
June 3, 2014
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Dear Voices United Singers/Performers!
I am recommending that Voices United Chorus tries something new this year - entering the Open Division in the March
2015 Region 11 competition. This is a different direction for the chorus. We would not be in the regular contest - in
which we have placed 6th for the last three years. The Open Division placement is entirely determined by the 50
people in the audience who vote for the most entertaining 10 minute package. The four judges do score the one
mandatory contest song, but the scores have nothing to do with determining the winner of the Open Division. LA
South Town Chorus was the winner of the 2014 Region 11 Open Division.
Why am I recommending this change? Gosh - so many we go.
1. PERFORMANCE is the most important factor. We are good performers and can be great.
2. The CREATIVITY involved is huge and more chorus members would be involved with the planning and execution of
the plan.
3. The regular contest has gotten away from us - I believe if we entertain and perform better, we can place higher in
future years, should we return to the regular contest division - which I am sure we will.
4. The focus is not on two contest songs. We would have only one contest song and the rest would be songs of our
choosing, hence - FUN.
5. I think the approach would appeal to women and we could build our MEMBERSHIP. A good training time.
6. Singing skills are still the key and would not be neglected. However, the singer is more able to connect the singing
with the "story"/the plan as there is not a huge feeling of contest burden. We program ourselves to do well - and
that includes (at the top of the list) - SINGING!!
7. Entertainment is the focus of our organization and will become more so in the coming years. The regular contest
division is looking for ENTERTAINMENT.
8. Since I have worked with a chorus that competed in the Open Division, I have first-hand experience and some
knowledge about what works and what does not. Corny, sappy, silly, dull, lack of energy, boring, sloppy packages
will not be enjoyed by the audience - hence, we will get in touch with what really is going to rivet the audience
members to their seats and make them want to listen and feel what we are feeling. We will learn how to sing with
honest EMOTION that is needed in any song a vocalist sings. Period. You have to feel it, live it, love it, and want to
share it. We need to learn how to do this. GET ACROSS THE FOOTLIGHTS.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how
you made them feel." Maya Angelou, poet, author, civil rights activist who died Wednesday, May 28, 2015
I will soon receive a DVD of the Redland Rhapsody Chorus performance from the Region #34 Competition in Sydney,
AU. I am not sure how it will translate - but I have a feeling you will be able to hear and feel their performance. And
they sing well. Their contest uptune (the one required contest song) received four B+ and four B scores from the
judges. This chorus usually places in the top 5 in the regular contest. WE used to score in the top 5 every year. I want
to return to that, but don't want to beat the 6th place horse this year...we need to return to regular contest when we
know that is where we belong. 2016? Sure, maybe.
Seems like years since I have seen you. Missing you all and looking forward to Tuesday!!!!
xoxoxo Dede
Agenda on next page . . .
Voices United Chorus meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 5140 North Fruit Avenue, Fresno, CA.
June 3
June 8
June 10
June 13
June 17
June 20-22
July 4
July 15
July 22
July 29
July 31-Aug 3
August 19
August 23
August 30
September 16
October 9-12
October 10-11
October 21
October 24
October 25
November 4-8
November 18
December 6
December 14
December 16
December 16
Of Thee I Sing – Patriotic Chorus
Celebration of Cindy’s Marriage
Management Team Meeting
Voices of Unity Necklace
Management Team Retreat-Huntington
Three Performances at Huntington
Voices of Unity Necklace
Dark Night
Dark Night
Summer Sizzler – Ryan Heller
Voices of Unity Necklace
Chorus Retreat
60th Anniversary Performance
Voices of Unity Necklace
Fall Festival – Kim Wonders
Far Western District Convention
Voices of Unity Necklace
WWS – Set up at church hall
WWS – Show
SAI Intl Convention-Baltimore, MD
Voices of Unity Necklace
Caroling at Fig Garden
Christmas Concert
Christmas Party
Voices of Unity Necklace
January 30-31
February 6-7
March 26-29
October 6-10
Coaching – Lori Lyford
Coaching – Lori Lyford
Regional Contest – Bakersfield
SAI Intl Convention-Las Vegas, NV
All calendar events are posted at our website with more detailed
information. They will also show up on your weekly updates.
Please note the dates that are in RED are dates that we would like to
see all members participate.
Please note the dates in BLUE are Regional dates that we would like
to see all members participate.
Please note that NEW dates are in GREEN! Clear your calendars now!
Please note that GREEN Underlined are new dates we would like to
see all members participate.
If you have any dates that need to go on the calendar, please send an email to
Sue at by Thursday afternoon. Thanks!
No June Birthdays!
We need to fix that!
Agenda for Tuesday, June 3:
Hall opens/Set up risers
Vocal Warm-ups and Patriotic Chorus – Dede,
Naila, Erin
Sweet Georgia Brown – Dede
I Will Survive – Dede
Too Darn Hot – Dede
If You Love Me – Dede
Rep songs – In My Life, Take a Chance – Naila
Management Team info
Parting Glass – Go to Denny’s – Go home!
As we start our new year (a little late – but better late
than never!) – I’m turning the pages of the Tunes over to
our new Communications Coordinator, Sue Walker.
Please support her as she takes on a huge responsibility.
Any information for the Tunes should now be sent to Sue
It’s been a real pleasure doing the Tunes the last few
years. But now I get to focus on the website, Facebook,
and developing our online presence. Woo Hoo! Love it!
We have SEVEN teams so far – who have raised $1,011!
$505 of that goes directly to Voices United! We raised
just over $500 in one month! How AWESOME is that!
Think what we can do from now to the end of August!
Cliffhangers - $610
Caprice - $216
After Eighters - $75
Lady and the Tramps – $75
Spare Strikes – $35
Harmony Strikes – just getting started
Queen Pins – just getting started
Thank you for registering your teams and yourselves –
Terrie Dasher, Roxanne Hinds, Lynn Herman, Lou Ann
Wright, Brenda Holman (and her Tramps!), Robin Briggs,
Sharon Arthur, Kathy VanZant, Clari Cone, Robyn Hart,
Gena Chambers, Bea Knaapen, Marcelle Phené, Kaitlyn
Phillips, Sue Walker, Dede Nibler, Susan Sanders, Erin
Lunn, and Wendy O’Connor!
Now we just need the rest of you to get registered. Once
you’re registered, post the link to your page on Facebook
and/or email it to your friends and families.
This could make so much money for the chorus – but
only if everyone participates! If you do nothing, that is
how much you will raise. Every little bit adds up and
helps us towards our goal – and helping chorus expenses.
We can do this, ladies – UNITED!
Our mini-membership drive starts Tuesday, June 3 – a
Patriotic Chorus to give three performances in the
Huntington Lake area on Friday, July 4.
How many flyers did you hand out? How many women
have you invited?
Did you sign up for the performance July 4? If not,
please contact Brenda Holman.
Lynn Herman and Robyn Hart will be in touch with any
help they need from us. Please be responsive if they call.
Songs: Battle Hymn of the Republic
God Bless America
Let Freedom Ring
Star Spangled Banner
This is My Country
Song books will be handed out Tuesday and, hopefully,
learning CDs. Learning tracks for three of the songs are
already at the website.
The next Management Team meeting is Tuesday, June 10
at 5:00 pm in the church hall to choose/assign committee
members. Send your agenda items to Brenda.
The next scrip order goes in June 10!
For the full list of vendors, please go to Great Lakes Scrip
Center and click on Retailer List. Find the places where
you shop and give your order and check to Lynn.
Remember – when you buy scrip, you are rewarded by
money in your escrow account that can be used to pay
for Summer Sizzler or Fall Festival – or pay your dues
each month! What a deal!
Here are the upcoming order dates:
June 10, 24
October 14, 28
July 8, 22
November 11, 25
August 5, 19
December 9, 16
September 2, 16, 30
Our other ongoing fundraiser is SendOutCards. You
create your cards online, choosing from the existing card
catalog or using your photos for personalized cards.
You can also attach gifts to the cards! In a matter of just
a few minutes, you can create a card, attach a gift, and
SendOutCards takes care of the rest.
The chorus is a distributor, so if you sign up as a
customer, the chorus gets 30% of whatever you send.
If you sign up as a Preferred Customer for just one month
($31), I will give you another month for free.
That's it -- no contracts, no strings attached. You will
have a year to send quite a few cards and gifts. Your
friends and family can become customers too!
Sign up today:
The Management Team will be filling positions for our
committees on Tuesday, June 10.
Attached are the committee positions. Remember EVERYONE HAS A JOB (or two or three)!
If there is a particular task you would like to do, please
contact Brenda Holman and let her know.
Team Coordinator
Show/Concert Chairs
Chapter Events
Committee Member – assist as needed
Hall Set-up
Hall Clean-up
Riser Transportation
Socials, Installation, Supplies
Committee Member – assist as needed
Buddy List
Events Booklet
Weekly Newsletter
News@11 Reporter
Committee Member – assist as needed
Publicity/Public Relations
Committee Member – assist as needed
Guest Outreach
Member Outreach
Membership Drives
Regional Events
Committee Member – assist as needed
111% Award
Hospitality Suite
Committee Member – assist as needed
Musical Fundraisers (Valentine’s, Holly-grams, etc.)
111% AWARD
It’s time to sign up for Summer Sizzler – and do they have
a great line up of classes and faculty!
International faculty RYAN HELLER:
 Master Director 700 - Pride or Portland Chorus (10
years), 2012 International 8th Place Medalist;
 Co-founder, Conductor, and Artistic Director –
Portland Vocal Consort (one of Portland’s premier
professional choirs);
 Conductor and Artistic Director – Southwest
Washington Symphony;
 Artistic Director and Conductor – Chorus Austin (TX).
Look at the events lined up for the weekend:
 Classes for front-line Directors, Associate and Assistant
Directors, and Section Leaders!
 New classes for all members on Friday!!
 2014 Novice Quartet Contest
 Stamina-building in the mornings
 Novice Contest Winners “Champs for a Day”
 S.T.A.R. Chorus serving as demo for Ryan’s class! Fun!
 Take a chance to have lunch with Ryan on Saturday!
 Winners' Circle Show - Chicago Fire - and Dinner!
 Awards, Awards, Awards! 111%, Scrapbook &
Newsletter, First Timers, etc.
 Harmony Bazaar - Shop ‘til you drop!
Starting at 9 a.m. - Spend all day with Ryan Heller in
special classes for frontline directors, associate and
assistant directors, and section leaders.
Starting at 10:30 am – Classes for Everyone:
 You and Your Vocal Chords - Laura Pallas and Patty
Gomeztrejo (Santa Monica)
 Effective Emcees: How Important Your Words Aren’t Banks Pecht (Cheers!)
 HELP! I Can’t Read Music! - Joanie Adler and Joan
D’Agostino - separate classes for Lead/Tenor Bari/Bass
 Quarteting - More Than Singing - Erin Lunn and
Wendy O’Connor!
 Arranger Classes! - Joanie Adler and Joan D’Agostino
 STAR Chorus - Tammy Ragsdale (am)-Ryan Heller (pm)
 Planning Your Chorus Calendar - Marcia Bosma
 Bowling for Barbershop Success - Sheree Mills
(Golden Sands) will discuss how she became the
highest individual earner last year. SIGN UP FOR THIS
CLASS! It could help us raise more money!
 Treasurer’s Luncheon - Laura La Borde
 M&M Series - Meet Up About MeetUp! Lou Schroff
and Lillian Zellmer (Membership & Marketing)
Saturday and Sunday Classes with Ryan Heller
Yes, it’s Summer Sizzler and you know what that means!
It’s time to fill out your 111% award form.
Attached is the form so you can print it, fill it out, and
return it to chorus when we get back June 3.
Fill out the form even if you don’t have enough points
for the award. We’d like everyone to submit a form.
What else does Summer Sizzler mean?
Novice Quartet Contest!
Grab three others and go for it! Get some stage time-a
chance to “practice” competition. The contest is Friday
night. Deadline to register is Friday, June 27. And plan to
be at the DoubleTree Thursday night. You won’t want to
be checking in a couple of hours before you compete.
Let us know if you’re going to compete so we can be
there to cheer you on!
Winners’ Circle Dinner/Show!
Spend a fun evening with your Region 11 friends without
even leaving the hotel! No crowded restaurants and no
parking problems when you come back to the
DoubleTree. Have an adult libation (or 2!), enjoy a
yummy meal, and then sit back and relax while you’re
entertained by our Baltimore-bound competitors,
Celebrity City and Cheers! And of course, the amazing
Winners’ Circle, too!
We’re all in for a real treat. Coming out of retirement in
time to kick off the celebration of the 20th anniversary
of their crowning is CHICAGO FIRE, featuring our own
Dani Avalos Prigge. If you weren’t in the organization in
the Fall of 1994 - or even if you were - you won’t want to
miss this special treat!
Winners’ Circle Afterglow!
We’ll be out by the pool again, and the Winners’ Circle is
planning some fun activities, as usual. And don’t forget
to bring some $$ so you can “Sing with the Champs” in a
How Much Will It Cost?
Registration for ALL the classes is only $35.
Housing is $237.56 for 2 nights; $356.34 for 3 nights
(divided by the number of people in your room).
Winners’ Circle Dinner/Show is only $50.
If you have NEVER been to a Region 11 seminar, you are
a First-Timer! Going to competition in March doesn’t
count. As a First-Timer, one of the things you get is a
coupon for free registration to the NEXT seminar. Be
sure to mark First-Timer on the registration form.