High School Social Studies


High School Social Studies
High School Social Studies
High School Required Courses
World History (Regular & Honors)
World History: Patterns of Interaction, 2005 McDougal Littell
Website includes the following:
Activity Center: Activity Maker, Internet Activity, Extension Activity, NetExplorations, Power
-point guide, Audio Downloads
Map Center: Rand McNally Atlas, Outline Maps, Maps, Map Websites
Review Center: Chapter quizzes, Crossword puzzles, Flipcards
Research and Writing: Note-taking Wizard, Primary Sources, Chapter Links, Special Feature
Links, Chapter Objectives, Reference Links, Web Research Guide, State Links
Current Events
Online Book: * must register to use
Teacher’s Toolkit: * must register to use
Online Test Practice
American History (Regular & Honors)
The American Vision, 2005 Glencoe
Website includes the following:
Textbook activities: Chapter overviews, Student web activities, Self-Check quizzes, Interactive
Teacher Corner: Web Activity Lesson Plan, Textbook Updates, Literature connections, Teacher
Additional Resources: Current Events, Partners’ Sites, Web Resources, State Resources
Economics (Regular & Honors)
Economics: Principles in Action, 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall
Website Textbook Companion Website includes the following:
Resource Center: Careers, CBS Market Watch, Current Events, Economic Atlas & Databank,
Online Skills Tutor, Primary Sources, The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition
Unit and Chapter Activities
Pearson Social Studies website includes the following:
Student Resources: Historical Documents, DK Online World Desk Reference, Government
Updates, Department of Homeland Security
Teacher Resources: Editable worksheet center, Pearson LessonLab, eTeach, Online Map Bank,
Iraq updates, United We Stand
Infoplease® Resources: Black History Month, President’s Day, Almanac, Atlas, Dictionary,
Encyclopedia, Current Events
American Government (Regular & Honors)
Magruder’s American Government, 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall
Textbook Companion Website includes the following:
Resource Center: Biographies, Careers in Government, Citizenship Activity Pack, Current Events,
Government Updates, Infoplease® Timelines, Interactive Constitution, Internet updates, Online
Skills Tutor, Primary Sources, Stop the Presses, Supreme Court Cases, The United States
Unit and Chapter Activities
Pearson Social Studies website includes the following:
Student Resources: Historical Documents, DK Online World Desk Reference, Government
Updates, Department of Homeland Security
Teacher Resources: Editable worksheet center, Pearson LessonLab, eTeach, Online Map Bank,
Iraq updates, United We Stand
Infoplease® Resources: Black History Month, President’s Day, Almanac, Atlas, Dictionary,
Encyclopedia, Current Events
High School Electives
World Cultural Geography
World Geography, 2005 McDougal Littell
Classzone website includes the following:
Student tools: Current events, test practice, power-point guide, Social Studies Reference links
Teacher resources: *must register to use – Web blog, Video Script, Technology in the Classroom
Activities, Professional Development links
African American History
African American History: A Journey of Liberation, 2002 Peoples Publishing
Publisher website provides no support for this title.
Holocaust Studies
Voices and Views: A History of the Holocaust, 2002 Jewish Foundation
Publisher website provides no support for this title.
Law Studies
Street Law: A Course in Practical Law 2005, Glencoe
Website includes the following:
Textbook activities: Chapter overviews, Cases and Recourses, Unit web activities, Student Self
-Assessment quizzes
Teacher Corner: Unit Web Activity Lesson Plan, Textbook Updates, Teacher Forum, Correlations,
Street Law 6th Edition
Additional Resources: Web Resources, State Resources, Careers in Law, U.S. Supreme Court
Updates, Partners’ Sites
Understanding Psychology, 2003 Glencoe
Website includes the following:
Textbook activities: Chapter overviews, Student web activities, Self-Check quizzes, Interactive
Teacher Corner: Web Activity Lesson Plan, Textbook Updates, Teacher Forum
Additional Resources: Current Events, Partners’ Sites, Web Resources, State Resources
Sociology and You, 2003 Glencoe
Website includes the following:
Textbook activities: Chapter overviews, Student web activities, Self-Check quizzes, Interactive
Teacher Corner: Web Activity Lesson Plan, Textbook Updates, Teacher Forum
Additional Resources: Current Events, Partners’ Sites, Web Resources, State Resources
Latin American History/Caribbean Studies
The Latino Experience in U.S. History, 1994 Globe Fearon
Publisher website provides no support for this title.
Multicultural Studies
Multicultural Milestones in U.S. History 1995 Globe Fearon
This title is out of print and no longer supported by publisher
Advanced Placement®
AP World History: World History, 2004 Wadsworth Cengage Learning
Textbook Companion Website includes the following student resources:
Chapter Resources: Concentration, Crossword Puzzle, Essay Questions, Flashcards, Glossary,
InfoTrac College Edition/Research, Internet Exercises, Student Manual, Tutorial Quiz, Web Links
Book Resources: Art Study CD-ROM Correlation Guide, Final Exam, Interactive Maps, Wright
Audio CD Correlation Guide
Course Resources: American History Resource Center, Calendar, Western Civilization Resource
Center, World History Resource Center
Ancillaries: Book Supplements *requires an Access Key
Textbook Companion Website includes the following instructor resources includes all of the student
resources above and the following password protected resources:
Chapter Resources: AP Guide, Chapter Outline, Chapter Summary, Instructor’s Manual and Test
Bank, PowerPoint Presentations, Resource Integration Guide
Book Resources: AP Front Matter, AP Updates, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
Course Resources: First Class In-Service Program, History Channel Classroom
Ancillaries: same as above
AP U.S. History: The American Pageant, 2002 McDougal Littell
Student resources: ACE Practice Tests, Flash Cards, Web Activities, Web Links, Primary Sources,
Reader’s Companion
Instructor Resources: * must register to use.
AP American Government and Politics: Government in America, 2004 Pearson Prentice Hall
Publisher website support for 13th and 14th editions only
AP Comparative Government and Politics: Comparative Politics Today: A World View, 7th ed. Pearson
Prentice Hall
Publisher website support for 9th edition only
AP Macroeconomics/Microeconomics: Economics, 2005 Glencoe
Student Center website includes the following resources: DiscoverEcon Student Career Center,
Web Resources, Wall Street Journal, Current Events, Three Bonus Web Chapters, Updates,
Bulletin Board, See the Math, Powerpoint Presentations, Study To Go, and chapter by chapter
resources including interactive quizzes and graphs.
Instructor Center requires registration and is password protected.
AP Psychology: Psychology, 7th ed. Bedford, Freeman, & Worth
Student resources (requires student registration): Quizzes, Chapter Reviews, Flashcards, For
More Information; Quiz: Anatomical Art; PsychSim Tutorials, PsychQuest Tutorials; Web Links,
Thinking Critically, Psychology Timeline; PsychInquiry Worksheets; PsychSim 5 Online Quizzing;
PsychSim 5 PDF Worksheets; Chapter by Chapter resources including chapter reviews and online
Instructor resources (password protected): In addition to the student resources, it includes
Quiz Gradebook, Powerpoints, Syllabus Posting, Image and Lecture Gallery, WebCT, Blackboard,
Lecture Guides, Supplements List, Instructor’s Resource eLibrary, PsychSim 5 Worksheets
Answer Key; Faculty Guide to Moving Images Videos
AP European History: A History of Western Society: Since 1300, 7th ed. McDougal Littell
Publisher provides no support for this edition.
AP Human Geography: Human Geography: Society and Space, 7th ed. Wiley
Student Companion Site: Chapter by chapter resources; Student Companion, Web Cams and live Radio;
Virtual Field Trips; Virtual Maps, Additional Resources; Action Oriented Activities, GeoDiscoveries
Animations; GeoDiscoveries Interactivities; Flashcards; Map Quizzes