WHAT’S ON HUME CITY COUNCIL Libraries and Learning Summer Program DECEMBER–FEBRUARY 2013/14


WHAT’S ON HUME CITY COUNCIL Libraries and Learning Summer Program DECEMBER–FEBRUARY 2013/14
Libraries and Learning Summer Program
Hume City Council’s libraries
and learning centres have
plenty on offer this summer
for anyone looking to learn
something new, meet old and
new friends or just escape
the heat.
You can share tips and ideas
at our new Cookbook Clubs,
stretch your muscles with yoga
classes, find out about starting
a small business or get advice
on how to start the new year
with a new job.
Our always exciting digital
and technology program has
plenty in store, from one-onone help using computers
and the internet to fun group
training on how to set up
social media accounts.
Art and craft activities, henna
tattooing, Wii and PS3 games,
graphic novel chats and
children’s storytimes are just
some of what’s on offer as
part of the summer school
holiday program for children
and youth. Children aged
5–12 are also invited to get
involved with the Summer
Reading Club!
Other highlights include
A magical show for all
ages, Dream Puppets, and a
gorgeous exhibition ....From
Nature Extracted, by local
artist, Jacquie Blight.
Don’t miss out on these and
many other learning events
across the City!
For more info
9205 2200
Children and Family contactus@hume.vic.gov.au
All events and activities are FREE
unless otherwise noted.
All events which have this symbol
require bookings. To book online visit
www.humelibraries.vic.gov.au or phone
the host venue. See contact details on the
back of this booklet.
Digital and Technology 11
Arts, Crafts and Culture 15
Health and Wellbeing 16
Exhibitions and Tours 17
Adult Literacy 19
Special Interest 20
Children’s Storytime There will be no Babytime, Preschool and Bilingual Storytime sessions
between 14 December 2013 and 5 January 2014. Sessions will resume as normal from
6 January 2014.
These fun sessions aim to
foster the love of books
and reading as well as
listening and social skills.
Ages 0–2
Sunbury Library
Mon and Fri, 10–10.30am
The Age Library
Tue and Fri, 10.15–11am
Tullamarine Library
Wed, 10.30–11am
Craigieburn Library
Thu, 2–2.30pm
Fri, 11–11.30am
Bilingual Storytime
Ages 0–5
Turkish Bilingual Storytime
The Age Library
Mon, 11am–12pm
Arabic Bilingual Storytime
The Age Library
Wed, 11am–12pm
Assyrian Bilingual Storytime
The Age Library
Thu, 1–2pm
Craigieburn Library
Fri, 1–2pm
Preschool Storytime
Ages 3–5
Sunbury Library
Mon, 10.30–11.15am
Thu, 2.15–3pm
Craigieburn Library
Tue, 2–2.45pm
Wed, 11am–12pm
The Age Library
Tue, 2–3pm
Fri, 11am–12pm
Tullamarine Library
Wed, 11am–12pm
LEGO Learners
Ages 6–12
Learning doesn’t have to
be boring. Children can use
LEGO in activities designed
to help practise writing,
problem–solving and
develop creativity.
LEGO supplied.
Craigieburn Library
Mon, 4–5pm
There will be no LEGO
Learners sessions at
Craigieburn Library
between 23 December
and 30 December 2013.
Sessions will resume as
normal on 6 January 2014.
The Age Library
Thu, 4–5pm
There will be no LEGO
Learners sessions at The
Age Library between
23 December and 30
December 2013. Sessions
will resume as normal on
9 January 2014.
Sunbury Library
Thu 19 December
Thu 16 January
Thu 20 February
It’s beginning to look
a lot like Christmas:
afterschool craft
All ages
Share Christmas stories,
songs and make
decorations. You can also
help decorate the Sunbury
Library Christmas tree.
Sunbury Library
Mon 2 December
Christmas Storytime
Ages 0–5
Come and share our
Christmas themed stories
and craft.
Sunbury Library
Mon 2 December
Thu 5 December
Mon 9 December
Thu 12 December
Sing–a–long Storytime
All ages
Enjoy the end of the
Babytime and Preschool
Storytime year with a
special visit from the Jacana
School for Autism choir.
The Age Library
Fri 13 December
School Breakup
Christmas Celebration
Ages 5–12
Start the summer holidays
with lots of festive craft
Sunbury Library
Fri 20 December, 2–4pm
Australia Day Twilight
All ages
Celebrate Australia Day
with stories, songs and
Craigieburn Library Tues 28 January
These school holidays take part in the Summer
Reading Club – Investigation.
Young people aged 4 to 17 years are encouraged to read
as many books as they can to go into the draw for some
fantastic prizes, including one of five iPad minis and a
Nintendo 3DS.
The reading club starts on Monday 2 December
and runs throughout the summer holidays.
Visit a Hume Libraries branch to pick up a copy of the
reading record or print a copy from the website at
Summer Reading Club
Launch Party with
Manny the Clown
All ages
Celebrate the launch of
Summer Reading Club –
The Age Library
Mon 2 December, 4–5pm
Gladstone Park
Community Library
Tue 3 December, 4–5pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 4 December, 4–5pm
Tullamarine Library
Thu 5 December
Craigieburn Library
Tue 17 December
Perler Beads craft
Ages 6–12
Design your own Perler
Beads creation to take
The Age Library
Mon 6 January, 2–3pm
Wed 15 January, 1–2pm
Craigieburn Library
Tue 21 January
Scratch board art
Ages 5–12
Create some wonderful
animal art on scratch
Craigieburn Library
Wed 8 January, 2–3pm
1–2–3 A–B–C Storytime
All ages
Celebrate the first week of
Children’s Storytimes for
2014 with fun stories and
craft featuring numbers
and letters.
Craigieburn Library
Tue 7 January, 2–3pm
Wed 8 January
Sea life weaving mats
Ages 5–12
Learn the art of weaving
with paper and make a
beautiful sea life creature.
Tullamarine Library
Wed 8 January,
Gladstone Park
Community Library
Thu 9 January, 3–4pm
Sunbury Library
Fri 10 January, 2–3.30pm
Sand art pictures
Ages 6–12
Create colourful sand art
Mon 13 January, 1–2pm
Mon 13 January, 2–3pm
Spider Storytime
All ages
Enjoy silly spider stories,
songs and craft.
Craigieburn Library
Tue 14 January, 2–3pm
Wed 15 January
Tropical fish
stained glass
Ages 5–12
Create stained glass effect
tropical fish to decorate
your windows.
Craigieburn Library
Tue 14 January
Tullamarine Library
Wed 22 January
Gladstone Park
Community Library
Thu 23 January, 3–4pm
Sunbury Library
Fri 24 January, 2–3.30pm
Rainbow Fish fun
Ages 5–12
Make a beautiful collage
of the Rainbow Fish book
Tullamarine Library
Wed 15 January
Animal art
Ages 5–12
Paint your favourite animal
on canvas.
Craigieburn Library
Wed 15 January, 2–3pm
Soft clay craft
Ages 5–12
Make your own pencil
sharpener using clay.
Gladstone Park
Community Library
Thu 16 January, 3–4pm
Make your own cards
Ages 5–12
Create your own greeting
cards to give to friends,
family or to keep for
yourself. Plenty of sparkles
and fun for everyone.
The Age Library
Thu 16 January, 1–2pm
Dream Puppets
presents The Dreamer
All ages
Take a peek into the
dreamer’s world. In this
world, the sun, moon, even
bottles, beds and chairs are
alive and get up to all sorts
of mischief.
Sunbury Library
Fri 17 January, 2–3pm
Craigieburn Library
Wed 22 January, 2–3pm
Dream Puppets
presents Dreamer
in Space
All ages
Come on a magical journey
with the puppet character
Dreamer on his voyage of
discovery in outer space.
Mon 20 January, 2–3pm
Once upon a time
All ages
Hear your favourite
fairytales in this
storytime session and make
your own dream catcher
for your bedroom.
Craigieburn Library
Tue 21 January, 2–3pm
Wed 22 January, 2–3pm
Homework Help –
general tutoring
Free tutoring available to
help primary and secondary
school students in most
subjects including English,
mathematics, science and
Craigieburn Library
Tue, 4–6pm (during school
Trivia night
All ages
Get some friends together
and come along to a trivia
night for a chance to win
great prizes.
The Age Library
Tue 21 January, 6–8pm
Homework Help –
mathematics and science
for secondary school
Free specialised
mathematics and science
tutoring available to help
secondary school students
with their homework.
Craigieburn Library
Wed, 4–6pm (during
school terms).
Youth S.E.T.
Ages 12–20
Bring along your
Magic: The Gathering
deck of cards and challenge
your opponents.
Sunbury Library
Wed, 4–5pm
There will be no Youth
S.E.T. sessions between
25 December 2013 and
8 January 2014. Sessions
will resume as normal on
15 January 2014.
Make a Christmas card
Ages 12–18
Share the Christmas spirit
by making a card to give
to someone who is alone
at this special time of year.
Get creative with our
card–making materials.
Craigieburn Library
Tue 3 December, 4–5pm
The Age Library
Wed 4 December, 4–5pm
Sunbury Library
Thu 5 December, 4–5pm
Anime and Manga
Ages 12–18
Chat about manga, draw
manga, watch anime.
The Age Library
Wed, 4–5.30pm
There will be no Anime
and Manga sessions
between 25 December
2013 and 1 January 2014.
Sessions will resume as
normal on 8 January 2014.
Art classes
Ages 10–18
Learn to paint and draw
using many different
techniques and materials
such as acrylic, watercolour
and colour pencils in this
eight week course. There is
a cost of $120.
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Mon 3 February, 5–6.30pm
Teens Book Club
Ages 10–18
Join our book club and
check out great books.
An opportunity to meet
new people and explore
those amazing books
you’ve been meaning
to read.
Sunbury Library
Thu 12 December, 4–5pm
Thu 9 January, 4–5pm
Thu 13 February, 4–5pm
Youth Lounge
Ages 10–18
Grab some free snacks
and be the first to check
out the latest DVDs, books
and other cool stuff in the
library. Get together with
other young people who
share your interests and
meet new friends. Chat
about books or challenge
your friends to a game on
Craigieburn Library
Thu 27 February, 5–7pm
Magic: The Gathering
Ages 12–20
Are you a magic pro, or
would you like to learn
how to play? Come along
and meet other players and
learn some new tips. Get
free booster cards to build
a deck and compete. Every
player will get to take home
their new booster cards!
The Age Library
Tue 7 January, 1–5pm
Craigieburn Library
Thu 9 January, 1–5pm
Sunbury Library
Tue 14 Jan, 1–5pm
PS3/Wii Gaming
Ages 10–18
Join our gaming
tournament for your
chance to win great prizes.
The Age Library
Tue 14 January, 1–2pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 15 January, 3–4pm
Craigieburn Library
Thu 16 January, 4–5pm
Movie Night:
Jurassic Park (PG)
Ages 10–18
Watch Jurassic Park on
the big screen. Bring a
beanbag or a blanket and
snacks, then borrow some
dinosaur books from our
Craigieburn Library
Thu 16 January, 5.30–8pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 12 February
Henna Tattoo Workshop
Ages 10–18
Get creative these school
holidays and learn about
the art of henna temporary
tattoos. Create your own
Craigieburn Library
Tue 21 January, 3–4.30pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 22 January
The Age Library
Thu 23 January, 3–4.30pm
Gladstone Park
Community Library
Fri 24 January, 3–4.30pm
Digital and Technology
We offer a range of free
IT training programs
throughout Hume City at
our learning centres and
libraries. These programs
are designed to equip
you with the basic skills
to get you started using
computers, computer
applications and the
For more information
or to make a booking
9356 6999
Introduction to eBay
Ages 18+
Sunbury Library
Mon 2 December, 2–4pm
Mon 9 December
Introduction to Twitter
Ages 18+
Wed 4 December, 6–8pm
How to buy a computer
Ages 18+
Thu 5 December, 12–2pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 18 December
Introduction to Apple
Mac computers
Ages 18+
Sunbury Library
Sat 7 December
Introduction to Facebook
Ages 18+
Tue 10 December, 6–8pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 15 January, 2–4pm
Fri 7 February, 10am–12pm
Introduction to
the internet
Ages 18+
Wed 11 December, 4–6pm
Introduction to iTunes
Ages 18+
Sunbury Library
Fri 13 December, 12–2pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 22 January, 12–2pm
Thu 13 February
Net.Safety for parents
Ages 18+
Sunbury Library
Mon 16 December, 2–4pm
Mon 20 January 20, 2–4pm
Wed 12 February
Introduction to Skype
Ages 18+
Tue 17 December, 4–6pm
Introduction to computers
Ages 18+
Thu 19 December, 2–4pm
Introduction to iPads
Ages 18+
Thu 19 December, 2–4pm
Taking and maniplating
digital pictures
Ages 18+
Fri 20 December, 2–4pm
Sunbury Library
Tue 7 January, 1–3pm
Wed 5 February, 3–5pm
Didn’t get the VCE results you
hoped for? The Hume Education
Guarantee Scheme (HEGS)
may be your new pathway
to university.
The HEGS will work with aspiring tertiary students
who have not been offered a place through VTAC
but who have satisfactorily completed VCE.
These students will be able to seek assistance from
Victoria University and Kangan Institute to secure
a pathway into a course of interest, most likely
through entry at a diploma level.
Register today at
course offers
Master of Education at the Hume Global Learning Centre (HGLC) – Broadmeadows
Bachelor of Psychological Science at the HGLC – Craigieburn
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education at the HGLC – Craigieburn
Diploma of Business (Enterprise) at the Sunbury Neighbourhood House and Community Centre
Diploma of Education Studies at the HGLC – Broadmeadows
Diploma of Children’s Services at the HGLC – Craigieburn
Diploma of Management at the HGLC – Craigieburn
Advanced Diploma of Management at the HGLC – Craigieburn
Associate Degree of Arts, Business and Sciences at the HGLC – Craigieburn
Digital and Technology
Introduction to Window 8
Ages 18+
Thu 9 January, 2–4pm
Sunbury Library
Thu 6 February, 2–4pm
Mon 24 February, 4–6pm
iPad workshop
Ages 18+
Fri 10 January, 12–2pm
Sunbury Library
Tue 11 February, 2–4pm
Google Maps, Google
Images, Google Earth
Ages 18+
Fri 17 January, 10am–12pm
Thu 20 February, 4–6pm
Radio on the internet
Ages 18+
Thu 23 January, 1–3pm
Sunbury Library
Tue 18 February, 3–5pm
Ages 18+
Discover how the
internet works, including
browsing and searching
the web, how to set up
email accounts and take
advantage of social media.
To register your interest,
please contact us on
9356 6999.
Introduction to computers
Ages 18+
Learn the basics of using a computer in this
eight week course. There is a cost of $20.
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Tue 4 February, 9.30–11.30am
Ages 18+
Learn how to search and find information
on the internet, send and receive emails, as
well as how to use social media, the latest
technology devices such as iPads, iPhones
and so much more.
The Age Library
Wed 18 December, 10am–1pm
Wed 29 January, 10am–1pm
Wed 26 February, 10am–1pm
Art classes for adults
Ages 18+
Develop your creative art and craft
skills using different mediums like
mosaic, sculpture and drawing in
this eight week course. There is a
cost of $120.
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Mon 3 February, 1–2.30pm
Multifaith Christmas
All ages
Join us to celebrate Christmas.
Get your family and friends
together and learn about our
rich multicultural community.
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Wed 4 December, 12–2pm
Cookbook Club
Ages 18+
Come along and share your
passion for cooking. Share
recipes, tips and borrow
new and exciting cook
The Age Library
Thu 6 February, 6–7.30pm
Craigieburn Library
Tue 18 February, 6–7.30pm
Sunbury Library
Wed 26 February, 6.30–8pm
Ages 18+
Improve your health and
wellbeing in this eight
week course. There is a
cost of $42.
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Tue 4 February, 7–8pm
A seasonal guide
to cooking fresh
All ages
Bring along the family and
learn how to make healthy
and tasty meals with seasonal
produce. Save money
and time by cooking with
seasonal fruit, vegetables and
encouraging children to eat
more healthy foods.
Craigieburn Library
Tue 3 December, 6.30–8pm
The Age Library
Tue 18 February, 6.30–8pm
Active Aging Programs
Ages 50+
Join us for a cup of tea and a
chat about the wide range of
activities on offer, including
day trips, indoor carpet bowls,
knitting group, chair aerobics
and much more.
The Age Library
Thu 23 January, 1–2pm
Exhibitions AND Tours
Jamie’s Ministry of Food in Hume City
Interested in learning how to cook healthy food?
Sign up to a Jamie’s Ministry of Food five-week
cooking course.
The program is based on the belief that knowing
how to cook healthy food using fresh ingredients
is one of the best things you can do for your
health, happiness and finances.
The course teaches you basic cooking skills, yet it
will also appeal to confident cooks who will pick
up great kitchen tips and shortcuts while learning
exciting new ways to use fresh ingredients.
The Jamie’s Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen will
be located next to Hume City Council Office,
1079 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows.
Each weekly session runs for 90 minutes and
classes are available seven days a week including
Courses commences on Wednesday 27 November
2013 and cost $10 per class ($50 full course) or $5
per class concession ($25 full course).
For bookings and further information please visit
....From Nature Extracted, Selected Works by Jacquie Blight
All ages
Local Hume resident Jacquie Blight is a celebrated landscape and
portrait artist both locally and nationally. Her painting Bushscape
5, on display in this exhibition, is concurrently showing as part
of the Screen Project at the Saatchi Gallery, Duke of York HQ in
London. Blight draws on the natural environment at her doorstep
for inspiration. When walking in the bush–scapes that surround
Sunbury Township, Blight discerns a world of pattern, shape,
colour and texture, accented in myriad effects of light. Jacquie
is a recipient of a Hume Arts Award Professional Development
Grant (2012) and Encouragement Award (2013).
Craigieburn Gallery
Thu 14 November, 2013 – Sunday 2 February, 2014
Author Talk Tom Doig
Ages 18+
Join Tom Doig author of Moron to
Moron: Two Men, Two Bikes and One
Mongolian Misadventure. Follow the
hilarious adventures of two mates as they
cycle across the harsh Mongolian terrain.
Sunbury Library
Wed 19 February, 6.30–8pm
Author Talk Christine Schang
Ages 18+
Join author Christine Schang for a talk
about her new release Coconut Cracked
Open. Christine’s book has information
about the amazing health benefits and
wonderful properties of coconuts as well
as delicious recipe ideas.
Sunbury Library
Tue 11 Februrary, 6.30–7.30pm
Tullamarine Library
Thu 20 February, 6–7pm
For those who enjoy reading
and discussing all types of books,
there are monthly book club group
meetings in a number of locations.
Membership costs apply.
Craigiebites Book Group
Ages 18+
Craigieburn Library
Tue 3 December, 6.30–8pm
Tue 4 February, 6.30–8pm
Bookends Book Group
Ages 18+
Sunbury Library
Wed 12 February, 10am–12pm
Homestead Bookworms
Ages 18+
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Wed 19 February, 7–8pm
English as a Second
Ages 18+
Learn to speak, read and
write English. There is a
cost of $75.
Homestead Community
and Learning Centre
Tue 4 February, 9am–3pm
English Conversation
Ages 18+
Come along to practice
your English conversation
The Age Library
Tue, 12–2pm
Craigieburn Library
Wed 19 February
Special Interest
Chess Club
All ages
Develop your skills in this
interesting and challenging
game. All skill levels
Sunbury Library
Tue, 4–8pm
There will be no Chess
Club sessions between 24
December 2013 and 21
January 2014. Sessions will
resume as normal on 28
January 2014.
The Age Library
Thu, 4–8pm
Genealogy Get Together
Ages 18+
Learn how to research your
family history. Meet others
who share your passion for
Sunbury Library
Wed 4 December
Wed 5 February
Craigieburn Library
Tue 28 January
Tue 25 February
Craigieburn Joblink
Ages 15+
Learn how to write a
resume and cover letter,
prepare for job interviews
and find training courses.
This service is for Hume
Craigieburn Library
Mon, 10am–12pm
Sunbury Job Shop
Ages 15+
Learn how to write a
resume and cover letter,
prepare for job interviews
and find training courses.
This service is for Sunbury
residents (during school
Sunbury Library
Wed, 2–4pm
BEAT – Broady
Employment & Training
Ages 15+
Learn how to job search,
write resumes and cover
letters, prepare for
interviews and find courses.
This service is for Hume
The Age Library
Wed 4 December
Wed 11 December
Wed 18 December
There will be no BEAT
sessions between 25
December 2013 and 29
January 2014. Sessions will
resume as normal on
5 February 2014.
Historical Group Meeting
Ages 18+
Learn about the history
of Hume and the
Broadmeadows Museum.
The Age Library
Tue 10 December, 12–1pm
The Age Library
Tue 4 February
Craigieburn Camera Club
Ages 15+
Join the club and find out
about camera equipment,
techniques, participate in
events and contribute to
the club’s Facebook page.
All levels welcome.
Craigieburn Library
Sat 21 December
Sat 18 January
Sat 15 February
Hume U3A Genealogy
Group meeting
Ages 18+
Learn how you can use
Ancestry, Find My Past and
other resources to research
your family history.
The Age Library
Mon 3 February
Mon 24 February
Friends of Will Will Rook
Group meeting
Ages 18+
Help to preserve the Will
Will Rook cemetery. The
group has been meeting
to restore and tidy up the
cemetery and would like
others to join the group to
help with the project.
The Age Library
Mon 17 February
Chess Tornament
All ages
Calling all chess enthusiasts! Put your skills to the test and
sign up now for our Chess Tournament for a chance to
win great prizes.
The Age Library
Sat 7 December, 10am–4pm
Starting your own business
Ages 18+
An information session to help you start a new business
or improve your current business. A Hume Business
Award winner will talk about their experience in starting
and developing a business. Presented by Joel Imbesi from
Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) at Kangan Institute.
Craigieburn welcomes guest speaker Denis Krastic from
Boxing Fit, winner of the 2013 Hume Business Award.
Sunbury presents the 2011 Hume Business Award
winners, guest speakers Lee and Norman Palumbo from
Just Planet Cafe.
Craigieburn Library
Thu 20 February, 6–7.30pm
Sunbury Library
Thu 27 February, 6–7.30pm
Thursday 5 December 2013
“Volunteering has given me the
opportunity to utilise my passion
for IT, teaching and administration
so I can empower my community
while gaining new experiences.”
Chris Halkidis
Hume volunteer
To find out about volunteering visit
Discover your local neighbourhood houses and community
learning centres
Hume’s neighbourhood houses and learning centres offer educational, social, recreational courses and support for
people of all backgrounds, ages and cultures. Drop into your local neighbourhood house to make new friends,
share experiences and learn new skills.
To find your nearest neighbourhood house visit www.hume.vic.gov.au/neighbourhoodhouses
Want to know more about learning in Hume City?
Subscribe to the What’s On Libraries and Learning free monthly e-newsletter today!
By subscribing, you can keep up to date with the latest information on learning
events and activities that are happening in your City.
For more information visit
The Age Library (Broadmeadows)
1093 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows 9356 6900
Craigieburn Library
75–95 Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn 9356 6980
Gladstone Park Community Library
Taylor Drive, Gladstone Park 9356 6990
Sunbury Library
44 Macedon Street, Sunbury 9356 6970
Tullamarine Library
58 Spring Street, Tullamarine 9356 6966
Hume Mobile Library
humelibraries.vic.gov.au 9356 6980
Hume Global Learning Centre (HGLC) – Broadmeadows
1093 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows 9356 6999
Hume Global Learning Centre (HGLC) – Craigieburn
75–95 Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn 9356 6999
Craigieburn Gallery
75–95 Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn 9356 6980
Homestead Community and Learning Centre
30 Whiltshire Drive, Roxburgh Park 9205 2760
Hume City Council
1079 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows
All event details were correct at the time of printing. Hume City Council reserves the right to cancel
booked events due to a lack of registrations or by other factors beyond our control.
Should an event be cancelled, those who registered will be notified.
9205 2200