Document 6462318
Document 6462318
20th Bake Sale ● BBQ ● Opportunity Drawings Special handmade items, home décor, and unique gifts for all occasions! To reserve a space call: Tony @ 951-698-5295 Hope Lutheran Church 29141 Vallejo Avenue Temecula, CA 92592-2319 Phone: 951-676-6262 Fax: 951-694-3451 20th HOPE HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE NOVEMBER 12, 2011 th Help us celebrate our 20 Hope’s Women of ELCA Holiday Boutique. Sign Up Today! Enclosed you will find the vendor application and agreement for this year’s boutique. Expanded Customer Base In an effort to expand our customer base so we can bring more people in to see and buy your crafts, we will also be allowing a limited number of booths of specially selected products other than handmade. We had great success with this last year and will continue it again on a limited basis. If you know of any vendors of non-handmade products, please have them contact Karen Hansen @ 909-615-2123 to review their product. What’s the cost this year? Early bird price for a booth will be $35 this year. For more details please see the application. Booth locations will be assigned according to your registration date, so register early. We also ask that you donate a craft item from your booth with a suggested retail value of $25.00 for Hope’s opportunity drawing on the day of boutique. Just a reminder The more shoppers we have - the less you have to take home, so please tell your family and friends about our great boutique. Feel free to make copies of the application and agreement, or call/email me for additional forms or information. Remember, the early bird gets the worm Or in this case, the best spot. We request that you complete the application and agreement and return them along with the registration fee as soon as possible. Who Benefits? Proceeds from the past boutiques have been used to help others in the community. We will continue that giving again this year. We all benefit from a successful day at the boutique!! Blessings, Karen Hansen Boutique Chairperson 909-615-2123 “Hope Lutheran Church is being called by God to open our arms to the world and bring the unchurched to Christ. God is also calling us to grow in faith and grow in numbers as we serve all of God’s people in Jesus’ name.” Women of the ELCA Hope Lutheran Church TH 20 Annual Holiday Boutique SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2011 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Application NAME_________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________CITY_________________ZIPCODE__________ PHONE: Work (____)________________ Home(____)_____________________ Email Address:_____________________________________________________ Type of Craft/item you will sell* ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ *Only non-handmade crafts pre-approved by Crafts Coordinator will be allowed. For consideration of nonhandmade items, contact Karen Hansen @ 909-615-2123 First-time participant _____ Returning Crafter _____ (see below) MY 2010 SPACE # WAS: INSIDE SPACE # OUTSIDE SPACE #_____ Early bird booth price (application received by September 28) is $35 After September 28, booth price will be $45. We ask all booth vendors to donate a raffle gift from your booth valued at $25.00 on the day of boutique. I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND THE ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION SHEET, AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ALL CONDITIONS STATED. SIGNATURE_____________________________________________________________ Please send this application, signed contract, and a check (PAYABLE TO HOPE WELCA) to: Women of the ELCA Hope Holiday Boutique C/O Tony Chavez 25720 London Court, Murrieta, California 92563 HLC Craft Committee only: Date Check #______ Total Remittance BOOTH #______ Raffle gift_________________ HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FIRE, THEFT, OR DAMAGES TO MERCHANDISE OR PERSONAL PROPERTY. Please return application no later than October 28, 2011 Women of ELCA Hope 20TH Annual Holiday Boutique 29141 Vallejo Avenue, Temecula, CA 92591 Saturday, November 12, 2011 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAREFULLY. YOUR APPLICATION AND PAID REGISTRATION FEE ARE YOUR AGREEMENT TO ABIDE BY THIS CONTRACT. Please return this agreement and registration fee no later than October 28, 2011. Checks will not be accepted after October 28, 2011; cash may be accepted after the deadline providing there is space available. THE BOUTIQUE WILL BE HELD RAIN OR SHINE. NO refunds after November 5,2011 Booth space (inside and outside) will be assigned in the order applications are received and with consideration of craft types. Previous crafters may have first choice of booth location as long as the application deadline is met. CRAFTS AND RAFFLE DONATION(S) MUST BE HANDMADE or PRE-APPROVED BY CRAFT COORDINATOR. The Raffle donation from your booth suggested value is $25. Women of ELCA Hope reserves the right to ask crafters not to display merchandise that is deemed offensive. Women of ELCA Hope does NOT take a percentage of crafter sales. CRAFTERS are responsible for the handling of their booth’s money and change for the day. Crafters are responsible for their own booth set up. NO tables will be provided. Canopies may be used providing they do not exceed the size of the booth – check in advance with the coordinator. Electricity is be available for an additional charge of $5. Outlets are limited and based on booth location. The earlier the registration is received, the greater the chance electricity will be available. Crafters are responsible for their own power cords; they must be in good working order, safe, and subject to approval. Inside booths may be set up Friday night from 4-8 p.m. Outside booths must be set up on the morning of the Boutique –Crafters will receive a card in the mail with booth location & arrival and unloading time approximately 10 days before the boutique. Please abide by this schedule to prevent a traffic jam. Assistance with unloading will be available the morning of the Boutique to expedite the process. Crafters MUST park in the lower parking lot after unloading to provide more parking spaces for Boutique customers. A BBQ lunch and cold drinks will be available in our Café for a reasonable price. Hot drinks will be available in the Bakery. Crafters are responsible for their own break times. Women of Hope will be responsible for advertising. However, Crafters may pick up flyers in the Church Office to distribute if they wish to help advertise. WOMEN OF ELCA HOPE/HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURY, FIRE, THEFT, OR DAMAGE TO MERCHANDISE OR PERSONAL PROPERTY. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT DISPLAY EQUIPMENT AND SALE ITEMS DO NOT HAVE SHARP POINTS OR EDGES THAT COULD DAMAGE THE FLOORING. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE. BOOTH FEE: Early Bird Price (received by 9/28/11) $35.00 Price after 9/28/11 $45 PLUS a donation for the Raffle from your booth – retail value at $25. Raffle donations must be presented on the day of boutique Make checks payable to Hope WELCA and mail to: Women of ELCA Hope 20th Annual Holiday Boutique, c/o Tony Chavez 25720 London Court, Murrieta, CA 92563-5512 (951) 698-5295 Print Name______________________Signature:_____________________ Date______