The Kirk news So Unlike the Advent Story March 2014


The Kirk news So Unlike the Advent Story March 2014
The K
March 2014
So Unlike the Advent Story
This season of our faith
from Ash Wednesday to Easter
the season of reflection, of Lent
so unlike the Advent Story
No angels, no shepherds,
no magi traveling under a star
The story of our savior
purposefully following his master's call
walking the dusty road
to the city of David
his day of reckoning in Jerusalem
Painful for the faithful
these days leading to the cross
aware, like the tax collector,
of the depth of our sin
Understanding the price he paid
only in part, knowing only from our perspective
what it meant to descend from heaven
to go from a king to the man on the cross
walking the earth as a mortal
when he was the son of God
Joy at the end of the story
these days leading to his glory
rising, defeating death and sin
our lives forever blessed
But drawing into prayer,
fasting and studying
mindful of the horrible price
my savior paid for me
Inside this issue:
Season of Lent
One Great Hour
Special Event
Session Notes
Wee Kirk News
Per Capita.
Counter Hints
Our Deacons
Birthdays & Anniversary
On the Light Side
Saving starts
March 9th
By Raymond Frost
The Season of Lent
Lent is marked by prayer and commemoration of Jesus' Passion and death. In that way it prepares us for real celebration of Easter. Since Sundays celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the
six Sundays that occur during Lent are not counted as part of the 40 days of Lent. We refer to
them as Sundays "in" Lent, as opposed to Advent, wherein we refer to the Sundays "of" Advent. The number 40 is connected with many biblical events, but especially with the forty days
Jesus spent in the wilderness facing the Temptation, preparing for his ministry and vocation of
dying for the sin of the world. Christians use this period of time for especially rigorous introspection, self-examination, and repentance, although these disciplines should be a part of every Christian's life at all times and seasons.
Ash Wednesday, the seventh Wednesday before Easter Sunday, is the first day of the Season
of Lent. This year it was March 5. Its name comes from the practice of placing ashes on worshippers’ foreheads as a reminder of their mortality, a sign of humility before God, and a symbol of mourning and sorrow that sin brings into the world. It prefigures the mourning the death
of Jesus will bring. Ash Wednesday is a somber day of reflection on what needs to change in
our lives if we are to be fully Christian.
Adapted from “The Season of Lent” Dennis Bratcher
One Great Hour of Sharing
Lent is a great time for prayer
and reflection. If you would like
a daily devotion, pick up a copy
of Our Daily Bread found in
the lobby available year round.
There are many devotionals on which are
free also.
One is 40 Day Journey with Die-
trich Bonhoeffer.
Take the time to rest and be quiet to walk in your heart that
dusty road with our Lord.
Once again the Kirk will participate in this annual offering, which many of us remember
from our childhood. The children are receiving offering boxes and there are envelopes
for adults. If you lose or do not receive an
OGHS envelope, you may use one of the
"Special Offering" envelopes in your box of
envelopes and mark it and the Memo blank of
your check: "One Great Hour of Sharing," or
"OGHS." This offering goes to Presbyterian
Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger
Program, and to the self-development of disadvantaged people and communities. PCUSA has published the list of self-development
efforts in greater Chicago funded by OGHS.
Please consider making this offering part of
your Lenten devotion. We will dedicate the
offering on Easter Day.
Special Event at the Kirk - Sunday, March 9, 3 pm
We are thrilled to announce that Jon and Paddy Lynn will perform at the Kirk. We will
hear their version of the Spoon River collection of short free-form poems. The poems
tell us of the epitaphs of the residents of a fictional small town of Spoon River, named
after the real Spoon river that ran near the author, Edward Lee Masters’ home town.
The aim of the poems is to help us understand what the rural small town American life
was like. Jon and Paddy will be accompanied by musician, Patti Ecker.
Don’t miss this wonderful performance on Sunday, March 9 at 3pm right here at the
Kirk. Bring a friend.
Session Notes
Our Session met on Saturday March 1, 2014,
moderated by the Rev. Anne Fisher.
Tina Cox - Adult, Children & Youth
Christian Education
A few brief notes:
Lori Smith - Building & Grounds
Bill Anderson - Building & Schedule
Seeking teachers for adult Ed. and High
School Class. No Sunday School on
Approved funds to repair rear gym exterior doors. Classroom repairs of
ceiling/roof being looked into.
Thank you to Jacki & Jacob Hallendorff
for paint and repairs in west restrooms.
Frans Dubois will be representative from
Session to Wee Kirk Board.
Increased Lori Kaushagen’s hours to
Tues.,Thurs, Fri., 10 am to 5 pm
Jan Edmiston succeeded in waiver of
“vacancy dues” for 2-28-14 of $1,100.
Working on web site and social media
Forming a committee– so far Frans Dubois, Bill Anderson, Derek Hampson, Susan Zentz possibly one more will contact
Jan Edmiston for interim and temporary
The next Stated Session Meeting is
Saturday, April 5, 2014.
Jacki Hallendorff—Church Growth &
Jess Pruess - Finance
George Griffith - Mission
Frans Dubois - Personnel
Judy Fitchett - Stewardship &
Congregational Care
Pauline Wagner - Worship & Prayer
Derek Hampson - Elder at Large
If you have questions, concerns or suggestions please talk with your Session
Wee Ki rk
Presch ool Ne ws
2014 Per Capita $31.18
per each member
Through per capita, Presbytery of
Chicago churches:
Help congregations with
pastoral transitions
Train and support interim
Resolve congregational
Care for ministers and
Christian Educators and
their families
Help prepare people for service
as ordained ministers
The Kirk is responsible for paying
for each member.
Helpful Hints from our
1. Please don’t use scotch
tape on your envelopes
2. Please round off your
dollar amount.
3. Please indicate on your
check where it is to go.
Thank you for your
Wee Kirk staff and students are ready for warmer temperatures and spring activities! During the month of March the
classrooms will learn about community helpers, with visits
from the fire and police departments. Each department talks
to the children about safety, and the children enjoy having
the opportunity to climb aboard the fire truck and have their
picture taken. During March the children also learn about St.
Patrick's Day, and we celebrate the 100th day of school.
March is the birthday month of Dr. Seuss and we will be doing some special reading activities. Parents may sign up to
read their favorite book to their child's class, and each child
will bring home a reading log and are encouraged to record
five books that they read with their parents. The month ends
with spring break the week of March 24th, and we return to
school on March 31st.
Looking ahead to April, the children will have an Easter celebration, learn about Earth Day, space, the weather and
Spring. Our classrooms will also teach the children about
handicaps, and we will have a Hop-a-thon for Muscular Dystrophy. By participating in the program we hope that the door
has been opened to an exciting and meaningful experience
for the children in one of life's most important lessons - helping others.
We are once again offering summer camps. With all of the
cold and snowy weather, the districts in the area have extended the school year to make up the missed days. In response, we will be offering five camps this summer with three
in June and two in July. The first camp will begin the week of
June 2nd to offer our families a fun and safe activity while
siblings are still in school. Registration is now open to our
current Wee Kirk families and will open to the public in April.
Registration for the 2014-2015 school year is ongoing.
Please continue to spread the word about our wonderful program to any young families you know! Anyone interested in
enrolling please see Jenny, or contact her at 847-949-8671
or at
God's blessings!
Becky Minehart
Wee Kirk Treasurer
Our Deacons
Looking ahead to
Nelleke Dubois - Moderator & Visitation
Jo Anderson - Secretary
Judy Piontowski,- Treasurer & Food Pantry
Katy Cali - Session Liaison & Correspondence
Doug Cox - Report Deacon Activities to the Kirk Monthly
Pamela Hegg - Prayer Chain
Lori Kaushagen - Organizer of Special Needs with Jo
Sarah Lynn - Correspondence & Assists Nelleke
David Weitzel - Photographic History of the Kirk
Even though all the Deacons have positions, they all work
together where and when needed. This past month 2 $25
gas cards were given out; several people in need have
stopped by to use the food Pantry; transportation has been
given for doctor appointments, grocery shopping, errands,
You may have noticed the table in between the front doors.
Drop off items on the table and if need be take any items.
This is in addition to the Food Pantry just off the kitchen.
The food pantry needs some replenishing. Any nonperishable items including toiletries. Especially canned fruit
and spaghetti sauces are needed now.
Passion/Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13
Good Friday
Communion-Service 7pm
March 18
Resurrection of the Lord
Breakfast 9:00 am
Worship 10:15 am
March 20
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Collected
Easter lily Cross
Help beautiful the sanctuary for Easter by
providing an Easter lily for our traditional Easter
Cross. The cost is $9.00 and you may take your
lily home following the service. Fill out the form
found in Sunday’s bulletin or call the church office—847-949-8670.
1500 W. Hawley Street
Mundelein Illinois 60060
Phone: 847-949-8670
Fax: 847-9498673
Andrea Aneth Villa ….. March 3
Wee Kirk Pre School
Phone: 847-9498671
Nicollle Gerle ….. March 8
Jacob Hallendorff ….. March 1
STAFF . . . . .
Pamela Hegg, Music Director
Jenny Laird, Wee Kirk Director
Lori Smith, Clerk of Session
Charlene Churchill, Treasurer
Bill Frye, Financial Secretary
Lori Kaushagen, Administrative
Jo Anderson, Marilyn Turner,
David Weitzel, Office Volunteers
Catherine Gilbert ….. March 22
Charlene Churchill ….. March 22
Sheila Carey ….. March 25
Shirley Frye ….. March 25
James Hallendorff …... March 27,1990
Anniversary Blessings!
Robert and Carla Wakid
March 2
Frederich and Odra Gerle
March 21
Did you notice?
Many of you may have received a flyer
in the mail from the College of Lake
County with a picture of the Gospel
Choir on it. Our Music Director, Pamela Hegg, is on the far right. If you
would like to enjoy the performance it is
on March 16 at 4pm at the college.
You will enjoy every minute.
Please note: If any Birthdays or Anniversaries are incorrect or missing
please call or email the church office to let us know. Thank you!
On the light Side
I thought I saw an eye doctor on an
Alaskan island, but it turned out to be
an optical Aleutian.
A rubber band pistol was confiscated
from algebra class, because it was a
weapon of math disruption.
No matter how much you push the
envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
The fattest knight at King Arthur’s
round table was Sir Cumference. He
acquired his size form too much pi.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like
a banana.
Two hats were hanging on a hat rack
in the hallway. One hat said to the
other: ”You stay here; I’ll go on a