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MARCH 3, 2012 - MARCH 9, 2012
VOL. 61 NO. 45
Jacksonville Hosts U.S. Conference of Mayors
Mayors from across the county convened
in downtown Jacksonville for a three day-conference on ports and exports.
As Chair of the Metro Exports and Ports
Task Force for the U.S. Conference of Mayors,
Mayor Alvin Brown led several discussions
with topics including global competition for
U.S. ports and port modernization.
“I think it has been good for the city to
have the mayors come here and talk about an
issue that is important not only for
Jacksonville, but for cities all across the country,” said Mayor Brown. “It also speaks to the
importance of focusing on the importance of
ports and exports to put people back to work.”
Mayors, port officials, and city officials
Mayor Brown Leads Conference as Chair of the Metro Exports and
from more than 40 cities were represented.
Ports Task Force
Mayors in attendance included Vice Chair of
the Metro Exports and Ports Task Force, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, Second
Vice President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Scott Smith, Mayor of Mesa,
and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Mayor Villaraigosa, who is also the
president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, said he was impressed by Mayor
Brown’s leadership at the conference.
“We want cities to understand the new markets are abroad. Eight out of ten
markets, the growing economies, are not here,” said Mayor Villaraigosa. “They
are in Asia, Latin America and other places. We have to take our goods, our
American made goods, and sell them in those countries. That is going to be a big
shot in the arm to our economy and Alvin Brown, your mayor, knows that.”
Paul Anderson, Chief Executive Officer for JAXPORT, said the conference
will have a positive impact on Jacksonville and national ports.
“The (U.S. Conference of Mayors) understands the issue of infrastructure and the importance that will play in our
country growing in a global marketplace,” said Anderson.
During the meeting, the U.S. Conference of Mayors unveiled a report that said exporting from metro areas has the
potential to grow significantly by 2020. In Jacksonville, exports are expected to jump by 68 percent, from the $1.9 billion
in market value recorded in 2010 to $3.2 billion projected in 2020. www.coj.net
The 43rd NAACP Image Awards Dazzles Again!
By Rych McCain, feedbackrych@sbcglobal.net and Facebook
Photos by Earl Gibson
Once again it was that time of year when the best of the best come
together to celebrate red carpet fashion and bling; reunion and camaraderie amongst friends, peers and colleagues and recognize great
artistic achievements by people of color. Of course we are describing
the 43rd NAACP Image Awards which broadcast live, Friday, Feb 17,
2012, on the NBC/Universal Network from the famed Shrine
Auditorium in Los Angeles. The red carpet arrivals were on fire with
excitement from all of the dazzling gowns and bling. One of the highlights was the presence of a group of Tuskegee Fighter Pilots from
Word War II. Even though they are well in their 80’s, these distinguished American war heroes drew the applause and admiration from
the beginning to the end of the red carpet. They were greeted the same
way during the telecast.
The two hour live special was hosted by Sanaa Latham
and Anthony Mackie. Special awards that were given included the NAACP Vanguard Award to film maker George
Lucas; the NAACP Chairman’s Awards to Radio One/TV
One Founder Cathy Hughes and the NAACP President’s
Award to The Founding Members of the Black Stuntmen’s
Association. Some of the individual award highlights included Regina King for “Outstanding Actress in a Drama
Series,” KeKe Palmer who collected her fourth Image Award
for “Outstanding Performance in a Youth/Children’s Series
or Special” and of course “The Help” for “Outstanding
Motion Picture,” Viola Davis for “Outstanding Actor in a
Motion Pictures for “the Help” and Octavia Spencer from
“The Help” for “Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion
Performing for the evening gala was Lenny Kravitz, Jill Scott, Kirk Franklin, NeYo, Jennifer Hudson and a moving tribute to the late Whitney Houston by Yolanda
Adams who took it home and had church. After the cameras went to break, one choir
member decided to breakout in a holy dance a ski bit but nobody really got into him
so he faked calming down. Not everybody is impressed with that kind of carrying on
in a crowd like that. Highlights also included the pairing of Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Cicely Tyson and Diahann
Carroll as presenters. They are definitely up in age but the love and respect for them as Black Afrikan sho-biz royalty
was at a favor pitch high via the overwhelming, rousting, standing ovation they received upon coming out to the podium . For a complete list of the winners go to www.naacpimageawards.net .
Talk of the Town...............A-4
Around the Area............A-6
Caribbean News.............A-7
Sports.................. ....... ..B-4
Crime & Justice..(A).C&J-1-4
Prep Rap...........(B).PR-1-4
Classified & Business...B-7
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Still the people’s
choice, striving to
make a difference.
Ohio shooting suspect charged as juvenile
Prosecutor says suspect will most likely be
tried as adult
Victims of Ohio School Shooting
(CNN) - T.J. Lane
Thursday afternoon
on six counts -including
counts of aggravated
murder -- related to
this week's fatal
shooting of three students at an Ohio high
school, according to
court documents.
Beating a judgeimposed deadline by
just more than an
hour, Geauga County
Prosecuting Attorney
David Joyce said he
filed the charges
around 3:40 p.m.
T.J. Lane
Thursday in juvenile
Suspect of Ohio School court.
The prosecutor,
however, has said that
the 17-year-old Lane will most likely be tried as an
adult. Following the defendant's initial court appearance next Tuesday, a March 19 hearing is scheduled.
It's tied to a motion to transfer his case to an adult
The murder charges state that the teenager "purposely and with prior calculation and design" fatally
shot three people while at Chardon High School.
Continued on A-2
Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame
The first three inductees into Florida’s Civil Rights
Hall of Fame were named on February 29, 2012.
Former Florida Senator Claude Pepper, Mary Bethune, and
C.K Steele were all inducted postmortem. Pepper sponsored the Equal Rights Amendment. Bethune created a
school for black girls that later became Bethune-Cookman
University. Steele protested segregation and helped organize the Tallahassee Bus Boycott. Florida Representative
Alan Williams sponsored the bill that created the state Civil
Rights Hall of Fame. Florida is America's first.
“The legacy built by these inductees is one we must
carry today. We carry it now in our state’s history. We must
carry it with everything that we do,” said Williams.
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MARCH 3, 2012
It’s Not Just Congress: Citizens Also Have Room To Improve
By Lee H. Hamilton
As a member of Congress, you get used to being graded. Interest groups send you questionnaires, check your voting record, and then issue their “report cards.” Editorial writers
opine freely on your performance. Pollsters issue monthly updates on how Congress is faring with the public.
Members of Congress learn to expect this judgment and criticism. It’s part of being an
elected official in this country — and should be.
But they also learn that Congress is part of a larger political system that also involves
We The People. Our democracy doesn’t just require its institutions and political leaders to
function well; it works best when we, as citizens, all do our part. So at this moment when
Congress’s public standing is at an all-time low, it’s natural to wonder: how are the
American people doing at holding up their end of the bargain?
Every year, the Center on Congress at Indiana University surveys political scientists
around the country to get their sense of how Congress is functioning. But it recognizes that
Congress is just one part of the picture, and so it also asks these 40 experts how Americans
as a whole are doing at playing the constructive role our system demands of them.
The questions are instructive, because they give you a sense of a citizen’s responsibilities. How well do people actually keep in touch with their members of Congress, for
instance? Communication between elected officials and the people they represent — ordinary people with ordinary concerns — is the lifeblood of a representative democracy. It can
happen through letters, emails, phone calls and visits; through the interest groups many people join; and through voting. On all of these fronts, a majority of the experts surveyed give
Americans about a C average for their participation.
If we’re to pass judgment on Congress, then it’s also worth asking how much we actually understand it. If we want it to improve, how much do we know about what it does and
how it operates? The experts surveyed take a pretty dim view of Americans’ performance.
How regularly do Americans follow what’s actually going on in Congress? Most of
those surveyed gave the country at best a D.
How well do Americans understand the main features of Congress and how it works?
Almost two-thirds of the respondents handed out a D, while most of the rest gave us an F.
Do Americans have a reasonable understanding of what Congress can and should do?
In other words, do they understand the powers given to Congress by the Constitution, and
its role in executing those constitutional powers? D’s and F’s again.
Especially noteworthy is their low opinion of Americans’ grasp of the importance of
compromise. In a politically and socially diverse country, with two houses of Congress and
Woman Thou Art Loosed!: On the 7th Day Will Help Bring
National Awareness to This Crisis
Bishop T.D. Jakes, senior pastor at The Potter's
House of Dallas, Inc. and Codeblack Entertainment,
announce their joint support of the Black and Missing
Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization that brings
awareness to missing persons of color.
According to recent statistics, persons of color make
up an estimated 40 percent of missing people in the United
States. Of that 85 percent were Black - far greater than their
a president all able to weigh in, most legislation simply cannot be crafted without some
measure of compromise. Most of the experts surveyed believe that many Americans don’t
understand this. They hold a similarly low opinion of the media’s ability to explain how
Congress works to readers and viewers.
Now, these are the opinions of a handful of political experts. The point is not to berate
our fellow citizens for their ignorance, but to understand that if we want Congress to
improve, it is not just up to its members to make it happen. Congress will change when we
insist that it change.
We can take a lesson from Will Rogers. His statue in the U.S. Capitol is the only one
directly facing the House chamber, honoring his shrewd comment: “I always keep my eye
on Congress to see what they’re up to.” All of us need to do this: communicate more fully
and openly with our representatives; learn Congress’s responsibilities and how it fulfills
them — and, even more importantly, how it should fulfill them; and recognize that if we
don’t like intense partisanship and political games-playing, then we need to give our representatives room to craft legislation with broad appeal.
Without the informed understanding of the American people, in other words, Congress
will continue to flounder. And if it does, it won’t just be its members’ fault.
Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a
member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.
Ohio Shooting continued from A-1
In addition, Lane faces two counts of attempted aggravated murder and one count
of felonious assault -- the latter related to an individual who was "nicked in the ear" by a
bullet, according to Joyce.
The prosecutor has said that the sophomore has confessed that he took a .22-caliber gun and a knife into the school's cafeteria Monday morning and fired 10 rounds as
frightened students and some teachers ran for cover.
By the time the carnage ended, the gunman had shot five people, three of them
fatally: Daniel Parmertor, 16, who died Monday; Demetrius Hewlin, 16, who died Tuesday
morning; and Russell King Jr., 17, who was declared brain dead Tuesday.
This is not Lane's first brush with the law, according to juvenile records released
by authorities this week.
approximately 13 percent share of the U.S. population and yet they were the subject of fewer
than 23 percent of all news reports.
The collaboration was created as a campaign to support the April 13 theatrical release
of Woman Thou Art Loosed!: On the 7th Day,
produced by T.D. Jakes and distributed by
Codeblack Entertainment.
The film's plot elements deal with the
impact of abduction on an African-American
family. Outreach offered at The Potter's House
along with the vital information and awareness
championed by the Black and Missing
Foundation, Inc. created an opportunity to form
a relationship to address the issue of abduction
in the film and the lack of media coverage when
persons of color are reported missing.
Black and Missing Foundation, Inc. (BAM
FI) was established as a non-profit organization,
by a veteran law enforcement official and public relations
specialist, whose mission is to bring awareness to missing
persons of color, provide vital resources and tools to missing
person's families and friends and to educate the minority
community on personal safety.
"African Americans are unlikely to receive a national alert or to be featured in the media when their loved ones
go missing," said Bishop T.D. Jakes. "In an effort to bring
awareness and help turn the tide on these daunting statistics,
Codeblack Entertainment and The Potter's House are helping to bring this issue to the forefront."
To do just that, The Potter's House has created a
multi-tiered relationship. BAM FI will be featured at the
popular MEGA TOTZ and MEGA KIDZ conferences held
June 29th and 30th and July 19th-21st, respectively. At both
conferences, the foundation will be able to present safety
workshops as well as provide child identification kits so that
families are prepared in a crisis.
The Potter's House Center for Counseling and
Behavioral Health has joined the efforts and will be listed as
a resource for BAM FI clients and will be open to serve individuals and families referred by the trailblazing foundation.
Additional efforts will increase awareness through scheduled posts and campaigns via Facebook, Twitter and inhouse correspondence to all five churches under The Potter's
House umbrella.
Additionally, Codeblack Entertainment will help
further awareness, education and support of BAM FI
through a variety of traditional, non-traditional and social
media marketing efforts.
"It is so important to educate our community on this
issue, especially since an overwhelming number of missing
persons in the United States are of color," said Derrica
Wilson, co-founder, Black and Missing Foundation, Inc.
“We are so pleased that The Potter’s House along with
Bishop T.D. Jakes and Codeblack Entertainment will use
their platform to help find our missing men, women and
The Foundation asserts that relationships with
organizations are key, but that any effort can help bring a
loved one home.
"Together we can find the thousands of individuals missing
from our communities and bring them home or provide
much needed closure for their families," said Natalie
Wilson, co-founder, Black and Missing Foundation, Inc.
"We can all play a part-big or small- in addressing this
To learn more about Black And Missing
Foundation, Inc. and for profiles of missing individuals,
throughout the nation, as well as news, information, and tips,
please visit BAM FI's web site: www.bamfi.org.
MARCH 3, 2012
Faith In Our Community
Schedule of Events and Services
FAMILIES OF SLAIN CHILDREN INC. will be hosting a three events. First Event: BLOOD DRIVE
Saturday, March 10, 2012 12:30pm to 4:30pm at Families
of Slain Children located at 3108 N. Myrtle Ave in Honor
of Tommy Lee Torrence- Jenkins and other victims.
Second Event: CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL Sunday,
March 11, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. honoring Tommie Lee
Torrence-Jenkins a.k.a T-Lee and other victims of crime.
To be held at the corner of Wayne Street and Marion
RELEASE Monday, March 12, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at
Edgewood Cemetery in Memory of Tommie Lee
Torrence-Jenkins. Please come out and join us. For more
infomation, call (904) 683-4986.
9319 Ridge Blvd., invites you to their 30th Church and the
2nd Pastoral Anniversary of Rev. Freddie Summer. The
theme is “God’s people walking in expectation.” “My
soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from
him.” Psalm 62:5. Services begin at 4:00 p.m. Sunday,
March 11th - Dr. Glenn Foreman, Sr., Resurrection
Baptist Church Christian Center; March 18th - Elder Lee
Harris, Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church; March 25th Pastor Jeremiah Robinson, Jr., New Zion Baptist Church,
Fernandina Beach, FL. For more info, call 904-527-1762.
Come join Bishop Dr. Lorenzo Hall Sr. every Wednesday
and Thursday from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM for Prayer
Meeting and Bible Study at The Greater El-Beth-El
Divine Holiness Church, located at 723 W. 4th Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32209.
Listings are due the Tuesday before the next issue.
Funeral Home and Cremation Services
(904) 683-9093
1248 W. Edgewood Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32208
Serving you with the finest in Professional Quality
Funeral and Cremation Services
with both financing and Affordability
“The Caring Professionals”
We would like to thank all of the many families that
have allowed us the privilege of serving them. We hope
that our services have been in everyway satisfactory.
Call on us to compare before you make any final decisions:
Harold Felder, LFDIC - Minister Orien Greene,
Chaplain - Evangelist Francina Epps,
Grief Counselor Rev. Willie Brown,
Notary - Rev. Dr. W.G. Mayberry, CEO
AKE, Walter Maurice,
73, died February 23,
BARBER, Joseph, died
February 24, 2012.
BEBOUT, Carolyn Sue,
63, died February 26,
BLUNT, Izell, MD, died
February 19, 2012.
BOLING, Sarah Anne,
26, died February 21,
BOWMAN, Mary, died
February 22, 2012.
CLINTON, Thomas Jay,
died February 23, 2012.
CROFT, Wallace Dale,
Sr., 60, died February 20,
D AV E N P O R T ,
Dorrance Paul, 70, died
February 25, 2012.
DAVIS, James William
“Bill,” 84, died February
24, 2012.
DAVIS, Jerome, 61, died
February 29, 2012.
Roush, 93, died February
24, 2012.
Larry, 56, died February
23, 2012.
EVERS, Anne, 86, died
February 22, 2012.
Glenn, 55, died February
24, 2012.
FUSSELL, Mary, died
February 25, 2012.
GADSON, Lillyan, 68,
died February 24, 2012.
GAINES, Earnie Louise,
died February 22, 2012.
GOSSETT, Delmer Lee,
92, died February 22,
GREEN, Garrick, died
February 25, 2012.
February 25, 2012.
ISRAEL, Steven J., 61,
died February 27, 2012.
JENKINS, Charles E.,
died February 25, 2012.
JOHNSON, Percy, died
February 24, 2012.
JONES, Richard, died
February 24, 2012.
JONES, Robert, died
February 24, 2012.
Elizabeth “Char,” 56,
died February 21, 2012.
LAMB, Danny G., 61,
died February 24, 2012.
LEVESQUE, Shirley,
died February 25, 2012.
LINK, Donald Leo, 68,
died February 22, 2012.
James, died February 25,
McLENDON, Dwayne
Allen, 50, died February
22, 2012.
Bruce, 64, died February
25, 2012.
PRICE, Ann Margaret,
died February 25, 2012.
PUTMAN, James, died
February 24, 2012.
REYNOLDS, Marjorie
L, 85, died February 24,
Anthony Joe, 84, died
February 25, 2012.
died February 23, 2012.
SIPOS, Annie, died
February 25, 2012.
STOREY, Veronica, died
February 22, 2012.
“Come and Worship With Us”
New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church
1824 Prospect Street * Jacksonville, FL 32208
Sunday School …..............………………..9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning
Intercessory Prayer...............…..10:45 a.m.
Morning Worship ......................11:00 a.m.
Youth Church
2nd & 3rd Sundays (Old Sanctuary)
Tuesday - Pastoral Bible Study ................ 7:00 p.m.
Elder Arnitt Jones, Acting Pastor
Rev. Joe Calhoun, Pastor Emeritus
(904) 764-5727 - Church
Historic Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church
Worship Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m.
Church School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 p.m.
“Glory Hour” Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 a.m.
“Jehovah Jireh” Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m.
2nd & 4th Thursday “Young at Heart Ministry . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 a.m.
Joy Explosion Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m.
201 East Beaver St. * (904) 355-9475
Rev. Pearce Edwing, Sr.
“The Church Where Everybody Is Somebody”
Bishop Lorenzo Hall., Pastor
Street Address: 723 W. 4th St. Jacksonville, Florida 32209
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3575, Jacksonville, Florida 32206
Church Telephone: (904) 359-0661 Home: (904) 358-8932 Cell: 710-1586
Sunday School.......................................................................................9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship.................................................................................11:00 a.m.
Tuesday................................................Prayer Meeting & Bible Study,7:00 p.m.
Thursday...............................................................................Joy Night,7:00 p.m.
“Email: Gospell75@aol.com
Website: Greaterelbethel.org
Central Metropolitan C.M.E. Church
4611 North Pearl St., Jacksonville, FL 32206
Ofc (904) 354-7426 * Fax (904) 354-0934
Rev. Marquise Hardrick, Pastor
~ Worship Service ~
February 27, 2012.
Dixon, 74, died February
25, 2012.
OLIVER, Edna Kelley,
98, died February 26,
Barnard, died February
25, 2012.
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Sun Church School - 9:30a.m.
Sun Morning Worship -10:45 a.m.
Tues Eve Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.
Wed Bible Study - 12 Noon
Wed Feeding Ministry - 2:00 p.m.
Rev. Marquise &
Mrs. Deedra Hardrick
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, and of
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to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even
unto the end of the world. Amen.”
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623 Beechwood St., Jacksonville, FL 32206
Sunday School.......10:00 a.m. ~ Sunday Worship .......11:00 a.m.
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Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Direct Phone: 904.866.7047 * Office Phone: 904.356.4226
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Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) is a quality education program
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* A Beka Program, Arts and Crafts, Music/Computer Lab,
Tutoring, Teen Parent Service Center, Field Trips, Extended Day
6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., Alternative Education, Community Hours
When: Monday - Friday (9a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Where: 6901 N. Main St. (Greater Israel Baptist Church located
on the corner of 59th and Main St.)
Audrey A. White, Principal
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We are redefining the world in which children live!
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Yvonne Brooks
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Leath - Host
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from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The Florida Star and Impact
Striving To Make A Difference!
MARCH 3, 2012
Talk of the Town!
E kaabo (eh-kah-bow). Welcome.
By Frances Bradley
Volume Burks, Photographer
Celebrating 70 Years Of Grace And Elegance
Photographs courtesy of Dexter Rhodes
Bernice Lamar recently celebrated her 70th birthday with 180 family and friends at the Joseph Lee Community Center. When I
met the very youthful Ms. Lamar, I thought I was meeting one of her daughters!
The party was held at the Joseph Lee Community Center, which was beautifully decorated by Dr. Sirretta Williams. Guests
feasted on barbecue ribs and chicken, turkey, ham, yellow rice, baked beans, corn, tossed salad, potato salad, and rolls.
Before D. J. Michael Snow got the dancing started, Mistress of Ceremony and friend of 50 years, Shirley Dunson, introduced
Ms. Lamar’s siblings, Christine Talton, Hilda James, Edward Livingston, and Santiago Livingston, who presented highlights of
her life in a “Stroll Down Memory Lane.”
Lamar is a graduate of Stanton Senior High School Class of 1959. She is the widow of Perthone Lamar, Sr. who she married in
1960; he passed away in 2010. In 1999, Ms. Lamar retired from Computer Operations at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. For the
past 10 years, she has worked for First Student as a school bus driver.
Ms. Lamar wishes to thank all who helped her have an evening of joy, fun, and laughter. She is especially appreciative of Officers
The guest of honor, Bernice Lamar, arriving in
Joseph Legard and Ernest Martin, who provided security for the affair.
Bernice, TALK OF THE TOWN! wishes you a happy birthday and many, many more.
Honoree's sibiings with spouses, sitting, l-r:
Evelyn Livingston, sister-in-law; Christine Talton,
sister, Valley Stream, NY; Angela McCloud, sister;
guest of honor; Hilda James, sister; Shirley
Livingston, sister-in-law. Standing, l-r: Edward
Livingston, brother; Jesse McDonald, brother-inlaw; Mitchell Livingston, brother; Ron James,
brother-in-law; Santiago Livingston, brother
Aunts traveled from near and
far to celebrate, L-R: Johnnie
Matthews, Tampa, FL; Maxine
and Arthur Prater, Augusta, GA
Honoree, seated, surrounded by
her children, l-r: George and
Sharonda Oliver, Crystal Cooper,
Perthone Lamar, Alfreda Lamar,
and Raymond Jones, Gilbert, AZ
Ceremony and life
long friend Shirley
Dunson (left) with
Bernice Lamar
Sandra Blackman with
Bernice Lamar, guest of
Roslyn Burrough Hosts Black History Event
There’s one thing I know about Roz Burrough, when she invites you to a party at her home there’s sure to be good food, great ambience,
and fabulous people.
Roz invited family and friends to meet her dear friend, Phil W. Petrie, Sr., author and former editor, whose career as an editor reads like
a Who’s Who of publishing houses and magazines. Over the years, Phil worked for Holt Rhinehart and Winston, William Morrow (where he
acquired the edited books by Mari Evans, Nikki Giovanni, Vincent Harding, and Orlando Patterson), Howard University Press, Essence, Black
Enterprise, and the Crisis.
Petrie has authored a book of adages entitled Tips and maxims for living a principled life – A guide for my children. In a time when
Roslyn "Auntie Roz" Burrough intro- “[our] sons are wearing their pants three inches below morality and daughters are wearing dresses two inches above morality,” Petrie’s book
uses family stories and sayings to emphasize life lessons which, he hopes will influence young people to aspire to simply be good people in the
ducing author, Phil Petrie
world. We were enthralled as Gail CatoPratt read “The Christmas Story”, which is
a heartwarming tale of the author’s last
Christmas with his parents.
Later in the evening, we were treated
to impromptu musical renderings by
Davonte Vickers and three members of
gospel group, Lawrence Flowers and
Intercession - Tina Wilson, Ashley “Lady
Gail Cato-Pratt reading "The
Ash” Boston, and Irene Brown.
Phil W. Petrie Sr. speaking
to the audience at the book
Christmas Story", a selection
from book by Phil Petrie (background)
Roz reading a selection from
book by Phil Petrie
Elaine Kitchings with son
Earl Kitchings, Jr.
Wedding Bells Rock
Photographs courtesy of Sam and Leah Hall
Sam Hall and Leah Hudson were married on November 12, 2011 at the historic Gasparilla Inn, in Boca Grande on Gasparilla Island, a barrier island
off the Lower Gulf Coast of Florida. The private ceremony was held at the Beach Club at sunset and was conducted by Judge Brian Davis. Immediate families stayed at the cottages of the Inn enjoying a week of golfing, croquet, and tours. The couple honeymooned for 2 weeks in the beautiful Seychelles
Islands located off the eastern coast of Africa.
A reception was held at Sway Restaurant at Jacksonville Beach on December 3. Guests from around the country danced to live music and feasted on heavy
hors d’oeuvres. The newlyweds asked their guests to make donations to the couple’s favorites charities in lieu of wedding gifts.
Congratulations to Sam and Leah!
YOU ARE INVITED to attend the James Weldon Johnson Branch, Association for the Study of African-American Life and History’s (ASALH) Community Forum: AfricanAmerican Women Speak Out! on March 31, 2012, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the Florida Times-Union Building, 1 Riverside Avenue. For more information and to purchase tickets online,
visit www.asalh-jaxfl.org or call Ok Sun Burks, forum chairperson, at (904) 707-2106.
MARCH 3. 2012
MARCH 3, 2012
The 54th Gammy Awards!
By Rych McCain, feedbackrych@sbcglobal.net
Photos Courtesy of CBS/Grammys
Jennifer Hudson
he 54th Grammy Awards went down into the record books with the triumph of victors who took home the
big prize and the dark shadow that loomed over the entire evening as a result of superstar singer/actress
Whitney Houston being found dead in the bath tub of her 4th floor room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel the
night before. British pop sensation, singer/songwriter Adele led the pack winning six Grammys including album
(“21”), record and song of the year. She answered any questions about her recovery from throat surgery last October
when she effortlessly sang her hit “Rolling InThe Deep” in what was her first public performance since the operation.
The boss, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
opened the CBS broadcast performing his new single,
“We Take Care Of Our Own.” After which, host LL Cool
J came on and started by reading a prayer for Whitney
Houston. The audience reverently fell silent with many
bowed heads. The Foo Fighters pulled in second behind
Adele with five Grammy wins followed by Kanye West
with three wins. West and Jay-Z won “Best Rap
Performance” for “Otis” off their “Watch The Throne”
album but were no shows due to their opinion that too
many major rap artists continue to be overlooked. There
was also speculation that West may have felt snubbed for
not making it to the “Album of The Year” category. To
add more controversy to the mix, the Academy ruthlessly cut 31 categories this year that were mostly dominated by Latinos, Native Americans, Blacks and other people of color. Superstar Carlos Santana, the Rt. Rev. Jessie
Jackson and others have joined in to protest.
The night included tributes to Glen Cambell who masterfully performed his signature “Rhinestone Cowboy”
and will do his final tour this year due to his battle with Alzheimer’s disease and the reunion of The Beach Boys
who’s geriatric performance was totally lackluster. Had it not been for Foster The People and Maroon 5 basically
carrying them, a couple of the Boys may have fallen asleep. Being in their 70’s, I know it was way past their bed
time. Their reunion tour may be better fit hitting a string of senior citezens homes and events rather than major
venues. They clearly don’t have it anymore. Other tributes included one to the late, great Etta James by Bonnie
Raitt and Alicia Keys. Nicki Minaj did her satanic act which upset and shocked only the folks foolish enough to
not expect nothing less from her to grab attention. Chris Brown bounced back from last year’s man handling of Rihanna with Best R&B Album for F.A.M.E. and Bon Iver walked away
with Best New Artist which lit up the tweet board with people asking who is this guy? Tony Bennett and Carrie Underwood provided class and jazz smoothness with their duet of “It
Had To Be You,” and Sir Paul McCartney performed twice with his first tune “Valentine” being done with a full orchestra. Go to Grammys.com for a complete recap and list of all the
LL Cool J & Diana Ross
Bruno Mars
Making His Dreams Into Reality!
By Rych McCain, feedbackrych@sbcglobal.net and Facebook
Roshon - Photo courtesy of
There is a certain assurance about being in
the presence of a person who is not only full
of life from a positive side but radiates the
go getting confidence to make it happen!
Roshon Fegan, professionally known as
“Roshon,” is a young man on a mission with
a pretty solid idea of how to accomplish it.
The Los Angeles native grew up in a showbiz family carefully observing his dad Roy
who is a professional actor with major TV
and movie credits as well as directing and
producing. So it is no small wonder where
Roshon’s wise guidance originates and why
he is on target with his goals. However,
Roshon was not one to rest on the family
name alone. Like all great professional children in the biz, he put in his share of training
with acting lessons and performance arts
school. Roshon broke into the biz with a
small role on the blockbuster “Spiderman 2”
at age 12. TV roles and commercials followed.
The break through movie that put
his name on the map was the Disney smash
It's Official City Kidz Viva Vanilla Ice
Cream To Be Sold @ Sam's Club Stores
It's now official, City Kidz
Award Winning "Viva Vanilla" ice
cream will be sold in all three Sam's
Clubs in Jacksonville, Florida.
Jacksonville's home grown Viva
Vanilla ice cream launch date is
scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2012.
Our award winning Viva
Vanilla will be on the shelves at your
local Sam's Club stores Tuesday,
May 1, 2012. We will schedule a
ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at all three Sam's Club stores and
City Kidz will be inviting the entire City of Jacksonville during that time.
Please join us in this historical moment. History is being made right here in
Jacksonville, Florida and throughout America. This is the first time in our country's
history that a group of high school students has produced a product for human consumption to be sold on a national level.
City Kidz Award Winning Viva Vanilla will also be sold in the Northeast
hit film “Camp Rock” where he played
Sander Loyer and performed songs on the
soundtrack. His popularity continues to soar
through the roof as Ty Blue on the Disney
mega-hit “Shake It Up.” Roshon currently
has a hit single released on iTunes titled
“Got Me Like,” on his own “3 ina Ro
Entertainment” label (pronounced three-ina-row) which he and dad runs. He has a
show on YouTube called “The Ro and Co
Show” with his fellow actor friend Cody
Linley. Roshon’s website is loaded with the
411 on everything he is into and you can
check it out at www.yaboyro.com
Being the fodder of the teenybop
gossip and fan magazine, how does Roshon
handle the intrusions on his privacy? He
laughs with his upbeat demeanor and
explains, ”It is kind of crazy. I don’t know.
People want to know what I’m about so
that’s just what happens I guess.” Roshan
has a new three song EP dropping in March
that he is super excited about and he runs it
down. “That’s going to be hot man! That’s
something I’m really looking forward to.
It’s called “I Am Ro, I Am Roshon.’
Its three tracks that I fully produced and
wrote myself. And its three tracks that are
really important to me because I’ve made a
lot of songs in my life, I’ve dropped a lot of
stuff on the internet but it didn’t really represent me as who I am as a person and an artist
as well as these three songs do. So it’s really
just my introduction to the world with my
music. So that’s why it’s real important.”
Being that he is equally creative with the
music and the acting, does one have more
pull than the other in terms of what gets first
priority? This one makes him pause to ponder but only for a half a second. “Aw man,
I’m just getting the hang of it now but I’ve
been doing it all of my life. It is crazy. As an
actor, I’m on the set Monday through Friday
grinding it out but right after I’m off set, I’m
in the studio working on the music. So on
the acting tip, since I have a steady job, it’s
really no way to try to put that on hold, I
have to split time. And by splitting time, that
means it really is 50-50. I’m acting 24/7 and
I’m doing music 24/7 and just splitting the
days in half to make it work.”
region; Philadelphia, PA at
ShopRite Supermarkets and
WAWA Convenience stores.
Our cool creators
(Jacksonville City Kidz
Students) has pioneered their
way into American History by
creating Jacksonville's home
grown Viva Vanilla ice cream
to be sold in supermarkets
through our initiative, "From
(Pastor Bush unveils City Kidz Viva Vanilla
Classroom To Supermarket package design during Dr. Arun Kilara's visit to
Jacksonville and make a comparison to nationShelves".
al brands ice cream packaging.)
This is a win win situation for us who truly love and
is proud of our great City of Jacksonville.
It's my prayer that all 800,000 plus residents
of our city make sure they are first to purchase their
home grown Viva Vanilla ice cream, formulated by
Teens and supervised by experts.
We will keep you informed of the details as
City Kidz Viva Vanilla
we get closer to the launch
Kosher Premium Ice Cream
MARCH 3, 2012
Long Awaited National Stadium Officially Opens In The Bahamas
Nassau, Bahamas - More than 15 thousand Bahamians turn out February
25th, 2012 to be a part of the official opening of the new Thomas A. Robinson
National Stadium, a gift to The Bahamas from the Government of the People's
Republic of China. In an open to the public free event, the huge audience was feted
with an exciting cultural show put on by a cast of more than 1,200 artists and performers. At the end it was capped with a grand display of fireworks.
Remarks were presented by the Minister of Youth Sports and Culture, the
Hon Charles Maynard and the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, Huber A. Ingraham.
The Royal Bahamas Police Force Band performed, athletes tried out the track, and a
Junkanoo Rush took place. (Photos by Derek Smith and Patrick Hanna, Bahamas
Information Services)
Haitian Prime Minister Delivers To 400
Homes In Post Quake Haiti
Caribbean News Editor
HAITI:The two-year topsy turvy lifestyle of at least 50 post-earthquake
families has come to an end now that they have been given decent housing. Last
week, President Michel Martelly gave 50 keys to the first of 400 recipients of a
new housing project.
“These 400 houses that I inaugurate today, meet our vision to establish
a State that serves the people" said the President. "I not only feel satisfied but
I'm also proud because this project is the first I had started after having assumed
my duties as President...400 families who were living in temporary shelters,
under any conditions will now be able to live in good conditions.”
“We will ask them to pay rent that is true, but we will also subsidize
them, because we know they do not have the means to pay immediately the full
amount they should pay,” he noted. “We will allow them to live in a secure and
decent space, with the opportunity tomorrow to own their home”.
“What is most important in the space that we created, it is not only the
houses, there are playground, there are schools in the area and most important
are the jobs that we will
create in this area,” the
President went on to say.
“I already talked about
this with the IDB representative and we will
work to put an industrial
park in the zone so that the
people can find work.
There will also be a health
center, pharmacy.”
Each house is
worth about $11.000 dollars and plans for 750 in
the north are underway.
Politician Urges Workers to Practice Safe Sex
Minister of Labour and
Social Security, Hon.
Derrick Kellier, is urging
employees to take charge
of their sex lives by
using a condom, getting
an HIV test, and reducing the number of sex
partners, to prevent
He said that HIV/AIDS has been described by the International Labour
Organisation (ILO) as a major threat to the world of work, affecting the most
productive segments of the labour force.
Minister Kellier was addressing an HIV Awareness in the Workplace
awards ceremony.
“Recently, the Ministry of Health revealed the worrying news that
younger females within the age group 10 to 29 years are contracting HIV/AIDS,
with the 15-19 group accounting for the major increase. Concurrently, adult
males in the 30-79 age group account for a larger percentage of those contracting the disease,” he said.
“For those who are HIV negative, a regular test is the only way to be
continuously certain of one’s status,” he informed. He added that for persons
infected with the virus, early diagnosis can help to increase their chance of a
longer life, by accessing adequate treatment.
He also warned that having multiple sex partners, without using a condom, increases the risk of HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections
(STIs). He urged employees to reject the present culture, which endorses multiple sex partners.
“If as a nation we are to improve the quality of life for all, then as a
nation we need to reduce the high level of risks that result in life threatening illnesses, such as HIV/AIDS,” he emphasised.
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The Rt. Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham
official open The Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium, on Saturday February 25,
2012. Left to right Minister of Youth Sports and Culture Hon Charles Maynard,
Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The Rt. Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham
and Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to The Bahamas, His Excellency
Hu Shan.
MARCH 3, 2012
MARCH 3, 2012
PURE: Featuring R. Kelly
Sandy Neal, Freelance Writer/Photographer for The
Florida Star
Photos courstesy of Jordan of NuEra Photography
PURE Nightclub celebrated Black History
month with the King of R&B, SingerSongwriter and record producer, R. Kelly. The
crowd was first warmed up by DJ P.L.O., DJ
Skillz and Ivory Orr, the club promoter, that
kept the crowd sweating until his official DJ,
DJ Phantom stepped in the DJ booth and
announced his longtime friend, but not before
teasing the crowd with some of R. Kelly’s
greatest hits. He sang many of his hits such as
“Bump-n-Grind, I’m a Flirt, You Remind Me
of Something and many others.
Kelly packed the club with many anxious
women wanting to get a touch of him and pictures and many got their wish, he posed for pictures, hugged, and greeted many of the partygoers. He had many of his female fans on the
stage with him as he performed, he also sang
some of them in acapella as the crowd sang
PURE will be hosting R&B Singer Tank on
March 24, 2012.
The Vagina Monologues
Sandy Neal, Freelance Writer/Photographer for The Florida Star
UNF celebrated V-Day by
sponsoring a benefit performance
Monologues” and other events
to raise awareness and education
to end violence against women.
It is a collaboration of faculty, staff, community and students along with the UNF
Women’s Center.
The show is about women,
how they view their bodies and
sexuality. It teaches women and
young girls not to be ashamed
and that their bodies are not dirty
and yes, they use the word
“Vagina” quite often in the play,
reason being for the public to
become more comfortable with
it and start discussing the issues
Ana Ballantine, "The Flood"
surrounding it (the vagina).
Men are invited and are vital to the success of ending violence
against women. UNF Women’s Center and V-Day are developing programs for men, but the cast is all women because it is all about the
women’s experience, but they are encouraged and welcome to come and
experience the show.
UNF Women’s Center is also sponsoring The 24th Annual Women’s
History Month Luncheon and Susan B. Anthony Award Presentation on
March 7, 2012 at 12 noon in the Student Union Room 3703 A-C.
Djamanthe Calonge "The
Coochie Snorcher that Could"
Sara Colosima,
Little Vagina"
Rose Morriseau, "What If I
Told You I Don't have a Vagina"
YANDY SMITH at PURE Hosting 1st Annual Mardi Gras Party
Sandy Neal, Freelance Writer/Photographer for The Florida Star
Yandy Smith of the hit Television Reality show “Love and Hip Hop” was at PURE nightclub Saturday night hosting the 1st Annual Mardi Gras Party and demanded that
DJ P.L.O play her favorite song as she entered the club, “I’m a Boss” by Rick Ross and the crowd went crazy.
She is the President of Monami Entertainment and ex-manager of Rapper Jim Jones. Smith pitched the idea to VH-1 for a show about Jim Jones called “Keeping up with
the Joneses”, the pilot was shot, but then Stack Bundles was murdered and Max B was arrested. With the help of the Founder of Monami Entertainment, Mona Scott-Young
who was pitching another idea to VH-1 about the women behind the men of hip-hop they joined forces therefore giving birth to the show “Love and Hip Hop”. She is one
of six cast members including; Chrissy Lampkin (Jim Jones girlfriend), Mama Jones (Jim Joneses
mother), Olivia Longott (the Ex-First Lady of GUnit), Emily Bustamante (Rapper Fabolous girlfriend and mother of his son), Somaya “Boss”
Reese (Aspiring Artist), and Kimberly
“Kimbella” Vanderhee ( Centerfold Model and
mother to Juelz Santana two kids).
Ivory Orr C.E.O of Crown Capital and Point Blank Entertainment and Yandy and Errol Mizell, the Mizell Group Booking
DJ P.L.O and Yandy
MARCH 3, 2012
embering Thos
Tips For Working From Home
(StatePoint) Thanks to modern technology, more Americans are able to work
from home than ever before. According to the latest American Time Use Survey,
24 percent of employed persons do some or all of their work at home.
If you’re joining their ranks -- whether full-time or part-time -- there are
several things you should know about working efficiently and effectively from
Make it Comfortable
Whether you plow through a full day’s work in one sitting, or take breaks
throughout the day to attend to household business, you’re going to be spending
large chunks of time in your home office so you’ll want it to be as comfortable as
From furniture to computer related hardware, opt for ergonomic products
that prevent stress-related injury.
Ensure your space gets plenty of light, ideally natural. And because it’s
entirely yours, don’t forget to decorate! However, if you plan to receive clients or
business associates, keep it professional.
Make it Functional
To prevent distraction, a room with a door that closes is ideal. If that’s not
possible, set your home workspace as far apart from the bustle of other household
activities as possible. Steer clear of televisions, chatty household members and the
siren call of the refrigerator.
Your space may be limited, but you can create storage space out of thin
air. Shelves that mount to the wall will free up the floor, and keyboards that open
up to create a supply storage space, will eliminate clutter on your desk.
Stay Organized
If you’re a one-man or one-woman band, you’ll especially want to invest
in new technologies that will help you stay organized.
If you’re constantly monitoring your email -- and who isn’t these days? - consider a telephone that connects to a PC, allowing you to consolidate your
communications in one place. For example, the Contact Sync feature from
Panasonic’s KX-TG9470 phone series allows for incoming calls to trigger a popup contact in Microsoft Outlook, making caller information and notes from previous calls readily available at a user’s fingertips. Users can also make outgoing
calls directly from their computer through their Outlook address book. More
information can be found at http://shop.panasonic.com .
Consider backing up your files digitally for easy searching. Electronic filing systems can be safe and secure, and will survive unforeseen catastrophes.
Even if you’re only in your home office one day a week, the way you set
up your space matters. To do good work, you need your workspace and equipment
to work for you.
While you’re having a great time taking photos of the Swiss Alps or the Colorado
Rockies, you may not realize it but your travel experience is benefiting your mind.
Scientific research agrees that lifelong learning, which includes discovering firsthand new places, people and cultures, is one of the primary factors that lead to better brain health.
Preparing to learn and travel
More seniors than ever before are planning road trips, cruises, railroad excursions,
tours, hiking and biking expeditions to near and far locations. But some of these
same travelers are not only choosing resorts, inns, air fare, itineraries and cruises;
they are also sharpening their brain by studying the history and culture of the areas
and learning the languages. Before they depart, they are taking non-credit academic courses to add to their travel experience.
Other travelers take time to read books by the country’s beloved authors, and learn
about the local cuisine, music and art. All of these things help you stay active but
they also keep the brain constantly engaged. Scientific research has found that a
challenged, stimulated brain may be the key to a long healthy life.
Learn a language
Before you depart from home learn a new language or at least a few phrases. One
of the most important things you can do to stimulate better brain health is to learn
new language skills. You may not have time to immerse yourself in a language,
but the more time you spend learning the faster you will learn. There are numerous ways to learn French, German and other languages. Join a class or listen to
audio tapes or ask someone who speaks the language to teach you.
Planning tips
Other planning steps include making two copies of your passport. Take one copy
with you and put in a separate location from the actual passport. Leave the second copy at home. Make a copy of your health insurance card from your home
health plan and keep the copy in a location separate than your card. Take a mix of
money such as one credit card, possibly a debit card, and cash including several
$1 dollar bills. Don’t keep all of your money in your wallet. Instead, divide it so
you have it in more than one location in case your wallet is lost or stolen. It’s a
good idea to have a health check-up before you leave home. If you’re traveling to
a tropical or sub-tropical area, check health advisories for your destination. Talk
to your physician about protection or immunization from diseases that might be
prevalent in your location like malaria.
When you get to your destination
Always wear a seat belt in a taxi or auto. Avoid taking cabs after dark in developing countries or to areas far from your hotel. Don’t travel anywhere at night by
foot or driving if you feel the area has questionable safety concerns. In some
beach communities the main boardwalk or city center may safer for taking a stroll
than a block or two off the primary tourist area.
Keep in mind if you are in a crowd waiting in line at a restaurant or buying tickets to a popular attraction you may also be sharing the crowded space with pickpockets. Consider wearing a money belt inside your skirt or slacks so that that it
can’t be seen from the outside.
As a senior you can see the world without spending a fortune. But no matter where
you go you need to prepare for a healthy vacation. Plan to be a healthy, safe and
savvy traveler and you’ll have the time of your life.
Mark Underwood is a neuroscience researcher, president and co-founder of
Quincy Bioscience, a biotech company located in Madison, Wisconsin focused on
the discovery and development of medicines to treat age related memory loss and
the diseases of aging. Mark has been taped as an expert in the field of neuroscience for The Wall Street Journal Morning Radio, CBS and CNN Radio among
others. Mark is also a contributor to the “Brain Health Guide” which highlights
the research at Quincy Bioscience and offers practical tips to help keep health
brain function in aging.Visit www.TheGoodNewsAboutAging.com for more articles and tips for healthy aging.
Health Notes
DEFINITION: A chronic skin inflammation characterized
by clusters of small itching blisters. The disorder is hereditary but not contagious or cancerous.
BODY PARTS INVOLVED: Skin of the elbows, knees, shoulders, arms, legs
and over the bottom of the spine (sacrum).
SEX OR AGE MOST AFFECTED: Adolescents and adults.
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS: Lesions with the following characteristics:
Lesions are small clusters of 5 to 20 blisters. Blisters usually measure
2mm to 6mm in diameter.
Clusters appear on both sides of the body in the same places.
Lesions itch, but they are not usually painful if there are no complica
May feel a burning or stinging sensation.
CAUSES: Unknown, but may be a disorder of the autoimmune system.
Exposure to heat and humidity.
Gluten sensitivvy (protein found in wheat and other foods that can
not be digested by some persons because of genetic disease).
Family history of dermatitis herpetiformsis.
HOW TO PREVENT: Cannot be prevented at present. To prevent a recurrence of symptoms, continue to take medication as directed and prevent injury to
normal skin.
Your own observation of symptoms.
Medical history and physical exam by a doctor.
Self-care after diagnosis.
Doctor’s treatment with medication.
POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS: People with dermatitis herpetiformis also
may have disease of the small bowell (without symptoms), which pathologically
The only way to diagnose this is with biopsy.
PROBABLE OUTCOME: This is a chronicdisease. Treatment can control
symptoms—including itching—but it will not cure the disease.
GENERAL MEASURES: Soak in cool water or use cool-water compresses to
reduce itching.
For itching, you may use non-prescription drugs such as:
Low-dose steroid lotion, ointment and cream.
These reduce inflammation and itching in 24 to 48 hours.
Topical anesthetics and topical antihistaninrs.
These provide quick, short-term relief. Many cause skin sensitivity,
but lidocaine and pramoxine usually do not.
Lotions containing phenol, menthol and camphor *such as calamine
These are soothing, but use with care. Large amounts may be absorbed
through the skin into the bloodstream; they can be toxic.
To control blistering, your doctor may prescribe two oral medications,
dapsone or sulfapyridine. If either one is needed, it will be required
ACTIVITY: No restrictions, except avoid overheating and moisture.
DIET: Restricting gluten in your diet will reduce the amount of medicine you
will need. For a gluten-free diet, check with your doctor.
Your have symptoms of dermatitis herpetiformis.
New, unexplained symptoms develop. Drigs used in treatment may produce side effects.k
Community Activities
Announcements, meetings, happenings, and community events
scheduled in Jacksonville and the surrounding area
Jazz Jam Presents- SIMONE: Saturday, March 03, 2012, at the Ritz Theatre and
Museum, 829 N. Davis Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. For more information call
JAXKIDS DAY - the ultimate celebration for Jacksonville’s children and families -on March 3, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., at the Main Library, 303 N. Laura St. –
32202. To learn more, visit the Jacksonville Children's Commission online at
www.JaxKids.net or call (904) 630-6405.
MAYOR'S WALK FOR SENIOR WELLNESS: Saturda,y March 03, 2012, at
the Metropolitan Park, 4110 Gator Bowl Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32202. Contact
904.630.0837 for more information.
The 4th Annual Tunis G. Campbell Birthday Festival:Saturday, March 3, 2012
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. *Septima Clark Parade for Education of Our Youth
( Parade Route : From Perry Park to Altama Ave. & G Streets),Brunswick, GA .
The schedule of events and activities are open to the public. For more information call 912-342-7590l.
The Jacksonville Branch NAACP will meet -- Thursday, March 8, 2012, 7:00
p.m., 1725 Oakhurst Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32208. We are located across
the street from the Edgewood Branch Library, inside the Legacy Building. We
meet every 2nd Thursday of each month.
Amateur Night Auditions at the Ritz Theatre and Museum on Thursday, March
08, 2012, at 829 N. Davis Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. Contact 904.632.55555
for more information.
FAMILIES OF SLAIN CHILDREN,INC: Blood Drive/ Food And Clothing
Drive on Saturday, March 10, 2012 from 12:30pm-4:30pm at 3108 N. Myrtle Ave.
Call (904)683-4986 for additional information.
MARCH 03, 2012
Brunswick’s American Legion
You may see them at local parades or you may know one of them personally as a relative, church member or civic minded citizen. Whoever, your American Legion
member is, he is a part of a proud organization whose mission it is to provide citizens, employees, visitors, and business community quality public services through innovative public, private, intergovernmental partnerships and programs; therebey offering expanded economic opportunities and safe affordable family neighborhoods.
Contributing photographer Ed Council shared his archives of photos of the American Legion at various events in Brunswick, Georgia where the group is continuing it rich tradition of producing an elite group of key community keepers.
American Legion Frow left to right Rhoney, Simms, Palmer, Hutchinson,
Howard 2nd Rw Colsby, Williams, McCawley, Council
Eleven Men Arrested In
Spalding County For Street
Gang Terrorism and Drugs
Two minors and nine men were arrested in Spalding County a week ago
for various charges including gang street terrorism. The arrests were made after
local sheriff’s deputies located the bullet riddled vehicles that were used in a
shootout and discovered drugs and weapons in them.
On February 20, police responded to the Amberwood subdivision following reports of gunshots in the area. Upon arrival, witnesses described the vehicles
involved in the shooting.
All of the suspects were charged with street gang terrorism and aggravated assault. Arrested were 17 year-olds Khari Miller, Decorius Williams, and
Jotavious. Darryl Smith, 21; and Robert Harps, 20, of the Southside Gang were
also arrested.
The remaining suspects, Deontvious Dewberry, 18; Tobias Keyundra Parker, 17;
Shonderrick Jamall Williams, 23; Anthony Lamar Parks 19; and the two juveniles
were charged with aggravated assault, street gang terrorism, marijuana possession, and marijuana possession with intent to distribute.
NFL Season Opener Changes To
Accomodate President Obama
For the first time on more than 60 years, the NFL will open its regular
season on a Wednesday night, it has been officially announced. The NFL will be
opening on September 5 to avoid a conflicting with President Barack Obama.
The President is set to give a speech which on Thursday at the
Democratic National Convention.
Super Bowl champs, the New York Giants will be hosting the Wednesday
opening game.
Since 2002, the NFL regular season has started on Thursday. As for the
last time an season opening game was played on a Wednesday, that was back on
Septemeber 22,1948 when the Rams took on the Lions.
Sharks Activate Terrance Smith
MARCH 3, 2012
Jacksonville Giants Stomp
Chicago Fury In 154-109
Jermaine Bell led the Jacsonville Giants to a sweet victory last week when
they took on the Chicago Fury. The Giants delivered a mighty blow to the Fury by
taking the game 154- to 109.
Bell was the star of the night, recording his 3rd triple double of the season.
Additionally, he’s averaging a triple doubles this season, and he has also recorded
double figures in at least 2 categories every game played so far.
Our Sandy Neal was on hand to capture these images.
The ArenaBowl XXIV Champion Jacksonville Sharks announced
Sunday that WR/DB Terrance Smith has been activated from the Arena Football
League's "refused to report" list.
The 25-year-old Smith (6’2, 195) is set to begin his second season with
the Sharks and in the AFL. He played in 16 games during the 2011 regular season, finishing tied for second on the team with six interceptions. Smith proved
to be dangerous with the ball in his hands, returning two of those interceptions
for touchdowns. The only Shark to record multiple “pick-sixes” in 2011, Smith
returned a fumble for a touchdown as well.
Smith finished the year with 65.5 total tackles and 51 solo tackles, ranking third on the team in both categories. He added 16.5 tackles and tied for the
team lead with seven pass breakups in the Sharks’ three playoff games.
Before coming to Jacksonville, Smith played wide receiver at South
Carolina State, where he caught 40 passes for 542 yards and four touchdowns as
a senior in 2009. He also spent time with the Green Bay Packers prior to the
2010 NFL season. Smith is a native of Aiken, SC.
In another Sunday transaction, the team announced that FB Rustin
Phillips has been placed on the physically unable to perform list.
Track And Field Opens Outdoor Season At UNF
The JU track & field team switches gears to the outdoor campaign Friday
when it starts the season with the UNF Spring Break Open at Hodges Stadium
in Jacksonville, Fla.
The Dolphins are back in action for the first time in two weeks since winning their seventh consecutive A-Sun Indoor Track & Field Championship on
Feb. 18.
Hodges Stadium will also be the site of the A-Sun Outdoor Track & Field
Championships in April. JU has won the last six conference outdoor titles,
including the last three at Hodges Stadium.
“We look forward to getting the season started, especially in the outdoor
specific events like the hammer, discus, 400 hurdles and 4 x 100 relay,” JU head
coach Ron Grigg said. “Many other athletes will be competing in secondary
events, as we start our progression toward the A-Sun Championships in late
Tiger Woods In Florida
For Honda Classic
Florida/Geogria Star
Tiger Woods was in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida last weekend for the
Honda Classic. Always the professional, Woods was a little concerned about his
play on opening day.
“I hit a lot of pure putts today [Thursday]”, he said during a press conference. “ They rolled over a lot of edges. They just didn't quite go in. But wasn't disappointed with my lines. A couple bad reads out there. The grain kind of
snagged it harder or less than I expected, but overall I hit the ball very good with
my putts.”
He noted that the green was a little bit of a challenge.
“ They are hard to hit the putts hard enough for me. I find that they look
faster than they are putting,” he said. “I had to get committed to hitting the putts
harder and getting past the hole, and when I start doing that, I will make the
putts. But consequently, I also 3-putted one, too. I whipped it by there.”
Woods added that he didn't get a whole lot out of his round but hoped
Friday would be better.
All in all, he was humbled by the reception he received.
“It was incredible” he said on Thursday. “It's just pretty neat to be able
to play in front of people like this. This is my new hometown. I live here. For
everyone to come out and support this event, obviously with the charities
involves, the Nicklaus family, it's a fantastic event.”
MARCH 3, 2012
WHAT HAPPENS when a beneficiary on a life insurance policy dies before the
named insured dies? To understand this question, one must first understand that there
are three people on every life insurance policy; some of these three people may be
the same person. 1) The owner of the policy is the one who purchases the policy
and is responsible for making premium payments and designating the beneficiary. 2)
The beneficiary is the person who will receive payment upon the death of the insured,
and maybe the same person as the owner. 3) The insured is the person whose death
triggers the payment to the beneficiary. If the beneficiary dies before the insured and
there is no alternate beneficiary, then the policy proceeds are paid into the estate of
the insured. This is a situation where if the insured had a Will, the Will would determine how the policy proceeds are distributed. If there is no Will, then the Florida
Probate Code would determine how the policy proceeds would be distributed.
SITUATION: Mary, as owner, purchased a life insurance policy on the life of her
sister, Debra, the insured. Because she was the owner, Mary also designated herself
as the beneficiary of the policy. Mary made all premium payments on the policy for
10 years until it was paid up and no further premium payments were required. Then
Mary died. Five years later her sister, Debra (the insured) died. The life insurance
company spent about one year sending correspondence to Mary requesting that she
file a claim to collect the policy proceeds. It was finally determined that Mary had
died before Debra. It was then clear that an estate had to be opened for Debra so that
policy proceeds could be paid into the estate and distributed in accordance with the
Florida Probate Code.
RESULT: Debra’s children were scattered around the Country with no clear addresses or contact information. However, there was no information that they were
deceased. Therefore, when an estate was opened for Debra, the policy proceeds
where paid into the estate. However, none of the beneficiaries of the estate (Debra’s
children) could be located. Then, after one year, the money was paid by the probate
Court into the unclaimed proceeds fund for the State of Florida.
PREPLANNING CAN HELP; WE CAN HELP: Our caring and professional staff
includes funeral directors, attorneys, counselors and insurance agents.
What Every Woman Must Know About Men Who Stray
by Maxwell Billieon and Ray J
So many are saying that
the loved Witney Houston
had more than a friendship
with Ray J. That has not
been proven or admitted.
But one thing, Ray J’s
book is now out - DEATH
Ray J serving as a fascinating case study--reveals
the hidden truth about
unfaithful men and exposes
why he believes deceitfulness is the primary cause of
the demise of the American
family. As Billieon outlines, step-by-step, what
women need to know about
how and why men manipulate their emotions, coauthor Ray J applies
Billieon’s tenets to transform his own life from that
of a reckless and indifferent playboy to a man capable of a committed and loving relationship. In a forthright,
no-holds-bar style that is reiniscent of Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Billieron
examines male cheating from a global perspective and reveals why powerful men
such as John F. Kennedy, Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger achieve incredible milestones in extraordinary ways but can’t manage to avoid the temptations of
cheating. He also teaches women:
*how to stop enabling men to cheat;
*how to create the “New Monogamy”;
*how to recognize the signs that a man is cheating;
*the difference between being faithful and being committed;
*the danger of choosing pockets over pedigree;
*how to know when it’s time to “pull a Yoko Ono.”
At the heart of DEATH OF A CHEATING MAN is the chapter entitled “The Six
Virtues of a New Man,” which Billieon notes is a list of the fundamentals every man
needs to reinvent himself from a cheater to a reformed man.
Billieon also points out that men should not look at their decisions or their outcomes as right or wrong. “See them as consequences you can or cannot live with and
base the outcome on how it affects you and others,” he says.
MARCH 3, 2012
Investigative Reporter: Lonzie Leath
Reporters/Photographers: Marsha Phelts, Laurence Greene,
F. M. Powell, III, Michael Phelts, Richard McLaughlin,
Andrea F. K. Ortiz, Angela Morrell, and Cheryl Williams
Columnists: Ulysses Watkins, Jr., M.D., Ester Davis, Lucius Gantt,
Ask Deanna, Cynthia Ferrell, Delores Mainor Woods, Farris Long
Distribution and Sales: Abeye Ayele, Cassie Williams,
Shiquita Wilson, David Scott
The First Coast Workforce Development, Inc.,
(DBA WorkSource), will release an Invitationto- Negotiate on Monday, February 27, 2012 for
Website Design, Maintenance & Hosting
services to be performed July 1, 2012 through
June 30, 2013 with an annual option to renew
for up to 4 additional years.
The First Coast Workforce Development, Inc.,
(DBA WorkSource), will release an Invitationto- Negotiate on Monday, February 27, 2012 for
Financial Auditing services to be performed
July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 with an
annual option to renew for up to 4 additional
A copy of the request will be available beginning Monday, February 27, 2012 at
equest_for_proposals.aspx or at 1845 Town
Center Blvd., Suite 250, Fleming Island, FL
32003. For additional information contact: D.
Nevison 904/213-3800, x-2010. DEADLINE
TO SUBMIT 11 AM (EST) April 2, 2012.
A copy of the request will be available beginning Monday, February 27, 2012 at
equest_for_proposals.aspx or at 1845 Town
Center Blvd., Suite 250, Fleming Island, FL
32003. For additional information contact: D.
Nevison 904/213-3800, x-2010. DEADLINE
TO SUBMIT 11:00 AM (EST) April 2, 2012.
TEL: (904) 766-8834
FAX: (904) 765-1673
(912) 264-3137 Georgia
Serving St. Johns, Clay, Duval, Nassau,
Alachua, Flagler, Marion, McIntosh,
Camden And Glynn County
Margarita Cadenas of Lyons, GA will be hiring
140 temporary farm workers. Needed from 330-2012 through 5-15-2012 @ 40 Hours per
week. Duties include, Harvesting of Vidalia
Onions. Wage is $9.39 per hr. or the prevailing
wage rate. Guarantee of 3/4 of total hours
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The Florida Star / The Georgia Star
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Christopher Martin of Hazlehurst, GA will be
hiring 3 temporary farm workers. Needed from 41-2012 through 12-30-2012 @ 40 Hours per
week. Duties include; Tractor knowledge, Plant
Harvest and Maintenance for Cotton, Weat,
Corn and Soybeans. Wage is $9.39 per hr. or
the prevailing wage rate. Guarantee of 3/4 of
total hours offered.
Employer furnishes work tools, supplies and
equipment. Free housing is provided for workers that cannot reasonably return home at the
end of the day. Transportation and subsistence
expense provided with completion of 50% of
the work contract.
Employer furnishes work tools, supplies and
equipment. Free housing is provided for workers
that cannot reasonably return home at the end of
the day. Transportation and subsistence
expense provided with completion of 50% of the
work contract.
Maria Rodriquez of Lyons, GA will be hiring
49 temporary farm workers. Needed from 4-102012 through 6-10-2012 @ 40 Hours per week.
Duties include, Harvesting of Vidalia Onions.
Wage is $9.39 per hr. or the prevailing wage
rate. Guarantee of 3/4 of total hours offered.
Tom Meeks of Alma, GA will be hiring 20 temporary farm workers. Needed from 3-20-2012
through 12-20-2012 @ 40 Hours per week.
Duties include, Harvesting and maintenance
of Blueberries. Wage is $9.39 per hr. or the
prevailing wage rate. Guarantee of 3/4 of total
hours offered.
Employer furnishes work tools, supplies and
equipment. Free housing is provided for workers that cannot reasonably return home at the
end of the day. Transportation and subsistence
expense provided with completion of 50% of
the work contract.
Employer furnishes work tools, supplies and
equipment. Free housing is provided for workers that cannot reasonably return home at the
end of the day. Transportation and subsistence
expense provided with completion of 50% of
the work contract.
DONNA Hernandez of Lyons, GA will be hiring 74 temporary farm
workers. Needed from 4-15-2012 through 6-25-2012 @ 40 Hours per
week. Duties include, Harvesting of Blueberries. Wage is $9.39 per hr.
or the prevailing wage rate. Guarantee of 3/4 of total hours offered.
Employer furnishes work tools, supplies and equipment. Free housing is
provided for workers that cannot reasonably return home at the end of
the day. Transportation and subsistence expense provided with completion of 50% of the work contract.
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MARCH 3, 2012
. Did you know that Civil Rights demonstrations and black sit-ins that began
on August 13, 1960, led to "Ax Handle Saturday", on August 27, 1960. On this
day, a group of 200 middle aged and older white men (allegedly some were also
members of the Ku Klux Klan) gathered in Hemming Park armed with baseball bats and ax handles. They attacked the protesters conducting sit-ins. The
violence spread, and the white mob started attacking all African-Americans in
sight. Rumors were rampant on both sides that the unrest was spreading
around the county (in reality, the violence stayed in relatively the same location,
and did not spill over into the mostly-white, upper-class Cedar Hills neighborhood, for example). A black street gang called the "Boomerangs" attempted to
protect the demonstrators. Police, who had not intervened when the protesters
were attacked, now became involved, arresting members of the Boomerangs
and other black residents who attempted to stop the beatings.
MARCH 3, 2012
PR - 1
Mayor Brown’s College Student Aid Workshops Announced
Local Chamber of Commerce Partners with City and Area Schools for FAFSA Guidance
Mayor Alvin Brown has announced an initiative aimed at helping more
area students receive financial assistance to go to college. Mayor Brown’s College Student Aid Workshops is a public-private partnership to assist aspiring
Omega Men!
Tony Hill and friends stand
in front of a statue of Dr. King at
Florida college campus.
The statue was created by
artist Jasu Shilpi. Shilpi is the
same artist who created the bronze
University of North Florida. This Gandhi statute that is also located
is the first statue of Dr. Martin on the UNF campus, according to
Luther King Jr., to be placed on a a news release from the school.
college students in completing their Free Application for Federal Student Aid
at no cost to the student or taxpayers.
“This will help students overcome the hurdles in college enrollment,” said
Mayor Brown.
The seven workshops will be facilitated by trained volunteers from the
Indo-U.S. Chamber of Commerce of Northeast Florida. Financial aid directors
from Edward Waters College, Florida State College at Jacksonville, Jacksonville University and the University of North Florida will not only train the
volunteers, but also be on hand to answer questions.
Volunteers from the Indo-U.S. Chamber will help students and parents fill
out and complete the application, thus increasing the students’ chances at crucial financial aid.
“It is important for them to get into college and be able to get the necessary resources that they need,” said Mayor Alvin Brown. “What better way
than to partner with all of these colleges and universities?”
“The students will get an opportunity to essentially tap financial aid. That
is one of the key determinants to see if they afford college,” said Dr. Pramod
Jain, President of the Indo-U.S. Chamber. “If we can help them get into college
with financial aid, what better contribution to the community than that?”
The first workshop will be held Saturday March 31st at Andrew Jackson
High School from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For a complete list of the workshops and
more information, visit http://www.coj.net/fafsaworkshops.
MARCH 3, 2012
PR - 2
How To Make A Great First
Likewise, discover what you like about the person with whom you’re
talking. They won’t always be apparent, but in the face of differences, find
commonalities. Focus on parallel life experiences and shared feelings. Happier, more comfortable relationships will be your result.
Be Yourself
“There’s no need to fake it,” says Lederman. “The real you is the best
you, and it’s the most powerful tool for forming real connections.”
There is no “right” way to interact with new people. Everyone has his
or her own style. So show your authentic self and people should respond in
kind, laying the bedrock for mutual understanding.
Don’t plaster on a fake smile. Even when talking to someone unpleasant, you usually can find something you admire about the person. Concentrate on positives and your conversation will transform for the better.
More tips on making a winning first impression can be found in the
book “The 11 Laws of Likability,” published by AMACOM Books, or online
at www.michelletillislederman.com.
Meeting new people is not always easy but with a positive attitude and
a genuine smile you can make those first seconds count in your favor.
Are You Ready For March Madness?
PHOTO SOURCE: (c) Getty Images - Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc.
(StatePoint) First impressions can last a long time, if not forever!
So whether you’re interviewing for a big job, having lunch with soonto-be in-laws or simply meeting people at a party, the initial get-together can
be crucial.
“There’s no need to stress about first impressions. Relax and just be
yourself,” says Michelle Tillis Lederman, author of the new book, “The 11
Laws of Likability,” and founder and CEO of Executive Essentials. “The first
dialogue with an important new contact can be as easy, enjoyable and fulfilling as a conversation with old friends.”
To help people stop stressing over potential social pitfalls, Lederman
offers several key tips for social situations.
Be Curious
Break the ice in any social situation by asking open-ended questions.
Most people love to talk about themselves, so don’t hesitate to rely on the tried
and true, “What do you do?” Hobbies, interests, and goals are terrific topics that
engage people. Be sure to pay attention so you can ask follow-up questions
that show you’ve been listening.
Probe with curiosity, but don’t interrogate. If you hit a brick wall, don’t
panic. Simply change the conversation. “Your goal is to uncover what you
might have in common and what value you might bring to that person,” stresses
Lederman, who is also a faculty member of the American Management Association.
Be Likable
The best interactions we have are with the people we genuinely care
for, and people like to do business and build relationships with people they
like. To be liked, figure out what makes you uniquely likable and put forth a
sincere positive energy when meeting someone for the first time.
(SPM Wire) Catch the excitement of
March Madness, even if you’re a basketball
novice. There are many ways to
predict NCAA Tournament brackets without needing to know the difference between
a layup and a dribble.
Pick by Mascot: Sure, this is the
clichéd way to pick winners. But when else
can you choose between an Orangeman and
Blue Devil?
Pick by Personal Connection: Second cousin went to Purdue? Go Boilermakers! Once drove through Madison? Wisconsin’s the pick.
Pick Against Your Basketball Obsessed Friends: The NCAA Tournament is unpredictable. No matter how much people may know, one upset will
derail their brackets faster than they can say “Gonzaga.” Plus, with a surprise
win, you’ll have bragging rights through next March.
Spring Is On The Way
(SPM Wire) No matter if their winter was blustery or mild, many
Americans are eagerly looking forward to spring. The first official day of the
season, however, has nothing to do with groundhogs.
Set for March 20th this year, the Vernal Equinox is one of only two
days in the year with nearly equal daylight and dark. Worldwide, cultures celebrate the astronomical occurrence of the sun crossing the celestial equator. In
the Northern Hemisphere, festivities take place to mark rebirth and coming
warmer days.
Easter, Nowruz (the Persian New Year) and Higan (a Japanese Buddhist tradition) are just a few examples of spring celebrations. The start of
spring is a great time to learn about cultural traditions, or simply to put your
coat in storage.
MARCH 3, 2012
PR - 3
MARCH 3, 2012
Black Male Teachers
Becoming Extinct
(CNN) – Take a
moment and think
of all the teachers
you had between
pre-K and twelfth
Now, how many
of them were
black men?
For most people, this question won’t take
too long to answer. That’s because less than two
percent of America’s teachers are black men, according to the Department of Education.
That is less than 1 in 50 teachers.
Terris King, 25, a kindergarten teacher at
the Bishop John T. Walker School in Washington
D.C., believes that for African-American children,
having a strong role model in front of them can
make a huge difference.
“I fit a void in their lives,” King
says, “A lot of them have never felt what
it feels like to shake a man’s hand, [have
him] look them in the eye, and tell them
right from wrong. They need those
things. They need someone in their lives
who’s strong—they need an African
American male in their lives that’s positive.”
This year, King has just over
fifty African-American children from
low-income households in his classes.
“I look out of my window, and I
see gentlemen that are standing on the
corner, and I look at my boys, and I can
say to myself what I’m going to teach in
a day about what’s right and what’s
wrong, might turn the path a little bit.”
It’s this kind of impact that Education Secretary Arne Duncan says he is
trying to replicate in classrooms around
the country. He launched the Teach campaign and is actively trying to recruit
more African-American men to go into
teaching straight out of college.
“I think all of our students benefit from having a black male in the classroom,” Duncan says, “But particularly
our young black males. I think what we
haven’t talked about enough is that we’re
competing with the gangs, we’re com-
peting with the drug dealers on the corner, and
when students fall through the cracks, when young
people don’t have that positive mentor, in a school
setting, in the church or community, there’s always
a guy on the street corner that can say come my
But if you ask most African-American men
why they don’t teach, they’ll tell you—-it just doesn’t pay the bills. King says, “Historically in our society there is an expectation that a man provides for
their family. This is an added pressure, that warns
against men becoming teachers because of the
The newly launched RESPECT Project is
one way the Department of Education is trying to
do just that. By offering incentives to teachers and
school districts that will increase starting salaries
and provide more professional development and
training among other things, Secretary Duncan
hopes to eliminate barriers and concerns that may
keep qualified candidates away.
“There are African American men all over
PR - 4
the country with skills, and with passion, that can
serve these boys in so many capacities that they
don’t even know,” King says. “It makes a huge difference because [the students] are able to be comfortable with themselves, they’re able to see what
they’ll become one day, and if those images are positive, it raises their self identity to another level.”
King hopes that by reaching his young
black boys early, he’ll be able to help them build a
strong educational foundation that will allow them
to buck another troubling trend: the low number of
African American males entering and graduating
from college. A recent report from the Department
of Education showed that males are now a distinct
minority on campus–even at historically black colleges and universities.
“Its an honor for me to be here with them.
I feel like I’m a part of a revolution in a sense because we get to see the future leaders of tomorrow
starting right here. I think at Bishop Walker School,
we really believe in our boys and we really believe
that they can be anything that they want to be.”
MARCH 03 , 2012
C&J 1
Crime and Justice
A Publication of the Florida Star and Georgia Star
As an African - American newspaper, we basically report on offenses committed by African - Americans. Please note that in our
observations, weekly reports show that African - Americans DO NOT commit the largest percentage of criminal offenses in this area.
Gang Members Arrested for Car Break-Ins
Three men were arrested on suspicion of breaking into dozens of cars.
The three suspects were said to be in a gang
known as the “Felony Lane” gang. The gang used stolen
ATM cards and forged checks at bank drive-throughs in
the past and they are known to break into vehicles, especially at hotel and restaurant parking lots. According
tot he reports, the three suspects drove a rented black
Jeep Cherokee to use for the crime. They often have a
Kelvin Washington
female, typically a drug user or a prostitute, to rent vehicles using a stolen ID.
An unmarked unit was being driven by a detective, who spotted the Jeep
switching over lanes quickly without signaling and crossing over a gore area.
This lead the detective to conduct a traffic stop on the
vehicle. Two of the men had their driver’s licenses, while
the other didn’t. The person who rented the vehicle was
not with the three suspects. A search of the vehicle revealed dozens of credit cards, debit cards, and gift cards.
Cell phones, GPS devices, and cameras were also found.
Police say a punch tool and a screwdriver was used to
break into the cars and they also found out the break-ins
happened at a hotel within the hour of the arrest.
Kevin Patterson
As the three suspects were being interviewed,
victims were calling 911 saying their cars had broken into. One of the victims
gave them her phone number and when she dialed it, one of the stolen phones
started to ring.
Police arrested Kelvin Washington, 26; Kevin
Patterson, 32; and Dwight Evans, 28. They have all been
charged with 5 counts each of entering auto offenses,
possession of tools used in the commission of crimes and
financial transaction card fraud. According to the reports,
they all have extensive criminal history with numerous
entering auto and other offenses. They are also being
held without bond.
Police encourage people to not keep their valuDwight Evans
ables in their vehicles.
U.S. Navy Employee and Police Officer Exchange Fists
A U.S. Navy employee was arrested after accidentally getting into a fight with a police officer.
An officer arrived at a club in response to a
fight that broke out. There was a large crowd around
a security officer, who had a man pinned on the
Police went to break up the crowd and one ofBrian Bethea ficer approached 25-year-old Brian Keith Bethea,
who lunged and started punching another man.
When an officer pulled Bethea away from the crowd, he
pushed him away. The officers were in their uniforms and the officer
identified himself. Bethea was also told to calm down and to step outside. When the officer tried to escort him, Bethea started swinging.
Bethea and the officer exchanged blows and a fist fight ensued. He
stopped throwing punches after realizing he was fighting a police officer, who was left with a bloody nose. He then told police that he didn’t know he was fighting an officer and said he only started swinging
after the officer threw the first punch.
Bethea was arrested and charged with felony battery on a law
enforcement officer. He was released on $5,003 bail.
MARCH 03 , 2012
C&J 2
HH! From Actual Police Reports
Did You Hear About?...
All suspects are deemed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. The Sheriff’s Office reports
are a matter of public record. The Star seeks to educate in the hope of keeping our community safe.
Man Arrested for Breeding Dogs to Fight
A man was arrested for breeding dogs to
fight and 17 dogs were rescued.
The police have been investigating the
case with the Human Society of the United
States (HSUS) for more than a year. Willie
B. Coleman was arrested at his home and
confiscated the dogs he had in the backyard. The dogs were all American pit bull
Willie Coleman terriers, ranging from juvenile to adult ages.
Some of the dogs had scars from injuries and also mutilated
faces. One of the dogs were found with missing lips. The yard,
where the dogs were found, was surrounded by a chain link
fence with barbed wire on the top.
Willie B. Coleman, 69, was said to have hit the HSUS
radars three years ago after someone had called in to give them
a tip, but there was not enough evidence. Coleman’s home was
finally raided after enough investigation.
Coleman was arrested and charged with 17 counts of
animal fighting and one count of possessing equipment used
for animal fighting. The charges carry a penalty of up to five
years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
Florida is said to be a popular place for dog fighting
and brings in people from all over the country for the fights,
which involves a lot of money. Dog fighting is also a felony in
all 50 states.
The HSUS offers rewards up to $5,000 for information
leading to the arrest and conviction of people involved in illegal animal fighting. Call 877-TIP-HSUS (877-847-4787) to
report any type of illegal animal fighting. Callers will remain
DNA on Dropped Mask Leads to Arrest
A man had gotten away with robbery, until
police were able to identify the suspect with
the DNA on the mask that was dropped.
21-year-old Taurian Jarell Crosby was said
to have entered a store around midnight in
November of last year. Crosby displayed a gun
and pointed it at a female clerk, who he then
grabbed and dragged into an office in the store.
Taurian Crosby
Crosby came in contact with the manager
and also grabbed her as well. He then took cash from the safe and
fled the store. Witnesses say they saw Crosby drop his mask on the
sidewalk as he was running away, which was recovered by police.
After some investigation, technicians were able to match the
DNA on the mask with Crosby’s and an arrest was made. Crosby
was charged with robbery and two counts of battery. He is being held
without bond.
Your Safety
Carjacking is a crime of opportunity — a criminal searching for the most vulnerable potential victim. Sometimes it is the first step in another crime.
If It Happens to You
• If the carjacker threatens you with a gun or other weapon, GIVE UP YOUR
CAR! Don’t argue. Your life is definitely worth more than a car!
• Get away from the area as quickly as possible.
• Try to remember what the carjacker looked like — sex, race, age, hair and eye
color, special features, clothes.
Reducing Your Risk of Becoming a Victim
• Walk with purpose and STAY ALERT!
• Be wary of people asking for directions or handing out fliers. TRUST YOUR
INSTINCTS! If something makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, get into your
car quickly, lock the doors and drive away.
• ALWAYS approach your car with the key in your hand.
• Look around, under and inside the car before you get in.
When you are on the road
• ALWAYS keep your doors locked and windows rolled up (if it’s hot and you
don’t have air conditioning,
roll them up at least partway) no matter how short
the distance you’re traveling
or how safe the neighborhood.
• Drive in the center lane to
make it harder for potential
carjackers to approach the
• AVOID driving alone.
Travel with someone whenever possible, especially at
• When you are coming to a
stop, leave enough room to
maneuver around other cars,
especially if you sense trou- Would you like to stay connected with your loved
ble and need to get away.
ones on lock down in jail, or prison?
• Always drive with the
Anyone gone but not forgotten that you want to
doors locked. If a thief can’t
encourage? Get connected and keep a
get in your vehicle, you
CONNECTION through our new
stand a better chance of
leaving with it.
Call, Write, Email, or Fax to us titled:
• DON’T stop to assist a
CONNECTION, $10 - 3 lines of text only
stranger whose car has bro(Total 18 words) With PICTURE included $25.
ken down. You can help
instead by driving to the
Contact G’ @ 904-766-8834 or Email
nearest phone (or using your G@thefloridastar.com send all correspondence
cell phone) to call police for
to P.O. Box 40629, Jacksonville, FL 32203
MARCH 03, 2012
Bizarre Crimes
C&J 3
who, what, when...huh?
Robber Drops Gun and Tries to Buy it Back Later
Man Robs Bank and Spends Money on Losing Lottery Tickets
A man was arrested after dropping a gun during a
robbery and later trying to buy it back.
Cedrick Mitchell, 39, had barged into a motel room,
where two men were inside, and asked for pills. When
they told him they didn’t have any, Mitchell displayed a
black handgun from his waistband and demanded everything they had.
Instead of giving in, the men decided to fight. During
Cedrick Mitchell the dispute, Mitchell dropped the gun from his hand and
one of the men pepper sprayed his face. Mitchell then fled the room.
Mitchell returned to the motel room moments later, begging the two
men that he wanted to buy the gun he had dropped for $40. They did not give
him the gun back, but instead, pepper sprayed him in the face again for the
second time. He then ran away again.
The men in the motel room called 911to report what had happened.
Police arrived to the motel and one of the officers spotted Mitchell, who was
immediately chased down.
Mitchell was arrested and charged with home invasion robbery and
resisting arrest without bond.
A man had robbed a bank and lost all his
money after using it on losing lottery tickets.
60-year-old Ronald Paul Silva went to a bank
and handed the teller a blank deposit slip. The
teller gave the slip back to Silva, telling him it
was blank. Silva then handed the teller a black
bag and a note attached to it, saying that it was a
When the teller told him she didn’t have
Ronald Silva
much money to give him, he pulled a gun from
his waistband and displayed it to her. The gun was actually a pellet
Silva got away with a stack of $5 dollar bills, which totaled
up to $130. He then went down the street to a Kangaroo store, where
he spent all the money he stole from the bank, on losing lottery tickets. He left the store as he was from the start, empty handed.
Silva was arrested the next day after investigators were provided with tips. He was charged with armed robbery, displaying a
weapon during a felony and theft.
Other Unusual Crimes Across the Nation
Man Arrested for Having Two Wives
Memphis, TN- It is illegal to be married to more than one person.
47-year-old Boi Jones was arrested after his first wife found out
about his second wife, whom he lived with for more than a year
when he told her he needed some “time away.” Reverend Earle
Fisher, who performed the wedding ceremony last year for Jones’ second marriage, said he had no knowledge of the man’s first marriage. Jones was charged
with bigamy, which is the crime of marrying a second time while a previous marriage is still in effect legally. His bond is set at $1,500 and in Tennessee, bigamy
is only a misdemeanor.
Man Shoots Wife, Daughter, and Kills Family Bird
St. Louis, MO- Police say 25-year-old Antonio Green shot his
wife and 3-year-old daughter in the head with a starter pistol,
which shot blanks. He was also said to have doused them with
lighter fluid. The girl was also said to have been hung by her neck
with a leash. Police were called after the gunshots were heard and Green surrendered after a standoff. He threw the gun out the door and came out with the baby
in his arms. Police also found the family pet bird dead and mutilated. Jones’ wife
and daughter were taken to the hospital and his wife was treated and released,
while the baby had to remain in the hospital for observation. Jones was arrested
and faces multiple charges including kidnapping, assault, armed criminal action,
and animal abuse. He is being held on a $1 million bond.
Man Arrested Claimed Five Japanese Men Killed His Wife
Police arrived to the home of Jesse Armstrong, 60, and found
his wife dead on the living room floor. Armstrong told them
that five Japanese men broke into the home, raped his wife,
and strangled her. He also said they bit his hand when he tried
to fight them off. Police found a glass pipe at the scene with white residue,
which was suspected to be cocaine. A small plastic bag was found with more
of the substance. When asking neighbors about Armstrong’s story, they said
Japanese men breaking into homes in their neighborhood didn’t sound right.
Armstrong was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery on $50,000
bond. Records show this was not the first time Armstrong had been arrested
and in 2005, he was charged for making a false report of a crime.
Man Steals From Cemetery and Gives to People as Gifts
Registered sex offender Jimmy Ray Goodall, 59, was reported
to have stolen items that were placed on grave sites and giving
them as gifts to neighbors. He took them from graves of all
kinds of people, including kids and war veterans. An employee
gave police Goodall’s license plate number and they went to his home.
Goodall was arrested on malicious acts at a cemetery, possession of stolen
property and failure to comply with sex offender registration requirements.He
is reported to have stolen $3,000 worth of items from the grave sites.
MARCH 03, 2012
C&J 4
Criminal Line-Up
Name: Gwendolyn B.
Age: 17
Weight: 120 lbs
Last seen: 2/14/12
Name: Natacha Sainteus
Age: 16
Weight: 170 lbs
Last seen: 2/10/12
Name: Carmen McQueen
Age: 17
Weight: 145 lbs
Last seen: 2/16/12
Name: Carmen L. Chamblee
Weight: 120 lbs
Last seen: 2/14/12
Name: Allatawanna L.
Age: 15
Weight: 110 lbs
Last seen: 2/17/12
Armed Robbery Suspect
Police responded to a robbery of an individual at an ATM. According to the victim a black male,
approximately 30 years old, wearing a blue jacket and holding a silver handgun approached her driver's door from behind and stated, "give me your money." The victim stated that she did not have any
money and sped away from the scene.
Anyone with any information about this armed robbery suspect is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at
1-866-845-TIPS or email at rewards@fccrimestoppers.com. You will remain anonymous and receive
a possible reward if your tip leads to an arrest.
Channel 99 @ 10:30pm
• Get your story to the public.
• Help reduce crime.
• Expose your talents.
Contact: (904) 437-0309
Name: Rebecca Marie
Offense: Traffic in Stolen
Name: Vanessa Bagley
Offense: Burglary
Assault Any Person
Name: Dywaine E. Anglin
Offense: Traffic in Stolen
Email: stvtvshow@yahoo.com
Be Useful, Never Giving In. Get Involved Today
Citizens with tips are encouraged to call Crime Stoppers at 1-866-845-TIPS. You can remain anonymous and become eligible for a reward.