PUBLIC AUCTION Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 26, 2011-B29 Antiques and Collectibles Auctions SATURDAY APRIL 2, 2011 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE - FURNITURE WHISKEY DECANTERS - ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES GLASS BASKETS - ADVERTISING - HOUSEHOLD GOODS LOCATION: 50 Summer Hill Rd, Bernville, Jefferson Twp., Berks Co., Pa. At east end of Rehrersburg - bear left on New Schaefferstown Rd. to blinker light - continue 3 miles to Tulpehocken High School - pass athletic fields - right onto Tulpehocken St. to stop sign - right 1.1 miles on Summer Hill Road to house on right. From Bernville north on route I83 - left on New Schaefferstown Rd. at tattoo parlor to New Schaefferstown - left onto Tulpehocken St. to Summer Hill Rd. 175’ x 309’ lot with a 2 story bungalow. Main floor: kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms; full bath & enclosed entrance. Full basement w/ finished family room w/ bar and laundry/utility room w/ shower. Second floor: walk through storage area. Other particulars: oil hot air heat w/ 1 yr. old furnace - on lot septic system - drilled well - shingle roof macadam driveway - 11’ x 38’ rear porch w/ roof - alum. storm windows - mature trees. 32’ x 22’ vinyl sided 2 car garage w/ overhead doors & attached workshop. (2) small storage buildings. Nice country location. INSPECTION: Barry 717-866-9079. LEGAL INFORMATION: Att. Edwin Kershner 610-376-1515. TERMS: 10% down payment auction day - balance due at settlement within 45 days - purchaser pays the 2% transfer costs. Real estate offered w/reserve at 12:00 noon. (1) bow side and (2) square china closets; 4 section oak stack bookcase; maple glass door hutch; asst. glass front display cabinets; (2) old floor safes; GE refrigerator; 6 lite corner cupboard; Adler sewing machine w/ cabinet; new 5000 btu window AC; jewelry chest; (3) Electrolux sweepers; Vizio 32” flat screen TV (1 yr. old); (30+) glass baskets; (14, pcs. carnival glass; Howe brass beam scale; Womelsdorf, Bernville & Tulpehocken, etc. books; cigarette lighters; (3) bowl/pitcher sets; chicken crate; Eagle model made w/ dimes & pennies; miniature ceramic & metal dogs & horses; view master; Harry Kline - Rehrersburg store plate; local calendars; horse pictures; pressed & pattern glass; Filber - Womelsdorf pitcher; Chez. & Bavaria Elk & Moose cream pitchers; Carrolton serv. for 8 flatware; nest of Pyrex bowls; cookbooks; 2 cushion Round About game; gum ball machine; (20+) cast iron animal door stops; kerosene lamps; rosettes; buttons; (2) 1 horse wagons w/ horse; cuckoo clock; (2) mantle clocks; frosted glass; pocket knives; wrist watches; rings; (4) new Rowe crocks; apple tea set; wind up animals; advertising pcs.; (5) cast iron skillets; miniature china closet; bone handle knives/forks; radios; kitchen utensils; roast pans; cake pedestals; Shirley Temple bowl & pitcher; Gone w/ The Wind lamp; records and other unlisted items. 200+ WHISKEY DECANTERS - BEER RELATED ITEMS Wild Turkey; Lionstone; fighting gamecock; Indians; Eagles; wildlife; Elvis; Jenny Lind; Hoffman originals; Ski Country; McCormick Wild West; Michters; Last Chance; Mountain Goat; (2) Beam cars; Rolling Rock horse; Reading Beer clock; Bud, Schlitz, etc. signs; Budweiser 8 horse hitch; revolving Budweiser hitch light; Michters jacket; and other related items. AUCTION ORDER: small items - 12:00 real estate - 12:30 furniture - small items. TERMS: cash, check or credit card - 3% buyers premium waived w/ payment by cash/ check. FOOD: Fryers on Tires. Announcements auction day take precedence over any previous printed or oral information. Auction for HAROLD R. LUTZ ESTATE Sharon Kramer - Executrix Barry Lutz - Executor PUBLIC AUCTION Brass Cash Register, Shenfelder Décor. Crock, Carnival Glass, Mpl. Corner Cupbrd., Grandfather Clocks, International Time Recording Clock, Woodworking Tools, Antiques, Furniture FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2011 @ 3:00 P.M. LOCATION: Saucony Hall, 85 Industrial Ave, Kutztown, Berks Co Pa DIRECTIONS: From E Main St in Kutztown, turn right onto Willow St, 1 block, turn right onto Industrial Ave to Saucony Hall on right. FURNITURE: (2) tallcase grandfather clocks w/rattail hinges handmade by David Moyer, Fleetwood, 1 in tiger maple & 1 in walnut; lg L& sm dropleaf tbls both handmade by David Moyer; 12 pane mpl corner cupbrd w/rattail hinges handmade by David Moyer; oak sleigh bed; oak commode w/towel bar; oak chiffioner; oak washstand; oak turned leg stand; rd oak claw ft ped tbl;oak drop-leaf ext tbl; oak music cab; dvtld wall mount desk; dvtld dbl lidded wood box; jelly cpbrd; set of 5 dÈcor chrs; sm blanket chest; ANTIQUES & COLLECT: oak case International time recording clock; approx 25+/- clocks include gingerbread, Ansonia, Regulator, wall clocks, & shelf clocks; shelf clock w/mother of pearl handles; brass National cash register #337; lg. & sm strap bells; 1856 brass desk bell w/pheasant; brass handbells; brass jelly buckets, spittoons, eng oilers, cigar tin, elec ceiling light w/prisms; Shenfelder 1 gal décor crock; vari crocks; grape Carnival glass water set; Peacock at the Fountain ruffle edge bowl; Orange Tree Carnival glass footed bowl; windmill Carnival pitcher; approx 25 peanut butter glasses; spatterware creamer; 1915 Hanna ruby flash; Flow Blue C&S; 1939 Worlds Fair Commem red transfer plate; grn custard bowls; paper mache rabbit; tabernacle mirror; pineapple butter print; Berks Co history books vol 1&2; 1956 Ford manual; old Valentine cards; O.H. Heffner match tin; Hamilton Beach & Gilchrist ice cream scoops; Santacilla 6 string guitar; Spanish sword; vari military items; lead soldiers & military figures; vintage clothing; ladies hats; Star, Sunflower, & other quilts; Sultana peanut butter tins; dough mixer; Nickerbocker Mills coffee tin; 2&3 prong flesh forks; butchering ladles; Rochester copper tea kettle; old photos & postcards; Dietz buggy lamps; CI fry pans include: Griswold #0, sq egg skillet, Wapak #8 & #10; TOOLS & MISC: Delta bench top drill press; Boice Crane spindle sander; Craftsman 6” belt & disc sander; Sears 6” jointer/planer; Freud biscuit jointer; shaper; Stlas flr mdl drill press w/mortising attach; Delta radial arm saw; Parks 12” surface planer; Knockwell wood lathe; Rockwell port jigsaw; DeWalt tbl saw; Wallace 16” bandsaw, American trim cutter; Rockwell bandsaw; Hawk scroll saw (like new); dbl whl bench grinder; Sears 100 psi air compressor; bar clamps; lathe chisels; hand tools; antique tools; Stanley #2, 113 & 191 planes; Stanley rabbet plane; Bailey #3 & 6 planes; lots of wdn block planes; #4, 6, 8, 55, 63, 64, & 80 drawknives; and many items not mentioned. *Refreshments on Premises * Auction For: David Moyer, Bruce Gauker POA TERMS: Cash or Honorable Pa check, in full day of auction. No Buyer’s premium! CLARENCE N. SHIRK AUCTION SERVICE 610-683-5093 KUTZTOWN, PA AU-3757-L “SHIRK” YOUR AUCTION WORK HARRY’S AUCTION Leola, PA 17540 (717) 656-2436 (717) 656-8919 Lancaster, Pa. Farm Toy Show & Auction Saturday April 9, 2011 Held at the Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 off Rt. 72, behind Conestoga Marine and Jones Honda. ~TOY SHOW~ 9:00 A.M.--2:00 P.M.~ Largest area show for Farm & Construction toys Also Pedal Tractors, Construction toys, Trucks, Literature & more. AUCTION SE ING R D D VICE E R Pa’s Largest Firearm Company No Buyers Premium Auction Facility To Be Held At Redding Auction Service - Located Taking Route 34 - ½ Mile North Of Gettysburg, Pa - Bear Right At Y (At Car Wash) & Continue 2-Miles On Table Rock Road To Auction Site - On Saturday, April 9 - 2011 Sale Begins At 9:00 A.M. $1.00 off show admission with this ad. Firearms To Be Sold At Approx. 1:00 P.M. Sale Day Inspection Only - Doors Open At 7:00 A.M. 80+ Firearms - Collectible & Modern Ammunition Nice Lot Small Firearm Related Items Fine Lot Large “Snap-On” Mechanics Chest “Snap-On” Side Chest “Mac” Service Dolly - Fine Lot “Snap-On” “Matco” - “Blue-Point” And Other Mechanices Tools Consignment Farm Toy Auction 4 pm Sunday, April 10 - 2011 $$$$ SAVE $$$$ FARM TOYS OF ALL BRANDS. New in the box, fixer-uppers. Also pedal tractors, Caterpillar Construction pcs. & trucks. Auctioneers: Randy Stoltzfus AU-1906=717-656-8919 Richard Harry AU-2183=717-656-2436 For consignment and show information please phone (717) 656-8919 or (717) 656-2436 PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, March 28th @ 6:00P.M. Location: Walnut Bottom Fire Hall, Walnut Bottom Pa. 17266 Directions: From Rt. 81 take exit 29, {King St.} Walnut Bottom Rd. Go East on Rt. 174. Go approx. 5 miles to Walnut Bottom, turn left on Firehouse Rd. {at Brookside Market} Follow to Fire Hall. GUNS: Winchester Guns: Winchester mdl. 42 410 skeet; mdl. 43 218B; mdl. 43 22 hornet; mdl. 61 22 pump; 22 mag. pump; mdl. 70 XTR 30-06; mdl. 70 Ranger 270 w/ scope; mdl. 70 243; mdl. 1906 22 pump; mdl. 72 22, bolt action; mdl. 840 12ga.; mdl. 67A 22 single shot; mdl. 1300 12ga. w/ scope; mdl. 37 12ga.; mdl. 37 20ga.; mdl. 70 223 super short mag.; Remington Guns: Remington mdl. 788 44 rem. mag.; 7600, 6mm; mdl.700 22 -250 w/ scope; mdl. 700 6mm w/ scope; mdl. 700 7mm; mdl. 760 gamemaster 300 savage; mdl. 760 30-06 w/ scope; mdl. 788 308 carbine; mdl. 700 7mm mag; mdl. 700 22-250; mdl. 700 270; mdl. 788 222; mdl. 788 22-250; mdl. 721 30-06 w/ scope; mdl. 870 express mag.2 ¾ & 3" choke; mdl. 870 wingmaster 12ga. pump; mdl. 870 20ga. w/ 2 stocks, NIB; Other Guns: Browning mdl. 81 BLR 7mm 08; Savage mdl. 24F 22 hornet over 12ga.; Marlin mdl. 336 35 lever action; Marlin .17 HMR heavy barrel; Savage mdl. 111 22-250; Tikka 270, NIB; Savage mdl. 99 308; Marlin 22 mag. w/ scope; Sears 22 lever action, rare; Savage 22 hornet; Mossberg 20ga. pump, NIB; JC Higgins 12ga. pump; Savage mdl. 111 270 w/ scope; Ruger mdl. 77 220 swift; Ithaca mdl. 37 16ga. pump; Ithaca mdl. 37 20ga. pump; Iver Johnson 12ga. single shot; J. Stevens Arms. Co. 16ga. single shot; 410 double barrel; Western 410 single shot; Marlin mdl. 195 12ga. pump; New England fire arms 12ga.; Daisy 22, rotary clip, bolt action; Savage mdl. 1914 22 w/ octagon barrel; CBC 12ga. Approx. 150 old & new boxes of ammo.; Early Peters, & Remington boxes; 100+ old sites & clips from guns manufactured from 1950's - 80's; NIB 223 clip, 6mm clip, & many more; Auctioneer Note: OUTSTANDING private collection. This is one sale you do not want to miss. Heated building. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. for preview. TERMS: Cash or Honorable Pa. Check. All out of State checks must be approved by owner or auctioneer. Proper Id needed for Bidder number. Owner and Auctioneers are not responsible for accidents. Food stand provided. All announcements sale day take precedence over all advertising. Darryl Jones AU5194 717-226-0776 Neil Martin AU5405 717-477-8565 Sale Begins At 9:00 A.M. Firearms To Be Sold At Approx. 12:30 P.M. Included In This Auction Are Firearms And Other Items From The Personal Life-Long Collection Of The Raymond & Lucy Day Estates - New Oxford, Pa 160+ Military And Antique Firearms Large Selection Bayonets And Swords Small Civil War/Military Related Items Very NicE Lot Firearm - Civil War Military And Research Books Very Nice Lot Chuck “Caldwell” Civil War & Medal Of Honor Figurines Original Oil On Canvas Of: “General Meade’s Headquarters” By: Charles Young Very Nice Lot Framed And Other Print Art By: Dale Gallon, Don Troiani, John Sullivan, Charles Peterson, Etc. Note: Outstanding Auction From Start To Finish --- Books And Print Art Beginning At Approx. 9:15 A.M. --- “Caldwell” Figurines At Approx. 11:00 A.M. --- Followed By The Original Oil On Canvas And Several Prints - Bayonets/Swords To Be Sold At Approx. 11:30 A..M. Sale Inspection - Saturday, April 9 - 2:00 - 4:00 P.M., And Sale Day --- Doors Open At 7:00 A.M. Redding Auction Service Pa No. Rh-78-L - Gettysburg, Pa Ph: 717-334-6941 Log Onto Web-Site For Complete Sale Listing & Pictures ANTIQUES AUCTION 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2011 MAURER & WILSON’S THIRD STREET GALLERY 132 E. THIRD STREET POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 Antique Furnishings & Decorative Accessories. Tavern Table. Breadboard Tabletop. Crossbuck Tables. Old Blue Spinning Wheel. Antique Wheelbarrow In Old Red Paint. Large Glass Front Spool Cabinet, George A. Clark. Oak Medicine Cabinet. Oak Pedestal Table. Victorian Chests Of Drawers. Dome Top Trunk. Painted Music Stand. Child’s Home Built Hoosier Cabinet. Small, Painted Victorian Corner Cabinet. Small Church Pew. Clock Shelf. Empire Shelf Clock. Anniversary Clock. Arts & Crafts Style Oak Chair. Country French Bedroom Suite By Drexel. Rocking Chairs. Hooded Cradle. Yellow Doll Cradle. Cabinet Maker’s Work Bench. Cherry & Aluminum Drafting Table. Large 1776 Engraving Of “The Waggoner” By Rubens. Pr. Guttmann Prints. Selection Of Scenic Country Prints. Norman Rockwell’s “That Musical Pal Of Mine.” ANTIQUE QUILTS: Six Great Old Quilts From The Blanket Chest Of A Refined Boyertown Lady. These Quilts Were Made By Her Mother And Grandmother. Fan Comfort. Basket Pattern Quilt. Small Patch Design Quilts. Star Quilt. Featherlite Sewing Machine. Antique Illuminated Devices: Punched Tin Chandeliers, Candle Powered & Electrified Varieties. Glossy Wild Rose Victorian Pendant Light. Eight Industrial Style Hanging Light Fixtures. Marble Lamp. Selection Of Antique Andirons, Including Soldiers. Brass Bucket. Copper Scuttles. Wash Boiler. Copper Bed Warmer. Tinware, Toleware, Ironware. Tramp Art & Other Decorative Trays. Agateware. Painted Tin Horse. GARDEN FURNISHINGS: Eleven-Piece Iron Patio Set. Charles Haas Cast Iron Garden Chairs. Art Crete Urns. Gazing Globe. Victorian Birdhouses. Country Style Boxes. Prairie Flower Seed Box. 50 Assorted Baskets. Wicker Fern Stand. Advertising Displays: Cardboard Sunbeam Bread Counter Display, Cardboard Pepsi Cola Santa Counter Display, Blue Nun Wine Counter Display, Children’s Books Counter Display. Stamp Albums. Vintage Photos. Antique Sheet Music. Early Ladies’ Fans, Quite Decorative. Costume Jewelry. Victorian Jackets. Nice Old Linens. Vintage Halloween Aprons. Six Gallon Blue Decorated Crock. Antique Redware Pie Plates. Spongeware Crocks. Fulper Vase To Repair. Fiestaware. Ginger Beer Bottles. 4-Gallon Water Cooler. Art Deco Chargeable Spritzer. Mary Gregory Pitchers. Glass Baskets. Child’s Staffordshire Tea Set. Set Of Limoges Bowls Decorated With Cherubs. Porcelain Long Stemmed Roses. Toy Cannons. Toy Rickshaw. Cloth Horse Floor Toy. Studebaker Pocket Mirror. Battery Powered Scooter. Electric Guitar. Two Telescopes. Scuba Tank. Police & Security Badges. Miner’s Lamp. Political Buttons. Preview: Tuesday, March 29, From 4 P.M. To 6 P.M. And From 8 A.M. Day Of Sale. Terms: 10% Buyer’s Premium. Cash Or Good PA Check w/ Photo ID. (Sorry No Credit Cards.) All Goods As Is, Where Is. Sold Without Minimum Or Reserve. MAURER & WILSON AUCTIONEERS AY001999 610-970-7588 Curtis F. Wilson Kathy Maurer Wilson Auctioneer & Gemologist Auctioneer