Property Values on Fripp Island
NOVEMBER 2013 Published at Fripp Island, South Carolina Property Values on Fripp Island By Frank Belatti P erhaps it was triggered by the receipt of the recent assessments and tax bills, but property owners have been asking for information about the decline in property values on Fripp Island. In an effort to provide information on the matter, we conducted some research. Here is what we found out. According to the data published by the Beaufort County Assessor’s office, there has been a countywide average decline in assessed value of 13%, with a 15% decline on Fripp Island. Changes in market value, however, have declined at a much greater rate. Beaufort County estimates that countywide market values have declined from a high of $47.6 billion in 2008 to $33.9 billion as of December, 2012, a decline of $13.7 billion or nearly 29%, with a slightly greater drop of 30% on Fripp. Researching the database of the Beaufort County Association of Realtors, it appears as though the sales of homes on Fripp increased in 2012 (42), over 2007 levels (12) but the average price of home sales are down from $675,000 in 2007 to $407,000 in 2012 or a decline of 40%. Average time on the market also showed further negative trends, growing from 8 months in 2007 to a full year, or more, in 2012. Declines in assessment and market values come as no surprise to anyone, given the conditions of the real estate and overall financial markets over the past 6 years, but they do serve as a reminder that property owners have a long climb back to realizing the gains they once enjoyed, or in recapturing the investments made in their homes on Fripp. If there is any good news about property values, it is that 2013 has shown signs of recovery in certain sections of the country. Although the recovery has been uneven, the S&P/Case-Shiller home price index increased 12.8% from a year earlier in August, the biggest 12-month gain since mid 2006, aided mostly by the drop in foreclosures and the lower unemployment rate. Despite the rebound in value, Trawlerline however, overall prices remain about 20% below the July 2006 peak. Boating & Fishing 10 Perhaps the question that needs to be addressed now is; what should we do here FIPOA 1-2 on Fripp to take advantage of this positive momentum? Should we let word of mouth continue to be our only form of information or should we look for In Memoriam 2 alternative solutions? We have been observing several of our barrier island Island Groups 5-7 neighbors beginning to get far more aggressive with their communications Island Services 3-4 campaigns in an effort to attract more interest in their islands. Our recent efforts to Island Sports 8-9 upgrade our web site appears to be a good start, but we may need to be more creative and focused on promoting Fripp Island as an exceptional place for home Nature 4 ownership if we are to recoup the value lost over the past 5 years. The FIPOA Sea Rescue 11-12 Board would like to hear your thoughts on this matter. (Photo by Julie Hodgson) T HE T RAWLER Founded January 1978 Published by and for the Members of the Fripp Island Property Owners Association Publishers: FIPOA Board of Directors Coordinator: Tina Reeves Layout & Design: Cyndi Follrich Advertisements: Stewart DeWitt To write to The TRAWLER, please send to: FIPOA Letter to the Editor, 225 Tarpon Blvd Fripp Island SC 29920 Or email Letters must be 250 words or less Deadline for the January TRAWLER is December 31st. FIPOA Board Meeting Schedule December 14, 2013 - 9:00 AM at the FIPOA Administrative Office January 9, 2014 - 9:00 AM at the FIPOA Administrative Office (This schedule is subject to change.) All meetings are open. Board of Directors 2013- 2014 Wayne Kemmerer – President – Curt Blake – Vice President – David Case – Secretary – Jim Wolbrink – Treasurer – Frank Belatti – Martin Goodman – Ann Lyman – Dick Morrison – Rick Raible – Scott Thompson – FIPOA EMAIL SUBSCRIBER SERVICE Receive notice of minutes and other pertinent information as it happens! Send an email to with “add me to the minutes list” in the subject - include your Fripp Island address. Or mail to: FIPOA, 225 Tarpon Blvd, Fripp Island, SC 29920 with your name and email address. We would like to have EVERY owner subscribe to this service. Email addresses will be kept confidential. 2 F I P O A Splinters from the Board Carol Young, Administrative Assistant A t the September 14, 2013 meeting, the Board approved Resolution 657: To Adopt an Addition to the Rules and Regulations to Prohibit the Distribution of Handbills. The TOPS financial system has been installed, and we are working on the switchover from QuickBooks. The Turtle Program had a record year with over 92 loggerhead turtle nests on the Fripp beach. The Security Committee reviewed the thefts at the Marina; it is believed that thieves came in via boat. Following several meetings and owner input, the existing dog leash regulations are to remain in place. Our security staff cannot, and will not, issue tickets below the Mean High Water Mark. The Board has changed the title of the Marketing Committee to the Communications Committee. At its October 12, 2013 meeting, the Board approved Resolution 656: To Adopt a Strategic Plan. Also approved was Resolution 658: That the calendar Year Budget of the Fripp Island Property Owners Association, in the amount of $1,973,534, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this Resolution, be adopted by the Board of Directors; Be it Further Resolved That the Annual Basic Assessment will Remain $770 and that the Annual Road and Bridge Assessment Remain $100, both Assessments to be Assessed and Collected in Accordance with the Bylaws. Crossover OP1 has been closed for a week and will be repaired by professional dock builders. An alligator coordinator with DNR came in October to train our officers in identifying and handling alligators that have become a nuisance. Earthworx has broken ground on the Fire Station project. This is a joint effort between the Women’s Club and the FIPOA. To see the General Manager's report and full minutes of these and other FIPOA meetings, please go to: In Memoriam Kay Santoni Margaret Birchfield Pat Thompson New Owners on Fripp 9/1/13 to 10/31/13 Aadu & Kristi Allpere William & Beverly Dolan Gentle Tides, LLC c/o Keith Angela Marie Bell-Docherty David & Ellen East Dan & Gail Knopf Robert & Donna Levin James & Nina Pulliam Jacob & Michelle Montgomery David Stemen The Trawler November 2013 Island Services CHIEF’S CORNER By Mike Binkowski, Chief of Security T here has been a ration of car break-ins throughout Beaufort County over the past month. We want to remind our property owners to keep their cars locked and remove anything of value from the vehicle when you leave it. If you go shopping, place anything of value in the trunk of your vehicle; don’t leave it on the seats where a passerby can see it. If you have an automatic garage door opener that is loose, not synched to your car, take it with you when you leave your car. Most of us that have automatic garage door openers leave them in our vehicles because it’s convenient and, if we have a connecting door from the garage to our home we tend to leave that connecting door unlocked. Why? Because the garage door is locked. Sheriff Tanner explained recently that an easy way for thieves to gain access to your house is through the door between your garage and your home. In other communities, the garage door openers have been stolen from vehicles, and the thief has driven around pushing the buttons until the door opened and then entered garages, and entered the homes unnoticed. So play it safe. In reading the county incidents of larcenies I am amazed how many victims have no idea what the make, model or serial number of their stolen property was. I encourage everyone to do an inventory of his or her home and make note of this information. I suggest that you store this information on a computer flash drive and include pictures. Remember to keep it up to date. If you have items that you cannot November 2013 find a serial number or it does not have one, remember that Security has an engraver and will issue ID numbers that are capable of being entered as an identifier into the National Crime Information Center computer. There is a meeting of the Fripp Good Neighbor Watch scheduled for Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00PM and again on Saturday, November 16th at 9:00AM. Both of these meetings will be held in the Board Room located at the FIPOA Office. Please plan to attend one of these meetings. The goal of Fripp Island Security is to provide a safe environment for property owners and guests. This is only possible with your cooperation and participation. If you see something or hear something that is out of the ordinary call us at (843) 838-2334 anytime day or night, we will respond and an officer will evaluate the situation and take the appropriate action. Don’t let the sight of something out of the ordinary slip by. Don’t say, “It’s not my problem.” Security needs your eyes and ears out there; we encourage your calls! Remember, safety and security is everyone’s responsibility “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING”. If you have any ideas or suggestions that can improve our services or the quality of life on the island please contact me. I welcome you to stop by my office to discuss your ideas or any problems that you may be experiencing. You can also reach me via telephone at (843) 838-2334 or via e-mail at The Trawler 3 Island Services CONT. KNOW YOUR OFFICERS his issue we would like to highlight Mrs. Liz Chaplin. Liz has been a member of the Fripp Island Patrol since May 2013. She is assigned as the Administrative Assistant for Security. Liz is originally from Beaufort, South Carolina. She lives on St. Helena Island with her husband Chuck, They have two children, Ryan and Brittany, three grandchildren and another on the way. Prior to joining us, Liz was a veterinary technician at Sea Island Animal Hospital. In her off time Liz enjoys fishing, kayaking, walking on the beach with her husband and spending as much time with her grandchildren as possible. T Liz Chaplin Nature GOT BIRDS? GOOD! — GOT BIRDHOUSES? KEEP ‘EM UP OR PUT ‘EM UP! By Bob Freeman O f course, you’re aware that providing shelter is one of the essential elements of making your “space” a welcoming place for birds. But I’ll betcha didn’t know that you don’t need to do much of anything to keep lots of birds in your yard, coming to your balcony, deck or hanging out in your garden year ’round! This means that during the colder months, you can enjoy songbirds that nest in tree cavities or birdhouses in the spring, such as bluebirds, chickadees and Carolina wrens, as well as some owls and woodpeckers. Here are a few suggestions inspired by the National Wildlife Federation: ♦ If you’ve got birdhouses, leave ‘em up all winter. Birds might ♦ Outfox bird predators with a metal well roost in them to keep warm. Roosting birds sometimes mounting pole that they can’t climb. prefer boxes mounted at least 10 feet high in winter—maybe ♦ Try a prefabricated birdbox that has because they feel safer up there. its entrance hole near the bottom, ♦ Winterize your birdhouse. If your spring nest box has large rather than in the middle or top. Hot vent holes to keep from overheating, partially block the air rises, right? A low entrance hole holes—but don’t seal the box up tight. keeps warm air in. OK. Your birds are cozy. But if your property isn’t already certified as a Backyard Habitat, here’s the link: and/or call Karen Natoli, (843) 263-4651, for details. 4 The Trawler November 2013 Island Groups By Kathy Keup The 2013 “Fripp for a Cure” again showed our island's compassion and commitment to helping identify and treat those with cancer in our community. Fripp Island raised a whopping $31,800, with every dollar going directly to the Keyserling Cancer Center. A year of tireless planning culminated in a wonderful day of celebration on October 24th. After a breakfast feast in Savannah’s, over one hundred golfers bought mulligans to remember or recognize their loved ones affected by cancer. Their names were highlighted with special notes on posters for all to view. After a rousing cheer the players hit the Ocean Creek Course for a beautiful day of golf. Then on to the Beach Club for wine, cheese, and browsing among dozens of fantastic items offered through a silent auction. The luncheon consisted of delicious Italian food items located at stations throughout. Rick Toomey, CEO of Beaufort Memorial Hospital, voiced his thanks, and golf prizes were awarded. After returning to the silent auction with huge ice cream sundaes in hand, attendees made their final bids. It was an amazing day of high spirits, fellowship, and generosity. There were several major sponsors that we would like to recognize; without them we would not have donated such an amazing amount of money to Keyserling Cancer Center! Fripp Island Annual Kingfish Tournament, Fripp Island Resort Inc., Diane McGarry, and Don Peel and Lori McGrath (Sand and Seas Builders, Fripp Island Real Estate, and Springtide Market). Next year's event is already in the planning stages and promises again to show our commitment to better living in our beautiful community! Scenes from the 2013 “Fripp for a Cure” events November 2013 The Trawler 5 Island Groups cont. Fripp Island Friends of Music ENCORE!! ENCORE!! ETA 3 Returns to Fripp!! By Linda Freeman F ripp Island Friends of Music presents a long awaited encore performance by New York City based ETA 3. 3 ETA 3 is a woodwind trio comprising award winning Julliard educated musicians, American FlutistChelsea Knox, Japanese Pianist- Tomoko Nakayama and Russian Clarinetist- Alexey Gorokholinsky. Flutist Chelsea Knox completed her Bachelors and Masters degree at The Juilliard School. Chelsea is an advocate of new music and is a member of the New Juilliard Ensemble and "Juilliard Plays Juilliard." As a soloist, Chelsea has performed recitals in Connecticut and New York as well as concertos with The Hartford Symphony, Juilliard Lab Orchestra, Manchester (CT) Symphony, and Connecticut Youth Symphony. Chelsea has won first prizes in numerous prestigious competitions. Alexey Gorokholinsky A native of Russia, Alexey began his clarinet studies at age 7. Alexey came to the United States at age 15 to attend the Idyllwild Arts Academy (CA) and then The Juilliard School, where he was a full scholarship student. During his freshman year he won The Juilliard Clarinet Concerto Competition. He was also a top prizewinner of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra, Jefferson Symphony, first annual Buffet Crampon, and International Clarinet Association competitions. His latest CD, "Delicacies," showcases a variety of virtuosic and melodic pieces, most of which he arranged for clarinet and piano. Alexey holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from The Juilliard School. Praised for her "superior technical facility and musicianship," Tomoko Nakayama has been acclaimed as both a collaborative pianist and harpsichordist. Tomoko has appeared most recently with the New York Philharmonic Ensembles, at Merkin Concert Hall, New York, and at the Tanglewood Music Festival. As winner of the Samuel Sanders Award, she was a featured artist at the 2008 Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival, and was also resident accompanist for the Buffet Crampon USA Summer Clarinet Academy in 2007. Tomoko is a member of the Chamber Orchestra of New York, playing both piano and celesta. A native of Japan, Tomoko holds a Bachelor of Music degree in harpsichord and a Master of Music degree in Collaborative Piano, both from The Juilliard School. Sunday, November 17th, 5:00PM at The Community Centre Tickets at the door: Adults $25 per person / $10 for students. All attendees are invited to join the artists at an included Harold’s Catering event following the performance. Information: (843) 838-6655 or MARKETPLACE FIPOA neither endorses, recommends, nor disapproves persons or companies that advertise in The Trawler 6 The Trawler November 2013 Island Groups cont. Fripp Island Women’s Club News By Marsha Priem Fripp Island Women’s Club Officers 2013 – 2014 he first General Membership meeting led by President Anne Hoyle was held on October 16th at the Fripp Island Community Centre, with ongoing and new members in attendance for a wonderful and informative program by representatives of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. About 70 attended the presentation by Andrea Sisino and Kathleen Jordan, who are from the Beaufort area, which took place in the Chapel. Classes are held at the USC campuses in Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Beaufort. A discussion on the history, goals, membership, and curriculum gave everyone a good idea what’s available in our area when it comes to classes, workshops, and field trips for adult lifelong learners. As a special bonus, each Women’s Club member was given a curriculum guide and special guest pass to a class of their choice sponsored by “OLLI.” Afterwards, there were refreshments provided by the FIWC Board, as members socialized and greeted new members. Many sponsored events are scheduled this year including the annual Women’s Club home tour in March. Members are charged $10.00, with non-members paying $20.00. This event shows off the loveliest homes on Fripp Island and has always been a huge success with funds raised for the many charitable organizations to which the FIWC donates their time and money. Won’t you think about joining the FIWC with annual dues of $10.00 and help promote the many projects that have been planned? Most recently, the beautification committee, chaired by Cyndi White, worked with the FIPOA to enhance the area around the firehouse with new landscaping, plants, memorial bench, and pavers. Also, on October 11th, the Adopt-a-Highway was a huge success with T November 2013 19 volunteers picking up 61 bags of trash with a total of 46Volunteer hours!! When you drive past Gay Seafood and over the Harbor Island Bridge towards Boondocks, think about how beautiful it is now thanks to the hard work and the removal of so much trash in that area. On that same Friday, Sheila Tindall organized the Flu Shot Clinic at the Community Centre, which is such a convenience for our residents. There will also be a Health Fair soon to come early in 2014! More wonderful programs are planned for this year including a Volunteer Fair at the Community Centre for our next meeting on November 20th at 10:00AM. And you don’t want to miss the December 11th luncheon at the Beach Club, or the January 15th meeting with renowned author, Cassandra King. Please take a minute and find out more information about membership, our mission, officers, committees, events, and charitable activities at our new website The Trawler 7 Island Sports NINE HOLE MEN’S GOLF GROUP By Mike Wilt and October featured outstanding weather for the most part for the Nine Hole men’s group. Rain disrupted play on S eptember September 11 , preventing some of the teams from completing their round. As fall approached, the number of golfers playing on th Wednesday mornings has increased from the summer months. A variety of games were played these past two months, including Powerball, redball, two low net, individual flight competition, stableford, and two low net using a variety of A, B, C, and D player scores. September saw the end of Don Brink’s term as President of the Nine Hole Group. Mike Virostek has taken on the new role of President. The Nine Hole men sincerely appreciate the time and effort that Don gave in his role as President. The annual meeting and dinner was held on September 15th at Cat Island. Members had the opportunity to play 9 or 18 holes and enjoy dinner with a spouse or guest as well. The group sponsored a scramble tournament on October 9th for the Nine Hole Ladies Group. Nearly 50 participated in the event, which culminated in a luncheon at Peg Legs. A variety of winners for the past weeks included John Dunphy, Ron Grabarczyk, Ed Smith, Larry Sigafoos, Dave Martin, Dufffy Howard, Walter Dany, Dave Moore, Pete Simone, Jim Click, Tom Hunter, Rusty Prophater, Steve Schnobrich, Permindra Bindra, Rick DiSerafino, Gary Bond, Don Aldrich, Mike Wilt and Mike Jahn. There are currently approximately 80 active members in the group. A new website is now being used for the men’s nine-hole group. To sign up to play every Wednesday morning at go to the website at Fripp Island Women’s Golf Association By Susan Price O ur fall weather has been absolutely beautiful. Warm temperatures, clear blue skies and gentle breezes. Just the way golfers love it!! On Tuesday, September 17th, after our scheduled round of golf, our FIWGA held our annual business meeting and luncheon. At this time, our 2014 slate of officers were announced. Kathryn Woolley will be our President, Jan Pringle, Vice President; Joyce Zanone, Secretary; and Jane Cuffe will once again be the Treasurer. We look forward to next year and the exciting events that will be held. Remember, you can be a member of our group for only $50.00 per year. Come out and enjoy golf with a fun group of ladies. 8 On Friday, September 20th, our Par 6 organization began its season. The 6 golf associations met here at Fripp Island for their first match. Fripp came in 2nd place that day. The 6 teams met again on Friday, October 19th at Dataw Island, and after a lot of great golf, Fripp is now in 4th place…but they have 4 more matches to play in their season. The next match will be Friday, November 15th at Rose Hill. Good luck girls! On Tuesday, September 24th, the first round of our FIWGA Championship tournament was held. The wind was so strong it was hard to control ANY shot. The final round was played the following Tuesday, October 1st to decide the winners in each division. Our Low Gross Over All winner was Kathryn Woolley and runner-up was Linda Ashby. Other winners were: for Flight A, Pat Howard, runner-up was Jan Pringle; Flight B winner was Diane McGarry, runner up was Barbara Hess; Flight C winner was Sue Ranieri and runner-up was Susan Price and Flight D winner was Joyce Zanone with the runner up being Sam Taylor. Congratulations to all these fine golfers. Photos & cont. next pg. The Trawler November 2013 Island Sports cont. FIGWA cont. On Tuesday, October 15th, we invited the Callawassee Women’s Golf Association to an Exchange Day of golf here at Fripp. What a wonderful day for 40 golfers that enjoyed our beautiful Ocean Point golf course and then a delicious lunch at the Beach Club. As we look toward cooler…sometimes even “cold” at tee time…weather, we always want to keep our golf games “up to par”…so for fun, I decided to ask Char Cormier, our Director of Golf, what he felt was the “biggest problem” for the women golfers here on Fripp. His answer was “distance control” on our long putts. His advice is to practice…practice…practice…for longer putts; standing taller and using more hands in the stroke. To really understand this technique, plan to take a lesson from Char, Todd, or Matt to start hearing the balls drop in the cup! On Thursday, October 24th, the 9 and 18 Hole Women’s Golf Associations held our “Fripp for a Cure” golf tournament. 104 golfers enjoyed a chilly, but beautiful day of golf, an outstanding luncheon and so many amazing items up for auction. This year $31,800 was brought in for this wonderful cause. As in the past years, all the money raised goes to the BMF Keyserling Cancer Center in Beaufort, South Carolina. This is such a special day for a special reason and we thank Cathy Keup, Patti Mathews, Rayma Griffin, Pat Earl and all their committees for a job WELL DONE. Flight A winner, Pat Howard Flight B winner, Diane McGarry McGarry Flight C winner, Sue Ranieri FIWGA Championship Over All winner, winner, Kathryn Woolley The FIPOA is always looking for volunteers! All Committees, PEC, Folding/Stuffing… If you have an interest in contributing to your POA, please call (843) 838-4155. Flight D winner, Joyce Zanone November 2013 The Trawler 9 Boating & Fishing FRIPP ISLAND INSHORE FISHING TOURNAMENT HOLIDAYS ON THE WAY WITH GOOD FOOD AND GOOD FISHING W ith the weather being this beautiful, it is time to enjoy the fall fishing which has been good so far this season! Many of you enjoy golf, tennis, or a good book, but rarely take the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Fripp’s beautiful waterways and the nature that surrounds us. We are fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful areas in America. The fishing is good, but you get spectacular when you combine good fishing with this area’s natural beauty. Enjoy the view, it is one of the few priceless things we get for free. Our fall fishing has been good: Inshore: Good; large Redfish, Trout, Whiting, and Shark. Flounder are hard to find this year. The Shrimp baiting season has been poor this fall, but the local oysters are good. Lewis Turner with a beautiful 30 lb. Red Snapper caught off Fripp Island By Captain Ralph Goodison T he Fripp Island Owen Perry Memorial Fishing Tournament was scheduled for October 25th & 26th. All fisherman were invited to this charity fishing tournament, with the proceeds going to help fund Camp Rainbow, a camp for kids with cancer and rare blood diseases. The tournament started on Friday night with registration and a captains’ meeting, followed by a low country cookout by Chef Doolittle. After the cookout, everyone attended the presentation by Roger A. Vega, MD, and the live auction with all proceeds going to Camp Rainbow. Fishing started at 7:00 AM on a beautiful October Saturday morning and ended with an awards ceremony followed by weigh-ins at 5:00 PM. The tournament was a great success in raising $3,800 for Camp Rainbow. John Lee took 1st place with the largest Red Drum Bass at 5 lbs. 2nd place went to Bruce Whaton with a 3.02 lb. bass. Bruce also won the bass with the most spots, his fish bosted six spots. First place for largest Trout was Stuart Mitchell with a 2.4 lb. fish, And 2nd place to John Lee with a 2 lb. Trout. The other category was won by Dave Freeman with a 17 lb. Bonnet Head Shark. The weigh-ins were enjoyed by a large group of spectators. After weigh ins, Lewis Turner thanked the Doolittle Company and Chef Dee Doolittle for a great low country cookout. He also thanked the Fripp Company, Grayco Company, and Sea Island Marine for sponsorship support. The Fripp Island Marina’s next tournament will be the Thanksgiving Kids Fishing Tournament Friday 29, November 2013. All kids are invited to the tournament but must bring their own rods, reels and an adult sponsor. For more information call the Marina at (843) 838-1517. 10 Offshore: Excellent; Black Bass. Good; Red Snapper, Trigger, Grunt, Spanish and Kingfish. Slow; Wahoo and Dolphin. The Trawler MARKETPLACE To advertise in The Trawler, contact Stewart DeWitt (843) 838-5970. Online ads are clickable links to your website. November 2013 Sea Rescue Welcome Aboard Gretchen Montgomery and Dave Tindall By PJ Fineis P lease join us with a hardy Welcome to Sea Rescue for Gretchen Montgomery and Dave Tindall. Both have recently joined Fripp Island Sea Rescue to support our squad in one of the most critical positions we have. They have volunteered to staff the Base Phone which requires 24/7 coverage. Base phone coverage is where all sea rescue activity begins with a call from Beaufort County Dispatch, Fire Dept., Coast Guard, DNR, or concerned citizen; it all starts with the Base Phone. It is a huge help to have that activity centralized between two people that will receive those calls, and then dispatch rescue information as required to the squad member who has the Duty Phone that week. From there, all rescue activity will be put into motion. We cannot thank you enough for your help and assistance in this key role. Sea Rescue Call Activity: September–October 2013 Saturday, Sept. 7th, 9:42 PM: Tee Cooper received call from Beaufort Dispatch regarding distress red flair sighting over the ocean. With no additional details FISR was standing by. At 10:26 PM received call from dispatch that it was Coast Guard training and we were to stand down. Thursday, Sept. 19th, 5:15 PM: PJ Fineis receives call from dispatch regarding two fishermen in Johnson Creek north end of Hunting Island that appeared to be stranded. Call made to Hunting Island ranger to confirm resulted in confirmation that both fisherman had kayaks, and were in no trouble. Monday, Sept. 9th, 6:00 AM: 14 Ft. Sailboat missing between Edisto and Fripp. Coast Guard called for assistance with search, and Bob Bicknell to dispatch Ralph Burchfield and Cliff Spann were dispatched. 7:30 AM, Coast Guard clarifies sailboat had beached itself on another island for the night, and returned to Edisto at 7:00 AM. Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 9:39 PM: Charlie McCoy receives call from Dispatch regarding Captain stranded on water near Otter Island and Ashepoo River. Charlie determined boat was out of our area and was also advised DNR was responding. Charlie contacted Beaufort Water Search & Rescue and advised them of location. Through constant follow up with BWS&R, and DNR, Charlie was advised that the boater had been rescued at 3:40 AM and all was well. A Coast Guard Cutter had also been launched from Charleston to join the search, but returned after boaters were located. Thank you Charlie for staying with this case over six hours. Friday Oct. 18th, 10:33 AM: Coast Guard called with distress call from “The Miss Kathy” shrimp boat received on channel 16. Wednesday, Sept 11th, 12:25 PM: Barry Stean receives call from Dispatch requesting help to locate overturned boat in Egg Bank vicinity. Coast Guard already involved and has made rescue of distressed person on Egg Bank, while Allan Price and Bob Bicknell search area for distressed boat. See picture at right for results of their search. Price & Bicknell advise Coast Guard of location and return to dock. November 2013 Cont. next pg. The Trawler 11 Sea Rescue cont. September – October cont. There was an unconscious man on board and provided only rough coordinates at the time. Cliff Spann, Bill Lyman & Dick Work took Bill Lyman’s boat as it was determined the “Miss Kathy” was two miles offshore of the lighthouse. Attempts to contact the boat failed, as it was later learned the man down was the Captain. The Hustler was another boat nearby, and was relaying CPR instructions to the “Miss Kathy” crew. The Hustler towed the “Miss Kathy” towards Harbor Island Bridge, where Fripp Island Sea Rescue intercepted at 11:17 AM. They transferred the patient to Lyman’s boat at 11:30. CPR was given while transporting to Butch’s Landing where Lady’s Island EMS was waiting. Spann, Lyman and Work returned to the Marina at 12:08 where it was later learned the Captain had experienced a major heart attack and had passed away. Fripp Island Sea Rescue has provided the following assistance through the end of October: Number of Calls: 42 People requiring assistance: 45 Adults, 22 Children Number of vessels involved: 21 Boats, 3 Jet Skis, 2 Rafts, 4 Beach Calls, 3 Kayaks, and 3 Shrimp Boats. Three calls from Coast Guard for assistance with “Visual Inspection of water craft or validation”. Please Visit the FIPOA Website TO REPORT A MARINE EMERGENCY, call Beaufort County Dispatch at 911 or Fripp Island Security at 838-2334 F.I.P.O.A. 225 Tarpon Blvd Fripp Island SC 29907 The Trawler
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