Retail Trade Exhibition Exhibition Guide 22-25 August 2013 The Premier Gift, Toy and
Retail Trade Exhibition Exhibition Guide 22-25 August 2013 The Premier Gift, Toy and
Retail Trade Exhibition The Premier Gift, Toy and Décor Trade Exhibition Exhibition Guide 22-25 August 2013 Welcome to SARCDA Christmas 2013! When the first SARCDA Christmas exhibition was launched in the sixties, Bob Dylan was singing about how “times they are a-changing”. But who could have predicted back then (when the office innovation of the day was the golf ball typewriter and telexes provided the only real time office communication) that in 2013 buyers would be receiving their invitations directly to their desks just seconds after being sent? That tablet stations would replace manned information desks? And that holding a small personal communications device over an image would call up exhibition lists and product categories onto the screen? Well, that’s exactly what’s happening at SARCDA Christmas 2013. All communication with our VIP buyers is now electronic – either via email or sms – which means that we are able to keep you up to date easily and cost effectively. Look out for the iPad stations located in each of the halls, where you will be able to view floor plans and search for products by category or exhibitors by name. We’ve also introduced QR codes at the exhibition and scanning the code (using a smart phone that has a QR reader installed) will allow you to view the entire exhibitor list and all the product categories offered. Something else to look out for at the exhibition this year is our refreshed logo. Having served us well for more than 40 years, we thought that the time had come to give the logo a facelift, retaining the familiar ‘S’ but giving it a fresh, modern feel. We hope you like it as much as we do! And don’t forget that the exhibition extends over four halls – take the time to view the entire exhibition, remembering that hall two houses more than the Toy and Party Pavilion. Here you’ll also find What’s new in Local, What’s new in Design and our importers. Thank you for visiting SARCDA Christmas 2013, the SARCDA team wishes you happy buying! Kind regards Teresia Stander Managing Director Retail Trade Exhibition The Premier Gift, Toy and Décor Trade Exhibition Table of Contents SARCDA Organisers ................................... 4 Disclaimer ................................................ 5 Exhibitors A-Z............................................ 6 Floorplans................................................. 17 Exhibitors Company and Product Information.................................... 33 Product Categories..................................... 97 RETAIL TRADE EXHIBITIONS SARCDA TRADE EXHIBITIONS (PTY) Ltd 60 Fanny Avenue, Norwood, Johannesburg, South Africa PO Box 95123, Grant Park, 2051 Tel: +27 11 728 6668 Fax: +27 11 728 5988 Email: Website: Accuracy Notes: Every effort has been made to ensure that this guide is comprehensive and accurate. However SARCDA Trade Exhibitions (Pty) Ltd cannot accept any liability for omissions or errors. Rules: Trade Buyers only. Proof of VAT and Company Registration documents compulsory when registering. No Children under 16 (proof of age required not even babies carried in a papoose allowed), no pets, no photographs, and no selling off stands is allowed. Similarly, no orders, or samples may be collected or removed from the exhibition. Right of Admission Reserved. Directors Mr HG Manolas (Chairman) Ms CA Venter Ms M Cronje Mr DK Gordon Mr T Rabali Ms W Ndlovu Organisers office at SARCDA Christmas 2013 Located at the main entrance of Hall 5 and in Hall 2 Business Centre Located at the main Conference Block (opposite Harold’s Bar) Managing Director Ms Teresia Stander ● 4 ● SARCDA TRADE EXHIBITIONS Disclaimer Please take note of the following: That you enter these premises AT YOUR OWN RISK and that the Organisers of SARCDA TRADE EXHIBITIONS (PTY) Ltd cannot be held responsible nor liable for: Any Accidents, injury or death to or suffered by any one or any loss or damage to property arising from fire, theft or any cause and by whomever, whether or not caused or arising from negligence, (gross or otherwise wrongful act of any person in our employment). You are also required to adhere to all Occupational Health and Safety Requirements as per the Act (ACT 85 of 1993). Right of admission Reserved By Order SARCDA TRADE EXHIBITIONS (PTY) Ltd ● 5 ● Exhibitors A-Z 5 : 4 : 3 : FoD : FoL : L : 2 : TP : Lob : Hall 5 Hall 4 Hall 3 Focus on Design Focus on Local Link between Halls 2 & 3 Hall 2 Hall 2 Toy & Party Pavilion Lobby below Link ● 6 ● Exhibitors A-Z 8th Avenue Trading...................................................................... (2) Y16 A A TOY FOR YOU..................................................................... (2) TP15-18 Adawnment cc....................................................................... (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale.....................................................................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass.......................................................... (2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust...................................................................... (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing........................................................... (3) FoL50 African Affair..................................................................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited.........................................(Link) LN05 Africa’s Legends....................................................................... (3) FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife.......................................................... (3) FoL29 Aliberti....................................................................................... (4) X18 All Things Home................................................................ (5) B28,30&32 Ambadi Enterprises Ltd............................................................... (5) W09 Anna-B Jewellery.............................................................(3) FoD139&140 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.............................................. (3) FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals..................................................... (3) FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI)...............................................................(3) FoL38-43 Artspoken . .............................................................................(3) FoD19 Arya Arts........................................................................... (3) FoD01&02 At Source................................................................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports......................................................................(5) A03&04 AVOOVA.................................................................................. (3) FoL32 B Baby & Me...................................................................................(2) L16 Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery...................................................... (2) K16 Babycraft................................................................................ (2) TP115 Badger Giftware & Décor.........................................................(5) C31&32 Badges Unlimited.......................................................................(2) TP24 Bags 4 U cc.................................................................................(2) L02 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd................................................... (4) E12 Bakiku Art............................................................................. (3) FoD116 Bambury............................................................................. (2) TP29&31 Barely There Gems.......................................................................(2) L06 Basket Warehouse...................................................................... (5) W28 Batucada.................................................................................... (4) X31 Baytiques Trading cc.................................................................... (5) C29 beachyheads............................................................................... (2) K17 Bead Business.......................................................................... (3) FoL36 Beautiful Bags............................................................................. (4) X26 Benguela Trading...................................................................... (3) FoL46 ● 7 ● Exhibitors A-Z Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd.................................................. (5) A23-26&28 Best Breast................................................................................. (4) X32 Big Blue................................................................................ (4) F04&06 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets......................... (Lobby) LoB01 BLEND SA...................................................................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey.......................................................................... (3) FoD144 BOXBURG................................................................................... (2) K19 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags...................................... (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc...............................................................(5) W14a Broc Designs............................................................................ (3) FoL47 Build By Bruce.............................................................................(2) L04 CaraMia™................................................................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA............................................................................. (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc............................................................. (2) TP69-80 Cathby Trading........................................................................... (5) W11 CCDI (Western Cape)............................................................(3) FoL38-43 Ceramics Factory...................................................................... (3) FoL37 Chalco Trading cc........................................................................ (4) E14 Chandra Jewellery....................................................................(3) FoD69 Charisma Candles............................................................(3) FoD145&146 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.......................................................(2) TP44 Cheeky Monkey.......................................................................... (5) W10 Chic Living . .................................................................... (Link) LN01&02 Chimpel (CCDI) ...................................................................(3) FoL38-43 Chiswick Stationery & Crafts........................................................(2) TP06 Christian Art Gifts...................................................................(4) E02&04 Christmas Tree Specialists..............................................(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists............................................................ (5) B40 Christmas World.....................................................................(5) B39&41 Cinnamon Hats and Jewellery.....................................................(3) FoD25 CLASSIC BOND................................................................ (Link) LN03&04 Clifton Products......................................................................(4) X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc........................................................................ (4) X10-12 Clyde Trading.........................................................................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics........................................................... (3) FoD148 Colour Rich Gifts........................................................................ (5) W03 Cominas..................................................................................(3) FoD62 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd.............................................................(3) FoD31 Cotina International................................................................ (4) X01-03 Cottage Craft........................................................................ (4) D08&09 ● 8 ● C Exhibitors A-Z Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts......................................................(2) TP59 Crazy Concepts..........................................................................(2) TP02 Creative Nature........................................................................ (3) FoL09 Crimson Chameleon................................................................ (4) F10&11 D Daddy’s.................................................................................(5) C22&24 Dahlia Creations..................................................................... (3) FoD150 Darrens Novelties cc............................................................. (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art...................................................................... (4) X20 Dazzling Daisies...........................................................................(2) L01 De Kleipot (CCDI).................................................................(3) FoL38-43 Decisions Gifts cc48..........................................(5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.................................................................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse............................................................(5) A01&02 Decorbuzz In and Outdoor............................................................ (2) K10 Delicious Display.................................................................... (4) F01&02 Design Supply..........................................................................(3) FoD91 Designers Choice............................................................(3) FoD80,82&83 Digidecor (Pty) Ltd..................................................................... (2) J04a DJS ......................................................................................... (4) X16 Double Agent......................................................................... (3) FoD132 Dreams Granted.........................................................................(2) TP57 Dryzin Gifts................................................................................ (4) E13 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd.............................................(3) FoD40 Duke & Dutch (CCDI)............................................................(3) FoL38-43 E E Promo..................................................................................... (4) X36 Earthangel Pewter Originals....................................................... (3) FoL53 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s................................................ (3) FoD136 Echobay Trading.......................................................................... (4) E01 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing..................................................(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd................................................................. (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz............................................................................. (2) TP26&28 Elger Laser Cutting................................................................. (3) FoD115 Elsona................................................................................ (3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading..............................................................................(2) L15 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc............................................ (3) FoL28 Emthunzini Hats.......................................................................... (4) F13 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.................................................... (5) B17-20 Eurolux................................................................................. (3) FoD147 Evermore Products.....................................................................(2) TP50 ● 9 ● Exhibitors A-Z Fabricor................................................................................ (5) A17-22 Fabulous Finds.........................................................................(3) FoD26 F FACT....................................................................................... (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch............................................................................. (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd............................................... (5) B01-09 Fantastick Wall Décor................................................................... (2) K12 Fino Bags and Purses.................................................................. (2) L14a Firehorse Brand........................................................................(3) FoD33 Flair Fashions cc.....................................................................(5) A36&38 Flora Mystique cc......................................................................... (5) C25 Forest Life.................................................................................(4) F08a Frank Speier Toy Agencies...................................................... (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC...........................................................(2) TP117&118 Fuego Lifestyle....................................................................... (3) FoD112 FULLSPOT ZA Pty........................................................................ (4) F07 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd................................................................... (5) W07 GAGS.......................................................................................(2) TP30 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc....................................................... (5) W18 G Gift Warehouse........................................................................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus..................................................................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers........................ (5) A35,37&39 Giggles Gifting............................................................................ (4) X15 Ginger Ray..................................................................................(2) J17 Glenart Trading........................................................................... (5) B26 Global Homeware Supplies........................................................... (5) W25 Grey Gardens........................................................................ (3) FoD133 Grow Learning Company.............................................................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys.........................................................................(2) TP55 Head On Design (CCDI).........................................................(3) FoL38-43 Heart And Home...........................................................................(2) L03 Heavenly Earth...................................................................(3) FoL01&02 Hennak...................................................................................... (2) Y02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI).............................................(3) FoL38-43 Heritage Touch cc...................................................................(4) X13&14 High Thorn.........................................................................(3) FoL30&31 Himalayan Handmades cc............................................................(4) F09a Holster....................................................................................... (4) F12 Home and Catering Suppliers............................................... (5) A27,29-32 Homewood Manufacturing....................................................... (3) FoD105 ● 10 ● H Exhibitors A-Z Horizon Furniture............................................................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd....................................................(5) B29&31 I Iconz Art............................................................................... (3) FoD01a Ideal Toy............................................................................. (2) TP08&10 Ikhaya Africa Export.................................................................(3) FoD84 Ilanga Trading............................................................................ (2) J05a IMPO Distributors........................................................................ (4) E05 Impressions............................................................................... (5) W27 Ingrid Moore Imports..............................................................(Link) LN06 Intle Design...............................................................................(2) TP48 Isis Intertrade cc................................................................. (3) FoD09-11 iwasshot in joburg :).....................................................................(2) L11 J J E Living.............................................................................. (3) FoD130 Jambo.................................................................................(3) FoL58-62 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers.................................................................(2) J05 Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers............................................................. (4) E17 Jenam by IMPO Distributors.......................................................... (4) E07 Jo Hope................................................................................... (3) FoL33 Joolz..............................................................................(3) FoD126&128 Joy Collectables...............................................................(3) FoD109&110 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles.................................................. (3) FoD13&14 Jumali Accessories..................................................................(4) X04&05 K Kai Lee Import & Export............................................................... (4) X23 Kapula Candles........................................................................ (3) FoL51 Keith Hamilton Pottery..............................................................(3) FoD96 Kheera....................................................................................... (4) F08 Klein Karoo International Ltd......................................................(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts................................................................ (3) FoL14 Koolaworld Distributors cc.......................................................(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware.........................................................(2) M07 Kristal Home Textiles..............................................................(5) A40&42 Kruizement.............................................................................. (3) FoL57 Kuleli Designs............................................................................. (2) K05 L L + P Textiles Pty Ltd................................................................... (4) F03 La Maison du Savon de Marseilles...................................................(2) L17 LA Toscana Investments............................................................... (4) E11 Laser Edge Designs...................................................................(3) FoD63 Lauriana Designs..........................................................................(2) J04 ● 11 ● Exhibitors A-Z Layette Essentials........................................................................ (2) K14 LazyCatz Studio.......................................................................... (2) K11 LCM -ZSISKA......................................................................... (3) FoD118 Lenso Lifestyle.................................................................. (5) B44,46&48 Lisa Martin..................................................................................(2) L08 Lizawithlove.............................................................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports...........................................................................(3) FoD18 Looky Bag.................................................................................(2) TP67 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade..................................................... (3) FoD34&39 Love Thy Home........................................................................(3) FoD64 Lumela Afrika............................................................................. (4) X38 Luna C.............................................................................. (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe................................................................... (3) FoD107 M. de Wet Promotions cc............................................................. (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.............................................................(3) FoD120-125 M Made in Z.A........................................................................... (3) FoD131 Magic Lighting............................................................................ (5) W19 Magnetic Gift Creations...........................................................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt............................................................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal................................................................ (3) FoD41&48 Mangar Furniture, Kitchens & Interiors (Pty) Ltd.......................... (2) J13-16 Mantis Prints (CCDI).............................................................(3) FoL38-43 Matchless Candles....................................................................... (4) X27 McKinley Chocolates / Alyescor Producters......................................(2) M09 Melloco Trading........................................................................... (4) E18 Mini World..................................................................................(2) M01 Mninizo Trading...................................................................(3) FoL15&16 Mockana Trading C.C............................................................... (3) FoD114 Mongoose.......................................................................... (3) FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI......................................................................... (3) FoD106 MO’S TOY BARN.........................................................................(2) TP52 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design............................................... (3) FoD134 Mud Studio............................................................................ (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane..........................................................................(3) FoD86 Myang..................................................................................... (3) FoL48 My Rhino..................................................................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous..................................... (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports.............................................................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.......................................................................(2) TP09 ● 12 ● N Exhibitors A-Z NICI.........................................................................................(2) TP03 Nick Bester Promotions cc........................................................... (5) W26 NOSTALGIE................................................................................ (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks......................................................................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.................................................................(5) W21-24 O O’Teniqua Trading.................................................................. (4) D03&04 Occasions................................................................................... (2) K07 Oh-Lief Natural Products.......................................................... (3) FoD129 Oilily SA.....................................................................................(2) M11 Oricraft Import & Export CC.......................................................... (4) X35 Oriental Concepts................................................................ (3) FoD35-38 P P J Marketing PTY Ltd................................................................... (5) B22 Palador...................................................................................... (4) X17 Pamela Mann South Africa............................................................ (4) X29 Pamper Hamper..................................................................... (5) C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd................................................(5) A41&43 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals..............................................(2) L05 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags......................................... (3) FoL54 Paper World........................................................................(3) FoL26&35 Part Of Me by Elsie Roux............................................................... (4) E16 Party Xpress........................................................................ (2) TP43&45 Paula Jewellery cc........................................................................ (5) C38 Pawprints Cards...........................................................................(2) L13 Pegasus Toys.............................................................. (2) TP21,23,25&27 Pennylane............................................................................. (5) B33-38 Perfect Petzzz...................................................................... (2) TP61&63 Pink Daisy Trading Co.............................................................. (3) FoD141 Playstuff................................................................................ (3) FoD143 Pled Frames . ......................................................................... (3) FoL11 Pollywiggles...............................................................................(2) TP32 Poogy Bear................................................................................. (2) K02 Precious Silver & Stone.............................................................(3) FoD21 Premier Gifts............................................................................. (5) W20 Price & Sons..................................................................... (5) C26,28&30 R REACH Marketing SA.................................................................... (4) F16 RGS Group - Mega Magazines............................................. (2) TP119-121 RIABELLA....................................................................................(2) J03 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading .......................................... (3)FoD100 ● 13 ● Exhibitors A-Z Rocker Distributors...................................................................(3) FoD67 Romantic Living........................................................................... (5) A05 Rosehip ......................................................................................(2) L19 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc.......................................................... (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers...... (5) A06 SA Balloon.................................................................................(2) TP65 S.A. Cut Glass Group ............................................(5) B10-16 &C09,11-16 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows.......................................................... (5) A13-16 Sarongi................................................................................ (4) D05&06 Satsuma Enterprises............................................................ (3) FoD06-08 Shocking Pink...................................................................... (4) X24a&25 Sienca Silver Wholesalers..........................................................(3) FoD20 Signature Imports....................................................................... (5) B42 Silhouett Imports.......................................................................(4) F11a Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd........................................................ (3) FoD42-47 Sillybilly.................................................................................. (3) FoL55 Silver Rhythm....................................................................... (4) D01&02 Silver Tree South Africa (Pty) Ltd................................................... (2) K06 Simple Intrigue (CCDI)..........................................................(3) FoL38-43 Simply French..........................................................................(3) FoD05 Simply Smitten (Pty) Ltd.............................................................. (4) X30 SINBO Household Appliances ....................................................... (5) B21 Skytoys............................................................................... (2) TP35&36 Smiler International................................................................ (4) F18&19 Snappy Chef.............................................................................. (5) W14 SOiL Organic Aromatherapy & Bodycare...................................... (3) FoL06 Sole Management (Pty) Ltd........................................................... (4) X28 Something Elz........................................................................ (3) FoD108 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle........................................................ (2) TP116 SoyLites Eco Candles................................................................ (3) FoL07 Spaces and Places.............................................................. (3) FoD65&66 Speshirl Agencies CC..................................................................(2) TP34 Standard Gifts............................................................................. (5) C21 Statesman Stationery................................................................. (5) W15 Stonehavenco........................................................................ (3) FoD111 Studio Number 19....................................................................... (2) K18 Style Frames.................................................................(3) FoD78,89&90 Suctree Trading cc................................................................ (2) TP40&42 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd.....................................................(2) K01&03 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd........................................... (3) FoD113 ● 14 ● S Exhibitors A-Z Supreme Mouldings & Décor................................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 Sweet Temptations Toffees.............................................................(2) L07 T T and P Services....................................................................... (2) TP122 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.............................................................. (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.................................................................(5) A33&34 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR.................................................. (4) E09 Tessa Design............................................................................... (4) E08 The African Queen Studio CC (CCDI).......................................(3) FoL38-43 The Alabaster Box....................................................................(3) FoD87 The CPS Warehouse................................................................ (5) C17-20 The Durban African Art Center Association................................... (3) FoL12 The Fragrance Factory.................................................................. (4) X37 The Gift & Décor Company....................................................... (2) Y03&04 The In Thing............................................................................... (4) F17 The Selection......................................................................... (3) FoD117 The Silver Tassel...................................................................... (3) FoL45 The Sticker Family........................................................................(2) J02 The Tea Merchant........................................................................ (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project................................................................. (5) B27 ThinkFun...................................................................................(2) TP46 tic tac toe................................................................................... (2) K08 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd..................................................................(2) TP05 TIME FACTOR.............................................................................. (4) F15 Time Out Toys............................................................. (2) TP47,49,51&53 TINTOWN................................................................................ (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland................................................................. (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International.......................................................... (2) J06-12 Tjaila Baby (Pty) Ltd.................................................................. (2) K12a TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd................................................................... (2) K04 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd..........................................................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts.....................................................................(5) W04-06 Trading Direct.......................................................................... (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.............................................................. (5) C01-06 Tribhanga................................................................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders........................................................................... (4) F14 Tusker Trading.................................................................... (3) FoD27-30 Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art.....................................................................(2) L14 U U. B Creative.............................................................................(4) F12a Urchin Art - Pause.................................................................. (3) FoD151 ● 15 ● Exhibitors A-Z uSisi Designs........................................................................... (3) FoL17 Utopia........................................................................................ (2) K15 Val du Charron......................................................................... (3) FoL03 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.................................................(4) X08&09 V Vera B Wholesale Jewellers........................................................... (4) X34 Veritas....................................................................................... (4) E03 Victoria House..................................................................... (3) FoD49-56 VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES..................................................(4) F10a Vilac ........................................................................................(2) TP39 Vitria Glassware................................................................ (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art..................................................................(3) FoD68 Vusalela Day Spa............................................................... (Lobby) LoB02 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd............................................................(5) W01-03 Wallpaper Inn cc.................................................................... (3) FoD149 W Watches Tell Time........................................................................ (5) C40 Wechsler..............................................................(5) B10-16 &C09,11-16 Wechsler – S.A. Cut Glass Group .......................... (5) B10-16 & C09, 11-16 Wezandla Crafts....................................................................... (3) FoL18 Whichers Bath Emporium.......................................................... (3) FoL27 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.............................................................. (4) D07 Willowbrook Cotton Company..................................................... (3) FoL56 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd........................................................(2) TP37 Wilson Furniture......................................................................... (5) W17 Winston & Julia Chocolate............................................................. (2) K13 WOW - World of Wonder............................................................... (4) E06 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.............................................................. (3) FoD137 Y ZetArt........................................................................................ (4) E15 Z Zimele.................................................................................... (3) FoL10 Zoobies Blanket Pets...................................................................(2) TP33 Zuidworks..................................................................................(2) M03 ● 16 ● Floor Plans SARCDA Christmas 2013 is in Hall 2, Hall 3, Hall 4, Hall 5, Link & Lobby ● 17 ● HALL 5 ● 18 ● HALL 5 - Exhibitors Listing African Affair .......................... C45,47&48 All Things Home ..................... B28,30&32 Ambadi Enterprises Ltd ...................... W09 Atticus Imports ........................... A03&04 Lenso Lifestyle ....................... B44,46&48 M. de Wet Promotions cc ..................... W12 Magic Lighting ................................. W19 Magnetic Gift Creations ................ A45&47 MagnifiSAnt .................................... W16 My Rhino .........................................W06a Badger Giftware & Décor .............. C31&32 Basket Warehouse ........................... W28 Baytiques Trading cc ......................... C29 Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd ....... A23-26&28 Brettian Productions cc ................... W14a Nick Bester Promotions ........................ W26 Novel Art & Frames ..................... W21-24 CaraMia™......................................... C23 CardCo SA .................................. A07-12 Cathby Trading ................................ W11 Cheeky Monkey .............................. W10 Christmas Tree Specialists ................. B40 Christmas Tree Specialists ... C37,39,41&43 Christmas World ......................... B39&41 Colour Rich Gifts .................................W08 P J Marketing (Pty) Ltd ...................... B22 Pamper Hamper .......................... C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd ....... A41&43 Paula Jewellery cc .............................. C38 Pennylane ................................... B33-38 Premier Gifts ................................... W20 Price & Sons .......................... C26,28&30 Romantic Living ................................ A05 Daddy’s ..................................... C22&24 Decisions Gifts cc48 ............... A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorators Warehouse ................. A01&02 S.A. Cut Glass Group ... B10-16&C09,11-16 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers .............. A06 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows ............... A13-16 Signature Imports ............................ B42 SINBO Household Appliances ............. B21 Snappy Chef ................................... W14 Standard Gifts .................................. C21 Statesman Stationery ...................... W15 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd ............ B17-20 Espriso .........................................A07-12 Fabricor ...................................... A17-22 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd ..... B01-09 Flair Fashions cc .......................... A36&38 Flora Mystique cc .............................. C25 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd ....................... W07 Tassels & Treasures ..................... A33&34 The CPS Warehouse ..................... C17-20 The Tea Merchant ..............................B24 The Tretchikoff Project ....................... B27 Trade Only Gifts .......................... W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass ................... C01-06 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc ............ W18 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers ............. A35,37&39 Glenart Trading ................................ B26 Global Homeware Supplies ................ W25 Vitria Glassware ..................... C07,08&10 Home and Catering Suppliers .... A27,29-32 Horus International (Pty) Ltd ........ B29&31 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd .................. W01-03 Watches Tell Time ............................. C40 Wechsler .................. B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group ................ B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson Furniture ............................... W17 Impressions .................................... W27 Koolaworld Distributors cc ............ B23&25 Kristal Home Textiles.................... A40&42 ● 19 ● HALL 4 ● 20 ● HALL 4 - Exhibitors Listing Aliberti ............................................ X18 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd .........E12 Batucada ......................................... X31 Beautiful Bags .................................. X26 Best Breast ........................................X32 Big Blue ..................................... F04&06 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags ........................ E10 Chalco Trading cc .............................. E14 Christian Art Gifts ........................ E02&04 Clifton Products .......................... X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc ............................. X10-12 Clyde Trading ............................. X21&22 Cotina International ..................... X01-03 Cottage Craft ............................. D08&09 Crimson Chameleon ..................... F10&11 Daschner Metal Art ........................... X20 Delicious Display ......................... F01&02 Dryzin Gifts ...................................... E13 DJS ................................................. X16 E Promo .......................................... X36 Echobay Trading ............................... E01 Emthunzini Hats ............................... F13 Forest Life ...................................... F08a FULLSPOT ZA Pty .............................. F07 Giggles Gifting ................................. X15 Heritage Touch cc ......................... X13&14 Himalayan Handmades cc .................. F09a Holster ............................................ F12 IMPO Distributors ............................. E05 Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers .................... E17 Jenam by IMPO Distributors ................. E07 Jumali Accessories ...................... X04&05 Kai Lee Import & Export .................... X23 Kheera ............................................ F08 ● 21 ● LA Toscana Investments .................... E11 L + P Textiles (Pty) Ltd ....................... F03 Lumela Afrika ................................... X38 Matchless Candles ............................ X27 Melloco Trading ................................ E18 O’Teniqua Trading ....................... D03&04 Oricraft Import & Export CC .............. X35 Palador ........................................... X17 Pamela Mann South Africa ................. X29 Part Of Me by Elsie Roux .................. E16 REACH Marketing SA ........................ F16 Sarongi ..................................... D05&06 Shocking Pink ............................. X24&25 Silhouett Imports ........................... F11a Silver Rhythm ............................ D01&02 Simply Smitten (Pty) Ltd ................... X30 Smiler International ..................... F18&19 Sole Management (Pty) Ltd ................ X28 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR ........ E09 Tessa Design .................................... E08 The Fragrance Factory ....................... X37 The In Thing ...................................... F17 TIME FACTOR .................................... F15 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd ............... F20-23 Tropical Traders ................................ F14 U. B Creative .................................... F12a Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers ...... X08&09 Vera B Wholesale Jewellers ................ X34 Veritas ............................................ E03 VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES ...... F10a Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd .................. D07 WOW - World of Wonder .................... E06 ZetArt ............................................. E15 HALL 3 ● 22 ● HALL 3 - Exhibitors Listing Adawnment cc ............................. FoD142 Adesso Wholesale .......................... FoD32 Africa Craft Trust ............................ FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing ................. FoL50 Africa’s Legends ..............................FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife ................ FoL29 Anna-B Jewellery .................. FoD139&140 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels ... FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals ........... FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI) .................... FoL38-43 Artspoken .................................... FoD19 Arya Arts ................................. FoD01&02 AVOOVA ........................................ FoL32 Bakiku Art ................................... FoD116 Bead Business ............................... FoL36 Benguela Trading ............................ FoL46 Blue Monkey ............................... FoD144 Broc Designs ................................. FoL47 CCDI (Western Cape) ................. FoL38-43 Ceramics Factory ............................ FoL37 Chandra Jewellery .......................... FoD69 Charisma Candles ................. FoD145&146 Chimpel (CCDI) ............................ FoL38-43 Cinnamon Hats and Jewellery .......... FoD25 Colori A Mano Ceramics ................ FoD148 Cominas ....................................... FoD62 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd .................. FoD31 Creative Nature .............................. FoL09 Dahlia Creations ......................... FoD150 De Kleipot (CCDI)....................... FoL38-43 Decorative Details .......................... FoL52 Design Supply ............................... FoD91 Designers Choice ................. FoD80,82&83 Double Agent .............................. FoD132 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd....FoD40 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) ................. FoL38-43 Earthangel Pewter Originals ............. FoL53 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s ...... FoD136 Elger Laser Cutting ....................... FoD115 ● 23 ● Elsona ..................................... FoD15-17 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc .. FoL28 Eurolux ....................................... FoD147 Fabulous Finds .............................. FoD26 FACT ............................................ FoL44 Fancy Stitch ................................... FoL08 Firehorse Brand ............................ FoD33 Fuego Lifestyle ............................ FoD112 Gift Warehouse ..............................FoD77 Gifthaus ....................................... FoD24 Grey Gardens ............................. FoD133 Head On Design (CCDI) ............. FoL38-43 Heavenly Earth ........................ FoL01&02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI) ... FoL38-43 High Thorn .............................. FoL30&31 Homewood Manufacturing ............ FoD105 Horizon Furniture ..................... FoD03&04 Iconz Art .................................... FoD01a Ikhaya Africa Export ........................ FoD84 Isis Intertrade cc ...................... FoD09-11 J E Living ................................... FoD130 Jambo ..................................... FoL58-62 Jo Hope ........................................ FoL33 Joolz .................................. FoD126&128 Joy Collectables ..................... FoD109&110 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles ....... FoD13&14 Kapula Candles .............................. FoL51 Keith Hamilton Pottery ................... FoD96 Klein Karoo International Ltd .......... FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts ...................... FoL14 Kruizement ................................... FoL57 Laser Edge Designs ....................... FoD63 LCM -ZSISKA .............................. FoD118 Lizawithlove ................................. FoD12 Lizha Imports ............................... FoD18 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade ............... FoD34&39 Love Thy Home ............................. FoD64 HALL 3 ● 24 ● HALL 3 (continued) - Exhibitors Listing Luna C ................................... FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe ........................ FoD107 Mabibuch Imports ................. FoD120-125 Made in Z.A ................................ FoD131 Maneki van Staal ..................... FoD41&48 Mantis Prints (CCDI) .................. FoL38-43 Mninizo Trading ........................ FoL15&16 Mockana Trading C.C. ...................FoD114 Mongoose ............................... FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI .............................. FoD106 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design .... FoD134 Mud Studio ................................. FoD152 Mulberry Lane ............................... FoD86 Myang .......................................... FoL48 NeoGroup - All things Fine & Fun .... FoD101 Not Just Rocks ............................... FoL05 Oh-Lief Natural Products .............. FoD129 Oriental Concepts ......................FoD35-38 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags .............................. FoL54 Paper World ............................ FoL26&35 Pink Daisy Trading Co ................... FoD141 Playstuff ..................................... FoD143 Pled Frames .................................. FoD11 Precious Silver & Stone ................... FoD21 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading .... FoD100 Rocker Distributors ........................ FoD67 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc ................ FoD22&23 Satsuma Enterprises ................. FoD06-08 Sienca Silver Wholesalers ............... FoD20 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd ............. FoD42-47 Sillybilly ........................................ FoL55 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) ............... FoL38-43 Simply French ............................... FoD05 ● 25 ● SOiL Organic Aromatherapy & Bodycare .................................... FoL06 Something Elz ............................. FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles ...................... FoL07 Spaces and Places .................... FoD65&66 Stonehavenco .............................. FoD111 Style Frames ....................... FoD78,89&90 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd ..................... FoD113 Supreme Mouldings & Décor ..................... FoD93-95&102-104 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz .................... FoD01b The African Queen Studio CC (CCDI) ............. FoL38-43 The Alabaster Box .......................... FoD87 The Durban African Art Center Association ..................... FoL12 The Selection .............................. FoD117 The Silver Tassel ............................ FoL45 TINTOWN .......................................FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland ...................... FoD138 Trading Direct ................................ FoL34 Tusker Trading .......................... FoD27-30 Urchin Art - Pause ........................ FoD151 uSisi Designs ................................. FoL17 Val du Charron ............................... FoL03 Victoria House .......................... FoD49-56 Vivienne Mconie Art ....................... FoD68 Wallpaper Inn cc .......................... FoD149 Wezandla Crafts ............................. FoL18 Whichers Bath Emporium ................ FoL27 Willowbrook Cotton Company ........... FoL56 Yotti’s Turkish Delight ................... FoD137 Zimele ......................................... FoL10 HALL 2 ● 26 ● HALL 2 - Exhibitors Listing 8th Avenue Trading ............................ Y16 A TOY FOR YOU ............................. TP15-18 Advanced Armour Glass ............... M13&15 At Source ......................................... Y15 Baby & Me ........................................ L16 Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery ............ K16 Babycraft ...................................... TP115 Badges Unlimited ............................. TP24 Bags 4 U cc ........................................ L02 Bambury ................................... TP29&31 Barely There Gems ............................ L06 beachyheads .................................... K17 BLEND SA .......................................... J01 BOXBURG ........................................ K19 Build By Bruce .................................. L04 Carnival Creations cc ................... TP69-80 Charmed Children’s Jewellery ............ TP44 Chiswick Stationery & Crafts ............. TP06 Classic Frames .................................... L09 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts ............ TP59 Crazy Concepts ............................... TP02 Darrens Novelties cc ................... TP54&56 Dazzling Daisies ................................ L01 Decorbuzz In and Outdoor ................... K10 Digidecor (Pty) Ltd ........................... J04a Dreams Granted .............................. TP57 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing ........... TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd ....................... TP123-126 Edu-Kidz ................................... TP26&28 Eltumi Trading ................................... L15 Evermore Products ........................... TP50 Fantastick Wall Décor ......................... K12 Fino Bags and Purses ....................... L14a Frank Speier Toy Agencies ............ TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC ................. TP117&118 GAGS .............................................. TP30 Ginger Ray ........................................ J17 Grow Learning Company ................... TP41 ● 27 ● HB Sport & Toys .............................. TP55 Heart And Home ................................ L03 Hennak ............................................ Y02 Ideal Toy .................................. TP08&10 Ilanga Trading ................................. J05a Intle Design ................................... TP48 iwasshot in joburg :) ............................ L11 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers ..................... J05 KRDM Innovative Homeware .............. M07 Kuleli Designs .................................. K05 La Maison Du Savon de Marseilles ......... L17 Lauriana Designs ............................... J04 Layette Essentials ............................. K14 LazyCatz Studio ............................... K11 Lisa Martin ....................................... L08 Looky Bag ...................................... TP67 Mangar Furniture, Kitchens & Interiors (Pty) Ltd ........ J13-16 McKinley Chocolates / Alyescor Producters ........................ M09 Mini World ....................................... M01 MO’S TOY BARN ............................. TP52 Nestwest Imports .................. TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading ............................ TP09 NICI ............................................... TP03 NOSTALGIE ...................................... Y05 Occasions ........................................ K07 Oilily SA .......................................... M11 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals .. L05 Party Xpress ............................. TP43&45 Pawprints Cards ................................ L13 Pegasus Toys ................... TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz ............................ TP61&63 Pollywiggles ................................... TP32 Poogy Bear ...................................... K02 RGS Group - Mega Magazines ... TP119-121 HALL 2 ● 28 ● HALL 2 (continued) - Exhibitors Listing RIABELLA ......................................... J03 Rosehip ............................................ L09 SA Balloon ..................................... TP65 Silver Tree South Africa (Pty) Ltd ........... K06 Skytoys .................................... TP35&36 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle ............ TP116 Speshirl Agencies CC ....................... TP34 Studio Number 19 ............................ K18 Suctree Trading cc ..................... TP40&42 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd ............ K01&03 Sweet Temptations Toffees ................. L07 T and P Services .......................... TP122 The Gift & Décor Company ........... Y03&04 The Sticker Family ............................. J02 ThinkFun ....................................... TP46 ● 29 ● tic tac toe ........................................ K08 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd ...................... TP05 Time Out Toys .................. TP47,49,51&53 Tiran Décor International ............... J06-12 Tjaila Baby (Pty) Ltd ........................ K12a TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd ......................... K04 Tribhanga ........................................ K09 Twiggy Vinal Wall Art ............................ L14 Utopia ............................................. K15 Vilac .............................................. TP39 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd ............. TP37 Winston & Julia Chocolate .................. K13 Zoobies Blanket Pets ....................... TP33 Zuidworks ....................................... M03 LINK & LOBBY ● 30 ● LINK & LOBBY - Exhibitors Listing LINK African Sales Company (Pty) Limited .... LN05 Chic Living ................................... LN01&02 CLASSIC BOND .......................... LN03&04 Ingrid Moore Imports ...................... LN06 LOBBY Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets ........................ LoB01 Vusalela Day Spa .......................... LoB02 ● 31 ● Notes • Exhibitors Company & Product Information 5 : 4 : 3 : FoD : FoL : L : 2 : TP : Lob : Hall 5 Hall 4 Hall 3 Focus on Design Focus on Local Link between Halls 2 & 3 Hall 2 Hall 2 Toy & Party Pavilion Lobby below Link ● 33 ● A 8th Avenue Trading (2) Y16 8b, 8th Avenue, Rivonia, 2128 Tel: (011) 803 6504 Fax: (011) 803 6505 Cell: 082 920 2178 Executive: Penny Essafrau Email: Website: A range of soft furnishings/décor accessories of exciting textures in collections of ethnic, contemporary and modern designs and colourways, made up into throws, runners, cushions, bags, blankets in delicious stripes,with delightful new colours and patterns for SARCDA. A TOY FOR YOU (2) TP15-18 41 Bellevue Road, Berea, Durban, 4001 Tel: (031) 201 2805 Fax: 086 672 8256 Cell: 083 781 5546 Executive: Nadine Gering Email: Website: Melissa & Doug educational range of toys is being displayed at SARCDA for the fifth time. Each product is made of the highest quality materials and craftmanship. All paints are non-toxic and meet or exceed all US toy testing standards. Adawnment cc (3) FoD142 29 Peter Cloete Avenue, Constantia, Cape Town, 7806 Tel: (021) 794 4183 Fax: (021) 794 4183 Cell: 082 214 7179 Executive: Lauren Smorenburg Email: Website: Adawnment is a proudly South African company owned and run by mother daughter duo, Dawn and Lauren Smorenburg. Products include handmade jewellery, belts, handbags and lifestyle products. Adesso Wholesale (3) FoD32 PO Box 185, Wendywood, 2144 Tel: (011) 444 1479 Fax: (011) 444 3047 Cell: 082 558 9868 Executive: Francis Palmer Email: Website: Adesso Wholesale imports handmade décor accessories. Our collections cover many different styles and functions. Most items have a contemporary feel. Some are more ethnic. Almost all are timeless. Our clientele are the décor and design trade, both local and international. Advanced Armour Glass (2) M13&15 16 Diesel Road, Isando, Johannesburg, 1600 Tel: (011) 971 1300 Fax: (011) 971 1357 Cell: 082 893 8197 Executive: Jonathan Victor Email: Website: Toughened glass products with designer graphics art. Africa Craft Trust (3) FoL04 PO Box 357, Newtown, Johannesburg, 2113 Tel: (011) 836 0105 Fax: (011) 832 3178 Cell: 076 890 0279 Executive: Sefakwana Thenjwayo Email: Website: Exquisite and natural hand-crafted products from Limpompo, Free State, North West and Mpumalanga, South Africa alongside innovative Zimbambwean Baskets. The Africa Craft Trust supports the sustainable growth of craft businesses and crafters in the region. ● 34 ● A Africa Impulse Marketing (3) FoL50 399 Elgin Avenue, Ferndale, 2194 Tel: (011) 886 0422 Fax: (011) 886 2673 Cell: 083 230 2485 Executive: Anne Jones Email: Website: Hallmarked silverware all handmade in Africa. Windsor Silver table and hollowware. Range incorporates the richness of African teak and the lustre of copper. Curio’s and corporate gifting from The Royal Africa Collection. Gastone copper plaques clocks all hand painted by Africancraftsman. African Affair (5) C45,47&48 PO Box 800, Sedgefield, 6573 Tel: (044) 343 1008 Fax: (044) 343 1009 Cell: 082 782 9626 Executive: André Korsten Email: Website: African Affair welcomes you with an exclusive and timeless range of nickel platted solid brass lamps. A trendy new range of French styled furniture, accompanied with a large variety of décor and gift items to compliment the home in 2013. African Sales Company (Pty) Limited (Link) LN05 25 Commerce Crescent East, Eastgate Ext 12, Sandton, 2052 Tel: (011) 809 4000 Fax: (011) 809 4005 Executive: Charles D Priebatsch Email: Visit African Sales Company to see their superb range of imported silverware, candleholders and décor items. African Sales specializes in corporate gifts, beautiful linen, silverware and unique décor items. Come and visit African Sales at their stand LN05. Africa’s Legends (3) FoL49 12 Gateway Park, Berkley Rd, Maitland, Cape Town, Tel: (021) 510 0282 Fax: (021) 510 0242 Cell: 083 557 7481 Executive: Richard Robison Email: Website: Africa’s Legends has two divisions – wholesale gifts and handmade candy manufacturing called Shooga Shooga. Gifts incude soft toys, construction kits, tin animals, keyrings, animal charm jewellery, tablecloth weights. Candy includes lollipops, spirals, hearts in any flavour. Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife (3) FoL29 PO Box 570, Honeydew, 2040 Executive: Janine Thomson Fax: 086 518 8462 Cell: 083 271 1351 Email: Website: Collection of ceramic African animals lavishly adorned giving them a truelly distinctive and whimsical attitude! Completely hand crafted here in South Africa. Aliberti (4) X18 5 Rustige Avenue, Eldoraigne Ext 3, 0157 Tel: (012) 653 0187 Fax: (012) 653 4312 Cell: 082 964 0500 Executive: Alita Le Roux Email: Website: Aliberti is a wholesale importer of exclusive silver and fashion jewellery and accessories. Our wide selection ranges from elegant and sophisticated for the office, to vibrant and funky for everyday. ● 35 ● A All Things Home (5) B28,30&32 Box 123, Lonehill, 2062 Tel: 071 890 4804 Executive: Luis De Figueiredo Cell: 082 322 5235 Email: Website: Ranges currently available include crystal lamps & candleholders, sculptures & objet encased behind glass frames, Aluminium, Glass display cabinets, reclaimed furniture, guilded mirrors, lamps, coffee tables, water features, all sorts of home decor/objets, contemporary leather furniture, mirrored furniture, rugs. Ambadi Enterprises Ltd (5) W09 Plot no 554, Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122016 Tel: 0091 (124) 239 8037 Fax: 0091 (124) 239 8032 Executive: Anant Hemraj Emial: Anna-B Jewellery Cell: 0091 835 087 3390 (3) FoD139&140 Office #4, 35-on-Rose, Bo-Kaap, Cape Town Tel: (021) 481 1023 Fax: (021) 481 1024 Cell: 084 618 7422 Executive: Chantal Williams Email: Website: Anna-B Jewellery is a leading importer and wholesaler of Silver, Stainless steel, Costume Jewellery and Fashion Accessories. They offer exclusive ranges and brands to national chain stores, boutiques and Specialist Jewellery retailers. Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels (3) FoD135 101 Country Places, Cedarwood Drive, Durbanville, 7550 Tel: (021) 975 1173 Fax: 086 758 4313 Cell: 083 298 3368 Executive: Anna-Lize Myburgh Email: Website: Delicious decadent handmade SWISS CHOC CARAMELS containing the finest SWISS milk couverture from Switzerland. The artisans’ intention is to delight consumers with quality, texture, flavour and to find bliss in the sweet moment. Different flavours: pistachio, macadamia, amarula, tequila, turkish-delight, salted, choc... Antjie’s Handmade Naturals (3) FoD127 PO Box 230, Stanford, 7210 Executive: Nicolene Gericke Fax: 086 672 2965 Cell: 083 530 4968 Email: Website: A range of lovingly created handmade products including bath products, handmade soaps, handknitted items and decor items, all made with natural ingredients, and fragranced with essential oils. Suppliers to the retail industry, hotels and guest houses and the corporate industry. Art For Ewe (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 PO Box 50126, West Beach, 7449 Tel: (021) 554 1235 Fax: (021) 554 1235 Cell: 083 414 1007 Executive: Ann Gadd Email: Website: The popular ‘ewenique’ sheep series of paintings by artist Ann Gadd. Her quirky humour translate into corporate/business, food & wine, love and general themes in both English and Afrikaans. Products are greetings cards, ready-to-hang mini prints, fridge magnets, various ‘sheep’ books (wine/cooking/business) mugs and calendars. ● 36 ● A B Artspoken (3) FoD19 Private Bag X01, Suite 209, Brandhof, Bloemfontein, 9324 Tel: 082 784 2609 Executive: Minerva Maritz Cell: 082 784 2609 Email: Website: Local manufacturer of decorative art to the retail and décor markets. We produce wall art, paintings, serigraphs, and much more. For the client looking for that exclusive look and something different. Arya Arts (3) FoD01&02 PO Box 44832, Linden, 2104 Tel: (011) 888 5590 Fax: (011) 888 7971 Cell: 082 451 4063 Executive: Bijan Rahmatzadeh Email: Website: Direct importers and manufacturers of exotic home furnishings and persian rugs. International designed handmade quilts, bedspreads, throws, table covers, table runners, cushions, bolsters scarves, gloves and handbags. Hand knotted fine afghan kelims and carpets. Introducing hand made copper lamps. At Source (2) Y15 2 Mahoganyfield Way, Springfield Park, Durban, 4051 Tel: (031) 579 3614 Fax: (031) 579 3615 Cell: 083 789 2228 Executive: Sandy Syme Email: Website: Bedcovers quilts throws and cushions ginger jars frames, vases, cake stands, candleholders, jewellery boxes, orchids, roses; planters, domes, birdcages, hooks, herb balls, baskets, buckets, jewellery; jugs, creamers, bowls bags, ceramics, glass and cutlery and Christmas décor; All gorgeous all great sellers. Atticus Imports (5) A03&04 Unit 10 Rinaldo Industrial Park, 50 Moreland Dr, Redhill, Durban Tel: (031) 569 3087 Fax: 086 657 8094 Cell: 082 781 5383 / 076 152 1307 Executive: Debbie George Email: Website: Our range of furniture, chandeliers, mirrors, cushions and accessories have been sourced with passion from around the world. SA Agents for international premium brands; Volupsa Home Fragrance (USA) & Thomas Kent Clocks (UK). We offer beautiful Luxe products at affordable price. AVOOVA (3) FoL32 97 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 422 1620 Fax: (021) 422 1609 Cell: 072 824 6655 Executive: Tom Goddard Email: Website: AVOOVA is launching a compact retail counter display unit that carries its attractively priced accessories; hand-made bangles, buckles and belts from the Karoo in an attractive range of sizes, colours and designs, beautifully finished in ostrich eggshell. Baby & Me (2) L16 Postnet Suite 63, Private Bag X51, Rivonia, 2128 Tel: (011) 463 3527 Fax: (011) 463 9829 Cell: 082 460 4240 Executive: Debbi Kretzmar Email: Website: Luxury, Innovative & Award Winning Products for New Mom’s & Tots. Brands: Ah Goo Baby, Belly Bandit, Sleepytot, Rock-a-Bye-Baby Music. Products ideal for gifts & purchase for self: Nappy Bags & Accessories, Change Mats, Stroller Blankets, Baby Comforters & Rock Lullabies. ● 37 ● B Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery (2) K16 52 Somerset Street, Graaff-reinet, 6280 Tel: 071 606 4620 Executive: Johan van Jaarsveld Cell: 071 606 4620 Email: Website: Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery offers a solution in the form of fashionable adult jewellery available in 18 great colours to easily fit with any wardrobe, for mommy to wear but for baby to chew on during the teething phase. Babycraft (2) TP115 73A Wakis Avenue, Randburg, 2194 Tel: (011) 792 2982 Fax: (011) 792 2986 Cell: 082 552 8122 Executive: Francis Hammond Email: Website: DIY Kits for making clay impressions of your loved one’s hand and feet together with a keepsake Photograph Frame. An assortment of photograph frames. Badger Giftware & Décor (5) C31&32 PO Box 15564, Lyttelton, 0140 Tel: (012) 662 0436 Fax: (012) 662 0436 Cell: 082 355 5622 Executive: Jolene de Oliveira Email: Website: Badger offers Metal and Laminated Capiz Interior Decor and Giftware for every room in and out of the home. Badger is proud to be Virginia Candle Company’s international distributor in South Africa, premium candles and home fragrances, candlelight reinvented, ambiance redefined. Badges Unlimited (2) TP24 465 Windsor Rd, Garsfontein, 0042 Tel: (012) 998 5096 Fax: 086 617 7122 Cell: 083 661 6075 Executive: Louise Bruce Email: Website: The Button Badge Specialist - 200 assorted themed button badges in a counter display box. Themes include : Christmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthday Women's day, Easter, Halloween, St Patrick's Day Bags 4 U cc (2) L02 Bus 80439, Doornpoort, 0017 Tel: 082 970 6868 Fax: 086 588 3270 Cell: 082 970 6868 Executive: San Bronkhorst Email: Website: RSA, ready made bags, vanity, toiletrolls, totmeasure bottles and also custom made bags for outdoor, medical, craft, hunting, corprorate, commercial, military and security services. Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd (4) E12 5th Floor, Hill House, De Smidt Rd, Green Point, Cape Town, 8005 Tel: (021) 425 9344 Fax: (021) 425 7665 Cell: 083 500 0270 Executive: Barry Berman Email: Website: International brand distributors representing: BezuBalls previously Buckyballs, Bezu retro phone handsets, Uno Magnetic jewellery, Xoopar - digital accessories, PO - homeware, Tangle Toys, Just Mustard gifts, Tangle Toys, Mani - Pedi - Pens - nail polish in a pen and Zube. ● 38 ● B Bakiku Art (3) FoD116 Java Centre, 285 Lynnwood Road, Menlyn Park, 0102 Tel: (012) 460 7840 Fax: 086 585 1440 Cell: 082 337 9215 / 082 338 1136 Executive: Gene Malan Email: Website: BakikuArt is a fresh, new breeze in the wholesale business. Our products are sourced with the greatest care and range from classic furniture to hip painted trendy pieces, handmade wooden carpets, interior décor and ideal gifts. Bambury (2) TP29&31 18 Currie St, Oaklands, 2192 Tel: (011) 728 5828 Fax: 086 672 6583 Cell: 083 680 5976 Executive: Niki Witt Email: Website: Bambury carries the whole range of STICKY MOSAICS which include imaginista, curiosity kits...plushcraft, sparkleups, magnetic mosaics, stationery, room décor, impulse craft activities, stickn style. Place sticky foam squares onto fun designs, or use stylus to punch colorful fabric, in new plushcraft range, a trendy crafting concept. Barely There Gems (2) L06 530 Remskoen St, Wilderness, George, 6560 Tel: (044) 877 0852 Executive: Li Parkenberg Email: Basket Warehouse (5) W28 Unit 22, 18 Edendale Rd, Eastleigh, Tel: (011) 452 0247 Fax: (011) 452 5231 Executive: Thomas Risi Email: Website: Distributors of all kinds of baskets, Packing, Persentaion, Floral Batucada (4) X31 PO Box 12243, Mill Street, Cape Town, 8010 Tel: (021) 438 8225 Fax: 084 438 8225 Cell: 082 773 5256 Executive: Niki Prinz Email: Website: Batucada - Jewels on the Skin: Exclusive and unique “eco-rubber” jewellery with a tattoo-effect that actually becomes part of you. Handmade and created into delicate patterns in a variety of colours and designs. 100% recyclable, eco-friendly - lead, oil, phthalate-free. Baytiques Trading CC (5) C29 PO Box 459, Modderfontein, 1645 Tel: (011) 053 2663 Fax: 086 502 1955 Cell: 083 272 7298 Executive: Elysia Millard Email: Website: Importers of luxury homeware décor, gifts, designer tableware, linen, decor accessories, ceramics, glassware, bathroom accessories and décor items. beachyheads (2) K17 PO BOX 736, Plettenberg Bay, 6600 Tel: 078 515 4956 Executive: Anne Young Cell: (027) 078 515 4956 Email: Website: The team at beachyheads make inspirational beach accessories. Our premium quality beach umbrellas, created with natural materials and stunning South African designs are a ‘must have’ by the water this summer. Our launch range is complimented by matching bags and sarongs. ● 39 ● B Bead Business (3) FoL36 13 Nooitgedacht Ave, Dalsig, Stellenbosch, 7600 Tel: (021) 886 4873 Fax: 086 527 0648 Cell: 082 374 4703 Executive: Marietjie Botha Email: Website: Limited edition jewellery and home accessories made of recycled glass, natural material, semi-precious stones, silver, pewter and fabric. Unstrung silver plated findings, recycled glass and natural material beads are available. Pieces are assemled by ladies in a skills development project. Beautiful Bags (4) X26 72 Nottingham Road, Kensington, 2094 Tel: (011) 622 5151 Fax: (011) 622 6630 Executive: Shamima Vawda Email: Cell: 072 123 4155 Beautiful bags produces a stunning range of leather handbags and matching purses with hand-painted embossing using natural dye. Our products are manufactured in India using European standards. A must for all women who make a difference. Our prices are very competitive. Benguela Trading (3) FoL46 Unit 5, 6 Spencer St, Salt River Cell: 082 875 5764 Executive: Richard Davies Email: Website: Manufacturers of the Boutique Vineyards Trudeau cheese and baguette boards made from recycled wine barrels. We also sell a wide array of accessoriess, bistro style furniture sets and other décor items. Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd (5) A23-26&28 PO Box 260154, Excom, 2023 Tel: (011) 334 7634 / (011) 656 5894 Fax: (011) 334 6890 Cell: 082 452 1377 Executive: Aimee Gordon Email: Website: The leaders in houseware distribution, Berzack Brothers imports and distributes an incredible range of houseware appliances from pots and pans to glassware and crockery. Berzacks also does an amazing baby range from France. Best Breast (4) X32 Unit 26, Urban Spin, Alnwick Road, Diep River, Cape Town, 7800 Tel: (021) 671 5716 Fax: 088 (021) 671 5716 Cell: 076 169 3988 Executive: Claire Shadbolt Email: Website: Invisible, adhesive breast pads. Big Blue (4) F04&06 Stand 173 Bridle Pass, Kyalami, 1685 Tel: (011) 021 7640 Fax: 086 566 7645 Cell: 082 641 8250 Executive: Alastair Cronin Email: Website: The Big Blue buyers travel the world searching for the best design led gifts from the top design companies, to bring you the latest trending products from around the world. All these products can be bought exclusively through Big Blue. ● 40 ● B Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets (Lobby) LoB01 37 Swartberg Str, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 1739 Tel: (011) 954 3160 Fax: (011) 954 3160 Executive: Theuns Dunckley Email: We will be selling a wide range of biltong, nuts and dried fruit, as well as homemade sweets. We also supply handheld biltong cutters. BLEND SA (2) J01 PO Box 706, Westville, 3630 Tel: (031) 266 8532 Fax: (031) 267 0318 Cell: 083 251 9939 Executive: Athene Whitfield Email: Website: Tableware: salad servers, Serving dishes, sugar/teaspoons, Products for cheese. Bulldog clips with matching pads, & Other stationery including Giftwrap & large selection of cards. Beautiful & very Popular Teatowels & aprons. Cotton throws and cushions. Enamelware, wooden boards, Ceramics Glassware & more. Blue Monkey (3) FoD144 11 Newport Road, Parkwood, 2193 Tel: (011) 788 8888 Fax: 086 639 3782 Cell: 083 408 1700 Executive: Jeanine Fick Email: Website: Jellycat, the world’s most exclusive luxury imported soft toys and baby toys from England. Known for their super soft best selling bashful bunnies. Cat’s eye - a quircky giftrange. Washbags, makeup bags and shoppers. BOXBURG (2) K19 37 Stanhope Road, Wychwood, Malvern East, 2007 Tel: 086 146 8483 Executive: Katherine Vigliotta Cell: 082 678 3095 Email: Website: BOXBURG manufactures boxes and envelopes – available in printed designs or unprinted. (Flat or assembled). Custom sizes. Loads of finishes available. See our website for more information or email us. 0861 INVITE Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags (4) E10 PO Box 201433, Durban North, 4016 Tel: (031) 584 7361 Fax: (031) 584 7242 Cell: 083 407 6264 Executive: Brad Scott Email: Website: Brad Scott Agencies specializes in ladies’ handbags and accessories. We are the official agents for La Pearla handbags which are designed in Europe. We will be displaying a brand new range of La Pearla Handbags at the Christmas 2013 show! Brettian Productions cc (5) W14a 51 David Draper Rd, Bruma, 2198 Tel: (011) 622 3356 Executive: Lizelle Pretorius Email: Website: For innovative faith based gifts and novelties. From photo frames to garden accessories, stationary to wall hangings, Brettian Productions aims to provide you with unique and inspiring products for your customers. ● 41 ● B C Broc Designs (3) FoL47 Schafli Road, East London Tel: (043) 737 4590 Fax: 086 604 7050 Cell: 082 651 8661 Executive: Debra Van Heerden Email: Website: Broc Designs is a manufacturer and wholesaler of hand crafted decor items in resin,wood and wire, our extensive range includes tea-light candle holders, frames, resin hearts, words, Travertine mirrors, vintage, and wedding table decor selection. Visit us at Hall 3 Stand FoL47. Build By Bruce (2) L04 PO Box 13621, Noordstad, 9305 Cell: 082 789 5816 Executive: Elsabe Scholtz Email: CaraMia™ (5) C23 PO Box 87 Gallo Manor, 2052 Tel: (011) 440 3404 Fax: 086 503 0886 Cell: 082 468 5533 Executive: Bianca Zunde Email: Website: CaraMia™ Fine Gifting has become synonymous with quality and style. From jewellery boxes and cosmetic bags to travel accessories, umbrellas, on‐trend tabletop and living ideas, corporate gifts and men’s and ladies’ gifting, the collection has over 500 must-have treasures. CardCo SA (5) A07-12 185 Katherine Street, Sandton, Tel: (011) 023 4949 Fax: 086 504 6404 Cell: 073 829 8798 Executive: Kyriacos Michaelides Email: Website: CardCo SA: greeting cards, gift bags, wrapping paper, birthday candles, stickers, balloons and party products. A Complete Supplier! Carnival Creations cc (2) TP69-80 PO Box 60, Crown Mines, 2025 Tel: (011) 837 0551 Fax: (011) 837 0986 Executive: Eric Lyall Email: Website: Carnival Creations is one of South Africa’s leading party wholesalers. Our range includes: Hen Night, Baby Shower, Wedding, Costume Accessories, Wigs, Balloons, Hats, Halloween, Candles, Gift Bags and Boxes, Craft items, polystyrene wall decorations. Visit our stand and view our complete range Cathby Trading (5) W11 PO Box 101130, Moreleta Park, 0167 Tel: (012) 998 5634 Fax: 086 546 0778 Cell: 083 306 9923 Executive: Kitty van Rensburg Email: Website: Importers and countrywide distributors of superior quality silk flowers, toparies and urns. New range of long stem silk flowers, as well as a wide range of Indigenous Flowers available. CCDI (Western Cape) (3) FoL38-43 PO Box 3225, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: (021) 461 1488 Fax: (021) 461 1228 Cell: 072 038 1915 Executive: Chantell Joe Email: Website: Contributing to the Western Cape’s drive to grow the economy and improve the livelihood of people, the CCDI, now in its 11th year, provides producers with product support, business mentoring and training, access to markets and encourages unlimited creativity and innovation. ● 42 ● C Ceramics Factory (3) FoL37 59, 5th Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 057 4314 Executive: Dirk Kotze - Flemming Cell: 079 898 3120 Email: South African design and manufactured range of quirky functional ceramics. Ranging from small ceramic gifts to large statement pieces. Chalco Trading cc (4) E14 PO Box 759, Alberton, 1450 Tel: (011) 613 4940 Fax: (011) 613 4940 Cell: 083 564 1278 Executive: Althea Porter Email: Website: Chalco Trading pride themselves of top quality products which consists of Fairies, Dragons, Unicorns, Angels figuriens, Ornamental Garden Frogs, Garden stepping stones, Plaques and Christmas ordnaments all of which have been well packaged to avoid minimal damage and breakages. Chandra Jewellery (3) FoD69 PO Box 1483, Gallo Manor, 2052 Tel: (011) 786 2688 Fax: (011) 786 2688 Executive: Candace Smith Email: We specialise in fantastic jewellery and accessories. Our designs cater for elegant ethnic, earthy, african contemporary and trendy. We offer exciting new ranges at affordable prices. Charisma Candles (3) FoD145&146 Unit 17 Tamric Park, Calcutta Street, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: (021) 439 2655 Fax: 086 622 9375 Cell: 083 251 2188 Executive: Gary Pearson Email: Website: Charisma Candles is a manufacturer of Home Fragrance, and Bath & Body Products, from Candles, Diffusers, RoomSprays to Body Creams and Soaps. All raw materials and fragrances are carefully selected to give the quality and style that is Charisma. Charmed Children’s Jewellery (2) TP44 9 Rugby Road, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 465 3477 Fax: (021) 462 4706 Cell: 082 887 0752 Executive: Sherilyn Cohen Email: Website: Charmed Children’s Jewellery is designed and created with love in Cape Town, South Africa. The range includes ballet, African animal and Judaica jewellery as well as fairies, butterflies and hearts. There is also an econo range available. Cheeky Monkey (5) W10 PO Box 11901, Rynfield, 1514 Tel: (011) 845 4686 Fax: (011) 845 2147 Cell: 071 609 3321 / 083 525 2167 Executive: Jose Rodrigues Email: Website: Come pay us a visit and see our range of gift bags, gift boxes, tissue paper and plush toys. Come and see our new exclusive range of ‘Legends of Avalon’ fairies and dragons. ● 43 ● C Chic Living (Link) LN01&02 PO Box 11148, Dorpspruit, 3206 Tel: (033) 330 7250 Fax: (033) 330 7152 Cell: 083 556 2231 Executive: Louise Kempen Email: Website: An unique and exciting range of home décor products - Gifts, Lamps, Photo Frames, Kitchenware, Scatters, Faux Plants, Basket-ware, Ceramics, Quilts, Mirrors, Clocks and more Chimpel (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 85 6th Avenue, Rondebosch, 7780 Tel: (021) 697 5875 Fax: 086 559 9452 Cell: 083 235 8565 Executive: Majda Rabin Email: Website: The Chimpel range includes a wide selection of soft, natural and exotic leather bags, clutches and belts. The brand focuses on classic shapes, ensuring that our designs remain timeless. Utilizing a team of talented local artisans and craftsmen, Chimpel is proud of the fact that everything in our range is handmade in South Africa. Chiswick Stationery & Crafts (2) TP06 121 Malaca Road, Redhill, 4071 Tel: (031) 569 6116 / 7 / 8 Fax: (031) 569 5670 Cell: 083 791 8899 Executive: Ian Broughton Email: Website: We have the Craft products that your customers would like to see in your stores. Please visit our stand TP06 Hall 2 for some ideas to improve your profitability as we would love to meet you. Christian Art Gifts (4) E02&04 PO Box 1599, Vereeniging, 1930 Tel: (016) 440 7000 Fax: (016) 421 1748 Cell: 072 626 1329 Executive: Gerrit Jordaan Email: Website: Christian Art Gifts presents exquisitely crafted, stylish gifts for celebrating special occasions and for brightening ordinary days! Our wide range of gifts offer inspiration and encouragement for all. Christmas Tree Specialists (5) B40 35a Rietfontein Road, Cnr 12th Avenue, Rivonia, 2128 Tel: (011) 803 1653 Fax: (011) 234 0833 Cell: 082 330 0457 Executive: Mandy McLeroth Email: Website: LED lighting is our speciality- net, icicle, curtain, fairy and string lights for ALL occasions. Fantastic LED christmas trees and LED crystal reindeer as well as a range of light motifs for outdoor use. Interconnectable, outdoor lights for year round. Christmas Tree Specialists (5) C37,39,41&43 35a Rietfontein Road, Cnr 12th Avenue, Rivonia, 2128 Tel: (011) 803 1653 Fax: (011) 234 0833 Cell: 082 330 0457 Executive: Mandy McLeroth Email: Website: Top of the range christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, swags and foliage. Magical christmas decorations include waterballs, fibre optic/ musical village scenes, nativity sets and of course christmas trinkets, teddy bears,stockings, baubles and table decor. Follow us on FACEBOOK or our wonderful website ● 44 ● C Christmas World (5) B39&41 40/ 2 Rokewood Road, Pomona, 1623 Tel: (011) 979 5194 Fax: 086 670 2345 Cell: 082 462 2574 Executive: Michelle van Niekerk Email: Website: Suppliers of exclusive Christmas décor and lighting, including an extensive selection of L.E.D. lights, and light curtains. Large display items and props including wrought iron fence, Santas mail box and display grasses. Cinnamon Hats and Jewellery (3) FoD25 Cinnamon House, 15 Meiring Street, Prince Albert, 6930 Cell: 073 230 8421 Executive: Michelle Silva Email: Cinnamon produce an original range of lovely floral hats and handcrafted sterling silver jewellery with crystals and pearls. Our products are designed and made locally by Cinnamon as a skills development initiative with the local community of Prince Albert in Karoo. CLASSIC BOND (Link) LN03&04 10 Gerhardus Road, Elandsfontein, 1401 Tel: (011) 822 9200 Fax: (011) 822 9201 Cell: 082 444 6424 Executive: Christine Bond Email: Website: Classic Bond designs and manufactures a large variety of home product ranges inclusive of decor cushions, mirrors, framed pictures, decor accessories, kitchenware, decor lamps and shades,upholstered and exclusive furniture products, this year will see the launch of our clothing range. Classic Frames (3) L09 PO Box 44679, Linden, 2104 Tel: (011) 888 7388 Fax: 086 696 3647 Executive: Treacy-Ann Markham Email: Cell: 083 368 7546 Clifton Products (4) X06&07 PO Box 890997, Lyndhurst, 2106 Tel: (011) 882 6986 Fax: (011) 882 6987 Cell: 082 571 6434 Executive: Rosyn Bourgstein Email: Website: Clifton Products specialises in all kinds of paper products, manufacturing gift boxes, gift bags, journals and printing gift wrap. We also have a large choice of tissue paper, gift tags and other stationery items. Clip-A-Card cc (4) X10-12 312 York Ave, Ferndale, 2194 Tel: (011) 787 3290 Fax: (011) 787 3290 Executive: Rolf Frankenhauser Email: Cell: 082 854 1449 Products on show: Greeting cards:Clip cards (new range), Gift bags (new), Large Greeting cards (new ranges). All in English and Afrikaans. HITMIX Musical cards (top quality product). TOP Model Princess Mimi: A Girl’s Dream (topseller), creative colouring books. Clyde Trading (4) X21&22 PO Box 512, Strand, 7139 Tel: (021) 854 8486 Fax: (021) 854 3591 Executive: Clyde Kalp / Lili Kalp Email: Cell: 076 909 8057 Importers and manufacturers of INTERIOR GIFTING, ACCESSORIES, VINTAGE HOME WARE and DECORATIVE PATIO-/GARDEN WARE (combining wood, metal, shell, re-cycled glass, paper and fabric). ● 45 ● C Colori A Mano Ceramics (3) FoD148 16 Redhill Rd, Morningside, 2191 Tel: (011) 884 5922 Fax: (011) 884 5922 Cell: 079 664 2474 Executive: Monica Magni Email: Website: Our ceramics and glass-ware accessorize the home and garden with functional and decorative pieces / collections that are inspired from Renaissance Italy to modern chic. We specialise in commissioned work as well as hand-painted designs. Colour Rich Gifts (5) W03 Unit 1, Eco Park, 18 Palmiet Street, Stikland , Cape Town, 7530 Tel: (021) 945 3938 Fax: (021) 945 3975 Cell: 082 771 8299 Executive: Gary Binedell Email: Website: Check it all out! “Stylish and Innovative” collections for your retail store. “Irresistible Gifts” that will capture the Sentiment of any Giving Occasion, we are bringing you. Do visit us to see what’s new. Cominas (3) FoD62 PO Box 2463, Parklands, 2121 Tel: (011) 442 8365 Fax: (011) 880 1876 Executive: Eva Schön Email: Website: Importers and distributors of contemporary metal vases, exquisite material ribbons, variety of top quality mosses and treated plant material, wires, contemporary bridal accessories, feathers and other interesting material for the innovative decorator and florist. Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd (3) FoD31 PO Box 1352, Henley On Klip, 1962 Tel: (016) 366 0166 Fax: (016) 366 0166 Executive: Lucy Schutte Email: Cell: 083 554 2901 The Cork Boutique offers a variety of designer eco-friendly products made of 100% natural Cork. These include handbags, hand luggage, hats, jewellery, home decor items, lamps, umbrellas, picture frames, office and stationary products. Save a tree choose CORK! Cotina International (4) X01-03 PO Box 92426, Norwood, 2117 Tel: (011) 834 8171 Fax: (011) 834 8386 Cell: 082 930 0456 Executive: David Kuan Email: Website: Cotina International is a long time supplier of the latest quality home décor items imported from around the world. Our range includes lighting, mirrors, paintings, fountains and other items that will bring a touch of class to your home. Cottage Craft (4) D08&09 PO Box 59294, Karenpark, 0118 Tel: (071) 670 4782 Fax: (012) 546 6725 Cell: 083 680 8355 Executive: Estelle Gerneke Email: Website: We manufacture all our stock in South Africa. The pots are all hand thrown and each and every curl on our steelwork are done by hand. We do not use any castings. We also do custom made items. ● 46 ● C D Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts (2) TP59 111 De Wet Street, Krugersdorp, 1740 Tel: (011) 660 3758 / 0861 CRAFTS Fax: 086 719 3889 Cell: 082 448 9566 Executive: Jan Balt Email: Website: Visit our website for all our exciting Crazy Craft products, latest ribbon trends, craft toys, polystyrene shapes, kids craft and craft accessories. Contact us on 0861 CRAFTS or by email for a FREE cataloque. TRADE ENQUIRIES only. Crazy Concepts (2) TP02 Unit 39d, Olive Grove Business Estate, Ou Pardevlei Rd, Somerset West Tel: (021) 850 0102 Fax: (021) 850 0102 Cell: 082 826 1786 Executive: Lizelle du Toit Email: Website: Crazy Concepts is an importer and distributor of quality playground equipment and toys, catering from babies to 12 yrs. Product ranges include from USA:Step2, Infantino; Europe: Hags and KBT and our own local range, Kidchen Concepts, a cooking range for kids. Creative Nature (3) FoL09 406 Bretton Woods, 3rd Street, Killarney, 2193 Tel: (011) 464 0516 Executive: James Campbell Cell: 076 701 5340 Email: Website: Nature and wildlife inspired products to suit all tastes. From postcards and greeting cards to scatter cushions and box canvases, we have something to compliment your space. If your customers like nature, we have something for you... Crimson Chameleon (4) F10&11 PO Box 53134, Wierda Park, 0149 Tel: (012) 654 6682 Fax: (012) 654 6682 Executive: Linda Erwee Email: Cell: 083 250 5321 Crimson chameleon is a wholesale importer of exclusive ladies clothing and accessories. Our unique selection ranges from elegant and sophisticated to vibrant and funky for all occasions. Daddy’s (5) C22&24 Plot 15, Ribblesdale, Bloemfontein, 9301 Tel: (051) 433 4702 Fax: (051) 433 4703 Cell: 082 496 8197 Executive: Vernon Heys Email: Website: Daddy’s offers you an exclusive and distinguished variety of garden furniture and décor. Our different ranges will satisfy some if not all of your requirements. For the modern eye as well as the French décor lover. Dahlia Creations (3) FoD150 130 Constantia Drive, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort, 1709 Tel: 082 924 5535 Executive: Lucille Dirker Cell: 082 924 5535 Email: Website: /DahliaHandmadeEarrings/photos_stream Dahlia Creations is a proud local venture that crafts unique handmade earrings. Each pairs various elements are hand selected and carefully crafted into the final product. Dahlia crafts is an exceptional gift. ● 47 ● D Darrens Novelties cc (2) TP54&56 31 Andries St, Troyeville, 2094 Tel: (011) 402 4103 Fax: (011) 402 4105 Cell: 083 457 4635 Executive: Balwant Rama Email: Website: Manufacturer and wholesaler of a variety of novelty gifts specialising in bar accessories, 21st keys, smokers’ requisites and special occasion gifts. We are licensed suppliers of Rugby Currie Cup & local soccer souvenirs (ceramic mugs and beer glasses). INDOOR WATER FOUNTAINS. Daschner Metal Art (4) X20 PO Box 912-499, Silverton, 0127 Executive: Danie Daschner Fax: 086 553 9252 Cell: 082 574 9803 Email: Website: Manufacturers of steel decor and metal art for home and garden.. Dazzling Daisies (2) L01 7 Ribbok Crescent, Uitzicht, 7550 Tel: 083 708 4992 / 084 628 0191 Fax: (021) 976 8760 Executive: Elfreda Kruger / Estela Smith Email: Cell: 083 708 4992 / 084 628 0191 DAZZLING DAISIES – RIBBONS FOR YOU. We provide a variety of quality pre-packed ribbons, ideal for scrapbooking, decorative purposes, gifts, etc. Our own uniquely designed cotton, petersham and linen ribbons are also available in larger quantities. We also stock twine and cord. De Kleipot (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 Posbus 220, Aan de Doorns, Worcester, 6849 Tel: (023) 342 1388 Fax: 086 575 2779 Executive: Petro van Zyl Email: Cell: 082 576 3653 All tiles at De Kleipot are handmade and -painted.Available tiles: Nouveau, floor tiles, three dimensional heart and flower tiles and black and white pattern tiles. Mosaic inserts are also available. Tiles can be custom made. The Nouveau range is new, with sizes varying from 5x5cm.,10x10cm.,15x15cm. and 20x20cm. Tiles are used for slash backs, inserts into flooring and decorating purposes. Decisions Gifts cc48 (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 PO Box 5190, Dainfern North, 2055 Tel: (011) 462 8945 Fax: (011) 462 9040 Cell: 083 602 0820 Executive: Bill Goulding Email: Website: Decisions Gifts, having acquired Hi-Turn Sales has an extensive products range including Greeting Cards, Home Décor, Novelty Glassware, Gift Books and fast selling impulse and sentiment gifts from History and Heraldry, Blue Mountain Arts, Paper Island, Splosh, Santoro, Evergreen and others. Decorative Details (3) FoL52 PO Box 855, East London, 5200 Tel: (043) 731 2900 Fax: (043) 731 2901 Cell: 084 400 0417 Executive: Anne Meyer Email: Website: Distinctly different, trendy, handmade interior-decor accessories and gifting ideas using a combination of resin, reclaimed, upcycled wooden pallet, books and horns. Our products are proudly and lovingly created in the Eastern Cape. ● 48 ● D Decorators Warehouse (5) A01&02 PO Box 39227, Capricorn Square, 7948 Tel: (021) 788 7408 Fax: (021) 788 7461 Executive: Tony Smily Email: Website: Importers of quality chandeliers, lamps, outdoor lighting, decorative ironware including benches, pot stands, crosses and bathroom hooks. We carry an extensive range of wooden items, enamelware, glassware, ornaments and photo frames. Decorbuzz In and Outdoor (2) K10 11 Alma Road, Dagbreek, Welkom, 9459 Tel: (011) 794 5751 Executive: Rick Smit Cell: 083 296 2391 Email: Delicious Display (4) F01&02 End of Penryn St, Salt River, Cape Town, 7925 Tel: (021) 448 7513 Fax: (021) 413 1535 Cell: 082 441 7122 Executive: Alida Tolken Email: Website: Delicious Display presents a creative selection of visual merchandising products, including mannequins, fashion displays, jewellery displays and wallpaper. Let our comprehensive range of retailer’s essentials show you how to create show stopping window displays, captivating in-store presentations and on-trend seasonal decorations. Design Supply (3) FoD91 Werner House, 10 Philo St, Wynberg, Sandton Tel: (011) 262 5720 Fax: (011) 262 6348 Executive: Brendon Pelleh Email: Designers Choice Cell: 082 450 5147 (3) FoD80,82&83 PO Box 263521, Three Rivers, 1935 Tel: (016) 428 1187 Fax: (016) 428 1255 Cell: 083 457 1506 Executive: Pieter Smith Email: Website: Exquisite home décor. Our exciting range includes all types of fashionable canvasses, screens, clocks, tin wall decorations, tin decorations, jewellery boxes, book boxes, photo frames, plagues, ceramics. Digidecor (Pty) Ltd (2) J04a 171 Monument Ave, Lyttelton Manor, Centurion, 0157 Tel: (012) 755 6900 Fax: 086 694 0215 Executive: Pierre Coetzer Email: Cell: 082 422 1285 DJS (4) X16 Castle Walk Centre, Erasmus Kloof X3, Pretoria, 0043 Tel: (012) 347 1676 Fax: (012) 347 2236 Executive: Pietra Matthee Email: ● 49 ● Cell: 083 273 5886 D E Double Agent (3) FoD132 10 Maxwell Mac Donald St, Glenadrienne, Johannesburg, 2196 Tel: (011) 783 3659 Fax: 086 276 1522 Cell: 083 628 5354 Executive: Lauren Grose Email: Website: Double Agent, distributors of LOUENHIDE – A well recognised leader in the Australian handbag market - with an ever expanding range of styles,textures and ‘on-trend’ colours Dreams Granted (2) TP57 43 High Trees, Eversdal, 7550 Tel: 072 833 3621 Fax: 086 504 5926 Cell: 072 833 3621 Executive: Craig Grant Email: Website: Dreams Granted have created a range of beautifully detailed hand crafted fairy houses, castles, horse stables and more to inspire your child’s imagination. Dryzin Gifts (4) E13 PO Box 15638, Lyttelton, 0140 Tel: (012) 807 2441 Fax: (012) 807 2441 Cell: 082 371 8530 Executive: Kleo Drymiotes Email: Website: A must for all gift businesses and interior decorators. We will satisfy the most beaconing buyers at the most profitable prices. Come see for yourself. We have a uniqueness that you will not find anywhere else in South Africa and that’s a promise! DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd. (3) FoD40 PO Box 1539, Morningside, 2057 Tel: (011) 440 5888 Fax: (011) 440 8184 Cell: 082 900 9501 Executive: Don Soper / Di Soper Email: Website: DSA Table Linen Specialists are manufacturers of specialist quality Balducci table linen, table napkins, placemats, aprons and table runners for the hospitality and retail industries.Established for 13 years they have a proven track record of quality merchandise. Visit them in Hall3. Duke & Dutch (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 Studio 18, Arts-on-Main, 294 Fox Street, Johannesburg CBD, 2094 Tel: (011) 447 6242 Executive: Rolf Werndle Cell: 083 242 8842 Email: Website: /cat-dnd-female.html LOCALLY-MADE SILVER JEWELLERY comprising of styles that have both a CONTEMPORARY & ARTISTIC appeal for MEN and WOMEN. Some items elegant, flowing and delicate, while others are modern, bold & geometric. E Promo (4) X36 2 Stirrup Way, Silvermyn Village, Noordhoek, 7979 Tel: 086 133 3693 Fax: 086 686 0128 Executive: Diane Russell Email: Cell: 078 345 6684 Smart Living Flameless candles - No mess, no fire risk, change colours, activate flicker mode and timer, all the beauty of real candles with the luxurious aroma of vanilla, all with using a remote control. ● 50 ● E Earthangel Pewter Originals (3) FoL53 3, 17th Street, Orange Grove, 2192 Tel: (011) 640 6823 Fax: (011) 640 6823 Cell: 082 903 2510 Executive: Danya Goldberg Email: Website: High quality, stylish, innovative pewter items designed and manufactured in South Africa since 1993. A completely original range, in both contemporary and classical styles designed by Danya Goldberg, consisting of pewter cutlery, tableware, glassware, animal themed items, etc. Corporate orders welcome. Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s (3) FoD136 106 Mulberry Lane, Leslie Rd, Magaliessig, Fourways, 2191 Tel: (011) 465 0473 Fax: 086 621 3128 Cell: 082 872 4972 Executive: Peggy Smith Email: Website: All handmade in South Africa, St Marc’s is a natural herbal range of linen mists, lotions, gift wrapped soaps, drawer liners, dried lavender. New decor and gifts items all made in South Africa. Importers of Vietnamese rattan chests and décor items. Echobay Trading (4) E01 PO Box 15951, Vlaeberg, 8018 Tel: (021) 448 2181 Fax: (021) 447 5381 Cell: 083 629 7102 Executive: Richard Hart Email: Website: Echobay Trading is the manufacturer of Cape Vineyards range of French Oak cheese boards and Tableware: importers of fine gifting & homeware and suppliers of novelties & the largest range of 21st keys Educat - Chart Studio Publishing (2) TP01 396 Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne, 7780 Tel: (021) 697 3669 Fax: (021) 697 0968 Cell: 082 582 5956 Executive: Kally Benito Email: Website: Superb fun-filled books, posters, picture and novelty books, products with CD’s. Also learning educational kits, maths and science kits, picture, novelty and colouring in books, as well as kindergarden and educational materials. Safety approved. The fastest growing eco friendly children’s publisher. Educo (Pty) Ltd (2) TP123-126 Box 10050, Cape Town, 7905 Tel: (021) 462 2233 Fax: (021) 465 2846 Cell: 072 070 0033 / 082 781 4657 / 082 491 1456 Executive: Leslie Isaacs / Jonathan Isaacs / Email: Gillian Wolpert EDUCO. One-stop source for a major range of educational games and toys, jigsaw puzzles, hobbies, handicraft activities, preschool toys, construction sets, teaching aids and marketable fun. Well-established reliability and brand new innovation ensures top quality stock at low prices. Edu-Kidz (2) TP26&28 3 Russell Ridge, Gillitts, 3610 Tel: (031) 767 4580 Fax: (031) 767 4580 Cell: 083 780 1412 Executive: Gary Carlson Email: Website: A great range of toys, novelties and activities from birth to adult. Some exciting new lines this year and our excavation kits, animals and wooden toy ranges are NOT to be missed! ● 51 ● E Elger Laser Cutting (3) FoD115 PO Box 6292, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2571 Tel: (018) 468 4762 Fax: 086 607 2644 Cell: 082 490 2466 Executive: Ellen van den Heever Email: Website: Interior, decor, hearts, crosses, trays, cheeseboard, coasters, hanging words, scrapbook, embellishments, pictures, small wording, names, frames, curls, corners, wooden cut out, laser, cutting, engraving, plain wooden articles, craft,mosaic, wedding, cards, invitations, design and cutting cards, table plans, menus, standing table names, table numbers, companies gifts, guest books, wedding cards,corrugated boxes, welcome signs, key rings, key holders, wood, craft, crafts, manufacturing, special designs, love. Elsona (3) FoD15-17 PO Box 299, Graaff-Reinet, 6280 Tel: (049) 891 8108 Fax: 086 239 7833 Cell: 082 855 6776 Executive: Elsona de Klerk Email: Website: After 18 years of creating African Art on linen, wooden and ceramic handpainted products, Elsona’s work has become more exclusive. Ethnic designs, in the most unusual colour combinations, give pride to the artist’s work. Eltumi Trading (2) L15 20 Jacaranda Street, Fairbridge Heights, 6229 Tel: (041) 922 5005 Fax: (041) 922 5450 Cell: 083 453 1106 Executive: Giovanni Rossi Email: Website: Eltumi Trading takes pride in supplying quality souvenirs carefully handcrafted for your enjoyment. All our products are based on South African motives with a contemporary design. Emerging Creatives Design Team cc (3) FoL28 7 Oakfields, Centurion Business Estate, 0169 Tel: (012) 667 2725 Executive: Brent Swanepoel Cell: 082 338 8048 Email: Website: Emerging Creatives is a dynamic team of young and enthusiastic industrial designers working together to design and manufacture proudly South African furniture. Our vision is to produce innovative, functional designer furniture and home decor that is suitable for space constrained living. Emthunzini Hats (4) F13 Private Bag X2, Darling, 7345 Tel: (022) 409 2160 Fax: (022) 409 2159 Cell: 083 269 5570 Executive: Gilly Ord Email: Website: Fashionable hats for Men, Women and Children that are crushable, washable and fully adjustable and meet the highest UltraViolet Protection factor, UPF 50+ and carry the CANSA Seal of Recognition. A highly successful and sought after range of hats for retailers. Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd (5) B17-20 PO Box 7993, Johannesburg, 2000 Tel: (011) 538 6500 Fax: (011) 402 7198 Cell: 082 900 1044 Executive: Peter Joseph Email: Website: For over 50 years we have been supplying excellent quality imported artificial flowers, plants, trees, bridal requisites, scarves, shawls and Christmas decorations. We now also stock patio furniture,garden decor, decorative items, photo frames, special display units, artificial butterflies and birds. ● 52 ● E F Espriso (5) A07-12 185 Katherine Street, Sandton Tel: (011) 262 4441 Fax: 086 504 6404 Cell: 073 829 8798 Executive: Kyriacos Michaelides Email: / Website: Espriso is the exclusive distributor in South Africafro XD Design, LEXON, DCI gifts, Paladone, hi-Fun and Donkey Products! Unique gifts, amazing gadgets, fun novelties and lifestyle products! Espriso. A world of Brands! Eurolux (3) FoD147 9 Racecourse Rd, Milnerton, 7436 Tel: (021) 528 8400 Fax: (021) 031 700 6995 Cell: 083 700 6447 Executive: Kobus Bruwer Email: Website: Our ever expanding product range includes decorative table and floor lights, ceiling and wall lights, chandeliers,pendants, downlights and spotlights. It provides lighting solutions to most sectors and is equally popular in homes, offices and retail spaces Evermore Products (2) TP50 59 Brahman Crescent, Longmeadow Business Estate, Edenvale, 1609 Tel: (011) 608 1224 Fax: (011) 608 1736 Cell: 084 976 1023 Executive: Dina Clark Email: Website: Importers and wholesalers of a wide range of toys, party products, cosmetics, costumes, stationery, ornaments, gifts, fashion jewellery, hair accessories, novelties, cosmetics, craft accessories, bags, baby products, Christmas lights and accessories. Adult products and educational books. Fabricor (5) A17-22 PO Box 2525, Beacon Bay, 5205 Tel: (043) 763 1477 Fax: (043) 763 5071 Cell: 082 771 3631 Executive: Jacomarie Scholtz Email: Website: Fabricor is one of the largest cushion manufacturers in the world, with hundreds of designs available. Fabulous Finds (3) FoD26 41 Old Main Road (Josiah Gumede), Pinetown Tel: 082 584 4304 Executive: Catherine Pearce Cell: 082 584 4304 Email: Website: Fabulous Finds are importers and distributors of decorative items for your home and lifestyle. We are inspired in our travels, combining a passion for quality products that are skilfully crafted and a love of all things beautiful, stylish and fabulous! FACT (3) FoL44 PO Box 200, Elgin, 7180 Executive: Jo Elkin Fax: (028) 284 9984 Cell: 082 491 5243 Email: Website: http://facesaroundcapetown. FACT presents a range of limited edition, upmarket hand bags, cushions, lamps, trays, paperweights, coasters and cards. This unique selection of products are made up of personally selected images, photographed by myself, of scenes and people depicting southern Africa. ● 53 ● F Fancy Stitch (3) FoL08 PO Box 332, Main Road, Ingwavuma, 3968 Tel: (035) 591 0027 Fax: (035) 591 0466 Cell: 072 279 2962 Executive: Maryna Heese Email: Website: Income generation project creating unique hand crafted items reflecting life in Ingwavuma, KZN. Cards, keyrings, bookmarks, fridge magnets, photo frames, cellphone pouches, purses, cushions covers, clocks and a range of artworks. A wide range, wood work and big dolls now available. Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd (5) B01-09 PO Box 205, Ruimsig, 1732 Tel: 086 113 2635 Fax: 086 637 7044 Executive: Hendrik CB Schoeman Email: Website: Fanél Gift and Glassware imports new and exciting ranges of prestige glassware, home and garden décor for every florist, gift and interior shop or retailer. We have beautiful new ranges of aluminium, nickel, garden and interior gifts at SARCDA August 2013. Fantastick Wall Décor (2) K12 81 Jean Ave, Doringkloof, Centurion, 0157 Tel: (012) 667 3109 Fax: 086 565 2768 Cell: 083 533 3349 Executive: Daleen Meara Email: Website: Fantastick wall décor provides cutting edge creativity and the latest wall design trends and techniques. These original products are made from the highest quality materials and designed & manufactured in-house to make this a proudly South African product. Fino Bags and Purses (2) L14a 63 Fleming Road, Meadowdale, Germiston, 1614 Tel: (011) 974 9828 Fax: (011) 974 9829 Executive: Kay Yang Email: Website: Fino Bags is a South African based company that whole sales a wide variety of accessories. We speacialise in a wide selection of texture accessories, including canvas, leather PU and lots more. Firehorse Brand (3) FoD33 50 11th Street, Parkhurst, 2196 Tel: (011) 447 8240 Fax: 086 764 9197 Cell: 082 771 9303 Executive: Alice Rowe Email: Website: Firehorse Brand presents: Knock!Knock! Putting the fun into functional. Funny, smart, journals, gifts and stationery for friends, lovers, co-workers, children and annoying people. Playthings Tin Toys: beautifully designed retro wind-up tin toys that delight young, old and in-between. Flair Fashions cc (5) A36&38 PO Box 2795, Edenvale, 1610 Tel: (011) 452 0077 Fax: (011) 609 8401 Cell: 082 772 8592 / 082 853 1850 Executive: Cecil Millinger Email: Website: Flair Fashions offers a wide range of top quality fashion jewellery that follows current international trends. We pride ourselves on our prompt deliveries, attractive packaging and excellent after sales service. We are represented throughout Southern Africa and all neighbouring states. ● 54 ● F Flora Mystique cc (5) C25 PO Box 11726, Hatfield, 0028 Tel: (012) 346 6108 Executive: Lori Dolores Cell: 082 568 5766 Email: Website: Flora Mystique are importers of authentic artificial trees plants and flowers. High end products for the decoration of corporate offices hotels hospitals and the general market. Forest Life (4) F08a Postnet Suite 75, Private Bag X26, Sunninghill, 2157 Tel: 082 652 2595 Fax: 086 517 7385 Cell: 082 652 2595 Executive: Cindy Goldstein - McKenzie Email: Website: Forest Life South Africa through Facebook Summer 2013 is clothing designed with very ethereal and feminine elements. The colour palette threads from Soft through to Bold. Our Destiny label is very versatile, but also known specialists for important occasions and Mother of the Bride. Frank Speier Toy Agencies (2) TP11-14 PO Box 374, Bruma, 2026 Tel: (011) 974 8303 / (011) 974 9317 Fax: (011) 974 9499 Executive: Philippa Speier Email: Cell: 082 684 2702 For the best range of general, babies, girls, boys toys, games, party items, we are one of the leading toy wholesalers. For service, efficiency and friendliness try us and see for yourselves! If you’ve tried the rest now deal with the best! Free Range Kids CC (2) TP117&118 Postnet Suite 406, Private Bag X9063, 5200 Tel: (043) 721 1464 Fax: (043) 726 7656 Cell: 082 927 7422 Executive: Denise Cowie Email: Website: Free Range Kids has a wide range of wooden, educational and general toys. We strive to offer value for money and to cater for all needs. Fuego Lifestyle (3) FoD112 PO Box 9526, Verwoerdpark, 1453 Tel: (011) 902 5349 Executive: Jen Logan Cell: 076 922 0001 Email: Website: Fuego Lifestyle imports luxury home, body and fragrance products. Our brands are meticulously selected, always offering something with a uniquely personal signature that is of superior quality. We are the exclusive distributors of Geodesis, Lothantique and Compagnie de Provence. FULLSPOT ZA Pty (4) F07 6 Peach Tree Crescent, Sunningdale, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 072 922 4172 Executive: Gloria Quario Cell: 072 922 4172 Email: Website: 100% made in Italy. We produce silicon interchangeable faces silicon watches, pocket watches, and bags. All our products are design icons. We care a lot about our image at affordable prices. Visit our stand F07 hall4 to create your own o’clock o’bag o’chive. ● 55 ● F Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd G (5) W07 HKS House, 22-24 First Ave, Kew, Johannesburg, 2035 Tel: (011) 440 8567 Fax: (011) 440 8608 Cell: 084 652 9313 Executive: Shiraz Jassat Email: Website: Funki Lines specialises in Funki Home and Kitchenware products. We are the sole agents for Creative Tops, MSC Eggey Range, Fatboy, Food & Food, Olde Thompson Spice Racks, R2S Easy Life, Coca Cola Fridges and Voodoo Knife Blocks. GAGS (2) TP30 Unit 11 Laserdown Ind Park, Joman Road, Laser Park Tel: (011) 794 7593 Fax: 086 545 0077 Executive: Denton Cooley Email: Website: Supplier of high novelty products, button badges, glow and flashing products, chocolate body paint and other fun stuff. Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc (5) W18 PO Box 74421, Rochdale Park, 4034 Tel: (031) 579 3190 Fax: (031) 579 3193 Cell: 082 454 4017 Executive: Dhiraj Govind Email: Website: Galaxy offers an extensive range of quality products which include; Leather wallets, purses, handbags, men’s bags and briefcases/ portfolios. Designer travel and luggage accessories, vanity cases & duffel bags. A gift range comprising of jewellery boxes, manicure sets, aluminium cases, filofaxes, A4 folders. Gift Warehouse (3) FoD77 26 Adelaide Drive, Glenashley, Durban North, 4051 Tel: (031) 563 3458 Fax: 086 573 9765 Cell: 083 440 1588 Executive: Phillip Wartski Email: Website: Importers of Ming blue and white ceramic decor, plant pots and decor pots..Also importers of ceramic white tableware for the domestic, hotel and resturant trade. Assorted coloured tea pots and matching cups, bamboo products, and Christmas decor. Gifthaus (3) FoD24 183 Currey Close, Belvidere Estate, Knysna, 6571 Tel: (044) 387 1263 Fax: 086 633 1644 Cell: 083 627 5493 / 083 625 1234 Executive: Colleen Kemp Email: Website: As importers and distributors of exclusive home decor including unique tableware, unusual mixed-media planters and vases, as well as other focus items and fine gifts, we bring innovative quality products to the market. At GIFTHAUS the usual is always the unusual! Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers (5) A35,37&39 PO Box 421068, Fordsburg, 2033 Tel: (011) 839 1973 / 74 Fax: (011) 839 1985 Cell: 082 558 0062 / 083 363 5829 Executive: Kass Kossanjee Email: Website: Distributors of gifts, novels, novelties, cards, gift bags, bows, ribbons, clocks, big 5, crystals, gift boxes, baskets, plaques and photo frames. ● 56 ● G Giggles Gifting (4) X15 Sur Le Mont 303, Rollo Place, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184 Tel: (012) 803 1053 Fax: (012) 803 1053 Cell: 082 923 6193 Executive: Johan Koekemoer Email: Website: We give walls a little bit of spice with clocks, art and everything nice. Clocks, Legend art, black boards, photo clips and photo holders. We manufacture locally and can personalize all our products. Ginger Ray (2) J17 702 Monille Sands, 40 Bay Rd, Monille Point, Cape Town, 8005 Tel: (021) 433 2894 Fax: 086 764 0153 Cell: 079 707 5888 Executive: Laura Munro Email: Website: Ginger Ray designs & manufactures exclusive special occasion partyware . Our ever expanding themed ranges include disposable tableware, venue decoration, cake accessories and more for wedding, baby shower, Christmas, birthday & tea party. Come & visit our stand Hall 2, J17. Glenart Trading (5) B26 73 Old Main Road, Kloof, Durban, 3610 Tel: (031) 764 6160 Fax: (031) 764 5928 Executive: Miles Rasmussen Email: Website: Hand-crafted in rural Kwa-zulu Natal, Glenart’s Christmas crackers are manufactured in a wide range of designs - from the traditionality of Christmas themes, to the strikingly contemporary. We also offer tailor made crackers for any corporate or promotional event. Global Homeware Supplies (5) W25 1st Floor, Liberty Life Building, 21 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Tel: (031) 823 2673 Fax: (031) 535 7001 Cell: 071 241 6443 Executive: Vikram Gupta Email: Website: We specialize in a wide range of silver finish decorative products for function, home and flower decoration. Our product range includes candle holders, vases, under plates, centerpieces, napkin holders, cake stands, beverage coolers, tableware, easels, S/Steel cutler, Kitchen tools etc. Grey Gardens (3) FoD133 Unit 8, 68 7th Ave, Parktown North, 2193 Tel: 084 901 2664 Fax: 086 552 8945 Executive: Louise Bredenkamp Email: Website: The Grey Gardens range consist of scatter cushions, table runners, table cloths, aprons and tea towels. Grow Learning Company (2) TP41 3 Ring Road, George, 6500 Tel: (044) 873 2893 Fax: 086 554 0321 Cell: 083 273 9242 Executive: Amanda Kleynhans Email: Website: Grow Learning Company – Educational Resources where children matter, education is fun, teaching is a passion, learning is always in season and you are always our priority. ● 57 ● H HB Sport & Toys (2) TP55 PO Box 51528, Raedene, 2124 Tel: (011) 440 3424 Fax: 086 631 5737 Executive: Anat Broide Email: Website: Offering a selection of top quality educational supplies and learning material for early childhood development. Partnered with the most prestigious brands to become the most trusted supplier for early childhood development. We aim to encourage, stimulate and teach through play. Head On Design (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 Unit 2 Canterbury Studios, 35 Wesley Street, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 465 8090 Fax: 086 577 5904 Cell: 076 762 6084 Executive: Joanna Orr Email: Website: Head On Design creates wall-mounted ‘trophy’ or freestanding African animal sculptures, all of which exude an Afro-chic elegance. They are made in a variety of natural materials such as bamboo - nature’s wonder-plant; a white recycled baord called Xanita, or a recycled paperboard for the smaller wall sculptures.They come flat packged with clear instructions on how to assemble. Heart And Home (2) L03 Postnet Suite 383, Private Bag X1, Melkbosstrand, 7437 Tel: 083 538 3096 Executive: Vanessa Rheeder Cell: 083 538 3096 Email: Website: Heart and Home specialises in unique and vintage homeware and gifts. Our products include: Vintage chic homeware, ceramics, lunch bags, shoppers, retro kitchen scales, clocks, cake tins, lunch boxes, traditional toys and gifts. Come visit us at stand L03 (Hall 2). Heavenly Earth (3) FoL01&02 PO Box 3293, Florida, 1710 Tel: (011) 672 4866 Fax: 086 660 0743 Cell: 083 378 2354 Executive: Marie Delport Email: Website: Local manufacturers of a range of French Country inspired home décor and gift ideas. All our products are handmade and include vintage pots, candle pots, blackboard gift tags, French kitchen accessories and a brand new Quirky Ceramic Range! Hennak (2) Y02 PO Box 99108, Garsfontein, 0060 Tel: (012) 346 7553 Fax: (012) 346 8623 Cell: 083 268 7608 Executive: Soekie Swart Email: Website: Hennak is an exhilarating company with a fantastic body care range, fresh acrylic functional art designs, laser cut leather and interior products. We have a beautiful range of laser cut invites and other wedding decor. Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 Goedgegewe Farm, Hermanus Tel: 082 562 2343 Executive: Elmarie de Bruyn Cell: 082 562 2343 Email: Website: Natural wellness products, crafted on our farm with oils we produce ourselves : Grown-and-made-in-Africa. The products are, multipurpose and versatile, use organic ingredients - kind to your body. Free from Parabens, Sls, Colourants, Synthetics, Preservatives and Petro-chemicals. Balm, Spa, Bathroom, Kitchen, Perfume. ● 58 ● H Heritage Touch cc (4) X13&14 12 Midline Business Park, Richards Drive, Midrand Tel: (011) 834 9501 Fax: (011) 834 9501 Cell: 072 230 4672 Executive: Bashir Ahmad Khan Email: Website: Indian Furniture, kashmir crafts and soft furnish. High Thorn (3) FoL30&31 5 McKenzie Road, Glenferness Tel: 082 321 4862 / 074 255 9999 Fax: 086 524 6571 Cell: 082 321 4862 Executive: Georgie Anderson Email: Website: We specialise in chandeliers designed and handmade in Johannesburg. We use a variety of mediums including twig, leather and beads. We represent Greg Anderson Photography. Himalayan Handmades cc (4) F09a PO Box 22345 Mayors Walk, 3208 Tel: (033) 346 2419 Fax: (033) 346 2419 Cell: 083 328 0935 Executive: Colleen Wesley Email: Website: Importers and wholesalers of clothing, accessories and Buddhist items from the Himalayas. Holster (4) F12 PO Box 660, Umhlanga, 4320, KZN Tel: 082 873 9825 Fax: 086 670 0884 Cell: 082 873 9825 Executive: Stuart James Email: Website: Holster is Australia’s leading jellies footwear brand stocked in over 1 500 prestigious stores in over 45 countries world-wide. Get on board the holster® jelly trend. “Make Every Day a Holiday with holster®” ® Home and Catering Suppliers (5) A27,29-32 PO Box 124346, Alrode, 1451 Tel: (011) 864 9807 Fax: (011) 864 9816 Cell: 083 288 6620 Executive: Desmond Waldman Email: Website: Home and Catering Suppliers offers an extensive range of houseware and catering product to all facets of the Southern African market. With brands such as Luigi Bormioli, Consol, Marinex, Tramontina, Mayfair, Regent and more, HCS provides core replenishable products at attainable prices. Homewood Manufacturing (3) FoD105 PO Box 2318, Hilton, 3245 Tel: (033) 234 4450 Fax: 086 516 4878 Cell: 083 440 8121 Executive: Ian Perry Email: Website: A subsiduary of Homewood manufacturing, our smalls company focuses on the utilization of offcut wood to create crafted items for use in the kitchen, office, dining room etc. Design and fucntionality being the key elements to creating demand. Horizon Furniture (3) FoD03&04 Toring Laan 4, Groenvlei, Bloemfontein, 9338 Tel: (051) 451 9164 Fax: 086 580 9577 Cell: 082 776 0499 Executive: Johan De Bruin Email: Website: Horizon Furniture specialises in contemporary handcrafted furniture and décor accessories made of wood, rusted steel, recycled wood and old crates. ● 59 ● H I Horus International (Pty) Ltd (5) B29&31 PO Box 2, Steenberg, 7945 Tel: (021) 701 6721 Fax: (021) 701 6720 Executive: Rob Goulden Email: Cell: 083 270 7338 Distributors of printed tinware ie Flower Fairie & Ass, designs, basketware, kitchenware and table accessories, aluminium houseware products,exclusive Kitchen towels, wooden coat hangers, glassware, delicate French wire products and accessories. Ladies apparel, sneakers, fleece capes, hats, cotton scarves & peaks. Iconz Art (3) FoD01a PO Box 334, Sea Point, 8060 Tel: (021) 438 9086 Fax: (021) 438 1664 Cell: 083 265 2273 Executive: Gerald Cohen Email: Website: Original signed handmade collages. Hundreds of designs at consumer art prices. Wildlife, ethnic, marine, Judaica and Christian inspired. Your destination/logo on leather bookmarks/chains, c/c holders, metal inspirational journals, notebooks etc. Many exciting stationery products. Proud to be local and exported worldwide. Ideal Toy (2) TP08&10 6 Angel Avenue, Springs, 1559 Tel: (011) 815 3610 Fax: (011) 362 3989 Cell: 076 970 7708 Executive: Glenn Ambrose Email: Website: ± 2000 Educational and General Toys. Exclusive distributors of ZOOB, Smart Games, SmartMax, SmartFrames, University Games, Buitenspeel, Orda, B toys, Casdon, Hedstrom and Yookidoo. Ikhaya Africa Export (3) FoD84 18 Aandbloem Str, Devils Peak, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 462 5389 Fax: (021) 461 3634 Cell: 083 444 8848 Executive: Esta Lindsay-Bowman Email: Website: We offer a range of homeware products drawn for Africa’s rich kaleidoscope of colours, textures, skins, feathers, horns and ostrich eggs. Our home décor items are all hand-made using exotic raw materials that encapsulate the “Spirit of Africa”. Ilanga Trading (2) J05a PO Box 3, Commondale, 2385 Tel: 083 233 5667 Fax: 086 687 5167 Cell: 083 233 5667 Executive: Sonja Hinze Email: Website: Ilanga Trading is a wholesale company with the focus of supplying a variety of quality interior Décor and Gift products at affordable prices. Solid wood furniture, metals, hearts, birds, kitchen and garden décor, wooden toys and ribbons. IMPO Distributors (4) E05 PO Box 47420, Greyville, 4023 Tel: (031) 303 1271 Fax: (031) 312 4077 Cell: 083 777 2208 Executive: Dean Harrison Email: Website: IMPO Distributors specialises in manufacturing, importing and distributing pharmacy sundries in South Africa and neighbouring countries. A full range of pharmacy sundries are available as well as a unique range of body and bath products. ● 60 ● I Impressions J (5) W27 PO Box 2011, Windmeul, 7630 Tel: (021) 971 1634 Fax: (021) 869 8699 Cell: 083 264 5998 Executive: Lize Mentz Email: Website: PAPER PRODUCTS - imported from Herlitz in Germany. See our elegant Xmas table/giftware products and our wide range of party and picnic products. Our exclusive STATIONERY RANGE caters for all age groups. Ingrid Moore Imports (Link) LN06 20 Rosbur Park, Neptune Street, Paarden Eiland Tel: (021) 510 0630 Fax: (021) 510 0633 Executive: Jack Moore Email: Cell: 082 441 2948 Silk flowers, ironware flower containers, décor items, gift items and furnishings. Intle Design (2) TP48 PO Box 412686, Craighall, 2024 Tel: (011) 447 0512 Fax: 086 671 2650 Cell: 082 572 2465 Executive: Paola Gibson Email: Website: Fabric animal toys on spring and handpainted wooden children’s gift items e.g. suitcases, mobile etc. Isis Intertrade cc (3) FoD09-11 14 Rectangle Street, Triangle Park, Paarl, 7646 Tel: (021) 862 4671 Fax: 086 519 1148 Cell: 082 776 6552 Executive: Wilna Fourie Email: Website: Stunning new range of vintage, as well as teak furniture, with genuine leather rugs to compliment. Lavastone mosaic lamps and mirrors. Unique garden sculptures, metal wall art and bell lights. Visit us for great buys! iwasshot in joburg :) (2) L11 Arts on Main, 264 Fox Str, Johannesburg, 2094 Tel: 082 922 5674 Fax: 082 922 5674 Cell: 082 922 5674 Executive: Bernard Viljoen Email: Website: The label providing a platform for former street kids to learn skills and generate an income. J E Living (3) FoD130 PO Box 65, Dalton, 3236 Tel: (033) 940 0468 Fax: 086 585 3170 Cell: 082 540 0982 Executive: Elize Schoeman Email: Website: Made proudly in South Africa...Fragrant candles, Bath crystals, Scented Wooden Hearts, Crosses, Birds, Fish...Fragrance & Burner Oils, Room & Linen Sprays, Hand Body & Face Washes, Petersham Ribbons and Carrier Bags and Gift Boxes...Aroma Reed Diffusser and lots of gifting ideas. Jambo (3) FoL58-62 Unit 26, Nearby Industrial Park, Railway Street, Woodstock, 7925 Tel: (021) 448 0951 Fax: (021) 448 0856 Cell: 073 234 2077 Executive: Brian Swart Email: Website: Jambo is a wholesaler of quality gifting, lifestyle, décor and curio products. Its ranges include both traditional and contemporary designs from Africa and the East. Jambo counts some of Africa, Europe, USA & Australia’s finest lodges, hotel groups, curio shops and interior designers as its clients. ● 61 ● J Jean-Dyl Manufacturers (2) J05 16 Sorrento Anysberg Str, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 1740 Tel: 083 293 0985 Executive: Tania Keyser Cell: 083 293 0985 / 082 467 7731 Email: Proudly South African Manufacturer of hand made garlands and hearts with words, poems and inspirational phrases. Hand made distressed and engraved photo frames. Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers (4) E17 15 Northfield Avenue, Glenhazel Tel: (011) 440 0927 Fax: (011) 440 0962 Cell: 083 795 4193 Executive: Jeff Sluzki Email: Website: We are importers/wholesalers of the latest fashion jewellery, with exciting new stock every 12 weeks. We import pewter and rhodium, with Swarovski crystals and cubic zirconias. Our jewellery makes wonderful Xmas presents and gifts affordable. Best quality. Jenam by IMPO Distributors (4) E07 PO Box 47420, Greyville, 4023 Tel: (031) 303 1271 Fax: (031) 312 4077 Cell: 082 927 2218 Executive: Jenny Mayo Email: Website: Jenam by IMPO, offers a range of beautiful and unique bath, body and lifestyle products. Our range caters for ladies, men and kiddies. Our latest and most popular “must-haves” are our wide range of laminated bags. Visit our website for more... Jo Hope (3) FoL33 37A 7th Road, Chartwell North Estate, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 460 1777 Executive: Robyn Bierman Cell: 082 882 4873 Email: Website: Fun, practical and versatile kiddies shwe shwe clothing as well as beautiful personalised picnic blankets backed with waterproofing, padded for extra comfort and finished off with a gorgeous bow to make them the perfect gift for any occasion. Joolz (3) FoD126&128 PO Box 5055, Tyger Valley, 7536 Tel: (021) 913 4198 Fax: 086 599 3930 Cell: 083 269 8661 Executive: Hanlie Sheridan Email: Website: High quality fashion jewellery designed by JOOLZ in South Africa . Manufactured and imported from Europe. Joy Collectables (3) FoD109&110 83 Neptune Ave, Crowthorne, 1684 Tel: (011) 702 1319 Fax: (011) 702 1653 Executive: Yair Shukor Email: Website: We design unique handmade sterling silver jewellery set with semi-precious stones as well as contemporary costume jewellery. Our wide range of fashion accessories including handbags and belts, compliments our jewellery ranges for the discerning client. Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles (3) FoD13&14 PO Box 915, Bredasdorp, 7280 Tel: (028) 425 1201 Fax: (028) 425 3110 Cell: 082 825 2361 Executive: Julian Keyser Email: Website: Handmade original ceramics, fabrics and wooden trays. Choose from an extensive range of African, Western and contemporary designs suited to gift shops, curio shops, restaurants, guest houses and private homes. Highly sought after locally and internationally. ● 62 ● J K Jumali Accessories (4) X04&05 PO Box 4768, Randburg, 2125 Tel: (011) 886 5822 Fax: (011) 886 5601 Cell: 082 448 3307 Executive: Lisa Selley Email: Website: Jumali Accessories - Handcrafted costume jewellery, gift boxes and scarves. We have a wide selection of beaded, bone, metal and leather jewellery. Jumali has both locally manufactured as well as imported styles. Kai Lee Import & Export (4) X23 122 President St, 7th Floor Eplow House, Johannesburg, 2000 Tel: (011) 333 7888 Fax: (011) 333 7888 / (011) 434 5828 Executive: Jeffery Chan Email: Cell: 083 456 7965 / 083 463 8928 We have a new range of metal cars, planes, boxes, chimes, water features, bikes, toys, porcelain dolls, fairies, angels, ornaments, teddy bears, pixies, African curios, animals, inverters, LED lamps and much, much more. Kapula Candles (3) FoL51 13 Cereal Street, Bredasdorp, 7280 Tel: (028) 425 1969 Fax: (028) 424 1969 Cell: 076 923 0346 Executive: André Appelgryn Email: Website: Our wide range of candles reflect the warm art of Africa .We offer a wide range of product to suit all your needs. Hand painted, frost painted, plain frost, special frost, soy and fragranced candles. Keith Hamilton Pottery (3) FoD96 Suite 18, P. BagX75, Bryanston, 2021 Tel: (011) 465 8740 Fax: 086 665 8884 Cell: 082 781 4708 Executive: Lisa Hamilton Email: Website: Our BLUESTONE FIRES include Pizza Ovens, Boma Pitfires, Braziers and Braais for your outdoor entertainment with fabulous accessories to enhance the experience! Also exclusive pottery items made from our unique clays with natural finishes, including planters, water features, featurepots etc. Kheera (4) F08 PO Box 393, Somerset Mall, 7137 Fax: 086 574 6778 Executive: Lizeth Venter Cell: 083 452 9525 Email: Klein Karoo International Ltd (3) FoD92 PO Box 241, Oudtshoorn, 6620 Tel: (044) 203 5242 Fax: (044) 203 5278 Cell: 084 645 3801 Executive: Yolandi Horn Email: Website: Klein Karoo Ostrich Boutique, best prices for Ostrich Leather and Feather products. Kokskraal Handcrafts (3) FoL14 PO Box 81, Cookhouse, 5820 Tel: (042) 247 2500 Fax: 086 517 9096 Cell: 082 267 5945 Executive: Liza Troskie Email: Website: Are you looking for curios, beadwork, crafts and jewellery handmade in the Eastern Cape? This job-creation project can supply these products, with an African / ethnic theme, which are ideal for gift- and curioshops. ● 63 ● K L Koolaworld Distributors cc (5) B23&25 3rd Floor Yodata House, 25 Hulbert Street, New Centre, Johannesburg, 2000 Tel: (011) 499 8020 Fax: (011) 493 6782 Cell: 082 550 3875 Executive: David Nourse Email: Website: Importer and distrubotor of fine homeware and baking goods. Carry well know brands like , Wilton , Ritzenhoff, Alessi , Microplane and Konitz. We have also introduced a watch collection called S.T.A.M.P.S. KRDM Innovative Homeware (2) M07 PO Box 12376, Garden Route Mall, George, 6546 Tel: 079 771 6876 Executive: Kolja Sturmer Cell: 079 771 6876 Email: Website: Distributor of innovative homeware and kitchen products. Exclusive brands include: VacuVin kitchen and wine products; Mermaid Hard Anodised Cookware; Contento - Living, Lifestyle, Decor; Garlic Card; Mad Millie DIY cheese kits; RTA Wineracks; GW enamel and non-stick cookware; Kocheblume; Retap bottles. Kristal Home Textiles (5) A40&42 2 Planet Ave, Crown Mines Tel: (060) 453 3781 / (011) 830 1723 Fax: (011) 830 1723 Executive: George Beruashvili Email: Kruizement (3) FoL57 PO Box 567, Saldanha, 7395 Tel: (022) 714 2845 Executive: Debbie van Wyk Cell: 072 585 3720 Email: Website: Cement wood and tin products. hearts crosses, hanging mobiles, all handmade in SA. Kuleli Designs (2) K05 18 Waterfall, Rietvlei Ridge, Pretoria Tel: 082 813 3248 Executive: Tanya Simpson Cell: 082 813 3248 Email: Website: Kuleli Designs is a South African based company who only uses South African products. We supply handmade products namely: 1. Handprinted Decor Items (Scatter Cushions & Lampshades) 2. Aprons 3. Fabric Covered Journals 4. Assorted Bags 5. Assorted Wall Tattoos/ Wallpaper. La Maison du Savon de Marseilles (2) L17 PO Box 1550, Parklands, 2121, showroom; 41 Stanley Ave, Milpark, JHB Tel: (011) 482 3288 Executive: Belinda Fawell Cell: 082 570 7055 / 083 527 5272 Email: Quality authentic products and antiques from beautiful Provence, France! A pure, organic range of heavenly soaps in an indulgent variety of fragrances - including the famous cubed “Savon de Marseilles”. Come discover too our decadent perfumes and crystal Alum stone ... Voila! LA Toscana Investments (4) E11 Unit 35 Sunrock Office Park, Sunrock Close, Sunnyrock, Germiston Tel: (011) 450 4703 Executive: Amanda Dreyer Cell: 083 380 5982 Email: Yankee Candle is the USA’s best selling candle. What makes this fragranced candle range so special is that it contains between 7 - 8 % fragrance oil, which makes the smell last from beginning to end. ● 64 ● L Laser Edge Designs (3) FoD63 Unit 15, Olympia Gardens, 23 Olympia Ave, Kelvinview Tel: (011) 444 6082 Fax: (011) 444 5915 Cell: 082 465 5649 Executive: Kevin Hackner Email: Website: South African acrylic furniture and accessories specialists. We work with all leading high end retailers, interiors decorators and designers and architects. We manufacture our own range -Acryluso, as well as custom designs as per client specifications. Please visit our showroom. Lauriana Designs (2) J04 32 Roger de Klerk Place, Mkondeni, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Tel: (031) 765 8732 Fax: (031) 765 8732 Cell: 083 282 4274 Executive: Anita Dunsdon Email: Website: Lauriana Designs manufacture and design luxury Stationery products such as GiftWrap, GiftBags, Journal Sets, Paper Placemat Pads and GiftCards, with a fresh, painterly expressiveness and beauty, which is proudly indigenous and uniquely South African. Layette Essentials (2) K14 11 Dreyersdal Road, Bergvliet, 7945 Tel: (021) 712 6485 Executive: Joyce van Kampen / Alina Warner Cell: 072 899 8937 / 082 411 8977 Email: Website: “aden+anais” - royal swaddles / “Make My Day” - practical designer baby gifts / Puckababy - baby sleeping bags and wraps / Deryan pop up travel cots / Iris Barcelona - snack “ON THE GO” solution. LazyCatz Studio (2) K11 Box 594, St Helena Bay, 7390 Tel: (022) 742 1244 Executive: Judy Smit Cell: 076 886 4440 Email: Website: Unique laser cut decor, gifts and craft items. Customized designs for corporate events and wedding decor. Inspired, designed and manufactured on the West Coast, South Africa. LCM -ZSISKA (3) FoD118 115 Montebello, Montrose St, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700 Tel: (021) 685 8481 Executive: Lisa McNicholl Cell: 071 596 9326 Email: Website: ZSISKA is a brand of high quality, handmade, fashion resin jewellery. Inspiration for our designs are found in the diversity of cultures,art,nature and upcoming fashion trends. A ZSISKA woman combines feminine strength and elegance, her style is timeless and always fahionable. Lenso Lifestyle (5) B44,46&48 PO Box 1065, Woodstock Tel: (021) 448 2240 Fax: (021) 448 2301 Cell: 072 958 9408 Executive: Trevor Jacobs Email: Website: We are leaders in home, décor and giftware. Be sure to view our fresh, inspiring and innovative range comprising of a vast aluminium range, French inspired homeware and fantastic mirrors to name but a few. Lisa Martin (2) L08 6B Armagh Road, Parkview, Johannesburg, 2193 Tel: (011) 646 9588 Executive: Lisa Martin Cell: 079 420 5521 Email: Handmade glass and aluminum optical illusion spirals and decor items. ● 65 ● L Lizawithlove (3) FoD12 PO Box 17273, Bain’s Vlei, 9338 Tel: 072 225 9887 Fax: 086 574 2591 Cell: 072 225 9887 Executive: Liza van Wyk Email: Website: We’ll take you back to times long forgotten with our unique hand made range of trays, memo boards, wall panels, pot stands etc. Proudly South African. Lizha Imports (3) FoD18 36 Northgate Business Park, Gold St, Northgate Estate Cape Town Tel: (021) 510 7362 Fax: 086 617 5692 Cell: 083 248 0619 Executive: Nicole Toplis Email: Website: A collection of exclusively designed international and locally sourced homeware and gift items. Our range includes decorating smalls like gift tags, hearts, decorative containers and wall hooks. Looky Bag (2) TP67 PO BOX 10171, Aston Manor, 1630 Tel: (011) 391 5775 Fax: 086 690 3145 Cell: 072 398 8053 Executive: Tania van Loggerenberg Email: Website: The Looky Bag is an educational product suitable for toy shops, pharmacies, decor and gift shops. A “I Spy Bag” concept where kids need to look for 30 hidden objects. Available in 6 bright colours & comes with a counter stand. Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade (3) FoD34&39 36 Buro Crescent, Mayville, 4062 Tel: (031) 208 0930 Fax: 086 648 7049 Cell: 083 657 6599 Executive: Lou Harvey Email: Website: Lou Harvey has a large variety of accessories, including laminated bags, coolers, wallets, vanities, all in original, exclusive fabrics, as well as many new products to create the Lou Harvey lifestyle. Love Thy Home (3) FoD64 PO Box 374, Newlands, Pretoria, 0049 Tel: (012) 999 3097 Fax: 086 634 5072 Cell: 083 417 5238 Executive: Eugéne Breytenbach Email: Website: Love Thy Home import and distribute fresh and exciting home décor & giftware to shops countrywide. Products include: lamps, decorative furniture, cast iron figures, head busts and statues, photo frames, tin plaques, beaded lampshades and functional iron décor accessories. L + P Textiles Pty Ltd (4) F03 52 Dann Rd, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, 1619 Tel: (011) 394 2705 / (031) 765 6718 Fax: (011) 972 8007 Cell: 083 455 6242 Executive: Leon Van Vuuren Email: Website: We are stockist of the finest printed 100% cottons from the best manufactures in the world perfect for clothing and home décor. We are also stockist of a large range of décor trimmings as well as stockist of Craft products. ● 66 ● L Lumela Afrika M (4) X38 Box 24, Arcon Park, 1937 Tel: (016) 422 3737 Fax: (016) 422 3728 Cell: 071 858 4467 Leanne / 081 526 6734 Bets Executive: Leanne Dickinson Email: Website: Manufacturers and wholesalers of a wide range of brightly hand painted enamel tableware, kiddies hand painted toys and musical instruments, accessories and curio items. Our new ranges include a fabulous new felt range, new musical instruments, gorgeous beaded charm bracelets, a quirky new plush toy range, hand carved wooden animal bangles and handmade decorative animal ornaments. Luna C (3) FoD75&76 650 Louis Botha Ave, Bramley, Johannesburg Tel: (021) 790 4519 / (011) 786 7272 Fax: 086 531 1151 Cell: 083 649 8160 Executive: Kerryn Laurier Email: Website: Designers and importers of exclusive porcelain, candles, fragrance diffusers, hourglasses and many other wonderful home accessories and gifts. Lundie and Crowe (3) FoD107 23 Fourth Ave, Edenvale, 1609 Tel: (011) 454 6363 Fax: 086 580 8854 Cell: 083 233 4240 Executive: Adele Lundie Email: Website: LUNDIE & CROWE supplies the décor trade with a beautiful collection of home accessories and fragrances . We are excited to launch our very own Home Fragrance range. LUNDIE & CROWE follows global trends bringing you classic products for the home. M. de Wet Promotions cc (5) W12 PO Box 954, Glenvista, 2058 Tel: (011) 433 8808 Fax: (011) 433 8815 Cell: 083 925 5657 Executive: Tiaan de Wet Email: Website: Proud suppliers of greeting cards in English and Afrikaans. We stock a big range of gift bags, wrapping paper and a wide selection of gifts for weddings, babies and men. Visit our website to see more. Mabibuch Imports (3) FoD120-125 PO Box 938, Lichtenburg, 2740 Tel: (018) 632 3912 Fax: (018) 632 3246 Cell: 082 879 4454 / 083 335 2194 Executive: Maryna Harper Email: Website: We stock: exclusive Mabidesign tableware, polished aluminiumware for the catering industry, popular smaller gift items, painted household items, solid wood furniture as well as our new range of mod painted french furniture just arrived. Made in Z.A (3) FoD131 PO Box 2918, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2041 Tel: (011) 483 2184 Fax: (011) 483 2184 Cell: 084 708 5764 Executive: Sonja Zytkow Email: Website: Find....Use....Re-use. Wonderful button rings created from old buttons and made by the Izimbali Group from SOWETO assisted by the wire workers from the streets of Johannesburg. Creating employment for everyone! Also showcasing extraordinary jewels from Muzeum Creations. ● 67 ● M Magic Lighting (5) W19 238 Anlend Rd, Montclair, 4004 Tel: (031) 462 9473 Fax: (031) 462 9630 Cell: 082 443 0321 Executive: Nevon Singh Email: Website: Established since 1991, Magic Lighting are the trendsetters in festive and decorative lighting. Our product range includes ropelights, fairylights, Christmas motifs and a wide range of LED products. We manufacture signage to your specifications. Visit our website – Mangar Furniture, Kitchens & Interiors (Pty) Ltd (2) J13-16 Shop 19, Douglasdale Shop Centre, Leslie Rd, Douglasdale Tel: (011) 462 5991 / 462 5863 Fax: 086 236 7215 Cell: 082 564 0376 / 083 443 4110 Executive: Janine Mulock-Bentley Email: Website: Magnetic Gift Creations (5) A45&47 Twinpark Unit 5, 96 2nd Avenue, Kew, 2090 Tel: (011) 440 5731 / (011) 440 5830 Fax: 086 724 3545 Cell: 082 774 5198 Executive: Joe Leviner Email: Website: Magnetic Gift Creations specializes in the provision of modern and exciting gifting solutions. We have a vast range of children’s gifts as well as educational books. Our products have proven to be the gift of choice amongst all people. MagnifiSAnt (5) W16 Block A, Lonehill Office Park, Lonehill Boulevard, Lonehill, Fourways, 2062 Tel: (011) 465 1248 Fax: 086 501 5543 Cell: 083 212 1777 Executive: Stuart Dobson Email: Website: MagnifiSAnt is your first stop for Christian, Tourism, Rugby, Gifting & USB products! For fridge magnets, key-rings, bar mats, bottle openers, photo-frames, PVC mugs,wrist bands,mouse-pads,pens & amazing USB flash drives and iPod speakers! Visit us in Hall5, stand W16. Maneki van Staal (3) FoD41&48 27 Malabor Str Noord, Lynwood Glen, 0081 Tel: (012) 940 8313 Fax: 086 515 0280 Cell: 083 453 0958 Executive: Melinda Orsmond Email: Website: Susan Slee, South African jewellery designer of note has extended her talents and inspirations. Her latest creation of the “van Staal” family includes a comprehensive range of quality stainless steel products which are becoming much sought after and highly collectable. These are not only practical but also funky. The warmth and creative spirit of Africa is captured in these exclusive products. Mantis Prints (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 33 Breda St, Oranjezichts, Cape Town Tel: (021) 461 9919 Executive: Ena Heese Cell: 083 242 7888 Email: Website: Handprinted designers fabric made-up into products i.e. cushion covers, tablerunners, serviettes, aprons, potholders, tea cosies, tea towels, bags, purses, fabric covered books. ● 68 ● M Matchless Candles (4) X27 7 Lewes St, Somerset West, 7130 Tel: (021) 851 8536 Fax: (021) 851 8540 Cell: 083 225 7665 Executive: Jane Froneman Email: Website: Matchless Candles are increasingly popular as people recognise the advantages of using HEAT, WAX, FLAME FREE LED candles and accent lighting. Trendy, decorative LED products being launched at this show - Don’t be left in the dark ages! Order today! McKinley Chocolates / Alyescor Producters (2) M09 52A Mc Cabe Street, Ficksburg, 9730 Tel: (051) 933 6486 Fax: (051) 933 3317 Cell: 082 920 5551 Executive: Gavin Boy Email: Website: Handmade Swiss Chocolates, Deli products and olives. All hand made. Melloco Trading (4) E18 26 Trevallyn Ind Park East, Hyskraan Close, Kya Sand, 2163 Tel: (011) 708 6717 Fax: 086 508 3932 Cell: 084 585 5979 Executive: Carol Stavrou Email: Website: We have a beautiful range of photo frames, mirrors, ceramic pots, planters, bunnies & birds. We also have birdfeeders, candle holders etc. We have also branched out to include bags and some industrial furniture. Mini World (2) M01 PO Box 66385, Woodhill, Pretoria Tel: (012) 803 3845 Fax: 086 503 7218 Cell: 076 686 8118 Executive: Felix Huang Email: Website: We specialise in assembly toys, wooden toys, marine decoration boats , lighthouses,as well as soft toys, hobbies, office stationery, varieties of gift bags, wrappings, and party’s accessories. Direct importer with best price and high quality. Mninizo Trading (3) FoL15&16 PO Box 3708, Durban, 4000 Tel: 078 111 0894 Fax: 086 618 2229 Executive: Nathi Zondi Email: Cell: 078 111 0894 Mninizo Trading cc help projects in rural areas to achieve development in art and craft sector, help to have access to markets and sell their products national and internationally, new level of design, trend, quality and to reduce the rate of unemployment and fight poverty. Mockana Trading C.C. (3) FoD114 Box 7, Paulshof, 2056 Tel: (011) 803 5278 Fax: (011) 803 7867 Cell: 082 552 2909 Executive: Peter Mock Email: Website: Mockana Trading manufactures and imports a range of Decorative Bowls, Stainless Steel Cutlery and Corporate Gifts. We also manufacture a range of unique gift packs, wooden cheese boards and pewter products. Mongoose (3) FoD79&88 PO Box 152, Menlyn, 0063 Tel: (012) 807 6152 Fax: 086 694 0650 Cell: 083 271 4539 Executive: Ilze Reader Email: Website: Mongoose is a local design and manufacturing company based in Pretoria.Working together with 23 previously disadvantaged women we mainly manufacture bags,accessories,homeware and beaded items manufactured from local handprinted fabrics. Our products are local with a strong homegrown look and feel. ● 69 ● M MOONSAFARI (3) FoD106 7 Quince Road, The Media Mill, Milpark Tel: (011) 482 1393 Fax: (011) 482 7046 Cell: 082 389 3200 Executive: Sandra Steneker Email: Website: MOONSAFARI is the exclusive importer and distributor of high-end gifting, kitchen and homeware brands Sagaform, Kinto and Ego. These three brands exemplify the very latest international design and lifestyle trends. MO’S TOY BARN (2) TP52 Unit 4, 12 Crusner Road, Crown Mines, 2092 Tel: (011) 045 5811 Fax: 086 656 8505 Cell: 081 848 9557 Executive: M.K Jordaan Email: Website: TOYS boys, girls, educational toys, kiddies, baby walker, tricycles, cycle spares, radio control cars, radio control helicopters, bubble machine, kitchen sets, friction cars. Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design (3) FoD134 98 Kloof Street, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 424 4387 Executive: Cecil Bosman Cell: 082 056 7297 Email: Website: We offer a classic range of semi-precious stone jewellery. All of our pieces are handmade. We also have a range of handmade gifting items, such as ornamental antique locks and other unique items. Mud Studio (3) FoD152 Villa St Joseph, Farm Ferndale, 9745 Tel: 083 658 9714 / 079 954 2429 Fax: 086 573 2034 Cell: 079 954 2429 Executive: Shairnee Scotton Email: Website: Mud Studio is situated in the Free State. We specialize in handmade ceramics and are the makers of the original mud Chandelier. Mulberry Lane (3) FoD86 PO Box 2370, Wilro Park, 1731 Tel: (011) 958 0915 Fax: (011) 958 0919 Executive: Trudie Ayres Email: Website: Mulberry Lane is the direct importer of high end decorating accessories. We stock a fantastic range of tiebacks – tassels and trimmings. Come and look at our newly arrived range of fantastic french mirrors, tables, lamps and accessories. Myang (3) FoL48 Alexander Park, 44 2nd avenue Newton Park, Port Elizabeth Tel: (011) 880 2037 Executive: Margi Mains-Sheard Cell: 084 910 8131 / 082 900 6359 Email: Website: Myang is a range of lovingly handmade baby accessories. We create beautiful, unique soft soled baby shoes with coordinating headbands, hats and scarves, and Hand embroidered, appliqued minky baby blankets. All made by an all women team in Port Elizabeth. My Rhino (5) W06a 418 York Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, 2195 Tel: 082 773 8213 Executive: Nicholas Snaith Email: My Rhino creates awareness of Rhinos through the sale of decorative rhinos. ● 70 ● Website: N NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous (3) FoD101 PO Box 51069, Waterfront, Cape Town, 8002 Tel: (021) 434 8064 Fax: 086 511 2837 Cell: 084 333 2210 Executive: Richard Lewis / Monja Vorwallner Email: Website: NEO Group for All Things Fine & Fabulous - Upmarket leading international brands including Cavallini, MeriMeri, TalkingTablets, Wild&Wolf, Laguiole Dubost, TALA Bakeware, LOQI Bags, Pastiglie Leone, AnisDeFlavigny, Hope&Greenwood, Figs&Rouge, Rosebud. For all your Gifting&Home, Party&Paper, Kitchen&Garden, Bath&Body, Bags&Accs, Kids, Sweet&Gourmet. Nestwest Imports (2) TP19,20&22 PO Box 11781, Heiderand, Mosselbay, 6511 Tel: (044) 697 7067 Fax: 086 272 1725 Cell: 082 556 2721 Executive: Johan Derwort Email: Website: Great selection of hand puppets, battery ride on jeeps, selection of toys for boys and girls, water slip and slides, scooters, radio control helicopters, die cast cap guns and lots and lots more! Visit us for best prices and friendly service. New Leap Trading (2) TP09 PO Box 1332, Sea Point, 8060 Tel: 072 703 3333 Executive: Greg Munks Email: Website: New Leap imports educational & award winning toys into the Southern African market, ranging from baby to early teenager that undergo continuous controls and careful inspection. Because play is essential to a child’s development. Exclusive European brands include Djeco, Haba & Spiegelburg. NICI (2) TP03 8 Charles Crescent, Eastgate Ext4, Sandton, 2144 Tel: (011) 885 4600 Fax: (011) 885 4700 Cell: 084 679 5324 Executive: Avril Booth Email: Website: A selection of exclusive plush toys and accessories imported from Germany. We are the only official distributor of NICI in South Africa. Nick Bester Promotions cc (5) W26 PO Box 58010, Karenpark, 0118 Tel: (012) 541 1263 Fax: (021) 541 1261 Cell: 082 454 2220 Executive: Sharon Bester Email: Website: Importers and distributors of paper and rice paper serviettes as well as a large range of classic and home textiles like quilts, runners, throws, cushion covers etc. NOSTALGIE (2) Y05 Gardner Str, Vereeniging, 1929 Tel: (016) 423 6356 Fax: 086 612 8864 Executive: Elmarie Capes Email: Cell: 083 990 0023 NOSTALGIE is an upcoming creative venture with gifts and decor for the heart and soul. Something petite or equisite for any occassion. One of a kind products with a vintage twist in pastel fleur. ● 71 ● N Not Just Rocks O (3) FoL05 272 Theuns van Niekerk Str, Wierda Park, 0157 Tel: (012) 654 3487 Fax: 086 219 1462 Cell: 082 416 0022 Executive: Nelia vd Westhuyzen Email: Website: Inspirational moulded cement rocks for in- and outdoor use. Great gifts for anyone! Use it in your garden, an inspiring decoration, as a doorstop, a romantic dinner candle and many more. Also see our new exciting range. Hall 3, FoL05. Novel Art & Frames (5) W21-24 PO Box 18345, Dalbridge, 4014 Tel: (031) 327 5300 Fax: (031) 305 4896 Cell: 073 823 2361 Executive: Rochelle Naidu Email: Website: Novel Art & Frames stock beautiful wall decor & gifting items. From canvases, mirrors, framed prints, photo frames, to an array of gifting items. Our seasoned buyers travel far & wide to bring you the latest trends... O’Teniqua Trading (4) D03&04 7 Kremer Road, Salt River, Cape Town, 7925 Tel: (021) 447 6240 / 1 Fax: (021) 447 6042 Cell: 083 963 4427 Executive: Deanne Scarles Email: Website: Experience the World of O’Teniqua Trading - a fashion lover’s Paradise. From Earthy to Bling, from Fabulous Fashion Accessories to Gorgeous Gifts, our world will enchant you! Occasions (2) K07 PO Box 35, Harrismith, 9880 Tel: (058) 623 2019 Fax: 086 502 7856 Cell: 082 562 5139 Executive: Jennifer Lee Email: Website: Occasions unveils beautiful and striking elements that every discerning buyer will want in their homes. Beautifully packaged and presented - every article stands out as having the WOW factor. Find the treasures that Occasions has for you. Oh-Lief Natural Products (3) FoD129 G5 Salt Circle, 19 Kent Street, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7925 Tel: (021) 447 3538 Fax: 086 500 9991 Cell: 082 828 4466 Executive: Christine Buchanan Email: Website: 100% Natural and Organic Body and Baby care products. Our range consist of unique body products in beautifully designed packaging ideal for gifting/everyday use. Private label is available to Commercial, Retail and Hotel industries. Local Brand Owner and Local Manufacturer. Oilily SA (2) M11 Postnet Suite #51, Private Bag X1006, Plettenberg Bay, 6600 Tel: (044) 533 1812 Fax: (044) 533 1812 Cell: 079 779 6389 / 079 863 3963 Executive: Harry Brouwers and Renate Brouwers Email: Website: Oilily is a famous colourful Dutch brand for clothing, bags and cosmetics. Worldwide we are present in major department stores. Oilily offers a huge range of bags and accessories like wallets, iPhone covers, shawls, fragrances. It’s different, fresh and unique! ● 72 ● O P Oricraft Import & Export CC (4) X35 PO Box 702, Muldersdrift, 1747 Tel: 082 551 9884 Fax: 086 734 7982 Cell: 082 551 9884 Executive: Anny Cheng Email: Website: Importers & wholesalers for Paper Crafting materials & tools: Rubber & clear Stamps, Ink pads, Home deco Stickers, Scrapbooking, materials &Tools, handmade stickers, Stationery,sole authorized for MICIA Craft-Taiwan & PLUS-Japan adhesive & Deco Rush. Only Good Price & Premium quality! Oriental Concepts (3) FoD35-38 PO Box 742, Umhlali, 4390 Tel: (032) 947 1772 Fax: 088 (032) 525 5259 Cell: 082 326 3872 Executive: Bretton Jones Email: Website: Durban Office: Unit 2, Acacia Park, 1 Falcon Road, Shakashead Tel: (032) 947 1772 Fax: 088 (032) 947 1772 Cell: 082 584 0491 Natural Teak furniture & decor range, extended French furniture range in different finishes. Beautiful wooden mirrors: 2m-60cm. Lighting: 180cm to 30cm lamps. Ceramics:1m vases to 50cm bowls. Original hand crafted décor and wall art: 1m to 30cm and various other gifts. P J Marketing PTY Ltd (5) B22 Unit 8 The Gables Prime Park, Printers Way, Milnerton, 7441 Tel: (021) 552 5970 Fax: 086 509 6980 Cell: 082 702 0614 Executive: Pam Ammann Email: Website: Quality Kitchen, Baking and Homeware. PJ Marketing is a reputable distributor for Eva Solo, Kitchencraft, Adhoc, Fusionbrands, and Mode. View new, innovative and exciting products at the Show. Palador (4) X17 53B Rietfontein Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, 1619 Tel: (011) 025 9763 Fax: 086 608 9557 Cell: 079 270 4249 Executive: Cassandra Mioch Email: Website: Palador specializes in a wide range of exclusively designed tableware. The range includes uniquely designed cutlery sets (knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons), salt and pepper pots, salad servers and a beautiful range of printed linen tablecloths, table runners and serviettes. Pamela Mann South Africa (4) X29 Unit 2 New Road Office Park, 5 New Road, Grand Gardens, Midrand Tel: 079 758 4758 Executive: Shauli Lustig Cell: 079 758 4758 Email: Website: The former suplier for the mary quant brand pamela mann are now the largest suplier of fashion hosiery in the UK. Established in 1956 with over 300 designs, the brand also holds the license for moulin rouge. Made in Italy and the UK. Pamper Hamper (5) C33-36 PO Box 696, Eppindust, 7475 Tel: (021) 534 0404 Fax: (021) 534 0420 Cell: 083 448 0005 Executive: Greg Boyes Email: Website: A very large range of gifts, garden & homeware items for everyone! Check our website for online ordering. ● 73 ● P Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd (5) A41&43 PO Box 2725, Durban, 4110 Tel: (031) 910 9191 Fax: (031) 902 2336 Cell: 083 777 3497 Executive: Keshen Naidu Email: Website: Pandu Paper Products under the Carousel brand is a large manufacturer of a wide range of paper products for all occasions such as Christmas, Back-to-School, Party, Wedding and Everyday products. Come and view our exciting and innovative range of products. Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals (2) L05 11 Wilshire Crescent, Grahamstown, 6139 Executive: Bruce Little Fax: 086 242 0754 Cell: 083 507 8941 Email: Website: Hand crafted pewter art work depicting African animals and sport fish. The ideal gift for lovers of wildlife and fishing, specifically designed as a momento from Africa, easily transported in luggage. Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags (3) FoL54 PO Box 2719, Cramerview, 2060 Tel: (011) 462 2872 Fax: (011) 462 4702 Cell: 082 214 6025 Executive: Samantha Selesnick Email: Website: Manufacturers/Distributors of designer packaging, paper bags, giftwrap, tissue, ribbon, labels, plastic carriers, notestik pads, all printed to client specifications. We carry the largest range of stock items, paper carriers, plastic bags, hatboxes, giftwrap and tissue. New website a must see! Paper World (3) FoL26&35 PO Box 1477, Hartbeespoort, 0216 Tel: (012) 250 1477/8 Fax: (012) 250 0322 Cell: 071 291 8124 Executive: Liza Hiten Email: Website: Paper World South Africa is the biggest supplier of handmade and embossed paper, a range of over 1 200 different papers from four countries are available at our factory showroom. Purpose made items are also done to your requirements. Visit our website at Part Of Me By Elsie Roux (4) E16 1 Spring Close, Hillcrest Park, Durban Tel: 082 788 5655 Executive: Elsie Roux Cell: 082 788 5655 Email: You will feel like you are on vacation or get lost in God’s wonder. At “Part of Me” you will find the most beautiful photos on canvas or framed, to fill your soul. Party Xpress (2) TP43&45 5B Product Park, Product St, Maitland, Ndabeni, Cape Town, 7404 Tel: (021) 511 2570 / 2 Fax: (021) 511 2574 Cell: 083 264 8241 Executive: Joel Norrie Email: Website: Importers and distributors of quality themed party products, party décor, party costumes, gift wrap, themed party plates, cups, sweets and more. Enormous range of celebration and party banners, candles and badges. Helium quality plain and printed latex and foil balloons. ● 74 ● P Paula Jewellery cc (5) C38 PO Box 15970, Doornfontein, 2028 Tel: (011) 402 4828 Fax: (011) 402 7225 Cell: 083 463 2945 Executive: Eric Risi Email: Website: Paula Jewellery keeps the latest range of fashion accessories that caters for all tastes and keeps you ahead in today’s competitive market. We pride ourselves on our product quality, range, product presentation and after-sales service. Pawprints Cards (2) L13 404 & 407 Bree - Castle House, 68 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 438 4039 Executive: Nicole van Rooyen Cell: 076 634 0412 Email: Website: For South Africa’s top hand-finished greeting cards visit Pawprints Cards (stand L13). Our design studio specializes in greeting cards, tags and stationery packs for all occasions. Unveiling our latest Christmas Range at SARCDA 2013. Pegasus Toys (2) TP21,23,25&27 Unit 32 Hyde Park, Ottery, 7800 Tel: (021) 704 1590 Fax: (021) 704 1596 Cell: 084 612 4772 Executive: Sandra Bisschoff Email: Website: We are the proud importers of many carefully selected ranges of quality toys. We are the exclusive agents for ranges such as Galt, WOW, Sylvanian Families, Monchhichi, Dolls World, Halilit, Schmidt Puzzles, Linda Wooden Toys, Navir from Italy, and many more! Pennylane (5) B33-38 PO Box 47325, Greyville, 4023 Tel: (031) 312 4314 Fax: (031) 312 9460 Cell: 083 453 4795 Executive: Steven McKenzie Email: Website: We have the widest range of Top Quality Christmas items, large or small, we have it all. Come see our amazing selection of silk flowers, orchids, and succulents. We have a beautiful selection of home decor items. Pennylane, Quality Products. Perfect Petzzz (2) TP61&63 111 De Wet Street, Krugersdorp, 1740 Tel: 0861 PETZZZ Fax: 086 691 8010 Cell: 082 448 9566 Executive: Jan Balt Email: Website: We are launching the New SEAT PETZZZ at SARCDA this year! Perfect Petzzz are the “original breathing huggable pet”. Choose between 18 soft, life-like breathing puppies and kittens. Additional models will be launched. Visit our website or contact us at 0861 PETZZZ. Pink Daisy Trading Co (3) FoD141 PO BOX 1590, Rayton, 1001 Tel: 082 931 4218 Fax: 087 809 5536 Cell: 082 931 4218 Executive: Berdine Cilliers Email: Website: Introducing a line of aviation-themed furniture reminiscent of World War II fighter airplanes. Design elements featuring the plane’s aluminium finishes and multi-riveted construction are used to create a vintage design solution. A complimentary range of ornaments is part of the collection. ● 75 ● P Playstuff (3) FoD143 Box 101318, Moreletapark, 0167 Tel: (012) 346 0497 Executive: Lise van Rensburg Cell: 083 290 6530 Email: Website: Distributor of original Tintin collectables and merchandise. Distributor of uthentic, reproduced hand finished nautical and aviation models. Distributor of antique, modern and illuminated globes. Distributor of Fascinations levitating toys and gadgets. Distributor of Invotis wall clocks including gear displaying clocks. Pled Frames (3) FoL11 11 Maruela Str, East End, Bloemfontein, 9301 Tel: (051) 522 6344 Fax: 086 548 9110 Executive: Petri Oberholzer Email: Cell: 072 019 1915 We supply a variety of wooden photo frames ranging from jumbo to A4 in size. Pollywiggles (2) TP32 40 Paperbark Rd, Fourways Gardens Tel: (011) 467 2789 Executive: Leanne Gordon-Myers Cell: 083 309 2587 Email: Website: Purple Cow Children’s Educational Games and Puzzles - innovations on traditional games as well as exciting new games and puzzles. Age 3-99 years. Vibrant designs in quality packaging. Poogy Bear (2) K02 Box 652769, Benmore, 2010 Tel: 082 610 2406 Executive: Stephanie Grant Cell: 082 610 2406 Email: Website: Poogy Bear provides exclusive baby clothing and blankets to the discerning new parent. Our products combine unique prints and pastel colours. Poogy Bear products are made in South Africa from mainly local and some imported fabrics. Our products are 100% cotton. Precious Silver & Stone (3) FoD21 Glenstar House, Cnr Northfield and Quees Square, Glenhazel Tel: (011) 719 2800 Executive: Lori Rod / Nikki Said Cell: 082 600 8704 Email: The most extensive range of Sterling Silver Jewellery (925) with or without semi precious stones, rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, earrings etc. Guaranteed! Payment terms available. Premier Gifts (5) W20 PO Box 15558, Doornfontein, 2028 Tel: (011) 402 4023 Fax: (011) 402 0539 Cell: 082 379 9698 Executive: Shai Weil Email: Website: We are an importer and wholesaler of Houseware and Kitchenware items as well as Novelty Giftware. Come past to see our latest imported range! ● 76 ● P R Price & Sons (5) C26,28&30 PO Box 437, Eppindust, 7475 Tel: (021) 591 1224 Fax: (021) 591 1227 Cell: 083 628 2717 Executive: Ment Ysselstein Email: Website: Price & Sons are leading importers offering a comprehensive range of home and garden accessories, including furniture, decorative metal, tins, gifts cast and wrought iron, wood and metal lanterns, flame-less candles, ceramics, glassware, basketware, artificial flowers and topiary. REACH Marketing SA (4) F16 503 Saratoga C/O Beach and Clarens Roads, Sea Point, Cape Town, 8005 Tel: 072 737 1714 Fax: 086 511 5906 Cell: 072 737 1714 Executive: Henry-Ian van Den Berg Email: Website: Representative of selected South African product also helping with business and product development. Partner to a fast growing list of talented local suppliers, artists and crafters. From decor to jewellery. Also help and assist with the development of corporate gifts. RGS Group - Mega Magazines (2) TP119-121 6 Rita Street, Observatory Tel: (011) 487 0795 Fax: (011) 487 3161 Cell: 082 789 2475 Executive: Andrew Appleton Email: Website: The RGS Group is a wholesaler of Jigsaw Puzzles and Educational Toys and games. Our extensive range of high quality jigsaw puzzles includes Wild life and contemporary images. Smart Thinking Educational Products are designed by teachers in SA for SA schools RIABELLA (2) J03 Dunblane Estate, 83 London News, c/o 9th Ave and Shamrock Rd, Bredell, Kempton Park, 1619 Tel: (010) 590 8003 Fax: (010) 590 8004 Executive: Marietjie Pienaar Email: Cell: 083 310 6138 Furniture, metal candle holders, metal lamps, pottery. Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading (3) FoD100 Bali Trading, N2 National Road, Riversdale, 6670 Tel: (028) 713 2080 Fax: (028) 713 2080 Cell: 073 497 3631 Executive: Danie Geldenhuys Email: Website: Bali trading is a family business established in 1999. We are importing furniture, gifts & decor from all over the east including Bali, Java, India & China. We believe in good prices, quality & service. Rocker Distributors (3) FoD67 Unit 20, 45 Bath Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Tel: 071 562 3165 Fax: 086 552 7153 Executive: Ashley Koonin Email: Website: Zeal - silicone kitchenware and utensils / troika - designer giftware and corporate products / kuhn rikon - baking and kitchenware / travalo - very funky perfume atomisers / pedrini - italian kitchenware and cookware / tru virtu - aluminium wallets and card cases / Dreamfarm. Romantic Living (5) A05 Shop 24 Waterfall Mall, Rustenburg, 0299 Tel: (014) 537 3187 Fax: 086 692 0383 Cell: 071 112 4190 Executive: Lee Landsberg Email: Website: Come see how Romantic Living can put more Merry in Merry Christmas at Hall 5 Stand A05. We stock Special Gifts and Decor such as... Angels, Crosses, Stars, Trees, Tags and Words. Fill up on all Your Seasonal Décor Wishes ● 77 ● R Rosehip S (2) L19 10 Kloof Falls Rd, Kloof, 3140 Tel: (031) 764 6167 Fax: 086 694 6471 Executive: Geraldine Young Email: Cell: 082 389 8409 We manufacture soft furnishings, table linen and baqsat ow factory in Durban. ROTAN PRODUCTS cc (3) FoD22&23 PO Box 993, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Tel: (031) 502 5190 Executive: Paul Harwood Cell: 082 803 2655 Email: Website: Our homeware is trendy and fashionable with an organic edge. Perfect for any home. (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 S.A. Cut Glass Group PO Box 422, Crown Mines, 2052 Tel: (011) 839 4370 Fax: (011) 837 4430 Executive: Issy Strous Email: Website: View the latest trends in giftware, glassware, home décor, cutlery and housewares and christmas decorations. Distributors of Eetrite cutlery, dinnerware, tableware, braai accessories, Tandy barware, Walther Glas, RCR Crystal, Schott Zwiesel, Pasabahce Glassware, Crystal D’ Arques and Luminarc. S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers (5) A06 PO Box 38777, Booysens, 2016 Tel: (011) 661 1000 Fax: (011) 661 1160 Cell: 083 284 7851 Executive: Danie Delport Email: Website: S.A. Greetings has 3 exciting brands: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards and Entertainers. We cover a wide variety of themes in greeting cards, gift stationery, roll and sheet wrap, gift bags, ribbons and bows, plus children and adult party tableware. SA Balloon (2) TP65 60 Norfolk Road, Charlswald, Midrand, 1685 Tel: (011) 021 2238 Executive: Gary Warburton Cell: 083 629 8685 Email: Website: SA Balloon is a leading wholesaler of foil and latex balloons, as well as balloon accessories. We are the authorised distributors in South Africa for leading global brands such as Anagram, Sempertex and Everts. Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows (5) A13-16 PO Box 555, Pinegowrie, 2123 Tel: (011) 888 1430 Fax: (011) 888 4160 Executive: Tracy Kraatskow Email: Website: The Leaders in Gifting and Decorative Packaging. We offer you the largest and finest selection of: Ribbon, Bows, Gift Wrap, Cellophane, Gift Bags, Raffia and Tissue. Our Showroom is situated in Randburg. ● 78 ● S Sarongi (4) D05&06 Unit A4, Edgemead Business Park, Link Way, Edgemead, 7441 Tel: (021) 558 2533 Fax: 086 504 4409 Cell: 082 575 6646 Executive: Paul McCree Email: Website: Importers of Indonesian gifts including a wide range of mosaic mirrors, gecko’s, frames and other mosaic items. We can also supply ornamental wooden cats, bamboo gongs, ornamental guitars, beach house nautical, resin buddha’s and incense. Free delivery available to major centres. Satsuma Enterprises (3) FoD06-08 478 Teresa Laan, Die Wilgers, 0041 Tel: (012) 807 2651 Fax: 086 641 9276 Cell: 082 455 9115 Executive: Hannelie Van Der Walt Email: Website: Satsuma Enterprises specialize in high quality silk flowers. Stockist of a large range of succulent, cacti and grasses as well as ceramic pots and planters. Popular range of decor items available as well as patio furniture and benches. Distribution done countrywide. Shocking Pink (4) X24a&25 PO Box 783274, Sandton, 2146 Tel: (011) 704 0301 Fax: 088 (011) 462 2089 Cell: 083 269 4164 Executive: Gail Kernahan Email: Website: Manufactures of a unique range of creative décor products, framed chalkboards, wooden hearts, placemats, coasters, vintage planters, home plaques and signs, canvas prints, candles, mints in tins and Candy cards, also sole importers of Baylis & Harding Bath & Body. Sienca Silver Wholesalers (3) FoD20 PO Box 21030, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, 1733 Tel: 083 611 1363 Fax: (011) 768 3923 Executive: Lois Brits-Scheepers Email: Cell: 083 611 1363 Sienca Silver Wholesale Jewellers are worldwide importers of exquisite handmade and casted fine silver jewellery. Our expertise is a wide selection of fine assortment, sourcing specific requirements for clients and a personalised service. Hall 3 FoD20. Signature Imports (5) B42 PO Box 19207, Dormerton, 4015 Tel: (031) 569 6898 Fax: (031) 569 6897 Cell: 073 108 2333 Executive: Girish Jetha Email: Website: Direct importer and distributor of Photo Frames, Unique Planters, Stainless Steel Kitchen Utencils, & Fashionable Italian Design Signature Bracelets. Signature Imports’ mission is to be the preferred supplier and distributor of quality home accessories, décor and kitchenware. Silhouett Imports (4) F11a PO Box 325, Hartenbos, 6520 Tel: (044) 695 2227 Fax: 086 626 6689 Cell: 082 784 8244 Executive: Marlett Steyn Email: Website: Custom designed 100% cotton clothing imported from South Korea. Exclusive and of the highests quality. Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd (3) FoD42-47 24 Columbine Place, Glen Anil, Durban, 4001 Tel: (031) 569 1446 Fax: (031) 569 1921 Cell: 082 569 6665 Executive: Susan McNair Email: Website: Direct importers and distributors of the finest quality silk flowers, orchids, trees and shrubs. Designers of stunning silk floral arrangements in a selection of quality glassware and containers. ● 79 ● S Sillybilly (3) FoL55 Design Team, 5 Tobie Street, Hennopspark, Pretoria, 0157 Tel: (012) 653 1973 Fax: (012) 653 8417 Cell: 083 253 4882 Executive: Wilna Strey Email: Website: Carefree clothing for kids - Sillybilly embodies original design, excellent quality, easy to wear mix and match garments for boys and girls from 1 to 10 years, soft to the touch and washes beautifully - keeping moms and kids equally Silver Rhythm (4) D01&02 PO Box 764, Plumstead, Cape Town, 7801 Tel: (021) 448 3412 Fax: (021) 447 3435 Cell: 082 297 7759 Executive: Kerry Rudd Email: Website: Silver Rhythm focuses on fashion,home,display, including fashion bags, scarves, street gear, fashion jewellery, home decor, fashion/ jewellery display’s, we love what is beautiful, edgy and unusual. Silver Tree South Africa (Pty) Ltd (2) K06 Postnet Suite 29, Private Bag X7, Sea Point, 8060 Tel: (021) 790 3632 Fax: 086 546 273111 Executive: Marie Catherine de Crawhez Email: Simple Intrigue (CCDI) Cell: 079 249 7946 (3) FoL38-43 Kalk Bay, Cape Town, 7975 Tel: (021) 709 0577 Executive: Keri Muller Cell: 074 194 2288 Email: Website: Keri turns books salvaged from the recycling pile into artworks, origami and installations. Her quirky illustrations have developed into prints, greeting cards and popup cards as well as soft furnishings. A bespoke selection of jewellery completes the range. Simply French (3) FoD05 Shop 18a, Bryanston Shopping Centre, William Nicol Drive, 2010 Tel: (011) 463 5192 Fax: (011) 463 5192 Cell: 082 558 0940 Executive: Alan Day Email: Website: Home grown French inspired metal words, wall hooks and home accessories, hand crafted gift tags, cards and stationery. New out of Africa range. Simply Smitten (Pty) Ltd (4) X30 22 Plataan Crescent, Vredekloof, Brackenfell, 7560 Tel: (021) 981 5629 Fax: 086 758 7947 Cell: 084 587 9814 Executive: Shelley Malherbe Email: Website: Simply Smitten is the proud agent and distributor of Candy Flowers oilcloth bags and accessories. Our designer fashion apparel is of excellent quality and our items are sure to make your heart go giddy up! SINBO Houshold Appliances (5) B21 Cihangir Mah, Guvercin Cad, No4 Haramidere Mevkii Avcilaristanbul-Turkiye Tel: 0 212 422 9494 Executive: George Beruashvili Email: ● 80 ● S Skytoys (2) TP35&36 58 2nd Ave, Mayfair, 2092 Tel: (011) 837 3924 Fax: (011) 839 4118 Cell: 083 377 3786 Executive: Suliman Bhattay Email: Website: Skytoys, the southern hemisphere’s largest BEE wholesale balloon supplier, has been in operation for almost 20 years. Our speciality is printed balloons with messages for any occasion or brand. View our NEW RANGE of confetti, candles and foil balloons. Smiler International (4) F18&19 PO Box 13937, Northmead, 1511 Tel: (011) 849 9953 Fax: (011) 425 1790 Executive: John Wu Email: Cell: 083 247 8899 Smiler International, importers of all occasion handbags, from evening, casual and high fashion. A variety of styles, textures and colours to choose from. Top it up with our beautiful range of costume jewellery, hair accessories and belts. Smiler International is a must to visit in Hall 4, F18 & 19. Snappy Chef (5) W14 746 Witdoring Ave, Moreletapark, 0044 Tel: (012) 940 8196 Fax: 086 620 6692 Cell: 082 445 2728 Executive: M C Botha Email: Website: The Snappy Chef Induction Cooker is definitively the future of cooking in SA. Not only do you cook 64% faster, you also save more than 50% on electricity! The Snappy Chef is truly the CHEAPER - FASTER - SAFER way of cooking. SOiL Organic Aromatherapy & Bodycare (3) FoL06 Winder Mere Farm, PO Box 189, Gingindlovu, 3800 Tel: (035) 340 7008 Executive: Chantelle Bester Cell: 082 806 2227 Email: Website: / SOiL’s certified organic bodycare range combines organic essential oils with ingredients sourced from community initiatives in Africa, creating a truly eco-ethical product range. A modern interpretation of African shwe-shwe designs provides the packaging with an afro-chic feel. Sole Management (Pty) Ltd (4) X28 119 Wooton Avenue, Western Ext., Benoni, 1501 Tel: (011) 420 1920 Executive: Jessica Boshoff Cell: 083 697 2760 Email: Lindsay Phillips is an innovative ladies footwear brand that allows for infinate possibilities. “Change your look not your sole”. Choose from a wide variety of fashionable snaps or straps to change the look of your shoe. Something Elz (3) FoD108 PO Box 100771, Moreleta Park, 0001 Tel: (053) 963 1900 Fax: 086 690 9586 Cell: 083 306 2766 Executive: Wilna Fourie Email: Website: Lovely décor items, frames and antique boxes in different paint techniques as well as furniture. Customized frames and small furniture pieces as well. ● 81 ● S Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle (2) TP116 1st Floor - Block A, 7 West Quay Road, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 072 737 0150 Fax: 086 262 0600 Executive: Isaline Koch Email: Website: Pyrelle imports and distributes outstanding French brands / Sophie the Giraffe - the world’s favourite teether / Petit Jour Paris - children’s dinnerware & toys / Renolux - strollers, travel cots & car seats / Ludi & Tutim NYC. Please come and see us: stand TP116. SoyLites Eco Candles (3) FoL07 Shop 4 Thornton Terrace, 41 5th Ave, Westdene, 2092 Tel: (011) 534 2073 Fax: 086 635 0477 Cell: 082 858 8095 Executive: Colin Skelton Email: Website: SoyLites, South Africa’s original soy candle specialists produce exquisite ranges of premium soy candles and other body products. All products promote healthy living and are ideal for use in the home, spas and as unique gifts. Spaces and Places (3) FoD65&66 17 Islands Business Park, 23 Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe, 4301 Tel: (031) 539 7672 Fax: (031) 539 7672 Cell: 082 371 7695 Executive: Jenny Viljoen Email: Website: Make your store a journey with Spaces & Places. As importers and wholesale suppliers of exotic decor. Spaces & Places has travelled far and wide to introduce you to the world of beauty through timeless furniture and hand wrought decoration. Speshirl Agencies CC (2) TP34 Unit 11, 36 Ernest Oppenheimer Ave, New Times Square Tel: (011) 640 6098 Fax: 086 660 5790 Cell: 082 800 0378 Executive: Joan Treger Email: Website: English and Afrikaans children’s books for babies through to young teenager. Books include cloth books, board books, readers, wipe clean, sticker and colouring books, educational books, activity books. Fantastic selection of Afrikaans books! Puzzles & Board Games also available. Standard Gifts (5) C21 PO Box 42772, Fordsburg, 2033 Tel: (011) 838 0090 / 0091 Fax: (011) 838 0287 Executive: Mahmood Bera Email: Cell: 083 440 3297 Importers and Wholesalers of Stainless Steel Wares, Cutlery, Kitchenware & Gifts Statesman Stationery (5) W15 No 12 Top Road, Anderbolt, Boksburg, 1461 Tel: (011) 894 8033 Fax: (011) 918 5414 Cell: 083 626 4284 Executive: Anver Adamjee Email: Website: Statesman Stationery is a proudly South African brand. Every item is manufactured according to Euro/American standards. It is simply high quality product at very cheap prices. Its the worlds fastest growing brand and adults and kids both love them. Try Statesman products now! ● 82 ● S Stonehavenco (3) FoD111 PO Box 357, Stilbaai, 6674 Tel: 082 460 8845 Fax: 086 543 0598 Cell: 082 460 8845 Executive: Warren Matthews Email: Website: Full range of decorative cement and ceramic pots. We also showcase a range of decor items Studio Number 19 (2) K18 Postnet Suite 171, Bag X5, Norwood, 2117 Tel: 082 826 9292 Executive: Mia Widlake Cell: 082 826 9292 Email: Website: Modern, edgy and monochromatic with a vintage twist. These textile and ceramic designs will put a smile on your face while adding a serious style injection to your home or kitchen. Style Frames (3) FoD78,89&90 1008 Katrol Ave, Robertville Ext 10, 1709 Tel: (011) 086 8898 Fax: (011) 472 0207 Cell: 082 572 1125 Executive: Johnny Da Silva Email: Website: Manufacturers and suppliers of a comprehensive range of Photo frames in all sizes, Gallery framing system, Scrapbooking frames, Econo framed mirrors, Wall Décor & Wall Clocks. Your source for quality affordable Photo frame and Décor products. Suctree Trading cc (2) TP40&42 PO Box 24059, Bedworth Park, 1940 Tel: (016) 933 1999 Fax: (016) 933 6187 Executive: Lei Zhang Email: Cell: 082 268 2435 Wooden toys, gift bags,gift boxes, marbles, wooden decoration, paintings,educational books. SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd (2) K01&03 B5 The Stables, 13 3rd Road, Linbro Park, 2065 Tel: 083 635 2727 Fax: 086 575 0970 Cell: 083 635 2727 Executive: Jodi Levine Email: Website: SugarDots is an importer and wholesaler of unique and fabulous products for babies and children. SugarDots are the exclusive distributors for Creativity for Kids, SugarDots Muslin Blankets, Soft Shapes, Green Start, Stephen Joseph and Peaceable Kingdom. Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd (3) FoD113 8 St Andrews Road, Glenadrienne, Sandton, 2196 Tel: (011) 884 3771 Fax: (+27) 884 3771 Cell: 082 823 0870 Executive: Christophe Du Plooy Email: Website: Direct importers of home and décorware. We specialize in Pewter (wine coolers, jugs, candelabra’s, patisserie stands, platters, trays and decanters etc), wrought & cast iron (garden furniture, wall baskets, crosses, etc.) & mirrors (French provence detailed wood and PU). Supreme Mouldings & Décor (3) FoD93-95&102-104 1008 Katrol Ave, Robertville Ext 10, 1709 Tel: (011) 086 8888 Fax: (011) 472 1185 Cell: 082 415 6156 Executive: Conrad Meyer Email: Website: Manufacturers and suppliers of Decor Framed Mirrors, Framed Objet d’ Art, Oil and Ceramic on Canvas, Craved Wood Panels, Framed Acrylic Art, Sports Prints, Cut Steel on Canvas, Curtain Rods, Skirtings & Architectural Profiles. ● 83 ● S T Sweet Temptations Toffees (2) L07 17 Erika Way, Somerset West Business Park, Somerset West, 7130 Tel: 0861 863 337 Fax: 086 670 9973 Cell: 083 445 4510 Executive: Anita Labuschagne Email: Website: Our award winning, gourmet toffees are homemade with top quality fresh cream and butter and couverture Belgian Chocolate & beautifully handwrapped. Will satisfy the most discerning tastebuds. T and P Services (2) TP122 PO Box 300, Ruimsig, 1732 Tel: (011) 955 1243 Fax: (011) 955 2100 Cell: 083 449 5155 Executive: Pieter Heydenrych Email: Website: Gifts and hobby items, including educational items, in diecast, plastic and wood as well as RC cars and accessories. Products include model planes, cars and ships, kits of the human anatomy etc. Hobby knives, paint brushes, mini tools and machines. Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz (3) FoD01b 8 Roos Bolton Cr, Knysna Heights, Knysna, 6571 Tel: (044) 382 7882 Fax: 086 696 6098 Cell: 082 330 0339 Executive: Tammy Hanton Email: Website: Designer products for adults and children. Tamelia is a young print-design studio who have put together a contemporary range of bags and T-shirts using their own bold fresh prints. Tyrrell Katz is a highly successful UK brand of designer children’s products. Tassels & Treasures (5) A33&34 552 Pienaar St, Brooklyn, 0181 Tel: (012) 460 6358 Fax: 086 607 6171 Executive: Elize Labuschagne Email: Website: In-house designed, exciting, exclusive décor & giftware. We always have new! / New: Foldout paper décor, Bird motifs, Xmas ranges, LED animal keylights, handbags, wallets / Brands: Fringe Studio, Artgame, Vigar, Elizabeth Hull, Igugu / Best sellers: 3D & Xmas ranges. TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR (4) E09 259 Lewisham Ave, Blackheath, 2195 Tel: (011) 478 0138 Fax: (011) 678 3576 Cell: 082 569 7909 Executive: Brenda Du Plessis Email: Website: With over 2 decades of successful trade in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia etc. Up to date range of, Teddy Bears, Soft Toy Animals, Gifts, Home Decor and Garden Decor. Tessa Design (4) E08 61A, 5th Ave, Inanda, Sandton, 2196 Tel: (011) 268 0997 Fax: 086 689 7923 Cell: 082 414 4567 Executive: Tessa Machlup Email: Website: Suppliers of superior quality costume jewellery, scarves and other contemporary fashion accessories. This unique range is sourced globally to provide the South African market with an exciting collection that caters for sophisticated to funky trendsetters of all ages. The African Queen Studio CC (CCDI) (3) FoL38-43 PO Box 369 Mcgregor, Western Cape Tel: (023) 625 1843 Fax: 086 544 1513 Cell: 076 194 9401 Executive: Lorraine Piers Email: Website: ECO-FRIENDLY chandeliers. Spectacular High end Chandeliers and lamps, made from up-cycled natural jacaranda pods. Painted white, or in natural, strung with glass beads and crystals, these exquisite chandeliers will grace any interior: modern, eclectic and classic ● 84 ● T The Alabaster Box (3) FoD87 PO Box 2698, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Tel: (031) 561 7723 Fax: (031) 561 7723 Executive: Tonia van Heerden Email: Cell: 082 933 2030 Classic, elegant handmade sterling silver jewellery, studded with a wide range of authentic gemstones. We have a large variety of rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets. Visit our stand at Hall 3, FoD87, where our friendly team will assist you. The CPS Warehouse (5) C17-20 301 Northlands Décor Park, New Market Rd, Northriding, 2194 Tel: (011) 704 6531 Fax: (011) 704 6218 Cell: 082 411 0366 / 082 411 1810 Executive: Bevin / Veta Masters Email: Website: / Importers of SEASONAL DECOR for trade, retail & shopping malls. We stock Christmas Decorations & Lighting, Valentine, Easter and Halloween. Our 2013 Christmas Collection consists of over 1000 products. Shop on line / or visit our Northriding showroom. The Durban African Art Center Association (3) FoL12 94 Florida Road, Durban, 4000 Tel: (031) 312 3804 / 05 Fax: (031) 312 3818 Executive: Sharon Crampton Email: Website: Visit our stand for a selection of carefully handcrafted traditional and contemporary craft including beaded, embroidered and felt Christmas decorations and gifts, colourfully beaded, woven and embroidered tableware, a unique range of jewellery, ceramics, embroidered panels and textiles. The Fragrance Factory (4) X37 19 Carron Road, Glenhazel, 2192 Tel: (011) 440 1382 Fax: 086 750 2992 Executive: Estelle Solomon Email: Cell: 084 209 5584 The Gift & Décor Company (2) Y03&04 1239 Anvil Road, Roodepoort, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 474 6820 Fax: (011) 474 6624 Cell: 083 268 2049 Executive: Roselind Seager Email: Website: Introducing our newest addition to the PIP STUDIO crockery selection “WHITE MEDALION” (Stand Y03) Unique Party Accessories - Your ONE STOP party shop. The In Thing (4) F17 No 1, The Village, Bell Road, Harfield Village, Claremont, 7708 Tel: (021) 671 5716 Fax: 088 (021) 671 5716 Cell: 076 169 3988 Executive: Claire Shadbolt Email: Website: Decorative LED Fairy Lights for weddings and events, not just Christmas / More NEW products - Paper Pom Poms, Floating Lights, Rechargeable Light Bases, Mini Battery Pack Light Strings. Remote Control Submersible Lights / PLUS the stunning Sterling Silver set with CZ Jewellery Range. ● 85 ● T The Selection (3) FoD117 60 Seventh Street, Parkhurst, 2193 Tel: 082 901 7451 Executive: Alex Royston Cell: 082 901 7451 Email: Website: The Selection offers finely curated items for gifting and entertaining. Our unique range of products is on-trend and includes popular paper straws, cupcake kits, washi tape, ribbon, tags, wooden cutlery, paper doilies, stickers and more. The Silver Tassel (3) FoL45 172 Bartle Ave, Murrayfield Ext 1, Pretoria, 0184 Tel: (012) 803 0086 Fax: (012) 803 0086 Cell: 082 468 8225 Executive: Cecile Loedolff Email: Website: Unique handcrafted products - proudly made in South Africa. These products range from the most exquisite scatter cushions, corporate gifts to wonderful fragrances of room and linen mists. The Sticker Family (2) J02 24 Berwick Road, West Beach, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: (021) 554 4587 Fax: 086 613 1597 Cell: 083 283 0745 Executive: Sue Kohn Email: Website: A fun range of family characters for you to create your own unique sticker family. Our family stickers range from golf playing dad’s, to pregnant mom’s and superhero kids! We’ve even got frisbee chasing dogs, scaredy cats and guinea pigs! The Tea Merchant (5) B24 15 7th Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 050 0119 Executive: Carin Silberman Cell: 083 262 2028 Email: Website: A unique selection of glass, stainless steel and cast iron teapots. Bamboo trays and portable tea sets. The finest organic, fruit and flower teas. Our range is suitable for retail and corporate gifting. Visit us for the ultimate Tea experience in Hall 5. The Tretchikoff Project (5) B27 PO Box 44643, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708 Tel: 072 766 3044 Executive: Ari Lazarus Cell: 072 766 3044 Email: Website: The Tretchikoff Project is the license holder to the iconic artworks of Vladimir Tretchikoff, tasked with re-introducing his art to a new generation of art lovers through the application of his famous works onto a range of home and lifestyle products. ThinkFun (2) TP46 1 Winston Place, Cowies Hill, 3610 Tel: (031) 267 1619 Fax: 086 556 9934 Cell: 082 267 7519 Executive: Jennifer Beeton Email: Website: Thinkfun is the leader in educational games for people of all ages. Thinkfun focuses on games that make you smile while they make you think, stretching reasoning skills and sharpening creative problem solving abilities while you’re having fun. ● 86 ● T tic tac toe (2) K08 Unit 2, The Milkwood, Blombos Close, Noordhoek, 7975 Tel: (021) 785 5878 Fax: 086 684 3526 Cell: 082 829 1018 Executive: Karin Muller Email: Website: Locally designed and locally manufactured beautiful baby shoes, baby clothes and keepsake gifts. Products include Reversible Fabric Shoes, matching Rompers and Bubbles (crawlers), and the Shoebook : My First Shoes - leather shoes for a newborn baby gift. Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd (2) TP05 Unit 23, Eastborogh Business Park, Corner Olympia & Spartan Tel: 071 898 7910 Executive: Michelle Levick Cell: 071 898 7910 Email: Website: Timber Toys prides itself in importing exclusive, classic yet stylish toys which are designed for today’s children. Our toys encourage natural learning through imaginative play and are eco-friendly, non-toxic and safety tested to the highest international safety standards. TIME FACTOR (4) F15 PO Box 589, Bruma, 2026 Tel: (011) 822 8951 Fax: (011) 822 7022 Executive: Stella Ford Email: Website: An exciting range of Asics, Daniel Hechter, Edwin, Everlast, Fila, New Balance, Onitsuka Tiger, Q&Q and Solus watches are on display. We’ll also be launching Hello Kitty jewellery range at Sarcda. Time Out Toys (2) TP47,49,51&53 PO Box 10122, Fourways East, 2055 Tel: (011) 792 8017 Fax: 086 635 7269 Cell: 083 630 9241 Executive: Anne McDiarmid Email: Website: Time Out Toys are importers and distributors of high quality educational products. Our range includes wooden toys, fabric & soft toys, hand puppets & theatres, arts & crafts, outdoor games, board games, puzzles and a large selection of role play toys. TINTOWN (3) FoL13 2 Cairnmount Avenue, Oranjezicht, 8001 Tel: (021) 426 2226 Fax: 086 656 9665 Cell: 083 962 6649 Executive: Magdel van der Walt Email: Website: TINTOWN. A place less ordinary ... Established at the end of 2001, Tintown has earned a reputation as a uniquely South African brand. Our ranges of designer home accessories and seasonal decorations are all custom-designed and intricately detailed in our trademark whimsical style. Tintsaba-Swaziland (3) FoD138 PO Box 340, Piggs Peak, Swaziland, H108 Tel: +(268) 2431 3380 Fax: +(268) 2431 3380 Executive: Sharon Cassar Email: Website: Tintsaba over the last 27 years has with hundreds of remarkable women, become known as Masterweavers in Sisal. We celebrate our passion for excellence in the finest quality silver and natural jewellery, interior design, gifts and Christmas decorations. Fair Trader since 2004. ● 87 ● T Tiran Décor International (2) J06-12 28 Otto Avenue, Highway Gardens, Edenvale, 1609 Tel: (011) 452 2673 Fax: (011) 452 7047 Executive: Cathy Tiran Email: Website: Importer and manufacturer of unique framed mirrors, oil paintings, lamps, chandeliers, water features, metal pots and candleholders, furniture-occasional chairs, coffee & dining tables, chaise lounges, gilded console tables and chairs with matching mirrors. We also cater for all custom framing. Tjaila Baby (Pty) Ltd (2) K12a 3 Kameeldoring Street, SE3, Vanderbijlpark, 1911 Tel: (016) 932 4293 Fax: 086 551 3493 Executive: Marilie de Villiers Email: Cell: 082 436 4311 Tjailababy Diaper Backpacks – Loved for Functionality, Trusted for Quality, Favoured by All. Offering unique features for organisation, access and space, TjailaBaby Diaper Backpacks are essential for busy parents that want to travel with confidence and ease with their little ones. TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd (2) K04 53 Kent Avenue, Sandringham, 2153 Tel: (011) 485 4614 Fax: (011) 485 4614 Cell: 082 312 0266 Executive: Tarryn Lichter Email: Website: CHARM IT Launched in 2000, and has celebrated 12 years as a top Fashion accessory brand with girls ages 5 – 14. CHARM IT is the original, detachable, interchangeable, tradable, collectable and fully customizable charm jewellery program that girls love Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd (4) F20-23 PO Box 4608, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: (021) 535 5221 Fax: (021) 535 5227 Executive: Greg Pickering Email: Cell: 083 414 0510 Importers and distributors of a wide range of really affordable, exciting and constantly changing novelties, toys, fairies, curios and Halloween lines, to name but a few. Visit us for inflation and credit crunch beating prices. Trade Only Gifts (5) W04-06 PO Box 8004, Greenstone, 1616 Tel: (011) 608 3383 Fax: 086 689 9278 Cell: 082 736 1535 Executive: Michele Webber Email: Website: Trade Only Gifts are importers of a wide variety of Corporate Gifts. We are the official stockists of DIGITIME,Cool Kids,Bad Girl and Bad Boy watches and gift sets. Cardies 2012 supplier of the year award. Don’t miss out on unbelievable specials! Trading Direct (3) FoL34 10 Mkoko Rd, Kloof, 3610 Tel: (031) 764 1520 Fax: (031) 764 0218 Cell: 082 321 4556 Executive: Samantha Garvie Email: Website: Trading direct (sams shades and bright ideas) is exhibiting in hall 3 stand FoL 34. We have a beautiful range of exciting lamps, Shades,candle pots, candlesticks, jugs and cushions. ● 88 ● T U Trans Natal Cut Glass (5) C01-06 PO Box 3097, Kenmare, 1745 Tel: (011) 955 4471 Fax: (011) 664 7148 Cell: 082 461 7706 Executive: Craig Birnie Email: Website: Trans Natal - leading the field in the latest fashion and design of all glassware. There’s always something new and exciting at Trans Natal. Please visit us in Hall 5, Stand C01-06 Tribhanga (2) K09 PO Box 434, Bruma, 2026 Tel: (011) 615 2552 Fax: 088 (011) 615 2552 Cell: 082 937 8634 Executive: Tribhanga Naiker Email: Website: Direct importers and wholesalers of over 160 quality incense fragrances, handcrafted incense holders, soapstone aroma burners, exclusive fragrance oils, eastern artefacts, esoteric jewellery, jewellery boxes, friendship bracelets, etc. For excellent quality, service and prices visit Tribhanga in Hall 2 Stand K09. Tropical Traders (4) F14 PO Box 270, Jeffreys Bay, 6330 Tel: (042) 293 2204 Fax: (042) 296 1513 Cell: 082 650 3856 Executive: Lauren D’arcy Email: Website: / Beautiful, Bright handcrafted raffia bags, baskets, hats and home decor products. Stunning handwoven cotton cushions and “Slouch bags (bean bags) Quirky iPad protective covers. Multi purpose storage baskets and “fish catcher baskets”. Fun range of recycled novelty metal items. Girls smocked dresses. Tusker Trading (3) FoD27-30 128 Crompton Street, Pinetown, 3610 Tel: (031) 701 2677 Fax: (031) 701 1388 Cell: 082 321 6726 Executive: Lisa Hanger Email: Website: Tusker Trading offers an exclusive range of décor accessories to compliment the home. Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art (2) L14 PO Box 541, Kloof, 3670 Tel: (031) 764 7144 Fax: 086 529 2272 Executive: Candice Shar Email: Cell: 074 582 4824 U. B Creative (4) F12a 49 Oxford Road, Kensington, 2094 Tel: (011) 615 3472 Fax: (011) 615 3472 Cell: 073 188 8888 Executive: Rob Connell Email: Website: Designerwear, ready-to-wear and contemporary fashion for Spring Summer 2013. ● 89 ● U Urchin Art - Pause V (3) FoD151 PO Box 52195, Waterfront, 8002 Tel: (021) 951 6987 Fax: 086 552 4139 Cell: 083 288 1334 Executive: Michelle Kunze Email: Website: Urchin Art is the manufacturer of the Pause body and home fragrance ranges. We also manufacture a gorgeous range of functional ceramic tableware which includes the “Heart and word” range in Red, Grey and Turquoise. uSisi Designs (3) FoL17 194 Pine Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Tel: (033) 345 5783 Fax: (033) 345 6471 Cell: 083 784 3117 Executive: Stella Pretorius Email: Website: uSisi designs makes contemporary styled Jewellery from Scoobie wire and beads. Our range of products also include pieces made from repurposed sari fabric. Our products are very unique and comes in a wide variety of colours and combinations. Utopia (2) K15 PO Box 66014, Broadway, 2020 Tel: (011) 616 6620 Fax: (011) 616 6620 Cell: 083 395 1584 Executive: Robert Taylor Email: Website: Importers, specializing in the best quality incense sticks and cones with over 70 fragrances available. Other items include incense gift sets, incense ashcatchers,oil burners, henna, bracelets, bindies, Hindu deity statues, Buddhist singing bowls, bells, symbols and water bongs and pipes. Val du Charron (3) FoL03 Plot 114, 7th Lane, Heatherdale, 0156 Tel: (012) 751 2267 Fax: 086 567 4005 Cell: 083 234 7541 Executive: Magriet Holmes Email: Website: VAL DU CHARRON has grown into a well known South African house name brand / 100% handmade, Handdrawn canvas, Laser Decor, Mugs & tiles, Soft furnishings, blocked photo canvas and Frech station clocks... Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers (4) X08&09 PO Box 413598, Craighall, 2024 Fax: (011) 440 6977 Executive: Beulah Israel Cell: 083 266 5885 Email: Importer and distributor direct from factories world-wide for tobacconists, gift shops, bottle stores, luggage and stationery shops. Specialising in pipes, lighters, cigarette cases, cigar accessories, rolling papers, men’s personal care products and many more exciting gifts. Introducing steam stones for hubbly. Vera B Wholesale Jewellers (4) X34 PO Box 42, Breerivier, 6858 Tel: (023) 355 1652 Executive: Vera Basson Cell: 082 566 2780 Email: Website: 925 silver jewellery with semi-precious stones and pearls to the taste of all age groups and tastes. ● 90 ● V Veritas (4) E03 PO Box 1599, Vereeniging, 1930 Tel: (016) 440 7000 Fax: (016) 421 1748 Cell: 072 626 1329 Executive: Gerrit Jordaan Email: Website: Baby products: Wooden photo frames, plaques, hanging crosses. Colourful décor items such as table top inspirations, wooden hanging plaques, photo frames and crosses. Victoria House (3) FoD49-56 Lespade Street, Northend, Port Elizabeth, 6001 Tel: (041) 586 4784 Fax: (041) 586 4785 Executive: Gail Brown Email: As ever Victoria House is first with fresh, exciting items for your home. From french quilts, scented items, French style country furniture, Venetian mirrors, beautiful lamps and Chandeliers, Chinese blue pottery, Metalware, Men’s Gifts, Glass Domes, and many more décor items. VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES (4) F10a 301 Gibraltar Court, 74 Regent Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 439 2612 Fax: 086 684 1770 Cell: 083 288 8800 Executive: Vikki Sampson Email: Website: VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES is a Cape Town based fashion brand supplying high end synthetic and leather handbags, costume jewellery and scarves. Vilac (2) TP39 Hutton Court, Shop 9, 271 Jan Smuts Avenue, Hyde Park Tel: (011) 447 4744 Executive: Rebecca Morgan Cell: 082 415 5433 Email: Vitria Glassware (5) C07,08&10 PO Box 57, Maitland, 7404 Tel: (021) 593 8727 Fax: (021) 593 8733 Cell: 083 458 5396 Executive: Dayalan Reddy Email: Website: Contact Vitria Glassware for all your glassware requirements. Our range includes trophies, vases, bowls, decanters, tumblers, stemware and platters. Promotional items include screen printing and hand cut crystalene glassware. We are distributors for numerous overseas brands as well as our own range. Vivienne Mconie Art (3) FoD68 414 Elandsvalley Farm, Bapsfontein, 1510 Tel: 083 256 5071 Fax: 086 594 0827 Cell: 083 409 8126 Executive: Vivienne McOnie Email: Website: Vivienne McOnie is a local artist with a range of quality printed products of her designs. The products include prints, cards, calendars, blackboards, paper placemats. ● 91 ● V Vusalela Day Spa W (Lobby) LoB02 488 JQ Portion 2R, R511 Schurveberg, Centurion, 0279 Tel: (012) 371 2910 Fax: 086 617 6910 Cell: 082 940 9592 Executive: Bernice Koen Email: Website: Our spa is truly a unique sanctuary of relaxation and personal rejuvenation, where we seek to pamper you as never before. Fringed by the beauty of nature and perfectly situated on the banks of the Hennops River. W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd (5) W01-03 PO Box 784, North Riding, 2162 Tel: (011) 704 6062 Fax: 086 536 9352 Executive: Stuart McDonald Email: Website: W.G. McDonald, in Hall 5 Stands W01 and W02, distributes branded giftware products: Willow Tree, Christmas figures, Disney & Britto figures, Beatrix Potter figures & plush bears, GUND plush bears and Progressive Kitchenware. Wallpaper Inn cc (3) FoD149 19 Beatty Road, Selborne, East London, 5201 Tel: (043) 726 1760 Fax: (043) 726 6832 Cell: 078 303 4541 Executive: Clare Kearney Email: Website: Wholesalers and distributors of York, Norwall, Graham and Brown, Mols and RoomMates Peel and Stick. We pride ourselves on quality and efficiency, bringing the best wallpaper products to the South African market. Watches Tell Time (5) C40 139 Magwaza Maphala Street, Umbilo, Durban, 4001 Tel: 086 111 3480 Fax: 086 111 3211 Cell: 082 777 2786 / 083 995 5583 Executive: Altaaf Suleman Email: Website: For the latest designs in watches, gift sets, gift bags, party accessories, gifts and novelties, corporate gifting and much more. All enquiries for trade only, no public allowed. Wechsler (5) B10-16 &C09,11-16 PO Box 422, Crown Mines, 2052 Tel: (011) 839 4370 Fax: (011) 837 4430 Executive: Issy Strous Email: Website: View the latest trends in giftware, glassware, home décor, cutlery and housewares and christmas decorations. Distributors of Eetrite cutlery, dinnerware, tableware, braai accessories, Tandy barware, Walther Glas, RCR Crystal, Schott Zwiesel, Pasabahce Glassware, Crystal D’ Arques and Luminarc. Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group (5) B10-16 &C09,11-16 PO Box 422, Crown Mines, 2052 Tel: (011) 839 4370 Fax: (011) 837 4430 Executive: Issy Strous Email: Website: View the latest trends in giftware, glassware, home décor, cutlery and housewares and christmas decorations. Distributors of Eetrite cutlery, dinnerware, tableware, braai accessories, Tandy barware, Walther Glas, RCR Crystal, Schott Zwiesel, Pasabahce Glassware, Crystal D’ Arques and Luminarc. ● 92 ● W Wezandla Crafts (3) FoL18 PO Elandskraal, Elandsberg Farm, Elandskraal, 3017 Tel: (034) 642 1754 Fax: (034) 642 1754 Cell: 082 673 7163 Executive: Siggi Dedekind Email: Website: High quality telephone wire baskets, beaded cushions, placemats, table linen, bags and slippers in contemporary designs and colours are produced by a group of 800 crafters in rural KwaZulu-Natal. Whichers Bath Emporium (3) FoL27 30 Barratt Road, Factoria, 1740 Tel: (011) 664 6448 Fax: (011) 664 8115 Cell: 083 800 1898 Executive: Cathy Alberts Email: Website: With over 30 years experience, Whicher’s bath products are formulated to provide the ultimate in bathing luxury. Based on a blend of essential oils, natural moisturisers and special additives each product contains only INCI and FDA approved materials. Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd (4) D07 PO Box 31308, Kyalami, 1684 Tel: (011) 466 3823 Fax: 086 610 0111 Cell: 072 459 0702 Executive: Kevin Uren Email: Website: Specialist importers and distributors of an extensive range of smokers requisites including lighters, tobacco, cigars and pipes, electronic cigarettes as well as men’s and corporate gifting and novelty items. Willowbrook Cotton Company (3) FoL56 PO Box 791, White River, 1240 Tel: (011) 463 6722 Fax: 086 641 8235 Executive: Susan Green Email: Cell: 082 824 7721 Willowbrook Cotton Company are specialists in all baby cot and sleep ware products. All natural fibres are used to ensure a happy relaxed sleep. Willowbrook have been manufacturing for the last 17 years in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Wilson Furniture (5) W17 Stand 17 3rd Street, GA - Rankuwa Industrial Park, GA - Rankuwa Tel: (012) 703 4062 / 0034 Fax: 086 556 5972 Cell: 079 871 4877 Executive: Hugh Mclean Email: Website: As our special customer of repute, we at Presidential would like to invite you to our new Showroom in Longmeadow. Our new furniture ranges are innovative and exciting! Please make contact with us at Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd (2) TP37 PO Box 2386, Bellville, 7535 Tel: (021) 930 5250 Fax: (021) 930 2844 Cell: 082 779 4093 Executive: Linette Maritz-Theron Email: Website: Wholesale importers and distributors of home sewing, arts, craft and hobby products and equipment. Sewing includes equipment such as storage containers, scissors, cutting mats. Crafts includes papercrafts, children kits etc. We sell exclusive to retail. ● 93 ● W Y Z Winston & Julia Chocolate (2) K13 11 Grandiceps Str, Paradyskloof, Stellenbosch, 7600 Tel: (021) 880 0966 Fax: (021) 880 0966 Cell: 082 871 0179 Executive: Nini Jerman Email: Website: Just real South African dried fruit in delicious dark chocolate. TjokFruits are naturally sweet, energy packed and loaded with antioxidants. The delectable chocolate gift for the health conscious sweet- tooth. Enrobed truffles available in a variety of gift packets and boxes. WOW - World of Wonder (4) E06 C4 Oude Molen Eco Village, Alexandra Rd, Pinelands, 7405 Tel: (021) 447 3814 / (021) 801 0142 Fax: (021) 447 3814 Cell: 072 242 0263 Executive: Jeanne Goodall Email: Website: WOW produces: • Recycled Record CLOCKS • Mini desktop CLOCKS • Hand painted CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS • Fridge MAGNETS • Record cover HANDBAGS • Musically tuned WINDCHIMES • We also deal in authentic TRIBAL ART from Southern Africa. Yotti’s Turkish Delight (3) FoD137 Unit 3 Wynberg Business Park, 33 Andries Str South, Wynberg Tel: (011) 440 2015 Fax: (011) 887 2569 Cell: 082 595 1693 Executive: Andrea Joannides Email: Website: Yotti’s Turkish Delight is a treat fit for the Gods. The products are preservative free, vegetarian, Kosher & Halaal. New: delicious flavoured marshmallows: Toffee Fudge, Caramel Cranberry, Pomegranate, Rose & Raspberry, Bubblegum, Cream Soda. Perfect for Candy Buffets & Corporate gifts. ZetArt (4) E15 17 Scholtz Street, Lichtenberg, 2740 Tel: (018) 632 0175 / 6 Fax: (018) 632 0175 / 6 Cell: 082 611 7857 Executive: Zet Cloete Email: Website: Local manufacturers of original and handmade gifts, decor, photo frames, trays, placemats, magnets, b-day calendars, coasters, arts cushions, vinal art, books, tags, serviettes, napkins, table accessories. Zimele (3) FoL10 345 Burger St, Pietermaritzburg Tel: (033) 342 7787 Fax: (033) 342 7787 Cell: 082 339 8395 Executive: Julia Buss Email: Website: Zimele is a non-profit organization working with rural women to create self-reliant and safe communities in KwaZulu-Natal. Zimele produces an exquisite and professionally made product in beadwork and applique on felt. The range includes Decorations, Bags, Stationary, Homeware and Jewellery. Zoobies Blanket Pets (2) TP33 PO Box 130741, Bryanston, 2021 Tel: 082 845 7007 Executive: Shenaaz Peer Cell: 082 845 7007 Email: Website: Meet Uriel the Unicorn. Not only is she a sparkly, magical unicorn but also a comfy pillow and a super-soft, blanket all-in-one. Zoobies are award-winning blanket pets exhibited at the New York Toy Fair. A full collection available at ● 94 ● Z Zuidworks (2) M03 1 Camphor Lane, Bergvliet, Cape Town, 7945 Tel: 079 804 1169 Executive: Deborah Yeo Cell: 079 804 1169 Email: Website: Zuidworks represents the internationally successful brands nanoblocks, Doodle Art and Sevi&Trudi. These hugely popular products are successful all over the world and are now being released in South Africa! It is with great pleasure that Zuidworks brings you these brands. ● 95 ● Notes • Product Categories 5 : 4 : 3 : FoD : FoL : L : 2 : TP : Lob : Hall 5 Hall 4 Hall 3 Focus on Design Focus on Local Link between Halls 2 & 3 Hall 2 Hall 2 Toy & Party Pavilion Lobby below Link ● 97 ● Product Categories Aromatherapy Products Art and Crafts (Continued) Delicious Display .........................(4) F01&02 Dreams Granted ..............................(2) TP57 Dryzin Gifts ......................................(4) E13 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) ................(3) FoL38-43 Echobay Trading ...............................(4) E01 Educo (Pty) Ltd .......................(2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz ...................................(2) TP26&28 Elger Laser Cutting ......................(3) FoD115 Elsona .....................................(3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading ..................................(2) L15 Evermore Products ..........................(2) TP50 Fancy Stitch ..................................(3) FoL08 Fantastick Wall Décor ........................(2) K12 Free Range Kids CC ................(2) TP117&118 Ginger Ray .......................................(2) J17 Glenart Trading ................................(5) B26 Grow Learning Company ..................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys ..............................(2) TP55 Hennak ...........................................(2) Y02 Heritage Touch cc ........................(4) X13&14 Iconz Art ....................................(3) FoD01a Ideal Toy ..................................(2) TP08&10 Ilanga Trading .................................(2) J05a Intle Design ....................................(2) TP48 iwasshot in joburg :) .........................(2) L11 J E Living ....................................(3) FoD130 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers ......................(2) J05 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles .......(3) FoD13&14 Kapula Candles ..............................(3) FoL51 Klein Karoo International Ltd ..........(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts ......................(3) FoL14 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd .........................(4) F03 LazyCatz Studio ................................(2) K11 Lisa Martin .......................................(2) L08 Lizawithlove .................................(3) FoD12 Love Thy Home .............................(3) FoD64 Lumela Afrika ...................................(4) X38 Made in Z.A ................................(3) FoD131 Magnetic Gift Creations ................(5) A45&47 Maneki van Staal .....................(3) FoD41&48 Mninizo Trading ........................(3) FoL15&16 Mockana Trading C.C. ...................(3) FoD114 Mongoose ...............................(3) FoD79&88 Mud Studio .................................(3) FoD152 My Rhino .......................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous .................................(3) FoD101 New Leap Trading ............................(2) TP09 NOSTALGIE ........................................(2) Y05 Not Just Rocks ...............................(3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames .....................(5) W21-24 Occasions ........................................(2) K07 Oricraft Import & Export CC............... (4) X35 Pamper Hamper ...........................(5) C33-36 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals ..(2) L05 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags ..............................(3) FoL54 Paper World .............................(3) FoL26&35 Pegasus Toys ....................(2) TP21,23,25&27 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals ........ (3) FoD127 Charisma Candles ................ (3) FoD145&146 Cottage Craft ............................. (4) D08&09 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s .... (3) FoD136 Gifthaus ..................................... (3) FoD24 Hennak .......................................... (2) Y02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI)...(3)FoL38-43 La Maison du Savon de Marseilles ....... (2) L17 Luna C .................................. (3) FoD75&76 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions ....................................... (2) K07 Pamper Hamper .......................... (5) C33-36 REACH Marketing SA ........................ (4) F16 SOiL Organic Aromatherapy & Bodycare .................................. (3) FoL06 SoyLites Eco Candles ..................... (3) FoL07 Tribhanga ....................................... (2) K09 Urchin Art - Pause ...................... (3) FoD151 Utopia ............................................ (2) K15 Victoria House ......................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd ................ (5) W01-03 Arts and Crafts Adawnment cc ............................(3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale ..........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass ...............(2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust ............................(3) FoL04 Africa’s Legends .............................(3) FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife ...............(3) FoL29 Aliberti ............................................(4) X18 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals ..........(3) FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI) ....................(3) FoL38-43 Arya Arts ................................(3) FoD01&02 Babycraft .....................................(2) TP115 Bags 4 U cc ......................................(2) L02 Bakiku Art ..................................(3) FoD116 Bambury ..................................(2) TP29&31 Bead Business ...............................(3) FoL36 Beautiful Bags ..................................(4) X26 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets .................(Lobby) LoB01 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags ........................(4) E10 CardCo SA ..................................(5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc ..................(2) TP69-80 Chiswick Stationery & Crafts .............(2) TP06 Christmas World ..........................(5) B39&41 Clifton Products ...........................(4) X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc .............................(4) X10-12 Clyde Trading ..............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics ................(3) FoD148 Cominas ......................................(3) FoD62 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts ...........(2) TP59 Dahlia Creations ..........................(3) FoD150 Daschner Metal Art ...........................(4) X20 Dazzling Daisies ................................(2) L01 Decorative Details ..........................(3) FoL52 ● 98 ● Product Categories Art and Crafts (Continued) Back-to-School (Continued) Pennylane ...................................(5) B33-38 Perfect Petzzz ............................(2) TP61&63 REACH Marketing SA .........................(4) F16 RGS Group - Mega Magazines ...(2) TP119-121 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading ...........................(3) FoD100 Romantic Living ................................(5) A05 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows ...............(5) A13-16 Satsuma Enterprises .................(3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports ............................(5) B42 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) ..............(3) FoL38-43 Something Elz .............................(3) FoD108 Statesman Stationery .......................(5) W15 Style Frames ......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Suctree Trading cc .....................(2) TP40&42 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd ..........(2) K01&03 Supreme Mouldings & Décor .....................(3) FoD93-95&102-104 T and P Services ...........................(2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures .....................(5) A33&34 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR ........(4) E09 The Durban African Art Center Association ...................................(3) FoL12 The Selection ..............................(3) FoD117 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd ......................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys ..................(2) TP47,49,51&53 TINTOWN .......................................(3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland ......................(3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International ...............(2) J06-12 Tribhanga ........................................(2) K09 Tropical Traders ................................(4) F14 Tusker Trading .........................(3) FoD27-30 Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art .........................(2) L14 Val du Charron ..............................(3) FoL03 Vivienne Mconie Art .......................(3) FoD68 Watches Tell Time .............................(5) C40 Wezandla Crafts .............................(3) FoL18 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd .............(2) TP37 WOW - World of Wonder ....................(4) E06 ZetArt .............................................(4) E15 Zimele ..........................................(3) FoL10 Zuidworks .......................................(2) M03 & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd......(5) A41&43 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Bar Accessories Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets................. (Lobby) LoB01 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Back-to-School Aliberti ............................................ (4) X18 Brettian Productions cc . ..................(5) W14a CardCo SA .................................. (5) A07-12 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing . .....(2) TP01 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 NEO Group - All Things Fine ● 99 ● Product Categories Bar Accessories (Continued) Basketware/Care (Continued) NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 P J Marketing PTY Ltd......................... (5) B22 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Bathroom Accessories Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Laser Edge Designs.........................(3) FoD63 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Basketware/Cane Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 ● 100 ● Product Categories Bathroom Accessories (Continued) Books: Educational (Continued) The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Whichers Bath Emporium................ (3) FoL27 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Beadwork/Wirework Books: General/Picture Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 iwasshot in joburg :).......................... (2) L11 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Kruizement.................................... (3) FoL57 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Books: Educational Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Art For Ewe (CCDI).................... (3) FoL38-43 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Decisions Gifts cc48............... (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing.........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 tic tac toe......................................... (2) K08 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing.........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Body Piercing Equipment Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 Paula Jewellery cc.............................. (5) C38 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 ● 101 Brass/Copper/Silverware ● Product Categories Brass/Copper/Silverware (Continued) Candles/Candle Holders (Continued) Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Global Homeware Supplies................. (5) W25 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 E Promo........................................... (4) X36 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Global Homeware Supplies................. (5) W25 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI)........................ (3) FoL38-43 Heritage Touch cc.........................(4) X13&14 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kapula Candles.............................. (3) FoL51 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Kruizement.................................... (3) FoL57 LA Toscana Investments..................... (4) E11 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RIABELLA..........................................(2) J03 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Candles/Candle Holders Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 ● 102 ● Product Categories Candles/Candle Holders (Continued) Cards: Greeting & Other (Continued) Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 SOiL Organic Aromatherapy & Bodycare.................................... (3) FoL06 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd................. (5) W01-03 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Cellphone Accessories BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Cards: Greeting & Other Chimes/Bells Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Art For Ewe (CCDI) ....................(3) FoL38-43 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 BOXBURG......................................... (2) K19 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 ● 103 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Himalayan Handmades cc..................(4) F09a Jean-Dyl Manufacturers.......................(2) J05 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Lisa Martin....................................... (2) L08 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 ● Product Categories Chimes/Bells (Continued) Christmas Trees/Decorations (Continued) Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Decisions Gifts cc48............... .(5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magic Lighting.................................. (5) W19 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 China/Porcelainware African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd........ (5) A23-26&28 Cotina International...................... (4) X01-03 Fabulous Finds...............................(3) FoD26 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Christmas Trees / Decorations African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 ● 104 ● Product Categories Christmas Trees/Decorations (Continued) Clocks (Continued) Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Clocks Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading ...........................(3) FoD100 ● 105 Clothing: Adult Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Crimson Chameleon...................... (4) F10&11 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Forest Life.......................................(4) F08a Himalayan Handmades cc..................(4) F09a Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Kheera............................................. (4) F08 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Silhouett Imports.............................(4) F11a Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 U. B Creative...................................(4) F12a Clothing: Baby/Children Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery............ (2) K16 ● Product Categories Clothing: Baby/Children (Continued) Corporate Gifts (Continued) Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Myang........................................... (3) FoL48 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Poogy Bear....................................... (2) K02 Sillybilly........................................ (3) FoL55 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b tic tac toe......................................... (2) K08 Tjaila Baby (Pty) Ltd........................ (2) K12a Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Willowbrook Cotton Company........... (3) FoL56 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI) ....................(3) FoL38-43 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Baby & Me........................................ (2) L16 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Badges Unlimited.............................(2) TP24 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets................. (Lobby) LoB01 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 BOXBURG......................................... (2) K19 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Double Agent............................... (3) FoD132 Dreams Granted...............................(2) TP57 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading................................... (2) L15 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Computer Accessories Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 Confectionery Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets................. (Lobby) LoB01 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 McKinley Chocolates / Alyescor Producters.........................(2) M09 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Sweet Temptations Toffees.................. (2) L07 Winston & Julia Chocolate................... (2) K13 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.................... (3) FoD137 Corporate Gifts Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 ● 106 ● Product Categories Corporate Gifts (Continued) Corporate Gifts (Continued) Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 GAGS.............................................(2) TP30 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 Glenart Trading................................. (5) B26 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a iwasshot in joburg :).......................... (2) L11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 Laser Edge Designs.........................(3) FoD63 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Made in Z.A................................. (3) FoD131 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 P J Marketing PTY Ltd......................... (5) B22 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals... (2) L05 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Simple Intrigue (CCDI)............... (3) FoL38-43 Skytoys..................................... (2) TP35&36 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Sweet Temptations Toffees.................. (2) L07 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 ThinkFun.........................................(2) TP46 tic tac toe......................................... (2) K08 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 Vusalela Day Spa..................... (Lobby) LoB02 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ....................(5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Whichers Bath Emporium................ (3) FoL27 ● 107 ● Product Categories Corporate Gifts (Continued) Crystals/Gemstones (Continued) Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.................... (3) FoD137 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Vera B Wholesale Jewellers................. (4) X34 Cycles/Scooters/Go-carts Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Cosmetics/Beauty Products Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing.........(2) TP01 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI)........................ (3) FoL38-43 IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 La Maison du Savon de Marseilles........ (2) L17 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 SOiL Organic Aromatherapy & Bodycare.................................... (3) FoL06 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Whichers Bath Emporium................ (3) FoL27 Decanters/Coolers Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd........ (5) A23-26&28 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 P J Marketing PTY Ltd......................... (5) B22 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Crystals/Gemstones Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Cinnamon Hats and Jewellery...........(3) FoD25 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Joolz....................................(3) FoD126&128 Joy Collectables.....................(3) FoD109&110 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Precious Silver & Stone...................(3) FoD21 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Alabaster Box..........................(3) FoD87 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 ● 108 Decoupage Products BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 ● Product Categories Decoupage Products (Continued) Ethnic Crafts (Continued) Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Fancy/Customised Goods Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Dahlia Creations........................... (3) FoD150 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Duke & Dutch (CCDI)................. (3) FoL38-43 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.... (3) FoL28 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Made in Z.A................................. (3) FoD131 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Ethnic Crafts Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Chandra Jewellery..........................(3) FoD69 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading................................... (2) L15 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Heritage Touch cc.........................(4) X13&14 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 ● 109 ● Product Categories Fancy/Customised Goods (Continued) Fashion Accessories (Continued) Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Simple Intrigue (CCDI)............... (3) FoL38-43 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 Sweet Temptations Toffees.................. (2) L07 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ....................(5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.................... (3) FoD137 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Double Agent............................... (3) FoD132 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fino Bags and Purses........................ (2) L14a Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 Forest Life.......................................(4) F08a Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Himalayan Handmades cc..................(4) F09a Holster............................................. (4) F12 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers................... (4) E17 Joolz....................................(3) FoD126&128 Joy Collectables.....................(3) FoD109&110 Jumali Accessories........................(4) X04&05 Kheera............................................. (4) F08 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 LCM -ZSISKA............................... (3) FoD118 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Made in Z.A................................. (3) FoD131 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 Myang........................................... (3) FoL48 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paula Jewellery cc.............................. (5) C38 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silhouett Imports.............................(4) F11a Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simply Smitten (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) X30 Smiler International...................... (4) F18&19 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd......................... (2) K04 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 U. B Creative...................................(4) F12a VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES........(4) F10a Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Fashion Accessories Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Anna-B Jewellery...................(3) FoD139&140 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 AVOOVA ....................................... (3) FoL32 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Batucada.......................................... (4) X31 beachyheads..................................... (2) K17 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Chandra Jewellery..........................(3) FoD69 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Crimson Chameleon...................... (4) F10&11 Dahlia Creations........................... (3) FoD150 ● 110 ● Product Categories Figurines/Ornaments/Statues Figurines/Ornaments/Statues (Continued) Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Cotina International...................... (4) X01-03 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Daddy’s.......................................(5) C22&24 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 GAGS.............................................(2) TP30 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simple Intrigue (CCDI)............... (3) FoL38-43 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 ● 111 Florist’s: Sundries Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 ● Product Categories Florist’s: Sundries (Continued) Food Products (Continued) Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd..................... .(3) FoD113 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Winston & Julia Chocolate................... (2) K13 Footwear Batucada.......................................... (4) X31 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Holster............................................. (4) F12 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Myang........................................... (3) FoL48 Sole Management (Pty) Ltd................. (4) X28 Frames/Prints/Posters/Mirrors Flowers: Artificial/Dried Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Babycraft...................................... (2) TP115 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cotina International...................... (4) X01-03 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Dreams Granted...............................(2) TP57 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Ingrid Moore Imports....................(Link) LN06 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Food Products Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets................. (Lobby) LoB01 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 McKinley Chocolates / Alyescor Producters.........................(2) M09 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 ● 112 ● Product Categories Frames/Prints/Posters/Mirrors (Continued) Frames/Prints/Posters/Mirrors (Continued) Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 High Thorn...............................(3) FoL30&31 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 iwasshot in joburg :).......................... (2) L11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers.......................(2) J05 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Part Of Me by Elsie Roux..................... (4) E16 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 ● 113 Furniture Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 beachyheads..................................... (2) K17 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Daddy’s.......................................(5) C22&24 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.... (3) FoL28 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Heritage Touch cc.........................(4) X13&14 High Thorn...............................(3) FoL30&31 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Ingrid Moore Imports....................(Link) LN06 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 La Maison du Savon de Marseilles........ (2) L17 Laser Edge Designs.........................(3) FoD63 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 ● Product Categories Gardenware/Garden Items Furniture (Continued) Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 beachyheads..................................... (2) K17 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Daddy’s.......................................(5) C22&24 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Keith Hamilton Pottery....................(3) FoD96 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lisa Martin....................................... (2) L08 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 P J Marketing PTY Ltd......................... (5) B22 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RIABELLA..........................................(2) J03 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson Furniture............................... (5) W17 Games: Electronic/Board CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 ThinkFun.........................................(2) TP46 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 ● 114 ● Product Categories Gardenware/Garden Items (Continued) Gift Wrap/Bags/Tags/Boxes (Continued) S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd..................... .(3) FoD113 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 Mini World........................................(2) M01 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd......(5) A41&43 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Gift Wrap/Bags/Tags/Boxes Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI) ....................(3) FoL38-43 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 BOXBURG......................................... (2) K19 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 ● 115 Gifts: Children A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Baby & Me........................................ (2) L16 Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery............ (2) K16 Babycraft...................................... (2) TP115 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a ● Product Categories Gifts: Children (Continued) Gifts: Children (Continued) CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Crazy Concepts................................(2) TP02 Dahlia Creations........................... (3) FoD150 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Dreams Granted...............................(2) TP57 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fantastick Wall Décor......................... (2) K12 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers................... (4) E17 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Looky Bag.......................................(2) TP67 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design..... (3) FoD134 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a Myang........................................... (3) FoL48 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NICI...............................................(2) TP03 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle.............. (2) TP116 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Sweet Temptations Toffees.................. (2) L07 T and P Services............................ (2) TP122 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Fragrance Factory........................ (4) X37 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 ThinkFun.........................................(2) TP46 tic tac toe......................................... (2) K08 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd......................... (2) K04 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art.......................... (2) L14 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 ● 116 ● Product Categories Gifts: Children (Continued) Gifts: Ladies (Continued) Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Winston & Julia Chocolate................... (2) K13 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Double Agent............................... (3) FoD132 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 E Promo........................................... (4) X36 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 FULLSPOT ZA Pty.............................. (4) F07 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI) ........................(3) FoL38-43 Himalayan Handmades cc..................(4) F09a Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers.......................(2) J05 Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers................... (4) E17 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Joolz....................................(3) FoD126&128 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Jumali Accessories........................(4) X04&05 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 Gifts: Ladies Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI) ....................(3) FoL38-43 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 AVOOVA ....................................... (3) FoL32 Baby & Me........................................ (2) L16 Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery............ (2) K16 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Batucada.......................................... (4) X31 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 beachyheads..................................... (2) K17 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Dahlia Creations........................... (3) FoD150 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 ● 117 ● Product Categories Gifts: Ladies (Continued) Gifts: Ladies (Continued) La Maison du Savon de Marseilles........ (2) L17 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 LCM -ZSISKA............................... (3) FoD118 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design..... (3) FoD134 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals... (2) L05 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Sweet Temptations Toffees.................. (2) L07 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 ThinkFun.........................................(2) TP46 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art.......................... (2) L14 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Whichers Bath Emporium................ (3) FoL27 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Winston & Julia Chocolate................... (2) K13 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.................... (3) FoD137 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 ● 118 Gifts: Men Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 ● Product Categories Gifts: Men (Continued) Gifts: Men (Continued) Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Art For Ewe (CCDI) ....................(3) FoL38-43 AVOOVA ....................................... (3) FoL32 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets................. (Lobby) LoB01 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading................................... (2) L15 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Herbs-Aplenty® Products (CCDI)........................ (3) FoL38-43 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Jumali Accessories........................(4) X04&05 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Keith Hamilton Pottery....................(3) FoD96 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design..... (3) FoD134 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals... (2) L05 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 ● 119 ● Product Categories Gifts: Men (Continued) Glass/Glassware (Continued) Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Sweet Temptations Toffees.................. (2) L07 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 ThinkFun.........................................(2) TP46 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Whichers Bath Emporium................ (3) FoL27 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Winston & Julia Chocolate................... (2) K13 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.................... (3) FoD137 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lisa Martin....................................... (2) L08 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 P J Marketing (Pty) Ltd....................... (5) B22 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Standard Gifts................................... (5) C21 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald (Pty) Ltd...............(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Glass/Glassware Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd........ (5) A23-26&28 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 ● 120 ● Product Categories Grooming Aids Handbags/Purses/Walllets (Continued) Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Vusalela Day Spa..................... (Lobby) LoB02 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 beachyheads..................................... (2) K17 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Crimson Chameleon...................... (4) F10&11 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Double Agent............................... (3) FoD132 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Fino Bags and Purses........................ (2) L14a FULLSPOT ZA Pty.............................. (4) F07 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Heritage Touch cc.........................(4) X13&14 Himalayan Handmades cc..................(4) F09a Holster............................................. (4) F12 IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Joolz....................................(3) FoD126&128 Joy Collectables.....................(3) FoD109&110 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Paula Jewellery cc.............................. (5) C38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simply Smitten (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) X30 Smiler International...................... (4) F18&19 Hair Accessories/Hats Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 Cinnamon Hats and Jewellery...........(3) FoD25 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Dahlia Creations........................... (3) FoD150 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Myang........................................... (3) FoL48 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Paula Jewellery cc.............................. (5) C38 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Smiler International...................... (4) F18&19 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Handbags/Purses/Wallets 8th Avenue Trading............................ (2) Y16 Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Baby & Me........................................ (2) L16 ● 121 ● Product Categories Handbags/Purses/Wallets (Continued) Interior Decor/Decorware (Continued) SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES........(4) F10a Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Cotina International...................... (4) X01-03 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Design Supply................................(3) FoD91 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 E Promo........................................... (4) X36 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading................................... (2) L15 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fabulous Finds...............................(3) FoD26 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Fantastick Wall Décor......................... (2) K12 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Flora Mystique cc............................... (5) C25 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Global Homeware Supplies................. (5) W25 Grey Gardens.............................. (3) FoD133 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Incense/Incense Holders Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Heritage Touch cc.........................(4) X13&14 Himalayan Handmades cc..................(4) F09a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design..... (3) FoD134 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Interior Decor/Decorware 8th Avenue Trading............................ (2) Y16 Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 ● 122 ● Product Categories Interior Decor/Decorware (Continued) Interior Decor/Decorware (Continued) Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 High Thorn...............................(3) FoL30&31 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 iwasshot in joburg :).......................... (2) L11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers.......................(2) J05 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Kapula Candles.............................. (3) FoL51 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Kruizement.................................... (3) FoL57 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 La Maison du Savon de Marseilles........ (2) L17 Laser Edge Designs.........................(3) FoD63 LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lisa Martin....................................... (2) L08 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Magic Lighting.................................. (5) W19 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mockana Trading CC...................... (3) FoD114 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Nick Bester Promotions cc................. (5) W26 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Part Of Me by Elsie Roux..................... (4) E16 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Gift & Décor Company............. (2) Y03&04 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art.......................... (2) L14 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wallpaper Inn cc.......................... (3) FoD149 Wechsler.................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Willowbrook Cotton Company........... (3) FoL56 Wilson Furniture............................... (5) W17 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 ● 123 Jewellery: Costume Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Anna-B Jewellery...................(3) FoD139&140 ● Product Categories Jewellery: Costume (Continued) Jewellery: Costume (Continued) Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 AVOOVA ....................................... (3) FoL32 Baby Pearls Teething Jewellery............ (2) K16 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Batucada.......................................... (4) X31 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Chandra Jewellery..........................(3) FoD69 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Dahlia Creations........................... (3) FoD150 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Flair Fashions cc...........................(5) A36&38 Forest Life.......................................(4) F08a Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jeff’s Wholesale Jewellers................... (4) E17 Joolz....................................(3) FoD126&128 Joy Collectables.....................(3) FoD109&110 Jumali Accessories........................(4) X04&05 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 LCM -ZSISKA............................... (3) FoD118 Made in Z.A................................. (3) FoD131 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Paula Jewellery cc.............................. (5) C38 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silhouett Imports.............................(4) F11a Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simple Intrigue (CCDI)............... (3) FoL38-43 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Smiler International...................... (4) F18&19 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Durban African Art Center Association.................................... (3) FoL12 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TIME FACTOR.................................... (4) F15 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd......................... (2) K04 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 VIKSON FASHION ACCESSORIES........(4) F10a Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 ● 124 Jewellery: Gold/Silver Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Anna-B Jewellery...................(3) FoD139&140 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 Cinnamon Hats and Jewellery...........(3) FoD25 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Duke & Dutch (CCDI)................. (3) FoL38-43 Joy Collectables.....................(3) FoD109&110 Mockana Trading CC...................... (3) FoD114 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design..... (3) FoD134 Paula Jewellery cc.............................. (5) C38 Precious Silver & Stone...................(3) FoD21 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Sienca Silver Wholesalers................(3) FoD20 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The Alabaster Box..........................(3) FoD87 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 TIME FACTOR.................................... (4) F15 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Vera B Wholesale Jewellers................. (4) X34 Jigsaw Puzzles A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 ● Product Categories Kitchenware/Kitchen Utensils Kitchenware/Kitchen Utensils (Continued) Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd........ (5) A23-26&28 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Crazy Concepts................................(2) TP02 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd......(3) FoD40 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.... (3) FoL28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 P J Marketing PTY Ltd......................... (5) B22 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 ● 125 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Snappy Chef.................................... (5) W14 Standard Gifts................................... (5) C21 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Lamps/Lighting/Lanterns Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cotina International...................... (4) X01-03 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Eurolux....................................... (3) FoD147 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fabulous Finds...............................(3) FoD26 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Global Homeware Supplies................. (5) W25 ● Product Categories Lamps/Lighting/Lanterns (Continued) Leatherwear/Leather Items (Continued) High Thorn...............................(3) FoL30&31 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kruizement.................................... (3) FoL57 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Lumela Afrika................................... (4) X38 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Magic Lighting.................................. (5) W19 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 The African Queen Studio CC (CCDI)...................... (3) FoL38-43 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Eltumi Trading................................... (2) L15 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 High Thorn...............................(3) FoL30&31 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Jumali Accessories........................(4) X04&05 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Linen: Bed/Table Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Design Supply................................(3) FoD91 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Grey Gardens.............................. (3) FoD133 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 La Maison du Savon de Marseilles........ (2) L17 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 Mr and Mrs Lifestyle and Design..... (3) FoD134 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Willowbrook Cotton Company........... (3) FoL56 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Leatherwear/Leather Items Luggage/Briefcases Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 ● 126 Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 ● Product Categories Luggage/Briefcases (Continued) Musical Items (Continued) CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fino Bags and Purses........................ (2) L14a Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tjaila Baby (Pty) Ltd........................ (2) K12a Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Novelties/Keyrings/Magnets Miniature Items Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Art For Ewe (CCDI).................... (3) FoL38-43 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Badges Unlimited.............................(2) TP24 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 GAGS.............................................(2) TP30 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Intle Design ....................................(2) TP48 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Dreams Granted...............................(2) TP57 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Modeling Kits/Accessories Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Babycraft...................................... (2) TP115 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Musical Items Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 ● 127 ● Product Categories Novelties/Keyrings/Magnets (Continued) Paints/Pens/Pencils (Continued) Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 NICI...............................................(2) TP03 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 uSisi Designs................................. (3) FoL17 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Paper Products A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 BOXBURG......................................... (2) K19 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing.........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Paints/Pens/Pencils A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 ● 128 ● Product Categories Paper Products (Continued) Party Items/Accessories/Celebrations (Continued) Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Nick Bester Promotions cc................. (5) W26 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd......(5) A41&43 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Simple Intrigue (CCDI)............... (3) FoL38-43 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 GAGS.............................................(2) TP30 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Glenart Trading................................. (5) B26 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magic Lighting.................................. (5) W19 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Pamela Mann South Africa.................. (4) X29 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd......(5) A41&43 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 SA Balloon.......................................(2) TP65 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Skytoys..................................... (2) TP35&36 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 Tessa Design..................................... (4) E08 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Gift & Décor Company............. (2) Y03&04 The In Thing..................................... (4) F17 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Party Items/Accessories /Celebrations Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Art For Ewe (CCDI).................... (3) FoL38-43 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Badges Unlimited.............................(2) TP24 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Best Breast....................................... (4) X32 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 ● 129 ● Product Categories Potpourri Party Items/Accessories/Celebrations (Continued) Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Charisma Candles..................(3) FoD145&146 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Pewter Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Pottery/Ceramics Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cotina International...................... (4) X01-03 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Keith Hamilton Pottery....................(3) FoD96 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Pharmaceutical Sundries Anna-Lize’s Swiss Choc Caramels.... (3) FoD135 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Porcelain Dolls Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 ● 130 ● Product Categories Pottery/Ceramics (Continued) Ribbons/Bows (Continued) Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RIABELLA..........................................(2) J03 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 SA Balloon.......................................(2) TP65 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Scrap-booking Products Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Chiswick Stationery & Crafts..............(2) TP06 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Dazzling Daisies................................ (2) L01 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Skytoys..................................... (2) TP35&36 Puppets/Marionettes Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Ribbons/Bows BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Dazzling Daisies................................ (2) L01 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fuego Lifestyle............................. (3) FoD112 ● 131 ● Product Categories Scrap-booking Products (Continued) Silk Flora (Continued) Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 T and P Services............................. (2) TP122 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Smokers Requisites Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 T and P Services............................ (2) TP122 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Serviettes Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Global Homeware Supplies................. (5) W25 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Nick Bester Promotions cc................. (5) W26 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd......(5) A41&43 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Soft Furnishings 8th Avenue Trading............................ (2) Y16 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Design Supply................................(3) FoD91 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd..... (3) FoD40 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 FACT............................................. (3) FoL44 Grey Gardens.............................. (3) FoD133 Heritage Touch cc.........................(4) X13&14 Ikhaya Africa Export.......................(3) FoD84 Ingrid Moore Imports....................(Link) LN06 Silk Flora At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Flora Mystique cc............................... (5) C25 Ingrid Moore Imports....................(Link) LN06 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 ● 132 ● Product Categories Soft Furnishings (Continued) Souvenirs/Curios (Continued) Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Silver Rhythm............................. (4) D01&02 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Silver Tassel............................ (3) FoL45 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Lumela Afrika................................... (4) X38 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Mninizo Trading.........................(3) FoL15&16 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pangolin Design Bruce Little Originals... (2) L05 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 WOW - World of Wonder..................... (4) E06 Yotti’s Turkish Delight.................... (3) FoD137 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Souvenirs/Curios Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Africa’s Whimsical Wildlife................ (3) FoL29 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Badges Unlimited.............................(2) TP24 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 Biltong & Nuts/Old Style Home Made Sweets................. (Lobby) LoB01 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Chandra Jewellery..........................(3) FoD69 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Creative Nature.............................. (3) FoL09 Darrens Novelties cc................... (2) TP54&56 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Duke & Dutch (CCDI) .................(3) FoL38-43 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Eltumi Trading................................... (2) L15 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 ● 133 Stainless Steel Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Cominas........................................(3) FoD62 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 ● Product Categories Stainless Steel (Continued) Stationery (Continued) Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Palador............................................ (4) X17 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 Mini World........................................(2) M01 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NICI...............................................(2) TP03 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pandu Paper Products (Pty) Ltd......(5) A41&43 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pawprints Cards................................ (2) L13 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Veritas............................................. (4) E03 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Stationery Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 BOXBURG......................................... (2) K19 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Chiswick Stationery & Crafts..............(2) TP06 Christian Art Gifts.........................(4) E02&04 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Clip-A-Card cc.............................. (4) X10-12 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Dazzling Daisies................................ (2) L01 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 L + P Textiles Pty Ltd......................... (4) F03 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 ● 134 Stickers/Decals/Labels A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Clifton Products............................(4) X06&07 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fantastick Wall Décor......................... (2) K12 Gifts & Cards for Africa t/a Mac’s Wholesalers............... (5) A35,37&39 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 ● Product Categories Sunglasses/Eye-glasses Stickers/Decals/Labels (Continued) Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Oricraft Import & Export CC................ (4) X35 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Paper World..............................(3) FoL26&35 Speshirl Agencies CC........................(2) TP34 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 The Sticker Family..............................(2) J02 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Twiggy Vinyl Wall Art.......................... (2) L14 Wallpaper Inn cc.......................... (3) FoD149 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Table Accessories Adawnment cc............................. (3) FoD142 Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Badger Giftware & Décor...............(5) C31&32 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Bead Business................................ (3) FoL36 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Delicious Display.......................... (4) F01&02 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd..... (3) FoD40 E Promo........................................... (4) X36 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Emerging Creatives Design Team cc.. (3) FoL28 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Glenart Trading................................. (5) B26 Global Homeware Supplies................. (5) W25 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Heavenly Earth.........................(3) FoL01&02 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Stone/Stoneware Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Chalco Trading cc.............................. (4) E14 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Keith Hamilton Pottery....................(3) FoD96 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 ● 135 ● Product Categories Table Accessories (Continued) Table Accessories (Continued) Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Laser Edge Designs.........................(3) FoD63 Lauriana Designs................................(2) J04 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Lumela Afrika................................... (4) X38 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Matchless Candles............................. (4) X27 Mockana Trading CC...................... (3) FoD114 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 My Rhino........................................(5) W06a NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Not Just Rocks............................... (3) FoL05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Sandy’s Ribbons & Bows................ (5) A13-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Simple Intrigue (CCDI) . .............(3) FoL38-43 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Standard Gifts................................... (5) C21 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wechsler ....................(5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wezandla Crafts............................. (3) FoL18 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 ● 136 Tableware/Dinnerware Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Advanced Armour Glass................ (2) M13&15 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Arya Arts................................. (3) FoD01&02 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 Berzack Brothers (Pty) Ltd........ (5) A23-26&28 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 Ceramics Factory............................ (3) FoL37 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Colori A Mano Ceramics................. (3) FoD148 Design Supply................................(3) FoD91 DSA Table Linen Specialists Pty Ltd...(3) FoD40 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 ● Product Categories Tins/Canisters Tableware/Dinnerware (Continued) Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 African Sales Company (Pty) Limited..................(Link) LN05 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Cathby Trading................................. (5) W11 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Gifthaus........................................(3) FoD24 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a IMPO Distributors.............................. (4) E05 Jenam by IMPO Distributors................ (4) E07 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Silk By Design (Pty) Ltd.............. (3) FoD42-47 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 KRDM Innovative Homeware...............(2) M07 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Lumela Afrika................................... (4) X38 Luna C.................................... (3) FoD75&76 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Mabibuch Imports.................. (3) FoD120-125 Maneki van Staal...................... (3) FoD41&48 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Mud Studio.................................. (3) FoD152 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Palador............................................ (4) X17 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 S.A. Greetings: Creative Stationery, Carlton Cards & Entertainers............... (5) A06 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Signature Imports............................. (5) B42 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle.............. (2) TP116 Standard Gifts................................... (5) C21 Studio Number 19............................. (2) K18 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Tamelia - Tyrrell Katz.................... (3) FoD01b Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Gift & Décor Company............. (2) Y03&04 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 The Tretchikoff Project....................... (5) B27 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Urchin Art - Pause........................ (3) FoD151 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson Furniture............................... (5) W17 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 ● 137 Toys: Babies/Nursery Items Baby & Me........................................ (2) L16 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 ● Product Categories Toys: Babies/Nursery Items (Continued) Toys: Dolls and Accessories (Continued) Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Crazy Concepts................................(2) TP02 Earthern Trading cc & St Marc’s...... (3) FoD136 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Intle Design ....................................(2) TP48 Jo Hope......................................... (3) FoL33 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Mini World........................................(2) M01 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NICI...............................................(2) TP03 Oh-Lief Natural Products................ (3) FoD129 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle.............. (2) TP116 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Intle Design ....................................(2) TP48 Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NICI...............................................(2) TP03 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle.............. (2) TP116 TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Toys: Dolls and Accessories A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Bambury................................... (2) TP29&31 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Charmed Children’s Jewellery.............(2) TP44 Christmas Tree Specialists.................. (5) B40 Christmas Tree Specialists....(5) C37,39,41&43 Toys: General A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Carnival Creations cc................... (2) TP69-80 Cheeky Monkey................................ (5) W10 ● 138 ● Product Categories Toys: Inflatable Toys: General (Continued) Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 SA Balloon.......................................(2) TP65 Skytoys..................................... (2) TP35&36 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Craft Essentials / Crazy Crafts............(2) TP59 Crazy Concepts................................(2) TP02 Dreams Granted...............................(2) TP57 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing.........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Firehorse Brand..............................(3) FoD33 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 GAGS.............................................(2) TP30 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Kai Lee Import & Export..................... (4) X23 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Looky Bag.......................................(2) TP67 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Lumela Afrika................................... (4) X38 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 MagnifiSAnt..................................... (5) W16 Mini World........................................(2) M01 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 NICI...............................................(2) TP03 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Party Xpress.............................. (2) TP43&45 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Perfect Petzzz............................ (2) TP61&63 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 Pollywiggles.....................................(2) TP32 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle.............. (2) TP116 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 T and P Services............................ (2) TP122 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 ThinkFun.........................................(2) TP46 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 TJB Trading (Pty) Ltd......................... (2) K04 Top Notch Gifts (Pty) Ltd................(4) F20-23 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 ● 139 Toys: Wooden A TOY FOR YOU........................... (2) TP15-18 Africa’s Legends............................. (3) FoL49 Bajo Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd......... (4) E12 Blue Monkey................................ (3) FoD144 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Dreams Granted...............................(2) TP57 Educat - Chart Studio Publishing........(2) TP01 Educo (Pty) Ltd....................... (2) TP123-126 Edu-Kidz................................... (2) TP26&28 Evermore Products...........................(2) TP50 Frank Speier Toy Agencies............ (2) TP11-14 Free Range Kids CC.................(2) TP117&118 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 HB Sport & Toys...............................(2) TP55 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Ideal Toy................................... (2) TP08&10 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Intle Design ....................................(2) TP48 Lumela Afrika................................... (4) X38 Mini World........................................(2) M01 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pegasus Toys.................... (2) TP21,23,25&27 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 Suctree Trading cc...................... (2) TP40&42 SugarDots Trading (Pty) Ltd...........(2) K01&03 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 Time Out Toys................... (2) TP47,49,51&53 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Travel Accessories Bags 4 U cc...................................... (2) L02 Beautiful Bags................................... (4) X26 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Brad Scott Agencies & La Pearla Handbags........................ (4) E10 ● Product Categories Travel Accessories (Continued) Wooden Items (Continued) CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Cork Boutique (Pty) Ltd...................(3) FoD31 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Emthunzini Hats................................ (4) F13 Galaxy Leather & Luggage cc............. (5) W18 Iconz Art..................................... (3) FoD01a J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Klein Karoo International Ltd............(3) FoD92 Lou Harvey / Fibre Trade........... (3) FoD34&39 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Oilily SA...........................................(2) M11 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 Sophie the Giraffe - Pyrelle.............. (2) TP116 SoyLites Eco Candles...................... (3) FoL07 The Selection............................... (3) FoD117 Tjaila Baby (Pty) Ltd........................ (2) K12a Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 W.G. McDonald Pty Ltd..................(5) W01-03 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Zoobies Blanket Pets.........................(2) TP33 Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 Aliberti............................................. (4) X18 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 At Source......................................... (2) Y15 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Bakiku Art................................... (3) FoD116 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 BLEND SA.........................................(2) J01 Broc Designs.................................. (3) FoL47 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Decisions Gifts cc48................ (5) A44,46&48; B43,45&47 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Designers Choice..................(3) FoD80,82&83 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Duke & Dutch (CCDI)................. (3) FoL38-43 Earthangel Pewter Originals............. (3) FoL53 Echobay Trading................................ (4) E01 Elger Laser Cutting....................... (3) FoD115 Elsona...................................... (3) FoD15-17 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fabulous Finds...............................(3) FoD26 Fancy Stitch................................... (3) FoL08 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Funki Lines (Pty) Ltd......................... (5) W07 Gift Warehouse..............................(3) FoD77 Giggles Gifting.................................. (4) X15 Ginger Ray........................................(2) J17 Grow Learning Company...................(2) TP41 Heart And Home................................ (2) L03 Hennak............................................ (2) Y02 Homewood Manufacturing............. (3) FoD105 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Horus International (Pty) Ltd..........(5) B29&31 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Ingrid Moore Imports....................(Link) LN06 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 J E Living.................................... (3) FoD130 Jambo.......................................(3) FoL58-62 Jean-Dyl Manufacturers.......................(2) J05 Julian’s Ceramics & Textiles........ (3) FoD13&14 Kruizement.................................... (3) FoL57 LazyCatz Studio................................ (2) K11 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Lizawithlove...................................(3) FoD12 Lizha Imports.................................(3) FoD18 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Lundie and Crowe......................... (3) FoD107 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mini World........................................(2) M01 Mockana Trading C.C..................... (3) FoD114 Mongoose................................ (3) FoD79&88 MOONSAFARI............................... (3) FoD106 Watches Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 CaraMia™......................................... (5) C23 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 FULLSPOT ZA Pty.............................. (4) F07 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Koolaworld Distributors cc.............(5) B23&25 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Playstuff...................................... (3) FoD143 TIME FACTOR.................................... (4) F15 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wine and Liqueur Africa Impulse Marketing................. (3) FoL50 Basket Warehouse............................ (5) W28 Benguela Trading............................ (3) FoL46 CardCo SA................................... (5) A07-12 Lenso Lifestyle........................ (5) B44,46&48 Paper Packaging Place / New Era Bags.............................. (3) FoL54 Vitria Glassware...................... (5) C07,08&10 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wooden Items Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 Africa Craft Trust............................ (3) FoL04 ● 140 ● Product Categories Wooden Items (Continued) Writing Insturments (Continued) Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 NOSTALGIE...................................... (2) Y05 Novel Art & Frames.......................(5) W21-24 O’Teniqua Trading........................ (4) D03&04 Occasions......................................... (2) K07 Oriental Concepts...................... (3) FoD35-38 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 REACH Marketing SA.......................... (4) F16 RGS Group - Mega Magazines... (2) TP119-121 Riversdale Trading T/A Bali Trading............................ (3) FoD100 Romantic Living................................. (5) A05 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Sarongi...................................... (4) D05&06 Something Elz.............................. (3) FoD108 Spaces and Places.................... (3) FoD65&66 Stonehavenco.............................. (3) FoD111 Style Frames.......................(3) FoD78,89&90 Supreme Mouldings & Décor...................... (3) FoD93-95&102-104 Tassels & Treasures.......................(5) A33&34 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Timber Toys (Pty) Ltd........................(2) TP05 TINTOWN...................................... (3) FoL13 Tintsaba-Swaziland....................... (3) FoD138 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Trading Direct................................ (3) FoL34 Trans Natal Cut Glass.................... (5) C01-06 Tribhanga......................................... (2) K09 Tropical Traders................................. (4) F14 Utopia.............................................. (2) K15 Val du Charron............................... (3) FoL03 Victoria House........................... (3) FoD49-56 Vivienne Mconie Art........................(3) FoD68 Watches Tell Time.............................. (5) C40 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wilson & Maclagan (Pty) Ltd..............(2) TP37 Wilson Furniture............................... (5) W17 ZetArt.............................................. (4) E15 Zuidworks........................................(2) M03 Kokskraal Handcrafts...................... (3) FoL14 Kuleli Designs................................... (2) K05 M. de Wet Promotions cc................... (5) W12 Magnetic Gift Creations.................(5) A45&47 NEO Group - All Things Fine & Fabulous ................................. (3) FoD101 Nestwest Imports...................(2) TP19,20&22 New Leap Trading.............................(2) TP09 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Rocker Distributors.........................(3) FoD67 S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Statesman Stationery....................... (5) W15 Trade Only Gifts...........................(5) W04-06 Veloutee Tobacconist Suppliers.......(4) X08&09 Wechsler ................... (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wechsler - S.A. Cut Glass Group................ (5) B10-16&C09,11-16 Wicked Imports (Pty) Ltd.................... (4) D07 Zimele.......................................... (3) FoL10 Wrought Iron/Cast Iron Adesso Wholesale...........................(3) FoD32 African Affair........................... (5) C45,47&48 All Things Home...................... (5) B28,30&32 Atticus Imports............................(5) A03&04 Baytiques Trading cc.......................... (5) C29 Christmas World...........................(5) B39&41 CLASSIC BOND...................... (Link) LN03&04 Clyde Trading...............................(4) X21&22 Cottage Craft.............................. (4) D08&09 Daddy’s.......................................(5) C22&24 Daschner Metal Art............................ (4) X20 Decorative Details.......................... (3) FoL52 Decorators Warehouse..................(5) A01&02 Dryzin Gifts...................................... (4) E13 Ernest Joseph & Co (Pty) Ltd.......... (5) B17-20 Fabricor...................................... (5) A17-22 Fanél Gift & Glassware (Pty) Ltd..... (5) B01-09 Home and Catering Suppliers..... (5) A27,29-32 Horizon Furniture .................... (3) FoD03&04 Ilanga Trading.................................. (2) J05a Ingrid Moore Imports....................(Link) LN06 Isis Intertrade cc....................... (3) FoD09-11 Love Thy Home..............................(3) FoD64 Melloco Trading................................. (4) E18 Mulberry Lane................................(3) FoD86 Pamper Hamper........................... (5) C33-36 Pennylane................................... (5) B33-38 Pink Daisy Trading Co.................... (3) FoD141 Premier Gifts................................... (5) W20 Price & Sons........................... (5) C26,28&30 ROTAN PRODUCTS cc................ (3) FoD22&23 Satsuma Enterprises.................. (3) FoD06-08 Simply French................................(3) FoD05 Summit Ridge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd...................... (3) FoD113 Writing Instruments Antjie’s Handmade Naturals........... (3) FoD127 Big Blue...................................... (4) F04&06 Brettian Productions cc.....................(5) W14a Impressions..................................... (5) W27 ● 141 ● Product Categories Wrought Iron/Cast Iron (Continued) Wrought Iron/Cast Iron (Continued) TEDDY TOWN GIFTS AND DECOR........ (4) E09 The CPS Warehouse...................... (5) C17-20 The Tea Merchant.............................. (5) B24 Tiran Décor International................ (2) J06-12 Tusker Trading.......................... (3) FoD27-30 ● 142 ● Notes • ● 143 ● Notes •