To the company employees, our customers, our vendors, and our


To the company employees, our customers, our vendors, and our
Smth Pump
Volume 1, Issue 18
December, 2008
To the company
employees, our
customers, our
vendors, and our
friends, I wish
you a merry
Christmas and a
happy New Year!
Inside this issue:
Big Picture Stuff
Vendor News
Project Calendar
Big Picture Stuff
by L. G. Smith, p.e.-President/C.E.O.
My last article was
about our new computer software system,
and this article continues that discussion.
We were excited last
May to be finally working on implementation
of Microsoft Dynamics
AX. There were six
months of preparation, and then the big
day came. Go LIVE was November 1,
2008. We came to work on Monday, November 3rd, and said “Now what!?”
Things didn’t go as smooth as I would
hope, but most of the issues would have
been difficult to resolve prior to Go LIVE
anyway. Even with all of the training most
of us have struggled to change the way in
which we did things for the past 10 or 12
Project Calendar
by Jean Radtke
Kempner Water Supply Corporation recently awarded a
contract to Matous Construction of Temple, Texas for a 7 million gallon
per day water treatment plant and raw
water intake. Smith Pump Company was
awarded the pumping equipment portion
of that contract and will be supplying the
raw water intake pumps and motors, suc-
tion barrels, intake structure, screens and
discharge column pipe. At the new water
plant, Smith will supply the high service
Continued on page 3
Employee of the Quarter 2
Calendar of Events
Hydraulic Primer
Points to Ponder
Employee News
Continued on Page 3
Calendar of Events
Dec. 22– Dec. 24th Skeleton Crew
Dec. 25th & Jan. 1st–Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
SPCO Holiday
Dec. 26th, 31st & Jan. 2nd– Skeleton
Feb. 3-5 Texas Water Utilities Assoc.
Far West Tx. –Pecos Civic Ctr.
Fort Stockton, Tx.
March 2-4 th 91st Annual TWUA
Corpus Christi Convention Ctr
March 4-6 TRWA Convention
Renaissance Austin Hotel
Austin, Tx.
Page 2
Smth Pump
“Chris has been employed at Smith Pump since 1992.
He has a B.A. degree in Business Administration from
Baylor University, and played the offensive center position
on their football team. He is one of the smartest guys I
know (for a football guy), and can always figure out why
an account won’t balance or a computer won’t cooperate.
Chris wins the Employee Of The Quarter process because of the effort he has put into the implementation of
Smith Pump’s new software system, Microsoft Dynamics
AX. Since March, Chris has been performing his regular
jobs (yes jobs, Accting Mgr & IT Mgr) and preparing for
implementation of our new software. There have been
untold man-hours spent in software setup and data transfer. We went LIVE with AX on November 1st, 2008. Even
with six months of preparation there was one crisis after
another that required Chris’ attention. In fact at this writing, Chris remains in full implementation mode.
Our “Employee Of The Quarter” is Chris George. Chris is
the head of Accounting, and is the I.T. (Information Technology) Manager. He is based in Waco. Chris’s supervisor,
Granger Smith (that is me) had this to say about Chris…
Hydraulic Primer
By Clinton Tabor
I know the last months have been tough. There is a light
in the tunnel ahead, and it is not the light on the front of
the engine. Please thank your wife Elaine for allowing
you the time you’ve spent on this project. I am sure you
could use the extra day off, but please finish implementa-
tion of AX first.
Basically, pumps work because they create a pressure differential in the liquid
stream. Vertical turbine pumps create a significant pressure differential between the suction side and discharge side of the impeller which results in a hydraulic down force or axial
thrust along the shaft. The pump manufacturers typically provide a hydraulic thrust factor,
Kt, which has the units of pounds of force per foot (lbf / ft) for each pump model. The Kt
value may be 1-2 for small pumps to several hundreds for large pumps. This value multiplied by the total discharge head of the bowl assembly and the specific gravity of the fluid
results in the total hydraulic axial force.
F = H (head) * Kt factor * Specific Gravity
(Specific Gravity = 1.0 for water)
The value is important for several reasons. First, this value added to the weight of the line shaft, line shaft
couplings, motor coupling (if applicable), impeller weights and pump shaft weight provides the total down force that the
motor bearings must withstand during operation. The down force may be calculated at the design operating condition
for bearing life calculations and at the shutoff condition for maximum expected force on the bearings.
Secondly, the axial thrust causes the line shaft to elongate. This elongation is normally ignored in pumps
with settings less than 50 feet. However, in deep set pumps, shaft elongation becomes a significant concern. The
formula for calculating shaft elongation is:
e = F * L / (E * A) (in inches)
where F = the axial force (shown above)
L = the total shaft length (in inches)
E = Modulus of Elasticity (~29,000,000)
and A = area of the shaft (in Inches)
Let’s assume that the application requires a pump setting of 500 feet, with a design condition of 350 gpm at 600’ TDH.
I selected a 16 stage Fairbanks Morse 10A bowl assembly with a Kt of 3.4 lbf/ ft.
(continued on page4)
Continued on page 4
Volume 1, Issue 18
Big Picture Stuff . . . continued from page 1
To make matters worse, we changed our part numbering
system concurrently with this Go LIVE date. So, while struggling with the right keystroke sequence, we did so with inventory numbers for parts and pumps we didn’t recognize. I
can sum up the experience by saying it was like starting
work for a new company with a bunch of people you knew
well. The only good was that all of us struggled. Some
struggled more than others.
Page 3
Project Calendar . . . continued from page 1
and decant pumps.
The project was designed by Steger & Bizzell of
Georgetown, Texas. A separate contract was let for
over 50,000 feet of 3” transmission main. This project
was funded through the Texas Water Development
Board and Rural Water Assistance Funds.
The raw water intake structure is a “lay-down” structure
designed for lakes with gradual incline topography.
This intake is designed with dual 42” tubes that extend
After the first day, most of us were entering new sales or180’ from the shore along the contour of the lake botders and projects without too much trouble. On day two,
tom. Two tee-shaped 304SS intake screens are devendor purchase orders were learned by many. Beyond day signed for ½ foot per second velocity at design flow.
two the learning curve took off at a steep rate. We still
The screens include 30” shear gates fabricated of 3/8”
struggle though with some processes that were second na- 304L stainless with stainless steel cables that extend
ture in the previous system. Fortunately, nobody quit during to the valve vault on shore.
the roughest days.
The raw water pumps are Flowserve 20ELX 2-stage
submersible bowl assemblies rated at 5000 gallons
A chord was struck when we realized there was no built-in
per minute. Plueger motors were supplied as 500
process to tell the shops how to build or repair something.
horsepower water-filled submersibles rated for 3 phase,
This may sound like a simple problem, but our new software 4160 volts, 1750 rpm. A 30” diameter by 18 foot long
system is adept at all aspects of a project from customer
split suction barrel houses each pump and motor. The
contract management to vendor purchase order control. It
suction barrel includes rolling casters that allow the
includes manpower demand planning and project compleequipment to be installed and pulled from the intake
tion forecasting. We just could not find a way in the system tubes. Sixteen inch flanged discharge column extends
to communicate all of the drawings and build notes necesfrom he pump barrel elevation to the valve vault on the
sary for the shops to perform.
At this writing, we are working through our shop communication problem, but this issue reminded me of simpler times.
In the old days, we were not so formal. In those simple
days, some of our customers were in a big hurry like they
are today. So if there wasn’t time to sit down at the drafting
board and spend three days making a drawing, the draftsman would walk down to the shop, and together with the
foreman, they would make a chalk drawing on the concrete
floor. Often these drawings were made to full scale with
chalk lines and squares. If a dimension was needed, you
used a tape measure on the drawing. Typically a top view
and profile view were drawn. We built very good products in
those days just like we do today. The cycle time from order
to ship was extremely short. However, long term records
suffered when it was time to erase the floor and start on the The high service pumps at the water plant are Fairbanks Morse 17M 4-stage vertical turbine bowl assemnext project. I don’t think we received too many orders in
blies rated 4918 gallons per minute with U.S. Electric
those days for duplicate products.
With computers and CAD software, today’s draftsman can
cut that three day drafting job to less than one day. So, today’s productivity allows us to make drawings fast. I’m still
trying to figure out what is so hard about carrying that drawing to the shop foreman.
600 horsepower, 1750 rpm, 3 phase, 460 volt vertical
hollow shaft motors. These pumps are mounted in 30”
diameter by 16’ long suction barrels with 20” inlet
The decant pumps are Fairbanks Morse 10B
4-stage vertical turbine bowl assemblies rated 351
gallons per minute with U.S. Electric 25 horsepower,
1750 rpm, 3 phase, 460 volt vertical hollow shaft
This project was a team effort between the Austin
Page 4
Smth Pump
Vendor News
Aurora Pump - 90 Years of Quality,
Patriotism and Humanism
by Libby Wilson
With the great war behind them and the
roaring twenties ahead, a few young engineers began a new company in 1919 that would grow
to over 130 million in sales along with her sister companies before the ringing in of the 21st century. The
first product line developed was the single cylinder,
double plunger, deep well reciprocating pump line. A
short time later the vertical deep well turbine line and
side suction horizontal centrifugal pump lines were
developed. An expansion into horizontal centrifugal pumps followed. The principal market for Aurora Pump during the early
days was irrigation for the agricultural industry as the nation
began to rebuild the land.
After the Depression, the deep well turbine was phased out and
Aurora Pump began its journey to become one of the leaders in
the horizontal centrifugal and turbine vane pump market. New
industries, trade, and marine services sparked new pump designs. In the 40’s, Aurora supplied large numbers of pumps for
navy vessels and the handling of fuel for the Air Force. Due to
their great efforts during the war, Aurora Pump received the
Hydraulic Primer ... continued from page 2
The axial force is 3.4 lbf/ft X 600 ft = 2040 lbf.
The expected elongation of a 1” shaft is:
e = (2040 X 500 x 12) / (29,000,000 X 0.785) = 0.538 inches
At the shutoff condition of 836 ft, the axial force is 3.4 X 836
= 2842 lbf and the expected elongation of a 1” shaft is:
“Army Navy E” three times, a highly coveted award extended
to manufacturing plants and organizations which showed excellence in products supplied in partnership with the mighty
fighting forces of this nation in their bid for victory after Pearl
As the 60’s rolled in, Aurora sought out new markets, developing the AVS (or ANSI) chemical pump to grab a share of the
growing chemical industry. Also during this time a need for
silent submarine running arose, therefore, Aurora responded
with the reactor plant fresh water pump. These pumps had to
perform undetected, therefore, extensive sound and vibration
testing was required. This period of growth for Aurora
sparked a need to build the facility they inhabit today: a 52acre site in North Aurora, Illinois where they continue to improve pump efficiency, production methods and advance their
product lines into the high-tech world in which we live today.
Aurora Pump qualifies for the ISO 9000 designation. Quality,
patriotism and humanism have always been a part of Aurora
Factory holiday closings may be a factor for many of our customers this month. As the closings may vary somewhat,
please keep in mind that there may not be any shipments going out for a week or more. Please get your orders in early.
For those unfortunate situations where a part replacement
arises quickly, some of the factories offer an emergency ship
program during the holiday season . These programs of
course are offered at a premium. Smith Pump will have a
skeleton crew in each office across the state from the 22nd –
24th, 26th, 31st and January 2nd. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND
The weight of the line shaft, couplings, impeller weight
and bowl shaft adds down force to this application, but
this is not considered in the shaft elongation calculation
because it is constant between the static condition and
the operating conditions. If the line shaft diameter is
increased to reduce elongation, the total down force to
the motor bearings is increased because of the added
material weight.
e = (2842 X 500 x 12) / (29,000,000 X 0.785) = 0.749 inches
The expected elongation of a 1-1/2” shaft at the design point
and shutoff are 0.23 inches and 0.33 inches, respectively.
So why do we care if the shaft stretches ½ to ¾ of an inch
over the 500 feet of shaft? The impellers are “set” to operate at a particular location within the bowl to provide best
performance. As this shaft stretches, we must insure that the
impellers are at the optimum location and that they will not
interfere with the bowl casing over their full range of travel.
Bowls are designed with “lateral” to allow some vertical
movement of the impeller without dramatically influencing
performance. The performance of bowls with enclosed impellers is less affected by vertical movement of the impeller
with relation to the bowls than open impellers.
So as the line shaft diameter is sized to handle the required horsepower of the application, on deeper set
pumps, the shaft elongation must be calculated to ensure the impeller can be set for optimum performance.
Changes in shaft material will have more influence on
the horsepower or torque carrying capability than on the
elongation. Yield strength for typical line shaft material
varies from 40,000 psi to over 100,000 psi whereas the
Modulus of Elasticity for most steels ranges from
28,000,000 psi to 30,000,000 psi. Higher strength
steels reduce the shaft diameter required for the torque
and increase the elongation because of the smaller
shaft diameter.
Page 5
Volume 1, Issue 18
by Karol Smith
We continue to pray for Bridgette and her
family. Here is a picture of Bridgette and her
children, daughter, Baylee, 8 years old and
sons, Koby five, and Kelby, two .
Many thanks to our
extended family at Fairbanks Morse for their kind
donation to Bridgette Hollingsworth. Bridgette is
the daughter of Neal McCaig, our Fab shop supervisor (Waco) and is courageously battling cancer
and harsh chemo treatments. A very generous
donation was made by Fairbanks Morse through a
grant from their benevolence fund. Fairbanks in
Kansas City has about 300 associates but has
managed to maintain a family atmosphere. They
have a contribution committee that is made up of
seven shop and office employees that have two
primary tasks. They are responsible for determining which local charities they recommend to the
Pentair Foundation for funding and they administer
a local benevolence fund that is typically used to
help employees in distress. This year they issued
two grants from their benevolence fund and one
went to Bridgette.
On behalf of the Smith Pump family to our family
at Fairbanks Morse we would like to offer our most
sincere gratitude.
Lance Mize, son of Darrel (Austin) and Belynda
Mize, and wife, Jennifer, had an early Christmas
present. Jayden Lance Mize, was born on August
27, 2008, weighing in at 7lb.5oz.. This picture was
taken at the Waco airport on October 16th when
Lance met his son for the first time. The pilot held
the passengers on board to let Lance off the plane
first. Lance was home for three weeks to get to
know his new
son . He is a
member of
the US Army
stationed at
Fort Hood.
His unit is
scheduled to
be back
home from
Iraq in mid
March. His
unit is
Straight Arrows Alpha (A) Battery 4-42 Field Artillery. His unit is currently deployed to central Baghdad at Camp Prosperity Iraq. Please keep Lance
and his family in your prayers and all of our soldiers for a safe return home.
Thomas Granger Smith, II, son of Granger
(President/CEO) and Lisa Smith, graduated from Oklahoma University on December 12th with a Bachelor of
Journalism, degree in Advertising. Way to go Thomas!
Josh Jurgensen, (Waco) and wife, Julia, are expecting
their first child in June.
Brandi Browder, daughter of Chris Browder, (Waco) will
marry Trenton Armstrong on January 10th.
Trenton Brown, (Waco) will graduate from Baylor University on December 20th with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Mechanical Engineering and will begin his
career with Smith Pump Company on January 5th.
Trenton interned with us this summer and we are very
glad to welcome him aboard permanently.
Page 6
Smth Pump
We welcome Curtis Leeper to our San
Antonio branch office. Curtis is our new field
and shop service tech with background experience in mechanical and electrical fields.
In his personal time, Curtis enjoys going to
the lake and bowling.
We welcome Leon Craven to our
Waco shop. Leon is our new pump tech/rig
hand. Leon is from the Longview area and
has previous experience on well pulling rigs.
We welcome George Rose and his family
to our Smith Pump Austin branch. George is
our new service tech and has been servicing
and repairing pumps for over 8 years.
George is originally from California. He
smelled the good Tex-Mex food and moved
to Hutto with his wife Vanessa of 12 years.
They have a son, Owen, and a lovely princess, Rebecca. George is the son of a true
American Hero, his father served our country
in the Korean War.
We welcome Roger
Wagstaff to our Fort
Worth service department. Roger is a native
of Tarrant County. He
and his wife Crystal are
the parents of Chase,
age ten and a daughter
Peyton, 2-1/2. Roger
has nine years of
pump/field service experience. In his spare
time he likes to golf and
play softball.
Daily Walk Past History!
(from left Brandon Foster, Hydromatic Rep., Darrel Mize,
Walter Williams and Doug Wright of Smith Pump Co., Inc.)
If you have walked through the Waco Fab Shop or Pump Shop
then you have passed one hundred years of history. On loan
from a city, in the care of Smith Pump Company, is a pump undergoing a transformation from ugly duckling to beautiful swan.
The pump decommissioned after many years of service was recently rescued for restoration and display in a place of honor. A
history of the company and its founder will
support my next article in the Smith Pump
News as well as tell the time line story of
a pump almost forgotten.
by Charlie Turner
Page 7
Volume 1, Issue 18
1 to 9 Years
Charlie Turner
Chris Browder
Donna Walton
Robert Browder
Libby Wilson
Salvador Martinez
Chris George
Allen Koenig
Steve Berger
Kenneth Pratt
Mike O’Connor
Charles Ladd
Casey Williams
Stan Berry
Fred Garcia (10)
Christopher Burress
Sam Garcia
20+ Years
Shane Keil
Susie Clark
Monty Kimbell
Bobby Holt
Jeff McHattie
Larry Hernandez
Patty Symank
Mike Wilson
Richard Vasquez
Charles Kubala
Larry Wingo
Neal McCaig
Richard Whittle
Betty Fergason
Curtis Gan
10 to 19 Years
Jean Radtke
Harry Leining, Jr. (10)
Richard Vasquez
Matt Ramburger
Penny Martin
Coy Hill
Rhonda Barnett
Josh Jurgensen
Charles Turner
Ada Silver-Hauser
Doug Wright
Allen Koenig
Libby Wilson
Christopher Burress
Jeff McHattie
Richard Whittle
Lloyd Peyton
Clinton Tabor
Monty Kimbell
Leon Craven
Monique Letizia
Bill Bricker
Dwight Peterson
Mike O’Connor
Stan Berry
Mike Wilson
Walter Williams
by Charlie Turner
#1. Perfectly Efficient
Electrical and mechanical devices have various efficiency ratings. A gasoline engine, for example, may convert 20% of the
energy from its fuel to mechanical energy. An electric motor may convert 80% of its electrical energy to rotational energy.
What device is 100% efficient?
#2. The Four-Mile Conversation
Two men stood next to each other and started walking. After a while, one of them had walked 3 miles and the other one had
walked 4 miles. But they converse easily with each other while walking. How?
Email your answers to
Last Issue:
Answer to Last Issue:
#1. If we tie a light oxygen tank to a bird so that it can breathe
on the moon, would the bird fly faster, slower or about the
same speed as it does on earth? (Remember that there is less
gravity on the moon.)
#1. A bird can not fly on the moon because there is no air
to suspend it.
#2. A shadow.
#3. 38 degrees
#2. I can only live when there is light, although I die if the light
shines on me. What am I?
James Schumacher answered all three correctly.
Jim Hauser answered #2 & #3 correctly
Michael Krusing, EIT answered #1 & #3 correctly
Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. Amarillo, Texas
#3. How much will a 38 degree angle measure when observed under a microscope that magnifies ten times?
Smth Pump
301 M&B Industrial
Waco, Texas 76712
Phone: 254.776.0377
Fax: 254.776.0023
7437 Tower Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76118
Taking the high ground
1900 West Howard Lane
Austin, Texas 78728
13126 A Lookout Ridge
San Antonio, Texas 78233
1.866.816..PUMP (7867)
1216 E. Jasmine, Suite C
McAllen, Texas 78501
The Tuolumne River in Yosemite.
Granger Smith, president and CEO of Smith Pump Company, recently
trekked across 76 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail in California. He and friend Emmett
Autrey, director of Public Works in Amarillo, took the vacation in late July.
“We hiked for eight days over steep, rugged terrain ranging from 7,000- to11,000-ft
elevations. “The California fires created a smoky haze that made adjacent mountains
look fuzzy. However, two days of rain early in the hike cleared the air. It was beautiful!
“But, I do have to admit, it was a pretty good feeling when we got to our car!”
The Original Smith—
Pump & Pumping Systems Specialists since
1962. Quality equipment
with on-time delivery that
will meet or exceed your
expectations the first &
every time.
Granger Smith trained on his treadmill every
day before the hike.
After a downpour, Emmett Autry’s hiking
trail resembles a creek.
This article was printed in the Dallas/Fort Worth Construction
News, September 2008.