How to Import a Harley Davidson Motorcycle from the USA
How to Import a Harley Davidson Motorcycle from the USA
How to Import a Harley Davidson Motorcycle from the USA Locate your Harley Davidson This can be done through eBay, craigslist or any of the multitudes of motorcycle dealers in the US. You need a bike that is standard (i.e. as it rolled out of the factory) or with all the parts to return it to standard. After you purchase the motorcycle, you will need to ask the seller to take photographs and complete and forward various documents to facilitate the export of the motorcycle so be upfront with this. It is no good paying the money then finding he won’t do any of this for you or supply you with the necessary documentation. Ensure your Harley motorcycle has clear title The US title is like an Australian REVS certificate. It indicates there is no money owing on the motorcycle or that it has not been damaged. Evidence of clear title is required by US Customs before the motorcycle can be exported. Not having clear title will delay the export and YOU will be required to pay any outstanding monies owing on the motorcycle. If there is no title on the motorcycle, one can usually be obtained but this can take months and cost over $500US – and it may not be clear! Arrange the purchase of your Harley Negotiate the purchase price and any additional parts the owner may have which will help return your Harley motorcycle to “standard” if required. The owner may also have other parts he no longer wants so it is worth asking. Arrange the payment Payment can be made in any number of ways including credit card, bank transfer or PayPal. Each of these has different costs and different levels of protection for the goods purchased. PayPal is quick and easy and if you don’t already have an account, you can get one here. Ask owner for required documentation Ask the owner to send you photos of the VIN, month and year of manufacture, speedo reading and any other photos of your Harley Davidson motorcycle you may want for your records. Ask the owner to send you a copy of the title. Ask the owner to complete the seller’s Export Declaration and forward with the original title by FedEx or UPS to our Carson deport. Make sure they record the tracking number and advise you of this number so you can advise us. (If the documents don’t arrive, they are impossible to trace without this number.) Ask the owner to ZIP tie the keys and any security fobs to the front brake hose so they cannot be lost. Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 1 of 9 If you take the keys or have them sent anonymously, we may never be able to correctly allocate them to your Harley Davidson. Complete application for shipping This form is attached. It is to ensure we have all the information required to arrange the shipping and importation of your Harley Davidson motorcycle back to Australia. We can also arrange collection of your Harley motorcycle from anywhere in the US if required. Information in regards to this needs to be supplied on the form (if applicable). Pay GST GST is invoiced when your Harley arrives and is payable before the motorcycle is released from the warehouse. Please note that if not paid within 24 hours of issuing of the invoice, storage charges of $70 per week may start to accrue. Pay for Compliance of your Harley We will then arrange collection of your motorcycle from the Brisbane docks and complete the compliance work. Upon payment of the compliance (and any other charges), your documents required for registration will be posted to you and you may collect your motorcycle. Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 2 of 9 Documents required Document Title Needed because This is like an Australian REVS certificate and confirms there are no liens on the Harley, there is no money owing on it and that is hasn’t been damaged and repaired. US Customs will not allow your Harley Davidson motorcycle to be exported without a clear title. Supplied by Required by Seller US Customs and You Shipper’s Export declaration This is like a receipt to allow the motorcycle to be exported. It is confirmation that the motorcycle has been sold and can be exported. You should put in your details before sending it to the seller. You to the Seller US Customs Photographs of VIN Date of Manufacture Photos of the VIN and month and year of manufacture are required for the Import approval. If someone makes a mistake in transcribing these numbers and the import approval application is rejected because of this, it can be impossible to check back if the motorcycle has been delivered to the LA depot or packed in a container. This will result in additional storage charges until the information can be verified Seller You and Qld Imports Photographs Of Speedo A photograph of the speedo can help you with your records (especially if it shows the odometer reading) and allow us to ensure we have the correct parts to change your speedo to metric when it arrives. Otherwise, there may be a delay in finishing your compliance modifications Seller You and Qld Imports Motorcycle Shipping Application The document is required to enable us to arrange collection of your motorcycle, shipping and packing, unloading in Brisbane and most importantly, to contact you when your motorcycle is ready to go. It is extremely important that all information on this form is correct. It also allows us to arrange insurance (if required) and warranty (if required). Purchaser Qld Imports to arrange shipping This is issued by the Department of Transport and Infrastructure and is required by Customs before the motorcycle can be released. A copy will be supplied to you when your motorcycle is collected as most registering authorities require a copy for registration. Qld Imports Australian Customs Consumer Information Notice (CIN) This is an official document to advise you that the motorcycle has not been supplied be “official” dealers and that parts and service may not be readily available in Australia. What can we say? A Harley is a Harley Qld Imports Registration Authorities Queensland Safety Certificate Required by Qld DoT for registration purposes. This can be supplied at additional cost if required. All states have similar requirements. Qld Imports Queensland Transport Registration Application Required to register your motorcycle State Registration Authority Registration Authorities CTP certificate Required to register your motorcycle Various suppliers Registration Authorities Import Approval (VIA) Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 3 of 9 Shipping and Motorcycle preparation Checklist Number 1 Item Date completed Locate motorcycle 2 Check for clear title – ask for copy 3 Agree on price 4 Ask for any additional parts seller may have 5 Get photos of VIN, Speedo and date of manufacture 6 Make payment 7 Send request to seller for title and any other documents to be forwarded in one parcel to shipping agent and for keys and security fobs to be zip tied to the front brake hose Draft letter attached 8 Complete Motorcycle Shipping Application and forward to Queensland Imports ( or fax 07 3255 1631) Automotive Shipping Application form attached 9 If you have additional freight or parts, complete the Freight Shipping Form and forward to Queensland Imports ( or fax 07 3255 1631) Freight Shipping Form attached 10 Pay GST upon receipt of invoice 11 Pay for compliance and collect motorcycle 12 Register motorcycle 13 Enjoy riding it 14 Got to 1 and repeat Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 4 of 9 Draft letter for you to forward to seller Hi, I have purchased your Harley VIN…………………………. I am importing this Harley to Australia but need various documents to enable this to happen smoothly. Can you please:1. Email me a photo showing the a. VIN b. Month and year of manufacture c. Speedo including odometer reading d. Copy of the title The VIN and month and year of manufacture are on a sticker on the front frame and a sample is shown below. I need this information for the Australian Customs. 2. Complete and print the attached Sellers Export Declaration 3. Forward the Title, Sellers Export Declaration, Shipping Request to:i. Import a Harley C/-Californian Image 16905 Cherie Place CARSON CA 90746 Please send this via FedEx or UPS and record the tracking number on the Shipping request form before sending it to me. Documents don’t often go missing but when they do they are much easier to find if I know the tracking number. I need these forms for US Customs and to arrange transport for the motorcycle. 4. Complete and print the Shipping request (Insert the tracking number etc) and email a copy to me. 5. Zip tie the keys and any security fobs to the front brake cable. 6. Be available for the Harley to be picked up. I can then arrange for the motorcycle to be collected at a time convenient to both you and the transport company. Attached are a Motorcycle Shipping Form and Sellers Export Declaration. Thank you. Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 5 of 9 PO Box 685 Archerfield QLD 4108 (07)3255 1630 Email: MOTROCYCLE SHIPPING FORM ALL CUSTOMERS MUST COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM BEFORE VEHICLES CAN BE SHIPPED Australian Client Name Phone Number Street Address Mobile Number Suburb Fax State Postcode Email address Vehicle Details Make VIN Model Colour Does vehicle run? Yes No Yes No Does the vehicle have clear title FedEx or UPS tracking ID US Pickup required Yes No Mon/Year of manufacture Original Titles and purchase documents to be sent via FedEx or UPS overnight to: Quote for US Pickup / Import a Harley C/- Californian Image 16905 Cherie Place, Carson, CA. 90746. $US This Service is provided by, but not part of ‘Californian Image’! However it is done by licensed bonded trucking brokers in the U.S. All cars are fully insured while in transit on mainland U.S. Californian Image accepts no responsibility for wrongly addressed or labeled documents. All post / parcels must have tracking consignment note numbers. All tracking and con note numbers are the responsibility of the Australian Client listed above. Address for US Pickup if required – additional cost – quote needs to be accepted by you prior to collection Contact Name Phone Number Street Address 1 Street Address 2 Suburb State ZIP Code Comments or additional instructions Signed Date / /201 NOTE: ALL TAXES AND DUTIES ARE THE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE AUSTRALIAN CLIENT AND ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE FINALISED 1 WEEK BEFORE VEHICLE ARRIVAL INTO AUSTRALIA. DISCLAIMER: The owner accepts all responsibility to ensure the vehicle has all correct paperwork and clear title. All shipping is arranged through Californian Image. Californian Image and Import a Harley do not accept responsibility for any damage to vehicles. Insurance is at the customers own discretion. All freight and loose items must be declared and proof of sale presented. No responsibility is taken for damage to items, and any items not declared may be confiscated. Customers will be liable for any other storage or extra fees incurred if false information is provided. Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 6 of 9 PO Box 685 Archerfield QLD 4108 (07)3255 1630 Email: Shipper’s Export Declaration (To be completed by the seller and returned before motorcycles can be shipped) Vehicle Details Make VIN Model Colour Odometer reading Original date of Purchase Mon/Year of manufacture / Seller’s Details Seller’s Name Phone Number Street Address 1 Street Address 2 Suburb State Phone Number Cell Phone Number Seller’s Identification Number Identification Type (SSN, Passport, EIN, Drivers License etc) ZIP Code As owner of this vehicle, I hereby release liability and transfer ownership to : Name Phone Number Street Address Mobile Number Suburb Fax State Sale Price Postcode $ Email address Date of Sale I declare under penalty of perjury that the statements herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize Titan International to file the shippers export declaration on my behalf for export purposes only. Seller’s Signature ………………………………………….. Issued 22 Jan 2011 Date___/___/_____ Page 7 of 9 U8/1 Business Dr Narangba QLD 4504 (07)3293 4055 (07)3293 4377 Email: Freight Service Californian Image offers a freight shipping service direct from Carson, California to Brisbane. If you have motorcycle parts to come with your motorcycle that are not actually part of the motorcycle (additional exhaust, clothing, spare panniers etc) we can ship them but they will be shipped as general freight and charged accordingly. We have containers leaving weekly with a 5-6 week delivery time. Freight forms must be completed and returned to our office with a copy of the invoice of your purchases before any freight can be shipped. We ship all freight, big and small; many people take advantage of the excellent exchange rate and buy goods from eBay in America and can do so with confidence as Californian Image will ship it for you. Our minimum fee is $50 and is charged on a cubic metre rate. (We ship crate engines for $500.) Our fee includes customs clearance, quarantine and unpacking from the container etc. Please ensure your goods are securely packed and all parcels are clearly marked with your name and contact details. If the parts are intended to be fitted to your Harley, please ensure the motorcycle VIN is clearly marked on the outside of the packaging together with your name. If for whatever reason your parts require additional cleaning or quarantine inspections, you will be required to pay such charges prior to release of the goods. All parts will be brought back to our new depot located at; Californian Image Unit 8/1 Business Drive Narangba QLD 4504 For you to pay for and collect. Please feel free to call out office with any questions on 3293 4055. Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 8 of 9 U8/1 Business Dr Narangba QLD 4504 (07)3293 4055 (07)3293 4377 ABN: 95 818 337 878 Email: FREIGHT SHIPPING FORM Australian Client Name Phone Number Street Address Mobile Number Suburb Fax State Postcode Email address Freight Details Box Type: Parcel Size of items mm Pallet Number of items mm wide X mm high X mm deep Package Contents - please provide a brief description of the goods or attach an itemized invoice showing the value of each individual item 1 2 Value $US 3 4 5 US Collection required -- Yes No If yes, please complete the following Name Phone Number Street Address Mobile Number Suburb Fax State Zip Email address This Service is provided by, but not part of ‘Californian Image! It is done by licensed bonded freight brokers in the U.S. All packages must be clearly marked with the following information: Your Name C/- Californian Image 16905 Cherie Place, Carson, CA. 90746. DISCLAIMER: Californian Image accepts no responsibility for wrongly addressed or labeled items. The owner accepts all responsibility to ensure the freight has all correct paperwork. Insurance is at the customers own discretion. All freight and loose items must be declared and proof of sale presented. No responsibility is taken for damage to items, and any items not declared may be confiscated. Customers will be liable for any other storage or extra fees incurred if false or misleading information is provided. Minimum shipping fee $50. THIS FORM WITH BILL OF SALE ATTACHED MUST BE RETURNEDBEFORE ITEMS CAN BE SHIPPED! Issued 22 Jan 2011 Page 9 of 9