2014 Fredericksburg Arts & Cra  Shows VENDOR APPLICATION  April 5 ‐ 6 


  2014 Fredericksburg Arts & Cra  Shows VENDOR APPLICATION  April 5 ‐ 6 
April 5 ‐ 6 December 6 ‐ 7 October 18 ‐ 19 2014 Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows
VENDOR APPLICATION Fredericksburg Expo Center | Fredericksburg, Virginia Sales Contact Casey Silversmith 540.548.5555 x108 csilversmith@bmg1.com FredericksburgArtsandCra sShows.com Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows Our Mission Ballan ne Management Group of Virginia is an event management company specializing in the produc on of consumer and trade show events. Each event features a “Total Marke ng Commitment,” which includes a comprehensive marke ng plan consis ng of electronic and print adver sing, social media, direct mail and email, as well as working with exhibitors to reach new poten al customers. Other events produced in the Fredericksburg market include: Pre‐Event Promo on: 
Marke ng Campaign to A endees at all Fredericksburg Expo Center Events Throughout the Year  30,000+ Rack Cards Distributed Throughout Fredericksburg Region  Over 500 Television Commercial Spots  Radio Campaign on All Local & Regional Radio Sta ons  Email Marke ng Campaign  Newspaper & Magazine Print Ad Campaign  Internet / Web Banner Ad Campaign  Social Media Marke ng via Facebook 
Fredericksburg Auto Show 
Fredericksburg Boat & Water Lifestyle Expo 
Fredericksburg Spring & Fall Home Shows 
Fredericksburg Fall RV & Boat Super Sale 
Fredericksburg Pet Expo 
Fredericksburg RV & Travel Adventure Expo 
Mid‐Atlan c Baseball & So ball Expo 
Mid‐Atlan c Endurance & Mul Sport Expo Par cipa ng Industries 
The Big Day ‐ Bridal & Event Expo 
XC4 Users’ Conference (Tradeshow) 
Why You Should Exhibit 
 Increase your company’s name recogni on. 
 Increase sales & acquire leads. 
 Par cipa ng in a consumer show is one of the most cost 
effec ve ways of adver sing. 
 Showcase your product or service. 
 Create a one‐on‐one experience to buyers through face‐to‐
face marke ng. 
Company name & hyperlink to company’s website will be listed on event website for up to a year. 
Company name listed in event program distributed to all a endees. 
Increased company exposure is available through sponsorship opportuni es including par cipa ng in program ads, expo a endee bags and web banners on event website. 
Baskets Buy / Sell Gi s (Spring Only) Ceramics Children’s Items Clothing/Accessories Fine Art Glass Gourmet Food Jewelry Leather Metal Works Mixed Media Music Needlework Pain ngs Photography Po ery Scrapbooking Sculpture Woodworking FredericksburgArtsandCra sShows.com Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows Eligibility / Applica on Requirements 2014 Vendor Pricing Vendors will have company name listed on show website with hyperlink to company website, company name lis ng in show program & complimentary wireless internet. Booth Space includes 8’ backdrape & 3’ side rails.
Spring & Fall Shows Handmade Arts / Cra s Vendors Only
Booth Size 10’ x 10’ 10’ x 20’ 10’ x 30’ Price $299 $499 $699 Spring Show ‐ April 5 ‐ 6 Buy / Sell Gi Vendors Only
Booth Size Price 10’ x 10’ $399 10’ x 20’ $699 10’ x 30’ $999 Holiday Show ‐ December 6 ‐ 7 FALL & HOLIDAY: Handmade Only  All items in the Handmade category are to be original works, handcra ed in the USA by the vendor filling out the applica on. No par ally finished or manufactured items accepted for this category. Handmade Arts / Cra s Vendors Only
Booth Size 10’ x 10’ 10’ x 20’ 10’ x 30’ Price $325 $550 $775 SPRING ONLY: There are two categories for accepted items to the Spring Arts & Cra s Faire: 1. Handmade All items in the Handmade category are to be original works, handcra ed in the USA by the vendor filling out the applica on. No par ally finished or manufactured items accepted for this category. 2. Buy / Sell Gi s There will be a limited number of Buy / Sell Gi s vendors permi ed to display in the Spring show only and will be setup in a separate sec on of the show. Vendors in this sec on are not permi ed to sell items considered Handmade. ALL SHOWS 
Due to the non‐permanent nature of the exhibit material, booth sizes may
range from 9’6” x 9’6” to 10’6” x 10’6.”
Photos of your merchandise and at least one
(1) photo of your display are required with the applica on. Photos may be sent with the applica on or may be emailed to Casey Silversmith at csilversmith@bmg1.com. Photos will not be returned and may be used in event promo on. Please reference email in the subject line: BMG Arts & Cra s (Spring, Fall or Holiday).  If your applica on is not accepted, you will be no fied and all deposits will be returned.  A $50 returned check service charge will be assessed for each dishonored check.  Ballan ne Management Group of Virginia reserves the right to remove/expel the applicant without refund. Miscellaneous 
Exhibitors must wear their provided exhibitor badge at all mes during the show. Lost badges will be replaced for a $3.00 fee.  Bring plenty of small bills and change. FredericksburgArtsandCra sShows.com Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows Booth Assignment Procedure Important Dates & Times 
Review the floor plan that is included in this applica on, choose three loca ons and indicate these booths on the contract. Every effort will be made to assign you your top choice. Previous exhibitors: please be sure to list booth number(s) of top choice(s).  Booths will be assigned on a first come, first served basis with a completed and signed contract accompanied by at least a 50% non‐
refundable/non‐refundable down payment (balance due 30 days prior to show). No assignments will be made unless this policy is followed.  Ballan ne Management Group of Virginia reserves the right to make any changes with or without no ce to ensure no company will be placed by its compe tors, traffic flow and an overall “appearance” of the show. Fredericksburg Spring Arts & Cra s Faire April 5 ‐ 6, 2014 SHOW HOURS Saturday, April 5: 10:00am ‐ 6:00pm Sunday, April 6: 11:00am ‐ 4:00pm SETUP Friday, April 4: 10:00am ‐ 8:00pm Saturday, April 5: 7:30am ‐ 9:30am BREAKDOWN Sunday, April 6: 4:00pm ‐ 8:00pm Monday, April 7: 9:00am ‐ Noon Fredericksburg Fall Arts & Cra s Fes val October 18 ‐ 19, 2014 Payment Methods SHOW HOURS Saturday, October 18: 10:00am ‐ 6:00pm Sunday, October 19: 11:00am ‐ 4:00pm SETUP Friday, October 17: 8:00am ‐ 8:00pm Saturday, October 18: 7:30am ‐ 9:30am BREAKDOWN Sunday, October 19: 4:00pm ‐ 8:00pm Monday, October 20: 9:00am ‐ Noon CASH/CHECK At least 50% of fee due at signing of contract. Remaining balance due 30 days prior to the show. CREDIT CARD 100% of fee due at signing of contract. Licensing / Taxes 
All vendors need to comply with State of Virginia tax laws available online at www.tax.virginia.gov.  Business owners are responsible for collec ng and repor ng their own taxes. Fredericksburg Holiday Cra Show December 6 ‐ 7, 2014 Exhibitor Services 
Exhibitor Services (electric, tables & chairs) are arranged and by and made payable to the Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center.  Services such as ordering exhibitor badges, inline booth rules, banner hanging, electric & water, decora ng, internet & phone, booth cleaning, drayage and forkli service can all be ordered in advance.  Addi onal services can be provided by reques ng informa on from Casey Silversmith at 540‐548‐5555 X 108 or csilversmith@feacc.com  Payments combining booth fee with any service fees will not be accepted and will be returned. SHOW HOURS Saturday, December 6: 10:00am ‐ 6:00pm Sunday, December 7: 11:00am ‐ 4:00pm SETUP Friday, December 5: 10:00am ‐ 8:00pm Saturday, December 6: 7:30am ‐ 9:30am BREAKDOWN Sunday, December 7: 4:00pm ‐ 8:00pm FredericksburgArtsandCra sShows.com Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows Fredericksburg Arts & Cra Shows FLOOR PLAN South Drive‐In Loading Entrance North Drive‐In Loading Entrance Food Court & Restrooms Main Entrance Drive‐In Loading Available on North & South Sides of Expo Center, as available. Ceiling Height: 30’ Middle With Slope to 26’ on Sides. | Drive‐In Door Clearance: 16’ High X 24’ Wide Subject to Change: Floorplan will be updated frequently as contracts are received. FredericksburgArtsandCra sShows.com 2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway | Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 Casey Silversmith | csilversmith@bmg1.com | P: 540.5478.5555 x108 | F: 540.548.5577 2014 Fredericksburg Arts & Cra s Shows PLEASE COMPLETE & SIGN THIS CONTRACT, INTITIAL THE RULES AND REGULATIONS PAGE AND SUBMIT WITH PAYMENT. Exhibit Space Contract Booths Include 8’ Backdrape, 3’ Siderails, 2 Exhibitor Badges, ID Sign, Lis ng on Website with Hyperlink to Company Website & Lis ng in Show Program. Due to the non‐permanent nature of the exhibit material, booth sizes may range from 9’6” X 9’6” to 10’6” X 10’6”.
Company Name ___________________________________________ (Please print exactly as it is to appear in printed materials) This contract serves as your INVOICE. Payment is due from this document. Retain this page for you records. BMG of VA Tax ID #: 56‐2281153 Contact Name _____________________________________________________ My art / cra is best classified as (choose one): Address___________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ________ ZIP ____________ Phone ______________________________ Fax__________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Web Address ______________________________________________________ Handmade Arts / Cra s Vendors Only Spring April 5 ‐ 6 Example
10 x 10 ($299)
Fall Oct. 18 ‐ 19 Holiday Dec. 6 ‐ 7 Total $299
___ Baskets ___ Music ___ Ceramics ___ Needlework ___ Children’s Items ___ Pain ng ___ Clothing/Accessories ___ Po ery ___ Fine Art ___ Photography ___ Gourmet Food ___ Scrapbooking ___ Jewelry ___ Sculpture ___ Leather ___ Woodworking ___ Metal Works ___ Buy / Sell Gi (Spring Only) ___ Mixed Media _______________________ ___ Glass _______________________
10 x 10 ($399) 10 x 20 ($499) 10 x 20 ($699) ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 x 30 ($999) PAYMENT METHODS WITH COMPLETED CONTRACT Cash/Check: Minimum 50% Due. Balance Due 30 Days Prior to Event. Credit Card: Full Booth Payment Due with Contract. CREDIT CARD Please Circle One Below 10 x 10 ($299) 10 x 30 ($699) Loca on Preference(s): Spring ‐ April 5‐6 Buy / Sell Gi Vendors Only CHECK / CASH Total:$_________ Check #________ Payable to: BallanƟne Management Group of VA
EXPIRATION DATE: AMEX DISCOVER SECURITY CODE: I authorize Ballan ne Management Group of Virginia to charge the full booth amount to the above credit card.
Name on Card (Please Print)_______________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________ This document cons tutes your applica on, contract and invoice for the payment and use of exhibit space(s) at the 2014 Fredericksburg Spring Arts & Cra s Show(s) to be held at the Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center, April 5 ‐ 6, October 18 ‐ 19, and/or December 6 ‐ 7, 2014. Ballan ne Management Group of Virginia, LLC (BMG) re‐
serves the right to refuse an applica on/contract and space to any show. Space will be assigned at the discre on of BMG; BMG guarantees no one that they will be placed in their preferred loca on requested. BMG reserves the right to change the floor plan (including, but not limited to aisle space) dates and hours without no ce, to provide a more a rac ve and successful show. BMG reserves the right to remove/expel the above applicant without refund with cause. Ballan ne Management Group has the abso‐
lute discre on to exercise these rights at any me. No space assignment will be made unless this applica on is accompanied by full payment, unless Show Management has agreed upon other payment arrangements in wri ng. All monies received are non‐refundable and non‐transferrable. A $50.00 returned check service charge will be assessed for each dishonored check the bank returns to BMG. You agree to receive email correspondence from BMG and the Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center for this and future events. I/We hereby apply for exhibit space in the show. If accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by show terms, terms & condiƟons and aƩached regulaƟons.
Signature _____________________________________________ Print Name___________________________________________ Date: __________________ RULES & REGULATIONS 1. EXHIBITOR COVENANTS a) The Exhibitor agrees to (i) obey all laws, by‐laws, ordinances and regula ons governing use of the facility and opera on of the Show—if you need a copy of the exhibitor services manual one can be provided to you (ii) abide by the rules and regula ons of the city, fire and police departments and of any other government or regulatory body having authority to regulate the facility and the Show, and (iii) obey all laws, including those pertaining to health and safety, consumer protec on and protec on of visitors to the Show. b) The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules and regula ons governing the Show established from me to me by Ballan ne Management Group of Virginia, LLC. (“BMG”), including rules and regula ons set forth in the Exhibitor Manual. c) The Exhibitor agrees to observe, to the extent applicable, all union contracts and labor rela ons agreements in force (i) between BMG and contractors providing services to the facility, and (ii) governing companies opera ng in the facility in which the Show is taking place. d) The Exhibitor agrees to obtain, at its own expense, any licenses or permits which are required for the opera on of its trade or business during the term of the Show and to pay all taxes, including all applicable sales taxes, of any nature or kind that may be levied against it as a result of the opera on of its trade or business in its contracted space. e) The Exhibitor agrees not to conduct or be associated with any promo onal contests held at or in connec on with the Show unless (i) the Exhibitor sa sfies BMG that the contest is being operated in accordance with applicable law; and (ii) the prior wri en consent of BMG is obtained. f) The playing, performing, reproduc on, broadcas ng or other use at the Show of any music, materials, devices, processes and drama c rights (the “Work”) that is the subject of any third party copyright, trademark, industrial design, patent or any other intellectual property right, by the Exhibitor or its agents, representa ves or employees is prohibited without the express wri en consent of BMG. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and save harmless BMG and the facility (and their respec ve officers, directors, employees, insurers, agents, representa ves and those for whom the Exhibitor is responsible in law) against any and all claims, losses, liabili es and damages (including legal fees and expenses) costs and charges arising from or as a result of any unauthorized use of any Work by the Exhibitor, its agents, representa ves, employees and those for whom the Exhibitor is responsible in law. g) The Exhibitor agrees to occupy the contracted exhibit space during Show hours and to sell, promote or adver se only the products and services described in this license agreement. h) The Exhibitor is responsible for all territorial rules and regula ons set forth by their specific product, service, and/or manufacturer and will not hold BMG liable for any dispute. 2. BMG RIGHTS a) BMG reserves the right, in its sole and unfe ered discre on to: (i) determine the eligibility of Exhibitors and exhibits for the Show, (ii) reject or prohibit exhibits or Exhibitors which BMG consid‐
ers objec onable, inappropriate, disrup ve or offensive to BMG, other Exhibitors or Show a endees; (iii) change or modify the layout of the Show and/or relocate exhibits or Exhibitors; (iv) cancel, in whole or in part, the Show or (v) change the date, loca on and dura on of the Show; without any liability to BMG. b) BMG shall have the right to establish and amend or modify any regula ons governing use of the facility and the Show. 3. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING a) The space contracted for is to be used solely by the exhibitor whose name appears on the con‐
tract. Exhibitors are granted the first right of refusal for future shows and can only secure their space with a signed contract and payment to BMG. Space assignment is at the sole discre on of BMG. BMG will take into considera on the requests of individuals but does not guarantee or promise a specific space. The Exhibitor shall not assign any rights or sublets pace under this li‐
cense agreement without the prior wri en permission of BMG, which permission may be withheld in BMG’s sole discre on. 4. INDEMNIFICATION The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BMG and the facility, their respec ve officers, directors, agents, representa ves and employees, against all claims, losses, liability, damages (including legal fees and expenses), costs and charges of every kind resul ng from (i) its occupancy of the exhibit space and/or its environs, (ii) the use of equipment or devices furnished to or used by the Exhibitor or other persons in connec on with the Show, and (iii) personal injuries, death, property damages or any other damage sustained by the Exhibitor, BMG, the facility, Show spon‐
sors or a visitor to the Show and their respec ve directors, officers, agents, representa ves and employees or those for whom the Exhibitor is responsible in law. 5. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE a) The Exhibitor should and may be required to obtain and maintain at its own expense a compre‐
hensive general liability and all risk property insurance policy acceptable to BMG for the period commencing on the first move‐in date and termina ng on the last move‐outdate. The policy shall name BMG as loss insured and insure the Exhibitor against all claims of any kind arising from or in any way connected with the Exhibitor’s presence or opera ons at the Show. The policy shall pro‐
vide coverage of at least $1,000,000 for each separate occurrence. At the request of BMG, the Exhibitor shall provide BMG with a copy of such policy. b) The Exhibitor is responsible to insure its own exhibit, personnel, display and materials from any damage or loss through the , fire, accident or other cause and accepts all risks associated with the use of the exhibit space and its environs. The Exhibitor shall not make any claim or demand or take any legal ac on, whatsoever, against BMG, the Show sponsors or the facility in which the Show is held, for any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused, to the Exhibitor, its officers, direc‐
tors, agents, representa ves, and employees or their respec ve property. The management, while taking precau on against loss will not guarantee it. c) Neither BMG nor the facility will assume liability for loss for damage, through any cause, of equipment, products, goods, exhibits or other materials owned, rented or leased by the Exhibitor. Company Name ____________________________________________________ I have read and agree to the Rules & Regula ons: (ini al) ______________________ February 2012 6. SERVICES Facility will provide exclusively the following services: Telecommunica ons, u lity connec ons, Security, Cleaning, Food & Beverage, Fork li Service, Drayage, etc. 7. BOOTH DISPLAY a) Booth construc on and signage must be exhibited in accordance to the rules and regula ons pertaining to the Exhibitor’s booth type and as outlined in the Exhibitor Manual.• Signs in linear booths may not exceed the 8 . height of the pipe & drape.• Signs must be one‐sided, and not face into another exhibitor’s booth.• No hand wri en signs are allowed – use professional signs only. b) The Exhibitor agrees that no display will be dismantled or goods removed during the term of the Show, but will remain in tact un l the end of the final closing hour on the last Show day. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove its display and equipment from the Show site by the final move‐out day, and in the event of a failure to do so, or failure to return the allocated space to the same condi on as at the move‐in date, the Exhibitor agrees to pay for any addi onal costs and expenses incurred by BMG. c) The aisles, passageways and overhead spaces remain strictly under control of management and no signs decora ons, banners, adver sing ma er or similar devices will be permi ed with‐
out wri en special permission of management. However, this does not qualify or limit the free responsibility of the exhibitors to save BMG its officers or agents and/or the venue harmless and free from all damage or other liability, as set out in a prior sec on of this instrument, All exhibits must remain within the confines of the exhibitor’s space and no exhibitor will be per‐
mi ed to erect signs or display products in such a manner as to obstruct the view, occasion injury or disadvantageously affect the display of other exhibitors. Restric ons: Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits that may have been falsely entered, or may be deemed unsuitable. This reserva on applies to noise, persons, things, conduct, printed ma er or anything that may be deemed objec onable to the show as a whole; It also applies to exhibits or adver sing in all areas of the venue. Booth Manning: Show Management expects space to be manned at all mes during the show. No other persons will be permi ed in the building a er closing hours. d) Open flames, are not permi ed e) Wri en permission must be obtained from BMG for sampling of any food and beverages no selling food and beverage under any circumstances. f) Exhibitor agrees and confirms that the products and/or services being represented at and during the event have been approved to be displayed, marketed and/or sold at the event by the manufacturer, parent company, and/or corporate en ty. If there is a dispute among exhibitors and their represented products and/or services, BMG is not to be held liable and it is the re‐
sponsibility of the exhibitor to resolve the issue. 8. VEHICLES If a vehicle is part of your display, the Gas tank must be at ¼ tank or 5 gallons, whichever is less. Ba eries must be disconnected. Vehicles cannot be turned on once the show is open and there is public in the building. Keys must be given to management for the dura on of the show 9. CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION a) The Exhibitor shall have the right to cancel this license agreement by no ce in wri ng to be delivered to BMG no later than sixty (60) days preceding the opening date of the Show. All deposits received by BMG up to the date of no ce of cancella on are non‐refundable and non‐
transferable. In the event that the Exhibitor (i) no fies BMG less than sixty (60) days preceding the opening date of the Show that it wishes to cancel this license agreement; or (ii) fails to make payments in accordance with the payment schedule set out here in; or (iii) except as otherwise permi ed here in, fails to appear at the Show; BMG reserves the right to (iv) cancel this license agreement without no ce and all rights of the Exhibitor hereunder shall cease and terminate; (v) retain any payment made by the Exhibitor as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for breach of this license agreement; (vi) re‐rent the said space; and (vii) bring ac on against the Exhibitor for payment of the full cost of the space originally licensed from BMG. b) If the Exhibitor violates or breaches any other terms or condi ons of this license agreement, all payments made by the Exhibitor and all amounts due to BMG shall be deemed earned by BMG and all deposits received shall be non‐refundable and nontransferable. In the event of any viola on or breach of the terms and condi ons of this license agreement, BMG shall have the right to immediately occupy the space of the viola ng and/or breaching Exhibitor and u lize it in any manner as BMG deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, re‐licensing its use to another exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall not be en tled to any off set or mi ga on of the amount due under this license agreement as a result of the use of or payment for the space by another exhibitor in the Show. c) Each covenant by the Exhibitor contained herein is material and of the essence of this license agreement and viola on of any term or condi on hereof by the Exhibitor shall be a default of the en re agreement en tling BMG to immediately and without no ce revoke the privileges granted to the Exhibitor and take possession of the space of the defaul ng Exhibitor. Any such revoca on of the license granted herein shall be without prejudice to BMG to make any claim for damages or enforcement of the payment of any amounts due pursuant to the terms hereof. 10. FORCE MAJEURE In the event that (i) the facility in which the Show is to be held or is held is destroyed or be‐
comes unavailable for occupancy or (ii) BMG is unable to permit the Exhibitor to occupy the facility or the space, or (iii) if the Show is cancelled or curtailed, for any reasons beyond the control of BMG, Including but not limited to: casualty, explosion, fire, lightning, flood, weather, epidemic, earthquake or other Acts of God, acts of public enemies, riots or civil disturbances, strike, lockout or boyco ; monies paid are non‐refundable with no exchanges or transfers, BMG will not be responsible for any loss of business, loss of profits, consequen al or special damages or expenses of whatever nature that the Exhibitor may suffer. 11. MISCELLANEOUS a) Waiver by BMG of any breach of any term or provision of this license agreement by the Exhibitor shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision here of. b) No altera ons or varia ons of the terms of this license agreement shall be valid unless made in wri ng and signed by each of the par es here to. c) This license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the governing jurisdic on in which the Show is held. Fredericksburg Arts & Cra s Shows DECORATING AND ELECTRICAL ORDER FORM Company Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ MAIL OR FAX ORDER FORM TO: ___________________________________________________________ A n: Casey Silversmith, Fredericksburg Expo Center Contact: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: _____________________________ 2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 P: 540‐548‐5555 X108 | F: 540‐548‐5577 csilversmith@feacc.com This is a par al list of services that FEACC provides. Advanced pricing available unƟl 2 weeks prior to each show.
If you have any ques ons, please contact Casey Silversmith. Qty. Descrip on of Services Prices Spring April 5 ‐ 6 Fall Oct 18 ‐ 19 Holiday Dec. 6 ‐ 7 Total 8' Table (topped and skirted) $55.00 6' Table (topped and skirted) $45.00 4' Table (topped and skirted) $32.00 8' Table (no top or skirt) $22.00 6' Table (no top or skirt) $18.00 4' Table (no top or skirt) $15.00 Any Ordered Table with 42” tall leg extensions Add $10.00 Padded Chairs $5.00 Folding Chairs $2.00 Counter Stools $8.00 Carpet 9' x 10' $45.00 Carpet 9' x 20' $90.00 Carpet Padding (9 X 10) $25.00 Subtotal: 5.3% Sales Tax: Total Due: ELECTRICAL SERVICE (120 VOLT) 0‐500 wa s (5AMP) $50.00 501‐1000 wa s (10AMP) $70.00 1001‐1500 wa s (15AMP) $90.00 1501‐2000 wa s (20AMP) $110.00 Grand Total Due: PAYMENT INFORMATION: CREDIT CARD: ___ VISA ___MC ____AMEX ____DISC CREDIT CARD #: _________________________________________ EXP. DATE: _____________________ CVV CODE: ____________ (3 digit code on back of card) PRINT NAME: ______________________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ CHECK #:___________________ CHECK: CHECK NUMBER _____________ Services made payable to: Fredericksburg Expo Center, LLC FredericksburgArtsandCra sShows.com