Document 6454587
Document 6454587
Introduction Real Gains will provide you with the quality calories you need to grow. Just add to your beverage of choice and drink up. But why not add more? More ingredients means more flavor, more nutrients, more calories…more size. We shouted out to the members of UniversalUSA and asked them to submit their favorite Real Gains shake recipes to us. And, after careful review and lots of taste testing, we picked the best of the bunch and pulled ‘em together for you, along with other helpful tips on using Real Gains. While the recipes that follow are some favorites of ours, with six great tasting flavors of Real Gains to start with, the options are endless. So go ahead…start blending. With Real Gains, size does matter. Flavors Banana Ice Cream Chocolate Ice Cream Chocolate Mint (NEW) Cookies & Cream Strawberry Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream All flavors available in 3.8 lb, 6.85 lb and 10.6 lb. 01 REAL GAINS INTRODUCTION Table Of Contents 3-6 7-10 11-12 13-14 15 16 17-18 About Real Gains Real Gains Chocolate Ice Cream Recipes Real Gains Vanilla Ice Cream Recipes Real Gains Cookies & Cream Recipes Real Gains Banana Ice Cream Recipes Real Gains Strawberry Ice Cream Recipes Recipe Index About Real Gains A weight gainer should provide a nutritionally dense blend of the core macronutrients (i.e., protein, carbohydrates and essential fats). It should be low in simple sugars, high in complex carbohydrates and contain high quality proteins such as whey and casein, which provide, respectively, a quick and a sustained release of key amino acids into your body. Fat content should also not be overlooked since added essential fats help to increase the calories of each shake and aid in natural hormone production. Real Gains is a high calorie, low sugar weight gainer that consists of a special blend of protein with a top-notch amino acid profile, complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids (EFAs). Real Gains takes whey protein (including isolates) and combines it with premium micellar casein, which, rather than being quickly absorbed, provides a steady stream of amino acids into the bloodstream. As a result, you get the best of both worlds. While whey is better at sparking muscle protein synthesis, micellar casein is superior in its ability to prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown), thus making the ideal protein blend. The formula also contains large amounts of complex carbs. Real Gains incorporates a blend of maltodextrin, which is a low DE complex carbohydrate. Maltodextrin contains “glucose polymers”, which are easier for the body to assimilate and use. Inulin, a special fiber, helps the growth of healthy intestinal flora, which can allow for better nutrient absorption. Finally, Real Gains is loaded 03 REAL GAINS INFORMATION with 6 grams of key fats from flaxseed oils (EFAs) and MCTs, which are included to aid in hormone production and cell membrane protection and growth, as well as overall daily nutritional needs. Real Gains is a fast, simple and tasty way to get in additional lean, quality calories and add serious size to your frame. Just one full serving of Real Gains will supply your body with 600+ clean calories and all the protein (50+ grams), complex carbs (80+ grams) and essential fatty acids you need to keep focused, energized, satisfied and, more importantly, growing. FAQs • Should I use a weight gainer? The first question you should ask yourself is, “Is my diet in order?” In other words, are you getting enough calories from whole foods? Food is anabolic. It is your first line of defense. If you don’t have your meals in order, then supplements aren’t going to work as effectively. A weight gaining supplement is not meant to be a substitute for food. It should “supplement” your existing food/meal plan. So, if you are eating clean whole foods but still need to take in additional calories to grow, a weight gainer may be for you. • Who should use a weight gainer? Basically, you can use a weight gainer if you’re looking to add extra calories to your diet. It might be a convenience issue—it’s a lot easier to mix up a pre-made shake than prepare a full meal. Or, it might be that you have a small appetite. A solid weight gainer, because it digests quickly and efficiently (improved “gastric emptying”), will make it possible to eat another meal without feeling overly “full”. One other thing to consider—ectomorphs and classic “hardgainers” stand to gain more from using a weight gainer as individuals with this body type tend to have a harder time putting on weight. • What’s the best time to use Real Gains? There really is no “right” time. Depending on your goals, Real Gains can be taken first thing in the morning, between meals, post-workout or before bed. You should tailor it to your needs and what you’re trying to accomplish. There is no “best” approach. • How often should I use Real Gains? This also depends on your goals. Real Gains is to be used to supplement the calories you are already getting from a balanced bodybuilding diet consisting of numerous daily whole food feedings. Depending on your diet and particular goals, anywhere from one to three times daily can lead to marked improvements. Experimenting is key. • Will taking Real Gains make me fat? Real Gains is low in fat and sugar. So, if the rest of your diet is clean, adding Real Gains will not make you fat. • What can I mix in with Real Gains? If you don’t have time to blend up one of the shake recipes in this booklet, you can mix Real Gains with water or milk. If you need some extra calories, skim milk does nicely. If you’re looking for slightly more calories, try whole milk. In any case, shoot for about 10-12 ounces of either water or milk, to taste. Because Real Gains uses instantized ingredients, you can actually mix the shake with a spoon if you want—a blender isn’t necessary. • What is the benefit of these recipes? The recipes in this booklet combine Real Gains with a variety of other ingredients, thus adding more calories, fats, carbs, etc. to your shake. So these recipes, in addition to being delicious, are perfect for hardgainers or anyone looking to get an even more massive calorie intake from a single shake. If you’re looking for a more clean bulk, however, stick with using Real Gains on its own, mixed with milk or water. 05 REAL GAINS INFORMATION Stacking Try stacking Real Gains with other Universal products. Recommended stacks: STACK 1: Real Gains and Storm About Storm: With an advanced delivery system, Storm efficiently shuttles four different types of creatine to your muscles, making it a complete, all-in-one creatine and cell volumizing supplement. STACK 2: Real Gains and Shock Therapy About Shock Therapy: When used before lifting, Shock Therapy will deliver unsurpassed “pumps”, energy and drive. It’s the ultimate all-in-one, comprehensive preworkout. STACK 3: Real Gains, Creatine Powder and Uni-Vite About Creatine Powder: Use Creatine Powder to increase energy during your workouts. Creatine also helps build lean mass by volumizing & hydrating muscle cells. About Uni-Vite: The cornerstone of any dedicated strength athlete’s daily nutrition, Uni-Vite is the ultimate high performance multivitamin for serious lifters. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Far Out Freeze AMT UNIT 3.5 3 1 1 2 scoops cups tbl tsp Recipe By: BarbellManiac INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains milk cocoa powder peppermint extract frozen bananas Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1210 Saturated Fat: 5g Carbohydrates: 177g Sugar: 67g Total Fat: 9g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 12g Protein: 81g Right On Reese’s® & Oats AMT UNIT 3.5 20 1 1 2 5 scoops oz packet Recipe By: hosey INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains milk maple brown sugar oatmeal banana Reese's® Peanut Butter Cups ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1422 Saturated Fat: 10g Carbohydrates: 198g Sugar: 57g Total Fat: 43g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 10g Protein: 84g 07 REAL GAINS RECIPES Groovy Gains Gulp AMT UNIT 2 1/2 1/2 1 5 5 4 scoops cup cup tbl g g Recipe By: ISurfNudeBrah INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains egg whites oatmeal peanut butter l-leucine creatine ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 637 Saturated Fat: 3g Carbohydrates: 81g Sugar: 7g Total Fat: 14g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 6g Protein: 50g Cocoa Banana Bonanza AMT UNIT 2 12 1/2 1 1/2 scoops oz cup tbl Recipe By: kc campbell INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains milk grinded oats peanut butter banana Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 835 Saturated Fat: 6.5g Carbohydrates: 125g Sugar: 29.5g Total Fat: 21.5g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 11g Protein: 52g CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller AMT UNIT 2 1 1 2 3 scoops cup packet tbl Recipe By: SoChillBro INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains milk brown sugar & cinnamon instant oatmeal peanut butter ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 822 Saturated Fat: 6.5g Carbohydrates: 99g Sugar: 27.5g Total Fat: 26.5g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 6g Protein: 50g Peppermint Powerhouse AMT UNIT 3.5 2 1 2 scoops cups tbl Recipe By: T.Kemble INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains milk peppermint extract peppermint candy canes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 915 Saturated Fat: 5g Carbohydrates: 130g Sugar: 53g Total Fat: 13g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 2g Protein: 66g 09 REAL GAINS RECIPES Wicked Gains Whip Up AMT UNIT 3.5 2 1/2 1/4 1/2 2 2 3 scoops cups cup cup cup tbl Recipe By: Aggression INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains milk chocolate ice cream coconut flakes chocolate chips Nutella® Reese's® Peanut Butter Cups Oreo® Double Stuf cookies Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1660 Saturated Fat: 26g Carbohydrates: 205g Sugar: 92g Total Fat: 93g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 11g Protein: 78g Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream AMT UNIT 3.5 1 12 2 3 scoops cup oz tbl Recipe By: J-Dawg INGREDIENTS Chocolate Ice Cream Real Gains chocolate ice cream milk peanut butter Oreo® Double Stuf cookies Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1250 Saturated Fat: 16g Carbohydrates: 148g Sugar: 73g Total Fat: 38g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 7g Protein: 76g VANILLA ICE CREAM Max Out Mix AMT UNIT 2 1 2 1/2 4 scoops cup tbl Recipe By: Diesel INGREDIENTS Vanilla Ice Cream Real Gains milk Nutella® banana strawberries Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 756 Saturated Fat: 4.5g Carbohydrates: 103g Sugar: 49.5g Total Fat: 19.8g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 5g Protein: 43g Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake AMT UNIT 3.5 12 1/2 1 scoops oz cup slice Recipe By: naturalguy INGREDIENTS Vanilla Ice Cream Real Gains milk strawberries cheesecake Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1038 Saturated Fat: 15.5g Carbohydrates: 134g Sugar: 39g Total Fat: 26g Trans Fat: 1g Fiber: 6g Protein: 70g 11 REAL GAINS RECIPES Vanilla Thrilla’ AMT UNIT 3.5 12 2 1 4 scoops oz tbl Recipe By: G Diesel INGREDIENTS Vanilla Ice Cream Real Gains milk peanut butter banana ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1040 Saturated Fat: 7g Carbohydrates: 126g Sugar: 40g Total Fat: 18g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 8g Protein: 72g Mocha Mass Blast AMT UNIT 3.5 1 1/2 2 4 scoops cup cup tbl Recipe By: C.Coronato INGREDIENTS Vanilla Ice Cream Real Gains coffee vanilla ice cream chocolate syrup ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 750 Saturated Fat: 5.5g Carbohydrates: 116g Sugar: 43g Total Fat: 7g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 4g Protein: 57g COOKIES & CREAM Serious Size Smoothie AMT UNIT 3 12 1 3 3 scoops oz tbl Recipe By: Nick Lepore INGREDIENTS Cookies & Cream Real Gains water peanut butter Oreo® Double Stuf cookies ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 905 Saturated Fat: 5.5g Carbohydrates: 119g Sugar: 38.5g Total Fat: 24g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 5g Protein: 59g Double Gains Guzzler AMT UNIT 1.5 1.5 3 1.5 3 scoops scoops scoops cups tbl Recipe By: Mr. Dead INGREDIENTS Cookies & Cream Real Gains Banana Ice Cream Real Gains chocolate ice cream milk peanut butter Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1144 Saturated Fat: 10.5g Carbohydrates: 125g Sugar: 38g Total Fat: 41g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 7g Protein: 73g 13 REAL GAINS RECIPES Get Buff Blizzard AMT UNIT 3.5 1 1/2 6 scoops cup cup Recipe By: Drockaman INGREDIENTS Cookies & Cream Real Gains milk vanilla ice cream Oreo® Double Stuf cookies Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1315 Saturated Fat: 13g Carbohydrates: 81g Sugar: 85g Total Fat: 31.5g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 9g Protein: 72g Cool Cookie Confection AMT UNIT 3 1 1 1/2 1 6 4 scoops scoop scoop cup cup Recipe By: mritter3 INGREDIENTS Cookies & Cream Real Gains Universal Double Chocolate Chip Ultra Whey Pro vanilla ice cream vanilla yogurt milk Oreo® Cool Mint cookies ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1495 Saturated Fat: 11g Carbohydrates: 189g Sugar: 75g Total Fat: 35g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 8g Protein: 107g BANANA ICE CREAM Boogie Down Banana Split AMT UNIT 3.5 1 1 1/2 2 2 4 scoops cup cup cup tbl tsp Recipe By: dannynb INGREDIENTS Banana Ice Cream Real Gains milk frozen blueberries crushed flaxseed peanut butter honey ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1150 Saturated Fat: 7g Carbohydrates: 124g Sugar: 62g Banana Bulk Up AMT UNIT 3.5 3 2 scoops cups tbl Total Fat: 44g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 12g Protein: 71g Recipe By: mass3011 INGREDIENTS Banana Ice Cream Real Gains milk peanut butter Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1180 Saturated Fat: 10g Carbohydrates: 127g Sugar: 40g Total Fat: 26g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 4g Protein: 85g 15 REAL GAINS RECIPES STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie AMT UNIT 3 1 2 2 1/2 scoops cup sliced slices Recipe By: Carnage INGREDIENTS Strawberry Ice Cream Real Gains milk strawberries pineapple banana Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 964 Saturated Fat: 2g Carbohydrates: 136g Sugar: 46g Total Fat: 7g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 7g Protein: 68g Funky Fruit Fusion AMT UNIT 3.5 1 1 2 1/2 1 scoops scoop cup tbl cup Recipe By: conjugalburns INGREDIENTS Strawberry Ice Cream Real Gains strawberry ice cream milk peanut butter strawberries banana Add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth. Calories: 1161 Saturated Fat: 10.5g Carbohydrates: 153g Sugar: 57g Total Fat: 30g Trans Fat: 0g Fiber: 11g Protein: 74g Index BY CALORIES Wicked Gains Whip Up Cool Cookie Confection Right On Reese’s® & Oats Get Buff Blizzard Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream Far Out Freeze Banana Bulk Up Funky Fruit Fusion Boogie Down Banana Split Double Gains Guzzler Vanilla Thrilla’ Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie Peppermint Powerhouse Serious Size Smoothie Cocoa Banana Bonanza Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller Max Out Mix Mocha Mass Blast Groovy Gains Gulp BY PROTEIN Cool Cookie Confection Banana Bulk Up Right On Reese’s® & Oats Far Out Freeze Wicked Gains Whip Up Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream Funky Fruit Fusion Double Gains Guzzler Get Buff Blizzard Vanilla Thrilla’ Boogie Down Banana Split Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie Peppermint Powerhouse Serious Size Smoothie Mocha Mass Blast Cocoa Banana Bonanza Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller Groovy Gains Gulp Max Out Mix AMT 1660 1495 1422 1315 1250 1210 1180 1161 1150 1144 1040 1038 964 915 905 835 822 756 750 637 PG # 10 14 7 14 10 7 15 16 15 13 12 11 16 9 13 8 9 11 12 8 BY TOTAL FAT AMT 107 85 84 81 78 76 74 73 72 72 71 70 68 66 59 57 52 50 50 43 PG # 14 15 7 7 10 10 16 13 14 12 15 11 16 9 13 12 8 9 8 11 BY CARBS 17 REAL GAINS RECIPES Wicked Gains Whip Up Boogie Down Banana Split Right On Reese’s® & Oats Double Gains Guzzler Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream Cool Cookie Confection Get Buff Blizzard Funky Fruit Fusion Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller Banana Bulk Up Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake Serious Size Smoothie Cocoa Banana Bonanza Max Out Mix Vanilla Thrilla’ Groovy Gains Gulp Peppermint Powerhouse Far Out Freeze Mocha Mass Blast Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie Wicked Gains Whip Up Right On Reese’s® & Oats Cool Cookie Confection Far Out Freeze Funky Fruit Fusion Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake Peppermint Powerhouse Banana Bulk Up Vanilla Thrilla’ Cocoa Banana Bonanza Double Gains Guzzler Boogie Down Banana Split Serious Size Smoothie Mocha Mass Blast Max Out Mix Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller Get Buff Blizzard Groovy Gains Gulp AMT 93 44 43 41 38 35 31.5 30 26.5 26 26 24 21.5 19.8 18 14 13 9 7 7 PG # 10 15 7 13 10 14 14 16 9 15 11 13 8 11 12 8 9 7 12 16 AMT 205 198 189 177 153 148 136 134 130 127 126 125 125 124 119 116 103 99 81 81 PG # 10 7 14 7 16 10 16 11 9 15 12 8 13 15 13 12 11 9 14 8 BY SUGAR Wicked Gains Whip Up Get Buff Blizzard Cool Cookie Confection Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream Far Out Freeze Boogie Down Banana Split Funky Fruit Fusion Right On Reese’s® & Oats Peppermint Powerhouse Max Out Mix Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie Mocha Mass Blast Banana Bulk Up Vanilla Thrilla’ Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake Serious Size Smoothie Double Gains Guzzler Cocoa Banana Bonanza Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller Groovy Gains Gulp AMT 92 85 75 73 67 62 57 57 53 49.5 46 43 40 40 39 38.5 38 29.5 27.5 7 PG # 10 14 14 10 7 15 16 7 9 11 16 12 15 12 11 13 13 8 9 8 BY FIBER Boogie Down Banana Split Far Out Freeze Cocoa Banana Bonanza Funky Fruit Fusion Wicked Gains Whip Up Right On Reese’s® & Oats Get Buff Blizzard Cool Cookie Confection Vanilla Thrilla’ Double Gains Guzzler Outta Site Oreo® Ice Cream Slammin’ Strawberry Slushie Chocolate Cinnamon Chiller Groovy Gains Gulp Psyched Strawberry Cheesecake Max Out Mix Serious Size Smoothie Banana Bulk Up Mocha Mass Blast Peppermint Powerhouse AMT 12 12 11 11 11 10 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 2 PG # 15 7 8 16 10 7 14 14 12 13 10 16 9 8 11 11 13 15 12 9 phone: (800) USA-0101 | email: web: 3 Terminal Rd. New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 G3012