Document 6472724
Document 6472724
>rt3imwi&>t&*tfmaM^tm j V . \ ••' k : ' - P • • • ; " . • ' , . • • . ' " S ^ . f .••-•.• r, * : : • . : ' A . . ' ' : •• S I T - . THE CRANFOHD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20/. 1.951 Page Twenty-eight GARWOOD — More than 6QQ: children attended the • gala Christmas party held Sunday in Lincoln 1 - ' ' ' ' = = l . - ' . ' . : • • * • ; • • • THE.CRANFORD CITIZEN ANO" CHfeONICLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1051 More Chick Guild as 'hostesses [—Saturday a Christmas,afternoon-there-will-be party, for all' children The Mayor and Council of the Bor6u,h Garwqod wljl receive sealed propoui, in the beginning and primary de- of at its meeting place in the Borough HTTI Garwood. N e w Jeraey. at 8:30 p , partments of St, Paul's Sunday December 1951. for the f u r School. The affair, to be held from new o n26. e ton pick-up Truck Page Tv.'enty-nlne ••••••i Candidates or ' • . ' ' • • • • < " . ' . . . ' .. ' "",. ,;;' •] •[ GARWOOD -— Board of Health Sunday School teachers. There Will taxes,; . • . » , - - . . • • '• ;•',. Tomorrow; Li*t Events. Cbnvicl«Ml of yicliitions Shirt, Toy at Parliy Oiristmag Celebration ' KENILWQRTH-—.yrsYiding^d r-KteNILWORTH —- Nichol-w p . j KENILWOKTH — »A Cub• Scon'. •'" KfiNIUVORTH' — .Ghristmas I^ions Club member.; arid McKinley Schools»witfM'cess fr.v tfctpe of. 2 Mansion torracc, ,Cran-iSw<?atshfrt niW a trw were (.li.-"tril'>- ))a.rt-v '• • The right t o reject any proposal or Thie program consisted of a group held its last meeting of the year be movies, games, singing and re-waive any informality therein in with the BTW is reserved. of four films: Hopalong Cassidy in last week at Borough Hall. Seven freshments. . . " . .•'.•' MAYOR AND COUNCIL Chtiir Concert Oh Sunda Presbyterian ' '.-. ; • " ^R7^rSi^^ in the wus lined $200 and S5 'cost j morrow at'3"p7m. CUissis will, ro-' 1S3 ;ist Saturday at a. Christmas William. Brndtriek, vice-p:-i'skl«fcrit, 'sumo January 3. ' -j-in Municipal'Court, Monday nit;ht! in St. Theresa's Church. A in chnrjjv, has'Jin'nfiunceci. * First -'basketball- game will fV"*' M»S?istrate William Brudor, wlv.)! Party1 Gifts Traded at Party 1 5 0 Persons Attend • Lohinaiih, Police Pistol Rotary Has Yule two i small gift also w;is presented \u also A iiViiyahour will be featured, "Tale of Redwood," "Howdy Doo- more cases of. chicken pox and one • .- •.. . -. . o f - t h e " -. ; •• « January 8. with Harding School i revoked his license for Of Fire Dept. Auxiliary Democratic Club Parly , dy at Christmas,'*' Wood^ Wpod- case of .mumps weer reported.' BOROUGH O r GARWOOD other riiemisen; of'mber» .ami Siin't;' Clans will tiistributtv Team, Get Awards pitted against a Garwood elemen- years. P P arty* Inducis Additional Kilts for all childrrp 'Rpfreshmonta., WALTER S. McMANus I ••'. CAR WOOD — Auxiliary of the team at Garwood. Kenneth A. Gerald R. ReTiihart of 15 Greaves j lARWOOD — Annual dinner. pecker in "Dippy Diplomat" and ~ William J. Willsey their families. K.EN1LWUKTH . — Patrolman cRrit: KE liotai'y. Club will be" served. GARWOOD NEWS coach, hits beui ; Fire Department" held its annual dance and Christmas party of Gar-:"Mighty.* Mouse" followed by agave a report on the recent Health 12-iO DLU auithcr.i, Ml": Charles' Lohmann was. awarded a held a ' Christm'tte party at the Aii tj[j^juLil - w i l l . iito^K'* T ~ ~ [practice sessions for this month j Christmas party Monday evening (Continued on page six). $3.75 costs for speeding. Wood Democratic Club was atmagic show. ' •• . • • Officers' Convention he attended in tiold tie cjiisjj, and the Kenilworth luncheon ' meeting yesterday in to prepare-for a 10-game schedule. v „ ,. ^ „ • , ian, Mrs. Helen Ruth and Mrs. Eric Hamilton for'.memv n at Borough' HalL In the charge tendedby^ about 150 members and Mr.; Williams of Plainfleld who Atlantic City, sponsored by the and i it . r .s t,,. Police Pistol Team, an engraved Hitchiri" Post' Inn, Union, it was ijlood to the arm'td James of Last Orange* -who j j I je l c l l stattich. of Mrs. ; John McKIuskey, .the guests Saturday at Lithuanian Xib- recently came to this country from New Jersey. League of MunicipaliChritmas program for kindt'r-jhad liledBess a.cohirplaint of assault and trophy, for- excellenpe • in • Union announced this" week by Kenneth Wrtipped sift;;. Purchase was made' h.rcos to lill a 125-pint area quota'; ~Wi—exchange : gacteii_th£QUgh_Gxad.e_3jvdllJie^aUb!Xltti-y_J3n_D_QcemneL^ County League mafksmjnship this GARWOOD"His ".Woiiderf u erty-Hall,- jLinden. /.-——• -— Holland as-a displaced-person.-was t i e s . — ^ — — ; • '.-..' • . . . ' . •:•.. • KENiLiWORtH — Two Christ- Fahnestock, president, . — I gifts, collecting of gifts for a loca Name" will be the theme of the The party'took the form of a^ vic- the magician: Also present Was Oneof the most Important prob" Lee " Crosson ~ bcycijr.": .-.-.-• • • . fl , -.'• of ' " 1 Last wceK, Charles A. Philhower ljP. m. today in the auditorium.Anna mas Eve services wtl.'b.e offered in party. children's home, and, refreshments Rev. Eric Tougher at the regulai tory fete to celebrate election of Santa Glaus, who distributed lucky lems brought • before the group, came a defendant in a crcss^comParents have been invited. A t h e paircOman, who sparked the CcmrriUnity iWethodisf Church on of West%ld, past district gover- Christmas message will be given'by plairit filed by the person he ac- 'Servt'd-refreshments were Larry Paffenroth, Sanders ttitis A brief business meeting pre 11 a. m, Sunday woriship service William Severage, a club-support- prizes and individual giljS; said Mr. Willsey, was that of the team, with his consistent near-per- Vldnday, the Rev. John R. Deii- nor, inducted four ne?w Members Edwin A. Kraus, supervising prin- cused: Both Wer^'ordered held-for |Domo»ikoS, Uo^t^ DiAn«elo, B^y- V. S. original coal reserve* equal • Higher Expense Roll ceded the celtbration. Mrs. Ceorgi Malines Daily ..__..........i™';. i. 1:15 . Winners of lucky prizes were: landlord-tenant heating problem. • And Hart drC Backed Kodner,, president, presided, v at Garwood Presbyterian Church ed 'candidate,' to Borough Council and a transfer from Newark, Kenfect targets, led his. fellow-mem- leimer announced yesterday.. w IjJirrison, Ed- 17,000 tons per person. • Evenings from ........ .............. 7:00 cipal, and 25- numbers will be per- the Grnnd Jury. Complaints.-re- an G.eigcr, '•••-,.. Girls t - Hirst prize, a large doll, Possibilities of securing a state law | Annual Christmas choir concert in November. ; Indicated for 19$2-5a neth Bartlett of White Laboratorbers to Hfth place in the leag'ue., Haymond •Kay ward and A 15-mihute organ and chain Cant. Shows Sat. & Sun. sulted from un .alleged, nltereution 0 By Republican Club formed by children in the assemLinda ^Ann Owen; second prize, a to cover all aspects of the question will be held during the Candleligh THURS. — FBI. — SAT, Councilman James R. Walsh and Awards were made'last week at irelude will/bejjln Ot 7:45 p. in.,ies. New. members arte: Charles bled grades. . and lloUJayi durini* n Robert Mindiis, Richard » Mazzii- ; A N I>KOF»SKI> pit»i!c.v\CE x o . «iw '•• In School Accounts . GARWOOD—Garwood Republitohaw Heller,' Boro Drue Store; Rudolph rissc OI'IDINANCK v;u-nt«. and' _ Services at 4:30 p, nt-' .,•'..'•• Patrick Sacco were co-chairmen- Nanette doll, Janet "Malkbj third are being considered, •'• • ••, ,>' t ISSL, Bort r u n .Ma'rrcise iviai i i ^ L ,Kon rs.i.uP-itrv.iu y ., Ejit . lnuillll ,' „,„TO ,, llblu . i U l ,itcu-aw TODAY Thru FKIDAV . ih' d children of the juriior and in' -No Advance'Jn Prices a dinner in the Polish National h y t n a ,id tV; •:•'• can Ciub Mondaymifiht at Oakland ;' KENILW0KTH —, Coriditioiial Hall for the 15 league participants. .ermediate departments will par- Roessle, Kenilworth Florists; Karl Christmas ptirtjes tomorrow wHl j union meet ing-ii) Kenilworth.. Mrs, James Casale, dressed as San- prize, a 20 inch piggy bank, Dotty Frank Braiin,. . president, Imitiediately^ibllowing the Conlow, Fl'Cd PieVo, Hill-old Rovnotds, c ,.,,. im Lilll(1 Dc-slunati.'U a/^North 16ih . Tomorrow Is Another Day' of e^urt Will • House endorsed three candidates : Gregory Peck . Mahfredl; fourth prize, a JO inch s i d e d . • ' ' • • > : jtRrbcrnent on art itiefeased school Rohm, J. Rohm and Sons Foun- be in Miss • Dolores Lynch's first Next regular session '•'.'•'. j&irt the rhoi£-wilk:visi,t-tiie-Brook- iai-CJaiis,-distributed-:gif ts^_ —-^Cttgy Over Howies^—| be held Juiiuajcy-.1?,— ',LX- -. •Barry Ruth, Walter S m i l n W i c s , : ^ NortniiTti, ^ t ^ r N o r U v m n for Board of Education. Electron g 7 y p ~!5ni3ge]t~\vas~reirched~at a prclimi; side Nursing" Home, Cranford, to Hoberl SCSIVUZZO, James SfarlicTi. ^SimlliiTly Side ot CoKi'mbus Avenue to brief pastor's njcssage >-V-wril be February: IS. \ grade; Mrs. Ethel SAT., SUV., MON-—DEC. •«. -i.l. *J Boys~wifthing special awards in-jn'nry... meeting. Monday :_ni«ht of sponsored. turkey shoot yesterday, present a program of caroli*. Indlr Lynn Wcingarth and Leo V e , - Z a l . . j ^ J " - ^ ; ' * M % a ? £ 1%J£SS£. •; '..""" Candidates rcMlvM& thfijtackjnjj_ (Will not be shown MOB. .Matinee* second cluded: ' '"First prize,~ a twp-guii St. P a u l ^ J i y Gui|d at the home of board oi Education .with".Borough and a fjflcw Year's t)ay. shoot, also eluded in the musical pfogram, viduals desiring to donato Chri^i-J pack members. I WUEKKAS North' IGtli SStrtet, North —^T^lJc^^traTiirEiftsniirM—liart-of ^Bim-prttsby-g^'i ' . Jane-Wymaltcommunion'^ h l ^ f "WTJnri^TrTrmi^^mitTKfrr^rrrrtr 'mas cookies and cahdy.for guests at Has Chrislmas Party Wilii'im \ winiam frank. lhplr flllr u . u m i rrill)1 l h e s o u t h e r I y : ' I wavi\ S t u n a k w i n o v n f n \ v a 228 Beech street, ineumbeiit, and ward Mrs, Iris Schornstein's third grade. "HERE COMES THE Christinas winner oi a large will be observed at an 11:30 p. m. | lhpl sl ory Maggs; second prize, a double [elect'William.Nfc. Lister disclosed the home are asked to bring.them i uAveiuu'lo A N hy ^ p GARWObt Christmas •FrCUnd, R o l a n d -Fcldler a n d D o n j"f Colmniniii the Northerly »id<« Edward Sanders of 448 Third ave• Parents have been urged td. at- KEMILWORTH service. Dr. Lloyd Nimarori-^wili • GROOM" . Christmas gtiin. holster set, Frank Hidi; third grant for womenof the church was BATHSIIEBA" j y e s t e r d a ' y . - . " '.. .' ' •• • . • - ham. to 'Cither the Morning or.CahdleP GARWOOD '— Th6 operetta '""' " ' t h t P'oiHTty nf the Uninn Comity n i aid Orlando, sehor patrol nue and Sasnut'l K, .Paffenroth of tend the Christmas party tomorrow be soloist with the senior choiiiv diprogram of school children ivas John Payne — Arlecn Whelan b prize^va 20 inch piggy bank, John •Another wecting has bec-ij ar- Second prizes of 15 poimd fruit "Christmas Around the World," by light services. , j In Technicolor ? held Tuesd&y evening'W'ttrc: Jun~^322 Willow avenue. _. afternoon of Miss 'Helen Austin's presented before the PTA Monday Troop 82, received gifts in upprec- L HI iiytiuand h;iVl cvcr M l borouiih Mn n of o rkcniiwo^tii "PASSAGE ^WEST" rnnged for January 3, when more cakes were won by Chief George D. rected by.Mfg. Albert Anderson,' at ' " yr' -Ihmouphfarfs, " °'"-" ^ * arepublic. May M; Brewster, billed as "Gsr- The' Westminster and Sunday GARWbOD-^-Arehie S. Darrpch Guerriero: and fourth -prize, a 10ior Women's Guild,of/'St. Paul's riot. truts and moaning and afternoon kinderboth services, • '•'. • , • nifiht in Hardini* School. Group. iation of their service. Mr. Hart is completing his ninth wood's Answer toi 'South F I T h l l 'inch piggy/bank, Joseph Pehyak; . jercatt flgureswill be available, par atSd was nominated /or presidency of Conklin Patrolman Robert HWi't'tor Miv«t t pun)o.y..s, and mvu' gari^n classes. EVEBV SATURDAY K directed by Miss • Program was'arranged'by Cub"".' year, as a member1of the board. His. will be presented in Lincoln School, venihg worship hour will not beGarwood Republican Club for 1951 There were more:than 30 differ- Evangelical and Reformed Church. On Sunday, the pastor's" topic' • ' •,-. '.SUN..-aid' MON... ...:.; tieularly those from Regional Reuter. Booby prizes went to Paitretiis is diHadvn'ntaiieou t o . omitted A' business meeting' preceded "the Several members of ArfTTur Bar- L'orrnitio Cqriover, music teacher. master Rudy Qumonkfis and Henry term and those of Bertram J. Ber- auditorium tomorrow at 8:15 p: m, held this week. Also to be Matinee For Youngsters 1 School District and county ex- tjqjlmen George 'K^rnan arid Ar* ill be "A Song In the Midnight at a meeting Monday1 night at theent types of individual . prizes affair which . featured a • worship Richard Wrtcht W'HEIIEAS fjie vjiiatiiiu of said street* will' be the Wednesday evening rett's Grade 6 will recite a poem . •=— sponsored by — Mrs. ConsUintine ' Bnrbarise, C. Pntrylow, pack chairman. tolarny aiid_Warren J. Binns run by the Junior Choral and Dramatic would lie [or the heat public intl-rMt: Darkness." Christmas' music will . awarded according to age groups, service, singing of Christmas carols, Oakland House, . , ' penses' to be shared by the bor-thiir Green. Crsnford Council for Better Movleii prayer, hour. NOW. TIlKltEfOUE/BE IT ORDAINED, ',' pu.f/thjs year. Mr.Bcrtdl^my, has Group of GarwoOtL nclude "The Cherubim Song," '• KENILWpRTH — Tools and for the' Christmas program, ..and j president, who .reported on the] Hit.Darroch," who was defeated Among those tbys were banks, pen- games and refreshmeiitSj' , O U j j K . ' .!'•'•,•:". ••. ' liy the Ciiiveriiini! Body of tlie Boroueh o l .Businessmen's "Association" and A Christmas tea was held Tues- in his attempt for teelection . toguins, plastic dishes, table tennis machinery reported by^ Poirier and the.classroom is decorated in holi- Stale PTA .convention held in OcTUBS, Thru FBI. — bKC. 2K-38 . not declared his intentiohs and Mr. Christmas customs^ of Ki'iulwortli .is follow!!: of Each nursery and primary de• v • "NATIVE' SON". .: Nb^provision was made. for bonManufacturers' Association each In charge of the \program was . Hrctiiin" I: Thiit tlif public rlahlx in ••••<-.'" tober, announced a"- father's .night (Will not "be. >hown at Matinees MeLane Corporation, New York day spirit. —-Bimi^stated-that he-will-drop-from around the globe—sSyria, Mexico j- day at the regular monthly meeting Borough ^ Tflj £cts,-,gun and- holster sets^ truck N'nylh ytil'h Klri'H, Mnftlr l'?l.h Strpi-t,, anil uses tts b e ineluded-inthe:;lJ952?5a|dpnated^SS0 to purchase shirts for partment child has been, requested.] City, as^ stolen, at 2 p. m. Saturday Upper grade reading classes are "prbgratn .Jiiiiiffiiry 30.^;A~T3OycTCd-^ Real Estate |North llHh Htri-ct, lor their full width __^thc:.;racc'because of pressure of Holland. Norway and GermanyV of the Women's'Missionary Society succeed Edward .^filler as club sets, dish sets and knitting'• kits^S^' lytrsr Margaret" tiayduT assisted by „ ....._, y/tA .£ Thii«.r'--;v ~ budget, Board- President Grace M. the team for their extellent league to take's white gilt to the Christf o i l / . , , , idi'in tin1 Kdutiii'ilv side of ' Collimbu* ' dish supper wilt be served.: afternoon, were recovered at 1 ,a,studying Christmas literature, iji~the social roorrt of the church, president in January. Mr, Tiller General chairman in charge of Mrs, Florence;, Bradford arid Mrs. business.:, •. .-.-• , ". . . ' • ' ' KENILWORTH Greer Garson. Michael Wildine IWninan said. It was understood, mas party from 3 to 5 p. m. Satur' " " ] Avenur to the Northerly'side Uni; of the ' showing, . . . . ' "THE BLUE VEIL" be demonstrated and it Edwin A. Kraus, supervising .Filmstrips' were, shown,, followed was elected to council Tin •Novem- the affair was George Haydu, as- Helen \Vergland on the decroration Mr, Sanders and Mr. Paffenroth will Coindeeds have been r e c o r d e d in i i)V<viii"iiy.."of 'tiie "iininri county Uowever, that teachers would re- '. Certflcates from "the Union day ' in t h # church. Junidr-inter- tx\. Sunday morning, police r e Jane Wymin — Charlen Lluchton be shown how the United States conainittee/;. anil itiernbers: of the . ' •, '•CYO Schedules "The Law and The Lady" ceVvt! a bonus this year similar to County Police Chiefs Association mediate party will be from \1 tovealed this week. principal, asked-volunteers to reg- the of-the County R e n t e r . | ' are seeking.positions on the board adopted and added to many of * »y the reading of a Christmas story, ber, along with William F, Sever- sisted by 25 of the Squad members. "RED BADGE Of ister, as blood donors for the armed Court House, Elizabeth: . Sgfc Thomas Neville's invesligaMrsJEric S, Tougher, accompan- are ' herebv vat-iiU'd.. released iiiVd • j _jj£or_:the first time. tk«t>__jtf borough employes,, who were presented to Chief Conklin, . m . ' . ' ' I ••' . . ' • • _ . ' ^ - A Squad spokesman thanked all COURAGE" ,5 depicted will be the first ied/by Mrs, Walter McManus at ige,lDem6erat,' • . .:. . . . : Christmas Party ..,-.-=,.— -Mrees.. He said 125 pints Will'bii tioii recovered the materials,val-^| Last week, three Democrats an- theinrAlsa authorized a $50 granLJov who.cooperated to make the party High school youth group-will" Other nominations were: Roy 2: TKI^ OFdin.^»o,e tliall takeAndle M'nrphy — Bill; Mauldin A l I A P r V CHRISTMAS SHOW Christmas.. Stupak," Patrolmen Keri Captain p needed-as the Cranford-Garwood-. ued at more than $r,000,~unde!r u-^-nouneed'--that—they KENILWORTH « Plans have ' FREE MARCAL HANKIES "ice-Demeet at 1 p.ra,Saturrlay_tnlilecol^. ^xdce^pre^d^ntr -workers.^:^jandl &25UoYlna> been completed for a New Year's Kenilworth tttiota on -January 7 yard,' 200 feet from ^Wr<>«Avere^r^rW¥iterM«^ JhtfScHnilzerfoF~secretary and partmentrscJio^cu^tbtliaTiTirames ' TO THIS FIRST 400 WOMEN " for;•Blectiomsnr^iti (hosie working on a part-time basis. mann for their shooting; ate the church sanctuary, and will and near" scrap lumber"" at Tear dance directors of the group, which origito be held at 8:30 p. m. Sat-during a bloodinobile Visit. • «£ the burned-out former Gulden Manus, Mrs. Leamon Betts and' Albert Miller for treasurer. • Np Casale, who donated the use of his "'Oliver Davis of 263 Haiel: avenue -. 'WAt'T DISNEV'8 •' ' Bins Crosby, Jane Wyman holdtheir Cnristma* party at 8 'Nolle* ' Council PresMent Lister said "The • league is sponsored by the niie. urday, December 29, at St. Therfurniture Company in Route 29. '" C7~Wehrum, Jr. of 523 Wil-nally was Called tile Junior Choir Rirs. Clinton Patten, Mrs, Joseph n o m i n a t i o n ' W a s m a d e f o r r e c o r d - oamplifying system, and the gener- .... ,— NOW THRU SUNDAY — Public Notice 1* Hejetiy Given that the. "tCHABOD AND p. m, in the parsonage, 15 South that every, effort will be made dur1 Pattl Mntwcishyn and William P. Union ' County Park Commission, /oii'Unini: OiillMi'mv wu'» Introduced at 3 The loot included portable gen- esa's parish hall under auspices of At Newark Yiile i*arly low ayenu% and;Patrick J. Saeco of St. PauKs Evangelical arid Re- Deremer, president; presided.' MR. TOAD" .•.•;.• . ing his administration to pare ex- Kedilworth, after a lapse of.;twa Eighteenth street. ,t t»uf f^'tjvi-ru.lnc Body of th IIuBhes, to Fred HaCncr, prop formed Church, The operetta, a Junior choir will meet a t 6:30i n g s e c r e t a r y . / • • •'• :• ';•••. •''• ' '••••; ous response oi the general public "KING SOLOMON'S MINES" 1 erators, a gasoline.pump, two flood the CYD, it was announced this -—<if 183 Hickory avenue. "HERE COMES *1UED BADGE Ot er.Iy in' Doulevnrd, 180 feet from 1 «;>' ;"<'«ii ><t KinnVorur on tin. ntSi day to-the "Frolic of *5l," without ihe penses,'but that "necessary" item? Louis MartcHs"the current vicewhen .no team competed, s KENILWORTH —, Dr. Rolnnd project to add the church building] WiekO^UsicuwJllJie:by^EtLDavies -lights,-', •large fire extinguishers, ——-Itast—Februaryir-Mi"v^-]E)avis~-andh i«-4tt^today-foj -r,chearsa1s—Senior . . . . . " . • •!. •-•: i of Uvi-.cniluT, I9SI. .11 via* lh«n read for t—COUSAGE" [of schTSHeSlSCnse cajinorBSTeyiseit ranked behind Plainftefd, Linden, idttM ^ i s ip ^ h i c h ^ h ^ C h T i s t i a secretary; iijjimvavcmnrthree' post-hole, diggers, and , an and his orchestra. Tickets O F AVENGERS;* Mr. Wehrum were defeated in at-fund, has attracted, children irohv ;hoir rehearsal will be at 8 p, m, Gospel Chapel Details liuilwr tVii'i'lered for frrial passtaee by downward. • ' , < ; , > party could not have been held. street' was one of 20 physicians who 4. Miller will succeed himself as Elizaboth dnd the Onion pounty llie Gnvernlnir Body of .the-.Borough o£ acetylene burning torch, hoses,,and obtained from members of theattended1 the; minimi Christmas-) tempts to gain seats on,the-..board.' other churches; thus the change i n Annuaj Sunday School Christmas reasurer, and Mr. Sehnitzer is now ,—• Also— Mandatory increases Keiiilwiarlh. iil'the Boronulii .Hall, BoulePark Police, generally conceded to XMAS DAY ^—•of the group. ^.gauges—_^=,_,_il _ , — 1 ~ """ ' _1ME.-Sacco'_is.. running for bfl'lcc for the title -Entertains Mothers ySVtfiVttnttlwnrlli, N«vu- avi-sV^Bt; -Pialti:-" tarties will be held for the nursery Saturday at 12:30^ party of the .Newarfe Induction 1 d _*--Alibe th^ best in .the league, ;; "~" Children Present o'clock In llie cvi-iiim; rfe.S.T.J an th<? 'Qrrii fa •"-|- A Watchman for tne firm, AH mcinbeii.-of"UTB 'dramatic md beginners departments from Committees' in charge include: Center, 1000 Broad street, last the first time. • • . ' Carl 27th (lay KENILWORTH — Mrs. of Deeeinber, 1951. At sueh 'are teachep* raises, three teachers service'will be conducted in KenilJohn Payne : organization arc between nine and :•• Johnson & Johnson's Santa "TEXAS CARNIVAL" Tickets, • '.Julia Barbarise and is constructing a Garden State .ume jinti pi;tc^, or ut uny utne nuti' ul^ce 2 to 4 p . m, tomorrow. All qthcr JVoel Pageant f o r P T A 'wishing to vote in, the night, "Biven." for'the. medicnl,: mill- Leschinski 'entertained 40. mem- whlcii Mich already '.hiiro?!'. at .$?!,Sfl0 "each an'worth Gospel Chapel New Year's nwnJlnii mav be adioiu-ried, it at e George Bizink; refreshments, Val•Pni-kwny' pverpass at Michigan Jh Eittr p o t r t ; i will-holtl theii pait^ St. —,fcT:bruury-.l 3 "-election must De perD € h r i 5 t m a 9 pag l of the he^construe^ omorrow night from 7:30 to 9 GARWOOD T- Morning prayer ennt by school children under the "ALICE m WONDERLAND" bers o.f the Kintlcr^arlcn M<xthers clue manently icgistttccl at least 40 working on the play since July. center. ijr,:.J6hTiRin's"TiYis7becn as(present RegionaT share, and $5,000 Deadline Is Monday : until midnight. . . ".' ,•• . . ', tion shack had been entered and decorations, Marian Bortiese, Joan sociated with the^.center for -the North Twenty-third-'street. Gifts iByv Or'dtrf of t'ii» novernhmd«i>s prior to the election, accord- Members arc: Eddy and Bobby Vclock, •-«HTWrt'-,..?-iT ;. : — - — i — : — ^ 1—^—md sermon will be held at 10:30 direction of Miss Jean Monahan, "'Speaker at both'''services Sunday the stored, property removed. Froat, Joy Ann Middlcton, Joan KENILWORTH — Registration PIULtP J. XIcQEVNA, ing to Distuct Clcik A. T. Musea. Plans for Dedication Service for iunday in St, Mark's Church, music 'supervisor, and Mrs/ KathBOnOUGII OF KEMLWOBTII blanks for the Garden Club'is com' at II a. m.' and 8 p. m. will be •A-borough truck was used to McCarthy, Arthur Capaldo antl past l(i months as clhssificalion were exchanged nnd favors made '•••.< Borough l Harold Frolich, and publicity, Lyd- physician. Registration may be made with Nash, Ellen Doughertyv Jerry Scr- the new Sunday School building Warren J, Binns, lay reader, will erinc Walher of the physical eduftir a school .children's party. Qcccmber 11, .1951. ' 12-20 :•:,.:;• • rvbtui aottce aottce . mated: Walter Jemison of Westfleld', who take the recovered property to nomunity decorating contest are now ia McGCehan' and Merle Manning..: Boiough Cleik Wallet S. McManus inri", Nancy Senna. Robert George, in Friday, December 28 are almost tfflciate.' BE I t HEREBY RESOLVED: That the cation department, was presenetd has been doing pioneer evahgeli- lice headquarters, where it was reBorouali of Kenllworth f-ell at public, sale available to residents, returnable Joan Glock, Muxine Jacobus, NorThe Rev..George Dohcrty, assistant at Boiough H.ill oi .it the County •ompleted, A Family Night Supper at last tiight's meeting of the PTA. pursviailt t o R. S. S4:5-1W.2 ct seq.. to eal work in Roanpke, Va^ ' pastor, is sponsor. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 355 Boatd of Elections, Court House, man Zimmerman, Claire Ad6Iph, will be held at 6:30 p, m. preceding tlu.'highest bidder, the tax sale certificates. on or before pecember 24, Mrs Supper meeting of the young turned to the owners. • ' Because of the holiday season IN ORDINANCE To Establish a Board of liieKudinc iSU subsiqiiciil rounicinal liens George D'. Conklin announced yes. Elizabeth. Registiation deadline is Virginia FitZiinimons*. Jim Thaisz, 'he service. Itccrcation ComrnUsioncra, there Was no business meeting. Mrs. held by. thi- BarOuijh ot Kenllworth, covcr- terday. people's group will be Sunday : .. BOROUGH OF KENILWjOItTU January 4. Also, Ralph Spencer, Lynn Carol Persons planning to attend the BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Leon Dalley, president, presided. inU- Lois 3155, 3156, 3157 ;md aiSS, in MAKE i t A REAL i('*PtsTiii*iC>'?'""^'i'»^w '• i'^' night in the chapel. All college-age TrainsTOhNavy . PUBIJC NOfICE "olincll of the Boroutfh of Garwood: Block 128, i s shown on the OlTiClal TICK Distributed through .stores and Todd, Richard Mosco, Carol Griffin, supper are asked to bring-a cov- 1. That the provisions of New Jernei' PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Blvcn H u t Map o{ the lloroucl) of KenKENILWORTH — Louis Robert persons who are, home forthe holFifty IVrsons Attend ilworth. . , . . . by schol children, the blanks wll! Boroutih rif Konilworth, on the'31th Judy Tombs, Teddy Henry, Phyllis ered dish and table service. All tevlacd StatutcK, Title'40:12-1 to 40:12-8 , * Dauber, 17 years old, soil ofM r . the ' he It further' Resolved: That the tale entitle a home to compete in either idays have beqh invited., day of pot-ember, 1631, at 8:30 P. M-. at 'ntitlcd "Art Act Concerning Hoards of "'oinaliss, Rudy Koncgan, Barbara members of the church and their of said tast salPewtHleaies shall be held. the Coilnell Chambersi. Bbrouuh -Iliill. Recreation Cornmlssloncrs," tot'other with Lions Christina:? Party Senior department Christmas and Mrs;. Louis Baubcr of 641 after public notice of the thilc and. plnee, of two divisions' •*- door entrances Boulevard, KciilluoHh, N.' J. will sell all Materia, Richard Harper, Jr, andfriends arc requested to attend the iuy tiupplerncntii thereto or amendments Kingston nveriue, who enlisted in piirty, given by Sunday School stating t h e description ot the lots and GARWOOD—The Chi-Am Cha- Judy its ritiht, title and Interest In the hereinhereof, bo and the same arc hereby oc-i Rcinhardt. dedication ceremonies. parcel* <ot land covered b y the certificate-; and any other outside d'eedrations, teachers, will be tiext Thursday the Naval Air Force December 1, after particularly described property, at cptcd by the Mayor and Council o f the teau, .Mountainside, was the scene of sale, arid the names • of the respective Ribbons and four Honorable men said property in not needt-d for public lofouflh of Garwood, Richard Harper. Sr, will assist owners o i the rt pcciive lands as, tions will be awarded. in the hotne of Mr. and Mrs; Fred s stationed at Fort Sampson, N. Y.use. The property shall be sold at public of the Lions Club's annual Christ% A< Board of Recreation Comrnlssloncontained o n the Collector's list, t o the group in the parallel roles of suction to the highest bidder, upon the A graduate oi Regional'-/High rs in hereby created. <u provided, in Bald MacKenzie,59 Arthur terrace. mas paity for-members and their Uether with the total ainount required and condltloiiii: conditions: Entry blanks may be sent to Mrs iollowliic terms terms and , St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle and 'Word Made Flesh' School, he wirs active initraek and 7tatutcn, consUtlntf of five members', resilor redemption iniludioK Interest und wives last night. Annual Sunday School treat, in A deposit of ten per Cent fit the Bale cnU and citizens of the Borouoh of GarKENILWORTH Costs to t h e date of >.ale nnd the amount F*ed Pitten, president, 63 Mich the cHapel Tuesday night, attracted football, and as a communicant of a.. price Santa Claus. Mrs. Harper will play Is Topic at St. Paul's shiilLbc paid at the tliile of the odd. of, subsequent llciis V-Uh IntcTt^t tu tlic ijinn nvctiuti or to qny memJber be- The;.* .',.,sale.v , -..-. • '•• ' •' " • ommisaiim ^hnllfaon n . St.. Therciia's-Cluirch, participated SUPER MARKET aiv;Atti.hrlftr>«t Af^^tv C M d f e n • # * uhRIi mclucied .a dinner, ifcd bbyy tho Mayor and the commis-date of sat - caftweoB^o^Ph w u iM ^,_._ ..^_*.»V_^.T*-W».^4f l d U U DQlnted the respective certificates of s.'ile, includ- toTe~tntrrlpatiliim, JxnJaing 'wilt h cited and refreshments and enter- in its organized basketball. cash, shall 1 « "»aid. Within sixty loncra first oppolnted shall hold ofnee caroling and individual favors for There will "be door pri2es, Doha- Flesh*' the topic, of. the set', of:drift,'-two, December 28. Has All T h e Fine Foo<I lng i subiCTjuent municipal liens, will be ' aitcr the sale, and the purcliascr shall -thl*e,-fbUif and five years tainment weie provided. women. In charge of the .party Was tions will be taken. void tu t h e liishest biddor* at !»ild public .pay. a proportionate share of the taxes JANE WYMAN mon~pf the Rcvr Walter CJPugh, espcctlvcly. Thereafter all appointments Mrs. William Coffeen of 312 Ash1>ROPODED OHMNANCtl NO. i«7 . sale, subject to ennflrmatltm b \ thp tiovfrom the date i>f Sale for .the balance hall betorthe liirm o l Ave years. All In The Rest OI<1 Time Stanley Cailson wh6 wiis assisted 1052 may be inspected by the tax pa>cf« pastor, at l l a . m, services at St.ippolntmcntjiTmadc AN ORDINANCE To Kepcal Ordinance erriiniJ bodv at Iu>_ricict leiivilar meeting wcod avenue, Mrs. Charles KDS the current ye»r and for any sub to fill vacancies shall ascertain uhjl iiiK-»--iHciiti luv« been No. 24B KntiUcd "All Ordinance To of by Alfred C» Deremer and George to afler,Hie sale. sequent year, based on the assessed tor t h e unexplrcd terms only,, and in mutza, Jr. of 550 Boulevard and Gift for Child to Admit kn£idir sL^ain^t their lyropcrty Aiid to*eoiiu Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Jc Amend All Ordinance} An Ordii^nec, En Tru<litioit! BLUE -VEIL and existing tax rates. . • Wie of death, rcsicnotion o r dboBtlity of . ; Be It ifurther Uesolvcd: "That copies Cunningham. / ftr in(onnjily uiti" tlic A^sc^Arst as to the Church Sunday. ;• t-^-r titled "Ait Ordinance ' To llegulalo an B.' uatlnns, my member, such Vacancy Bhall b e filled of, the Notice shall be set up i n five of Mrs. Earl Pollack of 330 Boulevard If the purchaser fall;, neglects, ttrtjsconrvtftixencist <at the ;**sessmcnb) xa ihe Bestrlct the Location of Bulldini;!! £>« . fuses One to Movie Program s n [i the same manner as the original npthe-huisi public places in the Municipality, to pay the balance due, tfn-tthoiwill be judges. They will meet in end that any error il:ay be corrected be- The Sunday School will give a olntmenis ttte made. Trie commissioners * J ~ I • i L 'i! e*i for Specific Uses and the HeBula« BOROUGH OF GARWOOD mid a copy o( the Notice shall be pubcharges and taxes, within the said iot the filitic oi the a^c^mciit h»t and Christmas program to which- par?, Hhail serve until their respective succesAdmission t o ftlon at trades and Industries, Known As with KENILWORTH — Admi! lished ih the Cranford Citizen and Cttron- the home- of Mrs. Orland B, Reid sixty, days, the deposit made shall be Knlice H h^wbv Klven that t h e Board duplicate. , ort'OW a t 7:15 jOrdinance No. 124 ol the Bofoinjh ot sors ore appointed and shall qualify. . ieks a newspaper circulating in. the Borretained by the Borough of Kenilworth a movie program tomorrow 311 Ash wood avenue, at 7:30 p.. tit. ;nts and friends are invited at of AistsiOn. hJ di liiitulrcl Thur»dav, Known'ao Zontna Ordinance itOAKO OF ASiSESSOIiS 4.. The said commissioners shall ahouish of KenihvOrth once In *aeh of turn. next Friday before touring th p. mV hi.Harding Schoolauditorium Kenilworth," unless the governing .'Body* by. MosoluJiliuwrj a 1853, (runt 7 P. M. to 9 i1. -M. of the Bofouish of KenllweHh.". ually select from its own nicmbershlp a S i 4 5 . . a . : t t ? . . j ' - • . ; . • • . . - . . - ; • • ••• •-:-•• • • • • - • - . • . : --" •'tlen, decides ta the contrary. Slies ""calendar , weeks . preceding the, calendar Albert J*. Miller. a» the time at the BoroUKh Hall, 31 Hiehairmaii and a secretary. The- tommiswill be a" gift suitable for a child, BE IT OKDAlNEfi by the Governing d. Purchaser shall "pay the costs of publl' Secitury. w^ek eontainlny the day appointed for territories. place u h m iiiid \fchcit?lhe a^eumenU lor On Monday, special Christmas lohem ...2tti!:Lbs_! Shall receive ho compensation for Dated; December 20, J9SJ. 12.27 the sale. .. ; • • ' ' • . cation of tlie"lofialTIoUco <Sf Sale, revit is announced Wfiic1»rft J. Ah hell? »ervrcc"s;'" .)ibwcyer, the secretairy and Over Eve services will consist of, obser« lhall ««. It Further Resolved: . t h a t i i the stamps, nnd drawings of. tlie. deed. entitled "An Ordinance to amend an p. enue b e reimbursed for o u t of pocket i scoutmaster of Troop 82. owner of any of the properties appears county hike over the present bud The property shall be conveyed by Bar> BOKOVGH OF GARWOOD ' tfrtt* la «*& »IU>in S« dty* afterfinal* $ •vatipn of communion at 11 p, m,expenses previously authorized b y tho Ordinance, an Ordinance, entitled "An StU-O-C-K SHOW! orv the list and his post office address is get. Local expenses are expected t gain and SSule Deed, subject to restrlcb Gh pro**) wtidt i b o t>»r Proportional* than* « l to be t©lowed b y a Christmas can- Board ot a recular meeting. . Main feature will be "Ghosts on Ordinance to regulate and reitrlel. the "tloris'of ia,o% S E L F - S E R V I C E PUBUC NOMC« hito'ivri, %he Clerk shall mail t o hint at *c«owl»4f_anx».Siid zaiiinii ordt100% SELF-SERVICE tor bilancc ol vtar 1951 based on location of- buildings designed (or spectfii' nsnees^LOST ^CONTINENT: the Loose," with two Woody Wood-. i l t address, postage prepaid, u copy ,"61 " ~ amount to $30,000 total. I'-. 8 <» ^ f * « * J *^ • ' ^ ^ ^ * ' j j y \ i i t l i i L _ ; : • _ : J l ^ . ' = . ^ ! ' — ' '»"-»••»•• delight service, . ..'"..'.....:..: uses and -the regulation of Trades and Public notlcyJ5..htttbi EiveaJhaLJii*. H*fi»H«sef ^ ^ 3 K a i r T e c • pobHc^iectltiKj at least W^TTSvarrfxp iftSftfei uulm tut tuona' ' " the te^»SfeWtfiSSeriMiijWtBMU M If tHU-cltawr filU, BfcierU or t» BE IT- PURXHER RESOLVED: That a future .trunk sewer cliarec for any following otfer^ to purchase boroucrt idsrt to pay balance d u e tocether with 6t fLUCIMDLLO iice a month or oftener as the Board the Borouuh of Kcnllworth, "Known Here's a iascinating new organ rarwod, originally the Juhior nay and Hardy short, "Midget Car bf said public sale shall be1 held on the 2eth additional * borough, revenue, o » n e d land not: needed (at public use and rhircJ »i".d tmiri irllhln said ihlrW day* the property if the properly does not have, front time to tints decide. Said reg» as ZoiiInK Ordinance o f the Borough ef STARTS that the said tttien to\r been approved JeiKWll ahall -be rvUlne<f by the Bor« Choir . will give an operetta en- liar public mceiints shall bo held a t tho day « i December, 1S51. at 8:15 P. M..about $60r,000 ^an bo expected-from" Maniacs." _'" a sewer heretofore constructed iiy the ; • ' . .. . Kcntlworth.", b e and" the same' ia hereby : ~yo¥can play without lessons. bv the Ma\or?and Council .it a hieetlhc uucb Unless E.>(«rnlnC body by- tvsolulW Hull. The Secretary Bhall each at-the Borough Hall. Kenilworth,'N«jw Borough mid assessed for benefit!.. E»MOND repealed. . titled,1 "Christmas Around the Borouuh WONDERFUL FOR BAKING hi Id on tin- U t h el iv of Dt>coinbvi'. In3|. ij^liie-* tn tbe rontrary. month Written report o l . its Jc-riioy.-'iind shall be subject to eonKrma- sources added this yea ' Gifts are intended for children, Section 2: . This Ordinance shall take Ii. the .-Mayor' and Council reserves . the 'Fresh iS.nap Florida and j l a irifttlm; of the Mayor and "WARPATH" ictlvltles to the Mayor and Council, and tlrtii at t h e next regular mectinij which right to accept or reject any or all bids. World"" tomorrow at 8:15 p. m. from one to five years old, at. St. Follow the picture music effect upon final passage and publication (ill t'urchasrr t<v [>«y coil of |iubllc«Uon and next,' but that a deficit of ap Council to bo hrltl mi Dt'ieinlJcr i!f>. 1051, ii addition thereto, shall submit a writ* will be Immediately after the sale. ' The Borough represents that title to said according to law. . t —In Teshpleolor— f l ) £ t n o l l J GREEN BEANS;... £ t u The play, given for benefit of at the Municipal Uulliiinii, Garu-Oud, New report of Its receipts and disbUrtiCI PH1UP J. MeGEVNA.. proximately $S,000 may have to be "WTalburga's Orphanage, non-seeproperties may have been acquired either tel I'rolxny to r< ranrrjed t>r Han»ln he church building 'fund, will be ten book. I n a matter .of minutes, — pla« — at 8 SO T M IES.T,> t the gald Iteritu, • . :' •• • by Deed, f a x Foreclosure, or "In Kern" boroueh Cleric tarian refuge in Roselle. ... -. •-' NflJJce. . ^ , Ca^e Cod • • ' . »K,I till* Dr«d tubkrt to r»«ttlrriona» of i h c t . ' " 1 ' . "' • • ••• ' • ' oflferiitlo jjUh.h»-.«- \*lll be considered for "DARLING. 12-20 fl. -All. suuiien wcclved by- the Soard Dated: December 11, 1951. TOPNOtCii PIES ••;'. / . Public Notice U Hereby diiven that the Tax foreclosure. ' . in the Lincoln School. It depicts hull flnal approval and Sale In accordance with fr-Nirfl. lf-»tiy, and i,>rTInc ordlriucea. even without any previous be paid over to the Borough-TroasThe premises particularly-described Freah Cfuiiberri«s forcfioina.Ordinance was introduced at a tfl UjyAr and r«u«cll r»»»r*^ the risht HOW COULD YOU" m e provisions of the M J S W u e d Blat» iii'pr and be by lilm keptait aiSp««i»l-furMl the Yuletide celebrations in Germcetine of the Governlnc Body of theappear on the official Borough Assessment utr of 1937, Title 40 ChatUcr (50-SS id t.r t*j*rt any nr all efferm. ' which shall be under the control o f the musical training, you can play IH) S i U iirotwrJiy ».\)ulrej' l>y Boroucli many, Norway, Holland, Syria, und suld Borough ot Kenilworth on the 11th day Map. a copy of which Is on file In the (c< and lubjeel tu the following ternui Board of CommlBaioners and used only, Italian Oit^tnuts .,.,..; 2 lbs -29e by lit &r hiunL-lixl Urn for«clamure< or deedf of Uecembtr, 1051. it was then read for Office of the Healster. of Union County. NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX SALE CERTIFICATES artd conditions . ' . Mexico arid\ the First Christmas. for tlie purpose pit defraying the expanse* It is expressly .understood and agreed DIAMOND LARGE hill [t i first time, t h e said 'Ordinance will be „ Xpur favorite melodies with the Board. All tVa.vmetitsfor expenses ~ <») |if>i><a!t on filial ipprtiva! shill b* • h^ t3e*d to premi*** to contain I* The Misses Janice . and .Phyllis it'ram (BOBOUGH OF KENILWORTH) 7 further -considered for final passage, by that Block 197 shallv be sold free nnd Floriila Oranges said account shall only he made aftat.leatt S j t i ot Sil» juln. ' ••: V ittictinns that onlj- a otveH-fanSlty type «I the Governing Body of the Boroutli ol clear. ^>f the sewer asstiasment not yet rich, full organ effects. You IS HEREBY GIVISM that the.Goveenlnfi Body of the Barp.uBb. p l Kenilworth w i l l sell at 'public auction r written approval by said Board and • (b) J'urehiwrr tn pay lialgne*. of burrfuiiw tiwellinc shall be erected Jan.said premiiea. iSindlley are directors. ' • '7'i • ".' NOTICE Kcnnworth. at the BorouKh Hall. Boule- confirmed for the sower which has already. liter submission to it of sWortt \=oucherd iiddei\. Subject tp coiifirniaUon by t h e govern ing' body, t h e /o|l<jyvina tak sale ct-rtmcatos, Including the been Installed. • Jtuiilio Pascal C«icry ....b«"; I S e vard. New- Jersey, at 8:30 ta ttie hifthi'st bidd said • expenses. Cheeks shall be Olfrr >jii>mlli>4 Hy ' liens* up-^to and Ineuiding" December 31, 1830. pick out a one-finger melody Klk -' t*l« '' Anuant f • A Christmas,[party lor the nurse detaillns Mlnlmurti o'clock In the evening iD.S.T.l on the CHAttLEti DiCKENS' tiJibsiscniiMit tnunlcipnl by the chairman and sccrclarj', and Patrick ChrUtuno _.....„ 229-230 $240.00 'cry, beginners, and- primary de- ilcned -Del Monte i ' 31th day of. December, 1951. At such HIsek-^Lata and l.eeatlau gale I'rlee j UritriptiaA • 1 by the Borouth Treasurer. 0 "CHRISTMAS CAROL" US-SSI' • - > 480.00 partments of the Sunday <Sch6oI lunterslfined Dtfubio time and place, or ot any time and place • -fis—as lo :m on the keyboard^ touch * c 7 Said Board o ! Commlgslctnerii shall I of I>rdptrty , V 19 S38-2S3 • 480.60 F r u i t C o c k t a i l . . . . ' « to which such meeting may be adjourned, perform all o* the duties' imposed upon ' if *oVrrrd by „ will be. held Saturday afternoon 'hew by (he statutes referred to herein" fi: tlK St. $10.00. per front ft. Toiml Narnr of owiitr all persons Interested will be given an WALTER S. McMANUS. Leeatlan th chord button witfvyoiir left hand and you have rich chord accompaniment, — STAllTS XMAS DA.Y — ' •"the ~' Minimum D.te of Krasdfllc , A. : . u conulb<d an . opportunity to be heard concerning such 85-^afj to 41 r 1J of ibave. . . • ' * • •• • • .—, lgc. cans eertiBeate •al« price certificate Boroiich Clerk. 'from 2'to.4 ANN DLVTH eslleeUf* lint redeem ' T Ordinance. . N. 7th St $10.00 per front ft. ilsek.. ; t » u .„..„. S S0.00 Craiiberfy.Saiice ... t ..2 8. All ordinances or parls ef ordinances Nov. 18, 1930 automatically get in the jright key by a mere touch of the bass pedal, i t is „..!...*.....: ll.-Slmonson „.„,... .;....« «ai.eis „.. By Ordei'~of t h e Govcrntna Body. ns—28 and 2S • • S100.00 nconslstent herewith are hereby repealed 2S 3 "GOLDEN HORDE" Apr. 3,. -$l;3S9.4» ^ , Apr. 3 , 1 3 •ft*..•••-,' c«..^> « ' * ..* ti;as9.4»3156'31Si Michi'eon Ave H. Waller PHILIP J. MeGEVNA. Bnulcvard it-N. Oth St. ^.S2.000Jifl Squad. . • CRANFORDli » ' - - : . ' . • • . - . ' , • ' • • • Methodists Set Two Services Christmas Eve Trustees., l o u n c i l .v."7" MkBudget [WESTFIELD Yule Operetta ,*j Police Find A.S. Darrbch _ P ( t l k • c , , . , l l l M , s s i o n , h l l V ( . n o l In Mr Hours ; i • . - • • • ' • ' • • . • i n • ' • • ' • ' . : . •".• GRIFFITHS suggests Pui your Christmas Money in a Musical Instrument that, every member of the family can play Without knowing a note of Music R| ' HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN :: 8 • •?.''•<:' Kl-•••'•<' •' TURKEYS i CRISGO 3* c " 79 RSO FLAKO 2 WALNUTS :^w md this ordinance shall take citcct as prescribed by law. • , . Nolle. "...'• •The fofeiiohie ordinance was iniroduccil Ji\d passed on first reading Hi a r e v l a r ineetinti of the Mayor and Council of the llormiKli of Garwnod,. N. J., held on November 27, 1051, and will be considered for final passage, after a public hearine, at another regular meetinjt «( said. Mayar nnd Council at the Municipal Building, 3arwooit, New Jersey, e n " ' ' '• WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 38, 1951, at 8:30o'elock P. M. • tHastern Standard Time) WALTER S. McMANUS. • • / •• ' Borouth Clerk. Dated: December 6, 10S1. 12-20 j <—In fechnlcolor— 3158 Miehican A v c .......; C. Jiswia ™. g 30.00 S 42B.M .».....:;.......... Apr. 2 , 1838 U 111 U the sale will be held at the Bar- SATURDAY, DEO. 22nd IS XMAS GIFT NITE! tlUNUKEllg OF DOLLARS IN i'itizt'(< AT ALL TIIKATUBS! Come In For A Free Demonstration Delivered J V i-1 y rtn^«X4 i—i-i-. -ntvi • >. >TT v»*i(wu»'li * PRlDAV, liECEMBER 28, 1951 At this wonderful Holiday Season wlieii people iiiitHltrir greatest couteiituieut i n OTHER folks luippy, w e hope that tufc.sfiirlt remain witli u s " always . . . true uiattifestittioii o f belief i u Ilia MIKE'S WOOLENS SHOP 7 WEST MAIN STREET BOUND BROOK, 1 1 it 10 A. M. (K.s'.T.) at the Municipal Building, Ganvoad. N. j : , expose for sale and tell the several tracts and parcels of land hereinafter, specified as ot the 1st day of tuly, 1931. all al computed In the list on file In n\y oflico together with additlanal 'itere»t en these amounts, from July 1st, 1051 to date of sale, together with the oats ef such sale. The said lands will be struck elf nnd sold to such Bersans as will purchase' he saline subject to redemption at the. lowest rate of interest, but in no ease In •xcess of 8% per annum. Tha payment, for the sale shall bo- made before the elose if the" sale er the property will be resold. This sale Is made in pursuance bl the trovlslons of Revised statutes oi N. J.. 1937, Title s i chapter S, and the aeta imenditory thereof and nunpltiyiental thereto. ' Any .of said tracts of land may be redeemed before the sale by the payment Uie amount due thereon to date of such redemption including g costs to such date, Where one or more assessment InxtallmtnU aredelinque l n nt the • M.. — unn.*» mie m u P«JUUH.^rrid «im tmueuutntrj iu »ULh-irnt«ra.«-CTip h tne}'|Mjab nilriu ull Kiuount of delinquent assessment is necessarily Included in the tax sale list. It .Is understood that these parcels will ba sold subject to'all assessment installments levied but not yet due or payable, ' . •Tha followiiiu Is a' description ol the.lands.'and the owners' names as cbri* : in the list on tile In. my enice, together with the total amount due"th«reoii as eeinputed to July 1st, 1B31. The names are shewn as they ujyp.ear in the imz list duplicate and do not neeessurijy. mean truft these partly i n the present .owners uijhe pHspeirly. . •. , '. tHB 1'IHST PUBUCATION OF T1IIS LlSt tHE CeLLECIfOB IS TO KKMOVe1 MAMfcS ntOM "THE US<t Ot I»ROIPKKT¥ OrKEHED SALE ONLV UPON HECEIP* OP CASH OR CERTlTlEri CHECK. _ • _ The loHowinit iljiures do not include"taste*- levied for tha year 1831s ' . . i«e ' . >. iliock '. 'Lot Alnsani Joseph Addalia „ 31 Sf to Si »«3l.0O Vita Galentano Galenlano Vito : ;; l >.i40 381 • , ICte Johi H: S. *f«n»u Kenny Jnk'i „„., .„'...„„.-,.,.„„ 43 247<&48 41.8S \:'Adv. V M . — 13-37 3 years io pay ; If you can't call please fill out and mail the coupon 80l : 85~2t nnd 28 > ' '. .35c HUkr • Bolilevara* N. 7th St. :...$2,000.00 108—Michigan Ave. arid RcUmborto _ I'HOI'OSEi) OHDI.VA.V't't: NO. !M' Jar 4 9 ^ Monroe Avc ...i tS.OOfl.flO '«?• "AN OHDINANCE GoncemlnB Salnlries. 180—\ and 4 ...' : ....$ 050.00 BE I t OHDAINED by thq'Mayor and ;Dcl Monte ' ' Common Council ot the Borough of KenPHILIP J: McGevNA. ilworlh; -.'.'.. can Dorouiih GlerU. Puiiipkhi ....... .. n N1051. S S December 11, . N'O.... M13-20 Section 1: TheBorough lollairiiiu—ufficcrs—ami of tho of Ke'iulworth Dated:. AtueitdBiVWTTs Ordhianee K.e. US Pitted " . hereinafter named shall~reci!?tvis~a'nnually t o Amend Ordlniinec as a coiupcnsutloiY for their services the ANNo.OIIDINANCE 85 Entitled •• "An Orrilnnni-e To D r o m e d a r y D a t e s ....4 o z pkR several sums set opposite their respective Establish, Maintain- and Iteouliite the offices: > Police Department of thp Bi>rniii:h <>1l Planter's Cocktail • . Boroueh Clerk S2.000.0Q. Kciillw^'f'rhT-tJrnrimCouiity. New Jersey' . 8 oz can Taj; Collector ond-¥r*«a«i*er y,975.00 _JQE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Peanuts .^....v. ....... " 29c Flody of tlic Boromili'bl Keiulworth, UiiSenior clerk in Office of. Tax " Collector „ 3,500.0a hrrnT-Cnuntv, New Jersey: Mcmhor ofUSoarti of Ass-ewors Section !:• Section 7 of an Ordln.mce of faxatlon who is not secreentitled "An Ordinance to Establish, Maintary to the Board 750.00 lain and Itcculntc the Police Department Member of Board of Assessors of the Boroufih of Kenilworth. yuion of Taxation who is secretary County, New Jersey".-is hereby amended of the Board1,050.00 Cy, to read as follows: ws: 1.400.00 Birds Eye -— — Municipal Magistrate SEC SECTION^ 7 ' ' Borough Clerk Dated: December 11, 1051. 12-20 : •—V FROZEN FOODS MlOfKBTV i'OB Notice,!* hereby slviW that, I, JOHN &. H1CHAKDSON. ¥ax Collector ol lie Borouth of Ciirwoad, in the County-of-Unlon, State oil New Jersey,.pursuant lo the authority of the statute In such ease niade and prpvldqd, will on, DAIRY PRODUCTS n —— BOROUGH OF GARWOOD 'OLLECYOB'S' NOVICB OK 8AtE O)' that simple. Fits into any room, plugs into any AC outlet. Vkim send me fuU iafortaatioa about tbe HaaunoBil Chord Organ, Name Choice - Dainty Corsages, Beautiful Poinsettia Plants, Centerpiece^ and Bouquets. Selection p/ , GhtistmasITrees—Wreaths i — Holly atnl Cro "Th« Moj/c Cenfr ofN*w FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE J*my» NEWARK 2 , OPEN TILL 9 P.M. 22 CR0SS STV pVINuiof Ittttil OttttTMA* A. IKOESSLE, Pro*. O&ANFORD Director o( Welfare :..: ~ 1150.00 services the several sums set opposite Road'Workinu KiJrcman 3.1125.00 their .respective offices: Tax Search Officer 525.00 ...S4.fl5O.OO Chief of Police ... 4.2SO.OO All other«a fur which Cnptuln of Police ... 4,O5O.(UI . no siilurlii are otherwise provided, cxSergeant of Police i........ fludins. liU'rnhcrM ola licensed profoslnn. Thud yi-iir PatrolmvMi -.-a.sso.on the, prevHiliui; rate whlcb shall not b< Sfcnnd year Pjtrobhtrr n.aso.oo lets thun Sl.HQ per hour nor more thtm FH'sl year PJtrolinen ... $1.10 per Jipur. Police Marshal .-. 11.35 pbr hour Section 2: The compensation "herein- * Kettloii 2: The compensation herein/above set forth shall Become effective (is jbove net forth ahull become edcctive on of January 1, 1053. , January 1, 1852. Sectioh 3: All ordinances or parts of Section a: AH Ordtnaneea or parts <>l ordinances inconsistent herewith be find Ordinances Inconsistent herewith be and tho same are hereby rcut-aled. the same are hereby repealed.Section 4: Hrhis Ordmunce shall take Section 4: This Ordinance thplK take effect upon final pa&sume and publication cllcct after final passage and naWWwnoM in the monncr provided by lnui? accordlnu to law. „ ' ' y • . ' Nellee . . . Notlt* ,. Public Notice Is Hereby Given that HiPublic Notice U Hereby Slven that the J U travernlng . I n t r o d Bi>dS""of" u c e d at rhMtlnn ol the IR*'a • n e e l l n s o f t h e m>y«-< " • • • * • • • • " • • - . ••• BdS'~I"tl*" Boroueh of Kvnlluorth on the lltti day BoroUBh of Kenilworth on the llth doy of December, 1051. It was then read for of December, 1951. /It was then read toi the first time. The suld Ordinance will be irie lii>l time. The Mid Ordinance will IH further considered, for final gaisage by further considered for final passage b> the Governlnii Bady of. the Borough ol he Goverhlrig Body of the Barpueh oi Kurjllworth. 0,1 the Borough IU11. Bnulc- iCenilwJorth. at the Barough Hu)l. Boule vaH. Kenilworth, t)cw Jersey, at el£ht vurd. Kenilworth. New J»f«ey, ot 8:m o'clock In thv evening l E a . t . i on theo'clock In llie evening ( on the Jtth day of December, 1051. At sueh 27th day'Of Beeembeio 1951. At such timo and titace, or tit iiny time and plsee tune and plaee. er «t any tune and place ts w)tlch such meeting may be adjourned, to which tuch meeting may be adjourned all \icfioni Intercited w i n ba i i v e n i n jll persons Interested will be Slve« »>• opportunity t o b e heard concerning tueh ^uportunlty to be heird concerning such Ordinance. • .'•' rdltiaiiee. ^ Byy Order ef'the Sovernlng Body.', By Order <aV the aovernlns Body. • SPHIUP 3. MeGEVNA. NA, • PHILIP J. &tfl6KVNA, tr " ' . • .i . • Boiouth Clerk. Clerk, , . JterousS Cler 12-Sd Ssted: D«i«mb>r 11, 1SS1. uT 12 December- Sunkist 59' EGG NOG PURE LARD full qt, bot • A K M O U R ' S StuAv Tastee Crop. '.'.•.. "; " r 1z-°7' hbx 3 9 c ,. , S!'!,!" 1 " 1 ' V r e l 1 •-• tox i)<rvii«l «'.ral.» 33C .-•'•• • • " ' Ib r 79c Ooz pkR ........ c"oz- jar 2 9 c OttDEKS TAKES' FOR 3 !b. RICOTTA XMAS CANDY ' Slrawln-rries ,L>'lflost S T A R Ageil Sharp tlhet'se Tangy Link Cheese ORANGE JUICE'..2 °-°z-c;ms_33c « j - ^my Ls Chocolate Santa Chms .. L'a • - W S,«ckinS 3Sc Hani < 25c. - * .2 9 . 3 "" b°" «»c Mi BSD "' ^^re^to^K^^^ms^xatat^i^i^j^iai^sai^tsiTi Huge FREE Block Lang HARKING SPACE at Vour Service SfOBE HOURS: Man,, Tuau, Wed., Sat, 8 A. M. fs 6 Iff. M. •ThuM. and Fri., 8 A. -M. ta>8 P. M. 488 BOULEVARD (Bet 19th & 20th) ' <"..'.&• 1 I HOLIDAY GOOD CHEER ,- \rlr> MEMBER TWIN COUKtlT GB.OCERS i^"'^. "•'•'."'•': KENlLWORtH I m ;M& w