S P A C E C O A S... Q U IL T E R S


S P A C E C O A S... Q U IL T E R S
Dawson Holiday Newsletter Page 1
Where Quilts Are Launched
Volume 3, Issue 4
May 2011
Editor: Ann Hurst 321-693-0872
2010-2011 OFFICERS
President Ann Giles
We are in April and getting close to
May. I think these are two of the
nicest months in Florida with rain
showers and pretty flowers. On my
recent trip to Texas, I was looking for
the wild flowers that Lady Bird had
covered the Texas highways but Texas
has had little rain this year and there
were few flowers. We actually saw
more flowers in the roadways in
northern Florida. This beautiful season
does inspire me to try new projects
and new techniques. I hope you will all
feel the same.
1st VP
Elaine Glasgow
2nd VP
Joseph Wilkins
Donations/ Ann Hurst
Charity VP Ahurst1016@aol.com
Being a member of a club,
organization, or guild should be a
meaningful part of your life. You need
to make commitments to any group
you join. The group will benefit from it
but you will benefit the most. In may
we will elect new officers for the
coming year and there will be many
positions that need to be filled. The
present group has functioned without
a food chairman for many months. I
knew that we could function without a
chairman because so many of you
jumped in and helped out every
meeting. We need to have these
chairmanships filled so that everyone
has a stake in this guild. We are a
loving, giving, group and we need to
support our officers in any way they
ask. Be open to new challenges and
new tasks and stretch yourself for the
better good of the guild.
Secretary Barbara Arden
Date: May 18, 2011
Where: First Baptist Church
303 Main St., Titusville, FL.
Time: 9:30 A.M.
Date: May 25, 2011
Time: 9:30 AM at Church
Dawson Holiday Newsletter
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Meeting was opened by the president at
9:23. There were 76 members present. Ann
announced that member Love Lucas is at
Vista Manor and welcomes visitors. Rose
Palek is in the hospital.
Cindy Flachmeir came to pick up a raffle
quilt and announced a wine tasting that
would benefit many services to the
community. This is an annual fundraising
event to benefit seniors, Sunflower House,
and other community service programs and
gave 4 tickets for the event. The quilt we
donated for the event was shown in pink
and blues colors.
Other announcements: Dorothy McBride’s
husband is in Parrish Hospital. A comfort
quilt was delivered to Myra and her thank
you note was read. Comfort quilts were also
given to Ann Lofton and Love Lucas. A thank
you note and pictures from the 4H club was
read. Ann Mentioned she judged the quilts
from the 4H club.
A motion to accept the minutes of the
previous month and voted on.
Kathy Stewart announced a class at St.
Gabriel’s at 9 a.m. on May 4th for the Spain
Quilt. Bring half square triangles made up.
These quilts will be for male veterans, so off
white with appropriate colors should be
Thanks were given to Pat Wilkins for doing
the newsletter for the past several years and
all her other contributions to Guild activities.
Ann Hurst is the new editor.
DUES are being accepted now for the
coming year.
Members of the nominating committee Cora
Postlethwait, Paula Lint, Lucille Gibbons,
Barbara Arden and Love Sullivan announced
the slate of officers for 2011-2012. The slate
of prospective officers consists of Pres. Kathy
Stewart, Vice-Pres. Joyce Tesdall, 2nd VicePres. Ann Giles, Sec’y Renee Goodie, Treas.
Cecilia Reid.
coast quilt guild general meeting:
Pat Reid announced that 109 Lullaby quilts
completed. The goal is 200 and by the end of
May all will be done. Ann suggested a “thread
shower”, at the June meeting. All old spools of
thread of any color be brought in and used in
the making of the donated quilts.
There will be a summer quilt camp for kids on
July 25th-29th at St. Gabriel’s from 9 a.m.12:30 p.m. Split rail fence will be the pattern
and volunteers are needed to help out Ann
suggested enrolling our Guild in the NQA. Cost
$45. for 2 years. It also gives reduced rates on
liability insurance, ribbons at low price, a
newsletter and advertising. Kathy Stewart
made a motion to join, Nancy Smith seconded
and members voted to approve.
The treasurer gave a detailed financial report
on the quilt show. She also announced a
donation of $157.25 to the food pantry at the
church where we meet and a $20 donation to
St. Gabriel’s.
Food snacks for May will be provided by Paula,
Carolyn, Sharon, Linda Smith and Betty Kiner.
Guest lecturer for May will be Mary-Jeanine
Ibarquen of Florida Network Quilts. Her lecture
will be on stash quilts and a class will be held
that afternoon at St. Gabriel’s. Hidden Star will
be the pattern and cost will be $15.
Ann consulted Jerry Allender about whether
we should be made a tax exempt group. He
referred the guild to a tax accountant. Our
bank account opened in 1982, the manager
suggested a business account but also said we
were grandfathered in with the account we
had… The Guild was incorporated with the
State of Florida in 1992 as a non-profit
organization. We pay yearly to keep that
corporation and pay our sales tax when we
incur income. The guild registered with the IRS
at the same time, but not with tax exempt
status. The membership will decide what status
they prefer. Ann says the guild needs to write a
budget, and do a professional audit when
changing directors. She will bring this up again
next meeting.
The meeting was concluded and Show and
Tell followed.
Guest speaker Alice Means was introduced and
gave a program.
Pat Widick substituting for Barbara Arden.
Mary-Jeanine Ibarquen is the creator od Florida
Quilt Network and has been teaching quilting for
15 years in Florida. She will join us on May 18th
for a lecture on Stashbuster, which is how to use
our scraps in a successful way. She is planning to
stay that afternoon and do a class called “Hidden
Star”. Pick a certain color and use your scraps in
this color. The class is $15 and we need to have
at least 10 members. If we do not have at least
10 members participating we will reschedule for
later in the year. Call me if you wish to join this
class. You can see a picture of the quilt at
www.floridaquiltnetwork.com Just click on classes
and take a look.
Dawson Holiday Newsletter Page 3
The dates are July 25 - 29 at St. Gabriel’s
Episcopal Church from 9am-12:30pm.
We hope to serve 12-15 children, therefore
we need 12-15 volunteers. If you can
volunteer for one day, two days or all
week…you are needed.
We will use the Split Rail pattern and create
kits ahead of time.
Take a look at your calendar and decide
what days you can help.
You will be surprised about all the fun you
will have- I’m not sure who will have the
most fun, the campers or the volunteers.
You can sign up at the May meeting.
We will celebrate the election of our new officers
and turn the gavel to a new group of directors.
Join us as we celebrate the end of a successful
year with a covered dish luncheon.
This is our vacation month for the guild.
Happy Mother’s Day to
1 Micki Carleton
I hope you all enjoyed seeing the beautiful
work that Alice Means creates with her
fabric and her machine and a few tricks. She
truly has artistic ability. Those who took her
class enjoyed learning some new
techniques. It was a little challenging at
times but that is the reason we take classes,
to improve our skills. Alice will schedule
more classes with us in the coming year.
Sherrianne Larson
Mischele Scherf
Carol Ness
Gloria Beckett
Crystal Mays
Ann Hurst
Mary Pat Lynch
Nancy McPhee
Betty Kiner
Calleen Coiner
Sally Krause
Wanda Masek
Mary Owens
Dorothy Morgan