Mothers Hold their child’s hand for a moment Lifetime.


Mothers Hold their child’s hand for a moment Lifetime.
 Monthly News – Carlswald House Preparatory
April 2012
Principal’s Message
Hold their child’s hand for a moment
And their hearts for a
Sunday the 13 May is Mother’s Day. It is a day where mothers the world over are
celebrated and acknowledged for the tremendous influence that they have on their own
children and on the next generation of adults. Motherhood is not always easy, in fact I
am sure that there are times in every mother’s life when the following thought crosses her
mind – “Why did I ever decide to have children!!” However, for the vast majority of
mothers, that is a very fleeting thought. We revel in our children, and believe that they are
the most precious of gifts. We forget about the tough times and the sleepless nights –
that is as it should be – our children truly are gifts to be treasured!
And so I wish each of our 345 and CHP mothers a very blessed and happy Mother’s Day.
May you be thoroughly spoilt by your children and receive hugs and kisses aplenty.
The very exciting first term is now behind us and we are gearing ourselves up for a busy second term. I would like
to take this chance to reflect on some of the events of the first term:
345 and CHP held two very successful Open Days. Prospective parents were extremely
complimentary of our facilities and the general “feel” of our school. Karen Beevers and I have
been inundated with queries about enrolment, and the future of both 345 and CHP looks good.
We said a sad good-bye to Karon Pierson at the end of March, but are happy in the knowledge
that we will still see her occasionally. She is still very much part of 345 and CHP.
We are delighted that the astroturf has now been laid on our sports facility. The children will be
starting to use it this week.
The Grade Ones have completed their first term of ‘big school’. All of them are in the process of
mastering the skills of reading, writing and numeracy. Their first formal school reports were sent
out and a successful Parents’ Evening was held.
Below are a few examples of the children’s holiday news. They wrote these sentences on their
own. Well done boys and girls!
McCullagh and Bothwell notified us during the holidays that the new Grade 0 uniforms and
Grade 1 sports uniforms were ready. As you can see from the photos, our Grade 0s arrived on
the first day of term looking so smart and proud of themselves!
Moms and Dads, please remember to put the shorts underneath the tracksuit pants so that as the day
warms up your child can take off the tracksuit and play in the t-shirt and shorts. This also saves on the
‘wear and tear’ of the expensive tracksuit.
Uniform Recap:Grade 0
Navy blue sports shorts
A green/red golf shirt with embroidered badge
A navy blue sweatshirt with embroidered badge
A CHP tracksuit
White socks
White trainers
Navy blue sports shorts
A green/red golf shirt with embroidered badge
A navy blue sweatshirt with embroidered badge
White socks
White trainers
Navy blue sports or school shorts (boys)
Navy blue sports shorts (girls)
A white golf shirt with embroidered badge
CHP jersey
A CHP tracksuit
White socks
White trainers
Navy blue school shorts (boys)
Navy blue skirt (girls)
A white golf shirt with embroidered badge
CHP jersey
White socks
White trainers
Grade 1 Sports Uniform (not compulsory for 2012)
Navy blue sports shorts
A green/red golf shirt with embroidered badge
A CHP tracksuit
White socks
White trainers
Kind regards
Megan Raines
Happy Birthday to all our little ones for April
Photos are on the communicator to view
We hope that everyone had a lovely day.
Congratulations to the Muleso family on the
birth of their baby daughter.
Our thoughts are with the Marais family as they
mourn the loss of their mom and granny.
Messages from the Teachers
Winter is around the corner and coughs, colds and flu are becoming more
prevalent. Please DO NOT send your child to school with a temperature, or if
he/she is feeling ill. It is not fair to your child, it is not fair to the rest of the
children and it is not fair to the teachers. The teachers are not permitted to
dispense medicine during the day. It is also not wise for you to medicate your
child before he/she comes to school – a medicated child is not as alert as he/she
should be, and accidents are more likely to happen.
Please remember to put your child’s name on all clothing, especially the costly
school uniforms which are all alike and therefore difficult to identify.
Please check and sign your child’s homework/message book every day.
Please contact the sports coaches directly regarding the extra-mural sports.
School Communicator
Please ensure that you have all loaded the Communicator onto your computers! As you
will see we are slowly phasing out the newsletter. The communicator will be our only
means of communication with parents. If it is not loaded, you will miss out on important
information from the school. Please return the disc to the school once you have loaded
Admin – School fees
Please be reminded that school fees are payable in advance by the 5th of the month.
It would be greatly appreciated if parents could settle their accounts timeously. For
any queries please contact Karen Beevers on 082 373 4451 or email
MySchool Card
Thank you to all of the parents and families for supporting MySchool card.
Well done to the following top three families for using their MySchool card while
The Samson Family, The Roodt Family and The Riggs Family
If you would like to order your very own MySchool card please contact Karen in the
office, or order online at Any friends or members of your family
may have a MySchool Card to support our school. “Happy Shopping”
Dates to diarise
13th May
Mother’s Day
19th May
Sports Day (letter re arrangements to follow)
27th June
Puppet Show
29th June
Close at 12pm (Half term Break)
9th July
Return to CHP (Half term Break Ends)
Terms for 2012
Term 2
2 May–8 August
Term 3
11 September–7 December