Foster Care ” National Foster Care Month … Foster Families,
Foster Care ” National Foster Care Month … Foster Families,
Foster Care Newsletter Spring/Summer 2013 National Foster Care Month … Foster Families, Change A Lifetime”! ” The Virginia Department of Social Services is grateful for the case workers, foster families, mentors, faith leaders, advocates, family members, individuals, and organizations committed to making a positive difference in the lives of over 4,300 children and youth receiving foster care services. Every year, children enter the foster care system in need of safety, security, nurturing and love. Many of Virginia’s children are able to return to their birth family, but many are not. In this newsletter are a few short stories of Virginia families that have made a permanent commitment to a youth they once fostered. These families have “Changed a Lifetime.” On May 17, 2013, as part of the recognition of Foster Care Month, Governor McDonnell kicked off the “Virginia Adopts – Campaign 1,000.” The focus of the campaign is to achieve permanent placements through adoption for 1,000 legally eligible youth in foster care. The campaign raises awareness about the urgent needs of these young people and encourages citizens from every walk of life to get involved - as foster or adoptive parents, volunteers, mentors, employers or in other ways. The outcome start date is January 1, 2013 and goes through December 31, 2013. Two hundred guests consisting of foster and adoptive families, public and private child placing agencies and advocates were present. (See page 9 for a picture and the poem written and read for the May 17th kick-off event by A.L., a foster youth.) As part of the Virginia Adopts 1,000 campaign, local departments of social services are also assessing the 100 longest waiting children and youth in foster care for a permanent home. Many of these longest waiting are teenagers. Included in the updated foster care guidance posted in early May are updates on providing services to these youth including the Educational and Training Voucher program (ETV) and the National Youth in Transition Database (NTYD). NYTD is a federal requirement that tracks youth at 17, 19 and 21 during their last year of foster care and for intervals after leaving foster care to determine if the independent living services provided to the youth in foster care were sufficient and appropriate for self sufficiency as a young adult. The information from these data collections will form and define independent living services for the future in the country and Virginia. Also included in the updated guidance are best practice recommendations on visitation, transition plans, service plan components, and determining the best interest of the child or youth in maintaining the school placement while in foster care; all consistent with requirements of federal law. Treat Them Like Gold! – The Basic Rule “If you want to successfully recruit, retain, and partner with resource families, treat them like gold. Why should we treat foster, adoptive, and kinship families like gold? Because without them, life is harder for the families and children we serve, for individual workers, and for our agencies. Without them, we have a much more difficult time keeping siblings together and placing children in their communities. In truth, good foster, adoptive, and kinship families are worth more than gold—they’re priceless. This is strangely easy to forget. In child welfare we face a host of legal and policy mandates, complex procedures, and the ongoing challenge of discerning and pursuing the best interests of each individual child and family. Specialization helps agencies manage these challenges, but it can also obscure the connection between resource families and our ability to ensure the safety, well-being, and permanence of children. When this happens, some of us begin to see support and development of resource families as “someone else’s job” and resource families themselves as almost a nuisance. Recruiting, supporting, and partnering with foster parents and other resource families is a responsibility shared by everyone in the agency, from the director on down to transportation aides. We must all understand our responsibility to treat them like gold. Treating resource families like gold can take many forms, including taking the time to get to know them, treating them as peers on the team, serving the child and family, helping them develop their skills and knowledge to care for children, and simply showing them the respect they deserve for the pivotal role they play in our system.” Excerpt from Treat Them Like Gold: A Best Practice Guide for Partnering with Resource Families 2 Courtesy of North Carolina Division of Social Services In the Spotlight: Extra Special Parents Kenn and Carole Kreuzberg started fostering with Extra Special Parents (ESP) in 2008. They became foster parents knowing that adoption was a possibility in some situations and they were open to adopting if the right situation presented itself. When the Kreuzbergs first heard about Austin (13-years-old) and Brandy (11-yearsold), a brother and sister in need of a home, they were tentative about taking in two children at once. They were especially concerned because both children had special needs and one child had a severe degenerative condition. The Kreuzbergs agreed to pray about accepting the placement and they decided they would at least meet the children. Mr. Kreuzberg story continued on next page 2 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter In The Spotlight: Extra Special Parents continued reports that after meeting and agreeing to accept the children, the progression from foster care to adoption was a quick process. The support classes and training for foster parents offered by ESP were beneficial to the Kreuzberg’s as they considered their ability to provide a permanent home for Austin and Brandy. “We knew that we could give Austin and Brandy a loving, forever home, but our hesitation in adoption came from not wanting to lose all the support that is associated with fostering,” said Mrs. Kreuzberg. However, ESP makes a lifetime commitment to its clients and the Kreuzbergs remain part of the ESP family even though the children in their home have established permanency through adoption. “Had ESP not been there, these kids would not still be in our home,” said Mr. Kreuzberg “We would not have chosen adoption if it wasn’t for ESP.” ESP provides foster care, treatment foster care, and short-term foster care services. While ESP does not provide adoption services, it encourages adoption when it is in the best interest of the child and work with the family to find the resources for completing the adoption. Visit ESP on the web at They Saw His Heart AKF was initially adopted as an infant; 13 years after the dissolution of his first adoption, he was placed back in the care of the state. It was reported that AKF displayed non-compliant behaviors toward household expectations and curfew, behavioral and academic issues in the classroom, staying away from home hours and sometimes days at a time. officer. At the time of placement, AKF was 13-years-old and in the 7th grade. When AKF entered the home, he struggled with household expectations. AKF also displayed a nonchalant disposition as it pertained to his education. He verbalized that he could slack off during the school year and attend summer school for promotion to the next grade. AKF was placed with Families First of Virginia in 2007. He was placed in a two parent foster home. The foster family had been fostering for many years. The primary foster parent, the foster father, is a retired military police The foster family was devoted to AKF and his success. They saw his heart from the day he entered their home. They nurtured him and provided for his needs instinctively. story continued on next page 3 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter In The Spotlight: Extra Special Parents continued The foster family was aware that AKF’s goal was adoption at the time of placement. They verbalized their desire to adopt him shortly after his placement. As time progressed with the placement, AKF’s demeanor shifted as communication continued regarding his permanency within the family. He displayed a level of consistency and respect for his foster parents, particularly his foster mother. The foster family included AKF in every activity they participated in; he was as much of a family member as anyone else. AKF went on trips with the family to visit other family out of state, he went on the family’s vacations (which occurred at least three times within a year) and he spent time with the adult children of his foster parents privately as siblings would. Since AFK was a permanent family member, he was never placed in respite. The foster family began the adoption process in 2009. The adoption became final when AKF was 16-years-old. After the adoption, AKF began to thrive academically, socially and behaviorally. He expressed relief due to the lack of pressure with less stress, he could then excel. He joined ROTC in high school and moved up the ranks. AKF was an extremely influential big brother to his younger brothers (one adopted, two foster). He spoke with them often about their academics and behaviors and reminded them that their parents loved them, in addition to and in spite of their own biological families. AKF graduated from high school and received early acceptance into the Marines. At this time, he has finished boot camp and is stationed within driving distance of his family so that they may visit and pick him up for weekends and holidays. MYTH: All youth in foster care are juvenile delinquents Meet The Sloans: Passionate Advocates for Special Needs Children The Sloan house is filled with kids and commotion. Alex, the most recent addition to the lively household, is finishing his homework in the kitchen. A bit of quick but firm bargaining goes on between mom, Nicole, and Alex about possible payoffs when he finishes his assignment. Nicole and Steven Sloan are passionate advocates for children with special needs. The big-hearted couple started adding children to their lively household five years ago, once their biological children got older. The family has grown to ten members now. The Sloans cheerfully dispense advice, discipline and love to eight children. As a former special education teacher, Nicole has both the heart and the know-how to help kids with a variety of challenges reach their potential. So it is not surprising that Nicole first met Heather and Starr in the classroom. When Nicole discovered that Heather was available for adoption, she and Steve jumped into action and researched what they had to do to become adoptive parents. Having moved up to middle school to teach sixth grade, Nicole met Starr. With Starr, the Sloans knew that all of their parenting skills of offering love, compassion and care would be called on. Starr had two disrupted adoptions and severe cognitive disabilities. “When you 4 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter can’t ‘see’ cognitive disabilities,” says Nicole, “it is really hard for the child.” When Alivia came to live with the Sloans in October 2010, she had experienced many placements and spent more than two years in a residential facility. “At this point, I decided to leave teaching to have more time to devote to my growing family,” said Nicole. “The first eight months were hard for Alivia and the rest of the family, but we hung in there.” Alex, who is on the autism spectrum, became a part of the family. His extreme behaviors had discouraged other potential families and landed him in a residential facility or a hospital more than once. Liz Nelms, a Lutheran Family Services (LFS) youth and family treatment specialist, has seen a dramatic change in Alex, which she attributes to the home that the Sloans have created for their children. “When Alex came to live with the Sloans, the change was almost immediate,” said Nelms. “I got to see the fun Alex, the one with a great sense of humor. There is something about the Sloan family; they are innately patient and caring. They know how to bring out the best in a child.” No Matter The Challenges, Every Child Needs A Loving Home Logan’s Mom Logan* was placed with Commonwealth Catholic Charities (CCC) in the TFC program. Logan’s referral paperwork indicated a long line of disrupted foster home placements and multiple behavioral and emotional challenges. CCC placed Logan in a home that had prior experience in working with children with high needs. Logan’s continued need to test his boundaries and the strength of his relationship with the foster parent began to result in conflicts and confrontations. Eventually, the placement deteriorated. The agency then began a frantic scramble for another placement. Margaret, who was a single parent, became his new foster parent. Margaret had adopted two children years ago, and had two foster children placed in her home. One of these youth was a 16-year-old teen with great emotional needs. After Logan was placed with Margaret, on the surface, this did not appear to be a good match for him. However, after much deliberation, the agency moved forward with the placement because it was recognized that this foster mother’s biggest asset was her belief that every child needs a loving home and that no matter the challenges, she could help any child be successful. Logan moved to the home in November of 2011. Once again, Logan fell into his usual pattern of testing the family, presenting challenging behaviors at school and in the home. Margaret continued to hold her ground, remained steadfast in her belief that Logan would come around and worked at being non-reactive to most of Logan’s behavioral dares. He gradually started establishing a relationship with Margaret and the other people in the home, started working harder at school and made passing grades, and more importantly, began to have a glimmer of hope that Margaret would be his permanent family. In March of 2012, Margaret was ready to adopt Logan, just a few short months after he was placed in her home. Her perception was that it did not matter how long people wanted to monitor the placement, she had already decided that he would be a permanent member of her family. The decision was shared with Logan, who in a customary fashion did not say much. Program staff and Margaret began to notice small changes over time in Logan. He seemed happier, more willing to work through his conflicts and more interested in making his relationships work. He continued with therapy but with 5 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter less frequency. Logan, at age 14 finally got his desire for a family to call his own in November of 2012. Soon after, the family celebrated another inclusion when Margaret adopted the other teen in her home a few days before her 18th birthday! MYTH: Older youth cannot be adopted and all adoptive parents want infants DISCLAIMER : (*This is a true story but the names have been changed.) Health Insurance for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care By Kim McGaughey While all teenagers face challenges as they transition to adulthood, most youth have families that can help provide economic and emotional support during the transition. Youth who age out of foster care, however, face major challenges in family support, education, jobs, 50 to 55 percent of youth aging out of foster care do not have health insurance income, living arrangements, medical, dental and mental health problems, along with a lack of health insurance. Research studies have consistently reported that 50 to 55 percent of youth aging out of foster care do not have health insurance. This percentage is significantly higher than the general population. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 30 percent of all young adults age 18 - 24 do not have health insurance. Research also shows that youth in foster care have 3 to 7 times as many chronic health Foster care Youth who leave foster care at 18-years-old, and emancipated minors, may apply for the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) program and receive health insurance until their 19th birthday. A four month waiting period does not apply since the youth’s prior insurance was Medicaid. There are no enrollment fees or monthly premiums. For some services, there may be a small co-payment. Covered services include: doctor visits, well-baby checkups, hospital visits, vaccinations, prescription medicine, tests, x-rays, dental care, emergency care, vision care, and mental health care. See the FAMIS Teens section of the FAMIS website for more information. Effective January 1, 2014, all youth aging out of foster care will be eligible for Medicaid coverage until they reach age 26, regardless of their income (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010). The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) will include guidance on the availability of Medicaid coverage for youth aging out of care in the Child and Family Services Manual once federal rulemaking is completed, and the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services establishes written policies for this new covered group. Information adapted from the American Academy of Pediatric Policy Statement on Health Care of Youth Aging Out of Foster Care, Pediatrics, Vol. 130 No. 6, December 1, 2012. Also guidance provided from Foster Care Chapter Section 14.16. Foster Care Resources For Foster Parents: Child Welfare Information Gateway - FACES of Virginia Families - Virginia’s Foster Parent Association - for foster/adoptive/kinship providers - Foster Family-based Treatment Association - National Foster Parent Association - National Child Welfare Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections - For Foster Youth and Resource Families: Foster to adopt: For Foster Youth: Dave Thomas Foundation - Project Life - VStreet - AdoptUsKids - 6 conditions and behavior and mental health problems as youth who have not been in foster care. Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter Managed Care for Foster Care Youth Children who are in foster, that have previously received “fee for service” Medicaid will be converted to managed care in the coming year in a phased roll out. This conversion also will impact children receiving Medicaid as a result of their Adoption Assistance Agreement, as long as they are not covered under adoptive parents ‘private insurance plan. The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) was directed by the 2012 General Assembly to move youth in foster care and adoption assistance from fee for service coverage for their medical services to one of six managed care organizations (MCOs). The current plan is for targeted children in specific regions of the state to convert according to region specific time frames until the entire state is converted. The timeframes are being worked on at the time of this writing and will be announced soon. The purpose of this conversion is to provide these children with better coordination of health care, with medical case management services, as well as targeted services for chronic conditions. In addition, this change will give them increased access to practitioners, better coordination of referrals and a greater choice of primary care providers. Children who will be excluded from managed care are those who: - Are hospitalized at the time of enrollment - Are place in Level C (psychiatric) residential care, and - Are undocumented minors. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is working closely with DMAS to make changes in the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) that will facilitate direct communications between the children’s care providers or adoptive parents. This process was successfully piloted in Richmond City during calendar year 2012. Training dates and registration information for foster parents and caseworkers will be announced by VDSS. Ten Things All Foster Parents Should Know 1 The Code of Ethics and Mutual Responsibilities Placement Agreement For each placement the foster parent is to receive a Code of Ethics and Mutual Responsibilities Placement Agreement with an attached financial agreement. The Code of Ethics should be reviewed during annual training and at each placement, so that parents and workers can discuss what has been working well and how they can mutually improve experiences for children. The parent, worker, and the agency director/designee are required to sign the document. The story continued on next page 7 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter Commissioner, unless the removal is as a result of an abuse or neglect allegation. Child protective services and/or police conduct removals for abuse or neglect and they must provide you with their credentials when announcing their reason for coming to your home. 5 Child-Specific Information Requirements The court is required by Virginia law to provide you with the court-approved service plan for every child in your care. The local agency is required to provide you with all available information about the child which is relevant to the care of the child. Ten Things Every Foster Parent In Virginia Should Know continued 6 Information Foster Parents Must Share With The Agency attached financial agreement should indicate the amount of maintenance payments and the date that the agency will provide that payment on a monthly basis; so foster parents are able to develop their budgets. This placement agreement is required by state policy as approved by the State Board of Social Services. You are required to provide the local agency with any information from the child that can impact their care or may be otherwise relevant to the agency responsible for the care and protection of the child (be sure to keep a log of all information provided to the agency including dates and times). 2 Reimbursement Rates 7 Confidentiality Foster Parents are entitled to basic monthly maintenance reimbursement. An agency may determine that a child’s needs require additional daily supervision by foster parents or a foster parent may request an agency evaluation of the need for additional daily supervision payments. Local Departments of Social Services may utilize the Virginia Enhanced Maintenance Assessment Tool (VEMAT) to decide the rate for any additional reimbursement payments to foster parents. Private agencies are required to use the VEMAT before making any additional reimbursement payments to foster parents. All information provided to foster parents is required to be kept confidential. In addition, photographs of children in foster care that may be used in a public setting or shared outside of the immediate family are required to be shared only with the express written permission of the legal custodian of the child. 3 Foster Parents as Participants in the Decision Making Process Agencies are required to work with foster parents as a member of the professional team and must give notice to foster parents of all court hearings, Family Assessment Planning Team (FAPT) meetings and foster care planning meetings. Foster parents have the right to attend and be heard at these events/meetings. 4 Placement Decisions Cannot Be Appealed One of the most challenging issues for foster parents is the occasion when a child is removed from their home. Foster parents do not have any appeal rights regarding placement decisions. The agency or the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Social Services may remove the child placed for foster care at any time from your home. When this occurs be sure that you know the person making the removal or ask for a written document indicating that the person is removing the child under the authority of the agency, the court, or the 8 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter 8 Foster Parent Participation In Educational Planning If a child in your home has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), then as a foster parent you are allowed to participate in that process and sign the IEP, if the birth parent is not participating in the IEP process. However, if the birth parent requests to participate in this process, then you may still attend and provide feedback, but the birth parent is the one to sign off on the plan. 9 Foster Parent Petitioning For Adoption Foster parents may themselves, petition the courts to adopt any child for whom parental rights have been terminated when the child has been in their home for a continuous 18 months. 10 Respite Care For Foster Parents Local DSS Foster parents may request respite through the local department. Respite is funded solely by the state. Local agencies have access to these funds and the rules for using respite are flexible and designed to prevent foster care disruptions. Licensed Child Placing Agency foster parents may request respite through their licensing agency. (Updated 5/13) Provided by FACES of Virginia Families Creative Arts Project Foster and adoptive youth across the state participated in the 2013 Creative Arts Projects. Here are a few of the creative arts projects that were received by VDSS. Youth opened up and shared their thoughts about permanency, family, and relationships. A.L. reads her poem at the VAdopts event on Friday, May 17th at the entrance to the Governor’s Executive Mansion A family I belong to thats all I really need somebody to love me and help me to succeed. I need someone to care to hold me when in fright and when I have a bad dream in the middle of the night. The Perfect Family Call it a clan, call it a network, Call it a tribe, call it a family. Whoever you are, you need one. -J. H. Sometimes I’m really lost and wonder what to do I wonder what to say and who to talk to. Adopt A Child -T.C. It’s tough to be a foster child but sometimes life’s not fair I wish I had somewhere to go and somebody who would care. -A.L. PERMANENCY permanency .... a great wonder of life, illustrations by L.F. HOME IS HERE like a star that shines so bright. Home is where we are everyday yet like a thought that eludes, All the words we say is somthing that can confuse, Through the thick and thin and comes with many moods, Family is always within and for many children is a plight. ever fearful, yet always brave, Deep in my heart The memories of all our parts they steel themselves for their quest. All our greetings searching for those who’ll at last save All our dwelling meetings these young warriors and give them rest. at last they find their elusive home, Permanently one and for all My family is permanently my all to live with those who love them best, and nevermore be alone. -J.S. 9 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter -C.S.T. Treat Them Like Gold: Resource Families, Retention & Recruitment Why We Say “Resource Families” Foster families. Adoptive families. Relatives who provide kinship care. Legal guardians…all these are referred to as “resource families.” The term refers to anyone who provides a safe, stable, loving home for a child when the child’s birth parents are unable to provide one. Why use this term? We need to think more broadly about potential families and children’s needs. All kinds of families are needed for children in foster care. Sometimes children need families who can play multiple roles over time. Instead of dividing families into categories, we are choosing to use a term that leaves the possibilities as open as possible. Common Traits of Successful Resource Family Retention & Recruitment Programs Everyone in the agency sees it as his or her job to contribute to the recruitment and retention of resource families. The agency uses current resource families as much as possible in their recruitment and retention efforts. The agency uses culturally-sensitive recruitment strategies to meet the needs of all children. The agency uses data to regularly plan and evaluate recruitment and retention efforts. The agency uses the media to enhance the agency’s profile in the community. The agency partners with other agencies to collaborate across county lines to optimize outcomes. The agency uses targeted recruitment efforts (e.g., to find homes for teens, African American children, American Indian children, etc.) to meet the specific needs and reflect the characteristics of children in care. Treat Them Like Gold: A Best Practice Guide for Partnering with Resource Families 2 Courtesy North Carolina Division of Social Services Number of Virginia Youth in Foster Care (By Age) Age < 1 Age 1 - 5 Age 6 - 9 Age 10 - 12 Age 13 - 15 Age 16 - 17 Total Youth in Foster Care 177 1,079 681 535 852 978 4,302 Data as of 1/1/2013 10 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter source: Virginia Child Welfare Outcome Reports Utility (VCWOR) Ask the Experts Division of Family Services Paul McWhinney, Director Alex Kamberis, Assistant Director Resource Family Unit Staff in this Unit is responsible for the development of guidance and the provision of technical assistance to local department of social services (LDSS) for recruitment, approval, development, and support of resource parents. The Resource Family consultants also provide technical assistance around diligent search, relative notification and family engagement practices. Em Parente, Manager, VDSS Home Office (804) 726-7538 Flora Harris, Consultant Eastern Region (757) 552-1151 Sandra Bell, Consultant Northern Region (540) 347-6301 Lavinia Hopkins, Consultant Central Region (804) 662-9563 Chasity Fitzpatrick, Consultant Piedmont Region (540) 204-9639 Lana Mullins, Consultant Western Region (276) 628-3419 Permanency Unit Staff in the permanency unit provides guidance on federal and state laws that are legal requirements for case planning and service delivery for children in foster care and their families. Cynthia Bauer, Policy, VDSS Home Office (804) 726-7518 Tammy Francisco, Consultant Western Region (276) 676-5487 Kim McGaughey, Policy Analyst, Family Services (804) 382-3551 Jane Joyner, Consultant Eastern Region (757) 491-3986 Dawn Caldwell, Consultant Piedmont Region (540) 204-9638 Lisa Tully, Consultant Central Region (804) 662-9791 Consultant Northern Region (currently vacant) CRAFFT The Community Resource, Adoptive and Foster Family Training (CRAFFT) unit is responsible for providing pre-service and in-service training to prospective and approved resource families on a regional basis. The CRAFFT coordinators work with Local DSS to provide local and regional training. The coordinators also train LDSS staff who will provide training for resource parents for their agencies. Gardenella Green, CRAFFT program manager 823-2759 Pam Riddick, Coordinator Eastern Region 823-2284 Bridget Diehl, Coordinator Northern Region (804) 869-5750 Janine Tondrowski, Coordinator Central Region 662-0271 Susan Taylor, Coordinator Piedmont Region 347-4095 Kathleen Miller, Coordinator Western Region (540) 831-7682 Thanks to the Foster Care Awareness Committee (Renee Garnett, Lead Staff). Special thanks to: Jacquelyn Cowan, Director UMFS Project LIFE; Jermaine Johnson, Executive Director, Adolescent and Family Growth Center, Inc.; and Cate Newbanks, Executive Director, FACES of Virginia Families for their help with the newsletter. 11 Virginia Department of Social Services Foster Care Newsletter