MAROC, a generic photomultiplier readout chip - Omega
MAROC, a generic photomultiplier readout chip - Omega
MAROC, a generic photomultiplier readout chip Sylvie Blin, Pierre Barrillon and Christophe de La Taille, member IEEE Abstract– The MAROC ASICs family is dedicated to the readout of 64-channel Multi Anode PMT and similar detectors. Its main roles are to correct the gain spread of MAPMT channels thanks to an individual variable gain preamplifier and to discriminate the input signals (from 50fC i.e 1/3 photo-electron) in order to produce 64 trigger outputs. A multiplexed analog charge output is also available with a dynamic range around 10 pe (~1.6 pC) and a 12 bit Wilkinson ADC is embedded. Three versions of this chip have been submitted. MAROC 2 is the production version for the ATLAS luminometer and MAROC3 is a version with lower dissipation and significant improvements concerning the charge (30 pe: ~5 pC) and trigger (discrimination from 10fC). This third version showed very good characteristics that are presented here. Front end electronic 24 MAPMTs Fibers connectors Scintillating fibers ×10 I. INTRODUCTION MAROC stands for Multi-Anode ReadOut Chip. It has been designed to readout 64 channels photomultipliers. The main application that will use MAROC is the ATLAS luminometer [1] which is made of 8 Roman Pots (RP). They consist in 0.5mm2 scintillating fibers arranged in 10 planes in the U and V directions. Each plane is composed by 64 fibers. The light produced is then collected by multi-anode photomultiplier tubes H7546 from Hamamatsu [2], that will run at 800 to 950 V which corresponds to a gain of 3.105 to 2.106. These PMTs have an important non-uniformity that cannot be corrected by applying a different high voltage to each channel. Therefore one has to amplify the output signal with different factors for each channel. Figure 1 shows a schematic of a Roman Pot and the front end electronic. In total eight RPs, equipped with around 200 chips MAROC2 [3] installed on dedicated PCB called PMF [4], have been installed at 240m from the ATLAS interaction point. Other applications using PMTs or silicon PMs, like medical imaging and neutrino experiments, are using second and third versions of MAROC. S. Blin, P. Barrillon, C. de la Taille are members of the CNRS/IN2P3/LAL/OMEGA, UPS 11 - Bat 200, Orsay, FRANCE ( Roman Pot Fig. 1. Schematic of a Roman Pot and the front-end electronics. II. ASIC OVERVIEW A. Main features The third version of this ASIC has been submitted in order to fix few bugs and improve performances. Similarly to previous versions it has been designed in AMS Si-Ge 0.35 µm technology and developed with a CQFP240 package. It has an area of 16 mm2 (4 mm × 4 mm) and operates with 3.5V power supply. Its power consumption is around 220 mW (3.5mW/ch). Fig. 2. Layout of the third version of MAROC The block diagram of the ASIC is given in Figure 3. For each of the 64 channels, the PM signal is first amplified thanks to a variable gain preamplifier which has low noise and low input impedance (about 50 ohms) to minimise crosstalk (lower than 0.25%). It allows compensating for the PM gain dispersion up to a factor 4 to an accuracy of 1.5% with 8 bits. The amplified current then feeds a slow shaper combined with two Sample and Hold buffers to store the charge in 2pF and provide (5 MHz) an analog and digital multiplexed charge output up to 5pC. A second S&H has been added in order to allow the measurement of both the baseline and the maximum of the signal. The digital charge output is provided by a 8, 10 or12 bit ADC Wilkinson. In parallel, 64 trigger outputs are produced via fast channels: two fast shapers (one unipolar and another bipolar) followed by one discriminator are dedicated for the photon electron counting and one bipolar fast shaper with lower gain followed by its discriminator has been added to provide a trigger signal at higher input charge. The 2 discriminator outputs are multiplexed to provide only 64 trigger outputs. The thresholds are loaded by 2 internal 10-bit DACs common for the 64 channels. Two outputs (OR1 and OR2) are implemented to make a OR of 64 triggers obtained from the first and the second discriminators. This new feature can be use to perform a charge measurement in auto trigger mode. Like MAROC2 the sum of up to eight preamplifier outputs is produced. 8 SUMs - A charge measurement up to 30 photoelectrons with a linearity of 2% or better - A cross talk of 1% - A noise of 2 fC The results of the characterization tests carried out to check these specifications are presented in the next section. III. CHARACTERISATION TESTS A. Laboratory test set-up The test board developed at LAL in order to perform the characterization tests is showed on Figure 4. This top view exhibits the principal elements: the MAROC chip in its package, the control FPGA (Altera), the USB port and the 64 channels PM socket. Hold 1 Hold 2 (pedestal) (pulse max) CHANNEL 63 in_ADC CHANNEL 0 EN_ADC=1 and H1H2_choice=1 Fig. 4. Picture of the test board used for characterization tests. S&H SUM of 8 channels gnd 3 4 MUX S&H Variable slow shaper RC cmd_sum EN_ADC=1 and H1H2_choice=0 Multiplex charge output gnd cmd_ss 5 cmd_fsu in63 cmd_fsb_fsu Unipolar Fast shaper Preamplifier in0 Gain correction (8 bits) 4 cmd_fsb cmd_fsb_fsu Bipolar Fast shaper Vth 0 Half Bipolar Fast shaper Vth 1 MAROC3 Vbandgap Bias Hit_ch0 Hit_ch63 mask_2 d1[63..0] LVDS/CMOS Bandgap MUX d2 Discri Common to the 64 channels Clk_40M Clkb_40M d1 Discri mask_1 4 d2[63..0] DAC 0 Vth 0 DAC 1 Vth 1 10 bits OR1 OR2 Wilkinson ADC in_ADC 8bits, 10bits or 12 bits ADC_output 10 bits Fig. 3. Block diagram of MAROC3 B. Requirements The main requirements concerning MAROC are the following: - A 0-4 variable gain preamplifier in order to correct for the PM non uniformity. - The trigger efficiency must reach 100% for a signal larger than 1/3 of photoelectron (pe), which corresponds to a charge of 50 fC for a PM functioning at gain 106 (900 V). In addition to the test board and the control PC, other equipments were used: a pulse generator to provide the input signal through a 10 pF capacitor, a voltmeter and an oscilloscope in order to visualize the charge or trigger outputs. The board and the other elements of the set-up were controlled through LabVIEW software [5] via USB and GPIB respectively. A complete set of tests was available to check MAROC performances [6]. The data analysis was performed mainly with Igor, PAW and ROOT software [7]. B. Performances 1) Trigger outputs The trigger signal appears when the fast shaper output signal (Bipolar fast shaper: negative pulse for example) crosses the threshold value set by a 10-bit DAC which is common to all channels. DAC0 and DAC1 are respectively associated to the first and second discriminator. A slow control bit allows to improve the accuracy of DAC0 (small DAC) while reducing its ranges. The figure 5 shows the linearity of these DACs which consists in measuring the amplitude (Vdac) obtained for different DAC register values. By fitting this line in the region without saturation, we obtained a nice linearity of ± 0.2 % on a large range. The evolution of the 50% trigger efficiency input charge as a function of the channel number without and with gain adjustment gives a mean value is about 461 uDAC and rms decrease from 8 to 5 uDAC. Similarly good performances were reached scanning the injected charge while the threshold was fixed. The effect of the threshold on these s-curves was studied by looking at them on selected range of the DAC. S-curves were recorded for a single channel for 100 different DAC values (Figure 8). Fig. 5. DAC linearity Well known S-curves were also studied. They correspond to the measurement of the trigger efficiency during a scan of the input charge or the threshold while the other parameters, like the preamplifier gain, are kept constant. Figure 6 and 7 represent the trigger efficiency, obtained with FSB1, as a function of the threshold for the 64 channels of a single chip with 50fC (which corresponds 1/3pe.). This measurement has been performed with all channels set at unity gain or after an adjustment of gain showing nice uniformity. Fig. 8. Trigger efficiency of the one channel as a function of the injected charge at different threshold value Figure 9 represents the evolution of the 50 % trigger efficiency input charge as a function of the applied threshold. The gain of the fast shaper is about 2.3V/pC and the minimal input charge for which we can trig is 5fC. Fig. 6.Trigger efficiency of the 64 channels as a function of the DAC value for 50fC injected charge and the same preamplifier gain Fig. 9. 50% trigger efficiency as function of the threshold 2) Charge output The charge is digitized by a 8, 10 or 12-bit ramp ADC. The pedestals of all channels have been measured (Figure 10) and show a nice homogeneity and a dispersion equivalent of 3fC at unity gain. Fig. 7. Trigger efficiency of the 64 channels as a function of the DAC value for 50fC injected charge and adjustment preamplifier gain charge data output. If the preamplifier gain is lower than 8 the charge measurement can reach 30pC. The trigger and charge crosstalk have been decreased. All the characteristics tested so far have matched the requirements [8]. This will allow the use of MAROC3 chips for all experiments using MaPMTs. REFERENCES [1] Fig. 10. Pedestals as function of channel via 12-bit ADC Fig. 11. Histogram of pedestals for 3 channels The linearity of the charge measurement has been checked at different preamplifier gain (Figure 12). A linear fit was performed on a limited range (e.g: 0 to 3pC for unity gain and 0 to 30pC for gain 1/16) to get 2% linearity. The gain of the charge measurement is from 636 uadc/pC (159 mV/pC) for the unity gain to 35 uadc/pC (9 mV/pC) for the gain 1/16. Fig. 12. Charge linearity for different preamplifier gain. IV. CONCLUSION Most of the tests carried out have showed improved performances with respect to the other versions of MAROC. With MAROC3 it is easy to obtain triggers for an input charge down to 10fC and to adjust the preamplifier gain to have good homogeneity. In this ASIC the internal ADC permits digitized ATLAS Collaboration, ATLAS Forward Detectors for Measurement of Elastic Scattering and Luminosity Determination, Technical Design Report, CERN/LHCC/2007-xxx [2] Hamamatsu web site, PM H7546B datasheet. [3] P. Barrillon et al., MAROC: Multi-Anode ReadOut Chip for MAPMTs, proceedings of 2007 IEEE conference. [4] P Barrillon et al., PMF: the front end electronic of the ALFA detector, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 623 (2010), pp. 463-465 [5] LabVIEW web page: [6] P. Barrillon et al., MAROC3 Labview software manual – USB version 1, April 2010. [7] Igor Pro, web site: Paw software web site: ROOT software web site: [8] P. Barrillon et al., 64-channel Front-End readout chip – MAROC3 datasheet –
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