May 2016 - The First Freedom


May 2016 - The First Freedom
More things are wrought by prayer
than this world dreams of.
It’s here to stay.
Y’all have a nice day.
Volume 18
Number 5
The First
Subscribe today!
P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Self-government begins at home
May 2016
Aryan America vs. the Zionist media¢cracy
“Death to the Arabs” rally draws thousands in Tel Aviv
By Ali Abunimah
In Tel Aviv’s Yitzhak Rabin Square
on April 19, thousands
of Israelis rallied in
support of Elor Azarya,
the sol dier filmed
executing a gravely
wounded Palestinian
in March.
Rally-goers shouted anti-Arab slogans
and attacked persons perceived as being
unsympathetic journalists.
Hours earlier, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu had issued a call for
leniency toward the soldier.
Times of Israel reporter Judah Ari Gross
tweeted that an activist from B’Tselem, the
human rights group that released the video
of Azarya shoot ing and kill ing Abd
al-Fattah al-Sharif, had to be escorted out
of Rabin Square by po lice in or der to
“protect his life.”
Reporter David Sheen, a contributor to
The Electronic Intifada, was set upon by a
mob and then ordered to leave the area by
police after he was accused of association
with B’Tselem.
Sheen told The Electronic Intifada he
ar rived at Rabin Square be fore the rally
began but as several hundred people had
already gathered. Some asked him to film
them with their signs supporting Azarya.
At that point, Sheen said, a man began
asking him why he was filming. Other
members of the crowd quickly began
joining in, shouting at Sheen, “Are you
B’Tselem? Go to Gaza!”
Sheen said he tried to remain calm and
exit the square but the increasingly agitated
mob followed him and began to surround
and kick him. He was then grabbed by a
police officer and extracted. Sheen said
police took his camera equipment and
questioned him. After he told them he was
a journalist, they said he either had to leave
immediately or face a night in jail. Sheen
said he chose to leave and that
police returned his equipment.
The police were effectively
acting accomplices to the mob,
Sheen ob served, en sur ing the
removal of journalists who could
document what occurred.
Sheen said that the assault
was fright en ing, “be cause I
knew that everyone else at that
rally was of the same mindset
and there wasn’t anyone who
was going to step in, so it very
easily could have gotten much
worse and there wouldn’t have
been anybody to fish me out.”
He said he had been threatened at other
recent rallies he has covered, but had not
experienced that level of violence.
“It doesn’t surprise me that people in
Israel harbor hatred towards journalists,”
Sheen said.
“They don’t see the soldier’s actions as a
problem,” he added. “They see the problem
as ex po sure to world me dia that puts
pressure on their government to withdraw
support from that soldier.”
“But it still caught me by surprise how
quickly people were whipped up into a
frothing-at-the-mouth mob,” he said.
Chants from the crowd heard by Sheen
included “Kill the leftists” and “Elor Azarya
is a hero, bring back our boy!”
A video of the mob assault on Sheen
was posted on Facebook by a user who
ac cuses him of be ing a B’Tselem
videographer intent on “provoking” the
rally-goers. Sheen is not affiliated with the
human rights group.
Iceland jails
Calling their bluff
Page 22
Page 16
of Ukraine
Page 10
Page 13
Page 15
Pen bloodier
than the sword
The Prohibition
game Page 14
Will France collapse?
Page 21
Camps of the would-be saints
Page 15
Page 3
Page 19
Page 21
How audacious SS
rescued Mussolini
Page 11
The Clinton
Body Count
Pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
April in Washington
By DCDave
Around the basin there’s a ring
Of cherry trees now blossoming.
Showing off the city’s best,
They give its residents a rest
From all the darker doings there
That constitute the normal fare.
NC government
Some thoughts
on today’s
Page 24
is majority straight
Page 18
Those voices trying to
tell us that we’re finished
are getting squeakier.
As I observe the Asian gift,
My spirits get a fleeting lift.
Forgetting everything I know,
I enjoy the yearly show,
Admiring in her loveliness,
The harlot in a wedding dress.
– David Martin
Members of the mob can be heard
yelling “son of a whore” and other insults.
“Kill them all”
An other in de pend ent re porter, Dan
Cohen, tweeted that many in the crowd
chanted “Death to Arabs,” a frequently
heard rallying cry at anti-Palestin ian
Ahmed Tibi, a Palestinian lawmaker in
Israel’s parliament, posted an image of a
sign displayed at the rally reading “Kill
them all.”
The rally was organized by Sharon Gal,
an Israeli journalist and former lawmaker,
and was addressed by Azarya’s parents.
Several Israeli pop icons were scheduled
to en ter tain the rally-goers, in clud ing
singers Moshik Afia, Maor Edri and Amos
Elgali, as well as rapper Subliminal, the
Israeli website Ynet reported.
But two performers, Eyal Golan and
David D’Or, with drew at the last minute
in the wake of public outrage that their
appearance could be seen as an attack on
the Israeli army, which has faced heavy
criticism for taking any measures at all
against Azarya.
“I would have liked to come to perform
at the assembly in the name of art, and
personally as a performer and as a human
being,” Golan stated. “However, I’m sorry
Get the hardest-hitting rebel newspaper of them all by
mail anywhere in the C.S.A. or U.S. For 12 issues send
$25 to TFF, P.O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576.
Who’s to blame?
Page 9
SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time readers of
alternate news, especially boob tube babies, may experience
severe loss of confidence in the Establishment press and TV.
to say that there are those who will use this
as a political spectacle.”
“I wanted to show my sympathy to the
family of the soldier,” D’Or said, “not to
say anything against the IDF [Israeli army]
or the IDF chief of staff, God forbid.”
An opinion poll found that 57 percent of
the Israeli public saw nothing wrong with
Azarya’s actions and 32 percent supported
it outright. Just five percent saw shooting
an injured, incapacitated person as murder.
That support comes from the highest
ech e lons of Is rael’s gov ern ment. In a
statement to media hours before the rally,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had
demanded leniency for Azarya.
“As the father of a soldier and as Prime
Minister, I would like to reiterate: the IDF
backs its soldiers,” Netanyahu said.
“In my familiar ity with the military
justice system, I am convinced that the
court will con sider all cir cum stances
regarding the incident. Our soldiers are not
murderers. They act against murderers and
I hope that a way will be found to balance
between the action and the overall context
of the event,” the prime minister added.
Netanyahu’s attempt to prejudge the
outcome of any trial appears to be an effort
to ride the wave of popularity Azarya is
enjoying that was vividly – and violently –
on display at the Tel Aviv rally.
Pre vi ously, B’Tselem has
condemned similar statements
by top Israeli officials as sending
messages that “empty the official
restrictions on use of force, and
particularly on live fire, of real
Abd al-Fattah al-Sharif and
Ramzi al-Qasrawi, both 21, were
shot dead after they allegedly
tried to attack Israeli occupation
soldiers in the West Bank city of
Hebron on 24 March.
The killing of al-Sharif was caught on
video which shows the youth on the
ground, incapacitated, as Azarya points a
ri fle at him from close range and fires
directly at his head.
The Palestinian human rights group
Al-Haq, which investigated the incident,
called the killings war crimes and noted the
complicity of Israeli medical workers and
others in the vicinity who did nothing to
assist the injured al-Sharif before he was
extrajudicially executed.
Al-Haq dismissed the arrest of Azarya
as part of a public relations effort, noting
that no one was detained in the shooting of
al-Qasrawi, whose killing was not filmed.
“The occupation authorities’ detention
of the accused soldier is a coverup of the
crime, to show the occupier as law abiding
and holding violators accountable,” Al-Haq
God’s chosen?
“The arrest of one soldier and not the
other suggests that what the other soldier
had done was not a crime because it was
not captured on camera,” the group added.
Israel at first announced Azarya would
be charged with murder, but following a
surge of public support, the charges were
downgraded to manslaughter.
Ali Abunimah is the co-founder of The Electronic
In ti fa da and au thor of The Bat tle for Jus tice in
Palestine, now out from Haymarket Books.
The First Freedom
— Southern Poverty Truth Center —
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Moving toward a cashless Jewless currency
ANDREW JACKSON was arguably the
greatest President in America’s
history, one real White man.
He fought in duels, won the
Battle of New Orleans and
abolished the Second Bank
of the United States. Now
this wea sel Jew Trea sury
Secretary Jack Lew wants
to remove him from the 20
dollar bill and put Negress Harriet Tubman
there because having a great White leader
on the Fed’s monopoly money in 2016 is
“racist.” We shall cure this ailment which
Henry Ford diagnosed so well. Meantime,
recall the Susan B. Anthony half dollar?
MONUMENTAL news. The United
States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
has granted a preliminary injunction to
stop the City of New Orleans from going
forward with removing all Confederate
monuments. This injunction will remain
in place while the case is on appeal.
WALMART founder Sam Walton said:
“There is only one boss: the customer. And
he can fire everybody in the company from
the chairman on down, simply by spending
his money somewhere else.” Over the last
year, that customer has, indeed, taken his
business elsewhere, fueling a series of epic
setbacks for the retail giant.
BORDER agents have discovered
what could be the longest cross-border
tunnel in history, seizing seven tons of
marijuana and a ton of cocaine that
were crammed inside. This 2,400-foot
tunnel extended 900 feet from a house in
Tijuana, Mexico, and across the border
for a further 1,500 feet, surfacing in a
fenced-off San Diego industrial area.
TARGET has caved to pressure from the
administration and liberal activists. They
have announced that any “transgendered”
person can use the bathroom in their stores
according to the gender he associates with.
Thus, in Target stores men are allowed into
the restroom next to your daughter. Once
called perverted, this is now a “civil right.”
CLOUDY with a chance of humvees:
It began raining humvees last month
when a U. S. Army training exercise at
Hohenfels military base in Germany
went wrong. Three military vehicles
detached from their parachute systems
and crashed violently to the ground. An
airborne drill at the main headquarters
of the U. S. Army’s Joint Multinational
Readiness Center snafued when C-130
Hercules tactical airlifters began to drop
HMMWV (humvee) off-roaders onto
the ground. Those improperly-secured
vehicles ended up as just three mounds
of deformed metal.
OF COURSE, that’s what comes with
each attempt at “multinational readiness.”
When NASA set about to multiculturalize
America’s space program, incompetence
and misunderstandings led to tragedies.
Gone was that methodical cooperation the
media insist on sacrificing for their every
rainbow coalition demolition.
The Syrian opposition is US controlled
and supplied. Despite the public face of
peace talks, the US still wants Assad out
and a puppet regime in.
SEVERAL MEMBERS of the American
Studies Association (ASA) announced on
April 20 that they would begin suing the
association for its boycott of Israel. So now
you can be sued for refusing to support
Israel’s crimes against humanity?
Thanks to TFF distributor Mike
Weaver for calling our attention to
this Georgia Governor’s biases.
PATRIOTIC Germans – who are fed
up with their Willkommenskultur – now
view Hungary as “Europe’s bulwark.”
They have witnessed helplessly as that
smaller East European neighbor stood
up to illegal immigration and showed
the West it’s possible for one sovereign
State at least, unlike occupied Germany,
to defend its borders.
May God continue to bless and help
you in the work that you are doing.
Point Clear, AL
I am very impressed with each new
edition of The First Freedom.
Nashville, TN
I really have to give credit to your
ed i to rial fac ulty for putt ing to gether
such high quality, informative articles.
Waymart, PA
r $5 for 6 issues
$25 for 12 issues
$50 for 24 issues
$75 for 36 issues
$100 for 48 issues
BREXIT supporter Marine Le Pen,
as leader of France’s hard-right Front
National party, is considering coming to
the U. K. to help campaign there for a
British exit from the European Union.
Le Pen’s office informed The Guardian
on April 20 that a visit ahead of the June
23 British referendum vote was “under
PEGIDA founder Lutz Bachmann, on
trial in Germany for calling foreigners
“cattle” and “trash” on the Jewish-run,
anti-White website Facebook, may go to
jail. Moslems commit crimes there, but
saying mean things about them can get
you five years in prison. Germany is an
authoritarian, Marxist State similar to
the world presented in George Orwell’s
famous book, 1984.
The First
ABE FOXMAN, the former National
Director of a subversive, anti-White hate
group called the Anti-Defamation League
of B’nad B’rith, recently announced he has
come out of retirement to take charge of the
newly-cre ated Cen ter for the Study of
Anti-Semitism, which is affiliated with the
Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York
City. Foxman will focus on fundraising for
the new organization as it examines the
“disease” of “anti-Semitism,” a “disease”
all Western Nations have “caught” at one
time or another as a direct result of Jewish
behavior and treachery.
Challenging a Zionist-controlled mediacracy to tolerate the truth
“Be assured that if this new provision
[the 14th Amendment] be engrafted in
the Constitution, it will, in time, change
the entire struc ture and texture of
our government, and sweep away all
the guarantees of safety devised and
provided by our patriotic Sires of the
Revolution.” – Orville Browning
Sec. of the Interior (1867)
A NEW U. S. State De part ment
report reveals that Israel discriminates
against Palestinians in almost all aspects
of society. In its 2015 Country Report on
Human Rights Practices for Israel and
occupied Palestinian territories, the U. S.
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and
Labor finds “institutional and societal
discrimination against Arab citizens of
Israel.” So why do we give Israel over ten
million dollars a day? Shame on U. S.!
FULLY ARMED with its Aegis combat
system, the USS Donald Cook recently
found the Russian air force unwelcoming,
as the U. S. conducted military maneuvers
fifty miles from Russian soil. The Russian
flyover was greeted in Washington with
howls of “aggression!” But why was this
U. S. Naval vessel – whose job is to target
enemy missiles nuclear and conventional –
conducting exercises so close to Russia? Is
that not also provocative?
Scalawag of the Month
Nathan Deal
Sane Georgians defy him
overnor Nathan Deal has vetoed his
State’s religious liberty bill, removed the
Tom Watson statue from the Georgia State
Capitol and replaced it with a statue of
MLK. He buckled under pressure from
major corporations that do business in
Georgia and the so-called LGBT club.
House Bill 757 would have allowed
faith-based organizations to deny services
and jobs to “gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender” people. Deal said he didn’t
think the bill was necessary.
Queer coalition
CNN: “Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff
said the company ‘can’t have a program
in Georgia’ if the bill were to be come
law. Disney said it would stop filming in
the State, and Unilever said it would
‘reconsider investment’ if the legislation
were signed. Coca-Cola spoke out against
the bill, as did Home Depot and several
other For tune 500 companies based in
“The NFL said the bill could cost
Atlanta the opportunity to host the Super
Bowl. Time-Warner, the parent company
of CNN, also opposed the legislation.
“More than a dozen States have approved
The First
Self-government begins at home
Speech and religion were already ours
back when FDR named “four freedoms.”
But he would whip hunger, fear and oppression,
abstaining forever from Europe’s wars.
When politicians lie, the State bites off
what only individuals can chew.
It’s time we recovered
those powers not delegated.
Editor: Olaf Childress
Editorial faculty: Bill Ebb, Nancy Hitt, Kyle Hunt,
Christine Miller, Donald Sullivan, John Friend and
Bill White.
Correspondents: Mark Anderson, Ellen Brown,
Chris DeHuff, Jason Gerhard, Elliott Germain,
John Peeples, Pat Shannan and Mike Walsh.
Telephone: 850-624-5490
Correspondence about subscriptions or changes of
address should be addressed to The First Freedom,
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576.
similar laws in the past year.
“The proposed Georgia law would have
ensured that pastors could not be forced to
perform same-sex marriages. It also would
have allowed faith-based organizations to
fire, to refuse to hire, or to refuse services
to someone if doing so violates their faith.”
Seriously, now
An Englishman, Frenchman, Texan and
Mexican flying across country on a small
plane hear the pilot yell into the intercom:
“We’re having mechanical problems and
the only way we can get to the next airport
is for three of you to open the door and
jump! At least one of you can survive.”
The four open the door and gaze below.
The Englishman takes a deep breath and,
shouting, “God save the Queen!” he leaps.
The Frenchman gets really inspired and,
letting loose with, “Vive la France!” also
Such bravura pumps up the Texan, who,
hollering, “Remember the Alamo!” grabs
and throws the Mexican out that door.
Periodicals postage paid at Foley, Alabama.
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SUBSCRIPTIONS: C. S. A. and U. S: For the next
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Domestic subscriptions: Send $25 check, money
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Self-government begins at home. Let patriotism,
in obedience to God, emancipate our imprisoned
heritage! Join this nonprofit newspaper and help
de-program the brainwashed population. Except for
copyrighted articles, anyone may reprint or quote
The First Freedom in whole or part; just give full
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We may carefully edit submitted manuscripts to
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prefer email; publish only the writer’s name, city
and State but need address and phone verification.
Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily
represent The First Freedom’s views. These are
expressed in editorials.
— First things —
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
The unknowing illusionist enables their agenda
By Geno LoCascio
trickery, usury, cultural distortion and wide
array of other self-serving tendencies. We,
and only we Aryans, from Queen Elizabeth
in Ancient England to Queen Isabella of
Spain in 1492 and, most notably, Adolf
Hitler among some thirty-six other Nations
throughout history, have given the boot to
the Jew – often quite literally.
vital question: Is there an elaborate
conspiracy among Jews whereby they all
work together, or at least are in the know, to
destroy the Aryan race? This recalls a very
pop ular article that I read years ago in a
resistance magazine entitled “Straight Talk
From a Jew.” It divulged his secret hatred
and animosity for the same White people
that he readily fooled with a smile and an
amiable-seeming nature into believing he
(Jews) had some sort of affinity for them.
Reading that article would bring some
to entertain the notion that all Jews are
aware of an agenda which was set in place
centuries ago, perhaps by the “Learned
Elders of Zion,” to lord over and ultimately
destroy the vigilant Aryan race by means
of systematically usurping power, a plan
which “elitist Zionist Jews” are currently
carrying out across the entire White world
today. As a youthful racialist at that time,
and as much as I wanted to believe it, it just
seemed to me too illogical – that all Jews
were part of some global conspiracy to do
away with Whites. Yet, much like most
fellow racialists, I have always wondered
with great curiosity.
You see, prior to becoming racially aware
on any fully conscious level, I happened to
live in a town flooded by Jews.
I went to school with them, played
sports with them, also laughed and joked
with them. No different from myself, they
even at times cracked jokes about the few
Negroes in town. Through that experience
I became temporarily disarmed and thrown
off track in regard to the Jew among us.
Was I to believe that all those kids were
perping a fraud? That they secretly hated
My awakening
Later in life becoming well educated, I
evolved into a most vigilant and vehement
anti-Semite, for lack of a better word. I do
understand that the Jew is the intended
destroyer of Nature including her most
beautiful and sacred creation, the Aryan
race. Thankfully, I was not permanently
brain polluted through experiences with
friendly Jew kids appearing and seeming
to act just like me. Yet, unfortunately, I do
believe most Whites come away believing
Jews are harmless and pretty much the
same as themselves.
For me, along the way in life even as a
well-educated man I often found myself
somewhat baffled by the everyday Jew and
would reflect on that “Straight Talk” piece
trying to convince myself that, “Damn,
they really must be fantastic actors!”
After all, every Jew has to be bad, right?
Wrong! And my rational side always
knew that something was amiss. For a man
consumed by his duty to race, yet not ever
one to knowingly follow any falsehood,
admittedly I was deeply conflicted as to
this Jewish conspiracy question.
Oblivious of his role
Recently, I’ve had to spend much time in
close proximity with a devoutly religious,
traditionally knish and matzah-ball-soupslurping Jew! A real Jewey, Jewjew! Okay,
this here Hebe truly does not know a darn
thing of any anti-White agenda. In fact, he
is a bit too “White self-identifying” for my
liking; which, I explained to the fellow, is
simply ludicrous for him to think. What
sold me the most was the unmistakable hue
of disgust on his face when speaking of
White females bedding down with savage
slave descendants. That look on his face
could not so easily be contrived; I am here
to tell you, this very Jewish Jew doesn’t
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American Defense Party
Your annual dues are what you pay
for The First Freedom, so sound off
in its pages why we’re NOT VOTING
Their problem ours
Your “representatives” – forbidden by the Southern Puberty Lechery Center, a
federal Affirmative Action Apparatchik and those new voting machines to display
such reminders in a building full of judges, lawyers and politicians – have banished
the Ten Commandments from Alabama’s Supreme Court now for
know the score at all.
I found myself at once decided: resolute
on getting to the bottom of this lifelong
question that I’ve struggled with. As a fullfledged racialist, that thorn in my side had
to be answered right there and then, even if
I needed to force it out of him physically!
My understanding of actions done by the
Jew has been otherwise perfect for a good
long time.
The reason this question has pulled at me
so long is because my intention is neither
to wrongly convict nor punish anyone who
doesn’t deserve that unless it’s absolutely
imperative to meet a necessary end. But, if
such “end” happens to be the Fourteen
Word ob jec tive – We must se cure the
existence of our people and a future for
White children – I, for one, could not care
a bit less what innocent bystander falls
victim, so long as that person is not White.
Honesty is the parent of happiness
Thus in conversation I endeavored to
explore the typical upbringing of Jews and
how such ones are raised by mom and dad,
what directions they receive for career
choices, their traditions and things of this
nature. My effort was to be as thorough as
possible in coming to understand certain
important things that would put the final
piece into this puzzle. Quickly I confirmed
much of what I had suspected, namely that
they get pushed into those arenas already
dominated by their kind, i.e., jurisprudence,
politics, entertainment, education, banking
and finance and Rabbinical education.
Further, I asked about the Jews’ outlook
upon gentiles, and learned they receive
instruction about being “set aside” by God
and so must first and foremost stay loyal to
other Jews. I endeavored much further, but
for space considerations let me suffice it to
say that “everyday Jews” need not know
the score at all; they are making the score
possible just by being good employees!
Protection racket
With this paradigm established, you end
up with a self-running organism of power
and control. Simply through grooming your
people into such aforementioned positions
– which could then rightly be called their
“inheritance” – ironically, you may then
from the top down carry out your agenda
for good or bad, yes? Your “employees”
need not even have a clue. They are well
trained, devoutly faithful and loyal to their
own. They merely collect the benefit and
that protection.
This is where it all makes perfect sense
and comes together brilliantly. There are
two prongs to this protection aspect, both
of them extremely relevant to the entire
Jewish question.
§ #1, elitist Zionist Jews, no different
from their ancestors, knew for an absolute
that the Aryan is he who always rightly
identifies the hosted Jews for all their
For this reason, the Jews must protect
themselves. To do this efficaciously they
have occupied all those positions needed to
pollute the minds of White children, this by
design; gained control over our money and
government; even twisted Christianity into
an oxymoron called “Judeo-Christianity.”
Their goal is to weaken us to a breaking
point where the Aryan spirit is no longer
felt, neither understood nor identifiable, in
which instance they would supposedly be
safe, having driven us to an unnatural death.
All this in the name of their safety, so as to
be free for working such deeds and feeding
themselves, because, well, these people are
Zionists, after all, who believe they stand
thus entitled by God.
§ #2, yet these “everyday Jews” are not
flawless characters in the lofty opinions of
their own leaders. They will not be trusted
en masse with a conspiracy so great and
potentially perilous (if found out); it would
ruin all their plans. Rabbis are of the most
cunning and intelligent people on earth, for
Pete’s sake; they’re beating the White race
into oblivion without lifting a fist! Would
they be so stupid and not realize that to
make every known Jew aware of the whole
agenda would bring their own destruction?
Pogroms would once again take hold as the
day’s sport and they are certainly aware of
that! How best to protect their people and
centuries-old agenda?
Do it with grim secrecy! They merely
had to create the apparatus. It is brilliant,
yet pretty much common sense.
Bit player
If a jihadist suicide bomber didn’t know
he was strapped to explosives and a timer
to detonate, he would go about his day with
a very convincing smile, acting as natural
as growing grass, undetected nor interfered
with. Surely that bomb would go off; his
higher ups were a bit smarter than him. The
analogy exactly aligns with what we’re
facing when it comes to that Jew next to
you in the grocery store. Most likely he in
fact thinks nothing of you.
But that is the brilliance of their agenda.
It is an illusion being carried out by an
unknowing illusionist, truth be told.
Synced video: how they murdered Finicum
plowed into and is believed to have shot
through the windshield initially. By the
way, why did he jump out in front of the
truck, except to take aim? Then he sits up
and continues firing at LaVoy, who has his
hands up. I think he crouched down and
slipped away, hoping the camera hadn’t
recorded him shooting at a man who was
Also, why would the shooter turn away
and retreat when a “dangerous” man might
draw a weapon and shoot fellow officers?
Hmmmm. Yep, he probably shot LaVoy in
the belly or left hip and then noticed arms
were up and a camera was on him. “Oops,
I’m out of here.”
It isn’t enough to know why our
Creator hasn’t endowed all birds,
reptiles and humans “equally.” A
dull world that would be! Let us
hold these truths to be self-evident:
that life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness remain inalienable only
so long as we ASSERT such rights
– as these ranchers are doing.
By Ron Neil
f LaVoy Finicum was looking to be
killed by cops, he would have come out of
that truck guns blazing. He was hauling
over to a neighboring County where the
Sheriff understood his oath of office and
the people wanted to hear more about the
proper way to resist Federal land grabbers.
Besides, his vehicle was just shot at during
the first stop; he could have suicided then.
Your eyes won’t lie
I think he was taking fire as the truck hit
the snow, as he promptly exited the vehicle
with his hands up. I would have no problem
with him reaching for a gun under those
circumstances. The weapon is a non-issue
because he was being shot at. If cops are
trying to kill you with your hands up, then
you have a right to defend yourself.
There are pictures showing LaVoy
wearing not only a holster on his right hip
but also a holster under his other arm. With
a left shoulder holster, you open your coat
with your left hand and reach in with your
right. Look at the video: his left elbow
moved way back, suggesting his left hand
and right went to his belly or left hip and
not his coat – after being shot by the man
who turns and slinks away towards the
This is the same man who was almost
So the verdict is in
It was a hit, an assassination. The others
are very lucky to be alive.
LaVoy’s Three Shooters.
Please, consider passing along
some DVDs to folks.
We have 77 titles to pick from.
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Media bypass operation —
The Clinton body count
By Michael Rivero
ew! Updated for Hillary’s 2016 run!
My thanks to everyone who took the time
to write and suggest a
few corrections. Many
changes have been
made to this list based
on the info sent in and
more will be added in
the very near future.
In compiling this
list I have tried to find
as much photographic
evidence as I can, but surprisingly (or
maybe not so surprisingly) these people in
many cases seem to have been erased from
the internet!
The following is a partial list of a large
number of persons who have recently met
their demise in suspicious circumstances
who appear to have some connection to
the Clintons. I stress partial because new
additions are coming in faster than closets
can be found to hide the bodies in!
Don Adams
Died January 7, 1997
Long before Whitewater’s land flips
made the Clintons’ circle of friends rich,
many of the same play ers had been
involved in a similar land swindle in
Branson. Don Ad ams was a law yer in
Arkansas who got involved trying to help
the people who were being swindled out of
their life savings.
The successor attorney for Don left for
parts unknown about a year after Don was
chest (by one report, twice) rather than be
interviewed by Newsweek magazine that
Explanations for his suicide focused on
a claim that he was embarrassed over two
“Valor” pins he was not authorized to wear.
Former CNO Admiral Elmo Zumwalt said
on the May 17 Larry King Live show that
Admiral Boorda was not only authorized
to wear the “V” on his medals, but that he
had personally authorized him to do so
when he was serving as Commander Naval
Forces Vietnam.
When it turned out that Boorda was
entitled to those decorations, blame shifted
to stresses over the downsizing of the Navy,
and even (Washington Times) the adverse
effect that feminism was having on the
Navy’s morale.
Boorda sup pos edly left two suicide
notes, neither of which was released. On
Thursday, June 25, 1998, Navy Secretary
John Dalton formally acknowledged that
Boorda had been en ti tled to wear the
dec o ra tions.
So, like Brown, and like Foster, the
proximate cause for the “suicide” turns out
to be fraudulent.
Ron Brown
Gandy Baugh
Died January 8, 1994
Attorney representing Mr. Lassater in a
case about alleged financial misconduct.
He died in an alleged suicide by jumping
out of a window of a multi-story building.
Mr. Lassater was a close associate of Gov.
Clinton, and was later indicted on drug
related charges, among other things. Baugh’s
law partner was “suicided” one month later
on February 9, 1994.
Former Chairman, DNC; Commerce Secretary
Died May 3, 1996
Ron Brown died along with 39 other
people when the T-43 (a converted 737 used
by the Air Force) carrying the group on a
trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching
the Dubrovnik airport. On the verge of
being indicted and having stated publicly
his willingness to make a deal with the
prosecutors, Ron Brown’s death brought to
an end his ability to testify. The very next
day, Ron Brown’s personal lawyer was
murdered in a drive-by shooting. A few
days later, the Air Traffic Controller who
had been in charge during the aircraft crash
was found dead and declared a suicide.
Leaving Ron Brown’s funeral, President
Bill Clinton was seen laughing and joking
… until he saw the camera, then he went
into his sad act!
James Bunch
Influential Texan
Exact date of death unknown
Died from a gunshot “suicide,” similar
to Vince Foster. Was discovered to have a
“little black book” containing the names
of many influential persons in Texas and
Arkansas who visited certain prostitutes.
Admiral Jeremy Boorda
Chief of Naval Operations
Died May 16th, 1996
Boorda sup pos edly went home for
lunch and decided to shoot himself in the
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Eric Butera
Died December 4, 1997
An informant who came forward offering
information regarding the murder of White
House intern Mary Mahoney. He was then
sent into a known crack house to make an
undercover buy for the police and was
“The principle for which we
contend is bound to reassert
it self, though it may be
at an other time and in
an other form.”
– Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis
beaten to death. His mother was awarded
$100 million in compensation, but a federal
judge later slashed it to just $1 million.
Caetano Carani
Witness to a shooting near the White House
Died November 11, 1994
Suffered an un known in fec tion just
before he was to testify. Death attributed to
“apparent” food poisoning.
media, including one quoting Mrs. Colby
herself as having been told by William
Colby by phone that he was going canoeing.
Mrs. Colby denied any such story. The
week that he died, Colby was scheduled to
meet with the Disclosure Project.
Suzanne Coleman
Had affair with Clinton when he
was attorney general of Arkansas.
Died February 15, 1977
Died of “suicide” with gunshot wound to
the back of her head. No autopsy allowed.
Was seven months pregnant at time of her
death. She had told friends it was Bill
Clinton’s child. (See Danny Williams).
She was 26 at the time of her death.
Gregory Collins
William Colby
Director of Central Intelligence (ret)
Died April 27(?), 1996
William Colby had been the DCI from
1973 to 1976 under Nixon and Ford.
At age 76, Colby had found a new career
and had just started writing for Strategic
Investment at the time of his death. This had
worried many insiders in the intelligence
community who felt that Colby had already
divulged too many of the CIA’s secrets in
the preceding years. Indeed, his dismissal
by Ford was due to his over-cooperation
with Congressional investigations into
CIA wrongdoing. It was Colby who had
revealed to Congress the plans to kill Fidel
Castro, the spying on American citizens (in
direct violation of the CIA charter) and the
conducting of biological tests by the CIA
on unsuspecting citizens. George Bush Sr.
replaced him.
According to the original CNN report,
Colby was reported missing by neighbors
who “recovered” his canoe, by one story
from under the dock at Colby’s house, by
another report, ¼ of a mile downstream
from there.
Colby was by all report a methodical, tidy
man, yet police found his home unlocked,
his computer on, and a partly eaten dinner
on the table. The official story is that Colby
just put down his fork and decided to drop
everything and go canoeing.
Colby at 76 was still a world traveler and
consultant to many corporations. He had
recently become an editor of an important
financial newsletter, Strategic Investment,
which covered the Vince Foster “suicide”
in detail. Its editors hired three renowned
handwriting experts to investigate Foster’s
suicide note, which hadn’t been found
when his briefcase was first searched, but
later materialized, torn into pieces, with no
fingerprints on any of the pieces. Upon
comparing this document with others of
Foster’s writings, these experts declared it
was a forgery, and a not very good one at
Colby had old enemies as well as new,
with plenty of motives for his extermination.
He was in charge of the infamous Operation
Phoenix during the Vietnam War, in which
more than 20,000 South Vietnamese citizens
– sup pos edly Vietcong sympa thiz ers –
were rounded up, tortured and executed. In
the 1970s he opened some of the secrets of
the CIA to Congress: “Colby insisted on
going public about the agency’s role in
tapping the telephones and opening the mail
of Americans; plotting the assassination of
Fidel Castro, and using human guinea pigs
for mind-control experiments involving
LSD,” the Times reports.
On Monday, May 6th, Colby’s body was
found just 20 yards from where his canoe
had been recovered, in an area that had
been thoroughly searched several times by
helicopters and search teams.
Most notable about the body was the
absence of a life jacket which, according to
his wife, Colby always wore on the water.
As has since been proven to have
happened in the JFK, Jr., case, false stories
were being deliberately planted in the
Witness to the train deaths
Died January 1989
Greg had information on the Ives/Henry
deaths. He died from a gunshot blast to the
face. Declared a suicide.
Keith Coney (or Koney)
Witness to the train deaths
Died May 1988
Keith had information on the Ives/Henry
deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident in
July 1988 while being chased by a car.
Ruled a traffic accident.
L. J. Davis
Reporter investigating Clinton scandals.
Attacked at his hotel room in Little Rock.
His notes were stolen.
David Drye
Died August 1999
Pat Matrisciana, owner of Jer emiah
Films (which produces such vides as “The
Clinton Chron i cles”), and Da vid Drye
planned a trip to Washington, DC, by
private plane. At the last second, Pat had to
cancel and David left without him, dying
when the plane crashed.
Daniel A. Dutko
Died July 27, 1999
Daniel A. Dutko, 54, co-chairman of
Leadership 2000, the Democratic National
Committee’s main fund-raising effort, held
many other high-level political positions
including vice chairman of finance for
Clinton-Gore in 1995; finance chairman of
the 53rd inaugural ball; and vice chairman
of finance for the DNC in 1996 (when the
Chinese money poured in). Attributed to a
bicycle accident, his death was said to have
resulted from strik ing his head on the
concrete, twice.
Five Navy aviators
Clinton bodyguards/escorts
(names not determined)
Died March 26, 1993
All died in a crash of an E-2C Hawkeye
in Italy. The crash occurred shortly after
the plane was “waved off” from a landing
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— Media bypass operation —
attempt on the carrier Roosevelt, due to a
“foul deck.” All five men had been
Clinton’s escorts during his visit to the
Roosevelt two weeks prior. Three others
having flown Clinton to the Roosevelt for
that visit also died later in a helicopter
Hershell Friday
Attorney and Clinton fund raiser
Died March 1, 1994
Killed when his plane exploded. Cause
Vincent Foster
Deputy White House Counsel
Died July 21, 1993
Found dead in Ft. Marcy
Park in Washington, DC, of a
supposed suicide by gunshot.
A suicide note was supposedly
found a few days later, torn
into several pieces, in his
briefcase, after his office had
been entered by White House
staff and materials removed.
The “suicide” note, (leaked
despite official efforts to keep
it from view) has since been
revealed to be a forgery.
The gun which he supposedly used to
kill himself was reported to be still in his
hand, but the person who first found the
body reports that there was no gun at that
time. Many irregu larities sur round the
death and the investigation of it. For one
thing, neither Foster’s fingerprints or blood
were on the gun he supposedly inserted
into his mouth and fired. There was no
blood on Foster’s hands.
Foster was also from Hope, Arkansas,
like Clinton, and also worked for the Rose
Law firm. Foster had intimate knowledge
of the Clintons’ personal finances. Foster
was involved in an investigation of their
finances, and reportedly made a phone call
to Hillary Clinton, in Los Angeles, just
hours before his death. Foster had been
called to tes tify to Con gress about the
records Hillary refused to turn over. Another
possible motive for the murder relates to
the Clinton Presidential Blind Trust, being
prepared by Foster, but six months late.
Testimony during the Whitewater hearings
suggested the trust was fraudulent, with
the Clintons retaining control over much of
their finances in order to profit from inside
Recently, the signed report of M. E. Dr.
Donald Haut was uncovered at the National
Ar chives, prov ing that Fos ter had a
previously unreported gunshot wound to
his neck.
Finally, an FBI memo surfaced dated the
day after the date of the official autopsy, in
which the autopsist informed the FBI that
there was no exit wound.
Corporal Eric S. Fox
Died March 22, 1999
Crewman for Marine One, the Presidential
Helicopter. Shot in the head, and declared a
Aldo Franscoia, Secret Service Agent
Capt. Kevin N. Earnest, Aircraft Cmdr
Capt. Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer, Pilot
2ndLt. Benjamin T. Hall, Navigator
SSgt. Michael J. Smith, Jr., Loadmaster
Sr. Airman Rick L. Merritt, Flight Engr
SSgt. Michael R. York, Loadmaster
Sr. Airman Billy R. Ogston, Crew Chief
Airman Thomas A. Stevens, Loadmaster
Died August 18, 1996
Killed when the C-130 carrying the
Presidential Limos crashed near Jackson
Hole, Wyoming. All nine people on board
a White House support plane were killed
late Saturday (10:48 PM), when it crashed
into Sheep Mountain (also known as
Sleeping Indian Mountain) near Jackson
Hole, Wyoming. The aircraft was en route
from Jackson Hole to John F. Kennedy
International. The Air Force Lockheed
Martin C-130 Hercules transport aircraft
was carrying a presidential vehicle and
many pieces of luggage, all related to the
pres ident’s va cation (his 50th birth day
celebration in the Grand Tetons). President
Clinton said Sunday afternoon that he was
told the pilot was attempting to return to
the Jackson Hole airport when it crashed
(CNN news report). The Air Force reported
find ing no ev i dence of an in-flight
mechanical emergency after examining the
flight data and flight voice recorders and
could not find ev i dence that the pi lot
radioed mechanical trouble before crashing
into the mountainside as reported by the
White House. The victims included eight
crew members and one Secret Service
agent. The aircraft and crew were stationed
out of Dyess Air Force Base.
Four Marine pilots
Marine One Presidential Helicopter pilots
(names not determined)
Died April 8, 2000
All died (with 15 others) in the crash of
a V-22 Osprey near Tucson. Witnesses
Ghigliotti, a thermal imaging analyst
hired by the House Government Reform
Committee to review tape of the siege at
Waco, Texas, said he had determined the
FBI fired shots on April 19, 1993. The FBI
had explained the light bursts on infrared
footage as reflections of sun rays on shards
of glass or other debris that littered the
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier
Roosevelt shortly before their deaths.
Stanley Heard
Chairman, National Chiropractic Health
Care Advisory Committee
Steve Dickson
Counsel to Mr. Heard
Died September 10, 1993
Both men died in a plane crash outside
Dulles airport after their aircraft, rented when
Heard’s personal craft developed troubles,
crashed while attempting an emergency
landing, reporting a fire on board. Let’s
repeat that. They took off in a plane. It
developed problems. They got it back to
the airport. They rented a new plane. They
took off in the new rented plane and it
developed a problem. On the way back to
the airport it crashed. Heard, in addition
to serving on Clinton’s advisory council,
also personally treated Clinton’s mother,
stepfather and brother.
John Hillyer
Judi Gibbs
Penthouse model and call girl
Died January 3, 1986
Judi Gibbs (along with her sis ter
Sharon) appeared in the December 1979
NBC and freelance cameraman
Died 1996
Hillyer passed away in a Dentist’s office
from unknown causes, despite being very
health conscious and in good physical
condition. Declared a heart attack. Was
working on an investigation into Mena and
assisted with the “Circle of Power,” and
“Clinton Chronicles.” Some time after his
passing, his widow recalled her husband
having said he felt he could be in danger.
Stanley Huggins
reported the craft burst into flames in
midair, then crashed.
Kathy Ferguson
Died May 10, 1994
Kathy Ferguson supposedly “committed
suicide” May 10, 1994, by shooting herself
in her living room. Kathy’s ex-husband was
Danny Ferguson, the Arkansas trooper
who said he escorted Paula Jones to Bill
Clinton’s hotel room. Kathy often told
friends and co-workers about how Bill had
gotten Danny to bring women to him and
stand watch while they had sex. Danny
Ferguson was a co-defendant along with
Bill Clinton in Paula Corbin Jones’s sexual
harassment suit. Kathy Ferguson was a
corroborating witness for Ms. Jones.
Oddly, next to Kathy’s body were her
packed bags, as if she was expecting to be
going somewhere.
issue of Penthouse, and later worked at a
bordello in Fordyce, near Mena, Arkansas,
which also ran a blackmail operation with
photos taken of customers with their girls.
According to the Gibbs family, Bill Clinton
was a regular customer of Judi, and there
were photos of him having sex with her
that threatened his Presidential campaign!
While cooperating with law enforcement in
a drug investigation, she died when her house
burned down. No cause for the fire was
found. Judy had called the fire department
to report the fire, but her body was found
on the floor in front of a ground floor
win dow, near a door that would have
allowed her escape. In a sworn statement,
Clinton bodyguard Barry Spivey related
how he had been with the governor when
the governor’s plane had flown over Judi
Gibbs’ house and Clinton had shown Judi’s
Penthouse photos on the plane and pointed
out the house.
Duane Garrett
Paula Grober
Radio host and Al Gore fundraiser
Died July 26, 1995
A lawyer and talk show host for KGO-AM
in San Francisco, Duane was the campaign
finance chairman for Dianne Feinstein’s run
for the senate, also a friend and fundraiser
for Al Gore.
According to his lawyer, Garrett was
under investigation for defrauding investors
in Garrett’s failed sports memo ra bilia
venture. There was talk of a deal to evade
prosecution. On July 26th, Garrett canceled
an af ter noon meeting with his law yer
because he had to meet some people at the
San Francisco airport.
Three hours later he was found floating
in the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge.
Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf
Died December 9, 1992
Died in a one-car accident with no
known witnesses. Her body was thrown 33
feet from the car, indicating a very high
speed. A very attractive woman, Paula
traveled extensively with Clinton from
1978 until her death. Clinton, through a
spokesman, called Grober’s death “a great
personal loss.” He also said, “Hillary and I
extend our sincere sympathy to Paula’s
family. I had the privilege of working with
her over many years.”
Carlos Ghigliotti
Thermal imaging expert
Died April 28, 2000
Carlos Ghigliotti, 42, was found dead in
his home just outside of Washington, DC.
There was no sign of a break-in or struggle
at the firm of Infrared Technology where
the badly decomposed body of Ghigliotti
was found. Ghigliotti had not been seen for
several weeks.
Staff Sgt. Brian Haney
Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel
Maj. William Barkley
Capt. Scott Reynolds
Clinton bodyguards
Died May 19, 1993
All four men died when their helicopter
crashed in the woods near Quantico, VA.
Reporters were barred from the site, and
the head of the fire department responding
to the crash described it saying, “Security
was tight,” and that “lots of Marines had
guns.” The Marines seized a videotape
made by a firefighter. All four men had
Partner in Memphis law firm
Died June 23, 1994
Investigating Madison Guaranty, he was
re ported to have suc cumbed to vi ral
pneumonia (see attack on Russel Welch).
His 300-page report was never released.
Stanley had been at a Cotton Carnival
Party on a Friday night. He was supposed
to escort his wife all week during the seven
day event, but told her that he couldn’t as
something important was going down. He
had recently left the law firm in Little Rock
where Hillary Clinton worked and set up a
small office in Memphis. On that Friday
night I saw Stan and spoke to him briefly.
He seemed extremely nervous and about to
jump out of his skin. The word circulated
through out the party that he had been
involved in some secretive issue that was
under the microscope. Soon after that we
were told by his wife that he had flown up
to a NE University to give a speech on a
Saturday. He checked into the dorm room
pro vided by the uni ver sity employ ees
who said he looked fine. When they called
up to his room later in the day he didn’t
answer the phone, so they went to check on
him and found him dead. The death was
declared due to viral pneumonia. His wife
has tried to get the hospital records, but
they were sealed by Janet Reno un der
presidential orders of Clinton. Over that
weekend his Memphis office was broken
into and the only noticeable things taken
were his files. His 300-page report was
never released.
Sandy Hume
Died February 2, 1998
On Sunday, February
22, 1998, Sandy Hume,
the 28-year-old son of
journalist Britt Hume,
was reportedly found
dead in his Arlington,
Virginia, home. Aside from the statement
that this was an “apparent” suicide, there
remains in place a total media blackout on
this story, possibly out of concern that the
facts will not withstand public scrutiny.
Indeed, it was reported by the Associated
Press that the Arlington Police were not
responding to any inquiries.
Hume was a reporter for The Hill, a
newspaper about Congress for Congress,
and had bro ken a ma jor story in 1997
(See “The body count grows,” page 6)
The First Freedom
— Media bypass operation —
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
The body count grows
(Continued from page 5)
re gard ing the friction be tween House
Speaker Newt Gingrich and a faction led
by Representative Paxon (who tendered
his resignation just 24 hours after Hume’s
death announcement).
In addition, Sandy Hume had recently
joined the staff at Fox TV News and was
just three weeks into a job that represented
the pinnacle of his young career. Oddly
enough, aside from echoing the Associated
Press story, Fox News ignored the death of
its newest commentator.
Sandy already had earned a reputation
for getting the story nobody else wanted to
look at. It is worth noting that his death came
hard on the heels of reports indicating “a
reporter” was ready to break a story about
the White House’s use of investigators to
dig up dirt on critics.
It has recently been confirmed that the
man who performed the as-yet-unreleased
autopsy is none other than Dr. James C.
Beyer, who has a record of concealing
homicides behind rulings of suicide.
Kenneth Starr’s “suicidologist,” Dr.
Alan L. Berman, has waded in again and,
as he did in the Foster death, ruled it
“100% certain that this is a suicide and can
be nothing else.”
Don Henry and Kevin Ives
Died August 23, 1987
Initial cause of death was claimed to be
the result of passing out on a railroad track
in Arkansas after smoking twenty marijuana
cigarettes. This ruling was reported by the
State medical examiner Fahmy Malak, and
supported by Sheriff Jim Steed, whose
“thorough” investigation of the crime
scene left one of the boys’ feet lying in the
open for two days! In April 1988, Kevin’s
body was exhumed and another autopsy
performed, this one by Atlanta medical
examiner Dr. Joseph Burton, who discovered
that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior
to being placed on the tracks. Don Henry’s
body was exhumed and discovered to have
been stabbed in the back prior to being
placed on the tracks. Governor Bill Clinton
excused Fahmy Malek’s “errors,” saying
that Malek was “tired and stressed out.”
Reports indicate that Ives and Henry might
have stumbled upon part of the Mena drug
operation, specifically a drop site in the
area of Bauxite and Alexander, Arkansas.
The police chief of Alexander, John
Brown, acknowledged he obtained a taped
confession from one of the murderers of
the two boys, which was suppressed at the
request of the FBI!
Jean Duffey headed up Arkansas’ 7th
District drug task force in 1990. She was
never al lowed to con duct a thor ough
investigation of drug running in Mena or
any possible connection to the train deaths.
Her task force and a federal grand jury
were shut down once they started examining
corruption involving public officials.
Dan Harmon was a local government
of fi cial, the pros e cut ing at tor ney for
Saline, Grant, and Hot Springs counties in
1979 and 1980 and then again from 1991
through 1996. He was convicted in June of
1997 on drug, racketeering and extortion
charges and began serving eight years in
prison. In January 1991, long before his
drug offenses became public knowledge,
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Harmon convinced a judge to subpoena
evidence obtained by Jean Duffey’s task
force – evidence gathered against him and
other public officials. Ms. Duffey refused
to honor the subpoena, fearing for the lives
of witnesses (many of whom did turn up
dead) and fled the State when a warrant
was issued for her arrest.
Gary Johnson
Jordan Kettleson
Witness to the train deaths
Died June 1990
Kettleson had information on the Ives
and Henry deaths. He was found shot to
death in the front seat of his pickup.
Johnny Franklin Lawhon, Jr.
Died March 29, 1998
In the spring of 1997, a tornado ripped
through some junked cars at Johnny’s
transmission and opened up the trunk of a
car that proved to have a box of Whitewater
records in it, including a copy of a $27,000
cash iers check drawn on Madison and
payable to Bill Clinton. Johnny Franklin
Lawhon, Sr., realized what he was looking
at and turned the box of documents over to
the FBI.
According to police, Lawhon, Jr. (the
son), and a friend hit a telephone pole at a
high rate of speed after their car became
airborne and left the road. They had driven
less than ¼ of a mile at the time of the accident.
This manner of death is similar to the
single-vehicle accidents that killed Paula
Grober and Neil Moody.
Attacked June 26, 1992
Beaten near death and left for dead.
Someone in the Clinton organization sent
three goons to beat up and almost murder
Gary Johnson, who was Gennifer Flowers’
neighbor. Gary Johnson had a security
camera installed at his condominium and
by chance had many tapes of Bill entering
Gennifer’s condominium while governor
and married to Hillary. Gary’s tapes were
Mary “Caity” Mahoney
White House intern
Died July 1997
An attractive 25-year-old woman, Mary
was a former White House intern for Bill
Clinton working as the assistant manager
at a Starbucks Coffee shop in Georgetown.
John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Potential Candidate for
Senator from New York
Died July 16, 1999
Within days of an NBC Dateline story
hinting at a possible run for the Senate seat
currently assumed to be the property of
Hillary Clinton, JFK Jr. and his wife and
sister-in-law died when the Piper Saratoga
II TC that JFK Jr. was piloting crashed into
the ocean just short of Martha’s Vineyard.
The Newsweek issue for the following
Monday, which NBC Dateline had reported
would announce JFK Jr’s candidacy, was
yanked from distributors and destroyed.
Even before the wreckage of the plane
had been found, the media were saturated
with news stories declaring the weather to
have been very hazy (the weather was VFR
conditions, and eight mile visibility, plus
weather radar and witnesses on Martha’s
Vineyard all reported clear skies) making it
impossible for JFK Jr. to know which way
was up (he also had working instruments in
the aircraft).
As was the case when TWA 800 was
shot down, the United States Navy took
con trol of the crash site, or der ing an
unprecedented five mile wide no-fly zone
while the wreck age of the air craft was
recovered and taken to a military base.
Reporters Cindy Adams and Andrew
Goldman have documented the planting of
false in for mation about JFK Jr. in the
media in the days following his crash. The
feeding of false information to the press
proves there is a coverup. The existence of
a coverup is why JFK Jr. gets an entry on
the Dead Bodies List.
According to some reports, Mrs. Kennedy
was pregnant.
the “execution style” killings.
There was no sign of forced entry,
which means that either Mary of one of the
employees let the killers in (at least one
hour after closing). That means that the
killers included at least one person known
to the victims.
One report is that the Starbucks was still
locked when the bodies were found the
next morning. Robbers don’t bother locking
Monica Lewinsky, Chelsea Clinton and
George Stephanopoulos were all regulars
at that Starbucks.
Carl Cooper, charged with the Starbucks
murders on the basis of a confession, had
later recanted that confession, claiming
that it was obtained under coercion (not
unlike that of James Earl Ray).
An affidavit filed by NOAA’s Sonya
Stewart confirmed that the Department of
Commerce was selling trade mission seats
in exchange for campaign donations, and
illegally blocking FOIA requests. Named
in the affidavit as the White House staffer
directly connected to this obstruction was
Do ris Matsui. Do ris’s as signed in tern
during this period was Mary Mahoney.
Christine M. Mirzayan
White House intern
Died August 1, 1998
On August 1, 1998, yet another young
female government intern with the initial
“M,” Christine M. Mirzayan, was murdered,
beaten to death with a heavy object near
Georgetown University.
Eventually, Mike Isikoff’s “former White
House staffer” surfaced and she was not
Mary Mahoney or Christine M. Mirzayan
but Monica Lewinsky. If the killings of
Mary Mahoney and Christine M. Mirzayan
was to silence a “bimbo eruption,” they got
the wrong woman! (Just how many of the
interns was Clinton getting oral sex from,
Florence Martin
Accountant subcontracting to CIA
Related to the Barry
Seal case. Dead from
three gunshot wounds
to the head. At the time
of her death she had
the account numbers
and PIN for a bank
account in the Caymans in the name of
Barry Seal which held 1.4 million dollars.
Immediately following her death, the money
was moved to someplace in the Virgin
Gordon Matteson
Clinton associate
Died May 15, 1997
Shot in the head. Declared a suicide.
In the pre-trial publicity
surrounding Paula Jones’
lawsuit, Mike Isikoff had
dropped hints that a “former
White House staffer” with
the initial “M” was about to
go public with her story of
sexual harassment at 1600
Pennsylvania. Just days later,
gunmen entered the Starbucks
while the crew was cleaning
up after closing.
Mary’s two associates, Aaron Goodrich,
18, and Emory Evans, 25, were taken to a
room and shot. Mary herself had five bullets
in her, from at least two different guns,
most likely with silencers. A total of ten
shots were fired; none of them heard by
neigh bors in the densely pop u lated
Georgetown section.
Mary was shot in the chest, her face, and
in the back of the head. Someone wanted
her very dead. Or to send a message.
Though more than $4,000 remained in the
store, police categorized the triple murder
as a robbery even as they acknowledged
James McDougal
Died March 8, 1998
Jim McDougal was serving his three-year
sentence for bank fraud at the Fort Worth
Federal Medical Center
in Texas, a fa cil ity
operated by the federal
Bureau of Prisons for
in mates who need
medical attention.
Just prior to another round of testimony
before Kenneth Starr’s grand jury, and
while the reporters who were covering that
story were two hours away covering a
standoff situation in Waco that just “went
away,” Jim McDougal suffered a heart
attack while in solitary confinement. Left
alone for too long, when Jim McDougal
was taken out of sol i tary, in stead of
attempting to defibrillate his heart with
equipment on hand at the facility, he was
driven over to John Peter Smith hospital.
Not the closest hospital to the Fort Worth
Federal Medical Center, John Peter Smith
hos pi tal is a welfare hos pi tal where (in
the words of one local), “They let interns
practice on deadbeats.”
New! The Fort Worth Star-Telegram
— Media bypass operation —
ac quired the offi cial re port re gard ing
the McDougal death via a Free dom Of
Information Act request, and report that
doctors had ignored McDougal’s signs of
imminent death.
wound. As was the case with Vincent
Foster and Sandy Hume, the death was
immediately declared a suicide.
Neil Moody
Assistant Secretary of Commerce
for International Economic Policy
Died May 3, 1996
John Huang was placed on a Commerce
Department contract that allowed him to
retain his security clearance by Charles
Meissner. Charles Meissner died on the
plane with Ron Brown.
Died August 25, 1996
Following Vincent Foster’s murder, Lisa
Foster married James Moody, a judge in
Arkansas, on January 1, 1996.
Near the time Susan McDougal first
went to jail for contempt, Judge Moody’s
son, Neil died in a car crash. There were
reports that Neil Moody had discovered
some thing very un set tling among his
step mother’s pri vate pa pers and was
threatening to go public with it just prior to
the beginning of the Democratic National
Convention. He was alleged to have been
talking to Bob Woodward of the Washington
Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses
said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car
arguing with another person just prior to
his car suddenly speeding off out of control
and hitting a brick wall.
James “Dewey” Milam
Tony Moser
Witness to Mena drug operation
and Henry/Ives murders
Died 1989
Milam was decapitated. Bill Clinton’s
notorious State Medical examiner, Fahmy
Malak, initially ruled death due to an ulcer,
claiming that the victim’s small dog had
eaten the head, which was later recovered
from a trash bin several blocks away.
Anti-corruption journalist
Died June 10, 2000
Tony Moser, a critic of the Arkansas
Democratic Party political machine, was
killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff
ten days after being named a columnist for
the Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two
days after writing an article which exposed
the looting of programs designed to obtain
money from “dead beat parents” to then
give to their children.
Keith McKaskle
Witness to the train deaths
Died November 10, 1988
Keith had information on the Mena drug
running and the Henry and Ives murders.
Stabbed 113 times. He had told his family
someone was out to kill him and told them
“good bye.”
Charles Meissner
Charles Wilbourne Miller
Involved with Clipper Chip
Died January 12, 1999
Declared a suicide even though shot
twice by two different guns.
Ron Miller
Died October 12, 1997
Ron Miller, investigated by authorities
over the sale of his company, Gage Corp.,
to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc., was
the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora
Lum and turned those tapes (and other
records) over to congressional oversight
investigators. The Lums were sentenced to
prison for campaign finance violations,
using “straw donors” to conceal the size of
their contributions to various candidates.
Indeed, Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc.,
had hired Ron Brown’s son Michael solely
for the purpose of funneling $60,000
through him to the Commerce Secretary,
according to Nolanda Hill’s testimony.
Reportedly a healthy man, Ron suddenly
took ill on October 3 and steadily worsened
until his death nine days later. (This pattern
fits Ricin poi son ing.) Ow ing to the
strangeness of the illness, doctors at the
Integris Baptist Medical Center referred
the matter to the Oklahoma State Medical
Examiner’s Office.
The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s
Office promptly ran tests on samples of
Ron Miller’s blood, but refused to release
the results or even to confirm that the tests
were ever completed.
Larry Nichols
Former official at ADFA and
author of The Clinton Chronicles
The man who broke many of the Clinton
scandal stories. Several attempts on his
Paul Olson
Federal witness in investigations of drug
money corruption in Chicago politics
Died September 8, 1994
Paul had just finished two days of FBI
interviews when his plane ride home
crashed, killing Paul and 130 others. The
Sept. 15, 1994, Tempe Tribune newspaper
reported that the FBI suspected that a
bomb had brought down the airplane.
Charles Wilbourne Miller
Jerry Luther Parks
Vice President and Board Member of Alltel
Died January 12, 1999
Alltel was the computer company that
wrote the White House “Big Brother”
computer system. Found shot to death with
two guns. Multiple shots had been fired.
Declared a suicide.
Head of Clinton’s Gubernatorial
security team in Little Rock
Died September 26, 1993
Gunned down in his car at the intersection
of Chenal Parkway and Cantrell Road near
Little Rock. Parks was shot through the
rear window of his car. The assailant then
pulled around to the driver’s side of Park’s
car and shot him three more times with a
9mm pistol.
His family reported that shortly before
his death, unknown persons were following
them, and their home had been broken into
(despite a top quality alarm system). Parks
had been compiling a dossier on Clinton’s
illicit activities. The dossier was stolen.
When news of the discovery of Vincent
Foster’s body came over the news, Parks is
reported to have said, “I’m a dead man.”
He had told his wife that Bill Clinton’s
people were “cleaning house,” and he was
“next on the list.”
John Millis
Staff Director of the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence
Died June 4, 2000
Millis had just helped the HPSCI with its
“investigation” into alleged CIA cocaine
smuggling which predictably (given that
Millis was himself a longtime CIA agent)
concluded that the CIA was innocent of all
allegations of wrongdoing. Fairfax, Virginia,
police were tipped off by an anonymous
phone call claiming that “a man” was
threatening suicide in a motel room. Police
arrived to find Millis dead of a gunshot
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Dennis Patrick
Court clerk
Had millions of dollars laundered through
his account at Lassater & Co without his
knowledge. Four attempts on his life.
C. Victor Raiser II
National Finance Co-Chairman,
Clinton for President Campaign
Montgomery Raiser
Son of C. Victor Raiser II
Died July 30, 1992
Both men died in a private plane crash in
Alaska one day before a scheduled interview
with John Hillyer. The crash was blamed
on the pilot, who survived. Five others
not connected to Clinton died in the crash.
Victor Raiser was also chairman of Mobile
Telecomm Tech nol o gies Cor po ra tion,
whose sub sid iary SkyTel Corp. is an
international paging company used by
federal police agencies such as the FBI.
Victor Raiser was a Washington lawyer
and he was counsel to the Washington law
firm of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue until
1991. At his death, he was the national
finance co-chairman of the Clinton for
President campaign. The campaign’s press
secretary, Dee Myers, described him as a
“major player” in the Clinton organization.
He and his wife had been friends of the
Clintons for ten years. He was the past
national finance chairman of the Democratic
National Committee. He served on the
boards of the Democratic Business Council
and the Center for National Policy and
the board of advisers of the Democratic
Leadership Council.
On May 29, 1993, President Clinton
announced he had selected Raiser’s widow,
Molly Raiser, 50, former Democratic
co-chair of the Women’s Campaign Fund,
to be his protocol chief and stated that he
planned to nominate her for confirmation
as an ambassador.
Jeff Rhodes
The police declared that no crime had
been committed since the anonymous driver
of the 1995 Chevy pickup truck that struck
and killed Moser was not in tox i cated
nor was he speeding. In Arkansas, that
apparently makes it legal to run down a
politically unpopular journalist.
The First Freedom
Witness in the train deaths
Died April 1989
Jeff had information on the deaths of
Ives, Henry and McKaskle. His burned
body was found in a trash dump. He died of
a gunshot wound to the head and there was
some body mutilation, specifically that his
hands and feet had been partially sawn off,
leading to the speculation that he had been
tortured prior to being killed. The body
was then burned.
Maj. Gen. William Robertson
Deputy Commanding General
V Corps, Europe
Col. William Densberger
V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans
Col. Robert Kelly
V Corps Chief of Intelligence
Spec. Gary Rhodes
Crew Chief
Died February 23, 1993
All were killed when their Army UH-60
Blackhawk helicopter crashed in Wiesbaden,
Germany. No cause was ever determined.
V Corps figured prominently in the U. S.
Bosnia-Serbia “peacekeeping” operations,
along with the carrier Roosevelt. These
men, and 8 others associated with Clinton’s
visit to the Roosevelt, all died within four
months of each other.
Dr. Ronald Rogers
Dentist from Arkansas
Killed in plane crash as he was on his
way to an interview with a London Sunday
Telegraph reporter to reveal some Clinton
American Free Press
is the biweekly newspaper out of Upper Marlboro,
MD, that rose from its ashes when they shut down
The Spotlight. Tired of waiting a whole month for
TFF to arrive? Subscribe to this also-truthful
tabloid, 26 issues for $59.
American Free Press
16000 Trade Zone Avenue
Unit 406
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Charles Ruff
Clinton lawyer
Died November 20, 2000
Charles Ruff was one of Bill Clinton’s
attorneys during the impeachment trial and
was known to have inside information on
the White House emails scandal as well.
Original reports were that he died in an
accident in his home although no details
were given. Later the report changed to
claim that he was found in his bedroom
unconscious, then declared dead on arrival
at the hospital. The authorities provided
no details other than the usual (and quite
premature) assurances that there was no
foul play involved.
Colonel James Sabow
Died 1991
Supposedly about to blow the whistle on
drug running activity taking place on the
naval base where he was stationed, Colonel
James Sabow was found by his wife in
the back yard of their home with his head
blown off by a shotgun. The Navy ruled it
a suicide. In all, more than 40 deaths by
individuals concerned with drug traffic
on military bases have been declared as
suicides despite evidence of murder in fact.
Walter Scheib
Clinton White House chef
Died June 13, 2015
Walter Scheib was hired by the Clinton
White House and continued to serve the
Bush administration.
He was reported as
missing by his family
when he failed to
return from a hike. His
body was found more
than one and a half
miles off the trail he
was supposed to be on,
at the bottom of a river.
No official cause of death was released.
Barry Seal
CIA drug pilot
Died February 19, 1986
Now known to have been a gun and
drug smuggler for the CIA, operating out
of the Mena airport,
Barry Seal reportedly
had kept in con tact
with Bill Clinton’s
head of security at the
governor’s mansion, Raymond “Buddy”
Young, the ex rodeo clown who is now the
number two man at FEMA.
Following his fall from CIA grace,
Barry was sentenced to live at a Salvation
Army Housing Complex by a judge who
also prohibited Barry Seal to either have
any guns or to employ any bodyguards.
Cor rup tion does n’t be come any more
obvious than this. Barry was gunned down
with machine gun fire in the parking lot of
the Salvation Army Housing Complex.
In violation of the court order, Barry had
hired bodyguards who worked a rotation
schedule. But the bodyguard who was to
be there when Barry was killed never
showed up. That bodyguard, according to
video producer Daniel Hopsicker, was a
former associate (meaning drug pilot) of
Barry’s named William “Bear” Bottoms.
Bottoms prowled the internet insisting that
there never had been any drug running
operation at Mena, Arkansas.
Robert Bates
Barry Seal’s aircraft mechanic at Mena
Died March 29, 1995
Robert Bates supposedly died of an
“overdose of mouthwash.” Regarded by
(See “With friends like,” page 8)
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Media bypass operation —
With friends like the Clintons, who needs enemies?
(Continued from page 7)
local authorities as an obvious homicide.
Bill Shelton
Arkansas State Trooper
and fiancée of Kathy Ferguson
Died June 1994
Allegedly committed suicide by shooting
himself at the gravesite of his fiancée. Officer
Shelton was betrothed to Kathy Ferguson,
ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson. Kathy
had also supposedly committed “suicide”
in June 1994 when she shot herself in her
living room. Oddly, next to the body were
her packed bags, as if she was expecting to
be going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was
a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in
Paula Corbin Jones’s sexual harassment
suit. Kathy Fergu son was reported as a
corroborating witness for Ms. Jones.
Paul Tully
Democratic National Committee
Political Director
Died September 24, 1992
No autopsy allowed. Tully had authored
several key strategies for Clinton and the
party. Paul Tully, 48, Democratic National
Committee political director and architect
of a strategy to make
the party competitive
again in presidential
elections, was found
dead in his hotel room
on Sep tem ber 24,
1992, in Little Rock,
Arkansas, of unknown causes. Authorities
spec u lated his death was from a heart
attack or stroke. In a press release, thenpresidential candidate Clinton called Mr.
Tully “a dear friend and trusted adviser.”
He said he was “deeply saddened by the
loss.” Tully devised a strategy of targeting
States based on their value in the Electoral
College, and coordinating the presidential
campaign with State and congressional
Jon Parnell Walker
RTC investigator
Died August 15, 1993
Mysteriously fell to his death from an
apartment balcony. He was investigating
the Morgan Guaranty scandal. The same
apartment which was alleged to have been
a secret getaway which Vince Foster may
have visited.
Calvin Walraven
Drug witness
24 year old Walraven was a key witness
in Jocelyn Elder’s son’s drug case. Ten
days after Elder’s son was convicted of
trafficking in cocaine, Walraven was found
dead in his apartment with a gunshot blast
to the head. Tim Hover, a Lit tle Rock
police spokesman, said no foul play was
Maynard Webb
Mena airport witness
Maynard Webb had stumbled on several
aircraft whose tail numbers were being
changed on a regular basis. Was about to
go public when he walked headfirst into a
spinning propeller.
inserted himself into the bag!
But even this charade failed to convince
anyone and the police were finally forced
to acknowledge Williams’ murder, even to
Russel Welch
Infected with military grade anthrax
Alan G. Whicher
Oversaw Clinton’s Secret Service detail
Died April 19, 1995
In October 1994 Whicher was transferred
to the Secret Service field office in the
Murrah Build ing in Oklahoma City.
Whatever warning was given to the BATF
agents in that building did not reach Alan
Whicher, who died in the bomb blast.
Paul Wilcher
Washington attorney investigating
gun running out of Mena, Arkansas
Died June 22, 1993
Found dead on a
toilet in his Washington
apartment. No cause of
death was ever reported
by the coroner. At the
time of his death, he
was investigating connections between the
“October surprise” during the 1980 federal
election campaign and drug and gunrunning
out of Mena, Arkansas, as well as the
BATF assault on the Waco, Texas, Branch
Davidians. Was planning on producing a
television documentary on his findings. He
had delivered a 105-page affidavit to Janet
Reno detailing the evidence he collected
regarding the drug operation at Mena just
three weeks before his death.
Ed Willey
Real estate attorney, Clinton fundraiser
Died November 30, 1993
Died of a shotgun blast to the head.
Body found in deep woods in Virginia.
Ruled a suicide, no note was found. Died
on the same day his wife was sex u ally
assaulted in the White House by Bill
Clinton. Intimately involved in several
Clinton fundraising events.
Gareth Williams
MI6 Agent
Died August 16, 2010
Gareth Williams, an
MI6 spy who worked
on both sides of the
Atlantic, engaged in
some un au tho rized
hack ing by break ing
into Bill Clinton’s
da ta base of friends
and connections, ostensibly to give to a
friend in the me dia. This breach caused
a diplomatic nightmare for MI6’s new
director, Sir John Sawers.
Gareth was found naked, padlocked into
a sports bag, in his own bathtub. No fingerprints, palm-prints footprints or traces of
William’s DNA were found at the scene.
The key to the padlock was inside the bag,
underneath his body.
As usual, declared a suicide! The sheer
absurdity of this claim provoked a public
uproar, and the promoters of the suicide
theory then even went so far as to try to
demon strate how Williams could have
the point of ad mitting that they had two
sus pects in the crime… who were never
John Augustus Wilson
Former Washington DC Council member
Died May 18, 1993
Wilson claimed to have information on
Whitewater, a political
controversy that began
with the real es tate
deal ings of Bill and
Hil lary Clinton and
their as so ci ates, Jim
and Susan McDougal
in the White water
Development Corporation, a failed business
venture in the 1970s and 1980s, and was
willing to talk. Found hanged. Declared a
Jim Wilhite
Vice Chairman, Arkla, Inc.
Died December 21, 1992
Died in a one-person skiing accident.
Wilhite had extensive ties with Clinton and
Mack McLarty, with whom he visited by
telephone just hours before his death.
Theodore Williams, Jr.
Bettie Currie’s brother
Died December 16, 1997
A passing auto struck the brother of
Presidential Secretary Betty Currie after
his own car had somehow run off the road.
Bill Clinton called Monica Lewinsky at
2:00 AM the next morning to tell her of the
death and alert Monica that her name had
appeared on the Paula Jones witness list.
Betty’s brother had also been beaten
shortly before Betty testified in a previous
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan
Clinton bodyguards
Died February 28, 1993
“Executed” by gunfire in the Waco,
Texas assault on the Branch Davidians. All
four were examined by a “private doctor”
and died from nearly identical wounds to
the left temple, so-called execution style.
According to Linda Thompson, videotapes
and other evidence indicates that none died
from guns fired by Branch Davidians. In
his address to employees of the Treasury
Department in the Cash Room on March
18, 1993, Clinton said: “My prayers and
I’m sure yours are still with the families
of all four of the Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms agents who were killed in Waco –
Todd McKeehan and Conway Le Bleu of
New Orleans, Steve Willis of Houston and
Robert Williams from my hometown of
Little Rock. Three of those four were
assigned to my security during the course
of the primary or general election.”
However, the Little Rock, Arkansas,
office of the ATF confirmed that all four
had at one point been bodyguards for Bill
Clinton, three while he was campaigning
for Pres i dent, and while he had been
governor of Arkansas. In the videotape by
the American Justice Federation, “WACO II,
the Big Lie Continues,” Linda Thompson
demonstrates that 15 shots were fired from
six separate weapons into and out of a
room into which three of the four agents
had entered through a window. Four of
these shots were fired from an overhead
helicopter, and an agent outside the window,
firing an MP5 submachine gun who also
threw in a concussion grenade fired at least
two shots into the room.
Barbara Wise
Commerce Department staffer
Died November 29, 1996
As scandals continued to swirl around
John Huang, one of Huang’s associates,
Barbara Wise, was found dead in her
locked office on the fourth floor of the
Department of Commerce, partially nude (by
one report completely nude) and covered
with bruises. No cause of death has ever
been announced even though an autopsy
was conducted (prior to next of kin being
notified). Calls to the D.C. autopsist, Dr.
Jaardemal, have gotten an assurance that
the bruises were not from being beaten but
nothing else. Despite claims of ongoing
illness, no record of a hospital visit in
the months leading up to her death has
surfaced. Oddly enough, following the
discovery of her body, Bill Clinton made
an unscheduled return to the White House
from Camp David, claiming he needed a
book of poetry in order to complete his
inauguration speech.
Richard Winters
Suspect in the deaths of Ives and Henry
Died July 1989
Winters offered to cooperate. He was
killed by a shotgun blast to the face during
a “robbery,” subsequently proven to have
been a setup.
Dan Harmon, the Prosecutor to whom
Winters reportedly made the offer, was
implicated in the Kevin/Ives deaths and
jailed for running his office as a criminal
enterprise to extort narcotics and cash,
proving that elements of Arkansas law
enforcement were corrupted by drugs
during Bill Clinton’s tenure as governor.
Terrance Yeakey
First police officer to arrive at the Murrah
Building following the OK City bombing
Died April 19, 1996
Terrance Yeakey had collected together
a vast amount of hard data on the bombing
of the Murrah building. Terrance Yeakey’s
patrol car was found abandoned along a
dirt road, the front seat covered with blood.
Officer Yeakey himself was found a short
distance away, with cut wounds on both
arms and his throat, plus a gunshot through
the head. No gun was ever found, and the
death was declared a suicide. His material
on the OK City bombing was never found
following his death. His life had been
Sadly, the list goes on...... Share this
article with your social media.
Both of them ripe for the big house
Gary Webb
Died December 10, 2004
Pulitzer prize winning journalist Webb
exposed CIA drug trafficking operations in
a series of books and reports for the San
Jose Mercury News. He was found dead on
Friday morning in what the police said was
an apparent suicide. Webb had been shot in
the head – twice!
Fascinating information is going viral
about Hil lary and Bill Clinton, which
exposes just how truly ruthless they are. In
many ways they are worse than Obama.
One major reason I say this is because the
Clintons have a long history of people in
their inner circle dying under mysterious
In fact, 46 people who were close to
the Clintons have died during their three
decades of political power. That number
should give us all pause.
ZOG’s children
The Clinton body count is massive and
growing. Hillary Clinton would stop at
nothing to become President, and death
seems to follow her everywhere she goes.
It is time to learn the truth about these
murders and expose the Clintons. Instead
of the White House, it appears they both
belong in prison.
— Power of propaganda —
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Who backed ISIS occupation and Palmyra’s destruction?
Banksters armed warriors who
had no idea it was about replacing
Syria’s money with Rothschild’s.
By Prof. Tim Anderson
s explosions from detonated mines
con tin ued in the back ground a Syr ian
general confirmed in some detail an ugly
truth: Washington and its close allies Turkey,
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel backed the
ISIS takeover and destruction of Palmyra.
Most of the weapons ISIS used were
from the U. S., with some ammunition
from Is rael. ISIS had U. S. Hum mers,
spinning explosive projectiles and military
rations from the U. S., Turkey and Saudi
That should not have been a surprise.
U. S. officials admitted in 2014 that their
allies Turkey, the Saudis and Qatar were
backing every single armed group in Syria
in an attempt to overthrow the Syr ian
Government led by President Bashar al
Our group of thirty journalists visited
liberated Palmyra on 14 April, eighteen
days after the Syrian Army had freed the
historic city from a ten month reign of
terror. Syrian bulldozers were cleaning
debris while Russian sappers continued
exploding mines. Three thousand had been
cleared and another 30 exploded in the two
hours we were there.
We saw the damaged buildings, bomb
and mine craters along the roads, and the
bi zarre steel and wire structure where
“in fi dels” and pro-gov ern ment peo ple
were pub licly crucified and be headed,
their bodies drained of blood into what had
been a pleasant fountain next to the entrance
to the historic sites. We saw the extensive
vandalism to the museum, with all human
or animal statues beheaded or damaged.
New World orderlies
More than 1,600 ISIS terrorists – many
from Chechnya, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and
other countries, as well as some Syrians –
had converged on Palmyra in May 2015,
just as Jabhat al Nusra (al Qaeda in Syria )
led an invasion of NATO-backed Islamists
from Turkey into Northern Syria. The ISIS
groups invading Palmyra came from the
east: from Raqqa, Deir eZorr and Abu
Kamal, but also a group from the west.
The U. S., which since 2014 claimed to
be conducting a war against ISIS in Iraq
and Syria, and which had air power and
sophisticated surveillance of the region,
did nothing to stop the huge ISIS advance
on Palmyra.
This should have been unsurprising.
Eight months ear lier Gen eral Mar tin
Demp sey, head of the U. S. mil i tary,
admitted that his “major Arab allies” were
funding ISIS. In response, Senator Lindsay
Graham, chair of the U. S. Armed Forces
Committee, defended the sponsors of ISIS
saying, “They fund them because the Free
Syrian Army couldn’t fight Assad; they
were trying to beat Assad.”
The following month, in October 2014,
U. S. Vice President Joe Biden explained
that Turkey, Qatar, the UAE and Saudi
Arabia were “so determined to take down
Assad… they poured hundreds of millions
of dollars and tens, thousands of tons of
Subscribers to this newspaper are
eligible as non-paying members of
the non-voting political movement
American Defense Party
Your annual dues are what you pay
for The First Freedom, so sound off
in its pages why we’re NOT VOTING
weapons into anyone who would fight
against Assad… [including] al Nusra and
al Qaeda and… this outfit called ISIL.”
Biden pretended that Washington was
not respon sible for the terror ism of his
subordinate allies.
U. S. support for terrorist groups forming
an “Islamic State” was no afterthought. It
was a key idea from the beginning.
Investment portfolio
In Au gust 2012, before ISIS came
across to Syria from Iraq, U. S. intelligence
(DIA) reported that “The Salafist, the
Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al Qaeda in
Iraq, later ISI and then ISIS] are the major
forces driving the insurgency in Syria…
there is the possibility of establishing a
declared or undeclared Salafist principality
[an ‘Islamic State’] in eastern Syria… and
this is exactly what the supporting powers
[the U. S., other western countries, the Gulf
monarchies and Turkey] to the [Syrian]
opposition want, in order to isolate the
Syrian regime.”
More than 200 Syr ian sol diers died
de fend ing Pal myra in May 2015, and
another 150 died retaking that historic and
strategic city in March 2016. They lost their
lives defending their country.
The wa ter sup ply in Pal myra was
destroyed, his toric sites and treasures
damaged, and soldiers and many other
innocents were slaughtered, all by U. S.backed terrorists.
Whatever else people may or may not
understand about the Syrian conflict, they
should be clear that the U. S. “war on
terror ism” in Syria and Iraq is a fraud.
Directly or indirectly, Washington remains
the key supporter of ISIS, al Nusra and the
National Socialist Movement rallies at Rome, Georgia
By Harry Hughes
Congressional candidate Arthur Jones, Karl
Hand’s Racial Nationalist Party of America,
SS Action Group and many more, teamed
up to enlighten and educate the public.
espite strong, irrational objections
and negative publicity from the NAACP,
the National Socialist Movement held a
Urgent priorities
public rally in downtown Rome, Georgia,
on Satur day, April 23, 2016. This was
The focus at this rally was to address
perhaps the largest pro-White civil rights illegal immigration, the erosion of our First
gathering in more than a
Amendment rights and the
decade, with the N.S.M.
destruction of Confederate
having reached out to all
historical sites throughout
pro-White organizations in
the South. Commander Jeff
order to promote solidarity
Schoep was also highly
and a united front.
critical of the corruption
N.S.M. Commander Jeff
that has infested both the
Schoep said: “Apparently,
Republican and Democrat
the leaders of the NAACP
“wings of the same bird,”
today feel that only
saying it was time to call all
non-Whites are entitled to
corrupt officials onto the
representation based on
carpet. Other topics that he
ethnicity. How much more
covered were the continued
racist could they be? We
fail ures of our na tion’s
N.S.M. Commander Jeff Schoep
will engage their leadership
for eign and do mes tic
anytime, anywhere, in an unedited debate policies, the poor treatment of returning
and let the American people themselves
decide who the real racists are.”
On the evening before this public rally,
the N.S.M. held its annual National meeting
and banquet at the Georgia Peach Oyster
Bar in Temple, Georgia. At that meeting
we solidified plans for the party’s political
goals and activism during the next twelve
months. Once concluding our business, the
meeting was adjourned in order to make
preparations for the next day’s rally.
and were taken into custody by police.
Following this successful rally, our
mo torcade exited the venue’s parking
garage and dispersed before returning to
our hotels, so that we could prepare for our
after event, which was also cooperating
with participants from the Rock Stone
Mountain rally held earlier in the day.
This after event included a cross and
swastika lighting ceremony held outside
Protesters clash with police near a White rally at
Stone Mountain on Saturday, April 23, 2016. The
protesters said they were opposing the message of
“hate” at the “supremacist” rally also taking place
at the park.
Providing what’s missing
The current political climate ignores the
major issues most Americans are concerned
with, including but not limited to enacting
an America First policy in government,
White rights issues, crime, slamming the
door on illegal immigration and countless
other items affecting the radically shrinking
White majority in this country. “The time
has come for White Americans to reclaim
their destiny, bring back American jobs
and liberate our Nation from the Zionist
stranglehold it has fallen under,” stated
Commander Schoep.
At the rally, N.S.M. Commander Jeff
Schoep, along with distinguished guests
from a host of like-minded organizations
and individuals including Aryan Nations,
Loyal White Knights, Texas Rebel Knights,
Aryan Strikeforce-C18, Vinlander Social
Club, Soul Survivors Brotherhood, former
For video coverage of the National Socialist Movement rally in Rome, Georgia,
on April 23, 2016, go to
combat veterans and the ongoing debacles
in the embattled Veterans Administration.
An N.S.M. rally wouldn’t be complete
with out an as sort ment of mis cre ants,
Marx ists, So cial Jus tice War riors and
counter protesters making a commotion,
chanting and uttering lots of unintelligible
gibberish. We were not all too shocked to
see what kinds of delusional mindsets are
coming out of today’s liberal academia. At
least two such protesters became disorderly
the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Temple,
Georgia. Good food and live music by
three bands added to the entertainment, fun
and camaraderie.
So, once again, the National Socialist
Movement has conducted a public rally
and after event without violence or arrests.
Sadly, many city officials still attempt to
marginalize such groups, especially White
civil rights organizations. In doing so, they
play a part in these tremendous amounts of
misinformation and falsehoods, never even
hearing our social and political message.
The terrorists keeping tabs
Predictably, within hours, the Southern
Puberty Lechery Center’s helpers such as
Terry Shropshire of
were busy spinning: “An organization that
monitors hate and separatist groups across the
United States stated that white supremacist
groups skyrocketed immediately following
the election of President Barack Obama…
Georgia is in the Top Ten of states that host
the most racist organizations in America,
but you would be surprised what states
comprise the top spots…The states with the
most hate and separatists groups…”
1. California, 57
2. Florida, 50
3. New York, 44
4. New Jersey, 40
5. Pennsylvania, 38
6. Texas, 36
7. Tennessee, 29
8. Georgia, 28
9. Ohio, 27
10. Virginia, 27
Some readers object to coverage by
this newspaper of White Nationalist
news. They’re with New AmeriKa’s
Marxist media munchkins across the
land in opposing “hate,” even while
thinking themselves tolerant of every
idea except hate-filled Marxism. Go
figure. The only real cure for today’s
witch hunts against Whites meeting
separately to discuss their survival is
if we marginalize such propaganda as
inflames most other races against any
manifestations of true patriotism. In
other words, our “alternate” media
must grow by leaps and bounds, until
quarantining the Jewish mediacracy,
reducing its ability to direct so much
sympathy always toward the Marxist
agenda while calling all who object,
“haters.” Increasing our wisdom and
outreach would allow the public to
actually hear what unreconstructed
Whites are advocating, putting an
end to all these bused-in, disruptive
counter protests. Taking the bullhorn
away from those squeaky munchkins,
bloodlessly but methodically, is our
goal. We can do this.
The First Freedom
— What is the truth? —
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
The liberation of Ukraine
By Mike Walsh
Considering the encyclopedic volume
of victors’ propaganda,
there are still large
chunks of Reich and
World War Two related
top ics that re main
ta boo. For in stance,
what was it like to live
in Ger man oc cu pied
countries? My mother
con sid ered “Na zis”
beyond the pale but
got her comeuppance whilst working
in Belgium during the 1970s.
Pursing her lips and with distaste
written all over her otherwise sweet
face she commiserated with an elderly
Belgian lady. “Life must have been
hell during the German occupation.”
“Oh no,” her friend replied. “Life
was very pleasant, in fact normal.
There was little evidence of a German
presence. The nightmare began during the
American occupation.” Mother was quite
taken aback but honest in recounting her
engaging story.
One would think that life under German
occupation was especially harsh for folk
liv ing in Bolshevik occupied Ukraine.
Ethnically closer to Germans than say
Mediterranean Europeans, the peoples of
Ukraine and Russia welcomed the forces
of the Reich as liberators.
Ukraine but were commonplace wherever
the Soviets retreated from.
But not “news” in the JuSA
Within weeks, the occupying Germans
had restored this beautiful city to a similar
standard of German cities. Peace reigned;
folks were effervescent at their newfound
bliss. There wasn’t even an isolated incident
of unpleasantness displayed towards the
German troops; on the contrary. One
Galician remarked, “The Germans behaved
well and were throughout always noble.”
Purchase on Amazon
There were accounts of mutual kindnesses
far too numerous to be recounted here.
Wartime machinations
It is academic whether the genesis of
prov o ca tions to in cite re prisals was a
Brit ish or NKVD in spi ra tion. Both
commonly committed atrocities against
ci vil ians, blaming the oc cu piers in a
transparent attempt at inciting resistance
Totally thankful
Lining the village lanes, thronging the
streets of town and village, communities’
enthusiasm for the German troops could
only be described as effervescent. Ukraine
is an immense country and second largest
in geographical Europe. Its population is
similar in size to that of Spain.
During and after the war Ukrainians never
accepted the Washington DC - Moscow
mantra. These deeply religious peoples
never regarded the Germans as conquerors
nor did they ever see the Red Army as
liberators. It will certainly be liberation Mark
2 when German grandchildren discover
granddad was far removed from the image
portrayed by their CIA-controlled media
and palace publishers.
On June 29, 1941, German forces swept
into and across a country once dubbed
Europe’s bread basket. When soldiers
entered the Austro-Hun garian city of
Lemberg (Lviv) they were ill-prepared for
Victims of Bolshevism removed from Lviv prison
the ghastly sights that confronted them.
Bolshevik butchers, before retreating,
butchered the prison’s hapless internees
with a psychotic savagery difficult for
human minds to grasp.
A priest had endured his abdomen sliced
open and the body of a child placed in
the cavity; groups of prisoners, including
women and children, had been callously
bur ied alive. Ev ery cell, ev ery prison
corridor was piled high with crudely killed
prisoners. These scenes were not unique to
The First Freedom is spreading “hate!” whine
those who misapprehend us survivors. It’s really
out of pity that we try so hard to de-program the
brainwashed. Order a boxful of extra copies for
$35 or $39 on page 24 and help distribute the truth.
and inciting reprisals against innocents.
Entire villages were razed, the populations
slaughtered for diverse reasons. Primarily
to convince Ukrainians that the Germans
were as ruthless as Kremlin propagandists
would have them believe. Otherwise, to
deprive the occupying Germans of selfsufficiency harvests, photographs were taken
to be used as anti-German propaganda, and
to encourage anti-German resistance.
Such strategies failed miserably, as the
sur viv ing commu ni ties adapted to the
German presence. The Reich’s troops were
given clear instructions regarding their
behavior. Whilst there were penalties for
transgressions there was never a need; the
troops simply got on fine with their ethnic
soul-mates; it wouldn’t have occurred to
them to misbehave. German troops often
bivouacked with Ukrainian families. With
an eye to the girls, doubtless many hearts
wandered, but such is life.
An interesting aspect is that during the
period of liberation the German presence
left in its wake a great deal of literature;
largely poems, essays and stories. Photographs, sketches and artwork appeared,
music was composed, relationships formed
from which children were born. Stories
went from gen er a tion to gen er a tion,
anecdotal evidence of the German presence
in Ukraine are still commonplace.
Amateur photos don’t lie
Only in a sanctuary of understanding
and openness can these mementoes of the
occupation now be analyzed. Alexander
Matveev, who harvested and recorded a
chron i cle of rec ollections, is can did.
Addressing former German troops he says:
“I once again appeal to you veterans.
You were great warriors, real soldiers. Let
enemies say about you everything they
want. They are angry and it is slander,
envy. They will never be such, because it is
so difficult; it was you, it was not hard for
“Someday it will be known the whole
truth about the war. Then those who have
a head on their shoulders and brains in it,
as well as a little bit of conscience, will
understand why the Germans can be proud
of you always.
“We will always remember your feats of
self-sacrifice, our German soldiers, and
our German heroes.”
Mike Walsh was a freelance media writer and
columnist for thirty years. The Irish journalist writes
now and broadcasts solely for independent alternative
Did Russia fire at Israeli jets in Syria?
Russian forces in Syria have fired at
least twice on Is raeli military air craft,
Israel’s top-selling newspaper claims.
The Yedioth Ahronoth daily on April 22
gave no dates or locations for the incidents
nor any indication Israeli planes were hit.
Separately, Israel’s Channel 10 TV said
a Russian warplane approached an Israeli
warplane off the Mediterranean coast of
Syria last month but that there was no
contact between them.
Israel has repeatedly violated Syrian air
space and bombed targets inside the country
which is fighting foreign-backed militants.
Israeli media claim that Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu raised the issue with
Russian President Vladimir Putin during
his visit to Moscow on April 21.
But the Kremlin next day denied the two
had discussed alleged incidents involving
Russian forces in Syria and Israeli military
Israeli media had claimed that Tel Aviv
was quick to set up an operational hotline
with Moscow designed to avoid trading
fire with Russian forces.
“In this case, Israeli press reports are far
from reality,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry
Peskov stated in a conference call with
Peskov, however, declined to comment
on whether Russian forces in Syria had
fired on Israeli military airplanes.
“I will not comment because it is a
newspaper report and I do not want to
speak about it,” Peskov told reporters,
according to Interfax news agency.
Ac cord ing to Yedioth, the re ported
Russian firing on Israeli planes was first
raised with Putin by Is raeli Pres ident
Reuven Rivlin, who visited Moscow on
March 15.
Just chatter
At the time, Putin responded that he was
unaware of the incidents, Yedioth said.
This is not the first report of al leged
confrontations between Israeli and Russian
warplanes in Syria.
In March, the Israeli daily Haaretz said
King Abdullah II of Jordan had claimed
that Jordanian jets helped Israeli warplanes
confront Russian aircraft on the southern
Syrian border at an unspecified time.
Abdullah reportedly made the remarks
to U. S. Congressmen on January 11, but
didn’t disclose the date of the purported
“We saw the Russians fly down, but
they were met with Israeli and Jordanian
F-16s,” Abdullah boasted. “The Russians
were shocked and understood they could
not mess with us,” he added.
— Alternative measures —
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Bundy sons lose their bid for release before trial
By Tim Brown
hese absolutely ridiculous actions by
the federal government and the State of
Nevada against Cliven Bundy and his sons,
along with many other patriots that stood
with the Bundys at their ranch in 2014
against federal agents who were acting
against the words of the Constitution, is
nothing less than totalitarianism. Federal
prosecutors are attempting to detain the
elder Bundy behind bars, while his sons
Ammon and Ryan were denied pretrial
release as “a danger to the community and
a risk not to return to court.”
but they did warn that they would defend
themselves. That’s hardly a threat!
Then, there is the case of their father,
Cliven. The Las Vegas Review-Journal
“Federal prosecutors argued in court
papers Wednesday against releasing Nevada
rancher Cliven Bundy in the criminal case
stemming from the 2014 armed Bunkerville standoff with law enforcement.
“Prosecutors did not address claims
made by Bundy’s lawyer earlier this month
that Bundy is a ‘political prisoner’ like the
late South African leader and civil rights
activist Nelson Mandela.
“But in opposing a defense request to
free Bundy, they again alleged that he is a
‘lawless and violent man’ who violated
federal court orders for more than 20 years.
“…Prosecutors argued in their papers that
his claims of being a law-abiding citizen
are inconsistent with his actions during and
after the Bunkerville confrontation.
“They accused him of publicly backing
the armed occupation of a government
wildlife refuge in Oregon earlier this year,
led by two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan.
The Bundy patriarch has not been charged
Stalwart Americans
Understand that these men have not
engaged in one act of violence, not one!
First, from The Salt Lake Tribune:
“A federal magistrate judge in Las Vegas
says two sons of rancher Cliven Bundy
who are ac cused of lead ing an armed
confrontation with government officers in
Ne vada in April 2014 will re main in
custody pending trial.
“Like seventeen other co-defendants
before them, including their father, Ammon
Bundy and Ryan Bundy were deemed ‘a
danger to the community and a risk not to
return to court.’
“The ruling on April 20 came with the
nineteen defendants and their lawyers
gearing up for a Friday, April 22, hearing
to set a schedule ahead of trial.
“It could be pushed back from May 2.”
Here’s the question that should be posed:
“What evidence is there that these two
brothers are a danger to the community and
a risk to not return to court?” They have
taken a public stand. They didn’t run from
it. They stood their ground. They acted
courageously. They didn’t issue threats,
in the Oregon takeover, but his sons are
among those indicted in Portland, Ore.”
Who are the villains?
Again, the prosecution alleges but does
not prove their case. As I have pointed out
time and again, the ones that engaged in
violent activity at Bundy Ranch were those
tied to the federal gov ernment. They
brought in hundreds of armed agents and
snipers. They destroyed many head of
cattle the Bundys owned. They infringed
on the rights of the people and even tazed
them in an effort to round them into “First
Amendment Zones.” The Bureau of Land
Man age ment has en gaged in law less
destruction of property. Yet, I see no arrests
of those criminals, and we actually have
many of their crimes on video! The FBI
has attempted to cover up its role in LaVoy
Finicum’s murder.
As for “armed occupation” in both
Bunkerville and Oregon, we all know that
no one brandished their weapons. They had
them, yes, but that is a right they possess.
They did not give it up when protesting.
Furthermore, they were protesting the very
crimes of the DC government by usurping
their authority per the Constitution to claim
the land as their own.
Invaders Get Out of Jail Free
When we see this current administration
turning illegal aliens loose to go and kill
American women – but they believe that
those who defend the Constitution and the
lives of their own families are domestic
terrorists who cannot be let out of jail until
their trial dates – then you know exactly
who the domestic terrorists are. They are
the same ones who engaged in that cold
blooded murder of LaVoy Finicum. It’s the
same bunch!
Those magnificent men in their glider machines
By Nancy Hitt
The audacious German rescue on
September 12, 1943,
of Benito Mussolini
from his captivity in a
vacant hotel on the Gran
Sasso mountaintop is
worthy of a movie. Of
course, most of us know
that our con trolled
me dia would never
produce anything that
may show the Germans
as both courageous and clever. Il Duce
(Leader) Mussolini had headed the Italian
government from 1922 until his arrest in
1943, likely destined to be turned over to
the invading allies.
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was
born July 29, 1883, in Dovia di Predappio,
Italy. His father was politically active and
his mother was a school teacher. Benito
Mussolini was the father of Fascism. After
Adolf Hitler came to power, Mussolini
aligned himself with the aims of the Third
Reich. Both countries had suffered under
the bludgeon of the Versailles Treaty that
concluded the First World War. Both Hitler
and Mussolini had served in their country’s
mil i tary dur ing WWI. Their per sonal
lifestyles were quite different.
Mussolini was taken prisoner on July
25, 1943, by his po litical enemies after
various defeats Italy had suffered in North
Africa and Sicily, followed by the heavy
American bombing of Rome which killed
as many as 1,000 of its citizens on July 19,
1943. That bombing was controversial, as
parts of Rome were more than 2,500 years
old. Vatican City, which possessed many
buildings outside the City that were likely
to be damaged, had remained neutral when
Italy became unglued. Thus the Germans
were soon Italy’s en emies, as sur ren der
lurched forward.
During the period from June to July
The abandoned Gran Sasso Hotel in 1943
1944, a series of articles were published in
an Italian newspaper that later appeared in
book form. That work, written in the third
person, was Mussolini’s autobiography
during the period of 1943 from El Alamein
until his reinstatement as leader of German
occupied Italy. Ostara Publications made it
available in English in 2015 as Story of a
Year, The Time of the Carrot and the Stick,
by Benito Mussolini.
Initial rescue
While being held as a prisoner, he tells
us on pages 53 and 54: “The one surprise
of this period was a gift from the Führer of
a complete set of the works of Nietzsche,
with an autograph dedication. A marvel of
German publishing skill. With this gift
came a letter from Marshal Kesselring
which said: ‘Duce, the Führer has asked
me to send you, through the good offices of
His Excellency Marshal Badoglio, this
birthday present. The Führer will be happy if
this masterpiece of German literature gives
you any pleasure and if you will consider
it as a mark of his personal devotion.
May I add my own personal respects.
Field Marshal Kesselring, Headquarters,
August 7, 1943.’
“Mus so lini had time to read the first
four volumes, containing Nietzsche’s fine
youthful poems and his early philological
works on the Greek and Latin languages,
which he knew as well as his own.”
Hitler ordered the intrepid SS Colonel
Otto Skorzeny to locate and arrange to free
Mussolini from captivity. With a dozen
gliders, the Germans crash landed into the
mountain, set up machine guns and bloodlessly released Mussolini. Some of the
glider pilots received injuries, but no guns
were fired during this exciting expedition.
Mussolini and Skorzeny, along with the
pilot, all flew off the mountaintop in a
Fiesler Storch light aircraft.
The Italian government then became a
hotbed of chaos and intrigue, with some
members still supporting the Fascists, others
the Communists or a weakened Monarchy.
After Mussolini became free, he was only
able to maintain control over parts of
northern Italy due to the continued allied
invasion in the south and opponents who
tried to govern while negotiating with those
The soft bound copy of Story of a Year,
The time of the Carrot and the Stick, has
127 pages including several photographs,
illustrations and a timeline of Mussolini’s
life. Order it from The Barnes Review,
P. O. Box 15877, Washington, DC 20003
Tel: 1-877-773-9077. It’s $10.00 plus $5.00
for shipping. (Unfortunately it contains
numerous typos.)
A most interesting topic in this book is
about those underground hangars built
upon the wee island of Pantelleria which
lies to the southwest of Sicily. The hangars
were constructed within a mountainside
and at least partially withstood heavy aerial
bombardment. It seems that some of this
unique hanger system remains in use even
For naught
From the Timeline: “April 27, 1945: As
the Allies advance deep into northern Italy,
Mussolini, fifteen of his closest colleagues,
and his mistress Clara Petacci prepare to
slip across the border to Switzerland where
they plan to take an aircraft to escape to
Franco’s Spain. They are however stopped
while on the road near the village of Dongo
by armed Communist partisans, and taken
to the village of Giulino di Mezzegra
where they are all gunned down. Two
days later, his mutilated corpse, along with
that of Petacci and four of his most senior
colleagues are hung upside down on the
Piazzale Loreto square in Milan.”
Mussolini’s corpse was buried in an
unmarked grave, located and kept hidden
by Fascist loyalists, held for ten years in
State custody until finally released to his
family. Today, Mussolini’s remains are in
a sumptuous crypt in his birthplace of
Predappio, Italy.
From page 81: “History has its give and
Mussolini leaving the hotel with parachutists,
WSS troops, Italian soldiers and policemen. That
the Germans could pull off such a fantastic feat so
late in the war makes it particularly remarkable, a
mission involving troops swooping silently out of
the sky in flimsy gliders to land within yards of the
hotel’s front door taking the heavily-armed guards
completely by surprise, then flying Mussolini off
that mountaintop precariously in a light plane.
take, its credits and debits. Italians may be
proud to belong to the country of Caesar,
Dante, Leonardo, and Napoleon; a ray of
their glory shines on every one of us. But
the same thing is true of our shame and
dishonor; here too each one of us must bear
his part. If we are to wipe out our recent
disgrace and bring the balance back to
normal we must go through the trial of
trials, trial by blood.”
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
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Washington’s fake war on ISIS “moves” to Libya
By Ulson Gunnar
ibya is one place the “Islamic State’s”
sponsors believe Russia can’t get them…
In 2011, a NATO coalition led by the
United States used its engineered regional
campaign of political destabilization, the
“Arab Spring,” as a pretext to militarily
intervene in first Libya directly, and, in an
indirect way, Syria. U. S. and European
forces also “quietly” intervened in several
other Nations, including Mali and the Ivory
Coast amid this regional conflagration.
Opening salvo
Even in 2011, it was clear to geopolitical
analysts that military intervention in Libya
was an attempt to divide and destroy the
country, giving the U. S. and collaborators
a base of operations to further disrupt and
reorder the Middle East and North Africa
region (MENA). Almost immediately after
U. S.-led strikes on Libya coordinated with
terrorist factions on the ground successfully
overthrew the Libyan government, weapons
and fighters were sent to Syria via NATO
member Tur key. CNN’s “Libya re bels
move onto Syrian battlefield” 2012 article
would report that:
“Their war for freedom in Libya may be
over, but almost a year after they won the
battle for the Libyan capital, a group of
fight ers have a new bat tlefield: Syria.
Under the command of one of Libya’s
most well known rebel commanders, AlMahdi al-Harati, more than thirty Libyan
fighters have made their way into Syria to
support the Free Syrian Army rebels in
their war against President Bashar AlAssad’s regime.”
It is difficult to believe CNN’s inaccuracy
in its report was not intentional. Far from
a “war for freedom,” it is clear that
Al-Mahdi al-Harati led just one of many
proxy armies raised by the United States
and its Per sian Gulf al lies. The group
espouses an extremist tinge propagated by
U. S.-ally Saudi Arabia, and in no way
represents either the Libyan people nor the
people of Syria it claimed to be fighting on
behalf of. Al-Harati is now “mayor” of
Tripoli, and is just one example which goes
a long way in explaining the continuous
chaos that has engulfed the country. Quite
lit er ally, for eign-funded ter ror ists are
running the country. Ironically, the same
CNN that in 2012 celebrated the spreading
“war for freedom,” would report in a more
recent article titled, “ISIS fighters in Libya
surge as group suffers setbacks in Syria,
Iraq,” that:
“There may now be up to 6,500 ISIS
fight ers in Libya, twice the num ber
previously thought, according to several
U. S. intelligence officials. They attributed
the increase to the U. S. analysis that ISIS
is diverting more fighters to Libya from
Syria – and from Turkey when they cannot
get into Syria.”
It is ironic because the so-called “Islamic
State” (IS) is us ing pre cisely the same
logistical, financial and political networks to
flow back into Libya that CNN’s “freedom
fighters” used to get to Syria in the first
place. In fact, it is quite clear Libya is
simply reabsorbing the mercenary forces
organized and sent to Syria in part through
direct U. S.-backing in the Libyan terror
capital of Benghazi since late 2011 onward.
Why Washington welcomes
the IS homecoming
Far from truly alarming to U. S. and
European special interests, IS arriving in
the lawless war zone of what used to be
the functional Nation-State of Libya is a
welcomed reprieve for what is essentially a
Washington-London-Brussels mercenary
Syria is not only no longer safe for IS, it
has become a grave in which IS is being
bur ied alive. This is thanks not to a
successful anti-terror campaign waged by
Washington and its allies, but by swift and
successful operations carried out by Moscow,
Tehran and their allies in Damascus. Indeed,
with IS supply lines being cut from their
source in Turkey and their forces being
pushed back across Syr ian ter ri tory,
liquidation of their assets in Syria is well
underway. Likewise in Iraq, feigned U. S.
operations to stop IS have given way to an
increase in cooperation between Baghdad,
Tehran, and Damascus.
Not in the ZOG’s plans
What started out as an attempt to divide
and destroy Iran’s arc of influence across
the region has galvanized it instead.
Moving the mercenary forces of IS out
of the region is instrumental in ensuring
they “live to fight another day.” By placing
them in Libya, Washington and its allies
hope they will be far out of reach of the
growing coalition truly fighting them across
the Levant. Furthermore, placing them in
Libya allows other leftover “projects”
from the “Arab Spring” to be revisited,
such as the destabilization and destruction
of Al ge ria, Tu ni sia and per haps even
another attempt to destabilize and destroy
IS’ presence in Libya could also be used
as a pretext for open-ended and much
broader military intervention throughout
all of Af rica by U. S. forces and their
European and Persian Gulf allies. As the
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U. S. has done in Syria, where conducting
operations for now over a year and a half
to absolutely no avail, but has managed to
prop up proxy forces and continue undermining and threatening targeted Nations, it
will likewise do so regarding IS in Libya
and its inevitable and predictable spread
Despite endless pledges by the U. S. and
Europe to take on IS in Libya, neither has
admitted they themselves and their actions
in 2011 precipitated IS’ rise there in the
first place. Despite the danger that their
destabilizing and destroying Libya posed
to Europe, including a deluge of refugees
fleeing North Africa to escape the war in
Libya, as predicted by many prominent
analysts at the time even before the first of
NATO’s bombs fell on the country, the
U. S. and Europe continued forward with
military intervention anyway.
One can only surmise from this that the
U. S. and Europe sought to intentionally
create this chaos, planning to fully exploit
it both at home and abroad, continuing its
campaign to geopolitically reorder MENA.
Today, what appears to be “ineffective”
attempts to confront the growing threat the
U. S. and its allies intentionally created in
Libya in the first place shows in reality, as
Russia has proven in Syria, that it takes
only a decisive and relatively small military
campaign to deal IS a deathblow. The U. S.
and Eu rope are more than ca pa ble of
executing such a military campaign, but
intentionally avoid doing so. This is not for
a lack of political will, but rather because
their collective political will instead seeks
much wider chaos, giving them carte
blanche to act regionally with spanning,
open-ended military interventions.
Ulson Gunnar is a New York-based geopolitical
analyst and writer especially for the online magazine
“New Eastern Outlook.”
— Off with their heads! —
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Icelandic justice and criminal bankers
By F. William Engdahl
n Sep tember 15, 2008, a for mer
Goldman Sachs chairman, U. S. Treasury
Secretary Henry Paulsen,
deliberately triggered a
pre dict able global
fi nan cial melt down
when he de cided to
break pre ce dent and
let Lehman Bros., the
fourth-largest Wall Street investment bank,
go bankrupt. The reasons for his decision
are for another time. The fallout from that
traumatic financial crisis remains very
much with the world financial system to
this day, more than seven years later. One
of the lit tle-no ticed ca su al ties of that
Lehman Bros. de ba cle was the worst
banking crisis in the history of one of the
world’s smallest countries, Iceland. How
that country of 323,000 citizens chose to
deal with the crisis is a model for the rest
of the world. Instead of beatifying those
criminal bankers responsible for the worst
world financial crisis in history, the people
of Iceland did something quite different.
Dealing with it
Iceland, a beautiful Nordic island in the
far North Atlantic between Greenland and
Norway, with active volcanoes, streams with
some of the most delicious non-industrial
and non-GMO wild salmon, self-sufficient
in energy from thermal springs and hydroelectric power, got lured into the mad,
greed-driven frenzy of the U. S. sub-prime
real estate crisis in a big way. In October
2008, amid the global financial Tsunami
triggered by Paulsen’s Lehman act, the
Iceland government nationalized the three
largest private banks, Glitnir, Landsbanki
and Kaupthing, following depositor panic
withdrawals. The three banks, in a few
short years after they were privatized, had
managed to amass debts ten times Iceland’s
annual DGP.
When a group of sensible U. S. economists
proposed Paulsen nationalize the top Wall
Street banks behind the crisis – J. P. Morgan
Chase, Citigroup, Bank of Amer ica,
Goldman Sachs – to restore order and keep
credit flow ing to the real econ omy, he
replied that would be “Socialism. We don’t
do that in America.” Instead, Paulsen’s
U. S. Treasury used hundreds of billions
of U. S. taxpayer dollars to buy non-voting
shares of the Wall Street banks, meaning
the Government didn’t demand any say in
the banks’ policies in return. That might be
called bankers’ Socialism – privatize the
profits and socialize the losses.
By November 2008 the U. K. and Dutch
investors in a now-defunct savings scheme
of Landsbanki, Icesave, saw their hundreds
of millions of Pounds of investments being
frozen like ice – indeed, their savings were
frozen ice. When the British government
demanded of the Iceland government the
repayment of those deposits in the U. K.
branches of the formerly private Landsbanki
bank, an international dispute, known as
the Icesave dispute, erupted. The British
government quickly invoked anti-terrorism
leg is lation against Ice land in or der to
freeze the U. K.-based assets of Kaupthing,
Iceland’s biggest bank, bankrupting that
institution. Iceland’s government turned to
the IMF for a $5 billion bailout, the first
European country since Italy in 1976 to do
Citizens revolt
The Governor of the Iceland Central
Bank, David Oddsson went against the
government of Geir Haarde, who had been
complicit in facilitating the private bankers’
criminal Ponzi schemes, and stated on
National TV, “Icelanders will not pay the
debts of profligate financiers.” In January
2009 Haarde’s coalition was forced to
re sign fol low ing mas sive pro tests as
unemployment soared from 1% before the
crisis to over 9% in months. The IMF, as
always, was demanding severe Greek-like
austerity from the government, a condition
for its bailout. In September 2010, Haarde
became the first Icelandic minister to be
indicted for misconduct in office, and the
only politician in the world to be charged
with responsibility for the financial crisis.
He stood trial before a special court for
official offenses, the Landsdómur. He was
convicted on one count.
The challenge
The Haarde gov ern ment had twice
ne go tiated terms un der which Ice land
would repay the U. K. and the Netherlands
governments, with interest, for the cost of
bail ing out Icesave sav ers. The IMF
demanded it as a condition for its money.
And Par lia ment bowed. But Ice land’s
staunchly independent voters twice passed
popular referenda rejecting the U. K., Dutch
and IMF demands. Under the IMF austerity
program, until it ended in 2011, Iceland went
into an economic depression. Disposable
income fell by a quarter, and 30,000 people
– one-tenth of the population – fell into
serious loan default. Thousands of homes
were repossessed.
In April, 2013, 38-year-old Prime
Iceland’s President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson
Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson
was elected on promises of mortgage relief
for every homeowner instead of relief for
foreign bank bondholders in Iceland’s
three failed banks. His government left
international bondholders and depositors
out in the cold, as his gov ernment and
Icelandic bank administrators froze some
nine bil lion Pounds ster ling in for eign
assets the three banks held at the time of
The new Finance Minister imposed a
39% tax on Icelanders wanting to invest
money abroad, as well as imposing capital
con trols, a move that sta bi lized the
currency. Most tellingly, the government
prioritized saving its people and economy,
prosecuting and even jailing the private
bankers and politicians responsible for the
crisis, a 180-degree contrast to the U. S. or
E. U. where governments used taxpayer
money to bail out the crim i nal banks
responsible for their fraud in the first place.
Jail the corrupt bankers!
On November 15, 2015, Iceland courts
convicted the 26th banker involved in the
scandal that burst in September 2008. The
bankers who have gone to prison were
charged with crimes ranging from insider
trad ing to fraud, money laun der ing,
misleading markets, breach of fiduciary
duties, lying to the authorities and market
manipulation to embezzlement. Combined,
the 26 jailed bankers will serve some 74
years behind bars. As well, to date criminal
fines to taling $212 bil lion have been
imposed on the 20 biggest banks. More
bankers await trial.
By contrast, at the failed British HBOS
bank group, the largest U. K. mortgage
lending bank, taxpayers were forced to
make a $29 billion taxpayer bailout. The
U. K. Financial Services Authority’s only
en force ment was against the head of
corporate lending who was fined £500,000
and banned from the financial services
industry, and loss – the dishonor! – of
knighthood for one HBOS director. In the
failed Royal Bank of Scotland, also bailed
out by taxpayers’ billions, Fred Goodwin,
the head of Royal Bank of Scotland, also
lost his knighthood. He had been knighted
in 2004 “for services to banking.” In the
USA, not even a whisper of criminal
charges against the CEOs or directors of
J. P. Morgan Chase or Goldman Sachs or
Citigroup has been heard. Government
fines against various banks are written off
and the same criminals that Iceland put
behind bars are left free.
The Iceland difference
Today Iceland is the successful model
for the precise opposite of the IMF Greece
model of squeezing blood from a stone
with brutal austerity. It is the first and so far
only European country to surpass the 2007
pre-cri sis eco nomic lev els. GDP grew
for the first six months of 2015 at an
impressive 5.6%. Inflation went from 18%
at the start of the 2008 crisis to 2% by
2015. National debt went from 88% of
GDP in 2010 to 81%, below most E. U.
levels. In March 2015, the government
of Iceland officially withdrew its earlier
candidacy to join the European Union, the
only country ever to do so.
Paradoxically, Prime Minister Sigmundur
Davíð Gunnlaugsson was caught in the
middle of the Panama Papers scandal and
forced to resign due to the fact that he did
not disclose all the financial assets that
were in his possession. He was the only
Western politician directly mentioned in
those papers, which seems odd at best.
However, Iceland is still reluctant to back
Ice land’s Pres i dent, Ólafur Ragnar
Grímsson, explained the feelings of his
countrymen: “We were wise enough not to
follow the traditional prevailing orthodoxies
of the Western financial world in the last
30 years. We introduced currency controls,
we let the banks fail, we provided support
for the poor, and we did n’t in troduce
austerity measures like you’re seeing in
Europe. Why are the banks considered to
be holy churches of the modern economy?
Why are private banks not like airlines and
telecommunication companies and allowed
to go bankrupt if they have been run in an
irresponsible way? The theory that you
have to bail out banks is a theory that you
allow bankers to enjoy their own profit and
success, then let ordinary people bear their
failure through taxes and austerity.”
F. William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and
lecturer. He holds a degree in politics from Princeton
University and is a best-selling author on oil and
geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine New
Eastern Outlook.
Mom and Papa in Wonderland
By Mike Walsh
t is wonderful to be a six-year-old.
When you’re at such an age of innocence
you often lose yourself in fairy tales. It’s
good to get away from reality, school and
parents. Reality for children is suspended
when they read about Santa Claus, Alice in
Wonderland and Little Red Riding Hood.
Mothers and fathers condescend;
smugly they smile at each other as they
turn on the television. They too need
make-believe fantasies. “Whilst I read
of Hansel and Gretel’s encounter with
the ugly old woman in the forest, mom
and papa are lost in Fantasia about an
evil ogre who once stalked Germany.
“I giggle reading about the silly ones
who, looking at their naked Emperor,
applaud his non-existent clothes. Mom and
papa stare in awe at a death camp chimney
set far away from any heating source.”
Sarah smiles as she recalls Elie Wiesel’s,
“Things are not that simple, Papa. Some
events do take place but are not true; others
are, although they never occurred.”
Papa turns the volume up; the news is
that “The neo-Nazis will huff and blow our
house down.” Instinctively, mom and papa
cuddle closer to reassure each other.
Later, they will lose themselves in their
own version of Little Red Riding Hood.
Her name is Anne. This truly magical child
writes a novel-sized book with a ballpoint
pen that has yet to be mass produced. Bless
them; mom and dad think it is reality.
“How amusing it is for me to read about
Pinocchio whose nose grows each time he
tells a lie. This reminds me, when at school
mom and papa will vote in the elections.
“Reading on, I shiver with excitement as
Alice goes through the magic door; at the
same time my parents tremble, hearing of
gas chambers yet to be discovered.”
“Mom, papa, why is the genie in Aladdin’s
lamp black?”
“Sarah, don’t use that nasty term, black.”
“But he is, mama?”
“Yes, maybe so, but you must describe
him as a person, not by his appearance.”
“Aladdin’s eyes are green.”
“Yes, they’re rather lovely, aren’t they?”
Sarah chuckles to herself, “I adore
Bambi, mom and papa love their make
believe too, and watch it every night on
“Mirror, mirror, on the
wall, who’s the fair est of
them all?” asks Pres ident
Roo sevelt.
“It is Adolf Hitler,” says
the disembodied voice of the
This answer causes the
Jews to shriek. Rub bing
their hands to gether in
extremes of agitation, they
wail: “What can be done?
Kill them, kill them; make
the Shabbos Goy kill them.”
Another “vote”
Bored with tele vi sion
fantasies Sarah’s mom picks
up her favorite periodical.
“Oh, look, opinion polls,”
she breathes excitedly. We
are to tell them who was the
greatest ever Englishman.”
“Tick Winston Churchill,”
murmurs papa.
Sarah turns the pages to
Hans Christian Andersen’s
Ugly Duckling. As she does so, this little
six-year old thinks to herself: “At least
mine is a true story.”
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Drugged into compliance —
A continuing criminal enterprise
This modern world’s prohibition
is the game of smugglers and spies.
By John Peeples
“The money from the drugs produced
the money for the guns, and that is how the
operation worked, and Bush knew the
whole god-damn thing.” – CIA operative
Trenton Parker, quoted in Rodney Stich’s
Defrauding America
“What we do has noth ing to do with
preserving a country’s integrity. It’s just
business, and Third World countries see
their destiny as defeating borders and
expanding. The more of this mentality we
can provide, the greater our wealth. We
train and we arm, that’s our job. And in
return we get a product far more valuable
than money for a gun. We’re paid with
product and we get credit top value for
product [drugs]. Look, one gun and 3,000
rounds of ammo is $1,200. A kilo of
product [in Nicaragua] is about $1,000. We
credit the Contras $1,500 for every kilo.
That’s top dollar for a kilo of co caine.
It’s equivalent to the American K-Mart
Special: buy four, get one free. On our side
we Spend $1,200 for a kilo and sell it for
$12,000 to $15,000. Now that’s profit
“Mike Harari, ‘The Zionist James Bond,’ Dies at 87:
Former high-ranking Mossad officer founded the
assassination unit and commanded the retaliation
against Black September terrorists. Ya’alon: He
belonged to rare breed.” – Sep 22, 2014
incentive. It’s just good business sense.
Understand?” – Michael Harari to Gene
“Chip” Tatum, CIA helicopter pilot, 1985
Iron i cally, the sci ons of these 19th
Century opium fortunes would go on to
play key roles in the Drug Wars of the 20th
and 21st Centuries: in both the enactment
of drug prohibition and in the clandestine
arrangements between smugglers and
government spies.
In 1903 the Philippines became the first
modern Nation in Asia to declare opium
illegal. Soon there was a black market, and
smuggling began developing into a major
force. Roosevelt was President in 1909 and
actively promoted federal legislation along
with international conventions to outlaw
and “control” certain drugs. These treaties
helped break down judicial reluctance and
allowed claims, under extraconstitutional
force of “treaty obligations,” that enabled
U. S. drug laws preordained to bring about
the shady profits of prohibition.
And, entangled in many a nexus with
these smugglers and spies is George H. W.
(Poppy) Bush, just one among scores of
men from old-moneyed families having
wound up playing a prominent role in the
covert realms of U. S. foreign policy.
In all the time since Nixon reestablished
Amer ica’s po lit i cal re la tion ship with
China, many of our ambassadors to that
coun try have been Yale graduates and
members of the Order of Skull and Bones
(S&B), including George H. W. Bush, first
Chief U. S. Liaison Officer to the People’s
Republic of China. He was sent there to
look after the “China trade.” And the Bush
family is still very much involved in the
economic activities of “Red” China.
Why Yale graduates? In 1903, the Yale
Divinity School set up a program in China
of schools and hospitals. Mao Zedong was
among the staff. During the intrigues of the
1930s and ’40s American intelligence over
there called upon the resources of “Yale in
China,” George Bush’s cousin and fellow,
namely (“S&B” 1940) Reuben Holden.
Many researchers contend that George
Bush has been with the CIA since the early
1950s, and that one of his jobs was to
consolidate and coordinate the worldwide
narcotics industry, the largest on earth.
Some see one of the reasons behind the
Vietnam “Police Action” as the cover for a
consolidation of the “Golden Triangle.”
No one exerted more control in the first decade
of American rule over the Philippines or American
policy towards the Moros than later U. S. President
William Howard Taft. In June of 1900, 42-year-old
Taft, a federal circuit court judge, arrived in the
Philippine Islands as president of the Philippine
Commission, a civilian fact-finding board named
by President William McKinley and charged with
creating a replacement government for the newlydesignated “U. S. territorial possession.” Taft had
almost no prior experience outside the United
States. One year later the commission became a
civil governing body with Taft its chief executive –
the first American governor-general.
Seen here is fellow traveler President Barack
Obama awarding the 2010 Medal of Freedom to
President George H. W. Bush in Washington.
The War on Drugs:
An “intellectual fraud”
Before the Vietnam “War,” the Golden
Triangle was run by French intelligence
operatives and Corsican mobsters. After
the French bailed out and America moved
in, it was run by U. S. intelligence with
help from Sicilian mobsters. This narcotics
network is well documented in Operation
Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the
Vatican, the CIA and the Mafia, by Paul L.
Williams (2015); The Politics of Heroin in
S. E. Asia, by Alfred McCoy; The Great
Heroin Coup, by Henrik Kruger; and Double
Cross, by Sam and Chuck Giancuna.
Vice President George Bush, Chairman
of U. S. President Reagan’s cabinet-level
working group, acting as Director of the
National Narcotics Interdiction System,
was the highest U. S. government official
involved in the “War on Drugs.”
Frances Mullen, Jr., former head of the
DEA, called Bush’s efforts “an intellectual
fraud” and “a liability rather than an asset.”
Soon following these statements, Mullen
resigned from his office and the resultant
General Accounting Office (GAO) report
was buried.
In July 1985, the suppressed GAO paper
reported that there were “no benefits from
the National Narcotics Border interdiction
System directed by George Bush. In fact, the
among other revelations details how the
U. S. intelligence community made use of
its POW/MIA apparatus for governmental
agencies as a cover for their trafficking in
opiates from the “Golden Triangle” area to
continue after the official U. S. withdrawal
from that “Police Action.”
Ross Perot discovers U. S.
involved in drug trade
George H. W. Bush
goes to China
“Despotic at home
and aggressive abroad”
In 1898, the Spanish-American War
signaled the United States’ debut as a global
imperial power. American troops invaded
Manila and, three years later, after a brutal
guer rilla war, the Philippines became a
colony of the U. S. President Theodore
Roosevelt appointed William Howard Taft
to serve as the first civil governor of the
islands. Henry Stimson plus some Russell
& Company relations later held the post.
Taft stayed on in the Philippines until
1904, even turning down a much-desired
appointment to the U. S. Supreme Court.
overall effect was to encourage supply…”
“There are two types of drugs, good
drugs and bad drugs. The good drugs
are the ones we (the Agency/CIA)
bring in. The bad drugs are the
– Former DEA pilot “Bo” Abbott
“Bo” Abbott revealed through YouTube how he
received training as a pilot by the DEA, and spent
many years flying drugs internationally, acting as
a point man who informed the CIA of impending
DEA busts so that their top level “assets” could be
Note that George Bush was appointed
by U. S. President Nixon to the White
House Cabinet Committee on International
“Con trol” in 1971. To main tain their
monopoly on the heroin trade, the Sicilian
mob worked with the Nixon Administration
in launching the so-called War on Drugs.
The war resulted in raids by Interpol on
Corsican lab o ra to ries throughout the
French Riviera, eradicating the only source
of competition. (Good drugs, bad drugs.)
Business was booming. By 1971, there
were more than 500,000 heroin addicts in
the U. S., producing a cash flow of $12
billion. On a government survey, 3,054,000
Americans admitted to using heroin at least
once. Down at the morgue, where people
don’t lie, the numbers told a different
story: 41 percent of drug-related deaths
were now linked to heroin.
Southeast Asia remained the main source
of opium. From Laos alone, over a ton of
opium arrived every month in Saigon on
C-47 military transport planes (C-47/DC3)
as supplied by the CIA’s proprietary air
transport – “Civil Air Transport” (CAT)
and “Air America” to Lt. Gen. Vang Pao of
the Royal Lao Army. So much opium was
flowing into Saigon that 30 percent of U. S.
servicemen in Vietnam had become heroin
addicts. Some of this same heroin was
smuggled into the U. S. inside body bags
containing dead soldiers. When the DEA
Agent Michael Levine attempted to bust
this operation, he was warned off by his
superiors, since such action could result in
exposing the supply line from Long Tieng.
Cash from the network continued being
deposited by the mob in parochial banks
throughout Italy. From these financial firms
the money flowed into the Institute for the
Works of Religion (IOR) or the Vatican
Bank which deducted a processing fee of 15
percent before the funds were transferred to
privately held mob accounts in Switzerland,
Liechtenstein, Luxemburg and the Bahamas.
But this system was not equipped to handle
the billions generated from the heroin trade
throughout the world. And so a host of new
laundries were established by the CIA.
CBS Sixty Minutes refuses
to air covert drug trade
Monika Jensen-Stevenson, a CBS Sixty
Minutes producer, quit her job after the
program refused to cover the story she had
researched relating to the clandestine drug
trade. Her book, Kiss the Boys Goodbye,
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Pres ident Ron ald Reagan ap pointed
Reform Party founder and Texas billionaire
Ross Perot to his Advisory Coun cil on
Foreign Intelligence. Reagan made Perot a
special presidential investigator, looking
into America’s POWs and MIAs from the
Vietnam War.
Perot took the job to heart and spent
considerable time and money in pursuit of
the quest. He received special clearances
and access, questioning everyone he could
approach including drug lord and General
Vang Pao of the Royal Lao Army.
From Kiss the Boys Goodbye:
Relations between Bush and Perot
had gone downhill ever since Vice
President Bush had asked Ross Perot
how his POW/MIA investiga tions
were going.
“Well, George, I go in looking for
prisoners,” said Perot, “but I spend all
my time discovering the government
has been moving drugs around the
world and is involved in illegal arms
deals… I can’t get to the prisoners
because of the corruption among our
own people.”
Needless to say this ended Mr. Perot’s
official access to the highly classified files
as a one-man presidential investigator. “I
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American Defense Party
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in its pages why we’re NOT VOTING
have been instructed to cease and desist,”
he then informed the families of missing
men early in 1987. From that point on Ross
Perot has been demonized by the Federal
Army Government and its lapdog news
Perot fingered CIA operatives Theodore
Shackley and Thomas G. Clines as the key
players in setting up the heroin trade in
Southeast Asia. In 1967, Shackley and
Clines had received or ders to establish
heroin refineries with the aid of Saigon’s
underworld Corsican Mafia. Shackley, the
“Blond Ghost,” arranged in 1968 for Santo
Trafficante, Jr., of Tampa, Florida, to visit
Saigon and meet with drug lord Vang Pao
in the Continental Palace Hotel. Trafficante
had become head capo of the international
heroin trade in 1962 for the Meyer Lansky
international organized crime syndicate.
That meeting concerned Vang’s ability
to provide supply for the ever-increasing
demand. During his stay, Trafficante also
met with prominent Corsican gangsters to
assure them of increased shipments to their
laboratories in Marseilles.
When the old Bureau of Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) launched its
Operation Eagle in 1968, it found itself
arresting scores of CIA employees – many
of whom were working for Trafficante.
But, while arresting several of his deputies,
the BNDD could not get the Johnson or
Nixon administrations to go directly after
Trafficante. He remained untouchable.
By 1971 Congress was getting so many
complaints about GIs returning home as
addicts that the BNDD undertook another
“investigation.” It went nowhere. The CIA
had insisted on loaning some of its select
special agents to the BNDD. “We’re from
the government and here to help.” Those
turned out to be the very same men having
assisted when setting up the Laotians and
Thais in the heroin business to begin with.
So go ahead and “vote,” if you must.
NEXT: U. S. arms and drug smuggling: Iran/Contra
— Truth be told —
The First Freedom
Pen bloodier than the sword
By Mike Walsh
Most people are aware of the spin,
cen sor ship and cor rup tion of western
media. But even veteran
activists tend to forget
how lethal mainstream
media journalists are.
More vi cious than
troops, pal ace penpushers callously set
up incidents in which
innocents are cruelly
During the transition
from European to African rule, ex-builder’s
laborer Michael Buerk was the BBC’s man
in South Africa. The journalist covered an
incident in which shantytown dwellers
claimed a young Af ri can was a po lice
in former.
Agitated by the presence of the BBC
news team, the mob chased and cornered
the youngster as the camera crew filmed.
The English journalist was orgasmic in his
delivery as the mob, thankfully out of sight
behind a shack, placed a tire around the
shoulders of the terrified lad. Doused in
gasoline the victim was set ablaze. Without
a shred of remorse the camera crew later
filmed the still smouldering body. Michael
Buerk was expelled by the South African
government, but his position at the BBC
some stone-throwing, but nothing serious.
The driver of one Red Army vehicle in
attendance spotted a young man 100 meters
or more from the near est
building and set off in pursuit.
Realizing the driver’s intent
the youngster fled, but it was
too late. As the televi sion
cameras rolled the army truck
crushed the youth beneath its
wheels. This was reported offhandily as just another incident.
The nose grows
was much enhanced.
During the mid-1980s Polish workers in
Warsaw were demonstrating against the
iron-fisted rule of Communist First Secretary
Wojciech Jarizelski (1981-1989). There was
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Back to separate development
in South Africa. One favorite
jour nal ist trick was to toss
coins into street bins. The
cameras rolled as urchins then
clambered inside the bins to
re cover the small change.
When world wide view ers
watched these incidents the
story was that non-Europeans
starved and scavenged in bins
for food discarded by rich Whites.
A BBC crew was expelled from South
Africa after superimposing a backdrop of
images of South African military trucks at
a park. The story was that Eu ro peans
Tell those neo-cons the game is up
Get involved with the non-voting
American Defense Party
needed the protection of the security forces
even when relaxing in local parks. Such
incidents were constantly set up by Western
Media do not record news, they make
news. Always question images of Europeans
who, holding placards, welcome refugees
to Europe. Journalists routinely shape the
news to create the impression that there is
public indifference to the refugee crisis.
While such incidents are set up, anti-refugee
protestors get dismissed as xenophobes or
neo-Nazis. Anti-refugee demonstrations
and attacks on so-called refugee centers
are rarely covered.
When I led marches through London
during the 1970s the usual media trick was
to pay punks to tail on to the end of the
marching column. This section of the march
would then be filmed and the narrator
would describe this lowlife as British
Movement or National Front supporters.
What is the difference between an enemy
soldier and a journalist? The soldier will
kill you because if he doesn’t you will kill
him. A journalist will kill you for a story.
This is proven time after time.
Camps of the would-be saints
By Christine Miller
before Stalin would have marched into
Germany. But, once the Jewish-dominated
governments of Communist Russia and the
U. S. fell into each others arms, between
the two of them Germany was macerated.
A few years ago I caught this televised
talk show whose guest,
an African/American
female college professor,
exhorted her audience
never to use collective
nouns. I thought at that
time, and still think,
that her ex hor ta tion
was half baked. We
can’t get by without
using collective nouns. When saying the
jury is out, one doesn’t list all the jurors by
name. We talk about the American Army
without naming its thousands of individual
soldiers. It is proper to use the collective
noun anytime mentioning Nationalities.
We say, the Americans, the French, the
Germans, the Italians, etc., collectively, as
that “profiles” the characteristics of one
people rather than its separate entities.
This doesn’t mean the individual is not
vital, because the collective does need its
leader; in other words, the Indians require
a chief. But, without his Indians, the chief
is powerless.
Anytime I say the Jews, I’m referring to
and implying their overall power. When
Zionism appeared on the stage of history,
English Jews vigorously opposed it (again
the collective noun). But the phenomenon
of Zionism won out over its tribal Jewish
Let me state it once more: since there is
a communal power there’s a corresponding
fate, but never any collective guilt. One
should judge the powerless individual only
by his personal conduct. The majority of
Jews put into German concentration camps
were not guilty, but suffered that collective
fate. Most of the Moslems whom Trump
says he wants to evict have nothing to do
with terrorism, but find themselves in the
same sea where terrorists swim. Deprive
those terrorists of the sea and they are like
fish out of their element.
Recently I read this article on the net:
“The Na zis (read Ger mans) wanted to
conquer and rule the world.” Now that is a
typical Jewish transposition since it is their
Zionists who lusted after world power. The
German Nationalists having made a movie
about the Rothschilds, toward its end the
English premier is suggesting to Nathan
Rothschild that England together with the
Jews will dominate the world’s finances,
the center being London. Nathan corrects
Auld lang syne
him: “The threads of control will come
together in Jerusalem.”
What now? I see Jewish power waning.
Putin took Russia back from the Jews. That
is the one and only reason Putin is in the
doghouse, getting bad press abroad. Trump
is challenging the Jewish establishment in
Washington and its Jewish agenda. That is
the one and only reason their media attack
him. Even the cowed and timid Germans
dared to vote en masse for the AfD, a party
which is opposing today’s Islamization of
Germany as promoted by the Jews, which
explains why the AfD gets such bad press.
Everywhere one looks is still to be seen
the fading challenge of Jewish hegemony,
even if their media no longer wield the
same old clout. Is it the net? Are people
waking up? If so, I hope it’s not too late.
Their blanket accusation
A new book is out: The Myth of German
Villainy. The World War II victors readily
accepted that slight-of-media as perfected
by none other than the Jews capitalizing on
an unpleasant anthropological trait, human
self-righteousness. “We are oh, so good,
and you are oh, so bad.”
When it was obvious that Germany and
Japan were about to lose, many Nations
flocked to the side of those future victors.
There was loot to be had. Has it done them
any good? No! They are inundated just like
Germany with Moslems. And, as happened
in Syria, a civil war is in the offing. Divide
and conquer by stealth is the Jewish motto.
Everybody, but especially Germany, pays
and pays to the Jews and to Israel. Those
moneys transferred to them, however, have
never lessened their hatred poured upon
the Germans to this very day.
Why such relentless hate? I’ve puzzled
about this, and found two reason. It’s to
sustain their myth and thereby the guilt trip
for Germans which keeps all that money
flowing. The second explanation? Twice,
Germany has thwarted the Jewish quest of
world domination: After they had brought
Russia under their control (l917), it was
even more important to get Germany, the
lynchpin of Europe. In 1919 following the
defeat of Germany the Jews thought these
hungry and despairing people were ripe for
the picking. In April 1919 they established
their Soviet Republic in Bavaria.
It was miscalculated. Within one month,
the Reichswehr, composed of volunteers
for the most part, eliminated that specter of
a Jewish Communist Germany. The threat,
however, was still a force to be reckoned
with, until Hitler finally put an end to it.
The next Jewish attempt to gain a foothold
in Europe was in Spain, a civil war which
raged from 1936 to 1939 and was vicious.
Franco only won over the Red Republic
with help from Hitler and Mussolini. When
Germany invaded Russia in 1941 it was a
preemptive strike, just about two weeks
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The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Transfer of Power —
Bloodsucking parasites
By Elliott Germain
Transfer of Power
nother proof of related intrigue would
be found in the police work of Washington
D.C.’s Chief of Police
Lafayette Baker, who,
in 1861, became head
of Lincoln’s Secret
Service. Baker named
the B’nai B’rith as
conspirators involved
in the assassination of
Abraham Lincoln and
arrested B’nai B’rith lawyer Simon Wolf
as one of them. Wolf had been seen at a bar
drinking with John Wilkes Booth on the
day of the assassination. Not only was
Wolf not convicted, he later became head
of the International Order of B’nai B’rith.
The Rothschilds supported B’nai B’rith
and attempted using those connections to
con trol the Con fed er ate Gov ern ment.
Judah Benjamin, a member of a Jewish
Secret Society in Charleston that predated
B’nai B’rith, operated the Confederate
Secret Service. Benjamin was charged
with sedition in connection with Lincoln’s
assassination, but “escaped” to Britain and
practiced law there.
B’rithers of B’nai spooks
It’s always important to remember the
British role in the War of 1861. The British
were, at that war’s beginning, supportive
of the South. They sold the Confederate
Government rifles and ships, and offered
promises to the Confederacy if the South
won. Britain came to the rescue anytime
“their agents” got into trouble. So, when
James Mason and John Slidell, longtime
confidantes to Rothschild agent August
Belmont, were taken captive from a British
ship by a Union Naval vessel in December
of 1861, the British Government sent 8,000
troops to Canada and gave the White House
less than a week to release the Confederates.
The White House yielded to those demands.
Spies don’t kill spies because, at the top,
they’re all working for the same people.
Would Britain acknowledge political
recognition to the Confederacy? No way.
Britain declared its neutrality one month
after the Fort Sumter incident. By February
5, 1863, Queen Victoria refused to mediate
between the North and South, saying that
such matters cannot be “attended with a
probability of success.” What did she then
know? By April of 1863, the Illuminati’s
secret service, in the person of British
Prime Minister Palmerston, turned his back
on the Confederacy and sealed its fate.
President Jefferson Davis, a true patriot, in
an attempt to boost the Southern morale
was right up front about the South being
abandoned by the powers in Europe when
he said:
“Put not your trust in princes and rest
not your hopes in foreign Nations. This war
is ours; we must fight it out ourselves.”
Mazzini, like his compatriots Hess and
Marx, had worked the past twenty years in
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fomenting the destruction of all traditional
Nations and religions of Europe with their
creations, the Young Europe movements,
Communism and Zionism. At the end of
America’s War of 1861, Mazzini praised
his American operatives working for the
centralization of Nations by saying:
“You have done more for
us in four years than fifty
years of teaching, preaching
and writing by your European
brothers have been able to
Karl Marx stated at the
conclusion of our War of
“After the Civil War phase,
the United States really is
only now entering into the
revolutionary phase.”
Understand what those two sentences
mean: The South lost the war; and, in the
final analysis, the North also lost the war.
Well then, who won the war?
The winners were: Karl Marx and his
international socialism and the fact that his
graduated income tax was adopted by the
Lincoln government. Mazzini with the
creation of his Young America movement
provided the transfer of the Illuminati from
Europe to America, with a partial victory
over American Masonry which includes
Albert Pike’s statue that’s still standing in
Washington D. C. today. Who won? The
British Government, because America’s
revolution of 1776 was finally revoked.
The British Rothschilds because, through
Salmon Chase, they centralized American
banking and converted the currency, by
1900, into a debt-based money supply.
Who won? The B’nai B’rith, who escaped
the candid indictment by General Grant
and who, in 1913, set up their ADL as a
watchdog against accurate history. The list
of winners goes on and on but it does not
include the average American.
The building blocks of war
The role of Freemasonry within all the
intrigue surrounding the War of 1861 is
awkward for many Americans, because
most of them today are related to, friends
of, or know, a Mason. This dimension of
history in no way indicts the whole of
Masonry and its membership’s many good
and honorable Americans. The Masons, as
pointed out previously, were infiltrated by
occult elements who sought to use that
brotherhood to accomplish their strategies
toward achieving total global governance,
both political and economic. After the turn
of the twentieth century, many of these
occult elements migrated into semi-secret,
or semi-public organizations to achieve
their goals; such as the Anti Defamation
League, the Federal Reserve Bank, the
Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations,
entertainment and news media corporations
and, after the 1930s, even departments of
the government. Their need to operate
within the secrecy of such organizations as
the Masons then became less strategic.
The concern with Masonry in regard to
its participation in the War of 1861 lies
mostly with the 33rd degree, the “Templar”
or “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite”
Lodges. However, because it isn’t common
knowledge who among the political leaders
of that time were Masons, or how far up the
Masonic ladder they were, some examples
could be helpful. Perhaps the greatest
Statesman of the War of 1861, Jefferson
Davis, was not a Mason; Robert E. Lee was
not a Mason; yet the President who tried to
rescue the South from its radical postwar
misery, Andrew Johnson, was a Mason.
Andrew Johnson, being a Southerner,
wanted to pardon the Southerners after the
war and did so. There were blanket pardons
Tell those neo-cons the game is up
Get involved with the non-voting
American Defense Party
and special pardons. Certain cases, such as
Generals who served in the Confederate
Army and high-ranking public officials,
required special pardons. President Johnson
pardoned General Albert Pike, 33 degree
Mason and leader of the Illuminati. For
that, Albert Pike made Johnson a 32 degree
Mason. Notice that Pike did not let Johnson
inside the Scottish Rite (33rd degree). Why
not? Because President Johnson was a
General Albert Pike
patriot of the U. S. Constitution; a document
that conflicts with the international agenda
of the Illuminati. So here is an example of a
32 degree Mason who would not sell out
his Nation or his God, who sacrificed his
political career and reputation defending
the U. S. Constitution. A Mason today who
wants to ridicule any criticism of Masonry
by insisting that “all Masons” stand above
reproach reveals a loyalty to the scoundrels
who infiltrated it to overthrow American
Masonry and perpetrate a secret agenda
designed to violate the Constitution. In
seeking the truth behind the War of 1861,
there is no reason to put certain people
above suspicion simply because they were
The specific component of Masonry
involved with that anti-American agenda
was the Cabalistic and British-controlled
Templar faction of European Masonry, or
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, in
particular the Supreme Council of the 33rd
Degree. This European faction dispatched
emissaries to the United States in 1790 to
establish new, supreme lodges over the
existing system of American Masonry.
Those emissaries went to the two cities
that became the political poles in the War
of 1861: Newburyport, Massachusetts and
Charleston, South Carolina. There they
began a quiet attempt to usurp the existing
American Freemason organizations which
they referred to as Symbolic Masonry (32
degrees and under). But being one degree
higher (a degree they had created) did not
confer to the Scottish Rite jurisdiction or
supremacy over all American lodges; they
resisted. Jurisdiction is very important in
Freemasonry, and Masonic jurisdiction in
America, up to that time, was State by State
– not National. Centralizing the sovereign
American States into “one Nation under
Lincoln” was also the agenda directed
against American Masonry by European
Templar lodges, theme of the Illuminati:
centralization toward globalism.
In 1826, William Morgan, a Mason,
stated his intentions of publishing a book
exposing the Templar infiltration that had
spawned the radical un-American Masonic
activities. He was subsequently kidnapped,
tortured and murdered, developing into
William Morgan
the biggest Masonic scandal in American
history. Three thousand lodges dissolved in
protest, resignations proving unfortunate
for American Masonry because thousands
of good patriotic Masons resigned, leaving
American Masonry in the hands of the very
European faction which was attempting to
take over.
The greatest opposition to Masonry in
American history came into being with the
formation of the National political party of
the Anti-Masons, whose leader was John
Quincy Adams, former President of the
United States. Adams and his erstwhile
Attorney General, William Wirt, gathered
National support to rein in this Europeanspawned Masonic control over American
politics. Adams and his followers having
organized the Anti-Masonic Party offered
William Wirt for President in 1832. Their
Anti-Masonic Presidential candidate got
20% of the popular vote. Masonic treason
by the European faction operating through
their American subordinates was the big
controversial issue in the years surrounding
that 1832 Presidential race.
Momentarily checked
The Anti-Masonic Party was to prove a
temporary setback for the Masons. The
Anti-Masons at that time included former
“Symbolic Masonry” members evolved
into the “Know-nothings.” Because of the
Morgan scandal in 1826, and the National
Anti-Masonic candidacy of 1832, the next
major Masonic convention was not until
1843. By 1860, European influence within
Masonry was almost totally swept under
the rug, so that by the beginning of the War
of 1861, there were 500,000 American
Masons, and not all of them dominated by
the new Templar Intrigue.
Quick review: The all-Jewish “Order of
Asiatica” Masonry in Frankfurt Germany
in the 1840s sent out its agents. Karl Marx
propagated Communism, and the Marxist
doctrine arrived in America with those
German immigrants in the 1840s and
1850s. Marx’s political associate, 33rd
degree Illuminati Mason Giuseppe Mazzini,
founded the Young America movement in
Charleston with his co-founder Edwin de
Leon. Edwin de Leon was the leader of the
Charleston B’nai B’rith. The B’nai B’rith
came from Germany in 1843, to attain
Masonic superiority over the Scottish Rite.
In 1846, Germany sent Reform Judaism to
the United States, which secret society was
posing as a Jewish religion. Now we’re up
to speed.
New moves
Killian Van Rensselaer was the grandson
of one of the founders of the West India
Company out of Holland. He lived in New
York where, in 1830, he was “irregularly
knighted” into the Masons by three British
soldiers out of Canada. It was this sort of
“irregular” induction that had sanctioned
Benedict Arnold and secessionist Aaron
Burr. Rensselaer received the Masonic
patent to establish a western headquarters
for the Scottish Rite to be lo cated in
Cincinnati, Ohio, which he did in 1853.
Rabbi Isaac Wise brought his Reform
Judaism to New York from Germany in
1846. Wise was the American leader of
Reform Judaism and remained so until his
death in 1900. In 1854, he too moved from
New York to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he
began preaching to his “flock” about how
the South was being used by the North,
talking up secession, implementing the
divide and conquer strategy.
In 1854, also in Cincinnati, Ohio, the
secret organization, Knights of the Golden
Circle, was formed. The tactics of these
Knights served strategies benefiting the
B’nai B’rith, the western Scottish Rite and
Reform Judaism. Officially the founder of
those Knights of the Golden Circle was
George Bickley of Virginia, but that is a
meaningless diversion; the Knights were
controlled by European Masonry. The
Knights of the Golden Circle, based in
Ohio, operated in the Southern States prior
to the war and supplied weapons to the
Confederacy when training some 100,000
Southern militiamen. Union General W. T.
Sherman claimed that Cincinnati furnished
— Transfer of Power —
more goods to the C.S.A. than Charleston.
General Beauregard, original highestranking General of the Confederacy, was
a member of the Knights of the Golden
Circle. Beauregard commanded the first
shot of the war at Fort Sumter. John Wilkes
Booth became a member of the Knights of
the Golden Circle in 1860. It could be said
that Europe’s Masonic-controlled Knights
of the Golden Circle fired the first and last
shots of the war. Never underestimate the
intrigue of wars just because government
and media historians leave it out.
Again: The 33rd degree Scottish Rite
Lodges were established as early as 1790
in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and by
1801 in Charleston, South Carolina. The
Scottish Rite arrived in America to take
control of American Masonry, but failed;
and, by 1832 with the “Morgan Affair,” it
had failed miserably. The B’nai B’rith’s
Masonic faction came from Germany in
1843, and the long-abandoned Masonic
conventions in America restarted. But the
B’nai B’rith wanted to gain dominance
over American Masonry on behalf of the
German and Jewish-only lodge “Asiatica”
by controlling the 33rd degree Scottish
Rite, placing itself on top of the 32 degree
pyramid of America’s Symbolic Masonry.
This developed into an in-house conflict
between traditional American Masonry
and the newer, European “clandestine”
Masonry which was attempting to unite
all American Masonry under a National
Mother Lodge.
Conniving to shape opinions
In some respects, the War of 1861 was a
war to control American Masonry. One of
the first major battles in the Masonic struggle
came in 1858, when one of the clandestine
international lodges, the St. John’s Grand
Lodge of New York, united with a State
lodge, the Grand Lodge of New York. This
would, in effect, put New York’s “State”
Masonry under control of the international
33rd degree of Templar Masonry. B’nai
B’rith’s world headquarters was also in New
York City. The Grand Lodge of Virginia
ob jected to the takeover. This began a
National Masonic feud between New York
and Virginia over “State’s rights,” while
State Masonic ju ris dic tions North and
South observed.
Virginia Masonry fought against New
York’s international takeover of American
Masonry. And, as it happens, the only
Masonic Lodge that was taken captive
during the War of 1861 by either Union
or Con federate forces was the George
Washington Lodge in Alexandria, Virginia;
it was the first political victim of the war.
We will never know what “secrets” that
lodge contained, but it was ransacked and
forced to disband. The Grand Lodge of
John Wilkes Booth
the Dis trict of Co lum bia re placed the
Alexandria Lodge with the “Union Lodge.”
The Virginia Grand Lodge then forbade its
members to recognize any “Union Lodge”
people. Washington D. C. joined the secret
push against Richmond to centralize the
sovereign American States and centralize
the sovereignty of independent Masonic
Zionist control
The Scottish Rite of Charleston extended
its organization into Mississippi, where it
commissioned the former New Yorker, John
Quitman, in 1830, to open and preside over
the Scottish Rite for the State of Mississippi.
Quitman used his Masonic power in the
1850s to lead the secessionist movement in
Mississippi. The Supreme Council of the
South ern Ju risdic tion or dered that all
consistories, councils, chapters and lodges
under the Southern Jurisdiction were to
submit to the 33 degree lodge of John
Quitman. Remember the scheme: the 33
degree British and B’nai B’rith influenced
Scottish Rite was attempting to take over
all of Masonry. Therefore, after Quitman’s
appointment to the Templar position in
Mississippi, it should be expected that a
mechanism to bring Masonic centralization
into the South would likely spread from
that State.
Rob Morris, through the Oxford Lodge
of Mis sis sippi, had at age 26 en tered
Ma sonry in 1845. Mor ris ac cepted a
clan des tine task. He left Mis sis sippi on
a mission to seek out senior Masons
throughout the country to learn about the
Masons and their lodges and to make the
necessary connections to promote the
agenda of cen tralization. He conferred
with over 50,000 Masons and visited
nearly 2,000 lodges; and, in those days,
that was quite a feat. By 1858, when the
Virginia Grand Lodge chal lenged the
illegal “union” of the New York Grand
Lodge with the St. John Lodge, Rob
Morris had worked his way up to being
the Grand Master of Kentucky. Virginia
of fi cially ob jected to the at tempted
clan des tine “Na tional” con trol by the
Scottish Rite over “State” jurisdictions.
After touring thousands of lodges, and
gaining his position as Grand Master of
Kentucky, Morris gained access to a wealth
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
of “secrets.” He then set out to form a group
called the “Conservators of Symbolic
Masonry” or “The Conservators.” Looking
back on it (which is always easy), the title
itself reveals his agenda, since “Symbolic
Masonry” was the existing American form
of Masonry, 32 degree and below. Thus,
the Symbolic Masonry which the Virginia
Grand Lodge feared was being threatened
by the New York Lodge was the ob ject
of concern for the “Conservators.” Was
Morris trying to “conserve” the very thing
that Virginia was trying to preserve? The
first definition of the word “conservator”
is “One that pre serves from in jury or
violation.” Or, was Morris implementing
the second definition of “conservator”: “a
person, official or institution designated
to take over and protect the interests of an
The proposed Conservator system was
designed to be superimposed onto American
Masonry, coincidentally, just as the Scottish
Rite had tried but could not prior to 1861.
The Morris mechanism to achieve this was
to standardize Masonic rituals in all States,
Rob Morris would fill volumes. He died in 1888
and annually every Order of Eastern Star Chapter
celebrates his birthday on August 31st with a “Rob
Morris Picnic” or gathering.
with the “keys to the secrets” being written
instead of verbal. The Conservator system,
if used, would nationalize Masonry through
uniform laws, which was the goal of the
B’nai B’rith. So here we have the New
York Grand Lodge (St. John) attempting
a takeover of Masonry by employing
Scottish Rite Masons in Mississippi and
Ken tucky, us ing the Con ser va tors as
“Yankees in gray clothing.”
With its “twelve points,” the Conservator
obligations to Masonic Temples would use
certain organizational tactics: Secrecy; A
top to bottom control over members; Be
good to each other clauses; Intimidate all
op po sition found within the ranks and
diminish their influence; Submission to all
rules; and “Seek by every available means
to obtain possession of the Grand Lodges
(States) so as to compel all lodges to adopt
and use the above named system … and to
break down every Lodge that stands in its
way.” The B’nai B’rith could not have
writ ten a more ac cu rate dogma of its
in ten tions.
A particularly instructive coincidence
regarding the “Conservators” is in their
mission of Masonic centralization, and
their years of operation. The Conservators
operated from June 1860 to June 1865. It
began a year before the war and closed
when the war ended. During the same years
that the Union Army fought to centralize
the American States into one National
governance, the Conservators infiltrated
and intrigued to centralize State Masonry
into one National Masonry.
Useful intellectual idiots
Those Grand Lodges (State lodges)
became alarmed at the agenda and speed of
Conservator recruiting. During their five
years of existence, Morris recruited 3,000
Masons into the Conservators. Remember,
the Conservator doctrine required that all
members belonging to a Grand Lodge were
bound by oath to use all their influence “to
break down every Lodge that stands in its
way.” Conservators targeted the Grand
Lodges, and were able to get members into
all but four of the Grand Lodges: Virginia,
Oregon, Colorado and D.C. This push to
take over all of Masonry came during the
confusion of war. Take note that Virginia’s
Grand Lodge had no Conservators, and
Virginia was the foremost opponent of
those clandestine “union lodges” that were
attempting to conquer State Masonry. That
fact, along with the Conservators’ twelve
points being so anti-Grand Lodge, shows
that the Conservators were working toward
the same goal as the B’nai B’rith and St. John
Lodge, using the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite.
The Grand Lodge of Michigan declared
the Conservator “scheme to be unlawful,
unmasonic, and opposed to the real interest
of Ma sonry.” Many oth ers spoke out,
calling its agenda a scheme to infiltrate so
as to command every Lodge in America.
When their smoke cleared after the war, the
Conservators ceased to exist and Morris
was welcomed back into the fold. Although
the new Masonic spin claims that Morris
did not get what he wanted, the Masons did
unite under the Scottish Rite and Morris
did create a National ritual of Masonry and
he is the founder of the Order of the Eastern
Star. But Rob Morris is best known in
Masonry as its “Poet Laureate,” in the
ranks of many other Masonic poets (and
Illuminists) like Albert Pike and Giuseppe
The above is from Transfer of Power, 270 page book
by Elliott Germain, yours PPD for $10 check or cash.
Liberty Nation, P. O. Box 464, Hanover, VA 23069
Bilderberg conspirators to gather in Dresden next month
The 64th annual globalist Bilderberg
confab 2016 will be in Dresden, Germany,
Thursday June 9 to Sunday June 12 at the
Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski. This
year’s meeting is crucial for the globalists
themselves as well as for us, their subjects.
In a press state ment, the Bilderberg
organization has announced this year’s
dates and venue. A Wikipedia page gives a
historic breakdown of typical attendees per
country. The list is a who’s who of the
globalist elite of the elite. It changes from
year to year, depending on world historical
developments which they are trying to set
into motion insofar as possible. Bilderberg
is those globalists’ way of syncing their
Bilderberg was founded by Prince
Bernhard of the Netherlands (grandfather
of the current king). Its goal is to maintain a
continued dialogue between the elites of
the ruling classes on the European and
North American continents. Some 120 to
150 politicians and leaders of industry and
science are invited each year to participate
in the secretive event.
About two thirds of the guests are from
Europe, most others from North America.
One third wants to run the world of politics
and governance, the remainder command
the private sector. This convention is a
forum for informal discussions about mega
trends and important subjects concerning
the world.
The meetings are held under Chatham
House Rule, meaning that participants are
free to dispose of any information gathered
at the event, but that neither the source will
be disclosed nor the identity of any of the
other participants.
Thanks to this secretive character of the
conference the guests are not subject to any
of the usual proprieties connected to their
po si tions; also they will not be held to
account for any prior views. Participants
have the time to listen and gain insights at
their leisure.
Without a schedule, no resolutions are
made, neither voting nor any kind of policy
declarations evolving. Precisely that is the
problem for free citizens: this whole lack
of transparency and accountability. The
media are not welcome at these events.
In 2013 at Watford, England, this same
Chatham House Rule was relaxed only
tentatively: after the event, the BBC had a
short news item and a debate in the House
of Commons was held. But, in 2014 and
2015, the confab was more closed than
In 2014 Dutch Socialist leader Diederik
Samsom confirmed that the demonization
of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a
strategy originating in Bilderberg. Since
then we are seeing critics and opponents
get smeared as being sympathetic to the
Kremlin or slandered as Russian agents.
Similar propaganda was used against
the organizers of the Dutch referendum
that opposed the E. U. association treaty
with Ukraine. Expect to see more of this in
the future.
In 2010, former Secretary General of
NATO and two-time Bilderberg participant
Willy Claes stated that par ticipants are
expected to implement ideas tabled at the
Although the Bilderberg group itself
claims that “no resolutions are proposed,
no votes taken and no policy statements
issued,” Claes admitted participants are
expected to implement conclusions that
come out of every conference.
Claes said that as each sub-conference at
Bilderberg ends a report is compiled, after
which “the participants are then obviously
considered to use this report in setting their
policies in the environments which they
Bilderberg founder prince Bernhard
even stated in an interview:
“There could be issued an idea… that
everybody liked, and that idea is then
launched.” Which explains the uniformity
in policy and memes suddenly finding their
ways into broader societies and cultures,
creating the perception of spontaneous,
natural development, while in actual fact
these are emanating from this secretive,
permanent cabal.
Bilderberg is not a “conspiracy theory”
in any way. It is a fact.
Until David Rockefeller introduced
Bloody Bill Clinton at that Bilderberg
gathering in Baden-Baden, Germany,
very few outside of Arkansas had ever
heard about this soon to be President
of our increasingly Jewnighted States.
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Revitalizing our sanity —
What’s “news” in North Carolina
By Lt. Colonel Donald Sullivan (Ret)
t’s interesting what passes for news
these days in our Star-News
paper, locally known as the
“Red Star-News” or the
“Jew-News” – since it’s
owned by the New York
Times. Mostly, the “news”
has to be bad to be good
anymore, so let’s see what’s
“bad” in my home State.
Here goes.
Battling the battle flag
What’s bad is that even the sight of a
Confederate flag these days sets entire
towns on edge in the Old South. In little
Shallotte just south of Wilmington on
Wednesday, March 10th, Kaleb Ferguson
caused near mass hysteria at the West
Brunswick High School by walking
around the courtyard and cafeteria with the
familiar red, white and blue battle flag
draped over his shoulder. It was so bad that
the next day children were afraid to return
to school because their little brains have
been infested with the myth that anyone
who exhibits our heritage flag is dangerous
and one of those evil White, right-wing,
anti-government, racist extremists DHS
Director Napolitano warned us about in
2009. It was their excuse for playing hooky
that day.
It’s like probable illegal alien Mexican
(IAM) student Alejandro Quevedo said:
“No one knows what he might do next…
There should be something more than
just sending people home or to in-school
suspension… the guy basically hung the
flag outside… proceeded to take the flag
down, and he wrapped it around him like a
cape and just walked through the cafeteria
with it. He went to the outside part of the
cafeteria and started screaming ‘White
power’ while he was stepping over chocolate
milk cartons.” Ooohh, that’s scary!
Yes, it must have been a terrible, frightening experience for an IAM to see a
White student walking around the campus
wearing a Confederate flag draped over his
shoulder like a cape and being proud of his
heritage and that he was White. White
people shouldn’t be glad to be White,
should they? It’s such an embarrassment
these days to be White. Oh, to be more
Titanic panic
School spokeswoman Jessica Swencki
told the Star-News late Wednesday that
five students will face consequences for the
incident though the specific punishments
were not revealed. She clarified it was “the
manner in which the object was used” that
the administrators were addressing. The
Bruns wick County schools’ Code of
Conduct says that students who disrupt the
educational environment (during lunch)
could be removed from school. Yeh, that
sounds right; since it is probably against
school policy to have anything remotely
re lated to the Con fed er acy on campus
because it might offend certain students.
It was so bad that fellow White student
Courtney Gore described the incident on
social media and encouraged her peers to
wear all black to school Thursday to support
the school’s Black students. An other
student posted “All Lives Matter. Why are
we still in the segregation period when it
is now 2016?” A video post shows Kaleb
being high-fived by other students as he
wore the flag in the courtyard. Really
scary. How bad is that, a bunch of White
students peaceably assembling? Reportedly
many students from other schools in the
area decided also to wear black in support
of the aggrieved students at WBHS. Others
wore black arm bands. Obviously, the
psyops techniques in our public schools
are working.
Principal Brock Ahrens addressed the
incident with the faculty and student body
Thursday morning. According to Swencki,
he told faculty and students that the work
they had done to build a unified, civil,
tolerant environment at WBHS would not
be undone by the incident.
Next day the Brunswick County
Sheriff’s Office issued summonses
to Kaleb Ryan Ferguson, 16, Tyler
Winter, 17, and Cheyenne Marlowe,
18, for disorderly conduct in school.
Now you know why the Sheriff’s
office sta tions armed “Resource
Officers” in our State public schools,
so they can permanently ruin the lives
of our young people who have the
courage to stand up for something other
than what they are told to. When I was in
school, I would have just been sent to 8th
period and given a poor grade on “Conduct.”
My daddy would have thrown a party in
my honor. How discouraging, that a high
school student who misbehaves in school
during lunch gets prime attention from a
sheriff, but the sheriff in my county won’t
even file a report for me when a State
trooper commits perjury in my trial, under
oath, on the witness stand. I salute the
courage of these next generation standouts
and pray their independent spirits are not
broken by this nonsense.
Discriminating legislation
But there is some good “news.” I’m sure
that by now you have read, heard or seen
that Republican North Carolina Governor
Pat McCrory has signed into law House
Bill 2, a.k.a. Session Law 2016-3, an act to
provide for single sex multiple occupancy
bathroom and changing facilities in schools
and public agencies and to create statewide
consistency in regulation of employment
and pub lic ac commo da tions. This act
puts in place a statewide policy that bans
individuals from using public bathrooms
that do not correspond to their biological
sex in response to an ordinance passed by
the Charlotte city council which would have
allowed just the opposite. The bill also
reserves the right to pass nondiscrimination
legislation to the State government, saying
State laws preempt any local ordinances.
Common sense returns
After signing the bill, the governor
tweeted, “[The Char lotte] [o]rdinance
[allowing transgender individuals (and,
thus, everyone) to use the rest room of their
choice] defied common sense, allowing
men to use women’s bathroom/locker room
for instance. That’s why I signed bipartisan
bill to stop it.”
The legislation marked the first State
law in the nation limiting the bathroom
options for transgender people, requiring
them to use those conforming to the natural
sex on their birth certificates. The law also
excludes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from anti-discrimination
protections (meaning a baker has the right
to refuse to make a wedding cake for a
same-sex marriage ceremony, and a barber
has the right to refuse to cut the hair of
anyone he chooses not to cut) and blocks
municipalities from adopting their own
anti-discrimination and living wage rules.
While I person ally applaud the bill,
others do not agree, “others” being the
LGBT community and idiots, mostly White,
who support their ungodly, alternate lifestyles. I don’t care what people do behind
closed doors or in closets; but I do care
what they do in public places and in public
bathrooms. There, they make it my business
and the business of my government to stop
it. There has never been any question that
boys go to the “BOYS” bathrooms, and
girls go to the “GIRLS” bathrooms. That’s
natural, moral and normal. When we allow
the unnatural, immoral and abnormal to
become commonplace, we are asking for
trouble of all kinds, not the least of which
will be the “Sodom and Gomorrah” effect
from an unhappy Creator. Of course, the
confusions could be eliminated by making
all public restrooms single occupancy with
locks on the doors. That can be an individual,
voluntary change by any person or business.
But, if the bathroom is to accommodate
multiple users, I’m old school.
The unusual does its usual
The backlash from the gay community
and San Francisco has been typical and
expected. Not surprisingly, most of it comes
from large corporate business interests,
mostly tekkie; the movie industry, mostly
Jewish and/or queer and/or inordinately
supportive of alternative lifestyles; and our
own, anti-American federal government.
Some business interests are employee (lots
of fruits and nuts in the movies) and market
related (although I can’t imagine how the
small percentage of the market represented
by queers and transvestites can make much
of a difference), but all the others have a
relentless need to destroy what most of us
would call nor mal and un dermine our
societal mores. Some examples:
§ The mayor of San Francisco announced
the day after the bill was signed into law
that the city of San Francisco would not
honor any expense reports for travel to
North Carolina until the new law was
rescinded. No surprise there, but who cares?
§ On April 5th, PayPal said that it would
scrap a $3.6-million, 400-job expansion
in Charlotte, North Carolina, the biggest
tangible economic backlash so far to a new
State law that allegedly restricts protections
for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people. I say “allegedly” because I question
how a man going into the WOMEN’s
bathroom or vice-versa, can require a
“protection” of “a right.” PayPal said,
“This decision reflects PayPal’s deepest
values and our strong belief that every
person has the right to be treated equally,
and with dignity and respect.” They don’t
seem to understand that men and women
can never be “equal.” They were born
different and unequal. No law can change
that. Again, who cares? Besides, we were
un con sti tu tion ally pay ing PayPal 3.5
millions to put their business here anyway.
Look at the money the State saved!
§ Answering PayPal’s boycott, Franklin
Graham, son of legendary evangelist Billy
Graham, said, “PayPal gets the hypocrite
of the year award!… PayPal operates in
countries including Saudi Arabia, Nigeria,
Council of Conser vative Citizens
The Council of Conservative Citizens
(CofCC) is leading the fight as an umbrella
organization for all conservatives! The
CofCC, representing the no longer silent
global minority, fights for the civil rights
of Whites.
The CofCC, al though a Na tional
organization, has successfully, built a
network of local chapters and supporters
to serve as a responsible, effective voice
and advocate for conservatives. This is a
unification movement that is desperately
needed and long overdue.
Annual dues are $36 per year. Send
payment payable to “CofCC” with your
mailing address and contact information
to: Council of Conservative Citizens,
P. O. Box 221683, St. Louis, MO 63122.
Website is
and Yemen for Pete’s sake. Just last month
PayPal announced they would be expanding
in Cuba, a country in which homosexuals
and transgender peo ple have been
impris oned, tor tured, and ex e cuted.”
PayPal has never discontinued its services
to Saudi Arabia and other Muslim Nations
in a boycott against their “homophobia.”
Yet, Muslim countries ban gay sex, and
PayPal is happy to serve them. PayPal has
explained that it closed accounts of U. S.
members who exhibited “homophobic”
attitudes because “We take very seriously
any cases where a user has incited hatred,
vi o lence or in tol er ance be cause of a
person’s sexual orientation.”
§ Days earlier, Lionsgate decided to
move the filming for the pilot episode of a
comedy series to Canada. Who cares? The
State was probably paying them millions to
film here. I say, “Good riddance. We can’t
afford to pay you to make movies here.”
§ Allegedly, some customers have pulled
out of one of the world’s largest furniture
markets in High Point. Who cares?
§ New Jersey’s Braeburn Pharmaceuticals
said it was reconsidering building a $50
million facility in Durham County that
would have created fifty jobs paying an
average of $76,000 a year. Who cares? We
have more than enough Yankees here
already. We were probably illegally paying
them, too.
§ Bruce Springsteen announced April 7th
he is can celing his April 10 show in
Greensboro because of North Carolina’s
recently passed HB2. “Some things are
more important than a rock show and this
is a fight against prejudice and bigotry,”
Springsteen said in a statement posted to
his website. Again, who cares?
Morality is stupid?
§ Jimmy Buffett (of “Margaritaville”
fame) has released a statement criticizing
House Bill 2 as “a stupid law based on
stupid assumptions.” But he feels deep
loyalty to his North Carolina fans and is
“not going to let stupidity or bigotry trump
fun for my loyal fans this year.” So
Buffett’s season-opener at Raleigh’s
Walnut Creek Amphitheatre would go on
as scheduled. But here’s the closing
paragraph of his statement: “That said, as
far the future of shows in North Carolina, it
would definitely depend on whether that
stupid law is repealed. That is up to the
good people of North Carolina and there
are many, and I am confident that they will
see that the right thing will be done. As
Forrest said, ‘Stupid is as stupid does.’”
Again, who cares?
§ But the biggest blessing to result from
this wonderful new law is that the Obama
administration is reviewing whether the
new law could affect the flow of federal aid
to the State. A government spokesman said
such laws “do not create a hospitable
business environment” and force employers
to question whether their employees will
be treated fairly. Well, la de da. The best
thing that can happen to a State is to lose
federal funding and no longer be bound, or
believe it’s bound, by United States laws
and restrictions. What a blessing in disguise!
Sur vival of the normal
Two of my local city councilmen voiced
their objections to the new law saying that
it is “discriminating.” I say it’s about time
we become more discriminating, that is,
discerning, about whom we select as those
deserving special protections; and protective
of our business owners. No one is being
forced to do anything against his will. A
business owner can serve whom he will. It
is, after all, his business. Other businessmen
have com plained about the ad verse
economic impact the law might have in
North Carolina, causing large corporations
to avoid the State. I say we don’t want the
kinds of people those companies would
employ in our State. Need I remind anyone
of Sodom and Gomorrah?
As I stated ear lier, this en light ened
— Revitalizing our sanity —
legislation was sparked by the backlash to
Charlotte’s ordinance allowing transgender
people to use restrooms aligned with their
perceived gender identity, not the physical
one. McCrory was the mayor of Charlotte
for 14 years and had criticized the local
measure. He said the State law was “passed
by a bipartisan majority to stop this breach
of basic privacy and etiquette.” 12 House
Democrats joined all Republicans present
in voting for the bill in the afternoon. Later,
all Senate Democrats in attendance walked
off the cham ber floor dur ing an other
debate in protest.
Republicans and their allies have said
intervening was necessary to protect the
safety of women and children from “radical”
action by Char lotte, and I agree. “It’s
common sense – biological men should not
me be in women’s showers, locker rooms
and bathrooms,” said GOP Rep. Dean Arp
of Monroe before the chamber voted 82-26
for the legislation after nearly three hours
of debate. So the media are whining.
Tinsel tears regret morality
No wimp: North Carolina Governor and
14-year Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory
Gay rights leaders and transgender
people said the legislation demonizes the
community. They say the law will deny
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people es sential protections needed to
ensure they can get a hotel room, hail a taxi
or dine at a restaurant without fear. Such
can only happen if the perverts display
their disdain for normalcy for all to see
without any concern for the offense caused
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
to the majority of others. This law makes
North Carolina no longer subject to “the
majority of one.”
GOP lead ers sched uled the one-day
spe cial ses sion at the cost of $42,000
because Charlotte’s ordinance was set to
take effect April 1. Otherwise, the legislature
wouldn’t have returned until late April.
Cur rent Char lotte Mayor Jennifer
Rob erts, who pressed to get the antidiscrimination ordinance approved, said
she was ap palled by the leg is la ture’s
actions. “The General Assembly is on the
wrong side of progress. It is on the wrong
side of history,” Roberts said in a statement.
But McCrory said in a release that “the
basic expectation of privacy in the most
personal of settings” was vio lated by
“government overreach and intrusion” by
Roberts and the city council.
I am very proud of my General Assembly
this day, and am hoping they don’t renege.
It may not last, but at least it happened for
this the second time. The first was when
they passed a new law at my behest in 2013
to “clarify” an 1875 law requiring all North
Carolina juries to swear an oath to the
Constitution and the laws pursuant thereto.
For 140 years North Carolina had not had a
properly sworn jury for any trial, civil or
West Brunswick High
School principal Brock
Ahrens delivered on cue
another traitorous “unity,
tol er ance and ci vil ity”
mes sage fol low ing this
March 10, 2016, incident
which involved a student
displaying and wearing a Confederate flag at
lunch. Who is Ahrens? Just the usual scalawag.
criminal. These are the good things which
happen when we have a conservative
majority be they Republican or Democrat.
The par ties change platforms ev ery so
often. Democrats were the conservatives
before the War of Northern Aggression.
That all began to change when they became
“progressive” in the early 20th century
un der Teddy Roo sevelt. Lin coln was a
Republican, and we are all familiar with
the mistakes he made.
Matt Hale to receive “discovery” from BOP in civil suit
Reverend Matt Hale, political prisoner
and former leader of the
pro-White and anti-Semitic
World Church of the Creator,
has filed a Civil suit against
the Federal Bureau of Prisons
and its agents in the federal
dis trict court at Den ver,
Colorado, for numerous and
se vere vi o la tions of his
con sti tu tional rights that
have occurred during his false imprisonment
at the in fa mous “Supermax” prison in
Florence, Colorado. The 30 page complaint
alleges, among other things, that the wardens
of Supermax and their subordinates have
repeatedly imposed
bans restricting his
correspondence with
the outside world in
an effort to thwart
his con sti tu tional
right to par tic i pate
in his church and
religion. The case is
Reverend Matt Hale
v. Federal Bureau of Prisons, et al., number
The fed eral dis trict court at Den ver,
Colorado, has ordered the Federal Bureau
of Prisons (Florence Supermax) to hand
over “discovery” to Reverend Hale. He has
received 7,000 pages and is waiting for
an additional 7,000 of evidence. Reverend
Hale will be deposing twelve people and is
needing funds to pay for the court reporter
and transcripts of such depositions which
will cost approximately $5,000.
Major charade
In 2004, Reverend Hale was found
guilty of soliciting the murder of Chicago
Judge Joan Lefkow in a pre-arranged
set-up by the FBI and their informant even
though there is no evidence that any such
solicitation occurred. He is a political
To assist Reverend Hale in funding,
please send you donation to:
Lockbox, Federal Bureau of Prisons
Matthew F. Hale 15177-424
P. O. Box 474701
Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001
Your donation must be a money order or
money gram.
You may also send your donation to:
Evelyn Hutcheson
200 Carlson Ave. 25 H
Washington, IL 61571
Glorious fate of a valiant White Nationalist
By Nancy Hitt
n death, as in this life, I defy the Jews
who caused this last war, and I defy the
powers of darkness which they represent.
“I am proud to die for my ideals; and I
am sorry for the sons of Britain who have
died without knowing why.”
– William Joyce facing his
own death by hanging
William Joyce was
executed at the age of
39 on January 3, 1946,
at Wandsworth Prison
in London, England.
William had been known
to the British by the
nick name of “Lord
Haw-Haw” due to his
ra dio broad casts to
England during World
War II. He broadcast
anti-war harangues from
Germany in his native
English tongue. Whether
viewed as merely a
pro-German pacifist or
an in famous traitor, William Joyce was
acknowledged to be a commanding orator.
His ingrained distaste for the Jewish
tribe developed early on while just a
youngster surviving during the 1920s Irish
William was actually an American, as
he had been born in Brooklyn on April 24,
1906. Soon afterwards, his Anglo-Irish
parents returned to the Galway area of
Ireland where William spent his youth. In
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Treasurer, Alabama League of the South
spite of being brought up in the South of
Ireland, he is reported to have remained a
lifetime royalist. This loyalty caused him
problems among the Irish Nationalists and
Joyce’s parents decided to send him to
England at the age of just fifteen.
By October, 1924, at the age of only
seventeen he was accosted by a leftist thug
and sliced with a razor from ear to mouth.
This attack occurred while William was
attending a joint Conservative and Tory
meeting. He survived that bloody assault
and so too did the fa cial scar. William
became associated with an early Fascist
group, the British Fascisti. By 1933, he
had become a leading member of Oswald
Mosley’s British Union of Fascists and one
of its most compelling speakers. After a
break with Mosley, William helped to
organize the National Socialist League
which was more in line with the German
National Socialist Party.
A less biased account
Germany Calling, A Personal Biography
of William Joyce Lord Haw-Haw, by Mary
Kenny, is a thoroughly-researched book
that rounds out the real man. The author
covers the Joyce family’s ancestry along
with William’s education, political activities,
employment, friends, bohemian habits,
his two marriages, cap ture in Germany,
imprisonment, trial and death.
Mary Kenny is an Irish journalist and
author, which made her a good fit to draw
a portrait of this complex Irishman. Kenny
studied there where William Joyce had
once been a student, the Birkbeck College,
London University.
Well informed
Wil liam Joyce had been a bril liant
student. On page 104: “He spoke good
French, excellent German, good Latin,
some Greek and some Italian, and was a
scholar in old Germanic languages such as
Anglo-Saxon, Icelandic, Gothic and Old
The po lit ical pow ers that gov erned
Britain did not approve of William Joyce
and what they deemed misplaced loyalty. It
was only William’s timely departure from
England on August 26, 1939, that kept him
from being interned during the course of
World War II, a fate his brother Quentin
endured for four years in England.
William and his second wife, Margaret,
fled to Germany. He found work there and
began broadcasting to England, with his
unforgettable voice, spitfire oratory and
humor. Lord Haw-Haw always opened his
radio broadcasts with “Germany Calling,
Germany Calling,” and attracted thousands
of British listeners who were bored with
the stale BBC radio reports. They listened
to his warnings about the madness of Brits
warring against the Germans, who were
their racial kinsmen.
Lord Haw-Haw explained to the British
working classes that German workers had
much better opportunities in housing,
employment, health and dental care due to
the National Socialist programs initiated
by Hitler himself, reforms designed to
create one German Nation, whether worker
or aristocrat. Lord Haw-Haw likely also
warned about Jewish mendacity and their
wicked dealings with gentiles. (One can
actually hear his recordings on YouTube!)
From a review of Germany Calling,
by the London Review of Books, “Kenny
argues, rightly… that Joyce’s fate was
undeserved: his real offense was to have
acquired his nickname, and the legendary
repute that went with it. It was essentially
William Joyce
a matter of revenge… This is the most
thorough study of Joyce’s personal life that
is likely to be written.”
I obtained my used softbound copy of
Germany Calling from an internet bookseller. It is the 2008 edition and contains
380 pages, maps of the Irish Joyce country,
several photographs and one of William on
the cover of the book with his obvious long
facial scar.
William Joyce, an American, executed
for his pro-German ideals, was buried in an
unmarked grave at the Wandsworth Prison
until his eldest daughter Heather had his
remains reburied in 1976 in the New
Cemetery at Bohermore Road in Galway,
“I am very anxious that you should go to
Galway and see the docks… the Promenade
with Rockbarton, where we [his family]
used to live behind. It has been my cherished
dream to take you to these places myself.
But I can still walk with you in spirit
– From William Joyce’s prison letters
to his wife, Margaret, December 1945
The First Freedom
— MLK Boulevard —
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Black Lives Matter: moral per versity and insanity
Colin Flaherty is just like Stefan Molyneux,
Bill Whittle, Ann Coulter, Alex Jones, and
other puppets who are willing to do just about
anything for the almighty dollar and for a
seasonal fame.
By Jonas E. Alexis
Bill Clinton recently detonated a
political bomb in the cultural minefield
by say ing that Black Lives Mat ter
(hereinafter BLM) protesters support
child murderers. Clinton said:
“This is what’s the matter. I don’t
know how you would characterize the gang leaders who
got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them
out into the street to mur der other African-American
children… You are defending the people who kill the
lives you say matter.”1
We have said in the past that BLM is based on a
massive lie and has no moral ground
whatsoever. In fact, the system has morally pouring fuel down her nose and throat and
and intellectually been collapsing precisely lighting her on fire. She died of her burns,
because practical reason is not there at all. which covered some 98% of her body.”4
Consider this:
How about Meechaiel Khalil Criner,
“Murders in the nation’s third-largest who has recently murdered Haruka Weiser,
city are up about 72%, while shootings a student at the University of Texas?5 Can
have surged more than 88% in the first we honestly start talking about these issues?
three months of 2016 compared with the As we have argued in the past, Black Lives
same period last year, according to data Matter should really be translated to Black
released on April 15 by the Chicago Police Lies Matter.
Even former Baltimore football linebacker Ray Lewis could no longer sit back
“Police said the disturbing and allow BLM thugs to propound one
rise in violence is driven by nonsense after another. In response to the
gangs and mostly contained di sas trous events which have cre ated
to a handful of pockets on political organs in places like Baltimore
Chicago, Lewis put out a video online
the city’s South and West and
which was viewed by millions. He said:
sides… The city has seen 141 “I’m trying to figure out why no one is
murders this year, compared paying attention to Black men killing
with 82 murders at the same
point last year. Police report
677 shootings this year, which
compares with 359 at the same
point last year.
“The rise in vio lence co mes as the
police department reported a decrease in
investigative stops by cops on the streets
during the first two months of the year. The
police department entered an agreement
with the American Civil Liberties Union,
which went into effect Jan. 1, to record
contact cards for all street stops after the
organization criticized the city’s police for
disproportionately targeting minorities for
questioning and searches.”2
Jessica Chambers
How can BLM protesters and advocates
really dismiss all those statistics?3 Can they
honestly wiggle out of the preponderance
of evidence which literally ru ins their
en tire pro ject? What about Jessica
Chambers, a 19-year-old girl who was
literally doused with gasoline by a thug
in Panola County, Mississippi? Chambers
“survived long enough to tell police who
had fatally burned her before she died at a
hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, some 50
miles north of the rural community. Police
told the woman’s family that the attacker
likely bashed Chambers in the head before
1. Josh Hafner, “Bill Clinton suggests Black Lives
Matter protesters defend child murderers,” USA
Today, April 7, 2016.
2. Aamer Madhani, “Chicago’s murder rate soars
72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%,” USA
Today, April 1, 2016.
3. There are more pathetic cases that really make the
BLM movement look silly. See for example Kevin
Grasha, “Killer smiles, shows lack of remorse at
sentencing,” USA Today, April 8, 2016.
been a relic of the past had it not been for
people like George Soros. If Soros were to
be given a fictional name or character, it
probably would be Ares, the Greek god of
Ares constantly manipulates politicians
into escalating con flicts. Every single
conflict serves his purpose and brings him
George Soros
more power. The more conflict in the
world, the more power he gains. He also
uses fear to strike panic in the minds of
politicians. As one scholar puts it, he is
“over whelm ingly in sa tia ble in bat tle,
destructive, and man-slaughtering.”6
Flaherty, like Neocon pup pet Ann
Coulter and Looney Tunes showman Alex
Jones, can never be a real cop because he
always fails to talk about the real people
who are actually playing with the political
remote control.
This matter of madmen
Flaherty constantly reports that “White
girl bleed a lot,” but does he tell us about
peo ple like George Soros? Does he
mention that Blacks have been manipulated
by Jewish revolutionary movements since
the found ing of the NAACP and the
Communist Party in America? As the
no-nonsense scholar E. Michael Jones put
it during our interview last February:
“The Negroes of the South Side of
Chicago now act the way they do because
of an idea that was planted in their mind by
Jewish revolutionaries.
“The main vehicle for this transformation
Bloodbaths in U. S. and Syria
Black men.” Lewis continued:
“Why do we always find ourselves half
the victims, and now we have the separation
once again that we’re being victimized
because of one bad White cop, two bad
White cops, three bad White cops, killing a
young Black brother. But every day we
have Black-on-Black crime, killing each
“Po lice in Chi cago re ported 677
shootings this year. Last year, it was 359.
The March murder rate rose by 29 percent,
but we’re not rioting in the streets [when]
Black on Black killing each other.”
Lewis finally declared:
“We keep scream ing ‘Black lives
matter.’ If they really matter, then let’s do
ourselves a favor – let’s stop killing Black
“Social media has taken us way beyond
we’re supposed to be. We’ve got music
now that kids can’t listen to with their
parents. We’ve got rated R shows that are
showing things… We have let kids dictate
what they can do and what they can’t do.
“I find myself disturbed. There are facts.
There are numbers. Men and women lie.
But numbers don’t! And what’s going on
in Chicago right now…If you write music,
change your language! Stop in sulting
women! Let’s do something different.
Let’s get this children something to really
People like Lewis make my day.
But there are deep and diabolical forces
at work here because BLM would have
Just take a casual look at the havoc BLM
has already created and you will see that
Soros aptly deserves to carry the fictional
title. He wants to create conflict in America
just like people like Daniel Pipes have
created conflicts in Syria.
Keep in mind that it was Pipes himself
who declared that the United States should
have supported both the Syrian government
and the Syrian rebels at the same time so
that they would end up slaughtering each
other like hamsters. Pipes admitted that the
dream was evil, but, as a Jewish Neocon,
this was the only “rational” proposition he
could come up with.
“This policy recommendation of ‘helping
whichever side is losing’ sounds odd, I
admit, but it is strategic.”7
Well, it is “stra te gic” be cause it is
essentially diabolical and Talmudic. As
Ken O’Keefe brilliantly put it in a heated
debate with Pipes himself, Pipes suffers
“from the same disease that apparently
pervades Western society which imparts
great value to Is raeli life and im parts
virtually no value to Palestinian or Arab or
Muslim life. It is a disgusting reality.”
Soros is actually using Pipes’ strategy in
America to get an essentially diabolical
work done. His job is to brainwash and
mold destructive movements like BLM
and unleash them in cities where they can
create virtually any kind of destructive
If BLM protesters have become “a thorn
in the side of L. A. leaders,”8 as the L. A.
Times put it last year, then those leaders can
thank the legendary George Soros. And if
the real culprits are not being revealed to
people who deserve to know, you can
thank people like Colin Flaherty.
4. Sasha Goldstein, “Mississippi teen burned alive
identifies suspect before she dies: police,” NY Daily
News, December 10, 2014.
5. Keri Blakinger and Sahsa Goldstein, “‘I want them
to know who Meechaiel Criner is’: Homeless teen in
custody for murder of University of Texas student
Haruka Weiser,” NY Daily News, April 8, 2016.
6. Wal ter Burkert, Greek Religion, Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1985, 169.
7. Daniel Pipes, “Support the Syrian Rebels?” National
Review, May 12, 2013.
8. Shelby Grad, “How Black Lives Matter became a
thorn in the side of L. A. leaders,” L. A. Times, October
20, 2015.
Ray Lewis
E. Michael Jones is the man who always crashes
the Jewish revolutionary party.
in the Black mind (from rural sharecropper
to urban revolutionary) was the civil rights
movement, which was the most successful
part of the Black-Jewish Alliance, which
was the 60-year-long attempt on the part of
Jews at organizations like the NAACP and
the Communist Party to turn Negroes into
“The regime had promoted revolution
when it suited them. In 1967 Sargent
Shriver, as head of the Office of Economic
Opportunity, had given the Blackstone
Rangers, a Chicago gang which was one of
the predecessors of the Gangster Disciples,
a grant for over $900,000 to engage in,
well, gang-related activity, which is to say
criminal behav ior, which at the time was
a con ve nient way of driv ing Cath o lics
out of the ethnic neighborhoods they had
established on the South Side of Chicago.
“When the re gime re al ized that the
civil rights move ment had morphed
into a mon ster, the FBI was sent in to
kill the Black Panthers. They created a
COINTELPRO operation to take out the
Chicago branch, then headed by Fred
Useful idiot
Does Flaherty mention that BLM is the
product of that Jewish virus which got
spread far and wide? Will he ever say
something constructive about the people
(Victoria Nuland, for example) who are still
promoting the virus in a slightly different
form in places like Ukraine?
The answer is almost certainly no.
Why? Because Flaherty probably likes his
job. He likes to receive great accolades
from Jewish Neocon David Horowitz, one
of the founding members of the Neocon
flagship FrontPage Magazine.
Let it be known that Horowitz was part
of the Black Panthers Party, a movement
— More profiling —
which was known for placing Blacks on
the front line and giving them political
am mu ni tion to cre ate vi o lence. “My
involvement with the Black Panther
Party,” Horowitz writes, “had begun in
early 1973.”9
Horowitz himself ad mitted that he
raised more than $100,000 for “Panther
school” and declared that members of the
Black Panthers were known for murdering
people they did not like.10 Horowitz was
one of the instructors of this “Panther
To make a long story short, Horowitz
and others created a monster, and the same
po litical Fran ken stein is still out there
killing its progenitors and creating political
chaos virtually everywhere. The monster
was even too wild for people like Bernie
9. David Horowitz, “Who killed Betty Van Patter?”
Salon, December 14, 1999; David Horowitz, The
Black Book of the American Left, New York: Encounter
Books, 45.
10. Horowitz, The Black Book of the American Left,
11. Jim Brun ner, “Black Lives Matter pro test ers
shut down Bernie Sanders; later rally draws 15,000,”
Seattle Times, August 8, 2015; Conor Friedersdorf,
“A Conversation About Black Lives Matter and
Bernie Sanders,” Atlantic, August 21, 2015.
Last year, Sanders had to deliver a
speech in Seattle, but it got disrupted by at
least two female protesters from the BLM
movement. Disgusted by what had just
happened, Sanders gave up and left. Donald
Trump eventually stood up for Sanders and
declared that he should never have given
up the microphone to those people, who
are obviously thugs and gangsters. Keep in
mind that Sanders was on the side of BLM,
but they still ended up stabbing him in the
Who, me?
So, the monster is really angry and is
making everyone mad, including Neocons
like Horowitz. But, instead up taking some
responsibility for the obvious disaster his
movement created, Horowitz put all the
blame on the so-called Left!12
For people like Flaherty to ally with
Horowitz and simply brush aside what
Horowitz has done is mind-boggling. It
seems to suggest that Flaherty is either a
pawn or is deliberately sleeping with the
actual enemy.
In fact, Flaherty has a chapter in White
Girl Bleed a Lot entitled, “New York, You
12. Horowitz, The Black Book of the American Left,
Know, Has a Whole Lotta Soul, and Racial
Violence, especially against Jews.” We all
should sympathize for innocent people
who are being targeted in this sinkhole, but
who is responsible for creating violent
organs like BLM? Who did put Black
thugs and gangsters on the front line?
Shouldn’t Flaherty start asking deeper
questions? Does he mean to tell us that he
doesn’t know about any of these things?
As it turns out, Flaherty is just like
Stefan Molyneux, Bill Whit tle, Ann
Coulter, Alex Jones and other puppets who
are willing to do just about anything for the
almighty dollar and for a seasonal fame.
They are quick to tell us that there is a
Yet none of those people is prepared to
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
tell us the whole truth. None of them is
will ing to say that the en emy of all
mankind has been pushing revolutionary
ideologies since the beginning of time.
Flaherty could have learned that from
Horowitz himself. Perhaps Flaherty should
reflect on what Horowitz said in his own
“For nearly two hundred years, Jews have
played a disproportionate role as leaders of
the modern revolutionary movements in
Europe and the West…
Self-appointed lawgivers
“By car rying the rev o lu tion to its
conclusion, Socialists would usher in a
millennium and fulfill the messianic
proph e cies of the pre-En light en ment
religions that modern ideas had discredited.
Through this revolution, the lost unity of
mankind would be restored, social harmony
would be reestablished, paradise regained.
It would be a tikkun olam, a repair of the
Perhaps Flaherty needs to call Horowitz
and ask him what that means.
13. Quoted in E. Mi chael Jones, The Jew ish
Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History,
South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2008, 953.
French labor reform aggravates the migrant crisis
By Deena Stryker
rench workers are up in arms over a
new labor law that desecrates everything
they have gained since the Revolution, and
they are all the more indignant that a
so-called Socialist President is behind it.
You have to know just how big a place
Socialist history and thought occupy in the
French psyche to appreciate the full impact
of this neo-Liberal betrayal. There is not
one “Socialist” trade union in France, but
two, as well as a Communist one, all of
which have been very pow erful for a
hundred years.
French workers descend
into the streets every time the
gov ern ment tries to pass
legislation that could affect
their rights and work ing
conditions, and the current
proposal goes far beyond
what alternating left and right
governments have been willing
to grant their overseers in
Wall Street.
Francois Hollande, called
one of the worst presidents
for France ever, came to the office with
impeccable Socialist credentials, including
a decades-long liaison with the mother of
his four children, who is also a well-known
political figure. Now he is trying to hammer
the last nail in France’s Socialist coffin,
moving the country away from collective
bargaining toward individual deals between
workers and employers, cutting back on
overtime pay. (Thanks to a strong trade
union, French workers, like their European
counterparts, typically enjoy more than a
month’s vacation, usually taken in several
tranches, many going skiing over Christmas,
as Mi chael Moore truth fully shows in
“Where to Invade Next.”) While Donald
Trump gains plau dits for want ing the
Europeans to pay more for their defense,
not even Bernie Sanders could dare to
suggest that American workers should get
double their current vacation time.
The screws being turned in France are
the next phase of the Wall Street campaign
to bury the Welfare State that began in
2008, and French workers know that. As if
the French government were trying to
prove it can walk and chew gum at the
same time, the proposal comes amidst a
crisis over refugees that has been building
for more than a year. Never since the
aftermath of World War II has Europe seen
refugees trying to clamber aboard trains,
and the appearance of ad hoc tent-filled
camps – in Paris under the elevated metro,
in Calais near the English Channel train
tracks – on the beaches of the Mediterranean
bor der with It aly – could not even be
imagined a few years ago. Europe’s leaders
have been paralyzed from the beginning,
as refugees took off in rickety boats from
Libya, often drowning en route to Italy.
And as soon as they turned their gaze from
Ukraine to that crisis, another chapter
opened up, with Syrian and other Middle
Eastern refugees taking shorter but just as
perilous journeys from Turkey to small
Greek islands.
France and Germany, the two leaders of
Europe, quibbled while Hungary declared
it would build a fence along its borders,
and, as the meme spread to other Central
European countries, far-right groups began
moving in short order from protest to arson
and physical attacks.
Let’s bring ’em into the light
Ten extra copies of The First Freedom
(specify which issue) are yours for $15 PPD
anywhere in C.S.A. or U.S., plus – if you
want them, ask – one sheet containing 80
of these labels in Confederate red, white
and blue.
New subscribers! Get 6
If you
issues of rebel news for
$5 to TFF, PO Box 385
de sire a
Silverhill, Ala. 36576.
few extra
labels, they’re $1 per sheet of 80, PPD.
Where to put them? Inside books, on the
literature and envelopes you pass out, any
old place that comes to mind. Let’s roll!
Daily Black-on-White crimes make the news only locally
A second suspect has been arrested and
charged for the murder of a Mid-Michigan
man visiting Florida.
The victim, at left, was
murdered outside of a
gas station in Florida.
It happened on April 8
about 8:20 PM at 2010
N. Wheeler St. in Plant
Michael Beson
City, Florida. Michael
Beson, 67, of Standish, was the victim of
an attempted armed robbery, according to
Plant City police. He
was pumping gas at
the Mobile gas station
when someone tried to
rob him, police said.
Beson was alive when
police arrived, but died
shortly af ter. Po lice
arrested suspect Xavier
Smith two days later
Xavier Smith
as they responded to a different shooting.
Smith fit the descrip tion of the mur der
suspect from the gas station incident, police
said. He was in possession
of a stolen firearm and had
an outstanding warrant for
violation of probation at
the time of his arrest. He
has been charged with first
degree murder and robbery.
Alkwaun Dixon
Police arrested a second
suspect on April 17. Alkwaun Tyrelle
Nakiss Dixon, 18, was charged with firstdegree mur der, three counts of armed
rob bery, carrying a concealed weapon,
dis charg ing a fire arm in pub lic and
resisting arrest without violence.
Standish city manager Jerry Nelson said
the news has saddened the community.
“Everyone is talking about it today because
we just don’t have those types of things
go ing on here, and even though it has
happened in Florida, it’s a person that lived
in Standish,” Nelson said. “He still came
up for the summers and was well-known
and well-liked.”
New York settles with White student
The New York school district that a
White former school pupil is suing because
it refused to prevent racially-motivated
attacks against him has agreed to settle out
of court rather than go to trial.
The Long Is land Brent wood School
District’s decision to settle without even
putting up a defense is widely interpreted
as attempting to hush up the case to prevent
similar legal actions being instituted by
other Whites.
According to a report in the New York
Post, the sued school district, “accused of
inadequately addressing a White student’s
claims of racial harassment as a minority
in a pre domi nantly His panic and Black
school,” abruptly settled the case for an
undisclosed amount.
As originally reported, pupil Giovanni
Micheli was repeatedly attacked, assaulted
and abused for being White in the majority
nonWhite school. Repeated requests for
help directed to the school authorities by
Giovanni and his parents were ignored by
the school staff.
Giovanni Micheli and his mother leave court
after being offered an out-co-court settlement.
After the first day of opening arguments
in the Brooklyn Federal Court last month,
defense attorney Jack Shields made the
confidential offer to Giovanni and his
parents inside a sealed courtroom.
“We’re very happy with the settlement,”
Micheli’s mom, Michelle Micheli, stated
outside court.
Giovanni Micheli declined to comment
on the case but smiled widely as he left the
In his lawsuit, Micheli argued that he
was repeatedly called “White boy” and
“cracker” by Black students during the
2008 and 2009 school years and suffered
physical assault on several occasions.
His attorney, Wayne Schaefer, told the
jurors in his opening statement on April 11
that administrators barely addressed the
problem because Micheli was a minority in
the 4,000-student school.
“Our claim is that there was deliberate
indifference because he was a Caucasian
student complaining in a district where
Caucasians are a minority,” Schaefer said
District officials rebuffed
his requests for a transfer to
an other dis trict, rea son ing
that they would have to
make the same arrangement
for all White students if they
accommodated him.
After several psychological evaluations,
the district invited Micheli back to school
and suggested he be put on medication to
better deal with the environment. But his
parents opted to take him out of the school.
The First Freedom
— Decision time —
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Calling their bluff
By J. B. Campbell
ederal is another word for Treason.
Anything federal is designed to kill us.
Everything federal must be destroyed as
quickly as possible.
The federal government
is our main enemy. We have
other enemies, such as the
police, because they have
the license to kill. But the
police are being encouraged
to kill us with extreme brutality and sadism
by the federals, who are also supplying
mil i tary-grade weap ons and in sanely
aggressive and expensive MRAP vehicles
at our expense to be used against us.
Many American police departments
are trained by Shin Bet in Israel in federal
pro grams to treat us the way Jews treat
Palestin ians. Israeli military thugs also
train American cops right here in America.
Some people wonder how U. S. troops could
have been so sadistic in their methods of
sexual torture and murder at Abu Ghraib,
Bagram and Gitmo. They were trained by
Israeli and American Jews.
This Jewish sexual torture/murder was
under General Keith Alexander, the limpwristed head of today’s NSA working for
another fairy, the so-called president –
Barack Obama, whatever his name used to
be. Before Obama, Alexander worked for
yet another closeted homosexual – George
W. Bush. From this we can conclude that
homosexuals are the shock troops of the
New World Order. They represent the
death of the human race by their unfertile
nature, which is why they are in demand
for government work. Homosexuals are
frequently control freaks. Homosexuality
fits right in with the depopulation program.
As Marine staff officer George Griggs
revealed, the top staff officers are blackmailed by homosexual experiences. So are
the presidents.
Depopulation is a Jewish program, first
seen in Soviet Russia and its satellites after
1917. A handful of Jews took control of the
Russian government (with U. S. guidance
and support) and, within months, were
torturing and murdering thousands and
eventually millions of non-Jews. Jewish
sadism spread to Germany and, by 1948,
the Morgenthau Plan executed by Dwight
Eisenhower had exterminated thirteen
million German survivors of the Jews’
greatest accomplishment: World War II.
Offshoring our lives
The Jewish extermination program spread
to China where the U. S. gov ern ment
installed Mao Tse Tung as dictator in 1949.
In just fifteen years, according to the U. S.
Congress, he’d slaughtered 64 million of
his own people. It was necessary to do this
to create the perfect slave system replacing
American industry. This long-term program
required that both the anti-Communist
Japanese and the anti-Communist Chinese
be annihilated as a result of World War II.
Chinese slavery got all the good American
jobs. Today, a hundred millionAmericans
are without jobs thanks to the Chinese
slave program designed by the Council on
Foreign Relations, which also designed
World War II. This is why all the traitors
have to be killed. Their homicidal dreams
and plans and policies have gotten hundreds
of millions of normal people killed and
they plan to kill mil lions more of us.
Unemployment is just one of their methods,
which include disease and starvation.
So the first step is to identify the threat,
which is the federal government run by
Jews. Does anyone deny that this is the
case? Identify the problem and simplify it
so it is understood by the greatest number
of freedom fighters. Let’s keep it simple:
our federal enemy is run by three private
Jewish orgs: the Federal Reserve, AIPAC
and the CFR. Kill these orgs and everyone
in them and the federal government will
soon collapse for lack of direction.
Ed Snowden has documented that we are
all under attack by the federal government
and have been for all of our lives – most of
us. This aggression by the federals must be
recognized for what it is: treason, which has
two separate definitions – the Constitutional
definition and the real definition.
Article III Section 3 of the Constitution
says that treason against the United States
shall consist only in levying war against
them, or in ad hering to their enemies,
giving them aid and comfort. It’s a very
narrow definition, deliberately so, to prevent
opponents from accusing each other too
casually of treason for political advantage.
The hideous treachery we live under today
could not have been imagined even by the
treacherous Federalists who crafted the
Constitution to keep their kind in power. It
would take an Abraham Lincoln to levy war
against Americans who were desperately
trying to escape his tyranny. Technically
(Constitutionally), Lincoln was a traitor,
along with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin
Roosevelt and all who succeeded him.
The real definition of treason is any act
that threatens or harms the American people
as a whole. The Patriot Act, the NDAA, the
Military Commissions Act, all the executive
orders and so forth threaten the American
people as a whole with arrest, disappearance,
torture and execution without due process
or even charges being made. Brandon
Raub was made to disappear by the FBI for
a chemical lobotomy without any charges
being filed. Anwar al-Awlaki and his teenage
son were assassinated with others by the
CIA with no charges being filed.
Federal killers
Assassinations and summary executions
of thousands of people are committed by
the CIA, FBI, NSA and various agencies
with hit teams we’ve never heard of. For
example, I was visited in 1993 by a guy
who came to buy a case of books that I had
written. He asked before coming if he
could bring his brother-in-law, who he said
had an interesting story to tell. They arrived
and the brother-in-law eventually got out
of the vehicle and stiffly limped over to
join us, his knees obviously in bad shape.
He told me that for some years he’d
been involved with a murder team working
for the Department of Justice. He said that
all federal departments had similar death
squads but that if the others turned down
what he termed “contracts,” his team of
last resort would always take the contract.
He described the deceptions they used to
gain entry into targets’ homes or offices.
He said that virtually all of the targets were
drug traffickers the government wanted
bumped off. This guy was out of the murder
business because of his bad knees and his
former colleagues would attempt to kill
him rather than risk his telling about them.
But, distributing his story to several people
in case they got him, he thought that move
should keep him alive.
Since those days, we now know that the
feds grant free entry to favored drug cartels
and only go after their rivals. The traffickers
this guy was killing were the un-favored
rivals. The feds supply top-grade American
guns to favored Mexican cartels with the
request that they kill as many people as
possible with them. The idea is to blame
the 2nd Amendment for such carnage.
In 1986, James Mills published The
Underground Empire – Where Crime and
Government Embrace. He was allowed to
watch three big DEA cases develop. One
by one, before the kingpins could be
busted, the CIA wrecked the operations.
Mills finally met with a CIA agent and
asked him what had happened? The agent
said that the three countries involved owed
the New York banks a lot of money and
the only way to get them repaid was drug
trafficking, therefore it was permitted.
The real-life def ini tion of trea son is
anything done by the federal government.
The Federalists created a system of treason
in the legal system embodied in their U. S.
Constitution. The English rebels who fought
and overthrew by violence the English
government in the English colonies did not
do so for the Constitution. Their fighting was
based on the Declaration of Independence
under the Articles of Confederation, which
were in effect during the Revolution. After
they won, they continued on under the
Articles for eight more years. The actual
freedom fighters did not fight and kill and
suffer and get killed for another oppressive
central government. They did it for the
opposite reason, but the Masonic central
government was what they got.
Masonic manipulators
We have no obligation to submit to that
18th Century deception, having had no say
in it, as Lysander Spooner laid out in his
1860s work, No Treason. In it he points out
that slavery was fine with the federals if the
Southerners would return to the Union.
The Constitution did not prohibit slavery.
In fact, Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3
counts slaves (other persons) as 3/5ths of a
free person for purposes of representation!
Did they get 3/5ths as much representation
in the Congress? Indians didn’t count at all!
The central (federal) government – that
very engine of treason – was produced by
the Masonic blueprint known as the U. S.
Constitution. In 1976, the Sovereign Grand
Commander of the 33rd Degree of Scottish
Rite Freemasonry, Henry C. Clausen,
published a little book called Masons Who
Helped Shape Our Nation. On page 82, he
writes: “Though free, we were not yet
united [in 1783]. The loose Articles of
Confederation did not provide a strong
National government, common currency
or con sis tent ju di cial sys tem. Men of
vision realized that another step must be
taken if the weak Confederation of American
States was to become a strong, unified
Nation. Again Freemasonry set the pattern
in ideology and form. Since the Masonic
federal system of organization was the
only pat tern for effec tive orga ni za tion
operating in each of the original Thirteen
Colonies, it was natural that patriotic
Brethren should turn to the organizational
base of the Craft for a model. Regardless of
the other forces that affected the formation
of the Constitution during the Constitutional
Convention in 1787, the fact remains that
the federalism created is identical to the
federalism of the Grand Lodge system of
Masonic government created in Anderson’s
Constitutions of 1723.”
Federalism is Masonic, which, like the
Judaism from which it derives, is treason.
This is why we’re in such trouble and how
America went from the Declara tion of
Independence to the Patriot Act with the
blessing of the Supreme Court.
The spell we’re under can be broken by
hearing some hard truths. Thinking people
snap out of it as soon as the despotic nature
of our Constitution is pointed out. We’re
trained to venerate without understanding
the dif fer ence be tween the rel a tively
harmless Articles of Confederation and
what replaced them, which was eventual
dictatorship under Lincoln and all who
followed him. We must start over, because
this is our time on Earth – not someone
else’s from two centuries ago.
Where we begin
Our real founders were the rebels, not
those treach er ous Fed er al ists be hind
Hamilton, who sold out the rebels from the
start. Our precious inheritance was stolen
from us long before we were born. So,
again, we’re going to have to fight to create
our own system and our own legacy to give
our children and grandchildren a head start
on the bad guys, who are always around,
trying to steal everything we’ve got and
then kill us.
The most effective tactic is to point out
that the Bill of Rights was added to protect
us from the Constitution but didn’t. People
can see that immediately but almost no one
had ever considered it until now. The party
must show the people that the Constitution
created another empire, as Patrick Henry
said. And now the Bill of Rights is dead.
We’re calling the government’s bluff.
Virtually everything we write and say is
against the law but I myself have been
doing it for decades. Only so much federal
forbearance can be explained by them not
wanting to call attention to what we’re
doing. They know how huge the militia
movement got to be before OKC, that if an
armed movement had an actual political
agenda to dismantle the federal government
it could not be stopped. The militia had no
agenda, which was why it collapsed with
the first atrocity done in its name. Twenty
years of federal treachery have had an
impact since then. Americans have learned
to hate their government.
Americans have rested on the supposed
“laurels” of the Federalists for 225 years.
The Federalists created this mess and now
it’s finally on this generation to correct the
lethal course they put us on. We either
destroy the federal gov ernment or get
destroyed by it. It plans to destroy us the
same way it destroyed Iraq.
The whole thing is a bluff, like the IRS’s
pretense that they’re authorized by law to
steal our money. If we don’t call the bluff,
in rare cases they will send us to prison
even though there’s no law that permits it.
This is textbook terrorism: destroying a few
to frighten the majority into compliance.
Like everything else federal, it is treason
and must be punished by death.
The federal government, for a century
controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller
cartel (Federal Reserve, AIPAC and the
CFR) has proven itself the deadly enemy
of mankind especially since 1861. To
destroy the federal government, the first
and most effective thing to do is destroy
these private Jewish orgs. With these orgs
liquidated, the enemy will grind to a halt
for lack of orders and fraudulent funding.
Getting on target
This is what the American Defense
Party stands for, liberation from the Jewishrun federal tyranny. Can we imagine how
life would be without a thieving, murdering
bunch of gangsters destroying our jobs,
savings and way of life? It might be hard to
imagine since we’ve been smothered under
a blanket of lies and rip-offs our entire lives.
As this was being written, a “privacy
board,” appointed by Obama, determined
that the NSA’s spying is illegal as well as
totally ineffectual in terms of “protecting”
us. What will be the punishment for this
criminality? By the Department of Justice?
Are they kidding? The NSA and other
federal agencies have been committing
treason against us since World War II’s
aftermath. We just didn’t have the official
proof until Ed Snowden risked his life to
confirm what we suspected. He has been
threatened with death by Pentagon killers,
CIA killers and a killer congressman, former
FBI terrorist Mike Rogers, among other
degenerates. Our crooked attorney general,
the character who supplied thousands of
military-grade firearms to the head-chopping
Mexican cartels, with thousands of murders
as a result, now says Snowden can come
home if he pleads guilty.
Guilty of what, exactly?
We’ve got the goddamnedest collection
of liars, thieves and mass murderers in
positions of federal power. They all, without
exception, need to be executed without the
for mality of trials. Their crimes are so
horrific that trials would be total mockeries.
Life is too short, thanks largely to these
federal criminals, to waste more time on
contrived formalities. The enormity of
their treachery demands the Hungarian
method of street justice, or that dealt to the
Romanian dictator and his nasty woman –
a quick burst of gunfire.
This is what the American Defense
Party stands for: Punish All Who Abuse
Power. Beginning with the three private
Jewish orgs that run the show from behind
the scene.
— Bulletin board —
SALTY SID of Silver Spring sends seven
separate sensational scandal spreadsheets
for eleven dollars. Sure satisfaction! Sid’s
super-sized subscription set includes The
First Freedom, Impact, Citizens Informer,
The Nationalist Times, CofCC Newsletter,
Heritage & Destiny and bonus essays by
patriots. Send check to Sidney Secular, PO
Box 8336, Silver Spring, MD 20907-8336.
Pastor Peter J. Peters daily on WWCR
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CO 80535. 24 hrs daily internet streaming
bimonthly patriotic magazine printed in
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send $45 to P. O. box 8336, Silver Spring,
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The NEW ORDER continues the legacy
of George Lincoln Rockwell and fights to
build a better world for future generations
of White children.
Twitter: @NEW_ORDER_1488
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IRISH, Scot, Dutch man needs holistic life
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have a horse here. No D/S/D. Need a 4W
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polyester with metal grommets, $12 each
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each additional word. Please indicate any
capitalization or italics desired.
The First Freedom
WILL PURCHASE Ernst Zündel’s Power
newsletter beginning #276 in May 2002
plus additional issues up until his arrest.
Write Sherman Kirksey, 5770 Hopewell
Road, Mayfield, KY 42066.
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Your signed letter with phone number and address is welcome, but will be edited as necessary to fit available
space. Send to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 or email
I enjoy reading The First Freedom. It
is informative on current happenings and
historically educational, most especially its
information concerning the so-called Civil
War and the two world wars.
Living here in Arkansas I know how
these Little Rock papers continually evade
the truth today, as they did when Clinton’s
thugs were in office. The CIA got away
with using this State’s Mena location as
their landing spot for flying in the drugs
and also manufacturing guns for the Iran
Contra deal in the 1980s.
Jonesboro, AR
I recently viewed a most discouraging,
dangerous, anti-American TV propaganda
program. It was the annual meeting of the
America Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC), an unregistered foreign agent. It
controls every aspect of American life.
The candidates for president speaking
there were Hillary Clinton, John Kasich,
Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. They all
bowed down to Israel, paid allegiance to
Israel which is their number one country,
not the United States.
Politicians bow down to Israel because,
if they don’t, they can’t win their elections.
Former Israeli Prime Ministers Menachim
Begin and Ariel Sharon boasted, “Israel
controls the U. S. Congress.” How true!
All the candidates have sold their souls to
Israel; they are neo-cons, Zionists.
Why aren’t the American people being
told the truth about Israel? Is it because of
the pervasive censorship that those Jews/
Zionists exercise in this country? They
own and control the mainstream media.
Israel is not an ally of the U. S., just the
opposite. One example of many: in 1967
Israeli warplanes attacked the unarmed
USS Liberty, an American ship sailing in
international waters, killing 34 sailors and
wounding 173. The President and Congress
covered it up.
The U. S. must stop aiding and abetting
that apartheid, rogue, racist, terrorist entity
called “Israel.” Stop fighting Israel’s wars.
This is long overdue. Israel is a millstone
around America’s neck. RAY DIVELY
Baden, PA
I recently listened to a podcast of John
Friend’s interview with Olaf Childress on
The Realist Report and liked it, decided to
look further for Childress’ publication.
I am sending a check for $40 to obtain a
12 issue subscription and a bundle of ten
copies of the current issue, which I plan to
hand out at some of the Confederate flag
rallies we have around the Tampa Bay
Land O’Lakes, FL
Readers, please request patriotic talk
shows to interview your editor likewise.
Every facet of life is regulated. Phones
aren’t private, bank records get scrutinized;
we drive within painted lines, fasten seat
belts, have insurance, pay rent (property
tax) to live in State owned houses, rent the
right to use an automobile, pay a tax to earn
salary, et cetera.
Our logic is affected by State-controlled
media, we face electronic surveillance from
drones and in the near future our paper fiat
shall be mandated electronic to regulate
how we live. Today there is no liberty, and
freedom is granted by license, otherwise
we are slaves. We blame secret forces, the
Jews, Zionists, Muslims, fake Christians,
governor, president, anyone but ourselves
yet we comply with the unknown forces.
We are to blame.
Preachers scare congregations, yet their
Armageddon is the conflict between good
and evil. What is a society of liars, thieves,
fornicators, deceivers, alcoholics, junkies?
How long will our neighbor bankers go
on participating in the fraud? As long as we
remain ignorant, stupid, or as corrupt as the
Khazar Babylonian central bankers who
enslave the world.
Buffalo, MO
Thanks for your excellent, pro-White,
pro-Christian, pro-American publication.
I appreciate reading often of Germans
and of Germany, the very greatest levels of
mankind’s achievements, in every issue. I
do regard the Germans, although I’ve no
German ancestors.
I highly respect Hitler’s extraordinary
accomplishments, but he chose a Socialist
government, as is unfortunately common
throughout all Europe (a huge distinction
between America’s Founders and Europe).
He worked with traitorous, and some inept
(blueblood), government/military officers.
For myself, I am an unabashed defender
of White Christian Nationalism.
However, it is very disturbing to keep
observing the elevation of Joo Socialism in
your excellent and most needed publication
as existed in former Germany’s National
Socialism. Socialism is the antithesis of an
individual’s sovereign, divine rights – an
individual’s fundamental property rights.
It’s my concluded belief that, if National
Socialism had survived after Jooz War II, it
would have become as despotic by now, if
not more so, than we are forced to endure
in this Joo-created hell-on-earth.
Solomanville, AZ
Your love/hate fixation on Hitler, i.e.,
what might have been if we had heeded
George Washington’s warnings against
foreign entanglements, wisely censures
Socialism. But we did rescue the wrong
side, killing Hitler and boosting Stalin.
Survival is about sticking together. Call
White Nationalism what you will; a rose
by any name would smell so sweet.
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
and Related Topics. Thirty years research
seeking the Truth. Six paper back 8½ x 11
volumes $20 each PPD. Vol. I – 179 pages
including Genesis chapter one, Noah’s
flood & Khazar Empire. Check or m.o. to
SBO 66, Box 05292, Miami, FL 33102.
I WELCOME all individuals of courage
to correspond about religion, race and
pol i tics. I prac tice the an cient re li gion
of my Indo-European ancestors called
Asatru/Odinism/Germanic Heathenry. I
feel there is nothing which more clearly
defines a folk’s identity than its natural
religion. Questions and comments, good
or bad: Jason Baker 85747-280, USP
Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472.
1) “Interracial Marriage - Right or Wrong?”
Mixed race offspring have lower IQ, goes
against nature and Biblical law.
2) “Martin Luther King Holiday Should
Be Repealed.” FBI files document his
Communist ties.
3) “Kosher Food Tax Raises Food Prices.”
Every food item featuring a “K” or “U”
imprint has paid a tax to a Rabbi.
All three tracts only $1 from:
Truth at Last Books
P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061
TFF deletes vulgarity and will correct any defects in grammar or spelling.
Predicate verbs and objects must agree in number with their subjects.
Victimitis seems to be running rampant
in this country, with Blacks making claims
about all that their ancestors went through
and what they see presently as “racism” or
prejudice by Whites.
After 50 years or more of the programs
and money thrown at helping Blacks, this
issue is not getting better and will continue
on its present course bringing dire results.
Money and political correctness is not the
So what then? The Blacks are not happy
and neither are Whites for the most part.
Black crimes against Whites keep growing
much worse, including attacks on White
Whenever the “N” word is spoken by a
White person, Blacks get bent out of shape,
but let those Blacks call Whites crackers
and it’s no big deal. This is becoming old,
with so many politicians having caved in to
political correctness.
Seeing Whites extending compassion to
Blacks while tolerating their criminal acts
against the same benefactors, a question
comes to mind. Why the tolerance? When
does this end? Enough. Diversity does not
work. It never has and never will. Blacks in
Africa sold their own kind into slavery and
Whites eventually freed them. America has
been the best thing that ever happened to
Armstrong, IL
We tolerate those who brought them
here. Why aren’t Whites onto the Jews?
Find enclosed 40 FRNs for 100 current
issues of The First Freedom, Volume 18
Number 4 April. This issue is fantastic in
innu endo. As always said, “When the
going gets tough, the tough get going.”
I have recently found more outlets and,
with the cabal’s outrages daily, wish to
strike while the iron is hot.
Booneville, AR
As a traditional Catholic, one who rejects
Vatican Council II and the New Mass, I
thought I’d read the best books, for thirty
years, on Freemasonry. Well Mr. Germain
surpasses many of the books that were very
good in his exposé in TFF’s issue of April.
I can’t say enough about his superb
understanding of the craft. In traditional
Roman Catholic circles, its been understood
for a long time that Masonry infiltrated the
Vatican well over a hundred years ago,
parts of the Church in Europe and the U. S.
with a plan that was in the works for a few
hun dred years. This is one reason the
Church has gone into apostasy, as the Bible
said it would, and for years has favored
Communism which usually was sponsored
by Masonic supercapitalists from jump
Dundalk, MD
“Anchor Babies” born on American soil
of illegal aliens are illegal and always have
been. And the citizenship clause of the
14th Amendment (yes, we know, it was
never legally ratified) proves it beyond
any doubt. It reads: “All persons born or
naturalized in the United States, and subject
to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of
the United States.” Please note the emphasis
added in this clause, written by Senator
Jacob Howard of Michigan, a leading
Radical Republican.
Senator Howard explained that the part
about jurisdiction was meant to exclude
“persons born in the United States who are
foreigners, aliens, who belong to families
of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”
He went on to explain that “jurisdiction”
meant “full and complete jurisdiction,”
such as the United States enjoys over its
cit i zens to day. That was the orig i nal
meaning of the clause.
And in 1873 the U. S. Attorney General
issued a legal opinion affirming that the
word jurisdiction meant “absolute and
complete jurisdiction,” so as to exclude
aliens, even aliens born on American soil.
Or, as the Supreme Court declared in 1884:
“Ab so lute” ju ris dic tion ex cludes any
children who might owe allegiance to
another sovereign such as “children of
subjects of any foreign government.”
Even here, in some thing as pa tently
illegal as the 14th Amendment, it has been
distorted by later judges, politicians and
legal academics to advance the cause of
national suicide and treason!
Tuscaloosa, AL
Good point about those anchorbabes,
but doesn’t denying the so-called 14th
Amendment’s legitimacy hint also that
the ZOG’s claim of jurisdiction “such as
the United States enjoys over its citizens”
may be questionable today as well?
I don’t need to explain what it means to
sacrifice and dedicate one’s time and effort
to such an important issue. This is a war for
I see our Aryan youth as only slightly
corrupted by enemy propaganda, far from
being beyond recovery or limited due to
exposure. The fact is that we are merely
promoting the truth as backed by studies,
common sense, etc., while the foundations
of Jewish concepts are outright lies geared
toward complete degeneracy. Therefore,
once the fire is lit, it will be impossible to
extinguish by any means other than brute
force. Which I know will not be ruled out
as a reasonable option by these subhuman
animals. They’re indoctrinated through the
Talmud philosophies and taught all their
lives to destroy their enemies by any means
necessary. So we must have backup plans
to our backup plans.
Chillicothe, OH
The First Freedom
May 2016
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Self-government begins at home —
Some thoughts on today’s thinker
By Olaf Childress
he media are besmirching our virtues,
morality and integrity, suggesting rather an
abject surrender, for their job is to make it
appear unavoidable.
That chilling theater
celebrates LGBT as
if public acceptance,
or “tolerance,” of the
unnatural were today
a done deal. No, the
average American is
not deaf and blind;
he knows the “news”
munchkin must push
ever further, attacking anywhere a hidden
hand points him. Yet our brethren do suffer
from cognitive dissonance, having heeded
all those 1860s and 1960s Reconstruction
“voices of reason,” so they don’t care for
our documented case against that party to
whom the invisible hand attaches.
Its omnipresence encompasses far more
than mere informational exchanges. Such
subterfuge interferes with commerce in
goods and services. Those same banksters
who decide what’s “news” dictate as well
their terms regarding when and how many
“dollars” they will lend into circulation at
interest to their obedient “governments.”
Jekyll Island
Why can’t “our elected representatives”
bring into existence another constitutional
means for exchanging commodities as did
Andrew Jackson? Because they sit around
the table making a circle, holding each
other’s hands and closing their eyes. This
depends on a medium. It is agreed before
beginning each session to say a prayer,
cleansing the environment and emanating
positivity. Then everyone concentrates on
the “moneyed” spirit he wishes to summon
and very slowly invites its mystery, calmly
and cordially. After a bit asking the enigma
to give an intuition of being present, none
of them needs a specific sign, just staying
open to receive any hint. Once the feeling
is present, their palaver begins with simple
yes or no questions and proceeds slowly
toward the more complex. All keep calm
and respectful. However, at the very first
sign of any rudeness from the spirit’s side
the session ends, their medium blowing out
the candles and switching the lights on.
They thank the invited spiritualist and his
enabled mystery, concluding that seance.
Each individual depends regularly upon
a medium – which transports him from his
present status to where he would be. When
uptight and needing relaxation, wisdom’s
favorite book and an easy chair can serve
as that vehicle. Elsewhere an addict might
require some kind of drug. We arrive at the
truth variously by ways of a fully informed
jury; an honest talk show, newspaper or
documentary video; a rarely disinterested
investigative committee and the like. More
often, however, our apathetic public faces
a manipulated if not outright rigged jury,
Alex Jones type misleading showmanship,
corrupted newspapers and doctored videos
plus traitors “investigating” themselves.
When “votes” don’t get it
“Our representatives” these days aren’t
the accountable media we need. They wish
to “stimulate the economy” and gain public
The First Freedom
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
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favor, not attempting to think, just groping
for any bottle set before them by a hidden
hand. Imbibing its artificial vigor doesn’t
become possible until those tipplers have
accepted the various terms their spiritualist
cites. Such cowardly simpletons await that
real medium’s nod before even lighting a
candle. Liquidity for another session then
becomes available.
The mystery of “money”
We shoppers who hand over this week’s
efforts, products or ideas get almost equal
value in return upon exchanging what’s
ours for consumption or further disposition
by others. That’s because the hidden hand
constantly reduces all supposedly-soon-tobecome-invisible, or cashless, currency’s
buying power when renewing an “elected”
government’s license to pretend it’s still in
charge of something. So, understandably,
the ZOG’s flunkies will follow such policy
options as their Zionist occupation gurus
smoke-and-mirror before them.
How do those who choreograph the foot
and lip movements of such clumsy actors
organize and make them appear virtually
normal? It’s all illusion. Anybody, if given
the same published reviews, would come
across as talented; that’s where the magic
lies that drives our noble people into anger,
fear and finally hate for what looks to be
unstoppable. The ubiquitous media having
penetrated an argument’s moral footing, no
matter that it’s a non sequitur, “Dylan Roof
killed Blacks and possessed Confederate
paraphernalia thus Southern symbols were
confederates in crime,” truth’s unheralded
defense is on that field only until exhausted
while the ZOG’s offense feigns unceasing
rage for weeks, months, sometimes years.
The answer? Don’t respond when they
accuse you of hate, antisemitism or phobia
without limit. A “heritage” plea bargain in
that court and apologizing for your pride
plays right into their hands. Think!
For thinking is an Aryan’s preeminence.
It’s where we shine. We’re better at it than
AT&T’s “smartphone” Orientals flashing
Samsung’s “Rethink PossibleSM” image of
that globe suggesting surrender. Consider
the methodism behind what jumps out at
people wherever they turn. Which came
first, all this rampant debauchery and race
mixing or such brazen imagery as flashed
that Communist plank on post office walls
in tandem with advertisements throughout
the entire Zionist apparatus?
Available quarry
Not only practically the whole world’s
colored masses but quite a few Whites read
no more than this week’s TV Guide. And
who’s to blame them? Today’s mediacracy,
the same as its opposing truth movement,
needs such a proletariat. Even as alternate
viewpoints go out in search of receptive
minds, any good cheese culture is nothing
until introduced to that medium in which,
like an idea, it ferments.
O. J. Simpson’s defense team correctly
believed empaneling a jury of his peers
could pardon him for two murders. Dick
Cheney and his sidekick who supposedly
(actually their spiritualists appointed that
panel) investigated themselves upped the
football-hero killer’s score by thousands.
Such thoughts have to do with getting the
greatest return on investment, whether it’s
unearned profit or revenge for loss, and a
poor chump once habituated in that wrong
direction spends the rest of his life chasing
after the happiness he has left behind.
Virtue, morality and integrity are mere
words among those who think we Whites
must live with whatever evil they do while
momentarily appearing to go unpunished,
in which court nature’s law of the jungle
concurs. Yet we’ve evolved upon a higher
plane and simply will not be beaten or
dumbed down to that level, regardless of
its legitimacy in the urban jungles. So let us
recognize the existence of such opposing
realities in order to survive. This indicates
drawing apart from, or expelling, those
who prove incompatible with the Aryan’s
legacy and values. It means, no, demands,
civil disobedience when the ZOG tells us
whom to hire, befriend or accept into our
Two great oceans kept this young White
Nation secure in its innocence for a time,
but today’s invasive media trying to draw
us into apologizing for their inadequacies
becomes the challenge we must meet. No
apologies! Let’s all fully informed Aryans
reconvene our own jury and think victory.
Forget such White kinsmen suffering from
cognitive dissonance who say they’ll have
no part of antisemitism, hate, multiphobia
or racism, since these will rediscover their
National interest soon enough once we’ve
secured it for them.
Two mobilized teams
Today the battle finds a small number of
organized Jews and their equally-delusory,
useful goyim on one side arrayed against
our convening but likewise few thinkers,
both sides fully aware that a single victor
shall but temporarily prevail while the vast
majority, including Hebrews, sit and wait
for instructions.
Parasitic banksters and rabbis need all
their blinkered followers. Yet, propaganda
to the contrary notwithstanding, politically
active and alert Whites will get today’s job
done absent “Judeo-Christian” approval,
realistically expecting no Nirvana or final
solution to these many challenges that such
goldfingered elders of Zion have foisted
upon us over the past two centuries – not
millennia as they claim.
Wonder weaponry
Far more potent means exist than theirs,
and it’s time we used them. Let us pray for
such increased wisdom as discovers one’s
truest interest in seceding from Babylon.
This will come about by openly discussing
the goy’s power to evict that enemy from
every Nation’s sovereign State(s) and lives
without so much as getting angry when he
screams anti this or that; for, indeed, we
shall arrest his criminal destructions. Who
needs banksters licensing governments to
Once these racial Nations blow out the
candles on their unwelcome spiritualist’s
menorah and tell him to take a hike, the
benefits of true diversity – separate races,
cultures, languages and media – will begin
anew. Aryan Alabama might then resolve
that its internal affairs are not Angola’s
business and vice versa, each considering
the other strictly an exotic place to tour for
a time if invited and interested.
Where is the European who would butt
heads with an African’s thicker cranium, or
how many Nigerians wish to sit opposite a
Russian at chess? Both contestants raise
their proficiency in whatever competition
only if they’re members of the same racial
stock observing or establishing indigenous
rules. Surely at least one race thinks no less
sharply than an eagle which discriminates
between its own and a cowbird’s egg then
draws from that hostile situation the right
conclusion and acts accordingly.
By forcing the ZOG to surrender all its
military bases worldwide and vacate recent
occupations we reduce the miscalculations
that lead to war. Liberating such inflexibly
integrated, “multicultural” territories gives
back to the various peoples their exclusive
neighborhoods, each member thereof no
longer obliged to hazard his special talents
on hostile soil. With the internal enemy and
this White Nation’s bogus “diversity is our
strength” shibboleth deposed, “infighting”
may peacefully resume, as that’s where the
real thinking comes in.
A more popular policy
Staying out of everyone else’s personal
business and excluding them from ours is a
recipe for universal progress. By contrast,
concocting “preemptive strikes” returns us
to Babylon. So let’s rethink that possibility
of liberating today’s captive liberal media
into a bright future where they compete in
announcing that the ZOG’s retirement in
no way indicates America’s less dangerous
How did those who’ve never won even
an honorable mention upon a level playing
field hope for world rule? The gold they sit
atop while mesmerizing goy “lawmakers”
seated around that candle-lit table usurps
from the U. S. Congress its prerogative of
issuing money, thus the banksters in charge
dictate their subjects’ allowances and tell
them where to spend it, namely on fighting
poverty, drugs and us terrorists.
Recipe for victory
We can think our way past all that gold
pretending to grant such bogus power. The
place to start is here and now. Let’s reckon
furiously! Imagine an achievable future in
which a hungry owner ponders his mound
of inedible, shiny metal. Now contemplate
your way back to where we first brought
that condition into the realm of possibility.
Did deception enable it, or the bulldozing
aside of deceit? And, if the latter, was that
powerful machine The New York Times or
The First Freedom among many elements
animated by prayer?
So this isn’t merely a struggle between
money and principles: their mob mentality
against the thinker who understands, as did
Tennyson and all our forebears, that “More
things are wrought by prayer than this
world dreams of.” On those knees in daily
earnest we neither can nor should expect to
resolve the naturally-occurring hostilities
that stimulate both escapist and authentic
patriot to do their sneakiest and best.
Yes and no
Yes, money as we’ve known it is on the
way out, but more innovative channels of
commerce in goods, services and ideas
than a drug lord’s go-betweens can launder
loom over the horizon. How the thinker
congregates his disinterested investigative
committees, then institutes debt-free media
of exchange we shall see. But not just now;
he’s kneeling in contemplation.
No, we Aryans do not have to live with
whatever evil other races (and degenerates
among us) do. We can start reckoning our
way toward exclusively separate environs
without anger, fear, hate or regrets. Let us
simply stay apart, encourage young White
couples to have more babies, then be there
when they need assistance. Charity begins
at home. You don’t feed the whole world
expecting it not to inundate your corner of
No complacency
It’s simply a matter of taking all things
into account. Keeping them at arm’s length
is a start, but Jews and Negroes will remain
noisome on into America’s future, while in
sheer numbers the Orientals regimented by
Israel may pose a bigger threat than front
man Cruz’s Hispanics or manikin Obama’s
Somalians. Quickly, let’s qualify all of this
alongside global warming/cooling/change
as not The End Times.
Whatever is, is right. Allowing law of
the jungle its place does not say we enter
that environment unarmed, or admit it into
our spaces except guardedly of necessity.
Let us know each challenge as opportunity
and get on with the growth it proposes if
well met, as we improve ourselves thereby
in virtue, morality and integrity along what
some call this “valley of tears” but we see
as God’s wonderful blessing.
Life cannot be otherwise than brutal, at
which times offering to perform miracles,
beckoning survivors upon a higher plane
where seekers find happiness, their prayers
answered, the worst risks behind them. If
it’s truly his duty (the rare exception), a lad
goes to war. Otherwise he fine tunes his
knuckles in a schoolyard bout with one of
his own kind, dusts himself off afterwards
and shakes hands with that adversary. The
evolutionary benefits of wars, pestilences
and the Jewish question will become clear
to grizzled survivors.