SOP C !!! M
SOP C !!! M
MAY 28, 2013 VOLUME 70, NO 22 SOP CALENDAR!!! MEMBERSHIP BARBERSHOP HISTORY TUESDAY’S MUSIC: IMPORTANT!! FRED KOCH MEMORIAL BASH DISTRICT CONTEST REGISTRATION GO FOR THE GOLD SHOW KIDNEY STONES!!!! BARBERSHOPPER OF THE MONTH Click the buttons above to go directly to the related article, or click on any of the icons throughout the and go directly to the corresponding website. 5/28/2013 Congratulations to Cary for taking over Tuesday night in Gary’s absence and bringing his own singing concepts and enthusiasm to those lucky enough to be on the risers. Although somewhat repetitious and a lot of work, Cary was able to get us to understand what he was looking for in the form of “locking chords” and “ringing overtones”. The night began with a computer presentation on the theory behind the creation of “overtones”. Thanks to Danny Ryan for his “vocal prowess” in helping Cary visually generate the “5ths”, the “3rds” and the “7ths”, etc. In addition to the hard work, it was really fun when Cary gave us the opportunity to randomly position ourselves on the risers. As we soon noticed, it was neat to actually hear something other than “baritone!!! We could actually hear when we “locked the chords” with the other parts. Thank you again, Cary, for sharing your talents!!! GREATER PHOENIX CHAPTER PHOENIX, ARIZONA , USA PAGE 1 MORE OF THE SAME REPERTOIRE REVIEW What? The barbershop quartet contest rules are changing? Again? Yep, and this has been going on for CONTEST PACKAGE the life of our great Society. For instance, prior to the 1945 International Contest, Frank Thorne headed a Rules Committee to refine the contest rules. One of the most important changes was the addition of a T IM E PE NAL TY !! ! ! In Society contests a quartet shall sing not less than 4 minutes nor more than 6 minutes. Penalty for each second under or over time shall be as noted in the following table: Here are samples of the penalties: FOCUS ON VOCAL PLACEMENT RINGING CHORDS LOCKING THE VOWELS RHYMIC BREATHING Over or under time – seconds 5 15 10 15 55 120 20 210 26 351 WOW! They were serious! Another important change was the adoption of the “Martin“Martin-Reagan” definition of barbershop harmony which limited the type of arrangement that could receive full credit. (Dean Martin and Maurice “Molly” Reagan were very influential Society members for many years.) Here’s the 1945 definition: Barbershop harmony is produced by four voices, unaccompanied; when the melody is consistently sung below the tenor; when rules of time, expression and word theme are sacrificed to obtain blending harmony satisfaction; and usually with at least one harmonizing chord on each melody note. The rules further stated: stated: The judges will give due significance to the word “usually” in regard to the harmonizing chord on each melody note so that very short solo parts will not be penalized if not too frequently used. Each arrangement judge shall penalize up to 50 points for violation of this definition. 5/28/2013 GREATER PHOENIX CHAPTER Anyone ever see or feel one of these??? Better yet, do you even know what it is??? Well, you could ask me, or better yet, ask Gary where he was last Tuesday… Gentlemen, if you’ve never experienced a “kidney stone” you are one of the lucky ones. However, if you’ve had the chance to feel one “pass”, the pain associated with the “passing” will bring the strongest male to his knees!!! Be sure to give Gary your best wishes for a speedy recovery, but be careful,,, don’t hug him too hard!!! PHOENIX, ARIZONA , USA PAGE 2 Tuesday’s Guests: Returning again Mario Yniguez & Brady Larson, guests of RJ, another returning guest, Keith McDonald, a guest of Steve Schneck, and last but surely not least, Dan Ryan, Sr. , father of the “32nd best Baritone in the Society”, Danny Ryan. SAVE THESE DATES FOR THE FRED KOCH MEMORIAL BASH 2013 ARIZONA DIVISION "SUMMER BASH'' August 16th-17th, 2013 LOCATION INFORMATION Also Featuring: AUDACITY WHOOP ‘EM UP SPEAKEASY Donations at the door or through the website 5/28/2013 GREATER PHOENIX CHAPTER Embassy Suites; 4400 S Rural Road, Tempe; AZ 85282; (South of the Superstition Freeway (Rte. 60) on West Side) Reservations: 1-480-897-7444. Mention "Barbershop Bash" when making your room reservations to qualify for the $79.00 per night rate, plus tax. Watch For More Information Soon!! Contact: Sheryl & Collin McKinney Phone: 6 0 2 - 6 2 0 - 1 2 9 6 Email: PHOENIX, ARIZONA , USA PAGE 3 5/28/2013 GREATER PHOENIX CHAPTER PHOENIX, ARIZONA , USA PAGE 4 5/28/2013 GREATER PHOENIX CHAPTER PHOENIX, ARIZONA , USA PAGE 5 President= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Bob Upham Immediate Past President = = = = = = = Terry Aramian VP Music/Performance = = = = = = = = =Mark Spriggs UNLESS OTHERWISE ANNOUNCED, the SOP Chorus will have weekly rehearsals every Tuesday night starting at 7:00 p.m. p.m. Shepherd of the Valley Church 1500 W Maryland Ave. Phoenix, Arizona VP Program = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Gary Ciba VP Membership = = = = = = = = = = = = =Paul Yates 2013 VP Marketing & PR = = = = = = = = = = =Jerry McElfresh Secretary = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Bob Gray Treasurer = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Roy Gross Director at Large = = = = = = = = = = = = Bo Larson Director at Large = = = = = = = = = = = = Bob Robinson Director at Large = = = = = = = = = = = = Mel Reekes * DIRECTOR * - GARY STEINKAMP ASST. DIRECTOR - CARY BURNS Presentation - RODNEY ARMSTRONG VP of Music - MARK SPRIGGS Auditions Coordinator - RAY ESTES Presentation Coach - SCOTT WIEGAND “The Magi” Magi” - DAN WILSON, TERRY ARAMIAN, JACK MAUNEY * SECTION LEADERS * Tenor - MARK SPRIGGS Lead - DAVE WARKENTIN & MARCO TETI Baritone - RAY ESTES & MARK HOUSE Bass - CARY BURNS & RODNEY ARMSTRONG June 7th - “BASS Sectional” with BRETT LITTLEFIELD June 8th - Extra “ALL-DAY” Rehearsal June 30th - July 7th - International Convention July 20th - Extra “ALL-DAY” Rehearsal Sept. 20th-22nd - Retreat - Camp Pine Rock, Prescott Oct. 10th-13th - District Contest - Bakersfield, Calif. Dec. 7th - Christmas Shows - Skyline High School 2:00 pm. & 7:00 pm Dec. 24th - No Rehearsal Dec. 30th - MONDAY NIGHT REHEARSAL February 14th & 15th - Singing Valentines March 15th - Spring Show - Mesa Arts Center April 3rd - Mesa Spirit RV Park - Performance 2014 Curtain times are listed above for performances. Chorus call times for members are listed/TBA. RED underlined events are linked to internet web pages. * COSTUMES * DENISE DEWITT The UPBEAT is a publication of the Greater Phoenix Chapter, Chapter, Far Western District, District, of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Society. Unless carrying a byline, all articles have been written by the editors unless otherwise noted. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessary reflect the opinions of the chapter or the society. UPBEAT welcomes comments, and or suggestions regarding its contents. Literary Contributions Are Always Welcome! DEADLINE is Thursday at 9:00pm for inclusion in the following Tuesday’s issue. issue. UPBEAT STAFF News/Features/Publishing EditorEditor- - - - - - - Bob Szabo History Columnist- - - - Collin McKinney Columnist WebmasterWebmaster- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Mark Spriggs PhotographersPhotographers- - - --Alisa --Alisa Bingel, Bingel, Denise Dewitt, Bob Szabo 5/28/2013 GREATER PHOENIX CHAPTER PHOENIX, ARIZONA , USA PAGE 6
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