 29 [DSS] offices in the state have
been involved in our first home-grown
breakthrough series on how to improve our
achievement of adolescent permanence.
We’ve invited other states in New England
to join us, and we’re looking at everything
from how kids in care can become the
major resource for identifying possible permanency solutions, to how to work on
genograms and access family history.
VOICE: Have you changed your foster and
resource family recruitment strategies?
SPENCE: Yes. We’re developing regional
strategies for recruitment. We recently
mapped the location of our foster families
around the state, and we found that they
are clustered around DSS offices. Therefore,
the families are not necessarily where the
kids are – they’re where our staff are. So we
need foster families to be where our kids
are. We need to recruit geographically. Also,
to help kids feel a sense of continuity when
they enter care, we need to recruit with ethnicity and religion in mind. We’ve also
adopted the Washington State approach of
using foster parents as stipend-paid
recruiters. Today we have these “foster parent ambassadors” in every office, and it’s
working wonderfully.
We also are recruiting foster families specifically for adolescents, based on a model from
Pat O’Brien, the executive director of You
Gotta Believe in New York City. The families are asked to pledge to keep a foster
child no matter what until that child
achieves permanence.
VOICE: But it’s understood that the foster
family is a “bridge family ?”
SPENCE: Yes. They make a commitment to
that child for the duration of his or her
time in care. Now, not infrequently, they
end up being the permanent family for that
child, which is a great outcome, but not
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“Achieving permanence meant moving to a system where we keep
kids as close to home as possible, creating incentives for everyone
involved in the system, and making a systemic commitment to
permanence as a goal for children.”
ty you have when you run an organization
is to give people permission [to make
What’s also been striking is that this is the
hardest work I have ever done. The challenge of the public’s complex, confused, and
deeply charged views of child welfare has
been the most difficult. On the other hand,
we’ve had success with the elected leadership in this state. And in thinking about
how you change the societal context and
reframe the issues, I don’t think it’s done by
trying to change the media. You change
how people perceive an issue by determining what the political leadership understands and to what they will respond.
required. Often, the family takes an active
role in the permanency planning for that
child as well.
VOICE: What is the role for community
SPENCE: Whether you’re talking about
entering or leaving state care, the role of the
community is crucial. And I say that
because, as we thought about moving our
system from residential care to one with
community-based supports, we realized
there are issues of both community capacity
and acceptance.
We are striving to develop symbiotic relationships with teachers, because they can be
the first ones to identify vulnerable families
for preventive services. In turn, we can work
with families and help to stabilize the
children who are in their classrooms.
We also have sought partnerships with community schools because schools are a flash-
Casey Family Services
point for resistance about high-needs kids
living in the community. So the question of
the community’s commitment to these
young people is crucial. DSS also is partnering with a nonprofit organization,
Treehouse, to explore ways we can engage
the community to support foster, preadoptive, and adopted children living in a
given community.
VOICE: In your leadership role, what have
been your successes and challenges?
SPENCE: For me, this reform effort has been
huge in terms of thinking about organizational change. I used to think the task was
to come in, figure out the charge, get a few
like-minded people around you, and convince the organization what it needed to do.
At DSS, I took a very different approach,
basically, asking people: “If you could do
the kind of practice you long to do, what
would it be?” And the answers to that have
come entirely from the department’s staff. I
say to people now that the greatest authori-
Massachusetts DSS Commissioner Harry Spence
at a National Adoption Day event.
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Regina Louise, right, is embraced by her newly adoptive mother and former social worker, Jeanne Taylor.
Author, actor, and motivational speaker
Regina Louise can hold an audience in the
palm of her hand. With flashing eyes, she
delivers her words in a cadence that quickens and slows as she drives each point
home, sharing both the despair of growing
up in foster care, and the joy of finding, at
age 41, her own family for life.
Delivering a keynote at the 2006 Casey
Family Services Interdivisional Conference
in New Hampshire, Louise said: “I grew up
in the same illegal, abusive foster home that
my mother was reared in.” At age 11, she
ran away, eventually wending her way
through 30 foster home placements before
being sent to a residential treatment center.
“There they fill you up with psychotropic
drugs, and all you really want is for someone
to put their arms around you and hold you,”
she said. With loss and loneliness her companions in adolescence, Louise connected
with a social worker, Jeanne Taylor, who
became determined to take the child into her
own home. But, state policy prevented Taylor
from either fostering or adopting the little
girl, and Louise eventually “aged out” alone.
Long after she had emancipated from
California’s foster care system, Louise
viewed her old case file. In it, she found
more than a dozen letters from Taylor, none
of which had ever been shared with her previously. Her file revealed words she had
never seen before: “I love her and want to
protect her.” As she faced her Casey audience, Louise held up the case file, reading
descriptions of herself that clearly still hurt
and anger her.
She continued reading, “ ‘Someone has led
her to believe that she has an above-average
intelligence when she is marginal at best.’
But I got into seven universities being marginal,” she retorted. Although she was terminated from her group home two weeks
before she was to enter her college dormitory and was temporarily homeless, she
coped, and eventually graduated.
Louise later wrote a book about her foster
care experience entitled Somebody’s
Someone: A Memoir. “When I wrote my
memoir,” she commented, “my editor called
it an indictment and told me I would need
corroboration. I searched everywhere for
that corroboration, and I can tell you, it was
hard to find. Then they wanted pictures of
me as a child. They said, ‘Every American
child has pictures.’ And I replied, ‘Yeah,
every child has the right to a picture,’ but I
didn’t have even one.”
She also became determined to find Taylor. “I
looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find her,”
she recalled. “Then, my book was published.
I did an interview with a newspaper, and it
was read by a former co-worker of Jeanne’s.
The co-worker mailed the article to Jeanne
who was then living in Georgia. On the third
day of the tour, I had an email,” she said.
“I am so proud of you, sweetheart,” the
message read. “Call me.”
Now a mother of two, Taylor told Louise that
she still wanted to adopt her, 27 years after
her first attempt to do so. “When I was finally able to visit her,” Louise said, “she handed
me a treasure: a book, and in the pages I saw
myself, at ages 10, 11, 14, and 16. After
all these years she had held onto that photo
Shortly thereafter, friends and attorneys
facilitated Taylor’s adoption of Regina
Louise. Taylor often travels now with Louise
to her many speaking engagements, reinforcing the message that a family for life is a
lifeline for many youth and adults alike.
Recently Louise served as a spokesperson
for National Foster Care Month.
“A lifelong family is the only way to achieve
healing,” she said. “This is a lifetime
connection, and it has taught me that love
is never wasted.”
The 2006 Casey Family Services Interdivisional Conference was held in April. It
was the largest such gathering to date and
stimulated spirited discussions among more
than 360 staff members about how to refine
and implement the agency’s strategic shift to
family permanence for all children and
youth in foster care. Highlights included a
keynote by Dr. Carol Spigner, a professor at
the University of Pennsylvania and former
head of the U.S. Children’s Bureau, as well
as an address by Board Member Emeritus
Donald Layden on the legacy of Jim Casey
and its relevance to Casey’s evolving permanence agenda. In addition, Patrick
McCarthy, Annie E. Casey Foundation vice
president for system and service reform,
spoke on the importance of permanence in
programs and activities across the
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Judy Woodruff reports on
America’s youth
ust one year ago, award-winning
television journalist Judy Woodruff, longtime anchor for CNN and now a special
correspondent on PBS’s The NewsHour
with Jim Lehrer, engaged her colleagues and
friends in a discussion about today’s youth
and how little we know about their views,
values, hopes, and dreams.
These discussions led to an unprecedented
media partnership to create a multifaceted,
multidimensional series of reports on
America’s youth. “There are 42 million
young people between the ages of 16 and
25,” says Woodruff. “It’s obviously an enormous challenge, and I’m very careful about
not overpromising that we’re going to
reflect every nuance of this generation.”
Distinct from Baby Boomers and different
from Generation X, young people between
the ages of 16 and 25 are what Woodruff
and others have dubbed Generation Next.
To find out more about this group,
Woodruff and MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
secured funding from the Pew Charitable
Trusts and the Annie E. Casey Foundation
and joined with National Public Radio and
USA Today. In August, Yahoo! joined the
partnership to support the effort through its
online news coverage.
Casey Family Services
Photo courtesy of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
The television reports will air first in
September on the NewsHour with Jim
Lehrer and culminate in January with a
documentary on PBS. Print and Internet
stories are already running. In addition, the
“Generation Next: Speak Up Be Heard”
website allows young people to share their
In late June, Woodruff set out with a PBS
television crew and reporters from USA
Today and NPR to interview youth in
Birmingham, Alabama; Columbus, Ohio;
Detroit; Leoti, Kansas; Los Angeles; and
New York City, among other places. “We
were constantly looking at research, polls,
and census statistics and trying to match
that with what we were finding in terms of
real people to go and talk with,” she says.
Among those Woodruff consulted was Annie
E. Casey Foundation President Douglas
Nelson. “Doug said to me, ‘Pay attention to
those young people who are forgotten by
others,’” Woodruff recalls. “He said, ‘Don’t
assume that when you go into a city or community that the young people who are struggling are going to be easy to find.’”
Voice caught up with Woodruff and her
crew in Los Angeles, just a few hours before
she traveled to Salt Lake City to begin
another series of interviews.
“So many of the young people just want to
say something to somebody,” Woodruff
says. “They ask us, ‘Why don’t you listen to
us?’ We want to give young people a chance
to talk with officials and interact with those
who are in a position to influence the
course of events in the nation.
“Their comments are not only poignant,
they’re telling,” she continues. “It’s a fact of
life that politicians tend to focus most of
their vote-gathering efforts on older groups
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“There’s no question that family is the single most important predictor of
future success in life for so many of these young people,” reports Woodruff.
“It’s never a guarantee, but it just gives these young people a leg up.
And for those children whose parents are just not there –either because
they’re struggling economically or because they’ve had problems with
drugs –coping is much harder.”
because they’re the ones who vote in larger
percentages. Yet, between the elections of
2000 and 2004, we saw a greater increase in
voter turnout among the age group of 1824 than in any other demographic. Their
percentage of participation rose 11 percent.”
Woodruff adds that the youth she has spoken with “have their own take on what’s
happening in the world they see. They have
witnessed what has gone on in much of our
political decision making, and they wonder
who is well served by that,” she says.
“They’ve watched the news coverage of a
good deal of scandal, and it’s not surprising
that they have a fairly skeptical attitude
toward politics. At the same time, they’re
interested in learning more and getting
involved. Most of them talk about the
importance of voting.”
Having grown up in a time of relative prosperity, young people are facing vast uncertainty ahead, according to Woodruff. “For
some, life has been good so far, but they’re
wondering how to do as well as their parents did,” she explains. Many of them are
interested in furthering their education, she
notes, “but for all, the cost of education has
skyrocketed, and many are coming out of
school with enormous debt, worried about
how to pay that debt.”
A mother of three children in their late
teens and early 20s, Woodruff readily
admits to a natural interest in young people. “I know that my family has been fortunate living in Washington, D.C., where we
have been able to afford good education
households. “We know that the divorce rate
has doubled in the last few decades. We’re
seeing that young people are struggling with
that reality.”
Wherever she has been, a thread of strong
family connections has emerged. “There’s
no question that if youth have the strong
presence of family in their lives, it makes an
enormous difference.
Photo courtesy of CNN
Leading journalist Judy Woodruff looks closely at
youth attitudes, aspirations, and values.
and some of the things in life that young
people want to have,” she says.
“I’m quite aware that not all young people
have those opportunities. I’m very interested
in finding out how young people from all
backgrounds and places – inner cities,
suburbs, rural communities – see their own
prospects,” she continues. “What are their
values? Do they share the values of their
parents or do they have different ideas?
What are their thoughts about religion, the
economy, the role of America in the world,
the war in Iraq?”
What she is beginning to find out, she says,
is that many young people tend to share the
values of their parents, “which reminds us
how important parenting is.” Woodruff
reports that many of the young men and
women have grown up in single-parent
“At one end of the spectrum you have parents who are extremely engaged in their
children’s lives. Educators even refer to these
parents as ‘helicopter parents’ who are hovering all the time,” she continues. “On the
other end of the spectrum, you have families that are torn apart by any number of
difficult circumstances, and children have
borne the brunt of that.
“Some young people have done well, praising the mother or father who raised them,
but others show the strain.
“There’s no question that family is the single most important predictor of future success in life for so many of these young people,” reports Woodruff. “It’s never a guarantee, but it just gives these young people a
leg up. And for those children whose parents are just not there – either because
they’re struggling economically or because
they’ve had problems with drugs – coping is
much harder.”
For youth growing up in the nation’s inner
cities, life is “definitely tougher,” Woodruff
says. “We spent time in Columbus, Detroit,
and New York City, and found that many
inner city youth are working as hard as they
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can to pull themselves out of poverty and
hopelessness. I clearly remember two young
men in Bedford Stuyvesant in New York
City. They surprisingly were determined and
optimistic, I thought, considering the tough
circumstances they were in. They told us that
they wanted to save up enough to start a
business in music,” she recalls.
Photo courtesy of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
Judy Woodruff tours the nation with the
Generation Next production team.
Youth from immigrant families almost universally stressed the importance of education. “They see opportunity in the United
States,” she observes. “We met a family in
Columbus, Ohio; the parents emigrated
from Nigeria in the ’60s and ’70s. This is a
family of relatively modest means, and the
children have gone on to do remarkable
Casey Family Services
things. The work ethic in that family is
quite amazing.”
But not all immigrant families and youth are
doing as well, she acknowledges. “In Los
Angeles, we will be talking with a number of
young people who are Hispanic immigrants.
One has been a member of a gang. He’s a
high school dropout who is now working.
He’ll be introducing us
to some of his friends
who are still active in
gangs,” she says.
“I’ve asked several
youth from immigrant
families how it feels to
be American. Some
have said they don’t
spend a lot of time
thinking about it.
Others are thoughtful.
Some don’t feel accepted. Others have said
they’re so grateful for
the opportunities the
United States has
offered them. Some are
conflicted,” she adds. “They’ve seen economic opportunities here, but also social
barriers, some of which are racially based.”
Woodruff expresses her interest in finding
youth who are disconnected from family
and community. She recalls her participation in the 2004 KIDS COUNT Youth
Summit supported by the Annie E. Casey
Foundation. “We are looking to find those
young people,” Woodruff explains. In New
York City, she found a young woman who
has been raised by her grandmother. “Her
mother was a drug addict, and her father, a
dealer. She told us she wanted no part of
that. She was fortunate to have a grandmother who was available to raise her,”
Woodruff comments.
In general, however, it is harder to find
young people who are adrift, precisely
because they’re not connected to anyone. “If
they don’t participate in some community
program, if they don’t have any adults in
their life, and if they’re not connected
through school, it’s harder to identify
them,” Woodruff says.
Through these interviews, Woodruff has
been struck by “just how articulate and
thoughtful these young people are.” When
asked what she hopes the impact of the
Generation Next project will be, she replies, “I
hope we are able to get people in decisionmaking positions to pay attention to what
this generation is saying their hopes, dreams,
values, and priorities are, and to engage
youth in planning for the country’s future.”
“This generation is 17 percent Hispanic, 14
percent African American, and 4 percent
Asian. One in every five is the child of an
immigrant. One in every 10 is the child of a
parent who is not an American citizen,” she
notes. “I want decision makers and the
American people to see that this generation
is coming along at a time of enormous
change in our country and in the world. We
are giving them a complicated world to
grow up in, with global warming, economic
globalization, exploding technology, and
war. We need to hear their views,” explains
Woodruff. “Every generation thinks they
have something to say, but I think there’s
something really special about this generation and the times in which they’re living.”
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The National Adoption Day Coalition has
commissioned the Urban Institute (UI) to
study trends in adoption from foster care.
The report, which will be issued in conjunction with National Adoption Day
observances on November 18, 2006, will
include a summary of state adoption legislation, highlights of model legislation, and
state-by-state profiles.
Using federal legislation to provide a general
context, researchers will examine all
adoption-related legislation passed or proposed by the states during the past five
years. NCSL maintains a database on legislation enacted by states. The research team
will use this database to identify adoptionrelated state legislation that has been enacted. The team also will review state legisla-
“The research will provide a portrait of the
national landscape of state adoption
statutes, as well as an understanding of
adoption legislation,” explains Rob Geen,
speaking for the Urban Institute, “thus providing a variety of policy options for legislators interested in the issue of adoption.”
To complete the project, UI is working with
the National Conference of State Legislators
(NCSL) on a comprehensive assessment of
state legislation related to adoption from
foster care introduced over the past five
years. The analysis will look at legislation
and identify trends and themes in adoption
and potential shifts in how states address
adoption through legislation.
tures’ websites, conduct searches using a
variety of Internet and newspaper retrieval
tools, and examine publications that highlight adoption issues.
State Governments named the New Haven
court project as a recipient of its 2006
National Innovation Award. “This honor
showcases how well the New Haven
Regional Children’s Probate Court is working to connect vulnerable families with
needed community supports and to reach
timely custody decisions,” says Raymond L.
Torres, Casey Family Services executive
Three years after Casey Family Services
began collaborating with Connecticut’s probate court system to improve its services for
children, the resulting reform effort is continuing to grow in influence. The New
Haven Regional Children’s Probate Court,
which began as a limited pilot project and
has since expanded into a statewide model,
is now garnering national attention.
This summer, the nonpartisan Council of
To supplement the state legislative analysis,
the team will examine existing data on state
adoption policies, with an emphasis on
post-adoption services. The 2006 research
will complement the 2004 and 2005
Casey Family Services became involved with
the project in 2003 when it launched an
extensive study of how Connecticut han-
National Adoption Day studies, which
examined prevalent barriers to adoption
from foster care and looked closely at innovative adoptive parent recruiting practices.
National Adoption Day
National Adoption Day is celebrated every
year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
In 2005, judges, attorneys, adoption professionals, child welfare leaders, and advocates
in 45 states and the District of Columbia
finalized more than 3,400 adoptions of foster children. That year, 227 events were
held throughout the country to finalize
adoptions and celebrate families who adopt.
The Coalition’s founding partners are the
Alliance for Children’s Rights, Casey Family
Services, Children’s Action Network,
Congressional Coalition on Adoption
Institute, the Dave Thomas Foundation for
Adoption, and the Freddie Mac
Foundation. Joining as a new partner for
2006 is Jockey International, Inc.
dled issues involving children through its
probate courts. As a result of the review and
its recommendations, the state moved cases
involving family matters to a newly created
New Haven Regional Children’s Court. In
2005, pleased by the pilot’s success, the state
legislature approved and funded the creation of six additional regional courts.
The Hon. James Lawlor, Connecticut
Probate Court administrator says: “This program has given hundreds of children better
lives. If others copy Connecticut’s example,
children all over the country will benefit.”
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by Joy Duva, Deputy Executive Director for
Planning and Policy, Casey Family Services;
Cary Gladstone, New Hampshire Division
Community Liaison, Casey Family Services;
and Miriam Shark, Senior Associate, The
Annie E. Casey Foundation
rooke and Joe Noonan dreamed of
owning their own home, but wondered how they would ever save
enough for the down payment.
Like many low-income rural
families, they struggled to meet the costs of
daily living but wanted to create a stable
family life and a solid foundation for their
children. With hard work, persistence, and a
range of community supports, the Noonans
have achieved their dream.
The Noonans are not alone. Too many rural
families are working harder than ever but are
struggling to make ends meet. They often
are isolated and disconnected socially and
geographically from opportunities and supports, and find it nearly impossible to move
ahead, says Bob Giloth, director of Family
Economic Success for the Annie E. Casey
Foundation. The Casey Foundation believes
that helping families attain economic stability means parents can avoid the crises that
too often split families apart, and provide
the brighter futures they all want for their
To promote this work, Casey has created a
Rural Family Economic Success (RuFES)
initiative to promote strategies that help
families meet their current needs, save for
unexpected expenses, and acquire assets.
RuFES promotes financial stability by
working toward three goals simultaneously:
increasing income (“earn it”), stabilizing
Casey Family Services
finances (“keep it”), and acquiring assets
and building wealth (“grow it”).
Across the country, RuFES-themed institutes are being held to bring these strategies
to a wide range of policymakers, practitioners, advocates, and community leaders. Each
institute is cosponsored by one or more local
organizations. Participants hear presentations
on a variety of promising practices, including strategies to help low-income families
obtain and maintain cars, approaches to
developing various types of affordable housing, and asset-building efforts, such as
matched savings programs, that can give a
boost to first-time home buyers.
asset-building strategies, creating education
and business connections to support employment readiness and career ladders, developing one-stop shopping options for RuFESthemed services and supports, and exploring
opportunities for affordable housing.
For many vulnerable rural families, owning
their own home is an elusive dream. They
struggle with the basics: jobs that pay a living wage, transportation, and affordable
housing. The Noonans were living in a twobedroom apartment that they had outgrown. With their daughter in one room
and son in another, Brooke and Joe literally
were sleeping in the living room. “We
couldn’t have people over anymore,” says
Brooke. “There was no place to visit.”
Brooke and Joe participated in home buyer
seminars put on by the Concord Area Trust
for Community Housing, a partner in
New Hampshire’s Individual Development
Account (IDA) program. The Noonans
learned how to reduce their debt and
improve their credit score, but still felt that
home ownership was out of reach. “My
thought was, ‘Oh my God, my savings are
never going to get us anywhere,’” says
In New England, Casey Family Services cosponsored a RuFES institute last year in
Concord, New Hampshire, with teams from
Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
With “Earn It, Keep It, and Grow It” as the
participants’ guiding principles, they identified opportunities and committed to actions.
Their plans included: helping a greater
number of qualified families claim the
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), connecting EITC and tax preparation to family
But a matched savings program made it
possible for Brooke’s family to become
homeowners. The IDA provides a three-toone match of money that qualified savers put
aside for homeownership, business ownership, or education. When a $50 monthly
deposit becomes $200 through matching
funds, the account grows to help with the
down payment, closing costs, and other
expenses like home inspection. The combination of their IDA and subsidies from both
a New Hampshire-based housing organiza-
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Too many rural families are working harder than ever but are struggling
to make ends meet. They often are isolated and disconnected socially
and geographically from opportunities and supports, and find it nearly
impossible to move ahead.
and rural families improve their economic
Through its Family Resource Centers, Casey
offers education and supports to help families
increase their employment potential.
Additional family supports may include dropin childcare, activities for parents and children, after-school and summer programs for
youth, community service projects, and life
skills and leadership development for teens.
In addition to its Family Resource Center in
Franklin, New Hampshire, Casey leads a
coalition that provides free income tax preparation aimed at families who qualify for the
Earned Income Tax Credit. A financial information and referral effort at the center offers
money management resources throughout
the year. And, while the Noonans have their
home, high housing costs make it more difficult for rural families to meet other expenses.
They often are forced financially to live in
even more remote areas, increasing the commuting distance to jobs and becoming further removed from formal resources.
tion and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
were all part of their financing package.
The couple eventually found a four-bedroom
home. There were some improvements to be
made, but the Noonans knew from the home
buying seminars that the important aspects,
such as wiring and the house’s foundation,
were in good shape. “Every day that I drive
into my driveway and see my home, I’m
proud of what I have,” says Brooke.
Traditionally, child welfare agencies have
focused resources on the care and protection
of abused and neglected children, and less on
the needs of their families. The Casey Foundation promotes family-strengthening
approaches as the best way to help children
remain safe and at home. Within this framework, Casey Family Services, the Foundation’s
direct services agency and a child welfare
organization, works with community partners
to explore strategies that help both urban
RuFES participants in New Hampshire are
exploring other ways to address the affordable
housing issue. Examples such as the Noonans
offer hope to all the organizations attempting
to find solutions to the housing problem.
Theirs is a story of determined persistence,
something low-income rural people need to
bring to their effort at economic selfsufficiency. It was four years from the time
Brooke and Joe first attended the home buyer
seminar until they actually became homeowners. Casey and the RuFES partners recognize that a long-term commitment is required
to strengthen rural communities and help
foster better economic opportunities for
fragile rural families.
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Casey Close-up
rior to joining Casey Family
Services as the Vermont Division’s
director, Nita C. Lescher worked
with Casey as a consultant
through the American Humane Association.
The chance to lead a full range of permanency
services in one of the nation’s most beautiful
states led her to relocate from Washington,
D.C., to the Green Mountain State. Through
its service delivery and its partnerships with
other providers, the division is a key player in
promoting families for life for children in the
state’s child welfare system.
VOICE: In a state with only 65 people per
square mile, what is it like to provide services?
LESCHER: Service providers in Vermont
believe in and practice collaboration; it's a
wonderful environment in which to do our
work. Relative to other states, there are
fewer players, so providers tend to know
each other and each other’s work. We cross
paths a lot professionally and in the community, so there’s a sense of accountability.
I’ve found that it’s not uncommon for people in prominent positions, such as judges
and agency directors, to sit on committees
with social workers and consumers. Even
the policymakers are accessible. The people
here feel involved in the workings of their
state government and believe that they can
make a difference.
Casey Family Services
Because we do home- and family-based
work throughout the state, which is quite
rural, staff spend a tremendous amount of
time on the road.
VOICE: The Vermont Division relocated its
Waterbury office to Winooski. Why was
this community selected?
LESCHER: We have worked in many communities throughout Vermont for 22 years.
The town of Waterbury is an entirely different environment from Winooski, which
abuts Burlington – the largest city in the
Winooski has a long, rich history as a working class, immigrant community of Irish
and French Canadians. It now has the
largest, most diverse refugee population in
the state. Situated on the Winooski River, it
was once a thriving mill town. That industry failed in the 1950s, and the city has
struggled economically ever since. In
Winooski, we are part of a larger community of service providers that support the area’s
children and families. Twenty-five percent
of the children and families served by the
Vermont Department for Children and
Families (DCF) live in Chittenden County.
With an office in Winooski, we are more
accessible to that population and have a better chance of reaching the neediest of the
state’s residents.
VOICE: What is it like to lead two offices
in distinctly different communities?
LESCHER: We offer a continuum of permanency services in both of our offices, which
presents some interesting challenges, not the
least of which is scheduling face-to-face
For about 18 years, the White River
Junction office served as division headquarters and housed the bulk of the staff. Now
the Winooski site, which is 100 miles
north, is the designated headquarters, and
staff are divided evenly between the two
locations, serving families in communities
almost as far south as the Massachusetts
border and almost as far north as the
Canadian border. Staff members always
have been a tightly knit group, and we are
working hard to maintain a sense of connectedness across those miles.
One of the other challenges is providing services that meet the needs of the different
regions we serve. White River Junction is in
Windsor County, which is far less populated than Chittenden, the home of the
Winooski office. Across the division, staff
members are incredibly committed to the
children and families of Vermont, so they
forge ahead, adjusting to location and programmatic changes with creativity.
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Casey Close-up
In the Vermont Division, Casey staff members are known for making
sure children and youth stay connected to their birth families, which has
eased the transition to more permanence-focused work.
VOICE: As Casey moves to emphasize the
importance of lifelong family relationships,
how has the Vermont Division responded?
VOICE: In the spring, you joined the state
in sponsoring a local convening on permanence issues. What was the impetus?
LESCHER: Very positively. While the move
to greater permanence brings with it some
changes in practice, everyone is enthusiastic
about its driving principles. I just cannot
imagine that anyone in the field would disagree that it is critical for foster children –
many of whom have spent their lives in
transition – to know that they belong to a
dependable family, that they can let down
their guard, and experience the unconditional love that comes with family membership.
LESCHER: Yes, we did. We are fortunate to
work with a public child welfare agency that
is committed to creating family connections
for foster youth. The deputy commissioner
from DCF initiated the statewide convening after attending the 2005 National
Convening on Youth Permanence in San
In the Vermont Division, Casey staff members are known for making sure children
and youth stay connected to their birth
families, which has eased the transition to
more permanence-focused work. When
appropriate, we include birth family members on planning teams, and foster parents
know that they will need to support birth
family relationships.
More than 250 private providers, educators,
judicial staffers, state agency leaders, foster
parents, and youth took part in the
Vermont event. Representatives from all of
these groups also served on the planning
committee. Casey expects to cosponsor a
follow-up event in the fall to review our collective progress toward achieving permanence for children and youth in foster care.
LESCHER: In the process of planning the
statewide permanence convening, we identified more than a dozen promising practices,
some specific to the state, others, national
models. In March, DCF brought Kevin
Campbell to New England to present his
family finding work to public and private
agency staff. Several districts are using Signs
of Safety, a family-teaming model designed
to identify and address safety issues through
collaborative planning. Recently, DCF
piloted Family Group Decision Making in
one of its district offices and plans to
expand its use throughout the state.
Throughout Vermont, social workers are
using a variety of approaches, including family- and youth-centered permanency planning models, eco- and family-mapping tools,
and genograms. Special reviews for children
in care for more than three years also are
conducted by an intra-agency team.
VOICE: In September, the Annie E. Casey
Foundation with Casey Family Services is
hosting the 2006 National Convening on
Youth Permanence. What promising practices do you see from Vermont and the
Vermont Division that could be shared
with other providers across the country?
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by Eliot Brenner, Ph.D.,
Director of Clinical Services,
Casey Family Services
In spite of efforts to attain
legal permanence for every
youth in foster care, there
are times when families or youth are reluctant to make a legal commitment. Foster
parents may hesitate for a variety of reasons,
including conflicted loyalties between foster
and birth children, or fears about the mental health needs of foster youth. At the same
time, foster youth may be reluctant to
endorse legal permanence because they feel
different from other children in the family,
or because they still feel committed to their
birth parents.
Even experienced clinical social workers
may have difficulty exploring the reasons
behind this reluctance. If youth and foster
parents have lived together for a long time,
social workers may hesitate to discuss legal
permanence because they do not want to
jeopardize a stable placement.
For this reason, Casey Family Services is
testing a pilot clinical assessment tool to
help initiate discussions with youth and
families in stable foster placements who are
reluctant to move toward legal permanence.
The Emotional Security Clinical Practice
Tool has two versions: one for foster parents, and one for foster youth.
Both versions consist of 25 items that mirror each other. These items were selected to
focus on the feelings and behaviors of parents and youth in regard to permanence,
which Casey defines as “an enduring family
relationship that offers the legal rights and
social status of full family membership.”
Casey Family Services
Queries reflect most modern psychological
theories, which hold that emotions have
both an internal “feelings” component and
a behavioral or expressive component. An
example of a feeling item to which parents
respond is, “I care deeply about what happens to this youth.” The complementary
item for youth is, “My foster parent cares
deeply about what happens to me.” An
example of a behavior item is: “I expect to
give and receive holiday cards or gifts with
this youth just like everyone else in this
me as well as other youth in the family.”
Casey recommends that social workers ask
each youth and parent to complete the
Emotional Security Clinical Practice Tool
independently. Depending on the results,
the social worker may decide to discuss the
results with each parent, then with the
youth, or with youth and parents together.
The Emotional Security Clinical Practice
Tool already has had an impact on a family
that was on the verge of asking their Casey
social worker to remove a 16-year-old foster
The items also are informed by attachment
theory, which holds that most successful
adoptions occur when parents “claim” the
foster youth in their home, accepting the
youth as a full-fledged member of their
family, while the youth also accepts the parents as his or her own. For example, one
item asks parents to respond to the statement: “I have done everything I can to
make this youth feel he or she belongs to
this family.” Youth respond to the statement: “My foster parents have done everything I need to make me feel like I belong
to this family.” There are several items
designed to capture claiming in families
that contain other birth or adoptive children. An example from the parent version
is, “I treat other youth better than I treat
this youth.” The companion item from the
youth version is, “Foster parents don’t treat
youth who had resided in their home for
several years. The social worker asked the
parents and youth to complete the
Emotional Security Clinical Practice Tool.
The assessment helped both parents and
youth to recognize how deeply they cared
for one another. This has led to the parents
and youth planning together for life after
high school, and discussing ways in which
they can begin to make a permanent family
commitment to one another.
To learn more about the Emotional Security
Clinical Practice Tool, post an email to
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by Sania Metzger, Esq.,
Director of Policy, Casey
Family Services
Of the 523,085 children in
foster care in 2003, 246,650
had a goal of being reunified
with their parents. However, only 151,770
youngsters were actually reunited, according
to the U.S. Children’s Bureau. As the child
welfare community looks to engage birth
families as the preferred placement in helping
youth achieve family permanence, there is
room to improve.
To improve this, reunited families will
require an array of preventive services and
post-permanency supports. These are critical
elements to keeping children and youth with
their own parents and custodial caregivers.
The gap between the goal for reunification
and the actual number of children who
return to birth families raises concerns
about the quality and availability of these
types of family-strengthening services.
Policymakers should be asking themselves
the following questions:
• Are such essential preventive services readily available?
• Is federal funding adequate to ensure that
services are available to carry out an early
intervention in a family crisis?
• Does the lack of adequate state preventive
services contribute to racial/ethnic disproportionality in child welfare?
• What services are needed to stabilize a
teen who returns home?
• What supports does the parent or caregiver
need as their child transitions back home?
Helping to illuminate some responses to
these queries, the 2006 National Convening
on Youth Permanence, September 12 to 15,
will focus on addressing the needs of older
children and youth in foster care. Sponsored
by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and its
direct service agency, Casey Family Services,
the convening will feature a policy briefing,
on September 13, on these critical issues.
The emphasis will be on strengthening families, particularly minority families whose
children are reunited at lower rates than
their white counterparts in the system.
Deserving the lion’s share of a policy review
is the federal Promoting Safe and Stable
Families Act (PSSF), which is the single
largest funding source for preventive services: $434 million in 2006 alone. Up for
reauthorization this year, the act has four
specific purposes: community-based family
support, family preservation, time-limited
family reunification, and adoption promotion and support.
In 2006, of the $565 million authorized for
the PSSF, Congress approved $434 million:
$345 million in mandatory funds and
$89.1 million in discretionary funds. While
Congress increased mandatory funds by
$40 million, it did not approve use of the
$200 million available in discretionary
funding for the PSSF, according to the
Child Welfare League of America.
Program guidance issued by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
informs states that their allocation to the
PSSF is expected to be at 20 percent for each
of the program areas unless a state can provide a “strong rationale” for spending less.
Part of the 2006 PSSF reauthorization discussion by child advocates has centered on
whether funding for this preventive program will be increased to its full funding
level over the next five years, and whether
or not all PSSF spending allocations will
once again become mandatory.
Another part of the PSSF Congressional
debate relates to how to spend the $40 million increase in PSSF’s mandatory level provided by the Deficit Reduction
Reconciliation Act of 2006. The House bill
(H.5640) seeks to expend the additional
$40 million in mandatory funding to
enhance caseworker visits of children and
families involved with child welfare, while
the Senate bill (S. 3525) targets the $40
million to families affected by the methamphetamine crisis in order to help reduce
child maltreatment in homes impacted by
the latest drug crisis.
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2006 also
provided for an additional $20 million per
year through FY2010 for two new types of
grants for the Court Improvement Program.
The additional funds will be used to support training of personnel involved in child
welfare judicial proceedings and to improve
the timely consideration of abuse and
neglect cases by family court.
This is one of a number of policy issues that
demand greater discussion and understanding if policymakers are to be effective in
reducing the number of children who need
to enter foster care, and in improving the
numbers of children who are successfully
returned home. As any birth parent would
tell us, achieving these goals hinges on available supports and family-strengthening
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Resource Corner
2006 KIDS COUNT Data Book
The national and state-by-state study
reports on the well-being of America’s children and promotes discussion on ways to
secure better futures for all kids. The Data
Book ranks states on 10 key indicators and
provides information on child health, education, and family economic conditions.
This year, the Annie E. Casey Foundation
also explores how early childhood development prepares children for success in school
and life, and how to support family-based
child care providers.
To learn more, visit www.aecf.org.
Undercounted, Underserved: Immigrant
and Refugee Families in the Child Welfare
Immigrant families constitute a large and
growing proportion of all families. Almost
one-fourth of all children in the United
States are either immigrants or children of
immigrants. This report from the Annie E.
Casey Foundation focuses on the needs of
immigrant and refugee children in the child
welfare system. It includes extensive
research, including a literature review, interviews with, and recommendations from,
child welfare practitioners and experts.
To learn more, visit www.aecf.org.
Casey Family Services
A Child, a Family, a Future: Foster Care
and Adoption in Connecticut
This documentary tells the real life story of
Connecticut’s foster care system. You’ll meet
children waiting for a family, parents waiting for a child, and the childcare professionals who work to bring them together. A
“Connecting Our Communities” production for CPTV, the special was developed
with the Village for Families and Children
and funding from the Annie E. Casey
Foundation. Raymond L. Torres, Casey
Family Services’ executive director, is featured in the broadcast, which follows the
lives of several children and families in
Connecticut’s child welfare system.
To order a DVD of this documentary at
$19.95 (including shipping), contact
Caroline Deveau at 860.275.7288, or visit
On Your Own: Teens Write About Leaving
Foster Care
For more than 10 years, young adults of
Represent magazine have written about
charging off to their own apartments only
to learn how lonely they are, and to lose
their jobs because of conflicts with their
bosses. Foster youth stories are compiled in
this book, which seeks to engage and prepare teenagers for the many changes they
will face on the road to adulthood. Included
are also worksheets and hands-on activities.
Dr. Gerald Mallon, executive director of the
National Resource Center for Foster Care
and Permanency Planning says this book is,
“Indispensable! These stories show staff
what teens are really thinking – and they
make teens feel less alone.”
To order this book visit www.youthcomm.org
Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men
Studies show that the United States is home
to two to three million youth ages 16-24
who are out of school and out of work.
Why are so many young people “disconnected,” and what can public policy do
about it? In Reconnecting Disadvantaged
Young Men, authors Peter Edelman, Harry
Holzer, and Paul Offner offer analysis and
policy prescriptions to solve the growing
crisis. They carefully examine field programs
and research studies and commend specific
strategies to enhance education, training,
and employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth; to improve incentives of
less-skilled workers to accept employment;
and to reduce the severe barriers faced by
some youth. The result is a clear guidebook
for policymakers as well as an important
distillation for anyone interested in the
plight of today’s youth.
To order this book visit www.uipress.org
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For additional important dates, visit www.caseyfamilyservices.org.
2006: Important Dates
Voice is published quarterly by Casey Family
Services for child welfare professionals, advocates,
and the children and families they serve. The
opinions expressed within this publication do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Annie E. Casey
Foundation, including Casey Family Services.
Casey Family Services is the direct service agency
of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a private charitable organization established in 1948 by UPS
founder Jim Casey and his siblings in honor of
their mother.
The Foundation is dedicated to helping build better futures for disadvantaged children in the
United States. Started in 1976, Casey Family
Services offers permanence-focused foster care, postadoption services, family reunification, family
preservation, family advocacy and support, family
resource centers, assistance to young families and
families affected by HIV/AIDS, and nationwide
technical assistance through the Casey Center for
Effective Child Welfare Practice.
The mission of Casey Family Services is to improve
the lives of at-risk children and strengthen families
and communities by providing high-quality, costeffective services that advance both positive practice and sound public policy.
Executive Director: Raymond L. Torres
Director of Communications: Lee Mullane
Public Affairs Manager/Managing Editor:
Roye Anastasio-Bourke
September 12-15
2006 National Convening on Youth
The Annie E. Casey Foundation/Casey
Family Services
Renaissance Washington, D.C. Hotel
Washington, D.C.
September 13-16
The 19th Annual National Independent
Living Conference: “Growing Pains 2006”
Daniel Memorial Institute
St. Louis, Missouri
October 3-4
Seventh National Structured Decision
Making Conference: “Daily
Practice for Performance Improvement”
The Children’s Research Center
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
October 12-15
“It’s My Life” Conference 2006
Casey Family Programs
Seattle, Washington
Writer/Editor: John S. Hodgins
Contributing Writers: Eliot Brenner, Joy Duva,
Cary Gladstone, Sania Metzger, and Miriam
Design: Inergy Group
Extending the Conversation
With a vision of sharing ideas and insights, the
Voice editorial staff welcomes feedback from its
readers. Please feel free to contact us with your
story ideas, requests for additional information on
topics covered, and updated subscription information. The editor can be reached by sending an
email to voice@caseyfamilyservices.org or calling
October 15-18
12th National Symposium on Juvenile
National Partnership for Juvenile Services
Las Vegas, Nevada
October 18-19
Adolescence and the Transition to
Adulthood: Rethinking the Safety Net for
Vulnerable Young Adults
Chapin Hall Center for Children
Chicago, Illinois
October 18-20
Alliance for Children and Families 2006
National Conference
The Alliance for Children and Families
St. Louis, Missouri
November: National Adoption Month
November 3
Family Focus 2006: A Focus on Adoption
and the Family
The Adoption Center of the MidSouth
Memphis, Tennessee
2006 Conference on Differential Response
in Child Welfare
American Humane Association
San Diego, California
November 12-15
Finding Better Ways Conference:
“Addressing the Needs of Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning
Youth, and Families in the Child
Welfare System”
Child Welfare League of America
Nashville, Tennessee
November 18
National Adoption Day
Voice Magazine
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InThis Issue
Casey Family Services
127 Church Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Telephone: 203 401 6900
Fax: 203 401 6901
888 799 KIDS
Casey Family Services
Executive Director’s Message
National Convening on Youth Permanence to Show the Power of Families for Life
Close-up: Harry Spence, Massachusetts DSS Commissioner
A Lifelong Connection Leads to Love and Healing
In Search of Generation Next
National Adoption Day 2006 Study Examines Adoption from Foster Care
Brooke and Joe’s Dream House: RuFES Helps Rural Families Build a Stable Future
Casey Close-up: Nita Lescher, Vermont Division Director
Feeling at Home: Assessing Emotional Security in Youth and Families
Safe and Stable Families for Youth: Promoting Permanence
Resource Corner and Important Dates