KY Council for Exceptional Children Don’t Miss Fall Conference 2013


KY Council for Exceptional Children Don’t Miss Fall Conference 2013
A Publication of KYCEC
Fall 2013
KY Council for Exceptional
Don’t Miss Fall Conference 2013
Special points of interest:
 Fall Conference 2013
 “Yes I Can”
 Mini—Grant Information
The Kentucky Exceptional Children’s Conference invites you to join us for a wonderful professional development event dedicated to special education! The Program Committee has planned
thoughtful educational sessions in a variety of formats to meet every learner's needs. Join us to:
 Student Chapter Updates
Participate in the many rich opportunities to learn and engage in dialogue about the field's most
important topics, including:
 Voting Procedures
 Awards
Teacher effectiveness
Universal design for learning
Positive Behavior Supports
College and Career Readiness and Transition
Response to intervention
Evidence-based instructional strategies
Common core state standards
Expanded core curriculum
Assistive and Instructional Technology
And much more.
Network with colleagues in special education and discuss the latest research and most promising
instructional strategies.
Cheer for colleagues who have worked in the field of special education for 25 years (and more!) on
Monday during the General Session.
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
What’s Going On???
Take part in the Silent Auction and support the future special education teachers!
Conference Highlights
Participate in our 2nd Annual Walk for Autism, sponsored by the Public Consulting Group!
National CEC Info.
Browse the Exhibit Hall, filled with cutting-edge products and services.
Division News
Summer Leadership
Board Members
Become inspired as Dave Weber leads you to understand your power and influence as a teacher
leader in his keynote talk, “Leadership Redefined”.
Celebrate the accomplishments of students and colleagues on Tuesday by participating in the
Awards Luncheon celebrating Yes I Can! and Teacher of the Year winners!
Don’t miss this chance to further your professional growth, catch up on what's happening in the
field, learn about the latest in evidence-based practices, expand your knowledge, and broaden your
perspectives—all while enjoying the beginning of the holiday season in Louisville!
We hope to see you in November!
Page 2
Message From
It’s easy to stay
informed. Visit
our website for
professional updates and opportunities for you
and your classroom needs.
To learn more about
how your chapter or
division can receive a
mini-grant, please
access the mini-grant
application from the
website or contact
Debbie Samples at
support many of their activities through the Student Council for Exceptional Children
the KYCEC President, Pam Matlock
programs at our universities.
We are so pleased to assist in
As President of the Kentucky postsecondary feats. Also,
sponsoring their local events,
Council for Exceptional Chil- come and meet out Yes I Can such as Special Olympics,
winders and their families at a Buddy Walks, and transitional
dren (KYCEC), it is my
session on Tuesday at 10:15!
fairs. You will see these fupleasure to share with you
ture teachers in action at consome of the professional and
KYCEC honors our teachers
ference sessions as they prepersonal reasons we should
of exceptional students! At
sent their own research on
all be proud to be members
this year’s conference we will
instructional strategies. Don’t
of this worthy organization. join with the Kentucky Deforget to do your Christmas
partment of Education and
KYCEC honors our stushopping at their KYSCEC
dents! As advocates for in- KYCEC divisions to proudly
Silent Auction booth in the
recognize teachers and admindividuals with disabilities,
Exhibit Hall.
KYCEC seeks opportunities istrators, who are esteemed in
Finally, KYCEC honors and
to promote and celebrate our our profession. In doing so,
we honor each of us who
appreciates our members!
students’ talents. Our webmakes a difference in a child’s You, the members, are absosite ( fealife. Also remember as a
lutely a priority in our 2013-14
tures pictures from last year’s
KYCEC member that we hon- goals. We have a commitment
Yes I Can award winning
or your efforts with six $650
to listen and honor your needs.
students, and this newsletter
mini-grants to assist with your To do so, we must first hear
features our 2013 state award
own special teaching needs.
your thoughts. We are seeking
winners. How uplifting for
The KYCEC website features input from you through surus to recognize our students
a technology project that was a veys that will be available at
and share in their state and
mini-grant awarded last year at
national recognition. This is Fulton County. To learn more Conference and will be sent
electronically to members.
absolutely what we are
about the mini-grant program, Please complete them, as well
about! I encourage you to
plan to join us at conference
as, share your thoughts with
join us at this year’s awards for presentations from last
the members of the Board.
luncheon to applaud their
year’s winners and for more
We will be listening! Addiaccomplishments and pat our information on how easy it is
tionally, plan to join us for our
profession on the back for a to apply. Deadline in March
annual meeting at Conference
job well done. And don’t
(or until monies run out!).
on Tuesday morning. While
forget to nominate your own
we meet, network, and share
students for 2014… deadline KYCEC honors our teacher ideas, we’ll have breakfast and
preparation students! We
in May. Also consult our
raffle drawing. We value our
Conference program as sev- value those individuals who
KYCEC members.” Hope to
eral transitional sessions fea- are preparing for a career in
see you at the conference!
special education and love to
ture our students and their
KY Council for Exceptional Children
Mini—Grant Opportunities
KYCEC Executive Board is pleased to announce that six (6) mini-grants will be available for members and/or chapters this year! The grants will be in the amount of $650, and the proposal must address one of the following areas: membership, teacher training, or development and implementation
of a model program. Applications for a mini-grant are on the website at The deadline for submission of grants is January 15, 2014. Come to our session on Tuesday at 8:30 and to
hear how the 2013 mini-grants winners used their money, and learn the process for applying for a
mini-grant for 2014!
Page 3
Fall 2013
Star Teachers Reap the Benefits of CEC
The Yes I Can! Awards honor children and youth with disabilities who excel. KYCEC will once again recognize the winners
of the 2013 Yes I Can! Awards at the Fall conference in November. The nominations were received from across the state in
seven categories: Academics, Arts, Athletics, School and Community Activities, Self-Advocacy, Technology, and Transition.
Yes I Can! Coordinator, Barbara Washington, reported twentynine nominations were received from many districts and recognized students from all ages and categories of disabilities. The
Kentucky winners are:
Academics - Kevin Bailey – Jefferson County Schools
Arts – Zebulon Risen – Green County Schools
Athletics – Elizabeth Thornton – Scott County Schools
School & Community Activities – Morgan Jones – Carter
County Schools
Self-Advocacy – Robert Gross – Kenton County Schools
Technology – Braden Ussery – Warren County Schools
Transition – Suede Posey – Green County Schools
These deserving students will be recognized with their guests at
the conference luncheon on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Additionally, the winners will be invited to share their talents and
stories at a conference session prior to the luncheon. All are
invited to come and celebrate the accomplishments of this stellar group of individuals at the pre-luncheon session. The Kentucky winners will be forwarded to the National CEC Yes I
Can! Committee for consideration at the national level.
Watch for e-communications with
CEC updates. Join our Facebook
November brings fall leaves, pumpkin pie, and the KYCEC
Membership drive. Join or renew CEC in the month of November and receive $10 off your membership fee. Looking
for a little added bonus? Join or renew your CEC Membership at the fall conference, and get entered into a
drawing to win an iPad mini. Stop by the membership
booth for more information.
Your membership is a symbol of your dedication to providing high-quality education to students with exceptionalities.
It allows CEC to advocate for the rights of children and
youth with exceptionalities, as well as the special needs of
the educators who serve them. The KYCEC Board of Directors would like to recognize and thank you for your
commitment by providing a light breakfast during the
conference. Members attending the breakfast on Tuesday, November 26th (7:30-8:30am) will have the opportunity to win one of ten gift cards to Starbucks, Panera,
iTunes, and more. Your CEC membership ribbon is your
entry ticket. You must be present at the breakfast to win the
gift cards. We will also be drawing for the iPad mini at this
time. Visit the membership booth at the CEC Conference for
more information.
Can’t attend the conference but still want to be a member of
the leading voice for individuals with exceptionalities? Use
the promo code: KYCEC2013 (active November 1-30) to
renew your membership and you’ll get entered into a drawing for a Target gift card.
KY Council for Exceptional Children
Page 4
KYSCEC News : State Student Chapters are having a bus y year!
KY State Student Council
Did you Know?
KYSCEC has a
Join us at
for Exceptional
Get your checkbooks (and boxing gloves) ready! It’s almost time for the annual bidding war at the Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) Silent Auction! We all have
been hard at work planning for this year’s silent auction, working on the date, time, location,
and of course, the items for sale. This year’s Silent Auction will be held on Monday in the Exhibit Hall at the annual conference. It will open at 8 am and bidding will close at 6 pm on the
dot! All proceeds from the auction will support the student members of CEC.
Advisors, please be sure to encourage your students to attend this year’s state conference. We will be holding a students-only raffle this year and attendance of all 3 days of the conference is required for entry. More info to come!
Are you interested in joining a student chapter or even starting one of your own? If so,
please contact Dr. Sarah Hawkins-Lear for more information at
Check us out on Facebook! Student members can join our group, Kentucky Student
Council for Exceptional Children. This is a great way to receive updates on great events and
success stories from our student members.
By: Amy Clausen
Morehead State University Chapter News
The students at Morehead State University have been busy recruiting new members. Student
members visited all “Introduction to Special Education” courses to spread the wonderful word
of the Council for Exceptional Children. They also have been actively planning MSU’s 5 th
Annual Transition Fair that will take place on November 21, 2013, on Morehead’s main campus. Lastly, the state conference is just right around the corner and everyone has been busy
planning poster presentations and collecting items for the silent auction. It’s a fun time of the
semester for everyone!
Hello Student CEC Members!
Are you excited for the conference, because we surely are! New this year, we will be holding a raffle for all student members who attend all three days of the conference. The prize will be drawn on Tuesday morning at the general
breakfast meeting. Here are the requirements for entry:
-Register for all 3 days of the conference
-Attend at least 4 sessions
-Work in the silent auction
-Attend the student meeting on Monday
-Attend the general meeting on Tuesday
That’s all you have to do to be entered to win a mini iPad!
We will also be holding the election for student officers on Monday. If you are interested in running for Vice President or Secretary, please contact the current President, Amy Clausen. Come prepared with a 2-minute speech about what
makes you qualified for the position. Any questions, email Amy Clausen at
Don’t forget to keep collecting items for the silent auction! Any money made from the items your chapter donates
goes back to your chapter. This is a great fundraising opportunity for your school. Any questions about signing up to work
the auction or donations should go to Crysta Hicks,
Can’t wait to see you at conference!
Page 5
What’s Going On????
Fall 2013
Meet KYCEC’s New Children and Youth Action Network (CAN) Coordinator, Erica Cutright!
Children and Youth Action Network (CAN) is an organized group of volunteers who are dedicated to helping advance policy
affecting students with disabilities and gifts and talents. CAN seeks to (1) effect the necessary governmental changes at the local,
state, and federal levels that will make possible the implementation of CEC policies relating to the education of exceptional children; and (2) further vitalize CEC units by providing meaningful vehicles for membership and CEC public visibility.
Erica serves KYCEC and CAN as a resource, a facilitator, and most importantly an advocate. Erica teaches in an elementary
school in Warren County and is also adjunct faculty at WKU. When her son was born with special needs, she realized that she
needed to be a part of his world in a larger way!
Come and meet Erica at the Conference in November! She will hold a session on Tuesday,
November 26th at 8:30- 10 am. The session is entitled, “What CAN I do?” Discuss how you
can be a voice for students who receive special education services, learn how to utilize the
National CEC website, deal with elected officials, navigate the legislative process, and so
much more!
You can reach Erica at
KY CASE on the Hill
Carrie Bearden, Erica Cutright, and Jenny Miller Horn and Arden Goodman attended the CASE Legislative Leadership Seminar
this summer in Alexandria, VA. The focus of the conference was learning how to research current issues in special education,
state a position, and present the information to members of congress and their staff in a way that demonstrates how it impacts
constituents in their district and across the nation.
We had appointments with Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell, as well as Representatives Andy Barr and John Yarmouth.
We also stopped by Brett Guthrie’s office and he took time to talk with us as well. Senator McConnell wasn’t available to meet
with us when we arrived for our appointment, but his staffers sat down with us and listened as we discussed sequestration and the
impact it is having on our school districts in KY. We also discussed concerns regarding full funding of IDEA, highly qualified
status for special education teachers, and charter schools. When we met with Senator Rand Paul, he asked us to walk with him to
the Capitol so that he could vote. He talked to us regarding his thoughts on giving more control to the states and less control to
the Dept. of Education at the federal level, and listened to our concerns regarding removing highly qualified status requirements
for special education teachers. We enjoyed meeting with Representatives Barr and Yarmouth and discussing issues specific to
Central KY and Louisville. They both were interested in
learning how students and families with disabilities in
those areas will be impacted if funding is not restored.
After our visits, we debriefed with members of the CASE
Executive Committee and Lindsay Jones, the Director for
Policy and Advocacy for the National Center for Learning
Disabilities. They were impressed at the number of appointments we had and the responses that we received. We
all agreed that we would love to be able to participate in
this seminar again in the future. It was an experience of a
lifetime, and an incredible way to be able to impact decisions that are made for students with disabilities, their families and the professionals that work with them.
Contact Conference
Chairperson, Carrie Bearden
for additional information
KY Council for Exceptional Children
Page 6
48th Annual Exceptional Children’s
Conference 2013
Sunday Highlights!
Session Strands:
Session Topics:
Over 40 Sessions to choose from! College and Career Readiness
Meet the exhibitors!!
Positive Behavior Supports
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Classroom Management
Blind/Visually Impaired
Monday Highlights!
Over 60 Sessions to choose from! Instruction: Literacy
Closing the Gap
2nd Annual Walk/Run for Autism
Instruction: Math
Educator Effectiveness
Keynote: “Leadership Defined”
by Dave Weber
School Readiness & Early Childhood
Early Childhood
Honor the 25 Year Special Educators
Differentiated Instruction
Technology (AT & Instructional)
College & Career Readiness
Progress Monitoring
Positive Behavior Supports
Due Process
State Advisory Panel Public
Hearing and Meeting
Poster Sessions by Student CEC
Meet the exhibitors
Silent Auction for Student CEC
Join us for the KYCEC Annual Membership Meeting, Tuesday, 7:30
am, Room 546. There will be snacks and Door Prizes!
Tuesday Highlights!
Over 40 Sessions to choose from!
Annual CEC Membership Meeting at 7:30 am
Awards Luncheon at 12:00
KYCEC Student of the Year
Be sure to visit the KYCEC Membership booth to renew your membership and get registered to win a door prize during the Annual
Membership Meeting!
Early Childhood Outstanding
Service Award
Awards Luncheon :
Outstanding Special Ed Administrator of the Year
Yes I Can!
25 yr special educators
Teacher of Year Award
Administrator of the
Teacher of the Year Awards
Yes I Can! Awards
Visit the website for
Year Award
Support the Student CEC Fundraiser, the Silent
Auction, Monday, 8:00-6:00,
in the Exhibit
***Be sure to visit the membership booth during conference to receive your free gift!***
Page 7
CEC National News
and you could win a
Kindle Fire!
October 1 – October 28, 2013
CEC leadership must represent the beliefs and values of our members.
Each one of you has a voice in electing CEC’s future leaders.
View candidate biographies on CEC’s Web site,
Vote between October 1 – 28, 2013.
Your ballot will be sent to your email from . You will receive a paper ballot
if we do not have your e-mail address.
Contact to verify or add your e-mail address and update contact information.
You could win an i-Pad! All eligible CEC voters who vote in this election will be entered. Names
will be randomly selected by Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS).
Vote online! It’s fast, easy, and it’s green!
Page 8
KYCEC 2013 Outstanding Special
Education Administrator of the Year
Mrs. Vicki Writsel, Associate Superintendent at Bowling Green Independent Schools, was selected as the
KYCEC 2013 Outstanding Special Education Administrator of the Year. This announcement was celebrated at the Green River Regional Education Cooperative Advisory Council meeting in July.
Join the celebration at the KYCEC Conference November 26th luncheon when Mrs. Writsel receives the
award for her years of service as a distinguished administrator and educator.
Congratulations Vicki!!!
KYCCBD President, Patty Whitney (, and board are excited to announce The Behavior Institute 2014 (BI 14). The BI 14 will be held June 17-18, 2014 in Lexington, KY at the Lexington Convention
Center/ Rupp Arena. Please visit for the most current information. Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) sessions will be provided for administrators, educators and
mental health providers. We will have PD, EILA, and CEU's available for professional credit. More specifically,
topics will include:
School-wide positive behavior interventions
Social-emotional learning and instructional strategies
Proactive classroom management strategies, targeted interventions for students with chronic behavior
Evidence-based practices in mental /behavioral health
Alternatives to suspension / ISS
Instructional approaches for preventing and responding to a variety of discipline problems
Breaking the school to prison pipeline
Violence and bully prevention
Effective academic and behavior practices for closing achievement gaps
We look forward to seeing you there! Please spread the word.
KYCCBD Behavior Institute
Lexington, KY
June 17th - 18th, 2014
Page 9
2013 CEC State/Provincial Summer Leadership
KYCEC President-Elect Barbara Washington and Executive Secretary Carrie Bearden represented Kentucky at
the 2013 CEC State/Provincial Summer Leadership Institute on July 23 and 24, 2013. The training was held at
the CEC Headquarters in Arlington, VA. The purpose of the institute is to:
Assist divisions and units in active participation in the structure and strategic direction of CEC.
Promote and sustain division and unit membership growth, diversity and inclusiveness.
Promote collegiality and networking among leaders.
Build capacity in divisions and units so they may work effectively with members, chapters and subdivisions.
Topics included the new tiered membership model, planning conferences, marketing membership, generating non
dues revenue, providing high quality-low cost professional development, budgeting, communicating with members, and legal issues. We also previewed the wealth of information CEC offers on their website that is valuable
to pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and administrators. We left excited, full of ideas, and enthusiastic
about better serving our KYCEC members.
Page 10
KY Council of Administrators of Special Education
Save the Dates!
KYCASE Spring Institute – February 24-25
KYCASE Summer Institute - July 14-15
Newsletter Chairperson:
Rhonda Simpson
402 East Hodgenville Ave.
Greensburg, KY 42743
Spotlight Exceptional
Children and Educators
in your district in a future newsletter!
KYCEC Executive Board 2013-2014
Pam Matlock, President
890 Steamboat Road
Gilbertsville, KY 42044
Barbara Washington, President
3201 Alexander Hall
Murray State University
Murray, KY 42071
Dr. Rhonda Simpson, Vice Pres.
402 E. Hodgenville Avenue
Greensburg, KY 42743
Jennifer Green, Past President
321 Old Porter Pike
Bowling Green, KY 42103
Carrie Bearden, Executive Secretary, Conference Chair
657 S. Hurstbourne Pky. Ste. 229
Louisville, KY 40222
Kathy Maciel, Secretary
806 Old Fort Avenue
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Arden Goodman, Conference Treasurer
116 Green Lane
Georgetown, KY 40342
Cindy Dawson, Treasurer
1287 Hayes Court
Bowling Green, KY 42103
Erica Cutwright CAN Coordinator
905 Ridgecrest Way
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Amy Clausen, KYSCEC President
1027 Lanette Dre.
Cinninnati, OH 45230
Debbie Samples, Member at Large &
149 Overby Drive
Mayfield, KY 42066
Sarah Hawkins-Lear, KYSCEC Advisor
1775 Lawrence Road
Kailua, HI 96734
Beckie Brown, Parliamentarian
100 Bay Hill Court
Georgetown, KY 40324
Jenny Miller-Horn, Membership Chair
Kenton School District
1055 Eaton Drive
Ft. Wright, KY 41017
Miranda Reed, Member at Large
100 Crabapple Cove
Paducah, KY 42001
Merissa Waddey, Member at Large
2772 Amsterdam Road
Villa Hills, KY 41017
KYCEC Divisions:
CASE: Kim Johnson
DEC: Elizabeth McLaren
TED: Steve Crites
CCBD: Patty Whitney
Pioneers: Bill Porter
President: Amy Clausen
Vice-President: Stephanie Gebka
Thanks to all KYCEC members for their dedication in meeting the needs of students with disabilities in Kentucky!