Document 6460173


Document 6460173
Fully Integrated Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12
100% College Placement
All on One 40-Acre Campus
Nonprofit, Nonsectarian
Financial Assistance K-12 (with qualification)
November-December 2012
Volume 29, Number 3
Varsity Tennis Wins Three State Championship Titles
Head Coach: Tim Blenkiron
Assistant Coaches: Fredric Prandecki, William Elmore, Brandon Kurtz
Girls’ Varsity Tennis
The Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team won the Division 1-A State
Championship by defeating Faith Lutheran 13-5. The Mustangs, also the
Region Champions, went 12-0 in league play. Following the team victory,
Amanda '13 and Taler '13 Brazell won the Girls’ Doubles State and
Region Championship for the second consecutive year. Congratulations
also to Erika Mauban '13 who won the Region Singles Championship and
placed second at State, Anjali Daulat '14 who placed third in the State
Singles Championship and fourth in Region, and Shaleni Shah '16/Shayley
Shimkus '16 who qualified for State Doubles by placing fourth at Region.
Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team
Amanda Brazell '13
Taler Brazell '13
Marisa Carrera '13
Anjali Daulat '14
Ava Frazier '16
McKenna Gatski '13
Samantha Gondy '16
Alayna Haskins '13
Bhavana Janga '13
Olivia Maccioni '13
Paige Malik '15
Erika Mauban '13
Gillian Meservey '15
Meghana Reddy '15
Erika Reiter '15
Akosua Sarfo '16
Shalini Shah '16
Shayley Shimkus '16
Sonia Vohra '16
Boys’ Varsity Tennis
Mario Gamboa Solis '14 won the Division 1-A Boys’ Singles Championship and placed second in the Region to Evan
Roth '13 who won at Region and placed second at State. The Boys’ Varsity Tennis Team placed second in the Division 1-A
Region Championship and fourth at State. Congratulations also to Adam '13 and Peter '15 Sklamberg who
qualified for State by placing third in the Doubles Region Championship.
Mario Gamboa
Solis '14 (top)
Evan Roth '13
Boys’ Varsity Tennis Team
Charles Adams '12
Luke Artusa '16
Parker Brown '14
Michael Chen '13
Mario Gamboa Solis '14
Robert James '16
Elliot Kwan '16
Alex Lanzkowsky '16
Geoffrey Magness '15
Robert Netzorg '15
Evan Roth '13
Adam Sklamberg '13
Peter Sklamberg '15
2nd Annual All-School Cheer Night
Friday, January 11, 2013
Mustangs vs. Lincoln County w Wear Spirit Dress to School
JV Boys’ Basketball @ 4:30 p.m. Varsity Girls’ Basketball @ 6:00 p.m. Varsity Boys’ Basketball @ 7:30 p.m.
Special activities and prizes w
4th/5th grade girls will perform with the Varsity Cheerleaders
More information will be available under “Athletic News” on the website closer to the event.
Meadows students: free
Seniors 62+: free
Adults: $5.00
sponsored by Booster Club; organized by Amy Close
Midway through the Technology Upgrade Plan
Launched in the summer of 2012 with online training resources for faculty members, Veracross software for
better communications, and SMART Board installation in every TMS classroom for instant access to the power of
the Internet, the School’s Technology Upgrade Plan has moved from strength to strength and success to success.
The Meadows faculty and staff have truly risen to the occasion in the best interests of all of our students. That so much has been
accomplished in so short a time with relatively few glitches is a testament to the dedication and devotion of all of my colleagues, and
they are to be congratulated for all they have done.
Our IT specialists, particularly, have labored tirelessly behind the scenes to make all this possible, working on everything from a
more robust wireless environment supporting increased usage to monitoring Veracross’s programmers and the most minute details of
new electronic report cards for every grade.
Midway through the Upgrade Plan, we are focused on getting started on the final two phases. First, early in 2013, we will convert
our email system from Microsoft Outlook to Google Apps for Education. The free, cloud-based service that Google offers, which has
been implemented at seven of the eight Ivy League colleges, integrates email and personal calendars with a powerful productivity suite,
including Google Docs, Google Sites, etc. Our faculty and students will ultimately be able to communicate and collaborate with much
more efficiency, and all of our students will be totally adapted to the kind of technology environment they will face when they move on
to higher education. Initially, Upper School students will be the first to get Gmail accounts to use with the new system.
Use of iPads and Chromebooks will gradually increase in every Beginning and Lower School class this year, and, as the final phase of
the Plan, Middle and Upper Schools will implement a “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)” program in 2013-14. Students in grades 6-12
will be required to bring their own device to School each day to facilitate lessons from time-to-time, to keep track of their assignments
and other information in an increasingly paperless environment, and to use as readers for E-textbooks in some of their classes.
(Because an offshoot of the options provided by the increasing availability of E-textbooks for sale or for rent will mean more choice
for our families depending upon the courses for which their students enroll, a one-size-fits-all “Book Fee” for Middle and Upper School
is no longer equitable. Instead, beginning in 2013-14, the current fee will be eliminated and families will purchase required materials
directly. The School will post on its website hot links for those materials to vendors such as to make the required purchases
as convenient as possible for everyone.)
And then we’ll be done, right? Not hardly!!
For, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, nearing the final phases of our Technology Upgrade Plan is not the beginning of the end, but
only the end of the beginning. Digital technology is on the verge of revolutionizing education at many levels, and your School is engaged
in forming new partnerships and developing new programs to foster 21st century learning. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements
in the near future!
I wish each and every one of our families peace, health, good fortune, and much joy for the Holiday Season!
Best regards,
Henry L. Chanin
Head of School
The Meadows Mirror
H allowee
A L Ln Dat
by Henry L. Chanin, Head of School
For a school such as ours, that puts academic achievement at the
core of its Mission, libraries have always been considered a vital and
essential part of the educational infrastructure. But, the revolution
that digital information technology is causing in learning patterns
in the 21st century has necessitated a thoughtful consideration of the
role of our libraries in the future. Over the last year, your School’s
administrators, faculty, and students have engaged in a discussion
on this topic, with a resulting consensus to re-envision the role of
libraries and librarians at TMS.
In the past, the library was viewed as a physical space where
knowledge was stored, with the librarian as mediator/guide to help
those in need find the knowledge they were seeking. In addition, the
librarian was charged with teaching students how to go about not only
finding but also evaluating information and documenting sources.
In the 21st century, knowledge is no longer housed in a physical space. Rather, it exists in cyberspace—accessible from my desktop,
from the wall of a classroom equipped with a SMART Board, or from the smartphone in your pocket. Moreover, one librarian cannot
possibly teach several hundred students what they need to know about knowledge in the 21st century—that teaching needs to happen
every day in every classroom.
As a result, the role of the libraries and librarians at TMS will change beginning in 2013-14.
This summer, the Middle/Upper School Library will be converted into a Social Learning Common with funding approved by the
School’s Board of Trustees. The print collection will be down-sized and moved to the perimeter walls. The center of the room will
be refurnished with couches and coffee tables and lots and lots of electric outlets. Students will be surrounded by flat panel monitors
broadcasting CNN, ESPN, The Weather Channel, etc. A quiet study room will be created, and a SMART Board will be available for
work on group presentations. Also, the central monitoring station/check-out desk will be moved to the back (south) wall as a convenience
for Middle School students traveling between the back door of their building and the outside doors of the Library. Most importantly, the
new Middle/Upper School Librarian, whom we will recruit this spring, will be a technology specialist and, rather than teaching students
directly, his or her main role will be supporting the faculty in their use of the modern tools of information science.
The Lower School Library will be re-christened the Beginning/Lower School Library, and Beginning School students will make use
of its resources, too. The print collection in this case will be maintained and strengthened as students will continue to visit the Library
at regular intervals as they do now. However, rather than being taught a curriculum for a grade, they will use their time in the Library
to browse the stacks and hopefully enjoy the serendipity of finding a new book to check out that tickles their interest. The role of the
Beginning/Lower School Librarian will also be to function as technology specialist supporting the faculty, and the faculty will integrate
the appropriate aspects of the former library curriculum into their classes directly.
Mrs. Marilyn Drake (left), who has dedicated the bulk of her
adult life to the School and its students over the last 28 years, for
which we are all immensely grateful, will end her full-time role at
the School this year but continue on as a consultant in 2013-14,
helping to transfer institutional memory to the new technology
specialist whom we will recruit this spring to serve as Beginning/
Lower School Librarian going forward. I urge you to join me and to
use every opportunity you have over the next six months to honor
Marilyn for her distinguished and invaluable service to the School.
This paradigm shift in all our School’s libraries reflects just one
more aspect of the revolution that digital information technology is
creating in education. As always, we are determined in our pursuit of
excellence to provide our students with the best learning experience
November-December 2012
A ll D ivisio n s
Photo Gallery Added to Website
Photos taken at certain School events are now available through the “Photo Gallery” links
accessed under “Parent Tools” and “Faculty Tools.” You may browse and download photos to your
computer free of charge or purchase photos through the gallery provider, Please note
that The Meadows School is not responsible for and does not make a profit from orders purchased
Please send an email to for password information or
other questions concerning this site. You must be a Meadows family member to request the password.
w End of Tax Year w
Time for Year-End Giving to The Meadows
As 2012 comes to an end, please remember
The Meadows School Annual Fund
as one of your end-of-the-year tax-deductible contributions
(to the extent allowed by law).
Thank you in advance for your participation and support.
You may drop off or mail a check, or make your contribution online at
If you have questions about giving to TMS, please contact the Development Office.
best wishes in the New Year.
The Meadows School Board of Trustees
“Bollywood Night”
April 6, 2013
4th Annual “Meadows Scramble” Golf tournament
The 4th Annual “Meadows Scramble” Golf Tournament, held on October
26, at Angel Park Golf Course, was a tremendous success. The tournament
raised over $10,000 for Booster Club. The tournament winning team (photo
at right) was Matt Lamb '18, his father, Todd; and grandfather Harry Eidenier.
Thank you to Shift4 (Oder family) for sponsoring the tournament, Gaudin
Motor Company (Mooradian family) for sponsoring the hospitality luncheon
and providing vehicles for hole-in-one prizes, Cenegenics Medical Institute
(Janice and John Adams family) for donating the iPad and accessories raffle
prize, and Wendi Miller for donating the jewelry raffle prize. Thank you, also,
to everyone who sponsored individual holes and to Polly List and Janice Adams
for organizing the tournament.
Save the date for next year on October 25, 2013.
The Meadows Mirror
F all F estival
F all F est i v al A rts a n d C rafts F a i r H eld O ctober 5
A H u g e S u ccess
The Meadows School – Debbie Youngblood – Fall Festival Committee
The Fall Festival Committee would like to thank all the parents,
faculty/staff, students, and friends who volunteered their time and
effort to make this year’s event a big success! Special thanks go out
to the Caldara family’s Get Fresh Sales for their generous donation
of the produce, the Aziz family for donating the delightful cupcakes
and cookies made at MGM Grand, and the Bonanno family’s Fifth
Avenue Restaurant Group for donating the delicious pizza. One
other very special thank you goes to Mrs. Marilyn Drake, Lower
School Librarian, who donated the Library sleepover raffle prize
for this event.
The Committee is grateful to Danielle Brown and Rachel
Martin, Meadows faculty members, who judged the Lower School
Poster Contest. All the students did a fantastic job so the judging was
difficult. Congratulations go out to the winners who are listed below!
Again, a big thank you to all who made this a fun-filled day
for everyone!!
Fall Festi v al 2012 P o s t e r C o n t e s t W i n n e r s b y G r a de
Poster Contest The m e ~ “ Th e Me a d o ws i n t h e F a l l ”
Congratulations to the following poster contest winners and all the students who participated in the poster contest this year. Many
excellent pieces were submitted, making it difficult to choose winners.
Poster contest Grand Prize
winner Nathan LaBarre '20 (left)
and Reserve winner Alexis Yeager
'21. Their winning posters will be
included in the 2013-2014 School
Year Calendar.
Mrs. Verbon
1st Noor Khan
2nd Tatiana Lin
3rd Coleman Plaster
Mrs. Redlinger/Ms. Warshawsky
1st Taylor Mendez
2nd J.D. Gallo
3rd Chloe Ting
Mrs. Cagle
1st Nickolas Cruz
2nd Jacob Goodman
3rd Nimrah Qureshi
First Grade
Mrs. Mayer
1st Zara Mahajan
2nd Bianca Richardson
3rd Rocco Santo Pietro
Mrs. Collins
1st Robert Barsel
2nd Dylan Pile
3rd Yasamin Goravanchi
Ms. Ozawa
1st Gia Orsini
2nd Sonja Tsiouris
3rd Kal-el Cage
Second Grade
Mr. Pettit
1st Lynsey Thomas
2nd Chloe Gastwirth
3rd Mandalay LaBarre
Ms. McBride
1st Karissa Ng
2nd David Chang
3rd Kyra Buchnam
Mrs. Ostby
1st Ashton Roman-Lampman
2nd Jordyn Fray
3rd Dominic Pereira
Third Grade
Mrs. Ranz
1st Lauren Epstein
2nd Justin Handler
3rd Erica Yee
Mrs. Hebert
1st Julia Gilbert
2nd Amanda Ashman
3rd Brooke Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Appuglise
1st Jaz Agassi
2nd Tai Nguyen
3rd Bella Chamberlin
Fourth Grade
Ms. Friedman
1st Emerson Bergenfield
2nd Bianca Capanna
3rd Alex Wong
Mrs. Santo Pietro
1st Michelle Luh
2nd Nana Sarfo
3rd Amelia Heimerman
Ms. Bennett
1st Paco Garza
2nd Devin Howard
3rd Ethan Nguyen
Fifth Grade
Ms. Brennan
1st Bassel Atout
2nd Rubaab Wahid
3rd Angelo Barozzi
Mr. Bissell
1st Hank Higgins
2nd Kiri Pawlowski
3rd Bentley Jimmerson
Ms. Bookout
1st Samantha Feder
2nd Kashmira Rodrigues
3rd Felyssa Kaplan
November-December 2012
O n C am p u s
Spanish Students Celebrate Day of the Dead
Middle School Spanish students celebrated Day
of the Dead, a Mexican ritual to honor the dead
on November 1 or 2. The students built alters and
decorated them with flowers and photos of loved
ones who have died.
Left: Memorial created by Gina Ruiz '18, winning
girl entry.
Right: Memorial created by Hasan Iqbal '18,
winning boy entry.
Fine and Performing Arts
Upper School Upperclassmen
The Fantasticks
September 13 and 14
Middle School
Upper/Middle School Art Show Opening
November 8
Aladdin Jr.
November 8 and 9
Art Show will be on
display in the Mary B.
Smith Grand Lobby Art
Gallery and hallways in
the Wanda Lamb Peccole
Center for the Arts until
January 18. There is no
admission fee to browse
the Gallery.
The Meadows Mirror
U p p e r S chool F all S p o r ts
Cross Country Has Successful Season
Head Coach: Charles Bernick
Girls’ Cross Country Wins Multiple Championships
After winning the Southern League Championship on October 13, the
Girls’ Cross Country Team went on to win the Division III/IV Southern Region
Championship on October 26 and placed third at State on November 3. Jeneke
Heerema '15 was the top League and Region runner and placed third at State.
She was the first Southern runner to finish in the State Championship. Bailey
Gosse '15 placed third at League, second at Region, and sixth at State. Krista
Thompson '15 placed second at League and third at Region. Rounding out the
team was Melanie Shackleford '15, Sophia Akhtar '15, Graceanne Warburton
'13, and Shivani Dixit '13.
Boys’ Cross Country Region Results
Not fielding enough runners for a full team, Henry Halkyard '14 and Jason
Hiew '16 both qualified individually to compete in the Division III/IV Region
Championship on October 26 and look forward to improving their times next year.
Soccer Ranked #1 in
Division III Southern Region
Named State Academic Champions
Head Coach: Gary Shackley
Assistant Coaches: Marty Yelverton, Craig Galati
The Varsity Soccer Team, ranked #1 in the Division
III Southern Region, was defeated by Whittell in the
State Championship Semifinals, ending a successful
season for the Mustangs. Senior team members included
Danielle Carrol, Adam DeJong, Saul Holding, Kwaku
Kufuor, Austin Lee, Varun Patel, and Johnnie Woodson.
Also, the team was awarded the NIAA/Jostens
Division III Academic State Championship based on
highest grade point average.
Varsity Volleyball Ranked #2 in
Division III Southern Region
Head Coach: Stephanie Heller
Assistant Coaches: Brittany Baker, Nicki King
The Varsity Volleyball Team played very well this season with a 12-2 record in league play. The
team placed second in the Division III Southern League and qualified for the State Championship. They
were defeated by Yerrington (#1 North) in the State Semifinals, putting an end to the season. The team
will lose seniors Casey Barber, Alex Hall, Nikki Lenardson, Katie Magness, and Victoria Onufrieff.
Varsity Football Ends Season on High Note
Head Coach: Frank DeSantis
Assistant Coaches: Tim Northington '97, Gary Hannig, Sami Bakdash, Rod Vollan, Jack Concannon
The Varsity Football Team went
through a rebuilding phase this year after
losing many seniors. The team came
together to win the final three games of the
season with a 3-5 record in league play and
looks forward to adding to the momentum
next year.
Seniors: Jin Chung, Mike Gleason, Chase Marrs,
Chisup Kim, Ian Holbrook, Robert List
November-December 2012
middle S chool
Why I Have Quit Grading Papers and Have Gone into the Movie Business
by Jeremy Gregersen, Middle School Director
Instead, I have gone into the movie business. Or put more
Since I am writing this as a Meadows English teacher of
seniors, I suppose it is not entirely true that I have stopped grading accurately, I have gone into the online motion picture industry. For
student essays. It is more accurate to say that the way that I have each of my students’ papers this first quarter, I recorded a 10-15
been grading written work for over a decade has been radically minute film of myself grading their essay and uploaded the digital
altered. In fact, I do not think I will ever grade papers in quite the footage to YouTube. I was free to say everything I thought about
each of the problems their papers had, and I did so at a rate of four
traditional way again.
As anyone who has been tasked with grading a tall stack of papers an hour (faster than I have ever graded a stack of 3-5 page
essays can attest, the process is frustrating, and it involves a huge essays). Moreover, I had the time to comment on all the intelligent
number of tradeoffs. The process usually goes something like and successful things the students’ papers accomplished, which is
this: the teacher begins reading, filled with hope that the student something I rarely would have granted myself the time to do in
will impress, that the paper will go well, and that there will be the past.
Ultimately, however, if I benefit from sharing my thoughts via
little on which to comment. Then often, the red ink starts to flow.
The teacher corrects a few mistakes in grammar and syntax, then videocast, my students benefit even more greatly. To a member,
comes to a larger problem: the thesis makes no sense or has little the class really appreciated the videos. They got to see firsthand
relationship to the opening paragraph. Now, the teacher must make how their papers affected a reader, they had the opportunity to
a decision only a half-page into the essay: does he stop and write review and revisit my commentary, and they could focus on larger
down everything that could be going wrong, or does he make a structural and thematic improvements rather than getting bogged
shorthand comment such as “weak thesis,” or “how do we get here?” down in smaller-scale grammar and syntax issues. What’s more, my
or “better opening…?” In the end, because instructors do not often students’ second drafts were better across the board than any set of
have the time to diagnose every error in every paper, they have to revisions I have seen in my career. Students routinely moved from
make do with a few phrases, with some targeted suggestions. And C’s to A’s in a single draft because they understood exactly where
even then, English teachers have no idea whether what they have they went wrong the first time.
This of course is just one example of a larger trend in education
written will be understood completely, and they will only find out
how things went with their comments upon the arrival of the next at The Meadows and nationwide. Teachers are finding that the value
draft of the essay or on the off chance that the student goes out of of harnessing technology in education not only makes things quicker
and cheaper, it more importantly helps students learn in meaningful
his way to see the teacher regarding his comments.
So I am not doing it anymore. No more halfhearted comments and measurable ways. I look forward to many of my colleagues
because I have run out of time and have dozens more essays to grade. joining me in the movie business and to the new and exciting ways
No more wondering whether students understand my suggestions. they will certainly find to utilize technology moving forward.
I am done.
Fall Season S ports Rec ap
by Brian Seigel, Middle School Dean of Students
This fall, almost 80 percent of Middle School students played Team, coached by Francesca Gerbino, went winless; however, it was
on teams representing the School. With dedication, hard work, great definitely the most improved team in the league. Many of the girls
coaching, and a great deal of parental support, the Mustangs had on that team had never played organized volleyball but picked the
an exciting season.
game up very quickly. Despite their record, I was impressed that
The 7th and 8th grade Football Team had one of its best seasons they continued to support each other throughout the season.
The largest single sport was Cross Country, where 30 Middle
in the history of The Meadows School. Coaches Norman Bubenheim
and Paul Banfer led the boys to a 4-2 record. The team had more 7th School students, along with a host of 5th graders competed weekly
than 8th graders, which means next year’s squad will have a great for ribbons. Coaches James Gabbany and Shana Marek kept these
nucleus which to start with.
runners motivated throughout the season. Their season culminated at
The 6th grade Flag Football Team needed to pull off a last game the Red Rock Championships which were hosted by The Meadows
victory in order to secure a playoff berth, but unfortunately fell a School. The Meadows walked away with three
little short. Coaches Adam Betzelberger and Matt Schafer had a trophies: 1st place for 7th and 8th grade girls, 2nd
spirited and athletic squad which played hard every game. The place for 5th and 6th grade girls, and 3rd place for
boys finished the season with a 5-5 record, and I know that they are 7th and 8th grade boys. I do need to recognize
excited about moving up to our tackle program next year.
Ellen Hirsberg '18 (right), who won every meet
Due to tremendous demand, we were able to field four by a significant margin.
volleyball teams this season. The 6th graders stayed together as one
Lastly, I want to recognize the team that
large team, and Coach Kenny Cartledge found a way to get every continues on from the fall to winter season,
girl in and finish the season just one win out of the playoffs with the Cheerleaders. They work hard and have
a record of 4-4.
a tremendous amount of discipline which
Three 7th and 8th grade Volleyball Teams were labeled White, is instilled in them by their coach Kaetvasa
Blue, and Silver. The White and Blue Teams were coached by Koiyputhong. These girls cheered for all of the
Michael Dozier. The White team had a winning season with a tackle football games and joined the boys who
record of 4-3, but unfortunately missed the playoffs by one win. traveled to Pahrump and Laughlin. They are
The Blue Team finished the regular season with a 3-5 record and busily preparing new cheers and stunts for the
had the opportunity to win two other very close matches. The Silver upcoming basketball season.
The Meadows Mirror
M iddle S chool
National Junior Spanish Honor Society Induction
The following students were inducted into the 2012-2013 La Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad – Capítulo Picasso on October 2:
Muhtasim Ahsan '18
Shazaib Akbar '18
Sivan Barashy '18
Elena Browne '17
Anuja Daulat '17
Brandon Fabre '17
Tucker Hansen '18
Ellen Hirsberg '18
Olivia Fehrmann '17
Kevin Inthachack '18
Sophie Isaacs '17
Sana Kamboj '17
Alexandra Kokinda '18
Dina Kosyagin '18
David Maeng '17
Hirsh Makhija '17
Hannah Mulholland '17
Connor Ng '18
Joshua Ocampo '18
Sahil Patel '18
Garrison Ream '18
Brooke Sparks '18
Shaunicy Sturm '17
Nat i o n al J u n i or H o n or S oc i et y I n d u ct i o n
The following students were inducted into the 2012-2013 National Junior Honor Society on October 4:
President: Steve Stephen '17
Vice-President: Ellen Hirsberg '17
Secretary: Michelle Zheng '17
Treasurer: Megan Chiu '17
Historian: Sana Kamboj
Gabriel Adamson '17
Muhtasim Ahsan '18
Shahzaib Akbar '18
Celia Anderson '18
Sivan Barashy '18
Jack Berkley '17
Ashley Brennan '17
Ryan Chang '18
Asheesh Chopra '17
Ashlynn DovanneWatson '18
Emily Ebel '18
Brandon Fabre '17
Daniela Goodman '17
Tucker Hansen '18
Ellen Hirsberg '18
Kevin Inthachack '18
Quinn Iriye '17
Julia Katz '18
Alexandra Kokinda '18
Dina Kosyagin '18
Graham Lee '18
Nevada Lee '18
David Maeng '17
Taylor Magliarditi '18
Hannah Muholland '17
Ahmed Nadeem-Tariq '18
Jahnavi Narula '17
Connor Ng '18
Joshua Ocampo '18
Ronnie Ortiz '18
Sahil Patel '18
Garrison Ream '18
Samantha Seiff '18
Austyn Shimkus '18
Brooke Sparks '18
Isabella Telles '18
Arisha Tufail '17
Urael Xu '17
First Quarter H onor Rolls
Sixth Grade High Honors
Sara Akhtar
Justin Badoyen
Brammhi Balarajan
Bruce Becker
Natalie Browne
Anson Chen
Ian Cook
Darya Daneshmand
Anna Dorn
Aleema Farmanali
Angelia Fertitta
Ashtyn Fink
Justin Finseth
Emily Herndon
Alexis Jones
Mackenzie Katz
Noah Klein
Katherine Lee
Carson Levy
Will Martin
Sam Mehdi
Malini Narula
Thomas Nielsen
Caroline Nielson
Muhtasim Ahsan
Shahzaib Akbar
Celia Anderson
Sivan Barashy
Ashley Brennan
Brian Capp
Stefan Chaudhry
Talin DeJong
Ashlynn Dovanne-Watson
Emily Ebel
Lindsay Hansen
Ellen Hirsberg
Kevin Inthachack
Hasan Iqbal
Kaitlyn Abdo
Natalie Bahrami
Jack Berkley
Alexandra Borges
Elena Browne
Megan Chiu
Asheesh Chopra
Anuja Daulat
Isabella DeAndrade
Jacob Epstein
Olivia Fehrmann
Daniela Goodman
James Hood
Sophie Isaacs
Sana Kamboj
Sixth Grade Honors
Peri Pascal
Joseph Pergolini
Alexandra Peterson
Teagan Plutte
Manisha Reddy
Jade Rowe
Myra Saghir
Julius Santo Pietro
Samantha Schuetze
Stephanie Teng
Beau Thistle
Asia Tizes
Christopher Tsuchiyama
Savannah Wartenberg
Rachel Wurmbrand
John Yeager
Seventh Grade High Honors
Alexandra Kokinda
Dina Kosyagin
Graham Lee
Nevada Lee
Silvia Lorico Rappa
Ahmed Nadeem-Tariq
Connor Ng
Joshua Ocampo
Ronnie Ortiz
Sahil Patel
Natasha Pickard
Brock Prince
Maya Puterbaugh
Garrison Ream
Hillary Giang
Tahoe Mack
Julian Mauriello
Ehmed Nauman
Zoe Paternoster
Sydney Ramenofsky
Nickolas Smirk
Rachel Zimmerman
Seventh Grade Honors
David Aizenberg
Poppy Cartledge
Ryan Chang
Alexi Corrigan
Veronica Joels
Julia Katz
Matthew Lamb
Taylor Magliarditi
Jeffrey Ndubisi
Kathleen Otter
Eighth Grade Honors
Eighth Grade High Honors
Raj Kittusamy
Caroline Liu
David Maeng
Hirsh Makhija
Adam Martinez
Abdus Najmi
Tahsin Najmi
Gina Ruiz
Samantha Seiff
Austyn Shimkus
Rachel Siegel
Brooke Sparks
Isabella Telles
Matthew Aaron
Nicolas Abdo
Paiton Allen
Sarina Burditt
Libby Caldara
Mason DuBoef
Joseph Epstein
Matthew Faris
Allen Fridman
Jahnavi Narula
Valerie Nyerick
Megan Orgad
Valentina Pariente
Jillian Parker
Giavanna Pergolini
Kyla Plutte
Isra Sabir
Steve Stephen
Shaunicy Sturm
Hanna Thistle
Arisha Tufail
Urael Xu
Michelle Zheng
November-December 2012
Gabriel Adamson
Connor Bucknam
Brandon Fabre
Skye Holladay
Quinn Iriye
Abbigail Klein
Jessica Lelah
Alexa Mirchou
Hannah Mulholland
Alysia Nielson
Abigail Paternoster
Hana Resch
Jenny Yao
Christian Zimmardo
L owe r S chool
K i n d e rga r t e n S i ng s “ S tar Span g led Banner” at
C i t y H a l l M eeting on Oc tober 17
Connor Ahmed
Faris Atout
Charissa Collier
Sahra Daneshmand
Grace Eljwaidi
Samantha Feder
The following students recently received the Lower School Good Citizen Award:
October 5, 2012
Grace Fitzpatrick
Giselle Kimball
Karissa Ng
Jacqueline Rowe
Ryan Roxarzade
Caroline Goodman Mandalay LaBarre Jack Nielsen
Epiphany Song
Alaia Graf
Mila Mauriello
Gia Orsini
Ray Trac
Rohan Gupta
David Mincin
Coleman Plaster
Cole Verdirame
Alexis Richards
Justin Handler
Kristine Ndubisi
Lindsey Hofflander
Parker Bucknam
Corey Burkhead
Jairus Campos
Bianca Capanna
Jasmine Chiu
Christopher Danser
Jase DeSantis
Meher Dhaliwal
Karthik Gondy
Sean Gosse
October 19, 2012
Seth Hart
Nicolas Mircovic
Sofia Kelemen
Michael Muncey
Nathan LaBarre
Ethan Nguyen
Brooke Levy
Michael Ramenofsky
Michelle Luh
Kade DeSantis
Ben Etter
Benjamin Garber
Jamie Handler
November 2, 2012
Miles Handy
Caroline Lemcke
Cole Kennedy
Tatiana Lin
Ariana Khurana
Zara Mahajan
Marcus Lee
Chloe Nguyen
Elizabeth Becker
Tyler Carreon
Jacqueline Cobb
Julianne Capp
Ava Daneshmand
Mariam Wahid
Alex Wong
Lauren Wong
Alexis Yeager
Matthew Zimmerman
Rachel Roxarzade
Davidson Rufty
Kade Scoggins
Hailey Smirk
Elle Thistle
Sonja Tsiouris
Minahil Tufail
Zoe Zachariou
Amanda Ortolano
Nashrah Qureshi
Heather Saxe
Lea Shapiro
Matthew Storfer
Lynsey Thomas
Halei Ward
Erica Yee
T r ick- o r-T reat for Uni ce f
Every Halloween
season, Ms. Kathy
Brennan’s fifth-grade
class participates in
Trick-or-Treat for
UNICEF. This year
the class raised
approximately $2,000.
The Meadows Mirror
B e g i n n i n g S chool
by Heather Kristich, Beginning School Director
Fall Planting Day
October 5 was a fun-filled day in Beginning School this year. It was our
annual Planting Day! Mommies and daddies were on hand to help the children
fill our class gardens with lots
of fabulous foliage. Each child
brought in a vegetable, herb, plant,
or flower. The students enjoyed
learning about planting and how to
take care of their plants. Everyone
is looking forward to watching
their plants and vegetables grow
throughout the year. We wonder
what the spring will bring to
Beginning School?
Trip to the Orchard
Gilcrease Orchard was the point of destination for Beginning School on
October 9. The students enjoyed a tour of the cider press and squash patch, as
well as the pear and apple trees. The students were taken on an exciting hayride
out to the vegetable and pumpkin patches where they were enjoyed a fun trek
through the maze made out of hay bales. They could not believe their eyes when
they saw a lonely owl protecting the pumpkin patch!! As we ventured into the
pumpkin patch, the Beginning School students were eyeing which pumpkin
would be the best pick for their class. Our little tikes brought home bags filled to
the brim with fruits and freshly pressed apple cider. So much fun was had by all!!
Pumpkin Carving Day
Pumpkin Carving Day was October 25 in Beginning School. Our students
enjoyed drawing designs on their own pumpkins. Thank you to all of the fabulous
mothers and fathers who volunteered to help the children carve their pumpkins
into scary and happy faces, spiders, and even some ghosts!!
November-December 2012
PERMIT # 970
The Meadows School
8601 Scholar Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Roz Meservey, TMSPA President
TMSPA will be offering Macy’s Gift Cards again this year to help make your holiday shopping easy.
Every purchase gives 10% to The Meadows School for our students.
All parents should have received an order form via email in November. Order forms also are available online under
“Parent Tools-Parent Links” and in Beginning, Lower, Middle, and Upper School front offices.
Save-The-Date for Summer Camp & Activities Expo
Pauline Ng Lee, Expo Chair
The 10 Annual Summer Camp & Activities Expo will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2013, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
in the Athletic Complex. This free, community event is open to the public and offers:
 Summer activities for every budget
New and returning exhibitors from over 40 day and overnight camps and programs
Sports and outdoor adventure camps
Academic and cultural enrichment programs
Visit the “Summer Camp Expo” subsection under the “Parents” section on the School’s website. Concessions/lunch will be available
for purchase.
Innisbrook Fall Drive Ends Successfully
Bonnie Ng & Erin Luebke, Innisbrook Co-Chairs
A HUGE “thank you” to all who participated in the Innisbrook fundraiser. It was a great success! The Parents Association would
like to congratulate the TOP 3 SELLERS:
w Isabella Deandrade (MS)
w Julianna Luebke (LS)
w Zoe Zachariou (LS)
Also, we would like to thank the volunteers who helped distribute the items in the carpool line. Your help in making the distribution
process run smoothly was greatly appreciated!
Innisbrook products may be purchased online at through May 2013. Enter The Meadows School number
103414 so the School will receive credit for your purchase.