05.15.2015 - Eastern Shore Post


05.15.2015 - Eastern Shore Post
May 15, 2015
Man Charged in Death of Keller 3-Year-Old
By Linda Cicoira
More details regarding the death of
3-year-old Luke Page Hill of Keller and
the arrest of his uncle, Kevin M. Sewell
of Pocomoke, Md., have been disclosed
in court documents.
The 27-year-old Oxford Street man,
who was arrested after the child died
on May 5, has remained in Worcester
County Jail in Snow Hill, Md., with
bond denied. He was charged with second-degree murder and first-degree
child abuse with death while in the
care of a family member. The maximum sentences, respectively, are 30
and 40 years in prison.
On May 4, Accomack County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) contacted Worcester County Bureau of Investigation
“regarding a child abuse investigation
they were conducting,” according to records filed in Worcester County District Court in Snow Hill.
The child was at Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk “for suspected brain injuries,”
the record continues. The investigation began Sunday at approximately
4 p.m., “when the child was discovered
Investigators spoke to Sewell and his
wife, Amanda, who were caring for the
boy just prior to his becoming unresponsive. Amanda Sewell told officers she
went to work at 7 a.m. Sunday and did
not return until about 2:30 p.m. “During this time, Kevin Sewell provided supervision and care and custody of (the)
minor child,” according to the record.
The boy’s mother, Victoria Harmon,
told authorities that she left her son
with her sister and her sister’s husband
at about 2 p.m. the previous day, May 2.
Luke Page Hill
“Victoria Harmon then went to Salisbury, Md.,” the records state. According
to a statement from Amanda Sewell,
the child “was playful, happy and had
an appetite” Saturday evening.
“Amanda Sewell advised investigators that she fed breakfast to” Luke at
about 6:30 the next morning. She said
when she went to work, Luke and “her
two children, a 5-year-old and an infant,” were left in Kevin Sewell’s care.
Amanda Sewell said when she returned, her husband said Luke “had
vomited several times” and that he
“had cleaned him up and put the …
child down to sleep. Amanda Sewell had
checked on … and changed him again,”
but found the boy “was unresponsive.”
Documents state that at about 4
p.m., Amanda Sewell took Luke back
to his mother in Virginia, where he
still didn’t respond. The boy was then
taken by ambulance to Riverside
Shore Memorial Hospital before being
transferred to Children’s Hospital of
the King’s Daughters (CHKD).
Treating CHKD physician, Dr. Christopher Foley, “advised investigators that
there was trauma to the head of the …
child which caused brain swelling,” the
record says. He “indicated that the …
child also had bruising that was in var-
Kevin M. Sewell
ious stages of healing about his body”
and “there was also an abdominal hematoma, which Dr. Foley believes was
from an unknown blunt force trauma.”
According to the report, “Bite marks
(Continued on Page 14)
Three Chincoteague Residents Killed in Crash
By Linda Cicoira
Three Chincoteague Islanders were killed Monday evening in a single-vehicle crash in nearby Girdletree, Md.
Nicole G. Earnest, 26, Amanda H. Phillips, 21, and Sean E.
Mobley, 45, were pronounced dead at the scene, according to
a Maryland State Police spokesperson.
The incident occurred on Route 12, south of Onley Road,
and was reported to the Berlin, Md., barracks at about 8:30
p.m. Police, fire and rescue workers also responded.
A preliminary investigation states the 1998 Acura TL,
owned and driven by Earnest, was traveling north on Route
12, when the driver lost control of the vehicle in a curve in
the road, according to a police report.
“The vehicle left the roadway and traveled through grass
and mud before striking three trees,” the report continued.
“One of the trees was uprooted and cut in half, with part of
the tree landing on top of the car.”
Phillips was in the front passenger seat. Mobley was riding in the back.
The cause of the crash remains under investigation.
Maryland State Police Crash Team investigators will be
conducting a detailed crash reconstruction.
2 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
The Town Council of Onancock, VA will hold a public hearing on Thursday,
May 28, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers, 15 North Street,
Onancock, Virginia, regarding the proposed FY 2016 Fiscal Budget.
A synopsis of the Budget would be as follows:
FY 2016
General Property Taxes
Other Local Taxes
Permits, Fees & Licenses & Fines
Rev. Use of Money & Property
Charges for Services-Wharf
Miscellaneous & Recovered Costs
State Categorical & Non Cat.
Water & Sewer (incl. reserve transfer)
FY 2016
Public Safety
Public Works
General Fund Debt Service
Water & Sewer (incl. Debt Serv. & Capital
Personal Property Tax & Machinery & Tools: $2.00/hd value (no increase)
Real Estate Tax: .25/$100 value (no increase)
Meals Tax: 4% (no increase)
Transient Occupancy Tax: 4% (no increase)
Trash collection fee: $120.00/year per household (no increase)
WATER RATES: (no increase)
First 5,000 gallons $35.22
Next 10,000 gallons $7.60 per 1,000 gals
Over 15,000 gallons $7.90 per 1,000 gals
Next 10,000 gallons $14.01 per 1,000 gals
Over 15,000 gallons $15.47 per 1,000 gals
SEWER RATES: (multiple increases)
Current Rates
First 5,000 gallons $56.70; Next 10,000 gallons $14.01 per 1000 gallons;
Over 15,000 gallons - $15.47 per 1000 gallons
Proposed Rates (billed quarterly)
First 5,000 gallons - $76.70
%,000-7,000 gallons of usage - $18.01 per 1000 gallons
7,000-15,000 gallons of usage - $17.50 per 1000 gallons
15,000–30,000 gallons of usage - $17.25 per 1000 gallons
30,000–40,000 gallons of usage - $17.00 per 1000 gallons
40,000-90,000 gallons of usage - $16.75 per 1000 gallons
90,000–200,000 gallons of usage - $16.00 per 1000 gallons
200,000–400,000 gallons of usage - $15.75 per 1000 gallons
400,000–500,000 gallons of usage - $15.00 per 1000 gallons
Over 500,000 gallons of usage - 14.57 per 1000 gallons
Detailed budget available for review in the Town Hall
Mon.-Fri. 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M.
Northampton Citizens Pack
House in Support of Schools
By Ron West
Chambers were filled to overflowing
Tuesday by citizens demonstrating to
county supervisors their support for
county schools.
It was part of a plan conceived by
Andrew Teeling, a parent with children in the school system, which is
struggling with a declining enrollment, shortage of funds and a 60-yearold high school in need of replacement.
Teeling believes that the county’s educational and economic problems
are closely tied together. By providing support to bolster the schools and
the students who attend them, Teeling suggested that the economy would
gradually improve as more people and
possibly job opportunities move into
the county.
He lamented that budget shortages
have forced the elimination of a pre-K
classroom and the 2-year-old National
Defense Cadet Corps. Teeling stressed
the need to promote job training at the
high school.
The supervisors approved a resolution declaring that education is and
will remain the engine that drives local
and regional economic development.
More than two dozen citizens spoke
in support of the resolution and the
need to put the educational system
high on the county’s list of priorities.
While most simply echoed the need
to support the schools, some, such
as Steve Sturgis, noted that agriculture is seeing a decline in those entering the field, leaving thousands of
jobs statewide unfilled. He thanked
Supervisor Oliver Bennett for his efforts while serving as a vocational
agricultural teacher at Northampton
High School.
Roberta Kellam spoke of the importance of the Birding Festival to
tourism. She added that all county
third-grade students had received a
book about a bird that flies from to
the area each year from the Virgin
Cheriton resident Wesley Travis stressed the need for parents to
stand behind their children in the
schools, help them with their homework and see that they make the
most of their educational opportunity. By helping to bring more jobs to
the county, the supervisors could promote a more stable homelife for the
students, making it easier for them
to succeed in school.
County resident Wayne Bell noted
that his company employs 140 people,
all of whom have college degrees. He
urged that students obtain as much
education as possible to improve their
job opportunities.
When the public input session was
opened, Felton Sessoms addressed the
issue of the former middle school. The
building closed in 2008 and has seen
limited service for the past seven years
as the home of various county agencies. Sessoms urged the board to preserve the building and finds ways to
make better use of it.
Some of those present used their time
to press the board to abandon efforts to
loosen the current Zoning Ordinance.
Noting that she opposes the proposed
changes, Martina Coker said there are
enough building lots in the county and
there should be no chicken houses.
Bob Meyers echoed Coker’s comments
on the proposed ordinance, noting that
it does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. He said that several parcels
in the Silver Beach area need to be rezoned as R-3 as opposed to agricultural
and complained that the current Planning Commission is just a rubber stamp
for the Board of Supervisors.
Dave Kabler told the board that the
proposed ordinance needs to be thrown
out because it has split the county.
Roberta Kellam agreed that the proposed ordinance has caused dissension
among county residents.
Willis Wharf resident Art Schwartschild said that because the supervisors
have been making changes to the proposed ordinance for the past year and
a half, they need to just start over. He
also spoke against opening the county to poultry houses or to accepting
poultry waste from Accomack County
chicken houses.
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 3
Eyre Baldwin noted that for years
he has been attempting to bring new
business interests to Oyster but has
met with obstacles, including zoning
limitations that have prevented him
from doing so.
Bill Parr spoke in support of the
need to make the zoning ordinance
more user friendly. “The current ordinance is 720 pages long,” he said.
“We need to make it less confusing
and get it down to a more workable
Two public hearings were conducted regarding requests by Cherrystone I, LLC to operate an inn with
one room in a 100-year-old structure
in Oyster and to allow the rental of
kayaks there. Speaking for the project, Eyre Baldwin stated that the
room would likely be used for shortterm stays, possibly by individuals
who would be involved with the adjacent aquafarming project. Other uses
discussed for the area would involve
fishing charters and rides on a refurbished buy boat that operates out of
Oyster Harbor.
Schwartschild commented that the
project would be good for the area. He
added that the current zoning ordinance that requires the county to conduct a public hearing is a good thing
because residents need the right to
speak out on such issues.
Supervisor Granville Hogg raised
concerns over what constitutes shortterm stays. He said he wants to see
Baldwin’s plan with respect to Health
Department approval. Hogg then
pressed for answers regarding the application of the county’s transient-occupancy tax to the renting of the single room. Baldwin responded that unless the supervisors approved the request, the Health Department would
not take any action concerning the
Following additional debate, the
board voted 4-1, with Hogg voting
against, to support the requests.
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Join us for the 50th annual
Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital Ball
Saturday, September 19, 2015 at the Eastern Shore Yacht & Country Club
Last year’s ball raised $18,000, allowing the auxiliary to continue its
tradition of supporting our local hospital and community.
For more information regarding tickets or sponsorships please contact us
auxiliaryhospitalball@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/rsmhball.
Pictured below are members of this year’s committee:
From Left: Lori Ridington, Tammy Mason, Hilary Hartnett-Wilson
Jennifer Tyler, Allison Browning Little,
Wendy Lilliston, Co-Chair, Crystal M. Hart, Brandy Childress, Co-Chair,
Brittany Russell Taylor, Jane Bullette, Ann Williams
Not Pictured: Lenka Harvie, Lisa Parks, Kristen Webb,
Pam Tuner, Shane Childress, Keith Lilliston
4 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Lewis Seeking Re-election to Board of Supervisors
Kay Lewis of Lee Mont will seek reelection to the District 4 seat on the
Accomack Board of Supervisors in the
November General Election.
“The Eastern Shore has always
been the area that I love,” she said this
week. “It’s laid back. It’s the type of life
I like to live.”
Lewis sees a great need for jobs locally. “We need to insure that we are a
county that is business friendly in order to bring new business into our area.
Business means jobs. In turn, it brings
revenue coming into the county in place
of the need for increased taxes. We need
jobs that are not just minimum wage,
but good jobs in order for people to be
able to support themselves.”
Lewis, former president of the activist group Hear Our Voices, said Accomack also needs to collect unpaid
taxes. “With $10 million in our coffers,
we wouldn’t have to worry about layoffs or cutbacks in the future,” she said.
“We need to make some changes and
one of the best ways to accomplish this
is to get citizens on boards and com-
mittees who are willing to speak out.
We need to get people involved to insure that their representatives hear
their voices.”
A graduate of Parksley High School,
Lewis earned a bachelor of arts degree
in English from Longwood University
and taught school for several years before working in the Northampton Department of Social Services. She retired after more than 33 years. While
there, she served on numerous state
committees regarding benefit programs, policies and procedures.
Lewis is currently employed by Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital as
a patient registration worker in the
Emergency Room, and at Metompkin
Medical Center. She is also a member
of the Accomack Social Services Board,
the Parks and Recreation Board and
the Accomack-Northampton Planning
District Commission.
She was state president of the
1,000-member strong Virginia Benefit
Program Organization, a group of eligibility specialists striving to insure
professionalism and proficiency in order to make changes in state policies
that help both workers and clients. She
is a lifetime member and now serves as
the group’s parliamentarian.
Lewis also helped start and was
chairwoman of the Eastern Shore Migrant Service Council on which she
served for more than 20 years. The
council’s goal was to stop duplication
of services while insuring that migrant
needs were met.
She also started the group, Shore
United, which collected old eyeglasses
and provided 100 pairs of new glasses annually to those who could not afford them. Lewis was one of six people
who established the homeless shelter
in Keller that was later taken over by
a local church group.
She also serves on the Members
Helping Members Board, affiliated
with A&N Electric Cooperative to help
“people who find themselves in disconnect status.” In addition, Lewis served
on the committee Conversations about
the Future of Accomack County and is
a member of Waste Watchers.
“There are times when we have
to compromise to get things accomplished, but I am going to vote how the
citizens in my district feel is best for
their needs,” she promised. “I will not
vote just to be on the winning side.”
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May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 5
State Senator Updates Constituents on General Assembly Activity
By Ron West
State Sen. Lynwood Lewis hosted the first of a series of three town hall meetings at Cape Charles last
Thursday to discuss issues with Shore constituents.
Lewis spoke of the issues addressed during the
just-concluded session of the General Assembly, as
well as what will be considered in coming years. While
the state budget is hashed out every two years during the longer eight-week sessions, Lewis noted that
in alternate years, the General Assembly often needs
to make modifications to handle revenue shortfalls.
While a projected shortfall this session required such
an adjustment, Lewis said the legislature was determined to avoid cutting funding for K-12 education.
He added that funding was included to provide
teachers a 1.5 percent pay increase, though it was
tied to local funding.
Lewis also discussed redefining the number of
Standards of Learning (SOL) tests that students are
required to take. He said there was a desire to make
them less cumbersome for the schools, teachers, and
most importantly, the students. The General Assembly created an SOL committee to refine and when
possible, reduce the number of required tests. “We
need some means of evaluating student progress; we
just need to refine it.” Lewis said.
Ethics reform was moved to the front burner at
this year’s General Assembly as a result of the problems that surrounded former Gov. Bob McDonnell
and his wife over gifts received while he was in office. Lewis said the ethics reform bill that was finally
passed limits gifts accepted by elected officials at all
levels of government to a total of $100 annually.
According to Lewis, issues that the General Assembly will be facing between now and 2016 include
how to provide more funding for early childhood education (Pre-K), clean-up of the Chesapeake Bay, and
the related topic of stormwater runoff regulations.
The question of how to deal with illegal immigrants’ children who are in our schools, as well as offering them in-state tuition rates for colleges was discussed at the forum. Lewis noted that those children
enrolled at some point in a Virginia public school are
eligible for the in-school rate. “Do you want to prevent them from getting a higher education opportunity or let them get an education to be able to better
themselves and become productive citizens in Virginia?” he asked.
Another hot topic that is likely to be raised once
again in 2016 is Medicaid expansion. According to
Lewis, Virginia sends Washington, D.C., $5.2 million
a day, which could be benefiting those in the state
who cannot afford medical care. He said that if the
General Assembly had approved the expansion of
Medicaid earlier, that money could have helped provide coverage for up to 400,000 Virginians without
comprehensive medical coverage.
Asked how much more it would cost Virginians if
Medicaid were expanded within the state, Lewis responded that it would cost no more. “We already send
$5.2 million a day to Washington that could be used
here,” he said. According to Lewis, any discussion of
possible expansion of the program is split along party lines.
With respect to where he stands with regard to
offshore drilling for oil, Lewis said he believes the
costs would outweigh the benefits. He noted that
Wallops and the Navy do not support the prospect of
offshore drilling platforms that could hinder operations important to the national interest. Additionally, the prospect of a possible oil spill along the coast
could adversely affect tourism as well as the seafood
industry, Lewis said.
Asked by Northampton Supervisor Granville Hogg
about efforts by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to address traffic issues near the
Cape Charles traffic signal, Lewis responded that a
new traffic study is planned for later in the year.
Following the session, Lewis headed for a second
meeting at Eastern Shore Community College, with
a third slated for Chincoteague.
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6 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Court Postings
By Linda Cicoira
Northampton Grand Jury
A Northampton Grand Jury handed down indictments late last week on
counts that included robbery and drug
offenses, according to court records.
George Custis III, 37, of Madam C.J.
Walker Road in Exmore was indicted
on counts of breaking into the home of
Simona Smith and robbing her of an
undisclosed amount of money on Feb.
6. After a phone call was made to police, deputies were able to apprehend
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the man in Smith’s house, according to
the file. The victim told police she did
not know him and that he was armed
with a knife. Custis is being held without bond.
Exmore Police Officer Marc Marshall gave information about the case
to the jury.
Michael Antonio Stephenson, 24, of
Clover Circle in Murfreesboro, N.C.,
was indicted on counts of possessing
a controlled substance and possessing
a firearm while in possession of illegal
drugs, both on Aug. 19, 2014.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Police Officer Paul Spreader testified.
Jodech Kiiwaan Purnell, 22, of Upper Hill Road in Westover, Md., was
indicted on a count of possessing or
transporting a firearm by a felon convicted within the prior 10 years.
According to the record, Chesapeake
Bay Bridge-Tunnel Police Officer E.A.
Unger pulled over a vehicle at nearly 4:30 on Feb. 8 after smelling marijuana emitting from the car. “Upon
searching the vehicle I discovered two
firearms that belonged to a passenger.
Mr. Purnell was operating the vehicle
and was aware of the firearms in the
car,” Unger wrote in the file.
William Reid, 59, of A.S. West Road
in Painter was indicted on counts of
driving after being declared a habitual
offender, DUI and reckless driving, occurring March 6.
Marshall testified about the charges.
Accomack Circuit Court
A man who conspired to manufacture methamphetamine in an illegal
drug laboratory in 2014 was sentenced
last week in Accomack Circuit Court to
10 years in prison.
All but four years of the term was
suspended for Victor Manuel Garced, 31,
who lived on Lankford Highway in Gargatha when police raided a nearby Music
Circle home where the leader, William
(Billy) Allen Williams, 28, cooked meth
and lived with his wife and three children. Williams’ wife and Garced’s fiancée also were charged with drug crimes.
At Williams’ preliminary hearing,
Garced testified that both couples
rented from Henry Johnson and were
neighbors. He said he met Williams
when the man came to his trailer to
make a repair. “After I was laid off from
Perdue, I needed some work.” Garced
said, adding that he began working
and hanging out with Williams.
Williams would crush pills, some
purchased by Garced for him. Part of
the process involved taking the Sudafed and putting it in a soda bottle
with campfire fuel.
Williams got a total of 40 years in
prison, with all but five years and a
month suspended. His wife, Joanna Marie Strickland, 25, was sentenced to 35
years in prison, with all but four years
suspended. Christian Hope Hemphill,
24, who was then engaged to Garced, is
scheduled for sentencing in July.
All four pleaded guilty and admitted to purchasing excessive amounts of
over-the-counter cold medicine to use
in the drug-making process. Those who
buy the drugs must sign for them at
retail establishments. The group purchased 30.72 grams in 60 days, a warrant stated.
Evidence showed the drug was made
in the shed and inside in a bedroom, a
bathroom and the kitchen of the home.
Victor (Porkchop) McKinley Garrison,
50, of Shady Lane in Birdsnest was sentenced last week in Accomack Circuit
Court to two decades in prison, the maximum term for aggravated sexual battery, with all but nine years suspended.
The crime, which involved a girl
younger than 13, occurred between
Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 2011, at Horntown
Trailer Park at the child’s godmother’s
house. The girl was sick and stayed
there rather than go to school.
She was asleep and awakened to
Garrison mounting and groping her,
according to court records. Both were
fully clothed. “If I told anybody he said
he would kill my mother,” the fifth
grader told authorities.
In another case, Phillip Craig Dix,
48, of Tasley was sentenced for felony
shoplifting from Family Dollar in Onley on Aug. 21, 2014, to five years, with
all but 12 months suspended.
Northampton Circuit Court
A man who sexually assaulted an
11-year-old relative pleaded guilty to
the accusations in Northampton Circuit Court last week.
In a plea bargain with Commonwealth’s Attorney Bruce Jones, Emilio
Abel Hernandez-Sanchez, 30, of Willis Wharf Road in Exmore admitted to
two counts of aggravated sexual battery. In exchange for those pleas, Jones
agreed not to prosecute him for two
rape charges. Sentencing was deferred
pending a mental evaluation that was
ordered by the court. A presentence report will also be made.
The incidents occurred between
June 4 and Aug. 8, 2014. The maximum punishment for the crimes is 40
years in prison and a fine of $200,000.
According to a proffer of evidence,
the girl was visiting from Illinois, dividing time between her grandmother’s house in Parksley and the home of
her aunt, who is also Hernandez-Sanchez’s wife.
The girl told police that her uncle
took her into the bedroom, while she
was visiting there, saying he wanted
to check her head for lice. Instead her
touched her inappropriately, “had sex
with her twice and told her if she told
anyone, he would kill her.”
In another case, Fred Richard Butler
Jr., 45, of Virginia Avenue in Exmore
was sentenced to three years with all
but three months suspended for stealing property belonging to John Bannister, also of Exmore. The crime happened
on May 3, 2014. Butler was ordered to
be on unsupervised probation for two
years and to be restitution of $165.
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 7
The Eastern Shore’s Harbor to Hospitality
13 - 14, 2015
Retired Navy Cmdr. Jim Jackson (left) and Bill Neville flank the builder’s
model of the S.S. Pocahontas, now on display at Cape Charles Museum.
Cape Charles’ Ship Comes In
Story and photo by Ron West
When someone tells you your ship
has just come in, your first instinct
might be to rush to the bank, Lottery
Center, or even the nearest dock.
For Marion Naar, who oversees the
hundreds of artifacts and photographs
that trace the history of Cape Charles
and its relationship with the railroad and
shipping, the news sent her to the town’s
museum doors. Earlier this month, word
reached Naar, by way of former resident
and historian Bill Neville, that, in fact, a
ship was coming in. That ship, actually a
76-year-old builder’s model of the ferry
Pocahontas, was available for the asking, if the museum wanted it.
The Pocahontas was built by Pusey
and Jones Shipbuilding Company of
Wilmington, Del., in 1941 for the Virginia Ferry Corporation (VFC). She
ran from Cape Charles and Kiptopeke to Little Creek until the opening
of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel
in 1964. She then operated for another
dozen years from Lewes, Del., to Cape
May, N.J. With most large ships, builder’s models are constructed for the
shipyards and usually end up with the
shipping line that operates the vessel.
In the case of the Pocahontas, the model sat in the office of the last general
manager of the VFC, Noland Chandler.
When the line ended, Chandler took
the model home, where it remained
until his death. Chandler’s daughter,
Betty Ann Chandler, who retained the
model, now resides in a retirement
home in Virginia Beach, just minutes
from her father’s former office. She
wanted to see the builder’s model of
the Pocahontas relocated to a place of
prominence where others could enjoy
the craftsmanship and maybe relive a
memorable passage that they took on
the ship decades ago.
An offer to the Mariner’s Museum
was declined, thus opening the way for
Cape Charles museum to accept the
priceless gift. Cape Charles is a fitting
location in that Ms. Chandler had resided and attended school there as a
child. Chandler went on to a career as a
classroom teacher in Hampton Roads.
Retired Navy Cmdr. Jim Jackson,
whose wife taught with Chandler, arranged to deliver the glass-encased
model to Cape Charles. Through the efforts of Chandler, Jackson, Neville and
others, the Pocahontas now sits in a
place of honor, overlooking the harbor
where the ship once docked and transported thousands of travelers to and
from Cape Charles.
Meet a Pirate!
Haul a Yardarm!
Hear the Cannon Roar!
Music, Food and Family Fun
8 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Community Notes
Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is looking for a few good
Wachapreague men, women, and
children to grow
oysters from backyard
piers and docks to help restore
the Chesapeake Bay.
CBF will host a workshop to
train volunteers Thursday, June 11,
from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Eastern Shore
Laboratory, 40 Atlantic Ave. in Wachapreague. Volunteers at the workshop will receive a batch of spat-onshell oysters (baby oysters attached
to shells), two 18” x 9” oyster growing cages, and instructions on how to
maintain an “oyster garden” throughout the coming year.
Oysters may be grown anywhere
with access to salt water. At the end of
a year, volunteers will return their mature oysters to CBF for transplanting
onto local sanctuary reefs, where the
oysters can reproduce, filter bay water,
and provide homes for other marine life.
Oyster gardeners who have been
raising oysters for the past year are
asked to return their mature oysters to
the June 11 workshop so CBF staff can
place them on nearby sanctuary reefs.
“Growing your own oysters is one of
the most tangible ways you can help
save the Chesapeake Bay,” said Jackie
Shannon, CBF Virginia Oyster Restoration manager. “Each oyster is like a living water treatment plant that provides
critical habitat for other marine life.”
Advanced registration for the workshop is requested. A $30 donation covers
the cost of oysters and growing materials and includes membership to CBF.
To register and for more information,
visit www.cbf.org/vaoystergardening or
send an e-mail to OysterGardener@cbf.
org or call 757/622-1964, ext. 3303.
The bay’s oyster population has
declined drastically over the past decades, and CBF is working with other
groups, volunteers, and government
agencies to restore it. CBF currently
has more than 300 oyster gardening
families throughout Virginia who volunteer to raise oysters for restoration.
Since 1996, CBF and its partners
have grown or transplanted nearly 40
million oysters and have helped build
or restock more than 20 oyster reefs.
On May 22 at 6 p.m.,
Cub Scout Pack 313 of
Onancock will put Ameri- Onancock
can flags at the gravesites
of American veterans buried in Edgehill Cemetery to
commemorate Memorial Day.
The scouts are looking for help
in identifying unmarked veteran
gravesites. Anyone with information
concerning a veteran buried at Edgehill
is asked to contact Chris Trapp no later
than May 21 so that no grave is missed.
He can be contacted at CBeartrapp@aol.
com or P.O. Box 374, Belle Haven, VA
23306 or by calling 442-2545.
The Eastern Shore
Railway Museum in
Parksley will have a
Parksley Spaghetti Supper Friday, May 15, at the
Parksley Firehouse Social Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. The
menu also includes garlic bread,
salad, and cake for dessert. The cost
is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age. Carry-out dinners
also will be available.
All money raised will benefit the
Eastern Shore Railway Museum. If
you have any questions, please call
990-2143 or 665-6271.
Franktown is raising
money for streetlights Franktown
by having a yard sale
Saturday, May 16, from
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the center
of town.
Town of Hallwood Budget
Real Estate Tax
Personal Property Tax
Sales Tax
Waste Fees
Fire Grant
Decals Sales
Litter Grant
United Methodist
Church will host
a yard sale and si- Assawoman
lent auction Saturday, May 16, from
7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Yard
sale items include housewares,
books, and baked goods. Silent
auction items include a Grayson
Chesser egret, Kefford Linton miniature spoonbill, and a handmade quilt.
The rain date is May 23.
In order to protect the Atlantic
Chincoteague Coast piping plovers, listed as a
threatened species
under the Endangered
Species Act since 1986, the
entire Over-Sand Vehicle (OSV)
Zone at Chincoteague National
Wildlife Refuge will close to all public
access, including vehicles, pedestrians,
boats and horseback riding at 10 o’clock
tonight, May 15, and will remain closed
until all young birds are able to fly.
The area encompasses the entire
southern end of Assateague Island
south of the beach parking area.
The seasonal closure also protects
the nests and young of many other
species of shorebirds during this critical time in their reproductive cycle.
The needs of wildlife come first on
all national wildlife refuges.
Community News items
can be faxed to the Post
at 789-7681 or e-mailed to
July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016
Bank Charges
Waste Removal
Fire Grant
Fall Festival & Dinner
Lawn Care
Reserve Account
This budget will be voted on on June 04, 2015 at the Town Council Meeting
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 9
Jenny O’Neill Named
Literacy Director
The Eastern
free tutoring to
adult residents
of the Shore for
29 years, has announced the appointment of Jenny O’Neill as its
She is the
founder and chief
of Waste Watchers of the Eastern Shore, a non-profit, grassroots environmental group
that has helped shape the conversation about sustainability on the Shore.
O’Neill has a long career in education
and writing as a child-development
specialist, drug-education specialist
and liaison, health educator, and English and humanities teacher.
She is the author of three youngadult novels published under the
name Jenny Davis. Two of them were
picked among the “100 best books of
the 1980s.”
“Literacy is a vital skill that opens
doors and unlocks opportunities,”
O’Neill commented. “I am delighted to
have the chance to serve the Eastern
Shore in this capacity.”
Marcie Gurany Awarded
A&N Scholarship
Marcie Gurany, a senior at Chincoteague High School, has earned a
$1,000 Worth M. Hudson Scholarship
awarded by the Educational Scholarship Foundation of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (VMDAEC).
The daughter of Kathleen Gurany
of Horntown, Marcie has been accepted by the College of Charleston, where
she plans to pursue studies in special
This year, the VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation received
319 applications from students in areas of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware served by electric cooperatives.
The foundation awarded 45 Worth
M. Hudson Scholarships and two endowed scholarships of $1,000 each. The
Worth M. Hudson Scholarships are
named in honor of the first chairman
of the VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation and former chairman
of the board of Mecklenburg Electric
Cooperative in Chase City, Va.
•a daughter, born to Aliyah Morris of Parksley
May 2
•a son, born to Rebecca and Channin Sanford of Cheriton May 3
•a son, born to Quaietta Jones of
Exmore May 5
Kalyn Allums Receives
NMA Scholarship
NMA Federal Credit Union is
pleased to announce that Kalyn Elayne
Allums, a student at Eastern Shore
Community College and the daughter
of Carl and Karen Allums of Nassawadox, is the recipient of one of its 2015
$1,000 Memorial Scholarships.
Kristen Fread Named
Top Biochemistry Senior
Kristen Fread of Accomac was recently named the outstanding senior
in the Department of Biochemistry in
the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Fread is majoring in biochemistry.
Third Pound
Jeffrey Holland Wins
DPI Scholarship
Logan Holland of
Virginia Tech, is
among eight recipients in Delmarva
Industry’s 2015
College ScholarHolland
ship Program.
Holland, who was among 20 applicants in the program, has a double major in agronomy and agriculture business. He is interested in working on
issues related to farming and environmental stewardship.
This is the third time Logan has received a DPI scholarship.
The DPI College Scholarship Program is funded by an annual golf tournament to be held Wednesday, June 17,
at Green Hill Country Club near Salisbury, Md.
Details can be found online at www.
Cooper Hurley
Injury Lawyers
Helping Shore Residents
for Over 20 Years
FREE medium Fries
& medium Coke®
with purchase of any
Sirloin Third Pound Burger*
*weight before cooking Limited time only at participating McDonald’s. Price of required purchase posted on menu board. ©2015 McDonald’s
Linda Goffigon of Eastville with Jim Hurley. “I’ve known Jim
for 20 years and I recommend him to everyone.”
10 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Former Eastville
Resident Passes Away
Pauline Elliott Brady, 85, formerly of Eastville, died Wednesday, April
22, 2015, in Nassawadox.
Born in Townsend, she was the
daughter of the late Charles Edward
and Elinor Estelle Elliott. She was
a retired waitress and caregiver and
member of Lower Northampton Baptist Church.
Survivors include her son Clyde
A. Small II; sister, Elaine Wray; two
grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Ms. Brady was predeceased
by a daughter, Paula Elizabeth Small;
and a sister, Esther Goble.
Services will be private.
Memorial donations may be made to
Riverside Shore Hospice, P.O. Box 615,
Onley, VA 23418. Condolences may be
sent to the family at foxandjamesfh.com
Arrangements were made by Fox
and James Funeral Home, Eastville.
Bridgetown Native
Dies in Chesapeake
Mrs. Anne Bayly Dunton, 92, died
Friday, May 1, 2015, in Chesapeake.
Born in Bridgetown, the daughter of
the late Margaret Underhill Bayly and
Lloyd Mapp Bayly, Mrs. Dunton was a
retired U.S. Postal Service clerk and a
member of Johnson’s U.M. Church.
Mrs. Dunton was predeceased by
her husband, Howard Franklin Dunton; two sisters, Helen B. Morrison,
and Margaret H. Wood; and one brother, Lloyd M. Bayly. Survivors include
her daughters, Betsy Dunton Morrison (and husband, Dev) of Berryville,
Va., and Susan Dunton of Chesapeake;
son, Frank Dunton (and wife, Susie)
of Midlothian, Va.; five grandchildren;
and four great-grandchildren.
A graveside service was held Tuesday, May 5, at Johnson’s U.M. Church
Cemetery, 11175 Bayside Rd., by Jessica Yandell, MPS, BCC, chaplain, Hospice Community Care.
Memorial donations may be made
to Johnson’s U.M. Church, c/o Marge
Kacik, 12337 Trout Ln., Machipongo, VA 23405; or Hospice Communi-
ty Care, 1064 Loftis Blvd., Suite C-2,
Newport News, VA 23606. Online condolences may be sent to the family at
Arrangements were made by Fox
and James Funeral Home, Eastville.
Retired Owner/Operator
of Mason’s Auto Dies
Mr. Brooks Duffield Mason, 87, a
lifelong resident
of Bloxom, passed
May 5, 2015, surrounded by his
loving family.
The son of the
late Herbert Henry Mason and
Anne Taylor Mason, he graduated from Bloxom
Mr. Mason
High School and
earned a business
degree from the University of Richmond. In pursuit of his love for aviation,
he entered the U.S. Navy and attended
the Aviation Cadet Program. After a
medical discharge, Mr. Mason returned
to the Eastern Shore and taught math
and history at Bloxom High School. After a couple of years, he was drawn to
the family business, Mason’s Auto Service, where he remained with his father,
as owners and operators, until his retirement. Mr. Mason was a member of
BPOE Onancock Lodge 1766 and was a
Mason for over 50 years. His most treasured moments were those spent with
his family. He and his wife, the late
Jeannie O. Mason, took many long trips
on their motorcycle to Florida, Maine
and up and down Skyline Drive. Many
fond memories were made on family
boating days, where Mr. Mason proudly taught his children how to waterski,
fish, and swim in both the Chesapeake
Bay and the ocean. He instilled a love of
travel and adventure in his family, taking them on trips all across America, to
Mexico and to Canada. He was a good
provider, a loving father and husband,
and a wonderful storyteller.
Survivors include his children, April
J. Mason (Carolyn L. Kinet), Laurel A.
Mason, Vikki M. Krieger (John P.), and
Brooks D. Mason Jr. (Cathy Jo); grandchildren, Brooks T. Tiffany, Jeananne M.
Knies, Mikal K. Willmer, Neil T. Annis,
Evan T. Mason, and Olivia B. Mason; and
great-granddaughter, Ava Rose Annis.
Funeral services were conducted
from Williams-Parksley Funeral Home
Saturday, May 9, by Rev. Don Jamison.
Interment was in Parksley Cemetery.
Memorial donations may be made
to Intrepid Hospice, c/o Coni Chandler, P.O. Box 770, Onley, VA 23418 or
to Bloxom Volunteer Fire Department,
P.O. Box 132, Bloxom, VA 23308. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com
Keller Toddler Passes
Away at CHKD
Luke Page Hill, 3, of Keller passed
away Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk, Va.
Born March 28, 2012, he was the
son of Nick Page Hill of Wallops Island
and Victoria Paige Harmon of Keller.
He was a sweet, loving boy who enjoyed the outdoors and loved animals
and vehicles. He had laughter and joy
that brightened the whole world and
touched and loved so many people.
In addition to his parents, survivors
include his mother’s fiancé, Nick Miller of
Keller; his grandparents, Katherine Hill
of Wallops Island, Holly Shockley of Pocomoke City, Md., and Homer and Kathi
Miller of Exmore; a brother, Charles Andrew Marron and his parents, Donald
and Esther Marron; an aunt, Pamela
Marshall (and husband, Travis) of New
Church; an uncle, Charles Harmon; and
cousins, Shyanne, Jackson, Travis Jr.,
Lauryn and Collin Marshall and Landon and Pheobe Sewell.
A memorial service was conducted
Thursday, May 14, at Thornton Funeral Home in Parksley by Travis Ayres.
Memorial contributions may be
made to Children’s Hospital of the
King’s Daughters, P.O. Box 2156, Norfolk, VA 23501-9873.
Retired Graphic Artist
Dies at Home
Mr. Walter Ostrander, 79, of Cape
Charles passed away Thursday, May 7,
2015, at his residence.
A native of Boston, Mass., he was a
U.S. Air Force veteran, retired self-employed graphic artist and member of
American Legion Post 56.
He is survived by his wife, Ann Kovacevich Ostrander; children, Michael
Ostrander (and wife, Lynda) of Richmond, Va., Katherine Ostrander of
Stafford, Va., and David Ostrander of
Cape Charles; brother, Richard Ostrander of Rhode Island; and grandson,
Michael J. Ostrander of Richmond.
A graveside service with Military
Honors was conducted Wednesday,
May 13, at Quantico National Cemetery by Rev. David Moser.
Memorial donations may be made to
Hospice of the Eastern Shore, 165 Market St., Suite 3, Onancock, VA 23417.
Online condolences may be offered at
Arrangements were made by Doughty Funeral Home in Exmore.
Nandua Graduate Dies
at Sentara Norfolk
Ms. Megan Leann Baylis, 25, of
Onley passed away Thursday, May 7,
2015, at Sentara
Norfolk General
Hospital. Born in Nassawadox,
was a daughter
of Gary Arthur
Baylis of Parksley and Debra
Evanoff Baylis of
Onley. Ms. BayMs. Baylis
lis was a graduate of Nandua High School, where she
was an honor student and cheerleader, and enjoyed spending time with her
friends. After high school, she began
taking nursing classes, following her
kind-hearted and giving nature. She
loved animals, enjoyed cooking and going to the beach, and especially looked
forward to watching her sister play
Warrior softball. Ms. Baylis faithfully
lived by the words “live, laugh, love”
and was adored by all who knew her. In addition to her parents, survivors include her sister, Amanda Baylis of Onley; paternal grandmother,
Josephine Baylis of Nassawadox; maternal grandmother, Beverlee Evanoff
of Hacksneck; several aunts, uncles,
and cousins; and countless friends. She was predeceased by her paternal
grandfather, Arthur Baylis; and maternal grandfather, Michael Evanoff.
Graveside services was conducted
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 11
at Fairview Lawn Cemetery Monday,
May 11, by Deacon Daniel Hoppe. Memorial donations may be made
to the SPCA, P.O. Box 164, Onley, VA
23418. Memory tributes may be shared
at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com
Arrangements were made by Williams-Onancock Funeral Home.
Saxis Waterman Dies
at His Home
Mr. Raymond Curtis Martin, 70,
of Saxis passed away Friday, May 8,
2015, at his residence.
Born in Saxis, he was the son of the
late Leslie “Les” and Eliza Evans Martin. He was a waterman for many years.
Mr. Martin is survived by his wife,
Annette Martin; sons, Raymond Eric Martin (and wife, Amy) of Temperanceville and Brandon Curtis Martin (and wife, Julie) of Mears; brother,
Richard Martin of Saxis; sister, Betsy
Potts of Chincoteague; and grandchildren, Lauren Elizabeth Martin and
Jemma Emily Martin.
A funeral service was held Sunday,
May 10, at Thornton Funeral Home in
Parksley, with Rev. Bobby Parks and
Rev. Robert Daniels officiating. Interment was in John W. Taylor Cemetery
in Temperanceville.
Memorial donations may be made to
Riverside Hospice, P.O. Box 615, Onley,
VA 23418. To sign the guest book online,
visit www.thorntonfuneralhome.net
Melfa Farmer Passes
Away At Heritage Hall
Mr. Robert Lee Wingfield, 61, of
Melfa died Saturday, May 9, 2015, at Heritage Hall Healthcare in Nassawadox.
A native of Keller, he was the son of
Louise Moon Wingfield of Keller and
the late Dr. Richard W. Wingfield. He
was a farmer and member of Hollies
Baptist Church.
In addition to his mother, survivors include his brothers, Dr. William R. Wingfield (and wife, Janis) and Joseph M.
Wingfield (and wife, Charlotte), all of
Keller; nephew, J. Lee Wingfield (and
wife, Angie) of Atlantic; niece, Autumn W.
Mapp (and husband, John Tay) of Keller;
great-nephew, Eric Nottingham of Keller;
and great-nieces, Taylor Nottingham of
Keller and Willow Wingfield of Atlantic.
A celebration of life service will
be conducted Saturday, May 16, at 1
p.m. at Hollies Baptist Church by Rev.
Scott Mears.
Memorial donations may be made to
Hollies Baptist Church Building Fund,
P.O. Box 7, Keller, VA 23401. Online
condolences may be sent to the family
at www.doughtyfuneralhome.com
Arrangements were made by Doughty Funeral Home, Exmore.
Retired Chef Passes
Away at RSMH
Mr. James Thomas Marshall, 84,
of Willis Wharf passed away Saturday,
May 9, 2015, at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital in Nassawadox.
A native of Willis Wharf, he was the
son of the late Navelle Thomas Marshall
and Fairy Lucille Stevens Marshall. He
was a U.S. Air Force veteran and retired
chef for Howard Johnson’s Restaurant.
Mr. Marshall is survived by special
friends, Kevin Lee Wooters of Willis
Wharf and Melvin Tingle of Salisbury,
Md.; and aunt, Joyce Core of Onley. He
was predeceased by two brothers, Daniel Lee Marshall and Edwin T. Marshall; and two nephews, Bruce T. Marshall and Bryan T. Marshall.
A graveside service was conducted Thursday, May 14, at Belle Haven
Cemetery by Rev. Mikang Kim.
Memorial donations may be made
to the Barrier Islands Center, P.O. Box
206, Machipongo, VA 23405. Online
condolences may be sent to the family
at www.doughtyfuneralhome.com
Arrangements were made by Doughty Funeral Home in Exmore.
Bloxom Woman Dies
Surrounded by Family
Mrs. Audrey Taylor Curtis, 85, of
Bloxom passed away Sunday, May 10,
2015, at her home,
her loving family.
Born in Grotontown, she was the
eldest daughter of
Walter and Laura Killmon Taylor.
She worked at the
R&G Shirt Corporation in Parksley
Mrs. Curtis
from 1948 until its
closing in 1994. An avid seamstress, Mrs.
Curtis continued to make and mend
clothing for friends and family long after
retirement. A longtime member of Guilford U.M. Church, she enjoyed reading,
gardening, and tending to her home and
family. Well-known for her tough love
and strong will, family always came first
with Mrs. Curtis. She never failed at being there when she was needed.
Mrs. Curtis was predeceased by her
husband, Glenwood Lee Curtis Sr.;
a sister, Elizabeth Taylor; a brother,
Bradford Taylor; and a granddaughter,
Crystal Lynn Curtis. She is survived
by her son, Glenwood Lee Curtis Jr.
(and wife, Kathy) of Mears; grandchildren, Glenwood Lee Curtis III and girlfriend/caregiver to Mrs. Curtis, Windy
Grace Mason, and Wade Curtis, all of
Bloxom; stepgranddaughter, Lois Robertson; great-granddaughter, Lily; several nieces and nephews; dear friends,
Millie and Larry Frashure, and Paula and George Hilliard, all of Bloxom;
and loving nurse, Latia Cropper of
Funeral services will be conducted from the chapel of Williams-Parksley Funeral Home today, May 15, at
3 p.m. by Pastor Freddie Ward. Interment will follow in Parksley Cemetery.
There will be a visitation at the funeral home one hour prior to the service.
Memorial donations may be made to
Guilford U.M. Church, 24450 Guilford
Rd., Bloxom, VA 23308. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at
Woman Dies at RSMH
Mrs. Wanda Dorene Linton, 64, of
Temperanceville passed away Monday,
May 11, 2015, at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital in Nassawadox.
Born in Saxis, she was the daughter
of the late Verness and Lena Martin
Linton. She had worked at Tony’s Market, Parksley Shirt Factory, and Holly
Farms and was most recently a driver
for Eastern Shore Ambulance.
Mrs. Linton was predeceased by
her husband, Clarence Linton. She is
survived by her brother, Barry Linton
(and wife, Linda); sister-in-law, Joyce
Linton; nieces and nephews, Beverly
Hart (and husband, David) and Andy
Linton (and wife, Holly), all of Saxis,
and Martin Linton Jr. (and wife, Alli-
son) of Pocomoke City, Md.; and greatnieces and great-nephews, Dave, Danny and Ethan Hart, Drew Linton and
Sierra, Sydney and Seth Linton.
A funeral service will be conducted today, May 15, at 2 p.m. at Thornton Funeral Home in Parksley by Rev.
Robert Daniels. Interment will follow
in Groton’s Cemetery in Hallwood.
The family will receive friends one
hour prior to the service at the funeral home. To sign the guest book online,
visit www.thorntonfuneralhome.net
Island Market Owner
Mr. William Morris “Bill” Parks,
83, a lifelong resident of Tangier, died
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, at his home,
surrounded by his loving family.
The son of the late Roland Lee
Parks and Estele Marion Pruitt, he
served in the U.S. Army, returning to
the island, where he worked as a carpenter for many years. Later, until his
retirement, he owned and operated Island Market and was known throughout the community as “Uncle Bill.”
Mr. Parks was a dedicated member of
Swain Memorial U.M. Church.
Survivors include his wife, Arlene
Marshall “Fern” Parks; sister, Joyce
Shores of Tangier; brother, Ralph “Skip”
Parks of Salisbury, Md.; grandchildren,
Terry K. Parks Jr. (and wife, Hollis) of
Parksley and Jamie Doyle (and husband, Tyler) of Summerville, S.C.; greatgrandson, Jacob Keith Doyle; daughterin-law, Janis Parks of Charleston, S.C.;
and several nieces and nephews. He
was predeceased by his son, Terry Keith
Parks Sr.; a grandson, William Joseph
Parks; two sisters; Betty Jean Pruitt
and Annette Deihl; and two brothers,
Bache Parks and Owen Parks.
Funeral services will be conducted at
Swain Memorial U.M. Church today, May
15, at 12:30 p.m., by Rev. John Flood and
Elder Danny McCready. Interment will
follow at Fairview Lawn Cemetery in
Onancock. There will be a visitation at
the church one hour prior to the service.
Memorial donations may be made
to Swain Memorial U.M. Church, P.O.
Box 199, Tangier, VA 23440. Memory
tributes may be shared with the family at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com
Arrangements were made by Williams-Onancock Funeral Home.
12 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
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May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 13
To The Pierson Group, Inc.
Lot 10, Village at Deer Point, White
Tail Rd., Melfa
For $16,500
•From Max Levin
To Kerin Motors, Inc.
10469 Lankford Hwy., Temperanceville
For $70,000
•From Land Holding, LLC
To George Cherrix
22327 Bayside Rd., Onancock
For $15,000
•From Fannie Mae
To Ernest Augustin
26102 Savageville Rd., Onancock
For $20,000
•From Robert and Gretchen Hagwood
To Owen Davies
2 Waples St., Onancock
For $130,000
•From Ronald Justis
To David Copestick
5344 Merritt Dr., Chincoteague
For $60,000
•From Pierce Alexander
To Michael and Lisa Algiere
Lot 99, Section B1, Inlet View
Campsites, Chincoteague
For $59,900
•From Teresa Rubin
To Alan and Cassie Hall
5.62 acres in Bloxom
For $10,000
•From C.D. Hall, Inc.
To Michael and Laura Beauchamp
Chincoteague parcel
For $147,500
•From Dianna Sykes
To James Poole
Lankford Hwy. parcel, New Church
For $97,000
•From Loretta Fair
To Barbara Lynn
26285 Whites Crossing Rd., Hallwood
For $85,000
•From Noah Davis
To Cecil Turner
Parcel between Pungoteague and
For $3,000
•From William Tyler
To Dawn Hukkinen
Tract E, Wayside Rd., Painter
For $38,000
•From FV-1, Inc. Trustee and Morgan
Stanley Mortgage Capital Holdings, LLC
To Joanne Diforte
1502 Stockton Ave., Greenbackville
For $11,000
•From Richard and Patricia Marconi
To Janet Millard
31414 Sunset Dr., Painter
For $145,000
•From Secretary of HUD
To LD Real Estate Investment
Holdings, LLC
13 School St., Onancock
For $18,000
Open 7 Days a Week
11am -9pm
Dinner Specials
Friday, May 15
• Fresh Local Drum Fish w/2 vegs. $12.99
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Saturday, May 16
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Sunday, May 17
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Last weekend open to the
public until the Fall
Specials on Facebook:
“Little Neck Cafe”
757-331-4822 or 757-710-0510
• From Timothy and Larissa Fain
To Deborah Smith
5174 Coley’s Ln., Chincoteague
For $99,000
•From J.T. and Joyce Holland
To Sharon Spence
33360 Lankford Hwy., Painter
For $16,000
•From Carl DeCavalcante
To Michael and Sheila Ditto
37059 Neptune Ct., Greenbackville
For $173,000
•From Sheldon and Karen Mason
To Reginald Stubbs Jr.
Lot 39, Eastside Rd., Chincoteague
For $60,000
• From Bank of New York Mellon
To Fred and Ann Dassler
2710 Jolly Rodger Dr., Greenbackville
For $152,000
• From Frank and Monica Borowicz
To Masonic Ascent Association Inc.
15523 Lankford Hwy., Bloxom
For $280,000
• From Robert Sturgis
To Richard Snyder
12347 Island Neck Rd., Craddockville
For $285,000
• From Cary and Judith Bacon
Licenses Issued
•George Edward Petersen Sr., 68, of
Quinby and Kathleen Ann Mapleson,
69, of Bluffton, S.C.
•Monte DeJaun Strand, 22, of Painter
and Chimera Terri Johnson, 24, of
•Laurence Dominick Pitts, 78, of
Quinby and Mary Josephine Tatum,
64, of Wachapreague
To John and Diane Doerner
6151 Marsh Island Dr., Chincoteague
For $265,000
• From Russell Kulp and Carole King
To Chris Fritz
Lot 233, Unit 3, Sheet 7, Trails End
For $22,000
• From Joshua Bundick
To Shore Aviation LLC
Parcel on Coal Kiln Rd., Painter
For $50,000
• From Natasha Sonnenleiter
To David Gordon and Brenda Stotler
Lot 388, Unit 1, Sheet 1, Trails End
For $6,000
14 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
~ Toddler’s Death ~ (Continued From Front Page)
Treat yourself to a dependable car from
Davis Auto Center!
2004 Nissan Titan 4WD
2003 Kia Sorento 4WD
2004 Dodge Stratus R/T
2009 Honda Fit–One Owner!
V8, Crew Cab, Loaded Truck!
127k miles for $14,500.00!
Sunroof & Great Price!
137k miles for $4,995.00!
2005 Chevrolet Colorado LS
Extra Cab, 2WD, Clean Truck!
V6, Automatic, Sunroof!
134k miles for $6,995.00!
Automatic, 33MPG!
Only 91k miles for $9,995.00!
2006 Jeep Commander
65th Anniversary, V6, All Wheel Drive,
3rd Row, Only 113k miles! $11,900.00!
5007 Lankford Hwy - New Church
8am to 5pm Monday to Friday &
8am to 12pm on Saturday
Santa Fe
GLS fee $199.00 **
matic, just over 100k
2008 Saturn Vue Greenline
Hybrid engine, 102k miles
were also observed on the shoulders” of
the boy. “Dr. Foley advised that the injuries were caused by an adult and the
mechanism of the injury could be blunt
force trauma, shaken baby syndrome
and/or strangulation or choking.”
Dr. Suzanne Starling, a child abuse
expert and board-certified pediatric forensic physician, consulted in the case
and agreed with Foley’s conclusions.
“Foley also surmised that the injuries
Gospel Temple Church is
celebrating Elder Marian
Cottrell’s 45th year of
Pastoring. The service is on
May 17, 2015, at noon, at Gospel
Temple Church, located at 20225
Cheriton Crossroads (Old Pat Town
Rd). The guest speaker is Pastor
John Griffin from The Way Ministries,
located in Chesapeake, Va. Dinner will
follow immediately after the service at
First Nazarene Baptist Church. Come,
bring a friend and help us celebrate
this great woman of God, who has
labored in God’s vineyard many years.
God will surely meet us there!
“would have been within hours of the
… child coming to the hospital.”
Investigators got a search and seizure warrant for records for Kevin
Sewell’s cell phone. “Investigation from
these records revealed numerous text
messages that corroborated findings of
the investigation,” the record states.
In the meantime, Luke died.
Starling examined the boy and concluded, “Fatal injuries … would have
occurred sometime after his last meal
and prior to becoming unresponsive.”
According to court records, Luke had
his last meal when his aunt gave him
The “child suffered a fatal brain injury and fatal abdominal injury,” the
record continued. “Starling indicated either injury would have led to …
death. All the above events occurred in
Worcester County, Md.”
An autopsy was performed by the
Norfolk Medical Examiner’s Office but
the manner and cause of death were
pending when the Eastern Shore Post
went to press Thursday.
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 15
16 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
~ Academy for Lifetime Learning ~
To commemorate the eighth year of its existence, the Academy for Lifetime Learning (ALL)
is offering three $1,000 scholarships to help graduating students on the Shore continue their education at a community college or university. Since
our nation needs to build its skilled technical
workforce, two of these scholarships require that
the student’s academic goal be in the discipline of
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or
Medicine, STEMM.
For 2015, the academy also is offering one $1,000
scholarship for a student entering a nursing program
at Eastern Shore Community College or a four-year
college or university. All of these scholarships are to
be used to defray college expenses.
In honor of the founder of the Academy for Lifetime Learning who passed away last fall, all of these
scholarships have been named the Betty Ross Academy for Lifetime Learning Scholarships.
Scholarship requirements and application forms
can be found on website allesva.org/scholarship
Applicants must declare an intended field of study
and submit grade transcripts, lists of academic and
extra-curricular activities, reference letters and essays, as well as a letter of acceptance from a community college or university.
Applications should be postmarked by today, May
15, and sent to Academy for Lifetime Learning, Betty
Ross Scholarship, P.O. Box 509, Exmore, VA 23350.
The scholarship winners will be notified by June 15. For further information, contact Tony Picardi,
scholarship chairman, at 442-4481.
~ Chincoteague Bay Field Station ~
Chincoteague Bay Field Station (CBFS) will provide scholarships for local students to attend educational camps this summer.
Through its “Kids to Camp” campaign, CBFS
will aid local and/or low-income students ages 5-18
to attend a summer camp at the field station. Applications, which will be accepted until May 20, can
be found at www.cbfieldstation.org/kids-to-camp or
picked up at CBFS’s Education Center.
Camps at CBFS are designed to enhance academic achievement, expand horizons, and challenge
students to draw connections through hands-on
For more information on applying for a scholarship or to donate to the Kids to Camp fund, contact
Elise Trelegan at elise@cbfieldstation.org or by calling 824-5636.
Panzotti’s Pizza & Waffles
25226 Lankford Hwy
Onley, VA
(757) 787-7688
Student Art Contest Announced
Students can submit their interpretation of the
world around us in the “Art and the Cosmic Connection” contest being held at Wallops Flight Facility
Visitor Center. The contest, open to pre-K through
12th grade youth, is being held in celebration of Wallops’ 70th anniversary June 27.
“The contest aims to inspire art through science by
using elements of art and NASA images taken from
space,” said Visitor Center Manager Kim Check. “NASA
imagery of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, galaxies,
and the sun will be the students’ inspiration as they
make the cosmic connection between science and art.”
Registration forms are available at NASA Visitor Center and the Art Class for Kids program at 10
a.m., May 16, at the Chincoteague Cultural Alliance,
6309 Church St., Chincoteague.
The registration deadline is May 30 and forms
may be mailed to Shirley.j.lapole@nasa.gov or NASA
Wallops Visitor Center, Bldg. J-20, Wallops Island,
VA 23337. The deadline for submissions is June 13.
More information is available at www.nasa.gov/
An opening reception will be held at the Visitor Center from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, June 26, and the artwork
will remain on display through Sept. 5. The People’s
Choice Award will be voted on during the reception.
Winners will be announced and presented with prizes at the anniversary open house Saturday, June 27.
Wills vs. Trust?
It's Not About the Documents ●●● It's About the Results
Weekend Breakfast Buffet
Starting Saturday, May 16
7am - 11am
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This seminar is truly educational. Join us for an informative discussion of
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YOU should attend if:
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Presented by: Virginia E. Brown, Esquire
There is no charge, seating is limited!
Call 757-787-1998 or e-mail paralegal @vebrownpc.com to make your reservations.
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 17
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An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc.
CHERITON CROSSING: Hard to believe you can live
in such comfort for so little. This sparkling 3BR/1BA
stunner with 1080 sq ft offers deck, fireplace; all on
just shy of ½ acre. MLS#38892 $134,900
Kathy Weiner 757-646-3199
PUNGOTEAGUE: Waterfront 4BR/2.5BA rancher
on Nandua Creek just 15 minutes from Onancock.
Wonderful views, gardens, expansive deck, dock
to the bay, and private! Come explore. MLS#41258
$524,900 Phyllis Ward 757-442-3199
ATLANTIC: Modern 3BR/2.5BA Colonial style
home boasts over 2500 sq ft on .55 acres.
MBR offers vaulted ceilings, walk-in closet &
private bath; kitchen has plenty of counters,
cabinets & storage space. MLS#41271 $255,000
Stella Rohde 757-710-2025/Anne Kyle Doughty 757-710-3824
MELFA: Delightful 2BR/2BA Ranch with 1500 sq
ft on .72 acres. Attached 1-car and detached 3-car
garages and huge workshop all in a quiet setting.
White picket fence in the back yard, enclosed
sunporch; perfect for entertaining. MLS#41166
$150,000 Michelle Evans 757-710-5934
DINGLEY’S MILL: Open and inviting 3BR/2BA
rancher with privacy included. Pride in ownership
is self-evident, great landscaping all over this .89
acre lot. 3-season room, vinyl deck, concrete patio &
multi-car garage. MLS#39605 $189,000
Keith Koerner 757-999-4670
NANDUA BAY: Waterfront 4BR/3.5BA home of
great measure; over 4000 sq ft, beautifully
landscaped on 2 acres and capturing westerly views
and gorgeous sunsets. Private dock and community
boat launch. MLS#40002 $590,000
Stella Rohde 757-710-2025/Anne Kyle Doughty 757-710-3824
PARKSLEY: Charming 2BR/1BA Bungalow has
undergone numerous improvements and
upgrades. Wide board southern pine, bead board
detail in kitchen & bathroom, covered deck in the
back and storage shed w/electricity. MLS#40288
$115,500 Keith Koerner 757-999-4670
MEARS: Situate on 49 acres w/abundant wildlife
is this ample stucco Contemporary with 4BR/2BA.
Large rooms & open floor plan make this a great
home for family or possibly a hunt club. Two deep
ponds complement the home site. MLS#41368
$325,000 Jean DiDaniele 757-709-2292
BLOXOM: Contemporary with 3BR/2BA & 1860 sq.
ft. on 2.8 acres. Spectacular water views to the
Barrier Islands & Atlantic Ocean. Trex decks,
2 sided gas FP & new Trane HVAC system.
MLS#39878 $369,999 Liz Walters 757-710-2114
PARKSLEY: Roomy 3BR/2BA Victorian, in town on
corner lot. Restore this home, with enclosed & open
porches, to its original glory and enjoy all the
amenities of this charming town. MLS#40105
$59,900 Terry Bowling 757-710-0914
PARKSLEY: Cape Cod with 2BR/2BA, living room
fireplace and bonus room upstairs. Zoned both
residential and commercial; a great location with
great visibility for your next commercial venture.
MLS#40217 $289,000
George or Patty Ferguson 757-710-4770
ONANCOCK: Perfect hunting property improved with
3BR/3BA Bungalow. You’ll feel like you’re in your own
world; 174 acres w/private dock, fish cleaning station,
open ponds and a mile of waterfront. Offering
southwest protected exposure this property is one of a
kind. MLS#39672 $985,000 Jean DiDaniele 757-709-2292
BELLE HAVEN: Move-in-ready Ranch home
offering 3BR/1BA, beautifully landscaped yard and
deck for your enjoyment. Property is centrally
located; close to public boat ramps and shopping.
MLS#35059 $58,500 Willie Randall 757-710-2641
NASSAWADOX: Enjoy the cool breezes from your open
front porch in this 3BR/1BA home with 1505 sq. ft.
Features include HW floors & crown molding
throughout,gas log fireplace and cozy kitchen w/pantry.
Property improved with 20X20 storage building
w/electric. MLS#39014 $125,000 Liz Walters 757-710-2114
CHERITON: Spacious 3BR/2BA pond front Cape
Cod. New carpet, ceiling fans and fully modern
kitchen; comfort and easy maintenance sets the
stage for any size family. Close to beach, shopping
and golf. MLS#41388 $179,000
George & Patty Ferguson 757-710-4770
CAPE CHARLES: Quintessential 4BR/2BA
waterfront home w/2150 sq ft on 2 town lots.
Gleaming floors, patio & enclosed porch to enjoy
spectacular sunsets and bay breezes. MLS#39003
$529,000 Jason Restein 757-620-1532
JAMESVILLE: Waterfront 4BR/3BA William E.
Poole design with 4277 sq ft of ultimate living. His
n hers offices, designer kitchen, morning room
overlooking Nassawadox Creek, plus 3 half baths.
Private dock. MLS#30309 $780,000
Dave Griffith 757-647-2649
MACHIPONGO: Waterfront 3BR/3BA Ranch
w/2500 sq ft with private guest house w/kitchen &
pier/dock plus boat- house. Open floor plan,
sunporch, patio, 2 ac well manicured point on
Hungars Creek. MLS#40991 $499,000
Tom Lynch 571-748-8046
PAINTER: 34000 SEASIDE RD Grand Colonial
currently operating as a B&B w/3242 sq ft, 4BRs
have en-suite, culinary dream in the kitchen,
Pavilion w/concrete floor, gazebo w/electric.
MLS#39862 $379,000 Christine Flye 757-286-3569
3BR/2BA Cape Cod w/oversized garage for large
boat/trailer. 1700 sq ft on .74ac pride of ownership
evident. MLS#38606 $234,900
Dave Griffith 757-647-2649/Randy Carlson 757-678-6395
Waterfront 3BR/2BA Ranch with 1876 sq ft on .67ac
offers boat dock w/6000lb lift. Many upgrades,
generator & views of Hungars Crk.
MLS#39789 $399,900
Dave Griffith 757-647-2649/Randy Carlson 757-678-6395
EASTVILLE: A perfect place to unwind in this
3BR/1.5BA 3-story home with 2825 sq ft on over
½ acre. High-end workmanship can be observed
both inside and out. 2nd floor office & fenced yard.
MLS#40235 $219,000 Jason Restein 757-620-1532
CHINCOTEAGUE: 2BR/1BA Waterfront condo
w/boat dock, open waterfront deck & views of
Assateague Island & Lighthouse. Close walk to
Memorial Park. Perfect for a get a way or vacation
rental. MLS#41358 $179,900
Anita Merritt 757-894-0108/Gladys Baczek 757-894-0098
HALLWOOD: Excellent investment potential.
Soils delineation & survey plats for 42 lot
subdivision known as Pointe West including
pond. MLS#32231 $935,000
Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526
PARKSLEY: 13BR/3BA 6,000 sq. ft. LR w/ fireplace,
updated kitchen and more room than you can find
use for. Diamond in the rough w/grand
foyers on each level. Perfect for a B&B. 6 rooms
w/ kitchenette. MLS#38441 $99,000
Anita Merritt 757-894-0108
CHINCOTEAGUE: Watch the famous Pony Swim
from the deck of this beautiful 2BR/2BA waterfront
condo. Spectacular views of Assateague Channel &
lighthouse. Upgraded end unit tastefully furnished
& a turnkey vacation rental. MLS#38467 $289,000
Anita Merritt 757-894-0108/Gladys Baczek 757-894-0098
LOCUSTVILLE: 3BR/1.5BA Farmhouse built in 1890
being sold as is. Nice front porch just waiting for a
swing to enjoy those summer nights. Lg. yard w/
handicap ramp already built. Spacious KIT & LR. A
must see to appreciate what this home can offer.
MLS#40526 $53,100 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526
TEMPERANCEVILLE: Quiet country setting w/this
100-year-old 3BR/2BA house named Baltic house. In the
1600’s this land was part of the WilliamAnderson farm and
across the road is an historic park. Completely renovated
w/all new electric,plumbing,insulation,drywall & roofing.
MLS#40810 $124,900 Cindy Gillett 757-990-2526
CHINCOTEAGUE: 3BR/3BA home w/water views
of the Chincoteague Bay from almost every room.
North end of the island in a very tranquil & natural
setting. Lower & 2nd level decks off the BR is a delight
& lg. screened in porch. MLS#41200 $399,000
Anita Merritt 757-894-0108 Gladys Baczek 757-894-0098
CHINCOTEAGUE: Established 2BR/1BA beach
house includes 3 lots & 2- car garage. Rare
opportunity to own almost an acre of land on
Chincoteague tucked away on a quiet street. Close
to town. MLS#38547 $239,500
Judy Williamson 757-894-2488
OPEN HOUSE 5-17-15, 2PM-5PM
OPEN HOUSE 5-16-15, 11AM-2PM
OPEN HOUSE 5-16-15, 11AM-2PM
18 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
United Way Says ‘Thanks’
Smith Island Cakes
Wednesday, Thursday,
for Lunch
Thursday Night is
Burger Night!
Call for Special
Cake Pickups
24399 Lankford Hwy. Tasley
Bayshore Concrete Products raised
over $18,000, Eastern Shore Rural
Health Systems had an almost 300 percent increase over last year with $13,194
raised, Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital employees contributed $13,175, and
the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel and
Accomack County Public Schools campaigns each raised over $11,000.
Companies receiving certificates for
100 percent employee participation included A&N Electric Cooperative, BB&T
Bank, Eastern Shore Coalition Against
ergy, resulting in meeting all their goals
and helping to improve the quality of life
on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.”
Sterling also told the crowd of approximately 80 attendees that the board of
directors had held a retreat the previous
week to plan for expanding the chapter
to include areas other than providing
funds, such as help on grant writing, networking and training volunteers.
For more information or to contribute
to United Way, send a tax-deductible donation to United Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore, P.O. Box 605, Onley, VA 23418
or go to www.esunitedway.org
Among those attending the local United Way’s recent Thank You Breakfast were (from left) Nancy Stern,
United Way campaign co-chairwoman; Myra Jenkins, Eastern Shore Rural Health Systems; Ilene Reid, ESAAA/CAA; Anna Robertson, Tyson Foods; Susan Moore and Paige Addison, Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel;
Roberta Baldwin, Accomack County Public Schools; Jeannette Edwards, United Way campaign co-chairwoman; and Bill Sterling, president of the United Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore.
Never Pay for Your Local News
The United Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore held its Thank You Breakfast recently at Eastern Shore Yacht
and Country Club, announcing that
it surpassed its goal of $300,000 and
thanking local businesses and individuals for the support that will help
to “Celebrate a Better Tomorrow,” the
theme of this year’s campaign drive.
Nancy Stern and Jeannette Edwards,
co-chairwomen of this year’s campaign
drive, thanked their committee members for a tremendous effort to surpass
the goal, which stood just over $306,000
with a late donation this week.
Stern and Edwards noted that they
also reached other goals by raising funds
through sponsorships to cover all costs
of the campaign, lowering the percentage of donations that will go to administrative costs, and extending the reach of
the campaign with events in Chincoteague and Cape Charles to create better
awareness of the mission of United Way.
Perdue Farms topped all employee campaigns with a total of just over
$41,000 raised. Tyson Food was next
with just under $24,000 raised through
its employee campaign. Both companies supplemented their employee
campaigns with a corporate match.
Domestic Violence, Eastern Shore Habitat for Humanity, Eastern Shore Literacy Council, Foodbank of the Eastern
Shore and YMCA Camp Silver Beach.
The United Way Chapter has raised
almost $6 million since being founded
in 1991, aiding over 150 organizations.
Bill Sterling, president of United
Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore chapter, thanked Stern and Edwards for
their leadership of the campaign, adding, “Nancy and Jeannette, although
very busy in their positions at Eastern
Shore Rural Health, led a campaign that
included teamwork, vision and great en-
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 19
RSMH Auxiliary Commended by Senate & House of Delegates
Even before there was a hospital on
the Eastern Shore of Virginia, there
was a hospital auxiliary. The visionary women who founded the auxiliary
in 1920 were instrumental in the fundraising for the very first hospital on
the Shore.
Since then, the Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital Auxiliary has tirelessly supported the local hospital and the
patients who seek care there.
On Monday, state Sen. Lynwood
Lewis and Del. Rob Bloxom presented
the auxiliary with a framed copy of a
Virginia Senate and House joint resolution commending the auxiliary for
its dedication to the community on the
occasion of the 50th anniversary of the
Hospital Ball.
The resolution notes that the auxiliary raises funds for construction and
renovation, scholarships and education for the team members, and equipment purchases. The members do so
through very successful events such
as the Hospital Ball, the Antique Show
Members of the Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital Auxiliary gathered Monday to accept the resolution
recently passed by the General Assembly and displayed here by state Sen. Lynwood Lewis (left) and Del.
Rob Bloxom.
and the Festival of Lights, as well as
through purchases at the Althea Shelton Carousel Gift Shop just off the hospital lobby.
In the resolution, the General As-
sembly expresses its “admiration for
the organization’s long tradition of
support for the hospital and the Eastern Shore community.”
At Monday’s presentation ceremo-
ny, Jane Bulette, president of the auxiliary and a member of the hospital’s
Board of Directors, commented on the
dedication and energy of such a large
group of talented volunteers.
Check out our new office in
downtown Onley
25526 East Main St.
Onley, VA
spectacular three level beach house on close to one acre. Sit on
the 2nd story deck and enjoy the views and the privacy. This house
has 2 BR on the third level with a full BA in-between. The second
level has an open floor plan/great room with fireplace in the living room area and center island with electric range in the kitchen.
MLS #R41228A The HVAC system was just replaced a few months ago. $199,000
GREENBUSH - Victorian house built in the 1930’s. The roof was
replaced just a few years ago, windows in 2003, furnace in 2004, and
all appliances were replaced in 2013. Downstairs are large rooms
with high ceilings, included is a kitchen, formal dining room, living room, spacious foyer, full BA (handicap accessible), enclosed
back porch, and front open wrap-around porch. The second floor
MLS #R41225A includes another kitchen, 3 BR, and a full BA.
WACHAPREAGUE - 3 BR/3 BA located 2 blocks from Finney’s
Creek which runs out to the barrier islands and Atlantic Ocean.
Has a wrap around screened in porch, nice eat-in kitchen, large living room, beautiful pine floors throughout, original banister and
wood trim, finished 3rd floor with full bathroom, central heat and
air-conditioned through-out and so much more. This house is turnMLS #R39291A key and has undergone recent renovations.
WACHAPREAGUE - This lovely home is in Wachapreague also
known as the “Little City by the Sea”. Get your fishing poles, tune
up those engines, fill those coolers. This home is on the corner of
Main and Church Street across from the Ocean View Methodist
Church which is just a few blocks from the waterfront. You will
find 4 spacious BR and 1.5 BA. There is also a cozy screened in
MLS #R36087U front porch a large eat-in kitchen and a dining room. $129,900
20 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Lowest Prices on All Vehicles in Stock!
2014 F-150 Crew XLT........................................$27,195
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2013 Escape SEL, Black.......................................$19,850
2011 Ford Focus, Loaded....................................$10,960
2007 BMW 335i..................................................$13,280
2013 Ford Cmax, Loaded...................................$16,840
2012 Lincoln MKZ.............................................$16,970
2012 Ford Escape, Loaded..................................$17,450
These Vehicles Must Go This Week!
2014 F-150 Reg. Cab, 10k Miles.........................$20,890
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2008 Explorer, Limited, 4x4..................................$12,590
2002 Thunderbird, Black, 79k Miles.....................$13,940
2011 Fusion SE, Black..........................................$10,600
2008 Toyota Prius, Loaded...................................$11,200
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2006 Explorer 4x4.................$9,100
2011 Chevy HHR................$10,300
2005 Kia Sorento 4x4............$9,400
2006 Mercury Mariner..........$7,800
2009 Dodge Caliber..............$9,200
2006 Ford Focus....................$6,200
2003 Ford Focus Wagon.......$5,700
2009 Ford Fusion, White......$9,500
2005 Chevy Trailblazer.........$8,900
2008 Lincoln Towncar........$10,600
2009 Fusion SE, Black............$10,000
2011 Fusion SE, Black..........$10,600
2004 GMC Yukon, Loaded....$9,995
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 21
Service on Saturdays!
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22 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
As the spring sports season winds
to an end with conference and regional tourney play looming, let’s look at
some of the top team performances on
the Eastern Shore.
Most notable among them has to be
the Chincoteague baseball team, still
unbeaten at 17-0 after defeating Arcadia and Nandua this week.
With about 150 high-school students, Chincoteague is one of the smallest schools competing in Virginia High
School League athletics. Yet, Coach Will
Thompson’s Ponies have gone through
this season with an unblemished record
by defeating larger schools, including
Wicomico of Salisbury.
What makes it even more amazing
is that the Ponies play only two seniors
on the team and feature a number of
freshmen and sophomores. With another good group of eighth graders on
the horizon, Chincoteague may be the
team to beat on the diamond for years
to come.
The Ponies are strong up the middle
with a sophomore battery featuring
Trey Fisher on the mound and Collin
Dickerson behind the plate. At short
and second are the Mason brothers,
Dylan, a junior at short, and Ryan, a
freshman, at second. Junior Joe Thornton at third provides power.
Also back next year are two juniors,
Miles Libertino and Trevor Reed, both
hurt early in the season when they
were among the team’s leading hitters.
Give the Ponies credit for overcoming
those key injuries and maintaining
their perfect season.
The Nandua softball team has not
lost a district game in seven years under Coach Lynn Williams and is rolling
again this season through local competition. Their only loss was to King
Local Teams and Athletes Performing Well
William, which featured a pitcher who
signed with Division 1 Radford to play
softball in college.
Featuring three senior starters with
Chandler Davis, Autumn Ferguson
and Caroline Harvie, the Warriors
are also young yet talented. Many of
their key players will be returning,
including Kimberly Wert, who has
already signed with Divsion 1 Hofstra.
Primarily a catcher, Wert has been
impressive on the mound this season
as well, complementing starter Derrica
Toppin, who has been rock solid.
The Northampton girls’ soccer team
absorbed its first loss of the seaon only
last week, despite having played an
ambitious schedule. Coached by Tabi
Webb, the Lady Jackets are led by the
Webb twins, Taylor and Kennedy, who
as juniors have already committed to
playing volleyball for Randolph College. But Northampton has plenty of
other firepower, including speedy Erica
Head, and a stout defense that seldom
allows a shot on goal.
In boys’ soccer, Nandua has set the
pace once again with longtime coach
Paul Nolz leading that program. Despite losing most of last year’s team,
the Warriors are 9-1-1 and last Friday
tied 6A Oscar Smith 2-2. Tough competition against larger schools will prepare Nandua for the playoffs.
But this Warrior squad may be a
year or two away from being its best.
Only two seniors dot the roster, with
top scorers Cristian Esteban and Efren
Ruiz only freshmen and Tio Tinoco and
Tanner Troyer sophomores.
And, finally, a salute to Arcadia’s
Zach Mills. When he saw a certain win
over Nandua disappear last week when
his infielder bobbled an easy grounder
that would have won the game, instead
of showing any disappointment whatsoever, he went over and patted his
teammate, seemingly saying, “Don’t
worry about it.” It was a classy move
from the Firebird senior.
Here are some quick updates on
local baseball and softball players
competing at the college level.
Whitney Davis of Radford finished
the season tied for the team’s highest
batting average with a .326 mark and
led her team in home runs with nine and
RBIs with 38 in 43 games. The junior
third baseman will be a key returnee
for the Highlanders next season.
Hunter Taylor hit his second home
run of the season last weekend with a
three-run blast against second-ranked
Texas A&M. The University of South
Carolina freshman has started 21
games this season and is hitting .224
with nine RBIs.
Ryan Haynie was the third leading
hitter for Hampden-Sydney with a
.331 average, playing both shortstop
and the outfield for the Tigers. The
freshman started 19 games but missed
a major portion of the season with a
hamstring injury.
VMI pitcher Austin Heenan earned
the win last weekend with 7.1 innings
on the mound against University of
North Carolina at Greensboro. The
sophomore southpaw allowed three
runs and seven hits while striking out
two in a 11-3 Keydet win.
Preston Richardson, a freshman at
William & Mary, finished second in the
discus at the Colonial Athletic Association track meet with a throw of 152’, 1”
and fourth in the shot put with a toss
of 52’. Although hampered by injuries,
Richardson is seventh on the team in
points accumulated this season.
Freshmen Wesley Shrieves and
Brendon Burrows both placed at the
Capital Athletic Conference track
championships for Christopher New­
port University on May 3. Shrieves
was third in the long jump with a distance of 6.88 meters. Burrows placed
fourth in the discus with a throw of
43.16 meters. The team placed second
in the meet.
The softball and baseball athletes
all graduated from Nandua. The track
guys graduated from Broadwater.
And speaking of local athletes performing beyond their high-school careers, Northampton’s Tyler Webb and
the Scranton/Wilkes Barre Railriders were in Norfolk earlier this week
playing the Tides, the Triple A minor
league team of the Orioles.
I was among a large contingent from
the Shore there, hoping to see him
pitch. But after throwing two scoreless
innings on Sunday, Webb was held out
of action for the three-game series.
More on Webb next week and the life
of a minor league baseball player striving
for that next step to the big leagues.
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Cape Charles
email: capecntr@msn.com
Loyal Locals’ Specials
Week of: May 16 - 22, 2015
Fried Seafood Combo:
Soft Crab&Toadfish $1999
Lunch:3pc.FriedChicken $849
Dinner: Chicken&Dumplings $899
ChickenParmesanw/1side $999
ChickenBreast $899
8oz.Queen $1499
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 23
Legion Golf May 29
The 8th Annual American Legion
Post 56 Golf Tournament will be held
on the Bay Creek Palmer Course May
29 with a shotgun start at noon.
The cost is $100 per golfer, which
includes golf, cart, drink tickets,
goodies, prizes, dinner, and many
giveaways. There are two flights
based on scores. Proceeds from the
tournament go to support veterans,
Wounded Warriors, and youth. Post 56
is sponsoring six boys attending Boys
State at a cost of $400 per boy.
Send a list of team players and a
check made out to American Legion
Post 56 to American Legion Post 56,
Box 537, Cheriton, VA 23316.
For more information, call Scott
Heneghan at 757-619-2510.
Beach Bash Wrestling
The Eastern Shore Beach Bash, a
new wrestling tournament, will debut
at Cape Charles Beach on June 20,
with a rain makeup date of June 21.
The tourney starts at 10 a.m.
Registration is $25 and all wrestlers
must have a USA wresting card.
Go to www.northamptonwrestlingva.
com to register, pay and find a link to
purchase a USA wrestling card.
The Beach Bash will have seven divsions: Bantams, 5- and 6-year-olds;
Midgets, 7- and 8-year-olds; Juniors,
9- and 10-year-olds; Intermediates,
11- and 12-year-olds; Seniors, 13- and
14-year-olds; no 9th graders; High
School, 9th through 12th grades; Open,
post high school.
Weight classes will be determined
using the Madison System (grouped
according to weight).
It will be a double elimination or
round robin tournament depending on
weight class size. Wrestelers will compete according to modified beach wrestling rules.
Bouts will be three minutes long,
and the first wrestler to score three
points will win. In the event of an overtime, the first wrestler to score a point
Beach Bash T-shirts will be on sale.
For more informaiton about the Eatern Shore Beach Bash, contact tournament director Matt Evans at 757-7109433 or mevans@ncpsk12.com
es will be given to first-, second-, and
third-place teams. Teams must regis-
ter before May 26.
For more information or a coach’s
packet, call 678-0468.
Kickball Tournament
Northampton County Parks and
Recreation is hosting a Summer Kickball tournament for adults on Saturday, June 6, at Indiantown Park.
Registration fees are $100 per
team, 8 to 12 players per roster for
anyone 18 and over. This will be a
double-elimination tournament; each
team is guaranteed two games. Priz-
Chincoteague Proclaims Safe Boating Week
Mayor John H. Tarr proclaimed May 15-22 National Safe Boating Week
within the Town of Chincoteague. The proclamation encourages all
boaters to wear their life jacket, boat responsibly, and enroll in a safe
boating class. Pictured (from left) are: Warren C. Peake, commander of
Flotilla 12-06 U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary; Robert G. Ritter Jr., Chincoteague town manager; Chincotague Mayor Tarr; and BMC Hank Deatrich, officer in charge U. S. Coast Guard, Station Chincoteague.
Sheriff’s Golf Tourney Donates Proceeds
Northampton County Sheriff David Doughty (center) presents Hospice
of the Eastern Shore a check for $6,600 from proceeds from the 2014
Charity Golf Tournament held each year at Bay Creek. Also benefiting
from the event is the Randy Custis Memorial Fund. This year’s tournament will be held on Friday, Sept. 25, at Bay Creek with registration beginning in July. This monetary support helps the non-profit community
hospice continue its mission of assuring comfort and dignity in late life,
regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. Hospice of the Eastern Shore also
offers many free services and programs to residents shorewide who are
serving as caregivers or coping with grief and loss. Pictured (from left)
are Mozella Francis, Hospice administrator; Sheriff Doughty, and Bill
LeCato, community liaison at Hospice.
24 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Chincoteague Finishes Unbeaten 17-0 Season
Story and photos by Bill Sterling
Chincoteague scored five runs in the
top of the seventh inning to break open
a one-run game and complete a perfect
season with 8-2 road win over Nandua
Wednesday, finishing with a 17-0 record before conference play starts.
Sophomore Trey Fisher hurled a
complete game for Chincoteague, allowing only two hits and striking out
10. Fisher, Dylan Mason, Ryan Mason
and Voshawn Davis each had two hits.
Joe Thornton had a key hit in the decisive seventh inning for the Ponies.
For Nandua, Evan McGregor had a
hit and RBI and Hunter Hickman had
a double for the only Warrior base hit.
McGregor pitched well in the loss.
Ponies Paste Firebirds
Chincoteague’s Dustin Holloway allowed only one run over five innings
as the Ponies corralled Arcadia 10-3
Tuesday at home. Holloway gave up
only two hits while striking out four
and walking three.
Joe Thornton was 2 for 4 with an
RBI, Dylan Mason had a hit and two
RBIs, Mason Marshall had a hit and
RBI, Ryan Mason and Trey Fisher had
a hit, Spencer White had an RBI sacrifice fly and Voshawn Davis had a hit
and two walks.
Marshall pitched the final two innings to get the save.
Tahree Petit got the start for the
Firebirds. He went five innings and
took the loss. Arcadia’s top hitter was
Dom Siemiensky, who went 2 for 3 with
a run scored. Jaquan Wharton picked
up a hit and an RBI. Zach Mills and
Aronte Dickerson also picked up hits
Nandua Prevails
in Comeback
Down to its last out with the bases
empty, Nandua took advantage of an
error and a walk by Arcadia to take a
one-run lead with a three-run homer
by Jake Guy, then pushed six runs
across the plate in the top of the eighth
after Arcadia had tied it in the bottom
of the seventh, for an 11-5 win.
Arcadia was on the verge of sweeping Nandua in its three meetings
this season as Zach Mills struck out
14 through 6.2 innings of work and
needed only one out for a perfect seventh inning with Arcadia holding a 4-2
lead. However, a slow roller in the infield that was bobbled and then a walk
brought up Guy, who hit a high drive
over the left field fence to give Nandua
a 5-4 lead.
Arcadia tied it in the bottom of the
seventh to force extra innings, but the
Warriors tallied a half dozen runs in
the eighth for the 11-5 final score.
John Kilmon scored three runs for
Nandua and had a single and an RBI.
Mike McCluskey scored a pair of runs
and had a hit. Brandon Brewster, Matthew Teasley, Ben Marra and Evan
McGregor each had a single. Guy had
five RBIs on the day with a sacrifice fly
and fielder’s choice, netting runs in addition to his three-run roundtripper.
McCluskey pitched 5.2 innings, allowing four runs, only two earned, before Guy and Garrett Baylis finished
up for the Warriors.
For Arcadia, Jaquan Wharton was 2
for 5, scoring two runs, and Tahree Petit was 2 for 5 with a double and scored
two runs. Austin Bagwell took the loss
after relieving Mills following Guy’s
homer in the seventh inning.
Nandua defeated Northampton 14-0
Tuesday afternoon at the Jacket field.
Jake Guy rounds third after hitting a come-from-behind three-run
homer with two outs in seventh inning against Arcadia.
Broadwater Softballers Advance in States
Broadwater advanced to the state
semi-finals with a 10-4 win over West­
over Christian Academy Tuesday.
The Lady Vikings played top-ranked
Southampton yesterday after Post
Natavia Wharton was the winning
pitcher, with Anna Sexauer leading the
offense, going 3 for 4 with a double and
two RBIs. Greta Bunce was 2 for 3 and
scored two runs. Parker Murphy was 2
for 4 with a double and two RBIs and
scored three runs.
On defense, Sexauer threw out two
runners stealing and Bunce had three
putouts and two assists.
Broadwater advanced to the championship game of the Metro Conference
with a 6-3 win over Portsmouth Christian Thursday at home.
The teams had split their two regular season meetings before meeting in
the tourney semifinals.
Wharton allowed only three hits
while striking out six. Murphy led
the Viking hitters, going 2 for 3 and
scoring a run. Heather Custis, Palmer Smith and Wharton also had hits.
Bunce, Elizabeth Floyd and Olivia
Kellam each scored a run.
In Friday’s championship game, the
Lady Vikings were overpowered 9-1
by Isle of Wight, the seventh straight
year Broadwater was defeated by the
perennially powerful Chargers in the
title game.
Broadwater Baseball Ends Season
Chincoteague’s Ryan Mason beats out an infield hit as Arcadia’s Terrell
Wharton reaches for the throw in action Tuesday.
Broadwater was eliminated 11-0
last Thursday by eventual champion
Atlantic Shores in the semifinals of the
Metro Conference tournament.
The Vikings managed only three
hits on the day. Broadwater finished
the season 8-8 while Atlantic Shores
raised its record to 20-4 with an 11-1
win over Portsmouth Christian in the
championship game played at the Viking field on Friday.
On Tuesday, the Vikings were eliminated in the state tournament by
Walsingham 14-3 on the road. Austin
Murphy had two of Broadwater’s four
hits and knocked in two runs. Ben Farlow had a double and Cortland Bunce
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 25
Nandua Edges Arcadia, Chinco Wins on Walk-Off HR
Story and photos by Bill Sterling
Chandler Davis hit a two-run homer
in the first inning and Derrica Toppin
struck out 10 while allowing only one
hit as Nandua edged Arcadia 3-1 last
Thursday in Oak Hall.
The Lady Warriors found themselves
in their most competitive district game
of the season, leading only 2-1 in the
top of the seventh. Caroline Harvie
singled and then scored on a Kimberly
Wert double to give the Lady Warriors
an insurance run.
Arcadia’s Tiffany Trader scored
in the fifth after singling for the lone
hit of the day for the Firebirds, then
advancing to second on a passed ball
and scoring on an error.
Lady Firebird Sarah Jones pitched a
superb ballgame, holding the powerful
Nandua offense to seven hits while
striking out five and walking four.
In addition to Harvie, Wert and
Davis, Nandua had hits from Toppin,
Michaela Wescott, Madison Greer and
Paige Dimartino.
Warriors Drop First
Nandua dropped its first game after
opening the season with 11 consecutive wins as King William stopped the
Lady Warriors 6-2 last Friday at home.
Kayla Huffman, who has signed to
pitch for Radford next season, struck
out 16 and allowed only two hits, one
a two-run homer by Kimberly Wert
to knot the score at 2-2 in the fourth.
However, King William came right
back to score four runs in the top of the
fifth inning.
Harvie singled in the first for the
only other Nandua hit.
Derrica Toppin started and pitched
4.2 innings, allowing eight hits and
five earned runs. Wert relieved in the
fifth and pitched 2.1 scoreless innings.
Warriors Over Jackets
Derrica Toppin had two hits and
an RBI and pitched a complete game
to lead Nandua to a 5-1 win over
Northampton Thursday on the road.
The win raised Nandua’s record to
12-1 and kept the Lady Warriors unbeaten in district play.
Toppin struck out two and walked
one as the Warriors played flawless defense behind her. Toppin’s double in the
fifth scored Chandler Davis and was
Nandua’s only extra-base hit of the
game. Davis also had an RBI. Caroline
Harvie, Michaela Wescott and Amanda
Baylis also had hits.
For Northampton, Michaela Lewis
had a double and Sara Weber and Taylor Nadeau had singles, with Makayla
Wilson getting an RBI.
Weber took the loss for the Lady
Jackets, allowing only six hits but was
hurt by three walks and two errors.
Nandua coach Lynn Williams praised
his defense and pitching, but said the
Warrior hitting needs to improve.
Nandua 11, Chinco 1
Derrica Toppin won two games on
the mound for Nandua in the past
week, limiting Arcadia to one run.
On Wednesday Nandua walloped
Chincoteague 11-1 at home as Kimberly
Wert racked up five RBIs with a homer
and limited the Ponies to two hits in six
innings on the mound. Caroline Harvie
had two hits, including a double, and
four RBIs. Autumn Ferguson also had
two hits, including a double. Chandler
Davis added two hits and two RBIs.
Wert fanned six and walked four in
getting the win.
Madison Hudgins had both of
Chincoteague’s hits. Kristin Fox scored
for the Ponies.
The Nandua and Arcadia softball teams trade high fives after a closely
contested 3-1 Warrior win last week in Oak Hall.
Chinco Wins Walk-Off
Emily Haugh hit a walk-off threerun homer in the bottom of the seventh
inning to give Chincoteague a dramatic come-from-behind 5-4 win Tuesday
at the Pony field.
Haugh also pitched a complete game
for the Ponies.
MacKensie Savage and Ronny
Malone reached base to open the
seventh be­
fore a fielder’s choice
resulted in the first out. Haugh then
connected for the game winner. Kristen
Fox was 2 for 2 and Krista Reed and
Savage each had a hit.
Haugh allowed five hits and struck
out eight.
Arcadia’s Sarah Jones held the
Ponies in check until the seventh
inning and took the loss.
Emily Haugh was 2 for 4 with an
RBI and Kristen Eller had a hit for the
The Jackets travel to Arcadia on
Tuesday and then to Middlesex on
Jackets Top Ponies
Northampton scored two runs in
the seventh to earn a 5-2 win over
Chincoteague last Thursday.
Sara Weber pitched a complete game
with seven strikeouts for the Jackets.
Meghan Walpole was 2 for 3 with
two RBIs, Makayla Wilson was 2 for 3
with an RBI, Cassie Nadeau was 2 for
4, and Michaela Lewis was 2 for 4.
Emily Haugh pitched a strong
game and then hit a walk-off home
run to defeat Arcadia 5-4 Tuesday.
26 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Nandua Boys, Northampton Girls Win District Track Meet
Nandua won the boys’ district track meet over second-place Northampton
and Arcadia Wednesday
while the Northampton
girls bested Nandua and
Arcadia. Complete results
will appear next week.
Above left, Northampton’s
Quintara Lyons won the
300-meter hurdles and triple jump while Rickiece
Poulson, above right, won
the high jump. At right,
Nandua’s Micheal Sutton
easily won the 200- and
the 400-meter runs.
Above, Arcadia’s Leander Dickerson won the
discus while, at left,
Nandua’s Tristan Snyder won the shot put and
placed fifth in the discus.
Above, Devon Rogers of Arcadia
was second in the long jump. At
left, Nandua’s Ty’Kara Smith won
the 200 meters. Nandua boys dominated the distance events, with
Trevon Pitt first in the 800, Joseph
McKinnie winning the 1600 and
Evan Lawrence the 3200.
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 27
Nandua Wins Holly Grove Invitational Track
Vikings Second in Metro Golf
The Broadwater Academy Varsity Golf Team placed second at the Metro Golf Tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Course in Suffolk on Wednesday. Seniors Will Sexauer and Ryan Scott finished in the top nine of
the tournament and were named to the All-Conference Team. Pictured
(from left) are Coach Barney Selph, Tommy Goilbart, Ryan Scott, R.C.
Cooley, Jack Salm and Will Sexauer.
Drumbeat Heard Seaside and Bayside
Local anglers are scoring well with
black drum off the seaside islands, and
the bite is warming up around Cape
Charles and near the bridge-tunnel.
Dr. Julie Ball says anglers are experiencing improving red drum action
along the shoals and breakers lining
Smith Island and Fisherman’s Island.
Some of these fish are impressive, with
some brutes pushing over 50 inches released this week.
The best bait for reds is blue crabs
and menhaden fished on the bottom
near drop-offs along the shoals. Nicesized black drum are also showing an
upward trend this week, with big black
drum stretching to over 48 inches taking clams and crabs in their usual
haunts along the bayside of the Eastern Shore, especially near buoys 13
and 16, and 36A.
The emerging flounder scene continues to provide anglers working the seaside inlets and back waters of Oyster and
Wachapreague with limits of respectable
flatfish, several exceeding 5 pounds.
Leading Captain Steve’s Bait and
Tackle Flounder Tournament are
Ralph Brown with a 4.5-pound flattie,
Lin Ekinrode with a 4.2-pound fish and
Jean Valasco with a 3.9-pound entry.
The tourney continues until May 17.
The Captain Bob’s Fishing Camp
tourney will be held from May 22 to 31.
With the warmer weather the usual
hotspots around Chincoteague are producing flounder.
The Nandua boys’ track team finished first with 245 points out of seven
teams at the Holly Grove Invitational
on May 5. The Nandua girls’ track
team finished third with 121 points
out of seven teams. As a team, the Warriors finished first overall for boys and
girls with 366 points combined.
Micheal Sutton won the 200- and
400-meter dash and was the meet’s top
male performer. Evan Lawrence won
the 3200-meter run, Trevon Pitt won the
800-meter run, Quashon Reid took the
Nandua Battles to 2-2 Tie with Oscar Smith
The Nandua soccer team played 6A
Oscar Smith to a 2-2 tie Friday night
on the road. Tio Tinoco and Oyner
Velasguez scored for the Warriors.
The Arcadia soccer squad prevailed
over Chincoteague Monday night 4-2
on the island. Caleb Lucy scored two
goals while Royer Lopez and Donovan
Underwood each scored one for the
Firebirds. Seth Owens scored for Chincoteague with an assist from Tristan
Binder, then Binder scored with an assist from Owens.
Arcadia clinched the game with a
goal in the final minutes of the contest.
Chincoteague coach Charles Heath
said, “Isaac Haymond put in his best
defensive shift of the year, taking away
quite a few scoring opportunities. Arcadia has a strong team this year and
will probably look to do well in conference play in a couple of weeks.”
Girls’ Soccer Results
Top Black Drum
Hunter Webb of Nassawadox leads
the black drum tournament being held by Chris’ Bait and Tackle
with a 69-pound, 2-ounce entry.
1600-meter run, Teddy Tazewell won
the triple jump, Anthony Smith won the
long jump and Tristan Snyder placed
first in the shot put. The 4x100-meter
relay team of Sutton, Eric Custis, Jaylen
Smith and Deontra Miles and 4x800 relay team of Lawrence, Joseph McKinnie,
Pitt and Reid both finished first.
Ty’Kara Smith won the 100-meter
dash and was also on the 4x100 relay team with Janie Hargis, Khadijha
Robinson, and Ahjunay Toppin that
took second.
Ryan Wright scored all four of Nandua’s goals as the Warriors blanked
Northumberland 4-0 Friday night on
the road.
The Nandua and Northampton girls’
soccer teams met last night in a game
completed after Post deadlines.
Taylor Webb scored all three goals
for Northampton in a 5-3 loss at New
Kent last Thursday It was the first
defeat of the season for the Jacket girls,
coming at the hands of a 3A school.
“Our defense had not seen that type
of organized offense yet this season.
We transitioned well in the second
half to stay competitive, allowing only
one goal,” said Northampton coach
Tabi Webb.
On Tuesday, Northampton blanked
Franklin 7-0 as Taylor Webb, Ashlyn
Arnold and Michelle Martinez each
scored two goals and Kennedy Webb
added one.
“All the girls played well despite the
excessive heat and a thunderstorm delay,” said Coch Webb. “We dominated
offensively with 26 shots on goal, and
the Franklin goalie had an outstanding game with 16 saves.”
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28 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Gargathy Neck
Folly Creek
H 7:00 a.m.
L 1:02 p.m.
Assateague Beach
May 15
Wachapreague Inlet L
Quinby Inlet
Tangier Sound Light L
Muddy Creek
Guard Shore
Chescon. Creek
Onancock Creek
Pungoteague Creek L
Occohan. Creek
Cape Charles
Kiptopeke Beach
May 16
6:11 a.m.
6:15 a.m.
7:07 a.m .
1:17 p.m .
6:46 a.m.
6:45 a.m.
1:04 p.m.
6:41 a.m.
10:27 a.m.
4:47 p.m.
10:43 a.m.
5:22 p.m.
10:35 a.m.
5:18 p.m.
10:10 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
10:24 a.m.
4:50 p.m.
9:40 a.m.
4:04 p.m.
9:04 a.m.
3:44 p.m.
8:25 a.m.
2:26 p.m.
7:14 a.m.
1:34 p.m.
6:52 a.m.
1:03 p.m.
7:05 a .m.
1:30 p.m.
7:09 a.m.
1:29 p.m.
8:01 a.m.
2:09 p.m.
May 19
May 20
May 21
8:47 a.m.
3:07 p.m.
8:51 a.m.
3:06 p.m.
9:43 a.m.
3:46 p.m.
9:37 a.m.
3:54 p.m.
9:41 a.m.
3:53 p.m.
10:33 a.m.
4:33 p.m.
10:25 a.m.
4 :41 p.m.
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4:40 p.m.
11:21 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
11:13 a.m.
5:29 p.m.
11:17 a.m.
5:28 p.m.
12:09 p.m.
6:12 a.m.
H 7:54 a.m.
L 1:54 p.m.
H 8:46 a.m.
L 2:43 p.m.
9:36 a.m.
3:31 p.m.
H 10:26a.m.
L 4:18 p.m.
11:14 a.m.
5:05 p.m.
12:02 p.m.
5:57 a.m.
9:22 a.m.
3:15 p.m.
9:21 a.m.
3:33 p.m.
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3:15 p.m.
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1:24 p.m.
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1:16 p.m.
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12:51 p.m.
7:02 a.m.
1:05 p.m.
7:22 a.m.
12:21 p.m.
6:36 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
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3:36 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
4:49 p.m.
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5:07 p.m.
10:55 a.m.
4:49 p.m.
2:43 p.m.
8:56 a.m.
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12:41 p.m.
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5:41 a.m.
3:29 a.m.
9:43 a.m.
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3:37 p.m.
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3:26 p.m.
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2:42 p.m.
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8:40 a.m.
1:27 p.m.
7:22 a.m.
12:16 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
11:54 a.m.
5:59 a.m.
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5:34 a.m.
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1:56 p.m.
May 18
7:50 a.m.
2:19 p .m.
8:01 a.m.
2:18 p.m.
8:53 a.m.
2:58 p.m.
We accept most PPO insurances
and Virginia Medicaid and we
provide a full spectrum of services.
8:32 a.m.
2:27 p.m.
8:31 a.m.
2:45 p.m.
8:27 a.m.
2:27 p.m.
12:18 p.m.
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11:31 a.m.
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5:25 a.m.
10:16 a.m.
4:09 p.m.
9:05 a.m.
3:17 p.m.
8:43 a.m.
2:46 p.m.
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4:02 p.m.
10:11 a.m.
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10:07 a.m.
4:02 p.m.
1:56 p.m.
8:08 a.m.
2:12 p.m.
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2:04 p.m.
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1:39 p.m.
7:51 a.m.
1:53 p.m.
8:11 a.m.
1:09 p.m.
7:25 a.m.
7:05 a.m.
11:54 a.m.
5:47 a.m.
10:43 a.m.
10:21 a.m.
4:24 p.m.
Timothy Fei, DDS
Parksley, VA
Se habla español
May 17
20104 Deep Creek Road, Onancock
Phone: (757) 787-4565
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 29
may 15
H12:30-2 p.m. - Science & Philosophy
Seminar: Suwannee River - ESCC, Melfa
H6 p.m. - Jr. Beta Club Basket Bingo
- Arcadia Middle School, Oak Hall $20/advance or $25/door
H6 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery Group
mtg. - Family Life Center, Onancock Meal: $6/single or $10/family
H7 p.m. - AA mtg. - Christ Episcopal
Church, Eastville
H7 p.m. - Life Teach Series - Rachel/
Leah Covenant Ministries Center 787-2486
H7:30 p.m. - Bingo (doors open at
6:30 p.m.) - Exmore Moose Lodge,
Belle Haven
may 16
H9 a.m. - Zumba Class Chincoteague YMCA - $5
- 336-3535
H10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (10 a.m.: Doors Open) Women’s Prayer Brunch - Onancock Baptist
Church - Child care at $2 per child - 894-7493
H10 a.m.-noon - National Kids to Parks Day
- Kiptopeke State Park (Shelter #1) - 331-2267
H11 a.m.-5 p.m. - Chicken BBQ & Car Wash
- Kegotank Elementary School, Mappsville $8/dine-in or carry-out
Hnoon & 7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Holy Trinity
Episcopal Church, Onancock
H5 p.m. - Comedy Show - Tabernacle Baptist
Church, Horntown
H7 p.m. - Spring Dance Show - Arts Enter,
Cape Charles
H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - Eastville VFC
may 18
H11 a.m. - Children’s Story Hour - library, Nassawadox
Hnoon. - AA mtg. - St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Onley
H4 p.m. - ARC mtg. - Vocational Center Complex, Exmore
H5-6 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Onancock
H6 p.m. - Central Shore Lions Club mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley
H6 p.m. - Bingo - Elks Lodge, Tasley
H6:30 p.m - Cub Scout Pack 300 mtg. - Grace UMC, Parksley
H7:30 p.m. - Accomack Cty. Taxpayers’ Assn. mtg. - Accomack County
Administration Bldg.
may 20
H7:45 a.m. - Kiwanis Club of Accomack mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley
H10 a.m. - TOPS mtg. - Market St. UMC, Onancock - 787-4718
H10 a.m.-noon - Accomack AARP mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley
H10:30 a.m. - Alzheimer’s Caregiving Group - Grace UMC, 18484 Wilson Ave., Parksley - 787-2592
H11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Debedeavon Toastmasters’ mtg. - NASA/Wallops Base - Call
Owen Hooks at 824-1941 for base access.
Hnoon - AA mtg. - UMC, 75 Market St., Onancock
H2 p.m. - Children’s Story Hour - E.S. Public Library, Accomac
H5-7 p.m. - Soup Kitchen & Clothes Closet - Grace and Truth Ministries, 19 Boundary
Ave., Onancock - Donations: 789-5369
H5:30-6:30 p.m. - Free Meals for the Hungry - Epworth UMC, Exmore - 442-6391
H6-7 p.m. - Prayer Line Open (St. Matthew’s Church, Onley) - Call 665-7403 or 8941521
H6:30 p.m. - Presentation: “Understanding Islam” Given by VA Beach Chap.
Leader of Act for America - Little Italy, Nassawadox
H6:30 p.m. - E.S. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #62 mtg. - Market St. Grill, Onancock - 709-5212
H7 p.m. - Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group mtg. - Riverside Shore Cancer Center, Nassawadox
H7 p.m. - AA & Al-Anon mtgs. - RSMH, Nassawadox
H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - Painter VFC
Hoof Beats By The Beach 4H Club Yard Sale on May 30
On Saturday, May 30, Hoof Beats by the Beach 4H Club will host an indoor yard sale/
tack swap at Pony Pines Farm, 12044 Atlantic Rd., Assawoman, from 8 a.m. til 1 p.m. (rain
or shine).
Reserve space (bring your own table) for $10 by calling 757-894-2202. This event will
help fund a 4H trip to Doswell, Va. to compete at the State Fair of Virginia.
May 15–21
may 17
H11 a.m. - Women’s Day Service - First Baptist
Church, Mappsville
Hnoon - Pastoral Anniversary - Gospel Temple
Church, Cheriton
H2 p.m. - Bingo - VFW Post 2296, Tasley
H2:30 p.m. - Hymn Sing - Pocomoke UMC, Groton - dinner to
H3 p.m. - Usher’s Day Anniversary - New Allen Memorial
AME Church, Franktown - 414-0351
H3 p.m. - Spring Dance Show - Arts Enter, Cape Charles
H3 p.m. - Christopher Day Service - Tabernacle Baptist
Church, Horntown
H3 p.m. - Gospel Concert - St. John’s Baptist Church, Onancock
H4 p.m. - 5 Crowns of Christ - Harvest Time Deliverance
may 19
H9 a.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Refuge Inn,
H9:30 a.m. - MOMS mtg. - Onancock Baptist
Church, upstairs - 709-9351 - bring a snack & your kids
H10 a.m. - Bingo - Accomack Sr. Village, Onancock
H11 a.m. - Duplicate Bridge - Sage Diner, Onley - 442-2474
Hnoon - E.S. Soil & Water Conservation District Technical
Review Comm. mtg. - USDA Service Center, Accomac
H5:30 p.m. - TOPS mtg. - Belle Haven UMC - 442-9776
H6 p.m. - Rachel Leah Ministries - 787-2486
H6 p.m. - Bingo - Pocomoke Elks, next to YMCA
H6:30-8:30 p.m. - GED Class - ESCC, Class A-51, Melfa
H7 p.m. - Northampton Cty. Democratic Committee mtg. American Legion Post 400, Eastville
H7 p.m. - NA mtg. - Jerusalem Baptist Church, Temperanceville
H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Onancock
H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - smoke free - Cheriton VFC
may 21
H10:30 a.m. - Children’s Story Hour - library,
H10:30 a.m. - Story Time - Cape Charles
H2 p.m. - Adult Education Prgm. by Amy Shockley - Carrie
Watson Club House, Onley
H4 p.m. - Chess Club - Cape Charles Memorial Library - all
ages, levels welcome
H5:30 p.m. - Shore Losers mtg. - Drummondtown Baptist
Church, Accomac - $1 donation/week
H5:30 p.m. - TOPS VA-550 mtg. - Zion Baptist, Parksley 787-7099
H6:30 - Kiwanis Club of Chincoteague mtg. - St. Andrew’s
H6:30 - 8:30 p.m. - GED Class - ESCC, Melfa
H7 p.m. - NA mtg. - Painter Garrison UMC
H7 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Atlantic UMC
H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Union UMC, Greenbackville
30 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Last Week’s Answers
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 31
Classified Ads, Real Estate Ads, Auctions & Legal Notices
Eastern Shore Trading POST
The Atlantic High School Class of 1972 will be having a
43rd Class Reunion on August 15, 2015. We are asking
anyone with contact information on our classmates or if
you would like to come, please email that information
to Susie Jester Cole at burtons@shore.intercom.net
or call (757) 336-6501 or email Timmy Abbott at
Help Wanted
The Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) is seeking a
Tourism Development Specialist to serve the Chesapeake Bay and Eastern Shore Regions of Virginia. Working with tourism industry partners, the specialist will
facilitate the development of community-based tourism
programs, new product and tourism-related businesses.
Responsibilities include providing tourism strategic
planning, technical assistance, product development
guidance, cooperative marketing advice and consulting
services to communities, as well as connecting tourism
industry representatives with VTC services.
The successful applicant must have a comprehensive
knowledge of tourism development and marketing, economic development planning, and professional leadership and community development. Considerable knowledge of strategic planning, goal setting, community
visioning and value development, and project planning
and implementation preferred. The Tourism Development Specialist must be able to effectively manage multiple projects; communicate effectively verbally and in
writing; deliver presentations; work independently with
minimal supervision, as well as collaboratively within a
team environment; exhibit sound judgment in making
decisions; and maintain confidentiality on sensitive matters. The successful applicant must have the ability to
telecommute and the discipline to work independently
from a home office. The successful applicant will have
experience using multiple software packages including the Microsoft Office Suite and statistical software.
Degree or equivalent experience in business, public administration, marketing, hospitality or related field preferred. Considerable travel and evening meetings within
the served regions, including regular trips to the Richmond office will be required. A valid driver’s license is required. Salary minimum: $54,400. Please apply online @
Application Deadline: May 17, 2015.
Experienced Auto Tech - Must be motivated;
Minimum 5-years experience and own tools. Top pay. Call
787-4633 for info.
Tire and Lube Tech - Must be energetic and
have some tools. Top pay. Call 787-4633 for info.
Auto Mechanic
Kool Ford is hiring. Experience a must. Top dollar to right
individual. Ford experience pays extra!! Apply for this job if
your experience will move us forward. Kool Ford: 787-1209.
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences, SNAP-Ed
Northampton and Accomack Counties
is currently recruiting
The Extension Agent will provide overall coordination in
planning, developing, and implementing the SNAP-Ed volunteer and community-based program. On-line application process and details @ www.jobs.vt.edu: posting
AP0150142. If you are an individual with a disability and
desire accommodation please contact the hiring department at 804-524-5465.
Current certification as a Registered Nurse or Licensed
Practical Nurse is required. Prefer experience in a medical setting.
Virginia Tech is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
Summer Camp Counselor
Northampton County Parks and Recreation is seeking
highly motivated and energetic Summer Camp staff
with a love for the outdoors and working with children
ages 5 to 12 years old.
Summer Camp will be held at the former Northampton
Middle school and runs mid June 2015 – end of August
2015. CPR, Basic First Aid certifications and Child Care
Class will be a required part of the training process.
Criminal and Sex Offender Background checks are
required. Counselors must be 18 years or older and have
some child care experience.
Please refer to Northampton County’s website online at
www.co.northampton.va.us\jobs.html or an application
can be obtained through the Human Resources office.
Completed application form and cover letter can be
submitted to Human Resources, P.O. Box 66, Eastville,
VA 23347, no later than May 18, 2015. Northampton
County is an EOE.
reid & taylor roofing Painter – Carpenter
& Roofer needed. 678-6169.
deputy clerk - Accomack Juvenile and Domestic Relations District
Court. For details visit
www.courts.state.va.us and
click “Employment Opportunities” on the right hand side.
Arcadia Nursing and Rehab Center weekend
receptionist Must be
willing to work every other
weekend/holidays. EEOC.
coastal tire & auto
is looking for an AG and
Commercial tire service
technician. Please mail or
bring resume to store at
3502 Main St., Exmore,
23350. Salary based on exp.
Call office at 757-442-6116
or cell at 757-710-2866.
staff needed for small
bistro & sandwich cafe.
Must have prior restaurant
kitchen experience. Also
looking for dishwashers.
Apply at 227 Mason Ave
Cape Charles. No Phone
taking applications for
Waitresses & Dishwashers – Wright’s Restaurant,
Atlantic. Call 824-4012.
Class A cdl driver needed. Full-time, long distance.
Must have current physical, clean driving record,
produce experience preferred, references required.
Drug-free workplace, good
equipment, benefits available. CALL (757)678-5097.
Private, religious academy
seeking academically qualified instructor for Jr. High/
High School. For more information or to send a resume, call 757-894-4656.
All resumes/degrees will be
considered and reviewed.
no experience necessary: picking up
pine cones & sticks
on tree farm. Birdsnest, Va.
Open at a Northampton
County Tire & Automobile Repair Shop. Salary
based on experience. Call
Center Nurse
Individual must be energetic, flexible and self-motivated with strong attention to detail, communication,
teamwork, customer service and computer skills. This
position also requires a person with the ability to use
clinical assessment skills and perception to determine
the needs of the patient while working with the medical
provider. Ability to provide bilingual patient care is a
Lab Tech/Clinical Assistant
Onley Community Health Center
Must be a high school graduate or the equivalent. Must
have satisfactorily completed a phlebotomy training in
an approved school or have two years of experience in a
clinical laboratory.
Individual must be energetic, flexible and self-motivated with strong attention to detail, communication,
teamwork, customer service and computer skills. This
position also requires a person with the ability to use
clinical assessment skills and perception to determine
the needs of the patient while working with the medical
provider. Ability to provide bilingual patient care is a
Center Nurse Manager
Onley Community Health Center
Requires a LPN or RN with at least 1 year of office
nurse experience skilled in primary care procedures
such as phlebotomy, ECGs, handling of urgent care and
assisting with emergencies, preparing patients for exam
and assisting with physical exams, preparation of specimens for lab, administration of injections and medication, patient care instruction and telephone triage.
A person in this position must be a visionary with supervisory experience, mature judgment, good leadership,
interpersonal, communication and computer skills. The
ability to delegate responsibilities and create a climate
of teamwork and accountability is needed. Ability to
provide bilingual patient care is a plus.
These are 40-hour-a-week positions with benefits.
If you are a mission-driven person looking to make a
difference, email an application to dhr@esrh.org before
noon on May 19, 2015. Applications can be obtained
from www.esrh.org. Resumes may accompany the application but will not be considered if sent alone.
Eastern Shore Rural Health offers a competitive
benefits package and our campuses are TobaccoFree Workplaces. EOE/M/F/Disability/Vet
Place your help wanted ad in the
Eastern Shore Post for as little as
$10 per week! Call for free pricing at
32 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
SALES REPS Declaration Networks Group
(DNG), a broadband network provider, is looking
for a permanent hire Account Representative and
for Sales Agents on the
Eastern Shore. These individuals will be responsible for selling and servicing our NeuBeam high
-speed Internet and voice
products for residential
and small business customers.
should have 2+ years in a
(telecom/technology experience is helpful) and
good interpersonal and
Please send your resume
to barry@declarationnetw
orks.com. www.declaratio
ASSISTANT Tidewater Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Associates, P.A. has a
full-time position available
for a licensed PTA for our
Pocomoke, MD clinic. Applicants must have an interest in orthopedics and
desire to work in an outpatient setting.
Tidewater Physical Therapy was founded in 1984
and has 16 locations across
Maryland and Delaware.
Tidewater prides itself on
offering an excellent work
environment and providing
professional care to our patients. Tidewater believes
in rewarding our employees for their hard and the
excellent care provided to
our patients. If you want
to work in a friendly environment and for an employer that will appreciate
your hard work and dedication, contact us.
and benefit package offered.
Interested applicants should send resumes
Jennifer Walter, Chief Operating Officer
Auto Supplies
Reese 12k gtw dual
weight-distribution & anti-sway
system for towing a travel
trailer. Plus shank & ball.
Used twice. Regular $750,
Sell $375. Call 757-350-9055.
Boats, Etc.
Boat Slips
24’ Sea ox hardtop 200 h.p. merc w/
trailer - Shem toilet,
sleeps 4, new uphol. cabin,
GPS depth/fish finder, XM
VHF UHF FM radio, looks/
runs good, full curtains.
$6,500. 301-606-5902.
’06 17 1/2-ft. sea pro
cc - Virtually like new
w/90 h.p. Merc & all aluminum float on trailer. Ready
& equiped! $13,900 or small
boat). Jim: 757-789-5141
before 6 p.m.
whirlwind - Race or
fish w/18 h.p. manual-start
Johnson. Boat refinished
to show! Motor overhauled
w/mechanics guaranteed!
$5,900 (negotiable). Diane:
757-789-5141 before 6 p.m.
’00 maxum 2800 scr
twin 4.3L V6 engines.
Exc. cond. w/recent (2014)
maintenance record. Many
extras. $19K OBO. Call
w/1996 johnson 88 h.p.
SPL motor. Exc. cond., trailer included. $3K OBO. Call
’86 aquasport - 29ft. TM w/tower & controls,
full electronics & auto-pilot, radar & A/C. Twin 350
inboards, galley, head w/
shower, sleeps 4. $9,950.
Call 757-789-3513.
boat wheels - 4-blade,
1 pair, 19” x 23-11/2” shaft.
$500. Call 757-999-3437 &
leave message.
19.5-ft. privateer Custom from factory open,
full-length custom canopy.
40 h.p. Honda w/40 hrs.,
elec. start & tilt, all stainless steel deck fittings,
Load-rite trailer w/teflon
rollers. $9,500: it is a steal!
Call 757-875-0268.
34’ deltaville deadrise $28,500 obo Charter Fishing Boat. 2012
Re-Power Cat 3208T (757)
678-3718. dat556@verizon.net
20’ 4” open c-hawk ’95 Mercury 200 outboard,
trailer, $7,800. 710-2958.
’98 sunbird cuttycab - 130 h.p. Evinrude,
222 hours, w/trailer. $5,000.
757-709-1191, leave msg.
’05 17’ bayliner - Low
hrs., $4,200. 130 h.p. I/O,
depth finder, trailer, Call
710-8603 or 442-4141.
’91 SeaRay Sundancer
- 28’, 10’6” Beam, Twin Mercruiser I/O 5.0LX Engines;
A/C w/reverse cycle heat,
nice galley, head w/ shower,
sleeps 6, 2 custom canvases,
much more. 787-3454
deep water boat
slips available for rent
at Cedar Point Marine on
Onancock Creek. Water
& Electric available. Call
787-7777 or 787-2785.
1988 Grady White
20’, 225 h.p.
Yamaha, 2 axle
trailer. Ready to go.
REDUCED: $9,000.
Call 757-824-5748.
’90 22-ft. seapro cutty cabin - Rebuilt OMC
225. 160-gal. fuel tank,
22-ft. aluminum trailer w/
brakes (Grady White clone).
$10,300. Pat-757-442-4635.
OUTBOARD - 115 h.p. $1800.
Can be demoed. Good condition. 757-442-1345
mercury outboard
propeller ss 22Pitch - Like new. $450.
boat wheels - 3-blade,
1 pair, 22” x 23-11/2” shaft.
$500. Call 757-999-3437 &
leave message.
’99 angler - 22-ft. Walkaround Cutty Cab, 150
h.p. Johnson. Boat, motor,
all equipment & Venture
trailer: $7,000 OBO. Call
18’ ’75 laguna windsor sailboat - w/ ’01
Load-rite trailer, like new,
good learner boat, 6 h.p.
Johnson, Reduced: $1,000,
at Cape Charles Marina.
’77 22’ catalina sailboat - Swing keel, new
fiberglass, clean cabin, good
sails, 6 h.p. Yamaha long
shaft, Load-rite trailer.
$3,800 (OBO). 442-1132
24’ privateer w/130
H.P. Yamaha 2-stroke
Boat, motor, & trailer: asking $8,000 OBO. Pot puller
’03 aquasport - 19-ft.
4-in. CC, 115 h.p. Johnson
(low hrs.), EZ Loader trailer, new upholstery, must
see! REDUCED: $9,200.
OBO. Call 757-678-6098.
’01 18’ trophy - Very
good cond. + extras. Can
be seen at K & E Marine,
across from Perdue plant.
$11K. 757-678-3622.
’02 catamaran - 18’, 75
h.p. Mercury eng. & trailer.
Bought new in 2002. Low
engine hours & exc. cond.
$8,000 OBO. 331-1319
23’ bayliner - 5.7 I/O,
9.9 aux. motor w/hyd. lift,
anchor puller, sink, fridge,
stove, head, sleeps 4, trailer.
$8,995. 757-302-1185
Farm & Lawn
husqvarna yth2448t
riding mower - 48”
cut, Briggs & Stratton
2-cyl. OHV-Twin engine.
$825. Call 665-7340.
1953 ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE 600 FORD TRACTOR - $3,500. 442-7507.
2000 case maxi-c
w/Hydra-Bore & P-75
vibratory plow & 6-in.
digger chain, 492 use
hours. $7,500.
Call 757-442-9239.
horse hay - $5 per bale.
straw - $3.50 per bale.
Call 757-824-3930 or call
757-894-1339 (cell).
Misc. - For Sale
5-pc. rattan sunroom set - Couch, loveseat, chair, glass end table
& coffee table. Like new.
$1,200 OBO. 973-670-4451.
Chincoteague Island.
soft crabs
soft crabs
soft crabs
For Sale
items for sale - 6 piece
wall unit 16’x7’ $450; grills,
books, $’s low, not priced
items range from $2-$30.
754 taylor triplehead soft-serve ice
cream machine - Bought
new; only used 6 mos. GET
Water cooled. $2,500. Call
set of 4 chrome 20”
universal car rims
& 2 brand new tires
– Reduced: $225 for everything. 678-2566.
’09 fugitsu a/c heat
pump - High eff., all papers, works great/condition,
test ready. REDUCED: $600.
Call Scott at 442-2079.
simplicity basinet Like brand new with music
and vibrations. $75. Call
ROOM TABLE w/brass
legs $275. 757-787-7307.
pipe-threading machine - 1”-2” with dies &
oiler. $1,500. 757-710-0070.
Above-ground pool. 24’
round with auto cleaner.
Must be moved. $2,950
OBO. 757-709-0409
’88-’92 maxx racing
card set - And 1990
Skybox NBA Card Sets:
Make Offer. 710-8637
generator: 1850-watt
Coleman Generator: $200.
Misc. used office furniture
& working gangboxes: Call
for prices. 710-0070
FOR SALE: antique
china closet. $200
OBO. Call 757-787-7307.
baldwin piano - Excellent condition. Needs
tuning. $400. 757-710-8612
colonial-style recliner - Burgundy, very
good cond. $200 OBO. Call
Mobile Homes
Holland Hill
Residential Community
29279 Tyler Drive
New Church, VA 23415
2- & 3-BDRM mobile homes
rent starts at $550 per month.
washer/dryer hook-up.
Weekly trash pick-up/
water/sewer are included in
rent. Transit Bus Service.
No pets.
are you a veteran
and looking for
a new home? Call
302-846-0495 for details.
we pay top $$$ dollar $$$ for tradeins!!! Call to schedule your free home
evaluation: 302-846-9100.
new 3BR, 2BR home
only $500.00 deposit Call for details:
2br mobile homes
in northern acc.
cty. for rent - Section 8 approved. Call
Mobile Home Parts
for sale. Dreamland Homes,
Rt. 13, Accomac, VA.
we pay top $$$ dollar $$$ for used
homes. Call for details: 302-846-0495.
nueva casa 3 recamoras & 2 banos solo
$500 deposito Llame
para los requisitos
Real Estate
lot for sale - .912
acres. Well & septic installed. On Boston Rd.,
Pungoteague (just south
of Big Pine Rd.) Asking
$25,900. Call 757-710-7349
A boating paradise with 37 public
boat ramps, 4 public beaches &
14 uninhabited barrier islands.
3/4 acre near marina $29,900;
1.29 acre on tidal pond w/beach
access $39,900;
2.4 acre on scenic cove w/dock
1.8 acre, on large inlet to
Chesapeake w/expansive view
Low, low taxes, near hospital,
restaurants, schools & shopping.
for sale: wallops
launch pad view
3/4-acre lot - Site
ready. Priced below assessment. Call 757-710-0501.
for sale: craddockville - House w/3BR,
1.5BA, on 1/2-acre lot w/lg.
workshop & outbuilding.
Enclosed den & screened
front porch. Lg. living &
dining rooms. WOW: only
$139,000. Call 442-9436.
wachapreague - Tax
Map 113, double circle 2,
parcel G. 26.43 acres. Asking $5K/acre. Call 442-9791
Rentals - Apts.
onancock - 2BR, Kitchen, W/D, gas heat, A/C.
Lease, security required.
Call 757-787-8429. $775.
tem peran ceville
apartment. $425/mo. Call
onancock - Deluxe
2BR, Liv. & Din. area, 1BA,
W/D, All Appliances, $675/
mo. 1 year lease, 1 mo. sec.
dep., & ref. req’d. 787-7640.
Available now.
cape charles - Liv,
DR, 2BR, 3 blks. to beach,
$650/mo. Credit check. Call
tasley - 2BR, 1BA, upstairs apt. $575/mo. + deposit. No Sec. 8. 710-1104.
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 33
attucks apts.
3208 Thurgood Marshall Rd.
Exmore, VA 23350
3-bedroom units available for immediate occupancy by qualified applicants. Special offer:
April 1, 2015 thru June 30,
2015–$20.00 application
fee waived, $250.00 discounted flat rate security
deposit for all applicants
meeting the 3-bedroom occupancy standards. Applications will be available at
3208 Thurgood Marshall
Road, Exmore, Virginia
from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Applications may be requested by
calling the Crispus Attucks
office number or visiting
the Accomac Northampton
Regional Housing office in
• Housing Choice Vouchers
• Rental Assistance Available
accomack manor
apartments for
seniors (55 & over)
fitness, computer,
& community rooms
Planned activities &
pet friendly
mill run
35409 Mill Run Lane
Belle Haven, VA 23306
3-bedroom units available for immediate occupancy by qualified applicants. Special offer:
April 1, 2015 thru June
30, 2015–$20.00 application fee waived for all applicants meeting the 3-bedroom occupancy standards.
Applications will be available at 35409 Mill Run
Lane, Belle Haven, Virginia from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday thru Friday. Applications may be requested
by calling the Mill Run office number or visiting the
Regional Housing office in
Housing Choice Vouchers Accepted
Rental Assistance Available
Village I & II
Hartley Hall
Senior Housing
in Pocomoke City, Md., is
accepting applications for
1-bedroom and efficiency
apartments in an elderly
housing subsidized apartment complex. Contact 410957-2252 for application or
visit office at 1006 Market
Street in Pocomoke City.
Equal Housing
Rentals Commercial
onancock - 5,400 sq. ft.
warehouse/office. Good for
contractor or service company. 757-710-0897.
available - Between
Onley and Onancock. All
utilities (except phone).
Call 787-7105.
2 units for rent Salon/office space & office/
storefront. Rt. 13, Exmore.
Call for details. 757-7101095.
Rentals - Houses
exmore - 2BR, 1BA home
w/deck & shed. Extra-large
treed lot on a dead-end
street. Close to hospital &
schools. Perfect for teacher
or RN. $650/mo. Ref. req.
Avail. Aug. 1. 757-678-7500.
parksley - 3BR, 1BA.
$600/mo. Sec. 8 welcome.
Call 757-620-6474.
painter - 3BR, 1BA, 2
garages. $825/mo. M & M
Property Management. Call
mulch - Off-duty professional fireman. Skid-steer
work. Call for a free estimate: 757-630-7372.
Simpson Tree & BOBCAT Service - Tree trimming, removal and stump
grinding. 787-2100 or 7108477. FREE ESTIMATES.
We accept credit cards.
paRKS paving
Paving, Seal Coating, All
Repairs, Culvert Pipes &
Extensions, Dirt Work,
Bobcat & Mini Backhoe
Services. Locally Owned
Business. 757-710-9600.
Spring is here: Get your driveway in shape!
Tree & Stump Removal, Stone, Dry Clam Shells, Top
Soil, Fill Dirt, Excavation, & Backhoe Work
LEATHER & VINYL REPAIR Fibrenew Delmarva
Just Call Site Work
John C. Miller at
Capable, Affordable,
Garage Doors
Automatic Openers
Installation, Sales
& Service
Affordable Rates
Call 894-3151
Cherry and more for
sale. Rough cut or planed
available or we saw your
logs. Portable Sawmill.
mini storage
Rt. 650, Taylor Rd.,
Tasley. 757-787-3059.
$10 Off 1st month’s rent
Vehicles – Cars,
Trucks, SUVs, RVs
’08 gulfstream b
touring xl edition Only 7,840 mi., 2 slide-outs,
immaculate. $80,000. Call
’03 thor 37-ft. intruder - 3 slide-outs, 47K orig.
miles, 2 A/C units, generator, self-leveling hydraulic
jack. $29,500. 757-710-1431.
’01 mazda miata mx5
convertible - Silver w/black int., auto., exc.
cond., 141K mi., $4,000 firm.
Call 757-710-4747.
’03 ford sport trac
V6, auto., 4x4, sun roof,
good tires, great cond.,
212K miles, $4,300 OBO.
’04 f150 4x4 ford xlt
lariet - All options, 200K
mi., mechanically & physically sound. $7,800. Call 757620-9042 or 757-653-0371.
ISA Certified Arborist
Licensed & Insured
Free estimates. 442-7540
’81 Cadillac El Dorado Diesel. Very good
cond. Low mileage. $4,850.
Call Rodney 665-4639.
’11 trailrunner rv Length 34.8 ft., weight 7,136
lbs., 2 axles, 1 power side,
has awning, perfect condition: $13,000. Carolyn Annis
’73 f600 ford dumptruck - Runs good.
$3,000. Call after 5 p.m. Call
’11 mustang gt 5.0 –
6-spd. auto., red exterior
& black interior. 9,900 mi.
$22,000. 410-957-4508.
rare 2005 ssr chevrolet roadster Hard-top convertible, LT-1
Corvette engine, black,
exc. cond., special stripes.
$38,000. Call 757-894-1664.
’00 mustang – 150K mi.
New tires, brakes clutch &
$4,300 Firm. Call 710-7571.
’84 Monte Carlo - Classic. 45,000 actual miles, AM/
FM cassette, power brakes &
steering. $8,800. 442-5009.
class-c motorhome
Leprechaun 32-ft., 2 slideouts, leveling jacks. Loaded
w/extras. $58,900 OBO.
2-dr. sedan. $1,800 firm.
442-2263 after 5.
’99 35th anniversary
gt mustang - Professionally installed engine
9/15/11, 36-mo. warranty
on engine still good. $7,500.
Good cond. 757-377-8261.
’10 toyota tacoma
pre-runner supercab – 83K miles, Exc.
Cond. REDUCED: $16,500.
Call Jeff at 678-6041.
14319 Deer Path
Hallwood, VA 23359
(757) 990-1131
Residential • Commercial
FREE Estimates • Stump Grinding
Stump Removal • Lot Clearing • Excavation
Licensed and Insured
’03 ford mustang –
Newly painted yellow, P/S,
A/T, A/C, CD player w/remote,
full power, V6, exc. cond.,
112.5K mi., REDUCED:
1969 4-door chevy
malibu – Has a solid
frame. Restoration project.
350 rebuilt engine. Title included. $2,200 OBO. Leave
message: 787-4143.
’12 nissan altima 2.5S, 4-DR, 4-cyl. automatic,
A/C, CD player, cruise control, power window/locks,
like new, warranty, 22K mi.,
$14,900. Call 443-235-0304.
Vehicles – Motorcycles
& ATVs & Scooters
’07 suzuki bergman
650 scooter - 29K
mi., electric/manual shift,
$2,450. Call before 5 p.m.:
’07 kawasaki vulcan
900 custom - Exc. cond.,
2,600 mi., garage kept,
many extras. $4,200. Call
classic HARLEy davidson - Merlot sunglow
metal flake & vivid black w/
pinstriping. 96 h.p., 1,133
mi., garage kept, Vance
Hansen modified exhaust,
$18,500. 757-694-1336.
’88 BMW motorcycle
- K100RS, 52K miles. Has
bags, fairing, & windshield.
$3,000 OBO. 50 m.p.g. Call
‘04 Harley fat boy
Exhaust, 6,773 miles. Asking $9,500. Call 757-7099112 or 757-709-4963.
Yard/Estate Sales
SALE - Sat. May 16. 7
a.m.-noon. Marshall Street,
Onancock (off of Market
St.) Follow the signs.
sale - Sat., May 16. 8-1.
19 North St., Onancock. Variety of items.
ONANCOCK - at 1 Chandler St. Super Rain or
Shine Yard Sale - Lots of
great stuff (vintage to new)
on our huge wrap around
porch including furniture
and artwork priced to sell!!
May 16, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
painter - Sat., May 16.
7 a.m.-? 32140 Boggs Rd.
sm. elec. wood splitter, fishing rods, duck decoys, household goods & garden tools.
yard sale - Sat., May
16. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 2 blocks
east of the post office (on
the corner of Seaside Ave. &
Cooke St.), Parksley.
34 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Legal Advertising
Pursuant to Decrees of the Circuit
Court of the County of Accomack,
Virginia entered in the cases specified
herein, the following real estate will be
sold at public auction on Thursday, May
28, 2015, at the Accomack County Circuit
Courthouse, 23316 Courthouse Avenue,
Accomac, VA 23301 at 12:00 p.m., to-wit:
MAP NO. 109A0A00000200
All that parcel of land near Boston,
Pungoteague District, Accomack County,
Virginia, fronting 80 ft. on a road leading
from Route #178, and a depth of 160 ft.,
bounded Northeast by Randolph Bailey;
and Southeast by said road; Southwest
and Northwest by Robert Bull.
MAP NO. 08700A000002500
All that parcel of land in in the Town of
Accomac, Lee District, Accomack County,
Virginia, being 0.50 acre, more or less,
bounded East by Pekin Lane for 100 ft.;
South by woodsland; West by land formerly known as the Turlington property; and
North by Hiram and Brenda Simpkins.
MAP NO. 0850002000001E0
All that parcel of and on VA Route 653
near the Town of Onancock, Accomack
County, Virginia, having a frontage of 160
ft. on said road and extending back 150
ft., bounded South by said road; West by
G. S. Brown; North and East by Edwin
MAP NO. 109A0A000002200
All that parcel of land at Boston, Pungoteague District, Accomack County, Virginia, bounded Southeast by an outlet for 90 ft.
separating the lands herein and the Major
property; on the Northeast by Charles Dennis for 160 ft.; On the Northwest by Charles
Dennis for 90 ft.; On the Southwest by
Robert and Nellie Bull for 160 ft.
MAP NO. 029A10400007100
All that parcel of land in Accomack
County, Virginia, being Lot 71, Unit IV,
Sheet I, Chincoteague Bay Trails End.

MAP NO. 11700A0000037C0
All that parcel of land near Davis
Wharf, Pungoteague District, Accomack
County, Virginia, being 1.00 acre, more or
less, fronting 170 ft. on VA State Route
612, with a depth of 280 ft., bounded
North by Russell S. Custis, Jr. and E. R.
Custis, III; South by VA State Route 612;
West by Ruth C. Swope.
MAP NO. 029A10200023700
All that parcel of land in Accomack
County, Virginia, being Lot 237, Unit 3,
Sheet 7, Chincoteague Bay Trails End.
MAP NO. 005A10100089100
All that parcel of land in Atlantic
District, Accomack County, Virginia, being
Lot 891, Section 1, Captain’s Cove.
MAP NO. 005A40300245900
All that parcel of land in Atlantic
District, Accomack County, Virginia, being
Lot 2459, Section 5, Captain’s Cove.
MAP NO. 03900A000005800
All that parcel of land near Marsh
Market, Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia, fronting 90 ft. on VA Route
692, extending back 189 ft., bounded
North by Lewis Brothers; East by Earl
Marshall; West by the children of Earl O.
Marshall; South by VA Route 692.
MAP NO. 078A20200P00000 AND 078A20200Q00000
All that parcel of land in the Village
of Whitesville, Metompkin District, Accomack County, Virginia, fronting 50 ft.
on Garrison Street and shown as Lots P
and Q on a plat of J. B. Gibb, C.S., dated
February 1937, and filed with the suit of
“Parksley National Bank vs. Robert H.
Hall’s Executrix”.
MAP NO. 078A2A000000300
All that parcel of land in the Village
of Whitesville, near the Town of Parksley,
Metompkin District, Accomack County,
Virginia, fronting 50 ft. on Garrison Street
and extending back to within two feet
of Alfred T. Matthews, commencing at a
point on the southerly line of Garrison
Street 50 ft. from the intersection of the
easterly line of Staunton Avenue with the
southerly line of Garrison Street; thence
along the southerly line of Garrison Street
easterly 50 ft.; thence at right angles with
said street southerly at a line parallel
with Staunton Avenue to within two feet
of Alfred T. Matthews; thence on a right
angle westerly on a line parallel with Garrison Street a distance of 50 ft.; thence
at a right angle northerly on a line parallel with Staunton Avenue to the point of
beginning, bounded Northeast by Garrison Street; Southeast by Emory D.
Hinman; Southwest by Parksley Land and
Improvement Company; Northwest by
Robert H. Hall.
MAP NO. 029A20500031400
All that parcel of land in Accomack
County, Virginia, being Lot 314, Unit 3,
Sheet 5, Chincoteague Bay Trails End.
MAP NO. 07900A000000500
All that parcel of land in Metompkin
District, Accomack County, Virginia, being
0.06 acre, more or less.
MAP NO. 029A20100051300
All that parcel of land in Accomack
County, Virginia, being Lot 513, Unit 2,
Sheet 2, Chincoteague Bay Trails End.
MAP NO. 06800A0000213B0
All that parcel of land on the west side
of Virginia State Route 316, Metompkin
District, Accomack County, Virginia,
bounded East by Route 316 for 75 ft.;
South by Newman L. Jones and Agnes A.
Jones for 150 ft.; West by T. Drummond
Mason, Sr. and Margaret M. Somers for
75 ft.; North by C. Mitchell Johnson and
Sandra H. Johnson for 150 ft.
MAP NO. 11700A000004600
All that parcel of land near Craddockville, Accomack County, Virginia, being
1.00 acre, more or less, bounded North
and West by Marie Fosque; East and
South by John A. Davis, together with
a right-of-way 15 feet in width over the
Southeast corner of the lands of Marie
Fosque to the State Highway, described
as beginning at a stake located N. 86 deg.
30 min. East from the intersection of an
outlet road with the black top road leading from Shields to Craddockville; thence
running with the land of John A. Davis N.
86 deg. 30 min. East for 239 ft. to a stone
pipe; thence running with said John A.
Davis land N. 17 deg. 50 min. West for
132 ft. to a white oak tree; thence running
with lands of Marie Fosque S. 82 deg. 30
min. West for 255 ft. to a stake; thence
running with other lands of Marie Fosque
33 deg. 0 min. East for 119.50 ft. to the
MAP NO. 029A20300015300
All that parcel of land in Accomack
County, Virginia, being Lot 153, Unit 3,
Sheet 3, Chincoteague Bay Trails End.
The terms of sale require a deposit of
25% of the bid price with the balance due
in ten days.
Additional terms will be announced at
the sale.
Each sale shall be subject to confirmation by the Court.
Special Commissioner
7100 U. S. Route 17
Yorktown, VA 23692
(757) 898-7000
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 35
HERMAN J. CAMERON, if living
The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the
Plaintiff for delinquent taxes against certain real estate
described as follows:
All that parcel of land near the Village of
Atlantic, Atlantic District, Accomack County, bounded as follows: Beginning on the South side of Virginia TRUSTEE SALE
Lot 52 Moon Court, Cape Charles, VA 23310
aka 6 Moon Court, Cape Charles, VA 23310
Northampton County
In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal
amount of $145,327.05, dated August 15, 2008 recorded in
the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the Northampton
County, Virginia, in Document No. 080001897 and
modified in Document No. 120001743, default having
occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and
at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned
Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction
at the front entrance of the Northampton County
Courthouse, Eastville, on May 21, 2015 at 1:15 PM
the property described in said deed, located at the above
address and briefly described as:
Lot 52, Bay Creek at Cape Charles, Phase 1, with
The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the
Plaintiff for delinquent taxes against certain real estate
State Highway Route 703 54 ft. West of the Northwest
corner of land of Leon Harmon and Sarah W. Harmon,
running Westerly along South side of public road
a distance of 100 ft. to an iron stob; thence Southerly
parallel with the Western Boundary line of land of
Leon Harmon and Sarah W. Harmon 200 ft. to an
iron stob; thence Easterly parallel to said road 100 ft.
to an iron stob; thence Northerly parallel to the Western
boundary line of land of Leon Harmon and Sarah W.
Harmon 200 ft. to the point of beginning, designated as
parcel no. 04200A000000900.
LESS AND EXCEPT conveyances recorded in
Deed Book 816, page 42 and Deed Book 825, page 823.
devisees and successors in title of Claster Anne Crews
and Herman J. Cameron; and that Jeannie Nelson is a
nonresident of the state of Virginia, having a last known
post office address of P. O. Box 34321, Philadelphia, PA
It is ORDERED that this Order be published once a
week for two successive weeks in the Eastern Shore Post
and that the parties named herein appear on or before
June 5, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Clerk’s Office of the
Circuit Court for the County of Accomack, Virginia, and
do what may be necessary to protect their interests in
this suit.
standing in the names of Claster Anne Crews and Herman J. Cameron, pursuant to Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of
the Code of Virginia.
And an affidavit having been filed that due diligence
has been used to determine whether Claster Anne Crews
and Herman J. Cameron are living, or if deceased, to ascertain the names and location of all their heirs, devisees
and successors in title; that there are or may be other
persons having an interest in the real estate forming the
subject matter of this suit whose names and last post office addresses are unknown, namely, the unknown heirs,
improvements thereon.
and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we
advise you that this firm is a debt collector attempting to
collect the indebtedness referred to herein and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose.
Subject to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust, if any,
affecting the aforesaid property.
TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit of $20,000.00 or
10% of the sales price, whichever is lower, cash or certified check will be required at the time of sale, but no more
than $9,000.00 of cash will be accepted, with settlement
within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale. Sale is subject to post sale confirmation that the borrower did not file
for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the
sale, as well as to post-sale confirmation of the status of
the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited
to, determination of whether the borrower entered into
any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan
prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null
described as follows:
All that parcel of land near Horntown, Atlantic,
District, Accomack County, Virginia, being Lot 38,
Unit 2, Chincoteague Bay Trails End, and designated
as parcel no. 029A20600003800.
standing in the names of Mary C. Butler, Warren Butler,
Ruth Butler Ford, JoAnn R. Butler, David J. Butler, Joseph
C. Butler, Wathena E. Owens, Sharon E. Hemphill, Brenda
Butler, Charles Butler, Jr., and Jeffrey Butler, pursuant to
Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia.
And an affidavit having been filed that due diligence
has been used to ascertain the location of David J. Butler,
but without effect; and that Mary C. Butler, Warren Butler, Ruth Butler Ford, JoAnn R. Butler, Joseph C. Butler,
Wathena E. Owens, Sharon E. Hemphill, Brenda Butler,
Charles Butler, Jr. and Jeffrey Butler are nonresidents
of the state of Virginia; that the last known post office
address of Mary C. Butler is 905 Beacon Way, Annapolis, MD 21401; that the last known post office address
of Warren Butler is 2100 Porter Avenue, Suitland, MD
20746; that the last known post office address of Ruth
Butler Ford is 9802 Dyson Road, Brandywine, MD 20613;
that the last known post office address of JoAnn R.
Butler is 6101 Ridgeview Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206;
that the last known post office address of David J. Butler
is 5323 Holmes Run Parkway, Alexandria, VA 22304; that
the last known post office address of Joseph C. Butler is
ENTER: This 30th day of April, 2015
Nancy-Jo Revell, Deputy Clerk
I ask for this:
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 1410
7100 U.S. Route 17
Yorktown, VA 23692
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., Substitute Trustee
This is a communication from a debt collector.
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (29671)
5040 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 120
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
757-457-1460 - Call between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or
visit our website at www.siwpc.net
5716 Owens Drive #304, Pleasanton, CA 94588; that the
last known post office address of Wathena E. Owens is
1410 Young Street S.E. #9, Washington, DC 20020; that
the last known post office address of Sharon E. Hemphill
is 220 Lakeview Ridge West, Roswell, GA 30076; that the
last known post office address of Brenda Butler is 6905
Berkshire Drive, Camp Springs, MD 20748; that the last
known post office address of Charles Butler, Jr. is 3425
Medina Lane, Bowie, MD 20715; and that the last known
post office address of Jeffrey Butler is 1001 Glen Willow
Drive #5, Capitol Heights, MD 20743.
It is ORDERED that this Order be published once a
week for two successive weeks in the Eastern Shore Post
and that the parties named herein appear on or before June
5, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court
for the County of Accomack, Virginia, and do what may be
necessary to protect their interests in this suit.
ENTER: This 30th day of April, 2015
Nancy-Jo Revell, Deputy Clerk
I ask for this:
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 1410
7100 U.S. Route 17
Yorktown, VA 23692
36 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
Legal Advertising
Eastern Shore Mini Storage, Inc. - Auction
Saturday, May 23, 2015
21012 Fairgrounds Rd., Onancock, VA
location at 10:00 A.M.
#O0310 in the name of Tammy Jean Rood
#O163 in the name of Tierra Beckett
#O0324 in the name of Karen Haggins
#O0256 in the name of Adam Hall
#O0117 in the name of Sheneka Littleton
#O0130 in the name of Angel Mascarinas
#O061 in the name of Charlie Pettit
#O0205 in the name of Michael Teets
28523 Railroad Ave., Melfa, VA
location at 11:00 A.M.
#M0090 in the name of Natalie Downing
33229 Railroad Ave., Painter, VA
location at 11:30 A.M.
#P0038 in the name of Kimberly Bellamy
#P014 in the name of Elisa E. Reid
Cash and Carry Only
Request for Proposals
Grass Cutting for Overgrown Properties
Northampton County is seeking proposals for on-call
grass cutting of overgrown properties. Contractors must
furnish all of the equipment, transportation, labor and
maintain automobile, liability, and workers’ compensation insurance. Proposals must contain a complete listing
of equipment to be used, the rate per parcel for these services, and a copy of the insurance coverage maintained
by the proposer. Rates per parcel should be specified as
follows and should be a flat fee per the size of the parcel,
not an hourly rate:
Parcel Size in
Rate per square foot/acre
Under .25
Interested persons may contact Gwen Thompson, Code
Compliance Officer at (757) 678-5296, for the specifications.
Proposals should be returned to the County Administrator Office, 16404 Courthouse Road, P.O. Box 66, Eastville,
Virginia, not later than 5:00 pm June 01, 2015.
The County reserves the right to amend or cancel this
RFP at any time if it is in the best interest of the County.
Vendors who either individually or jointly with another
owe delinquent taxes to Northampton County or who
have an ownership interest in an entity which owes delinquent taxes to Northampton County may submit bids
and may be awarded a contract; however, all such delinquent taxes will be deducted from any sums due the vendor under the contract before any payment is made to the
Northampton County is an equal employment opportunity employer. Bidders who owe taxes to Northampton
County are eligible for consideration with the understanding that accounts payable under an agreement will
first be paid to delinquent tax accounts.
23421 COUNTY OF ACCOMACK, as erroneously
omitted from the foreclosing deed of trust.
In execution of a certain deed of trust dated 05/12/05,
in the original principal amount of 145,104.72 recorded
in the County of Accomack, Virginia, as Instrument No.
200502910, as amended by an instrument appointing the
undersigned as Substitute Trustee, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and
at the request of the holder, the undersigned Substitute
Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of
the building housing the Circuit Court of the COUNTY
OF ACCOMACK, VA located at 23316 Courthouse Avenue, Accomack, Virginia, 23301 on June 5, 2015, at 8:30
am, the property described in said deed of trust, located
at the above address, with improvements thereon and
more particularly described as follows: CONTAINING 1
TERMS OF SALE: Neither the Substitute Trustee nor the
holder of the note secured by the deed of trust will deliver
possession of the property to the successful bidder. The
purchaser at the sale will be required to pay all closing
costs. Real estate taxes, water/sewer fees and other public charges will be prorated as of the date of sale. The risk
of loss or damage to the property passes to the purchaser
immediately upon the conclusion of the Substitute Trustee’s sale. Terms: A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%)
of the sale price or ten percent price (10%) of the original
principal balance of the subject deed of trust, whichever
is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable
to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of
sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within
15 days at the office of the Substitute Trustee. Time is
of the essence as to the closing date and the payment of
the purchase price. If payment of the balance does not
occur within fifteen days of the sale date, the deposit will
be forfeited. Seller shall not be responsible for any costs
incurred by the purchaser in connection with their purchase or settlement, including, without limitation, state
and local recording fees, title insurance or research, or
any other costs of purchaser’s acquisition. Trustee shall
have no duty to obtain possession for purchaser. All risks
of casualty pass to successful bidder at conclusion of bidding. The property and the improvements thereon will be
sold “AS IS” and without representation or warranties of
any kind. The sale is subject to all liens, encumbrances,
conditions, easements and restrictions, if any, superior to
the mentioned deed of trust and lawfully affecting the
property. Sale is subject to post-sale confirmation that
the borrower did not file for protection under the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale, as well as to post-sale
confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the
loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination
of whether the borrower(s) entered into any repayment
agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the
sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and void,
and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall
be the return of the Purchaser’s deposit without interest. Additional terms to be announced at the sale. For
information contact: Abby Moynihan, member of Surety
Trustees at 301-490-3361 or www.mwc-law.com.
Case No. CL14000152-00
Accomack County Circuit Court
23316 Courthouse Avenue Accomac, VA 23301
Commonwealth of Virginia, in re
walter drummond
v. kristen drummond
The object of this suit is to:
obtain a divorce.
It is ORDERED that kristen drummond appear
at the above-named court and protect her interests on or
before June 16, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
April 23, 2015
Nancy-Jo Revell, Clerk
Town of Onley
Invitation for Bid
Grounds Maintenance Services
The Town of Onley will receive bids for Grounds and
Maintenance Services for the period of one year. Bid
packages can be picked up at the Town Office, 25559
E. Main Street, Onley, VA. Bids should be delivered to
the Town Office at 25559 E. Main Street, Onley, VA by
4:00pm June 5, 2015. The Town of Onley is an equal opportunity employer.
7259 Kellam Drive, Silver Beach, VA 23350
Northampton County
In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal
amount of $101,250.00, dated August 29, 2002 recorded in
the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the Northampton
County, Virginia, in Document No. 020002102, in
Book No. 355, at Page 556, default having occurred in
the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the
front entrance of the Northampton County Courthouse, Eastville, on June 4, 2015 at 1:15 PM the property described in said deed, located at the above address
and briefly described as:
Lots 56 and 57, Silver Beach, Section II, with improvements thereon.
Subject to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust, if any,
affecting the aforesaid property.
TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit of $20,000.00 or
10% of the sales price, whichever is lower, cash or certified check will be required at the time of sale, but no
more than $9,000.00 of cash will be accepted, with settlement within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale. Sale
is subject to post sale confirmation that the borrower did
not file for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code
prior to the sale, as well as to post-sale confirmation of
the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but
not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest. Additional terms may be announced at the
time of sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we advise you that this firm is a debt
collector attempting to collect the indebtedness referred
to herein and any information we obtain will be used for
that purpose.
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., Substitute Trustee
This is a communication from a debt collector.
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (2976)
5040 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 120
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
757-457-1460 - Call between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
or visit our website at www.siwpc.net
As a recognized Newspaper of Record serving
Accomack & Northampton counties, the
Eastern Shore Post is pleased to offer free
quotes for your legal advertising needs.
Simply fax your ad to
or e-mail
May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 37
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May 15, 2015 • Eastern Shore Post • 39
~ Guest Column ~
Parents Who Actively Teach & Train Children
Last in a Five-Part Series
By Rev. Andrew Matthews MDiv
product of the unique values your family holds. But
the question is: How does a family determine values
and how are those values impressed upon the different members of the family? Some families allow the
values of the home to be set by the educational system. As thankful as we are for our schools, they do
not have the responsibility to determine the values
of the home. Other families look to the church and
religious education to set the values of the home. As
important as the faith community is to society, at its
best it can only set a standard of values and support a home to establish values. Sadly, when it comes
to setting values, some families are like a boat that
has lost its rudder, floating and moving wherever the
latest wind or tide take them. Without question, the
values in a family must be set by the parents. Parents must work for those values to become the driving force of the functional family by actively teaching
and training their children.
The ancient Greeks viewed parenting as a twofold
function that had to work hand in hand: teaching and
training. The Greek origins of the verb “to teach” literally means “to put into the mind.” This would be primarily though verbal instruction, but also includes
the practical and hands-on kind of learning that helps
words better stick in our minds. The Greek idea for
training always involved action: either nurturing or
Post Office Mail
Where Were the Constituents?
Dear Editor:
Last night at ESCC (which recently got a
grant of $24 million from the General Assembly
for a new building), state Sen. Lynwood Lewis
presented an information forum regarding the
just completed General Assembly session.
Approximately seven people were in attendance. If you pay attention, you would know
that Lyn ably represents ALL the people of
the Shore and is very accessible. Where were
his constituents? The meeting was after work
hours, etc. The one last year was very well attended. So what happened this time?
He does write columns in the paper, but you
cannot ask questions there. This is a forum
and any and every question will be answered
or someone will find the answer for you.
They say you get the government you deserve. We have a responsibility, as does Lyn, to
know what is going on in Richmond. He doesn’t
know what you think if you are not there to
tell him. His office uses the newspaper, as well
as Facebook and email, for publicity about the
chastising the child, depending on the child and the
circumstances. No two children are alike and each
needs different action from the parent in different
circumstances. For the Greeks, teaching and training were looked at as the two wheels of a chariot that
needed to be rolling together and in the same direction for a child to receive the values of parents.
While I am no mechanic, I do know this about
wheels that turn on an axle: There can be a lot of friction as the wheels turn. Friction, if left unchecked,
will result in damage to the wheel and possibly lead
to the wheel even coming off. In our homes, teaching
and training can produce a lot of friction between
parent and child, and that friction can damage the
relationship so that the values of the home are lost.
How can parents prevent this friction when teaching and training their children? To prevent friction
between a wheel and axle, oil and grease are liberally applied to keep the moving parts from damaging each other. In the home, the grease that counteracts the friction from teaching and training is LOVE.
Both teaching and training need to be given to children with generous amounts of love.
When it comes to actually teaching and training
children with love, it must be recognized that each
child is unique and will respond to different expressions of love. In his book, “The Five Love Languages
for Children,” Dr. Gary Chapman provides help for
parents to better understand their children and how
best to show love to them. While it is worth reading,
meetings — so where were those constituents?
People who were not there have no right to complain about anything going on in Richmond.
This is an open forum which evidently state
Del. Rob Bloxom does not have. You have to
catch him at a Habitat house, which does not
allow for much give and take. Plus, his most
recent column spoke mostly about the Model
General Assembly, which is a great institution,
but it didn’t even mention his main interests,
such as industrial hemp and a constitutional
convention and how they fared in this session,
so no one has any idea how he voted. Doesn’t
anyone care? Hopefully, these Model General
Assembly kids will grow up to be concerned
citizens and informed constituents. I was one
and it was a great experience.
Will someone write and say why you don’t
attend the forums of those representatives
who have them or would you rather meet your
rep on the street and ask a question without the attending benefit of hearing the suggestions and concerns of your fellow Eastern
Shoremen (“persons”)? Let’s hear from you.
And I thank Sen. Lewis for continuing to try to
interact with us, his constituents.
Sandra Beerends, Franktown
this book, I also have provided on myzbc.com some
free resources that can help you better understand
your child’s love language. If your family dynamic is
characterized by friction and frustration, it doesn’t
necessarily mean you are a bad parent or that you
don’t love your children. It is never too late to make
a new beginning. It could be that you just are not
communicating love the way they need to receive
it. Learn their Love Language so that when you are
teaching and training your children, the friction is
compensated with generous amounts of love they
can actually receive.
To borrow from another ancient culture, the Hebrew nation strived to make teaching and training
a natural part of life. Hebrews would creatively look
for teachable moments in the natural course of life:
around the dinner table, when they woke up, when
they went to bed, when they walked and when they
rested. Hebrews also displayed the values of the
family on the door posts of the home so they would
be reminded as they came in and out of the home
what was important to the family. This mindset by
the Hebrews made for an environment conducive to
creative instruction. Be the kind of parent who is actively and creatively teaching and training your children. No one else can do it better than you can.
Andrew Matthews is pastor of Zion Baptist Church (corner of Lankford Highway and
Metompkin Road) and can be reached by phone at
787-4095 or by email at andymatt.723@gmail.com
at the Post …”
Editor: Cheryl Nowak
Advertising Manager: Troy Justis
Sports Editor: Bill Sterling
Staff Writer: Linda Cicoira
Display/Classified Advertising Rep.: Angie H. Crutchley
Graphic Designer: Joshua Nowak
Regular Contributor: Ron West
Four Corner Plaza • P.O. Box 517
Onley, VA 23418
email: editor@easternshorepost.com
Phone: 757-789-POST (7678)
Fax: 757-789-7681
40 • Eastern Shore Post • May 15, 2015
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