Noni Designs, Ltd. 8600 Foundry St., Studio 108 Savage Mill Box 2088


Noni Designs, Ltd. 8600 Foundry St., Studio 108 Savage Mill Box 2088
Noni Designs, Ltd.
8600 Foundry St., Studio 108
Savage Mill Box 2088
Savage, MD 20763-9507
877-410-6664 (ph/fax)
Noni Trunk Show Request Form / Contract
Contact Person:
Store Name:
Store Address:
City, State, Zip:
Please return a signed contract as
quickly as possible in order to ensure
that there is no delay in the processing
and arrival of your trunk show.
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
Show Name:
(e.g., 7. Fall 2008 B)
Dates Requested:
(please choose a 10 day window with at least 5
days on each side for transit time)
1. Product Assortment
My shop will be stocked with a minimum of 8 of each pattern in the trunk show set. My shop will also be stocked
with the yarns and hardware necessary to knit the items featured in the show.
To fulfill above requirement, my pattern order is enclosed with this application. The order is:
8 of each pattern in the set
A gap order to bring my inventory to 8 of each in the set.
If a gap order, I certify that I already have the following quantities and patterns in my store and that these patterns
were purchased directly from Noni Designs, Ltd.
2. Confirmation Letter
Once your application is approved, you will receive a Trunk Show Confirmation letter no later than 2 weeks
before the start of the show. The letter will include instruction for where to send the samples at the conclusion of
the show (either Noni Designs or the next shop).
I understand that my trunk show is not approved until I receive this confirmation. The request can be denied if my account with
Noni Designs, Ltd. is not current at the time of the request. I also understand that existing approval may be withdrawn up to 2
weeks prior to the start of the show should my account cease to be current. In the case of denial, Noni Designs, Ltd. cannot be
held liable for any of the expenses related to the show or for loss of sales.
3. Advertising
I understand that it is in my best interest to advertise the trunk show by at least one of the following: newspaper, newsletter,
mailing, e-mailing, website notice. My window or a central shop location will display Noni goods and will advertise the show
for at least two weeks before the start date.
4. Loss or Damage of Show Contents
If any sample is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair while the collection is in my custody, I will immediately notify Noni
Designs, Ltd. and pay for the damaged or missing piece in accordance with the valuation provided in the Confirmation letter.
If minor damage occurs during the show, I will notify Noni and repair the piece(s) so that the next customer will receive the
collection in the same satisfactory condition as I received it.
5. Shipping and Receiving
If the trunk show is coming to me from Noni, I will be responsible for the cost of shipping to my shop. Noni will make every
effort to minimize this cost.
I will inspect the trunk show box at the time of delivery. If the box arrives in good shape and unopened but with items that are
missing or damaged, I will immediately notify Noni Designs, Ltd. If the box arrives damaged or open, I will bring it to the
attention of the UPS/DHL/USPS driver, mention it on the UPS/DHL/USPS bill of delivery, check the content for possible
items missing or damaged, and file a claim with UPS/DHL/USPS. I will also immediately notify Noni Designs, Ltd.
At the end of the trunk show, I will check that all items received are present and in good condition. I will properly repack them
in plastic bags inside the boxes to prevent any water damage. I will ship the collection via UPS/DHL/USPS with tracking and
insurance in the amount of $
(determined by Noni) no later than the date indicated on the Confirmation Letter to
the address specified therein. I will choose a shipping method with duration no longer than 5 calendar days. The cost of shipping
and insurance is my responsibility.
6. Liabilities
I cannot and will not hold Noni Designs, Ltd. responsible should the previous store not ship the collection on time or by the
proper method, or if the collection is damaged or stolen during the previous show or in transit.
7. Show Contents
Noni reserves the right to modify the contents of the trunk show should it become necessary to do so. If an item substitution is
made, the store will not be required to purchase any additional patterns.
8. Feed Back
We would love to get some feedback about how the show went, how many people attended, how the patterns sold, what folks
were most excited about, or what they did not like. Please call Nora at 1-877-410-NONI x2 or e-mail
I, the undersigned, fully understand and will comply with the policies described above.

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