The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2014
The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2014
Volume VII—Issue 2 The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2014 STAFF: PASTOR Fr. Bill Kenny (new) DEACON John Breeden (new) SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR Sr. Karen Crouse DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Len Urso (new) DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Debbie Hasterok (new) DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP & YOUTH MINISTRY Louie Latina DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Katie Breeden (new) PARISH SECRETARY Kathy McGee (new) RECEPTIONIST Yvonne Kacvinsky (new) WEEKEND MASS COORDINATOR Tommy Roberts MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM Mon–Sat in Upper Room Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:00 p.m., Sunday, 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. (All Weekend Masses held at Bishop Gorman High School) TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the LORD upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7). Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29). Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38). Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Matthew 3:13-17). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.—4:00 Closed for lunch 12:00—1:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.-12 Noon p.m. CALLED TO SERVE The status of God’s beloved Son is not one he clings to. It is one he shares. All of us are called to be sons and daughters of God. In Jesus, we can all claim God’s favor. The second reading makes this clear. Here we read of the baptism of Cornelius and his household. Peter’s speech recalls the anointing of Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the great power that swept through Israel and onto the doorstep of the Gentile Cornelius. As for his household, so for us. There is an end to our work on earth, to our baptismal vocation and the honorable work we do. But there is no end to the saving life given to us through baptism. There is no end to the life of the children of God; there is no end to God’s compassion, which we know in Christ Jesus. There is no end to our status as chosen and beloved people of God. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are forever among those on whom God’s favor rests. The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2014 SACRAMENTS AT HOLY SPIRIT Baptisms: For children 6 and under: Call the office, 459-7778 to schedule attendance at a baptism class. Baptisms classes are held on the 2ND MONDAY of each month at 7:00 PM in the parish office trailer (located behind Gorman next to the tennis courts). All baptisms at Holy Spirit take place during regular weekend liturgies. For children over 6: Contact Len Urso, Director of Religious Education, for info on a special program for older unbaptized children. Confirmation: For information about the Confirmation Program contact Louie Latina, 459-7778, Ext. 106 Adult Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion: Call the parish office (459-7778). Contact List Volunteer Coordinators RCIA: Deacon John Breeden Weddings: Michelle Fulkerson, Director of Marriage Preparation— Social Events: Bill Wypyski Carmen Bernasconi Knights of Columbus: Phil Isakoff - 686-4056 Liturgical Ministry Coordinators Lectors: Eucharistic Ministers: Bread Bakers: Holly Shore, 210-4693 Veda Candeloro, 505-4629 Peg Scillia, 242-2966 or e-mail: Hospitality/Greeters: Call the office, 459-7778 Altar Linens: Rose Stasiak, Jasmin Ortega, Christina The, & Tammy Kastrup If you are interested in becoming a volunteer in any of the above ministries, please give the coordinator a call. For Hospitality/Greeters, 1st Communion: Child must be registered in Religious Education at Holy Spirit. Registration packets are available in the office or at Mass. First Communion is a two-year program, beginning as early as call the office: HLY-SPRT (459-7778). first grade. Marriage: We now offer our own Marriage Prep Program at Holy Spirit; however, no weddings can be held at Holy Spirit until our church is built. The chapel at BGHS cannot be used for any weddings at all -- by decision of Bishop Pepe. Fr. Bill’s preference is that the wedding ceremony be held at Christ the King. Please call Michelle Fulkerson, Director of Marriage Preparation, at 702-7672591 or e-mail:, to register for the class or for more information. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the office (459-7778) to schedule the reception of this sacrament. Ministers of Care (Hospital, Care Center, Homebound): If you or a loved one are in a facility or homebound and would like a communion visit, call Jeanette Lombardo at 882-8750 or e-mail Reconciliation/Confession: Call the office (459-7778 Ext. 105) to make an appointment with Fr. Bill. Please pray for our men and women in the military who are serving in combat zones, especially those names listed here, who are loved ones of our own parishioners. To add a name to this list, phone 459-7778 or e-mail • • • • • • • • • PFC Maxxwell Nolan Baker, US Army, Iraq Staff Sgt. John D. Daniel, Afghanistan Pvt. Richard Hecht (Recovering in Maryland-Deploying to Afghanistan soon) Col. Liana L. Bratland, US Army, Afghanistan SFC David A. Lang, Afghanistan Staff Sgt. Alan Rydman, Afghanistan SFC Joshua Santos, Afghanistan 1st Lt. T. Nicholas Hallman, Afghanistan Page 2 If you are a family member of someone who is seriously ill and you have the sick person’s permission, you may request their name be put on our prayer list. You may also place your own name on the prayer list. You may phone 459-7778 or e-mail the names to Emilia Aguilar Margaret Hoiby Pat & Jack Robitaille Andrew P. Iannotti, Jr. Sandra Arguello Tracy Smith Larry Jones Belk-Hart Family Rose Stasiak James Kalafus Jan Bergantino Amparo Superiaso Sage Kong Kee Alex Cabiara Walter Szymanski Jon Paul Kennedy Danilo R. Calilp Edgardo Talplacido Earl Kerr Mary Carpenter Erlindo Talplacido Catherine Sun Ja Kim Remedios Castelo Karen Tripodi Marie King Marilyn Cerven Brigette Troxel Kathleen Kornblum Dan Chasse Pam Truax Chris Leferink Luis Chi Priscilla Tubio Joseph Leslie Sweden K. Chua Lourdes Villages Marianne Liu Elizabeth Cieslak Joseph Villanueva Donnabelle Logan Jaime Cruz Shelly Watson Lopez Family Tony & Lilian Daiz Kevin Williamson Robert Lucero Anne Data Dianne Wolf Blake Lyons Peggy Deboise Charlotte YoungBeatriz Marapao Bernardina de la Peña Moore Rachelle Muniga Christian Fabbri Arturo Yñigo Lucy Novelo Carolina Flores Danette Young Vicente Ong Encarnacion Flores Nora Yupangco Pam Perrella Antoinette Garcia Borromeo Talplacido Renato Grajo Rona Pankey Linda Heekin Kitty Kenny Pollard Paul Henry Elvin Punzalan Lydia Herrera RCIA – An Affair of the Heart Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process which prepares persons for reception into the Catholic Church. The process begins with Inquiring about the Catholic Faith. Contact Deacon John Breeden – Phone: 702-459-7778 ext. 108 or e-mail for information about RCIA Inquiry sessions and events. The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2014 THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY, JANUARY 13 7:30 AM Morning Mass Upper Room 6:30 PM Non-Catholic Inquiry Office Conf. Room 7:00 PM Baptism Preparation Class Upper Room TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 7:30 AM Morning Mass Upper Room 6:30 PM Liturgy Team 7:00 PM Catholicism: It’s Your Story Upper Room WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 7:30 AM Morning Mass Upper Room 5:15 PM Edge Night Upper Room 5:30 PM Religious Ed K-5 BGHS 7:15 PM Music Rehearsal Office Conf. Room THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 7:30 AM Morning Mass Upper Room 8:15 AM Catholicism: It’s Your Story Upper Room FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 7:30 AM Morning Mass Upper Room SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 7:30 AM Morning Mass Upper Room 4:00 PM Mass - Fr. Bill Kenny SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 8:00 AM Mass - Fr. Bill Kenny 10:00 AM Mass - Fr. Bill Kenny 12:00 PM Mass - Fr. Bill Kenny 5:00 PM Mass - Fr. Bill Kenny CATHOLICISM: It’s Your Story…10 Week DVD and discussion series – led by your Holy Spirit staff. Learn what Catholics believe and why. Discover the full meaning of the faith. Come join us on Tues evening, 14 Jan from 7:00-8:30 p.m. (facilitator = Deacon John) or on Thurs morning, 16 Jan from 8:15-9:45 a.m. (facilitator = Fr. Bill) This week’s journey with Father Robert Barron is “AMAZED AND AFRAID: THE REVELATION OF GOD BECOME MAN” Come early on Thursday and begin the morning session by attending daily Mass at 7:30. This is an encore presentation of the Catholicism Series presented last year. Parking is available for TUESDAY nights in the tennis court parking lot next to our trailers. Page 3 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, January 12 - The Baptism of the Lord Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Acts 10:34-38; Matthew 3:13-17 Monday, January 13 - St. Hilary 1 Samuel 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mark 1:14‑20 Tuesday, January 14 1 Samuel 1:9-20; 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mark 1:21‑28 Wednesday, January 15 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mark 1:29‑39 Thursday, January 16 1 Samuel 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mark 1:40‑45 Friday, January 17 - St. Anthony 1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mark 2:1‑12 Saturday, January 18 1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mark 2:13‑17 Sunday, January 19 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Corinthians 1:1-3; John 1:29-34 Employment Opportunities at St. Bridget Catholic Church • Full time Parish Secretary/Office Manager. The position entails providing secretarial and related office services for the parish as well as other tasks as requested by the pastor. Other responsibilities include bulletin editor, phones, scheduling Baptisms and Quinceanera and others. Must be fluent in English and Spanish, computer literate in Microsoft Word and Publisher, organizational skills, strong knowledge and commitment to all aspects of Catholicism and the traditions of the Catholic Church, and personal maturity and ability to handle issues with discretion/confidentiality. • Parish Business/Financial Manager. The position entails administration and the oversight of the finances, and facilities of the parish. The person would be a steward of the physical and financial resources of the parish. Must be fluent in English and Spanish, have excellent management and supervisory skills, very good knowledge and significant experience in budgeting/financial systems and facilities/property management; knowledge of laws and practices related to human resources management; strong knowledge and commitment to all aspects of Catholicism and the traditions of the Catholic Church, and personal maturity and ability to handle issues with discretion/confidentiality. Work experience including a minimum of 3-5 years of successful human and financial resource management is an added advantage. This position is full-time but we can be flexible. If you are interested in either of these positions, submit resume with cover letter to Fr. Paul Oye, O.P. at or call 384-3382. In Loving Memory… Additional donations for Christmas decorations were made in memory of the following: Elizabeth & Faith Bodenstine Garry & Rae Van Helden The the Lord Lord -- January The Baptism Baptism of of the January 12, 12, 2014 2014 So……….that was a very unique beginning to a New Year: a heart attack! After feeling some awful pain in my upper left chest area, I went to San Martin Hospital on January 1 about 10:00 p.m. Of course, extensive tests were done and it was decided that I needed an angiogram to determine exactly what damage might have been done to the heart; when the angiogram showed a 90% blockage to one of the left arteries, angioplasty followed with a stent put in place. I was released on Saturday, January 4, took a couple of days rest and returned to work on Tuesday, January 7. I will go see my own cardiologist on Monday, January 13 to see what follow-up is recommended. I am grateful to God for such amazing procedures as angiogram and angioplasty and for such a quick recovery! And, I cannot begin to express adequately how thankful I am to so many of you who inundated me with prayers, e-mails, text messages, get well cards, gifts, flowers, hospital and home visits, phone messages and calls. I am truly blessed. I feel very good, renewed energy and better “color” -- so say many who have seen me this past week. I promise that I will do what my doctors tell me to do -- regarding diet, exercise and other “after care”. We’ve got lots of things to do together this year! Next week at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 19, about 100 attendees to the Pastoral Week for the National Catholic Office for the Deaf (NCOD) will be at Mass. Bishop Joseph Pepe will be one of the presiders as well as myself and other priests and deacons (some of whom will be deaf). Since we are the only parish in the Diocese which offers Mass in American Sign Language (ASL) we were asked to host this Sunday liturgy during their stay here in Las Vegas. There will be a breakfast reception afterwards for those attendees. For more info, you can go to With the New Year, there are several new things happening: 1) Actually, this is not totally “new” but a return of the very popular DVD series of “Catholicism” (see more info on page 3). This is for anyone and everyone who wants to learn more about our Catholic faith. There are two sessions a week: Tuesday night or Thursday morning (the Thursday morning session is a repeat of the Tuesday night session -- but sometimes a different facilitator). 2) A continuation of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” -- when you invite ME to your home; and now “What are You Bringing for Dinner?” -- when you come to my home (really the Parish Rectory owned by Holy Spirit -- so it’s the “People’s Home”); I can accommodate about 8 (or less) in the house. You bring the food and I will provide the drinks and dishware. Call Kathy at 702-HLY-SPRT (459 -7778) to make a reservation for either type of social. Have a good week! Page 4 PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT Weekend Budgeted Income for 2013/2014 $12,900.00 Collection of Dec. 21/22: Online contributions week of Dec. 21/22 TOTAL: $11,331.00 1,212.00 $ 12,543.00 Collection of Dec. 28/29: Online contributions week of Dec. 28/29 TOTAL: $10,921.50 2,375.00 $13,296.50 Collection of Jan. 4/5: Online contributions week of Jan. 4/5 TOTAL: $16,970.42 2,567.20 $19,537.62 CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: Online contributions for Christmas: TOTAL: $36,428.42 295.00 $36,723.42 Thank you for your continued generosity to Holy Spirit! Religious Ed Program for Grades K-5 Class Schedule K-5th - Jan-April 2013 Wednesdays, 5:30 PM @ Gorman H.S. January 15 CLASS January 22 CLASS January 29 CLASS February 5 CLASS February 12 CLASS February 19 CLASS February 26 CLASS March 5 NO CLASS (Ash Wednesday) March 12 CLASS March 19 CLASS March 26 NO CLASS (Parish Reconciliation) April 2 LAST CLASS 1st Communion (Sacramental Prep) Schedule Sundays 10:00 AM Mass—11:30 AM January 12, 2014 January 26, 2014 February 9, 2014 February 23, 2014 March 9, 2014 March 23, 2014 April 6, 2014 (Last Class) Blog: Email: Parents: Have you scheduled your child’s First Communion? Call the office asap! The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2014 21st Annual Lights for Life Pro-Life Prayer Vigil We congratulate the following children who were baptized recently at Holy Spirit: December 21, 2013 KIANA KIM HILDEBRANDT child of Myeons and Jeffrey December 22, 2013 NIA I. COX child of Nicole DYLAN SKYLER POLICARPIO PELAEZ child of Mary Ann and John HUNTER GRACE HELMI child of Jennifer & Nader December 28, 2013 BRAYDEN HUNTER ZAHN child of Angela & Vincent BROOKS HARLEN ZAHN child of Angela & Vincent JAYDEN JOSE YATES LEONGUERRERO child of Ashley & Joshua December 29, 2013 LIAM JOSHUA POTOCZNY child of Denisse & Marcin January 4, 2014 REAGAN AMÉLIE MORENO child of Roxanne & Luis ROSALEE KATHERINE VECE child of Elizabeth & Martin Lights for Life is an annual interdenominational pro-life event held at the federal courthouse marking the tragic 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade with prayer, testimonials and songs of praise. Lights for Life is not a rally, but a time for deep reflection and contemplation of the over 50 million pre-born children who have been legally aborted in this country. Come stand in solidarity with the America’s Pro-Life faithful this important weekend as they gather from Washington D.C (March for Life) to San Francisco (Walk for Life) to take a stand for LIFE! WHAT: 21ST Annual Lights for Life Pro-Life Prayer Vigil WHEN: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 3:00 p.m. WHERE: Lloyd George U.S. Courthouse (333 Las Vegas Blvd. at Bridger) Prior to the vigil, Fr. Dave Casaleggio will celebrate a 12:00 p.m. Pro-Life Mass at St. Anne’s Catholic Church at 1901 S. Maryland Pkwy, LV (St. Louis). This event is organized by the Pro-Life ministry of CFCFFL (Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life), Las Vegas, Nevada, and sponsored by the Diocesan Pro-Life Office. For more information call 212-6472. Funerals at Holy Spirit Catholic Funeral Mass Planning and Coordination Our faith reminds us of the sure and certain hope that our loved one who died in Christ will rise with him on the last day. A compassionate and nonjudgmental funeral coordinator will guide you in planning a beautiful funeral liturgy for your deceased loved one. You will be assisted in choosing Scripture readings and hymns that express our Christian hope in Christ’s saving death and resurrection. Contact: Patti Fitzpatrick 702-459-7778 In Memoriam… Maria Susan Magat Salazar, an active member of our parish since 2011, passed away on December 17, 2013. Susan served as a Eucharistic Minister. She is survived by her husband Fred and daughter Genel, as well as a large extended family. Please keep her family in prayer. Page 5 Fr. Bill would like to communicate with You on a regular basis! Do we have your E-mail address? If not, please call us at 459-7778 or E-mail us at: The the Lord Lord -- January The Baptism Baptism of of the January 12, 12, 2014 2014 The UPPER ROOM Confirmation February 16th: Confirmation Reflection Day 12:00—4:45pm. Sacramental Year (Year 2) only. Meet in the Upper Room. Lunch Provided. Attend the 5pm Mass at the conclusion of the session. Sunday Nights 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Holy Spirit Upper Room Trailer The Upper Room is open to all High School Students grades 9-12. ALL students are invited March 9th: Formation #3: “Support System”— Candidate/Sponsor Session 2:30—4:30pm. Formation Year (Year 1) candidates and their sponsors only. Attend the 5pm Mass at the conclusion of the session. January 12th: Upper Room—”Word of Mouth: Origins of the Bible March 9th: Rite of Covenant—5pm Mass For all Sacramental Year (Year 2) Candidates, their sponsors, and their families. Rite will take place at 5:00pm Mass. January 26th: Upper Room—”Vacation Bible School: Pentateuch” Contact Louie Latina for information in regards to our Confirmation and Youth Ministry Program (702) 459-7778 Ext. 106 Blog Site: Louie Latina Director of Youth Ministry Grades 6-12 (702) 459-7778 ext. 106 January 19th: Upper Room—”The Family Bible: Catholics and the Bible” February 2nd: No Upper Room— Super Bowl Sunday February 9th: Upper Room—”Divine Music: The Psalms” February 16th: No regular Upper Room Session—See Confirmation Schedule to the left. Upcoming EDGE Nights: “Encounter” Sessions Part 2: January 15th: Edge Night—Encounter #6: “Exile Return: Maccabean Revolt” January 22nd: Edge Night—Encounter #7: “Messianic Fulfillment” January 22nd: Edge Night—Encounter #8: “The Church” “Church Semester”: February 5th: Edge Night—”Destination Heaven: Christ Established the Church” February 12th: Edge Night—”Building Blocks: Hierarchy & Magisterium” February 19th: Edge Night—”Suit Up: Vocations in the Church” February 26th: Edge Night—”Hurry Up and Wait: A Single Persons Vocation” March 5th: No Edge Night—Ash Wednesday. All families attend the 5:00pm or 7:00pm Mass at Gorman. Page 6 The The Baptism Baptism of of the the Lord Lord--January January12, 12,2014 2014 JANUARY 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 7:30am BK Office Closed Thu Fri 2 7:30am BK 3 7:30am BK Office Closed Office Closed Sat 4 7:30am BK 4:00 BK 5 6 7:30am LC 8:00 10:00 12:00 5:00 BK BK BK BK Upper Room 6:30pm 7 7:30am BK 8 7:30am BK 9 7:30am BK 107:30am BK Prayer Shawl Ministry 10am Want to Become a Catholic or Return? 7pm Upper Room Grief Support Group Edge Night 5:15pm Religious Ed K-5 5:30pm Core Team 7pm Want to Become a Catholic or Return? 9:00am Upper Room MOMS 6:30pm Ministers of Care 7pm 4:00 BK Music Reh 7:15pm 12 8:00 10:00 12:00 5:00 13 7:30am LC BK BK BK BK Upper Room 6:30pm 19 8:00 10:00 12:00 5:00 BK BK JP* BK *Mass for the Deaf-Bishop Pepe presiding 14 7:30am BK 15 7:30am BK 16 7:30am BK Liturgy Team Meeting 6:30pm Edge Night 5:15pm Catholicism Series 8:15am Baptism Preparation Class 7:00pm Catholicism Series 7:00pm Music Reh 7:15pm 20 7:30am LC 21 7:30am LC 22 7:30am LC 23 7:30am BK OFFICE CLOSED Grief Support Group Prayer Shawl Ministry 10am Catholicism Series 8:15am Non-Catholic Inquiry 6:30pm Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Upper Room 6:30pm 26 8:00 10:00 12:00 5:00 27 7:30am LC BK BK BK VP Upper Room 6:30pm Page 8 Non-Catholic Inquiry 6:30pm Catholicism Series 7:00pm 28 7:30am LC Catholicism Series 7:00pm Religious Ed K-5 5:30pm 11 7:30am BK 17 7:30am BK 18 7:30am BK 4:00 BK Edge Night 5:15pm Religious Ed K-5 5:30pm Music Reh 7:15pm MOMS 6:30pmMOMS 6:30pm 29 7:30am LC 30 7:30am BK Edge Night 5:15pm Catholicism Series 8:15am Religious Ed K-5 5:30pm Music Reh 7:15pm 24 7:30am BK 25 7:30am BK 4:00 BK 317:30am BK